sappy-witch · 1 year
April Magick 🌷
Hello darlings 🥰
As the season changes and spring blooms, it's a great time to refresh your magical toolkit. Here are some herbs, spices, crystals, and other tools that you can incorporate into your magic this April and their corresponding properties:
Lavender: calming, promotes relaxation and sleep
Mint: energy, mental clarity, and focus
Rosemary: protection, purification, and memory enhancement
Cinnamon: abundance, warmth, and love
Chamomile: prosperity, good luck, and relaxation
Thyme: courage, strength, and purification
Clear Quartz: clarity, amplification, and healing
Rose Quartz: love, harmony, and peace
Citrine: abundance, success, and creativity
Amethyst: intuition, spiritual connection, and relaxation
Black Tourmaline: protection, grounding, and transformation
Selenite: purification, clarity, and spirituality
Jasmine: love and sensuality
Lavender: relaxation and healing
Rose: love spells and self-care rituals
Citrus oils: uplifting, energising, and new beginnings (eg. lemon, grapefruit, and orange)
Peppermint and eucalyptus: clarity and focus
Yellow: represents the sun and new beginnings
Green: growth and abundance 
Pink: love and self-care rituals 
Red: use to incorporate a bit of the Beltane energy
Tarot cards: divination, self-discovery, and guidance
Pendulum: divination, decision-making, and energy balancing
Remember, the magic is within you, and these tools are here to support and enhance your practice. Use them with intention, gratitude, and respect.
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕 
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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nickadiguburke · 1 year
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Happy Beltaine 2023 Today, 1st May, is the Pagan festival of Beltaine or Beltane, traditionally celebrated in Northern Europe, esp Scotland and Ireland, to encourage the cultivation of bountiful harvests. To celebrate I have made book Fires of Beltaine available as a free download on Kindle, until midnight PST. "A world in nuclear turmoil. A young man flees London for the forgotten Scottish island of Invermore. But when he encounters the barbaric fishlike natives, he realises he has replaced one hell with another. The media are scaremongering again, screaming “nuclear annihilation” – the Russian-Ukranian war, threatening to plunge the world into Armageddon. Michael Mann, a young Londoner, flees the media circus, for the quieter climbs of Aberdeen on Scotland's northeast coast. While visiting the local pub, Mann meets grizzled seaman Frank McTavish, who tells him about Beltaine, a spectacular Gaelic festival, to be held by the islanders of Invermore two days hence. Instantly Mann's head is filled with visions of scantily clad beauties throwing themselves around roaring bonfires, to the rhythm of hypnotic drumbeats. The next day he is ferried to the island of Invermore by independent ferry-master Ron Buchanan. On arriving at the quiet harbour, Mann's initial enthusiasm is somewhat doused when he sees the town's dereliction. However, when he meets the crude fishlike natives the crumbling town becomes the least of his worries. He realises the Invermorian's do not see him as a tourist, but as a sacrificial lamb, who they must offer to their pagan gods for the granting of prosperity. Alone and trapped Mann must plot his escape or be barbecued on a bonfire." #beltane #beltaine #beltane2023 #beltaine2023 #firesofbeltaine #bookoffer #freekindlebook #kindle #suspense #supernatural #paganism mayday #beltainefestival #beltaneblessings #beltanefirefestival (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrsxOu8sza-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
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A message from Spirit this Beltane . . .
The Empress encourages us to live a grateful life; we should recognize the blessings we already have. The Garnet card tells us that it is necessary to create well-being in our own lives; we need appropriate outlets for our passions and emotions. The Waxing Moon reminds us to stay focused on the desired outcome.
A Chinese writing stone aids in finding a sense of purpose. Once this purpose is found, moss agate assists with self-expression. Orange calcite helps to maintain stability during expression.
Lavender brings blessings, and honeysuckle draws success and happiness.
Deck credits: Tarot Mucha, Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle by Judy Hall, Moonology
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"What brings me joy today?"
Beltane Blessings and Happy May Day!
For you ~ from Mara
Photo by Mara
#shamanicmessages #yourmorningmeditation #maracleaerspring #beltane2023 #firefestival #flowersbringmejoy.
Mara Clear Spring Cook
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esoterique-fr · 1 year
Beltane 2023
🌺 Beltane 2023 🌺 Dans cet article, nous allons explorer les origines, la signification et le symbolisme de Beltane également appelé Beltaine, mais aussi la date 2023 et les différentes façons de célébrer cette fête importante dans la tradition celtique.  #Beltane2023 #TraditionCeltique #FêtePaïenne #RenouveauDeLaNature #Maypole #FeuDeBeltane #Communauté #Célébration #EspritDeLaNature #Fertilité
Dans cet article, nous allons explorer les origines, la signification et le symbolisme de Beltane également appelé Beltaine, mais aussi la date 2023 et les différentes façons de célébrer cette fête importante dans la tradition celtique.  Quel est l’origine de cette fête ? L’origine précise de la fête de Beltane est incertaine, car elle remonte à une époque où les traditions n’étaient pas écrites…
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lunchnotesfrommom · 1 year
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Merry Beltane, y'all!
#beltane2023 #pagan #wicca #majorsabbat #theoldways
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angelasymposium · 1 year
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🔥 A Blessed Beltane to all of you celebrating!🔥 The name "Beltane" is derived from the Old Irish word "Bealtaine" (sometimes spelt differently), which roughly translates to "bright fire." This festival of fire celebrates the burgeoning life, fertility, and abundance that the warmer months bring, as well as the vital connection between the human and natural worlds. Central to Beltane festivities is the lighting of bonfires, which symbolise the sun's return and the power of its warmth to ignite the earth's fertility. Historically, people would drive their livestock between two bonfires as a form of purification and protection before the animals were moved to their summer grazing pastures. The fires were often lit using nine sacred kinds of wood, each imbued with its unique symbolism and qualities. The ashes from these bonfires were then scattered over fields and gardens to bless the land and ensure a prosperous, growing season. Another key aspect of Beltane celebrations is the Maypole, a tall wooden pole adorned with colourful ribbons, which represents the union of the divine masculine and feminine. Participants dance around the Maypole, weaving the ribbons together in intricate patterns, symbolising the intertwining of life's many forces and the interconnectedness of all living beings. In contemporary Pagan practices, Beltane is an occasion to honour the sacred union between the God and the Goddess, which brings forth new life and abundance. Rituals may include the enactment of the Great Rite, in which the symbolic joining of the masculine and feminine energies is celebrated through ceremonial actions or in the form of a sacred marriage between the High Priest and High Priestess. 🌞 I wish you all a happy and blessed Beltane filled with joy, love, and abundance 🔥 Your academic references to find more about it is linked below https://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/id/eprint/8886/1/MR14198.pdf https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02614367.2014.962591 #Beltane2023 #HappyBeltane #BeltaneBlessings #SacredFire #MaypoleMagic #PaganAcademics
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sappy-witch · 1 year
✨🌸 Celebrating Beltane 🌸✨
Hello darlings 🥰 
It's almost Beltane! This Sabbat is a time for celebrating the fertility of the Earth and the coming of summer. Beltane is traditionally celebrated on May 1st, but some Pagans and Witches choose to celebrate on the Full Moon closest to that date, which falls on May 14th in 2023.
So, what can you do to celebrate and take advantage of this Beltane? Here are a few ideas: 
🌸 Create a Maypole: A Maypole is a traditional symbol of Beltane and represents the union of the masculine and feminine energies. You can create your own Maypole using a tall pole or tree, and decorate it with ribbons, flowers, and other symbols that resonate with you.
🌸 Light a Fire: Fire is another important symbol of Beltane, representing transformation and purification. You can light a fire in your backyard or at a nearby park (if allowed), and use it to release anything that no longer serves you. You can also use the fire to charge your tools and crystals.
🌸 Make Flower Crowns: Flowers are a beautiful representation of the Earth's fertility and abundance. You can make your own flower crown using fresh flowers, leaves, and other natural materials. Wear it throughout the day as a reminder of the beauty and abundance around you.
🌸 Perform a Ritual: Beltane is a powerful time for manifestation and setting intentions. You can perform a ritual to honor the Earth, the God and Goddess, and your own personal power. You can also use this time to set intentions for the coming months and visualize what you want to manifest.
Remember, there are no right or wrong ways to celebrate Beltane. Follow your intuition and do what feels right for you. Happy Beltane, darlings! 🌺🔥🌿
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕 
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Happy Late Beltane. Lovely video.
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