#belphie and the datables will probably be next!
caindiis · 1 year
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minor card edit/redesigns pt2 :)
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koolades-world · 7 months
Can you please do a fanfic/headcanons on MC asking the brothers and datables if that know what a “the matter baby” is and they, without knowing, go “what’s the matter baby?”
MC proceeds to feel more joy then they’ve ever felt before as they say the punchline
hi! haha yeah of course
please enjoy <3
Mc asking if the brothers know what a "the matter baby" is
he honestly saw it coming and could see on your face you were about to pull something on him
however, he played along just because he knew how happy it would make you
once you said the punchline, he found himself smiling with you
he did tell you next time, to use a nickname he would actually use on you
if falling for the joke the hardest was a competition, he would be winning
he fully sits and thinks on it before responding
after the punchline, he turns bright red and begins to insist he knew you were gonna say that
he secretly loves it though and will continue to fall for it after the fact
for a second, you thought he wasn't going to respond because you figured he knew
but, he responded anyways
it looked like his soul left his body once you said the punchline
levi.exe has shut down, please try talking to him again in about twenty minutes
you got him because he was in the middle of reading something and wasn't fully paying attention to what you were saying
after hearing the punchline, it takes him a minute to process what you said
he eventually closes the book, and responds with something very smooth
now you're the one stuttering and embarrassed
as usual, he's listening to you intently
the punchline catches him by surprise at first, but eventually begins to laugh
he's delighted with this joke and actually tells you to repeat yourself so he can hear it again
be prepared to retell this at parties haha
he responds the most earnestly
you almost don't want to, but you continue anyways
it takes him some time to process it, and he even asks you not to tell him
about a day or so later he randomly interjects into silence that he understands the joke bless his soul (he's so mecore)
he probably would've caught you before the punchline if he hadn't just woken up
he wasn't really thinking when he asked what it was
for this reason, you can get him multiple times if you so wish
he def chuckles about in the moment and at random times in the future
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Obey Me Datables Breakfast HCs
•He's canonically not a morning person, so he wouldn't have much energy
•He'd make coffee how you like it though
•if you don't drink coffee probably pour some juice for you
•He would be very appreciative if you made him breakfast in bed instead
•He normally doesn't cook breakfast for people, beyond when it's his chore, but for you he'd make an exception!
•He wants to make you a classic breakfast in bed, bacon and eggs
•Got a bedside table so you can eat in bed
•The bacon is a bit salty and extra crunchy, and the egg isn't the best
•He gives you a glass of milk and tells you it's because humans need the stuff in it for their bones to grow
•you're unsure whether or not to tell him human's bones stop growing after a certain age, which you're likely past
•He does have some cooking expertise, he wouldn't make it often
•when he does though, it'd probably be something like an omelette with a picture drawn in ketchup on it
•he wouldn't bring it to you in bed but he'd still surprise you with it
•in contrast to what you think, he'd probably draw something more suited to your taste as opposed to something ruri chan themed or anything based on one of his interests
•especially if your interests are nerdy like anime
•Makes a slightly more complicated breakfast for you like eggs benedict
•Also brings it to you in bed
•If you're willing he'd probably feed it to you
•Despite what you might think he'd put a lot of effort into learning to cook breakfast for you
•He'd make something like a sweet crepe
•He'd spend hours trying to make it perfect and aesthetic for you
��Offers a variety of fruit for you to put on it at your own discretion
•Also a healthy smoothie, probably mainly strawberry
•He's not much of a cook, but he learned that humans sometimes make their partners breakfast in bed
•He didn't realize it typically meant cooking it yourself so he probably got akudonalds or something like that
•He thinks sharing food with you is romantic, it's his way of showing his trust and love for you
•Makes fried eggs and slightly burnt toast
•He would improve over time as he continues to do it
•Also gives it to you in bed, sits/lies next to you while you eat as you have casual conversation
•I think he would be an absolute disaster in the kitchen
•It would be a wreck
•Barbatos does most of the cooking so he never really learned
•Its the thought that counts though, I suppose
•He probably got ambitious and tried to make waffles and french toast
•Barbatos is now teaching him to cook
•This man is a master chef, it's canon, he could cook a 5 course meal for breakfast
•But realistically? No
•He would covertly learn your preferences and make breakfast suited just for your tastes and dietary needs
•If you have no drink preference, he'd make a different tea each time, so you can continually try new things
•He puts flowers in a vase as decoration
•He uses flower meanings when choosing which to use
•"Peonies represent good fortune, I hope this may inspire as much for you today."
•He'd make his signature pancakes, syrup and butter on the side if you'd like
•His voice is extra raspy in the morning
•also brings you your drink of choice
•If you have no preference, orange juice
•fucking RUN.
•C'mon be serious
•"Good morning MC, I made you breakfast in bed." From Solomon is the start of a horror movie
•I know some people say they'd try his cooking but it's literally canonically lethal and makes demons sick
•You are not built different
•Maybe just, make breakfast in bed for him, instead.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
OK a sequel of to the "MC's Brother asks an inapropriate question" fic. Mc's brother's next 6 months (after the incident in the night club) in Devildom were not too good. He was constently failing his classes (despite trying) and really didn't like Lucifer's lectures. Or Lucifer in general. One night during a party for the nobility Diavolo needed Lucifer's help to take of something in the dungeons. All the brothers, side charecters and MC were present at the party as well. Lucifer and Diavolo are gone for more then 30 minutes. At the same time the brother gets absolutely drunk/wasted and when the pair return from the dungeons the brother points at them and yells "Lucifer comes out of the dungeons with his top." So it is a Lucifer x Diavolo joke. Brothers and datables react. Would the brother survive?
Hi! Summary: he'd better run. Anyways, I hope you like it!
the obey me cast reacts to a diavolo x lucifer joke
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: alcohol use, implied suggestive content, mentions of violence
did you brother really just say that? how dare he tarnish diavolo and his reputation
luckily for lucifer, cerberus was just looking for a new chew toy
diavolo has to stop him from throwing chairs at your brother
look, he hates your brother and all, but that was funny
he regrets snickering though, lucifer just threw the worst death glare known to man
yep, mammon's gonna be on bathroom duty for a good while
the shock takes over once levi has processed what he just heard
he doesn't like your brother, so he whispers 'bad idea, bad idea' to you
another reason for levi to never attend parties again
let's face it: none of them like your brother
but satan was one of the loudest laughers in the room after that moment, he and belphie joke about this stuff as well
good for mammon, he's not going to be alone on bathroom duty
well your brother sure loves to make inappropriate comments doesn't he?
asmo thinks there's maybe some sort of humor to it, but the setting and alcohol make it uncomfortable
especially since nobody but your brother is wasted yet
look, he's guilty of joking about lucifer and diavolo's connection from time to time as well
but this dude, at this point he's just taking his family as a whole joke
if barbatos and lucifer weren't going after him, beel would have
another one who laughed at the comment (big mistake)
that basically means: 'another soul gone off to bathroom duty'
but whoever thinks he'd actually show up would be wrong, sadly for belphie that means more punishment
honestly doesn't get it at first until realisation hits him
'huh? yes lucifer is wearing a shirt- oh-'
diavolo himself can just move on from the comment, but he has to stop his friend and butler from going insane
on the outside, he's smiling
but on the inside, he is seething with a burning rage that cannot be quenched
yea, your brother will probably have a curse or two following him
immediately covers luke's ears
deep down inside, simeon thinks it's funny, but clearly it upset lucifer so nevermind
he already thought your brother was a peculiar human, this confirmed all those theories
lucky for him, he's good at holding his laughter in
solomon is lowkey curious how this will play out, and forgot why you're all at a party in the first place
lucifer may or may not have seen through his act of not laughing though
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moemoemammon · 3 years
So bear with me. MC sleeps like a rock. A bomb could go off next to them, and they don't wake up. Now, add shallow breathing, and they look like a corpse. You could mistake them for a corpse if you don't check their pulse.
How would the brothers (+ datables if you're not too picky hehe) react to the first time waking them up for school only to think they probably died in their sleep on day one??
Sleeping Like a Corpse!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
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Lucifer didn’t think much of you when you arrived, now could he be bothered to personally make sure you peeled yourself out of bed in the morning. So naturally, he sent Mammon to go do it.
But when Mammon came back complaining about how you didn’t budge an inch, big bro realized he’d have to take care of it himself, like usual.
He figured slamming your door open would’ve done the trick, but you remain still. And as much as he wants to drag you out of bed by the ankle, he knows how fragile humans can be. He opts for giving you a vigorous shake, and.... you don’t budge.
He calls your name, nothing. He literally pulls you upright by the shoulders and jostles you around like a protein shaker bottle, but you don’t move, and- wait... are you breathing? MAMMOOOOOO-
“Haaah... It’s your first morning with us, and you’re already causing me trouble. If it weren’t for the warmth of your skin, I’d have thought you were dead. Perhaps I should give you an enchanted alarm clock, if you prove to be this difficult to wake every morning.”
Tch, he seriously didn’t get why THE Great Mammon had to do this sorta grunt work! Why should he have to make sure a lousy human gets up for school? It’s not like he’s their babysitter! but we all know he’s a p*ssy so he’s not gonna say that out loud
But that means he’s gonna make sure you know how irritated he is! Mammon bursts into your room, calling you a ‘stinkin’ human’ at the top of his lungs, and... you don’t move a muscle. So his next step is to stomp over and rip your blankets off, and..... you still don’t move.
What the hell? It’s like trying to wake up Belphie! He leans in to try to smack you awake, when he finally notices how it...kinda...looks like you aren’t breathing.
Wait. Wait wait wait-! SURE he didn’t feel like having to watch you, but that didn’t mean he wanted you to die on the first night! Lucifer was gonna KILL him-! Did you die of fright or something?! He didn’t really mean all that stuff he said about eating you, you know?! Hey, snap out of it-!
“What the- You’re ALIVE?! I thought you died in your sleep, dammit! TCH! What’s the big idea, playin’ dead like that?! Ya tryin’ to get me in trouble?!” “-N-no I wasn’t worried about ya!”
Why does HE have to wake you up..? Sure, he has to go to school today anyway for the student council meeting, but what does that have to do with a human..? Couldn’t Lucifer have asked ANYONE else..?
Beyond annoyed when he enters your room. What’s he supposed to do?? Shake you?? Hit you with something???? Levi opts for awkwardly poking your side, and noticing how you don’t react. Great. Ugh... this sucked....
He tries again, then pokes the back of your head, tugs your sleeve, shakes your arm... then you roll over from the movement and he nearly has a heart attack. Not only because you surprised him, but because you.. wait, did you die?!
Stuck between “LMAOOOO ROFLMAO the human died on their first night! What a noob! #fail!” and “KDAKLFHLDSJFKL OH NO HELLO?????”
“WH- Ahhh... I thought you were dead. You know how long Lucifer would've lectured if if you died, right? He'd be so mad, i bet he'd even confiscate my D.D.D.! Normies like you are nothing but trouble. This is why a human shouldn't even be here..."
What a chore... This felt like more of a punishment than anything, and Satan hadn’t even done anything yet. Unless Lucifer already discovered the ink he dripped into his shampoo? Either way, he wasn’t the slightest bit interested in you.
But seeing as he got to hang around you in your most vulnerable state, wouldn’t it be funny if he put a curse on you? He was sure that whatever he chose would become a headache for Lucifer in some way, so the possibilities were endless.
Temporary blindness, backwards speech, rainbow colored skin, extreme bad luck, he didn’t know what to choose! Ah, and there were a few curses he wanted to use on Lucifer that needed to be tested out, so why not experiment on you?
He had plenty of time to pick the perfect one and- ah. Were you.. dead? Did someone beat him to the punch?
“Ah, so you’re alive after all. And here I thought I could harass Lucifer with knowing his human had died in their sleep. Well, it’ll have to wait, I guess...I was really looking forward to the expression on his face...”
What? Lucifer was ACTUALLY letting him go in the cute little human’s room, completely unsupervised? What a bold move, dearest big brother~! There’s no way he’d pass up the chance to take a peek at your sleeping face! You were pretty cute, but he’d like to see if you were worth his attention.
That being said, Asmo creeps into your room like a sneaky toddler, and doesn’t hesitate to grab your shoulder and roll you over to get a good look at your sleeping face. Hmm... Not bad! 
So with that, he hops right into your bed unannounced, bouncing you around and giving you that innocent giggle of his. Aren’t you lucky? You get to be woken up by the endlessly charming Asmo-chan~! The first thing you’ll see is his gorgeous face, and you’ll be blessed with the perfect first school day! 
Why, there are hundreds and thousands of demons who wish they were as lucky as you were right now! He’s seen how they’ll fight tooth and nail for a chance to-..... hey, how come you’re not breathing..? Er, he’s not really into that sort of thing...
“Oh thank goodness! I thought you up and died before I had a chance to get to know you! You know how disappointed I’d be, right? Knowing I wasn’t able to explore the cute human living in our house... it’d be a tragedy!”
Surprisingly, he doesn’t mind that much. Having to go and wake you up reminds him of when Belphie was still around, so it’s familiar and feels kind of nice. What DOESN’T feel nice is that he’s missing valuable time he could be spending inhaling his breakfast, because you won’t wake up.
Hangry Beel enters your room with a bagel in his mouth, so you couldn’t understand what he was saying even if you were awake. Just know he’s calling your name and threatening to eat your breakfast. It’s your loss if you miss out.
Hm... You don’t wake up even after he shakes you, so he’s tempted to just leave. But he knows Lucifer will scold you if he returns downstairs without you, so he’s got to improvise.
It’s fine if he just carries you downstairs, right? He’s just tryin to eat man why can’t you- ...Beel is noticing a distinct lack of breath coming from you when he picks you up. Uhhh
“Oh, you aren’t dead. I was going to ask Lucifer if we could have you for breakfast too, but I guess that’s not an option anymore. He says hurry up and get dressed, and that you should give me your breakfast. Bye.”
He’s in the attic, so same lmao.
Twins! Still gonna strangle and throw you down the stairs in the future tho
Couple goals amirite?
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blues824 · 2 years
Could I request a scenario? Also sorry if this seems a bit confusing, this is my first time requesting 😅
I'm still pretty pissed with belphie killing us in game and we didn't get to punch him once. I mean come on, I have slightly forgiven him now ( I think)
So can there be a scenario where Mc is a ghoul, and when belphie throws Mc downstairs when he is beating them to death.
The brothers screaming at him,and let's include the datables at the scene. Mc just stands up all healed and grows ( I forgot what there called) those tentical things out there back. And rip belphies arm off and eats it in front of him. Maybe add mc saying, " could use some coffee with this"
I’m also pissed about how the story went like “You died :(... anyways-” as if it wasn’t important. 
This doesn’t include Belphie’s POV cuz everyone else is reacting to the GRUESOME death of him by our lovely ghoul Y/N. It also doesn’t include the Angels or Solomon because this took so long to write and I have a lot of requests.
Also, I’ve never seen Tokyo Ghoul, so I’m taking this as a recommendation to watch it. I went off the Wiki Fan Page
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He was angry. He was starting to see red. The one person he opened his heart to was killed at the hands of his brother. He was really near strangling Belphie to death and letting him hang for the next few millennia.
However, all murderous thoughts halted when he saw you get up. You didn’t even have a scratch. Then you tackled Belphegor to the ground and started clawing at his flesh. He started screaming in agony, and Lucifer was about to grab you when…
You ripped off his brother’s arm. He stared at you wide-eyed as you brought it to your lips and opened your mouth. You took a huge bite out of it and chewed it, all the while looking into Belphie’s eyes with an evil grin.
He processed what happened and noticed the tentacles protruding from your back. One of them was holding his brother’s leg. He was going to be sick if he continued to look.
“I’ve been starving. I guess you were useful to me after all! Coffee would make this perfect!” You said. Behind him, Lucifer heard one of his other brothers throwing up.
“Y/N, we need to t-... we need to talk,” he said after a few moments of watching you eat his younger brother.
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“BELPHIE, NO!!!” He screamed. He tried to pry his younger brother away from your dead body. When he stepped aside, Mammon flung himself to the floor next to you. “Y/N, wake up… please!” He started to cry. Tears started spilling faster than he could wipe them away.
Then, your wounds started to heal at an inhuman pace. His eyes widened as tentacles started sprouting from your back. One of them quickly reached over and grabbed Belphie’s arm and ripped it off. Mammon scooted away from you as quickly as possible.
You brought it to your lips and chomped right into it. You started remarking about how good it tasted. He has never been so scared before. He heard one of his brothers – probably Asmo – throwing up in the background.
Before Mammon knew it, your tentacles were going for Belphegor’s other arm and leg. He never thought you would be able to do anything like this. He was on the verge of passing out due to shock. 
“Who knew demons tasted so good?? This could go great with ground coffee beans, though. I think I saw some in the kitchen!” You exclaimed. 
“Y/N, where do ya think yer going? What the hell was that??” Mammon’s voice was filled with concern and fear. You were more dangerous than he thought.
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The otaku was too stunned to speak! He felt tears gathering in his eyes, but he was frozen. He couldn’t move. He was paralyzed. This was worse than any video game he has ever seen. He’s never seen Belphie so violent before.
When the young demon stepped away from your lifeless body, the tears trapped in Levi’s eyes let loose. The water works were working the water. His best friend, his Henry, was now gone forever. He was angry, not at anyone specifically, but at himself because he didn’t do anything to save you.
Then, he saw you standing up. He gasped in hope, only for the light to turn to fear as tentacles sprouted out of your back. You launched them over to Belphie, ripped his arm off, retracted your extra appendages back, and took a big nom into the flesh.
While Belphie was screaming in pain, you kept going for different body parts like his leg and other arm. Levi could only watch in horror as you devoured his little brother. You seemed to be enjoying it too, eating it like it was the last thing you’d eat for a long time.
“This is what you get for underestimating me, Belphie~ At least your body didn’t go to waste. Do y’all have coffee. I’m getting kind of thirsty”
Mans could barely breathe. His gaze was becoming dizzy. The room was spinning faster than any Disney ride. Then everything went black.
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Mans was very angry… obviously. He tackled Belphegor to the ground and started beating him up. Once Belphegor was out of commission, he turned to your body, leaned his head on your chest and started weeping.
The one person who could calm him down when he was angry, the one person who offered him a safe haven. All his memories of you sitting and cuddling with him while he read a book to you were surfacing and it hurt.
Then, he felt your chest going up and down. He looked up and saw you, awake and alert, and with tentacles sprouting from your back. He jumped up and ran to his brothers as he watched you grab Belphie’s body and rip it apart.
You brought the arm to your mouth and took a huge bite. And then another. And then another. All the way until all that was left was the bone. Satan couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He didn’t want to believe that the person he loved the most could do something so gruesome.
You moved on to his brother’s leg and started eating that as well. You were making comments about how good the flesh tasted, and Satan felt sick. He’s read murder mystery books that contain things like this, but he always thought it was fictional.
“So good! I’ve been starving so that I wouldn’t hurt any of you, but he struck first. He was asking for it, and I’m glad because now I can finally eat! Do y’all have any coffee, though?” You exclaimed.
“Y/N, w-what the hell?! What the hell are you?!” Satan asked. For one of the first times in his long life, he was genuinely scared.
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“Y/N! NO!” He screamed. All he could do was scream. He watched as his youngest brother beat the life out of you. You stopped grunting after a while and laid there, limp and lifeless. Those bruises marred your beautiful skin. Your eyes lost their light.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry” He dropped to his knees, sobbing. He held your body in his arms, rocking back and forth. “Please wake up! Please let this all be a dream.” His tears fell onto your face. The person who loved him truly was gone.
Then, he felt you move. He looked down and saw your bruises healing by themself. He gasped in hope, only for it to turn into fear. He saw tentacles sprout out of your back and he quickly scooted away from you. 
You reached for Belphie, grabbed him, and ripped his arm from his body. You retracted your tentacle to take a bite from the arm, and there was a bit of crunch. The demon who just lost his limb was screaming in pain, but everyone was just staring in fear.
You then tore Belphegor’s leg off and started taking bites from that. He would have thrown up more, but he already emptied his stomach. He really didn’t know you were capable of something so gruesome and sick.
“Coffee would make this better. Eating meat often makes me a bit parched.” You said after you finished the rest of the body.
“What did you just do, Y/N?” Asmo asked quietly. He was afraid to speak any louder, for fear you might devour him next.
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He threw Belphie away from your body. He didn’t chuck him across the room, but kind of threw him down to the floor. Beel grabbed your shoulders and tried shaking you, tried to get you to come back to him, but without success. You were laying there, lifeless.
This wasn’t you, he wanted to believe. It was a dream. It couldn’t possibly be you. Was this a sick joke played to teach him not to empty the whole fridge? Tears started gathering in his eyes. You just wanted to free Belphegor, and this is what you get in payment?
Suddenly, you sat up. Any bruises you had were immediately gone. What was more of a shock were the new tentacles that were protruding from your back. One of them shot at Belphie, catching him completely by surprise. Then, Beel heard the snap.
He quickly turned to see that his twin’s arm was no longer attached to his body. He could only watch in shock and horror as you raised the limb to your mouth and took a bite. He was only ever joking when he told you that he was so hungry he could eat you.
Beel lost any type of hunger that day. He couldn’t look at any food the same again. He knew he never would, but he’s a demon! This stuff shouldn’t phase him! But it did… and now he can never look at you the same way again.
“Looks like Belphegor was finally good for something. I could go for some coffee, though.”
“Y/N, why would you do this?! Why would you eat my brother?!” He shouted. He didn’t know what you were, but he knew you wouldn’t do this!
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He pushed Belphegor out of his way and knelt down next to you. He checked for a pulse and couldn’t detect one. He couldn’t believe it. His one job was to make sure no harm came to you but he has now failed. Because of his failure, your lifeless body was lying on the ground.
He started weeping. The love of his life, who he planned to become his spouse and co-ruler of the Devildom, was now dead. All he could do was let tears fall. Barbatos was there, making sure the brothers were going away to leave him alone… 
Then, the bruises suddenly disappeared. The blood was all gone. You sat up, and Diavolo’s first instinct told him to hug you. He sighed in relief, but it quickly turned into a gasp of shock as he saw tentacles shooting out of your back.
One of them shot for Belphie, grabbed him, and ripped his arm off. You had a disturbingly ravenous gleam in your eye, one that didn’t belong there. You brought the arm to your mouth and took a huge bite. Diavolo couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
The young lord couldn’t do anything but watch in horror. He was hyperventilating, and he was in total disbelief. There was no way that was truly you, you wouldn’t do anything like this! He wanted so bad to say that this was all a dream, but he knew that it was reality.
“Delicious~ Now, I’m going to go get some coffee. Anyone want to join me?” “Y/N, you aren’t going anywhere. As the future prince of the Devildom, I am putting you under arrest for the murder of Belphegor.” He started with a heavy heart. He knew he had to do it, but it didn’t make it hurt any less.
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He quickly got into his demon form and used his tail to drag Belphie away from you. He knelt down and felt for a pulse, and when he didn’t feel one he had to keep himself from crying. It wouldn’t do any good if the most composed person in the room lost their composure.
However, he was very close to using his power to bring you back. It would be so easy… yet he didn’t know if he could do that. Maybe, he should let you go. It was what you would have wanted. With a great sigh, he hooked his right arm under your legs and his left behind your back when suddenly…
…You moved. Your eyes opened, and you looked angry. Barbatos quickly backed away, and he saw that there were tentacles coming out of your back. He watched as they reached and grabbed Belphie and ripped his arm off.
Then, you lowered the arm to your mouth and took a huge chomp into the flesh and slowly chewed through it until all that was left was the bone. You went back for one of the body's legs.
The butler ushered everyone out so that no one else would get hurt. He has never been more concerned for anyone than he was at that moment. He was definitely going to take a day off after this, but right now he needed to get you under control.
"This is so good! Barbatos, would you please go get me some coffee? I'm kinda thirsty"
"I won't be getting anything for you, Y/N. I'm sorry, but you are under arrest." He said. On the outside, it looked like he wasn't affected by this... but on the inside he was crumbling.
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danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years
This is a pretty graphic idea I had but I understand if you don’t want to do it or find it too triggering.
I want to request hc’s of the Brothers + Datables (but if you do the Brothers and Datables separately than just the Brothers please) reacting to MC being summoned but MC’s covered in blood and holding a weapon like a bat or knife, because they massacred their abusive family and they don’t feel bad about it at all. Mc’s pretty emotionally hollow and they don’t show much reaction or fear to dangerous situations either since the Bros do start off threatening and rude but they relate to Mammon since he’s emotionally abused by his Bros and physically punished by Lucifer.
This is only if you feel comfy doing it and I apologize if I broke the rules and making you find it very triggering and disturbing
Trigger warning!
Mentions of blood/murder/abuse
Do not proceed if sensitive
At the summoning part, Lucifer would be merely worried about what type of student has diavolo choosen, pitying his taste. Though he was but a demon, weary and skittish around you.
The Avatar of pride scared of mere human?
(Though he kinda was)
Blood being spilled on the floor was common in devildom yet he was unfazed.
But now, things are different and he can't help to worry about how this weak creature will influence on his brothers.
the fallen-morningstar tried to keep you away from the entire of his brothers including himself.
He also made sure that never was anything that could be used as a potential weapon surround you.
Often the man would receive rather harsh words from you and get somewhat hurt. Yet , not a single cry reach your ears.
(Que enemies to lovers dynamic)
When the pair started dating, the raven-haired demon had already known the past and what it once held for mc...
Oh how much he wishes, he helped you instead of interrogating every movement, to regain the 'you' that your parents killed. So, he will find a solution. To find those rascals in the realm of spirits or demons and put them once again at your mercy.
Prepare yourself Mc. For a whole month of pampering and love as he will never dare repeat the mistake he made.
As the story is, Mammon didn't encounter you first but only heard melody of your voice.
The first meet was unforgettable, he was petrified to see the blood dripping off your slender bruised figure.
One thought that he was scared however, No he was anything but scared. He had thought you were the one hurt like--you know h-how Lucifer hurts him.
He rushed towards you but was stopped by the eldest saying " They aren't hurt." And this was the first person tried who befriend you.
When your words were sweetly aimed at him and just HIM. He'd feel his heart beat racing like crazy which made him believe he thought you found him special.
He was never honest with anyone, until you showed up. His biggest fear was snapping because of the mean comments his brothers pass and you had probably done something similar.
He wanted to know. Though dense he may seem, he hoped you'd tell him.
Was it scary? Do you feared this before? Is it still scary? Do you feel emotions after this?
Yet he never asked...
When the greedy Boi and mc started dating, they told everything about their condition. Of how they snapped.
He was the most understanding of his brothers and promised to never let another one harm you. Not even you.
He loved even more since that day. Not to mention 1323433454455686 'I love you's per day.
Blabbering lord knows what, Leviathan had stepped out of his room even if that was to scold mammon and get his money back.
He obviously knew about the exchange program but what he didn't know was that bloody murderer would be part of it!!!
He wasn't moving when he saw the numb expression you wore and the bloody knife you had held.
Inside, he was scared shitless but he didn't know how to show it.
A mere-human had terrified The great admiral of hell's navy. What shame he was.
"Oi cut it out!" Yelled the scummy yet kind demon protectively moving between the two.
In the beginning, he felt unsafe only by your gaze and refusing to make eye contact.
And then, a good day to exit to his room. The true reason being the pearly raindrops that had littered the gardens of HOL.
He saw you... soaking wet smiling and hurting... shining brightly though it felt dim.
That day. That dammed day. He found out who truly were. A beautiful person who was just hurting and breaking.
Since then, he has been a mix of a nagging mother but also shy as if a touch-me-not.
Dating him was heavenly, he wasn't shy with touch yet words were a whole another thing to him.
He always left 'Love you's in the chats and reminders on your phone that were just a bunch of 'eat healthy' 'stay safe', etc.
And this was certain that his love will never end.
Snatching the bat from your hands, the blonde-man threatened to kill you with your own weapon if you dared to move.
And that's exactly what you wanted... to die... to end the suffering...
And he saw it.
Saw how horribly you were hurting, he knew what it felt however, he couldn't lose his composure not in front of his brothers.
Wrath is a storm which is followed by pain. He knew this. Same in your case except pain knocked the doors first.
He knew it was too early for asking. So, he kept his mouth shut. Not wishing to hurt you any further though he didn't know why he felt this way.
When you finally finished your 2nd month in your new home, things had changed as the Avatar of wrath often talked to you not about how bloody you arrived or you had killed but are you okay now?
His words were soft. So sweet.
Each time he would offer you his shoulder to cry on, you would feel your heart slowly warm up. Slightly more each-time.
Soon enough you started dating the green-eyed pact demon of yours, recalling the long lost feeling of warmth and love.
The knowledgeable one loved to show physical affection especially in front of his brothers.
Oh~ the smell of their burning envy, when he kissed the nape of your neck and complimented you.
Post-its were his favorite though.
He would often write 'Love you, kitten' 'take break,love' 'you look amazing today',etc.
He yelped when he saw a bloodied figure emerge from the purple haze. Are they okay?
He was concerned only till a knife was spotted next your seemingly heartless figure. Now, he was somewhat hiding behind satan in disgusted yet anxious way.
You gaze deeply disturbed him to an extent he even had nightmares of you ripping him open with same knife and had that soul-less expression.
He much like Leviathan refused to see you after the encounter but what was different, was the course of events...
He saw you arguing with Lucifer, for you refused let him hurt Mammon who curled behind you.
Asmo felt pity for you as he knew the outcome of an argument with the eldest.
"Lucifer don't hurt him, please. He already has enough bruises" Asmo says giving his sweet brother Luci the puppy eyes, hoping they would work. (Yeah they didn't)
But nonetheless Luci~ still backed out and left the hallway.
You rush for the poor injured demon, he is crying while thanking you for the save.
And there for one moment, The lustful blond saw emotion in those glassy eyes of yours. It was beautiful and aching at the same time.
Making him greedy for more...
Later the very same day, he approached you finally asking the questions his head was haunted by.
What was weird? He didn't blame you for breaking instead he complimented you for being a survivor of such harsh tortures.
Accepting his confession was the best thing you ever did.
He is open with affection especially when you both are in public to show he is yours. You are his. You belong together.
for his hunger to see those pretty eyes shine with joy is endless, he makes Mc smile with happiness and love
Famished as always was the sixth born. Especially after smelling human blood.
Little did he know the blood of the now dead parents of mc, the exchange student.
He wasn't even fazed unlike his brothers. He couldn't care any less than he did nor about the blood neither about the weapon clutched in your hands.
Even if you passed insults, he wouldn't mind. Sometimes, he asks why you dislike him? And is fine even if the answer is illogical. (Don't fuckin hate him)
Numb eyes. Tears flowing freely. Cuts. Bruises. Hurting. Dying inside.
The glutton wipes the sweat off his forehead remembering the condition of yours in that horrendous nightmare.
You looked awfully similar to belphi when- when s-she died. He blamed himself and hurt himself for being so useless. Just like you do.
And then realization hits--
He now knew why your rude words didn't hurt him because you were like belphegor trying to protect your fragile heart.
Why you look numb? because you're trying to hide the pain. Push people away so you don't get hurt when they go away.
The following day, you were gently woken by the huge teddy bear. He held a hand out for you before taking you to his room for the special breakfast.
You teared upon the sight instantly realizing that he recognized your suffering. He apologized for not noticing earlier and from now, he will be there for you.
Never in the three realms did he think he'd fall for you? Maybe he had all along just didn't notice....
Once you begin dating the orange-head, he was ecstasic and cheerful all the time. Encouraging words followed you everywhere.
He would often eat the entire fridge out. So as apology, a cupcake with sorry written on it was placed on the kitchen counter. Other days, when he won't go such extreme, carrot chips or a poison apple etc. Waited for you.
Beely is the opposite of possessive. Protective. He is Protective and supports you through the ups and downs in life. He was your true savior. A savior who never judged you for your past.
His Love is the sky, you learned to fly in.
He had heard the tale of how the human exchange student had shown up covered in blood with a bat in hand.
Never did he believe that it was true until seeing the monotone figure of them.
The way they spoke made them like Lucifer. Emotionless. Heartless. Ruthless. Monster.
He wanted to strangle them on spot but he was stuck within the confines of the attic.
The sloth couldn't help passing comment making mc slowly reveal the aching heart of their own-self.
Expression faultered and he saw it--No, no more like felt it. The way their tears were swallowed. The way their voice turned monotone once again to cover what had already been seen.
However, the seventh born didn't say a word, he just showed affection through body language as they couldn't touch each other yet.
After he was free from the prison of an attic, he ran to you. His star. The one that guided him out to freedom.
It felt weird dating the lazy demon. Afterall, he was doing nothing other than shoving compliments in your face and dozing off here and there.
Few months pass and things become smoother than how they were.
Now, he always compliments you but softly and sweetly. Always willing to listen to whatever you wanna rant about.
"You are my true love, Mc. The star that guides to where I belong when I'm lost."
Welp! That was long as hell. Anyway, thank you for the request. It kinda feels like you and my sister share the same brain cell cuz she said the same thing but like- mc ate their organs and more messy. God I hope you like it...
Good day!
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This a bit Nsfw but can I ask for The Brothers + Datables w/o Luke reacting to MC being annoyed with having a clingy ex that calls and texts her a lot and MC would say:
“You give someone head strong enough to give them a seizure and suddenly they wanna marry you?”
“I sat on his face once and he’s hasn’t been the same after that”
Obey me Boys + MC dealing with a clingy EX (Headcanons)
Low, deep rumbling chuckle
He understands it’s a joke, and as the Avatar of Pride he’s proud you can stick up for yourself
Would not be concerned over some silly human falling over you
However he would answer the phone for you next time they call
Startled, at first, with what you said. Then irritated.
He doesn’t like the idea of you being with someone else before him. 
He’s your ‘First’ after all.  He is the Avatar of Greed. He wants you all to himself
Wants to go to the human world to find this SOB and teach them a lesson about respecting boundaries
*Anime nosebleed/blush*
You really can’t keep saying crazy stuff like that to him!!
As the Avatar of Envy, he’s insanely jealous that someone was with you before him
Mopes now. Not because of the joke, but now he feels ‘second’ and he doesn’t like it
Doesn’t like it when you’re so vulgar
There are much better ways to get your point across than that MC
Irritated that, as the Avatar of Wrath, that this person can’t respect your wishes and move on
Mammon & Satan’s Excellent Adventure to the Human World!
Finds the whole thing hilarious
Not just your funny joke but also of course they haven’t gotten over you. Have they seen you??
As the Avatar of Lust he's been in this boat before
It's so hard to be so beautiful....
It takes quite a bit for him to get annoyed, but you being irritated will get him there
Plus he doesn't want to admit it, but he doesn't like it when your attention is away from him
He's the Avatar of Gluttony. He's ravenous for your attention
Grumpy little hedgehog is grumpy
Doesn't like it when people can't take a hint. Plus double whammy they are taking your attention away
Takes your phone and hides it from you
May be the Avatar of Sloth, but he's quick to be sneaky
Acts like it doesn't bother him, but it does
He's had his share of clingy ex's. So he knows it's annoying.
It's different when it's you though...
Your ex suddenly has a case of laryngitis so they can't call. And crippling sudden arthritis so they can't text.
Tries not to let it bother him. Honest.
He knows you had a rich life before you met, he should be above such petty feelings as an angel
But he’s jealous
Would softly ask that you not speak to them anymore, if you could. It makes him feel bad
Irritated beyond measure
How dare this person harass you, and cause you such discomfort in his presence
Also how can a human text you in the Devildom???
Seriously debates sending guards to go find this brute and through them in the dungeons. But that would be an interdimensional incident that’s just not worth it. Probably.....
Does not support this type of behavior, from anyone
Not you, of course, but this uncouth ex who won't leave you alone
Will answer your phone and politely put the fear of God into them
Barba-kun is a problem solver
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Obey Me Brothers and Misc. react to MC having their coffee order memorised
You go to a coffee shop. Human world or devildom, doesn't matter. All that matters is after waiting in line you order for you and Ya Boi bc you have their order memorised and they get flustered because every single one of them is a ✨massive softie✨
This is also just me headcanoning their drink orders while I take a break from my dissertation.
(I'm referring to the undateables as Misc. because I don't want to call the the datables bc Luke is a child. He is not datable. That is my son.)
This man would take his coffee in an IV if he could and you can't convince me otherwise
Probably asks that they put as many extra espresso shots in the drink as they're legally allowed to
Anyway, he's very touched that you have his order memorised. He has yours memorised to.
Appreciates that you pay enough attention to him to know his order
Low-key blushing about it and will think about it next time he makes himself coffee
Might even end up making you one to if he isn't working late
Definitely goes for coffee with you more often (definitely not to spend more time with you and also to show that he has your order memorised too 👀)
This man is destroyed by any kind of casual affection (pls hold his hand)
I mean, of course you know the great Mammon's coffee order! You were his human weren't ya?
If you're ordering for him, that means you're paying, right? 👀
He do be blushing tho (if you also pay he'll blush even more)
And since you bought it, I GUESS you can have a sip...definitely doesn't just want the casual and domestic intimacy of sharing the same cup
Wants to get coffee with you more often (so he can drink from your cup)
How did you know the code to order the Ruri-Chan Loveheart Surprise Latte off of the secret menu??????
Oh, you knew it because you listened to him order before and memorised it????????????
Hes not crying, you're crying
No but really, the proof that you actively listen to him when he's talking about his interests has his heart skipping a beat
Hes bright red and trying to cover his face with his hands
Wants to get two straws so you two can sit opposite each other and share a drink but is WAY to shy to ask 🥺👉👈
Will end up buying matching reusable coffee cups that have 'player one' and 'player two' on them
For the most part he’ll order something basic like an Americano or a flat white UNLESS you're at a place that does latte art.
Then he ALWAYS gets cat themed latte art
Like the little 3D ones they make out of foam and then draw little faces on???
Yeah, he loves them
He think they're so cute
They're in most of his devilgram pics next to whatever book he was reading at the time
One of his favourite things to do is visit cat cafe with you and if you remember his order he'll be very touched and he'll thank you with a blush and a smile
Has your order memorised as well and orders for you next time
Changes with whats fashionable but anything ✨pink✨
Pink drink, peach lemonade, strawberry and white chocolate mocha they're all acceptable
But is delighted when you remember his order- it means you've been paying attention to the trends he's following!!!!!
Did you see the drink on his devilgram story????? Isn't it cute!!!!!! You should get one to match and take a selfie together!!!!
Thinks its really cute to go on coffee dates and hear you order for him
Like, yes, they know my order 😌 we're that close 😙✌
Just hand him a basic Americano, but in a Big Gulp cup
Is touched that you remembered his order, even if it is simple. He just kinda blushes and thanks you (maybe asks if you want to go out dinner that evening).
Make sure he’s fed, or has food available bc if you don’t he will eat ✨The Beans✨
He has done this before and you DO NOT want to see Beel when he has enough caffiene in his system to give a mortal cardiac arrest
He’s already the most athletic brother. You won’t catch him. No one will.
You know Taz from Looney Tunes? When he just...spins super fast in circles and eats stuff??? Yeah, Beel’s like that.
But if he doesn’t eat straight-up coffee beans, he’s just as chill as normal
Just enjoys spending some quality time with you (and yes, he will definitely have your order memorised too)
If you remember his order he’s gonna blush, but do his best not to react. But he may also feel the need to Hold Hands later in the day because you’ll have him feeling ✨soft✨.
Has a black coffee but puts, like, 5 sugars in it
He’s basically drinking espresso syrup
and it does NOTHING
Caffiene does not affect this man AT. ALL.
It’s almost scary - he can down 3 espressos and then nap for five hours afterwards
Doesn’t love going on coffee dates because if you’re too caffinated he has trouble keeping up with you, and you won’t feel like having a nap with him. But if you’re just having one coffee, or a tea or something, he does like how chilled out the date can be.
I get grande iced machiatto vibes, and I can’t tell you why
Loves that you remember his order and isn’t shy about it. Will blush at first and then break into a massive beaming smile
He’s paying for the coffee (he’s literally royalty, he’s paying for the damn coffee)
Makes him feel like you two are close and he may attempt to hold hands later if the vibe is right.
Constantly asks you out on coffee dates afterwards - loves spending time with you and loves how informal and relaxed it is
Will also remember your order and make sure that Barb knows how to make it for when you visit the Palace
But still prefers the actual act of going out to a coffee shop with you
If you bring him his coffee order when he’s working, however👀👀👀...blushing mess.
The fact that you went to get coffee for him...even though he knows that you know that Barb is perfectly capable of making him coffee...that you got coffee and thought of him...and bought a coffee for him...and brought it to him...the casual affection, the softness, the thoughtfulness. 😳😳😳 he’s destroyed. BLUSHING. He’s literally so touched. Gonna commit hand holding crimes. Will think about it all day. Will miss you 3x more than normal just because. May even end up doing some light ~pining~ 🥺🥺🥺
This is the Undisputed King of Tea
He knows every blend of tea that the shop offers and has the menu memorised.
Will also tell you about the different tea blends if you ask, describes how they taste, what they’re ingredients are, where they’re from, etc.
He’s very grateful if you remember his order, but if you then bring up some of the trivia he’s shared about that tea?? Blushing.
Very touched that you not only remembered his order but the things about it that interest him. The fact that you clearly paid attention when he was talking about tea.
Thinks of you as a very considerate person and will offer to share
He’ll also invite you over for tea a the palace more often now that you’ve shown an interest in Tea Trivia (even if that interest is only based in your interest in him)
Will also invite you to come with him when he needs to go to the market to restock the Palaces tea supplies and may even...h...hold ur hand...😳😳😳
This is a chai latte man, don't come for me
Will test out how it tastes with different syrups, particularly likes either hazelnut or vanilla
Can also do his own latte art
When you order for him??? And have his order memorised????? He's delighted.
Its not uncommon for angels to remember each others orders, but he's touched nonetheless (yes that does mean he has your order memorised)
Will tell you that he's touched by your consideration
Just gives him the warm fuzzies and it also kinda reminds him of home
Offers to do latte art in your drink if he can
Would also be the kind of person to bring you coffee in class, and he'll do latte art on that so you can take off the lid and see a little foamy heart and the like ❤☕
Luke (platonic)
No coffee!!!! He's a child!!!!!!
You order him a puppychino hot chocolate
With whipped cream and cinnamon which is his preferred topping and a slice of cake
Hes definitely super happy about the fact you remembered how he likes his hot chocolate
Tells you that your so nice and should come back to the celestial realm with Simeon and him instead of staying down here with a bunch of no-good demons who don't deserve you 😤
Plus the celestial realm has the best hot chocolate!
You also let him have SMALL sips of your coffee but ONLY so he can scope out which beans to use in his next coffee and walnut cake!!!!!!!
Probably has some awful sounding custom drink like a fruit tea with pumpkin spice syrup and milk in it 😣
Or a peach lemonade with a shot of espresso and marshmallows 🤢
So its super unique, but he's still surprised you remembers the specifics
Offers to let you try it
Will take you out to get coffee together more often, partly to spend time with you and partly to horrify you with his drink choices
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obeymedreams · 4 years
Sweet as You
Author’s notes: I’m salty that the event will not give me Lucifer and Luke’s card so instead I’m replacing it with sweet headcanons about the essence of the datables’ kisses and what chocolates you’d give, plus a little bit about how you and Luke teamed up to make them! 
Content warning: food, chocolate, candy
Length: 2.4 K
You make a coffee bonbon for Lucifer. The shell is dark chocolate with two streaks of colour painted on—one in your favourite colour and another in his. The filling is an espresso ganache that highlights the bitterness of chocolate and coffee while ensuring the bonbon is never too sweet
Lucifer is both impressed with the flavour and the obvious care you’ve put into crafting this confection. He offers to prepare some drinks so you two can enjoy the chocolate together
Kissing Lucifer is being swept up in each other. It feels like passing by each other in castle walls, then hiding behind pillar to exchange impassioned kisses and whispers of love. The world might be continuing around you, but in that moment only the two of you matter
Lucifer feels clarity when kissing you. Everything else melts away and all that is left is the feeling of your lips and the warmth of your love. Your kisses contain an oasis and Lucifer finally feels like he can relax
Mammon gets a fancy gold leaf bonbon that has a glossy shine. And to his delight you’ve gifted him liquor chocolate filled with an expensive Demonus that’s all the rage lately
Naturally, Mammon enjoys the chocolates because they’re fancy. However, the real reason he adores them is that they are proof that, to you, he is someone worth splurging on in both effort and money
Kisses with Mammon are messy and unexpected yet both of you feel like you’ve waited forever for this. The first taste of you isn’t enough, and Mammon becomes addicted pretty quickly. It’s a rush, like betting on a rolling dice or a flip of a card while on a winning streak. He feels like he’s losing all good sense yet so sure this is the right decision
His love for you is neither neat nor compartmentalized and neither are his kisses. It’s bubbling affection that he just can’t contain anymore. No matter how many lies he verbalizes, the blush on his visage and the way he greedily steals kiss after kiss says enough
You craft a chocolate treat based of a scene in TSL! There was a cute scene between Henry and the Lord of the Shadows where they eat chocolates, sharing one last sweet moment before having to part. You decide to recreate it by creating milk chocolate bonbons with a salted caramel filling, making sure to use a mold which creates the right shape!
Levi is floored. He knows EXACTLY which scene these chocolates are from, down to the page and line numbers. He simply gawks for a while and then proceeds to basically have a photoshoot. When he finally takes a bite, you can see the way his face lights up and it’s worth all the effort
Kisses with Levi are an adventure with ups and downs, bumps in the road, but a treasure chest at the end. When you first kiss him, he’s a blushing mess with brain working overtime to suppress his fight or flight instinct. But in spite of himself, Levi leans in and trusts you because no one treats him with this tenderness
His world is still small, aside from his brothers and Lotan, everything he loves could probably be contained in his room. But your kisses expand his horizons and maybe he thinks it’d be worth it to explore the world a little more, even if it leaves him vulnerable
You make Satan a combination of brigadeiros and mint discs for Valentine’s day! He enjoys that you’ve made chocolate confections but veered outside the classic bonbons. Satan likes the soft and chewy textures of the brigadeiros in contrast with the crunchy sprinkles and the unique texture of sugared mint atop dark chocolate discs
Satan happily opens the box of chocolate. He admires them for a bit and compliments you on their appearance before popping one in his mouth. He feels both loved and a little smug, Satan knows a bit about chocolate confections, enough that he’s certain you’ve put quite a bit of effort into this, which makes it all the more sweet
Lay on compliments about how he’s just as sweet as the chocolate, perhaps referencing a book he’s reading, and how all that work was worth it for his sake and you might get him blushing
Kisses with Satan are like browsing a library—the nostalgic smell of old books combined with excitement of discovering new worlds contained in pages. You’ve had more kisses with Satan than you can count, but even with that familiarity, you feel like you’re uncovering something new each time your lips meet
Asmo knows the value of appearance so you ensure your chocolates look just as good as they taste. You make white chocolate disc in the shape of hearts and adorn them with sugared petals. Additionally, you create passionfruit bonbons with cute heart indents which look picture perfect.
Asmo takes a selfie with you while you each hold a chocolate confection. Sweets for your sweetheart!~ It’s cute. 
But then you bring up how you chose passionfruit for its refreshing taste, so its easy to continually eat the chocolates, because just like the bonbons you’ll never get sick of him! It’s such a small detail but it warms his heart and suddenly you’re trapped in a hug
Asmo’s kisses don’t neatly fit into any single category. He is sweet, masterful and practiced, playful and lets you take the lead, but he is always sincere in his affection to you. Kisses are one of many ways to reaffirm your love
His kisses are like eating an assorted box of chocolates. One kiss is light and flirty, the next is sensual and stroking desire, then another which is teasing and light while interspersed with giggles. Yet all of them leave you with a sweet feeling
You make Beel a big pile of semi-sweet chocolate bark with variety of toppings, one has freeze dried raspberries, another has almonds, some use hellfire peppers, it’s a whole buffet
Beel plants a kiss on your forehead and thanks you so much for the gift! He begins to dig in to the treats you’ve made and has an endearing content grin the entire time he wolfs the chocolate down. He does his best to remember to offer you a bite too!
Many of Beel’s kisses start off as innocent fondness and true devotion. He loves you and you can feel it in the way he holds you close to him and devours all the affection you give. 
But many of his kisses turn hungry, because he can never get enough of you, the taste of your lips, your sweet moans, the way your hands roam, the puffs of hot breaths, they all never fail to leave him wanting more. His kisses feel satisfying and fulfilling, because you get to indulge to your heart’s content
You make Belphie coconut oil chocolates! They’re so easy to eat, he doesn’t even need to chew. You have to be careful to not melt them when making and handle the individual morsels, but it’s worth it all in the end
You surprise him by popping the chocolate into his mouth! You’re lucky he trusts you, if it was anyone else he’d probably have spit it out. It’s easy to bite through and melts to spread a pleasant chocolate taste across his mouth.
Probably muttered something under his breath, but he makes sure to thank you for the gift too, even if he is a little blasé about it. At least these ones aren’t dusty
Belphie’s kisses are lazy little things with missed lips and little laughs, huffs of air, and that smirk that makes you want to kiss him stupid until he can’t pretend to be relaxed. Random pecks in the morning, between naps, before bed, but if you ever ask why, the answer is “just because”
Occasionally your kisses are salvation and desperation. No life, no relationship, no person is without turbulence. Your hot breaths prove you’re alive and breathing, the love your pour into him as your lips meet prove he is worthy of affection, and he doesn’t intend to let go
You make Diavolo white chocolate matcha bonbons! The inside is filled with a smooth matcha ganache that’s a brilliant shade of green. The shells are painted with the rough silhouette of your favourite flower. The matcha flavour helps balance out the sweetness of the white chocolate, making a delicious treat
Diavolo is delighted by the gift and compliments the taste! But he also enjoys the story that goes with it when you tell him your thought process, how matcha has become popular across the world in the human realm, and what human traditions are attached to the gifting of chocolates
He’s already plotting what he wants to give you in return, but for now he’ll enjoy your heart felt confection while making sure to give you a piece
Kisses with Diavolo are like fireworks. No matter how many times you see them, they never lose their brilliance. Even if they aren’t always in the sky, they bring you joy each time you see their bright colours and sparkling streaks
Diavolo intends to indulge you in kisses. Even the short ones, before meetings, after class, the domesticity tickles his heart. But Diavolo’s preference leans to long kisses where the two of you meld together. Everything is you, your unique scent, the way his name leaves your mouth, the way you hold onto him, your taste alone makes him want to dive deeper 
And why stop at one kiss? He should have another for good measure, maybe two, three, four—well now there’s no point counting so you might as well continue
You make strawberry shortcake inspired chocolates for Barbatos. The bonbon shell is made with ruby chocolate with the filling consisting of whipped white chocolate ganache and strawberry preserves. 
The several components merge together to make a sweet dessert and Barbatos appreciates how you use the novel ruby cocoa. Barbatos out of everyone knows how much work must have gone to create these bonbons and makes sure to both savour it and compliment you
Kisses with Barbatos are like sharing a secret. You get special access to a gateway into him, and in these kisses you create a special place just for the two of you
His kisses are almost dangerously good, you swear kissing didn’t always feel this good. But his intensity, the way it’s only the two of you, the mere privilege it is to have him whisper sweet words between gilded kisses, it makes it worth all the wait
You make Simeon earl grey tea truffles! You coat the truffles with milk chocolate to create an easy to hold shell. Then you have stripes of dyed white chocolate — one in your favourite colour and another in his. 
Simeon thinks it’s adorable at how your chocolates have become a matching couple item with the coloured stripes. He thinks it’s lovely how you made him tea flavoured chocolate, given how many fond memories the two of you have which centre around a cup of tea
Simeon kisses make you feel treasured. He peppers your face is soft kisses, he cups your cheek gently, and the adoration in his eyes almost overwhelms your heart
His love is all encompassing and you’ve never felt safer than when you’re in his arms. Beautiful lashes fan his cheeks, contended sighs, and underlying warmth. Simeon feels like home and with his kisses, you’re falling in love again 
You know Solomon likes cupcakes and poisoned apples so you decide to combine the two! You make him an apple cakepop coated in coloured white chocolate to look like a poisoned apple!
Unlike his cooking, your sweet tastes delicious and leaves the eater happy. You make sure to use granny smith apples to retain some tartness and Solomon happily eats the confection. 
Unfortunately, your sweetheart has also made sweets to express his love for you. Don’t let Solomon give you chocolates back or use a trick to dispose of them! It is not romantic to spend the day puking or sick in bed. Or hey, maybe true love is eating it knowing that it spells out nothing less than doom
Kisses with Solomon feel like an exploration. You get to know him bit by bit and each kiss feels like proof he is wiling to vulnerable with you. Some trips result in airy kisses, others feel like rocky days at sea filled with passion and you’re in danger of running out of breath, it’s always an adventure
Sometimes, you swear you can feel his lips form a smug smile. Other times, he approaches you so gently and the touch of hesitancy, like he can’t really believe he got you, makes you want to shower him with enough love to wash away all doubt. He holds you tight, to him you are warmth and intimacy, and he never wants to let go
Bonus: Making Chocolates with Luke
When making chocolates with Luke, it is best to be sweet with him, guide the angel with soft suggestions without sounding like you’re babying him. Generally, Luke is pretty amendable but he can have a stubborn streak if he feels like he has something to prove
He makes for chocolate confections for Barbatos, Simeon, Micheal, Solomon and you! It’s so cute to see him so excited when he thinks about how happy everyone will be when they receive the gift
You two go through many spoons to check if the chocolate is tempered, rapidly tapping the chocolate to see if it has that snap and sighing when it blooms
By the end of it, you two are a mess with chocolate smears on your apron, but you have nice assortment of shiny chocolate sweets
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gotxanyxramen · 3 years
MC claps back pt.2
TW: bullying, clapping back
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It was right before class started, you were sitting at your desk, when a random girl came up to you and started to insult you.
"Do you really think people like you? You're nothing but a pathetic human, not even an attractive one at that. The only reason you not dead yet is because you're part of the exchange program, and Lord Diavolo would have a hissy fit if his reputation was ruined cuz you died." She said.
"And I think you'd have a hissy fit if I told you look like a before picture. You'd also probably have a hissy fit if I went and told lord diavolo that you enjoy picking on people for their looks and race."
"If you just want attention from insulting others go screw yourself, in the end it's MY world and it's quite easy for me to act like you mother never pushed you into it. You don't exist if I don't want you to."
"you little- ugh! I going to make you wish you never came into the devildom" she says.
With that she storms out of the class room. Everyones mouths were dropped and their eyes were on you.
"She must have been born from a cactus cuz she's a prick."
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The amount of respect this boi has for you.
This guy was smirking SO HARD.
He's so proud, like really proud.
He's angry at the girl and everyone can tell, but he'll deal with that later.
He'll take you on a nice date, be it a fancy restaurant, a walk in the park, stargazing, or just cuddling. You name it you got it.
He'll hold you in his arms while reading a book to you and you'll eventually fall asleep ☺️
He'll run his fingers thru your hair or rub your back.
"sleep well my love, just know that everyone cares for you deeply, so that way you can have sweet dreams."
Next day when your at school you get wind that the girl is now in the hospital with a couple broken bones and in need of reconstructional face surgery ☺️
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He also recorded it.(it'll go viral on devilgram)
Hes giggling
He'll praise you so damn much
Kisses and hugs every where
"wow MC, you look kinda angry then considering the look on you face, you'll get wrinkles and we can't have that"
He'll take you on a spa date, and when you get back he'll take a noice bath and cuddle you while reassuring you everyone loves you and your beautiful
He'll put you to sleep with lavender essential oils and some nice tea
" have a nice beauty sleep my darling, I love you, as does everyone else"
Couple days later you see the girl has a broken arm and desperately trying to avoid you.
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Sweet boi
Choked on his food when he heard you say that stuff
He doesn't know whether to laugh or get angry at the girl
She already gone so he leaves it alone
He'll share his snacks with you
Takes you to hells kitchen
When you get home he'll embrace you in the warmest hug(cuz he's a great big teddy bear)
He'll tell you that he loves you so much
"I love you MC, so does everyone else, now let's eat snacks and watch a movie.
He'll cuddle you to sleep making sure your nice and warm and safe
Next time you see the girl, she sincerely apologized and ran away with fear in her eyes
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If he wasn't awake before he sure is now
First how dare that demon insult you
Second, damn MC nice
He's proud and you can tell
He'll take you stargazing while cuddling
He'll be telling you how amazing you are and that he loves you very much
"remember MC your perfect, beautiful, and you make a very good cuddle buddy"
Once your asleep he'll admire your peaceful expression (not in a creepy way) while wondering how someone could insult someone like you
Next time you see the girl, you swear you've never seen so much fear in someone's eyes when they look at you.
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Hope you all enjoyed, love you all ❤️
An- sorry if it isn't that good, I tried 🤣
Should I do the now datables?
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koolades-world · 7 months
Oh I thought of something so funny
Can you please do headcanons for both datables and undatable with an MC that has an embarrassing picture of them as their lock screen?
I just imagine them asking to see MC's phone for a moment after they see it but MC knows they're gonna try and change it so they start running and play a funny silly game of keep away LMAO
"MC give me your phone."
"NO YOU'RE GONNA CHANGE MY LOCK SCREEN 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️"
MC is chased around the entire school trying to escape, they have to hide their phone in the end haha
hi! haha, yes of course!
since tumblr got rid of yellow in favor of making it more accessible, i just decided to go custom with the name colors. none of the actual text will be these colors so it's actually readable and just want to differentiate between the characters
sorry this is late! lost track of time talking with friends
this idea is so fun and so cute, please enjoy :)
Mc running from datables + undatables so they don't change their lock screen
the picture on your lock screen is him passed on on his desk surrounded by paperwork. his hair is plastered to his forehead and an empty mug is laying on it's side next to him
he sees your lock screen when he asks you to add a couple dates to the family calendar right after a student council meeting
he doesn't chase you far because people are staring at the two of you but gives the ominous warning that he'll be waiting for you at home. you might need backup...
the picture on your lock screen is of him midway through tripping. the timing was perfect and he had seemingly tripped on air
he didn’t even realize you had captured it on camera until he sees a screenshot of your lock screen in the family group chat
he chased you fully around the school and almost changed your background but didn't after you offered him all the cuddles and kisses he could dream of
the picture on your lock screen is him in his bunny boy outfit, just looking generally embarrassed. he's covering his face with one of his hands and extending the other out towards to camera, trying to cover it
he nearly starts screaming when he seems your lock screen
he begs and begs you to change it back, but you refused since you think it's a cute photo :)
the picture on your lock screen is of him crying while reading a leatherbound book (inspo from that one card!). he's holding an embroidered handkerchief with a small cat paw in the corner up to his face
when he sees the picture while looking over your shoulder in class to see if you got his message, he's a little flustered
he chases you around at lunch and catches you and successfully changes you lock screen to an embarrassing picture of you instead
the picture on your lock screen is of him still in bed. his hair is the messiest you've ever seen and his sleeping mask is askew on his face. you're next to him in bed, and he's holding your other arm
he actually kind of likes the picture but at least wants you to change it to your home screen
when you refuse, he playfully changes you around, and while he fails, he changes it later while you're asleep
the picture on your lock screen is of him with food all over his face. it's not a rare site, but today his entire mouth is shiny since he was midway through eating a burger
tbh I cannot see him getting super embarrassed, and actually would probably like that moment since the two of you have moments like that all time
he would chase you just to be playful and fun, but instead of wanting to delete the photo, he would probably just want to change your lock screen to a cute picture of the two of you <3
the picture on your lock screen is a picture of him asleep with doodles all over his face in black marker. he was given a mustache and various other symbols
he doesn't actually notice right away, but when he does, he whines for you to change it
when you refuse, he shows more enthusiasm than he ever has, and he wrestles the phone from you to change it himself
the picture on your lock screen is him looking very embarrassed in a cafe. he was holding two drinks and was ushering you towards the exit. he had picked up the wrong drinks
he was mortified after that and wanted to vanish, but was too embarrassed to bring it back to get the correct ones
he had fun chasing you because you seemed to be enjoying it, so he wasn't even in it to change your lock screen despite how he felt about it
the picture on your lock screen is of him staring at a piece of china he had just broken on accident. most of his face isn't visible, but he's making the most mortified face you've ever seen
the look on his face when he saw your lock screen...
let's just say that you didn't get very far before he caught you
the picture on your lock screen is a picture of him struggling to use a computer. his face is very close to the screen and he's hunched over the keyboard. he keeps looking back and forth between the keyboard and screen, and hunt + pecks the keys
he kind of minded but didn't care that it was your lock screen until you got smug
he chased you around and getting you phone put couldn't figure out how to change it
the picture on your lock screen is him standing on a stool in the kitchen, and pointing somewhere away from himself with a terrified expression on his face. he just seen an ant trail on the counter
he promptly got mad and tried to grab your phone
unfortunately for him he's short and there was no chase because all you had to do was hold it over your head lol
the picture on your lock screen is a picture of him standing over a cauldron that had clearly just backfired on him. his entire face is covered in soot and his hair is standing on it's ends
he actually had an embarrassing photo of you as his lock screen!
the mischievous sorcerer had loads of fun chasing you around and was successful in changing you lock screen
the picture on your lock screen is him sitting on the ground, looking dazed. he'd just fallen off of his horse after trying to show off to you, and he was covered in dirt
he was so bum hurt in and after that moment and can't contain his welling emotions of partial embarrassment of having to relive it, and partial excitement
he chases you around out of sake for his pride but he actually could not catch you before the next class began
the picture on your lock screen is her staring down at the ground after she'd just dropped an entire divider of rhinestones onto the ground. all the colors had scattered around the entire room and mixed
she eventually just used a spell to clean up the spilled gems, but she stood there for a minute processing
she didn't mind too much, but she had fun chasing you around for a while
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theinariakuma · 4 years
First One to Know
Rated: SFW (Rated T for language, mentions of mensural cycle, and Pregnancy symptoms)
Obey Me!
Polyship! Female MC
Includes: Datables, Diavolo, and Simeon
This is based off the idea of how Female MC would tell each boy she was pregnant. They’re all the ”first to know” concept. 
For precaution. All under the cut. 
She sat in the bath, huffing a bit before she sank her chin under the water. How does one tell Lucifer they're pregnant. 
Lucifer was this... All powerful, all important person. While, yes, she could just tell him. It felt like she needed to do something else.
She had plans for everyone but him and Belphegor. They were the two more difficult brothers. 
Part of her wanted to bring Diavolo into the planning to tell him, but she knew it would likely end up as a few things. A party, a big thing... And she didn't want anyone but Lucifer to know first.
"One of your daddies is going to drive me crazy." She spoke in a quiet time, fingers brushing over her stomach, it was far too early for anything beyond knowing there was a baby, but talking to them comforted her. "He's impossible to surprise."
With her luck, he'd know before her anyways. 
So, she kept planning. Each idea fell flat in her mind. She'd been more focused on how to surprise Lucifer that she only half paid attention at RAD. 
"Long day?" Lucifer often walked her home, just like cooking was Beel's time and Naps were Belphie's. The walk home belonged to Lucifer. He'd made a claim to it early in the start of the relationship. 
"Mm something like that." She moved her arms around his neck, giving him a slow, happy kiss. 
His hands drifted to her hips, gently holding her as he returned the kiss. The affection she showered him and his brothers with often caused them to relax. Years of pent up tension lovingly eased away by her. 
It wasn't until half way home she noticed how his hand would occasionally drift up to her belly. She'd found herself unconsciously doing the same since she found out. 
"You know!" She turned to look at him. Eyes narrowed as she pointed in his face.
The smirk on his face and the light joy in his gaze said everything. 
"You knew! And I was going crazy trying to think of how to tell you!" She glared at him, but Lucifer just laughed. 
"You didn't hide the test as well as you thought. Asmo saw the box." 
Her cheeks went red and she began walking faster. Despite her annoyance, hearing his laughter made her smile. He was happy about the news. 
She sat on the edge of her bed, fingers pulling and smoothing her skirt down. 
"Alright, what's on ya mind? You keep doing that..." His hands began moving in a ringing motion, the way she was abusing the fabric of her skirt. 
"I'm trying to think of how to tell you. You're... Well. I wanted you to know first. You were my first man after all..." The soft memory made a smile appear on her face. 
Mammon quickly shut up as his cheeks began glowing red at the words. "Y-You bet your ass I am..." He muttered, eyes looking away. 
"I... Well." She bit into her lower lip. "I'm pregnant."
Out of everything Mammon expected, that was the last thing he could have thought of. It did make sense. She was being shared by seven powerful demons. It wasn't too surprising that her birth control failed... 
Mammon was hesitant, his fingers as gentle as possible, cupping her cheeks. "Say that again..." He was terrified. He was greedy and selfish, but oh how he wanted this. Wanted to be a dad, even if he didn't feel like he deserved to be one. 
"I'm pregnant... You and the others are gonna be dads... And you're the first to kno--oh!" Mammon kissed her deeply, his fingers cradling her face as he cut her off, kissing her slowly, deeply. She couldn't see them yet, but the man was crying, he was so happy. She made him so happy and made him feel so loved.
Fingers stroked the back of the girl laying against him. Her face tucked into his neck as she quietly dozed off. She'd lost interest in the anime about two episodes ago. Not that Levi blamed her, it was boring, but he was always one to finish a series... Well at least the season, no matter how dull or trash it was. 
It was nice just being able to hold her.
His attention kept drifting to her, the woman was half curled up in his lap, her arms loosely wrapped around him, her breathing soft against his neck. 
"Oi, Levi. You got more shit from Akuzon." Mammon didn't even bother knocking as he brought in the package. 
"I didn't order anything." Levi's brow furrowed as he held his hand out. Mammon almost scoffed, but he wouldn't make him move. The dozing girl against him looked so peaceful. 
"What is it then?" Mammon, being the jealousy boy he was, did not leave, much to Levi's annoyance. Today was his day with her.
Levi began opening the box, only to pause at the items. A box that held a smaller version of his game controller, some other miniatures, and a plastic sealed shirt. The invoice settled in the package told him that it indeed was not his order, but the girl in his arms. 
"Why do you need a tiny controller?" Mammon asked, confused as he saw Levi looking at the box. There were more miniature size items inside the box that only furthered his confusion.
The soft giggles against his neck made Levi arch a brow. "I see you're awake. Want to explain?" 
"Look at the shirt." She smiled and nuzzled into him after waving to Mammon. 
Pulling up the white shirt wrapped in plastic, he saw the logo clear as day. 
Black clouded his vision, the last thing he remembered was hearing the two cry out at him.
"Oh my god, Levi!"
"The fuck, man!"
The woman held her hands over her mouth, not expecting that reaction.
"He fainted." Her voice turned to soft giggles, "Only you Levi." She moved to gently lift his head, pulling him to lean into her, stroking his hair. Her poor nervous Otaku couldn’t handle the news.
Mammon got a glimpse at the shirt before shaking his head. "Course Levi would pass out over news like this." Part of him was both annoyed and amused. “I’m gonna tell everyone.” The grin appeared on his face as he snapped a picture to send to the group chat. 
"Yeah. He would. He's so nervous like that." She chuckled, watching Mammon hold up the "Baby download in progress" shirt she bought to send a picture to it to the rest of the guys. 
"I'm glad. Ya know, to be here. Even though ya probably meant to do it alone with him." Her cheek leaned into Mammon's touch, the Avatar of Greed moved to stroke her cheek as he crouched down next to her, staying with her as she stroked Levi's hair, waiting on him to wake up from his unconscious state.
Satan felt his temple pulse as he was growing steadily more annoyed and angry. 
Three times today alone she's avoided him. He was growing to detest sharing her with his siblings if this was how she was going to act. 
He loved the woman, she was his kitten, sweet and loving. Yet the past week or so she'd been acting off. That off act had soon turned to her avoiding him and he wanted to fucking know why. 
His eyes narrowed a bit as he glimpsed her and Lucifer talking. 
Somehow, some way. This was Lucifer's fault. 
He'd rather blame Lucifer then believe that she was willingly avoiding him. So he waited until she left off to who knows where again to go to Lucifer's study.
"What did you say to her that is making her avoid me?" The dark aura coming off the blond was dense, his wrath was dense and when Lucifer looked up from his desk he was surprised that the blond wasn't in his demon form with that much anger. 
"I haven't said anything, Satan." His eyes narrowed. Their little human and he had been working on a contract for her to allow her to stay as a contracted ambassador for Diavolo for the Human world... So she could stay. 
The past week she'd been insistent about getting this done as soon as possible. 
"You're lying!" That was all it took before his tail whipped out, lashing at the desk separating them once his demon form came out. Breathing heavy as the desk and all of its paperwork went everywhere. 
"She won't even look at me! She avoids me! And you're the only one who would tell her anything!"
The crash had startled her, she'd gone to grab some tea for her and Lucifer. 
A while ago she'd noticed she'd missed her period. For her it wasn't too unusual for it to be a little late, however when one week turned to three. She began worrying. 
Earlier in the week, she'd taken a pregnancy test and well... It came back positive. All of them did, actually. 
Anxiety had filled her to the point she started avoiding Satan because he could read her like an open book... And well, she was scared. What if he wasn't happy? What if the others weren't happy?
She wanted Satan to be the first to know out of the brothers. He'd quickly become someone she could always rely on and he was almost as patient as Asmo and Mammon with her--despite their quirks.
However, her stress began raising as she realized she was two months off from the end of the exchange program. She wanted everything to be settled for her to stay... She didn't want to stress any of them out more than what the first bit of news would do. 
The last thing she wanted was someone yelling at Diavolo And putting Lucifer in a bad place stuck between her, his brothers, and his loyalty to Diavolo. 
"Satan, stop!" She saw him pinning Lucifer up to the bookshelf, hissing low as his tail whipped around. 
She didn't dare go further in. Satan would never intentionally harm her, but she didn't want to risk it accidentally. 
"Why should I?" Blonde hair and vivid green eyes turned to her, pain and fury in his gaze. "Since you'd rather abandon me for him anyways! You've done nothing but avoid me! Something is wrong with you and you refuse to tell me!"
"Satan, you need to calm--"
"Oh, shut up, Lucifer!" His anger diverted back towards his elder brother. Surprisingly, Lucifer was not fighting back against his assault.
"Because I'm pregnant!"
Both demons were looking at her now, Satan's hands slipping from where they were once clenched in Lucifer's shirt. 
"What?" The breathless tone. Neither demon suddenly knowing what to do.
"I found out earlier this week. I wasn't avoiding you because I was upset at you. I was avoiding you because I was scared because I knew you'd ask what's wrong. I knew I never could... Never would  want to lie to you or the others... I needed to figure things out."
"That's why you've been so insistent about getting this contract done quickly." Lucifer's voice was just as awed and breathless. 
All seven of the brothers shared her. And a baby... Her getting pregnant was really the last thing any of them thought of. 
"I was going to finish this... Then tell you."
Satan's demon form almost melted away, hesitating as he went to her, fingers moving to cradle her face. "Tell me?"
"I was going to tell you first... Then the others... But I needed to be sure I could stay first. That... Diavolo wouldn't have to send me home. That you guys wouldn't put Lucifer in a bad spot... That he wouldn't be stuck in a bad spot, between his duty to Diavolo and me and you guys..." Tears were rolling down her cheeks. 
"You silly, amazing, foolish, stubborn human." His forehead pressed to hers, his shoulders beginning to tremble as a sob left him. 
Satan hadn't expected that. He didn't expect her to try and take on so much to give him such peace of mine. 
Lucifer didn't approach yet, he'd talk to her...let his own emotions out later. Right now, this was between her and Satan. 
"I'm going to be a dad." 
"You all are." She closed her eyes. "You all are fathers. And the first time I hear any of you arguing over who's the blood father of the baby, I'm going to be mad."
Arms pulled her close, awe was still flooding him, unsure of what to say or what to do... Just knowing that he loved her so much. 
"I'm sorry, Lucifer." His voice was low and it was only then that he approached the two. 
"It's alright, Satan. I understand why... Our little human tends to drive us all a bit crazy and quick to act without thinking." Lucifer moved to press a kiss to her knuckles, not pulling either out of their embrace. "You need your rest now. You can tell the others later, but right now, you need your rest. When I sort out..." Lucifer sighed as he looked to the destroyed desk, "That. I'll bring the paperwork to you and I'll contact Diavolo. We're not letting you leave.. I refuse to let you go as much as Satan and the others will."
Satan began gently ushering her out the door, energy zapped after such a cold splash of reality diffusing his anger. They'd both get some rest... He wasn't going to let her leave his arms for a while.
Asmodeus was nothing if not perceptive. While he did not always show it, he did make sure to always pay attention. So when his little darling was a bit easier to excite than usual, he noticed. 
Eyes softened as he saw her. Out of all the brothers, Asmo was the softest with her. He liked the soft touches, forehead kisses and hair stroking, things that were intimate but not so much sexual. 
He loved sex, he would never deny that, but him offing intimate affection outside of sex was both something he did for just anyone. 
"What's in the bag? Did you go shopping without me?" Lips moved into a pout at his darling as she just laughed and gave him a soft kiss. 
"I promise you'll like this gift and be less annoyed and pouty after you see it."
"I don't like when you shop without me." He huffed a bit, pulling her into the bed with him. She just laughed and snuggled back against him, letting him fuss with the sealed gift bag for a moment. 
Despite his general nature of liking to surprise people, Asmodeus hated surprises. 
Yet, when he tugged the tissue out of the bag and pulled out what he thought was a T shirt, his heart stopped. 
A soft pink onesie. It was tiny, made for a newborn sized infant. On it was careful handwriting stating, 'Of course I'm cute, look at my Daddy.'
"You..." Words, for once, escaped him. 
A squeak left the woman as she found herself pinned under the Avatar of Lust, kisses peppering all over her face. 
"You beautiful, amazing woman... I can't.." he was choked up, unable to form proper sentences as he pressed soft kisses over every inch of her face, the final one ending at her lips, drawing her into a slow, lingering kiss.
He never knew such happiness before.
Beelzebub loved cooking for his little human. His two greatest joys next to spending time with his brothers. It was a routine between them. On their days to cooks, they spent time together. He may have had to share her, but he would claim these moments happily and selfishly. 
However, recently he noticed how her face would go pale and she'd rush off. The smell of his cooking bad been making her sick. 
"I'm okay, I promise." Her words were soft, but he knew she wasn't feeling the best after getting sick. 
When it became a consistent issue, he began truly worrying. Not only was his sweet human sick but his cooking caused it. Had his his cooking gotten as bad as Solomon's?
"Are you sick? Do I need to get a doctor? Let me get Lucifer!"
"Beel, baby. I'm okay."
"You can't keep food down... Is my cooking bad?"
"Oh Beel, baby... No." Her hands reached up to touch his cheeks, he leaned down so she could touch him easier.  "This isn't your fault. I suspected it, but I didn't know until this morning." 
His eyes were lit up with confusion. Didn’t know what?
"I'm having a baby, Beel. You guys are going to be dads."
The awe on his face before he swept her up into his arms, laughing and nuzzling into her Affectionately making her laugh. He was both relieved and excited.
Belphegor was currently snuggled up to his precious human. Despite being probably the laziest of the brothers, he was also one of the smartest. It was why he got along with Satan so much and why he also clashed with Lucifer... Well that and several reasons. 
He'd noticed it very quickly, probably before she did. She was usually full of life and energy. However the past couple of weeks she'd been exhausted, not quite to his level of sleep, but enough that people were worried. 
However, pressed into her for their naps, he noticed several things, her temperature was not up, so no fever. And areas of her body were more sensitive. 
"Come on. It's dinner time."  He nudged her after Beel texted him. "We can come back upstairs after eating. I know you're tired."
She almost whined in protest, "I'm not really hungry. My stomach has been pretty upset when I eat." She thought maybe it was just her period about to start. 
Belphie sat up and gazed at her, "Are you pregnant?"
Her lips parted before shutting again. A thoughtful look on her face. "What day is it today?" 
Arching a brow, "The tenth." 
He watched her face for a few more moments before looking at him, "I... Maybe?" She hesitated. She hadn't even thought about it. "I am late this month. I thought maybe it was stress? It wouldn’t have been the first time I was late because I was stressed out." 
Belphie sighed and drew her up into his arms, causing her to snuggle into him more. 
"Can we... Go after dinner to pick up a test? I don't wanna say anything to the others until we're sure." She snuggled against him, her mind warming with exhaustion again. She just wanted to stay here and go back to sleep.
"Yeah, of course." He dropped a kiss to her brow. "Any idea who the father would be?"
The question earned a smack to his chest. 
"What?" He saw her annoyed glare. 
"All of you. And if you ask that again, I'm going to yank your tail next time." Despite her annoyance, it made him smile to see her so protective of everyone, calling them all the fathers.
"Alright. You're right." He sighed and moved to get up, pulling her along. "Food then the run to the shop.... If it is, can we tell Lucifer last?" 
She rolled her eyes, taking the lead as she tugged him by his hand. 
Later that evening, when the three little tests all came back positive, she just gave Belphegor a look. "How the fuck--"
"You're exhausted, constantly. And sensitive. But you're not squirming like when you’re on your period,” She was almost always uncomfortable, and always wanted to munch on something. Not that he or Beel minded, “or running a fever.... And you haven't been really wanting to eat."
"I can't tell who's more observant, you or Lucifer at this point." Lucifer magically knew what they were doing so often she'd tease him about spying, yet it seemed Belphie was just as observant if not more so. 
"It's kinda funny. You knew before even I noticed." She laughed a bit, earning a smile from him.
Diavolo was a special sort of person, and to say she was surprised he was willing to share her, was massively down playing it. 
The Prince had truly been a man with a golden heart and a fist of steel if pushed enough. 
"Barbados did mention I had a little bird in my office." His laugh was low, the large man moving to look at the girl who was currently leaning against his desk. "Lucifer was nearly panicking when someone mentioned you weren't home."
She blinked in surprise before pulling out her D.D.D. "Woops. I forgot to turn the sound back on." She was gonna get a lecture about that later, she just knew it. 
"Now, Princess, why are you waiting on me and not letting Lucifer know?" A large hand stroked her cheek, causing her to lean into his touch. 
"Cause he'd ask why and I wanted you to know first?" Bright, soft eyes gazing up at him as her hands moved to gently hold his hand. After a moment she moved his hand from her face to her abdomen. 
There was a moment, a pause before it clicked. Golden eyes seemed to grow brighter. "Are you sure?"
The way her smile grew only caused a massive one to spread across his face. Politics be damned, he was too happy about this.
He moved to pull the smaller woman into his arms, holding her close. 
Being an Angel meant a few things, even if Simeon knew he was on a path of damnation like Lucifer and his siblings had.
He loved the woman currently snuggled in his bed, his fingers ran through her hair as his gaze softened. 
A new life was blossoming. 
A new life that belonged to them. He didn't care about the lineage, it was still his child within her, whether he sired them or not. 
Fingers carefully caressed along her body, the touch was intimate and soft, just admiring her. Tonight she was with him in Purgatory Hall before she'd go back to the House of Lamentation. 
"Mmm... Morning, Simeon." Her voice was groggy and soft. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Very well, my feather." He whispered as he leaned down. "I love you." He nuzzled into her soft hair, earning a soft, happy noise. 
"You're so lovey this morning. Did I miss something?" She ran her fingers through his hair. 
"You're pregnant, love." His words were soft in her ear and just the honesty of it stole her breath. "It's a very new life, but I noticed this morning."
Fear flooded her first but then joy did. Because even if she was scared, even if she was nervous, she had Simeon and the others. "Are you happy? I”m a little scared...  but happy." 
"I am happy. Because this is ours... Yours, mine, and the others. And have no doubts they'll be as excited as I am. Even if they are a bit scared."
Simeon was as terrified as she was, he was an Angel that broke all the rules, teetering the edge of falling from grace. Lucifer was one that had already fallen and was now a demon... A powerful one. 
But he knew, no matter their fears, hers or theirs, they'd love her and their child. No matter what. And nothing would ever harm them.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Brothers and datables watch pan's labyrinth. Their reactions.
Hi! I actually haven't watched the movie yet but I did some research on it, I know what I'm going to watch next now. Thanks for the (indirect??) movie recommendation, anon! Anyways, I hope you like it
the obey me cast watches pan's labyrinth
not proof read, also luke isn't in this because I don't think it's a child-friendy movie. Also, I'll do my best to keep this as spoiler-free as possible.
content warnings: movie itself is pretty dark, crying
he enjoys movies that have a deeper meaning behind the surface, so it's safe to assume he liked this one
lucifer watched it with a straight face, but deep down inside he felt bad for the girl (he will never admit to that)
even though he's watched plenty of movies that deal with heavy topics
we all know this guy hates horror, and while this movie isn't exactly that genre, some of those magical creatures haunted him in his nightmares
mammon was that one guy who screamed pretty loudly during some scenes
and also he cried at the ending
movie night? with diavolo and the others and the movie isn't even an anime? hard pass if only lucifer didn't force him to join the activity
levi went in with a pretty sour attitude towards the film, but eventually it grew on him
now he's writing a 6 page essay review on it online
he's actually already read the book so he knows some of the hidden lore behind the movie
satan's just sitting there, feeling proud of himself because he knows he's got more knowledge than lucifer at the moment
also he is the one who tells mammon to be quiet when he screams
this is very different than the mostly lighthearted stuff he usually watches
and asmo feels like this is one of those movies where you can't really understand the full story when you've only watched it once
that doesn't mean he'll rewatch it, he prefers his 'lighter' stuff
as long as there's popcorn and/or other food, beel doesn't care what movie plays nor does he pay full attention to it
but this one actually did catch his attention at some point, beel really put the popcorn down for a minute
the ending made him very emotional though
there's a good chance belphie will fall asleep during the movie
unless a loud noise or something wakes him up, he will fall asleep and therefore miss the movie
he doesn't really mind that, though, belphie likes sleeping during movies
this is great! watching a film from the human world in the devildom
diavolo is so happy spending time with the others, the switch in mood caused by the dark content in the movie actually catches him off guard for a while
he did like said movie, but maybe let's watch something less heavy next time
barbatos probably didn't watch the whole thing since he was doing things like making everybody tea while the movie was playing
but chances are high he fully understood what was happening regardless
he can tell diavolo got a little upset by the movie, cheering his master up is his first priority after the film ended
he had not heard of the movie before, so he looked it up to check if he could bring luke or not
turns out it's not suitable for him so simeon went without him
as a writer, he really appreciates the effort the creators put into the movie
he's a human and he's been around for a long time, solomon has probably already seen it
the most amusing part of movie night was studying the reactions of the others
also he made cookies but barbatos accidentally dropped the tray, too bad, guess he's making a new batch later
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hallow-moons · 4 years
Obey Me! In an
Ice bath
Tumblr media
Why? Just why he asks.
Takes a lot of convincing to get him to agree to put his whole body in fridged water.
He's the Avatar of Pride so of course he gets in all in one fell swoop.
But you can see that eye twitching.
He is regretting every life choice up to this point.
Still tries to take it like a champ though.
"Ok you can get out now." ...he just sits there.
Says its because he's still fine.
But its because he cant move.
Beel has to come in and pick him up out of the water.
Luci is just silently seething for the next week.
"Why would the Great Mammon do something like that!?"
You have to give him the biggest puppy dog eyes to get him to agree.
Screams as soon as he puts one foot in the ice bath.
"I'm just gonna try to pee to warm up anything..."
"You'd better be so grateful you damn human! You're the only person I'd do this shit for!"
Shivers the entire time even though it makes it worse.
Has a temporary mental break part way through.
Just cries.
Literally flies out of the tub once the time is up.
Does not speak to you for a whole week.
Probably swims in the aquarium with Henry so he's ok with it.
Also he sleeps in a tub. So why not?
He's just flustered that you get to see him shirtless.
When he finally gets comfortable, his demon form comes out.
His tail just lighting wagging over the side of the tub like a mermaid.
He's in his element and forgets that this even some sort of challenge.
Just scrolls through his phone looking at anime stuff.
"You can get out now."
"Huh? Oh I forgot I was in here... I'm fine though. I'll get out later."
You have to make him get out so you can make the others do it.
Then he just goes and gets in the tank with Henry.
"Why on earth would I put myself through that..?"
You'll have to promise to buy him a ton of books or a whole ass cat to get him to agree.
Or tell him that Lucifer did it and now Satan HAS to show him up.
"...If that ass can do I can do it better."
Sticks his foot in and immediately starts cursing.
Just a color string of cuss words for about 10 minutes.
Honestly after that, the water gets hot. He is so angry that the water temperature rises.
"... is it supposed to burn?... it's burning?!"
Is angry at himself for agreeing and and pissed that he failed.
"Put more ice in it!!"
Actually, you'd better have his reward ready by the time he gets out of the bath. His is pissed.
Stares at you in pure confusion for a moment.
"Absolutely not! Why would you even think about making me do such a thing to my beautiful skin?!?"
Puts one toe in and immediately screams both lungs out of his chest.
*sobbing* MC whhhyyy would you make me do this!? You're so meeeeaaannn!"
You're gonna have to promise him a real good night in bed.
Cries and just complains about how bad this has to be for his skin.
Play some music for him in the background. That may help.
Google some facts and tell him that this is actually good for his skin!
"It constricts the blood flow which gives your skin a healthier glow!"
He just looks at you in disbelief.
For once, he doesnt care how good it can be for his appearance.
Just cries some more as Beel hauls him out of the tub.
Gets him some fuzzy blankets and a heater so he doesnt completely hate you.
Is not surprised in the slightest. He already takes ice baths since he works out.
Plus he has had to get both Lucifer and Asmo out of the tub.
At this point, it's not really a challenge for him and you just get to see him in swim wear.
"I mean, yeah, it's a little chilly, but not bad... why is this a challenge?"
Up the ante by giving him a slushie or ice cream to induce brain freeze.
That's going to be the only way to get a reaction out him.
"Oh... oh brain freeze... oww..."
Continues to do his thing.
No one can hold a candle to Beel on this.
"...why in the nine HELLS would I do that?"
Honestly, probably a bad idea to talk Belphie into doing this.
He'll probably fall asleep in the bath and die.
Beel would have to pick him up and throw Belphie in the ice bath.
But Beel isn't going to do that to his little brother.
You have to promise him all the cuddles and naps as a reward.
He'll only last a few minutes in the bath though.
"...fuck this. It's cold."
You tell him that Lucifer did it. "Yeah, I'd love to see him suffer, but I ain't doing it."
The (Un)datables will be in separate post later! This has to be one of the longer headcanons I've done that wasnt an alphabet list. 😱
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Hello! This is a funny yet cute thought that came to mind but can I request head cannons of the Brothers and Nowdateables reacting to an Mc that was actually pregnant throughout the program?
She wasn’t showing at first but as the months go by, her stomach is larger as well as her noticeably odd cravings and waddle. So when asked who the dad is or if it happened through the program, she’s like “I was already pregnant and there is no father, I’m inseminated. I’ve always wanted to be a Mom.”
As her stomach shows, she doesn’t mind letting the boys touch her stomach and feel the kicks, attend baby checkups with her, etc. Until God forbid being with her when her water breaks and she goes into labor during RAD or at one of Diavolo’s parties. It’s up to you if you want this to be romantic (For the Brothers + Datables w/o Luke to see the baby as their own child) or platonic for all of them and be protective uncles + Brother to the child.
I debated not doing this one. Not because I didn’t like it, but because I was nervous about all the Obey me baby requests I’m probably gonna get now. LOLOLOLOL XD
Obey me Boys + Pregnant!MC
Disappointed in himself for not knowing about this before hand. It should have been in your file, but he also should have done his due diligence in vetting you.
Once he’s made aware, he takes great care to make sure you’re taken care of.
No highly strenuous activities. No stress. Well balanced meals and soft surroundings.
Schedules and goes to all your doctor’s appointments with you. Takes notes.
Has a trust set up for you & the baby to make sure you’re taken care of for the rest of your lives
Nervous about holding the baby at first, after it’s born, but gets used to it.
Shocked when you first tell him, and scared
He’s “Baka-mon” after all. He doesn’t want to accidently hurt you or the baby.
Works really hard to be better for the both of you. No more yelling. No more gambling or late nights. He does all his work on time and some of yours too.
Loves to rest his head on your stomach and feel the baby move.
100% the one that gets the an expensive crib, designer clothes, and a Waterford crystal bear for the baby when it’s born.
Wants the baby to call him “Uncle Mammon” when they can talk. If not Dad
Nervous. What’s he gonna do with a baby?? Or a pregnant MC???
Tries to stay away from you as much as possible. Something he feels bad about, but he’s just scared of doing something wrong.
Also, not gonna lie, he’s a little jealous that you’re having someone else’s baby. Even if it is from a donor. (avatar of envy ladies and gentleman)
Reads a lot of Slice of Life family manga to be more prepared and in tune with this new ‘family friendly’ genre he’s found himself in
Puts his headphones on your stomach and plays music for the baby, because he read that they can hear it
Nicknames the baby ‘chibi-chan’ after they are born, because they are so small
Not sure why you were keeping it a secret, or agreed to come to the Devildom if you were pregnant, but handles the news rather well.
Immediately looks into every book on the subject. ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’, pregnancy health books, child rearing.
He wants to be informed so he can help you with this process
Makes all your favorites when he’s on kitchen duty. Takes over your days so you can rest more
Incredibly impressed with how well your managing being pregnant, school, and well.....them all at the same time.
Buys every children's book he comes across for the baby when he sees them. They’ll have a library as big as his by the time they can read.
Actually really loves babies. They are the product of love, which he is all for. And they’re so cuuuuute!
Immediately offers to take you maternity clothes shopping. Every time you need new clothes.
Decorates your room and the nursery for the baby so it’s a warm, inviting space for the both of you.
Always ready to pamper or give the expecting mother a spa day when she needs it
Desperately tries to have their first word be “Asmo”
He’s very happy for you. If this is what you want, and you’re following your dream, he’s happy for you and to help wherever he can
King of the weird food craving brigade. He’ll bring you whatever you want, any time you want. He’s probably hungry too anyway
Extremely protective of you. He was already, but now that he knows you have a defenseless life in your body he’ll do anything to keep you safe.
Often decides that walking is too strenuous for you, and carries you around school or House of Lamentation
Best baby sitter. I voted. No take backs.
Not the biggest fan of the news.
Babies are loud, and need a lot of attention. And he’s the baby of the family so there can’t be two of them
Tries to be supportive, but it is a struggle for him. I mean...there’s nothing he can do so might as well get on board.
Gives you one of his old blankets to have as the baby blanket. It’s very sentimental
When the baby is born, his attitude changes. He’ll murder anyone who gets too close to the baby or even look at them too long. He’s like one of those cats that curl up with newborns and swat at anyone that gets too close while they are sleeping.
Surprised to hear that you are pregnant, but wishes you well all the same
He’s not exactly thrilled you’re having another man’s baby. But you made the decision before you met, so what’s done is done.
Mixes you up a lot of morning sickness relief and joint pain potions to help with your pregnancy
Creates an ever lasting, floating mobile of stars for the baby’s room. Along with protection spells out the wazoo
Decides he will make the baby his new apprentice in magic. When they’re older.
Elated to hear the good news!
A new precious life in the world. What could be better than that?
Always ready to help with anything you need. Shopping, cooking, helping to relax, or even just to talk, he’s there
First to buy the baby there own Baby Book, to record all it’s precious first moments and photographs
Petitions on high to be the child’s official Guardian Angel
He obviously has no experience with this, so he’s interested in where babies come from
Also eager to help. He’s always been the youngest angel, so he’s never had the opportunity to help care for someone else. He really likes the idea of being a ‘big brother’ figure.
Asks a lot of questions. Like....a lot of questions.
Bakes a lot of sweets for you so you can be happy and make sure you’re eating properly
FINALLY! He’s not the smallest anymore!!
Thinks it’s wonderful!
Children are the future. Plus, he is fascinated by human breeding. (not in a creepy way just as a general interest in all things human)
Loves seeing your body grow and change throughout your pregnancy. Is always eager to touch your stomach
Anything you need is yours. Diavolo personally sees to it
Calls your child his little ‘prince or princess’. No matter if you’re romantically involved or not.
Given that he can see the future, he knew that you were pregnant before you told anyone
Puts you on a strict regiment of healthy foods & diet once, you’ve announced it, to make sure you’re getting proper nutrition
Also sneaks in some sweets now & then. He’s a demon, not a monster.
Handles everything from setting doctors appointments to getting the nursery organized for the baby’s arrival
His life’s mission is to make sure you and the baby are cared for. Next to his prince, you two are his top priority now.
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