#bellamy and echo
laufire · 8 months
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STACKED100 | february 4th | “coup de grâce” We found each other in a cage.
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phantomstatistician · 5 months
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Fandom: The 100
Sample Size: 38,844 stories
Source: AO3
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childofgabriel · 9 months
continuing my last post, here are some spacekru moments i'd like to see flashbacks about (pushing for my spacekru spin off):
- murphy's coma. that must have been WILD and so scary since no one is medically trained. the GUILT that monty must have been feeling
- raven teaching emori about mechanic stuff. i can imagine raven was doing her usualt raven stuff and emori just kinda watched from afar, slowly coming closer each day til raven offered to teach emori some things. from there on they spent more and more time together, emori learning a lot
- emori and echo bonding over being grounders in space together. that must have been really difficult for them, never having been in space before and not knowing what to expect, missing earth so much
- spacekru finding booze. i know it happened, i know they cheered, i know they got drunk as hell
- i know this didn't happen (not as far as we know anyway) but murphy learning some medical stuff. he wants to be useful and knows the smallest bit of what he saw clarke and abby doing in the past, so he takes it up to organize the abandoned medbay and try to make something of it
- emori and echo learning to read and write. i'm kinda assuming here that grounders don't read or write, but i could be wrong. i'd really like to see them learn, probably raven and bellamy teaching them. hell, maybe murphy can learn some stuff too ("first son, first to dye")
- on a similar note, emori and echo teaching the others trigedasleng. a really nice exchange of knowledge and culture
- mourning clarke together. bellamy and raven ofc took it really hard, but the others were close with clarke as well or at least knew her good enough
- spacekru haircuts! they all got nice new hairstyles, i'd like to see how the haircuts went between them. maybe the first time they were still a bit wary around each other, feeling uncomfortable with another person coming close to them with scissors / a knife
- training with each other and teaching fighting styles. bellamy and harper can teach the rest how to use guns, while echo can show them how to use swords and a bow. i'm also really impressed by how raven won from echo in their little sparring match (even if echo let her win)
- the "rules" that they made. murphy mentioned they had "too many rules", so i'd like to know what they are. we already know the "time rule" aka not being allowed to mention how long they've been on the ring for, the punishment being a chore. murphy was one of the chores lmao (i'm laughing but that's sad tbh)
- emori and murphy's breakup of course. really want to know what exactly happened and how, since they both seemed to have different takes on it
- bellamy and echo slowly learning to trust each other. i still remember the "will we ever trust each other?" "probably not" (something like that) and BOOM 6 years later they're dating
- maybe a bit more about the ring itself? i'd like to know the layout and what kind of departments they have. the ring looks pretty big, but it seems like they didn't actually have many bedrooms. after murphy pushed emori away, raven says they were forced to bunk together. emori could have chosen a room for herself, but maybe there were just only very limited rooms, 5 or so? seems a bit strange to me for such a large spaceship
- i like to think they had weekly therapy talks, so i'd like to see more about them just being vulnerable with each other and learning their stories
- just more spacekru. i love them and miss them so much. please give us more content of them, literally anything
thanks for reading!
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doortotomorrow · 5 months
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becho » the tinder box
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okay but the 100 could have been so epic if s3 had covered that three month span after s2 and actually expanded on grounder culture and shown how arkadia formed - and then every so often it would cut to jaha doing stuff for alie, murphy trapped in his bunker and clarke just stalking through the woods, slowly losing it - and it could end with that rover scene because we deserved one season that ended on a happy note.
but THENNN an entire season could have also been spent on the six year time jump - which would give the characters much more time to develop and show how they all bonded together. imagine if we had a whole season to show clarke and madi growing close, to show clarke slowly adjust to how different everything is now and get used to being apart of a happy little family. imagine if we had a whole season to see octavia become blodreina, to watch each decision take its toll on her and see her go more and more dark until she makes a choice she doesn’t think she can come back from. imagine seeing spacekru adjust to being at peace for the first time ever, imagine them being a bunch of idiots doing random shit for fun because they have the time and the freedom for once.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Chaotic Neutral
Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising
⭑ Sent down to earth with the rest of the group, only for a petty crime of trying to feed your sick mother. You had stolen someone else’s rations and a fight broke out. 
⭑ Being in the ship’s cell had hardened you somewhat, but you were able to talk to Clarke who was next door to you. 
⭑ The day you landed on earth, was the day that everything changed. 
⭑ You were no longer safe.
⭑ And so you stood behind those with loud mouths and bravado. John Murphy was the best option, and soon Bellamy was the camp leader. 
⭑ You didn’t like the others on earth, but you did take a liking to Clarke, Octavia, Wells, Jasper, and Monty. 
⭑ Slowly you became part of Clarke’s crew - 
⭑ And Bellamy seemed like such a big arch-nemesis at the time 
⭑ But over time you learned to trust each other, because you had no other choice. And when you saw that changed in Bellamy, something in you shifted. 
⭑ As a significant other, Bellamy is very protective but also very caring. 
⭑ He wants to make sure that you feel comfortable and safe at all times. 
⭑ He can get a bit jealous, but not overly. He isn’t possessive either. 
⭑ Bellamy loves cuddling. And he’s very good to cuddle as well. There’s no greater feeling than having his arms wrapped around you. Nowhere else do you feel this safe. 
⭑ Before doing anything dangerous, Bellamy cups your face in his hands and rubs his lips over your lips. And like a promise, he tells you he loves you and kisses you so deeply. 
⭑ When you’re alone together, you talk about the future and what you want. If you want kids, where you’d want to live etc. If you think of something midday, you’ll try and find each other to add it to the list. E.g., “I want a flower garden” or “I changed my mind I want to live by a lake” etc. 
⭑ He always makes sure that you’ve eaten, and if you’re hungry he’ll get you whatever you want (or whatever is closest to it). 
⭑ You share a room/tent (I mean it changes doesn’t it!) And he has minimal possessions, I mean everyone does now. But you have your little knick-knacks that you’ve created, little gifts from friends. 
⭑ The moment Bellamy fell fully in love with you, was when you had found a few of his favourite books. 
⭑ He doesn’t mind PDA. Bellamy will wait for you to sit next to him so he can hold you against his chest. 
⭑ He would really appreciate you listening to him when he opens up. Not a lot of people know a lot about Bellamy’s interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. 
⭑ He would want to marry you, or if that wasn’t possible, he would want to commit to you as much as possible. 
⭑ You do worry about him a lot. It’s in his nature to protect, defend and lead. He raised Octavia, so it’s ingrained in him to be the first to react and step up. 
⭑ He gets surprised when you remember things about him. Especially memories and other people in his life that are long gone
⭑ Bellamy teaches you skills, he doesn’t want you to have to rely on anyone. 
⭑ Doesn’t like it when other people look at you with lust in their eyes. He will move closer to you, but not be too obvious
Theme Song:
‘Davy Jones’ by Fia Oradd
Relationship Tropes:
Snarky Power Couple That Can, And Probably Will, Destroy You
Moon (mysterious, night-person, creative, introverted) (Bellamy) x Eclipse (has so much worth but doesn’t see it, initially closed-off but has the biggest heart) (You)
Rivals to Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers
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franksoceanwrld · 9 months
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okmcintyre · 2 years
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The 100 + 'New Year, New Me'
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thequietesthing · 6 months
yesterday 19/03 has been 10 years since The 100 came out… and i’m like how?? i’m feeling old and at the same time grateful for these 10 years of absolute crazy plot twist, never ending bellarke baiting, beautiful relationships and imaginative ways to destroy each and every world the characters set foot in
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mickimagnum · 9 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Five
*the camera pans down to show Echo Valley Ranch, soon after the sun has risen. a rooster crows loudly.*
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Devin (voice-over): "Today is my solo date with Handra and I'm really excited to see him. I like our connection. It's comfortable and easy. And we have a lot in common. So, yeah. I can't wait to see what happens between us when we have more time alone together."
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Handra (voice-over): "I barely slept last night I was so excited about our date today. I can't believe I get to spend the day with Devin. I don't know what we're going to do, but as long as I'm with her, I know it's going to be fun."
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*the next shot opens with Handra approaching Devin. she's waiting for him between two horses, one of which is her horse Gale. Devin is smiling at Handra*
Devin: "Good morning, Handra!"
*Handra beams at Devin*
Handra: "Good morning, beautiful."
*he comes to a stop in front of her and they hug*
Devin (teasingly): "Can you guess what we're doing today?"
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*Handra glances at the horses, then looks back to Devin and jokingly scratches his head, as if confused*
Handra: "I was hoping you'd give me a hint."
*Devin lets out a loud laugh, which Handra follows with his own deeper chuckle*
Devin: "Well, I thought we'd go for a ride. And maybe stop for some breakfast along the way."
*their eyes meet and Handra gives her a lopsided grin*
Handra: "I would love that."
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Devin: "Alright, great! Let me introduce you my friends here. This gorgeous creature to my left is my horse, Gale. And on my right is the newest addition to the ranch. His name is Bellamy, and he'll be your mount for the day."
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*Handra's eyes light up as he looks over Bellamy. He makes he way over and gently runs his hand down the horse's neck*
Handra: "Hey there, big fella. It looks like you and I are going to be pals today."
*Bellamy relaxes his head in Handra's palm and closes his eyes, enjoying the affection*
*Devin smiles to herself, as if making note of how well the horse responds to her date*
*After a few moments of allowing them to bond, Devin speaks up:*
Devin: "You ready to saddle up?"
Handra: "You bet."
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*the pair mount their horses and begin on their journey*
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*the next shot fades in of Devin and Handra riding along a trail that winds up a desert mountain. Their conversation is indistinct, but it is peppered with laughter and sounds upbeat and playful*
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Handra: "A fancy pergola in the middle of nowhere? I feel like that's definitely for us."
*Devin's laughter rings out against surrounding rock walls*
Devin: "You would be correct, sir. Onward!"
Handra: "Yes, ma'am!"
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*the pair ride up to the Oasis' pergola and come to a stop.*
Devin: "Well, this is fancy."
*Handra nods in agreement as he leans forward in the saddle and scratches Bellamy's neck*
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
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*Stan, Milo, and Houston are around the bar in the kitchen having breakfast*
Milo: "So, what do you think they're doing?"
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*Houston puts his fork down, sighs, and presses his finger against his temple as if to stave off a headache*
Houston (dryly): "I'm trying not to think about it."
Milo: "Because it makes you jealous?"
*Houston sits silently for a moment, his jaw clenched, obviously considering whether or not if he was going to answer*
Houston: "Yeah, man."
*Houston picks up his fork and begins shoving the food around on his plate*
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*Stan looks on silently as he sips his coffee*
At the Oasis...
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*Devin and Handra and now seated at the table under the pergola, enjoying gourmet french toast*
Handra: "I don't know if I told you, but you look amazing today."
*Devin, who just shoved a fork-full of food into her mouth, now hides behind her hand as she chews and begins to blush*
Devin: "Thank you. You do too."
*Handra smiles and and glances shyly down at the table in reply*
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Devin: "You handled yourself pretty well on Bellamy on the way up here."
Handra: "I spent some time as a horse trainer, mostly training ponies for kids back home. So, I've had my fair share of time in the saddle."
*Devin cocks an eyebrow*
Devin: "Really? That is so cool! A fellow horse trainer; yet another thing we have in common. You know, I teach riding lessons and most of students are kids. I think getting people involved with horses young is so important."
*Handra smiles at Devin, his eyes shining*
Handra: "That's amazing. And I agree. It creates a lifelong bond and respect that's really, well...magical."
*Devin nods enthusiastically*
Devin: "Yes! Exactly!"
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Handra: "You train and sell competition show horses, right?"
*Devin nods*
Devin: "Yeah, that's right. But, I've got a new project I'm working on, too. See, Bellamy's not just any horse that happens to be at my ranch. I plan to breed him with Gale. That's my the next phase: breeding and training highly pedigreed Quarter Horses."
Handra: "Aaahhh. That makes perfect sense. That's exciting for you."
*Devin smiles and cuts another piece of french toast*
Devin: "I think so," *eats the piece she just cut and after she swallows she says:* "So, what about you? What are your plans for the future?"
Handra: "I bought my ranch, but I'm still in the process of really getting it up and running. I guess I'm just having trouble picking a direction of where I want to go with it. I feel like I could make it all work, you know? I'm stuck in a cycle of analysis paralysis, I guess, surrounded by a bunch of half-finished projects and none of them are making me money right now."
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Devin: "Maybe you just need to figure out what you're passionate about? What would be worth dragging your *bleep* out of bed every morning at 5am. What you want to bleed for. I mean, you grew up on a farm. You know this life will literally make you bleed."
*they both share a short chuckle*
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Handra: "Yeah, I know you're right. It's just harder than I thought it would be. This 'being my own man' and starting my own legacy thing."
Devin: "If it were easy, it wouldn't be worth doing. And honestly, you should be proud of all you've accomplished so far. I mean, we all have rough patches. But, it's how you get over them that really matters."
*Handra smiles up at her*
Handra: "You're really special. You know that?"
*she returns his smile*
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Devin: "Thank you. I've just lived an interesting life that has taught me a lot of lessons. Most of them the hard way."
*Handra reaches across the table and takes her hand*
Handra: "I hope to hear all about it some day soon."
*their eyes meet and they smile at each other*
Devin (softly): "We can do that."
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*After a brief time lapse, Devin looks to the away and sighs*
Devin: "It's time for us to head back."
*the two then make their way over the horses*
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*before they mount, Handra stops Devin, takes her hands, and looks into her eyes*
Handra: "Thank you for an amazing day. And for listening to me and being so kind and supportive. I am so lucky to have been given the opportunity to be here with you. And before we go back, I need you know how much I like you, Devin. I really, really do."
*Devin beams at him*
Devin: "You're welcome. And thank you for an amazing day. I also really like you too, Handra. I'm glad you're here with me."
*Handra then holds Gale steady while Devin mounts*
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*Once Devin is in the saddle, she leans down and kisses Handra. It's sudden and catches him by surprise, but he begins to kiss her back, holding onto Gale to steady himself*
*after the kiss, they two separate, look at each other, and burst out into smiles*
*Handra then makes his way over to Bellamy, with a little extra swagger in his step, and mounts*
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Devin (to Gale): "Alright, girl. Let's go home."
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*as the pair begin the ride home they join hands*
Handra: "Wait, does this mean we're literally riding off into the sunset together?"
Devin: "It's only noon, cowboy."
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Handra, in diary room: "After today's date, I now know for a fact that Devin is woman I've been waiting for. She's so kind, and smart. Conversation and just being with her is easy. Everything about her feels right. And...she kissed me...best kiss of my life." *smiles at the floor in recollection*
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Devin, in diary room: "I really enjoyed being with Handra today. And when he opened up and was vulnerable...that meant a lot. Every minute of being with him just feels natural. So, yeah, I kissed him," *laughs* "I think I surprised him a bit. But I wanted to shake things up. It was nice. I can't wait to see him again."
Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras Milo submitted by @belsasim Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims
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laufire · 7 months
7i'm gonna need ALL the fic recs about spacekru in the ark/spacekru in general while i'm watching the 100 btw. with NO bellamy/clarke in it, I'm begging you. I want fic that's actually about *them*.
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This video has been in my drafts for ages and I finally finished it. Spacekru remains one of my favorite things the 100 ever did, and I wish I had been able to stay invested in the last two seasons purely because of them. If only we had had more time with some of the best dynamics the show ever set up.
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childofgabriel · 9 months
spacekru means everything to me, i truly wish we had more flasbacks on their whole 6 years together. like murphy getting into a coma because of monty's algae? that shit must've been wild, i want to see it
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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BECHO The 100 / Season 6 / Episode 12 / Adjustment Protocol
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alannacouture · 6 months
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Is it weird that I’m hoping Conageddon will somehow spark my creativity and finally break through my writer’s block? Yes, probably, but I’m getting desperate at this point, so if you’re attending (lucky 😉), please post ALL the content possible.
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meredithbeckham · 1 year
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don't you dare cry.
a softer world, the 100.
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