#unicorn wars angst
asktheplethaura · 1 year
If Only, If Only (Unicorn Wars Fanfiction)
(((Chapter One)))
Azulin had done it. He had been the last bear standing, and he had mauled the last standing unicorn. He had taken fate into his own hands, jumping with faith at the will of fate given to him by Padre. The yearning for something beautiful. Something eternal. Something MORE. He had been chasing this newfound dream for such a short time. Maybe that is where h went wrong.
Now, he lie here on the ground, watching as a looming monster of sludge and inky darkness towered over him. 
He was choking. The rotting flesh of the Unicorn he had just started to consume making his tongue burn and eye water. The flesh melting and spoiling further in his mouth. He felt his insides lurch, and his head grow light. 
Everything. Everything had been for nothing. 
This was where he would die. This is where he would meet the cruel end of his even more cruel life. Perhaps, it was a good thing. In his dying moments, it put everything into perspective. Everything he had ever done, or planned to do- it surely would have been only to make the now empty world worse. 
Massacre and Mass Special Genocide. All in the name of ascension and progression. In the name of fulfilling a prophecy that had lead to death and pain and misery. 
Was that even what he truly wanted? What did he even wish to accomplish? The become something beautiful, and wonderful. Eternal presence and power and beauty. 
All of it seemed so... trivial now. So useless. Lonely. 
Even from childhood, the thing he felt was loneliness. Not because he was alone, but because he had never done anything to feel more loved. He was spiteful ever since childhood. Vindictive, and angry; vengeance, pride and spite. He had always been drawn to such evil little impulses he had. He knew he was doing wrong, though, to be frank he always had. Once upon a time, he had known the word regret. 
In his final moments, regret felt like such a foreign, overwhelming feeling. 
The sludge over him had stabbed him through his abdomen. Playing with him, it was mocking his loss and enjoying his pain. In a way... the sludge reminded him of the current version of himself. Evil with no direction, and nothing to sustain it. Driven, but to where, after a certain point?
It was for the second time, in the longest time- Azulin cried. His innermost morality was showing, breaking through his cold, angry shell of a heart. All this time, his poisoned mentality was like a muddy lake. You know the ground is in there somewhere, but haven't a clue where to start looking. 
The world was growing fuzzy. Everything was turning into a blur of bleeding colors. Everything blended in an ugly hue. The world around him was so dark and lifeless. This is what the war had done. This is what he had contributed to. There was no eternity, nothing more than a lost dream and two collective societies of creatures who all died for nothing. Azulin didn't bother wiping his eyes free of the welling tears. His open socket burning because of the salty liquid leaking out of his somehow in-tact tear-duct. 
He felt cold. Ever so cold.
Despite how much he hated her before... Azulin finally admit to himself that he missed the warm grasp of his mother, pulling him into a hug- before resting her chin on his head as she pat his back. 
He missed his somber dad, patting him on the head when he was proud. 
He missed Gordi's voice. No matter how awful Azulin was... Gordi was there. The bigger, pink bear showing him nothing but love, despite the wretched way that Azulin had been around him his whole life. 
The tears started falling faster. The blue bear heard the cackling sludge monster, watching as it seemed to get bigger and bigger. It didn't matter anymore, anyways. The blue bear used every last bit of it's strength to flip over onto his aching stomach- and he desperately pulled his bleeding body over to his dead brother. The brother he had killed. 
Eventually, he was face-to-face with his deceased sibling. His clouded vision clearing for a moment. 
He stared despondently at the face of his brother. The darkened pink eyes unseeing as blood dripped down his forehead over his left side. Part of his brain was exposed, it seemed. Skull caved in from the rock bashed against it earlier. 
It was too late to say sorry. Sorry wouldn't even begin to cover all the mistakes he made. 
Willing himself to get closer, Azulin stifled a pained cry as he dragged his mostly limp body of a sharp rock. Eventually, he managed to wrap one of his bloodied, tired arms over Gordi- giving him something that would be about as close to a hug as his exhausted form could muster. 
Azulin blinked, tears falling down his face to the dampened, crimson-tainted grass. He swallowed. Even if sorry wouldn't fix anything... it was the best he could do. He had so much he wanted to apologize for, and his damaged throat wouldn't allow him. If he had such freedom to speak his ailing thoughts, he would probably make excuses. 
He can't justify what he has done. 
Leaning his head forward, Azulin closed his good eye, tightening his stiff arm around Gordi's shoulder, before closing his eyes. With his last breath, the very last thing he did manage to speak to the bigger, pink bear finally reached the open air. 
"I'm sorry... my brother."
At that point, the body of Azulin completely went limp, every tense limb freeing itself of stress. 
The last thoughts of the blue bear would only ever be known to himself, and himself only.
If there were ever anything he would want more in the world, it would be a fresh start. He would want to know how to cure his own vile nature. 
All he wished for now, was for a happy ending... for all of them.
((To Be Continued))
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scarletgemstone · 1 year
Unicorn wars gem au skit
Disclaimer I own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
context so the teddy bears are trying to find the twins bascicly the cuddly wuddly twins corruption and how I think it would go down
(the team wakes up and try’s to find the twins)
Gordi” cuddly wuddly where are you!?”
coco” keep looking they can’t be to far”
(Pandi and Azulin then screamed and everyone rushed over and they see a corrupted gem )
Pandi”that monster! It shattered the twins!
coco” weapons at the ready in position!”
(something drips from the tree adove on to the ground and the team looks up and sees the other twin seating on the branch)
Gordi” there you are jump down we’ll catch you”
(He jumps down and gordi snuggles and padre catch him and gently lay him down his hand is covering his gem)
mimosin”thank you my brother “
gordi “I’m sorry but your brother was….shattered
(They scare the corrupted gem off and tined to Mimosin )
mimosin” please my brother we both”
coco”it ok now the monster is gone I’m sorry we couldn’t save him “
Mimosin” aa no you don’t understand that monster is my brother “
(Everyone gasps)
gordi”what do you mean?”
Mimosin “when we got separated my brother tried to wounded away and I tried to follow but I don’t know how but I saw a corrupted gem I fought it but I realized it was him and I-I-I-I”
(Mimosin than screams in pain and everyone backs away Caricias eyes wounded in shock as gordi hugs him”
gordi “ your going to be ok here let me heal you”
(Coco places his hand on gordi’s shoulder)
coco” I’m sorry gordi but we need to go”
gordi “what but we can’t leave him like this “
(A claw gets near gordi )
Azulin” gordi watch out!”
(Coco pulls gordi away as Mimosin gets corrupted gordi tries to go to the twin)
gordi “please I need to heal him please let me go!”
coco” I’m sorry gordi”
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cariciapadre · 1 year
UW VIRUS AU STUFF !!! incase anyone is intrestef at all ueueueuue
- the virus comes from unicorn magic , which also means the virus is airbourne .
- the most common way to catch the virus is to be wounded by a unicorns horn . but its also as easy as just inhaling large amounts of the magic
- the virus attacks the digestive and integumentary system as well as the brain . and has 3 major stages
stage 1 is severe abdomonal pain , paleness , and fatigue . the skin starts to swell and cause major pain . vommiting can also happen during this stage but not as intense as stage 2
stage two is where the " draining " begins . basically literally spewing out of every hole imaginable . The swelling of the skin quickly becomes blisters and boils . this process is where the digestive organs themselves start rapidly rotting . the secreted bodily fluids are always rainbow coloured and glowing . infected may begin acting strange due to rotting of the prefrontal cortex
stage 3 , the infected is most likely dead at this point ( from shock or just .. yk organ failure ) . the blisters pop and burn the skin . stomach bloats immensily and eventually even blows up in the body , causing the entire abdomonal area to burst out . fluids go from rainbow and glowy to a sludgy black tar . if the rotting digestive organs didnt kill the infected bear the rotting of the brain definitely did .
- bear to bear transmission can only happen if the one bear injests any of the secretions from the infected bear . particals of unicorn magic can still be inhaled , so though its not likely it can still be transmitted via airbourne
status of each character ( not totally official but yeah )
Gordi : alive and uninfected
Azulin : alive and uninfected
Coco : alive and uninfected
Achuchones : alive and uninfected
Padre : alive and uninfected
Blacky : alive but infected , manages to stay alive long enough to get to a hospital
Sonrisas : dead and infected , the first to start showing symptoms
Pandi : dead and infected , second one to die
Mimo twin 1 : dead and infected , third to die
Mimo twin 2 : dead and infected , died around the same time as mimo 1
Caricias : dead and infected , begged padre to kill him before he could pass stage 1
story is under developed rn . so i will rb with the story when i have kt . BUT I NEEDED TO WRITE THIS DOWN !! im gona try to . make a comic out of this au . SO YEAH
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jazzcat247 · 1 year
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Graphic and/or Trigger Content warning: Mild Gore, Trauma, and Talk of Amputation.
Paolo cradled Jules' soft, downy neck fur as the shivers continued. He had never received or gave a hug to the lankier bear in month's, if ever. Part of that was due to their... unfortunate encounter, as Father put it, with the unicorn stampede. How Jules had stood over him as he readied his bow. How he barely noticed the hooved demons coming straight for them. How they were lucky to be alive-!
Paolo heard very little, since this was his longest time of consciousness in weeks. He barely knew why father had been so keen on yapping his ear off as the doctors worked. He also didn't know why they gave him so many sleepy pills. By the time he woke up, he.... saw his legs... saw his knees..... his stumps-
Paolo felt cold. He didn't want those pills anymore. He didn't want to sleep anymore. He didn't want to be in this bed anymore... He wanted to know when he'd leave. He wanted to know where his friends were. He wanted to know how jules was. He wanted to thank jules, to talk to jules, he was right there-! But... He felt cold. They both were. They felt cold, scared, and terrible.
By the time he climbed into Jules bed, Paolo thought he'd be kicked and smacked around by the jittery mass of sensitive fur and flesh. But... no sooner had he locked eyes with a pair of ruby red hues did he feel a pair of pale paws wrap around his neck. Though they didn't choke. They didn't pinch, they didn't punch, and they didn't even feel hurtful. They felt.... cold. The body that pressed against him, that huddled against him, felt cold. He never felt so light yet so weighted down in a hug before.
"j-Je.... Je veux aller.... a la maison."
"Si.... Si, Nosotros podemos hacer eso."
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ily-tothecore · 10 months
more sterek fic recs - all completed
finally, some more sterek! enjoy :)
quiet perfection by hyperlittlenori - this is one of my favourite sterek fics ever, it's honestly one of the softest things i've ever read and it has me grinning from ear to ear every single time i read it. it's an AU with a deaf derek and a sign speaking stiles. they meet for the first time at the station and are instantly enamoured with each other. all i want is for this fic to become a series, i just want more of them.
chasing slumber by hyperlittlenori - another fic by this author! this is some of the most intense sterek smut i've ever read in my life, i literally forgot to breathe during it. the boys use sex to cope but it's a lot healthier than it sounds, i swear. there's also a lot of fluff, i love this one so much. this authors writing is immaculate.
from love not lust by hyperlittlenori - another one, i know! this one is just really simple and sweet. the boys fall in love through book annotations and it's so extremely soft. asexual derek is beautiful.
deaton's dream beans by thenerdnextdoor - a coffeeshop/bookstore AU! derek is a brooding hermit who owns a bookstore and stiles is an obnoxious but adorable barista who's trying to start a war with a rival coffee shop. this is such a fun story, with a tiny bit of angst and a whole lot of fluff. also, background thiam! i've read this multiple times, it's just so silly.
i ain't scared of your teeth by antisepticdork - stiles gets attacked by harpies, derek gets growly about it, they fall in like. this one is very much a 'monster of the week' fic, very chill and a bit goofy.
we've written volumes (in blood and scars and ink) by notthequiettype - stiles gets attacked by the alpha pack and derek nurses him back to health with a whole lotta werewolf healing mojo. solid banter, minor smut and a lot of fluff.
you saw me standing alone by orphan account - so obviously i like fics where stiles gets hurt and derek plays the sexy nurse, because here's another one! this is such a sweet fic, and the smut at the end is A+, slutty bottom derek is one of my favourite flavours of derek. he mewls, guys. mewls.
this is ridiculous by zosofi - a pining derek, a bloodthirsty, virgin killing unicorn and an oblivious, virginal stiles stilinski. this fic is so goofy and i love it.
warm shadows by stilinskisparkles - stiles gets hurt after another kidnapping and derek offers to help him out while he heals. a zero angst fic with some great banter and an evil peter hale thrown into the mix. these boys are so in love i wanna scream.
hear it in the silence by elisela - post season six fic where stiles and derek are best friends. stiles drags derek along on an impromptu road trip to escape the pressure of college and they realise they're in love along the way. such a romantic fic with top tier healthy communication, it's just a really beautiful story about falling in love with your best friend.
click here for part one of my sterek fic recs :)
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year
Joyous Nightmares - Part 3
PAIRING: Severus Snape x (Professor) Reader
SUMMARY: A year after surviving the Second Wizarding War, Severus Snape begins to have joyous nightmares where he dreams of having a wife and a daughter. These dreams bring him nightmares because he doesn't believe that he'll ever get married or have a family of his own. So what happens when the wife in his dreams is revealed to be you?
Warning: Nothing graphic, but Severus’s near-fatal attack by Nagini is described. Angst and nightmares once more. 
Part 1 | Part 2
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*GIF isn't mine, unsure of credit
Sleep overcomes an unwilling Severus that night. Dreams also invade his sleep since his dreamless sleep potions haven’t finished brewing. 
Nighttime approaches as Severus walks down the path toward Hagrid’s hut. He wonders if his daughter had fun with the gamekeeper that day. His question is answered when the door of the hut bursts open and she comes running towards him. For a five-year-old, she runs amazingly fast. 
“Daddy, Daddy! Hagrid showed me unicorns and hippogriffs!” she shouts. Practically launching herself at his legs, she grasps the fabric of his trousers and points at Buckbeak. “He let me pet Buckbeak too!” The gamekeeper emerges from the hut and approaches the pair, smiling. 
“Oi, Professor Snape! Sorry. I didn' mean ter let her run out o' the house, tha' one.” he apologizes. “Yer daughter is a sweet little girl.”
 “Thank you for watching her and showing her your creatures, Hagrid. She has been excited to play with the live versions of her toys for a long time.” He smiles down at his daughter and cocks his head in Hagrid’s direction. “Sweetheart, what do you say to Hagrid?”
“Thank you!” she says and hugs Hagrid’s legs as she smiles sweetly up at him.  
“O' course, little one,” he replies and pats her affectionately on the head. 
Severus’s daughter grabs his hand and they walk back to Hogwarts together. Along the way, she rambles about every creature she petted and fed. Severus warmly smiles at his daughter’s excitement. Several students stare as Severus passes by them with his daughter in tow. “Should you not be returning to your houses?” he sneers at them to protect his reputation as the harsh dungeon bat. The students quickly scamper away and Severus beckons his daughter to their quarters. 
He pushes the door open to the sound of music playing from a small radio and fire crackling from the fireplace. Water rushes from the shower and Severus’s daughter is about to open the bathroom door when he stops her. She looks disappointed, but he reassures her, “Wait for Mummy to finish her shower and I will warm up milk for you. All right?”
She nods and jumps onto the sofa. He searches the fridge for milk as the bathroom door creaks open, revealing you in pajamas. “Hi. I thought I heard you two coming in. How was Hagrid’s, sweetheart?”
“He showed me unicorns and hippogriffs!” she gushes. A unicorn plushie flies into her hands and she changes the body of the unicorn to have a yellowish tint. “One of them looked like Angel, but she was a baby so she was yellow.”
“How cute is that!” you say enthusiastically. “Next time we can look at them together!” The both of you giggle and Severus smiles as he turns on the stove. He warms the milk for his daughter and when he hands it to her, he finally notices her features. She has his black hair while every other feature mirrors yours: the eyes, nose, lips, and cheeks. Soon after she finishes the milk, her parents wash her and put her to sleep. 
Once Severus changes into his nightclothes, he cuddles with you in bed. Water remaining from your hair wets his shirt, but he doesn’t care. He focuses on how he can feel your breasts through the thin fabric of your pajamas and how your legs are practically fused to his. He tilts his head down and sees you looking down at him. “Are you tired?” you whisper and move your hand from his jaw to his chest. You take more time tracing your hand down his stomach and where he needs it most while wickedly batting your eyelids at him. 
“Not when your hand is all over me.”
You laugh softly and kiss his neck. “Then let’s stay up a little longer.” You swing one leg fully over his leg and lower your body onto him. Severus tilts himself upwards and presses a kiss onto your lips.
A whirlwind of emotions runs through Severus, but the emotion that prevails is longing. He considers you to be a friend and has never recognized that perhaps, he does harbor romantic feelings for you. You have the sweetest smile, the gentlest eyes, and the most beautiful laugh. How was he such a fool not to realize the true meaning of the warmth enveloping him whenever you laugh? And Merlin, that dream. He selfishly wishes it had carried on so he could feel your body enveloping his. 
Then a sense of guilt hits him. You see him as a friend and nothing more, for Merlin’s sake. He’s ashamed that he dreamt of you in such a way. How can he possibly sit next to you in the Great Hall in a few hours and look at you like nothing has happened? The worst part is that you won’t even know why he’s ignoring you. But it’s better this way; he can’t fathom the look of disgust on your face if you knew that he dreamt of your hands roaming over his body. You’re too good, too kind for this. Especially since you just offered to accompany him to Hogsmeade and the Black Lake. 
This is too much for him to handle and his body begins to shake. Tears run down his cheeks and sobs wrack his body. The nearest vase becomes the victim of his emotions as he throws it at the wall, shattering it into porcelain shards. He kicks a messy pile of books and they go flying, knocking down other items they’ve hit. He grabs his wand and explodes a glass jar, spilling its contents everywhere. Severus attempts to calm himself by balling his fingers into a tight fist until his knuckles go white and blood is drawn from the fingernails pressing his palm. Slow, shallow breaths escape him, but they do nothing to calm his internal state. 
Finally, he collapses onto the bed, head between his hands, and allows the emotions of all the dreams to overtake him once more. A selfish part of him wishes that he truly did have a daughter that looks like you. Wishful thinking, that is, considering that you’d never dream of dating him, let alone marrying him. 
A knock sounds on the door, startling Severus. He swallows his sobs and wipes his eyes with his hands. Though, whoever is on the other end knows he’s inside since they knock more insistently this time. He attempts to ignore them again. Cold chills run down his body when he hears their voice. “Severus, I know you’re in there! Please, open up!”
It’s you. What a fool he is for forgetting that you’re patrolling the corridors tonight. He doesn’t know what to do. Leave you at the door or face the one person he never wants to face again? Who is he kidding? He wants to see you more than anyone in the world, but he has to push you away. Then again, it would be cruel to you to completely ignore you, so he settles on shouting, “I am fine! You can leave!”
“Stop lying to me! I heard crashes in there!” Usually, your voice is gentle and kind; now, you sound insistent and a little desperate. A pang of guilt hits him once more, so he swings the door open. 
The light from your wand shines onto Severus, causing him to shrink back in an attempt to hide his puffy red eyes. With the way you’re staring at him, you must think of him as an ugly, pitiful creature. “Oh, Severus. What happened? I’ve been worried about you for so long! Please, talk to me,” you beg and you sound like you’re on the verge of tears. How sweet you are for caring so deeply about him. 
“I… I…” he stammers and you draw your head back to look at him expectantly. He quickly breaks eye contact and points at the smashed jar and its contents oozing on the floor. “I am upset because I dropped my favorite potion ingredient.” 
You raise your eyebrows at him. “I don’t believe you.” The concern is still there, but he feels like a silly schoolboy being caught in a lie. 
Sighing, Severus whispers, “What do you want me to say?” He wishes you would leave him to his thoughts and accept his lies, but Merlin you will not give up. It would be so much easier for you to stop caring about him. 
“The truth,” you say and let go of him. He misses the warmth of your hug, but you soon take his hands into yours. Blood reddens his normally pale skin and he’s thankful that your wand is pointing downward so you can’t see his face too well in the darkness. “You don’t know how horrible I feel every time you walk into breakfast dead tired like you’re an inferi or something. Sure, you’re grumpy most of the time, but you snap at the students more than usual. I know something is wrong and it kills me that you won’t talk to me about it. I’m your friend and I promise that I won’t judge you.”
“Yes, you will,” he grunts and tears reform in his eyes. Get a hold of yourself, Severus tells himself. He blinks away the tears and retracts his hands. 
“You will judge me,” he whispers. “You have no idea what I have been thinking and you would be revolted if you knew.”
“You’re wrong.” You sound more determined as you speak. “I’ve always known that you’re a good person even if your tongue is sharp. When you killed Dumbledore and took over as Headmaster, the other professors and staff members would rip you apart behind your back. I never partook in that. I knew that you were serving as a double spy and that every deed you did was so we could win the war. No matter what happened, my belief in you has never wavered. So whatever this is, I don’t think it can be worse than pretending to be a Death Eater.”
He turns around and steps toward a shelf without the broken glass so you can’t see the tears falling out of his eyes because of your utter devotion to him. How could he go through with his plan of ignoring you when you’re so loyal to him? Caution is thrown to the wind when Severus confesses, “I have been having nightmares. In these nightmares, I dream that I have a wife and child.”
A pause fills the air and Severus finally looks you in the eye. You look somewhat relieved now that he’s confided in you, but your face has fallen. “Do you not want to get married and have kids?”
A year ago, he wouldn’t have hesitated to give a firm, indefinite “no.” Now, though? He supposes he does. A wife and child would certainly fill the loneliness he’s forever had in his heart. “I do. It is only that I…” he hesitates, “I do not believe that I will ever get married or have children.”
“Why’s that?” 
Embarrassment burns at his cheeks and more tears threaten to spill from his eyes. Oddly, this feels worse than that moment by the Black Lake with Lily. It feels like you’re forcing him to confess how he feels for you, how he’s just realized that he longs for you no matter how genuine and supportive you seem to be. “Do not make me say it.”
“I don’t understand,” you say. Honesty fills your eyes, beckoning him to open up to you. 
“Look at me. No woman would want to marry, let alone date me,” he says and he gestures at himself. He runs a finger along his greasy hair and hooked nose to demonstrate his point that he’s a hideous dungeon bat. A dry, humorless laugh escapes him in the hopes of lightening the mood. 
“That’s not true,” you reply and step toward him. In the dim light from a glowing insect in a jar, Severus can see your eyes and the look in it is something he can’t decipher. 
“I appreciate your words of consolation, yet they are nothing but a white lie,” he scoffs and turns away from you. 
“They aren’t,” you whisper. You step towards him cautiously, in case he’ll swat you away. But he doesn’t. You move to him until you’re so close that he can feel your breath on his face. 
For a second, Severus wishes that you’d kiss him. She would never want to do that, he thinks to himself. His cheeks redden in embarrassment at his inappropriate thoughts. 
But your face is moving ever so close to him, and then you’re getting on your tippy toes, and your lips are hovering right next to his, and you finally kiss him. His head spins as your hands cup his face and pull him impossibly closer to you. He doesn’t know where to put his limp arms, how to breathe, or why you fancy him, but all that matters is the exhilarating feeling of your soft lips against his chapped lips. 
You finally release him when you need air, but you lean your forehead against his and breathlessly laugh. With his newfound ability to move, he places his hands on yours and laughs with you. 
Eternity seems to pass as you stare at each other until Severus whispers, “When?”
You understand without clarification and you tell him, “I don’t really know. I guess I always found you handsome.” Severus rolls his eyes and opens his mouth in response, but you silence him with a quick kiss. “I don’t want to hear any of it,” you say and kiss his nose. If you’re willing to kiss his nose, then perhaps he shouldn’t feel so insecure about it. 
“After the battle, I noticed that you were missing from the Great Hall. I walked through the area with the wounded at least twice and I couldn’t bring myself to look at the dead until I had to. It was when I couldn’t find you amongst the dead either that I finally realized how I felt for you. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if I missed out on the opportunity to tell you how I feel,” you whisper and give a dry laugh. If Severus wasn’t listening intently, he wouldn’t be able to hear your low voice. “But when you were healing, I didn’t want to burden you with how I felt. And then I guess I was too shy.”
Unbeknownst to Voldemort, Severus carried the antidote to Nagini’s venom wherever he went. When Voldemort left the Shrieking Shack and he gave his memories to Potter, he poured the vial down his throat and healed his bite wounds. The loss of blood knocked him out until the battle was won and even when he regained consciousness, he could barely find the energy to move. Although he eventually managed to apparate to an unoccupied building in Hogsmeade, he realized he wouldn’t be welcome amongst the others at Hogwarts. A desolate street seemed to be the best place to hide and he slumped along a wall, allowing himself to regain his strength. 
Then he heard your voice calling out for him. At first, he thought he had fallen asleep and he was dreaming of you. But when you crouched in front of him and inspected his body for wounds, he vaguely recognized you as a real, living being. He didn’t question why you were looking for him or why you didn’t kill him as you apparated him to St. Mungo’s. Sometimes he pondered those questions, but he never asked you why.
“I am glad you found the courage to say something now.” Severus brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear and initiates the kiss this time. Gaining confidence with your confession and previous kisses, he lets his hands roam down your body until they rest on your waist. As his tongue slips between your lips, he thinks that he will never get tired of this delightful feeling. 
Soft breaths sound around the bedroom. Severus feels your chest rising and lowering as you sleep cuddled against his body. One arm is wrapped around you and supports your head, while the other gently soothes the baby sleeping on his chest. He knows your daughter can’t sleep with her parents in bed for now, but he wants to enjoy comforting his child before he puts her in her crib. 
The view outside the window isn’t the same as the one in his dreams; the grass outside is green and the flowers grow in beds around the yard, but other cozy houses surround his own. But perfectly recreating his joyous nightmares into a reality years later doesn’t matter to him. All that matters is that he has the two of you and that his joyous nightmares no longer haunt him; they only bring him joy. 
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shadowbriar · 1 year
Fred Weasley - Would've, Could've, Should've
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Pairing : Fred Weasley x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 3.3k Warning : Implication of alcohol. War. Some foul words. Italics for past events (ew). Fluff. Let me know if I missed anything. Not proofread. Synopsis : The three times Fred Weasley should've professed his feelings and the one time he finally did. Notes : I intended this piece to be an angst ending but I supposed Fred fluff is due. Don't forget to fill the form here if you'd like to be tagged for my future works. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕ Fred Weasley's Masterlist click here.
Fred Weasley finds it hard to find comfort on his old squeaky bed. It has been weeks since Harry, Ron and Hermione fled the wedding. There have been no words, no owls. Supposedly that means that they’re still in hiding. No news means no harm done. There’s no way Voldemort would have kept silent had he and his followers found Harry.
Fred hates it. Not knowing what to do nor what to expect next. The uncertainty is driving him mad. One of these days the war will happen and until then, Fred is left with nothing but the empty void he’s been trapped in for days.
He’s prepared himself well. Practising his spells and curses in the morning and at nights, before and after he busied himself with the joke shop. Her words ring in his head, like an infinite loop of heavenly melodic song. A pleasant earworm that he never wished to evict from his mind. The only thing keeping him afloat was her smile, her scent, her voice.
Perhaps it is what fueled his pestered mind. The fact that he hasn’t been able to be honest with his feelings to her, to gather the courage and be bold as he’s always tried to be in front of others. Everyone knows about his deep devotion for her. That stupid truth or dare game Hermione introduced them back in Hogwarts had to be the ugliest way of a confession and it couldn’t even be counted as one. It was simply an honest answer.
“Don’t fight it Freddie, it’ll only hurt you.” Hermione says with a teasing smile. 
The veritaserum is certainly doing its job. Fred winches as he feels his skin stabbed with a thousand needles, trying his best to fight the honesty banging to be let out.
“Come on, Fred, answer the question!” Harry said, pushing him “Who is it that you fancy? Angelina? Alicia? Go on, spill it!”
Fred bites his lower lip hard, not caring the bitter taste of blood as it starts to rip.
He turns to see her, the girl who anticipates his answer just like the rest of the group. Her eyes were twinkling, smile spreading beautifully. The light from the fireside reflects on her, making her look ethereal. His cheeks were burning, unable to contain the emotions any longer as he finally blurted her name.
She blinks, looking surprised.
The rest of the students were stunned too for a brief moment, before exchanging their expressions into a playful one, smirking and nudging her. She let out a shy smile, not daring to see Fred’s gaze as her cheeks turned a shade of pink.
“I mean, it’s just a silly crush.” Fred says fast, afraid she might feel uncomfortable at his unplanned confession. But the lie hurt him worse and made him spill more truth “No— I lied. I love her. Shit, this thing hurts like unicorn balls.”
Her giggles echo through the common room. Fred finds himself smiling a little at her reaction, thankful that she didn’t find it baffling of him to fancy her. Though he’s sure she’s only showing modesty. She’s always been good at keeping his feelings after all.
Fred sighs as he rests his arm on top of his eyes. He should’ve done something then, after unintentionally uttering his feelings, perhaps he should’ve approached her and handled it better. Come with better words, ask her for a proper date, anything but to shrug the incident away. Just like what he did.
Don’t ask him what it is that makes it so hard to gather the gut and confess. He’s been trying to find the one reason for years now. Perhaps he was just insecure, feeling like he is less deserving of her affection. Or maybe he fears ruining the friendship they’ve nurtured over the years. It’s not everyday you can be close with your love interest, afterall. Most of the time it would only create misunderstanding and awkwardness, but with her, he finds support and comfort instead.
But that one game wasn’t the only time he could’ve made his move. If anything, it was only the beginning of more chances he had missed. That game happened when he was in fifth year. There have been plenty other opportunities for him to seize and be true to his feelings, yet he didn’t.
Fred stares at the seated girl from the corner of the room. He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of her. The stunning decorations of the Ball was nothing compared to her beauty tonight. How her hair was styled, the simple yet enchanting dress that fits her like a glove, everything about her was lovely to say the least.
His date, Angelina, has been long gone with her friends. She might have noticed Fred’s lack of enthusiasm for the dance and decided to ditch him. He feels rather guilty for not making Angie’s night, but it’s hard to try and please other people when your heart is locked on another.
She was escorted by some Slytherin git who defeated him on his race with time. Fred curses himself for taking too much time on thinking of clever lines instead of actually approaching her and asking her to be his date. He thought that people would know better than to ask her. They’ve been close for years, surely others could understand that they’re unspokenly an item. These other lads could’ve taken literally any other girl than her.
As George would nag him, he snoozes, he loses.
But after lurking at her like the creep he is for quite some time, Fred comes to the understanding that she too has been ditched by his date. A voice in his head wants to give this bloke a taste of his knuckles for leaving her alone like this, but a bigger part in him was thankful that she could now be rescued by him.
“Fancy a dance?” Fred asks, putting his hand out for her to reach.
She raises her brows, smiling in confusion, “Where’s your date?”
“Gone.” He shrugs, not paying much mind to her question “So.. Dance?”
She scrunches her nose. A habit she does whenever she’s embarrassed to do something. Her growing grin and suppressed giggle was pumping Fred’s vein with bliss. He caresses the back of her hand that was covered in white satin glove as they walk to the middle of the floor.
“I have to warn you, I might not have the best foot at dancing.”
Fred smiles at her, winking, “Well then, let me lead.”
Even as she bit her lips, the happy grin was still blooming on her face. They were dancing with whatever move Fred wanted to do, not caring that they are so out of rhyme than the rest of the other couples. He lifts her up, twirls her, before doing the same motions on himself, making her burst into fits of laughter.
 Their eyes were locked on each other, completely captivated as they felt the world around them melt away. In that very moment, Fred, who thought that he couldn’t have fallen for her harder than he already is, was proven to be yet again mistaken. He could always and will always fall for her harder than he already did before.
She places her hands on his shoulders. Their height difference made it hard for her to cling on his neck, so resting them on his shoulders should do. Her smile was muted down but still radiates the very same joy. Fred would certainly argue that at this very moment, she is the most beautiful woman in his life.
“Can I kiss you?”
Her eyes widened at the sudden burst of questions.
“I mean on the forehead, of course.” Fred said fast, trying to save the moment before he ruins it completely. His heart was beating fast, afraid she might let go and walk away “Completely platonic. You’re my best friend, after all.”
She pursed her lips. A slight disappointment was visible in her eyes but as quick as it came, the expression disappeared and changed into another lovely one, “Of course, Fred.”
“Bloody hell.” Fred groans to himself as the memory hits him like a tidal wave “Really? A kiss on the forehead? Fucking bell-end you are, Fred Weasley.”
He takes the pillow that was resting on his side to cover his face, screaming on it to let out some fumes. He really needs to get his head sorted. It’s fascinating how she’s still sticking around and having the very same lovely attitude towards him after all the baffling actions and mortifying words he’s uttered.
Even when he told her he was leaving, she was still his number one supporter.
Fred fidgets with his fingers as he waits for her by the oak tree. He’s asked Seamus to give her the word that he’s waiting for her, at the very moment he knew she’d finished her transfiguration class. His palms were flimsy, nervous of her reaction later after he finally spilled the bean. Would she still be there for him, cheering and patting him on the shoulder after this?
“Fred,” she calls, a curious smile plastered on her confused face “You wanted to see me?”
He chews the inner side of his cheek, responding in a nod.
“Okay..” She scrunches her nose, cheeks are highlighted in a strawberry colour as she takes closer steps “What is it?”
“I need to tell you something.”
She nods, eyes full of anticipation, “Go on.”
“I’m leaving.”
The glimmer in her eyes dim down as the words enter her ears. Her excited face was soon exchanged to a disappointed and puzzled one. It was as if she expected him to tell her something else.
“We have enough money now to open the shop and I don’t think we should wait any longer. Not even until graduation.” Fred continues to explain, eyes filled with uncertainty “Me and George are planning to leave by the end of this week.”
“This week?” She asks, surprised “That’s— That’s very sudden.”
Fred nods, “I know, but this is the very time for us to flee Umbridge, don’t you think? If we were to leave now, we could have more products prepared for the next school term, so students can get their pranking supplies from us.”
She remains quiet, not looking like she was even half listening.
“And we heard that there’s a shop for rent in Diagon Alley. We’re thinking of buying it and renovating it. We ought to start early before the market is full, otherwise we wouldn’t get customers.”
“You’re leaving.” She says in a soft whisper, still trying to comprehend his words. She licks her lip, forcing a smile as she places her hands on his shoulders “I am so very proud of you Fred. Of you and George, both. I’m sure the business will thrive. You two are gifted for it.”
Fred nods, breathing uneven as he debates if he should put a line here and end the conversation. They would still see each other later on, so perhaps he could postpone his confession a little longer. But he would certainly be busy with the shop later, should the business actually thrive as she said, and might not have time to utter his feelings. And that’s not considering the competition he might have now that she’s older and has certainly grown into a mesmerising woman.
“Would that be all, Fred?” She asks as if hoping that there is more from him.
Fred clears his throat, “Uh, yes. Yes, that would be all.”
She nods, smiling genuinely as she takes closer steps and reaches for his cheek, planting a small kiss on it, “I’m so proud of you, Fred. Good luck.”
Fred turns his gaze to his bedside table. There, lies the one photograph he holds very dearly. Its edges were slightly ripped from constant touch he’s done. They were smiling there. His arm resting on her shoulder as he ruffled her hair, resulting in an irritated glare as she pushed him off of her.
He missed her. It has been months since he last saw her. He’s been diligent on reading the papers, making sure that her name wasn’t listed as one of the victims through the chaos ensued. She’s always been someone with a brilliant moral compass and determination, and though it is one of the many things he loved most about her, Fred couldn’t help but to feel worried that it might cause her troubles.
“Fred, are you asleep?” George says as he barges in his room, breaking his train of thoughts “We’ve just received a message from Aberforth— Harry’s at Hogwarts. The Order will rendezvous there, we must go.”
The ringing in his ears was becoming louder. His eyes were watering from the debris, chest tight from the dust and smoke of explosions. Fred was in loss of direction, though there isn’t anyone who’d know the castle better than him, he couldn’t make sense of where to go, only trusting his burning legs to carry him elsewhere. Somewhere the Death Eaters couldn’t find him.
Somewhere between the Astronomy Tower and here, he’d separated with George. He could only hope that his twin is in a better situation than him, found shelter or help to punch the Death Eaters away.
Fred’s speed finally decreases as an explosion happens behind him, blasting the Death Eaters that were chasing him away. He stares at the now ruined hallway, panting as he tries to rest his legs and catch a breath.
“Are you alright?” A girl says with worry, placing her hands to his cheeks and analysing his condition “Are you hurt anywhere?”
Fred pants, unable to utter any word. His vision was still blurred. He wasn’t sure he was still alive. Maybe the blast hit him, or he was buried under the ruins of the crumbling hallway, either way would be a better explanation to the sight he’s seeing right now. He could feel her hands scanning his body, trying to see if he was injured anywhere as the lack of words clearly didn’t provide any ease for her.
“Good God, say something, Fred!” She yells, frustrated before turning her heels and pulling his arm to the hallway “Come on, we’ve got to go.”
Now the two of them are running, climbing down the many stairs of The Grand Staircase. They were cornered. More Death Eaters were waiting for them downstairs, still unaware of their upcoming presence. Before they could take their turn and descend further, Fred pulled her away to the smaller corridor and opened a secret passage.
The channel was cramped. Stone walls lit by torches that magically set ablaze as they came in. The tunnel didn’t give her any sense of comfort, noting the eerie air it has and how quiet it is compared to the turmoil happening outside. It was as if they were sucked into a different dimension now.
“We have to get back,” She says with audible pants “We have to help the others.”
“Just give me a second to breathe, Love.” Fred says with a pathetic chuckle, trying to gather his energy back “There were Death Eaters waiting for us down there, we have to go the other way.”
She nods in understanding, finally leaning to the stone walls and letting her guards down for a minute.
Fred stares at her, still slightly crunching down with his hands on his knees. He knew that he shouldn’t be thinking about her this way, given the grave situation they are currently in, but he couldn’t help but to think of just how blessed he is to be graced with her presence. Her cheeks were flushed, skin laced with sweat that made it seem as if she was glowing. Her hair was unkempt from all the running. She gave a whole new meaning to the word beautiful in his book.
“Quit staring.” She mutters, a little smile tugging on her lips “We don’t have time for an awkward reunion right now.”
He chuckles, shaking his head, “I don’t know whether to be happy or mad.”
“Why would you be mad? I saved your arse just now.”
“I know,” He nods in acknowledgement “I just didn’t exactly have this in mind, Death Eaters and deathly jinx, when I finally meet you again.”
She smiles, finding the situation to be rather ironic also.
She wipes the sweat on her forehead with her sleeves. Her breathing has become steadier, taking out her wand again as if she’s ready to face whatever fight to come. That look of determination is back on her face. Fred could never recall any other time when she looked more courageous than this, but before she went to find the exit to this tunnel, he took her wrist and made her pause on her feet.
“Wait,” He says. Fred’s eyes were filled with uncertainty now. A silent battle is happening in his mind, whether or not he should come clean to her now. The setting was unideal, certainly far from the romantic scenarios he’s planned in his head for years, but there was no guarantee that either of them could come out of this alive and he knew he’d kill himself if he died without telling her how he feels “I need to tell you something.”
Her brows furrow a little, looking at his body to scan for injuries he might not have mentioned before, “Are you hurt?”
“No, no I’m not hurt.” Fred answers fast “It’s about something else. About what I’m feeling– What I have been feeling.. For you.”
“Fred,” She calls softly, taking his hands to hers and squeezing it gently with a smile “I appreciate the sentiment, truly, but you can be really daft sometimes. We have no time for this now.”
He frowns, slightly taken aback at her blunt words.
“I’ve waited years for you to muster up the courage, I deserve a proper confession, don’t you think? Not one done in some dark rotten tunnel like this.” She says with a chuckle. She places a small kiss to his cheek, still smiling warmly at him “Tell me whatever it is you want to tell me once this is all done, alright? I expect some sappy speech and flowers at disposal.”
“I’ll redo this once we’re out but I just have to get the words out now. I need to.” He states firmly “Voldy could wait for another minute, I’m sure the fight would still be there when we get out of this hole.”
Hesitation was still evident in her eyes but she nodded in defeat, staring right back at him with full attention, “Alright.”
“I love you,” Fred starts head on “I’ve loved you for as long as I’ve known you, perhaps longer cause I know I’ve been staring at you from afar since the first time I laid eyes on you. My heart is yours, always. And I just— I— Oh, fuck this.”
The lack of words were so frustrating that he caved in to adrenaline and kissed her instead, hoping that the gesture could convey the message better than his rambling. He kissed her desperately, as if he feared he could never do it again. His hands cupped her cheeks, slightly crouching down so she doesn’t have to be on her tippy toes for too long. He kissed her with all the pent up emotions he bottled all these years. Letting it all burst into fireworks that set every inch of his skin ablaze.
They were panting once again as they pulled away. Chest heaving from all the intense emotions. His nose was brushing into hers, forehead touching as they savoured every ticking second. None of them wanted to leave.
“I love you.” He whispered once more “I am utterly, unequivocally, desperately in love with you.”
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you to say that.” She replies with a smile “That better not be the last time I hear it.”
Fred chuckles, planting a kiss to her forehead, “Trust me, you’ll tire hearing it once we get out of this.”
“I swear it.”
She smiles wide, satisfied that all these times spent waiting for him to confess finally comes to an end.
“I’ll find better words to say later.” Fred says tenderly.
“Don’t forget the flowers.”
He chuckles, nodding, “And flowers.”
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
hello! i’ve recently fallen down a bit of a rabbithole into the drarry fandom despite the fact it’s probably been ten years since i read the books, and i’m really enjoying reading your posts interpreting the canon and wandlore. that being said, if harry walked back into ollivanders after the war, what wand do you think he’d be placed with? holly wood made sense during the war, since “holly wands often choose owners who are engaged in some dangerous and often spiritual quest” according to jkr, but i can’t imagine it fitting super well once harry’s dangerous quest is over.
(i also cannot get over draco’s unicorn hair wand working well for harry during the war. like… they ARE a canon ship wtf)
Yessss. Come back to the drarry fandom. We have angst! xD Seriously though thank you for this ask. I'm so delighted that you've been enjoying my posts.
This is a fascinating question. I've often wondered about how much the fact that he was chosen by the twin wand to the one that chose Tom Riddle was influenced by the Horcrux within him and whether that would mean his wand might stop working as well for him after the soul shard in him was destroyed. I think it could be a very interesting (and angsty!) plot for a fic though generally I pretend I do not see it because I like his wand and I like him with it. I think since he and his wand went through so much together and since after the war he becomes an Auoror which presumably has lots of excitement we could make a reasonable argument that his wand would stay with him and they would continue to work well together (or at least that's what I like to tell myself).
Given all the changes and conflict and emotional turmoil Harry would be going through postwar and given how contradictory and complex his temperment and character is (wish this got more play in fics because Harry has more layers than an onion!) I can actually see him ending up with a hawthorn & phoenix feather wand. I think it's an interesting combination that would fit him AND I love it for the drarry parallels.
Separately, I also think Draco's hawthorn and unicorn wand would continue to work well for him. Not only because Draco probably loved him enough to transfer its loyalty to him but also because that combination fits Harry quite well - which underlines how similar and compatible Draco & Harry are. So I also imagine that once Harry and Draco get together they definitely have a habit of sometimes using each other's wands.
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va1kyr14 · 8 days
I’m also an elder queer. I strongly agree that Caitlyn/Vi will end up together. It seems like that’s always been their intention - making one of the most prominent ships from the game canon. Riot has also gone out of their way to incorporate both of them during pride month for several years now. Their dynamic is extremely important for the story they are trying to tell between the sisters
There is going to be a lot of angst and bumps in the road with them throughout the season but that’s what happens with grief and an impending war. But they will work through it and come back together in the end. I also don’t think either of them are going to die even if after they reconcile, i don’t think that’s the type of tragic ending they are going for
They will. Mark my words. I have been through so much queerbait/ impending doom through my lifetime with queer representation I am so ready for this. It has been their intention right from the get go and they have said as much. It's just how they execute it. But I will be honest, with seeing how good S1 was, and my faith in Amanda Overton and just the writers in general, I know it will be organic. This entire thing called Arcane came about FOR the fans so I highly doubt they would do anything to jeopardise the most favourite couple in LoL. I know Arcane is seperate but they have said this is a canon prequel. Meaning there shouldn't be any major character deaths (hopefully).
Lots of angst to come though, but I am certain they will have a happy ending. It won't be them riding over a rainbow bridge on the back of a unicorn, but it will be confirmed. We will have our day!
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asktheplethaura · 1 year
If Only , If Only - Unicorn Wars Fanfiction
(((Chapter Twenty-Three))
((I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of iridocyclitis)) 
The verdict has been decided. Commentation on by the Wattpad and A03 communities, there WILL be a 'worse ending result' for chapter Twenty-Two. This 'Alternative' ending will contain major non-con, bodily harm, and other topics that will be further explored in the warnings within the chapter. However, it will not be posted within the chapters of 'If Only, If Only' on any site. It will be it's own literature post, with proper labels and sincere warnings.
It will also be posted no where else but A03 due to rules and terms of Tumblr, Quotev and Wattpad. Even so, it will be left open for registered and unregistered readers to read, and comment on.
Let's get on with the chapter-
If Azulin were thinking properly, he would have naturally questioned why the bigger bear had such a deep pocket to begin with- considering how easily the larger knife was hidden from him before.
However, he was too rigid and panicked to care about that. All he had was a small razor blade, and this bear over him had almost everything else. Height, weight, experience, and weapons.
Yes, he did... he had every ounce of knowledge that he had been trying to shut down since this new world started. He vowed. He swore to himself that he wasn't going to be that way. Never again. If he didn't fight back, he was sure to never have the chance to be that way again- because he would probably end up dead after this.
He can't just sit here and take it. He can't let himself fall to his former self either. 
What would he do?
He was snapped out of his panicked frame of mind by a huge slam to his gut, causing him to cough and choke. The slam to his gut left him floored- unable to move or breathe for several seconds. It was as if part of him had ruptured internally. It all throbbed from the aching pain- leaving him wheezing. 
Sergeant Scruff found himself laughing at the little blue bear- before slamming his huge foot down on Azulin's left arm- ultimately crushing the blue bears Radius, Ulna and every bone in his hand. Azulin screamed in agony, letting out a feral growl as he went to pull away, only to feel a forceful tug on his neck.
Due to him not having the opportunity to cut every rope off of himself, he didn't notice that the rope around his neck for the 'leash' of sorts that the corrupted sergeant Scruff tied around him. Desperately, he tried to swing at the rope, only to have his now useless arm ground- making some of the pebbles from the dirt path scrape into what little remained of the in-tact nerves.
"Uh oh... it seems that you are caught in quite the situation, doll eyes." Scruff chortled, before pulling up his machete and grinning in such a twisted, evil way, Azulin's heart sunk into the pit of his stomach. He continued to struggle, his only objective was escape.
This amused the bear over him even more.
"Ah ah ah. We can't have a slippery little snake getting away from us now can we. You pesky little reptiles always seemed to find yourselves in the worst of places... don't you think so? How about I alleviate you of your arm there... not like it's of use anymore anyways, right?" Azulin froze, locking eyes with the sergeant bear over himself. The second he went to struggle- his left arm- from the elbow down, was severed from his body without a second to prepare for the fiery pain sent cascading through his whole system.
Azulin screamed again- his voice echoing throughout the forest- sending birds flying from their nests in to the crimson and pink dyed clouds that creeped in from the wavering horizon- fleeing from the inky blackness that called itself the night. Tiny stars aglow from their places in the cosmos flickered- almost as if they were laughing at him. 
"Now, don't move a muscle. This will only hurt for a second, not that it matters." Scruff grinned- before flexing his hand- letting his claws come out a bit more. "I surely can't waste all of you. Your eyes are too pretty to destroy." Just as his hand got close enough- Azulin snapped and bit down on the finger closest to him- managing to completely snap one part of it off right at the knuckle. 
There wasn't even a yell or a shout of pain from him. The bigger bear simply finished cramming his large fingers in Azulin's eye socket- dragging the eyeball out- albeit a little bit damaged as the small bear writhed below him, tears flowing from their ducts.
Azulin was getting tired, the blood flowing out from his arm, into the grass and dirt. He didn't know how long he could coax himself to stay awake. He continued to struggle, starting to kick despite his limbs trembling. His anger was festering, getting heavier and heavier, as his head was starting to lull to the side. 
Just as he was starting to black out, Azulin heard his name being called by the fellow soldiers in his troupe. His eyes directed themselves toward the voices, and he immediately felt a spark of hope. That hope was immediately diminished when the big bear grabbed him by his head, squeezing it to a point where he was starting to get an intense headache. 
He barely managed to give in to the wavering surroundings and clouded vision of his- every tense muscle in his body relaxing unintentionally. He let out another shaky breath as he went to move again, but he couldn't do it. He was too exhausted. Too tired and disoriented. What's worse is knowing that, in the end, he could do little to fight back. 
He wanted to put this piece of shit in his place... surely knowing know that he had commit several more atrocities beyond this..
He was pathetic... 
He couldn't recall the voice... everything felt so far away.
"One more step... and I will drop this short little maggot off this cliff." 
Azulin felt his body move, his dull, remaining eye stared at a mass of colors, where the voices were probably coming from. He went to try and take a breath, his entire body heaving as blood came spilling out of his mouth, before his head fell limp again- despite him still being partially conscious. 
"Come now, dollface- surely you would love a good look at the fast running current and sharp rocks down there.. wouldn't you..?" The bigger bear laughed hysterically, before grabbing the rope attached to Azulin's neck, and dropping his body several inches- causing the blue bear to gag from the sudden loss of air. More blood pooling from his mouth all the while. It soaked into his tank-top and flowed down the little that remained of his arm. 
At this point, he couldn't bother to bring up his good arm to try and pull his heavy body up, even a little bit.
This... this was like dying all over a again. 
Everything mixed together in such a beautiful hue and all the distorted noises. 
The crashing waves below him... they sounded... beautiful...
All of a sudden, he got the sensation of falling, several screams of his name falling on deaf ears.
((To Be Continued))
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yuesya · 1 year
Bastard AU has consumed my brain. Imagine a Satoru raised by Toji Fucking Fushiguro (would he even be a Fushiguro in this scenario? I don’t think he would take Hina’s name, that would just be swapping one clan name for another, would they just randomly choose a common surname and that’s it). I’m hoping like hell this is a fluffy AU because after the Angst that is Twins AU I think Shiki deserves at least one world where everything is rainbows and unicorns - or at least as much as we can get in jujutsu kaisen. Even Toji deserves to become a family man, an adoring husband who takes way too much pleasure in embarrassing his kids. And Hina certainly deserves everything.
Hina and Toji would definitely cast away their clan names and choose something completely unrelated. Maybe Fushiguro? Let's just go with Fushiguro haha.
So. Toji steals Hina and Satoru! As you might imagine, towing around a pregnant woman and a one year old toddler while hiding from the outraged Gojo Clan isn't exactly an easy task. But Zenin Fushiguro Toji, in another world, was known as the Sorcerer Killer. There are some close calls, but he's able to defeat their pursuers and protect Hina.
Somewhere along their mad run across the entire country, they end up saving Kon Shiu, who got on the wrong end of mediating between his clients. The man ends up helping them hide for the last stretch of Hina's pregnancy, and Shiki is born. Both mother and child are safe.
Now, if it was just Hina and Shiki, the Gojo Clan probably would've made some efforts to get her back, but retreat in the end after Toji proves himself too difficult to be worth the effort. With Gojo Satoru involved, however, it's outright war. Due to formerly being of the Zenin Clan, the runaway family has both the Gojo and Zenin Clans hunting them down.
Toji ends up training Satoru how to fight through a combination of practical battle experience against curse users and the pursuers sent by the clans. Satoru probably isn't as skilled with his cursed technique as he was in canon, but he's a lot more skilled in hand-to-hand battle.
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cariciapadre · 1 year
not a fan of the " caricias becoming more moralles , asshole person while on the worms " trope ,, he would not take advantage of another bear while high ,, js sayin
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jazzcat247 · 1 year
Tumblr media
It's hot as balls rn, so I made it these gay, old b*the's problem ~(-/_\-)~
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
masterlist vii
Some links were going funky on my desktop so I’m adding a new masterlist to here so that it can be updated better
Tik tok tease 😈
Superman and Vash appreciation
Critical Role - coffee bae 💕 ☕️ //
Vox Machina - noble!reader // WEREWOLF PUPPY // taking care of them when exhausted // treating migraines // boys + period headcanons // you remember? // trouble in paradise // Birb Machina // reverse birb machina // Garmelie reveals through art // Grog romance // Vax and sweet bartender // Vax + childhood friend // you have beautiful eyes // close the door?? 🚪 // close the door 🚪 part 2 // day gone wrong 😅 // rizz them up ✨ // flying Treasure Planet style //
Song fic -Grog // song fic - (my) dandelion // song fic // Mothers Day - song - Percy // song fic - Vax angst //
Modern s/o series - different dance styles // bonding with Percy //
Mighty Nein - beach 🏝️ day // cuddle headcanons //
Song fic - Caleb // song fic - angst // song fic // song fic - outfield // song fic - 2 //
Bell’s Hells - song fic //
Crown Keepers - song fic + Dariax //
Ring of Brass - song fic //
Song fic for the ladies //
Castlevania - Hector A-Z NSFW // Dracula + fem!reader smut // drawing the boys // remember what they say // Alucard and his jealous lover // Alucard and art as a gift // got a black eye defending him // Isaac A-Z NSFW //
Marvel - Namor + nurse!reader // Guardians of the Galaxy fluff //
Star Wars 🌟- Poe fluff + Miguel //
Prey (2022) - Taabe smut //
Unicorn 🦄 Warriors Eternal - Edred headcanons // Aewulf HC’s //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon - horse riding with Aegon //
Ewan characters - Osferth and Tom //
Into/Across the Spiderverse - Miguel O’Hara fluff // biting kink headcanons // soft headcanons // angst headcanons // angst part 2 headcanons // sick headcanons // dancer!reader // touch-starved Miguel // Miguel and a shy reader // college boyfriend Miguel // fangs and claws oh my! 😍 // Miguel + parks & rec // incorrect quotes // Miguel AZ fluff alphabet // love nicknames // incorrect quotes + Gabriella O’Hara // good morning ☀️🌞// incorrect quotes part 2 // love me, choose me, pick me // Miguel Regency era // incorrect quotes part(s) 3-4 // wedding 💍 headcanons //
Assassin’s Creed - Connor Kenway fluff // AC OC Debut // Shay & Haytham + Assassin // Haytham NSFW // Desmond Mermay // barista bae ☕️ // Dad + kid just like mom // Haytham hurt & comfort // Haytham + hurt and comfort // love confession + “you” // Ezio birthday 🎂 headcanons // morning seggs + Haytham // codexmonthly - mirage // Ezio birthday headcanons part 2 // bath 🛁 headcanons 💕 //
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel 😈 - Crimson SFW and NSFW //
Blood of Zeus - Apollo x daughter of Nyx // pantheon smut // ares and Amazon!reader // dating Seraphim headcanons //
Legend of Zelda/ToTK - Sidon and his illicit affairs //
Dragon Age
DA Absolution - Miriam + kisses on face //
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zarvasace · 7 months
Zarvasace's Four Swords Stuff
part 2
Vampire Lords AU
Appeared in Febuwhump 23, now a long series about the FS boys being vampires and running a town. Where you can find those almost-spicy Vidow bite fics
First appearance: 2-24-2023
Tag: #fs vampire lords au
Fic series on AO3
First pre- and post-vampire outfit doodles
Colored outfit references
More detailed refs for artfight
Red all cute, and Red again, Vidow dance, Vidow sitting down, Blue all cute,
various vampire doodles, more vampire doodles, some vidow bite doodles, licentious gummy bear doodle
Moodboards slash fun words 1, 2, 3
Fake anime screenshots of a bite fic quote
Spaceship AU
AKA "God-Shattering Star" AKA "All Your Tales Untold." A sci-fi AU involving BotW-inspired planets and a big old plot
First appearance: 12-29-2022
Tag: #fsa spaceship au
Fic series on AO3
First doodle, and first poster art
First planets art, accurate planets art and discussion
Still-evil Vidow doodle, Shadow art, Vidow dancing art
Fic chapter 2's dramatic art
Updated design references
Fake anime screenshots
80s AU
AKA "You Might Think I'm Crazy," AKA "I'd Pay Your Bail." A FS 80s AU focused on Vidow.
First appearance: 2-20-23
Tag: #80s au
Fic series on AO3
Cigarette comic, night sky doodle, scrunchie comic
AKA "Four More Champions." Where the Link is FS Link and draws the Four Sword instead of the Master Sword in BotW, and also Shadow is Yiga.
First appearance: 3-31-2023
Tag: #fs botw au
Fic series on AO3
Outfit references
Chilling on the Great Plateau art
Gathering supplies art
TotK doodles
Hyrule College of Practical Arts
Cozy boarding school magic setting, the fic was for December fluff prompts. Inspired somewhat by the mood of the Spielberg movie Young Sherlock Holmes
First appearance: 12-1-2022
Tag: #hcopa
Fic on AO3
Doodle of the boys
Art in front of the window, and a remaster
What it says on the tin. Setting AU crossover with the anime My Hero Academia.
First appearance: 10-7-2023
Tag: #fs bnha au
First drawing
First doodles (and explanations)
First page of the mini-comic
Blood-Sucker's Guide to High School
Finished novel-length fic, setting AU crossover with the fun YA vampire novel Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst. Has expanded out to a modern-with-vampires-and-unicorns AU with a focus on Vidow and Malon/Zelda.
First appearance: 10-1-2023
Tag: #fs dsl au
AO3 fic series
Malon drawing
Cover art
Epilogue doodle
Avatar AU made in conjunction with @/hey-adora :)
First appearance: 3-9-2024
Tag: #fs atla au
Art lineup
Tumblr apparently HATES this link so you just get the URL
Not-These-AUs Vidow arts
1 (cozy)
2 (moonlight kiss)
3 (commission
4 (on the throne)
5 (Disney World vacation)
6 (kiss), 7 (goth)
8 (shadow's return)
9 (cozy again)
10 (makeup lesbians pose)
11 (on the balcony doodle)
12 (Wicked for Winter movie cover)
13 (girls art noveau kiss)
14 (kiss again)
15 (modern au kiss)
16 (mirror angst)
17 (trick or treat)
16 (modern au kiss #2)
17 (original world crossover au)
18 (goth club)
19 (vampire doodle)
20 (mirror selfie)
21 (apothecary doodle)
22 (valentines 24)
23 (red background doodle)
24 (lap doodle)
25 (anime-y)
26 (pretty boy has been found)
27 (top 10 anime betrayals)
28 (teef)
29 (ooh in the forest oooh)
Other Significant FS Things
Fake romance book covers (constant Vidow stuff)
Valentines 2023
Cult AU doodles
My "canon" designs, and some fun doodles for them
Vidow picrew for World Goth Day 2023
Four Swords Sanctuary art
Red AU outfit doodles, Blue AU outfit doodles
Coffee shop gang modern AU art
Vio idle animation
Mini vampire hunter comic, a gift
Vidow animatic
Red vampire/star wars art
All of the FS boys as mermaids, and the designs in various ship doodles
18 notes · View notes
andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Yours Submissively ~ Pamper
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
A/N: the taglist is open!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Communication
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Arriving at the penthouse, Belle immediately went to her “room” in the apartment.  She looked around while Steve followed and leaned on the door frame.  He watched as she inspected the bed, vanity and dress, which was filled with clothes.  She picked up a tank top and saw that it was her size. She looked at Steve.  “Bucky has a great eye for sizes.  I just gave it to the personal shopper at Nordstroms.”
“All of these are for me?”
“Of course.  I said I would take care of everything.”
“Steve, this is too much.  You’re taking me shopping as well.”
Steve grew upset.  “Isabella, you promised to try.”
“I didn’t know it would be getting a whole new wardrobe. This is a lot.”
“Ok, fair but I want to do this for you.”
Isabella sighed.  “Fine. You’re right; I did promise to try.” She moved to her bag and removed the few items she had packed.  She hadn’t been kidding about the stuffed bunny, but she also brought her favorite perfume, her makeup bag and a blanket.
She looked up at Steve.  “Yeah, sorry.  It was one of my dad’s.  When I get scared…” she trailed off.
“I understand. But you know, no harm will come to you.”
Belle was grateful.  “Thanks, Steve.” She placed the empty bag in the closet and headed for Steve.  “So what did you have planned now?”
“Thought we could sit and talk. Mrs. Lewis made some desserts for us.”
“Sure.”  Steve took Belle’s hand and went to the living room.  Steve had set out some blankets and pillows and had a bottle of wine on the table.
“It’s Moscato.  I saw it at your apartment.”
“It’s my favorite.  I’m more of a sweet taste kind of girl.”
“I saw that.  You loved that cheesecake way too much.” Steve chuckled as Belle glared at him.
“Cupcakes and cheesecake are God’s perfect foods,” she said with conviction.
“Really?”  Steve slid his arm around her.  “And what if I ate said cupcake off of you?”
Belle shivered. “It’s up to you if it’s the perfect taste.”
“I could find out from you.” He kissed her behind her ear.
She held in the moan and moved herself away.  “Ok, I thought this was a getting to know each other kind of thing.”
“I was trying to get to know you.  Just in a different way.”  Steve smirked.  “Fine, favorite music.”
“80s.  Perfect for dancing and singing along. You?”
“40s, also perfect for dancing and singing.”
They went back and forth on the questions.  Belle inched closer and closer to Steve as the wine and the time started to get to her. Soon she was asleep on his shoulder.  He had learned so much and made mental notes on how to make her stay with him more comfortable.  He lifted her gently and took her to her room.  She had changed earlier to a camisole and unicorn pajamas which had made him chuckle.  He got her under the covers and kissed her forehead.  “Good night sweetheart,” he whispered.
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The next morning, Belle woke up disoriented.  How did she get here?  She recognized the room and remembered her evening with Steve.  He was interesting and funny.  She liked his company.  But when she looked over to see the other side un-rumpled, disappointment flooded her.  She liked sleeping next to him, his warm body a comfort.  He kept the dreams, the nightmares away. She stretched and headed for the shower.
She came downstairs to find Steve and Bucky seated on the couch, sipping from mugs.  She stopped, unsure of how to act around Bucky. All of their interactions started on accident, so she froze in the doorway.  Steve, however, heard her and turned to face Belle.  “Good morning sweetheart.”
“H-Hi,” she stuttered.
Bucky cleared his throat.  “Good Morning, Belle.  I see we went for fully dressed this morning,” he said with a smirk.
Steve glared at his best friend.  “Shut up jerk.  Don’t embarrass her,” as he saw the pink flood Belle’s cheeks.  He stood up and went over to Belle and gave Belle a peck on the lips. “How did you sleep?”
“Ok.”  She didn’t want to give away the nightmare she had.  “Umm, did you want me to make some breakfast?”
“We can go out, if you want.”
“No, its fine.” Belle straightens up. “French toast?”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to, Steve.” He smiles, melting her a little. “Will Mr. Barnes be joining us?”
“Mr. Barnes?”
“I don’t know how to address him.” Belle flushed again.
“You can call him James or Bucky, sweetheart.  Unless you want to keep it formal with him.”
“I’ll do whatever you say.  He’s your friend, help, wait, shit.”  She covered her face.
Steve chuckled. “Breathe, Isabella. He can be your friend too.  His number is in your new phone as well.  I want you to be comfortable.”
“Ok.”  Belle took in a deep breath.  “Bucky, will you be joining us for breakfast?”
“Only if you are ok with it,” he called back with a smile and a wink. “And that you continue to wear pants.”
Isabella groaned from the reminder of the last meal they shared and buried her face into Steve’s chest.  He laughed and held her close. “I can kill him if you’d like sweetheart.”
This got the laugh he was looking for.  “Maybe later. I’m going to start cooking.”
He kissed her forehead.  “I left a mug of coffee for you on the counter.”
“Thanks.”  She headed in and looked for her ingredients.  She saw the mug and opened it to see it has cream already in it.  She sipped and noticed it was made how she liked it.  She smiled.  The consideration Steve took to remember how she prepared her coffee from over a week ago was sweet.  She pulled breakfast together and served it on the dining room table.  “Gentlemen, breakfast is served.”
Steve and Bucky came in to a surprise.  Belle had worked quick but pulled off an amazing breakfast of french toast, bacon, and fresh fruit.  Orange juice and a carafe of coffee sat in the center.  “Isabella, you did all this?”
She shrugged.  “No big deal.”  Steve sat at the head of the table with Bucky and Bella on either side.
He took a bite and stopped.  The warm vanilla, cinnamon flavor spread in his mouth and he closed his eyes.  He savored the bite.  “Isabella, that has to be the most amazing french toast I have ever had.”
Bucky hummed in agreement. The girls that Steve brought previous couldn’t cook and he avoid dining with Steve on the weekends.  But he knew he needed to make an effort if he got food like this.  “Seriously, its good.”
“Thanks guys.” Belle ate, avoiding eye contact, embarrassed by the praise.  “So what is the plan for today?”
“Today is shopping and than the benefit.  I figured that you would like to pick your own dress for the party.”
“What’s the theme?”
“It’s a Monte Carlo theme event.  You can play some casino games, dance, anything really.”  He took a sip of coffee.  “Its not as formal as the gala from a few weeks ago.”
“Ok.  Well, then I’m going to clean up and grab my purse.”  Belle stood and reached to take the plates when Bucky stopped her.
“You cook, I’ll clean.  The least I can do.”
“Thank you Bucky.”  She stood up and left the room.
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Sitting in the back of the  SUV, Belle began to realize the enormity of attending an event with Steve.  The press would be there, taking her picture.  She started to get nervous.  Steve felt her tense in his hand.  “Isabella?”
“I’m sorry.  It just hit me  how big of a deal it is to go tonight.”  She paled a little bit more.  “All those cameras…” she trailed off.
“Ok, relax, its ok.”  Steve rubbed  his thumb over her knuckles.  “You don’t have to walk in the front.  I can have Bucky take you through the  back.”  He pulled her hand up to his lips.  “I promise.  Nothing is going to happen to you.”  He could feel her relax.
“I’m sorry.  It’s just, I’ve never been in the spotlight.  My dad kept things very quiet.  Especially when he was on work trips.  This is all new to me.”
“I’ve got you sweetheart. I’ll  take care of  it.  Let’s find  you something ok?”
Bucky let them out at Bloomingdale’s and Steve took her up to the dress area and took a seat. Belle looked  around but was intimated by the amount  of gowns.  She looked  lost until a woman approached.  “Hi, I’m Suzy Phillips.  Mr. Rogers sent me over to help you pick a dress for tonight.”
Belle looked over at Steve who looked up from his phone and smiled at her.  He sat on an oversized couch.  Belle turned back to Suzy.  “Thank you Miss Phillips.”
“It’s my pleasure.  So I know its not a super formal event but do you know what you are looking for.  With your dark hair and amazing eyes, you would look killer in anything really.”
Belle blushed at the compliment.  “It’s a Monte Carlo theme so I was thinking black.”
“Good choice.  You have long legs,” Suzy looked her over, “and I think a shorter dress would work.  Nothing scandalous but just enough to tease.”  Suzy started to pull dresses and taking them  back to the dressing room.  Belle followed and tried dress after dress.  Belle got frustrated until she got to the last  one.   It was a strapless sweet heart dress with a tulle skirt.  She tried it on and it fell just to her knees.  It was flirty and fun. “I know just the shoes,” Suzy said.
She left and came back with a pair of black stilettos pumps but the shoe and heels was covered black sparkles.  “You are going to look amazing in this.”
Belle gave a genuine smile.  “I don’t have to show him, right?”
“No,” Suzy smiled.  “Let’s leave it as a surprise. I’ll take it up and ring it up.”
Belle got dressed and headed out to Steve.  He stood up as she approached.  “Did you find something sweetheart?”
“I did.  She is wrapping it up for me.”
“I don’t get a sneak peek?”  Steve raised an eyebrow.
“Nope. Sorry.  Have to find a way to surprise you.”
Steve huffed.  “As long as they match these, its fine.” He pulled a black velvet box from his pocket.  For you.  He pinched it open to show a pair of drop earrings of sapphires and diamonds.  “They don’t match the exact color of your eyes but they should help your eyes sparkle.”
Belle stared at them.  “I can’t…”
“Yes, you will.” Steve pinched her chin, forcing her to keep her eyes on him. “Please.”
“Thank you,” Belle whispered as Steve got closer.  He kissed her gently, but the intensity was no less than before. The stood with their foreheads pressed together until he kissed her nose and pulled her to a different part of the store.  It had lingerie of different styles.
“Pick what works, I won’t look.  I need to get a new tie.”
“Blue,” Belle blurted out.  Steve looked at her surprised.  “Dark blue, to match my earrings.”
Steve smiled. “Yes, dear.” He kissed her forehead and left.  Belle stopped and selected her undergarments.  Everything was packaged up as Steve walked back in.  He handed his card and signed, never bothering to look at the total.  He took the bags from Belle, and they walked back to the exit.
Bucky jumped out to help with the bags and Steve helped Belle into the car.  They drove to a café for lunch.  Over soup and sandwiches, Steve asks, “so do you know how to play any casino games?”
“Uh, blackjack because its easy and like basic poker,” Belle replies, a twinkle showing in her eye.
“Yeah, five cards, best hand, whatever.  I’ve played a couple of time with MJ and Peter. Usually with candy as our bets,” she says with a giggle.
“Well, the benefit had an entry fee, which I took care of, and they will hand us our chips to play with.  I think the most chips at the end of the night win a prize.”
“That sounds like fun.” 
Steve looked at his watch.  “We gotta go.  I have someone coming by to help with your hair and makeup.”
Belle just nodded, getting used to the opulence that Steve provided. Steve took it as a good sign.  They left the diner and head back to the penthouse.  Belle went to her room with her bags and laid everything but her dress out.  She changed into a silk robe after slipping on her undergarments.
“Belle? Are you ready?” Steve called through the door. She opened to find another man and woman with Steve.  “Belle, this is Marco and Marie.  They will help with your hair and makeup for tonight.”
“Nice to meet you.”  Belle was whisked to her bathroom where there was a director’s chair set up.  Marco started to work on Belle’s hair while Marie started on her face.
“Half up, yes, with curls,” Marco said after looking at her dress.  “Flirty.”  Belle nodded. 
Marie kept her makeup light, only highlighting her eyes but adding a bright red lip.  “No need to add to your eyes, just mascara but let those lip pop.”
An hour later and Belle was getting ready to put on her dress.  Steve came by his shirt still unbutton at the top.  “You almost ready?”
“Just my dress,” Belle replied.  “And shoes, I guess.”  She fastened the earrings on. “I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
“You look beautiful already sweetheart.”  Steve came and kissed her forehead.  “I’m just finishing up. See you in a few.”
Belle stopped to calm her heart.  The man was going to be the death of her.  She pulled off the robe and stared at the black corset with blue ribbons.  The panties matched with a little blue bow and a garter holding her thigh high stockings.  She slipped the dress over her head and realized she needed help with the zipper, getting it only halfway up.  She slipped on her shoes, grabbed her clutch and headed downstairs.  Waiting was Steve in a black suit with the dark blue tie.
He turned as he heard her heels and drew in his breath.  She looks gorgeous in her strapless dress and he felt his cock twitch in his pants.
“Hi,” she said.  “I need help with the rest of the zipper.”  She made it to the bottom and pulled her dark hair away. Steve moved to pull the zipper up, running a finger along her spine, causing her to gasp.  He spotted the top of the corset and fought the urge to start kissing her back.  When he finished, he spun her and took a step back.
“You look exquisite, Isabella. If I hadn’t promised to attend, we wouldn’t leave.”  Belle gasped at his comment.  “Now I can’t wait to get home.  So let’s go before I change my mind.”
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