#bekah's musings
w0efulboopsoul · 1 year
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Multi-muse Account, mun is 29 and must be 21+ to interact with. - Super friendly and multi-ship.
Welcome to all characters, ocs.... That means you too. <3 GET OVER HERE AND LETS WRITE! <3 - Seriously, don't be shy! I'm literally like a baby seal when it comes to intimidation. XD I swear, I'm not scary.
Major ship whore. - You have been warned, be prepared for loads of bugging and plot ideas among many other things from me if we write together and ship.
Now, you've learned some about me, here's a few questions for you: - Who is your favorite oc to play, and why? - What would you say is the lore connected to your oc? - Could you name three negative traits about this oc? - What is your favorite fandom to write in? Canon to write as?
w0e's Meme Tag!
STRATUS SILVATON: @thatbluebxtch
Stratus Silvaton
REBECCA BYRD: @beatenxnotxbroken
Rebecca Byrd
CARA ZIMMERMEN: @outcastbybirth
Cara Zimmermen
EMMA KAY HILL: @whitewolfdown
Emma Hill
MEG MASTERS: @clarencenamer
Meg Masters
GAMORA: @bloodstainedyetredeemed
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I really miss you. I wish you could call me at stupid o’clock in the morning just one more time. I still have your number saved in my phone because.. I have a stupid hope that maybe one day you will
I really miss you. I look outside where you used to live every time I go past to see if your out there with your coffee and your cigarette. Because I have a stupid hope that maybe one day you might be.
I really miss you. I would give anything to come and see you. Just one more time. For one more cup of tea. I love you I love you with all my heart. And though you didn’t say it often. I know. I know you loved me too
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jonvandernoorde · 1 year
While Jon is my main muse, he is not the only muse. This is the Vandernoorde family blog. The current roster is: Jon (main muse, ice wizard, businessman, lover)
Meghan (Secondary muse, selkie, daughter, child)
Rebekah (secondary muse, mental magic, party girl, very gay)
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cour4geous · 2 years
sophie skelton bridgerton oc.....
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purplesigebert · 4 months
WIP Wednesday #26 - DW Crossover
Hey everyone, as it's my birthday, I think I should give Caroline a break. @sergeantpixie said that Caroline needed a spa day; she's correct.
Let's meet Taylor Caroline at Midnight.
This was her happy place.
Whenever things went wrong, she was stressed, or there was inevitable Mystic Falls drama, and Caroline needed to escape - she always went to the leisure planet Midnight.   
Today was no different, and the staff at the spa knew it.  Caroline didn’t even have to say anything; they just booked her the works.  A blowout, manicure, pedicure, full body massage, a facial with ground up diamonds from the planet, there was an eye mask to keep diamonds from getting in her eyes.
With all the danger that had recently taken place in town, she felt the need to take control of her life, even by doing something dangerous.  She recognized the habit that was starting to form, what with deciding to complete her homework assignment on WW1 in the muddy fields of Europe, instead of at the library.  And the fact that there were now at least four different versions of herself running around London during the height of the Blitz.  When traveling to Midnight, she made sure to set her vortex manipulator to a date prior to her first visit with her dad.  The Midnight entity would be roaming around the planet, that was true, but not in the spa.
So it wasn’t like she was being totally reckless! Next time she was bringing Bekah with her. They could use some girl time.
In between all of the pointless plots and schemes of the past month (had it only been a month since Mikael died?) Caroline was having fun spending time with Rebekah and Kol.  Sure, the novelty of pretending not to know each other had been great at first, but now it was just frustrating. It did give her (relative) immunity from Elijah in terms of pranks, the look on his face when he walked into his study, and found all of his documents out of order, and his carefully organized closet was priceless.  It was a close second to the long game she played regarding his Bonfire Season presents in the fifteenth century; it would take a lot to top that.
But she missed Klaus.  She missed him knowing her, knowing the real her.  Five months ago, he was the one person who knew almost everything about her.  Caroline sometimes thought she could see something in his eyes, when she wore the perfume he had given her, or the earrings that he had given her on their anniversary.  She just didn’t know how to get his memories back.  Well that wasn’t true, the Doctor would probably have the answer she needed but that would mean explain the Klaus of it all. She had already made a pro/con list about telling Klaus, and the pros outweighed the cons - like by a lot.  It just came down to getting the courage to fight for what she wanted, and she wanted Klaus.
The sound of her phone ringing brought her out of her musings.  Checking the caller ID, Caroline rolled her eyes and tossed it back into her bag.  She wasn’t dealing with any Mystic Falls drama for at least the next week.  Turning onto her stomach, Caroline contemplated where to go for dinner - oh who was she kidding?  She knew she was going to end up at the anti-gravity restaurant.  She had even brought her own bib!
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saintsir4n · 1 year
21st century one shot where the Mikaelsons are going on holiday.
“Lovey you already packed one sketchbook why do you need another?” Adrienne approached her husband, curiously glancing between the items in his hand and the ones in his suitcase.
She’d been packed for hours now, which didn’t matter since they were taking the private jet, so time wasn’t an issue.
Yes, it was. It really was. Arguments had begun the moment their quarterly trip had a destination. Mexico. The majority were pleased about visiting the country, some for the first time, whereas Hadeon and Kol wanted to go to Morocco and Rebekah needed to see Milan and all the fashion it had to offer. Adrienne thought when the day came for them to head off, everyone would be smooth sailing, but they were Mikaelsons… it wasn’t in their nature.
“Because of Kol. You know he will ruin it!” Klaus stressed, gritting his teeth at the thought.
“He won’t,” Adrienne winced at the vein popping in his neck, her reassurance wasn’t helping much.
“Yes I will,” They heard him yell making Klaus turn to her in irritation.
Klaus shrugged off her soothing touches and flashed out of the room before she would say anything and the next she heard was the sounds of groaning followed by shouting.
“Children!” She heard Elijah exclaim from her shared room, followed by the sounds of Hadeon’s laughter.
“Addy!” Rebekah strolled in, dressed in a towel and barely holding up two pairs of shoes. “Burgundy or crimson?”
“Crimson,” Adrienne sighed when she caught the water droplets trailing down the blonde's face. Hair hair was concealed by a towel and now doubt completely wet. “Bekah, we’re leaving in two hours.”
“Don’t be foolish,” the blonde scoffed, “Us Mikaelsons don’t care for time.”
“Oh I know,” Adrienne muttered, watching her analyse the crimson shoes, with a furrowed look, “are you even packed?”
“I wouldn’t be showing you these if I was, would I?”
Just as Adrienne went to respond she heard a big thump from the other room.
“For Goodness sake!” Kol screeched, running past the room with Elijah on his tail.
Rebekah giggled to herself and followed them, wondering what the fuss was about.
“We’re leaving in 2 hours!” Adrienne yelled, though no one took that warning seriously.
“No we aren’t!” She heard her brother laugh at the notion.
Her husband strolled back into the room with a bloodied fist, “Sweetheart, I haven’t packed my acrylic paints, bloody siblings prevented me from seeking them out.”
“Start packing then,” she rolled her eyes and chucked him a cloth, before sitting with her back against the headboard, “May I remind you that our son is already ready and waiting in the nursery.”
“And may I remind you that our son is barely 2,” he sassed, focusing all his attention on his art supplies that sat near his clothes. “You packed for him.”
“And yet they cried when I didn’t pack their dinosaurs and toy wolves.”
“Mikaelsons are a dramatic breed,” he muttered, turning to her, waiting for her to respond, “And this is the part where you disagree.”
“If only I did,” she mused, sending him a sarcastic smile, to which he feigned offence, “hurry up.”
He went to reply but the cry from his brother-in-law had him laughing.
“Adri, Marcel took my shorts!” Hadeon yelled, glaring at the grinning vampire.
“Because you took my whiskey!” Marcel was quick to run when he witnessed his eyes turn black.
From the other side of the balcony, Elijah was reprimanding his sister who was still to make progress on her packing. It seemed that only he and Adrienne were taking this trip seriously. Clementine wasn’t coming this time, since she and Valerie were meeting with investors in France. He missed his little witch and was starting to wish he joined them.
“Rebekah, would you please get dressed,” he stressed. “Like Adrienne has stated, we’re leaving and have not got a minute to spare.”
“If only I could find my good jeans,” she whined, letting her hair fall and air dry.
They heard Kol laugh from a distance, “I might’ve accidentally burnt them yesterday!”
“Kol, you bloody idiot!” She shouted.
“Nik helped!”
Klaus was quick to defend himself, “No I did not!”
“Stop shouting you’ll upset the —“The sound of a youthful cry made them all wince, “…baby,” Adrienne took a deep breathe, then turned to her husband who was already about to step out of the room, “you are going nowhere, finish packing. AND THE SAME GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU!”
“Jesus Christ,” Kol mumbled under his breath, as he walked passed their room.
“Oh shut it, Kol,” Klaus snapped, then immediately heard everyone return to their rooms whilst he helped his wife hush their baby.
Was thinking about making this a three parter.
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
CINEMA {Chapter I}
A/n: Someone wrote a lovely comment describing y/n and harry as “ ex lovers with unconditional love that never truly go out of style trope” which is now my very favorite way to describe it, unfortunately, my careless self deleted the comment while trying to delete my own reply—because I post it without being finished (tumblr doing me dirty)— so I dedicate this to her/him/they (?), thank you for the amazing comment.
Thank you to everyone that replied to my desperate need of help to choose Y/n ‘s ex-boyfriend…
I honestly hope not to disappoint you guys with this first chapter, I just wanted to give a first glimpse of Harry and Y/n’s ‘friendship’ dynamic. Also, it’s almost Harry’s birthday!!
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Cinema | Previous Part 1.Boyfriends
Harry holds the door open with one hand, as he hold a cup carrier with four coffee drinks in the other—Luis is arriving soon, and Rebekah must already be somewhere in the house with Y/n—, he doesn’t know most of the people passing by him, from the group of fifteen+ he recognizes Chrystal, Y/n lawyer—who in more than one occasion back when they’re dating, managed to get out of circulation invasive paparazzi shots of the young couple—and Monica, her publicist since 2012, Rebekah was right behind them, escorting them all to the door.
Rebekah is their age, pixie hair, New York accent, always in flowy blouses and high waist jeans, Y/n’s PA, friend and confidante.
“Good morning H, I am going to take this, thank you.” The woman took her usual order and went back inside, turning back a few steps in, “She’s in the music room.”
“Thank you Bekah.” He said closing the door behind himself and taking the opposite direction from the PA.
The music room was one of Y/n favorite places in her house, a large space with two walls made of glass overlooking the pool, with a view of the city and the park. It’s where she keeps her prized Concert Grand Piano in custom Sycamore wood adorned with a gold leaf mural of London’s skyline around the entire case of the piano, a twenty-first birthday gift by Harry—which her boyfriend at the time saw as competition and got her a 61’ Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II in an auction. 
Y/n’s enviable guitar and vinyl collections occupied the two inner walls, the only sitting furniture in the room—other than the piano bench—was the Bellini U-shaped couch from the 70’s in burnt orange velvet and Gucci throw pillows. The piece de resistance was the Brionvega RR126 Y/n inherited from her grandfather.
He found her laying in the couch reading what seemed to be a script.
She looked completely fine for someone who just sold 50% of what she called ‘her first born’, Harry was honestly expected a little bit of nostalgia or melancholia from his little love.
“Got you coffee.” He put the cup in her hand and kissed the top of her head as a greeting before sitting down next to her, his own coffee in hand.
Y/n hadn’t even took her eyes out of the pages.  
“How are you feeling?”The question finally made her put the script down on her lap, and sip her coffee before looking at him.
“I feel like I just sold half of my soul to the devil for $500million dollars.” She said deadpanned. 
Harry looked at her with furrowed brows. 
“So why sell?” He asked slightly confused.
Y/n had started Muse unpretentiously, her goal was simply to offer to the costumers something that lacked in the market: an all-inclusive, vegan, high quality and affordable priced make-up and skincare line. Muse became a beauty empire that included even daily/basic lingerie and loungewear in 69 sizes and 15 nude colors—going by Y/n’s philosophy that basic doesn’t need to be ugly, ‘nude tones’ meant different shades from beige and pretty stuff should fit everyone. 
It was her passion project. 
“I don’t have the hours in a day for everything I need to do, and I want to have a life, I want to be able to dedicate myself to relationships.” She said honestly. “LVMH is the same parent company that owns half of Fenty Beauty, they are the only ones that agreed to my terms, I get creative control and veto vote, the company philosophy stays the same, I am getting a female CEO of my choice, and Muse gets global distribution, we’re going to be available at Sephora, Harvey Nichols, Boots, Ulta at a even more affordable price.”
Harry nodded. She has handing over some control of her company to have more control of her life. It was almost poetic in a sense.
“And what is this about?”the 'Adore You' crooner points to the script on the youngest's lap, he knew her well enough to know when he need to change the subject.
“Robert Eggers’ new project...but first...”She stops, looking seriously at Harry, “how was it with Olivia?”
Harry and Olivia had agreed to meet that morning to discuss their relationship.
Olivia apparently felt that tempers had run out, and that everything had been left very much up in the air.  
Y/n didn't even know what was going on between the two until her former director called Harry the night before while they were getting ready for dinner, and even then she had only managed to get Harry out of the fact that they had had a fight before he came to her aid.
She had a suspicion there was trouble in paradise after Harry spent the third night in a row sharing a bed with her without his girlfriend's interference.
The man sigh, close his eyes and rest his head against the back of the couch.
“Was it that bad?” Y/n watches Harry closely.
Y/n honestly didn't like Olivia, and it wasn't even because the older one was dating Harry—which she personally found unethical and unprofessional, the kind of thing that causes a stain in someone’s career, specially with the whole scandal surrounding it.
The former Angel could write an entire essay about all her reasons to dislike Olivia Wilde, but in short it would resume to Olivia was simply an amalgamation of the kind of person Y/n looked down on in the industry: ambitious personality, fake character, and acting according to convenience.
She would never mistreat the woman or say a word against her in front of Harry, but that didn't mean she approved of their romance. 
And Y/n knew Olivia didn't like her either, she could see it in the older woman's catlike eyes, her years in the fashion industry made her perceptive of those kind of things. 
Olivia tolerated her for Harry, and had unwillingly offered the role of Violet to her under pressure from Warner Executives who saw Y/n as yet another money grab for the film—like Harry, she had a fanbase and more Instagram followers than the entire cast put together—and which she only accepted at Florence and Harry's request.
“We talked, we agreed that after our fight it's best to take some time off from each other, I have the tour, she still has to sort it out with Jason regarding the kids, we'll keep in touch, but we'll have a more definitive conversation when this leg of the tour is over to know where we stand.” He told her everything in one breath.
“And how do you feel about that?” The woman take a sip of her coffee.
Harry sighs again, running his hands through his hair in an anxious gesture
“I honestly don't know.” He confess. “I care about Olivia…”
“But you don’t love her…”Y/n completed. “That’s tough.” She nodded. “Do you think it’s a matter of time? Like, you can come to love her?”
“Yeah, sure…”He don’t look so sure. “Olivia is cool, she’s so intelligent and eloquent…” Y/n wide her eyes a little, condescending and pretentious fit Olivia better in her opinion. “If I am honest, our relationship hasn’t been a thought in my head for three days, this kinda of says something…”
“This actually screams something.” She said against her coffee, only to get a disapproving look from Harry. “H, you mistook the excitement of the honeymoon phase for something else and you stepped heavy footed into the relationship, I mean you moved her in three months after you guys started to date, we all told you it was too soon…”
“She needed a place to stay, things with Jason were though.” Harry defended his actions.
“And why is that?” The question was rhetorical, followed by a humorless laugh. “H, I love you, but you’re too good for this world.”
Harry looks at her with his brow frown. “Why?”
“My Love, everyone knows she broke up with Jason after you guys blurred the line, Florence told me that Jason and her acted pretty couple-ish the times he took the kids to visit, and that only changed after you started to spend too much time in her trailer.” Y/n told him what her and the girls had debated so many times before in their slumber parties over copious amounts of tequila. “Even Gemma agrees, and she’s like completely against talking about peoples life.”
The man stayed silent for a moment, absorbing what he had heard.
There was only one thing he wanted to know after hearing her thoughts.
“You never said anything against the relationship before.” It wasn’t even a question
“Because I want you happy, and you seemed happy with Olivia, that’s all I care about, it doesn’t matter if I don’t like the woman,” she answers with honesty. “I would never criticize your taste in women, the same way you never criticized my bad choices in men.” She jokes to lighten the mood.
Harry chuckles, eyes closing and dimples showing. 
The musician stopped criticizing Y/n’s boyfriends after the second time she got back with Abel after he got together with Selena while they’re on a break—he did wrote her na album as na apology. He kept quiet about Charlie—needy, jealous Charlie—, and bit his tongue with Jack—flirting, handsome Jack, even Harry would have to admit the younger man knew how to be charming—.
He liked Jack less than he liked Abel.
And he had despised Abel because they got together not long after their break up, and Harry was still hung up on her, regretting his decision to end their relationship. But it was too late, Abel swapped her off her foot the minute their break-up was announced, taking her on a first date in Dubai just months later, the beginning of their whirlwind, world wide romance that just ended for good in 2019.   
Jack, Harry hated him because he seemed less invested in the relationship than Y/n. He showered her with flowers and gifts and pretty words, but he was always away and it was always Y/n traveling to him. His Little Lovie was a woman in love with love, she always invested herself in the relationships, and was always heartbroken when things didn’t worked out in the end.
They were interrupted by Rebekah holding a lovely flower arrangement in her hands and an apologetic expression on her face. “Y/n…” 
The actress turned to where her PA stood in the doorway, the young woman rolled her expressive eyes at the peonies, ranunculus and carnations bouquet. 
“Beks…” Y/n sigh. “Just put it in the guest house, will you? Please.” She asked, and the held up her hand, stopping Bekah from leaving the room. “On second thought, it would be sad to let all those beautiful flowers go to waste, see if you can get a van to transport them all to the nearest nursing home.”
The assistant nodded and was already turning to leave the room and start to making calls when this time it was Harry who stopped her.
“Call Jeff, we have a van to transport instruments that you guys can use.”The musician offers.
“Thank you, H.”The young woman said honestly, with a bit of relief showing in her face.
The former couple turned best friends watch her leave the room before going back to their conversation. 
“Is he still sending you flowers?” He points to where Bekah disappeared with the flowers. 
Y/n just rolls her eyes. “I feel like I can open my own flower shop.” She takes another sip of her coffee. “He’s still blowing my phone.”
“Are you going to talk to him?” Harry takes a sip of his coffee, watching her closely.
“NO!”She says categorically. “I played this back and forth game with Abel, I am not doing it again with Jack.” She sighs. “But I still have to see him at least at the VMA’s, I can’t pull back at the last minute.”
“Shit, I had completely forgot about that.” Sometimes he forgot that she was what the industry called a triple threat: she acts, she dances and she sings, she had already used her voice in three movies. 
With her always dating musicians, it was actually an impressive feat that none before Jack had put her vocals on a track—Harry did, but they aren’t dating at the time he recorded her for TPWK. 
No one ever thought that ‘Into Your Arms’ would blow up the way it did, it was a romantic—that in some ways reflected Y/n and Jack’s relationship at the time—song, and Tik-Tok and Instagram Reels made it a huge sensation.
“Yeah, we have to perform it on the 11th.” She honestly wished there was a shot of vodka in her coffee. “Let’s talk about nice things now, My Love.” She lifts the nearly forgotten script from her lap pushing it towards him. “I need you to do this with me."
{next part}
Taglist: @slutforcoffein ; @lilsiz ; @pandxthings ;
@ameerakane20 ; @angywritesstuff
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isitrecording · 4 months
Jake grinned a little as he looked over her, thinking for a moment. He approached the witch, playing with her from a later point in time. When Jake had away, helping another friend in another world. From his perspective it wasn't long since she escaped, curious how she might react.
He leaned in, whispering the spell to seal her magic in her ear as she took a large gulp of her beverage.
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Photo by Bekah Marie Photo
When Subtext Is Text, Musings On Ferus Olin
It's the end of Pride month, and Legends Con Executive Director Katherine is taking the opportunity to talk about one of her favorite characters (and most recent cosplays), Ferus Olin. Ferus is one of the canonically queer characters in the Star Wars Legends timeline; and is, in her humble opinion, one of the most interesting representations of a queer character within the Star Wars universe.
Ferus comes from the Jude Watson books, first appearing in her Jedi Quest series and later leading the series Last of the Jedi. He also appeared in the Rebel Force series as a supporting character. All three of these series are Scholastic chapter books, published between the years of 2001 and 2010. They are progressive for their time in many ways, but are ultimately also a product of their time in how Ferus as a queer character is defined on the page. The line between subtext and text can be debated, but we have author confirmation via Twitter that Ferus is gay and married to Roan Lands. Roan was referred to as Ferus's "partner" throughout the Last of the Jedi and Rebel Force series. With these books being written throughout the 2000s, that was the current terminology used for gay couples at the time- and marriage was not even a legal option within the United States.  
The term partner is really only the beginning of the signs we see in-text that Ferus and Roan are a couple. The most interesting of those to me is this passage from the first book in the Last of the Jedi series. Obi-Wan has just rescued Roan from Imperial prison after both Ferus and Roan were arrested for leading rebel activities and separated within the prison. As part of the misadventures that occurred with Obi-Wan and Ferus after that, they are forced to temporarily leave behind the planet Bellassa where Ferus had been living with Roan. While in space Ferus and Obi-Wan talk about how Ferus resigned from the Jedi Order (that’s another story entirely, I don’t want to get too off track here)
“It doesn’t matter,” Ferus said. “I walked away. It was the most difficult thing I ever had to do, but in a way I’m glad it happened.”
“You’re still a Jedi, Ferus.”
“No,” Ferus said slowly. “I’m not. I can never really be a Jedi again. Not just because I left the Order.” He looked back in the direction of Bellassa. “I have attachments.”
“Once there was something I wanted, something forbidden by the Jedi code,” Obi-Wan said. “Qui-Gon said something to me then. He said, maybe in a different galaxy things will change. The Jedi will change. Here is the change Ferus. And I think… in the new order, attachments will be a strength. Maybe this is how the galaxy will be saved. So yes, you are still a Jedi.”
Obi-Wan is referring to events of the Jedi Apprentice books, also by Jude Watson, where he entered a brief romance with one of his fellow Padawans, Siri Tachi. Obi-Wan and Siri decided to end their relationship due to the Jedi code, which led to that conversation with Qui-Gon. In the text this is Ferus saying that his relationship with Roan is outside the bounds of the Jedi code, and Obi-Wan draws a parallel to a romantic relationship of his own. I personally would call this plain text rather than subtext based on both the context in-universe and the context that this was written in 2005.
Throughout the story there are more signs that while subtle, Ferus and Roan’s relationship is romantic. It's the way they tease each other, care for each other, and little snippets about their life together-
Read more on our Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/post/When-Subtext-Is-Text-Musings-On-Ferus-Olin-K3K8MRUH1
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w0efulboopsoul · 1 year
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I can’t do uni. On the edge of dropping out quite honestly. But I’m third year so I might as well finish.. I guess…
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fangsandmagic · 8 months
‘BRUSH’ for your muse to put their head in mine’s lap so they can play with their hair. (From Bekah)
Minnie hadn't even noticed that Bekah was there until she felt something against her lap, looking down she noticed Bekah. She smiled softly and gently began to play with her hair. "You are a quiet one aren't you? Have you missed me?"
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pagetreader · 9 months
@honorhearted said: 🥂💋Maybe for Ben and the "wifey," Bekah
Send 🥂💋 to share a toast and a kiss with my muse on New Year’s Eve.
New Year's Eve, 1781
No more war. No more fear of loss. They could breathe easily and look forward to what the future had to bring.
Though official toasting and celebration had taken place inside the tavern, Bekah had taken Ben's hand and led him outside onto the abandoned balcony of the second story. The scenery in New York wasn't nearly as lovely as Setauket, but it wasn't the city she had her sights set on.
Glass in hand, she tugged him closer, bosom pressed against him as the ambiance of the party inside reverberated through the walls. Appraising him lovingly, Bekah brushed her fingers along his jawline.
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"I'm still in complete bewilderment how the man I've admired since we were children could love me as much as I've always loved him..."
Toasts had already been given, but she didn't care. This one was personal -- for their ears only. No longer was she afraid to hold his gaze, of him seeing too much of her heart.
"I followed you into hell and back, and God help me, I would do it all over again just to be with you. There was a time when I thought I would never be able to reach you through the dark, not realizing that you were already reaching for me. Benjamin, you saved me -- over and over again. Even now that the worst is over, I swear to you, whatever is to come, good or bad, I'll face it with you, together, as we were meant to always be."
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salvatoraes-moved · 1 year
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BOLD any fears which apply to your muse. Italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment.  loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. sex. chains. inner demons. hallucinations. staring. going berserk. betrayal.
tagged by : @darehearts , thank you bb ! tagging : @forbaes , @jeditrash , @elenaes , @1095fm ( griffin ) , @neptunc ( lianne ) , @adoredycu ( blake ) , @fire-hoes , @appleyed , @goofily ( helena ) , @malka-lisitsa , @neverafters ( bekah ) , @unsorrow ( elena ) , @shesdaylight , @jer3miah , @fairyt0ld ( meggie or any sw muse ) & you, steal it !
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esserisupremi · 9 months
📃 Tell me all
I have this odd need for a Charlies Angel like verse / plot for Rebekah, Natasha and Bridget ...maybe others . But Definitely Bekah and Natasha. I could deff age Natahsa down or keep her at her canon age. But specifics can deff be discussed but yes.
Some kind of boarding school au for our muses. Maybe harry potter based but not so much? I'm not trying to get too deep into world building but somewhere they go for education and harness their individual abilities while dealing with the chaos that ensues around them. Definitely could have a lot of our muses join in on this.
The King and I plot or au for Elena and Jon or Noelle and Jon. Jon who is a diplomat hires one of them come to teach / tutor Meghan, and eventually while doing so, they find out that the job comes with much more then what they bargained for ( i/e feelings) .
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isitrecording · 10 months
Jake blushed a little bit as he looked through the web pages, finding a familiar face amongst them. He saw Zoe, on her boat. He pressed the video, forgetting for a moment he was in her office.
He watched the video start to play, the beauty wearing a swimsuit. She began posing to the camera, the brunette not noticing the title of the video.
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