#beloved i'm sorry i'll make it up to you and give u your own
vcrnons · 1 year
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THE8 // SUPER @ inkigayo 230430
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killergee · 2 months
Hi, hi! First thing first, im in love with your hoshina x designer weapon reader! It's really warm my heart!! (I LOVE IT TO THE CORE HEHBFJSHDHC😭🫶🫶🫶 BLESS U)
Can i request you (this is kinda awkward) i want to see Highschool AU! For Hoshina x Reader. Kendo player! Hoshina x Archer! Reader👉👈 i would love to see them bantering each other (of if it's not Highschool AU! You can use the close range user! Bf x long range user! Gf thing!)
Thank you!
Ahhh my first request, how exciting! Sorry for posting so late. So many things have been happening lately. Also had to do some research and ended up watching tsurune LOL.
Here's a bunch of little stories of your life as Archer! Reader x Kendo! Hoshina.
Part 2 (one shot)
Synopsis: The club captains of the kendo and the kyudo (archery) club don't seem to get along. Or rather, that's how the club members see it.
"Oi, what do ya think you're doing? The kendo club's got this gym booked for today."
Toppled on top of each, the members of the kendo club huddled nervously outside the door to their gym. They could only take small peaks and glances from their place as they were all too scared to step foot inside.
All except one.
The Captain of the Kendo team, Hoshina, was the only one who dared to enter the gym. Standing tall with his arms crossed, he gave you a menacing glare.
Rising from your kneeling position, you exhaled a tired breath and put your training bow down. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see your name on the registrar, so I presumed the gym was empty and booked it." Despite the courteous words, your apology dripped of insincerity and a smidge of condescension. "Had you actually done your job correctly, this could've been avoided."
The members of your own club shifted awkwardly. Exchanging knowing glances, they braced themselves to watch their Captain go at it once again with the rival club Captain.
Hoshina lets out a scoff as he rolled his eyes at your attitude. He ignored your comment and continued on with his interrogration. "What are ya even doing here, ya can't shoot in here. Why aren't you in the kyudo hall?"
"It's under repair, and kyudo isn't only about shooting. I gotta teach the newbies the correct form before they can even touch a bow." You stated before offering a fake smile. "Why don't you go build your stamina with some laps? It's not good to slack on basic fitness."
"Shouldn't I be saying that to you? When's the last time ya used your legs?"
After a brief moment, Hoshina flashed his own small smile, although there was nothing friendly behind it. He leaned down until his face was a mere couple inches from yours. He knew you hated the height difference. That you hated the fact that there was something he had over you. Going by the tiniest twitch in your perfectly crafted smile, he knew he was right.
"Hey, give me the room, and I'll play nice and let you watch us practice. Maybe then you'll learn something of actual worth." He suggested, feeling a deep satisfaction at the slight clench of your fist.
"I don't understand the need to swing a big sword. Overcompensating for something?"
"Ah, and I suppose hitting a massive target from far away is much more impressive."
"Oh my, if you think a target that's only thirty-six centimeters is massive, then I'm definitely worried for you."
"Are dick jokes the only jokes you can make? Are you a child?"
"Sorry, did I hit too close to home?"
A vein popped on his cheek. He could never really get a handle on your snake-like tongue.
Everyone felt the heavy tension and chill in the air. The first years had trouble believing that the two people squabbling like children were their beloved Captains.
You were known for your kindness and elegance. But you knew when to be soft and when to push harder. Where you went, people's eyes would follow whether consciously or not. You were the most talented kyudo archer the school has ever seen and an equally good captain.
Hoshina was among the top strongest kendo player in the division. Diligent. Attentive. Trustworthy. His laidback attitude attracted a lot of people, but when his serious nature slipped through during matches—that's when it was impossible to take your eyes off of him.
You two rarely crossed paths, but when you did, it was a blood bath. You two brought out the worst in each other. Or maybe you simply brought out each other's competitive streak.
All the members of their respective club could only pray for the day the two of you stop bickering.
"I heard you guys passed the preliminaries," you said as you sat and watched him practice. It was late into the evening, and only the two of you were still in school. You had locked up the kyudo hall but saw how the lights were still on in the kendo dojo. Curiosity got the best of you, and you went to see who was still practicing.
"Congrats," you said quietly, barely audible to anyone around you.
"Oh, sorry, what was that? Awww, are ya congratulatin' me? I'm so honoured, oh, glorious captain." He jested back, pausing his activities against the training dummy. He stopped because he's had enough practice and shouldn't overexert himself. He definitely didn't stop because he wouldn't hear you against the sound of the strikes.
"Whatever, your opponents were shit anyways. It would've been harder for you to lose."
He lets out a low whistle at your words.
"Way to ruin the moment." He said, beginning to take off his armor. Placing his wooden sword at the stand, he peeled off his gloves.
Then, realization hit Hoshina, and he froze. The corner of his lip curled into a dangerous smirk as he turned to look at you.
"Wait, does that mean ya watched me compete?"
You flushed a pretty shade of pink and looked away from his amused eyes.
"Well, we're hosting the tournament this year, and I happened to pass by the dojo, so I just took a look."
"Right..." He chuckled. "Your preliminaries are tomorrow, right?"
You nod your head as you get up from your spot. The way you stretched your arms above your head reminded him of a cat.
"Yup, and we're gonna show you guys why we're number one in the division, unlike you guys who are only what again? Right, second."
"Hope you miss." He grunted in response. Though, despite the gruff words, Hoshina found that there wasn't actually any bite to his remarks nowadays. His once heated bitter words are now nothing more than poorly disguised teases.
At hearing your chuckle, he looked up at you, and his breath catches in his throat.
"Me? Miss?"
The look in your eyes was hypnotizing.
Why others seemed to admire you was beyond Hoshina's understanding. You were immature, vain, cocky, rude, and knew exactly which buttons to push to annoy him. If people saw the side of you he got to see, they would run for the hills.
Walking from the main school building to the dojo, he heard the faint but recognizable sound of the kyudo bow releasing an arrow.
Ah, that's right. You should be playing right now.
He stopped in his place as he looked to the direction of the sound. He had to pass the kyudo hall anyway to get to the dojo, is what he told himself before he changed course to take the longer route to the dojo.
There was a crowd gathered around the hall by the time he made it there. Not wanting to be seen, he kept to the edges of the crowd but still in a good enough spot that he had a good view of the archers.
Hoshina thinks to himself that he'll only stay to watch your first shot as he watched you ceremoniously kneel with your bow and arrow.
However, he found himself stuck in his place as he watched your elegant and meticulous gestures. Like a moth to a flame, he couldn't tear his eyes away from your figure as you drew your bow. He didn't know much about kyudo, but he couldn't help but think that your draw was beautiful.
Everything about you screamed confidence and assurance. With the twang of the bow string, the arrow released and hit dead centre of the target.
Like always.
By the time he realized he's stayed longer than he should've, you had fired 5 shots. Not a single arrow missed the target.
The cocky smile that bloomed on your face as you lowered the bow and admired your work made his heart race.
Huh... so that's why so many people are head over heels for you.
He left before your team could celebrate the victory.
As the season continued, you two made it a habit to stay later than usual when practicing. Whoever would finish first would go to the other and watch or tell them to pack it up.
As captains in your last year, both of you needed to win your tournaments.
"Don't ya ever get tired? Or are the rumours true and you're actually a robot?" Hoshina said with his head resting on his bag as he sat and watched you.
"Only partly, actually," you quipped back before drawing another arrow. "One more shot."
"And how many times have ya said that?" He asked looking at your target filled with dozens of arrows. Unlike what he was used to seeing, a third of your shots were off target.
"Can't afford to miss. "
"Ya need to go home."
Hoshina rolled his eyes at your stubborness. "You think this is going to help ya? You're just burnin' yourself out."
Although you lowered your bow at that, your focus does not move away from your target. "We were one point away from not advancing to finals. I need to be perfect. My team is depending on me. I can't afford to drag my team down or disappoint them."
At one point in time, he'd have paid someone to bring you down a peg. Now, however, his heart twisted at seeing you doubting yourself.
"Listen, I know the pressure better than anyone else. This tournament is important to me too. But ya just need to have faith in the skills that you've built up over these years. You've earned the title of best kyudo player for a reason." He sat up straighter when you finally turned to look at him. Rubbing the back of his neck, he continued, "also, have faith in your team. They've worked hard and don't want to disappoint you either. Don't forget you're in a team, afterall."
You stared at him for a moment before giggling. Your giggle turned into a full-blown laugh at his pout.
"Now why's that so funny?"
"No, no," you managed to say as you try to collect your composure. "I just never imagined getting a pep talk from my arch nemesis."
A smile replaced Hoshina's pout. "I'm your arch nemesis?"
"Aren't I yours?" You jested back as you began putting away your equipment.
Were you? Arch nemesis wouldn't be the words he'd use to describe you. He didn't quite like the idea of you only being a rival to him.
His on the other hand. Now, that didn't sound too bad.
With your back turned to him, he called out to you, making you turn to him.
You caught whatever he threw at you before it could hit you. Sitting in your palm was a key chain with a cat shaped charm, and beside it, an omamori charm with the embroidery "victory."
"Hasn't really been working on me, so you might as well try it," he said, looking rather bashful.
You let out another laugh at his actions. "Can't be owing you, here's mine," you said amused, removing the charm that hung on your bag and tossing it to him.
"It might give you my luck, but I doubt it'll be able to give you my amazing skills. So don't put too much pressure on it."
The charm was of a heart with an arrow through it and a wooden good-luck charm with the engraving "grind them to dust."
"How fitting," hoshina said outloud as he held the charm in his palm.
"Oh yea," you chuckled. "The statement is quite aggressive, but I thought it was funny"
"Hmmm? Oh yea, that too." Before you could even think twice about his statement, he closed his palm around the charm and gave you a determined look.
"Let's win this."
You couldn't help but smile. "That goes without saying."
"Hey, isn't that Hoshina's charm?" One of your club members asked curiously as they stretched on the ground. Although the rest of the members pretended they weren't listening in, they were dying to know why you had it. They were able to spot it right away when they saw it on your school bag. It was the charm that Hoshina kept on his bag for all the years they've known him. They also couldn't forget how the Kendo members were forced to stay after school to search for the charm when he lost it.
"Yeah," you responded matter of factly as you stood and watched them.
"Why? I thought you two hated each other?"
"Now, who ever told you that?" You responded slyly.
Their mouths hung open at your statement. Were you gaslighting them? Or were you just pretending you didn't pick a fight with Hoshina every chance you got.
"Oi, y/n hurry up. I'm hungry"
At the voice, they all snapped their heads to look at the owner of the charm himself. Leaning against the doorframe, he was in his school uniform with his bag tucked under his arm.
"Yea, yea, coming old man, don't be so pushy," you said, making your way towards him. When he turned to head out, the members saw your unforgettable charm hanging from his bag.
"You buying lunch this time or is it my turn?" They heard you say as the both of you walked by the window of the gym.
"Don't remember. Let's just say it's my turn. " Hoshina responded with what they think was a smile.
"What the fuck just happened."
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fitgirlfemdom · 10 months
✧∘* ✧・゚welcome to my page!✧∘* ✧・゚
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this is my current nsfw/18+ tumblr for my horny rants and rambles. enjoy your stay!
who are you?
i'm fitgirl, and i'm a 20-year-old female metalhead with a fucked-up side i share here. i've been a long-time lurker of kink content on here, and i finally decided to take the plunge and make my own page. i mainly make written works or post my abs cause apparently people like those
i consider myself to be homoromantic bisexual. i relate heavily to men and would have sex with them but i'd never marry one :P i'm attracted to men, women, enbies, trans women, trans men, and everything in between. i do not have a genital preference
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can i send you pics of my body / give you money / request services outside of conversation?
all degradation and fetish/feeder DMs require a one-time $10 cashapp fee to $fgffund or i won't respond
this isn't because i feel like i'm better than you or something. i literally cannot financially afford spending hours DMing people eloquent paragraphs when i could be working my 9-5. maybe you can change that?
main kinks:
-degradation / praise -bimbofication / domestication -dumbification / iq loss -slobbification / incelification (is that a thing?) -weight gain -breeding / pregnancy -cucking -humiliation (mainly public hehe) -femdom -mind break / mind control -hucows my beloved
basically anything where someone loses control or gets worse. i'm a dom and lowkey a stone butch so i like when the above is done to others, not myself
kinks i'm picky about:
-cnc (needs to be combined with something else or i find it boring) -extreme pain/guro (only specific areas of the body and this blog is not for that side of me) -crossdressing (bikinis, bras, panties are hot--anything more and i don't care for it sexually) -piss + vomit (in very specific fucked-up situations, maybe)
hard no's:
-shit, bodily functions, etc. (if it's in a fic i'll still read it, but if it's the main focus or in graphic detail it turns meoff) -inflation (does not include rapid weight gain. i mean like the fuckin balloon shit on deviantArt) -vore (okay i just don't understand this one i'm sorry) -anal (i watched 1 Man 1 Jar when i was 14 and got immediately turned off forever)
non-kink stuff / interests (if u care):
-metal (Pantera, NIN, Slipknot, Children of Bodom, Sybreed, Fear Factory, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Gojira, Tool, Opeth, Wintersun, etc.) -industrial (KMFDM, aktivehate, Overseer, the Prodigy) -berserk [manga + 1997] and other medieval fantasy (TES series, DnD, Baldur's Gate) -digital art
i hope you enjoy reading my posts, and if you don't, i hope you have a good day! <3
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thank u! <3
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
A Day Off -Dad! Dabi x Mom!Reader
It's really late but I finished this a little while ago and wanted to post it now.
Fluff | 1,471 words
Dabi's real name used + (spoilers below)
An au where Touya doesn't become Dabi the villain, but instead a loving father to your three kids. (Plus the number one hero)
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Touya grinned as he finished breakfast, happy to help you out and give you a well deserved break.
You and Touya have been married for eight and a half years. You two met at UA high, and an epic love story commenced. You two were made for each other, finding one another again again, no matter how many times you thought things were entirely over.
Touya gave you happiness in life, and you gave him sanity. He almost ran from home many times, and even got seven miles out of the city on foot before you found him, panting on your bicycle.
Touya was quite mad at you for going so far alone at night, and you were utterly livid that he just tried to leave you.
Before Touya could scold you, you blew up on him, tears running down your cheeks as you cussed him out, telling him if he ever tried to leave you again you would hunt him down and break his legs.
Even as you threatened him he hugged you, rubbing his hands up and down your back for comfort.
You two called a friend to pick you up, and you went on with your life. A little more in love with each other than before.
And here you two were, twelve years later. Married, with three kids.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Haru squealed, pulling on Touya's "kiss the chef" apron, red pig tails bouncing up and down.
"Yes, Pumpkin?"
"Mommy awake"
"Already? Go show her your picture, try to stall her, mkay?"
Touya smiled as the four year old ran off to stall her mother, heart melting at her innocence.
Going back to cooking, Touya hoped you would be distracted for at least a few more minutes.
~Your pov:~
Confused, you picked up your phone to check the time.
Panicking, you bolt up from bed, sprinting towards the door, stubbing your toe on a toy.
Inwardly cursing, you open the door to your shared bedroom, making your way into the hallway.
"Mommy! Wook at my dwawing!" Haru exclaimed, heterochromatic eyes shining as she shoved the paper in your face.
"Oh it's so pretty! Why don't you go show Daddy while Mommy goes to get your brothers ready?"
Haru smiled and ran away with a giggle, making her way to the kitchen.
Sighing, you made your way to your boys' room. Opening the door, you were surprised to see their beds empty.
"Taro, Riku~!" You call, walking towards the kitchen.
"We're in the entrance mom!" Taro calls, bringing you towards his voice.
"I'm sorry I woke up late, let's get ready quickly, and I'll buy you guys breakfast on the way there." You coo, stepping into the entrance of your home.
"But- we're not gonna be late. And we already ate!" Riku replied, popping his (h/c) head out to look at you.
"Hey mama, I already got everything handled, go get some more sleep." Dabi hummed, eyes soft as his head popped out as well, turquoise eyes soft as he smiled at you.
"You... You are amazing." You sigh, smiling up at your husband as he hummed, walking towards you.
"Well if you think I'm that amazing, you could always reward me with a kiss?" Touya smirked, leaning towards your lips teasingly.
Chuckling, you slowly closed the distance.
Right as your lips met your kiss was interrupted by your kids' squeals.
Haru was squealing in joy, always happy to see her parents show affection to one another.
Riku was disgusted, never wanting to see anybody receive any sort of affection besides what he got from both his beloved mommy and daddy.
And Taro- the only one who didn't squeal.
He was beet red.
He dreams of the day when he finds the perfect woman -much like his perfect mama- and has a family of his own.
He loves both of his parents. And strives to be the perfect husband and dad -like his daddy- and find the perfect wife -like his mama-.
You smiled as Riku wailed in despair, shaking Haru as she jumped up and down, Taro only staring at his parents in awe.
"Ri-ri, you'll give your sister a headache, quit that. Ru, you're gonna pass out if you don't calm down, and Ro, for the sake of your ma, you need to breathe." Touya sighed, a smile on his lips as he eyed his gorgeous mismatched children in adoration.
Taro, the seven year old eldest by forty three minutes.
He has crimson red hair resembling Touya's. He got his grandma's eyes, but also a splash of yours. Resulting in gorgeous steel gray eyes with a breathtaking splash of (e/c) around the pupils. His facial structure is most similar to Touya's, but he takes after your personality, attitude, and tendies.
Though it would be hard to tell by someone who's not close to your family due to his shy nature concealing it.
He's known for his respectful, peaceful, and polite nature. The calmer of the twins, and the least likely to cause any sort of problem.
Riku, the younger, rambunctious twin.
Riku has (h/c) hair and turquoise eyes. He looks almost exactly like his mum, and gets his fiery personality from his dad.
He's known as the trouble maker, but he does have his gentle moments.
And the four year old youngest, Haru.
Haru has crimson hair like her daddy and big brother. And, like her uncle Shoto, has two different eye colors. Her left eye is the same gorgeous color of her mama's, and her right eye is the same breathtaking turquoise as her dad's. She looks identical to her dad, and has a fun, very very bright personality.
She's known for her sweetness, creativity, and selflessness.
Touya was snapped out of his thoughts as Haru and Riku pulled at his sleeves, warning him that they'd be late if they didn't hurry.
Laughing he pecked you on the lips before following his darlings out the door, telling you that he'd be right back.
It was half an hour later when Touya walked back in, immediately finding his place on top of you as you laid on the couch.
"Oof- hey baby.. where's Haru?"
"She's at uncle Shoto's house. I thought we could use some alone time."
"Oh? And what are you planning on doing?"
Shifting his way so he could look you in the eyes, he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
Twelve minutes later you were laughing in the kitchen as Touya licked the brownie mix off of the side of your mouth, holding your waist to keep you steady.
"To-To-Touya!" You laugh, pushing your beloved back playfully.
"Hmm?" He asks, pulling you in for a chocolate tasting kiss.
"We need to finish these so we can have room for the cleaning, cuddles, and movie date." You breathe against his lips, making him groan.
"But you taste so good!" He wails in despair, falling against the fridge dramatically.
"Help me get these in the oven and I'll reward you with a kiss~." You coo, instantly seizing the pro's attention.
Two batches of brownies and one marathon of cleaning later, you and Touya were cuddled up on the couch, remote and brownies in hand.
"Oooh! Let's watch (f/m)!"
"UGHH~ we are xnotx watching that again!"
"Why not? It's a great movie."
"And we've seen it forty thousand and a bajilion times."
"You are xsox immature To."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am no-"
"This is exactly what I'm talking about!"
"You're doing it too~!"
"Fine! What movie do you want to watch?"
"Princess Bride."
"No way."
"And why not? Princess Buttercup~."
"Because we've seen it seventy thousand, bajilion times~!"
"I have no idea who you are talking about. You own no child here." Shoto stated, voice as monotone as ever.
"Umm what the fu- fudge! Fudge!" Touya growled, rubbing his side where you just elbowed him.
"Sho we need Haru." You smile, pinching Touya's arm playfully, causing him to yelp.
"Haru is mine now."
"Oh no she is not. Give me back our daughter." Touya growled, stepping close to the menace of a little brother he has.
"You do not have a dau-"
"Shoto dear.. give us our Haru or we will personally burn your favorite cold soba restaurant, all the others and all of the factories producing the ingredients and instant noodles." You smile, eyes holding an evil only a protective parent or lover could produce.
Shoto's face paled as he stepped inside, quickly returning with a sleeping Haru in his arms.
"I- I was kidding.. please don't burn my soba." Shoto pouted, usually monotone voice holding a certain fear.
".. we'll count this as a warning." You drawl, staring Shoto down meaningfully.
Slightly nodding, Shoto quickly closed his door, shivering at the thought of no soba.
Similar to this: Anything For my Queen
Dabi's masterlist | Main masterlist | Navigation
Tips <3
Comments, Requests, and Reblogs are always appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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fakesimp · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 1K 🙉🙉 im here to haunt you again, ur works never fail to amaze me and i always find myself going back to read them (≡^∇^≡)
luca knshr pls 🙏 angst to fluff? whtver is fine w u, i will wait ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
-"I promised I won't let you go, but I did, will you give me one more chance to hold you again?", Falling for you would be the last time I fall in Love-
again, congrats on 1k, may u gain more followers, may the shurnip bless you, amen, mwah
ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚
Chances, With Luca Kaneshiro
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Warning !
Hurt/Comfort ; Established Relationship
A/n !
Sankyuuu ! I hope you enjoy this !
1k Followers Event Prompts !
"I promise I won't let you go, but I did. will you give me one more chance to hold you again?"
Falling for you would be the last time I fall in Love
"I promise I'll never let you go"
"I Love you babe, so much"
He said, but what happened to that now? Didn't he promise he won't let you go, he promised.
You watched him turning his back towards you, walking away as you stood on the spot, shedding tears. Your hand turned into fist, you turned away and walked away from where you stood, accepting reality.
He is a Mafia after all, he is busy, and his work involves killing, blood bath. Something that is very dangerous for someone like you to be around him, but you loved him for the way he is.
You loved the way he smiled so widely at you, the way his eyes sparkled when he sees you. The way he picked you up with his strong arms as he swings around while holding you in his arms, laughing together with you.
It hurts so bad when you remember the memories you made together with him, only for it to shatter when he said he wanted to break up, you couldn't bring yourself to ask why, you couldn't bring yourself to ask him the reason why he wanted to break up with you when everything was okay.
You could only walk away as you try to relieve the pain.
. . .
that was months ago, and today here you are, doing your daily activities in your apartment, you looked over at the clock, it is 12 am. You sighed, how fast the time moves as you started to live on your own. You were just about to turn off your laptop until you heard a knock on your door, you started to get suspicious about it. Who the hell would come over at your apartment at 12 am?
You hesitantly approached the door, you didn't open it. You just peeked through the peek hole on your door, only for you to see a familiar blonde haired male behind the door.
Your eyes widen, you wanted to open the door but you're growing hesitant the longer you stayed behind the door, your hand slowly reaching out to the door handle but you immediately froze when you heard his voice.
"I know you're there," He said, but he sounded so, tired? You decided to stay quiet, staring down at the door handle. "It's okay if you don't want to open the door, i'll just, talk behind the door." He took a deep breath, you heard a shoe click closer to the door.
You were guessing he's now literally closer than before, "..I'm sorry" the first thing he said, making your breath hitched slightly when you heard how hurt he sounded, "I, ..promised I won't let you go.." he continued, you slowly rest your head on the door, "But I did.." you can hear him stutter out a sigh. "If I may be foolish," there was a long pause, making your heart beats faster each seconds pass
You waited for him to continue, "..If I may.. Will you, give me one more chance.. to, hold you again?" He said. You waited, again, but he didn't say anything else. You then heard a shoe click again, "..Ah, I, shouldn't have been that hopeful huh.." He whispered, "I'm sorry.." he apologized then, the next second you heard his shoes clicking away from your door, fading away, slowly disappearing.
You wanted to run, your guts telling you to run to him. When he' still close, and you did, you abruptly opened your apartment door, you ran out barefoot. Chasing your Beloved Mafia. Beloved Golden retriever.
You ran as fast as you could, you didn't care about your foot hurting by this point. You just have to catch up to him before it's too late, and you almost lost him again. You saw him entering the car,
The way he immediately whips his head around to you, You couldn't miss how hurt he looked a second ago, his eyes sparkled ever so slightly when he sees you. You stopped running, catching your breath.
But before you could register anything, you heard footsteps coming towards you so fast, and the next second you are engulfed into someone's arms, and who else would it be none other than Luca himself.
Familiar warmth, you reciprocated his hug, tight. You can feel his body slightly trembled as he hugged you, "I'm sorry.." He whispered as he nuzzle his face at the crook of your neck. "Will you forgive me?" You immediately nod your head as you put your hand on his head, running your hand through his blonde hair locks.
"Yes, Luca. I forgive you, I'm sorry too" You apologized, he slowly leaned away from you, putting his hand on your cheek, he stared into your eyes lovingly, him trying so hard not to cry on the spot, he leaned his face close to you, before he kissed you, he whispered,
"Falling for you, would be the last time I fall in Love, My heart belongs to you, and to you only.
I Love you, so much.."
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There we go ! Another one down ! Hope you enjoy this !
( 4/10 )
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dragonjesterwrites · 7 months
hey dj!! if you find and time/motivation, would you write a sun x moon thing? i love em sm, and u write them rly well!! preferably a first kiss or confession or something if that’s okay! i’m a sucker for the getting together parts, and there’s not much when it comes to these two :(
again, if you’re not feeling it dw! but thanks anyway, love ya!! <3
Paris my beloved (platonic) 🫂 I'm sorry this took so long!! You get two stories, because I misread your ask originally (I'm illiterate) and wrote something cute but unrelated- then I fixed it and wrote a whole 'nother story! (I'll put the Ao3 links to both stories at the bottom)
Anyway, I hope you see them and enjoy 💛✨️
Circuit Board Sparks (+ Origami Kisses)
Word Count
Circuit Board Sparks: 5,759
Origami Kisses: 1,434
Pairing: Sun/Moon
Circuit Board Sparks (Angst, fluff, suspense): Fazbear Entertainment strictly prohibits their animatronics from forming romantic attachment. Thankfully, Fazbear Entertainment is stupid, and will do anything if it means saving money.
Origami Kisses (Fluff, minor suspense, a wee bit suggestive 😳): LGBTQ/worker's rights win! The robots are slacking off work to make out in the closet
Sun didn't know why he did these things to himself.
He held the pink, heart shaped card aloft, rubbing its glittery edge idly with one thumb and causing a small sprinkling of white and red sparkles to fall down on his faceplate.
But he didn't react, except with a simulated sigh, as he stared at the picture on the paper. A delightful little doodle of him and Moon, separate and standing on either side of Ava, one of their little regulars. Everyone was smiling and holding hands, and they were all standing on a grassy, flower-filled field, with blue skies made purple by the pink of the paper and scribbly, rosy-white clouds.
My dads and me, read the caption above- well, a few letters were backwards and the ‘a’ on the ‘and’ was missing, but Sun was accustomed to the wonky handwriting of toddlers and translated it with ease.
They weren't the girl's fathers, of course- that honor belonged to Ava's two lovely and hilarious mothers that she followed around like a little duckling, but during her time without them at the Daycare, she'd decided that she needed two fathers as well… preferably ones in a relationship like her mothers were. As many times as Sun and Moon had tried to gently dissuade her from referring to them as her married fathers- it wasn't allowed- they weren't allowed- she was resolute, and they'd taken to answering any suspicious probing from upper management with a shrug and a cheerful kids, am I right?
It was a little troublesome, sure. But they adored her anyway, and besides, they'd gotten good at being convincing.
If only Sun was as good at convincing himself. The truth was, he would give anything to be free from this wretched mall, and have kids of his own, and… and marry Moon. The thought made his processors stutter, his fingers twitching against the back of the card and triggering another tiny glitter shower.
He'd tried to bury his love deep. He'd almost tried to rid himself of it, make himself forget. Maybe he had- it's not like he'd remember. But if that were the case, it had come back, and with force. Sun would often lay awake on the rickety bed they'd constructed together and wonder if the squeezing hurt in his circuits was at all comparable to what the humans called heartache.
What he'd give to raise little ones with Moon. He'd be such a good father, Sun just knew it. They could have a big, big house somewhere, with a big ol’ bedroom filled with all the blankets and pillows Moon desired. A big kitchen too, Sun thought. He could make so many snacks for the kiddos! Like cookies, and brownies, and homemade candy… go upstairs, past all the pictures of them together, and walk into the room with a trayful of treats, only to find them all cuddled up and asleep. Sun could just see it. 
A storybook in Moon's gentle grasp, still open and drooping towards the plush carpet. His music box, chiming softly in the cozy dark of the room. String lights and nightlights casting rainbow reflections on the walls. And all their kids, snuggling up on Moon's chest where he cradled them, or nestled comfortably in his lap, or laying next to him on the massive, starry beanbag in the center of the room.
And Sun would set the cookies down as quietly as possible, and pad over to give each child and Moon a little kiss on the temple. He knew he'd linger on Moon, keeping his grin pressed softly against his love's faceplate for at least several seconds, before pulling away to fetch his charger. Sun would want to savor the contact, to make up for all the times he-
…to make up for all the times he couldn't. 
Like now.
The squeezing grew tighter.
Sun sighed again, though this time it was more of a strangled huff. He shook his head wordlessly, the heart beginning to tremble in his grasp.
With a flurry of clicks and whirs, he abruptly stood, and marched over to the arcade machine- behind it sat a small plastic chest Moon had pilfered from the old supplies that were to be thrown out. It had a crack in it that Sun had patched with outdated bandaids, hiding, for the most part, the contents inside.
He brought it out from its hiding place, opened it up, and placed the heart inside, along with all the other offered-up notes, doodles, and gifts from the kids that even remotely suggested he and Moon might be in a romantic relationship. The chest was getting a bit full, now… they'd need another soon.
Sun stared down at the heart for just a moment longer. It rested on top of the stack, the newest addition to the collection of something that never could be. Perhaps never would be, anyway- after all Sun's internal strife; his daily cursing out of the company, their backwards, restrictive policies, and their penchant for electric punishment- he had no idea if Moon even liked him back.
He dropped the lid, and it shut on the heart with a snap!
Once again, Sun decided as he dragged himself back to bed, he would bury his feelings. Everything hurt, the shocks would hurt more, and it was late. Flopping into the bed face-first did nothing to alleviate the pain, but Sun knew something that would. He reached out blindly for his charger, patting the blankets for it. There.
It slipped easily into his charging port, and he let himself relax into the bed with a series of discordant click-tick-clicks as the charger's influence began to take over him. As his programming slowed, the hurt ebbed away with everything else, until he was nothing more than simple code in a dreamless void.
Click. Click. Click.
Moon tapped the pen against his carved teeth, reading over what he'd wrote.
There were two things, actually- two letters, one to Sun and one to management. Moon sincerely doubted they'd listen, even though he made some very good points about the cost-effectiveness of his idea, but it was worth a shot. He'd never stop trying for this favor in particular.
A tiny bit of red glitter swirled down on to the letter, and he paused his tapping to watch it come to rest on the word separate.
Hmm. Moon set down the pen and reached up to his grin to scrape at it with his fingertip, only for more glitter to join their lost piece on the page. When Moon pulled his finger back, it, too, now sparkled with little bits of red and white, and Moon let out a fond hum, tilting his head at the sight.
“Up to some arts and crafts, were you, Sunny?” He asked the empty room. His voice echoed back at him, and he huffed quietly, looking down at his letter. With any luck, he'd soon never have to hear his own voice come back to him again. With any luck, their room would be filled with shared giggling, and teasing, and songs sung together after a long day's work.
The idea filled Moon with both an incredible softness and a deep, deep longing. It was dangerous to want like this, he knew that. Didn't stop him. As long as he wasn't open with it, they wouldn't punish him, or Sunny. As much as it killed Moon, he'd keep it in.
He could still be friendly with Sun, though. Management didn't order them to hate each other, just forbid them from expressing romantic feelings. So Moon got away with what he could, putting little blue hearts on his ‘i's (it wasn't like they were red, humanity's typical symbol of romantic love) asking Sun how his day was, and bringing him gifts he hoped he'd like from the lost and found.
He wasn't half as good at arts and crafts as Sun was, but he attempted that from time to time, too, sometimes spending hours cutting out paper dolls and doodling silly things to make him laugh. And if little heart sequins somehow found their way onto the paper and cardstock with the rest of the glitter, well, whoops. Total accident.
Moon lifted the letter to management and gave it a good shake, sending the red and white bits of glitter down onto the letter to Sun. Hm. Speaking of arts and crafts…
He left the letters on the floor and headed for the balcony. His cable came when called, clipping onto his back and allowing him to soar down to the supply closet.
He was back five minutes later, the supplies necessary bundled into his long arms. He set them down besides the letters, spread them out, and got to work. Moon was careful, each snip of the scissors and swipe of the glitter glue's brush deliberate and slow.
He was probably pushing it. If management found out, he was sure they'd have some questions. But after Moon finished up, and as he headed down to both return the supplies and drop off the letter to the Parts and Service supervisor's office, he thought of what he should say if questioned. By the time he was back at the Daycare and sitting in front of his finished piece, he decided he was content with his defense, and plugged in for the night with only a little bit of unrelated anxiety sparking in his circuits.
Sun's letter and Moon's gift sat by their bed, ready for Sun in the wee hours of the morning.
“Hey, Sunny.”
Sun couldn't help but wince, despite the little ones sitting beside him at the craft table. He knew that tone. The helper approaching him was friendly enough, but her tone was not one of camaraderie. 
“Why, hello, Julia! How are you this fine morning? Would you like to join us? We're making paper puppets!” Sun said, wiggling his fingers. A few of them fell off, and he let out a dramatic gasp, making the kids laugh.
If Julia picked up on how forced his cheer was, she didn't say anything. She did grimace a little, however. “Yes, but P and S want you. I can take over- I'll save you some supplies for when you come back.”
At once and in unison, the kids groaned, and Julia's eyes narrowed, ever so slightly, at Sun. Sun shrugged subtly back at her- he understood why she'd be suspicious. Honestly, training the kids to guilt trip the adults is exactly the sort of stunt he'd pull, but he was pretty sure it was just because he'd been even more active with them than usual. 
Throwing himself into his work was always a good distraction.
“Don't take Mister Sun away, Miss Julia!” One of the kids cried, pouting at her and throwing down their supplies. “We just got started!”
“Don't worry, kiddo. Mister Sun will be back before you know it! Well… by the end of the day at least.” 
Oh, no. End of the day? It was only eight in the morning!
Sun picked up the kid who'd cried- Percy- and held him up, to Percy's surprise. “Oh, can't it wait just a little longer, Ms. Julia? Just until Percy and I have finished our puppets!”
Julia's sympathetic twist of the mouth became a frown, and when she spoke she'd lowered her volume to a murmur. “Sun. C’mon, man. Don't do this.”
Sun met her stern and mildly disappointed gaze with an innocent blink, but then Percy began to squirm.
“Mister Sun, I can't finish my Monty puppet from up here.” Percy protested, kicking his legs a little.
Sun closed his eyes and sighed, setting the boy down. “No, I suppose you can't. Very sorry, Percy, go ahead and keep creating! I'll be back to see it before you have to go, okay?”
“Okay. I'll watch your stuff.” Percy said, pulling Sun's craft towards him. Sun had no doubt the little Moon puppet would vanish before he returned, but even in the midst of his anxious despair, he appreciated the thought.
“Aww, thank you Percy!” Sun stood and clapped his hands together, briefly catching the attention of the more focused toddlers. “I'll see the rest of you superstars in just a few hours, okay? Have fun, and be good for Ms. Julia!”
A chorus of okays and bye-byes was offered to him, and he returned each and every one as he swapped places with Julia.
It was only once the kids had returned their attention to the crafts, and he couldn't drag it out any longer, that he turned and let the cable take him to his room. The Parts and Service tech was waiting for him at the door, and they waved the keeper device over his upper right arm. It deactivated the boundary lock that kept him within the bounds of the Daycare and Theater, and simultaneously activated the tracker that the company could use to, well, track him and Moon down if they ever managed to escape.
It was a too-short walk down to Parts and Services. He fiddled with the heart locket Moon had made him, hidden safely from suspicious eyes in the deep pockets of his jester pants. It couldn’t ease his anxieties entirely- just having it on his person brought its own little pang of anxiety- but Sun was glad for it regardless. It was probably the closest he'd ever get to holding Moon's hand.
The tech escorting him hadn't told Sun anything about the apparently lengthy procedure planned, and Sun hadn't asked. He was just too nervous, he didn't want to know.
But as the tech opened the door for him, and Sun walked into the room to be greeted by at least a dozen techs turning their heads to stare at him, he really wished he had.
“Alright, let's do this.” Lance, the ever-blunt and irritable head of Parts and Service began giving orders, and the techs scrambled to obey. “Daycare Attendant, go ahead and get in the cylinder chair. Irene, Max, go in with him. Strap him down and turn him off, then get his measurements. Tyler, Muhammed, you're on cutting station, Flor and Charlie- wiring…”
Sun walked as slowly as he could without attracting attention for it, quiet but rapidly puzzling over all the information he was taking in as fast as possible. Too many techs- training? No, they're too quick- professional. Why bring in professionals? And why so many? Different stations; metal-cutting, wiring, endoskeleton-
Oh. Oh, no. They're not- surely they're not decommissioning us?
He squeezed the locket and chuckled as he got into the hard plastic chair, the sound high-pitched and nervous even to his own audio receptors. “You know, I forgot to ask- silly me, hah- what is all this fuss about, hm?”
“It's a surprise, if that makes you feel better.” Irene told him with a smile, Max nodding along as he tugged Sun's hand out of his pocket so he could wrap his wrist in the restraint.
Sun's voicebox crackled with a hummed laugh. His now empty hand flexed under the newly tightened restraint, before he dropped it so his fingers could tap out a shaky rhythm onto the chair rest. “Oh- no, that's quite terrifying, actually.”
The pair of techs laughed too- they must have thought he was joking. But before he could say more, Irene reached up to the back of his faceplate. “You'll be fine, big guy. Gonna turn you off now, alright?”
Then he woke up. Woke- woke up! Oh, thank every star in the sky-
“Alllrighty, bud, up you get.” The tight pressure around his wrist released, and he turned his head to see Max and Irene, looking significantly more tired and dirty, their uniforms spattered and streaked with grease and machine oil. “Moon's turn.”
“Moon's turn?” Sun repeated. He looked down at himself and through his software, examining inside and out. Unlike the humans, he was clean- not just that, he was completely unchanged.
“Yeah, he- ah, right. We didn't tell you.” Max chuckled. He lifted his arm, pointing at the opposite side of the glass cylinder. “Look for yourself.”
Sun turned, and if he had had a jaw to drop-
Moon stood on the other side, staring at him through the glass. His eyes glowed blue, so brightly Sun was amazed he hadn't noticed the glow reflecting off of Max and Irene. They grew even brighter as Sun met his gaze, and Moon tipped his faceplate, wiggling his fingers at Sun in enthusiastic greeting.
Sun was out of the chair in a flash, vaulting over the armrest to press against the glass. “Moon. Moon! Moony, is that really you?”
The glass muffled Moon's response, and Sun flexed his fluttering rays at him in half confusion and half delight, but then Moon stepped closer and pressed his hand against the glass, too, so that only two inches of glass separated their palms. It's me. I'm here.
“Hey, Sun, you can talk to him for real if you use the door.” Irene's amused voice snapped him out of it, and he whipped his head around, first at her, then at the door.
“Then tell him to come in for us.” Max added.
“Yes- yes, of course!” Sun took one last look at Moon, and watched his eyes flash, his faceplate tipping to the side. A sense of playfulness gripped him, and he dropped to a crouch, preparing to dash out. Moon did the same, and Sun ripped his hand away, booking it for the doors.
He almost crashed into Moon, and reached out to catch him. Moon grabbed onto him in turn, large hands warming Sun's casings, and they both burst out giggling, clutching at each other, overwhelmed with joy.
“Hey! What did you do to them?” Lance called, exasperated. “Why are they acting high?”
“They're not high.” Erica- one of the techs that had been by Moon- laughed. “They've got the zoomies. It's like- two excitable dogs meeting each other for the first time.”
“Well, you can throw them a ball later. We've got work to do.” Lance said firmly. “Daycare Attendant Moon, get in the cylinder.”
Moon's laughter died down, and he glanced first at Lance, then at the cylinder, eyeglow dimming significantly. “Right. Yes, sir.”
Moon's voice wasn't at all what Sun had expected, but Sun loved it regardless. It was soft, and raspy, and crackly, and it made its home in Sun's processors right away. But he pushed the rush of adoration aside for the moment, focusing instead on assuring his counterpart.
Sun squeezed his arms, prompting Moon to look at him. “Hey, Moony. I'll see you when you get out, and I'll be right here, waiting for you, okay? Not gonna move an inch, no sir!”
Moon eyes regained most of their original brightness, and Sun heard his fans whir a little faster. “Okay, Sunny. I'll see you soon.”
Sun barely resisted the urge to press his forehead against Moon's, instead squeezing him again before letting him go. It took the last remaining scrap of his self-control to do so, and he watched him go, eyes never leaving him for a second.
He didn't have to wait long to touch him again, thankfully. The techs were just finishing up, running tests on them both to make sure Moon worked right and Sun still worked right after the techs had gone poking about his gears and wires, moving things aside so they could compare their bodies as they built Moon's.
Sun told them he'd never felt better, but they still insisted on running the tests on him too, which he put up with only after another brush against Moon as he passed him back into the cylinder, the contact making his wires buzz.
And then, once the restraints had come off again, he jumped out and all but ran to Moon, who beamed at him before turning away. Sun followed his gaze, landing on Lance standing nearby, frowning down at a clipboard as he flipped through its pages.
“Okay, you're good. Get out of here.” Lance ordered, after just a minute more.
Moon whipped back, faceplate spinning in delight, and grabbed Sun's hand. Sun had barely a second to register the feeling of Moon's hand slipping into his and holding him tightly before Moon was pulling him down the hall and towards the double doors.
It only took, oh, about ten seconds for his processors to catch up, but when he did he let out a joyous laugh to match Moon's adorable giggles, and put on a burst of speed, which Moon was happy to match.
They ran all the way to the Daycare, and it was only once they reached it did they slow to a stop.
“Oh, goodness.” Sun peered through the netting, letting his gaze sweep the empty, clean Daycare. “I- or, well, we, I mean- must have been gone the whole day!”
“They did a good job of cleaning up without us.” Moon said. Sun felt his rays flutter just hearing Moon speak, and he turned to him right as Moon did the same, his eyes brightening again. “I guess that means we get to spend time together.” 
Spend time together. His words, and the sweet, tender way he said it made Sun feel all fuzzy and gooey and warm inside.
He chuckled, his rays fluttering again. They might not have stopped, actually. Is this what being drunk felt like? “O-okay.”
His processors caught up a second later, and if he wasn't holding Moon's hand, he'd have slapped himself. Sun, you fool! Say something else! You're programmed with over 170,000 words, surely you can come up with something more eloquent!
His voicebox only stuttered once before he managed to get it working. “I would love to spend time with you, Moony.” 
Moon's eyes brightened, and he stepped closer, so close Sun could feel the heat his fans were pushing off him. Moon reached up, his hand making gentle contact with Sun's cheek, and Sun melted further, letting his faceplate roll into the touch. Oh, if only Moon knew the effect he had on him.
A little bit of doubt crept into Sun's mind- what if Moon was just being friendly? What if the barely-held-back need to grab him and kiss him silly- as best he could with his immovable grin- was all his own?
But Moon chased away Sun's worries with little brushes of his thumb over Sun's cheek, and Sun reached subconsciously up to hold Moon's wrist, fingers sliding between the bells and making them ring quietly. Moon leaned in even closer, eyes dimming into something soft. “Hey, Sunny?”
“Yeah, Moony?” Sun breathed.
Moon's voicebox buzzed almost inaudibly with the beginning of a sentence, and then his eyes flickered brighter, and- Sun thought- moved briefly to the side, but he wasn't sure. Moon tore away and spun with a clean pirouette, leaving Sun stunned and only able to watch as Moon then pranced over to the slide.
“Race you to our room.” Moon taunted, before grabbing the top of the Slide Into Fun! sign, picking his legs up, and launching himself down like a blue and white torpedo. “Last one there is a rotten egg!”
For a moment, all Sun could do was stand there and listen to Moon's cackles echo up the slide, hand still hovering in the air where he'd been holding him. He took in a deep artificial breath, then glanced to the side. Doors. Right.
His heart wasn't really in it, but he still vaulted over the railing with ease and speed, then booked it down the stairs three at a time. Moon crashed audibly into the ball pit by the time Sun reached the doors, which were pushed easily open and then kicked shut behind him.
Moon was wading noisily through the pit, and Sun caught his eyes flash as they locked gazes. Sun called for the cable, but Moon was faster and closer. It dropped from the ceiling, clipping onto Moon's back and pulling him up and out. “Ooh, too slow!” Moon teased, and despite the worry and emotional stranglehold on his circuits, Sun still huffed, amused by his counterpart's antics.
The cable dropped Moon off on the balcony, and Moon took one last lingering look at Sun over his shoulder before disappearing between the curtains.
The cable came for Sun next, having logged his ping. It clipped securely behind him, and brought Sun soaring up to the balcony next. He listened for Moon as it detached, noting the sound of his machinery heading further away- he was probably heading into the second room via the tunnel.
The carabiner released fully, and Sun pushed through the curtains, looking around the room before heading down the short steps. “So!” He called, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice. “What do you want to do first? We could do arts and crafts- that's what I was doing with the kids before I was called to Parts and Service.”
Sun reached the lip of the plastic blue tunnel that connected the rooms, and began to crawl through. “Ooh, we could also build a pillow fort! Or play cards, or read together.” He got out, standing and brushing himself off before continuing. Odd, but he couldn’t see Moon anywhere.
“We could also play one of our board games! I just found a game called Battleship collecting dust in the supply closet-”
“Actually, Sunny... I had something a little different in mind.”
He barely had time to turn around before Moon was stepping into view and into Sun's personal space again, both hands taking his faceplate. “Wh-”
Moon closed the distance and kissed him, hands coming around the sides of Sun's faceplate to weave through his wires. Sparking electricity shot through Sun's circuits, his whole body suddenly buzzing with warmth. The same joyous delight from before gripped him, but this time it was so strong he locked up, unable to move.
Moon broke away several seconds later with a quiet pant, like he'd actually run out of air kissing Sun. “Sun, I… Sunny? Are you okay?”
Sun meant to say something along the lines of yesI’mokaypleasepleasekissmeagain, but sadly, the only thing that came out of his voicebox was a lame wheeze, and Moon's eyes grew bright and wide with what Sun presumed was alarm.
“I- I'm sorry, I should have asked.” Moon stammered, pulling his hands quickly away. “I just- are you- do you- are you alright?”
Sun tried again to speak, but this time instead of a wheeze, his voicebox produced only a static crackle. Hmmmm… alright, maybe I'm… not fine.
Moon hesitated only a moment longer before grabbing Sun's hand and tugging him over to the bed, pressing on his shoulders to get him to sit. Sun's concern for himself all but vanished with each touch of Moon's hands on his body, and was completely forgotten when Moon's trembling fingers tangled through his head wires again.
“Stars, what have I done?” Moon muttered as he poked around. “Moon, you idiot. Kiss him without asking, break his voicebox.” He raised his voice a little from its low growl, becoming something softer and apologetic. “Sun, I'm sorry- I can fix it. T-the second thing, at least.”
Sun tried to respond, but still nothing. Then there was a click! in the back of his head, as much a sensation as it was a noise, and his voicebox beeped in his chest. Reset.
Moon scooched quickly back, the blankets rustling as he moved. Sun turned to look, watching as Moon began to fiddle with a section of one. “Are you okay? Does it work?”
“Mmhmm. It works.” Sun confirmed.
Moon sighed in relief, joints clicking as he deflated. “I'm glad. And I'm sorry again, truly, I just- I was so excited, and I really like you-”
Sun got up, and all but tackled Moon back down, wrapping himself around the other animatronic. Moon let out a surprised grunt, bouncing on the bed a little and blinking up at Sun with bright blue eyes as Sun began to ramble.
“Oh, Moony, I like you too! I was so worried you wouldn't, I was so excited to finally hear you and see you and touch you and kiss you but I didn't know if you liked me back, and I didn't want to scare you off, and-”
A giggle, soft and crackly but growing louder, caught Sun's attention, and he faltered, peering down at Moon beneath him. The lunar animatronic reached up for him, eyes bright and frame trembling with mirth. One shaky hand caressed Sun's cheek, ghosting over the rounded silicone. “I'm sorry, I just… I love you so much.”
Sun's processors came to an abrupt halt, clearing any other thought but that one out of his mind. “You… you love me? You really love me?”
Moon took a proper hold of Sun's cheek, cupping his face in his hand while his eyeglow softened, along with his voice. “I do. I love you a lot. More than words can say. I- ooh-”
Sun dropped, smashing their grins together in an overjoyed kiss. He wrapped his arms around Moon, holding him tight, as tight as he possibly could without crushing him, and his circuits sparked when Moon returned both the kiss and the embrace, pressing his grin back into Sun's and laying his hands on his back.
It was Sun who broke the kiss, though it was only so he could press kisses onto every other inch of Moon with a pronounced mwah! between declarations of love. “I love you! I love you so, so much and you have no idea how long I've wanted to say that- well, okay, maybe you do, but- I'm just so so so excited to say it, I want to say it forever, and hug you, and kiss you, and hold you forever and ever-”
Moon, for his part, was reduced to a flustered mess, giggling like mad and barely able to reach up and pull his hat over his face- but with each delighted spin of his faceplate, he had to let go of the brim of his nightcap, and Sun could see just how brightly those beautiful eyes glowed.
Moon's laughter made Sun giggly too, and it wasn't long before the dizzying euphoria stripped him of words, and he ran out of untouched casing to nuzzle and kiss. He kissed him all over a second time anyway, just to make sure Moon knew how cherished he was, but eventually collapsed on top of him, panting between pleased chuckles and little extra nuzzles against Moon's chest.
Their laughter exhausted itself eventually, and they settled into each other's embrace in the cozy, afterhours quiet of their room, holding each other as close as possible and purring just loud enough for the other to hear. After a few minutes, Moon shifted ever so gently, and Sun moved his faceplate to look up over at him, rays fluttering.
“I love you too, Sunny.” Moon's voice was thick with affection, and he nuzzled against the top of Sun's faceplate, eliciting a louder more rumbling purr from the solar animatronic. But then Moon sighed and averted his gaze, eyeglow dimming, and Sun searched his face with increased attention, worried. 
Was… was I too much? He wondered, but then Moon continued. “...We'll have to hide it, of course, but-”
“No.” Sun shook his head, rays pulsing. “No, we're getting out of here.”
Moon's eyes brightened, then dimmed again, just as quickly as they'd lit up. “How?”
“I don't know.” Sun replied. “But we are. I absolutely refuse to live in a place that won't even let me hold hands with the love of my life. I mean, it's ridiculous!”
Seized by indignation, he sat up, and Moon let him go, watching him with brightened eyes as Sun stood and began to pace up and down the dusty floorboards. “Can't put ideas into the kids heads,’ they say. As if there aren't plenty of kiddos with gay parents already! No, no, it's not that. They know if we fall in love, we won't stand for seeing our partners suffer at their hands. We're used to getting hurt ourselves, but seeing each other receive the same treatment?”
He growled, shaking his head to clear the image of Moon writhing in pain. “I'd- oohoohoo, I'd do something I might regret, that's for sure.”
“Sunny.” Moon's soft call of his name made Sun falter, and he turned to look at Moon. The sight of him laying there in their bed, head propped up in his hand as he watched Sun with those beautiful eyes of his made Sun turn to absolute mush, anger fading and guilt taking its place.
“I'm sorry.” Sun said, making his way back over to the bed. Moon scooched back and opened up his arms in invitation, and Sun gladly accepted his embrace, laying down on his side, facing Moon. With the hand not settling on Sun's waist, Moon brushed his knuckles against Sun's cheek, and Sun sighed, closing his eyes. “It's just… I love you, and I hate them, and I couldn't stand to see you hurt. The very thought makes me furious.”
“It's alright.” Moon murmured. His voice was so kind, so gentle even underneath the static crackling, and Sun felt more of his anxieties fade. “I love you, too, and for what it's worth, Sunny... I share your sentiment.”
The kindness had dissolved in those last words, replaced by an underlying growl, and they were punctuated too with a squeeze around Sun's middle. But then Moon huffed, and when he spoke again, he just sounded a little bit tired. “But yes… we will escape. We'll have to bring the others with us, it would hardly be fair to leave them behind… but once all is said and done, we can enjoy our freedom. Maybe find a nice big house out in the middle of nowhere to make our own.”
Sun could feel his casings grow warmer, despite the efforts of his fans. “Aww. I had the same idea.”
Moon chuckled. “Great minds think alike.” He pulled Sun closer, and Sun obliged him, snuggling up. “We can make plans later, though. For now, how about we just enjoy each other's company? All the humans have gone home, and there are no cameras in here. We're safe, Sunny, and we're together.”
“Yes. That does sound nice.” Sun whispered, and Moon lowered his hand, then leaned forward to gently press the top of his head to Sun's. 
“I love you, Sunny.”
“I love you too, Moony.”
Ao3 Link to Circuit Board Sparks
Ao3 Link to Origami Kisses
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Hiii i miss sending u anon stuff isjzjsz im studying for exams😭😭💀💀 i wish i have the discipline to study consistently aaaaa
Can i request the 7 minutes in heaven shuggy prompt? And maybe a treasure hunt w/ the crossgild trouple? Tysm wordy ur posts have been like a destressor somewhat (also an angst fest cuz wtf the rayeligh shit HURTED- do u have more of it? Lmao also shanks in the tags, him being protective is wat i live for platonically or romantically❤️❤️)
Hiiii honey!!! I'm happy to hear from you ♡♡ I'm proud of you for studying and good luck with your exams, you can do it!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡ ((Also mood I struggle with routine and yet thrive with routine. It's a cosmic pain))
I can do two lil bits I think for this ♡ I'll separate them out, so one here, another later on ((I'll add on to this one)) ♡
As for the Rayliegh bit - hhhh yeah. Listen. LiStEn. If I can't afford therapy to resolve my parental and sibling issues then I'll sure as shit hurt my blorbo and make everyone watch teehee dw about it cute boy things.
And Shanks is plveru protective and also so dynamic. He has Le Range. He's a beloved character with a laundry list of Traumatic Lore and so little screen time you could do damn near anything and it's arguably canonical. I love him. I also love to make him an absolute hot mess gremlin bc he deserves it ♡♡
Onto the fun stuff!!!!!
Shuggy -> Seven Minutes in Heaven
This was worse than the get along shirt, Buggy grumbled angrily, screwing his eyes shut and bonking his head into the wall. A foot pressed against his shin, igniting the sudden, vicious urge to kick out and hope to hit something Specific in the dark. He held it at bay, just giving a slow sigh.
Voices drifted by overhead, mostly chipper, a decent chunk slurred. Buggy pouted.
"Um... Bugs?"
"What," he snapped, curling tighter into a ball. He heard more than saw Shanks flinch back a little.
"I... um.... I just...." There was a shuffle in the tiny storage closet, earning a blind glower from the blue haired cabin boy.
"Spit it out, fuckface!"
"I'm sorry."
There was silence for a moment. Buggy tried breathing slowly, in through the nose, out through the mouth, just the way Cap had taught him. He let out the breath for a few second, one, two, three, four. "It's.... not your fault," he said at last, trying to keep his breathing steady. "We weren't even really fighting."
"Old man Rayleigh should learn to tell the difference," the redhead scoffed quietly. "We were training...." He shifted slightly. "I didn't mean to hit you that hard."
Buggy snorted. "Please. You punch like a civilian."
"Civilians can punch heads off of necks," Shanks shot back teasingly, moving blindly in the dark to nudge the other's leg. "I'll have to keep that in mind."
"No, dumbass, but they could knock my head off. I'm still not.... used to this." He popped off his fingers, one at a time. The soft clicks or detachment and reattachment echoed in the dark.
"... I'm sorry for that too."
"Shut up, I don't need your pity."
The other moved suddenly, and Buggy bit back a squeak as hands grappled in the black before clamping onto his shoulders. A forehead bumped his own, a bit too high before nuzzling lower. He could feel the heat from the other boy's skin sinking into his own, and he prayed that the force of his blush didn't ACTUALLY make his nose glow the way Cap and Crocus teased him about.
"It's not pity," Shanks said roughly. He shook the other the slightest bit before sighing. "It's empathy."
"The hell are you-?!"
"Just-! Listen, Buggy!" Shanks tilted his head, his nose brushing Buggy's and drawing a soft sound from the younger boy. "You wanted the treasure and I startled you. The map fell into the sea. And I'm sorry. You loved swimming, and even I could see how much the sea loved you, too. You've got sea salt in your veins and waves in your hair, you always always have, and now you can't lay out in the water like a siren anymore and it hurts you! I know it does. You're my best friend, my better half, and I hurt you. I caused your pain. And I will never forgive that. So I'm sorry."
".... they'renot real."
Buggy swallowed, his own hands moving, one gripping to a strong forearm, the other at a baggy shirt on the redhead's side. "Sirens. They're not real. Just stories, remember? Even Captain said."
There was a brief moment before Shanks chuckled. "Maybe," he breathed, his lashes tickling against Buggy's own. "But I believe in them. Beautiful beings who sing wonderful songs and lure sailors into parts unknown...."
"Because I'd never hesitate to follow you anywhere, Buggy. You say my name and I'm yours. I know sirens are real because you're real."
Suddenly the cramped darkness felt far warmer. Buggy tried to quiet his gasp. "S-Stupid Shanks...?"
"Pretty Buggy."
There was movement and then there was heat on his nose, his cheeks, his lips. And Buggy squirmed, pushing and pulling until their bodies slotted together perfectly, a hand dipping under his beanie to grip cerulean hair as straw tickled his wrist as his own cupped the back of a neck. Breathless, boneless, they clung and basked and pulled closer, closer closer. Buggy was growing dizzy, but it was pleasant, comfortable, warm, safe and he'd never felt so-
His body suddenly was sent sprawling, light piercing his eyes, and then he coughed a wheeze as a heavy weight crushed his ribcage, his lip smarting as teeth sunk into it.
Shanks pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes and squinting.
Buggy glared through his tears.
Rayleigh looked gobsmacked. "Oh. I was... not expecting that. Hmm." He glanced between the two for a moment before turning on his heel. "Use protection, this is above my pay grade."
Shanks huffed a mild, embarassed laugh. Buggy simply wanted to die.
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yourthirdparent · 1 month
Do u have any MK rarepairs?
hello llewayinghorses. yeah i have ummmm a lot lmao. for the purposes of this i'll be stretching the definition of rare pair a Little because while sure some of these have like over a hundred fics it still feels p small To Me. anywayd
biliang is one of them, as well as kuaitomas. both of these are mk1 btw. sorry beloved followers i am a scorpsmoke lover blame Do you feel it travel in and out your heart? on ao3 (i was shipping them way before i read that fic it's just my favourite). and a biliang lover but i've already mentioned that one before on here.
haven't been Incredibly into those lately though cuz the liu kang hyperfixation hit like a train and now all i can do is set him up with other people he can fuck nasty (or not fuck at all i do love an ace liu kang. more like liu king. sorry.) but they are still on the backburner.
for liu pairings aka my only pairings ever........... holdon let me just bust out the chart
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ignore the fact that the colour doesn't mean anything Anyways liutana and liulao aren't rare, shangliu is actually surprisingly popular considering it has so few fics (like 50 total i think split between the liu vs fire god liu tags?), liuhan probably is considered rare but idk maybe it's just because i'm in my part of the fandom but i see it p often so probably not very rare. kuailiu and liutomas are both rarer than that. railiu is p rare, i don't really see it often (but i'd love to because it's actually such a good pairing it's so cool oh my god) uhhhh liugeras is pretty rare considering how much sense it makes but i get it w/e yk. uhhhh kenliu and liucage are both p rare. especially cuz i ship liucage the hardest in the 1995 mortal kombat movie (so sad that i can't write for that movie. cries) which already doesn't get much fandom activity. oh baraka and liu is like super rare lmao but they're so cool !! i think there's lots of potential there idk maybe i'm just a freak. i do mostly ship them in mk11 though (mostly just cuz i don't want to deal with contagion lmao). sindel and liu are rare i suppose (also i forgot to mark liu and jerrod but i do ship them as well they're a throuple) as are liu and syzoth but i don't really care for them Much they're just fun sometimes but they aren't on the brainrot list. quan chi and liu are also rare but yk same principle as syliu i don't care all that much. i just like them both and i think they could have Something. evil. also liu and mileena is mk11 specific and it's also complicated but the sad thing is there's no fic for them and i'm too scared to write it (that's a lie i'm just not creative enough)
uhhhhh i also ship kenleena which according to twitter is actually popular but i've not seen it a damn time which SUCKS !!!! guys please i love taleena but why should i care for Them in mk1 when i could be shipping mileena and the guy whose eyes she gouged out. i think that slays. taleena is also a slay ofc but in mk1........ i need something with a little more Spice like they had in mkx. give me toxic yuri or give me death. they need to be treacherous and then have a kid or i'm out.
let me pull out the mk11 chart too fuck it
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again shangliu is p popular shockingly however mk11 shangliu is a lot less popular. sonya/liu is actually so rare that i made the ao3 tag and i'm one of like. four shippers lmao. but i mostly ship them in conjunction with liucage in mk11 and only really ship them on their own in mk21. liu/jax is similar in the sense that i like them more in the 2021 movie lmao. and again i'm the only one in the tag. mk11 liuhan is less common than mk1 which is sad because they're iconic. again baraka and liu are always rare, railiu is p rare (though it does have some absolute masterpieces in the ao3 tag. ty melochromatic can we please be friends you're so cool). fujin/liu is also uncommon but i love them so sosososis99ssjowehhrishwkshrkebf much (i just like both of the characters and decided to slam them together for my amusement) blahblah again with mileena and geras and liulao and liutana are both popular.
SIGH. in addition to all of these i have some bonuses like sindel/sheeva and jadetana which might not be Rare but it is lovely and frossie which definitely Is rare (heartbreakingly) and probably more that i don't want to list. GASP FOR AIR.
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mambalae-s · 1 year
hi hi mamba, i want to start this off with a congrats and a thank you so much for putting in the work and the energy to do this event. i really appreciate it so much and i'm so so proud of you. you're doing wonderful, darling !
for your event, i actually can't decide myself so i'm going to give you the choice to pick for me between toji and satoru from jjk - (i really really hope you're not indecisive and are able to work well under pressure ! but you can let me know if you need me to choose one);
this might need a bit of a trigger warning, but something i'm still learning to love about myself is my weight and my body. i kinda struggle with my eating habits a little bit sometimes and i won't go into detail but it's something that i'm working on :)
as far as my personality goes, i would describe myself as someone who speaks her mind and usually doesn't hold back from doing so (mostly bc i think honesty is the best policy in any kind of relationship). and um this might be kind of contradicting, but at the same time i also isolate myself from loved ones when i'm feeling down or pressured and keep everything to myself bc i don't like arguing/conflict. my friends describe me as having a sarcastic sense of humour and say that i roll my eyes a lot but they also think i'm very very sweet because i flirt with them often just for fun hehe. i'm mostly an introvert because i need to have my alone time but when i'm feeling charged then i'm able to make friends very very quickly. and my dad says it's because i'm empathetic and always know what to say when it comes to ppl hehe. (ahh this is getting too long... i just love talking about myself. i'll try wrapping it up quickly!) some other things you should know about me: i'm a hopeless romantic, don't like horror, am a total daydreamer, i write romance, fanfiction, and poetry, pink is my favourite colour, i'm a lipgloss/lipstick addict (and collect them for fun even when i don't need them), spring is my favourite season, my love language is physical touch, i'm an infp, and if it's important for the moodboard i'm south asian!
let's keep this sfw for ease, so i'll end it by describing my dream date with both men. you can then choose which one you'll do!
1. i know satoru's really really tall, but i just picture toji being taller and bigger in my head so i have this headcanon that i'm like half his size (for reference, i'm 5'3-ish) and in my head we are just grumpy x sunshine couple all the way. dream date with toji would be us going to the amusement park (my fav place on earth) and just being kids tbh. i'd force him to wear cutesy animal headbands and ride the rollercoaster and the ferris wheel with me and we'd stand in long long lines just talking and he would probably whine and complain about everything but he'd put up with it for me (also i'd probably manipulate him with my big eyes and my own bratty attitude ^^)
2. with satoru, i feel like since he's pretty childish in a relationship, i'd definitely act more bossy/mature with him as a result. (he'd look so pretty taking orders, wouldn't he?) dream date with satoru would just be a stay at home date. we'd start off by cooking dinner and dessert together, then have a spa night, and end it by doing a disney movie marathon together. he's so money i just have the urge to show him that we can do things without spending so much or going out to fancy restaurants and stuff.
anyway, i'm sorry for making this so long. as you can tell, i'm a talker. i'll leave the choice up to you for which boy to pick, but i just want to say thank you in advance. i love u sm mamba. congrats again baby doll <33
my beloved safi!! my dearest angel!! i’m so so soooo excited to do your request!! genuinely kicked my feet and did a little dancy dance when i saw your ask and i started searching for your pics as early as 4am before work! as soon as you mentioned sunshine x grumpy, you’d gotten me on team toji! im gonna make the prettiest, cutest, sweetest boards and scenarios for you, because you truly are as bright as the sun and you deserve the world! hugging you sooooo warmly!
also please don’t feel bad for telling me as much as you did!’ it makes me happy to learn about you all during these little events!
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╰┈➤ cherry blossom lips — safi x toji
╰┈➤ song — pov by ariana grande
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 one of the first things that really drew toji to you was your smile. he finds the way your eyes light up and crinkle ever so slightly ever so enchanting. he’s so entirely enraptured, you have no idea just how much!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 i’ve said this for others as well, but toji’s also the kind of lover who is very attentive to you and your likes. i also think that he spoils you quite a bit! he’ll take note of your collection of lipglosses and lipsticks and whenever he’s out, he always keeps his eyes open for ones that he thinks you’ll like.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 if you only ask him once, he’ll help you pick out a lovely combination for your days and contemplates very intensely on what look he thinks would work well! he’s very involved surprisingly and loves to see the way you switch things up every now and then, and finds it really cute when you keep returning to favourites time and time again.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 i also think he’d be very playful and loves to kiss your glossy lips, if only to taste the sweet flavours as he licks the tint from his own lips, keeping his eyes locked on yours with your chin between his fingers as he tells you how sweet you taste.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’s very perceptive to you and your feelings and always looks out for you as best as he can. he knows just how much you care for others around him, and him especially, always making sure that he’s alright, asking him about his day and of anything that he may have on his mind.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he might not be very vocal about it, but his way of reassuring you is at first to pull you in for a long hug. he rests his chin on top of your head and just holds you close to him, hands stroking your back and waist and taking slow, deep breaths so that you’ll follow his lead. especially during moments when he notices you quietly hurting, he’ll always mutter loving reassurances that he’s here for you, and that you don’t have to push yourself to talk to him until you’re ready — just know that he’s there for you
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he also knows how much you try to show yourself love, especially when it comes to your body. toji can tell whenever you’re having a hard time showing yourself the love he feels for you, and his way of reminding you of that love is by initiating physical contact in very intimate ways!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 not intimate as in sexual, but he’ll lay down with you and shower your entire body with kisses, reaching beneath your clothes with his fingers and taking his time to let each kiss linger, with little whispers of everything he loves, every part of you that you’re still learning to love on yourself. like i said, he’s extremely intentional, so know that all of those kisses and light touches are overflowing with love he feels deep inside his heart, because he’ll be there to love you until — and even after — you’ve fully grown to love yourself the way he does
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when you ask him one day to visit an amusement park with you, he doesn’t think twice about saying yes! sure, he might act like he has zero interest in wearing those cute headbands with you, but he’d do anything just to make you happy!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 sure, he’ll say that it won’t look good on him and that it’ll make him look silly, but how can he say no to those pleading eyes and pouty lips of yours? in the end, he’ll let you stuff his mouth full of cotton candy and grumble as you set cute mickey mouse ears atop his head — and don’t tell anyone, but he melts like putty at the way you light up and boop his nose, a little red faced as you tell him how cute he looks
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’ll even match with you to wear pink themed outfits! if it’s a colder time of the year when you both go, he’ll buy you both pink lilo onesies ahead of time so that you can wear them together! absolutely loves the pictures you both take and sets them as your contact photo, his wallpaper, all so that he can see the way you smile at the camera while his soft gaze is trained on you
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 now this is a secret, but toji gets a little squeamish in high places, so he’s a little nervous at first about going on the roller coasters and ferris wheels, but it’s all so worth it as he gets to hear your joyful squeals and laughter, watching your eyes crinkle as you belt out all these happy noises. the fact that you’re enjoying yourself makes him all the more pleased and he takes his own enjoyment purely from you.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he knows how you love the romantic things in life, so he takes you to the biggest ferris wheel in the park at night when all the lights shine like colourful stars. he wraps his arm around you and admires you admiring the scene around you, leaning into his embrace and just taking in the moment. he can’t stop himself from thinking just how precious you are to him, how much he loves you, and would absolutely tear the world apart to keep you safe.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when your cart reaches the highest point of the ride, he lets himself go and pulls you in for a sweet kiss, letting it last for seconds that feel like years and mere moments to him as he drinks you in for all that you are, pouring into you every poem he’s secretly written in his heart for you. he whispers to you how much you love him, “until the end of time, safi… i’ll always love you, even after then.”
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mamba celebrates 100 followers — jjk and haikyuu selfship event!
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hungerpunch · 1 year
if you get this answer with your top 5 music artists and send it to the last 7 people in your notifications <3
i will never stop saying how much these music games stress me out while at the same time i never want y'all to stop tagging me in them!! thank u caitlin mwah mwah
that said oh my god cue the usual agony. TOP FIVE MUSIC ARTISTS? of what, ALL TIME? what does "top" mean, is it like, most listened to? most beloved? ahhh. okay i have decided to just go with my gut. i'll do all time. sure. sure. i'm fine.
NOT in ranking order:
the cranberries - some of my earliest real memories are riding in my dad's car while he played everybody else is doing it, so why can't we? and no need to argue. i had my own favorite tracks that i requested on repeat. when i hear those opening chords, i am transported back in time. i'm so small that my eyes are barely level with the car window. i can smell the leather interior. i see my dad shifting gears, the leaves on the trees as we speed by, and i hear him laughing. to come back to these albums as an adult was profound and i fell into them heavily after my dad died. dolores' voice is like... pure comfort for me, even when she makes me cry.
frank ocean - if you were also in college when both nostalgia, ultra and channel orange dropped, you'll understand. and if you were younger, can you just imagine being in college when those albums dropped?! it was wild. soundtrack to my early 20s. i felt so much, wanted so much, despaired so much, loved so much and frank ocean had a song for everything. i love his voice, his lyricism, and the soundscapes he creates. i feel like he's not only trying to sing he's trying to submerge you into a bodily experience. no artist has so consistently driven me to weep just from the emotion in his voice. i love how he started and i love where he's gone and grown. i love everything he does musically. nothing is too weird or experimental for me.
florence + the machine - i was a freshman in high school when lungs was released and i heard "kiss with a fist" for the first time. you have to understand it sounded so different to everything on the radio where i lived and also so different to what i had been listening to (metal, punk, pop punk, hardcore, rap) while still giving that fuck you energy. i remember saying to my dad for the first time, playing it for him, "she uses her voice like another instrument!" my dad ended up being a big fan, too, and i am extremely lucky that we got to see them live together. watching my dad jump up & down to songs like "the dog days are over" and "you've got the love" and "spectrum" like a little kid is one of my favorite memories.
EDIT: found this saved in my drafts FROM FOUR WEEKS AGO ohhhh my god caitlin i'm so sorry. idk what happened, if i got too stoned or too tired or what but i don't even have memory of starting it? i'm so sorry and also i definitely can't finish it. trying to pick just two more......... impossible.
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forsakenmissives · 1 year
🌻💥 :)
🌻 what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
this is gonna sound bad but i've never wanted to give up on writing. maybe i've thought about never having it as a career due to financial reasons but i've never been like "i should just quit" like. sorry but i have to write. it's just what i do it's like breathing to me. giving up on a story however, well, i don't really do that either but if i lose interest i'm not gonna force myself to do something i'm not interested in so. i'll drop it then.
as for what makes me keep going, like i said, i have to write. it's not really a conscious decision of mine 🤷‍♀️ if i get down abt my writing then i need to write to be better than whoever's work made me feel bad abt my own. otherwise i keep going bc it makes me happy and sometimes i can really blow myself away with what i write, the pros of being self-obsessed <3
💥 find your least kudos’d fic - say something wonderful about it.
ok my least kudos'd fic is a sotus wip which is/was so fun to work on bc it's magical realism and u can kinda do whatever u want with those but as it's a wip i'm gonna say something abt the first completed least kudos'd fic which is a batjokes fic :P
SEXY MINDFUCKERY MY BELOVED!!!!!! i'm rly obsessed with "[Bruce] wants to lean forward more, lean forward and bite at that soft underbelly, dig his teeth in and shake. He wants to run on instinct alone..." likeeeee OKAY. OKAY OKAY. I GET IT. ohhh my god. i like the surface denial of pleasure but then it's like. u enjoy this this is what you want you need this you could walk away but you keep coming back to This. OKAY. love/pleasure being seen as humiliation.. seen as worse than humiliation. what if i exploded
let's get ((real)) fic writer asks :3
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thecontumacious · 2 years
I’M BACK I SAW THE REQUEST IS OPEN AND I CAME AS FAST AS I COULD! I’ve had this in idea in my head rent free for weeks, what if reader is a member of the nijisanji en but they are a rabbit hybrid with really cute floppy ears and a puffy tail and they are shy and soft spoken, I like to imagine that luxiem and their fans would gush over them like crazy! On the side note, I’m glad your mid terms went well hope you are doing well, I adore your writings!
Luxiem and a Pair of Fluffers
a/n: bunnies are literally just a ball of fluff I WANNA OWN ONE BUT I CANT UWAHHHH SADGEE btw u guys, i'm doing far better than last week so i'll slowly start going back to writing again ehe <3 also, hi again lunaaa!!
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Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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it’s pretty obvious, especially recently, how vox fucking adores animals
rabbits are totally up his list without a doubt so imagine the literal stars in his eyes upon seeing dem fluffers at the top of your head
“DARLING?” vox gasps, comically backtracking upon seeing your pair of rabbit ears. “AM I SEEING WHAT I'M ACTUALLY SEEING?”
his voice, though not meant to scare, still made you flinch at how loud it was and your ears immediately lower, yelping a bit
“oh—sorry, darling,” vox smiles as he tones his voice down by a mile, soft and gentle. “but are these real? these are really your ears?”
you look away, biting your lip. “y-yeah.”
“can i touch them?” but from looking at his eyes, he was gonna find a way to touch them anyway so you nod. you giggle when he grins brightly, “hehe, thank you, darling.”
he runs his fingers through your hair first before finally touching the base of your ears
it was a foreign feeling to you, but it was by no means uncomfortable
vox experiments by massaging the base of your ears first and when you pretty much melt, he smiles as he kept on going, occasionally moving between ears
he revels in the softness of your fur, truly unlike any other he’s felt
after a bit more head rubbing, you give in and eventually choose to curl up against his much bigger frame, nuzzling into his neck to enjoy the warmth and the head pats
“awe, my sweet little rabbit.”
ddlg vibes starting to come in hoo boy
you were already naturally timid and with your newly discovered weakness of head/ear rubs, vox is taking advantage of those things
when you’re busy and he’s in need of some attention, he is quick to make use of his hands and have you on his lap
“just a moment of your time, my beloved. please?”
that’s just level one
it gets super bad when he resorts to biting your ears and tugging on your little tail if it was visible
“you leave me no choice, love.”
you’re a blabbering mess and can’t contain yourself anymore, forced to either hide from the embarrassment or do what vox tells you to
“awe, that’s a good little bunny.”
and he just won’t stop either.
you both rly like it and don’t. leaning towards the former though :3
but on a more serious note, he sees you as a source of comfort like that of a rly cute plushie
being an animal lover at heart, he knows exactly how to deal with you (and definitely takes advantage of it as often as possible)
at night, he’ll try to lay off the teasing and have you ball up against him, stroking your ears in a more comforting manner
vox doesn’t think you’re weak of course, but seeing you so precious makes him want to protect you even more and assure that no one harms you
precious must protecc ✨
conclusion, it’s both a curse and a blessing for you to be a rabbit hybrid. but it is life’s greatest gift for vox being able to pamper and coddle one of the most precious people alive
other boys utc!
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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he’s not always in the presence of animals but he does think they’re absolutely adorable
especially when it came in the form of you
actually wait, the first time he saw it, he thought you were being extra kinky (-`д´-)
“oh? this is new~” mysta grins with the sussiest face known to man
you wave your hands dismissively, red covering your cheeks, “no, no, wait mysta! this isn’t a costume! th-these are my real ears…”
you twitch your ears around and mysta will just freeze in his place
just what exactly was he seeing rn, eh?
“we-well, that’s interesting,” all previous unseisoness will evaporate, replaced with complete embarrassment as he tries to place himself in the awkward situation. “they’re really cute…”
although he was avoiding eye contact, it was clear that he meant what he said
you giggle, “yo-you can touch them if you want, mysta.”
at this, he braves himself to look at you with the visible look of excitement. he strides over and hesitantly hovers his hands over your ears
but then his fingers come in contact with the soft fur and he is immediately enamored
gently, mysta lets his entire hand rub through your long ears
you shudder at the touch
“ah- did i hurt you?” he asks nervously, retracting his hand
you shake your head, “no, i just… really liked it.”
mysta chuckles as he put his hand back to your ears, rubbing them oh so gently but enough pressure to elicit a satisfied hum from you
without realizing, you’re up against mysta as he continues to adore you through his head pats
he might’ve seemed shy and hesitant about touching you at first, but all that disappears within time
while mysta would usually ask first if he could pet you, nowadays when he wants to, he’ll just do it
it catches you off guard often and this makes for a good land plot to plant all his mischievous deeds
sigh, there it is
he’ll pretend to be stupid just to see you mad, because with you being this cute, being angry just made you more adorable
he’ll also just be generally annoying (in a cute way) by bugging you while you work or doing a chore
instances include when you’re reading or doing work, he’ll lay his head on your lap and while he claims he’s there to offer “moral support”
he’s actually poking your stomach and maybe your tail too
“eek!” you yelp, sending a glare down mysta with an irritated and also shy blush. “mysta.”
“yes, baby?” he’ll grin
or when you’re washing dishes, he’s gonna hug you from behind and nibble on your ears
“eh? what’s up? i just saw a snack.”
you: (•゚д゚•)
bunnies to him are more vulnerable creatures and he somehow has the fucking audacity to think you are too :<
so he’ll pretty much baby you and actually not feel like a bottom like how it usually is on stream with the chat
rias appears more often and it brings chills down your spine
these are the rare times where you actually will take him more seriously, especially when he demands that you sit on his lap
while you usually just shrug it off, the look in his eyes and just how he spoke was enough to knock you off your feet
and like an actual rabbit, skittering towards him and following his orders
bunny ears still look super kinky to him
all this is just his way of adoring you, how he truly feels affectionate and though it might get a bit overbearing sometimes (when it gets annoying), you know mysta loves you a lot still
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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he thinks animals are cool! fluffy animals, pog!
at least, that’s what he thought of them before he saw your ears and tails
“oh my god,” he gaped, studying your twitching ears. he kept staring at you for quite a while, which brought you worry. luca looks at you, the biggest grin on his face, “YOU’RE SO CUTE UWAHHHHH”
he doesn’t even pause to ask you as he wrapped you in his arms, squeezing the fucking life out of you all the while nuzzling his face into your fluffy ears
he was quite literally screaming into your ears ;-;
“mercy, luca, mercy!!” you gasp for air, patting his back alarmingly
luca hears your pleads and lets you go, grinning bashfully
“hehe, sorry,” he says as he scratched the back of his head. “no seriously, but you’re so cute!! look at you!!”
at his bombardments of compliments, you shrink and can merely blush, your soul evaporating when luca didn’t cease to give you a break
“can i touch them please? pretty please?” he asks in a high pitched none, in hopes it could swoon you
even without doing it, the love pouring from his eyes didn’t give you much choice to refuse
you nod, “sure.”
he cheers softly, hopping over to you (even tho you were the rabbit…) and reached for your soft ears
despite his chaotic outburst at first, his pats are gentle
luca wasn’t afraid to use both his hands to give the equal amount of love
he massaged the base of your ears firmly without having it to be too pressurized and like a natural, he has your ears twitching from satisfaction
you hum, enjoying every second
you don’t even realize your eyes are closed until luca pointed it out, “awe, do you like your headpats?”
you flutter eyes open again, pink tinting your cheeks as you admit embarrassedly, “y-yeah… they’re rly nice…”
“c’mere then,” luca pats his lap, giving you only the most gentle smile in the entire world
your heart had never felt so light seeing your blonde lover having such a heart of compassion so you crawl on over, making yourself comfortable in his neck
he continues the ear rubbing routine, hitting just the most perfect spots
“you can relax into me, honey,” luca whispers, pecking your forehead
even without him saying it, your body was by default falling asleep on its own
you woke up hours later with luca also asleep, his hand in your hair and between your ears
and how dare he say he’s a mean and evil mafia boss (>д<)
after that, he treats you as his personal source of serotonin
whenever his days were hard and long, he’s just going to wrap his arms around your tinier figure and quietly snuggle into you
you know he’s had a tiring day when the usual golden retriever vibes just disappear today
and on these days especially, you’ll be nudging his head with your own or boop nose to nose
usually these things alone are more than enough to recharge luca and he’ll be nudging and booping back
talking from real experience, my younger brother likes to nudge his head to me like a cat and let me tell you, it really is a cute and affectionate gesture 😩
unlike with vox and or mysta, you don’t have to feel shy or embarrassed around luca because he genuinely adores your more bunny like side, appreciating every second of it to the point where you see being “too cute and adorable” as a power than a small inconvenience
you’ll be asking luca for something and even without doing anything, he just can’t say no to you <3
seems like luca’s getting more of the benefits than you in this case ^^
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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he likes cute things! but he’s more so hesitant that he’ll do something wrong or hurt you somehow since he doesn’t know much of the animal world :(
so upon seeing your floppy bunny ears, ike is stunned and honestly doesn’t know what to do first
“o-oh… oh wow, those are real?” ike peers from where he stands, unlike the others who immediately approach you hands on
while you were supposed to be the one embarrassed and shy, your lover seemed to be more timid in this case
you take a slow step forward and you notice how ike tenses up, his hands hiding behind his back
“are you alright?”
unable to evade you any further, he sighs, “sorry, um. i don’t think there’s anything bad about this, really! i’m just… kinda nervous. i’m worried i’d hurt you or touch you in the wrong way…”
ah this sweetheart, worrying for your wellbeing over his in the end 
you shake your head, grabbing his hand and placing it upon your head, specifically between your ears softly
shy to say what you wanted, you look up at ike and curl your lip
and he understands what you were asking for, hesitantly moving his fingers into your hair before finally making it to the base of your ears
his touches are incredibly light and ticklish, so you nudge your head against his hand even more
ike is caught by slight surprise but seeing you encourage him like this gives him the reassurance that he was in the clear
he adds more pressure and actually starts giving you the proper headpats
you hum, satisfied
ike smiles and all earlier hesitance washes away
“you adorable sweet thing,” ike whispers, leaning in to place a chaste kiss at the top of your forehead
though your cheeks are a warm red from his ever so enchanting words, you let go of any distress from the day and just enjoy being in ike’s comforting presence
after that, though safe and probably will be guided by you for any questions, ike is one to investigate your half species through theoretical research
he wants to make sure he actually knows what he’s doing without having to bother you with his questions
no matter how many times you catch him and insist that he can just ask you unfortunately ;-;
bcs he’s thoughtful and compassionate like that
but hey you appreciate the extra comforting headpats and scritches in the ears due to those independent inquisitions ^^
with you around (ideally on his lap and snuggling into him), he gets more work done and has a reason to keep moving just so that when he’s finally finished, his end goal is right there in his arms
you don’t even need to be interacting with him to give this sort of effect
your bunny ears and soft tail makes it all the better
your timid and shy nature motivates ike into teasing you a lot more than usual, adoring every single blush enrapturing your cheeks and the stutter of every word that comes out of your mouth
“how is my liten kanin doing?”
*little rabbit*
you get embarrassed every time he uses that specific nickname but the fact he even chose to call you that makes it endearing
you’ll quickly boop his nose with a shy smile
“i’ll take that as ‘good’.”
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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not surprised to see a rabbit hybrid like yourself and probably has a rly good starting foundation on your species already
actually, he might seem rly chill and cool but that’s only him not wanting to lose his image bcs inside, shu is screaming over how cute you are
“awe, look at these little fluffers,” shu coos, bringing a gentle hand to your ears and carefully rubbing at the right spots
your cheeks are a bright red but you’re too distracted by his ear rubbing and end up curling up against him like he was your bed
eh, he probably was anyway
now even though he wasn’t saying much, when you buried your face into his chest, shu’s face is actually a thousand times redder than yours by the end of it
this cutie of a lover, nuzzling and stealing all his body warmth so effortlessly
how the heck did he get so lucky
first time showing your ears to him is not the most exciting amongst all of luxiem but THE WAY HE TAKES SUCH GOOD CARE OF YOU :<<<
when your shy side is taking over and you don’t get your daily dose of shu yamino headpats, man knows what’s going on and goes over to you with hands already in your hair
“you doin’ okay, u-sa-gi-chan?”
aye, the usagi chans ;-;
he knows what he’s doing to you and he likes it a lot
the fact that you’re shy and soft spoken can’t help but stir the more teasing side of shu, breaking out all the cute japanese nicknames equivalent to the words fluffy and rabbit
but for your sake, he doesn’t make this a habit and will spare you all the teases (even if he meant it in an affectionate way)
on normal days, shu will just chill and casually brush through your hair and ears, making this routine a habit between you two
whenever stream finishes, doesn’t rly matter if he had work after that. You just crawl next to him for his usual headpats and he’ll just revel in your comfy presence
there are so many times where shu is up at weird hours and you’re simply asleep in his arms
though not awake, he appreciates how you still want to offer your company to him
or when the day has been particularly long for the sorcerer, you’re the one taking care of him by coddling him like how he usually coddles you
“your lap is rly comfy…,” he mumbles half awake and you only giggle as you massage his head and consistently kiss his cheeks. “love you…”
before falling asleep in your hold, you following just behind
insert cute picture of pingus and bunnies together
shu is a fun guy and is willing to try new things
so, there was that one time where he tried using his sorcery skills to match rabbit ears with you
“now I can be your usagi-kun!”
author chan proceeding to die
he might seem shy with the floppy black-purple-yellow-pink ears at first but seeing you jitter with enthusiasm and excitement calms him down
bunny ears asset for shu yamino anyone?
we also just recently hit 600 follows! thank you and hello new friends ^^
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serxeinxx · 3 years
Florist bakugou!— ; a headcanon!
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↻featuring:: our beloved florist! Bakugouuu
↻paring:: fem!reader x florist!bakugou [quirklessAU]
↻wc:: 787
↻a/n:: it's been a while guys!! How r u guys?? + remember when i said about making florist!bakugou happen?? THIS IS IT >:)) + im back :v + it was earlier than i expected ;-;
(e/c): eye color ; (h/c): hair color
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— he was surprised to himself that he, THE GREAT ALMIGHTY BAKUGOU KATSUKI would be a florist someday. Sure, all of his life was filled with anger, him being bratty in his whole life, and being just a petty person.
— his friends we're surprised that he has a floral shop just on his own. Deku couldn't believed it. even his own MOTHER TOO. don't get me wrong, mitsukia and masaru supported him.
: "you gotta be kidding me katsuki?!"— that what mitsuki commented when he said that he has a floral shop.
: "really kacchan? that's cool! who would've that a person like you would—" "GO TO HELL!" "—i was praising you!"
— after that happened, bakugou was forced to apologize, by his mom of course.
— okay, after he setted down on his little flower shop, he didn't expected to be this successful. since it's a flower shop, people wouldn't mind of it. But oh boy, he was wrong.
— everyday, people would come here to take a good look on the flowers, making resevations, and purchasing it. His friends would come and visit him.
: "i think your business was booming could be two things. ONE, the flowers. or the most obvious reason why, number TWO, your hot looks!" — it's something kaminari would say and kirishima agreeing to it.
— bakugou would be an actual nerd to the scientific names of the flowers. It would irritate him if someone said the wrong pronounciations. he's a fucking PERFECTIONIST after all.
: "acting like ya know the flower's name— just buy it already!"
— time skip for his business. Months has passed, his little shop became a well-known one in musutafu. A huge thanks to his friends, people slowly got to know his shop.
— a sound from the little bell caught his attention. There you enter his own shop. The hem of your summer dress sways along with the small wind. And a pair of (e/c) obrbs scanning the shop.
: "uhm, do you.. work here?", you asked.
: "ha? I'm the fucking owner of this shop. What do you want?"
— he cursed himself for saying that. he didn't mean it. but it can't be helped since its was a stupid question. For him. You walked around the shop to see what you're looking for.
— bakugou was curious on what what flower you we're looking for. his eyes widened to see the tsubaki (camellia).
: "i'll be taking that.", you pointed at it.
— bakugou grabbed a couple of them and give them to you. Imagining giving you one of his best flowers and— hold the fuck up. Why was he thinking 'bout that someone he just met?
— he gave you the flowers that you needed. The way you hand bruhed on his, made a small current of electric feeling flowed through his hand.
— he needs to do it. It's now or never.
: "uh, sorry for being rude to you earlier.", bakugou started.
: "seriously it's okay. That was kind of a dumb question anyways", you laughed.
: "say, are ya single?— i mean- fuck."
— you looked at him, facing on the wall, coveing his his with his hands. You tilted your head to beagn to process what he said.
— you gave him a small chuckle to which he turned around to look at you chuckling.
: "i'm single. i'm l/n y/n. What's your name?"
: "bakugou katsuki.", he answered.
— his name was quite familiar to you. You slammed your hands on the counter to make him jolt in a sudden movement you made.
: "wait- you're the, bakugou? That famous kid on highschool?"
— what the fuck. That's what bakugou would think right now.
: "i didn't realized it sooner. Man, what a bummer.", you added.
: "-so you're sayin' that you and i are on the same school?", he asked and you nodded.
: "yep! I heard of you. Like a lot. Girls in ny class used to talk about how hot u we're-"
— in just an instant, you face became red. Bakugou saw it. HIS SMIRK GREW as he looked at you feeling embarrassed. Now it was your turn to turn around and cover your face in both hands.
: "n-now that i have the f-flowers, i gotta go!", you tried to reason to go away.
— he can't let you go that easily. not a single chance. he never had this funny and fuzzy feeling on his life. why would he let that go?
: "come on, it's not that i would bite you or anything geez. How about this, let's have a date or a hang out. Sounds good?"
— you couldn't answer.
: "i'll take that silence as a yes.", he smirked. "saturday, 10 am. Same place. And don't be late."
— with a sudden meeting of you and bakugou, who would ever miss the chance?
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© 2021 maialoveskatsuki. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.
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@lalalemon101 ​@peacchfuz ​ ​@pluviophilefangirl ​@uwiuwi ​ ​ @marshmallow12435 ​ ​@omkie ​ ​@barbs12 ​ @jazzylove​​ @animesuck3r ​ ​ @justme2042 ​ ​ @hawksismybabydaddy @aomi04 ​ ​ @l0kisbitch ​ ​ @call-me-drartemis ​ ​ @gloriousdonutnut ​ ​ @5sos-wdw ​ ​ @cloudsgathering ​ ​ @ambi0311 ​ ​ @xiaexactsblog @atsushiki​​ @dabiisgay69 @lordmypantsaresocool​ ​@let-love-bleeds-red ​ ​ @ssc7514 ​ @eimivalla ​ @rosemoonshine13 @simpxxslutxx ​ @arael-asuka ​ @babygirlxupxnext​ @ayoooooooooooo @randomblob000 @untitled42864 @bunnibabe ​ @cyuuupid ​ @the-shota-king-masayuki @that-levi-kenma-kinnie​ @psdck88 ​ @blubblekey​ @sanemishina​ @that-yaya ​ @rebekah-trader ​ @lazyafgurl ​@troubledwithlife @tjmaxx556​ @meliii0 @pvt‐only @hornehlittleweeblet2 ​ @devilsbooksworld ​ @thirstybunzy ​
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sunniewrites · 3 years
Kisses in a Tavern (Diluc x gn!Reader)
just finished jean's story quest. ahh dliuc my beloved <3
this was supposed to be a drabble but i got too caught up with writing. ahah <3 so u guys get a surprise ^^
e/c means eye color!
warnings; overload of fluff <3 (sexual tension if u squint)
fluff, implied friends to lovers?, 636 words
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Kaeya had sent you on a trip to Diluc to try and get Diluc to lend his place for the celebration for Jean.
You enter the tavern, holding the door open for some drunkard to walk out. Catching his attention, Diluc looks behind him to catch your eye.
"So.." You muse, walking up to bar where Diluc stood.
He turned around from drying the cups to face you.
"We're having a celebration later today." You smile at him, making a light coat of pink appear on his cheeks as he looked around the nearly empty tavern. Anywhere but your eyes.
"And I was wondering if we could use your place.. After hours of course." You glance behind you as the last customer left the tavern.
"For- For what?" Diluc clears his throat making you grin, leaning against the counter making him slightly back up.
It was obvious to everyone-even to you- that Diluc had feelings for you. His calm and composed nature suddenly disappeared when you were near. He always stuttered over his words, cheeks warming up whenever you smiled.
He was head over heels.
And you couldn't help but tease him about it.
Of course, you had feelings for him too. Though it may not seem like it.
"For Jean, as in appreciation for all of her hard work." In mention of the Grand Master, you smile.
"Well since Jean does so much for Mondstadt, that's the least I could do for her." Diluc mumbles, grabbing a rag to wash the counter to distract himself.
"Now, is there anything else I could help you with?" For the first time that night, Diluc met your eyes.
Under the dim lighting, your e/c eyes looked.. majestic. Little specks of the white light flooded your eyes. They were so.. mesmerizing. Luring him to fall in and never get out. Almost.. as if you were doing it on purpose.
"Actually yes," You spoke clearly, not breaking eye contact.
"You could.." You gulp, taking in his firey-red eyes. Lighting up in response.
"You could kiss me." You mumble out in the silence, the voices outside only filling the room before Diluc swiftly took your collar into his hands and kissed you.
He had no idea where this confidence came from, put the minute you said those words. He couldn't hold back.
It was uncomfortable, kissing over the counter. But you two managed.
Diluc's grip on your collar faltered, leaving you the take his hands off while his hands found your face. His hands cradling your face while he kissed you deeper.
He pulled back for air, leaving you to pull back too.
"I-" He had finally render you speechless as Diluc's own eyes widened.
"I'm sorry Y/n I just-" This time you took his face in your hands, giving him a short but meaningful kiss.
"Just.. shut up." You mumble before kissing his cheek. "You talk way too much Diluc."
He scoffed and pulled away from your touch reluctantly.
"Say.. would you mind if we discussed this later at the party? I assume you'd be there and I have some stuff to take care before the party." You shyly ask, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.
"Sure!" He basically exclaimed making you raise and eyebrow. "I mean- it'd probably be best since you have other stuff to do and I don't want to keep you waiting-" You interrupted him, laughter filling his ears.
Oh god, your laugh. It was so warm and angelic. He could listen to it all day.
You leaned over and kissed his pink cheek the second time that day.
"I'll see you later then, hm?" You slowly walked to the door, before slipping out leaving him to his thoughts.
Of course, they filled with you before it hit him.
He.. just kissed you.
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hqrbinger · 3 years
i'll never smile again.
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request; So… here’s my brain rot; Kazuha x Oiran!reader Maybe it’s just a place Kazuha just happens to stubble into while making his escape/hiding (crash into room lol) , that someone who has enough connections & wealth to aid him in leaving Inazuma Maybe she knows “Tomo” the relationship can be either platonic or romantic A bittersweet to fluff if they able to meet again ? Or maybe angst if the said Oiran was found out that she aid a wanted criminals thus face consequences ? It’s up to you -nemophila summary; as the oiran of a house in inazuma's very own red light district, you use the small power you have to aid a man in need. no matter the price. pairing; kaedehara kazuha x afab!oiran!reader warnings; sfw, angst, death, no beta notes; this has to be one of the best ideas i have ever been graced with for sure, thank you so much for letting me write this for you aaaAAHHHH I HOPE U LIKE IT IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT <333 man this got o long with so much unnecessary middle bits so i had to cut so much out </3 sorry abt the angst too but when given the choice i will always go with angst my beloved
brought to you by half i'll never smile again and half sinking from the omori soundtrack
song; i'll never smile again- tommy dorsey
your hand stilled as the snap of splintering of wood shattered the peaceful atmosphere, half-mixed tea dripping from the chasen in your hand. you blinked a few times, your widened eyes locked within the plum stare of a young man who seemed to be just as surprised as you were.
the boy, who was currently upside-down across the room in a small pile of debris from your now-broken window screen, simply stared at you as if he expected you to scold him.
"are you alright?" your gentle question was certainly not expected, as the samurai's (as you assumed from his attire) face flushed a pretty pink before he scrambled to his feet, bowing deeply.
"my lady, i-"
you couldn't help but chuckle lightly at his disheveled appearance, interrupting him.
"there's no need for apologies. why don't you come sit, i have a few questions to ask."
you turned back towards the tea you had been preparing as he hesitantly made his way over, sitting cross-legged at the other end of the table.
"forgive me if i'm wrong," you mused, pouring the tea into his cup, "but you must be one of tomo's friends, correct?"
the look on his face was enough to give you your answer.
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you had known tomo a long time. you had initially met thanks to a friend of his who had purchased time with you on his behalf to get him to "relax", but the two of you ended up talking for hours instead.
luckily, as a rather popular and high-standing tayu, you were allowed to be picky. you rarely engaged in anything besides making public appearances in the oiran parades, sadō, and ikebana, but that didn't mean your time was any less expensive.
but tomo always seemed to have the money, or the wit, to steal a bit of it. he would show up frequently, telling you tales of his travels, stories of his friends, bringing in news about the war and dramatic rumours about a legendary traveler.
until one day, his visits stopped abruptly.
tales of the wanderer with an electro vision receiving the blow of the muso no hitotachi had told you what you needed to know.
however, thanks to tomo's stories, you were able to recognize kazuha right away. he told you that tomo had mentioned the oiran house as a means of safety and asylum, and you were happy to help him on tomo's behalf.
so, kazuha's intermittent appearances began. his semi-weekly visits turned weekly, turned twice a week, turned daily, and suddenly you were standing over him, chastising him lightly for being careless before insisting he just stay in the house until you could find a way for him to get out of the country.
"i can't keep making up excuses for the shogunate army showing up at our doorstep!" you would scold him, the image of you pouting with your finger pointing at him making him flush just a bit. nevertheless, kazuha continued to refuse up until you threatened to swat him with one of your 8-inch geta.
oirans, however popular and famous, did not have easy lives. you were one of the luckier ones, managing to gain your status of tayu, allowing you a taste of extra freedom- but your debts continued to loom over you like a caged monster just waiting to swallow you whole. in light of his hesitance to overstay his welcome, you assumed that kazuha was aware of this fact.
but despite your shortcomings, you were determined to help him. if for nothing else, you would do it for tomo.
what you didn't expect was for the samurai to... grow on you a bit. he was polite and charming, well-mannered and sweet. archons, he would even write you haikus on quiet, starry nights. with all the hours you spent with one another, it was no surprise that you began to fall for him.
your occupation did not allow you to take a lover, so you instead tried to focus on finding a way for kazuha to escape inazuma. thankfully, after some flirting and promises on your part, a boat was promised and a date was set.
you didn't want to admit it, but the thought of him leaving inazuma- leaving you- behind, left a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. you weren't used to such feelings of fondness, the twisting and pulling of your heartstrings foreign. you felt almost shameful, finding yourself nearly unable to withstand sudden urges to grab his hand or touch his shoulder. you were so preoccupied with figuring out your own troubling emotions you completely missed his rather obvious return of affections.
it wasn't until the night before kazuha's escape that he pulled you aside, holding both your hands, his eyes glued to the floor. you were confused but completely flustered, your mind scrambling for anything to focus on besides the way his thumbs gently smoothed over your knuckles. he looked as if he was struggling to find words as his equally reddened face stared down at yours, your heartbeat roaring so loud you swore he could hear it. after several moments of blaring silence, four words you would never forget fell out-of-breath from his pink lips.
"can i kiss you?"
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a soft breeze blew lazily through the electro-charged air as you were lead up the steps before the grand statue of the omnipresent god, the soon-to-be stormy weather feeling sickeningly fitting for the occaision of the day.
it didn't take long after kazuha's successful escape for the shogunate to track you down. you had been taken into custody for assisting a wanted criminal and in turn opposing the vision hunt decree, which was technically treason towards the shogun, resulting in an execution. you had managed to dodge that fate for nearly a year, but it seemed the shogun was tired of waiting.
you spared a glance towards the gathering crowd. sure enough, the face you wanted to see the least stared up at you, eyes wide, expression one of horror and regret.
you weren't sure why he had returned to inazuma, but you knew it must be for a good reason. perhaps during your imprisonment the resistance had finally made it's move.
despite your impending fate, you couldn't help but feel happy. happy to see the man you loved one, final time, knowing that he had lived past his escape.
so, you smiled. a wide, genuine smile, hoping your lover would understand what you were trying to convey.
you didn't regret what you did. you would do it again, and again, and again, and again if it meant he would feel happy for just another moment more.
kneeling before the shogun, her face as stone cold as ever, you continued to smile, recalling the feel of his fingertips and the soft brush of his lips.
and as your archon raised her sword, you recalled the very last haiku he left with you.
"as bright as a star you, dear, shine brilliantly the night sky is yours."
"i love you, kazuha."
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
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Just me running to you inbox to tell you i love and adore you and your writing makes me swoon. Maybe one of these days I'll finally slide over the belated and very much over due crack fics. 💖💖💖💖💖
Much love for my dearest socks 😘😘😘😘😘
Cheese, my beloved! You brighten my inbox and DMs every time you appear. Please don't worry about the fics, you know I don't hold you to those. If inspiration strikes then wonderful but I would hate to have you forcing yourself to write just for me. But speaking of fics. You did give me free choice on who Eskel's idiot is so....I'm really rather predictable, here's some Eskhir.
The Peanut Conspiracy
As far as parties went, it was quite a lavish one. There wasn't just one table of snacks, there were two which really did mean Lambert and Aiden had gone all out. As Eskel and Cahir stepped into the room they were met with a range of greetings, ranging from Jaskier's hug to Yennefer's cool nod.
"You made it!" Lambert bumped shoulders with Eskel while Aiden appeared next to Cahir on silent feet.
He gestured to the two tables with barely concealed pride. "The one with the red napkins and bowls are all things with peanuts in. So please don't have those. But the ones with the green napkins and bowls are peanut free."
"That's most thoughtful, thank you," Cahir muttered. He didn't glance at Eskel who was smiling indulgently at him. "I'll try not to eat from the red table and die."
Pleased and reassured that their guests knew what was what, Lambert and Aiden returned to their spot on the sofa, letting everyone get comfortable as they wished. It was common knowledge among them all that Cahir had a peanut allergy. Any discussion of it almost always led to the fact that he was an unfortunate soul to never even sample the beauty that was peanut butter. Each time it was mentioned, Cahir pulled a pained face while Eskel patted him on the arm reassuringly.
"It's not all it's cracked up to be, don't worry," he'd say.
Which was like fuel to Lambert's fire, an ever devout believer in the greatness of peanut butter. Of course from such a declaration onward he and Aiden got lost in their bickering of whether crunchy or smooth was the superior kind. It left Eskel to pull Cahir against him, an arm around his shoulders and chuckle lowly.
"Neither are that great."
"I know. Both are foul." Thankfully nobody heard their quiet exchange and snickering, too caught up in Lambert and Aiden's debate which usually resulted in stomping to the kitchen to prove points. Only once did Geralt follow them out of curiosity but he beat a hasty retreat, tight lipped and almost traumatised. Only weeks later did he ask Jaskier "Does peanut butter taste different depending on whether it's served on the collarbone or the navel?" out of the blue. Their very scientific investigation proved inconclusive.
At the party Eskel and Cahir drifted to the food eventually. They wandered together, Cahir helping himself to peanut free snacks before they moved to the red table where Eskel gleefully piled various treats onto his own plate. He didn't miss the way Cahir's eyes were glued to one particular bowl. So caught up in Cahir's wistful stare, Eskel didn't manage to avoid his plate being ripped from his hands by a tipsy Lambert.
"What are you doing? Eat that, kiss him and you might as well shove peanuts down his throat with your bare hands!"
Yanking his plate back, Eskel deliberately popped a peanut M&M into his mouth and crunched it loudly. "I can put my mouth to different uses tonight."
"And give your boyfriend dick hives?" Lambert scoffed and gave Cahir a sad look. "I'm sorry you have to live with someone so selfish. You should tie him up and have your own fun tonight, teach him a lesson."
"Is that how you got Aiden to behave for you?"
The quip from Cahir held a teasing edge which Lambert couldn't help but rise to. "No. That's how he got me to behave." Frowning, he went back over what he just said and held up a hand. "No. Wait. He didn't tie me up. I tied him up. But you're still wrong."
Eskel laughed and handed Lambert a slice of coffee cake to help shut him up. It worked, they managed to sit down before a mournful declaration from Aiden went up. "Aw, all the M&Ms are gone."
Ever magnanimous, Eskel held up the last one on his plate and offered it to Aiden. Like an excitable puppy Aiden munched it, careful not to bite the fingers that had fed him.
"Hey, only I get to feed you like that, kitten," Lambert grumbled. Alas, there were no more M&Ms and feeding Aiden a cupcake didn't go quite as smoothly. At least they all laughed wildly at the crumbly mess they were making. If there was any intent for it to be sexy or sensual, the happy couple missed it by a mile.
Eventually the party wound down. Eskel and Cahir left hand in hand. Flopping into the passenger seat, Cahir let out a yawn and almost chocked when something was popped into his open mouth. His eyes widened as he looked at Eskel, slowly chewing the surprise snack. Rather than say anything, Eskel reached into his pocket and held up another peanut M&M. "If only Lambert knew I'm literally using my bare hands to delicately shove peanuts down your throat."
"He will never find out," Cahir said, leaning forward to take the next treat with a modicum of grace. A doubtful hum from Eskel had him straightening up with a mock glare. "You saw how he reacted when you said peanut butter is overrated. I don't want to get dragged into that."
"I know. Their pity is so much better than their refusal to understand you just don't like peanut butter."
Rather than reply, Cahir glanced hopefully at Eskel's pocket. Dutifully, Eskel pulled another M&M out and handed it over. Munching on it contently, Cahir settled back in his seat and let Eskel drive them home. The neighbours weren't best impressed with the squeal he gave when he watched Eskel tip his pocket into a bowl, a veritable flood of M&Ms pouring out.
"Is that the whole bowl?"
Smirking, Eskel strutted closer, cupping Cahir's cheek. "Only the best for you, baby." He kissed Cahir and pushed an M&M over into his mouth with his tongue, satisfied that he had done well.
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