#ben is concerned
‘  please don’t leave me.  ’ (thisshadeofred Ritz to Ben)
For a moment, Ben looked surprise. Then, as soon as he had snapped back to the moment, he shook his head and opened his arms to the girl. "I won' leave ya, Ritzy... I would nevah leave ya..." He gave her a soft, worried frown. "What makes ya say that? Did I do somethin' ta make ya think I would?"
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astraystayyh · 8 months
Israel doesn't want to repopulate Gaza, you loveable dummy
Seriously, find one Israeli on this site who'll say otherwise. And no, quoting Ben Gvir doesn't count (assuming you even know who that is) anymore than quoting, say, Rudy Giuliani would count for anything, even though he supposedly spoke for the president of the USA for a time.
Hamas has 136 hostages. Including women, and actual literal babies, assuming they're still alive, that is. This could all have ended weeks ago if they'd fucking returned them. Israeli society would physically march on Benjamin Netanyahu's home and remove him in a coup if the hostages were returned tonight. But as long as they have Israeli people, and are unwilling to negotiate their return, that's an ongoing war crime. Is Israel evil for being a bull in a China shop trying to get back a "mere" 136 innocent civilians? Maybe. But Hamas started this and they can end it, they just don't want to. Please, justify that.
Hello, since you asked for one Israeli, here, I'll give you multiple statements:
Hundreds of activists at an Ashdod gathering in late November called for the reestablishing of Jewish settlements. “Let it be known that you support the appeal to renew Jewish settlement throughout all of the Gaza Strip. The nation is waiting for you”— Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council.
Israel “should fully occupy the Gaza Strip”— Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party.
An Israeli real estate firm pushes to build settlements for Israelis in Gaza. “Wake up, a beach house is not a dream” reads the ad.
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Israeli Knesset member Limor Son Har Melech posted a video of herself in a boat with other settlers off the coast of Gaza. “Settlement in every part of the Gaza Strip … A large, extensive settlement without fear, without hesitation, without humiliation. This land is the land that the creator of the world gave to us.”
Israeli Settler, Daniella Weiss says Palestinians who live in Gaza, have no right to stay in Gaza.
An Israeli soldier saying that Israelis should start “investing” in Khan Younis.
Also why would the words of Ben Gvir not count? He is an elected minister, his words hold weight and they expose Israel’s clear intent to make Gaza inhabitable for Palestinians so that Israelis could settle in there— by destroying the infrastructures, making the health system collapse entirely, bombing entire residential neighborhood, Israel is trying to ensure that Palestinians wouldn't be able to return back to their land, because there is nothing livable left there.
And I'm glad you bring up all of this ending if the hostages were returned— Hamas tried to strike up a deal for the return of ALL the hostages, in exchange of the release of all Palestinian prisoners. Israel refused. You know why? Because this has never been about hostages and their safety for Israel.
There is a reason why Israel shot its own hostages when it mistook them for Palestinian civilians, waving a white cloth. There is a reason why the IDF called to shoot indiscriminately on Oct. 7, knowing that it could kill some of the hostages too. Because Israel wants to kill Palestinians, to "thin out its population" (or maybe we shouldn't take into account the says and actions of Netanyahu too ://). This is why it targets schools and mosques and hospitals and ambulances and refugee camps. Israel knows that if it does get all its hostages back, then there would be nothing to “justify” its genocide in Gaza (although, as UN Secretary-General said : "Nothing can justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is beyond words")
Israel is the only reason why the hostages aren't fred yet. THEY are unwilling to negotiate the return because they don't want to stop this genocide. What good is a five days ceasefire only for the bombings to return? Do you even realize how psychologically traumatizing it is to have a countdown of when your massacre would resume? The only acceptable deal is for Israel to establish a permanent ceasefire, something that it refuses to do. The only one to blame is Israel.
And you say Israelis would instigate a coup to oust Netanyahu, that's nice, then what? Will you return the land to its rightful people? Will you give back Palestinians their rights unequivocally? Will you call for the dismantlement of Israel that was built on massacres? The reason why Israelis are angry at Netanyahu is rooted in the unresolved hostage situation. Just because you don't support Netanyahu doesn't mean that you aren't a zionist who finds the murder of more than twenty thousands Palestinians justifiable. A young girl had her leg amputated with no anesthesia on the kitchen counter of her home and you talk about “Israel being a bull in a China shop”? You consider the targeted attacks on civilians as careless actions by Israel? It actually astonishes me how inhumane some of you can be.
And here is what Dr. Refaat, who was targeted and murdered by the IDF btw, had to say about this matter:
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Whether it's Netanyahu or someone else, it does not matter because Israel as a whole is an occupation, one built on the bloodshed of palestinians.
And it is funny how you choose to distort history whichever way you like it, to regard October 7th as an isolated instance that happened out of the blue. Hamas didn't start anything, Hamas was created in response to the indiscriminate and careless shooting of palestinian civilians in the first Intifada, that was decades ago. October 7th was a resistance to an ongoing colonization, Israel started this when it displaced and murdered palestinians on 1948. None of this would've happened if Israel did not colonize Palestine. It has been 100 days of this ongoing genocide, wake up and stop deluding yourself into a reality where Israel is the victim.
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orangeblossombitch · 11 months
Maybe don't say you want to eat all Zionists if you don't want to be told not to do that idk :/
(Also not that you'll care but political Zionism and the version of Zionism that just says 'Jews should be able to visit or live in the Levant since it once was our home and if nowhere else is safe for us, there at least should be' are different and saying they're deserving of equal condemnation and violence or that those people should die is kinda fucked of you)
(Also also you shouldn't get to choose who lives or who dies regardless of how bad of people they are according to you. Like idk how to explain to you that you shouldn't think the right to be alive is conditional.)
As a Muslim i obviously cannot condone eating ppl since its not halal and especially fascist lil piggies are sure to be extra haram and yucky :)). Idgaf about some version of zionism that existed at some point and meant something positive when there is a real version out there that is fucking fascist and responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people. N literally no one ever forbade Jewish ppl from visiting or living in the Levant. Youll be surprised to find that there were in fact many Jewish ppl living in Palestine prior to 1948, many of them immigrants from other countries. Also nice fucking job at equating Jewish ppl w zionists ya 7mar. Idgaf about what you think the rights of ppl should be that are indulging a fascist and genocidal ideology, if you dont wanna be eaten by the wolf dont be zionist, its That easy❤. And its absolutely hysterical how you fall in line w the ppl who cry that Jewish ppl are safe nowhere else, like maybe that should be fixed instead of shipping everyone off, away from the places that have been their homes for centuries, plus the fact that you are the same ppl bitching about how "israel" is surrounded by murderous Arabs who wanna toss all the Jewish ppl in the sea. Like make up your mind, cuz that doesnt sound safe to me.
Lastly whats kinda fucked is your cognitive function and ability to think for yourself, clearly. Israeli politicians and Zionists in the West literally calling to wipe Gazans off the face of the earth, using the same language Nazis did. Idk ya might wanna readjust your priorities a bit. Now you better climb a tree or smt bc the wolf is imprinted on your scent and its coming for youuu 🐺
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foolsocracy · 5 months
I can't help but notice you haven't posted any angst in a while and I'm suspicious
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whipped this one up just for u anon
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cosmicmouseart · 1 year
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Good day, Ben 10 community. Please accept these doodles
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articwolfclawartist · 4 months
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slowlydehydrating · 1 month
On a rewatch, I’m kind of siding with Carl in episode 3.
Like, yeah, he’s a massive asshole for threatening to kill Bumpy and for lying about the truck thing, but when you look at it from his perspective, you can’t blame him for overall being pissed off and wanting Bumpy out of there.
To him, all he sees is a person with a large, potentially dangerous, wild animal, one she doesn’t even have legally, that constantly gets out and destroys other people’s, his, property, and up until that episode he’s being trying to have Bumpy removed the proper way through the DPW. And honestly, I can’t blame him for that.
Edit; Even though I think threatening to kill Bumpy was absolutely disgusting, it’s also something that makes sense from his perspective too. They’re in deep, rural Texas. Carl himself is most likely a farmer, which would mean the broken fences probably affect his income, and if they do they've been affecting him for months, and he probably comes from a similar background as Sammy. On the majority of farms and homesteads when an animal is a nuisance - constantly getting out, destroying property, and posing a threat to people and other animals - the first response is to kill them, assuming they aren’t a dog, maybe a cat.
(And as a side thing, Bumpy would actually be better off being relocated. Sammy and Ben aren’t providing her the environment that she needs, that shed is nowhere near big enough for her, she’s gone from fresh, varied foliage to hay, and she doesn’t have enough space in general since she keeps breaking out.)
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operationandre · 2 months
thinking about cal’s watch 👀
ANON UR SO REALLLLLL (plus just his hands in general 😩😩😩😩)
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simptasia · 8 months
i like them making ben and hurley besties in the end. because thats why we know that ben's continued existence won't be a problem. like, it's safe now, he's with hurley. and hurley emits goodness radiation that makes everybody around him a better person
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big1ron · 1 month
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babygirlbenpaul · 2 months
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travis died like five minutes ago why is he making that face. he think everything a fuckin game
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Sorry, but the fact that Ben honestly thought he had a chance of getting Charlie back when he has Nick freaking Nelson as his boyfriend is laughable. I mean seriously? Even ignoring the fact that he literally assaulted him, in what universe is Charlie going to leave Nick for Ben?
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theywhoshantbenamed · 6 months
I feel like Cali would be the type of guy to get insane baby fever at random times and Mass and NY just gotta deal with it
Forewarning I gave myself second-hand embarrassment cause I put too much though in this and now I have a fic WIP for this idea. And then I achieved self-awareness and remembered this is literally all one guy and they are STATES and I’m gonna try not to think too hard about it
Also I wasn’t sure if this implies he can get pregnant or not but I was already leaning into that before I realized adoption might’ve been possible(doesn’t matter either way) so the fic idea also implies that he can have kids ANYWAYS MOVING ON
Yeah California loves kids he wants to have one he wants to raise one so bad and he’ll be walking down the street and see a kid with their parent and it just makes him long for a family like that
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Mass would probably cave like “my spitfire is so demanding” but oh yeah he’s planning way ahead he’s looking at baby clothes he’s checking out schools he’s preparing for the day it happens because lord knows if he’s having a kid he’s giving them the best. Btw if you’re wondering why they’re the same height Mass is being lifted in that doodle
New York would be more firm in being like “someday, but let’s actually talk it through before we do all that” but he’s very patient with California and usually manages to get him levelheaded.
California crying like “I WANNA BE A MOTHER PLS PLS PLS”
Thank you for the ask I’m sorry I went crazy with this one 😵‍💫
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thebluestbluewords · 11 months
Blue’s shameless Let Ben Take Care Of People agenda:
Ben is pretty sure that Jay is categorically not okay right now, and if he’s not going to bring it up to anyone, then it’s Ben’s job, as the one responsible for bringing him to Auradon, and also as his friend, to bring it up for him. 
He can do this. 
“You okay?” 
Jay jerks his head up. He’s got his phone in his left hand, the screen bright. There’s already a set of chewed looking earbuds connected and dangling loose towards the floor. “What?”
Right. This is weird. Ben’s the one being weird right now. They do talk, because they’re friends, but it’s always about classes and stuff. Casual stuff. Not stuff like this. “Uh, I just wanted to see if you’re okay?” 
Jay blinks. His mouth is a little bit open, and he looks more confused than anything. “I’m fine. Are you good?” 
“No. Yeah. I don’t know.” Ben stutters. Gods, but he hates when the words won’t come out smoothly. “I—sorry.” 
Jay’s smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. He’s handsome all the time, but there’s something special about that smile, even though Ben knows he was looking tired and sad just a moment ago. “You don’t know? I know you’ve been pulled around a lot lately, but dude, I didn’t think it was this bad.” 
“It’s not. Or. Maybe it is. I don’t know. I came over to check on you.”
“I’m fine, dude,” Jay says, standing up fully and spreading his arms, offering Ben a grin as he does a little half-turn. “I mean, look at me.” 
Again; the little voice in Ben’s head screams wrong. 
And look. Ben knows that he’s not usually the smartest guy in a room. He’s determined, and patient, and persistent, but he rarely achieves clever, and he knows that. He knows how to work around it too, with earnest kindness and a genuine willingness to hear out every single person, no matter how small, that even the most determined liar eventually opens up for him. 
“Walk me home?” Ben offers, holding out a proper courtly arm. “Not that you have to, or anything. It’s just—“ 
Jay links their arms together, as easy as anything, and bumps Ben’s shoulder ever so gently with his own. “Dude, you don’t need to explain. I missed you too, ‘kay?” 
Ben isn’t that close to Jay by Auradon standards, but Jay’s closest friend is Mal, and Mal’s closest friend is Evie, and Evie’s been fighting Ben for Mal’s time ever since they started dating, and maybe this is all it takes to be friends, when you’re one of the isle kids. It’s impossible for Ben not to notice how they flock together, four heads pressed close together at meals and breaks and in between classes. Maybe this is all it takes for them to be friends, just shared time, and shared people that they care about, and shared glimpses of the sort of heart-stopping smiles that they hide from other people but sometimes let him see when he’s hanging out in the girl’s room. 
Ben’s never been allowed to choose his friends before. He’s always been expected to hang out with the other royals, no matter how insufferable he finds some of them. Chad’s the sort of friend who’s fine in a group, but sort of annoying to hang with one-on-one, and they don’t have much in common outside of sports. Besides, Ben’s been too busy to even participate in games lately, and the only reason he’s still on the swords and shields team is because he’s considered too high-status to officially kick off. 
“I…missed you,” Ben says slowly, trying out the feel of the words. “Yeah. That’s not actually what I was trying to say, but…” 
“But I’m charming and irresponsible,” Jay says agreeably, nodding along. “And taking care of us is how you show affection, so you wanted to check in, yeah.” 
“I don’t think this conversation is going the way I expected,” Ben says, not really even complaining. “I’m trying to take care of you.” 
“I’m fine, man.” 
“You’re not, though!” 
“Look—“ Jay starts, and then stops. He makes a small motion, just shifting his shoulders to angle them towards the wall instead of the open corridor, but it’s enough, apparently, for him to drop some of the act. His usual smile slides off his face like ice cubes on a hot plate, and it leaves him looking older. Ben almost wants to rub his thumb over the wrinkle that pops up between Jay’s brows, but they’re not that sort of friends yet. “Look. I can’t do this here, okay? I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.” 
“You’re in pain.” Ben says, realizing as the words come out that it’s true. “You’re hurt?” 
“You’re not wearing a backpack,” Ben says quietly. “You’re moving slower than usual, I think. I didn’t notice it so much at practice because you were bouncing between groups to help troubleshoot. You’re good at hiding it.” 
“Why won’t you tell someone?” 
Jay grabs Ben’s shoulders with both arms, and sure enough, there’s a shadow of a wince in the way he’s gritting his teeth. “Dude. I said. Not here.” 
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kaylazer · 5 months
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back on my bullshit (meeting men im in love with). Ben Schwartz is so kind and tall :-) I didn’t totally freeze like when I met the Jonas brothers but the selfies we took are blurry so 😔
(at least I have these bc I told sam to record the whole thing heheheh)
#also the show was great#I had to slap sam many times bc she was choking from laughter#ben schwartz#bro how did i forget my personal tag for ben#ben schwartz my beloved#me#also forgot me tag#editing tags after the fact to recount the entire experience#so we waited outside for about 10 minutes and I had no expectation of how long it usually takes for him to come out and take pictures#he comes out without a mask which is surprising to me and says ‘you guys wanna take some pictures?’#we all just kinda form a non sensical blob (there’s maybe like 10 ppl total) around him#Brandon Katie and Eugene hang back towards the stage door unsure if anyone wants to chat with them#I’m gushing over how tall and handsome Ben is to my sister who is ready to record our interaction once he gets to me#as I listen to him chatting with the other fans I can’t help but smile and say to my sibling ‘he’s so sweet’ every minute#he meets someone who has a cool sketchbook of the skits from the show that he wants to take a picture of#but they need to write their handle so he says he’ll talk with some others and get back to them#so he does and then later I see the girl ready to talk to him again off to the side#so I tell her ‘you can go ahead and finish talking to him”’ and she’s like ‘are you sure?’ and I’m like duh!#finally it’s my turn and he looks at me and says ‘hi I’m Ben’#yes Benjamin Joseph Schwartz I know#he sees me holding my phone and immediately sides steps to get into selfie mode as I ask him if he’ll sign my Jean Ralphio figure#he steps back to Be in front of me ‘yes of course!’#what insane media training he has#he says ‘I’ve seen this! this is the first one I’ve ever signed’#upon seeing the figure he says ‘it’s beautiful’ lol#he’s concerned that the sharpie I brought will not show up and I mention that it was probably a bad one to bring because it’s pastel#he signs and holds it up (as you can see in the first photo) to make sure it’s visible#he hands it back to me and I thank him and he says ‘do you want to take a picture?’#and I say ‘I would love to!’ and then I hold the Jean Ralphio figure and he looks to my sibling assuming she’s taking the picture#she’s like ‘no I’m just here for moral support!’
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ensembleautism · 8 months
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