#bellwood records
jpnnewmusicdaily · 5 months
僕は一寸 (Boku wa Chotto) by Haruomi Hosono / 細野晴臣
Album: Hosono House Year: 1973 Label: Bellwood Records Lyrics & Music: Haruomi Hosono / 細野晴臣
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ironclark · 1 year
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A Keyblade modeled after the Omnitrix in Ben 10! This Keyblade is designed to have strong combo modifiers! The entire Keyblade is designed after the prototype Omnitrix that Ben uses throughout the series, stylized to have more black and white with accenting green instread of prodominately green, reflecting the alien designs seen in this series. The token is Heatblast.
The world logo is that of the Rust Bucket, where the Tennysons spend their time inbetween alien adventures. The name comes from Ben's power being tenfold with his 10+ different aliens. 
A Keyblade modeled after the livestreaming experience of Halloween Resurrection! This Keyblade is designed to have high thunder techniques. The hilt guard of the blade has several monitors, referencing the streaming theme of the movie, with the teeth of the blade being a recording camera, with a kitchen knife flair. The token is a pumpkin with the ear mounted recording device. 
The world logo is that of the Myers Home, where the entirety of the movie takes place. The name comes from the two major aspects of the movie: Screaming and Streaming. 
A Keyblade modeled after the Alien Force Trio from Ben 10 Alien Force. This Keyblade is designed to increase the damage of summons. The hilt of the Keyblade is designed after the recalibrated Omnitrix, representing Ben. The Shaft of the blade is designed after Kevin's Car, representing Kevin himself. The teeth of the blade is a Mana Orb, representing Gwen. The token is Swampfire.
The world logo is the now central location of Bellwood. The name comes from Ben's iconic phrase, "It's Hero Time!"
A Keyblade designed after the Ultimatrix of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. This Keyblade is designed to have high strength. The hiltguard of the Keyblade is designed to represent the Ulitmatrix, the main Omnitrix seen in Ultimate Alien. This design conitinues up the shaft, ending in the Ultimatrix symbol covering the Seal. The teeth is Dagon's tentacles begin freed from said Seal. The token is that of Ultimate Swampfire.
The world Logo is Bellwood again, but with more Ultimate Humungasaur design to it. The name comes from Aggregor's search for the Ultimate Prize. 
A Keyblade designed after the omniversal elements of Ben 10 Omniverse! This Keyblade is designed to have high combo modifiers. The hiltguard is designed to have the new Omnitrix wielded by current Ben combining into the prototype Omnitrix wielded by the past Ben. The shaft of the blade has some design elements from the new Omnitrix, but ends in Rook Blanko's Proto-Tool. The teeth of the blade is a stylized version of the new Omnitrix's holographic alien selection mode. The Keychain and token is that of the newest alien Feedback.
The world logo is designed after the newest addition to Bellwood, Undertown. The name came from my friend DreadCaptainClover, adding the pun of Ten to Omnipotent. 
A Keyblade designed after the 2016 reboot of Ben 10! It is designed to have stronger electric attacks. The hilt of the Keybade is designed by combining the elements of the Season 2, 3 and 4/5 Omnitrixes seen in the show, with the Season 3 version appearing at the center of the hilt. The shaft of the Keyblade is designed after Ben's Go-Kart, but with elements of the Season 3 Omnitrix color scheme and a Omnitrix face plate combining elements of the Omnikix and Omni-Naut transformations. The teeth of the blade are inspired by the Omni-Enhanced transformation coming from Shockrock, using the rock design with the electrical elements forming the actual teeth. The token is the reboot's version of Heatblast.
The World Logo is the Rust Bucket, as this series again follows the Tennysons in the Rustbucket. The name comes from the ever notable fact that Ben has the power of ten different aliens. 
A Keyblade designed after the combination of Danny Phantom and Ben 10 in the fan comic by the Ink Tank, 5 Years Later! This Keyblade is designed to have more powerful transformations. The hilt guard of the Keyblade is designed after Danny's Ghost form, using the white and black design. The shaft and hilt of the blade is designed after this universes design of the Omnitrix while in Uniform mode, using the white accents to break up the black and green design. The teeth of the blade is designed after Danny's logo, with the Omnitrix shaft making the P part, and Danny's new flaming hair design making the D teeth. The token is the 5YL logo.
The World Logo is Bellwood, as the story takes place in Ben's side of the multiverse. The name comes from the fact that Danny and Ben are both Heroes in different parts of the Multiverse! 
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bunchans-world · 25 days
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Some of my favorite and best bars in Tokyo.
- The Bellwood
- SG Club
- Ten Cups
- Fuglen
- JBS (Jazz Blues Soul)
- Record Bar Analog
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 7 months
you know. I think I have another question for the Ben 10 AU. First of all, you know that one episode “Arrested Development”. where Ben had give an alternate identification to the watch, because he was turned back into an 11-year-old. Which literally was to tell the watch a bunch of stuff about himself like “My name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson” “I live in Bellwood” “My grandfather name is Max Tennyson” “I like soccer and chill fries and, I’m scared of peacocks”. Do the four have something similarly or close to that?(maybe even tell us how they give identification to their watch)? Also second of all, we heard of the four’s favorite aliens. What’s their least favorite aliens/alien forms?
Oh that would be even funnier if it was like the famous ✨alchemy accident✨ so because of the magic again being a double edged sword, the omnitrix cannot recognise the DNA and here we go on the hopes that no bad guy breaks in today, while also trying to get the authentication method to work.
*cue bad guy breaking in sfx*
For Riddle, he would find it harder since TREY is the one insisting on taking care of him. And it's so hard to get alone time with Trey as your 'babysitter'. Adeuce try to help but who would even trust these 2 with a kid knowing their track record?! But Jack does make his way through and finally takes off Riddle from Trey's hands with the excuse of 'hey, you should cook something for the kid, I'll watch over him in his room'. Now for the authentication method, Riddle does start with his name, where he lives and his family. Alas this is not enough so he tries the school he's attending, his friends and very generic shit. Jack suggests to use some things that not all people know. Something that only Riddle knows even. His final impus are 'I like strawberry tarts and law obedient hedgehogs.' along with 'when mother wasn't at home, I would borrow and try to wear her heels around the house.'
For Kalim, Jamil is immediately telling him to first go through the authentication method while he gets an antidote. Kalim starts with pretty generic things, but only when Jamil leaves him alone for a bit he shares things like 'I like ladybugs' or 'one time an assassin drugged Jamil, but I fended myself just fine'. Things that neither Jamil actually knew. Those seem to do the trick. :3
For Epel, Vil is immediately on to brew the antidote, as such, Rook was helping Epel with the authentication method. And BOI nothing escapes Rook so might as well share the embarrassing secrets such as 'I stood 3 hours in a tree because I was afraid to get down.' or 'a horse once threw me in a haystack where I found a knitting needle.'
Now Idia is pretty much easy to get alone. Ortho was deemed as a capable and sane enough person to watch over him while Crewel wipes out an antidote. And Ortho basically was with Idia all of his life so there was no secrets in between them.
Except for one. When Ortho does get out for something, Idia tells his very last and most intimate secret 'I still feel guilty about my brother's deaths.' Yes. Plural, because it's hypothetically, after chap 6 and as such Ortho experienced like... 3 'deaths', a thing which only Idia knew. His parents knew that Ortho died 1 time, while the others in chap 6 knew that 'robo ortho' was the og and didn't die as he was rebuilt.Damn some mental gymnastics. But that was enough to make it work so Shh... :'3
Hmmm for the least favourite aliens... I don't really have an idea... As all of them have their purpose after all... So this is something up to debate still. :'3
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thelensofyashunews · 24 days
Tedy Releases Bombastic New Single "Rich"
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Today Haitian-Canadian artist Tedy releases his latest track “Rich”. Tedy posted a snippet of "Rich” just minutes after he recorded the track and people noticed, with Grammy winners SZA and Lizzo joining the chorus of praise, enthusiastically sharing teasers of “Rich” across their social platforms.
The song almost instantly went viral, amassing nearly 11M views across TikTok and Instagram (and counting!), and setting the stage for what will almost surely become the anthem of the summer – launching the Friday before the long weekend, and saying what we all feel.
“Rich” is a pop banger with a bombastic beat and message to match. On the song, Tedy is at his mostrelatable, confessing “I wasn’t born to work! … Don’t want to lift a finger … I just want to be rich!”  The track is ironic, playful, hilarious – an anthem of excess. With lyrics that brush off the idea of working for a living and instead fantasizing about waking up to piles of cash.
To celebrate the release of “Rich” Tedy will be cruising around the city in a vintage convertible while blasting his new song “Rich” in his very own quit parade. He’ll ride though Toronto’s financial district to gloat, stop at Trinity Bellwoods to hand out "I WASN'T BORN TO WORK" merch and pick up media along the way to discuss “Rich”; the viral anthem for those who dream of living large without punching the clock. 
“Rich” will kick-off an exciting start to Tedy’s new sound, with more new music on the horizon.
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lucybellwood · 11 months
New Ramble Day!
I've been recording these little think-out-loud walks since 2019(?!) and they remain my favorite way to get unstuck and explore all the things that are rattling around in my brain about maintaining a creative practice, grappling with grief, handling money, appreciating birds, navigating social media, and just generally being a human being.
They're always free to listen to, and there's a whole backlog archive of them here.
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teledyn · 8 months
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kariachi · 1 year
Another piece of Radgit-brand fic.
They do both look out for each other, Argit just, has his own techniques...
Ben really wanted to be surprised to find Argit sat on his couch, behind a locked door and windows, but unfortunately had known him too long for that. Instead all he was left with was tired aggravation as he came to stand in front of him, arms crossed. The Erinaen met his frown with a toothy smile.
“What do you need?”
“Need?” Argit put a hand to his chest, eyes wide as if he was hurt, an act he’d one hundred percent learned from Kevin. “What is this planet coming to that I can’t come visit my good friend Benny, spend some quality time together?”
“If I were Kevin maybe,” Ben said shortly. “The rest of us? Never. You want something.” For a heartbeat Argit just blinked, before his smile melted into something sharper.
“Okay,” he said, leaning back in his seat with a nonchalant shrug, “if you wanna talk business. It’s come to my attention the Plumbers around here are coming down hard on the smugglers that come through.”
“It’s getting to be a bigger problem,” Ben said suspiciously. “Something has to be done about it.”
“Mm-hm.” Argit nodded slowly. “A few of your little buddies have taken to showing up outside my place.” Ben’s face screwed up, just slightly, at the statement. Argit had to know by now that nobody was going to give him trouble, between his status in the community, small army of Techadon bots, and the whole Rooters situation, he and his business were all but untouchable. The Plumbers weren’t a threat he had to worry about anymore.
He was a little disappointed in how long it took him to put the pieces together.
“Rad’s a big name,” he said, “with a long track record, bringing him in would send a serious message.” Not enough to stop the smuggling in the Bellwood-Geilla Bohln area, but hopefully enough to slow it down some. According to his grandpa right now more people were having goods smuggled in than imported.
“True,” Argit answered with another nod that somehow worried Ben more than anything else he could’ve said. He calmly pulled out his phone and started flipping through it. “But see, there’s bigger names around here. Mine, Kev’s, yours. I hear there’s people in the Andromeda Galaxy that know your name.”
“Yeah…” Valiantly Ben resisted the urge to step back as Argit held his phone up. A short video was playing, that started with an explosion and ended with his grandpa scolding him… A million emotions shot through him like lightning as the memory of the day hit him.
“It would be real interesting,” Argit said, heedless of Ben’s sudden tension as he shoved the phone back in his pocket, “to see how two galaxies react to learning the great Ben 10 thinks the best way to stop a kidnapping is to kill the victims. Or that the Plumbers went out of their way to cover the whole mess up for their golden boy…”
“You’re blackmailing me,” Ben forced out, arms falling to his sides, “to get me to stop the Plumbers from arresting your fuck-buddy.”
“I don’t doubt he could break himself out if he needed to, or that if he couldn’t that I could, but it’d just be so much easier for everybody if it didn’t come to that, wouldn’t it?” The smile on Argit’s muzzle was sharp and slimey and Ben was sorely tempted to go for the Omnitrix.
“This is low, even for you.” Argit just tilted his head.
“Wow, somebody’s got an ego. What, everybody else I’ve thrown under the bus in my life just don’t matter?” Ben glared harder; fists clenched.
“Kevin’s gonna love to hear about this,” he said, teeth grinding as Argit laughed.
“And you aren’t worried I’ll just show this to him? Not even a little thought about what he’ll think when he sees you kill those babies without even blinking?” The thought twisted in his gut, and it must have shown on his face despite his best efforts because Argit just grinned at him and hopped off the couch.
“I do like our talks, Benny,” he said as he patted his arm on his way to the door. “You just keep your little buddies out of my nest, a’ight?”
Ben stood quiet and watched him as he left, a million thoughts running through his mind. How had Argit gotten his hands on that video? Was he really about to release it to the whole galaxy over one guy? How likely was it that Ben would lose his best friend if he ever saw it? These and more in his head, he took a deep breath, released it, and pulled out his phone.
He needed to talk work with his grandpa.
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mariamonstrike · 7 months
Sex Worker Advocacy: the Antithesis of Serial Killing
My bully and rapist J_ C_ is already on record having an indirect role in inciting the spree rape and killing spree in Toronto of black women.
Next year he will emerge as one of the most prolific killers in Canadian history, having organized the mass murder of at least 20,000 children in an organ trafficking scheme that ran sham adoption charities in the Global South.
It was unsavoury and unwholesome to probe the experiences of sex workers and their associates but I do believe that in doing so I demonstrated a political principle that opposes serial killing, as sex workers are their victims of choice due to their fear of speaking up due to their criminal status and disposable reputation.
It makes me fundamentally opposed to one of Canada’s worst killers, Robert Pickton.
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“A former friend of Robert William Pickton testified on Monday in B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminsterthat the accused killer told him in graphic detail how he killed prostitutes and fed their bodies to pigs.
Andrew Bellwood, who lived on Pickton's farm for a short period of time in 1999,told the court about one night in March 1999 that Pickton suggested they go get a prostitute.
After Bellwood refused, he said that Pickton asked him: "Do you know what I do with prostitutes?"
Bellwood said what happened next was like watching a play.
He said Pickton reached under his mattress and pulled out handcuffs, a belt and a wire. He described putting the prostitutes on their stomachs on the bed and having sex with them, Bellwood testified.
Then Bellwood said Pickton — who was kneeling on the bed at the time— gestured, as if stroking a woman's hair. He told the court that Pickton said he would handcuff the women and tell them,"It was going to be OK, that everything was all over now."
He testified Pickton saidhe would thenreach under the mattress and grab a piano wire or belt, and then strangle the women.
Bellwood testified Pickton said he would take the body to the slaughterhouse and "bleed them and gut them."
"He commented on how much they bled," Bellwood said."He kept telling me, 'Oh you know how much they bleed, you wouldn’t believe how much blood comes out of a person.'"
Bellwood saidPickton then told him he would feed the body to the pigs, and whatever wasn't eaten, he would place in large barrels destined for a Vancouver rendering plant.”
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fahrni · 11 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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I’m getting more and more excited about writing code full time at work. I’m sure that won’t last but I’m going to enjoy every minute of it while I can. 😃
I ran into issues getting my git SSH keys to work earlier in the week and while I find that frustrating it was also a nice challenge to fix. I’m up and running and ready to break some stuff! 👍🏼
I hope you enjoy your coffee and the links.
Sarah Burns • The Irish Times
Irish singer Sinéad O’Connor has died at the age of 56, her family has announced.
The 80’s was my era of music and I most certainly remember Nothing compares 2 U, it was a big hit.
The thing that really struck me is, she was 56 years old. As I age my mortality has occupied more of my thoughts than I care to admit, but there you go.
God speed. ❤️
Jacob Zinkula • Business Insider
ChatGPT creator says AI advocates are fooling themselves if they think the technology is only going to be good for workers : ‘Jobs are definitely going to go away’
Emphasis is mine. I’ve not used ChatGPT but we’re pushing into AI hard at WillowTree. It’s such a hot button item at the moment all agencies will have to take it very seriously.
For my daily work I see it as a really smart auto complete. The next evolution in code assistant. It felt like cheating early on but as a developer you still have to validate the output. Did you get valid and good code? It may not work all the time. Yes, it’s fallible but it’s also early days. I am certain I’ll use it at some point to help generate some code.
Give it another 10 years to mature. I’ll be really close to retirement by then and the next next generation can use it to their advantage. 😃
Owen Bellwood • Jalopnik
According to General Motors boss Mary Barra, Chevrolet has backtracked on its plans to completely kill off the Bolt, which has so far seen its sales more than double in 2023. Now, the company is working on a next-generation Bolt, which will join Chevy’s other electric models: the Silverado EV, Blazer EV and Equinox EV.
I found this really encouraging! We need more little EVs in the market and I always thought the Bolt was a nice little car.
Hopefully the next generation gets its fire issues under control.
Oh, the only downside I can think of is Chevy’s insistence on building their entire infotainment system.
Manton Reece
Dave Winer posted a 12-minute audio recording on his blog, addressed to me but applicable to everyone who is creating tools for the social web. Listening to it, I have a bunch of thoughts. In this post, I just want to start with server-to-server ActivityPub, and leave some of the other technologies Dave brings up for later.
Dave Winer has created a bunch of the technologies we rely on everyday in the blogging world; blogs, RSS, and Podcasting delivery. Now he’s trying to unify the mechanism to span posting to multiple social networks and blogging.
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Manton Reece is the creator of Micro.blog — the service I use to publish this site — and is into open standards like MetaWeblog and ActivityPub, so much so Micro.Blog is a Fediverse server by federating with Mastodon.
To see these two chatting about putting something together to bride these systems is nice to see. I see what Dave is proposing as the next version of MetaWeblog, perhaps extended to accommodate new blogging and social network norms.
Perhaps Micropub could serve to do this? I’ve not looked into it but it seems like it could be the way to go?
I have my own opinions on the matter and I’m sure I’ll voice them at some point. In the meantime it’s nice to see this happening and I’m going to keep an eye on it. 👀
Robert Reich
Someone who has tried to overthrow the U.S. government cannot be president.
Mr. Reich is point out what may sound obvious at first but what he’s really saying is it shouldn’t take a conviction to eliminate TFG. We all know he tried to overturn a fair and valid election in 2019. We all know he rallied his supporters to storm the Capitol and try to stop the formality of recording the election results.
He doesn’t need to be convicted. He’s a danger to democracy and the rule of law. That’s disqualifying. ⚖️
leboncoin Engineering Blog
I recall how, when I was a junior developer, I often felt happy and reassured when I was writing software. It felt like a safe place compared to the overwhelming complexities of the world. The simple, deterministic functions, mechanical in their way of working, offered comfort. If you inject an input, it always gives the same output. It’s controllable, manageable, uncomplicated!
If you’re good at what you do eventually someone will notice and give you more to do with greater responsibility. Eventually you’ll be mentoring people and more junior developers will naturally look to you for your experience.
It’s not a bad thing. It’s just what happens and isn’t isolated to software engineering. This happens in all fields.
While I enjoy working with Junior folks there’s also this big part of me that’s ready to sit in the corner and just work on features and bugs, and that’s all. A simplified dev life. 😃
Dean Obeidallah
Barbie not only broke box office records, she destroyed the GOP’s Barbie Boycott
Barbie isn’t a film I plan on seeing but it sounds like the GOP is once again up in arms over cultural issues dealt with in the film.
I hope it breaks all the records. 🎬
Tony • arcadeblogger.com
I was visiting my family in the Chicago suburbs recently, when my niece mentioned she saw “some TRON thing” sitting on a curb while she was riding her bike through the neighbourhood.
As a teen I remember well the arcade in Exeter. It was called the Quarter Slot. Ahhh, good times. Anywho, I will never forget the Tron game — not the one mentioned in the article — because there were two guys who spent a crazy amount of time playing it and taking copious notes on how to beat every level.
Yes, those were the days.
James Surowiecki • Fast Company
Threads has one big advantage over Twitter: Zuckerberg understands advertising
If Threads can pull people away from Twitter — I mean, ahem, X — does that help to extinctify the ailing bird?
Who knows. Musk is crazy rich so I’d imagine he can keep it afloat for a very long time.
All I want to know is when will he be selling Twitter.com and for how much? It would make for a great Mastodon instance. 🐘
Ryan Erik King • Jalopnik
The Alpine F1 Team is currently competing at each race weekend with the odds slightly stacked against them. The Renault power unit used by the French factory team is believed to be 30 horsepower behind their rivals. Under normal circumstances, Alpine would be told simply to improve on their own, but there’s currently a freeze on engine development. The FIA, the sport’s governing body, wants to allow Alpine to catch up.
Alpine is kind of what remains of the Renault team and it seems like they’re going backwards.
I’d love to see them move closer to the front of the pack but they continue to be one of the “back of the pack” teams with flashes of brilliance on rare occasion.
Formula One is an extremely tough sport to compete in. Teams with extremely deep pockets can buy great engineering and dedicate huge resources to land their teams in victory lane. It also makes the races really boring. 😃
Here’s hoping Renault is given a chance to fix their horsepower issue ahead of next season. At this point I suppose it doesn’t matter much.
I’m a Haas supporter myself. It’s the only American team on the grid so why not support them? They also have Guenther Steiner who is the most entertaining of all the Principals in F1. 😃
Oh, by the way! Since you’re an American team why not use American built power? I mean, you run Ford motors Stuart Haas Racing, why not work with them on an amazing F1 power unit? I’d love to see that! Don’t let Red Bull be the only team doing it!
Who else is looking forward to the next season of Drive to Survive?
Tim Hardwick • MacRumors
Apple has become the target of a £785 million ($1 billion) class action lawsuit on behalf of over 1,500 developers in the UK over its App Store fees, reports TechCrunch.
Unfortunately this is pocket change for Apple. I don’t make much as a developer of apps for Apple devices but to those who do giving up 15 to 30% of revenue is a big deal.
Even if Apple allow for third party stores or payment processors they’re still going to charge their fee. Might as well keep the App Store as it is and be done with it.
Daring Fireball
Translation From Hostage Code to English of X Corp CEO Linda Yaccarino’s Company-Wide Memo
I mean, if Yaccarino isn’t actually asking for help to get out now I suppose she will be in six months to a year because Space Karen won’t agree with her about something and drive her insane or sack her.
Just let Twitter fade away, sell off the domain, and let’s move forward with the open web.
Janis Mara • berkeleyside.org
Peet’s is widely credited with transforming the industry — after all, the three founders of Starbucks learned much of their craft from founder Alfred Peet — but there’s much more to it than that.
I’d always known Peet’s was a big influence in the coffee world but I had no idea how much of an influence it really was.
This story is a fun read about one employees view from the inside. ☕️
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jpnnewmusicdaily · 9 months
風来坊 (Fuuraibou) by Happy End / はっぴいえんど
Album: Happy End Year: 1973 Label: Bellwood Records Lyrics & Music: Haruomi Hosono / 細野晴臣
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Voo doo poo poo (Ben 10)
Life back in Bellwood after the summer that Gwen and Ben had had was somewhat boring at time, but while Gwen was good with embracing the boring having had enough craziness to last a life time, Ben was restless. This lead to prank after prank and abusing his alien powers(but never enough to get him full on busted, though Gwen and Gramps knew what he was up to) and lead Gwen to feeling like Ben needed to be taken down a peg but knowing it would have to involve some crazy magic and she just didn't have it in her to arse with it. But fate has a way of making things happen even if you weren't trying to sometimes and Gwen would learn this hours after having some harmless fun.
it started with the cousins going to the mall together, originally told to stick together by they're parents the pair had had enough of each others company and split up almost right away after being dropped off. They didn't even really need the ride, it was in walking distance but Ben had become a tad bit lazy and had begged and whined for said ride despite the fact the doofus was likely gonna walk more around the mall then he would of going TO the mall. In any case Ben headed for the arcade while Gwen looked over the new niche shops that popped up from time to time and was surprised to see a magic based one had opened up called the witches lair. 'Heh, Now how much of this is REAL magic and how much of it is bull?' Gwen wondered, walking inside. the lights were dimmed and the wall's painted a base black with silver spider webs added for decor, and the shelf's were stacked with what Gwen expected more or less, bull crap passing itself off as real magic. Still she was polite and made small talk with a couple of goth wanna be witches who were going on about how they were reincarnation's of Salem witches and the like and generally was friendly. 'Not every Tennyson under the age of 17 has to be a brat.' She thought with a small smirk and stopped by a voodoo doll collection. "See anything you like?" Came a voice that was almost, but not quite familiar from behind and Gwen turned around. it was a girl about her height with blond hair and wearing shades despite the dim light of the shop and a pair of black jeans and a black top. Her name tag identified her as Sabrina but again there was just something about the girl that stuck out in Gwen's mind. "Oh, just browsing. Uh, you know, if these really work it's be kinda dangerous to sell them." Gwen said, and bite her tongue, she hadn't meant to insult the clerk. "Heh, not a believer huh?" Sabrina asked, looking amused. "I uh..I'm sorry I didn't mea-" Gwen started to say, but was cut off. "it's alright. you're not the first and i doubt you'll be the last. but for the record if those dolls did work, then I would of made sure they could only be used for humiliating things..nothing fatal or likely to land the target in the er. Basically if you go to kill the dolly all of the effects are undone" She said and then with a giggle added. "After all, the resulting lawsuit's would be a nightmare! I might practice black magic but Lawyers are the real evil." That got a snort and a giggle out Gwen. "Well what kind of humiliation are you talking about?" Gwen said, oddly interested in it and looking over the selection again..Pausing as she found one doll that was almost a spiting image of Ben! "Ah, the bratty cousin model.. It can be mod'ed to look more like the intended target but I find that works find as is. and to answer your question, we have a array of outfits and add-on that work in junction with the doll...if you believe in that sort of stuff."  Sabrina said and winked. "Belief IS a big part of magic after all." The more Gwen turned the doll around in her hand, the more she found herself wanting to buy it. Of course it wouldn't really work, she was sure of it but it would be a great way to relive from frustration out on dolly Ben and leave the real one alone. the doll even had a outfit on like Ben wore, but it was a popular style around kids they're age so she brushed it off. "yeah.. So what kinda add-on's do you have? and how much for the doll?" Gwen asked. "well all kinds, I can show you them and you'll have to buy what you want..but since I sense a young witch in the making with you..I'll let you have the doll for free." Sabrina said. "Can you do that? I don't want you to get fired or anything." Gwen asked. "oh, don't sweat it. my Uncle owns the shop. he won't fire family."
Ben growled as for the fifth time in a row his selected fighting in the super street mash up 3000 game was tossed around and basically beaten like the red headed step child, much to the delight of the 6 year old controlling the other character. "How the heck do i keep losing to a toddler!" Ben whined, shifting around a lot as he was already on his third soda and had mentally pledged to not take a bathroom break till this brat was put in his place. "Well first of all, not a toddler. secondly, if I was this would be even worse.. and finally: your the one who's doing a potty dance. MAYBE go and take a whizz and then come back." the kid suggested. Ben narrowed his eyes and went to say something smart ass when a older kid tapped Ben on the shoulder. "Come, stop hogging the machine! other people wanna take a shot at the champ!" the 14 year old said. "Sides, the champ is right, you're gonna piss yourself and the Arcade has a strict rule about that." "since when!?!" Ben asked, having maybe wet himself once or twice while busy playing games. "Like, over the summer. some pants wetting dweeb stopped coming and management noticed how much nicer it was in here without the stink of wet pants. if you wet yourself you'll be banned for a month." the older kid said. Ben huffed and grumbled, and acting like he was doing the world a HUGE favor took off from the arcade, heading for the nearest washroom.On his way to said washroom he spotted Gwen taking off already but just shrugged it off, some people just didn't know how to relax and have a good time and Ben was NOT one of them. After answering natures call (barley, and boy had he attracted some attention as the last 20 or so steps had been a pee pee dance) Ben retracted to one of the bathroom stalls and mused over how to have some fun.. or more to the point: which alien would let him do that. 'Let's see.. Grey matter could wreak havoc with the machine's but I'd either time out or get squashed trying to make it there.. Upgrade could work if i keep to the ceiling..who ever looks up in a mall?' he mused. He was about to slam his hand down on the watch when a last second thought occurred to him, a rare flash of brilliance. 'wait.. what if I get Rip jaw or something..the only good source of water around is the toilet..' he thought and wrinkled his nose. 'Yeah ok, calling operation arcade havoc off, at least for now.'
Gwen wasn't shocked no one was home as she got back, her parents had expected her to be out all afternoon but that was ok, she wasn't the most needy person around. getting up to her bedroom she drew the curtains shut and locked the door, more in case someone did come home and came in as well, again. she didn't for ONE second think the voodoo doll would work, but she also didn't wanna be seen playing with a dolly either, having outgrown such childish things. dumping the bag out onto her bed she looked over the doll, and mused again his how much it looked like the doofus and gave it a little tickle in the tummy, knowing just how horrible ticklish Ben was, though as she mused how much he would be laughing she didn't notice the receipt for the add-ons she'd gotten slip to the floor, and there fore couldn't of seen the warning at the bottom noting that the doll would 'turn on' for lack of a better term once in the purchasers home.
Ben was waiting in line at the food court to get a Mr. Smoothie when suddenly it felt like his tummy was under a tickle attack! there was no warning or anything, one second he'd been bored and the next he was rolling on the ground laughing, and wiggling around, trying to brush away whatever it was tickling him as people looked on with raised eyebrows. "ah nooo Stappp!" Ben cried out, flopping around and getting looks of concerned and amusement. "What a little spaz.." A cheerleader snickered to her friends, getting LOTS of laughs. "Heh, somebodies been smoking the ganja.." a teenager who had red eyes himself snorted. "Uhh, you ok kid?" a Security guard on break asked. As suddenly as the tickling had started it stopped and Ben sat up, wheezing a little and red faced both from how hard he'd been laughing and embarrassment. "Y-yeah I'm fine..I'll uh..I'll just go." he squeaked out. Picking himself up the ground Ben walked away as fast as he could, his sides still hurt a little from all the laughter, but he was grateful for one thing: Whatever the hell that had been had happened AFTER he'd taken a leak because he would of totally just made a puddle.
As fun as tickling the doll had been, without hearing Ben's cries for mercy it wasn't as fun and Gwen decided to switch to something else, looking over her options. she picked up a little fire place air blower, marketed as a fart maker even though you'd put it in the doll's mouth and had her doubts. "No way, it would just come back out the mouth, right?" She asked herself.   the doll didn't feel like it had a tube running though it as she pressed lightly on it, but hey, she could always try it and see what happened.
Halfway to the coke machine just outside of one of the entrance, Ben was hit with a terrible tummy cramp and hunched over, grabbing his guts. "Owww, Now what!?" he asked in a whiny voice, getting again some looks. The cramp like the tickles didn't last long however and Ben again just shrugged it of, figuring it was some sorta stupid side effect of the watch. why it wouldn't of happened till now was harder to explain but Ben wasn't really a detail kinda guy. Sliding his change into the machine and making his choice, Ben froze as he went to bend down to snag his coke as he had the oddest sense of big mouth being stuffed for a couple of second, but then a loud and almost PAINFUL poot erupted out his backside. "Whoa, nice one!" a Kid behind him called out as Ben's blush came back with a vengeance. He stood up and turned his head to see a smirking 8 year old giving him a thumbs up and went to say something but his mouth was stuffed gain, and then anther thunder poot came out, tears welling up in Ben's eyes from the force of it and from the smell that was coming out. "Dang! that was even better!" giggled the kid, keeping his distance as he called out. "Go for the hat trick!" Ben if he could of, would of commented he had no interest in a hat trick, his vision was getting blurry from the stink but alas, his mouth was stuffed and not one, but a trifecta of poots erupted out of his poor back side, getting wet and he had a feeling he was going to be getting in trouble for ruining anther pair of undies with skid marks. "Hahaha wow! your a champ! that's so co-" the boy was laughing but then the winds shifted and he got a full whiff of Ben's stink and covered his nose, running off and crying for his mommy.
"ok just how the hell does this work?!" Gwen asked out loud, she had been pushing the air in over and over and indeed, the doll was tooting up a storm though thankfully with know of Ben's usual stink. Gwen was almost tempted to cut it open and see, but the chances she'd get anther freebie were next to nothing and it wasn't going to be one of the great mysteries in life that kept her up at night. "well mini doofus.. I guess that's enough fun and games, time to get you dressed just like Ben should be." Gwen chuckled, as if the doll could hear her. Going the extra mile and feeling silly for doing so she added. "And I don't wanna hear ANY lip or i'll spank that bubble butt of yours!" waging her finger at the dolly she could almost hear Ben whimpering for 'no spankies' in her head, just like he had done when Gramps had threatened to spank him after a laxative prank during the summer. "I suppose the only question is.. how many dolly diapers do i wanna put on the big baby doofus~" Gwen cackled, looking over the bulky and thick (well at least for the scale the doll was on) huggies.
Ben had made his way back into the mall, triple time with his drink and did his best to ignore the looks and snicker that followed him with his scenes he had been putting on. He needed to check the damage after that barrage of farts and if possible, wash out his undies. He was 3 strikes away from ruining a pair of undies till his mother would start making him wear washable training undies, a bluff he hadn't believed till she had shown him a pair with cute dino prints on it. Of course if he had known what was about to happen, there was a fair chance Ben would of accepted the training undies with a honest to god smile on his face. In a bathroom stall and his pants on a coat hook, Ben slid his undies off and groaned at the brown skids that painted the back of them, he had basically been all of one more series of poots away from fudging his pants. 'But I didn't..Only little BABIES crap themselves!' he thought to himself, trying to cheer himself up. the thought made him smile until suddenly his pants and the undies vanish from in front of him and in his hands. "Uh..what?" he asked dumbly. He didn't have time to try and process that or wonder how he was going to get home with just a t-shirt and socks and sneakers on however as just as suddenly the pants and undies vanished, a thick white with nursery print diaper poofed around his hips. the suddenly bulk forced his legs apart and for a second his balance was gone, if he hadn't of been about to grip onto the coat hook and catch himself there was every chance he would of plopped his newly pampered butt onto the potty! "What the fuck..what the fuck! What.The.Fuck!?!" Ben said, looking down and face flushing red as he poked the front of the babyish garment. "Why the FUCK am I in a diaper!?!" Ben hadn't of expected a answer, not really... but in a way he got a semi reply as a second diaper joined the first and Ben had to twist his body to avoid planting his butt in the potty, mental images of being stuck there and having to cry for help flooding his mind. ironically, this only made things worst as he instead ended up dunking his head in the toilet bowl (the water was thankfully clean at least) and as he scrambled to pull himself up, his hand brushed on the sensitive handle and he ended up flushing the toilet with his head in there..giving himself  a swirly. getting up on his knees, double diapers and hair and face wet with toilet water, Ben had a look on his face that just told anyone who could of seen it just how done with today he was. '..when they're writing legends about me in the future..they better leave this part out.' he thought dryly.
Gwen was torn as she looked at the Benny dolly. two diapers were cute, but three or four would be better. BUT she also had the cutest pair of locking plastic pants and just looking at them she knew it was going to be a chore to get them over the double diapers. "Hmm 4 thick diapies or two and light blue plastic pants.. the struggle is real." Gwen said to herself and snickered. well, if the 'baby food' that she'd been sold worked like the fart marker, the dolly diapers wouldn't be good for much anyways and she only had 10 of them. "Alright baby Ben, I'm gonna put these on you to make sure a naughty widdle baby doofus doesn't try and remove his huggies. No whining or I WILL get the rumba panties next time.. being a helpless diaper boy is a PRIVILEGE, not a right!" she said and then started to work the plastic pants up, her tongue hanging out from the effort.
Trying to figure out what to do, Ben weighed his options. he could just waddle out of here and just accept the laughter and teasing that would come with the diapers, but then his twig and berries and bun's wouldn't be on display. Or he could show off the good so to speak, but that could be just explained as someone stole his pants and stuff. heck, a cop might even stop him and give him a ride..and HEY! then no stained undies for mom to see! Just as these thoughts raced though his head and Ben went to reach down and undo the diapers, a pair of light blue plastic pants appeared over them with a chain around the waist and a a lock that clicked shut right away. Ben just looked down, eyes wide and then his left one twitching. "OH COME ON! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?! HAVEN'T I SUFFERED ENOUGH!" he ranted to no one, though his rant WAS met with a response of three quick knocks and then a older man's voice. "Ah..everything ok in there? we've been getting some complaints.." "I-I'm fine!" Ben squeaked out, hands going to the front of the huggies even though the door was in the way. "Nooo reason to come in, not at all! Hahahaha!" Naturally his tone and what he said only made what he was doing in their MORE suspect and the voice turned gruff. "Young man, you come out of there right this instant or else!" the voice demanded. Ben naturally didn't wanna be brought out in all his baby glory and turned to the watch for a quick escape. Worse cause the diapers would follow whatever alien form he took but at least then no one would know it was him. Quickly selecting XCLER8 he brought his hand up and..
Gwen noticed that the dolly had a funny looking watch on it's arm, right where Ben had the Omimatrix. of course it just looked like a actual time piece but still, in the mood to go all in with her dolly play she took on a scolding tone once again. "and don't even THINK about going alien mister man!" she said, and slid the watch off, putting it with the rest of the clothes. "you're going to stay a big baby human till mommy Gwen lets you grow up!"
And the fucking watch vanished and all Ben did was slap his now bare wrist. '...Of course. why WOULD I have a way out? clearly I've ticked off some higher power and it's my fate to suffer!' Ben fumed. 'At least I can just hide out in here all day.' That thought was broken as clearly whoever the mall personal was, they had a tool for unlocking the stalls from the outside and the door was forced open. "Alright little man, what...pffft..going on in here?" Asked a tall well build blond man, in his late twenties and grinning ear to ear. "I uh.. well see.. There was.." Ben babbled, going as crimson as ever and feeling weak in his legs. a small part of him wondered if there was steam rising from his head from how hot his face felt since his hair was still wet. "Let me guess..your one of those dorks who like to waddle around in public and get laughed at right? We've had a few of you latly.." the man said. "W-what? Nooo!" Ben protested. "Uh-huh..so you just HAPPEN to be in thick diapers, locking plastic pants and dripping with toilet water because this is a normal every day for you?" The man asked, folding his arms over his chest. "I..just..I think it was magic an-" "Righttt Magic. well look, I would normally just call your parents or the cops.. but you're still just a young kid and I think it'll be best if I burn you out on this humiliation kick of your. Much like the old punishment of making a kid smoke a carton of smokes if caught smoking, I'm going to give you all the big baby humiliation you could ask for. when I'm don't you'll never wanna flash your diapers off in public." "..You know I think I'd prefer it if you called my parents...Mister.." Ben whimpered, feeling a spurt of pee going into the front of the diapers and tears welling up in his eyes. "you can call me trey. and we can do that..but my office is on the other side of the mall. get to stepping crinkles." Trey said and smirked, holding out his hand for Ben to take. "This day can NOT get any worse!" Ben sniffled and then took trey's hand and waddled for the door.
"huh..that's weird.. the dolly wet a little but I didn't give it any pee juice.." Gwen said, poking the front of the diaper a few times and feeling the squish. "eh, whatever. time to make make dolly Ben fill those pampers!" she cackled and picked up the container of dolly poo poo maker. "Let's see, use enclosed spoon and only use one spoon full of powder mixed with 5 droplets of water for best and easiest clean up effect." Gwen read and then got a cheshires grin. Never one to mind doing a clean up and the stuff did promise it wouldn't actually smell like crap, she mixed up a triple dose of the stuff and got as much as she could into the baby feeder (A eyedropper) though she noted it was gonna take at least anther two shots as the feeder was only big enough for the intended dose at a time. "Bottoms up dolly!" Gwen cackled, and got the dropper in the dolls mouth and pressed down to feed the big baby.
the looks and stares that Ben got as he was marched out of the bathrooms was bad enough, but then the laughter and teasing followed up and he was almost blinded as countless flashes from cell phones went off, he could just semi cover his face with his free arm as trey kept a firm hold on his other hand. "M-Make them stop!" Ben whimpered and pleaded. "Awww, is the widdle baby not liking the attention?" trey said in a loud voice. "Everyone, this big baby who gave himself a swirly and made sure this is ALL he had to wear wants you to stop taking his picture." Somehow this didn't have the effect Ben was hoping for and it only got worse as a cry came out from the crowd. "Holy Heck, I know that baby butt! That's Ben Tennyson! he's in my math class!" Ben whirled to try and see who had outed his name but the crowd was just too thick and he whimpered and whined, opening his mouth to yell at everyone to stop when just like when he'd ended up farting..his mouth felt full. it didn't feel like the last time as he would of sworn something thick and gooey was forced down his thought but whatever it was, as soon as the feeding portion was over it was time for the main event. expecting just more farts Ben's eyes went super wide as his guts gurgled then all hell broke loose in the back of the diaper, softball sized lumps forcing their way out of his poor back door and the the diapers starting to get lumpy and bloat out as he hunched over. if the site and SMELL coming off of Ben at this moment hadn't of been enough to cue in the crowd who had gone silent to watch the show in amusement, what he cried out next made it clear. "I'M GOING POOPIE IN MY DIAPIES!" The crowd erupted in laughter and Trey let go of Ben's hand to back away, being in the blast zone had his eyes watering and he was grabbing his nose. "Jesus Christ kid, what did you eat!? Roadkill skunk!?!" Trey gagged. the diapered were getting heavy now and Ben was bawling like crazy, tears streaming down his cheeks and the only point of comfort was that the Crowd backed away from the stink zone he was creating. Finally though, after what felt like hours but was really just maybe 2 minutes, the pooping stopped and Ben's diapers had expanded to hold the filth, which was basically even where. 'At..at least it's over..' Ben thought miserably, though a little voice in the back of his head chimed in. 'Yeah, we've thought that how many times now? keep tempting fate.' as the voice finished up Ben started a fresh wave of tears as it felt like somebody was mushing and patting the seat of his diaper, even though no one would of dared get that close.
"Holy crud, look at that!" Gwen said, patting and squishing the back of the diaper. "this stuff works super well! Man..I'm almost scared to give the dolly anther dose." she paused and thought about at least changing the diapers first, no sense in getting a mess everywhere right? Spotting a Bowl she'd left in her room after having some chips in it, she was glad she had been lazy for a change and grabbing the bowl, set the baby dolly in it and refilled the feeder. "Now baby Ben, I know you think you just made a good present, but Mommy thinks you can do better~" Gwen snickered and then dropped the feeder in and squeezed.
The shakes in his legs were getting better and Ben turned to Trey, Beyond caring that everyone could see the load in the back of his diapers and went to ask if they could just call his parents now,. He was even gonna toss in a pretty please with sugar on top but that's when his mouth felt full again and his eyes shut tight. 'No! No no no no no! Not again!!' he mentally pleaded with whatever cruel god was doing this to him. the knowledge that this wasn't a god, or even on purpose would of deflated Ben even more but those were thoughts for anther time, right now he felt himself filled up and waited for the 'magic' to start. It wasn't softball sized loads this time, apparently whatever was making him a S class pamper packer needed something in his system ahead of time to work with, so it was waves of hot mush that came out, making the diapers sag more and hang heavily, deforming to the point it looked more like Ben had taped a body pillow around his hips then actual diapers. the plastic pants WERE showing signs of stain though as he finished up and Ben fell to his hands and knees, Literally too pooped to stand. if there was one saving grace in all of this, it was that the smell didn't get any worse and now some of the crowd was looking on in concern.   "I..I'd like to go home now please." Ben mewed. "Failing at that.. a diaper change."
Morbid curiosity filled Gwen as she looked at how totaled the diapers were, and yet they STILL hadn't given up the fight. she just HAD to see if they could take a third pounding, the junior scientist  in herself wouldn't let her stop now. "Man, if this really DID work, that diaper would feel SO gross and smell SO bad!" Gwen laughed and then tapped her chin.   there really was no way it would be fair to do a third test to see if the diapers would leak because they were sagging SO bad they were more likely to fall off even with the plastic pants locked. She needed to even the score somehow and then snapped her fingers as the solution came to her, going and getting a diaper shirt (or a onesise as others called it). it was cream white with a black stripe down the middle much like Ben's favorite shirt. it snapped up in the back and had a little lock too, but Gwen wasn't going to bother with that since this was just for the sake of seeing how much the diapers could take. "Making a dolly poo to better mankind's understanding of dolly messing. I'm ahead of my time." She giggled, feeling silly as she stripped the shirt off of the dolly and with A LOT of work got the diaper shirt on the dolly, the diapers comically hanging out the sides and she got the last of the num num's ready.
The fumes coming off of Ben at this point were almost creating a visible haze and the crowd, while still teasing and laughing had backed off for the most part. Try had left to go and get a cell phone for Ben to call his parents and to pick up something else, though he wouldn't say what at the time.. but as he came back he got laughs and giggles and Ben groaned and rolled his eyes. Trey had stopped at a sporting goods store and gotten a oxygen tank for scuba diving and was breathing though that as he got close, wearing goggles too. "It's not THAT bad!" Ben shouted and whined, though the fact he was rooted in place by the bulk of his own diaper bulk and couldn't even get to his feet would suggest otherwise. cries of 'yes it is!' came from the crowd and Ben just huffed, reaching out for the cell phone when suddenly his shirt vanished, to the shock and confusion of the crowd. "Ah crap NOW what!?!" Ben cried out and the answer was given seconds later as a Onesie replaced the t-shirt, smushing the diaper mess and making Ben make a grossed out face as the feeling his muck butt being squished wasn't exactly a pleasant one. the mouth guard that trey had been using to breath though dropped out of his mouth in shock and his eyes went wide. "Holy shit! the little pants pooper was right!! it IS magic!" He cried out, then gagged on the smell and dashed out of the stink zone, the cell phone landing on the ground JUST out of Ben's reach. 'I can crawl that far..even with this huge stinky diaper behind me!' Ben thought to himself. 'I'll call Gwen, she can come here and do her weird magic thingie and it'll be all good!' filled with the last shred of hope, Ben slowly started to pull himself toward the cell phone, every bit of gained ground taking every bit of power his poor worn out body could muster, but as long as he didn't go poopie again he was in the clear! 'Yeahhh remember what we said about tempting fate?' the voice in his head from early asked. 'One load of super boy fudge coming up.' the feeling of his mouth being stuffed took over again and Ben whimpered, shutting his eyes and tears rolling down his cheeks, knowing what was next. As his Onsie ballooned out to a stupid big size Ben's mind just went blank and he started laughing, over and over totally and completely gone.
a crack appeared on the dolly's forehead and Gwen wondered what that was all about, but shrugged it off. the diapers had finally leaked but she just left the dolly in the bowl to clear later. the whole thing had run it's course and she decided to go and catch some TV. unlike Ben she preferred to watch the news and since they were back home tried to catch the local news whenever she could. Plopping on the couch she turned the tv on and saw that there was some sort of breaking news story at the mall and groaned. "Please tell me Ben didn't go alien and scare people." she groaned out loud, turning up the volume. "we're not yet clear on all the details, but what we do know is that the random flashes of magic seen this past summer across the country, usually attributed to the villains known as Hex and Charmcaster, have been somewhat confirmed in the mall, with a local boy a victim of it. Live on the scene, we go to Johnny  Ray. Johnny?" "...Ohhh No. Ohhhh nooo.." Gwen said, having a BAD feeling in the pit of her tummy. "Thank you Steven, well folks, Saturdays at the mall are suppose to be a time of fun and relaxation for the youth of bellwood, but for one Ben Tennyson, it's been anything but." A mind 20's tanned man with bright blond hair was saying. "Mr. Tennyson was a victim of some sort of diaper curse, and while we can't get too close because of the smell, as you can see he's been forced to unless a ungodly amount of waste and witnesses confirm that his outfit changed on it's own." the camera cut away and there was Ben, eyes glazed over and a dopey smile on his face..dressed just like Gwen's voodoo dolly. Around Ben were a few men in hazmat suits and one of them was shining a light in Ben's eyes, clearly trying to see how lucid the boy was. "Oh shit! Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Gwen cried out, dashing back upstairs and going to the dolly."Ok.. ok ok ok ok ok..you can fix this.. " That's what Gwen said, but she wasn't so sure.. she could at least change Ben's outfit but as far as fixing his mind.. well.. "One problem at a time!" she said, and now knowing the dolly really carried on effect, handled it with care, getting it slowly out of the poopie diapers and cleaned up and back into big boy clothes. as she worked she had her tablet playing the news coverage and the crowd and newscasters were shocked to see Ben's clothes change back to normal, though even once he was back in his trademark outfit, sans the watch as she wanted his brain working right before trusting him with it, Ben just sat on his butt and sucked on his thumb. "Shitttt! there has to be SOME way of undoing all of this! well, at least the trauma!" Gwen said and lighting pounded her forehead with a fist. "Think Gwen think!" as she thought back to the convo with the girl in the shop, who she was NOW convinced had been Charm caster, she recalled the comment about how trying to do anything fatal to the dolly would undo all the damage. "..of course you're counting on the fact she was telling the truth..." Gwen said to herself. Biting her lip and looking at Ben as he was being escorted away by some EMT's she knew she had to do something, and grabbing the knife from a model kit she had she brought it down on the chest of the Ben dolly.
Ben sat up in bed, gasping and panting. it was dark out and he was in his own room, and as he looked around he saw on  the alarm clock/calendar thingie Gwen's parents had gotten him it was Friday night, but only for anther five minutes before it would of been the Saturday he had just experienced. Or had he really experienced that? he oddly could remember all of it but also some parts where he'd been.. Gwen? shaking slightly and tossing the covers back, Ben was pleased to see that all he had on was a night shirt and his normal goodnight for his bed wetting. "heh..hehehe..it was all just some super real nightmare!" Ben giggled, and chuckled lots as he shook his head. "Oh man.. Don't think I'll be able to go to the mall for awhile though..but geez.. no more sushi pizza rolls for me before bed." he giggled, getting up out of bed. His goodnight was soaked and sagged, but hey.. after a nightmare like his that was to be expected and it was only filled with pee so Ben was laughing. snagging a fresh one out of the pack under his bed and feeling the need to go again, Ben semi waddled his way out the door and towards the bathroom. Normally he would of been complaining about how weird and awful it felt to walk in a super soaked goodnight but now?  Pinch of piss compared to the diaper waddling from his dream. tossing the clean goodnight on the bathroom counter, Ben was whistling slowly and had his eyes closed as the bathroom lights seemed brighter then ever. "Must be new bulbs.." he commented. Not wanting to get in trouble for getting pee everywhere, Ben slid his thumbs in the sides of the soaked goodnight and ripped it free, letting it hit the floor with a thud then sat down on the potty to take a leak. Only, when he sat down something felt weird..and when he went to reach to make sure he could guide his stream with a hand you know where, it was greeted with the feel of slick plastic. his eyes opened wide and he looked down, he was in one of the diapers from his dream, and not only that, even though he tried to clamp down on it his bladder had been primed to go and he was wetting it. "Ah! No! Ok, I'm still dreaming, I'm still dreaming I'm-" Ben whimpered and shut his eyes, reaching and pinching his arm to try and wake himself up. "Spoiler alert doofus, your NOT dreaming." Came Gwen's voice. Ben opened his eyes and gasped, it was Gwen alright standing in front of him, but her eyes had a menacing red glow in them and she was dressed in a tight punk outfit. "G-gwen?" He whimpered, about to get up and try and run for it, but a cramp in his belly forced him to stay in place. "That's big sister to you now widdle Benny~ I want you to know that everything that happened in your so called dream..That really did happen. turns out I did undo everything when I went and killed your dolly buttt.." and Gwen let out a soft laugh. "looks like Dark magic isn't so easy to get rid of. I had done too much on too public of a stage so the powers to be offered me a choice.. Make you a big stupid diaper pooping baby joke the hard way.. or be one myself. Three guesses what I picked, and the first two don't count." "I.. you..what makes you think I'm gonna just be a helpless big baby! I still have the watch!" Ben said and went to use it, only now noticing for the first time it was gone. "Yeahhh no you don't I tweaked with fate a little bit and Kevin got the watch and became my little pet monster. In any case, your doomed to spend the rest of your life as a pamper pooping baby. Any last words before I make you shit your huggies so bad your parents will have to call a construction crew to get you free from the toilet?"  Gwen asked. Ben thought for a moment then went to open his mouth, and a oversized pacifier popped in his mouth as his nursing instinct was triggered and his bowels started to unleash hell. "On second thought, who cares what you have to say?" Gwen laughed, and then teleported away.
Ben sat up in bed with a gasp, looking around and whimpering, then breaking down and crying loudly as he reached for Mr.bear and hugged him tight to his chest. the door to his nursery opened seconds later and his mom rushed in, looking down at her ten year old big baby and picking him up, hugging him to her chest and ignoring the smell that came from his clearly loaded diaper, which was puffing out the back of his bunny sleeper. "Benny whats wrong?" She asked. "I..I had 'nther one of those scary dreams, where I went wiff gramp's and Gwen last summer only dis one was super duper scary!" Ben whimpered and mewed. "Benny.. you know that we would never let you go out for a whole summer without us! you're just too little." His mom said and rubbed the little stinkers back.  "How about I get you in a clean diapie and then you can come and sleep in mommy and daddies bed for the night instead of going back to your crib?" "Otay" Ben sniffled and nodded. as Mommy changed him the dreams of being a superhero with alien forms, of battles with mages and aliens and all sorts of things faded. Ben had always just been a shorty, often mistaken for five if not younger and had been hopeless to potty train so his parents had given up. Sure his cousins Ken and Gwen were cool big kids but they didn't really like hanging out with Ben since he was so little and Yeah, Gramps HAD wanted to take him on a road trip but Ben couldn't stand the though of leaving his parents for a whole summer. with a clean diapie on and changed into a fresh sleeper, Ben snuggled into his mommy, all thoughts of silly hero adventures gone and was conked out even before being cuddled between his parents.
The end.
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tarryloesinne · 2 years
OMNITRANYL - 05. Fight or flight
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We are back at the Bellwood Power Station. Ben, Gwen and Kevin surround the bizarre apopplexian-Albedo.
"There's no escape, Albedo!" said Ben, who was still human.
The villain gritted his teeth as he looked for a way to escape the encirclement. His tense muscles signaled that he would strike at any moment.
"We are going to send you to Null void where you belong!" shouted Kevin.
"We had agreed to warn Azmuth before, Kevin," said Gwen.
Albedo tried to advance to Kevin's right, but was stopped by a Gwen shield formed at the last moment. He then retreated and returned to the center of the siege. His gaze emanated bloodlust.
"We're not going to let you get away!" said Ben.
"That's right, Albedo!" Kevin continued, "You're going to tell us what you did to Ben, and you're going to tell us right now!"
His friend's words took Ben by surprise.
Ben looked at Albedo and realized that the villain's form was strange. He was no longer the Appoplexian. It was smaller. It was weirder. More human. It was... It was himself!
He looked at his surroundings and realized that he was now the one in the middle of the siege. Kevin, Gwen and one other person were making sure that Ben did not leave where he was. He was dangerous.
He stared at the third person in the circle and again saw his own image. A 15-year-old human with the usual green jacket! But how could he be in two places at once!
He then felt a pain go through his body. As he looked at what must have been his hands, he saw two misshapen and deformed extremities moving in an attempt to form something.
Ben screamed.
He screamed again when he woke up in bed.
He was in his room. His jacket rested on a nearby chair. His usual mess remained in the same place as always. He was safe. At least that's what he thought, and in that way he tried to convince his pounding heart.
With fear, he looked at his hands. They were normal. In his left fist, the Omnitrix rested with its green light. It was fully charged, and there was no longer any sign of Albedo's attack on the disk.
"Beeeen!" his mother shouted from the kitchen "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, Mom!"
"Then come and have your breakfast and take it to your grandfather!"
The teenager got up and went toward the window. Grandpa's trailer was still parked outside the house.
Could Grandpa Max have got the power back on? He thought.
Then he grabbed the TV remote and turned on the Sumo Fighters - Advanced Generations.
Yes, he did.
But without knowing why, he didn't want to watch it at the moment. Maybe his still racing heart could be one of the explanations. He thought it was more prudent to go see his grandfather, who knows, maybe he got a solution to the other problem too?
"Grandpa Max? Ben was standing in front of the door of Rust Bucket" Mom asked me to bring you some breakfast."
"Yes, Ben, I am. Come on in."
The young man closed the door of the trailer as soon as he entered and left the plate on the table. His grandfather was near the steering wheel, talking to a hologram of Gwen projected onto the dashboard, similar to a car ornament.
"Got it, Gwen, I'll tell him. And be careful. Any new information let me know." And she hung up the communication.
"Was that Gwen, Grandpa? Did she find Albedo?"
"No, Ben. But it seems they've found other people who are after him too."
"Really? Who are they?"
"Your cousin can't tell yet. At the moment she and Kevin are hiding in the abandoned military area of Los Soledad. They are making sure that they are not being followed before they find us again."
"And why?"
"Somehow those individuals they met can track the Omnitrix energy, and because they found small traces of energy in Kevin and Gwen, they ended up chasing them all night long."
"And why didn't they come after me?"
"I believe the blackout this evening also erased traces of the Omnitrix in the area."
Ben pressed buttons throughout the trailer, causing monitors to pop up in unusual places in the room. Then he said:
"There aren't any records of these people in the Plumbers' archive? What do they look like?"
"Gwen sent some pictures in a file over the Extranet. I think you should-"
"Here, I've got it" Ben says, clicking on a file on his computer.
Max smiles. He admires how easy it is for young people today to deal with technology. He remembers his time and how much a huge intercommunication network was needed in the missions. He turns in the driver's seat and goes back to fiddling with devices on the trailer's dashboard:
"While you're looking, Ben, I'll call the Plumbers to inform them of the situation."
As soon as the connection is established with the Plumbers' headquarters, a voice begins to speak, even before any identification.
"Magistrate Tennyson, thanks to Rhaveh, I was just about to contact you this instant!"
"What's wrong, soldier?"
"We are having problems in the East Power Plumbing Sector, sir. There are reports of trespassing and we have already lost communication with several of our men there."
"Any information about the invaders?"
"There seems to be only one, Magistrate, but with enough force to breach all our defenses."
Grandfather Max looked at Ben, who reciprocated with a worried expression. Then he returned to his communicator.
"I'm going. Keep an eye out for any calls for reinforcements."
"Will you be going alone, Magistrate?"
"Don't worry," answered the boy, "Ben Tennyson will also answer the call."
"Very well then, Ben Tennyson, we'll be waiting for you. Good luck to you both!"
Grandpa Max turned off the communicator and turned to his grandson, saying:
"Ben, you're not going."
"What!? Why!?"
"We still don't know what's wrong with you and the Omnitrix. I can't let you use the watch."
"Come on, Grandpa!? Kevin and Gwen already left me out of the Albedo search, now you too?"
"Ben, don't you understand-"
"Yes, I do! Okay, I'm not going to use the Omnitrix."
Max sighs, because he knew this discussion would take too long.
"I'm serious, Grandpa. I promise not to use the watch no matter what."
"And how did you-"
"I am a Plumber too, Grandpa. I can use the Plumber's equipment..." Ben turned the drawer handle, and as he opened the drawer, where once there was silverware, there were now laser guns and energy grenades. "Like this! Come on, Grandpa, you know I can do it."
Max scratched his head and finally gave in. Time is a precious thing at the moment.
"Come on, sit down there," he pointed to the passenger seat, "and buckle up. We've already wasted too much time so I'm going to have to speed up."
Ben jumped into the passenger seat and, like a child who had just found out that he was going to Disney, he could barely contain his excitement. An adventure would make him forget the dream he had, he thought.
His heart kept racing. He couldn't tell if this time it was because of the possibility of an adventure that was approaching. In truth, it didn't matter.
Would it?
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petnews2day · 2 years
3 People Missing After Being Swept Into Milwaukee Drainage Ditch
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/?p=50145
3 People Missing After Being Swept Into Milwaukee Drainage Ditch
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MILWAUKEE (AP) — A child and two adults were missing Tuesday after they were swept away in a drainage ditch in Milwaukee a day earlier following severe thunderstorms that brought heavy rains and damaging winds to a wide swath of the Midwest and parts of the South, authorities said.
Crews resumed their search Tuesday morning for an 11-year-old boy, as well as two men, ages 34 and 37, who entered the water in an attempt to rescue the child Monday evening.
Firefighters focused their search Tuesday on three connected tunnels that carry water to the Kinnickinnic River. Search crews did not enter the tunnels Monday night because of dangerous conditions and instead sent a drone inside in an attempt to locate the three, officials said. Names of the missing weren’t immediately released. Police said all three knew each other, but didn’t elaborate.
The water was deep and fast-flowing following the severe storms, which also caused damage in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. And the storms continued to pack a punch as they rolled into West Virginia early Tuesday, where numerous roads were closed by downed trees and power lines.
According to the website PowerOutage.us, which tracks outages nationwide, about 500,000 electric customers in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia were without service Tuesday morning.
The storms came as high temperatures and humidity settle in over states stretching through parts of the Gulf Coast to the Great Lakes and east to the Carolinas. More than 100 million people were facing combination of heat advisories, excessive heat warnings and excessive heat watches through Wednesday following record weekend temperatures in parts of the West and the Southwest.
In Illinois, a supercell thunderstorm with winds in excess of 80 mph (129 kph) toppled trees and damaged power lines Monday evening as it left a trail of damage across the Chicago area and into northwestern Indiana, the National Weather Service said.
Numerous reports of wind damage were reported along the storm’s path, with Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport recording an 84 mph (135 kph) wind gust, the weather service said. Crews planned to assess the storm damage Tuesday to determine if any tornadoes touched down.
In Bellwood in Chicago’s west suburbs, village officials said winds stripped the roof off an apartment building, injuring a young woman who was hospitalized after being hit by falling debris but was expected to be fine.
“We just heard people screaming that the roof was off, get out, get out,” resident Larhonda Neal told WLS-TV.
In northwestern Indiana, the weather service reported storm damage in Ogden Dunes and said hail 1.5 inches (3.8 centimeters) in diameter pummeled the Lake County town of New Chicago on Monday night.
In northeastern Indiana, the weather service said a 98 mph wind gust was recorded at Fort Wayne International Airport, the strongest wind the airport has ever recorded, eclipsing the previous record of a 91 mph gust recorded on June 30, 2012. Extensive storm damage and downed trees were reported in Fort Wayne, where winds ripped siding and insulation from the hangar of SkyWest, an aircraft maintenance company southwest of the Fort Wayne airport’s terminal and runways, exposing the planes inside, WANE-TV reported.
LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state including Minnesota
Because the regulation of exotic animals is left to states, some organizations, including The Humane Society of the United States, advocate for federal, standardized legislation that would ban owning large cats, bears, primates, and large poisonous snakes as pets.
Read on to see which pets are banned in your home state, as well as across the nation…and the cuties you’re not allowed here.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“CONVICTION IS MADE FROM FINGERPRINTS,” Toronto Star. February 24, 1933. Page 2.  ---- Tell-Tale Marks Were Found by Police on Broken Window Pane ---- Finger-prints featured the evidence in the case of Robert Trowell, up for sentence on a shop-breaking conviction and also charged to-day before Magistrate R. J. Browne, with housebreaking, to which accused pleaded not guilty. 
The finger-print evidence was provided by a piece of broken window-pane which was photographed and the resulting prints compared with those taken from Trowell later by the police. Twenty-five points coincided with the original impressions gained by the police. Evidence disclosed that but 10 points were considered necessary to convict. 
“May I have a look at that picture?" asked Trowell, leaning eagerly over the dock rail. 
Crown Attorney Malone handed the prisoner the set of pictures, which accused perused with interest for several moments. 
"What have you to say before sentence is passed upon you?" asked the magistrate.
"Not a word, sir, except that I know nothing about the theft," the dark-eyed youth replied. 
Trowell's record was read into the case, whereupon the court passed sentence of one. year definite and three months indeterminate at the Ontario reformatory. 
The value of the goods stolen from the premises of George Bell, Gainsborough Rd., Feb. 15, was given at $400, including a $300 diamond ring. The other articles listed included shirts, field glasses, a watch and clothing. 
Year For Auto Thieves One year definite and three months indeterminate was the penalty imposed upon Albert Fieldhouse and George Rodway, who stole an automobile. 
Maurice Scott, admitted forging a D.A. account at department store by which about 15 articles were secured to the value of $31. The court ordered a remand until March 3 for further hearing. 
Henri G. Smith, charged with forgery, was placed under $20,000 bail and remanded until March 3. 
Fred Tonk, agreed to buy a vacuum cleaner for $19.25 from a trusting agent who left the implement in Tonk's possession without securing the down payment, although an agreement was signed by Tonk. 
"How long have you been selling such goods?" inquired the court of complainant. "About a week at the time of this particular case," was the reply. 
"I thought so," concluded the court. "Case dismissed." Then turning to Tonk, who was stepping quickly out of the room, his worship advised. "And you had better not. come back here again, for I'll surely remember you." 
Doctors to See Him Melville Marlin was sent to the Psychiatric hospital for examination, after conviction for the theft of four chickens, which he admitted. 
Jack McDonald appeared again on a charge of assaulting Alfred Croft. at a Sackville St. address on Feb. 17, and was fined $20 and costs or 30 days. Evidence disclosed that McDonald had come to the house in a fit of temper demanding some old clothes. An altercation ensued. 
“He kicked me in the stomach. then he punched me in the face," swore Croft.
McDonald denied the allegation, and countered by stating that Croft had struck the first blow. 
His Wish Granted Charged with permitting drunkenness, James Wolonsky was arraigned before Magistrate J. E. Jones in liquor court this morning. 
"I understand that the average time for a remand is one week," said the accused, "so I think I'll ask for a week in order to get more witnesses." 
The court granted his wish. 
"He had 24 quarts of beer in the rumble seat of his car." explained an officer, who said he found Thomas E. Reid consuming beer on Sherbourne St. last Sunday. "His permit shows a purchase of 84 quarts." 
"One hundred dollars and costs or three months," was the sentence; "and cancel his permit." 
Officers Sidney Wilson and Fred Coulson said they found Fraser Lanigan on Bellwoods Ave. with two bot- tles of wine and no liquor permit. 
"He said a man had offered to get it for him," stated Officer Wilson. Lanigan was remanded until to-morrow. 
Evan Toshoff was charged with B.L.C.A. When officers entered his home they found two men drinking beer, though no one was able to produce a permit, they testified. 
"One hundred dollars and costs or three months," decided the magistrate.
Passengers Were Asleep A car owned by Wm. Welsford was crashed into another parked at the side of Dundas St. in which Gordon Parry was sitting on Saturday night.Welsford was charged with reckless driving. 
“He was intoxicated." offered Parry, and pointed out Welsford as the driver.
Welsford's car also hit Fred Ward, who was riding a bicycle, and knocked him unconscious. Walter Taylor and J. B. Gillies, occupants of Welsford's car, both said they had been asleep and didn't know who was driving. 
"I am going to remand you in custody for a week." decided Magistrate Jones. "But your honor-" began the accused. 
"I'm going to give you seven days anyway." interrupted the bench, "so you might as well do it now. And in the meantime you had better soften the blow by paying some of the damages." 
Slumbered in Truck Motorcycle Officer J. Sanders (471) found John Rogers asleep over the steering wheel of his truck, parked with the motor running, on Euclid Ave. 
"He smelt very strongly of liquor and when he got out of the car he only saved himself from falling by holding on to the mudguard," the officer related. 
"He was brought in by two officers and he resisted every inch of the way." said Sergeant James Wilson of No. 11 police station. Rogers was sentenced to seven days in jail. 
Ned Sadly Surprised "I've been doped" said Ned Clark to Magistrate Tinker in the early court to-day. "Never in my life have I been in such a terrible shape as now-why I had only one drink and surely that could not affect a man. of my experience and constitution," Ned protested. 
"That's all right Ned." returned the bench in a friendly tone. "I quite understand. "I'm going to remand you for sentence but remember if you are brought back I'll have to send you down." 
"And I couldn't blame you plied Ned. Grant Rupert, a .... young man charged ... drunk, asked to be ....   to sober up. "I ....  Northern Ontario a bit of a holiday ....  his worship.”
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no4ko4-donuts · 3 years
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