#bel babbles
izabelfeenix · 3 months
We’re all just a piece of toast burnt on one side. Like we show everyone the nice golden brown side, but on the other side we’re burned and ugly.
Kind of nice that we share that with everyone I think
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fidjiefidjie · 5 months
Je suis d'accord , et vous ?! 😁 👶 🤣
❄️ Humour du jour ❄️
Source: Tik Tok
👋 Bel après-midi
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kaygee-doodles · 6 months
Not a request/ask for the boys but you
Do you have any pets? Can we see them? Can even be a random beetle you find in ur house idgaf 😁
Hell yeah!
This is Snoot, he should be brumating, but he's mad because mothman is in his coconut vvv
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This is Bones, he has a peanut for a brain cell vvv
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This is Fidget, he aspires to be a shoelace vvv
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And this is Bakura! He is very old and likes to steal my socks vvv
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officersnickers · 2 months
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Smells like teen spirit someone got hurt by the institution but not their faith 🤔
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crabonfire · 11 months
heya! could u do scout (or all the mercs if you can) x gyaru!reader hcs :o? like everyone suspects [merc] to have a badass s/o cuz their also so badass but in reality their all glammed up and lookin like their goin to a beach party 😭 thanks! and if you don’t want to do the req/can’t do it no problem! ^_^
Scout's Gyaru! Partner!!
character: scout (mercs are barely involved)
note: this cute asf I had to do it lol 😭
The other mercs are involved a bit
I made the S/O super cheery and a little aggresive but that's just cause idk I think its funny LOL
Gender ain't specified but they act more femininely!! love me feminine ppl 😚
warnings: none
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• Ever since Scout started to date you, from the way he described you as "Cool, confident and badass" they expected somebody who actually fit the description.
• The men didn't care about it at first. He'd babble on about you randomly in conversation, and automatically, they'd groan and try to change the topic.
• And from the way he'd always do what you told him when you two called over the phone, they assumed you were somebody stricter than he was.
• So they were a little shocked to find somebody with dashing makeup, long painted acrylics with the most glamorous, pastel colored outfit they've ever seen. Your hair was dyed brightly in certain areas, you carried a purse embedded with pearls and cute pins...you were the OPPOSITE of what they were thinking of.
"Oh! Are you Engineer? Jeremy's told me all about you!"
"About Jeremy, have you seen him? He was supposed to come with me to a party but he totally ditched on me and he won't answer my calls. The asshole he is."
"OH! I haven't introduced myself, I'm [S/O]! Sorry, that was really rude of me."
He paused, cracking up an awkward smile.
"I could tell."
"Haha, yeah, anyway, have you seen him? He's such a dick for leaving me like that."
"He's in the training grounds with the others, I'll take you there, sweetheart."
"Aw, you're so nice. Thanks!"
He smirked, walking you over the base. How did you find the base? He doesn't know. Does he want to see Scout get yelled at? Yea.
• "Jeremy what the hell?! You left me out there alone you dick. So fuckin' rude, and you didn't answer my calls..."
"OW- I TOLD YOU IM SORRY-" He winces, rubbing over the area you hit his head at. "I was busy..."
"Busy with what? Being a little bitch?"
• The mercs who watched from afar snickered, he gave you a frown and you retorted your insult.
"I'm sorry, you know I don't mean it babe."
"Yeah yeah, and I'm sorry for not telling you anything. I was busy, and I left my phone in my room."
"Okayyyy, I won't yell at you anymore. I came to ask if you wanted to go to the beach this week? I got this super cute beach set and like, we could take cute pics together. It'd be sooo fun!"
"Hell yeah, people will see my muscles and stuff."
• You chuckled, "Yeah! Your strong muscles, and we'll both look so cute together."
He smiled at that, then he looked you up and down.
"I never got a good look of you, but damn...you look real cute today." He muttered, "Are these new?" He said as took your hand in his, admiring the colored nails with their cute accessories.
You grinned brightly, "Yeah! I'm so glad you noticed." He felt himself melt, "They're nice. I like the colors."
• He was always so enamored by you. You were so energetic, so confident...you always wore whatever you wanted and did whatever you wanted because you never cared, and best of all you had the cutest fashion sense.
"I like how you did your make up today."
"Your hairs nice. It must've taken a while, yea?"
He started to comment on your outfit, telling you how cute you looked, making you chuckle and blush at his corny remarks. You two went quiet, and honestly, it was a new sight for these mercenaries.
• They'd never seen him so quiet, so enchanted by somebody before. Where he actually stops talking for once, and just looks at you with such love.
They almost don't believe it, Scout...BEING ROMANTIC? ain't no way.
"Wow, He's actually shutting up?" Medic says, "Pinch me, I'm dreaming." Sniper replied, making everybody crack a smile. They kept watching as you leaned down to give him a kiss, pulling back with the softest gaze they've ever seen on anybody.
"HEY! NO ROMANCE ON THE BATTLEFIELD!" Soldier screamed, making them both flinch and turn to their direction. "HEY HEY, WHERES THE PRIVACY AT? Fuckin perverts." He stands up from his bench, walking over with you outside as you chuckle in reply. He sticks his tounge out at them mockingly, as if saying "Your just jealous" before he does.
• Spy rolls his eyes, but there's a slight smile on his face. His son has found somebody good, somebody he can be happy with, even though they weren't somebody he expected. He's happy for him.
I would've added more merc content for this but I liked how I wrote scout,, he loves ur fashion sense babe omggg
Honestly i miss writing scout, he's a big reason I'm really into tf2 in general haha.
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names-for-alters · 4 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 7 months
Ultrakids scenarios: their first words.
Belial, R/n and Riku:
Belial and his wife along with Riku were huddled around Isla, waiting in anticipation she'd been testing her volume and babbling when Belial noticed she making a clear "da" noise though his wife insisted she heard "Ma" and Riku insisted he heard "Ri" so there they were crouching down to Isla's level watching her excitedly.
"C'mon bean say "Dada" you were so close." Belial urged while his wife chirped "C'mon baby I know you were saying "mama"" as Bel leered at her "Fat chance Badger, it was clearly "Dada" R/n snorted. "No you need your ears cleaned she was saying "Mama"" While Riku interjected "You're both going senile she totally said "Riri"!" as Isla's parents and big brother were bickering back and forth with each other they failed to notice there was visitor in their backyard.
Isla did notice she gasped in awe as her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree at sight of the animal grazing in the back lawn, she sat up and toddled passed her confused family; Isla was happily bouncing on her feet as she pressed her nose against the sliding glass door and cheerfully squealed "KITTY!" while pointing at a deer!
The trio didn't know hurt the most, being outranked by an animal or the fact that Isla got that animal completely wrong, Riku tried to salvage the situation by correcting his sister, but she was adamant the deer was a kitty! While their parents watched on pouting. "Say R/n, have you ever tried venison?" Belial hissed to his wife while eyeing her old crossbow hanging on the wall...
Zero & Nayaka:  
Zero and Nayaka were on Earth having a small family BBQ and all their friends and family were there including Ace, who was pretty much minding his own business having a pretty decent conversation with Taro when Melos accidentally spilled his drink all over them.
"What the f*ck?" Ace huffed staring down at his ruined shirt Taro hissed at his brother to watch his language since Zero and Nayaka's son Alto was nearby and the toddler was in his parrot phase. "Remember what happened with Taiga? those 4 weeks of him screaming the B word at everyone?" There's a giggle behind them; Ace tenses up and sees Alto staring at him before toddling off, Ace relaxes thinking maybe the kid didn't hear anything and went back to talking.
Meanwhile, Alto found his grandpa Zoffy and excitedly asked to be picked up. "What is it, do you have something to tell grandpa?" Zoffy asked his grandson looked up at him all innocently and...
Alto chirped and the atmosphere of the party quickly turned awkward and chilly as Zoffy and everyone else in at the party stared at Alto horrified as he repeated the F-bomb in a cutesy sing-songy voice. "F*ck...f*ck...F***CCKK!~" Zoffy's eye twitched as Seven spoke up flabbergasted. "Alto, tell yer grandpas who taught you that word?" Alto happily pointed the person out everyone turns to look at a mortified Ace; who looked like he wanted to bury himself in a dark hole and just live there forever.
He tried say something but the frosty looks Zero and Nayaka shot him while their son sang. "F*ck!" at the top of his lungs was the signal that maybe he should keep his mouth shut and leave. "Sorry." he muttered before awkwardly retreating.
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hotsforharlow · 2 years
Could you do something like where Jack sees y/n for the first time somewhere and is interested and later on when he goes to speak to her he sees that she has a baby daughter but he still talks to her anyways and interacts with the baby because he doesn’t mind
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
You had caught Jack’s eye as he moved around the field with the team as the kick about started. It was quite obvious to Urban as he watched his friend only become more distracted. “What’s wrong?” Urban asked after the stretches were finally completed. “Nothing.” Jack muttered; his eyes still moving to the seats. “What, someone caught your eye?” Urban asked again and stepped closer before looking to see what Jack was looking at. “Maybe.” He whispered, looking at you once more before moving to play. He kicked the ball about and tried to shake you from his thoughts; surely he’d be able to find you afterwards.
You relaxed into your seat as you watched the game in front of you. Your new friend had persuaded you to attend after you’d moved into a new home in Kentucky. It was just you and your baby girl right now, and that was okay. You didn’t need anyone else. Especially not her deadbeat father. Thankfully, your mother was able to look after her whilst you enjoyed the game and afterwards you would meet up with them both. “Are you enjoying it?” Your new friend asked from beside you. “Yes, it's a nice day out. Thanks for inviting me.” You babbled and turned to her, sipping on your drink. 
“Of course.” She hummed and the game continued. “Anyone caught your eye?” She giggled into your ear. “Oh, no. I’m not here for that.” You whispered. You couldn’t even think about anything like that at this point in your life. She only smiled in sympathy, something you hated but you let it go this time.
“I’ll see you on Monday.” You called after her; slightly thankful the game was over as you began to miss your baby. A wave was your answer as you moved into the parking lot; phone in hand as you waited. Thankfully, the summer air kept you from being cold as you lent against your car. “Mama.” You looked to the side and saw your one year old in your mother’s arms, reaching for you. “Hey baby.” You reached for the little love and brought her close to your chest. “Thanks for having her.” “Of course.” You hugged and watched her leave; her house only a couple of blocks away.
“Ready to go?” You hummed down at your daughter, playing with a lock of her hair as you tried to find your keys. She only burrowed into you some more before you were both interrupted by a call. 
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” You recognised the man approaching you. His curls had been unmistaken on the field. “It’s okay,” You nearly whispered as you watched your daughter become curious. Jack could only stare for a moment and saw the little girl in your arms; for some reason, it only made him want you even more. “You were good out there.” You found yourself speaking and you wondered why. “Now I know you are lying.” Jack hummed. You giggled with a soft blush. Okay, so maybe he hadn’t been the best player. But he was the cutest. “Maybe a little.” You nearly giggled again. You hadn’t been so comfortable with someone like this in so long.
“And who is this cutie?” Jack hummed and your daughter giggled at the attention; her hands moving to his curls almost instantly. “Bel..” Your baby babbled out as Jack leaned to stroke her chubby cheek. “That’s a pretty name…and what’s your mama’s name?” Jack thought he was being slick. “I’m Y/N.” You giggled out your introduction whilst Jack just watched. His eyes are bright at your reactions. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jack.” His hand moved to shake yours, which was so smooth and you nearly stroked him. “Was there something you wanted in particular?” You found yourself asking.
“Maybe a number?” Jack asked confidently and for some reason that only made him hotter in your eyes. “Oh..my number?” You babbled out as Belle continued to giggle; pulling both your attention towards her. Jack nodded, a sweet smile to your daughter as he waited for your answer. The worry he had slowly increased. “Hmm, maybe I need a date first.” You teased with a wink as you stepped back. Your fingers playing with your daughter’s hair. “How will I do that if I don’t have your number?” Jack smirked, moving to follow you as you opened your car. “Oh, I think you can figure it out. A connected boy like yourself.” 
Jack could only watch you drive away. A smirk playing on his lips. Oh, this chase would be fun, he thought to himself. He wasn’t even put out in the slightest at your baby girl. A little fun couldn’t hurt anybody, right? Jack moved onto his phone and began to search for you like the little stalker he could be.
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flowerandblood · 2 months
As much as I don’t condone any of what Bel and Fae did, I don’t think it’s fair to sit and defend Em and Ange without accepting their part in everything?
Just because a chunk of what was supposedly wrote by them was proved falsified, does not take away from the things they ACTUALLY said. Nothing is wrong with defending your friends, but at least have the decency to accept the fact they too said things they shouldn’t have about many other people you claim to be friends with on this platform.
Who defends them? Who defends to the people who were being borderline bullied without their knowledge thinking the writers in this fandom are their friends whilst they’re sat maliciously insulting them and their work? They’ve accepted some of the things that has came out was written by them, they’ve taken responsibility. Stop trying to make seem completely innocent in this situation.
All parties involved are in the wrong. All have accepted blame for the most part. Defending them does nothing at this point.
What are you babbling about? I proved in my post with fakes that some of screenshots of their conversations were real so where is my denial you are speaking about? Me making them innocent?
And no. Bel and Fae did not accept their blame, nor the rest of their group. Not really. If they did, they wouldn't fucking made fake screenshots to make them look worse and spread them with pride.
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chthonicgodling · 4 months
10 for chal and 18 for pho and icy ?
Ty!!! again questions from here w ocs from here - aaaand again behind a cut cause LONG Lmfao aaughhhh
10- If they have a love interest how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? (Re: Chal)
FENIXE AND I DIDNT PLAN CHAL AND BEL GETTING TOGETHER AT AAAAALLLL just like everything we’ve ever done it just sort of happened! So Chal was pretty solidly the way she was since before Bel, BUT certain traits of hers did definitely end up becoming emphasized just by nature of putting the two of them next to each other especially one specific thing like
The thing about Bel is that, as a mindreader and also as a split god linked to his own twin sibling, Bel’s not…. good at…….. communicating his own thoughts and feelings? Like Bel’s always been used to Ty just knowing everything about him all the time cause the two of them are ALWAYS in each others heads they can’t turn it off. That’s not to say Bel isn’t extremely well spoken and emotionally intelligent he just uh. Forgets to Do That On The Outside.
‘Cause then you put him next to someone like Chal who is not only incredibly imperceptive of how other people are feeling (she has gotten so much better with this but lmao still!!) but also NOT in tune with her OWN thoughts and emotions, and so all of that “Chal-ness” about Chal just jumped way more intensely to the forefront. Bel’s always poker faced and never reveals what he’s feeling - Chal, his partner, is frantically babbling every single thing she’s thinking and experiencing the second anything pops into her head. Bel himself summed up pretty concisely a while ago (yes I went back to 2017 to find tbis exact quote lol) - “I think the way we love each other is different.  You're more intense, I'm more subtle.”
so was that on PURPOSE okay no like I said Chal was never designed with Bel specifically in mind but. Is this something about Chal that’s become more pronounced as she developed alongside Bel! yyeeessss. So to foil alongside Bel Chal has gotten LOUDER and BABBLIER
fun fact re all of this though that idk if I’ve ever shared - they have had MANY conversations about their extreme communication differences cause it has caused problems due to Chal not!! being able to read minds and Bel!! forgetting that not everyone can read minds!!!!! They have a rule set up between them that Chal can ask at any time “what are you thinking” and Bel will always answer honestly no exceptions 💞 Chal asks this 40 times a day and it’s become so second nature to them that she’s even occasionally slipped up and done it to like, Tory, Gany, lol
18- What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? (Re: Icy & Pho)
the way these are both Chal related cause the last time they were really around in canon doing anything was around her lmfao—
For Icy: I’ve yet to formally do anything about this in canon but Icy’s still on and off crushing on Chal solely because I think it’s really funny so i’m stalling as long as possible since Neo and Icy are forever endgame anyway. HOWEVER I have discovered in my daydream planning that the way Icy will finally and definitively stop fawning over her is gonna be the moment he finally has an actual in depth conversation with Chal in order to discover that Chal, just like Icy, is an anxious wreck disaster - maybe even more so - and the shock of looking in a metaphorical mirror will be enough to knock some sense back into him. No way can Icy be the put together confident one in a relationship they can’t BOTH be falling apart aahhhh. Icy’s gonna realise that he can only date an opposite! HMM WHO’S ICY’S POLAR OPPOSITE AND CONVENIENTLY HIS BEST FRIEND AT HIS SIDE —
For Pho: this came to light for me the moment Pho and Chal actually met each other in canon cause I hadn’t realized how Pho was going to behave until he was behaving as such (I said, as the person responsible for writing and controlling all of these characters — shhhhhhhh) — is the discovery that Pho REALLY can’t stand Chal and it’s NOT for any of the reasons anyone else has hated her lmfao?! Literally nothing to do with Thanatos?!?!!
Pho and his dayglo glitter projection self has always existed outside of “time” in the sense that since like, physical age 4 onwards Pho has never actually ACTED his age, babbling in competent paragraphs due to his powers as a brain-mental(dream) god advancing him well beyond typical development. Kid-not-really-a-kid. Who else in the palace was merely kid-shaped but actually mentally existing well beyond their physical age???
Why, mindreading mindgods Ty and Bel of course, who froze themselves deliberately in the shape of children at age 7ish to be 7 forever with their big sister Meli, despite their powers advancing them outside the confines of age and space and time. they’re mind gods - they’re every mind!
and that’s a lonely life to live forever but not when you have a glittery buddy who’s also masquerading the same way to hang out with :-) besties! Except of course then Bel and Ty moved to Chal’s house— and dropped the facade, for Chal’s sake, to actually appear as the adults they were. For Chal’s sake! happily ever after for Chal!
…well. then. Pho was quite dismayed to discover that his besties weren’t kids to hang out with anymore. they didn’t even tell him fffdkfkff whoops??? like they just showed up at the palace again all different and Pho hanging out there with Icy was like what the FUCK??? so when Pho finally met Chal the discovery - suddenly became very clear to me that he harbors QUITE a bit of jealous resentment against her for “taking Bel and Ty away” and uhhh. will this be a grudge Pho holds forever?! maybe lmao! everyone’s oblivious no one can read Pho’s mind cause it’s all glitter sooooo……….. hm…….. keeping that one in the back of my mind……
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asktheplethaura · 1 year
If Only , If Only - Unicorn Wars Fanfiction
(((Chapter Twelve)))
((Turn around...... turn your ass back around...)) ((Musical notes here))
Fun-Fact: This fic is actually inspired in concept, by a song called 'Epoch' the Remix by The Living Tombstone
(Content Warning: Sui**dal Actions and Thoughts)
((To my two lovely commenting parties on the last chapter... this is the worst christmas present ever.))
All of the other bears were confused at first- however, not even two full minutes after Azulin had consumed the slug- he became erratic and aggressive. The very first thing he did was start to babble about this, that and the other. These things ranging from the most moderate thoughts and some of the deepest inner-tainted thoughts of his shaken psyche.
Azulin held his hand over the hilt of his knife- his arm jolting closer and further away from himself several times as his wild, barely-concentrated eyes narrowed themselves at all of them.
These thoughts were becoming more and more jumbled, and the movement of the blue bear started to falter from being unfocused as he was already. He brandished his knife at them again and tilted it in several directions- finally spitting out a solid trail of thought.
"Co-come on!! I was so- so aw-ful earlier!! Come at me! Take me-e down!" the voice was lulled despite it being a shouted confrontation. "I know-w you wan-na!" it was like he was hiccuping, nearly building up into a tremendous urge to cry or scream. These words became fast and almost blended together when he started to mumble to himself- looking around at shapes and shadows that weren't there. "Take me down al-ready dammit!!"
Sargento was unsure of how to approach the blue bear at this point. However, the wheels in his head were turning at a mile a minute- trying to calculate an easy way to get to the weapon of his soldier- lest Azulin stab someone else in his delirious ramblings.
He could see why the younger bear was adamant about them not eating the slug though. The severe psycho-hallucinatory effects were something of such a dangerous caliber, de-realization and sensory dis-communication were causing vivid neurological trickery.
"Azulin, please! Come on! Settle down and snap out of it!" Gordi was the first to run at his brother- not really a bright idea considering just how sensitive the younger twin was to movement right now- on top of his aggressive hallucination reaction. "Come on, drop it, drop the knife..!"
Azulin started to hiccup- trembling as he shook his head. "You slugs don't... ha-ave the right to use the voice of my br-brother-er this way. You si-ick freak-s-s." It was like Azulin was finding it hard to breathe. He grasped at his throat, nearly stabbing his own face with the knife as he couldn't possibly thing to put the weapon down when tending to himself. "You-ou are all such-ch awful.. awful crea-atures." he continued to hiccup, soon delving into a fit of sobbing.
Gordi stopped, hoping his lack of movement would soothe his younger sibling.
Coco and the other bears snapped out of their shock. He shook his head and looked between the rest of the bears before gesturing for them all to make a silent circle around Azulin. Maybe, hitting him with sensory confusion in all directions would keep him from attacking any one other of them without any backup immediately nearby.
Azulin started to sob in such a gut-wrenching, depressing way it caused all of them to freeze.
A screaming sob rose from his throat, and the blue bear fell to his knees, scratching at his face on the right side. His claws digging into his fur and flesh with no resistance at all as he started to yell several different words of unknown meaning. He cursed himself, and 'the black abyss' and the generals in charge of this cesspool of pain and hatred they called a war.
""Augh! Dammit! Fucking damn it all! Send me back to the pits of he-ell where I bel-long!! Send Me-e back-k!! Take my *hic* stupid, useless, *hic* motherfucking stup-pid d-amn-mn filth-yy-" Azulin started to make no sense at all- and he hoisted up his knife before pointing it at his own gut his hands stumbled and fumbled- nearly dropping the objects several times as his body lurched forward getting closer and closer to the blade.
During all the sobbing, the blue bear seemed to have an epiphany, his unsteady head looking over to the knife in his hands before a wavering, terrified smile crossed his face.  His lips quivered as he clumsily brought his other hand to the blade of the knife- a laughter escaping from within him.
"I- I can... I am... I... i'm..." he couldn't form thoughts anymore- he was getting cold and all he could hear was shouting as his vision clouded over all of the rainbow dystopian overlay that clouded him. He couldn't help but laugh harder. His hands felt wet and sticky.
"Haha.. ahhaha-ha I... I... I pissed mys-self didn't I" Azulin mused to the seemingly open air as a chorus of gasps came from the approaching bears around him. At this point, all plans were out the window. What they needed was to just stop him without getting stabbed too badly.
"Ah-! Azulin!! Hold on, please!! We're here- put the knife down. Give it to me..!" Gordi was too mortified to try and talk down his brother, too frightened by the sight of blood pooling under his brothers body as the blue sibling continued to laugh himself into the raw edges of the knives blade that he was somehow now lying on top of.
The mournfully delightful delirium that he was enduring knowing no bounds.
Gordi and the polar bear twins started to cry- both from fear and alarm. The pink bear quickly pulling Azulin to his back and securing down his arms as the blue hear started to flail- weakly at that. The blood loss becoming too great for him to laugh through.
"Heh.. ahaha... I... i'm such a scumbag and a loser... and... such.. a stupid.. dumb... mis-stake. I.. I finally... I finally did something... right..."
It was at this point that Azulin started to black out, his arms stopping their uncontrolled movements. and erratic gestures.
"We need medical assistance, don't just sit there!! Come on!!" Sargento started to bark orders, his eyes still panicked from what he had just witnessed. The bigger bear sat next to Gordi and kept the knife in Azulin's abdomen to prevent the faster flow of blood-loss.
The other bears were too stunned to speak- even Padre. He yelled the orders again- sending all of the other bears scrambling to get what they needed to at least heal and patch up what looked like a critical wound.
Sargento looked down to the blue bear- the worry eminent in his eyes. He kept his paw near the area were the knife was- Gordi the only one still next to him.
"When did these thoughts first start showing...?"
Gordi wiped his face as he struggled to swallow his own building emotions.
"Iv'e never... seen or heard him like this before..."
Sargento used his other pawn to pat Gordi on the Shoulder. "After this, we are finding that lost troupe and heading back to camp. We all were not prepared for this mission and he kept us from what could have been an even bigger disaster... it that did THIS to him... who the hell knows what would have happened if all of us ate those things..."
Gordi shakily nodded.
((To Be Continued))
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izabelfeenix · 2 months
Accidentally stumbled on the dark side of Tumblr today and I regret everything 👍
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fidjiefidjie · 25 days
Il a raison, n'est-ce pas ?! 😁 👶 🤣
👐 Humour du jour 🫶
Source: X
👋 Bel après-midi
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fandomficsnstuff · 1 year
Witches and Wizards - 3
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(Warnings: a lil bit of angst, a lil bit of more angst and an angsty ending:3 also this is so short, I’m sorry<3)
Note: I once read parts of a fic where the reader has magic and goes back in time, meeting Merlin. I sadly can’t find it anymore. Also Fred didn’t die in this.
Ophelia had a frown on her brows as she walked back to the table with a small book from her bag, sitting down and looking between Gaius and Merlin who were both terrible at acting indifferent. “Alright, I’ll bite. What’s the Cup Of Life?”
“You heard us talk?”
“Of course I heard you talking, you’re not exactly using a muffle spell. Does this have anything to do with Nicolas Flamel?” she asked casually, placing the book on the table beside her plate, turning the pages onto a specific one before beginning to eat, glancing between her food and the book, Merlin and Gaius exchanging confused glances. “I think he was born in the 13th century or something… wait, what century is this?” she asked casually, a small frown on her brows as she calmly looked between Gaius and Merlin, the elderly man frowning as he looked off to the side while thinking. “The… 6th I bel-”
“Well then it definitely can’t be him. So, what’s the Cup of Life?”
“A powerful magic item… it cannot be destroyed. It’s magic is eternal and unbound by time or place” Gaius admitted, Ophelia forgetting her book, closing it and finishing chewing the bread piece she had torn from the rest of her bread. “So, why does Uther fear it so much?” Ophelia asked with a shrug, Gaius and Merlin both looking at her again “because the cup can be for evil as well as good-”
“Like the Elder Wand…” Ophelia muttered with a frown, it was as though the comparison that she drew between the cup and this ���wand’ was the way she realised just how powerful it could be, Merlin could see a shift in her different coloured eyes, they went from indifferent and calm to trying to hide her fear. “So… what kind of evil can it be used for?” Ophelia asked with worry, trying to remain calm as she had completely forgotten about her meal and book for now.
“Many centuries ago, it fell into the possession of a great warlord. One night, he gathered his army before him. He took a drop of blood from each and every man and collected it in the cup. Such was the vessel’s power that the soldiers were made immortal where they stood…”
“So they could not be killed…” Merlin trailed off, Ophelia swallowing thickly, unable to mask the fear on her face and both Gaius and Merlin noticed, the two of them frowning at her. “Ophelia-”
“So they can’t be killed? They’re defying death?”
“Yes… have you seen this before?”
“I-...There-... There was a war, as you know… back home, so many died… it-... you know what? I- uh- I-I should go, I’m almost out of Sleeping Draught s-so I’ll have to make more a-and I need to go” Ophelia babbled, hurrying to her bag after nearly tripping over her chair, picking it up and walking over, grabbing her bag in a hurry, stuffing it into the seemingless bottomless bag, at least according to Merlin and Gaius. “What are you talking about?? Ophelia-”
“I told you, Merlin, I’m leaving. You’re telling me there’s an object that could create an immortal army? I’ve already seen that and been through that!” Ophelia snapped but her voice was wavering, she was clearly horrified at the idea of an immortal army, her teary eyes snapping briefly to look at Gaius before looking back at Merlin, the young wizard giving her a pleading look. “We can get to it in time! We can keep it safe” Merlin pleaded, a single tear running down Ophelia’s cheek that she quickly wiped away, looking away from him, her jaw clenched with frustration and anger before sighing, a hand over her mouth as she nodded ever so slightly “I’m sorry, I really am but I’ve already fought someone who wanted to defy death, and now these might actually be able to achieve that?? No, my answer is no and it’s final, don’t try to talk me out of it” she muttered bitterly, sighing as she shook her head and walked past Merlin and out the door once she had all her things, halting outside in the hallway, letting out a heavy breath as she closed her eyes, already feeling a hint of regret but she pushed it away, reminding her of the last war, how it nearly cost her one of her best friends, and so her feet continued, down the hallway and as far out as she could get, exiting Camelot with hesitation.
Ophelia, despite her best attempts not to, continued to camp near Camelot, staring mindlessly into the magical fire that kept her warm, burning without fuel in front of her. It had been only a few days when she heard the marching of an army, giving her wand a wave and instantly the fire went out and her sleeping bag packed itself and flew down into her shoulder bag that was quickly hanging off Ophelia’s shoulder. She moved as quietly as possible towards the sound of thousands of footsteps marching as one, her eyes narrowing in the dark, soon opening wide at the sheer size of the army, her heart beginning to pound against her rib cage and she turned away, leaning against a tree with a groan, punching the tree in frustration before sighing, apparating, ending up in front of a very shocked Gaius, a sigh leaving her lips as she gave a brief nod “pack your things, Gaius” she stated softly, the elderly physician nodding “they’re here, aren’t they?”
“What happened to staying away to avoid the war?”
“Well… I know my friend Harry wouldn’t have stayed away… and Hermione would have smacked the back of my head for leaving in the first place…” Ophelia admitted with a frown, staring at Gaius a while longer as though she wanted to say something that she could barely get out, gulping before sighing “and-... I know Jaime wouldn’t have either…” she murmured, Gaius getting the sense that questions should be left for another time, concerning who Jaime was, Gaius instead nodding as he sighed and got ready.
Ophelia was helping Gaius pack up when she heard footsteps, her head snapping towards the door and without warning she practically shoved the things he was trying to pack into her bottomless bag, grabbing him and silently hurrying over to a broom closet, making sure he got inside first, closing the broom closet door the second the door to the physician’s quarters opened, Ophelia nearly holding her breath, her wand clutched tightly in her hand, her knuckles turning white as she slowly raised it up, ready to point it at whoever was out there, should the door open. Her breath was shallow as she heard muffled voices, her eyes finding Gaius’ in the dark, the elderly man shifting a little which caused a bucket to shift, Ophelia’s eyes wide in the darkness at the small sound, her ears straining to listen to any sound at her besides her racing heart. As she heard soft footsteps get closer, she had her wand at the ready, the door swinging open and she damn near hexed Merlin into the next century.
“Merlin!” Gaius shot past her to hug Merlin while Ophelia just stared at the floor in shock, eyes wide, throat dry and heart racing. “Ophelia!” Merlin hurried past Gaius who went to check on Arthur, his grin wide as he looked at her, Ophelia unable to prevent the shocked yet relieved smile to barely grace her lips as she nodded and let out a heavy breath. “You must have taken liquid luck or something” she muttered with amusement, Merlin just smirking at her as he gave her a shrug “don’t need luck when I have magic” he whispered, Ophelia letting out a breathy chuckle, her legs feeling unsteady as she leaned against a wall and shook her head while looking down, a grin on her lips. “Twenty points to Gryffindor for sheer dumb luck” she muttered with a chuckle, Merlin grinning, having remembered what Gryffindor stood for. “So, you think I’m brave?” he asked with a smirk, Ophelia scoffing as she was still trying to get her heart to calm down “I think you just so happen to be a very lucky idiot, that’s all” she breathed out with amusement, Merlin once again giving her an adorable grin. “Go on and get your stuff, I’m getting Gaius out of here but since you brought the muggle, I can’t apparate” Ophelia stated briefly, patting his shoulder as she moved past him to Arthur while Gaius tried to figure out how best to fix the problem at hand. Ophelia rolled her eyes, dug out a potion, grabbed Arthur by his nose, forcing him to open his mouth to breathe and the second he did, she dumped the liquid that was in the small vial, straight down his throat, letting go of his nose to cover his mouth with her hand “drink” she ordered, Arthur doing as told and Ophelia removed her hand, Arthur blinking as though a small bolt of electricity shot through him “what was that?”
“My own mixture, muggle caffeine being the main ingredient, keeps you awake. It was my go-to remedy when I studied late” she explained briefly as she put the vial back in her bag, just as the door slammed open and she was face to face with two strangers, her first instinct being to grab her wand but Gaius managed to catch her wrist just in time, before she had drawn it. “The king, sire, he’s alive!” Ophelia sighed, looking at Merlin over her shoulder, tuning out their conversation as she gently pulled Merlin aside. “I can’t apparate muggles, Merlin! And I think that’s the only way we can get out of here alive… Gaius is a muggle but-... he knows about us, but them? They’re muggles through and through!”
“How can you even tell??”
“Swords and caring about a ‘king’. We have a Minister of Magic where I’m from but in day-to-day life they’re rarely thought about unless you work in the Ministry or know that person directly” Ophelia explained quietly, turning to look at Arthur as he got up “this may be my last chance-”
“You’ll never make it.”
“I won’t leave my father to die here alone-”
“No you’ll just go ahead and die with him, make sure all of Camelot is lost forever” Ophelia stated casually, all eyes turning on her and she sighed, taking a small step forward. “Don’t be an idiot-”
“I’m the prince!”
“And you’re still an idiot. Think this through, ‘prince’, you charge against an immortal army with your very much mortal body, and then what? They cut you in half? What are you going to do with a sword through you? Ask them nicely to please not stab you? Your life wouldn’t be the only one you’re risking, you’d be risking Merlin, Gaius, these two bimbos,” Ophelia gestured to the two strangers, each of them frowning and glancing at each other with confusion, “try and think about your father. Try and imagine what he’d feel, knowing his stupid son charged against an immortal army as though he had a Firebolt broom up his arse. Stop being selfish and think… If you’re even capable of that” Ophelia hissed before turning to the two strangers “now, you two, get us out of here, these two idiots are going to stay behind” Ophelia almost ordered, the two strangers looking at Arthur who gave a brief nod, the two men leading Ophelia and Gaius out of the palace, Ophelia glancing over her shoulder at Merlin, a worried frown on her brows.
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officersnickers · 3 months
Everyone else: The miracle boy will be fine after a nap as well as more pressure and control on his part! No worries!
Mr.Priest: ... yeah maybe I should burn down earth for good.
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childe-of-saulot · 15 days
okay emmm asks...
What was the last thing you ate?
Any larp characters you are currently working on?
Favourite sound?
You have one (1) chance to stab Bel with a knife where would you stab him?
that's it for now...
maybe i can come up with more questions later
Last thing I ate were frozen pieces of mango, i like eating frozen fruits a lot. I dont have any new characters im working on, but i really need to get myself together and start making my prosthetics for my post apoc reoccurring character as the game is coming up this summer.
Favorite sound.... babbling brooks maybe... one of my comet partners makes this half laugh into a snort sound whenever i say something funny but really out of pocket. i like that one a lot.
Honestly i would rather slice Bel, or cut intricate patterns into him but if you're forcing me ;)) id like to stab him between the ulna and radius just clean thru, i think that would be kinda hot, that or or in the thigh, its just such a classic flirtatious place.
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