#ben is the voice of reason
andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Sideline Love ~ Chapter 13 ~ Fatherhood
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Pairings - NFL! Chris Evans and OFC Rebecca Rooney
Series Summary: All football player Chris wants is to play football with his best friends in the NFL. But the night before he meets someone who could change his life... if she wasn't the bosses daughter. Can Chris change her mind with a little sideline love?
Word Count: 2.5K
General Warnings: smut! angst, cheating, parental interference, fluff, football Chris has beard ( 😏 ), injuries during the game, special appearance (don't @ me lol)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Becca Rooney and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
I am trying out a taglist. Please let me knouw if you would like to be included.
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
Sebastian, Chris and Charlie walk to the park the next week with Charlie swinging in between the men’s arms.  “Daddy you and Seba are so strong. Can you swing me to the moon?”
“The moon? Why do you want to go to the moon?”
“So I can eat it.  Mama says the moon is cheese and I love cheese!”  She giggled as she swinged back and was launched in the air.
“What is your girl teaching her?” Sebastian shook his head.  He turned and growled like a fake bear.  “I’m gonna get you, papusa mica!”
Charlie screech and took off running towards the playground. “Daddy help!”
Chris charged in the lifted his girl up and put her on his shoulders. He ran, holding her legs as Sebastian jumped up to reach for her, their laughter filling the air.  A phone rang and Sebastian stopped.  He checked his phone.  “I need to take it.  Be right back.”
Chris trotted with Charlie on shoulders.  “Daddy?”
“Yes, munchkin?”
“Does this other daddy love me?”
“I don’t know. You would have to ask him.”
“Is it wrong if I like him?”
Chris’s heart clenched.  “Of course not.  He’s your daddy.”
“You’re my daddy.  And I love you but I don’t want to hurt your feelings. Momma says we shouldn’t hurt people’s feelings.”
Chris stopped and pulled Charlie down and sat her next to him on the bench. “I want you listen very carefully, Charlotte. The minute you ran into my life I knew you were special.  I have loved you since our Oreo date. Nothing is going to change that.  Its ok to like Tom, love him even. But you are my munchkin. My feelings won’t be hurt.”
“I love you so much daddy.”  Charlie flung her arms around his neck and gripped him tight.
Tom came the long way around towards the playground and heard Chris and Charlie’s voices.  “I don’t know him but I will try if its ok.”
“Charlie, you do what you want to do ok?  Your momma and I will love you and support you in whatever you do.  If you want to spend more time with Tom and his kids, we’ll make it work, ok?  Don’t worry about this. Just worry about being a kid.”
Tom took a step back and decided to watch them from a distance. He sees Chris playing with Charlie in the park and sees that Chris is like himself with his boys.  He watches as Chris makes sure Charlie is secure in the swing before pushing her, listening to Charlie’s squeals of delight.  A wave of overwhelming sadness floods is chest. He missed it.  The opportunity to have his own little princess.  He decides to call his dad. “Hey pop.”
Thomas, everything ok son?
Did I blow this? Neglecting Charlie?
He could hear his father sigh and open and close a door.  Son, only you can decide if you want to pursue this.  She spent five years with just her mother. This is a huge change.
“Becca has a boyfriend, Chris, who loves her as much I should have. Charlie calls him daddy.”
Oh Tom.
“I missed it, didn’t I?”
Father and son stayed on the phone as Tom broke down.  “Why didn’t I just own it?”
I don’t know.  Your mother and I never understood why not.  Giselle was going to leave either way because of your actions.  And Rebecca has always said she just wanted her daughter to have a father.  Is continuing this fight worth it?
A few minutes later, Tom had hung up with this father and called his lawyers. As he hangs up, he walks over to Chris, who is watching Charlie play with some other children. “Evans, can I have a moment?”
“What do you want Brady? I’m not supposed to talk to you. I’m just a supervisor.”
Tom looked at his feet. “I know. I just have a question.” He took a breath. “Do you love her?”
“Excuse me?”
“Charlotte. Do you love her?”
“I love her as if she was my own.”
“Ok, good.  Please don’t tell Becca what I’m about to tell you. I want to tell her myself.”
The Steelers have a pretty good record coming in before Chris’s suspension.  They had already secured a playoff spot but were now aiming for clinching the division. This game against the Bengals were crucial. One win and they had their first division title in almost four years.  Chris arrived at the final practice before the game to observed as he had the last two weeks.  He made sure that Josh was prepared, going over game tapes and plays. As he pulled over his sweater, Coach Tomlin yelled through the locker room.  “EVANS! OFFICE! NOW!”
“Fuck me,” he mumbled as he shot a look at Sebastian and Anthony.
“Whatcha do now?” Anthony asked.
“Breathe? Who the fuck knows?  Maybe Rooney is offended that I changed body wash,” Chris deadpans.
“I wasn’t going to say anything Evans, but I have the new bodywash an improvement,” Sebastian quips.
“Ah fuck off Stan,” Chris says with a chuckle as he makes his way to the head coach’s office.  “You wanted to see me sir.” Chris notices that Coach Ben is also in the office.
“Take a seat.” Tomlin shuffles some papers on his desk.  “We got a call from San Francisco.”
“Yeah, they are interested in trading for you. They heard about your benching and want to bring you on next season.”
“Oh well, I mean, I don’t really have a future here anymore.”
“About that.” Tomlin stood up from his chair and moved to the front of his desk.  “I talked to Rooney and let him know that this needs to end.  You are one of the best rookie quarterbacks I have ever seen.  You were pro ready.  I haven’t seen talent like this since Ben here.”
“I’m honored sir, really.”
“You should be.  But the next time you are not dressed for practice. you will be fined.”
“Excuse me?”
“Go dress.  You will be playing on Sunday.  We have a championship to win. Dismissed.”
Chris walked out in a daze with Ben.  “Is this really happening?”
Ben clapped his back.  “The entire coaching staff basically threatened to quit if they traded you. You did nothing wrong except fall in love.  You have been punished enough. Get ready and get warmed up.  Need to shake that rust off of that arm.”
“Yes sir.”  Chris jogged back to his locker.
“Chris, what did they want?” Sebastian asked.
“I’m playing. San Francisco called to ask about a trade and the coaches lost it.  Rooney caved and I’m playing. So, I gotta change and get out there.”
“I knew it would work out in the end,” Anthony said. “Had faith the whole time.”
“Right, what was it you were saying a few days ago? Something about Chris being the biggest idiot of all time.”
Chris raised his eyebrow at Anthony.  “What? I mean you almost gave all of this up for a girl.”
“Not just a girl.  My soul mate.”
Rebecca came into Chris’s house later on that night, throwing her keys into the bowl by the door, shaking the cold rain off of her.  “Babe! Monkey! I’m home.”
“Momma!” Charlie ran over to her mom and Becca lifted her up for a hug.
“Hi Monkey! How was your day?”
“It was good.  We learned the numbers and I’m practicing in my workbook.  Daddy is making dinner.  He says we have a cell-bration tonight.”
“Oh do we? Well, let me see what I can do to help.”  She carried Charlie back to the kitchen where Chris was stirring something.  “Hey baby!”
“Hey Angel!”  He leaned down to give her a kiss.
“Whatever you are making smells amazing.”
“Short ribs and mashed potatoes.  Like 20 minutes.”
“Sounds good. Do I have time to change or…”
“Go, relax.  I’ll have a glass of wine for you when you’re done.”
“This is why you are my favorite boyfriend.”
“Excuse me? I believe I am your only boyfriend.”
“Yeah, in my mind, I am also mentally dating Sidney Crosby and the guy who plays Thor.”
Chris turned to Becca with a predatory glare.  She takes a step back.  “Oh really.”  He takes a few steps towards her. He cages her in.  “Can those guys do this?”  He leans down and kisses her right behind her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
“Chris, I…”
“Or this?”  He lets his fingers drift under her skirt.  He looks to see Charlie and grins to see the little girl preoccupied with Dodger.  He turns back to Becca as his fingers skate over her mound on top of her underwear.  She moans low. “So wet already love.”  He pulls back.
“Shit, Chris.” She grabs the countertop to steady herself, her knees ready to give out.
“That’s what I thought.”  He kisses her softly.  “Later love.  But go get relaxed.  I have some news I want to share, and dinner is almost ready.”
Becca left the kitchen in a daze, heading up to their shared bedroom.  With all the changes they were anticipating, Becca had put her house on the market.  She and Chris worked on getting Charlie’s room ready.  Becca had a lot of her clothes here since this was where she and Charlie now spent the most time.  She washed her face and changed into some leggings and one of Chris’s hoodies, the air now chilly and crisp in mid-December.
Heading downstairs, she watched as Chris got Charlie in her booster.  “Ok, I’m comfy.  Where is my wine?”
Chris chuckled and handed the large goblet with red wine.  He took his own beer.  “Cheers love.”
“Cheers.”  She sat in her place with Chris at the head of table.  He served and they started to eat.  “My god baby, this is amazing.”
“Its yummy daddy.”
“Thank you, ladies.”  Chris swallowed his mouthful.  “So, I got called into Tomlin’s office today.”
“Really? Good or bad?”
“Well San Francisco called about that trade we talked about.”
“Well, that’s out of the bag.” Becca took a sip of her wine.  “What did Tomlin say?”
“That I would get fined if I showed up at practice again not dressed.”  Chris smiled with a twinkle in his eye as he watched Becca let the words sink in.
“Does that… you mean… you’re playing?”
“One PM Sunday babe.  Was wondering if maybe my favorite girls will come out and watch me play?”
Becca leaped up and sat on Chris’s lap and hugged him.  “Baby I am so happy for you.”
“Thank you, Angel.” He sighed as he breathed in her scent. “Apparently, the entire coaching staff was pissed about the call, and they all went to talk to your dad.”
“I hadn’t heard a thing.  I’m so excited for you.”
“Me too Angel.”
They finished up dinner and cleaned up.  Chris took Charlie up to bed for a story and cuddles, with Dodger hot on his heels, while Becca washed the dishes.  Chris came down and wrapped his arms around Becca.  “I’m gonna splash and get all wet Chris.”
“I like it when you’re wet.”
“What? Charlie is out for the count.  And there is a reason why we put her in the far bedroom Angel.”  He started to kiss her neck.  When he couldn’t reach the skin he wanted because of the hoodie, he grasped the bottom and lifted it over Becca’s head.  She just had a cotton camisole underneath, and he could see that her nipples were peaking.  “Cold or horny Angel?” he asked with a smirk.
“You better touch me Chris.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll give you blue balls.”
“That’s evil Angel.  Are you my fallen Angel now?”
“Fallen?  Not yet.”  She let her hands trail down his chest and under the elastic of his sweats. “But I could be.”  She dropped to her knees and pulled him free. She pumped him with a few strokes as she looked up at him.  His beautiful ocean blue eyes were blown dark, and he licked his lips in anticipation.  Becca smirked before taking just the tip in her mouth and suckled on it.
“Fuck, Angel, that’s so good.” Chris tried to restrain himself from grabbing her hair and pulling her in. He hands gripped the counter behind him as Becca continued to bob up and down on his length.  She pulled herself long enough to say, “Its ok baby. Take control.”
It was all he needed.  He gathered her hair into a ponytail in his fist and used his other hand to guide her.  “Just like that, Angel.” He wasn’t rough with her, just provided enough guidance to get her worked up as well.  When he felt that familiar tingle, he pulled her away.  She whined at the loss. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth Angel.  Need to feel you around me when I let go.”
Becca smiled as he lifted her onto the counter.  “But I gotta make you feel good first.”  He reached for the waistband of her leggings and swiftly pulled them off.  He got to his knees and kissed her legs, listening her to sigh in delight.  As he got closer, she started to run her fingers in his hair, “Chris please.”
“So impatient my love.  Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”  He placed a kiss right over the apex of her thighs and then let his tongue taste his beloved.  She keened and mewled as he began to work her opened.   As she thought it couldn’t get better, Chris ran a finger up her slit to collect some of the moisture building. “All for me?”
“Always.  Its always for you,” she panted and then moaned as two fingers slipped into her.  He curled into her, finding her special spot.  He knew he had it when she jolted. He flicked his tongue back and forth on her clit as he continues to pump his fingers into her.
“Let go Angel.  Let me drink you in.”
God this man was dirty. But his words did the trick. The fire that has been building in her belly spilled over and she cummed hard around his fingers. “Chris! Fuck!” She moaned.
“You always taste so good Angel,” as Chris rose to his feet, licking his fingers and then his lips. “I need to feel you now.”
“Hmm, yes you do baby,” she purred just as a flash of lighting lite up the house followed by a crash of thunder that shook the house.  “Holy fuck! Where did that come from?”
“They predicted a storm,” Chris replied.  “Just wasn’t expecting that.”
Then an alarming screech was heard from upstairs along with a loud bark. “Daddy!”
Chris sighed and pulled his sweatpants up.  He grabbed a towel and cleaned his face as Becca laughed gently.  “Welcome to fatherhood, baby.”
“We are not done Angel.  See you upstairs and you better be ready.”
Becca let a mischievous smile cross her face.
“Yes daddy.”    
@patzammit @texmexdarling
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uniiiquehecrt · 1 month
Voice actors are NOT the same as actors.
It takes a specific kind of skill-set and training to be able to warp and meld the voice. It takes a certain kind of talent and dedication to hone that talent into the ability to meld the voice and invoke emotion with one's voice alone. Actors are used to using their voice secondarily to their body language and their facial expressions. It's all mirrored back on camera. They do have nuance. But it's a different kind of nuance and a different kind of training to produce that nuance.
Voice actors might get their likeness transposed on their character's design, and maybe their mannerisms might seep into the character's animation. But when it's all said and done: their presence is in their voice. They are bringing a character to life, showing that emotion in their voice, trying to keep a specific accent, drawl, pitch, tone in that voice and keep it consistent for their recording sessions.
The voice actor is like a classically trained musician who can play first chair in a competitive, world-renown orchestra. The actor (who fills the voice actor's role) is like a moot who played violin in beginner and intermediate high school orchestra and thinks they can get into Juilliard with that 2-4 years of experience.
This doesn't mean that the HS orchestra moot can't play. They can even be really good at it. Maybe they won competitions and sat first chair. But they are not in the same league as the person who's been training their whole lives and lives and breathes to hone their craft using the instrument and all of the training they've ever acquired to perfect it. They are not meant for the same roles. They are not in the same caliber. You do not hire the HS equivalent when you want to play complex music in a competitive orchestra.
Actors are not the same as voice actors.
And furthermore, actors - especially big name actors - taking the roles of animated characters for big budget films or TV pilots makes no sense anyways when - at least in the case of TV pilots - there's not a point to hiring a big budget actors anyways. That money could be used elsewhere (like paying your animators), and the talent that is brought onto the screen for X character could then be hired on to voice said character no recasting required.
I wouldn't say voice acting as a profession is in danger exactly, but it's certainly being disrespected and overlooked for celebrity clout, and this has ALWAYS been an issue. Shoot, even Robin Williams knew that much - which is why he tried so hard not to be used as a marketing chess piece for Aladdin and got royally pissed off when it happened anyways. People shouldn't go to any movie (but especially not animated films) because "oh famous actor is in it". People should go because it's a good movie and the voice acting is good.
People who honest to god think that voice actors are replaceable because "oh well anyone can voice act" or "I like xyz celebrity so naturally it'll be good" ... Honestly I just wish you'd reassess your priorities because you're missing the point and are part of the problem.
Voice Actors ≠ Actors.
#(i am incredibly passionate about this)#(and seeing celebrity voice actors in what should be a voice actor's role completely burns my buns it doesn't matter WHO it is)#(hemsworth as optimus? someone tell me one good reason why they couldn't get a good v/a to replace mr. cullen properly for the future)#(ben shwartz as sonic? dude literally isn't even a good voice actor OR actor anyways-)#(- A N D jason griffith AND my boy roger craig smith are still RIGHT HERE)#(jason griffith IN PARTICULAR would have pulled back SO many sonic fans that went to watch the film anyways. if not /more/.)#(and on top of that he has the same tonality and energy they tried to force this moshmo to try and emulate anyways so GET THE REAL THING)#(chris pratt as mario? i can at least defend /him/ and say that barring his failure to do a NY accent consistently he wasn't terrible)#(but mario's new voice actor could've been used instead and people would've clearly appreciated that WAY more)#(vanessa hudgens as sunny starscout in mlp g5's pilot movie? literally why. they replace her and hitch's va in the show.)#(don't even get me started on the concept of hiring celebrity singers to do musical theatre roles or not letting musical theatre singers-)#(-dub the celebrity voice actors you just HAD to hire for your film bc you're so worried about not getting enough clout to get ppl in seats#(that you're putting it all in this (1) big name hire bc turns out that you have no faith in your writing ability much less-)#(-animation as a medium.)#(and no before anyone says anything : no this is not me saying that ALL celebrity voice castings are bad.)#(there are some that aren't that bad and others that are actually pretty good.)#(i especially appreciate it when actors are damn well aware they aren't voice actors and try to LEARN from voice coaches-)#(-and/or their va predecessors if applicable.)#(that does not change the fact that the celebrity shouldn't have been hired just because the film wanted to have bragging clout-)#(-oh look at this FAMOUS PERSON we were able to hire — yeah ok. sure wendy. i want to know if this film is quality or not.)#(and 9/10 times the SECOND there is money spent on a non voice actor to voice the main character especially)#(that usually means somewhere along the way animation IS going to get shafted. if not w the animators themselves then in the way of-)#(-the actual animation itself and ESPECIALLY the screenwriting because it's especially been so dogshit lately even before the strike.)#(a celebrity being hired to fill a voice actor's role is such an immediate red flag to me and it is VERY rare that i get to be proven wrong
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generalsdiary · 24 days
Moze x Jiaoqiu
warnings: none
word count: 900~
description: just them being domestic (pre-2.5 events)
moze is the type of husband who always cleans, keeps everything neat, he will run (quite literally) anywhere and do any errand without complaint, nothing is too hard or difficult for him. he is v protective, „I promise I will bring him back“, nothing is stopping him from getting his husband back, he is confident in his abilities, to the point he isn't even worrying. he always attentively listens to jiaoqiu’s ramblings, his full attention on the foxian. he will eat anything jiaoqiu puts before him, no matter his preferences. uttering simple praises after the meal and never letting his husband clean up.
at night he cuddles with him, being the big spoon, holding his husband close, face buried in the orangey pink hair. like a touch starved kitten, he gravitates to him during the day, always hugging him- backhugs are his favorite. jiaoqiu always smiles, a sparkle in his eyes with each embrace. moze is often quiet, very thoughtful- usually ending up blunt in his words but not cold, never cold. the care and love for each other shown in the soft words, gentle embraces and lingering gazes. moze doesn’t do causal touches, his hands don’t wander to jiaoqiu’s soft tail, or even softer ears, or to caress him. he doesn’t want to overwhelm his husband or make him uncomfortable. yet when they stand close he bumps his nose against his. and when he is so so tired he rests his forehead on the shorter man’s. recharging, seeking comfort, love. luckily for him, his husband knows his main love language is physical touch. jiaoqiu bringing his hands to cup his cheeks, thumbs caressing the rough skin. he misses the smile that brightens the foxian’s face, his eyes shut relishing in the sensations. such a sensitive and responsive man. jiaoqiu is the only person moze allows to touch him, to drag those soft fingers across his scars, through the silver hair, to see him shirtless. he is the only one with whom he makes and keeps eye contact. moze is the type of husband that even without being close jiaoqiu can feel his touch on him. sitting across him, over a hotpot. lilac eyes on him. full of love. as if he is caressing his husband’s cheek at that moment. making jiaoqiu’s chest feel warm from the feeling of such a silent expression of admiration.
on the days jiaoqiu voices that he feels tired a quick response is given in turn “I can carry you.” a blunt, straightforward, and the same offer every time. he is more than happy to carry him + he enjoys showing off for his hubby. not caring for the public opinion or any observers; it doesn’t even cross his mind, jiaoqiu’s happiness the only thing on his mind. sadly, he is always rejected (occasionally making him pout). moze doesn’t even know why (painfully obvious why, the rare blushed jiaoqiu further confirming it). shadows are his safe haven, but jiaoqiu is his peace. they fill each other's needs, like puzzles fitting together, completely domestic in their behaviors; perfect for general feixiao’s safety and well-being. despite working together they don’t get tired of each other. work is work and their house is home.
coriander is not allowed under this roof and no big lights are ever on. when they have guests, jiaoqiu compensates with many small lamps, fairy lights, and a bunch of candles. unscented ones. otherwise, they would clash with the meal. sometimes, jiaoqiu will light a scented candle, but it won’t be lit for longer than an hour, otherwise, he would get overwhelmed due to how sensitive his nose is to smells. moze being the clean freak, and insistent on maintaining really good hygiene and not strong perfumes so he can do his job perfectly would just make jiaoqiu purr if he could. type of husband truly only for him. jiaoqiu is quite a social butterfly and he drags his husband with him, who will grumble a bit and then go along, and behave politely to the best of his capabilities. moze cannot read a room to save his life, short in his sentences and straight to the point despite pondering his words prior, they end up always coming off blunt. he means no harm and what he says is usually of little matter, and none of it holds any weight to him when all he needs is to hear his darling chuckle or gaze at him and all is well in his world. the only result he could possibly ever wish for.
and when they kiss? the lighting and shadow with fire and spice? the I talk a lot, flirtatious, rarely flustered with I listen to you with heart eyes, mainly unaffected but you make me smile. well… they keep it private. such actions feel too personal and intimate for them to be shown in public and given for anyone to see on display. they hold it too close to their hearts, it matters in a different way to them. something near and dear. they won’t be caught showing pda, not even holding hands- well they rarely hold hands either way. it is behind closed doors and in the privacy of their home that their lips meet, and hands wander, leaving soft touches in intimate places that they’d never do in public (unlike many others). it means too much to them.
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misiahasahardname · 4 months
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i know both were cancelled years ago, but a crossover between rc9gn and rottmnt would be nice
(2 trans headcanons and a human design in one post… this is incredibly self indulgent)
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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BE ANGRY BE PISSED SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM - anyways this was a color and expression practice so I didn’t fully render it ✌️But I think he looks cool so yea, I’m proud of the beard too
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Yep that one map thing I did with Alaska and the accordion that one time 🫵 but with the electric guitar choice now. He does this when isolation gets too much and he needs to scream, his dogs are used to it
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The average day of these two, moose are out for their blood at all times
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ashifloof · 1 year
Okay I finished this episode of secret invasion and OMG TALOS PLEASEEEE
He had me kicking my feet and squealing the entire god damn episode!!
The scene where he talked to Gravik,when he said "be very careful now",stabbed Gravik's hand and choked him?!? PLEASE!!!
The scene where Fury and him meet again and he says: "Say:"Help me Talos, I'm useless without you" YES I AM,HELLO?!?;
And just him with a gun... God this episode ruined me...
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yourwagonisaflame · 10 months
oh my god mariah's what if tomorrow comes cover???
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doctorwhoisadhd · 7 months
who in the torchwood team would hate nardole the most.
#torchwood#doctor who#nardole#dr who#dw#cannot figure it out#the one (1) thing im sure of is this: andy and nardole would get along SO well. they would LOVE each other. they meet like‚ ONE time in the#presence of at least one torchwood team member & like INSTANTLY hit it off in the background while whoever it is investigates smth and when#theyre done they come back to find nardole nd andy having a very quietly intense discussion abt smth extremely mundane & the team member#is like that photo of ben affleck with a cigarette. & then gwen finds out later that nardole and andy meet up every week to play mah-jong#also nardole would NOT fuck andy theyre just friends. and both of them get defensive if anyone ever suggests it.#in particular nardoles response is: (in a high and mighty tone of voice) 'actually. i dont sleep with cops thank you.' andys like 'whats#that supposed to mean' (a little offended) and nardoles like 'no a-dog its just a bit too messy for me‚ what with the legal system and all.#i dont do lawyers either. beyond clingy you know how it is' and andys like 'yea you know what thats reasonable i guess'#ari opinion hour#also andy DOES NOT KNOW THIS but thats the only thing preventing nardole from trying to fuck him like a bird doing one of those#weird ass mating displays. thank god for this also because it means we are all spared from whatever That would be (which‚ awkward‚ mostly)#ALSO YES NARDOLE WOULD HAVE A NICKNAME FOR ANDY BY THE END OF THAT FIRST CONVERSATION. IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY.
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azurecanary · 1 year
Daisy's fake backstory about knowing Robbie from school makes me yearn for a Quakerider highschool au like no other.
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minimitchell · 2 years
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Why don’t you go and talk to Jay? Callum, I’m fine. I don’t need to, I’m fine.
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myrhhi · 8 months
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"How's the new pilot suit, tourist?"
jp twt had my brain brrring over the high leg pilot suit designs they were doing so here's my late addition to that trend
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Sideline Love ~ Chapter 22 ~ ... Wonderful
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Pairings - NFL! Chris Evans and OFC Rebecca Rooney
Series Summary: All football player Chris wants is to play football with his best friends in the NFL. But the night before he meets someone who could change his life... if she wasn't the bosses daughter. Can Chris change her mind with a little sideline love?
Word Count: 2.6K
General Warnings: smut! angst, cheating, parental interference, fluff, football Chris has beard ( 😏 ), injuries during the game, special appearance (don't @ me lol); labor and delivery
A/N: Penultimate Chapter but baby Evans arriving...
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Becca Rooney and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
And just like that, Becca was nervous.  It was a month later, now into her sixth month, Becca was nervously getting ready.  She pulled her blonde curls to the side, pulling a hair tie as her engagement ring blinked at her.  She took a steadying breath as she looked in the mirror.  Her brown eyes sparkled even with worry etched in her face.  
“Angel? Are you ready?” 
Becca looked up at Chris and took him in.  The man lived in sweats and t-shirts, so it was truly shocking to see him in a blue button down and slacks.  Her libido shot up and Chris could see it in her eyes.  “Angel, we have to…” 
“We have time,” she pouted. She placed her hands on his chest, sliding them around. 
“No, we don’t.  I promise, after.”  
“We have lunch after,” she whined.  
Chris chuckled.  He wrapped his arms around his fiancé, his baby momma. “Promise, if you are a good girl, I’ll do the thing.” He kissed her sweetly.  
“Promise Angel. Now, c’mon. We’re gonna be late.” Chris helped Becca down the stairs where Charlie was watching cartoons, Dodger’s head in her lap. “Let’s go munchkin.”  
“But daddy…” 
“No buts.  Everyone is waiting for us.”  
Charlie huffed as she got off the sofa and put on her sweater with an assist from Chris.  “Why do I hafta wear a dress, Daddy?” 
“It’s a special day peanut,” Becca explained.  “I’m wearing a dress.”  
Charlie pondered that for a moment before nodding and heading for the door.  “Can Dodger come?” 
“Not today”, Chris said as he grabbed the keys and the family made it out the door.  Twenty minutes later, they made it to their destination and walked up the steps where Robert was waiting for them.  
“Hey guys! I’ve got all the paperwork.  You ready?” 
Chris smiled. “We’re ready.”  
Shoes clicked against the marble of the lobby as Robert directed everyone to the right room.  When they entered, Becca stopped.  It was full.  The courtroom was full of their friends, family and teammates. Chris squeezed her hand and pulled her forward.  They sat at the table in front, Charlie in Chris’s lap.  
All rise.”  The bailiff called out to the court. Everyone stood up as the judge entered.  
“Please be seated.”  The judge organized his papers and when he looked up, Becca recognized him as the same judge from the custody hearing. Her grip on Chris’s hand tightens slightly and he looked down at her with concern.  She shook her head slightly and she stared at the man. The judge smiled when he saw Becca.  “Miss Rooney, I’m glad to see you here under much more pleasurable circumstances.”  
She didn’t make a sound, but the judge chuckled.  “Don’t worry, I am happy for this outcome.  Now, let’s get to business. Is the child, Charlotte Julia Rooney, present?” 
Robert whispered into Charlie’s ear, and she nodded.  “Present!” She raised her hand, to the chuckle of the entire court.  
“Excellent.  And the adopting parent, Christopher Robert Evans?” 
“Present, sir,” Chris said.  
“All documents are in order?” 
“They are, sir,” Robert said.  “The home study, financial review and consent to termination of rights from the natural father, Thomas Brady.”  
“Just confirming that the natural father understands that he no longer will have any rights to the child in question as of today?” The judge turned his head to look at the crowd, causing Becca to frown.  Until she heard… 
“I understand, your honor.”  Tom stood up in the court. Becca held her breath. “I just want what’s best for Charlotte and that’s Mr. Evans.”  
“That’s very noble of you Mr. Brady. Ok, well, that part is settled.  Mr. Evans, do you accept responsibility for the upbringing of Charlotte?” 
“Yes, I do.” Chris beamed at the judge.  
“And Miss Rooney, you are ok with Mr. Evans taking on a permanent, parental role for your child?” 
“Yes,” she whispered.  She cleared her throat, “yes, sir,” she said louder.  It was overwhelming, Tom’s admission on top of this day finally happening.  
“Excellent.  Very well.  In the case of adoption for Charlotte Julia Rooney, I hereby grant full parental custody to Rebecca Ann Rooney and Christopher Robert Evans, effective immediately.  I have also included an order to have her last name amended so she will be known hereafter as Charlotte Julia Evans.”  
He paused and he looked at the couple.  “It’s rare to have a family custody dispute end with consent from the natural parent and with enthusiasm but it’s clear that you three, well, four are a family.  Congratulations on your new arrival and your impending marriage.  This court is adjourned.” He hit his gavel and the court erupted in cheers.  
Chris wrapped his arms around his girls and Becca cursed her hormones as she began to cry.  The nightmare of Tom’s custody battle, the fight for Chris’s position on the team, the possibility of leaving home, their surprise baby and now having Chris actually be Charlie’s father had gotten to her. She sobbed as Chris rubbed her back. “Its ok, Angel. We made it, don’t cry.”  
“Don’t cry Mama. I love you.”  Charlie petted her head, being up higher than normal to Becca.  
Becca calmed and Scarlet pulled her away to give her a hug and to wipe her face a little before releasing her to her family.  Lisa had Chris and Charlie wrapped in a hug, while her parents were hugging each other.  But Becca could see the one face that was still in the room, smiling but a look of pain in the eyes.  She walked over careful.  “Hi Tom.”  
“Hi Becca. You look beautiful.”  
“Thanks. Umm, you didn’t have to come down here.”  
“Yes.  Yes, I did.  I wanted to say sorry again.  For putting you through all of this. It wasn’t fair on anybody.” Tom bowed his head.  
“I forgive you.” His head snapped up and saw her smile. She extended her hand and Tom shook it.  
“If you need anything, for yourself or Charlie, just let me know.  I may not be her father anymore, but I still want to make sure you both are taken care of.”  
“I appreciate it.” She turned to see Chris looking at her curiously. “I better get back.”  
“Right.  Well congratulations on everything.  He’s a lucky man.” Tom nodded to Chris and walked out of the courtroom.  
“What did he want?” Chris asked, wrapping an arm around Becca’s waist.  
“To say sorry and congratulations.” Becca leaned into her fiancé. “Said if Charlie ever needed anything to let him know.”  She shrugged. “If it helps his conscience…” 
Chris frowned. “You know I’ll take care of my family, right?” 
“Of course, Chris. I’m not worried about that.” She looked up at him and could see something in his eyes.  “Baby, you have taken better care of us than anyone else bar my parents. I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t think you would be the best parent or husband.  I love you.”  
“I love you too Angel.” He sighed and kissed the top of her head.  “I’m sorry for being an idiot.”  
“You’re forgiven.” She looked around the room.  “I guess we need to get to celebrating with this lot.”  
“Yeah, your dad organized a luncheon at the team facility and Ma is going to take Charlie with her tonight.”  
“Have I ever mentioned how much I love your mother?”  
Spring turned to Summer and the end of summer brought in a new season of football.  Chris and Becca spent the summer planning their wedding, selecting a Saturday in April, two years to the date of when their first met.  
Now she found herself in her last days of pregnancy, walking with her daughter and fiancé to the stadium.  It was the home opener once again and Chris was nervous.  He always was until right before when Becca would call and remind him that she was in his corner, always.  As he walked his heavily pregnant fiancé in, he asked her question after question.  “Are you sure you’re ok? Do you need anything?  Its going to be ok that you’re here, right? Because I don’t want you to go into labor and…” 
He stopped.  “Again with the full name,” he sighed.  
“Baby, you’re driving me crazy.  Listen, please do no worry about me ok?  Your mom, my mom, my dad, Scarlett, Lizzy and Ashley are all going to be in the box with me. My maternity bag is with me just in case.  I promise, they will call to the field if, and only if, that happens, so don’t call after every series.  Your head,” she tapped his forehead, “is in the game until otherwise, you hear me?” 
“Ok, I’m going home where no one will be.”  
“NO! No, ok, I’m sorry.  Just worried about you and our peanut, ok?” 
“I know. And baby, there is an ambulance here, just in case, so it will be fine. I love you.”  
“I love you too.” He sighed and pressed his forehead to hers. “You and Charlie and Peanut are the most important things to me. I’m sorry.”  
“Its ok baby.  Throw a touchdown for me, ok?” 
He smiled and kissed her forehead. “You got it Angel.”  He looked up to see her father waiting.  “Thanks for getting here early.”  
“Not a problem Chris. Less mob is less stress.  Have a good game.”  
The family made sure Becca was comfortable, well as comfortable as being nine months allowed her to be before kick-off.  The Steelers had won the opening season game against the Ravens on the road but now hosted the Dallas Cowboys.  Chris was brilliant for the first half, throwing one touchdown and running in another. He called up during half time. 
“Are you…” 
“You finish that sentence Evans and we’re getting a divorce.”  
Chris chuckled. “Can’t divorce me if we ain’t married yet Angel.” 
“Try me. I’m fine. You are doing great. How’s the shoulder?” 
“Feels good. Thanks Angel. I’ll see you after. Love you.”  
“Love you too.”  
As she hung up, Becca felt a twinge in her abdomen. It stopped her for a second but then went away. She shook it off and continued to watch the game.  About half way into the third quarter, Becca stood up to get a water but doubled over in pain, crying out.  In a flash, Avery and Lisa were at her side. “Becca?” 
“I’m ok, but… owww!  Ok,” she panted, “I think this boy wants out.” She looked at her family with tears in her eyes.  
“Alright, lets get to the cars,” Avery said as Ashley scooped up the maternity bag.  
“Charlie?” Becca called.  
“I have her Bex,” Scarlett replied.  
“Let me call down to the field.” Rick turned to the field phone and called down for Chris.  
She tries to listen as Rick talked to Ben, but the pain drowns everything out. “Daddy?” 
“Ok baby, Ben is getting Chris.”  Rick took her hand.  “You squeeze if you need to.”  
“It hurts, daddy,” she sobbed as she tried to walk down to the exit.  The pain gripped her again, weakening her knees.  
“Avery, get the paramedics up here!” Rick yelled as security cleared the people around them and laid Becca down. “Its ok baby, its gonna be fine.  Just breathe.”  
It took the paramedics two minutes to arrive and put Becca on a stretcher. “She’s going to Mercy.  Anyone riding with her?” 
“I am,” Avery said as they rushed to the ambulance.  Just as they pulled away, Chris came running up, still in his uniform.  “What the hell happened?” 
“She went into labor, and she was in a lot of pain,” Rick explained.  “Go get changed and I’ll drive you.”  
Becca could swear that she was being torn in half.  As soon as she arrived at the hospital, her water broke, and she was 8 centimeters dilated with no sign of Chris.  “Momma,” she pleaded with her mother.  “Make it stop.  He’s supposed to be here.”  
“He’s coming Becca.”  
“I need him, I… oh god, I think… I think I need to push.”  
The nurse overheard her.  “Ok, let me grab the doctor.”  She ran out of the room as Becca began to cry.  
“Why is this so fast?  I was in labor for 26 hours with Charlie,” she cried.  
“I don’t know, honey, just stay calm.  It’s gonna be ok.”  The door opened and the doctor came in.  
“Becca, I’m gonna check, ok?”  Becca nodded and the doctor did his exam.  “You are at 10 centimeters and fully effaced so its time to push.”  
Becca shook her head. “No, I can’t.  My fiancé, the father, he’s not here yet.”  
“Becca, I’m sorry but your body’s gonna do this regardless.”  He turned to the nurses.  “Let’s get prepped for delivery.”  
She looked up at her mom.  “He can’t miss this.”  
“He won’t.  He’ll…” the doors opened, and Chris ran in, still breathing hard from running.  
“Did I miss it?” 
“Chris!” Becca cried, tears of pain, joy, frustration, relief at the sign of her love finally with her.  
Chris ran to her side and took her hand, kissing her sweaty forehead.  “I’m sorry Angel.  Traffic was a nightmare.  Where are we?”  
Avery smiled.  “We are getting ready to push.  Just in time.”  
“Alright.  You must be dad?” The doctor smiled. “Alright Becca, next contraction, give me a big push.”  
Becca took a breath and bear down, pushing as hard as she could. She breathed hard, looking at Chris.  “You are never touching me again.”  
“Whatever you say Angel.  C’mon, one more time,” he held her hand and body up to push, smiling to himself.  
After 20 minutes, Becca stopped.  “I can’t.” 
“Yes, you can Angel.  You are the strongest woman I know.” Chris leaned down to her.  “You are my Angel, and you can do anything.  One more, baby, give me one more.”  
Becca gritted her teeth and pushed.  “The head is out,” the doctor announced.  “One more push!” And suddenly a wail filled the room as Becca laid down.  
“Congratulations, a perfect baby boy!” 
“He’s here?”  Becca looked at Chris and then her chest as her new baby was placed on her.  “Hi! Hi baby! Hi!” As tears streamed down her face.  
“Oh my god, Becca, he’s beautiful.”  Chris stared at his son as his own tears fell.  “Thank you, Angel. Thank you.”  He kissed her forehead as his son began to settle with the warmth of his mother.  
“Ok, mom, we need to take some measurements and get you cleaned up so we need to take him.”  
“Take him?” Becca panicked.  “Chris?” 
“I’m going with him.  Relax Angel.  You did amazing.” He kissed her softly and then followed his son to the other side where he was measured and weighed.  As they cleaned up the goo on him, Chris couldn’t explain the feeling of warmth spreading in his chest.  It was just like with Charlie, a pure love that was just there now.  
“Ready dad?” The nurse smiled as she picked up his son.  
“Yeah, I…” 
“Open your shirt so he can feel you.  Skin to skin is the best bonding right now.” Chris did as she said, and she laid this tiny human onto his chest.  
“Hi son.  Hi.” He cradled him as he settled against him.  
“Does he have a name?” 
Becca smiled.  “Benjamin Richard Evans. Ben.”  
“Well happy birthday Ben.” The nurse produced the Steelers signature towel, the Terrible Towel and placed it over the baby, a tradition at Mercy.  “Welcome to Steelers Country.” 
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@patzammit @slutforchrisjamalevans @texmexdarling @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74
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itsclippingbinch · 2 years
Moments that made me love Leo: 1/?
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halles-comet · 2 years
Oz rewatch just made me remember the time my high school sociology class took a field trip to a men’s prison to talk to them about their lives and study demographics and there was some kind of mass miscommunication and the people who organized it thought we were a scared straight group and a guard yelled six inches from my head that we seemed like loud little shits who needed to wipe the smirks off our faces. To be fair she was right
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realnielsbohr · 1 year
holding out for a hero is unironically SUCH a good song I would literally tractor fight my crush's boyfriend to this song what the hell
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bahrlee · 2 years
Rise Leo and Sonic are the same they are absolutely the same. No sense of self preservation baby!!!!!
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