#ben affleck imagine
yourimagines · 3 months
Hi love👋🏻
Can you perhaps write a multiple story about Dunkirk or Pearl harbour. With the actors jack lowden, josh hartnett, ben affleck and Tom hardy. I’m so down for them 😂
If not it’s fine, I understand
Hi, thank you for your request, sorry it took me this long but here is the first part. It's going to be a slow burn ad the readers choose how this story will go, so please tell me what should happen next🧡
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: WW2, Swearing, Angst and fluff
Disclaimer: It’s a fiction based off real life events.
Part two, Part three, Part four
Jack Collins 23 years old,
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Tom Farrier 26 years old,
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Danny Walker 22 years old,
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Rafe McCawley 24 years old,
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The world was falling apart slowly as war began to spread across Europe. Most of the men who were above 16 years old joined the military, to fight for our country. I joined the military as well as a 20 year old woman, to help and take care of our men as a nurse.
“This is France.” Mrs Dawson said as she pointed at the map, that was hanging against the wall. “Some of you will go there and help our forces at the front lines, others stay here.” Most girls got excited as they heard about going to France, going to our troops. “We all move to the military base tomorrow morning, pack light because you don’t need anything else than your medical supplies at the front lines.” With that she ended her speech and we all went back to our rooms, getting ready for tomorrow.
——The next day——
It was six in the morning when they woke us up. “Let’s go ladies, time is ticking.” We all got up and got ready. “I’m so excited, I hope I’ll get picked for France.” My best friend said as she put some makeup on. “There is a war going on, you know that right?” She nodded and flashed me a smile through the mirror. “Y/n, there are the real men, not those….you know from town.” I rolled my eyes and smoothed my dress. “Right….just hurry up, I don’t want to be late.”
The train ride was quiet as everyone was nervous. “Please let them be handsome.” One of my new friends said. “Of course they are, all RAF pilots are good looking and respectful men.” A small discussion started between a few ladies. “Y/n needs a man.” My best friend said with a giggle. “No I don’t, I’m not here to find a man.” She gave me a look and shrugged me off. “Everyone is looking for a man…”
After a long travel day we arrived at the military base from the RAF. “Ladies, I want you all to behave and show your best side as captain Morty will guide us to our rooms.” Mrs Dawson said as captain Morty smiled at us. “Yes mrs Dawson.” We all said in chorus. She nodded at the captain and he guided us to our rooms as we passed through a few hangars.
Jack POV
“Nurses will be joining us.” Danny said as he joined us at the hangar. “Really?” Josh a new mechanic said as he looked up from his work. “Yes, they just arrived.” The mechanics started to whistle as they heard the new from Danny. “Calm down, they are just nurses.” Rafe said with a grin on his face, finding it amusing how the mechanics reacted to the news. “He’s right, they are here to do their job, so let’s focus on ours.” Tom our squad commander said as he was reading a book. “Of course…” they mumbled as they went back to their work.
The whole atmosphere between the mechanics was different than usual, It’s causing a bit of commotion between everyone. “Do you think we have a chance?” Josh asked As he was cleaning his work spot. “Honestly no, if they are looking for a man, they want those ground soldiers.” Danny said as he stood up, brushing off his pants. “Really? Not even the pilots?” Josh looked a bit disappointed at Danny, who just shook his head. “Josh, he’s joking around, of course we have a chance. Women like every man that is serving in the military at the moment.” Rafe said with an amusing smile on his face, as his best friend was joking around with the mechanics.
We all got send off early to our beds as we all needed those extra hours of sleep. “I heard it’s not going well for the French.” Danny quietly said as we were all lying in our bunk beds. “Do you think we are going there?” He popped his head up and leaned over the edge to look down at his friend Rafe, who was lying on his back, his arms crossed behind his head. “Maybe…” he answered, Danny nodded and laid back in his bed. “Why are you thinking about that?” I asked him. “Don’t know, I heard one of the mechanics talking about it this morning.” I hummed and rolled over to my left side, facing the wall. “We’ll see how it goes…”
The girls were excited as we saw a few mechanics and pilots roaming around in one of the hangars. “They are all so handsome.” One said as we were getting ready to go to bed. “I know…” my best friend said. I smiled and crawled into the bed. “I can’t wait to start tomorrow.” We all giggled about it, gossiping about them and talking about our future. After some time we turned the light off and laid down in our own beds. “We should get some sleep, we all need to look good in the morning.” Someone said as a few hummed and agreed. I silently nodded and turned around, facing the wall. “We’ll see how it goes…”
We all woken up by a bell going off, it was Mrs Dawson. “Ladies, it’s time to get ready.” Some of us groaned, some of us stood up without saying a word. I slowly turned around and moved the blanket away. “Come on, get up.” Mrs Dawson said as a few were still lying in their beds. “You all have 10 minutes to get ready.” She disappeared from our shared room and we all began our morning routine.
“This is the work station for you ladies.” Caption Morty said as we walked into a room, looking like a small hospital. “Our men will stop by to get their medical check ups before leaving for their missions.” We all looked around the room. “Anymore questions? If not, Mrs Dawson has the schedules from all the groups that are in this facility and she also has the time schedules for the canteen. Ladies I wish you all the best.” He gave Mrs Dawson a nod and left us alone, she started to show us the schedules and rules for our new adventure here at the RAF military base.
Jack POV
Danny went for a walk and came back with a smile on his face. “What happened to you?” Rafe asked as Danny joined us at the table. “I saw them.” Tom sighed and continued to eat his breakfast. “Is that why you went for a walk?” Danny smiles and digs into his breakfast. “Danny come on…” Rafe said annoyingly. “I only passed by, they were with captain Morty.” I shook my head and Tom shot me a well knowing glare. “I think we should leave them be, they can’t have us spying on them as well. The mechanics are already losing their minds.” Rafe pointed at me, agreeing what I just said. “See, you need to stop Walker, we are here to fight for our country. Not for the ladies…” Danny nodded, knowing what we meant. “Yeah…you’re right.” Rafe gave him a gently pat on his shoulder. “It’s all good brother.”
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elaytv · 1 year
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Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck finally found a forever home...g, I wonder what took them so long ...🤔💭💭💭
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multi-fandom-enjoyer · 5 months
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Y/n uses Gwen's Spider-Society watch to travel to Wade's Earth.
Y/n: Alright, Wade, I'm here. I'm sorry about yesterday. What did you need my help with?
Wade: It's too late, Y/n. You've already broken my heart.
Y/n: You interrupted my day off with Gwen!
Wade: Either way, I have found a new best friend. Say "Hi" Matt.
He pushed a guy wearing red tinted glasses and holding a cane out in front of you.
Matt: Uh... Hello?
Wade: Figured it was time Ben got a second chance at the character. And now Team Red is officially together!
Y/n looks at Matt and whispers.
Y/n: He kidnapped you too, didn't he.
Matt: Yep.
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batmanlovesnirvana · 6 months
— The Waynes like the American royals or the Kennedys…
[ Matt Reeves, director of The Batman, spoke about his opinion on Thomas and Martha Wayne. The director revealed that his version of the Waynes was inspired by British or American royalty such as the Kennedy family. ] via KCRW
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KCRW: So many of the movie iterations of Batman going back to Tim Burton’s are about how Bruce Wayne is basically a part that he plays. And the Bruce Wayne that we see in "The Batman" is somebody who doesn't have that kind of equipment, who isn't shaped in that way, who doesn't find this kind of release in pretending to be something that he isn't. Both of his lives bleed into his alter ego and his more public iteration.
REEVES : “One of the things that was interesting to me was to focus on not an origin tale because we'd seen Burton had done that so well, and Nolan did it so well. I wanted to do an early years “Batman” and Bruce Wayne. And it was important to me that while it wasn't an origin story, he was, in the early years of what he was doing, and was still trying to make sense of himself, was still a young man trying to put himself together and find a way to function. This idea of not yet understanding even the asset that being Bruce Wayne could be, the way that other iterations of the character have where they realize, oh, I can be Bruce Wayne, and that can be another kind of mask. He's just not together enough yet to even understand how valuable that's gonna be.
I was interested in the idea that Bruce was at a stage where he couldn't bear the weight of the history of being part of the Waynes. I thought it might be a bit like a member of the Kennedy family like the American royals, or what a British royal would be like in the wake of a tragedy and how a lens has been put on you because of a family tragedy that you couldn't have never escape. And so his response would be to want to withdraw from all of this and not understand that in the mission that he was trying to do to try to make sense of his life, he might be able to use what had happened to him as a kind of mask, which could be useful to him.
This whole movie is about him coming into being. It's not about him mastering himself. Of course, it's a fantastical notion that you could master yourself. I mean, nobody masters themselves. What was really interesting was seeing somebody who was trying to master himself, but had a tremendous amount of what he was doing that he didn't yet even have awareness of. He wasn't aware of his motivations. And I was thinking about the idea of masks and sort of Jungian psychology and him being driven by his shadow side. That whole idea that in Jungian psychology, you're supposed to make yourself aware of those shadow impulses so that you're able to incorporate them into your life. I like the idea of him being at this stage in his life, where he really wasn't seeing that, and he didn't understand everything that was driving him because he was in a kind of emotional freefall. ”
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ofqueensandwitches · 2 months
Saw someone on tiktok said Ben Affleck and Matt Damon is like real life Buddie but if they were successful showbiz people instead of firefighters, and that’s kept me up tonight
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transmechanicus · 5 months
It’s simple, we uh feminize The Batman
- The Woker
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wandalfnation · 1 year
A Simple Favour
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne X Reader
Word Count: 1.5k+
Rating: PG
Summary: This is the story of a budding relationship between a man and a woman. A woman who owes a very dangerous man a very, very big favour. 
Warnings: Nothing so far!
Gotham city. One of the biggest cities in the world. Every second a million different things were happening. Both good and bad. You? You’re almost sprinting down the street as your hand is gripping your hat to keep it on your head. 
You surely look a mess, with your fly away hairs, the steady trickle of sweat running down your forehead and your mislaid clothes. Yet, the second you run into the cafe, his eyes light up. The corners of his mouth turn up into a smile as he stands up from the small table, waving you over. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Bruce. You know how hectic work can be.” You’re in the middle of hurriedly apologising when he places his hand on your shoulder. 
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t waiting long.” 
You let out a breath, taking a second to gather yourself as you sit in the seat he held out for you. Sitting back down, he pours you a glass of water. 
“Was it Richard again?”
“Yep,” your words sound more like a groan. “I don’t know what he has against me, it’s like he has a vendetta or something.”
Bruce chuckles, sipping at his own glass. The two of you had met around a year ago at a fundraiser. You’d been loitering around the buffet table when he walked in. You hadn’t been paying attention as everyone’s eyes were drawn to the door. You did, however, hear the murmurs going around the room. 
“Gosh, Bruce Wayne with another woman! Will he ever settle down?”
“Late, as always.”
“You know, I heard he’s going broke! Apparently he gives too much away to charity.”
You’d never seen The Bruce Wayne before but he wasn’t difficult to pick out from the crowd. What, with two Russian models hanging off his arms and a cocky, know it all, smirk plastered on his face, you would’ve recognised him from 100 miles away. 
You wish you could say he glanced into your eyes and you instantly knew he was not what he seemed. That he was putting on a playboy persona. But, he didn’t. In fact, he didn’t glance your way once, not even when he came over to grab something from the table. It was like you didn’t exist. 
Luckily for you, these gatherings had never been your thing. You’d come and stayed for an appropriate amount of time, so it was soon after that you were heading for the exit. 
Saying a quick goodbye to your coworkers, you left through the grand doors. Only, you were halfway down the grand steps when you realised you’d left your purse at the buffet. You resist the urge to smack yourself in the face, how could you be so forgetful?
Turning around, you were about to run up the steps when you ran directly into something. 
Well, someone. 
You felt your breath catch in your throat, as your eye trailed up the wide chest to the blue eyes staring down at you. 
Realising it was Bruce Wayne, you jump back and instantly start to apologise. Now was not the time to get on the bad side of Gotham’s most powerful man! 
“I’m so so sorry, I should’ve been looking where I was going. But I left my purse in there and was so caught up in my th-“
In your rushed words, you’d missed the twitching of Bruce’s lips. 
“Don’t worry, in all honesty it was my fault. I apologise.”
His words catch you off guard. Wasn’t he supposed to be some obnoxious prick? 
Blinking a few times, you direct your eyes down to your shoes. “I-It’s okay.”
There’s a moment of silence but for some reason, it doesn’t feel awkward. 
“So, I’ve been to a lot of these things and have never run into you before.” He says, stepping back slightly. 
“Ah yes, I actually moved here last week. I’m from New York but got the opportunity to come work here for Mr Dwight Halbert.” 
Bruce hums. “Well, I better be going but I hope you settle in well.”
You can’t stop the disappointment from flooding your chest. This is ridiculous, you’ve only just met the guy! So what if he had beautiful eyes? And the most sculptured body you’d ever seen? And a voice that felt like honey?
“Oh, okay. Have a good night Mister Wayne.” You shyly smile, looking away as he turns around and heads down the stairs. 
He just gets to the bottom when he faces you one last time. “I hope to be seeing more of you.”
His words, although simple, leave a smile on your face for days to come. At least you know how he gets all the European models. 
“Y’know, I could totally get him fired.” Bruce says, hiding his smile behind his mug. His words bring you back to the current time, the cafe, your tardiness. 
“If only I didn’t have a moral code.” You sigh, shaking your head. 
Bruce chuckles, handing you a menu. 
Your ‘lunch date’ went well, as usual. After meeting him at the fundraiser, you found yourself randomly bumping into him. Three bus stops, two trains and six aisles later. Places he usually never goes to, but you don’t need to know that. Soon after, he asked you to lunch. Casual, of course. 
You’d been meeting up on a weekly basis since. 
You both order your food and get to chatting. At this point, you feel like you know everything there is to know about Bruce Wayne. Yet, you feel like you’re only scraping the surface. Looking into those eyes, you just knew that there was something underneath. Something that very few people got to see. 
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a tintsy, tiny, crush on the man. What, with those eyes, muscles and big strong arms? He could be a male model. Then there’s the way his eyes crinkle up when he smiles at you. How he gently lays his hand on your back in a crowd, a tiny gesture of public intimacy that makes you feel warm and safe. The way your name rolls off his tongue, like it was made just for him to speak. 
Okay, maybe you’re totally whipped for him. 
You try to stop the tug on your heart as you realise the undeniable truth. He certainly doesn’t like you like that. He merely sees you as a close friend. I mean, after six months of casual lunch meets, he surely would’ve said something if he wanted something more. Right? (models lol)
Lunch comes to an end far too quickly and you’re left already yearning for the next chance you get to see him. Glancing into your handbag, you reach for your purse. That isn’t there. 
“Ah shit,” you sigh, closing your eyes in frustration. “I left my purse at work.”
“That’s okay,” Bruce smiles. “I’ll pay.”
You go to resist but he’s already standing up. “But that means you owe me a favour.”
You suck in a breath as you instantly picture that moment from all those years ago. The green hair, purple suit, manic laughter and the inarguable fear you felt. A shiver runs down your spine as your face drops. For a second, you go white as a sheet. However, you quickly recover. The moment finishes as soon as it starts, as you quickly lift your lips up into a smile. It’s so brief that any normal person would’ve missed it. But not Bruce. 
His eyebrows furrow in worry, as he’s struck off guard. He goes to comfort you when you suddenly stand from your seat.
“T-Thank you Bruce.” You stumble over your first few words but regain your composure swiftly. “I’ll shout lunch next time.” 
“Of course.” 
That’s another thing you like about Bruce. He never makes you feel like less when it comes to money (or anything, really). The first time you met for lunch he tried to pay on your behalf but you denied him, insisting that you were equals and therefore, you could pay for your own meal. He caught on quickly and has happily split the bill with you ever since. You often found yourself forgetting just how loaded he is. He never used his money in a bragging type way and if it weren’t for the expensive cars or luxurious suits, you wouldn’t even know he was the richest man in Gotham. 
After paying the bill, you and Bruce say your goodbye and head off in different directions. It was always bitter when you were forced to part ways but what else could you do? It’s not like you were his girlfriend. You couldn’t just meet him at Wayne Manor and spend the night together.
You’re pulled from your upsetting thoughts when you receive a phone call from an anonymous number. Letting out a quick sign, you pick the phone up and go to speak, when you hear it.
“Hello lovely.”
You’d recognise that voice anywhere.
Stopping your hand from shaking too much, you take in a breath, and try to calm yourself down.
“What? Cat got your tongue?” The question is followed by laughter. A laugh much too dramatic for such a simple joke. If it can even be called that.
“I do have the right number, don’t I?”
You feel a shiver with each syllable. 
“Yes.” You finally get your voice back and reply. “Are you finally using your favour, Joker?” 
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Yes, it's true, i do hungrily want a cliche "I'll grab your face gently. Look for you, somewhere, in ruin. I'll take your hands, soaked with my blood, and still not believe it's you who spilled it there" jason and bruce scene. while it's raining.
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Social Media AU: Y/n Wayne loves "Big Boy" Baseball
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Other Social Media AU Big Boys:
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thetistaboveall · 8 months
Sketch Artist
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Sitting on the boardwalk of my small town country side home in the midst of a busy parades passing the streets and yet I am yanked back to reality when my pencil drops to my side. My eyes meet the page shading in beautiful designs of the way of the hottest guy I have every seen and I knew I had to have him as my own even thought he is a truly haunted soul. He is forty something years old hot, muscled and super sexy guy who I created with my own imagination and indeed it all starts flow from control as the ink flood through the pen. The ink piles from the pen flooding all the way on to the ink helping it to take up room shaking things up and my drawing comes to life flying off the page because I am a master of the world.He is looking absolutely amazing in a light leather jacket with a grey tee and super tight dark blue jeans and I am consumed by his inner beauty to do as I please with him. I stood up walking toward him standing up to him face to him because I take his waist in my hand and pull him in to me kissing him slowly and soon i find myself making out with intensity.
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“Who are you? Who am I?”
“I am Master Lawrence”
“You are Slave Jay, my slave”
“Yes Master”
“Kneel at my feet”
“Who are you to me?”
“I am your creator”
“Literally your God”
“Yes! My God”
“You submit to me”
“Yes Daddy!”
“You are my young creator”
“Fair enough!”
“May I kiss you ?”
“I crave to do so”
“I don’t know why”
“You are in love with me”
“I am”
“Every fiber of my being “
“You seep through “
“At the core “
“Yes sire”
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“You are a poet”
“How would you know?”
“Your words”
“They call to me”
“Your voice is sweet”
“Your sound is kind “
“You are the perfect “
“The perfect what?”
“Everything my king”
“Be careful what you say “
“My love”
“You don’t understand “
“No! You don’t”
“What do you expect?”
“I am in awe of you “
“Kiss me”
“Worship me”
“I am on my knees”
“Do you love me?”
“More then anything “
“Go on”
“My whole world “
“I love you “
“I am at your core”
“Bite my lips “
“Oh god!”
“Sit on my lap”
“Show me who you are “
“My lap dance”
“Get on with it “
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I grab My sketch book giggling a bit with a tip of the pen we are transported to my bed room in my newly renovated mansion in the private part of the city .
It is soon enough he woke up in a heat of hot passion he leans in to kiss me slowly
his lips act as if they are attached to me
on purpose he is unwilling to let go.
I back up to edge of bed as his heavy ass of a body comes barreling down on me as we fall back on to the bed and he kisses me very slowly.
His arms wrap around my waist as they are growing even tighter on my waist he yanks me up and places me to face him and plop
i am on his waist.
It is too funny for me watching him this jerk of an asshole is squirming under me while his eyes grew full and he continues make love to me.
He loses himself digging his hand under my shirt as he shifts it up and over my hand as my clothes toss in to the air and fall to the floor.
“Are you a real man Jay? Speak!”
“No Master! You are my King”
“Tell me”
“Call me Master Lawrence “
“Yes! Master Lawrence “
“Lead me”
“I am your man”
“You are mine”
“We are combined “
“We are one individual “
“Belonging to you”
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The end
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The Dunk Knight.
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djservo · 8 months
im dumb and thought this whole time that jay & silent bob were canadian bc their degrassi cameos were my first intro to them but they're NEW JERSEY kings wow. this bro-coded mix up
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elaytv · 1 year
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cassie48 · 3 months
𝗕𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹
Will hunting x fem oc
More here
In which niamh O’Malley is a Boston girl, and Will hunting is a Boston boy, and finally after 20 years they’ve realised they’re more than just 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴.
A/n for those who aren’t Irish niamh is pronounced (knee-iv) !!
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Niamh couldn’t exactly remember what age her and will had met, but she can remember being barely able to walk, but she had. She had walked to will. He was only 3 at the time, but he laughed when she reached him. She can still hear their parents laughs as she did.
Their families we’re neighbours and very good friends, both being from the same part of Ireland, county Louth.
They were Irish-catholic and so when they grew up met other Irish originated boys, chuckie, Billy and Morgan.
They spent most nights in their local pub. On this particular evening, the gang of five were making they’re way too it.
“Will how retarded do you gotta be to get fired from that job” Morgan asked teasing him.
“I mean how hard is it to push a motherfuckin broom around?” He continued laughing in his face.
“Morgan shut the fuck up you got fired from pushin a fuckin brush around!” Niamh said defending will.
Will smirked and put his arm around her shoulders “yeah you bitch, listen to the lady” he laughed.
“I got fired cause management was restructuring” he defended moodily.
“Yeah restructuring the amount of retards they had working for em” Billy said making the three laugh at Morgan.
“Shut up you get canned more than tuna bitch” Morgan said, his face now full of frustration.
“At least he got a goddamn job” Niamh said smiling in his face.
“At least I got a motherfuckin job right now don’t I?” Morgan defended.
“Yeah” chuckie said laughing.
“Why did you get fired will? Come on” Billy asked
“Management was restructuring” Will said using Morgan’s line.
They all laughed out loudly except for Morgan who tried to hide a smile from them.
“My uncle could probably get you a job will” Niamh said making him look at her.
“He can do that?” Will smiled.
“Yeah, he got chuckie one remember?” She replied.
“Are you kidding me? I asked you yesterday if I could get a job” Morgan said looking at Niamh.
“Come on man it’s will, it’s different with them” Chuckie said laughing.
“But she got you one!” Morgan defended.
“Yeah cause he didn’t try to kiss my best friend last week!” Niamh said talking about her friend Chloe.
“Hey! She totally wanted me to! She had that look in her eyes man” Morgan yelled from behind.
They simply ignored him, walking into the pub, saying hi to a man they knew outside it.
“Hey Casey” they all said to the old man as he nodded.
They all walked in, taking in their new surroundings. They had heard that this bar was where the Harvard students went, and so thought it would be fun to check it out.
“Come on let’s go this way” Chuckie said, and they all followed him.
Chuckie took off his coat, looking around the bar “this is a Harvard bar? I thought there’d be like, equations and shit on the wall.” He said making niamh laugh
They all sat down at one of the tables, and waited as Chuckie ordered drinks. Niamh looked around the bar, tucking some of her brown hair behind her ear. She looked in the far corner seeing her friend, Chloe.
“Oh hey! There’s Chloe I’m gonna go say hi. I’ll be back in a few minutes” she said getting up and leaving.
“Hey man this is my chance at redemption!” Morgan said standing up.
“Sit your ass back down you idiot. I won’t have you ruin Niamh’s relationship with her best because of your dumbass” will said with a serious face.
Morgan rolled his eyes, but listened to him.
Chloe and niamh had sat down together. Chloe was a Harvard student, which you’d think is weird considering her and Niamh are friends. They met really young in a playground and their parents suprisingly got on, despite their financial differences, making the two girls stay in contact.
All of a sudden as they were drinking their beers at the bar, a man with long blonde hair came over to them.
“What’s up Chloe?” He said in a low voice.
“Nothing really Clark” she replied clearly not wanting to start a conversation making niamh try meet her line of sight with a questioning look.
“So, who are you?” Clark then asked looking at niamh.
“Oh I’m niamh O’Malley” niamh smiled awkwardly at him.
“You, you go to Harvard?” He asked her.
“Oh…em no I, I don’t” she laughed.
“Yeah I uh, I thought not” he said back rudely.
“Excuse me?” She side her eyes widening.
“I just meant I haven’t seen you in any classes” he said, his face holding a proud smirk.
“Mhm” she murmured hoping he’d go away.
“I uh i study history, do you know any history?” He asked her.
“Yeah actually it was my favourite subject in school” she replied.
“Cool, I was wondering if you could give me some insight into the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies” he said waiting for her to say something.
Niamh’s cheeks grew red. She was so embarrassed. Why couldn’t he just leave? He had made his point about being smarter than her.
“My contention is that prior to the revolutionary war, the economic modalities especially in the southern colonies could most aptly be characterised as agrarian precapitalist” he continued.
Niamh could have sworn will was the other side of the room, but no, he came from behind her ready to eat this guy alive.
“Of course that’s your contention. You’re a first year grad student, you’ve just got finished readin some marxian historian, Pete garrison probably. You’re gonna be convinced of that till next month when you get to read James lemon” Will began.
Niamh smirked at the scene and knew who was going to embarrass the man far more than he had embarrassed her.
“Then you’re gonna be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740” will continued.
He turned around for a split second making eye contact with Niamh and the two shared a quick smile.
“That’s gonna last until next year, you’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon wood, talkin about you know, the pre revolutionary utopia and the capitalist forming effects of military mobilisation” will finished making Niamh laugh.
Clark glared at her before saying “well, as a matter of fact I won’t, because wood drastically underestimates the impact of-
“Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions, predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth. You got that form vickers work in Essex county page 98, right? Yeah I read that too. We’re you gonna plagiarism the whole thing for us? Or just embarrass Niamh, huh?” Will said stepping closer to Clark.
“Is that your thing? You come into a bar, you read some obscure passage, and then pretend you….pass it off as your own, as your own idea just to show off and embarrass her” Will said looking at Niamh who was smirking.
“See the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years you’re gonna start doing some thinkin on your own and your gonna come up with the idea that there are two certainties in life. One, don’t do that, and two you dropped a 150 grand on a fuckin education you could have got for a solar fifty in late charges at the public library” Will said and everyone around laughed.
“Yeah but I will have a degree” Clark said with a smirk.
“And you’ll be serving my kids fries at a drive-thru on our way to a skiing trip.” He continued.
Will looked at all his friends laughing with a huge smile on his face.
“Yeah maybe, but at least I won’t be unoriginal. Pardon me if you have a problem with that I mean we could just step outside and figure it out, if not don’t ever talk to her again alright genius” Will said stepping closer to him again.
“No man there’s no problem” Clark answered, his face full of embarrassment.
“Cool?” Will said making Clark nod as he left the bar.
“Fuckin damn right it’s cool” Chuckie said laughing as he watched the man leave.
“Come on Niamh” Will said as he waited for her stand up before putting his arm around her shoulders once more.
Chloe watched Niamh lean in and whisper something to Will making him laugh. She smiled at them, giving the boys a knowing look.
About an hour or two later, the group left the bar and we’re about to go to another one when Morgan and Billy saw Clark and his friends sitting in a bar at the window.
Will laughed and dragged Niamh with him and the boys followed. “Will is swear to god don’t do something stupid” Niamh said.
Will just smiled down at her before saying “Come on I’d never” with a cheeky grin.
“Hey man, you think she’s hot?” Will asked pointing to the girl beside.
“Will!” she laughed and looked down at the ground as Clark and his friends looked at her.
“Yeah” Clark said and smirked cockily.
Niamh face dropped and she but her lip looking at the ground.
“Well I’m taking her home tonight so keep dreaming Thor” He said making all the boys laugh and eventually Niamh joined in, seeing Clark’s face.
Later that night, or you could could say the next morning, the group were in the car, when they pulled up to wills house. Will and Niamh got out, and walked up the path.
Niamh watched as the car drove away, then she looked back at Will expecting him to be in his house by now, but he wasn’t.
He was looking back at her, so they smiled, knowing they’d both been caught staring at one another.
“Hey um, thanks a lot for earlier I mean, if it weren’t for you I’d of been completely annihilated” she said walking up to him.
“Of course I mean, I’m not gonna let that asshole talk to you like that. Plus I got to show off” He smirked taking closer to her.
“Yeah, I know how much you love that” she smiled, taking a step towards him too.
Before they knew it, they were right in front of each other, their faces mere inches apart.
“Hey, if I were to ask you to come to the bar with me tonight what would you say?” He whispered.
“Well, I mean we always go” she said back, obliviously.
Will laughed, niamh felt his hot breath and her cheeks grew red.
“No, I-I mean like, another time, like without the guys just us.” He said looking straight into her eyes.
“Oh um…..you mean like a, a date?” She said nervously.
“Yeah, like a date” He smirked watching her nervously.
“Yeah, sure I’d like that” she whispered back.
“You’d like that, huh?” He said, involuntarily leaning in, and she leaned in too.
“Mhm” she said, staring at his lips.
He closed that gap that had become very small, placing his lips on hers delicately, it felt like a dream for both of them. They’d been longing for this for years, both too scared to make the first move.
She kissed him back and they both leaned into each other, wills arms went around her waist, and she tilted her head slightly up, as he was taller than her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, gasping as he slipped his tongue in and they both laughed as they kissed. They continued for another minute, until a beeping horn broke them apart, Niamh jumped, clearly shocked by the sound.
They looked and saw Billy, Morgan and Chuckie staring at them laughing and pointing.
Niamh laughed before leaning her head on Wills shoulder, hiding her face from embarrassment that they’d been caught.
“We knew it! We knew you two were doing it!” Morgan yelled.
“We’re not!” Niamh defended.
“Shut the fuck up” Will yelled in his thick Boston accent.
“See you tomorrow!” Chuckie laughed before driving off.
They stood in silence for a minute before will spoke “you wanna come inside, it’s cold” he said with a little smile.
“I’d like that very much” she said, and with that the two went inside his house.
A/N : sorry y’all I had to make this i rewatched good will hunting for the millionth time and I realised I’d never seen a fanfic for Will and I WONT STAND FOR IT❗️❗️ anyways hope y’all and happy and well xoxo
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bitcell · 11 months
listen 🚬🚬 i've been keeping up w bbh since 2020 and he will never accept or concede to someone who has an opinion that doesn't match his, regardless of what they say and that makes me always side with the other side even more
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the-atlas-sister · 1 year
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