#bella should have been a lesbian
railingsofsorrow · 6 months
edward “i can't help but watch you sleep” creep cullen and jacob “sorry I don't understand a no” black. you know what was real? alice and bella's tension, THEY are the real couple
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collabpartners · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel: The Contract of Blood Ep. 2
*Hey guys, we're back with another episode! This is published on March 2, 2024. If you guys like the episode/chapter, don't be afraid to leave hearts, reblogs, and comment! That would be greatly appreciated. Warning: Vulgar language and sexual tension. Enjoy!*
Episode Two: The Lost Girl
The little spider girl hasn’t talked since Charlie and Vaggie took her in the night before.
Vaggie managed to bandage the little girl’s injury on her left leg last night. The little girl sleeps on the bed in the plain room of the hotel, who is under the watchful eye of Charlie.
Vaggie notices to Charlie having bags under her eyes from staying up all night. “Babe?”
Charlie snaps out of her thoughts, noticing her girlfriend. “Morning.”
Vaggie looks to see the spider girl asleep in the sheets. “You know that’s creepy to watch her.”
“I know. I know. I’m a little scared since last night. I hope she’s okay.”
“She will be, babe. We’ll just have to find her parents,” Vaggie reassures. “C’mon.”
Vaggie leads Charlie out of the child’s bedroom, unaware that the little spider has been awake the entire time. She gets up from her bed and hurries out of her room, watching the two lesbians walking down the hallway in determination to search for her parents.
The little girl spider hugs herself and hurries to Vaggie and Charlie before they reach the stairs.
Both of the women notice the little spider girl looking up at them with sparkling eyes.
“Yes?” Vaggie asks in concern.
She rubs her other arms nervously.
Charlie crouches down to reach her eye level. “Don’t worry, little one. We’ll find your parents in no time.”
“T-They’re dead,” she utters.
“Oh shit,” Vaggie gasps in shock.
“Language,” Charlie replies while covering the little girl’s ears so that she won’t hear another curse word like a protective mother. “We have a little girl in the hotel now.”
“Should we introduce her to the others? Just so they can keep her company while we’re running a hotel?” Vaggie asks.
“Wait,” Charlie responds and looks at the little girl. “Are you sure that your parents are dead?”
The little girl nods her head.
“I guess that makes her an orphan,” Vaggie says with a sad tone.
Charlie gasps excitedly as if an idea hits her, her red eyes sparkling. “LET’S ADOPT HER!!”
“Wait, what?”
“Why not? She lost her parents. Maybe we can be her parents for her!”
“Uh, Charlie, are you aware of how it is to be, you know, a parent? We’re not even married--”
“We can be,” Charlie says with a cheeky smirk. She glances at the spider girl. “What d’ya say, little one? Are you okay with us adopting you?”
The little spider girl is mute for a moment and then nods with a soft smile.
Vaggie notices a slight hesitation of the spider girl and adds. “If you don’t want to, our feelings won’t be hurt.”
“You seem nice,” the little girl finally says.
Charlie squeals happily. “Awww! Thank you. Ooh, I can’t wait to tell Dad that he has an adopted granddaughter--”
“Whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, babe,” Vaggie reminds her girlfriend. “We haven’t had a name for her--”
“Bella,” the little girl responds.
“What?” Charlie and Vaggie questions.
“My name is Bella,” Bella, the little girl spider, introduces herself. She appears a bit more relax around the women.
“That’s a pretty name,” Charlie responds while noticing Bella’s dirty hair. “Hey, why don’t we get you clean up? We can do your hair and make it all pretty and cute like you. And then we can find you a pretty dress for you to wear.”
Bella widens her eyes, trembling from the tears coming out of her eyes.
“Uh, I think you’re overwhelming her, babe,” Vaggie responds.
“Oh! We can also decorate your new room, and you can decorate it however you want! We’ll find you something that you’ll like in the city. How does that all sound?”
Charlie notices too late that Bella is sniffling.
“Uh, I think you’re freaking her out,” Vaggie replies, but she doesn’t expect Bella to hug Charlie tightly.
“Oh,” Charlie utters in surprise.
“Thank you,” Bella croaks.
“Aww, it’s no problem,” Charlie coos, lifting Bella up to give her a bear hug.
Bella has her eyes widen like she didn’t expect this kind of reciprocation. But she smiles and hugs, ready to cry in happiness.
Vaggie notices this, realizing that maybe Bella has been through more hell before they found her than they realize. But it doesn’t matter since Vaggie joins to hug her girlfriend and her new potential daughter.
“So, how about we get you cleaned up first and then we’ll figure out further after the bath?” Vaggie asks.
“That sounds good,” Bella replies, still attach to Charlie like a lifeline.
Charlie carries Bella with Vaggie following them to the bathroom to give Bella a bath.
After the bath, Vaggie is brushing Bella’s blonde curls while Charlie goes out to buy more dresses for her. Bella is wearing a bathrobe and sitting on the bed with Vaggie.
There is an awkward silence between them as Vaggie smiles and clears her throat.
“So, uh, what do you like to do?” Vaggie ignites the conversation.
Bella is silent for a moment until she answers, “I like playing the violin.”
“Oh damn, really?” Vaggie responds with a fascinated gaze.
She nods. “It’s probably stupid.”
“Stupid? Hell no. That’s a talent. You know, you can put in some tunes for the hotel if you want to, that is. You don’t have to--”
“I, uh, lost my violin a long time ago,” Bella utters sadly.
Vaggie shrugs. “Eh, we’ll buy you a new one if you want one.”
Bella smiles softly. “O-Okay. Are you sure? I don’t want to burden anyone.”
Vaggie frowns and tilts her head. She thinks about what Bella says about her dead parents...or are the parents really dead?
“You’re not a burden,” Vaggie reassures Bella. “What makes you think that?”
Bella looks away. “Nothing.”
Vaggie now knows that something is up with Bella. But she holds her tongue and keeps brushing her hair. A small smile corners her face as she leans back.
“Alright, I think we’re done,” Vaggie says.
Bella feels her golden locks, the smooth textures run through her fingers.
“I’m back!” Charlie pokes her head into the room just in time, having a bunch of gift bags from different shops around the city.
“Whoa, babe, how much did you buy?” Vaggie gasps in shock.
“Lots and lots of pretty dresses!” Charlie replies excitedly. She looks at Bella. “I got you a bunch of dresses for you to try out.”
Bella brightly smiles. “Really?”
“Yep!” Charlie chirps.
An idea comes into Vaggie’s head as it gives Vaggie a small smile. “We can also do a bit of a make-over too. What do you think?”
Bella smiles even wider, her eyes sparkling. “Really?!”
“Really really,” Vaggie responds with a smile.
Bella nods excitedly.
“Perfect! Let’s go!” Charlie responds, an upbeat music. She starts to sing brightly.
“Look at you, Bella.
With a bit make-over, you’ll be the prettiest girl in Hell.”
Vaggie sings next with a smile.
“You are in good hands,
When you got the princess of Hell taking care of you.”
“Aw, babe,” Charlie coos her girlfriend.
Bella sings shyly, rubbing her two arms on her left side.
“Are you sure that you should spend this much for me?”
Charlie croons in response.
“We’re more than sure.
We can be your moms if you’ll have us.
I know that it’s a weird adjustment.
But don’t worry, we won’t force or pressure you.”
Vaggie sings and starts to dance with Bella.
“It’s your choice in the end.
For now, you can stay in this hotel.
Safe and away from the dangers of the city.
Safe and away from the violence.”
Charlie pulls out dresses from the gift bags.
“Anything you desire, we can give you.
Anything you want, we’ll get for you.
We want to make you comfortable.
So, which dress would you like to try on first?”
Bella looks at the endless option of the dresses and spots a purple one with white flower patterns on it.
“Can I pick this one?”
Both Vaggie and Charlie chirps in their tunes.
“Of course!”
Vaggie starts applying a blush around Bella’s cheeks, coloring her pale face.
“We can add a little blush.
Which color eyeshadow would you like to wear?”
Bella chooses the color.
“Can I have a light pink shadow?”
Both Vaggie and Charlie chirps again.
“Of course, sweetheart!”
Charlie sings while setting dresses aside for Bella to try.
“Anything you desire, you choose it.
Anything you want, you can pick it.
Don’t ever worry about burdening us.
We swear that we’ll protect you.”
“From what?” Bella asks innocently.
Vaggie sings with a pretty voice.
“Anything that can hurt you, we swear to kill.
Anything that can kill you, we won’t let them.
I know that it’s been a day,
But I see that you’ve been hurt in the past.”
Bella grins at the ladies.
“Anything I love, it’s worthless?
“No,” Vaggie and Charlie replies simultaneously.
Bella chirps more, getting comfortable around the ladies.
“Anything I care about, it’s weak?”
“No!” Vaggie and Charlie answers simultaneously again.
Bella sings in a pretty voice.
“So, I don’t have to worry, then.
Oh, I don’t have to worry, then.”
“Of course not,” Charlie replies.
The three of them starts to dance in the bedroom. Charlie and Vaggie sing together.
“Anything you want, we’ll try to reach.
Anything you desire, never worry about burdening us.
Don’t worry about asking us, unless it’s going to hurt you.”
Charlie helps Bella getting into the purple dress with black gloves, Bella’s make-up now done with the light pink eyeshadow and light blushes. Vaggie helps putting on a lavender scented perfume.
The three of them starts to sing together.
“Anything we care about, we can reach.
Anything we love, we’ll fight for.
No, there will never be a time where we separate.
No, there will never be a time where we part ways.
‘Cause, no matter, we can do anything we set our sights on.”
As the upbeat music finishes, Bella sings the final verse while looking at the mirror at her new self.
“Anything I can be, I will be.
Anything I can be, I don’t have to fear.”
The music ends with Charlie and Vaggie smiling at Bella’s new look.
“You look so pretty!” Charlie squeals like a high-school girl.
“Really?” Bella gasps with a small smile.
“Oh yeah,” Vaggie responds. “I think you’re ready to meet the other hotel staff.”
“Will they like me?” Bella replies nervously.
“I’m sure they will,” Charlie reassures the child.
“If not, then they will like you eventually. If not eventually, then they’re gonna like you,” Vaggie says while taking out her spear.
Charlie puts her hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “There’s no need for that, babe.” She looks at Bella and adds a pink bow for the final attachment. “Let’s go meet them.”
“Okay,” Bella replies as the women lead her out of her bedroom to meet the others.
Charlie and Vaggie enters the lounge with Bella in between them, which is noticed by Alastor, Nifty, and Angel Dust.
“Who the fuck is that?” Angel questions with a brow raised.
Charlie covers Bella’s ears. “Language, Angel.”
“Since when do you start policing people’s language?” Angel replies with a sass.
“Since we brought this little girl in, asshole,” Vaggie growls.
“Vaggie,” Charlie scolds for the language.
Alastor steps in between the group. “Now, now, it’s impolite to curse in front of a little lady.” He leans down, yellow teeth smile stretched.
Bella hides behind Charlie’s leg in fear.
Alastor extends his hand with a polite gesture. “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, little lady. My name is Alastor, the radio host for the hotel and a friend of Charlie’s.”
Bella glances up at Charlie, who nods in encouragement to shake Alastor’s hand. She shyly shakes Alastor’s hand.
“I-I’m Bella,” she introduces nervously.
“Charmed,” Alastor responds while letting go of her small hand.
Bella smiles shyly until she feels someone lifting her up with a little giggles.
“Whoa, Nifty,” Vaggie calls out to the short cyclops maid twirling Bella around. Vaggie quickly picks Bella out of the maid’s grasp and smiles in reassurance. “That’s Nifty. Don’t worry about her. Eighty percent of the time, she’s safe to be around.”
“Yeah, she’s perfectly harmless,” Charlie adds in reassurance.
Angel approaches beside Charlie. “Where did you find her?”
“She was hiding in the bushes last night with a hellhound bite on her leg,” Charlie explains to the others.
“Sheesh. I hear hellhound bites can crush someone’s bones. She’s lucky to be walking right now,” Angel responds while noticing Bella’s bandaged leg.
They hear a groan and look to the side to find Husk approaching the lounge with bags under his eyes.
“Look who’s finally awake,” Alastor brings up.
Angel swiftly takes Bella from Vaggie’s hands and holds her up in front of Husk. “Look, Husky. We got a new little girl in the hotel.”
Husk blinks in surprise and waves awkwardly.
Bella waves shyly at Husk.
“Her name is Bella,” Vaggie reminds Angel firmly, taking Bella from Angel’s four arms. “She’s going to be staying with us for a while.”
“So, where’s her parents?” Angel questions with a brow raise. “Unless Vaggie can somehow get Charlie pregnant and demon kids can grow in a span of a day, she has to have parents somewhere here.”
“What the fuck, Angel?” Vaggie utters in shock. “Gross! No! Her parents are dead.”
“Ah, that’s a shame,” Alastor says. “Otherwise I can hunt them down and take their fucking life--”
“Okay, that’s enough cursing in front of her,” Charlie snarls at the others.
“How would you know if her parents did anything to her?” Vaggie argues with Alastor.
Bella gasps in shock that Alastor somehow can see through her.
“Look at her. She’s malnourished and she’s got scars everywhere on her,” Alastor states. “And that hellhound bite might be launched at her.”
“You don’t know that,” Charlie utters.
Husk sighs. “I’ll get her food.”
“Thanks, Husk,” Vaggie responds thankfully.
“Mhm,” Husk mutters and walks over to the bar.
Angel frowns at the sight of the tired Husk.
It’s sudden, the wall blow up by the front door, creating a hole. The others switches their gaze to see a pink-haired cyclops going through the hole.
“What’s up, motherfuckers!” she calls out her friends.
Angel brightly grins. “What’s up, bitch!”
Charlie covers Bella’s ears from her friends’ cursing while Vaggie is holding Bella in her arms.
“You know that there’s a front door, right?” Alastor groans while pointing at the front door.
Husk brings out a piece of chocolate cake, putting it in the box and giving it to Bella in Vaggie’s arms. Bella smells the chocolate cake and takes it with her four arms.
“Thank you,” Bella replies sweetly.
Husk nods with a hum.
Bella opens the box and begins eating her chocolate cake, noticed by Charlie and Vaggie.
“It’s been a while, Angie,” the pink-haired cyclops replies. “I know there’s shit that happens in the club last time, but I thought we can catch up like old times. Hopefully that bastard isn’t there.”
“Aw, that’s sweet, Cherri. But, um, I’m trying to stay away from clubs,” Angel responds with a small smile.
Husk forms a proud grin at his ‘drinking buddy’.
“Aw, really?” Cherri replies with a brow arched.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Cherri shrugs. “Alright, your loss.” She notices Bella in Vaggie’s arms. “Aw, is that a little girl? How did she get in?”
“Charlie and Vaggie found her outside of the hotel,” Alastor explains.
“Aww,” Cherri coos. “What’s your name?”
Charlie uncovers Bella’s ears for her to hear Cherri ask her question.
“B-Bella,” Bella introduces nervously.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, girl,” Cherri responds. “The name is Cherri. Like a cherry bomb. Hey, do you like blowing shit up?”
“Don’t answer that,” Vaggie says while glaring at Cherri. “Are you seriously asking a child if she likes blowing up stuff?”
“What? I’ve seen kids her age blow up shit all the time,” Cherri explains. “It’s not like I’m gonna take her to a club so that she can snort crack.”
“You better not,” Charlie growls, her horns coming out of her head and her eyes turning red with white pupils.
Angel smiles and stands between them. “A-Alright, let’s not start a fight.”
“How about I give little Bella here a tour? I promise I won’t expose her to anything bad,” Cherri replies with her hands up. “Angel and his ‘boyfriend’ here can come along with us for extra protection.”
“Wait, what?” Angel and Husk utters simultaneously.
“Ha! You respond too!” Cherri laughs at Husk, earning an eye-roll from the cat demon.
Bella tilts her head. “Can I go?”
Vaggie clenches her teeth. “Um, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
Charlie smiles with a small shrug. “As long as Angel and Husk are coming with them, I’m sure it’s fine. Besides, Husk seems to be the only one with a level-head.”
“Uh...thanks?” Husk questions the compliment.
Vaggie twists her lips as if she’s still not sure. “Okay, just as long as you guys don’t take her to clubs, Porn Studios, bad areas of town, or Cannibal town. And you bring her right back around supper time. Sooner than that is preferable.”
“Don’t you worry there, Vags,” Angel replies while lifting Bella off of Vaggie’s arms. “She’ll be safe with us.”
“Okay. If I see one fresh scratch on her, I swear I’m going to fucking kill you all,” Vaggie snarls at the others.
“Okay, okay, babe, calm down,” Charlie replies to her girlfriend.
“You can count on us,” Angel reassures the ladies. He places Bella on his shoulders, holding her legs with his top set arms. “So, where would you like to go, kid?”
“I hear that there’s a park that is bigger than any other attractions here. Can we go there?” Bella asks excitedly.
“Of course!” Angel replies happily. “We can’t forget someone--” He whistles.
The group hears oinking noises passing by them and Angel picks up his small pet pig.
“Meet Fat Nuggets,” Angel introduces his pet to Bella.
Bella squeaks in adorableness and holds Fat Nuggets. “He’s so cute!”
“Thank you. Can’t forget to take him out for a walk,” Angel says while putting a leash on him.
“Alright, let’s mosey on out of here!” Cherri responds, leading Angel, Fat Nuggets, Bella, and Husk out of the hotel.
“Be safe!” Charlie calls for them, watching Angel putting a thumbs up in response.
The ladies look on with concerns as Alastor’s sigh.
“I swear, Cherri is gonna destroy the hotel,” Alastor says with a groan.
Husk sits on the bench while watching Cherri and Angel playing with Bella in the playground. Bella holds Fat Nuggets while going down the slide with him.
Husk huffs up a laugh watching Angel playing with the monkey bars like he’s a kid again.
“Holy fuck, this is high,” Angel says, realizing how high he’s hanging.
With a sigh, he gets up from his seat and goes under Angel.
“Ya need someone to catch you?!” Husk calls to Angel.
Angel glances down and smirks. “You’ll catch me, Husky boy~?”
“Not if you’re gonna talk like that.”
He keeps moving to the other bars. “I’m sure I’ll be okay--” He loses his grip, causing him to yelp. Husk catches Angel, carrying him bridal style.
“Caught ya,” Husk replies with a smirk.
Angel purrs and messes with Husk’s bowtie. “You know, you can be pretty good at sweeping off a man’s feet.”
Husk blushes madly and helps Angel up on his feet. “I just caught ya from fallin’. It ain’t no big deal.”
Husk and Angel shifts their attention to find Bella and Cherri playing hide and seek.
“I’m gonna find ya!” Cherri yells playfully.
Husk huffs up a laugh at Bella. “It looks like it’s been a while since she smiled.”
“Aw, now your superpower of seeing through people is back,” Angel responds with a smirk.
“My superpowers are those tentacles I can summon,” Husk says with a chuckle.
“Still kinky.”
“Not in front of the kid.”
“Aw, c’mon, she ain’t gonna hear,” Angel flirts with him.
“You’re fucking weird,” Husk says with a playful grin.
“You know, you love me, baby,” Angel responds with a flirty grin.
Husk rolls his eyes jokingly. “Nope, I don’t. You’re just my drinking buddy, remember?”
Angel huffs up a laugh and cups Husk’s chin to get him to look up at him while whispering into his ear. “I’m starting to think I’m more than that to you.”
Husk’s heart starts to pound in his chest, his face turning more and more red.
“Oh, go fuck yourself,” Husk responds, trying to appear gruff.
“Make me, baby,” Angel replies teasingly.
“Uh, what are you guys doing?” Bella’s voice interrupts their moment of flirting.
They break away from each other and looks at Bella, holding Fat Nuggets in her arms.
Cherri leans on Bella’s head and whispers. “Ooh, they’re flirting with each other.”
“No, we’re not,” Husk says in denial, his whole face turning deeper red.
Angel blushes too and chuckles. “I was just teasing Husky.”
“Uh-huh, sure,” Cherri says with a smirk.
“Fuck you, bitch,” Angel jokes, grinning.
Cherri flips up her middle finger with a playful tongue sticking out.
“I don’t think we should curse in front of the child,” Husk says, reminding both of the adults that there is a child around them.
“Ah, right, we still gotta act like responsible adults around the kid--wait, where is she?” Cherri looks around for Bella, who wasn’t beside her.
“Bella?” Angel calls in concern. “Fat Nuggets!”
Husk glances everywhere in the playground. “They’re probably at the other side. C’mon.”
The three adults hurry to find Bella.
Bella giggles while exploring through the playground, holding Fat Nuggets in her bottom set of arms. However, she hears music that attracts her attention outside of the playground. She explores the playground and watches an unfamiliar bat girl on the sidewalk with a microphone to sing.
“Watch your mouth or I’ll have it sealed shut!
Follow the narrow path by keeping your sights straight!
Children now clones of their parent’s mistakes in society!
Suicides and overdoses are quite common down here!
Bringing the dead closer and closer to the lake of fire!”
Bella blinks in surprise at the rock music with the other demons dancing to the rock music outside. The bat girl continues.
“Hail to the Light!
Otherwise the gates will close!
Hail to the Light!
Otherwise you’ll be stuck down here!”
Bella smiles and nods her head to the beat while the bat girl continues.
“Watch your tongue or I’ll have it cut off!
Wide destructive path now widens more!
Take your eye out and pull your ear out,
If they cause you to stumble in the dirt!”
The bat girl jumps from her own music, her wings flapping.
“Hail to the Light!
Otherwise you’ll be left in the dark!
Hail to the Light!
Otherwise you’ll be lost down here!”
“There she is!” Someone calls as the bat girl turns her head to find the other demon gang, stopping the music.
“Give us our pay!” the other demon barks.
“Shit,” the young bat girl mutters and hurries away from the stage.
Bella blinks in concern for the bat girl and runs after her. She follows the bat girl into the alleyway, not aware she’s blending in to the wall until she pulls Bella into her wings.
“Be quiet,” the bat girl shushes her.
They listen to the footsteps going by them until they fade away. The bat girl opens one wing to see that the coast is clear. She lets Bella out of her hold.
“You sing beautifully,” Bella compliments.
The bat girl snorts. “I just made up the song based on that hotel that deals with rehabilitating sinners.”
“It’s still pretty.”
“Who are you? Haven’t seen you around here before,” the bat girl asks, examining Bella.
“B-Bella,” Bella introduces nervously, holding Fat Nuggets close to her chest.
The bat girl grabs one of Bella’s top hands and shakes it. “Nora.”
“Wow,” Bella utters before shaking her head. “I mean, it’s nice to meet you, Nora.”
“Thanks,” Nora replies, letting go of her hand.
“How did you get in trouble with the demon gang?”
Nora shrugs. “Eh, I owed them money.”
“But you didn’t pay them?”
“Couldn’t pay them back. I would if I can. How about you, new face? Have you been in the city before?”
“Eh...sort of.”
“How about I give you a tour around the city? Show you all the nooks and crannies of getting into places,” Nora replies with her hand extending.
Bella frowns. “I think my other friends are looking for me by now.”
Nora smiles. “I’ll bring you back to your friends. Promise.”
Bella grins back and grabs Nora’s extended hand. “Sure. As long as I can go back to them.”
“Of course, hang tight,” Nora warns before taking off with her wings, causing Bella to scream. Nora lifts her up and carries her bridal style, causing Bella to blush.
Bella wraps her top arms around Nora’s neck while her bottom set of hands wrap around Fat Nuggets.
Nora smirks and flies through the city. “Look down.”
Bella looks down as instructed to see so many sights in the city.
Nora flies through the building, passing by Porn Studios, which catches Bella’s eyes.
“What’s p-porn?” Bella asks.
“It’s just naked people doing overtly sexual things,” Nora explains casually. “I wouldn’t go in there unless you can pour bleach in your eyes.”
Bella giggles at Nora’s joke while they hover over the place called Cannibal Town.
“This is Cannibal Town.”
Bella holds Nora tighter.
“I’m not supposed to go there,” Bella answers.
“Unless you don’t get on their bad side, they won’t try to eat you alive,” Nora replies with a smile. “Or you’re Susan who wants to make comments about everything.”
Bella smiles while Nora lifts her up higher. “Whoa!”
“Like the tour in the skies?”
“Y-Yeah. But I’m a bit hungry.”
“Oh, I know the best food place. It’s in the club by the Porn Studios,” Nora informs while going back to the way she came.
“Wait, we’re not old enough to be in the club.”
“Who says we have to be old enough?” Nora replies with a mischievous grin.
“Where the fuck could she have gone?!” Cherri shouts in frustration, searching at the other side of the playground with Husk and Angel.
“Shit,” Husk mumbles to himself.
“Oh, Vaggie is going to kill us,” Angel utters in fear.
Husk sniffs the scent of lavender perfume. “The fuck?”
“What?” Angel questions Husk. “Are you a hellhound now?”
“No, I think I can smell perfume,” Husk utters, rubbing his head. “I think Charlie puts too much perfume on the child.”
“What the hell?” Angel utters. “You can smell that?”
“I can smell it since I’ve met her this morning. Wait, you can’t?” Husk asks.
“Heh, guess you are a hellhound,” Cherri says with a laugh.
“Uh, no,” Husk responds. “It looks like she went that way.”
The three adults hurry out of the playground following the perfume scent through Cannibal town and around Porn Studios until they reach to the club.
“Shit,” Husk utters.
“What?” Angel asks.
“She’s in there,” Husk responds.
“Oh yeah, Vaggie is going to kill us,” Cherri replies nervously.
“C’mon,” Husk replies as they enter the club.
The music is loud and strippers dance on poles. Angel clenches his teeth, tempted by the crack on the table. He sticks by Husk, holding his hand with one of his hands. Husk notices the touch and realizes Angel is cringing at his surroundings.
“Hey, you can wait outside if you want,” Husk whispers to Angel.
Angel fakes a smile. “I’m fine, Husky. Thanks.”
Cherri notices the familiar bat girl sneaking behind the bar. “That’s not our girl, is it?”
The men glance to the side to find what Cherri is looking at.
“I can smell Bella’s perfume on her,” Husk growls, letting go of Angel’s hand and hurrying towards the girl.
Before Nora can hear Husk coming to her, he grabs her and yanks her out of the bar.
“Where the fuck is she, punk?!” Husk barks.
“What the fuck, old man?!” Nora shouts at Husk.
Bella crawls out from her hiding place behind the bar. “Guys?”
“Bella!” Angel exclaims happily, picking both her and Fat Nuggets. “Don’t you ever leave us like that again!”
“I-I’m sorry,” Bella stutters, wincing at Angel’s loud voice.
Husk notices the way Bella winces when Angel picks her up and shouts because of the music being too loud.
“Are you okay?! Any ouchies or lost body limbs?!” Cherri asks loudly to overcome the noises, checking on Bella.
“N-No. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” Bella whimpers.
“Hey, don’t sweat it!” Angel shouts, trying to get his voice above the loud music. “Just don’t run off like that again, alright?!”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Bella repeats, which is now noticed by Cherri and Angel.
“Let’s take them both outside!” Cherri suggests loudly to Angel.
Angel nods his head in agreement as the adults hurry outside with Husk carrying Nora with him.
Once they are outside of the club, they hear Bella sniffling and sobbing.
“Hey, we’re outside now,” Angel speaks softly. “What’s wrong?”
“Please, don’t be mad at me,” Bella sniffles.
Husk widens his eyes, still staring at her.
“We’re not mad at you,” Cherri responds. “We’re just scared for ya, girlie. We thought you got kidnapped by some rando or worse.”
“At least you’re in one piece,” Angel replies, getting Bella to look up at him. “It’s okay. Just don’t run off next time, okay?”
“Especially with a punk,” Husk gruffs while looking at Nora with a distrusting glance.
“Put me down, old man,” Nora growls at him.
“Gladly,” Husk says, dropping Nora face-flat on the ground.
“Nora is just a friend,” Bella responds to Husk.
“Aww, you made friends your age already?” Cherri coos happily for Bella.
Nora groans in pain. “I was just giving her the tour around the city.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s supposed to be our job,” Husk grumbles.
“Oh, fuck off,” Nora curses at Husk.
Bella wipes her tears away. “It’s okay, Nora. They’re my other friends that I’ve talked about.”
“Oh shit,” Nora responds. “Are they your parents--?”
“No,” the three adults say simultaneously.
Bella cuddles into Angel with Fat Nuggets in her four arms.
“Hey, I think we got more food at the hotel,” Angel offers. “Let’s--”
Angel feels a phone vibrating in his back pocket. He pulls out the phone and groans at the contact name. Bella reads the contact name.
“Who’s Valentino?” Bella asks innocently.
“Angel’s dick boss,” Cherri growls and looks at Angel. “Do you really have to answer his call?”
“It’s part of the contract. Here, hold her. I’ll be home tonight,” Angel says while giving Bella and Fat Nuggets to Husk to hold.
Husk frowns to watch Angel walking away to answer the call.
“Maybe we can visit Angel at work,” Bella suggests.
“At Porn Studios? Uh, no,” Cherri responds.
“Oh shit, is he a stripper?” Nora gasps in shock.
“Sex worker,” Husk clarifies and gives her a slight glare. “And what about you? Are you lost or something? Or are trying to swindle folks in the streets?”
“Pfft, I ain’t swindling anyone,” Nora says with her arms crossed.
“There’s that little bitch!”
The group turns to find the gang of demons with their guns out.
Husk sets Bella and Fat Nuggets down, shielding them with his wings.
“Are you fucking serious? I thought I lost you guys!” Nora angrily barks.
Husk takes out a set of dice and glances at Nora. “So you do swindle people for a living.”
“Just with my amazing musical talent,” Nora brags, her fists on her hips.
“Then you’re pretty shitty at it,” Husk responds while throwing the dice at the gang, blowing them up.
“I don’t expect you to know anything about gambling and swindling, old man,” Nora growls while Cherri throws another bomb at the other demons coming after them.
“Oh-ho, you don’t even know half the story,” Husk says while throwing his other set of dice, blowing them up.
Bella watches Cherri and Husk fighting the other demon gangs.
“What did you gamble away? Your watch?” Nora says with a snort.
“More than that,” Husk grumbles, managing to scratch the other demons with his claws.
“Wow, that’s totally not specific,” Nora responds with her arms crossed.
“It’s none of your damn business, kid!” Husk barks, managing to kill the other demons.
Once they manage to kill the demons that try to get their pay back from Nora, Husk breathes heavily, ruffling his red feathers on his wings.
Husk throws a glance at Nora. “There, now you don’t have to pay them back. Next time, pay back what you can instead of leaving your debtors hanging.” He walks over to Bella and Fat Nuggets, picking them up in his arms.
Cherri looks at Nora. “Got any place to crash?”
“Not really,” Nora responds.
“Perfect. How about you crash into the hotel?” Cherri offers.
“Anything to get me off the streets,” Nora says while she follows Cherri, Husk, Bella, and Fat Nuggets back to the hotel.
At supper time, Vaggie paces back and forth in the entrance, which is noticed by Charlie.
“Where the fuck are they?” Vaggie utters worriedly.
“Calm down. I’m sure they’re going to be here by now,” Charlie reassures Vaggie.
“They better not leave any scratches on her or I swear to god--”
“Babe, deep breaths. Deep breaths,” Charlie responds, trying to get her girlfriend to take deep breaths.
Alastor manages to fix the wall with a proud grin. “There, the wall is finally fixed--”
The wall is blown up on the same spot again.
“We’re home, motherfuckers!!” Cherri shouts again.
“Shit,” Alastor grumbles.
Charlie and Vaggie looks up to see Cherri entering the hotel through the hole with Nora by her side. Husk is carrying Bella and Fat Nuggets in his arms, with blood all over his fur.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Vaggie shouts at the sight of blood on Husk.
“Before you get angry,” Husk says, putting his hand up. “Bella is fine. We just have to deal with some punks.”
Charlie lifts Bella and Fat Nuggets off of Husk’s arms. “Where’s Angel?”
“He has to work with his dick boss again,” Cherri says with a scoff.
Husk frowns at the thought of Angel. He looks at Alastor, who’s glaring at Cherri for blowing up the wall.
“Great, now I have to fix the wall again,” Alastor replies, snapping his fingers to fix the wall.
“Who’s this?” Charlie asks, noticing Nora.
“Bella made a friend!” Cherri says with a proud tone.
“Nora,” Nora introduces.
Charlie gasps. “Are you an orphan too?”
“Uh, no, I got a family, weirdo,” Nora responds with a gruff.
“You don’t speak like that to the princess of Hell, little lady,” Alastor replies.
Nora widens her eyes. “Oh shit, really?”
“Yeah, really,” Husk adds.
“Where are your parents?” Vaggie asks with a brow arched.
“At home,” Nora responds with her arms crossed.
“Not specific enough,” Husk replies to Nora.
“Oh, now you want to get in my business, old man?” Nora argues.
“You’re trying to get in mine earlier, punk,” Husk responds quickly.
Alastor steps in between Husk and Nora. “Now, now, if Nora wants to crash in the hotel for the night, she can. As long as she behaves.” he says the last sentence darkly.
“That’s a great idea!” Charlie says. “Let’s get you a room for the night!”
Charlie gives Bella and Fat Nuggets to Vaggie and guides Nora to help her find her room for the night, talking non-stop about the history of the hotel.
Once Vaggie walks away with Bella, Husk glances up at Alastor and sighs.
“Something the matter, Husk?” Alastor asks. “It seems like you got a question.”
“I do, actually. Shit.”
“Uh, hypothetically, if I were to try to get someone out of the contract, how would I do that?” Husk asks his question.
Alastor tilts his head. “You know you can’t get out of my contract--”
“No, no, I’m talking about getting someone else out of their contract.”
“Ah, you’re talking about getting your sweet, sweet Angel out of the contract he’s in, huh?”
Husk blushes and huffs. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Well, I’m no expert on getting someone out of the contract. Val’s got his strings and I got mine,” Alastor responds darkly.
Husk nods in understanding. “Yeah.”
They hear the doors opening, noticing Angel walking in with more bruises and scratches.
“What the fuck?!” Husk shouts and hurries to Angel’s side, catching him as he stumbles on the ground.
Cherri rushes beside Husk. “Did Val do that to you, Ang?”
Angel groans in pain, snuggling up into Husk’s arms.
“That’s it, I’m gonna kill him,” Cherri determines, getting out of her bombs.
Alastor stops her from blowing up the wall again. “We have a front door, you know.”
Vaggie enters the scene with Bella and Fat Nuggets. Fat Nuggets leaps off of Bella’s arms and cuddles into Angel’s loose arms.
“What the hell happened?” Vaggie questions Husk and Angel.
“That motherfucker,” Husk says, clenched teeth in anger. He holds Angel tighter.
“Here, let’s treat his wounds,” Vaggie says while putting Bella down and guides Husk to the lounge.
Bella watches in horror at Angel’s injuries. “Why would someone do this to Angel?”
“People out there are dicks, Bella,” Cherri responds to Bella’s question. “Don’t ever get yourself into contract with the overlords, got it?”
Bella nods in understanding.
The group looks on to watch Vaggie tending to Angel’s wounds on the couch with Husk holding Angel’s hand tightly.
The satisfaction of punishing Angel has never felt so good. Valentino, the moth in red robe, smokes his red smoke in the Vees Headquarters.
Vox, the TV-head demon, comes into the room. “You know, you’re going to break your toy eventually.”
Val chuckles. “That’s what he gets for having a secret relationship with his little boyfriend. He needs to be punished for it.”
Vox sighs and sits on the couch with Val. “Now, we just wait for Velvette--”
Velvette, the woman wearing the glam in pigtails, walks into the room. “Let’s rule Hell, motherfuckers.”
“Hell yeah,” Vox responds excitedly. “Let’s weaken that fucker, Alastor!”
“Come on, Alastor got his ass kicked by Adam the last time I remember. I’m sure he’s hiding now--”
“He already came back with the daily announcements about this stupid hotel,” Vox grumbles, interrupting Velvette.
Val sighed. “I can barely gain control of Anthony anymore. He wants to spend more time outside with that stupid boyfriend of his. The other day, his boyfriend nearly killed me! I’m going to have to tighten Anthony’s contract.”
Velvette scoffs. “Try to be in the meeting with the other overlords, and you’ll see that they won’t even try to rule Hell and Heaven with us.”
“Wait, we’re going after Heaven too?” Vox questions Velvette, a smirk growing on his face. “Oh, fuck yeah!”
“But we’re going to need help,” Val states. “Maybe if we control everything, maybe I would have better control of Anthony.”
“And I can kick Alastor’s sweet ass!” Vox states as the music starts to build.
Velvette starts to sing.
“What are we doing sitting around here,
When we got the seven rings and the light to take over?
Why don’t we focus on the bigger picture, gentlemen?”
Vox croons in response to her.
“Bigger than kicking Alastor’s ass?”
Velvette responds in a sing-song voice.
“Bigger than that.”
Val asks with his voice singing.
“Bigger than trying to take control of Anthony?”
Velvette smirks while crooning in response.
“C’mon, Val, you got more sex toys to play with!
Now, may I have your attention?
Look at the bigger picture, gentlemen.
Don’t you see that there’s so much to control here?
Hell’s easy since it’s already in a shit-hole.”
“How?” Vox questions.
Velvette starts to dance in front of the men.
“We can influence the entire Pride ring,
With our products, keeping our sales up.
We can beat Alastor.
We can use Angel.
But we can have more than this,
Because Heaven and Hell are ours for the taking!”
There’s a music break as Velvette starts to dance with Val and Vox joining her.
Val sings in his seductive tone.
“I can use every store for porn of Anthony.
I know many people would die to fuck him.”
Vox joins in with a smirk.
“I’m the vision, bitch!
I’m gonna make Alastor wish
He had stayed gone for a while.”
Velvette wraps her arms around their necks.
“Look at the bigger picture.
Heaven and Hell are ours for the taking!
We don’t need other overlords with this mission,
When we have this book that might lead us to greatness!”
Vox and Val gasps, “What?”
“A book? Are you fucking joking?” Vox asks with a brow raised.
Velvette sings firmly.
“Now, look here and see.
There’s a book that will teach us dark magic.
With this book, we can do anything we damn well please.
Look, look, according to the legends,
This book is powerful enough to turn light into darkness.
This book here belongs to the couple known as
Morrigan and Orais.”
“Interesting,” Val says while leaning forward and puffs his red smoke.
“What use do they have?” Vox questions.
Velvette sings with the music playing in the background.
“Morrigan and Orais are the most powerful couple
Since Lucifer’s fall.
They were created from Lucifer’s hands to enact vengeance
On the earth and the light above us.
She’s the whispers driving many to sin.
He’s the .
They want the realms just as much as us.”
Vox starts to sing with a brow arched in his screen face.
“And why do we have no idea who they are?”
Velvette explains through song.
“That’s because The Light has banished them
Into the deeper depths here.
The only way to release them from the chains
Is by reading this book in Latin.”
Val nods to the beat of the music and sings.
“You know, we might have a shot of this.
Now looking at the bigger picture--”
The three V’s start to sing their hearts out with an upbeat music.
“Heaven and Hell are ours for the taking!
With Morrigan and Orais’ book
And Hell’s most powerful couple,
We’ll be taken seriously again!
Alastor’s ass is ours.
Angel is under our strings.
But looking at the bigger picture.
Heaven and Hell will be ours for the taking!”
And Vox sings darkly at the end.
“And no one will get in our way.”
The music ends while the three V’s laugh evilly, lights fading into dark. 
To Be Continued...
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ravenadottir · 1 year
i started playing season 6, and i've got shit to say for the half of dozen people that are still following me in this cobweb infested blog (i apologize, i'll be explaining what's happening on a different post)
i'm only on day 2 of the season, right when it's announced that roberto is coming (which is so disappointing to me that he isn't brazilian but portuguese, like... WHEN ARE WE GETTING A GOOD BRAZILIAN CHARACTER????)
anyway, here are my thoughts:
i actually didn't see much of a problem with it so far. it feels on par with similar conversations we had in the past, except this time we're getting to know them a little deeper than, say, season 3.
knowing bella's family situation or roberto's is kind of refreshing because we barely learned bobby had a sister on a throwaway scene on s2, so... yeah, it's ok.
i like how they express themselves because as an litg player, i'm used to some eloquence, but as someone who sometimes watches the show i HAVE to suspend my disbelief since i know islanders from the show are just... NOT GOOD AT EXPRESSING THEMSELVES, to say the least.
i like the conversations we had so far, it felt fluid and fun, but then again i've only coupled up with jamal, because obviousoly i did, who would i go for, fucking ryan? WAKE UP.
the challenges piled up but because of how many dialogues we had in this little time i think it worked pretty well.
grace - girl, it's been a day and ozzy is not even that hot. HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF? he's punching, not you. chill. (and i hate they're giving the intensity they gave hope here, feels bitterly familiar and they better fucking knock it off).
bella - FINALLY a girl i like who's available and slutty (affectionate) since the beginning. i absolutely think bella might be right there with talia when it comes to arc as an LI, but we'll see. if anyone dares stealing her or if fusebox even make the slight suggestion of a slowburn i'm burning their HQ idc
ivy - alright i see you bootleg marisol, but i don't give a shit, you're annoying, die in a hole.
amelia - i think she's putting a front and deflecting the negative attention to ivy but that's just me. also, the twist of the public choosing who she should couple up with before she could tell us is extremely dumb and unnecessary, but also a reason for her to say a different name later, maintaining her image of good sister. i don't trust her, i WILL step on her head to the finale, die in a pit you're also annoying.
jamal - i like the attention but everything with moderation gives me way more tingles than a crybaby that can't stop talking about how he wants to be with me again. we were coupled up for a few hours and only had one conversation, chill bitch. it's giving ted mosby and every himym fan knows how bad that is. i'm not sure if every guy that the public chooses to be with amelia on night 1 acts the same, but i'm slightly turned off. it's too much boy, calm down, i'm here to be a slut, calm down.
ryan - get a haircut or let it grow because looking twelve and the coolest lesbian at the same time is not the look for you. its giving hipster with a chemistry kit at the local café.. also, either you're the douchey musician or a bad poet, you can't be both, PICK A STRUGGLE.
lewie - the impersonation of being stuck in traffic. i don't care for you, die in the same hole as ivy and amelia.
ozzy - fucking pulling the noah, man. i've seen this before and i'm not interested. stop being such a coward and tell grace how you feel. i know for a fact you're gonna be drama and it's because you refuse to be honest. it's so embarrassing, bestie.
roberto - HOT. i only saw the preview but i'm excited.
it's great. i think it was kind of weird how fast and furious it was with some previous seasons (remember the last season i played was 3 and half of 4 {it was soooo tedious i gave up half way through}) but i think so far it's ok. it definitely has better cliffhangers than other times when they thought they tried their darnedest.
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there's no fucking way they thought these were worth diamonds. and 22 diamonds for that frufru purple shit??? it looks like something who doesn't sew would put together with a hot glue gun, stop.
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ivy i might kill you like they kill one of those vampires at the end of the twilight saga, by opening your mouth so wide it cracks off your skull. SHUT - UP.
and amelia... you're irrelevant, get out.
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BUDDY, YOU'RE THE MOUTHPIECE OF THE GROUP NOW, HOLY SHIT. grace has me on my knees, i can't.-
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bitch, we did! i kissed you in the challenge. EXCUSE YOUR BEAUTIFUL SELF! (also, for the breasts appreciators, i feel you, boobs are great, really! but like, those... two... lines... coming out of the bikini???? yeah, that is actually what gets me. you didn't need to know but i told you anyway, because i'm happy bella is hot and cool and i don't know how to shut up when i'm love, leave me alone!) whoever designed her knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
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i'll give ryan some cool points because 1, he burned ivy in front of everyone, and 2, he admitted and owned up to it. good for you, bestie, good luck when you take a trip to the hair salon and get rid of that... hair. also, STOP SKIPPING LEG DAY BUDDY. from the waist up it's giving "abs, hot, i go to the gym", from the waist down is giving "i'm twelve and there's a reason i go to the beach in pants".
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bella and grace looking naked and glamorous but feeling threatened by this ugly ass dress is the funniest joke in the writing so far. truly. i've had mermaid costumes at 4 years of age less embarrassing than this atrocity. stop lying, bella and grace, YOU'RE BOTH NAKED AND PERFECT.
and that's what i have to say so far. i'll continue playing this season until they inevitably fuck up. i'm not being pessimistic, i'm just... well, i guess i am. but i have no reason to believe otherwise.
also, i keep forgetting ozzy is here even though it's been a day. idk why.
anyways, i'll come back with more litg brain rot in a bit.
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warningsine · 3 months
Whatever message "The Fall" was trying to convey in season 2, it failed.
"I don't hate women. I hate everyone and everything including myself."
Ok, fake ass Hannibal wannabe who thinks that quoting Nietzsche makes you deep.
What makes Hannibal fascinating to watch, unlike Paul in "The Fall," is that despite all the gore and canonical violence, his cannibalism isn't gendered. He is not a bigot (a homophobe, sexist, racist, you name it); that's not what drives him or his murders.
(That's why I don't get all the professional reviewers' "Dornan is so arousing in this role" comments.
Really? When? When he's shirtless or when he's busy violently murdering women? Or when he grooms a child?
And don't get me started on his acting range: it does not even come close to Anderson's or Mikkelsen's.)
Bryan Fuller made some really clever creative decisions (like genderswapping certain key characters); he created his own world that is so far away from our own--a world that is largely inoffensive to women due to the lack of sensationalized sexual violence against them.
When you're surrounded by (sometimes insanely popular) shows that use a woman's degradation, e.g., rapes in "Game of Thrones" or murders in "The Fall" for titillation; that discard female bodies left and right, it's so refreshing to watch a violent series where you don't have to worry that a woman will be raped or discarded without a second thought.
When Alana gets attacked by Hannibal, when Margot is manipulated or when Beverly is killed, it has nothing to do with their gender. In fact, Hannibal is a cheeky bastard that makes lesbian jokes when Alana gets with Margot.
And many men are killed too. That is significant, yes.
In "The Fall," Paul mentions Joe, but that guy was collateral damage. The target was his sister.
In "Hannibal," sometimes the murderers are women.
More importantly, "Hannibal" has many complex and compelling women to begin with: Alana, Bella, Bedelia, Margot, Beverly, Freddy, Abigail, Chiyoh, Reba. And even Molly and Miriam. And these women sometimes interact with each other, not just with Will/Hannibal/the men in their lives. I'm not even talking about the obvious example, i.e., Margot and Alana's lesbian relationship that gets a happy ending.
In "The Fall," Dani and the other secondary female characters (Archie Panjabi's role should have been bigger, her talent was wasted once again) take a backseat so that the show can focus on Paul's evil mastermind. Who cares about the assault survivors' trauma, right? Or Paul's wife and children's for that matter?
Not to mention that the insistence that the feminist protagonist, who has her own sexual trauma, is somehow similar to the misogynistic murderer is enraging to say the least. It's not just that Paul says it, because he obviously tries to rattle her. It's that the narrative pushes this idea.
Thank fuck two years later, "Killing Eve" did what "The Fall" could not do: an interesting gender examination.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(wait for the season to come back to me tag)
Robin crosses her arms. “Okay, so when you said you could fly, that was…a blatant falsehood. A vile calumny. Not to put too fine a point on it: a filthy lie.”
“Fuck you, I can fly!” squawks Eddie.
“Sure. Like, three feet.” Robin does not look impressed.
“That’s three more feet than you, bloodbag.”
“You’re barely hovering, Penn Jillette. Call me when you get powers that don’t totally suck.” Robin visibly realizes her mistake as Eddie laughs so hard he does an off-kilter roll in mid-air.
“Oh, Buckley. I can’t even touch that one, it’s way too easy.”
Eddie drifts over to the couch and collapses. It does look like it takes a lot out of him to do stuff like that, sometimes.
Steve is already sitting on the couch, so he ends up with Eddie’s feet in his lap. He casually drops a hand onto Eddie’s ankle. Eddie runs a little cooler than a human, but not that much. Robin’s been trying to see if his temperature changes at different times of day.
“The hell does it matter if Eddie can fly real high?” Steve asks.
“It doesn’t,” says Robin. “Except for how he was all like ooh I am a creature of the night, I stalk the shadows from above and it turns out he can basically float just enough to clear the coffee table. It’s like, an extended jump.”
“That’s still pretty awesome, though.”
“Steve thinks I’m awesome,” Eddie warbles.
“Not what I said,” says Steve, but he smiles at Eddie and rubs his thumb over the bony jut of Eddie’s ankle. He thinks he’s probably never going to get over how good it is to have Eddie close and touchable like this.
Robin heaves an exasperated sigh and ambles into the bathroom to rummage through her makeup. Tonight is lesbian karaoke night at a bar in Andersonville, and Robin’s been pretty determined to work a Joan Jett look this time around.
“I mean, you don’t literally suck blood though, do you?” she calls through the open door. “It’s not like you’ve got fangs or anything.”
“Uh, I definitely have fangs, Robin.”
“Ok, but you know what I mean. Ow, fuck, my eye.”
Robin wanders back out, dabbing at her kohl-lined eyes with a tissue. Steve thinks she did okay with the makeup, but he’s definitely not an expert.
“You’re not exactly, like, Bella Lugosi’s Count Dracula, are you?” she says. “I don’t see any swooning damsels in nightgowns with delicate puncture wounds on their heaving bosoms around here.”
Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Gross. I mean, sure, that’s not exactly how I…how it works. But I still definitely have fangs. Like sharks, see?” Eddie opens his mouth and yeah, Steve can see serrated teeth descending in little rows, stacked close together. Eddie pokes Robin and gestures at his mouth, going “Ngaaah” until she rolls her eyes and looks too.
“Yeah, congrats,” she says. “You already showed me the first night you were here, remember? When Steve kidnapped you from the bar?”
“Um, excuse you, I did not kidnap Eddie,” says Steve.
“You kidnapped me a little bit.” Eddie prods Steve with his foot. “You lured me in with promises of embarrassing photographs, which were really pretty disappointing, all things considered. Way less embarrassing than I thought they were going to be.”
Robin, who is a traitor, says: “Oh, you should get him to show you the photos from Dustin’s graduation! He was trying so hard to look like a respectable adult that he ended up going way overboard and people kept assuming he was one of the actual parents.”
“Yes!” Eddie springs up. “Buckley, you’re a saint.”
Steve groans, and Robin pats him on the head as she grabs her keys. “Have fun, boys.”
“Come on,” says Steve, resigned. “I’ve got one framed in my room.”
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angelnumber27 · 6 months
The twilight series should have been about Bella and some lesbian vampire falling in love
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casketears · 2 months
edits that i would have made to riverdale if they'd known to hire me
more explicit hiram/archie/veronica. now i know what you must be thinking: how the fuck could it get more explicit than what was already shown, especially since archie is the flavor of oblivious gay that would mean he'd likely shirk any form of homosexual contact with a confused smile and an aha, whoa, did you– did i– no, im straight. yeah. but all the same i'd have liked some more sensual solo scenes with him and hiram. his deteriorated half disinterest in his relationship with veronica in favor of his growing obsession with her dad is good but not perfect. i want them to get touchier and weirder about it. and i want veronica to also get in on it
cheryl as an insane quasi incestuous straight woman. i have never seen a less convincing dyke than as portrayed by madelaine petsch, and i have never seen her have more chemistry with anyone than when she was either a) obsessing over jason, b) using archie as a romantic projection of jason or c) straight up romancing archie in season 7. it's actually absurd. also cheryl is fucking crazy in a commandeering action seeking sort of manner and archie is the ultimate orders boy so you can imagine what a red-haired power couple the two of them could have been. archie go die in my mines yes honey <3
if cheryl had to be a lesbian then at least let her be involved with donna sweett from season 3. no meaningful thoughts here i just think they could have enjoyed each other's weird mind games, writing/painting foils, and overall gothic aesthetics. and i bet donna wouldn't have been so lame about the whole taxidermied twin in the basement thing
more explicit hiram/reggie/veronica. here i do actually mean explicit. i want that boy passed between the two of them like a rebound blunt. i want him spitroasted by the narrative.
speaking of which reggie and archie should have at least made out in season 7 and it's actually preposterous they didn't. i never knew a gay man (the show creator) within a cast of gay characters could queerbait like that.
in the jughead paradox i would have loved to see a taste of the flavor of insanity that would have befallen jason if the roles were reversed and cheryl had been the one to die way back in episode 1. i think about this roleswap a normal amount
more ethel. thank fucking god season 7 gave her justice by letting her escape the narrative but i still wanted to know more about this dnd-obsessive horror artist weird girl (+ betty's arguable half sister)
i would have had reggie actually be groomed by that driving instructor (miss bella) in season 7 rather than have it be a red herring. more horrible parallels to archie etc. also i want him and veronica to stay in that awful toxic rebound-adjacent business partnership forever but that's just me
more on the season 7 mini jughead squad (dilton doiley, ben button, ethel muggs). they hinted at it and never delivered and it makes me lose my mind to think about
more detective drake from season 5. she showed up told betty to leave her man and experiment with women and left without even kissing her. also her name sounds like dyke. i miss her so much and also every day.
musical episode ideas: dear evan hansen (smth related to covering a murder and jughead is evan and archie is jared and a gun is in my mouth), bare: a pop opera (featuring gay kevin), in trousers or hadestown (they could never pull either off but i'd love to see them try).
actually fuck it also more on eric jackson from season 5. preferably dating archie but i'm not picky.
kevin worse quality life. yes i just don't think he goes through enough. i think he should have been in an unhealthy sexual relationship with the devil after he turned him into a cop (percival pickens) (i know percival is technically not the devil but he's english anyway)
cheryl should have had a cannibalism moment that post on tumblr was right
i don't think i emphasized enough earlier how badly i want explicit hiram/reggie/veronica. specifically of a flavor where both the former and the latter are using him to fill an archie shaped hole in their heart while also as a weird incest divorce cope to get back at their respective daughter/father. if you think i had established my point well enough just remember it again with me because it could have been beautiful. i'd have dragged this out for half a season at minimum
more on peaches the background character peaches (she is very attractive).
a proper time loop episode
was about to say 'canonically bisexual betty' (<- has been a vocal supporter since day 1 when she kissed veronica) but then remembered this is actually true now and now i'm so happy i forgot most of the other qualms i was going to add on this list
non-sike deaf jughead
non-sike dead jughead
a jughead that kills himself and makes it everyone else's problem
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teadrop-12 · 5 months
I really love the headcanons they're honestly so spot-on and very fun to read through if its not too much can I have hcs from you of my girl Dos🙏🙏🙏
YYESSS MY BELOVEDDD OMG omg u already know a lot of hcs n u made me have a lot more so ty 4 that omg
right off the bat. does not get along with kids. either that. or she is the cool mom to them. but her experience with every kid in the show says otherwise
her real name is MAYBE Dahlia.
bi. 100% bi, with a preference for women
terrible at math but good at everything else
when i said shes bi i mean like. kinda stereotypical bi. with like the leather jackets and also falling head over heels with a woman at first sight but it takes her months to actually start to like a guy
like. i adore acaiberry right.
and rizdos
but u know how dos went and infiltrated MATA and Bakar tried to flirt with her n like she was uninterested. what if like she ran into the most ethereal woman ever (geetha,,maybe i dunno,,,,just a suggestion,,,)
and that just causes her to almost fail the entire mission because of ONE OLD ASS LESBIAN
well geetha isnt that much older than her bc shes like,,,the same age as rizwan?? apparently?? but this isnt about her
owns a motorcycle. much cooler than rizwan's, like its got purple lightning on it and stuff.
if i was to compare her to a toh character shes like eda and lilith combined. like she takes wildly unnecessary risks but also completely stoic and unwavering at some.
but really she also reminds me of elle from tlou2
has a lot of jewelery, just rarely wears it
i said before she is not good with kids but her skills at makeup and being fucking awesome are what get her by. like she can get any kid to like makeup and motorcycles in three hours
really close with trez, again, thanks to you bella i have this headcanon. but like hes like her brother, maybe they grew up together?
she brags about being in a band but really she was only in it for a month (girlfailure)
never really caring unless its someone she knows like family, like MAYBE Trez, Rizwan is an exception
either she doesn't like music or she listens to heavy metal, but like with her partner she'd have their own music taste in her playlists and stuff
whoo time for some cringe dark heartwrenching headcanons!!
when she was in the numeros she was unknowingly cloned because before rizwan she was the strongest of the numeros. but that backfired bc it turned out to be a child.
and im not saying who that is because bella you know this headcanon all too well and no one else can know until i've fleshed out everything but a hint is she was homeless until MATA
like the clone ran away when she thought she'd be terminated and thats why she was homeless.
genuinely cries a lot when she thinks of losing people she loves. like she'd go in private and cry her eyes out and come back like nothing happened
when she dated jenny she had a plan in the back of her head to run away with her and off the grid from the numeros.
we all know that can't happen now
shes been through so much shit as a kid and always thought she was so mature and that she should have been able to handle it so if she ever has her own like single or adopted or with someone i dunno, she would cry because she realized she was that small and innocent once and she didn't deserve that
i hate it here
i might be projecting
i dont even have this many headcanons for my spiky haired daughter
i might be projecting on this one a little but i also got this hc from a comic by catboymoments
anyways!! i think thats all for now but if i think of any more i'll add them ilysm bella also feel free to ask anything else!!
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saintsenara · 1 year
You are both hilarious and insightful, so…I’ve created a second edition of my ship ask:
Classic: Neville/Luna
Niche: Snape/Narcissa
Tastefully deranged: Voldemort/one of his horcruxes
Deranged: Umbridge/Filch
Crack: Fudge/Margret Thatcher, who canonically tried to throw him from a window (quite an enemies to lovers opener…)
thank you for the ask anon! these are amazingly deranged...
neville longbottom/luna lovegood
i have the toxic trait of really disliking fanon!luna. my girl is not a dreamily misunderstood clairvoyant, dispensing pearls of folksy wisdom. she's a conspiracy theorist.
which is to say, show me a neville/luna where they're both being sweet and taking edibles and talking about, idk, how plants are our friends, and it's a no.
show me neville returning to his pre-war awkward passivity and therefore unsure about what to do in the face of luna coming home with "evidence" that seed oils destroy the magical core and the battle of hogwarts was a hoax, and i'll tune in.
narcissa malfoy/severus snape
i sincerely think this is implied by canon - how do you know where he lives, eh, narcissa? - and that it's probably one of the better relationships either of them ever have. after all, they are aligned on how children should be raised [not as death eaters], what relationship to have with your in-laws [bella and wormtail, you are not wanted here], and what to do with a toxic boss [lie to his face]. all things that matter.
and let's be honest, lucius malfoy has selfish-in-bed vibes, but severus "i will sacrifice everything for even a crumb of your regard" snape? oh, he fucks.
lord voldemort/his horcruxes
this one obviously has several potential manifestations...
voldemort/the non-living objects the horcruxes are made from:
if you can find a way to fuck a tiara, full respect to you.
nagini's a lesbian, so she ignores all advances and flirts with the malfoys' peahens instead. importantly, she has only ever been a snake and the fantastic beasts films don't exist.
voldemort/the victims
i have a soft spot for the potential of tom riddle/myrtle warren, because i was also an annoying and dramatic teenage girl, and sometimes those girls should be allowed a little crush on the hottest boy in school at a treat.
tom riddle/tom riddle sr.? well, voldemort does have unbelievable daddy issues...
voldemort/hepzibah smith? only if he got a payrise for doing it.
voldemort/unknown locket and diadem murders? why not.
voldemort/lily potter? hot, but he was too busy simping for james [no he did not face you "like a man, straight backed and proud", he ran into the hall without a wand, flailed, and then died] to notice the potential.
voldemort/frank bryce? i'm not entirely sure that soul baby had the ability to fuck, but if there's anyone who knows enough magic to try...
tomcest should appeal to me - and frequently does - because if there's anyone who would consider the only suitable partner for himself to be - well - himself, it's lord voldemort.
i am someone who is quite critical of the default sexual dynamics in a lot of voldemort-centric slash [especially tomarrymort], which i often find to replicate a lot of heteronormative ideas about queer sex. voldemort is generally written as exclusively topping, largely - it seems - because many authors and readers equate taking that position with being in control of/more powerful than the bottom.
i prefer a dark lord who'll try anything, because enjoying getting railed doesn't make you any less capable of being a terrorist. and, luckily, there are lots of fics which feel the same way, and i've had lots of great conversations with other voldemort enjoyers about it.
but, one thing i think is worth being aware of is that a significant percentage of bottom!voldemort fics are tomcest, which - in my opinion - kind of defeats the point of saying that bottoming doesn't automatically require a relinquishing of power or a choice of passivity - obviously voldemort would be prepared to be passive with himself.
what i'd like to see more of is a voldemort who doesn't think the way he likes to get fucked reveals passivity at all, whether he's with himself or not, but atm i'm finding tomcest isn't entirely bringing it to me.
argus filch/dolores umbridge
i reckon this would be quite mutually fulfilling, actually. they do caretaker/headmistress role-play. i.e. their jobs.
cornelius fudge/margaret thatcher
fudge is elected in 1990, which means he gets to meet thatcher while she's on her way out, seeing betrayal around every corner. hurt/comfort for dayysssss.
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hibiscera · 10 months
Hi Mir!! I would love to hear more about your poison Ivy, I love it when she gets to be mean and complicated!!
HI CYAN!!! I would love to talk about Pammy!! :D
Okay so basically I think she should be like this:
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(I cannot WAIT to read Umineko finally so I can get inspo because I just KNOOOOW it's gonna unlock my brain so much for writing Pammy how I wanna)
Basically, to me... what I see as some of the "core facets" of her character are isolation and loneliness. She tries to distance herself from humans and her own humanity because of all the hurt they’ve put her through.
Plants and nature have been her one comfort, her one solace. It’s what she relates to most of all, and what she chooses to become to escape from it all. She wants to grow, unhindered, like her darling plants… a reasonable want for anyone to have, really.
Because of that, I really want to tell stories of her connecting with other people… Reconnecting with Bella and Alec after falling out with them in college, becoming friends with Drury and Jonathan because of their own disconnects from humanity, and then of course there’s Harley. 😊 Ivy can NOT escape making human connections!!
Oh and of course she is a lesbian trans woman that is extremely important to the narrative. (: Her finding joy and love as a woman loving other women is very important… allowing herself to open up to others and to experience that joy. To truly blossom!!
Currently I’ve been reading through more Poison Ivy comics here and there for inspo, I really want to find some good antagonists to work with for her!! I love when villains have their own villains to deal with. (: I feel like Veronica Cale could be a really good candidate for one LOL…
Oh I have also failed to mention the Ophiocordyceps Lamia will play a big role from the beginning!! It’s a big part of Pamela becoming Poison Ivy and I Heart Parasitism.
SORRY THIS IS A SCATTERED MESS OF WORDS AND THOUGHTS!!! I really have been wanting to talk about the kind of story beats and themes I attribute to her and would like to tell with her!!
most importantly … I think she should get to be a little silly with it and have fun. (:
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oodlyenough · 2 years
the last of us 1x06: kin
surprisingly don't think i have a ton to say about this ep of the last of us but i feel like i should continue posting for posterity at this point lol. (eta: i said that, then started writing my thoughts, and wrote a gazillion words anyway.)
side note: any canadians watching on crave? isn't it fucking terrible. trash service
anyway: 1x06!
continuing to enjoy joel and ellie a lot. the further we get into the show i think the more they've come into the roles and evolved into their own versions of the characters, which is fine. good even. i think bella ramsey and pedro pascal have very fun chemistry together, and i think bella carries the comedy beats really well, which means i've been enjoying seeing more and more of those. i also really like those scenes because they feel familiar without being complete retreads of the game dialogue (which inherently invites me to make comparisons on delivery, etc)
so this joel is much more openly vulnerable. i think this change works to go with what we've seen in the show so far and places where the show is presumably going. and, i'll be honest, i find show joel a much more likable character. 🤷🏼‍♀️
the "not my daughter" scene hit differently... tbh i think it hit less, but not really through any fault of the show's, if that makes sense. it's just one where beat by beat i know the words as delivered by troy and ashley and my brain is super imposing them
loved the opening with the Indigenous couple, they were so funny, and the idea of florence seeing joel puffed up like an angry bird and identifying zero threat and making him soup lmfaoooooo hkghlkg. honestly w game joel i don't think that would work, lol, but w show joel it did. such a funny way to use the map easter egg, and the "there are firefly people?" followed by the couple laughing at their own joke killed me lol
also loved ellie's indignation about how they probably don't know anything because they're "a thousand" and they don't even know the fireflies, who are probably a total nonentity outside select QZs. extreme kid energy. they haven't even HEARD of paw patrol can you believe it. what do they know. also, congrats to them escaping joel and ellie mostly unscathed... minus a rabbit. (rude, ellie.)
show maria was great idc. imo game maria is not much of a character, so the show had plenty of room to expand, and i liked how they did it. i see some people reacting badly to her skepticism of joel and forgiveness of tommy, but we also don't really know what exactly she's been told by tommy. maria being pregnant is also a more solid reason for why tommy can't take ellie than we got in the game.
i can't really evaluate tommy or maria as characters without factoring in part 2 and at this point there's enough difference that who knows where the show will go with tommy and maria in s2, so, it's all kinda fair game imo
the university scene felt a bit rushed but i guess there really isn't that much to do there when you're not rearranging dumpsters and killing infected. it was the first time the show felt notably rushed to me, and i suspect that feeling will get worse in the back third of the show. ah well.
joel's injury and the fight felt anticlimatic compared to the big action set piece of the game, BUT i think it worked much better in context (joel's explicit fears in this ep becoming manifest), and also, game joel's injury is sooooooooooo ludicrous and video game it just wouldn't work on tv lmao. i kind of wish we'd seen ellie land any of her shots on those guys, but i have my theories as to why we didn't. tbd
misc other thoughts:
diva cup scene... excellent. was worried about those musty tampons.
SALLY FUCKIN' RIDE lmaoooooo ellie. u lesbian. ilu
like everyone i was beyonce.gif DINA?!?!?!? in the cafeteria scene. 100% that was dina, there's no way it wasn't. it might not be the final cast actress (i can see them not wanting to cast a major role so far in advance for a cameo, and they have a time skip to justify any appearance changes), but as a character that was surely meant to be dina. ellie that's ur WOMAN
we're 10000% getting some other cameos in the finale. i'm ready 👀👀👀👀👀
lastly: can't wait for this weekend's episode. the one i've most anticipated. left behind DLC my beloved...
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n1cadd1ct3d · 1 year
Listening to my boywife ramble on why Bella form Twilight should have been a lesbian
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undisputed-queer-a · 1 year
Lesbian Heel Shenanigans
As we continue our look at queer moments of representation in in 'our great sport' and as I continue to doubt that phrase I am brought to Survivor Series 2014. Obviously at this event Sting showed up in WWE for the first time, a shocking development that no one expected because of Sting’s long standing attitudes towards the company. Especially considering he had worked for both of WWE's biggest competitors (before AEW that is) WCW and TNA. Sting even turned down working for the Dub in the 2000s...but I hear you "What does Sting debuting in WWE have to do with the title?" really to be honest nothing I just didn't much want to talk about Nikki Bella Vs AJ Lee at the same Survivor Series. Was that funny? Probably not. Maybe it confused you because it didn't match the title idk. And I know I pick what I write about but like it's really bad. So to set the scene in August 2014 Nikki Bella turned on her sister saying and I quote "I wish you died in the womb." find the clip it's gloriously bad, and even though I feel bad making fun of her line delivery but it's...it's really something. So in the following moths they feud as you might expect. having a six minute match at Hell In a Cell in October and a two minute match on RAW in November. This feud I believe won the WON Worst Feud of the year for 2014 and universally panned by fans. I also think that one of their matches had the stipulation the classic personal assistant stipulation which made Brie Nikki's like servant for a bit. I'm one hundred percent sure this happened but I trust myself enough to mention it.
Okay so Survivor Series, Nikki beats AJ Lee starting her historic 301 day Diva's title reign (I wanna do a whole post on that belt. It's not got much to do with LGBTQ+ stuff but eh who cares.) but you wanna know how she won this match? Brie kissed AJ which distracted her, Nikki hits the 'Rack Attack' (not a great name IMO) and wins within 33 seconds. F*cking b*llshit (still not dure if the censoring is a good idea/whether I should do it or not.). Now I don't know why this happened. Like any of it but why did they book them to kiss? Why is Brie basically committing sexual assault kissing someone wo doesn't want to be kissed? And why are Nikki and Brie cool with each other again with no explanation? Nikki said she wished Brie died in the womb and then made her life hell why are they allies again? AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
It's genuinely maddening why was a couple of months of story telling (admittedly not good storytelling) undermined by strange Lesbian Heel Shenanigans. It's stupid and weird and it also kind of alludes to the predatory lesbian stereotype. It's all around awful and I honestly have spoken on this topic for too long.
Anyway this has been a....I don't actually know
This has been Undisputed Queer-a.
Slay The System, Shock The Cis-tem, and see you next Monday.
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thevampirearchive · 1 year
Twilight Thoughts (ranting again)
The thing is, if Stephanie had wanted to make a third book, i.e eclipse, - which was unnecessary, boring and weird, we could have had some type of unhinged plot twist where Charlie is revealed to be a Werewolf (unknowingly) and Bella is one too, but due to them being separated from their pack, they've never turned. That could for one explain why Edward and Aro can't read her thoughts, not why Alice can see her future... Also why Charlie's only friends are literal wolves and why he is team Jake (please Billy probably knows he's a werewolf but hasn't shifted and most likely never will). The scene of her scent was giving disgust and perhaps that should have been a hint too, but since she is not 100% one, it could explain why he got used to it (and I bet vampire's feeding on a werewolf is a different experience due to their blood probably being even better)
Bella being a female wolf would also explain her intense 'I feel at home with the black's' and that extreme loyalty to Jake. They were good friends but to consider your baby to be named E.J Junior is so unhinged. This girl looked Jake in the eyes and said her wedding was completed/perfect now that he had showed up... bestie, what?
As said, Eclipse was unnecessary. It was for the Team Jacob girlies because someone unfamiliar with the franchise would have been able to go from New Moon to breaking dawn. All that would need to be explain would be - where is Victoria (which I will get to later) The vampire army is nowhere near New moon, so a whole new plot point for what?
The plot that is Victoria's revenge is so.... human. I don't know what Vampire would go to this length to kill a HUMAN because Edward killed James ??? Most vampire media emphasis heavily on the fact that death being so common means the girlies either move on with ease, stay mad but still keep it pushing or they take themselves out. My VC girlies will know that despite Lestat and Armand's hatred for each other, the two probably send each other Christmas gifts with letters of how much they hate each other, but also Happy Christmas hope your well. Vampires circles aren't big, so to be out here full blown trying to go to war is so pointless and I would have enjoyed Victoria moving on, wait for Bella to be a vampire and THEN been her sworn enemy that occasionally have drinks over 'the good ol' days'. To be alive for an eternity and still bitter over a man (james) who disregarded the 7 against 2/3 ods is wild. Vic, I want better for you. Bonus; The volturi never catching wind or ending things was so weird. What's the point of a Vampire Coven if they only arrive after the battle? what are they? the police, come on...
The scene with Laurent is the most sensible vampire thing this movie has had. He wanted to mercy kill her because he knew a life of being chased would probably be worst then him just eating her (vampire logic is my favorite) and he was even willing to make it pain free. It's not like he was being cruel in my eyes, he genuinely things that is a better option then to face Victoria's wrath, and I cannot say I do not agree -- I just wished her option could be getting turned.
Bella would have never married Edward if it wasn't for the promise of vampirism. I do believe she loved him, but I also believe Stephanie and her religion had to come first. It's funny because I doubt any Mormon knows of twilight and approves, so why not just go all the way and - Make the 3 MC's (it is a stretch to call Jake that but we were force-fed this dude so I may as well) a Poly couple, especially after showing that Jake and Edward basically want to bang (my interpretation. I have never seen people loath each other yet be 2 inches away every argument, kiss already) - Not have Bella enter a weird 'I am a feminine female' era, and leave her to be the Buch flannel lesbian she was written as. She gives such overwhelming male energy, and Edward gives such overwhelming female energy, it is fun to watch them. - Have Charlie know about the vampires & werewolves already in New Moon. I do not know where the Charlie disrespect came from but it needed to stop, he's one of the 3 main-best dads.
Jasper's character was irrelevant and only served the purpose of training them on how to kill new-borns. Why doesn't Carlisle know that? Isn't he from the 15th Hundreds? Has he never faced similar problems?.
Alice power is wack, she can predict the future but it is not something she can control? (much like Aro, Jane, Edward etc can) It changes depending on if the person changes their mind (???) and she only sees it right before it will happen? How did she see that Bella was going to be a vampire but never predicted pregnancy? or that Bella was find after her diving? or who the new borns were? Why is her power's so inconsistent, complicated and in somewhat useless? Stephanie should have instead combined Jasper and Alice power (mood manipulation and short sighted visions that allowed her to at least see a bit ahead, none of that 'I see far out but also what is right Infront of me is a blur', it could have been explained with her possibly being heavily affected by the mood's of those around her, and that is why she is able to manipulate it)
The volturi arch should have been much larger, because we finally see how much stronger vampires they are (and that exist in the world besides the Cullen) but they are the representation of the Catholic Church so of course they have to appear useless and evil lol come on Stephanie, leave your faith at the door and give us a masterpiece how you did with Twilight and New Moon!
Imprinting would have been fine if the premise was Soul Mates and feelings are reciprocated, but it is only activated at a certain age (much like werewolves only realizing what they are at a certain age) or if it wasn't 10/10 times explained as ending romantically. If the audience (us) were shown and told that imprinting has resulted in just being best friends or happened amongst family member (tighter bond), we would not have been throwing up audibly. But no, they have the imprint gang laughing and kissing at the beach, then pan over to Embry and the toddler... like please how did no one in that writer's room for the movies (or an editor) ask Stephanie if she was okay in the head. The scene of Renaissance and Jake on the beach watching a sunset? baby is 6 second old and they already about to make out, please someone cut the cameras.
No one knowing vampire's and humans can procreate is so... weak. Especially when a vampire baby HAS BEEN BORN, I just know Carlisle was beating himself up about not worrying. This would have never happened if Bella had been turned before. I do not see why they needed to wait.
Lastly, Bobo should have been casted as Jake - I do not understand why he needed to be ripped to shreds at 15-16, when the other pack-members looked regular/strong. Bobo fit the description better. imo, and isn't a white man. But he is much younger then the others/franchise, so they'd have had to have filmed much later in the 2000's... And the cast overall is so good.
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dearestdoe000 · 2 years
tell me about your ocs??? please??? (when you have time ofc)
Hii!!! I took super long to answer this since I was (and am still) on vacation! And now I’m super sick w a cold so I finally have time to sit and write the lengthy response I wanted to TwT
Ok so ima tell you about two of my fav characters :D ok I’ll start with my bby Magma
So Magma, or 078032 as she is officially known, lives in a dystopia. Now, I’m still working on this world and I’ve done and redone it so many time ToT so I’m not really gonna get in specifics, but basically she has to work in harsh conditions almost all day as a metal worker. Metal gets shipped to her quadrant and her and her coworkers have to mold it into whatever is ordered. Her sister was killed because of defiance but she denies her sisters entire existence because it hurts less that way.
She used to be pretty defiant and bold until her sister died. Now she is overly nervous and never talks. She has the spine of a wet piece of cardboard and will avoid confrontation by all means possible. She does NOT have ur back. I would die for her. She joins two rebels because they lie to her and say that if she does she will be promoted to a noble in the queens office (Magma is a major suckup). She then ends up falling for one of them bc they have so much enby swag. Big plot stuff happens, the rebels end up thinking she’s cool and it’s emotional bc she was planning on turning them in and they were planning on ditching her but now none of them want to do that.
Basically she is my fav girl and all I do is draw her and think abt her. She’s tall af too and I love her.
The next one is Bella. Same story as Magma, but she’s the evil queen! Kinda. She’s the public face of the country, mainly because she’s young and beautiful (40 looking 25, yk) and very easily idealized. Her mom does everything behind the scenes and basically tortures her. Now this is not to say she isn’t to blame for everything being awful. She’s an absolute scum of a person. But I love her.
Her story is very long and convoluted since it has gone under far less reboots than Magma’s, so I’ll simply it. Her family consists of her, her mom, her dad, and her brother (ftm). Her mom is v homophobic and transphobic and very very abusive. Her dad tries to leave with her brother but her mom ends up killing her dad in a fight. Her brother runs away and is presumed dead. She decides to just do what her mom says after that.
Important to the story is her good friend Reeha. They are lesbians. Very secret lesbians but very lesbians. Reeha tries talking bella into realizing how messed up her country is and during one such outburst, Bellas mom catches on and orders Bella to administer this chemical that wipes Reeha’s memory and basically makes her brainless. It’s worn as a crown, think the ice kings crown how it changes him. Anyways, that isn’t enough and so her mom makes her slash Reeha across the face with this sword thing (it’s v symbolic and stuff but I don’t have time to get into it) and Bella does. And then she’s like super depressed and stuff. Like she’s always been, but it’s like. Really bad now.
Magma and Bella meet at the worst points for both of them, and it’s very interesting. I haven’t really decided what to do after this.
Thank you for the ask @ham-nah !! It made my day when I received it and writing this has made my day again!! I hope ur having a great day! And you should tell me abt ur ocs if you have any :DDD
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rai-knightshade-art · 2 years
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I was possessed with a need to draw Molly and Bella's (true) first meeting as Wee Baby Bellas at a reunion, being FAR too cute for their own good! Neither of them remember this moment by the time they meet again in college, btw. (Beca goes to the bi-annual Bella Get-Togethers pretty regularly but she and Jesse decided pretty early on that it wasn't worth the effort to tow the whole family across the country for a single weekend, especially after the twins were born, so Molly hasn't been to one since she was a baby. Bella's been to quite a few, but she and Stacie live much closer to the usual meetup spot, plus it's just the two of them so they're a bit freer to travel.) And yes, that is a Bella scarf that they're about to play tug of war with, tho whose scarf specifically is anyone's guess considering there's over a hundred women there. 🤷
On the flip side, i have the True and Correct Analysis of most of the main/supporting cast according to the "Every Friend Group Should Include" meme. This is objective truth and i will not be taking suggestions at this time.
(this is a joke for the love of God don't come for me i will Cry)
Close ups can be found under the cut, along with the typed up breakdown of who fits what (for the meme); the image ID is in the alt text!
The Lowdown:
Every friend group should include:
A himbo (Jesse)
A mean bisexual (Beca)
Even meaner lesbians (Aubrey, Cynthia Rose but she isn't actually mean she's just cool)
He/theys (Benji, Unicycle--tell me that's a nickname an NB transman wouldn't pounce on, come on, they'd be all over that) and she/theys (Jessica, Ashley)
A token straight who's on thin ice (Bumper, Fat Amy)
An astrology bitch who has everyone's birth charts memorized (Stacie, Chloe, Emily too but she's not pictured)
And a Short King (Donald, alternately it's just Beca again)
Close ups:
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