#benadryl cucumbersnatch
shrimpscream · 4 months
The many different ways I’ve seen people spell Benedict Cumberbatch:
Bernendict Cumbingbatch
Benadryl cumquat
Beautiful Carbonara
Benefit Cosmetics
Bnehdgehfge cuffbfemgm
Bibledude Comingback
Bubblenut cutiepie
Bannanadick cucumberbitch
Bariumoxyd Calciumsulfat
Batrachotomus kupferzellensis
Benedict Cookiebatch
Babadook Canterbury
Bendysnips Cabbagepatch
Bend-and-snap Cucumbatch
Badgersticks Carriagematch
Bonedump Crucklepack
Benedong Cucumber
Brendict Cromplepork
Blasted Cummerbund
Benedict Townsend
Benefits coordination
Bernadyl cabbagepatch
Barnabus Wizardcock
Smibblesworth Clambercock
Benefactor Cobblestone
Peppermint Cummysnatch
Hubert Cumberdale
Benadryl Cumbersome
Cumbentbert Snapersnatch
Bend-a-dick Cum-a-ban
Blended cucumber
Bandersnatch Koolaidpack
Brandybuck Crackerjack
Fragglerock Crackerdong
Buckingham Bumpersplat
Benjamin Crimpysnitch
Burlington Cockletit
Billiardball Candlestick
Butterfree Crumplesnap
Blasphemy Charizard
Broccoli Coddleswort
Whippersnatch Chickenstrips
Honkeytonk Creamsicle
Rinkydink Carrotstick
Bonaparte Curdlesnoot
Bendybobert Cackleboob
Bendyboot Coffeecup
Snickerdoodle Coodlepoot
Boilerdang Crimpysnitch
Bendynoodle Crumperbunts
Bondoodle cucumbersnatch
Buttercup Cabbagepatch
Benefit cummerbund
Benghazi Crummystick
Boondoggle Crackersmack
Brandyleg Crumpetpants
Benedict Cabbagepatch
Bjornguyson Cryspysack
Bourgeoisie Crimplecrack
Popecomb penguinbatshh
Wimbledon Tennismatch
Benedict Thundercrunch
Bendypole Cabbagepatch
Beekeeper candystore
Bendystraw cucumber
Butterscotch cornstarch
Beanpole cabbagehats
Windowsill tennisrack
Bebeheiwh cueiejdnd
Laryngitis Cucumbersmack
Bennable Cabbagepatch
Benesicy ximnernayxj
Bed addict lumber crash
Beekeeping cucumberman
Benedict cumbersomelastname
Benadryl Cabbagepatch
Benedict sour patch
Blueberry cucumberbutt
Beneficiary cucumbersnatch
Boredom closeted
Benadryl cucumber
Bendydick crumblebitch
Bandersnatch cummerbund
Beanbag cukapoo
Banana cümslut
Bennedict Cabbagepatch
Bevermind chumppies
Bendyball cummingback
Snickerdoodle Chittybangbang
Snophoppple Chumpser
Bandaid crumblynut
SuperMango CrumblyButt
Bendydick Cumberpatch
Bangny crumblesnoot
Bumblebee Croissant
Banana Coconut
Bartholomew Candycrush
Blenderbob wafflenose
Benedict Cumberbitch
Spongebob Squarepants
Buford Crankgameplays
Belly Cringle
Bonkyhort Cutiebrunch
Brocklehurst Cummulonimbus
Babbledon brickbunch
Bumblebee cinnamonbun
Broccoli cucumber
Butternut Crinklefries
Butterscotch Candycorn
Blueberry pumpkinpatch
Bramblestick Snickerssnatch
Bundleup Catchyourdeath
Blacktieand Cumberbund
Benedict Cucumberbatch
Mr Cabbagewank
Bodysnatch Cummerbund
Buffalo Custardbath
Benedrill Cucumberpatchsnatch
Buttermilk cabbagepatch
Benedict Cumberpatch
Bendystraw Cadillac
Birdfeeder CocaCola
Benedictine cumbersome
Bendydick cumtoofast
Bouncycat Cucumberpencil
Beverage Cuticle
Beneficial Cabinetry
Berniesandert cherryripe
Borinsob carrotstick
Banister cumblebench
Multigrain Batch Loaf
Benedettini Cabinetry
Congleton Sandbach
Breezewood Cumberland
Crabmeat Benedict
Bumblebee conservation trust
Blueberry pumpkin patch
Bendybutt Cannotkrump
Burntisland Cowdenbeath
Benefits of Cucumber
Baked Camembert
Jubberwacky Bandersnatch
Bidet Cankersore
Cadbury Pringle Batch
Pickling cucumber
Bendick‘s Mint Collection
Buttercup Cumbersnatch
Benadryl computerglitch
Brendadirk Cramplescrunch
Butternut Cramplebamp
Beetledwip cumbersnitch
Buffalo Custardbatch
Bandicoot Crumblecake
Baseballhat cozycouch
Benkeyhue Cucumberman
Bumblebee cockpitscatch
Bumblodore cucumberbitch
Brenadool Curtleton
Branmuffin cucumbercrutch
Benadryl cumberbunch
Britishguy Sillyname
Beaniebag Cabbagepatch
Boilerdang crimpysnitch
Whenpicnic remembersnacks
Brandy yummysnack
Further additions are welcome
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who-ate-my-jam · 11 months
legit had to google 'real name of benadryl cucumbersnatch' today
did. Did it work
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turkisherlockian · 3 years
Books and Sins | Chapter Two [Benedict Cumberbatch AU]
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Hello everyone! I'm Cer but you might remember me as @rosamundhr a.k.a. Rosamund, it was my nickname but I've changed my mind and I will use my own name Ceren, now. (Cer for short hehehe) Unfortunately I lost access to @rosamundhr so I will keep posting my stories here! I hope you enjoy it and I apologise for making you all wait for so long! Love you all, stay safe. 😸❤️
Summary: Katherine is a fan of Timothy Carlton, the writer who she knows nothing about. No photos, no interviews, no information, not even his age. And one day, a man comes into her life who claims to be her classmate from high school. But through the time, she has a gut feeling something is... Wrong.
Warnings: Mature content, self harm, violence, swearing.
Word count: 1855
Feedbacks are much appreciated and so motivating!
Chapter One
  Katherine woke up with a weird feeling inside her chest. She was mad at herself for being like this: She could like someone so easily and fall in love with them soon after. It was not her fault though, he was really charming. Too good looking to like her back. However, she tried to convince herself that she just liked him and was attracted to him because he was a writer and well... Handsome as fuck. Not to mention his gentlemanly behaviour. Taking a deep breath, she reached out for her phone to tell her best friend about it. She didn't really have lots of friends and she never complained about it, she liked solitude.
  She scolded herself for being that excited about the thought of seeing him again. He was the very first thing that was on her mind in the morning and she wanted to talk to him again. So badly.
  K: Morning!
  S: Morning to you too 🤣
You're texting me 'morning' since when?
  K: Stop being sarcastic. Can't I be nice to my best friend?
  S: Of course you can, I'm kidding. I just wondered what made you this cheerful... Or who, I should say.
  K: You know who.
  S: Oh do I?
  K: Come on, Samantha! The man I met yesterday. I can't get him out of my mind, I don't know what happened to me but he's like... Cigarette.
  S: You're smoking? Since when???
  K: Of course I don't! It was just an example, idiot. Just can't get him out of my mind. What do I do?
  S: Text him maybe?
You won't seem desperate, don't worry. I am sure he found you attractive as well and he might even be in love with you.
  K: Okay, no need to exaggerate.
What do I say, good morning or hi?
  S: It doesn't matter!
  K: Okay, I'll text you later.
Are you sure I won't seem desperate?
  S: Don't forget to tell me about it. I gotta go now, talk to you later. xxx
  K: Bye! ❤️
There was something different about him. Did she like him because he was attractive or because he was nice to her? She had to admit that he was attractive, but there was something else in his voice, in his looks, in the way he talked. She actually found him beautiful.
  Taking a deep breath, she finally decided to text him.
  K: Good morning. :)
  Was he still asleep? Maybe he was at work. Wait, do writers go to work? Maybe he had another job. Maybe not. Maybe he just did not want to talk to her... Why wasn't he replying?!
  She sighed in frustration as she took a big sip from her coffee and burned her tongue.
  B: Morning, Katherine.
How are you? :)
  He finally replied after 10 minutes. She bit her lip as her heart skipped a beat, and started typing.
  K: I'm good! Getting ready to go to school.
  K: I mean work.
  God, I'm an idiot, she thought.
  K: How about you?
  B: Just got out of shower, that's why I replied late by the way. Sorry about that. :)
  K: I was wondering if you would like to meet again sometime.
  She grinned as she bit her lip, that's what she always did when she was nervous or excited.
  K: I would love that! When will you be free?
  B:I'm always available for you.
Whenever you'd like. :)
  She started squealing in excitement. What did he just say?!
  K:I'm free in the afternoon.
  B: Wonderful. How about the café we met?
  K: Sounds good. Is 2PM okay for you?
  B: Yes. I am looking forward to it, Katherine.
  K: So am I. :)
I gotta go now, see you later. x
  B: Have a good day. See you. x
  She looked at her watch and she was 30 minutes late already. Without telling Samantha about it, she started to get ready in a hurry.
  She was never late for work, so no one was upset with her being late.
  ''...And my mum said I'm out of my mind!''
  Katherine just could not get him out of her mind, and she hated it. She did listen to her counselee but couldn't pay any attention, and now she was crying. She gave her a tissue, ''I understand you, Jane, and I hope telling me about it made you feel better. I know how difficult it is for you, but I have a suggestion. When I was your age, I found a way to deal with my problems: being your own counselor.'' She smiled warmly.
  ''My own counselor? How?'' The young girl sniffled.
  ''I imagined that I was told about everything I am going through, and I had to find them a way out. Think of it as if you're reading your life in third person of view. I did it for years and I still do when I don't want to tell people about my feelings. Plus, I found out that it was scientifically proven in college, so it is safe and it actually works. How does that sound?''
  She wiped her tears, ''I can try...''
  ''So tell me, what would you say to yourself if you were someone else?''
  ''I think I would say that maybe..." She sniffled, "Maybe her mother wasn't feeling good as well.''
  Katherine smiled, ''That's it! You are right. We all have problems that we don't want to tell the others and sometimes we might burn out on people we care about the most without being aware of it. You can ask your mother if she is feeling alright, it doesn't matter whether you are still upset with her or not; maybe you can help her as well just like you just helped yourself. That was very brave of you, in my opinion.'' She smiled wholeheartedly.
  The girl who was just crying smiled and said ''Thank you very much, Miss Daelan. It's going to be the first thing I'm gonna do when I'm home.''
  ''You're welcome. Feel free to talk to me anytime.'' She got up to open the door for her and then left the room as well before checking her phone.
3 new messages from Samantha
  S: Hey! Send screenshots!!!
Are you there?
  K: I'm sorryyyy I was late to work already and then forgot to text you.
Here you go:
  S: I told you that he liked you as well, he is flirting with you!
  K: No he's not!
  S: He adores you!
  K: You are really exaggerating.
  ''Miss Daelan, do you have a minute?'' Katherine looked up at the principle, "Yes, Mr Brealey."
  K: The principle wants to talk to me, I'll ttyl xxx
  S: What did he say?
  The old man opened his room's door for Katherine, she smiled and walked inside. He gestured her to sit down, "Please, have a seat." he said and closed the door. After sitting down, he cleared his throat and said "Miss Daelan, I... Erm..."
  He loosened his tie, couldn't dare to look at Katherine. His cheeks were red and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. The young woman frowned a little, listening to him in curiosity. "I've known you since the day you started working here and... I must say that you are the most intelligent, kind, beautiful woman I have ever seen... I can't take my eyes off you because you're an amazing woman and I... I love you."
  Katherine was shocked, didn't know what to say at first. She did not feel honored at all, she was disgusted. "Excuse me? I thought you were married!"
  "Yes but I don't love my wife, I'm going to divorce her soon; you must understand Miss Daelan, I love you! Please give me a chance..." And now she felt her blood boil in her veins.
"I am sorry but it's never gonna happen. I suggest you to divorce your wife as soon as possible to keep her away from an asshole like you." Katherine stood up angrily and walked towards the door, "But Miss D--" and she shut the door.
He said he loves me!
He's fucking married, Samantha!
Are you there?
  K: I guess you are busy
I'm going home to get ready, talk to you later xxx
  S: Sorry, I had to deal with a costumer
What a prick!!!
How dare he?
I want to kill him.
  K: Violence is never the answer but yeah, I pity on his wife to be honest. He even has children.
S: Whatever you're comfortable with. :)
  K: How about a dress?
The one I wore when we last met?
  S: You look so hot in it 🔥
Wear that one!
  K: It covers all of my body, it's kinda tight and there's NO WAY I can look hot in it. I don't want to look pretentious anyway.
  S: Anything you wear looks good on you, love!
  K: Gay. 🤭
  S: Shut up. Wear it!
  K: LOL sorry!
I gotta go nowww
  S: Tell me all about it when you're home, IF you go back home ;) Good luck!
  K: I WILL and thanks! ❤️
  The young woman sighed as she tried to find her keys. She was still mad at the principal and it was frustrating her.
  After a short shower, she dried her hair with a towel and let her curls down on her shoulders. She wore the dress and looked in the mirror, It actually looks good, she thought. After applying some makeup and wearing her favourite her perfume, she was ready. She didn't like to wait and hated making the others wait for her as well, so she left her flat at 1:30PM. It took her 15 minutes to get to the café and she realized that she wasn't the only one who was punctual.
  "Hi..." She said as she walked towards the man she couldn't get out of her mind. He was wearing a brown jumper with beige trousers and she breathed his masculine, minty cologne in. Her heart was beating faster already.
  "Oh, hi, Katherine!" He stood up and for one second she didn't know what to do. Should she shake his hand or kiss his cheek? Or hug him? The young man leaned down and kissed her cheek before hugging her, she was shaking inside.
  He felt her body close to his. He felt her delicate, pale skin; and her linden scent made him feel dizzy. Her arms hugged his chest and he felt her plump, beautiful breasts. He watched her dress tighten around her curves as she moved.
  She was so beautiful and he could barely keep his hands to himself. He could kiss and take her right there, but didn't. He had to control himself until she submitted to him, which wasn't going to take long because it was in her blood. Submitting, obeying, and being his. He just knew it, and he was going to take what belonged to him. Katherine, belonged to him.
Chapter Three
Please let me know what you think! ❤️
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* jumps excitedly* HEY HEY HEYYY
i think i just found out his real name
its *whispers* beautifulface nomoustache *squeels*
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moviesoutnowdotco · 4 years
100+ Benedict Cumberbatch Names Collection
If you want to choose any Benedict Cumberbatch names list. Here we have 100+ Benedict Cumberbatch Names list.
Honkytonk Calculus
Buttercup Lumberjack
Fragglerock Cockletit
Butterfree Choochootrain
Budapest Cabbagepatch
Rinkydink Sasquatch
Bunsenburner Cheddarcheese
Bob-the-builder Humperdinck
Bentobox Crumplesack
Benadryl Snickersbar
Bodysnatcher Cameltoe
Bubblegum Crackerjack
Bandicoot Crimpysnitch
Alcoholic Charizard
Burberry Chesterfield
Bob-the-builder Kumquat
Baggageclaim Cabbagepatch
Bonghead Candycrush
Birdbox Pumpkinpatch
Burglary Candlestick
Bettyboop Crumplebutt
Baguette Tennismatch
Bombadil Custardwheel
Battlefield Coralreef
Anglerfish Capital
Beetlejuice Candycrush
Bourgeoisie Covergirl
Beerbrewer Covergirl
Buckingham Crackersprout
Billyray Coralreef
Butterbeer Crackerjack
Bumfiddle Tennismatch
Bonghead Chesterfield
Bonaparte Cinderblock
Brendadirk Humperdinck
Beerbrewer Cucumbersnatch
Bonaparte Bradybunch
Botany Moldyspore
Brendadirk Slenderman
Bucharest Overwatch
Bonapart Curdlesnoot
Bendydick Calculus
Bonehead Collywog
Benadryl Bandersnatch
Bootstrap Crackerdong
Bengaltiger Cuminhersnatch
Rinkydink Frumblesnatch
Beerbelly Oxfordshire
Hubert Kumquat
Birdbox Coralreef
Fiddlestick Thunderpants
Pallettown Sasquatch
Broccoli Canonlock
Broccoli Tennismatch
Bumberstump Moldyspore
Barbituate Coochyrash
Barnibus Cabbagepatch
Fiddlestick Cankersore
Bankrobber Custardbath
Buffalo Cuttlefish
Bumblebee Cabbagepatch
Badminton Chuckecheese
Build-a-bear Custardbath
Budapest Saladfingers
Broccoli Cabbagepatch
Buttercup Kumquat
Barium Candybowl
Bukkake Bumbersplat
Bukkake Collarbone
Bumblebee Camcorder
Burglary Creamsicle
Beerbelly Pumpkinpatch
Billiardball Talisman
Benefit Banglesnatch
Benjamin Candyshack
Fragglerock Tinkerbell
Bandersnatch Sushiroll
Beerdrinker Talisman
All of these names are generated by Benedict Cumberbatch Name Generator.
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unrelentinghost · 4 years
Jimmy Magma is the new Benadryl Cucumbersnatch
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taliashires · 5 years
help me out
- Boondock Cucumbersnatch
- Boojack Cocksnack
- Boobytrap Cockroach
- Benghazi Custardbath
- Bandicoot Thundersnatch
- Babadook Capitalism
- Benadryl Cabbagepatch
- Wimbledon Tennismatch (so far out there but yet so perfect)
- Banister Crumblebench
- Buttercup Cumbersnatch
-Bonkyhort Cutiebunch
- Bendynoodle Crumperbunts
- Bodysnatch Cummerbund
- Bumblebee Chernobyl
- Beneficiary Cucumber
- Cadbury Pringlebatch
- Bendadirk Cramplecrunch
- Boogeyman Captaincrunch
- Brokeback Mountainbatch
- Bootyhole Catch-22
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Why do I feel like this could be a real life conversation between Tom Hiddleston and Benadryl Cucumbersnatch
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How benadryl cucumbersnatch was created
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madrcar · 5 years
Reblog with a variation of “Benedict Cumberbatch”
Benadryl Cucumbersnatch
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deadshoppingmalls · 7 years
The scene with JLM's Sherlock Holmes confronting Eugene about his drug problem was better acted and more emotional than literally any scene that Benadryl Cucumbersnatch had in the entire run of Sherlock
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haussier · 7 years
shoutout to my mom for buying me the dvd copy of an ancient black-and-white adaptation of hounds of baskerville because i was a hardcore sherlockian and she had no fucking clue i was into benadryl cucumbersnatch
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 years
Maybe 616!Stephen is conventionally unpretty but can we agree that MCU!Stephen and Benadryl Cucumbersnatch look way worse than 616!Stephen? Like, Benadryl is not cute. He's just not.
Oh, I don't meant to say that Stephen is an objectively unattractive man. He's a cartoon character, he can be as cute or uncute as you want. I just think that the Doctor Strange getup is not sexy, his personality is not sexy, the Orientalism of it all is not sexy, and so forth. My response to Stephen Strange typically falls between "ew, this guy," (affectionate) and "okay, dad" (derogatory).
But then sometimes I get hit with a page like this and I don't know how to handle it.
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What am I supposed to do with this? Who tf was this for??
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-y'all can call me- Jiya ❤❤,or Molly , or any cool nickname you can come up with
-cabin- 6 (athena)
-pronouns- literally anything, she/her/he/him/they/them whatever you are comfortable with
-sexuality- confused af but i think im pan
-Nationality- desi
-My Spotify- Here
- My Instagram- @/wesper_worshipper
Book/Book series:
Hunger games
The Mortal Instruments
The infernal Devices
The last hours
Harry Potter (fuck JKR)
Maze Runner
Fifty Shades
Red, White and Royal blue
Fault in our Stars
Looking for Alaska
Paper Towns
An Abundance of Katherines
Turtles all the way down
The Folk of the Air
All for the Game
Web Series/movies:
Young Royals
Squid Games
How I met your mother
Brooklyn nine-nine
Anne with an e
Never have I ever
The Vampire diaries
Good Omens
Shadow and Bone
Pride and Prejudice(2005)
One direction (band and solo both)
Omar Rudberg
Arctic Monkeys
The Weeknd
Taylor Swift
Hailee Steinfeld
Anime (i just started watching so the list is a bit short)
Death note
Attack on titan
Classroom of the elite
A silent voice
Spy x family
Jujutsu kaisen
My Hero Academia (currently watching)
Your Name
-currently in love with- Dove Cameron🛐🛐🛐, benadryl cucumbersnatch, OMAR RUDBERG <33
-married to- @willothewhisper (love of my life , she's the best )
-parabatai- @crzyprsn42 <33
-spawned on this earth in the year- 2003
-DNI- all pedophiles, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, misogynists , terfs , abusers , and other stupid bigots please stay off my blog if you dont want me to kick your ass hard. next , and im adding this on 14th feb 22 that i dont ever put an age limit on my blog, but if you are below 14, please dont follow me, unless we're already mutuals or i follow you. you can ask me the reason if you want
-random info- i love being tagged in picrews and games and chains and all that stuff so please tag me , and if there maybe a chance that i didnt reply , i saw it and forgot about it im realllllllyyy sorry in advance about that.
i lovee talking to new people and make friends so if you wanna talk, or just tell me about your day, or share theories with me, or swoon of one direction and other hot people , im totally available lovelies<33
im the cool dad for all babies under 17 here(im 18 . HOLY SHIT IM 18 im 19!!) so yeah i can tell you a lot of dad jokes.
im also the kind of person who hates hates hates science but is fascinated by space and astronomy etc, its so full of possibilities yk?
my tags-
original posts as #mine
original shitposts as #jia shitposts
liveblogging as #liveblogging movies cuz i got no one to talk to , or #liveblogging series cuz i got no one to talk to
my most important post
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shipgirl13 · 6 years
My favorite marvel actors are Crisp Rat, Marcus Buffalo, Benadryl Cucumbersnatch, and Candlestick Bossman.
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glassesweirdo · 6 years
I was talking about Sherlock Holmes with someone at dinner, and it must have sounded really weird for me to say 'Benadryl cucumbersnatch' to anyone who didn't know what I was talking about
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