#beit hanina
post-leffert · 1 year
Beit Hanina, Palestine (Oct 13th 2022)
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gillianthecat · 11 months
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USA Protests for Palestine This Weekend
List from the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
Thursday, November 2
ST PAUL, MN | Thursday, November 2nd at 12PM at St. Kate’s O’Shaughnessy Auditorium
PORTLAND, OR | Thursday, November 2nd at 3PM at 911 NE 11th Avenue
BOSTON, MA | Thursday, November 2nd at 4PM at Brewer Fountain, Boston Commons
YPSILANTI, MI | Thursday, November 2nd at 4PM at Eastern Michigan University Student Center
CLEVELAND, OH | Thursday, November 2nd at 6:30PM at Beit Hanina Cultural Center
Friday, November 3
ST PAUL, MN | Friday, November 3rd at 4PM at Snelling & Summit Ave
BROOKLYN, NY | Friday, November 3rd at 4:30PM at Brooklyn District 10 Office 340A 9th Street
MENLO PARK, CA | Friday, November 3rd at 5PM at Meta HQ 1 Hacker Way
Saturday, November 4
NATIONAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON | Washington DC, November 4th, 2 PM. Freedom Plaza. Cosponsored by USCPR and other organizations.
OLYMPIA, WA | Saturday, November 4th at 12PM at City Hall
CINCINNATI, OH | Saturday, November 4th at 12PM at Ziegler Park
RICHLAND, WA | Saturday, November 4th at 12PM at John Dam Plaza
ORONO, ME | Saturday, November 4th at 12PM at UMaine Folger Library
NASHVILLE, TN | Saturday, November 4th at 1PM at Centennial Park
SAN FRANCISCO, CA | Saturday, November 4th at 1PM at Civic Center
SACRAMENTO, CA | Saturday, November 4th at 1PM at Arden Fair Mall
BURLINGTON, VT | Saturday, November 4th at 1PM at Battery Park
PROVO, UT | Saturday, November 4th at 1PM at 550 N University Ave
JUNEAU, AK | Saturday, November 4th at 2PM at Marine Park
LAKEWOOD, OH | Saturday, November 4th at 2PM at City Center Park
SEATTLE, WA | Saturday, November 4th at 3PM at 400 Pine St
TUSCON, AZ | Saturday, November 4th at 3PM at Catalina Park
Sunday, November 5
DENVER, CO | Sunday, November 5th at 12PM at 200 E Colfax Ave
DALLAS, TX | Sunday, November 5th at 2PM at 3333 Turtle Creek Blvd
ROCKVILLE, MD | Sunday, November 5th at 2PM at 101 Monroe St
SAN CARLOS, CA | Sunday, November 5th at 6:15PM at Hiller Aviation Museum
poster art by Shreya Shah from a publicly available collection of free art for Palestine
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workersolidarity · 11 months
🇵🇸🇮🇱 Even the "civilians" in Israel are not innocent in the crimes of Apartheid and terrorism used against Palestinians.
Settlers, extremists and occupiers alike terrorize Palestinians, especially young Palestinian men, hoping to get a rise out of them to excuse assaulting, murdering or imprisoning them.
In this video, a group of Young Palestinian men are sitting outside their home in Beit Hanina, an Arab Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem that sits on the road to Ramallah, a few kilometers north of Central Jerusalem when a car filled with passing Israelis tosses sound grenades and fireworks at them.
Notice their reaction, because this is an important point.
As anyone can see, they do not react violently to the aggression shown to them. They don't interested in hurting anyone for what just happened. Instead they show the same human fear we all would, and it is truly tragic that all the American, British, European, and Indian media can do is demonize and dehumanize these incredibly strong, beautiful and resilient people.
REAL Americans, the workers that don't buy the mainstream media's non-stop lies, and real Socialists stand proudly in Solidarity with Palestine until the day the blockading, bombing, raiding, experiments on Palestinians using new military technologies, the oppression, control over their lives and resources, and most importantly, the APARTHEID ENDS.
You treat people like animals and eventually it's going to bite you in the ass.
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
🔅Sun morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
🔥FOREST FIRE - JERUSALEM.. near the Ben Zion intersection and the Beit Hanina neighborhood.
▪️BLOCKED ENTRANCE TO JERUSALEM BY PROTESTORS.. Demonstrators from the "Change Direction" movement handcuffed themselves to a display in the form of a ballot box and blocked the primary road entrance to Jerusalem. Police and firefighting team are working to remove the protesters.
▪️BLOCKED THE TEL AVIV HIGHWAY OVERNIGHT.. as has become the weekend custom, protestors blocked the Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv at night and were gradually removed by police.  Above at the Kaplan intersection, water cannon were deployed to break up the protest after they refused to disperse.  1 arrested, the police are also now handing out NIS 1,000 fines on the spot for illegal protest and refusing police dispersal orders.
▪️IT’S ALL POLITICAL NEWS.. The focus is moving to the domestic arena in Israel.  The balance problems of Israel’s many-party non-representative democracy are coming to the fore, with all the leadership types blaming each other for the current situation EVEN THOUGH MOST OF THEM have either been part of the emergency government & war cabinet, part of the coalition, or part of the previous government.
HERO SOLDIERS HAVE FALLEN.. Nachman Meir Haim Vakanin, 20, from Eilat, and Noam Batan, 20, from Moshav Yad Rambam have fallen in battle in the Gaza Strip.  May their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge their blood!
▪️US NEGOTIATING WITH IRAN.. Iran's representative to the UN confirms the reports of indirect contacts between the US and Iran in an attempt to achieve calm in the region. Contacts are made through the Sultanate of Oman. (( Well so far the US has given in on the ability to prepare materials for nukes, on funding of terror, on funds ceased due to funding of terror.  In the meantime Iran set up and armed regional terror armies and took control of 1/3 of world shipping, as well as building nukes.  Hmm, what can the US give them this time? ))
▪️HOUTHI UPGRADE.. US Central Command eports that the Houthis used a new and particularly dangerous ballistic missile for the first time.  More range, higher accuracy, higher ship damage.
♦️IDF CAPTURES long range rockets and rocket manufacturing facility in Jabaliya.
♦️POWERFUL IDF ATTACKS.. in Jabaliya, Gaza this morning.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR OVERNIGHT in Kalkilya and Shechem.  “Lions Den” terror group firefight with IDF troops, and al-Aqsa Martyrs in Kalkilya.  Several captured.
⭕ YESTERDAY EVENING’s HAMAS ROCKETS at Ashkelon was a BARRAGE of 10.  5 intercepted, 5 missed.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS at Sderot this morning, intercepted.  Last 
⭕ SUICIDE DRONE ATTACKS VEHICLE.. overnight military vehicle in Metulla hit by drone.  No casualties.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH rockets and suicide drones this morning, Malkia,  Dishon, Iftach, Malkia, Mevuot Hermon Regional Council, Ramot Naftali, Yir’on, Baram, Avivim.
⭕ ANTI-TANK MISSILES fired at Mt. Dov and at Arab al-Aramsha.
🔅Sun afternoon - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️EDITOR COMMENT.. For most of this war, the majority of Israeli politicians kept quiet and disagreements somewhat behind closed doors. And even segments of the public and activist groups kept a low profile.
Unfortunately that seems to be coming to an end.  
When we share reports on political statements, protests, and activist actions, we get a fair amount of negative feedback and accusations of bias.  We believe we are presenting a fairly balanced view, taking information from sources that lean both directions and trying to translate them (language and culturally) for our English speaking readers.
Since these political moves directly affect all of Israel, the war, and the Jewish people - we can’t ignore them.  
We do, however, try to limit political and activist reports to the main players and major events.  
▪️POLITICS: GANTZ TWEAKS TERMS.. National Unity MK Gantz adjusts his letter from yesterday - the return of the hostages is not an overarching goal but "a goal of highest priority”.
▪️POLITICS : LAPID CALLS.. Opposition Leader MK Lapid calls on Gantz to resign, he calls on Defense Min. Gallant to stay (as he says because he doesn’t want his deputy to take over).
▪️MASS MURDERER GETS SURGERY.. After Ichilov hospital on Thursday refused to accept the Hamas Nokhaba terrorist for pelvic surgery and he was returned to Sde Yemen, at the end of the week the security forces coordinated with the hospital for the terrorist's arrival and he underwent the surgery.
▪️ATTEMPTED TERROR STABBING - Abu Dis checkpoint.. A terrorist arrived at the "Kiosk" checkpoint located near the town of "Abu Dis" in Judea pulled out a screwdriver and tried to stab the fighters at the checkpoint.  Terrorist killed.
▪️HOSTAGE SHANI LUKE’S FATHER.. at her funeral “I ask all the people of Israel not to go to demonstrations. This is the fuel of our enemies.”
▪️JERUSALEM PROTEST.. that blocked the city entrance.  3 arrested.
▪️RA’ANANA TERROR OR MENTALLY ILL?  A resident of Taiba was arrested by a gym in Ra'anana threatening the exercisers and shouting that they should die "like Shahid". Arrested and police say will be transferred to professionals for mental health diagnosis.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR A-Rihiyya.. near Hebron, raid.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH ANTI-TANK fire at an IDF Hummer in Malikia, followed by artillery at the responders.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH DRONES, 2 rounds, Beit Hillel, Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Metulla, Manara, Ma'ayan Baruch, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai, Dafna, HaGoshrim, Ghajar, Kibutz Dan, Shear Yeshuv, Snir, Avivim, Baram, Yir'on 
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newsfrom-theworld · 5 months
Today's breaking news :
•A number of Palestinians were injured and others were killed after the bombing of a home in Rafah city, southern Gaza.
•A Palestinian child lost his legs by an Isr@eli drone missile in Gaza.
•Isr@eli warplanes destroyed a residential block in Jabalia refugee camp north of Gaza.
•A number of Palestinians were injured after they were shot by Isr@eli drones in the Nusairat refugee camp.
•A Palestinian child was injured by an Isr@eli air strike in Al Tufah neighborhood in Gaza.
•A Palestinian child got shot by an Isr@eli drone in the Nusairat refugee camp.
•The Isr@eli occupation forces blow up the home of Khaled Almuhtasib’s family in Beit Hanina north of Jerusalem.
•A number of Palestinians were killed by an Isr@eli artillery shelling that targeted the central market of the Maghazi refugee camp.
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nunjournal · 1 year
The Palestinian People have consistently made it crystal clear that our enemy is the colonialist and racist ideology of Zionism, not Jews. Our capacity to produce such distinction is admirable and impressive, considering the heavy-handedness with which Zionism attempts to synonymize itself with Judaism.
However, this distinction isn’t our responsibility, and personally, it isn’t my priority. A Palestinian’s perceived resentment doesn’t have the backing of a Knesset to codify it into law. Tropes aren’t drones, nor can one convert conspiracy theories into nuclear weapons. We are past the early 1900s. Things are different, power has shifted. Words are not murder.
In the days between the 16 soldiers branding a man’s face with the Star of David and the release of the joint letter, an Israeli soldier killed a disabled teenager near a military checkpoint in Qalqilya; another shot a child in the head in Silwan; a young man previously shot in an Israeli raid of the Balata refugee camp died of his injuries; a sniper shot a Palestinian youth in the head in Beita; a 17-year-old was shot and killed south of Jenin; one more young man succumbed to his wounds following a invasion of the refugee camp; families of Palestinians whose corpses are held by the Occupation authorities marched with empty caskets in Nablus; a soldier killed a man near Hebron, police executed a 14-year-old boy in Sheikh Jarrah to the applause of hundreds of settlers; the police then tear-gassed his family in Beit Hanina; a Palestinian was killed after ramming Israeli soldiers in Beit Sira, killing one; in the north of Jericho, a Palestinian man was killed and a soldier was injured in a gunfire exchange; a soldier shot a man in the head in Tubas, killing him—and this is only the very tip of the iceberg.
Which of these caused a far-reaching debate? None. There was a lot of noise concerning Itamar Ben-Gvir stating that Jewish life is “more important than [Palestinian] freedom” on television, a lot less noise about the carving of the Star of David, and, of course, Mahmoud Abbas received the noisiest reaction of all. (This is true in general, not just in the case of the open letter).
All three of those examples deal with aesthetics. Ben-Gvir’s statements were factual and true: Jewish life is worth more than ours under Israeli rule, but it was his explicit oration that triggered outrage rather than the institutionalized policies that have made his racist remarks the material reality on the ground. Even the physical deformation of a Palestinian’s face was only of note because of what the etching symbolized, not the etching itself—had the soldiers cut inconspicuous lines on his cheek, I doubt it would have garnered any attention at all.
As for Palestinian death, it is quotidian and negligible. If we’re lucky, our martyrs are communicated in sums on the pages of end-of-year reports. “Revisionism” on the other hand, warrants a cacophony of condemnation.
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A Palestinian has carried out a shooting operation in an illegal Israeli settlement built in Palestinian East Jerusalem that encroaches on the Palestinian town of Beit Hanina.
So far 10 Israelis have been killed.
Zionist media and commentators were very quick to claim that the shooting occurred “in a synagogue on the Shabbath”, but this is not true.
Israeli media, government, and Zionists online always follow a similar playbook: lie immediately and repeatedly, drown the conversations in their manufactured narrative, and dominate the discussion to push whatever narrative or angle they want to establish.
Today’s incident didn’t occur because of the Sabbath, it occurred in response to Zionist aggression that has seen over 30 Palestinians murdered so far this year, 27 days in, including a major raid on the Jenin Palestinian refugee camp yesterday that resulted in the assassination of 10 Palestinians, including a child who had his skull crushed by an Israeli military jeep, and a 71 year old woman shot in the head. The camp suffered major destruction as well, with footage circulating of rampaging Israeli bulldozers knocking over civilian cars and buses.
The shooting also did not occur in a synagogue, but in the streets of said illegal settlement. Be VERY weary of anyone who tries to push the narrative that this was an attack on a synagogue, and do not share the manufactured narrative.
All settlers are valid targets.
I’m on mobile but will provide footage and fix the formatting if needed when I’m able to *
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satellitebroadcast · 11 days
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The occupation forces arrested journalist Rose Al-Zaro after raiding her home in the town of Beit Hanina in occupied Al-Quds
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Police Seize Bricks Imprinted With The 10th Roman Legion Symbols in Israel
The Legio X Fretensis “Tenth legion of the Strait”, was a legion of the Imperial Roman army formed around 41/40 BC. The legion was centrally involved in the Great Jewish Revolt (AD 66–73), the first of three major rebellions by the Jews against the Roman Empire.
By around AD 70, the majority of Roman rule had been reinstated in Judea, with the exception of a few fortresses and the significant city of Jerusalem. The Legio X Fretensis, joined by the V Macedonica, XII Fulminata, and XV Apollinaris legions, lay siege to the city, and after several battles, Jerusalem and the Second Temple was destroyed.
According to contemporary historian, Titus Flavius Josephus, “Jerusalem…was so thoroughly razed to the ground by those that demolished it to its foundations, that nothing was left that could ever persuade visitors that it had once been a place of habitation.”
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An operation by police in the Beit Hanina neighbourhood in East Jerusalem has led to the discovery of several cartons in a car trunk containing the pavement bricks. The bricks were likely part of a public building such as a bath house, which has since been looted in modern times for sale in the illegal antiquities trade.
The bricks date from roughly 2,000-years-ago and show the stamp of the Legio X Fretensis from when the legion built a military camp after Jerusalem’s destruction.
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Amir Ganor, Director of the Theft Prevention Unit at the Israel Antiquities Authority, said: ” After the uprising, soldiers of the legion settled in the greater Jerusalem area where they constructed workshops to make bricks. The seals of the legion – “LXF” – were imprinted on them to mark the movements of the legion’s units throughout the country. The bulk of the distribution of bricks was identified in the Jerusalem area and in the Roman colony built on its ruins – ‘Aelia Capitolina’.”
Eli Escusido, Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority: “Discovering ancient bricks in the trunk of a car with fresh dirt and being displaced is heart-breaking. If archaeologists had found the bricks on the site itself, we would have been able to gain information for archaeological research as well as add another archaeological site on the historical map of our country. Now, we are left to try and find out through investigative operations where the bricks were dismantled and looted from.”
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houseofpurplestars · 10 months
I need everyone to be talking about the Palestinians that the zionists are holding hostage in their prisons. We need to stay on it so the zionists know we're watching them. Also this:
The zionist entity- who was forced to concede to the resistance’s terms- is attempting to suppress signs of joy and victory of the families of the prisoners who will be liberated tonight.
Occupation forces raided the home of the prisoner Amani Hashem in Beit Hanina, Al-Quds. Zionist police stole sweets from her home, in light of the occupation's ban on any celebratory or national manifestations for receiving the freed prisoners as part of the resistance deal.
Since this morning, the occupation has summoned members of the families of prisoners from Al-Quds to the "Moscovia" interrogation rooms. Their phones were confiscated, and they are still being detained. Additionally, the occupation raided the home of prisoners Marah Bakir and Zaina Abdou. Her family was informed not to conduct any media interviews. The occupation also threatened the family of the prisoner Fatima Shaheen in Bethlehem.
Occupation Minister "Itamar Ben-Gvir" instructed the occupation police to prevent expressions of joy by covering all buses carrying the freed female prisoners as part of the resistance deal to prevent the capture of "victory photos."
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roselungs · 11 months
the giving tree
after #ddpalestine
at the core of suffering, there is always a door, a wall. the knob shouting, they came in violently. before the sun rose, there was an Israeli flag
posted outside. Beit Hanina, Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah. They came in violently for her home, her dignity or both, veins on a grandmother's wrist pleading over a stove that fed
the faces around it, rusted faucets cleansing tired hands and rinsing cauliflower, potatoes, carrots. picture frames of memories smiling back to her, knocked down.
doors arrest the body, walls are everywhere. if her wrinkles could speak, they'd say: is there a country where humans will find refuge? her dimple would follow, Here
is my grandson, Muhammad, a poet. Please bring him. there is killing all around, blood thirsts the ground, land littered by weeping olives, a boy in Galilee demonstrates, runs
as soldiers chase after, they strike Asel with the base of a rifle. he trips & falls, a seed of peace, face down in an olive grove. they shoot him—execution-style—his parents cannot rid
the image of when he first discovered his toes out of their bodies, the baby they brought home together, now a young man, feet fumbling out of the rubble. witness a child die,
and quickly descend into a realm of demons. witness your child die, and you become the demon, hurled to the earth, manacled everlasting to who you are after—They came in
violently. every Sunday is bloody, every mouth is a house of prayer. They came in violently, every hand is a God who heals or hurts, heals and hurts. twenty-nine foreheads
kneeled to worship the ground and never rose again. there was no flag, no supper. one hundred and twenty-five open wounds wail the last fast, dawn to sunset—an offering? what sort of God
murders during invocation? in their own home? what God murders at all? tongues torn from praise, mourn. we cried loudly for who we were before, knowing we could not unknow
what was felt. we listened loudly. still, violently. our laughter startled their grimaces. we came with our joy, our heartache, our pain. shoved through checkpoints with passports
music customs beliefs faith protest song artists activists visions
in Hebron, a web of wired mesh flickered above us, shards of bottled threat, and scraps of garbage thrown by settlers, we were welcomed by Umm Yasin for a meal of maklooba. They came in violently, she says, while placing a pile of plates and utensils on the table, even a fetus is not protected. tear gas thrown in her courtyard, soldiers stomped down the door. she was
brought to the hospital. its heart. its heart stopped beating, she says she serves us olives she stole from her own trees and we huddle in the bone-clinging cold, witnessing the want
to belong, flung foreign through a door. They came in violently, she says. we came in violently. displaced, black, and american. still, still. she fed us.
—aja monet
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
A 14-year-old Israeli girl suffered a gunshot wound to the head Thursday evening in the town of Kiryat Arba in Judea.
The victim was brought to an MDA treatment center in Kiryat Arba where she was given emergency first aid before being evacuated by ambulance to Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center in Jerusalem.
Israeli security personnel are investigating the possibility that the teen was struck by a shot fired by a Palestinian Arab from the neighboring city of Hebron.
The girl is currently listed in serious condition and is unconscious.
"An 14-year-old girl was rushed to the hospital's trauma center while she was unconscious and on a respirator," a hospital spokesperson said. "During a preliminary examination, a gunshot wound was identified on her head, and she has been admitted to an operating room. Her condition is very serious."
According to a statement released by the town of Kiryat Arba, the girl was struck by the bullet at approximately 5:00 p.m. while walking down the street.
Earlier on Thursday, an Arab terrorist stabbed three police officers near one of the entrances to the Temple Mount, leaving them in light-to-moderate condition.
The terrorist, a 20-year-old resident of the Beit Hanina neighborhood of the capital, was shot and killed during the attack. ___________________________________________________________ Bloggers note: the girls name is Tamar bat Nira. Please pray for her health and recovery.
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workersolidarity · 10 months
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The occupation forces compelled a Palestinian in Beit Hanina, north of Jerusalem, to demolish his house under the threat of sanctions and a hefty fine.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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MDA first responder Fadi Dekidek: 'Jews save Arabs. Arabs save Jews'
The paramedic who was on the front lines of the deadly Jerusalem terror attack believes that education is the solution to the endless violence
The massacre that occurred in Jerusalem on Friday night after Khaire Alkam, 21, opened fire on a synagogue and killed seven also left a number of civilians injured. One of the people on the front lines providing life-saving medical treatment was veteran Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic Fadi Dekidek.
Dekidek hails from the Beit Hanina neighborhood in east Jerusalem. His family is originally from Turkey, and his first name means “redeemer.”
During his nearly two decades in an MDA uniform, Dekidek has seen “many terror attacks," he told The Jerusalem Post. "I was in danger. I made sure that the others in the ambulance were safe and rushed into the synagogue and nearby buildings to see if there were more wounded or dead, but there were none," he said.
Read More: Here
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newsfrom-theworld · 7 months
Today's breaking news:
•The Isr@eli occupation authorities demolished a residential building in Beit Hanina town, north of Jerusalem.
•Heavy Isr@eli air strikes in southern Lebanon.
•The Isr@eli occupation authorities demolished a residential building in Beit Hanina town, north of Jerusalem.
•An airstrike targeted a house belonging to the Qutaifan family in the Al-Sabra neighborhood, killing 5 people and wounded dozens.
•A little child was injured by the ongoing Isr@eli air strikes on Gaza city.
•Dozens of Palestinians are missing under the rubble of a residential block which was bombed by Isr@eli warplanes in Nsairat refugee camp.
•The Isr@eli occupation forces open fire at Palestinian journalists in Azzaytoon neighborhood in Gaza city.
•An Isr@eli airstrike targeted a house belonging to the Al-Hattab family in Al-Shawa Square, two people were martyred and dozens of wounded.
•A number of Palestinians were killed after the bombing of a vehicle in Rafah.
•Martyrs and dozens of wounded in an Isr@eli bombardment that targeted a number of houses and completely destroyed them west of Al-Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza strip.
•The Isr@eli occupation forces raid Jenin refugee camp.
•The Isr@eli occupation authorities force the Jerusalemite Husni Shwaiki to demolish his 5 apartments in Wadi Yasoul neighborhood in Silwan village.
And always
Free Palestine
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yhwhrulz · 6 months
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