#benefits of saffron for skin
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Night Skin Care: रात में सोने से पहले इस होममेड मास्क को करें अप्लाई, अगले दिन मिलेगी ग्लोइंग स्किन
Night Skin Care: रात में सोने से पहले इस होममेड मास्क को करें अप्लाई, अगले दिन मिलेगी ग्लोइंग स्किन
Night Skin Care: रात में सोने से पहले इस होममेड मास्क को करें अप्लाई, अगले दिन मिलेगी ग्लोइंग स्किन स्किन पर ग्लो रहे तो आधी से ज्यादा प्रॉब्लम सॉल्व हो जाती हैं। लेकिन ग्लो को बरकरार रखना मुश्किल है। इन दिनों की तेज धूप, धूल और प्रदूषण में स्किन को सबसे ज्यादा परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। इन सब परेशानियों से छुटकारा पाने और निखार के लिए ज्यादातर महिलाएं फेशियल और क्लीनअप करवाना पसंद करती…
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jolybeautyofficial · 12 hours
Unlock Radiant Skin with Joly Beauty's Saffron Serum and Saffron Cream
In the pursuit of glowing, youthful skin, the beauty world often turns to natural ingredients that have stood the test of time. Saffron, known as "red gold," has been treasured for centuries for its powerful skincare benefits. Joly Beauty harnesses the luxurious properties of this ancient spice in their Saffron Serum and Saffron Cream, offering a transformative skincare experience. Here, we delve into how these products can elevate your beauty routine and deliver remarkable results.
The Magic of Saffron in Skincare
Saffron, derived from the Crocus sativus flower, is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Its potent properties help to brighten the complexion, reduce dark spots, and improve overall skin texture. With its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities, saffron is also excellent for soothing irritated skin and preventing acne.
Joly Beauty's Saffron Serum: A Concentrated Elixir
Brightening and Even Skin Tone: Joly Beauty's Saffron Serum is designed to penetrate deeply into the skin, delivering the concentrated benefits of saffron directly to the cellular level. Regular use of this serum helps to lighten pigmentation, resulting in a more even and radiant skin tone.
Antioxidant Protection: The serum is packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals, which are known to accelerate the aging process. By neutralizing these harmful molecules, Joly Beauty's Saffron Serum helps to prevent premature aging, keeping your skin looking youthful and vibrant.
Hydration and Nourishment: Besides saffron, this serum is enriched with hydrating ingredients that lock in moisture and keep the skin plump and soft. Its lightweight formula absorbs quickly, providing essential nutrients without leaving a greasy residue.
Joly Beauty's Saffron Cream: Luxurious Moisturization
Deep Moisturization: Joly Beauty's Saffron Cream offers rich, luxurious hydration. The creamy texture melts into the skin, delivering intense moisture that keeps your skin soft and supple throughout the day.
Skin Rejuvenation: Infused with the goodness of saffron, this cream helps to rejuvenate the skin, promoting cell turnover and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The result is a smoother, more youthful complexion.
Radiant Glow: The saffron cream works to enhance your natural glow by brightening dull skin. Its regular use can help diminish dark spots and give your skin a luminous, healthy look.
Combining the Power of Saffron Serum and Saffron Cream
To maximize the benefits of saffron in your skincare routine, use Joly Beauty's Saffron Serum and Saffron Cream together. Start with the serum, applying a few drops to clean, dry skin. Gently massage it in, allowing the serum to fully absorb. Follow up with the saffron cream to lock in the serum's benefits and provide additional hydration.
Why Choose Joly Beauty?
Quality Ingredients: Joly Beauty is committed to using high-quality, natural ingredients. Their saffron is sourced from the finest fields, ensuring that you receive the most potent and effective skincare products.
Sustainable Practices: Joly Beauty is dedicated to sustainability. Their products are cruelty-free and made with eco-friendly practices, so you can feel good about your skincare choices.
Proven Results: Countless users have experienced the transformative effects of Joly Beauty's saffron-infused products. From reducing pigmentation to achieving a radiant glow, the results speak for themselves.
Incorporating Joly Beauty's Saffron Serum and Saffron Cream into your skincare regimen can be a game-changer. The powerful combination of these two products harnesses the ancient benefits of saffron, offering modern solutions for brightening, anti-aging, and hydration. Experience the luxury of radiant, youthful skin with Joly Beauty's saffron skincare line. Your skin deserves the best, and with Joly Beauty, the best is exactly what you get.
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swathikrishna123 · 18 days
Remarkable Saffron Milk Benefits for Radiant and Youthful Skin
Saffron is an unavoidable ingredient in skin care. How did it become an indispensable element? Nothing, but it's skin benefits. It can impart a natural glow because the antioxidants present in saffron neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress, which leads to the preservation of youthful and radiant skin.
 Saffron has anti aging properties; it has the ability to prevent signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Saffron gives a complete solution for uneven skin tone. It brightens the skin naturally and resolves every pigmentation issue. Saffron provides permanent solutions for acne issues using the anti-microbial properties found in saffron milk. Saffron is a good cleansing agent when it is incorporated with milk. Which efficiently eliminates impurities, dirt, and oil from the skin. When it is incorporated with milk. Saffron has the ability to soothe and calm skin irritation caused by various reasons. Saffron milk is an effective method to use saffron. Adding saffron milk to our skin care helps us to transform our skin completely. Are you dreaming of radiant, healthy, and glowing skin? Then follow this link to know more about Saffron milk benefits for skin.
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kashmirisaffron · 4 months
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Saffron Benefits for Your Health and Wellness
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rasayanamofficial · 9 months
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puribros46 · 11 months
Pearl Powder Benefits for Radiant Skin
When it comes to skincare, there is a treasure trove of natural ingredients that can do wonders for your skin. One such precious gem is "Pearl Powder," which has been cherished for centuries in traditional beauty practices. With its incredible benefits, pearl powder has become a popular ingredient in the skincare industry. Let's delve into the magical Pearl powder benefits the skin of pearl powder for achieving radiant and youthful skin.
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The Power of Pearl Powder:
Pearl Powder: A Timeless Beauty Secret
Since ancient times, pearl powder has been revered as a beauty secret among the elite. Extracted from real pearls, this luxurious powder is enriched with essential amino acids, minerals, and trace elements that nourish the skin from within.
Brighten and Even Out the Skin Tone
Pearl powder's potent properties can help brighten and even out your skin tone, diminishing the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. The powder's natural exfoliating properties gently remove dead skin cells, revealing a luminous complexion beneath.
Promote Collagen Production
Collagen is the building block of our skin, responsible for maintaining its firmness and elasticity. Pearl powder stimulates collagen production, helping to reduce the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, and keeping your skin looking plump and youthful.
Combat Acne and Blemishes
For those struggling with acne and blemishes, pearl powder comes to the rescue. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe irritated skin, while its antimicrobial effects combat acne-causing bacteria, promoting a clearer and healthier complexion.
Oil Control
Say goodbye to excess shine! Pearl powder can regulate sebum production, making it an excellent option for individuals with oily skin. Balancing oil levels prevents clogged pores and reduces the occurrence of breakouts.
Incorporating Pearl Powder into Your Skincare Routine:
Now that you're convinced of the remarkable benefits of pearl powder, let's explore how to incorporate it into your skincare routine.
Pearl Powder Masks: Create a rejuvenating face mask by mixing pearl powder with honey and yogurt. Apply this mixture to your face and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing off. Your skin will feel supple and revitalized.
Pearl Powder Serums: Look for serums infused with pearl powder for a concentrated dose of its skincare benefits. Gently massage the serum onto your face and neck for optimal absorption.
Pearl Powder Moisturizers: Upgrade your moisturizer with one that contains pearl powder. It will keep your skin hydrated while providing a radiant glow.
Pearl Powder Supplements: If you want to enhance your skin's beauty from the inside out, consider adding pearl powder supplements to your daily routine. These supplements can support overall skin health and radiance.
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With its rich history and undeniable Pearl powder benefits the skin, pearl powder is undoubtedly a treasure for achieving radiant and youthful skin. From brightening the complexion to promoting collagen production, this magical powder has something extraordinary to offer for all skin types. Embrace the power of pearl powder in your skincare regimen, and you'll be amazed at the transformation it brings to your skin.
So, why wait? Unlock the secrets of pearl powder and let your skin's natural beauty shine through!
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rahulkhannapv · 11 months
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advik-ayurveda · 1 year
Discover the Benefits of Kesar Ubtan Face Wash: A Natural Way to Improve Skin Health and Appearance
Kesar Ubtan face wash is a natural and herbal skincare product that has been used for centuries in India for its cleansing and beautifying properties. This face wash is enriched with the goodness of Kesar (saffron), which is known for its powerful antioxidants and skin-brightening properties. The ubtan formula of the face wash is a traditional Ayurvedic blend of natural ingredients like sandalwood, turmeric, and chickpea flour that gently exfoliate the skin, remove impurities, and leave it feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. This face wash is suitable for all skin types if it is free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances. With regular use, Kesar Ubtan face wash improves the texture and tone of your skin, leaving you with a brighter, clearer, and more youthful-looking complexion.
Kesar or saffron, and ubtan (concoction in chickpea flour base) have several benefits for the skin. Let us take a look at these before understanding how combining them is even more beneficial.
Saffron for skin
Saffron is a rich source of antioxidants that protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation and redness, making it useful for those with acne-prone skin. Saffron can also improve skin texture and tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and brighten the skin.
Chickpea for Skin
Chickpeas are a good source of protein and contain essential amino acids that are important for skin health. Chickpeas contain several vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy skin, including vitamin B6, zinc, and magnesium. These nutrients can reduce inflammation, prevent acne, and promote collagen production, which can improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. These properties make chickpea flour an excellent base for Ubtan.
Ubtan for Skin
Ubtan is a traditional Ayurvedic skincare treatment that has been used in India for centuries. It is a natural mixture of herbs, spices, and grains that is used to exfoliate, cleanse, and nourish the skin. Ubtan is typically made by grinding together ingredients like chickpea flour, turmeric, sandalwood, and rose water to form a paste. The paste is then applied to the skin and left on for a few minutes before being washed off.
Applying ubtan helps to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and improve skin texture and tone. The natural ingredients in ubtan have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which soothe and heal the skin. Ubtan is also believed to have skin-brightening and anti-aging benefits, as it reduces the appearance of dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles.
Ubtan is suitable for all skin types and can be used as a standalone treatment or incorporated into your regular skincare routine. It is a gentle and natural alternative to harsh chemical exfoliants and cleansers, and promotes healthier, more radiant-looking skin.
Benefits of using Kesar Ubtan face wash
Kesar Ubtan face wash is a natural and gentle way to cleanse and care for your skin, while also providing multiple benefits to improve its appearance and health.Benefits of using a natural face wash which contains saffron, turmeric, aloe vera, and other beneficial herbs are the following:
Anti-aging: The antioxidants in saffron and turmeric prevent premature aging and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Regular use of this face wash can improve skin texture and elasticity, making it look more youthful and radiant.
Brightening: Saffron is known to brighten the skin by removing dullness and improving skin complexion. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation and promote a healthy glow.
Deep cleansing: The natural ingredients in this face wash deeply cleanse the skin and remove impurities and dirt from the pores. This helps to prevent acne and breakouts, leaving the skin clean and refreshed.
Moisturizing: Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer that keeps the skin hydrated and soft. Regular use of this face wash can prevent dryness and flakiness, leaving the skin smooth and supple.
Exfoliating: The natural exfoliating properties of Kesar ubtan face wash remove dead skin cells and promote skin renewal. This gentle exfoliation improves the skin texture and reduces the appearance of blemishes and dark spots. Chickpea flour in the face wash gently exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells, revealing smoother and softer skin.
Fighting acne: Turmeric in Kesar Ubtan face wash has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that fight acne and prevent breakouts.The anti-inflammatory herbs soothe irritated skin and reduce redness and swelling. In this way, such a face wash is a great choice for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin.
Nourishing the skin:The combination of natural ingredients in Kesar Ubtan face wash improves the texture of the skin, making it smoother and more even. If there is sandalwood in a face wash, it will have a soothing effect on the skin, and nourish and hydrate the skin.
A natural kesar ubtan face wash is an effective way to cleanse and care for your skin. It provides multiple benefits that improves skin health and appearance, making it a great addition to your skincare routine.
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theorganicproducts · 2 years
Saffron Essential Oil for Skin Saffron Essential Oil for Face Saffron Essential Oil Benefits for Skin Saffron Essential Oil Benefits
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milfsloverblog · 5 months
Secret Benefits (part 4)
Previous part here
Sugar mommy!Larissa Weems x fem!reader
A/N: Guess who’s back, back again. I know, I know. It’s been a while. Life has been a crazy ride in the last couple of months and I just didn’t have the heart to be writing anything. But I thought it’d be nice to gift you this chapter as a new year present. Have fun! ps: this contains ANGST. You’ve been warned. Enjoy <3
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You could tell that The Paragon was another one of those ridiculously expensive restaurants as soon as you set foot inside. High ceilings, heavy velvet curtains hanging by the windows, paintings on the walls.
You took a deep breath and slid your hand into Larissa’s, intertwining your fingers with hers. It felt reassuring, feeling her skin against yours and knowing that she was there with you. Or that you were there with her.
A waiter quickly walked your way, flashing the two of you a bright smile before leading you to a table. You felt a couple of stares as you walked past the other seated people and realised what they were probably thinking about. A young woman with an older one, holding hands. You hadn’t even asked Larissa if this was okay - holding her hand in public. Holding hands like a couple would. That thought made you pull your hand away from Larissa’s as if you’d been burnt, much to Larissa’s dismay.
You sat down at the table and Larissa followed suit, sitting down in front of you. The older woman smiled when you didn’t bother opening the menu that had been handed to you by the waiter, knowing full well she’d be picking whatever you’d be eating.
Good girl, she thought as her blue eyes bore into yours before dropping to the menu in her hands.
Seared scallops with a saffron sauce as a main and a white chocolate and raspberry semifredo for dessert, that’s what she had picked for you that night.
Dinner went like it did last time, Larissa was always more willing to listen to you talking about your life rather than share about hers.
The tall woman chuckled softly when you pushed some semifredo in your mouth, making you look at her.
“You have some-“ Larissa didn’t finish her sentence, choosing instead to reach out and wipe the bit of cream from the corner of your mouth with her thumb.
Almost instinctively, your lips parted. Larissa’s breath hitched, her heart doing that damn fluttering thing in her chest. You looked so beautiful, she thought. So open to her, so inviting.
Without thinking about it twice, she pushed the tip of her finger between your parted lips. And without thinking about it twice, your tongue licked the pad of her thumb clean.
A shiver ran down Larissa’s spine and she pulled her hand away from your lips, leaving you with your mouth half open and a questioning look on your face.
“Larissa, I-“ you started apologising but the older woman cut you off, raising her hand to catch the waiter’s attention.
You stayed quiet as she paid the bill, following when she stood up and buttoned up her blazer. You weren’t sure what you had done exactly to warrant her whole demeanour to change, but it was clear that you had messed up.
She was still silent when you sat down by her side in the car, seemingly lost in her own thoughts as she drove away from the restaurant.
Larissa was as lost as you were, thousands of thoughts rushing through her mind as she remembered everything that had happened that day. This was nothing more than a beneficial agreement - she found herself thinking for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.
She was still quiet by the time she dropped you off at your place, reaching for the envelope inside the glove compartment and carefully placing it on your lap.
“Larissa, you don’t have to-“
“I know. But that’s what we agreed on, I’m paying you for your time.”
You gave a slight nod and pushed the envelope inside your handbag.
“Well,” you started, turning a little to face Larissa who kept her gaze outside the windshield. “Thank you for today.”
The older woman nodded and gently squeezed your knee without looking at you.
For a second you wondered if that was it, if this was the last time you’d see her. And then it hit you, the sudden urge to lunge at her and pull her into a kiss. Maybe it would wipe the worry off her pretty blue eyes and the pout off her crimson lips. But you didn’t kiss her, choosing instead to mutter a quiet “goodnight” before getting out of the car.
You didn’t see Larissa again after that night, at least not for a while. She didn’t contact you anymore, not even a single text to ask how you were doing. And maybe, you thought, maybe that was for the best. Sure, money was tight again but…
“Fuck!” You dropped the letter on your coffee table. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You were fucked.
“What do you mean you don’t do instalments?!” You snapped at the woman on the other side of the phone that was pressed to your ear. “Yes, yes I get that! I get that it’s my fault but-“ you groaned when the woman cut you off again to remind you for the third time that you had missed part of the payment for your college fees and you had to pay for the remaining amount as soon as possible.
“For god’s sake, I’m a college student! Where do you think I’ll find two thousand dollars before Friday?! No, no my parents won’t-“ you pinched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath. It was clear that the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, so you thanked the woman for her time and hung up.
You were fucked.
Asking your parents for help was useless, you already knew that. Maybe you could pick up a few more shifts at the bar but that meant you’d have to skip some classes and even then you would never gather that much money in a few days. And then it hit you. There was someone in your life who did have that kind of money.
You sighed loudly and sat down on the couch, staring at the phone that was still in your hand. You couldn’t just text Larissa asking her for two grand, not after you hadn’t talked to each other in weeks. No, you’d have to come up with a plan. And so you did.
It was a fairly simple plan. You texted Larissa asking how she was doing and chatting for a while before you offered to see each other. “A drink at my place,” you said. You knew that Larissa was attracted to you, a blind person could have told you that. Were you attracted to her though? You shook your head to get rid of the thought. It didn’t matter if you were attracted or not, all that mattered was that she was.
She had arrived at your place that evening with a bottle of Chardonnay. “I hate showing up empty-handed.” She’d told you when you said you had a couple of red wine bottles in the cupboard.
Larissa was a vision, as always. A beige-coloured coat that she shrugged off her shoulders to reveal a tight dress of the exact same beige fabric. Her hair was tied in one of those intricate updos, like the ones you’d seen in old movies, and her lips painted a darker shade of red. She was a vision.
“Make yourself comfortable, please.” You smiled and gestured towards the sofa. After a few seconds of hesitation, you opted to open a bottle of red. You had a feeling Larissa had a preference for it.
“There,” You said, placing the two glasses on the coffee table and sitting down next to the older woman. “Had a good day at work?”
“I did, it could have been worse.” Larissa gently clinked her glass against yours and took a swig of wine. She never shared much about her work which only made you more curious.
She asked about your day and you told her about it, avoiding mentioning the astronomical bill you had to pay.
“I’m glad you could come tonight.” You smiled and took a sip.
“I’m glad you invited me, I know it’s not an easy thing to let people into our space.”
“You’re right, but I trust you.“ How ironic. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” You added, looking around your living room.
Larissa hummed and took another sip of wine, uncrossing her legs and crossing them again.
“Do you live in a house?” You asked, hoping to learn more about her.
“I…No, it’s a bit complicated. I have my own apartments at work.” Larissa explained, visibly ill at ease.
“It’s fine, I know you don’t like sharing about your private life.” You pushed a small smile and carefully placed your hand on Larissa’s leg, right above her knee where the soft fabric of her dress gave way to her alabaster skin.
“Thank you,” Larissa whispered, adjusting herself so she could look at you.
You felt bad at the thought of what you were about to do. Your stomach twisting in your belly as Larissa’s gaze bore into yours. You liked her. You couldn’t do this.
Almost as a reflex you lifted your hand and emptied your drink to give yourself more courage.
“May I kiss you?” It left your lips without you even thinking about it.
Larissa’s eyes widened to the point where she looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a fast-approaching car.
Well, that did not go as you had expected.
The silence was almost too unbearable so you cleared your throat and moved to get up from the couch, hoping to pour yourself another glass of wine when slender fingers wrapped around your forearm and yanked you back down. Next thing you knew Larissa’s lips were crashing against yours, her right hand finding purchase on your cheek and pulling you impossibly closer.
“Yes,” she whispered out of breath when she eventually pulled away from you, her red lipstick smudged around her mouth up to the tip of her nose. “Yes, you may kiss me. And you may not stop.”
Larissa couldn’t help but notice the way your pupils dilated in reaction to her words. So you did want her. You wanted her like she wanted you and that made the woman’s heart swell in her chest.
“Kiss me again.” A demand that you couldn’t say no to, really. And so you kissed her again. And again. And again. Until she pulled you so you’d straddle her thighs and her lips eventually left yours, busying themselves on leaving red marks along your jaw and down your neck.
“Larissa-“ it came out as a strangled cry, your fingertips gently tugging on the woman’s hair and messing up her neat updo.
“Stop me if I go too far.” She whispered against your skin as her hands slipped under your dress to caress your thighs.
You weren’t sure if this was still part of your plan. Sure, you had hoped to seduce her thinking it might make her more susceptible to lend you the money but maybe this was actually going too far.
“I need two grand-“ it was out of your mouth in less than a second and Larissa’s hand instantly stilled their movements.
“What ?” She huffed in disbelief.
“I-I need two grand for a bill, but I’ll pay you back! I swear!”
Larissa huffed again and shook her head, her hands moving to her hair in an attempt to fix her updo - or perhaps to ground herself, you weren’t sure.
“This is why you called me here, isn’t it?”
You quickly stood up from the woman’s thighs and fixed your dress.
“No! Of course not-“ you swallowed thickly as she rose to her full height and towered over you.
Larissa’s face was flushed and you could tell it wasn’t the same flush as a few minutes before. No, this time she was furious.
“Larissa, Listen-“ You tried, taking a step back and watching her take one forward.
“No!” She growled with a severity that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. “It’s your turn to listen.”
You took another step back as she took one closer, then another one, until she had you trapped against the fridge.
“You lied to me,” she said. “You made me come here, made me believe that you wanted to spend time with me. But all you care about is my money, isn’t it?” Larissa hissed, baring her teeth like a rabid dog. “You would sell your body like some cheap whore on the street.”
“And you would buy it!” You snapped, unable to let her bite you without biting her back.
“No, that’s where you’re wrong. I wouldn’t. I don’t mind paying for your time, your company. But this? No. It would feel like using you, and I already feel guilty enough as it is. Although you obviously don’t mind using me.” Larissa took a step back and reached inside her handbag, pulling out her chequebook and opening it.
“What are you-“ you started, only to be cut off by the older woman.
“I care.” Larissa simply said as she wrote the cheque. “And I thought-“ she slightly shook her head and handed you the cheque. Two thousand dollars. “Yes, I thought.” She repeated before giving a nod and putting her beige coat back on.
“Larissa,” you tried, gently wrapping your hand around her bicep.
“No,” she shook her head again and pulled away. “You’ve played me. You won’t see me again, sweetling.” It was said without any animosity. Instead, you found that her blue eyes were filled with melancholy as if she had been through this before and life was just repeating itself.
I’m sorry, you wanted to say, I’m sorry I lied to you and manipulated you. And I’m sorry to be hurting you.
You wanted to rip the cheque into pieces, to show her that it didn’t matter. But it did. You needed the money or you’d be kicked out of college. But, Larissa. Larissa, Larissa, Larissa. Larissa and her melancholy-filled eyes. I’m not like the ones who’ve hurt you before, you wanted to shout. But you were. Perhaps you were even worse than them.
Larissa and her melancholy-filled eyes.
Larissa and her warmth-filled laugh.
Larissa and her love-filled kisses.
Love-filled kisses.
Oh, god.
Of course.
You hadn’t realised it. Not before that moment. Larissa didn’t just like you. She had feelings for you.
“Larissa!” You exclaimed, snapping out of your thoughts only to find your apartment empty.
She was gone.
You were fucked.
Taglist: @raspburrythief @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @larissaoftarthweems @principal-weems09 @kimiinou @winterfireblond @im-a-carnivorous-plant @geekyarmorel @h-doodles @azu-zu @barbarasstar @witchesmortuary @m1lflov3rrr @dumbasslesbi @crow-raven-crow @fridays-coven @lilfartbox1 @shawncantwrite @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @gwens0girl @aemilia19 @the-bagel24 @lvinhs @thefutureisus2020 @gela123 @a-queen-and-her-throne @rando-mango @wheresmyboo @my-silver-spring @hillary-nicks @ablsk @natasha29romanoff @tallvampirelady12 @canyoufeelmyheartsayinghi @i-love-nerdy-stuff @1-800-milfdilf @scarlettssub @jasperobsidian-blog @i-write-sometimes-maybe @brienne-the-brave @slytherinthepms @non-binary-frogking @wife-of-gwendolinechristie @anjo-iludidoefudido @imnotafruitt @opheliauniverse
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glaceorg · 3 months
Unveiling the Best: Top Skin Care Products in India
India, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse population, has long been a hub for natural remedies and skincare traditions. In recent years, the beauty industry in India has witnessed a surge in innovative skincare products, catering to a wide range of skin types and concerns. From Ayurvedic formulations to cutting-edge technology, let's explore some of the top skincare products making waves in India.
Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Face Wash Harnessing the power of Neem, a revered ingredient in Ayurveda known for its antibacterial properties, Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Face Wash is a favorite among Indian consumers. This gentle yet effective face wash deeply cleanses the skin, removing impurities and preventing acne breakouts. Enriched with Turmeric and Neem extracts, it leaves the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
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Lakmé Absolute Argan Oil Radiance Overnight Oil-in-Serum Lakmé, a household name in India, offers a luxurious skincare solution with its Absolute Argan Oil Radiance Overnight Oil-in-Serum. Infused with the goodness of Argan Oil, this serum deeply nourishes the skin overnight, revealing a radiant and youthful complexion in the morning. Lightweight and non-greasy, it absorbs quickly into the skin, making it suitable for all skin types.
Kama Ayurveda Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Ayurvedic Night Serum Drawing inspiration from ancient Ayurvedic texts, Kama Ayurveda presents the Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Ayurvedic Night Serum. Formulated with a blend of Saffron, Sandalwood, and other potent herbs, this serum works overnight to brighten the complexion, reduce dark spots, and improve skin texture. With regular use, it helps achieve a luminous and flawless complexion.
Biotique Bio Fruit Whitening & Depigmentation Face Pack Biotique, known for its commitment to Ayurvedic principles, offers the Bio Fruit Whitening & Depigmentation Face Pack, enriched with the goodness of fruits and botanical extracts. This revitalizing face pack helps lighten pigmentation, even out skin tone, and impart a healthy glow to the skin. Packed with natural ingredients like Papaya, Pineapple, Lemon, and Tomato, it provides multiple benefits in a single application.
WOW Skin Science Vitamin C Face Serum Harnessing the power of Vitamin C, WOW Skin Science Vitamin C Face Serum is a game-changer in the Indian skincare market. This lightweight serum helps brighten the complexion, fade dark spots, and protect the skin from environmental damage. With its antioxidant-rich formula, it promotes collagen production, resulting in firmer and more youthful-looking skin over time.
Conclusion India's skincare landscape is teeming with innovative products that blend traditional wisdom with modern science. From Ayurvedic formulations to cutting-edge serums, there is something for everyone in the diverse range of skincare offerings. By incorporating these top skincare products into your routine, you can achieve radiant, healthy skin that reflects India's timeless beauty traditions.
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Nagkesar Ke Upay: ये छोटा-सा फूल कुछ ही दिनों में आपको बना देगा मालामाल, जानिए इससे जुड़े कुछ खास उपाय
Nagkesar Ke Upay: ये छोटा-सा फूल कुछ ही दिनों में आपको बना देगा मालामाल, जानिए इससे जुड़े कुछ खास उपाय
Image Source : INDIA TV Nagkesar Ke Upay Nagkesar Ke Upay: आजकल हर एक इंसान किसी न किसी चीज को लेकर टेंशन में रहता है। फिर चाहें वो धन-दौलत की चिंता हो या बिजनेस की गति को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए हो। लेकिन कई बार किस्मत की वजह से उन्हें मनचाहा फल नहीं मिल पाता है। अगर आप भी इस समस्या से परेशान हैं तो अब आपको परेशान होने की जरूरत नहीं है क्योंकि आज हम आपको बताएंगे एक फूल के बारे में जिसके उपाय से आपकी…
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floofgryph · 6 months
Second OC for the Liam & Co Universe
Name: Callirrhoe D'Agincourt, Fulgora (birth name)
Species: Mermaid-lamia hybrid
Birthday: December 28th (the day she was found), April 10th (the day she was born)
Age: Between 7 and 12
Sexuality: Questioning
Occupation: Familiar
Abilities: Due to her unique mythological heritage, she can effortlessly breathe underwater and on land. Once underwater, Callirrhoe is an extraordinarily fast swimmer compared to the average human. She can control and manipulate the tides such as crashing down on her targets that wash everything away and riding on the waves. She can create, shape, and manipulate electricity, using it to summon lightning bolts and create thunderstorms. She can shock her targets, which either paralyses them, burns them or stops their hearts in severe cases. She possesses a beautiful and hypnotising voice, which often lures people either to their death or following her commands. She can shapeshift into an eel-like sea serpent and remove her eyes in order to sleep.
Personality: Callirrhoe often keeps her emotions and ideas hidden to herself, and is very observant, being able to notice small details that others don’t. She’s very energetic and spends most of her time playing by herself or pulling harmless pranks on others. She possesses a meticulous imagination that she puts into use through art, playtime, and mischievous pranks. She’s naturally curious and isn’t afraid to ask questions in order to expand her knowledge. She’s usually cautious around unfamiliar faces and confronting new situations, and is on high alert for many potential dangers. Callirrhoe is very protective of those she truly cares about and is often willing to put her life at risk. She’s easily aroused by the feelings of others due to her sensitivity, which allows to effectively understand other people on an emotional level.
She’s very kind-hearted and gentle when interacting with other people, and often takes into account what they’re thinking and their emotions. She has great adaptability skills, allowing to change and develop as a better individual and come to terms with her circumstances. She can be quite stubborn, showing an unwillingness to change her current attitude and position on something. It also makes things more complicated when there are good reasons to avoid causing certain problems that might arise when she does so. She’s also persistent in regards to getting what she wants or not wanting to do specific things that she sees as having no benefit to her and/or other people. Due to her trust issues and fear of getting hurt, she isn’t very social and prefers to spend her time alone or with Arsinoe. She’s afraid that she might lose control over her tide manipulation and electrokinetic powers. She also fears that people will try to use her for their own selfish desires when they know about her tide manipulation, electrokinetic, and hypnotic abilities.
Likes: Petrichor, precious stones and crystals, the sound of ocean waves, aquatic mammals, collecting abalone shells, stuffed animals, cloud spotting, painting with Arsinoe, origami, and thunderstorms.
Dislikes: Loud noises, painful stimuli, dehumanising torture, fearmongering, hot and damp weather, the sound of a ticking clock, her arms being touched, putrid smells, taxidermy, and having an upset stomach.
Equipment: A satchel bag, a bone ocarina, a Scottish dirk, a regent st blue and saffron yellow dragon plushie with reflective silver spots and a forked tongue sticking out, a red-violet dog plushie with a glittery bronze horn, a lavender axolotl plushie with a magenta haze and emerald green sheen, a rosy maple moth plushie with powder blue eyes, a seal plushie, a dolphin plushie, a her scrap-booking journal, and the abalone shells she has collected so far.
Physical and outfit appearance: She’s around 5’ 3” (160.02 cm) and has an endomorphic body type with slim arms and a partially defined waist. Her skin is a glistening prim and she has bouquet freckles on her face, hands, and neck. She has webbed hands with sharp black claws and below the waist she has a plum serpentine body with a satin linen underbelly. She has a water leaf transparent, eel-like fin from her neck to the tip of her tail. Her eyes are a sunburst amethyst smoke-cascade and she has prominent, snake-like fangs. She has medium long hair with partial waves and it’s the hue of shimmering wine berry.
She often wears a bossanova ruffled, off-the-shoulders dress that Arsinoe was nice enough to clean for her. It has short lantern sleeves and the dress is partially below her waist. Underneath her dress is a sleeveless tank top of cutty sark. On her left wrist is a silver bracelet with seashell, key, crescent, and coin charms, and a hippie blue beaded torsade. Whenever she gets cold, she wears a wolfskin cloak with a turquoise cotton velvet lining.
Hersilia (mermaid mother)
Sollemnia (lamia mother)
Pherenike (adoptive grandmother)
Hunfrid Lamirande-Brindamour (adoptive grandfather)
Arsinoe J. Lamirande-Brindamour (adoptive mother)
Biography: In order to consummate their love, Hersilia created a child that possessed the physical and magical traits of herself and her lover, Sollemnia. They named her Fulgora and took turns raising her due to their environmental disadvantages. Fulgora and her parents lived a happy, peaceful life together on the outskirts of the Aicexutis Kingdom. One day, Fulgora was kidnapped by a group of men working for a supposed printing business called The Cockcrow Gazette. Their founder, Lóegaire, wanted to use her abilities to kickstart a revolution and overthrow the Aicexutis Kingdom. He desperately tried to brainwash her into believing that he’s leading a righteous cause, but she remained stubborn and was insistent that she would help him. He proceeded to psychologically torture her and continue further brainwashing, which eventually caused dissociative amnesia. Fearing for her life and having enough of this, she made a brave attempt to escape and was successful. Due to her amnesia, she had difficulty remembering where she originally belonged and even her name. While starving and lost, she was approached by Arsinoe who decided to take the poor girl under her wing. She was given the name Callirrhoe D'Agincourt, and Arsinoe promised that she’ll help her find her family and put an end to Lóegaire’s madness. Even though Callirrhoe is Arsinoe’s familiar, she was raised as her own daughter, ensuring that she was safe and healthy.
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skin-care-news · 11 months
The Most Expensive Skincare Cream in the World: The Power of Sokörpe Laboratories' Stem Cell Cream
In the world of skincare, innovations and advancements continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. Sokörpe Laboratories, a renowned name in the beauty industry, has introduced a groundbreaking product that asserts to be the most powerful anti-aging stem cell cream available. The Anti-Aging Stem Cell Cream from Sokörpe Laboratories is designed to recover the biological elasticity of your skin that it had 12-15 years ago, offering a youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Let's explore the remarkable features and ingredients that make this cream so extraordinary.
Revolutionary Ingredients
Citrustem™: At the heart of this skincare cream lies Citrustem™, a key ingredient obtained from orange stem cells. Citrustem™ Citrustem™ plays a crucial role in restructuring the dermis and improving the density and quality of the skin. By stimulating the proliferation capacity of aged fibroblasts and enhancing the synthesis of collagen and other essential elements of the extracellular matrix, Citrustem™ promotes a more youthful and resilient complexion, thereby recovering the quality of young skin. With a staggering 4% concentration, it demonstrates its potency in improving skin health and reducing the visible signs of aging.
Apple Stem Cells from Uttwiler Spätlauber: Another powerful ingredient in the Anti-Aging Stem Cell Cream is Apple Stem Cells from the Uttwiler Spätlauber variety. These stem cells are renowned for their ability to protect and stimulate human skin stem cells, resulting in improved skin texture, elasticity, and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to a more youthful and rejuvenated complexion.
Saffron Stem Cells: Saffron, a precious spice, is known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to promote skin health. The inclusion of saffron stem cells in this cream provides additional anti-aging benefits, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.
Pumpkin Seed Stem Cells: Pumpkin seed stem cells are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that nourish the skin and support its natural renewal process. By incorporating pumpkin seed stem cells into the cream, Sokörpe Laboratories ensures that the skin receives the vital nutrients it needs to maintain its youthful appearance.
Bakuchiol Extract: Bakuchiol is a plant-derived ingredient often referred to as a natural alternative to retinol. With a 1% concentration in the cream, Bakuchiol extract helps to improve skin texture, reduce the signs of aging, and promote a smoother and more even complexion
Clinical Efficacy and Awards
Sokörpe Laboratories' Anti-Aging Stem Cell Cream has received widespread recognition for its remarkable anti-aging benefits. The cream has undergone rigorous clinical testing, and its efficacy in recovering the biological elasticity of the skin has been proven. Users have reported visible improvements in the reduction of wrinkles, fine lines, and the overall appearance of their skin.
The exceptional qualities of this cream have earned it multiple awards in the beauty industry. Its innovative formula, combined with its clinical efficacy, has positioned it as a groundbreaking product in the field of skincare.
Sokörpe Laboratories' Anti-Aging Stem Cell Cream stands as a testament to the progress and innovation in the skincare industry. 
While it may come with a hefty price tag, the Anti-Aging Stem Cell Cream from Sokörpe Laboratories is positioned as a luxury skincare product for those who prioritize exceptional quality and visible results. Its unique blend of potent ingredients, including the high concentration of Citrustem™, sets it apart from other skincare creams on the market.
The clinical efficacy and awards garnered by Sokörpe Laboratories' Anti-Aging Stem Cell Cream underscore its position as a cutting-edge product in the skincare industry. Clinical trials have demonstrated its ability to recover the biological elasticity of the skin, providing users with a rejuvenated and more youthful appearance. Users have reported visible improvements in skin firmness, texture, and radiance, further reinforcing the cream's effectiveness.
This article was contributed by Sokörpe Laboratories, the manufacturer of the Anti-Aging Stem Cell Cream mentioned in the content. 
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sattvishtik · 1 year
Turmeric and its healing powers
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Turmeric is known as the golden spice. It is a well-known and widely used spice. It is used in cooking to increase the flavor of food. It has numerous health benefits hence used in almost all Ayurvedic concoctions. It is also used topically for healthy and glowing skin.
Turmeric and its benefits have been known to the people of India for over 4000 years. Hence the mention of spice is found in every book and used in cooking. It gives the food flavour and yellow color. The recent studies conducted by Western medicine have made the spice even more popular. Curcumin is one of the powerful compound in turmeric. It is a strong antioxidant and has powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. Due to this, it is used to heal any cuts, bruises, and other ailments and support well-being. The bright yellow color of turmeric is also known as Indian Saffron. It can be eaten fresh and raw or can be dried, to be used in powdered form. There are around 133 varieties of turmeric found.
Turmeric in Ayurveda:
In Ayurveda, turmeric is said to balance tridoshas which means to balance all the 3 elements of nature – air, fire, and water – Vata, pitta, and Kapha. However, anything in excess is bad. So turmeric in excess can aggravate pitta and Vata. Hence it needs to be taken in moderation. Turmeric is beneficial for blood, plasma, and lymph. The usage of turmeric soothes these tissues and also maintains their healthy flow and function. Turmeric has a cleansing energy that helps in digestion and reduces toxicity. In yogic traditions, turmeric is said to support ligaments and cleanse our nadis, chakras, and energetic centers of the body.
Benefits of turmeric:
It is anti-inflammatory: Turmeric can reduce inflammation in the body and keep the chemicals that initiate inflammation in check. It can relieve inflammatory ailments of the stomach, arthritis, and pancreatitis.
It aids in digestion: Turmeric can cure digestive disorders like gas, bloating, inflammatory bowel conditions, and ulcerative colitis.
It has anti-cancer properties: Turmeric has anti-cancer properties to cure breast, bowel, skin, and stomach cancer cells, along with regular cancer treatment.
It can control sugar levels: Due to its curcumin compound, turmeric can help to lower blood sugar. It can prevent prediabetes to become a diabetes condition.
It improves heart condition: By lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, it can maintain a healthy heart and reduce the risk of heart attacks.
It may help with preventing Alzheimer’s disease: Turmeric could help to prevent Alzheimer’s risk and also lower its progression.
It helps with arthritis: The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are said to help people with rheumatoid arthritis, joint aches and pain, and osteoarthritis.
It improves skin health: It can treat skin conditions like eczema, ulcers, and wounds on its topical application.
It helps in weight reduction: As Turmeric aids in metabolism, it helps with overall weight reduction with proper diet and exercise.
Turmeric is safe to consume and use in moderate quantities. The powdered form can be used in cooking, the paste of turmeric can be applied topically, and turmeric juice can be included in other beverages and consumed. It can also be mixed with oil and used for massage. 
The whole root is beneficial. However, one can avoid turmeric in cases of hepatitis, jaundice, gallstones, bile duct obstruction, and hyperacidity.
At Sattvishtik Wellness Farms, we believe in everything natural. From the breeding of A2 Gir cow to growing the golden herb turmeric, we apply the traditional methods, which ensures the ultimate purity of our products.
The turmeric powder available with us is grown naturally and we do not use any chemical fertilizer. It is purely organic. The turmeric thus grown is harvested, sun-dried and we mill ground it. This ensures the curcumin levels are preserved. The turmeric powder is available in 250 gms, 500 gms, and in 1 kg packets.
People these days are addicted to coffee and tea, however, these beverages aren’t healthy in the long run. Sattvishtik Wellness Farms offers you a Turmeric latte. This product has all the benefits of turmeric plus a few other spices like saffron, ginger, ganthoda, cinnamon, elachi, peepramul, and jaifal. This potent mix can be mixed with milk and consumed daily. The organic turmeric mixed with a measured quantity of other herbs gives you the goodness of turmeric plus other herbs. You can include it in your daily diet for better health.
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gomataseva · 10 hours
Benefits & Uses of Kumkumadi Tailam
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Kumkumadi Tailam means saffron, which is the main ingredient of this medicine. Kumkumadi tailam oil is an Ayurvedic medicine used for face massage. It is helpful to improve skin texture and also to relieve skin problems such as acne, scars, etc.
Benefits of Kumkumadi Tailam
Kumkumadi for the face, Face oil for dry skin, and Skin glow oil. It helps smooth, hydrate, and plump your skin with only a few drops needed to cover your entire face. Achieve a brighter everyday glow with our powerful, multi-action Kumkumadi to improve dullness and diminish the look of dark spots for the ultimate complexion. Kumkumadi has been used since ancient times for its anti-aging properties. Experience a natural skin glow with this Face Oil. Thorough hydration reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Supports the skin’s natural ability to fight age spots and uneven skin tone. Can be used by men & women.
Uses of Kumkumadi Tailam
Take just 3-5 drops of the oil into your hands, and apply a light coat of it evenly onto the face or to the acne area. Do a gentle massage with your fingers. Leave it for 10 – 20 minutes and wash off with hot water.
If you are applying a thin layer of kumkumadi tailam then you can leave it overnight without washing.
Use Kumkumadi oil for face-steaming and vaporization by adding 5-10 drops to water, boiling it, and directing the steam onto your face for 5-10 minutes.
If you apply just 1-2 drops over your face, you can leave it on without washing off.
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