#bernard corsica
empirearchives · 9 months
Is it true that Napoleon Bonaparte used to know and associate with the Robespierre brothers? Like from what I've heard, he was pretty serious about it, to the point that it hampered his career post-thermidor. (It would make the stereotypical depictions of the Terror in Napoleon 2023 pretty hillarious, honestly.)
Yeah, it’s true. According to Saliceti (a Montagnard politician from Corsica), Napoleon was “their man” (1).
The first known mention of Robespierre by Napoleon was on 23 January 1791. He wrote a piece called Lettre à Buttafuoco. Matteo Buttafuoco was a Corsican politician. In it, he writes: “O Lameth! Oh Robespierre! O Pétion! O Volney! O Mirabeau! O Barnave! O Bailly! O La Fayette! This is the man who dares to sit next to you!” (2)
Napoleon was a political ally of the Robespierre brothers. As far as I know, he never met the older Robespierre brother in person, but he did meet and know the younger brother. They were associates and even became friends. Augustin Robespierre wrote to his older brother “the citizen Bonaparte commanding the artillery is of transcendent merit.” (2)
In 1794, Napoleon accepted an “unofficial” position in the Committee of Public Safety’s war office, specifically at the historical and topographical office. While he worked there, he wrote to his brother “I am swamped with work at the Committee.” (3)
This is how Pontécoulant, who oversaw him at the topographical bureau, described Napoleon at this job:
“It was not a mere sinecure that he had accepted, he sometimes worked fifteen hours a day, . . . and the considerable number of memoranda, reports, letters, and documents of all kinds that he wrote . . . would fill several volumes. Never, even during the campaign of 1794, had the topographical office of the Committee of Public Safety . . . deployed such activity; he maintained continuous communications with the leaders of the different armies, and their staffs, astonished, learned from then on to know this nervous style, full of precision, movement and masculine energy.” (4)
It was during this time that he was asked to write a general memorandum on grand strategy. It was titled Sur la position politique et militaire de nos armées de Piémont et d'Espagne (On the political and military position of our armies of Piedmont and Spain). The person he submitted it to was Augustin Robespierre in June 1794.
Frank McLynn’s description of the memoranda:
“Basing his strategy on the writings of Guibert de Bourcet, Napoleon devised a plan that enabled the Army of Italy to advance to the watershed of the Maritime Alps, having secured control of the passes of Col d'Argentière, Tende and St-Bernard. With the enthusiastic support of Augustin Robespierre, who took Bonaparte's memorandum to Paris with him, Napoleon argued that if the French attacked in Piedmont, Austria would be forced to come to the aid of her Austrian possessions and thus weaken her position on the Rhine, allowing the French to strike a knockout blow there. Napoleon's chances of getting the plan accepted looked good, for his new commander-in-chief, General Dumerbion, deferred in all things to the political commissars; Saliceti and Augustin Robespierre, in turn, nodded through anything military that came from the pen of Napoleon.” (5)
Augustin sent Napoleon to Genoa for a diplomatic mission on 11 July 1794. So, the Robespierres were behind the beginning of Napoleon’s long diplomatic career. In fact, Napoleon was still on this mission when he learned about the death of the Robespierre brothers (28 July 1794).
Earlier that year, the younger Robespierre brother had actually proposed that Napoleon take command as head of the Paris National Guard and replace François Hanriot in Paris. Napoleon considered it, but decided to keep his post instead.
Hanriot was executed the same day as the Robespierre brothers. Who knows, perhaps the same fate would have happened to Napoleon had he accepted the offer.
Nevertheless, according to Jean Tulard “the 9th of Thermidor opens a difficult period for him”. (2) He was arrested in the south of France for his association with the Robespierre brothers. The order was signed on August 6th, and he was imprisoned for over a week (August 9th-20th).
The fact that Napoleon had been in a foreign country (Genoa) on a mission for the Robespierre brothers at the time of 9 Thermidor was used against him.
According to Patrice Gueniffey, “Napoleon spent his spare time reading the history of Marshal Maillebois’s campaigns in Italy and writing a long, self-justifying memorandum addressed to the representatives […] without saying anything against Robespierre”. (3)
The appeal which released him specified his military acumen. He was considered too crucially important to the war effort to kill or keep imprisoned.
“We are convinced of the possible utility to us of this soldier's talents, which, we cannot deny it, are becoming very necessary in an army that he knows better than anyone, and in which men of this kind are extremely difficult to find.” (3)
So he was released, with his head still attached to his body. But, the situation had definitely changed for him. The representatives were cautious about him and refused to reemploy Napoleon as commander of the artillery. Nevertheless, he continued to work on the campaigns as part of the staff of General Dumerbion, and working his way up from there.
In 1797, Napoleon evoked Robespierre in a speech in Ancona to a surprised dinner party. He defended Robespierre for his “alleged crimes” and said of him:
“Since its origin,” he tells us, “France has had only one strong government: that of Robespierre.”
The impression of horror that the memory of this man had left on everyone’s minds was so recent, so profound, that it is difficult to imagine the painful surprise this opinion excited, and with what ardor it was opposed. Far from abandoning it, General Bonaparte tenaciously supported it:
“What,” he said, “is a strong government? It is one which has a well-determined useful purpose; the firm will to achieve it; the force capable of making will triumph; finally, the intelligence necessary to properly lead this force. Let’s examine if Robespierre combined all these advantages: What was his goal? The triumph of the revolution. He felt that a counter-revolution would be more bloody, would lead to more cruel, more lasting evils than those that our revolution had demanded and would still require. So he wanted to accomplish it at all costs.” (6)
Did this association have an effect on Napoleon’s career? I would say it definitely impacted his reputation and the perception everyone had of him.
To Madame de Staël (and eventually Victor Hugo), Napoleon was “Robespierre on horseback” (2). Mallet du Pan calls Napoleon “a Corsican terrorist” (7). The royalist pamphleteers had titles like “Robespierre and Buonaparte or the two tyrannies” and “The Jacobins and Buonaparte or historical essay on the alliance of the two tyrannies which oppressed the French nation” (2). In them, Napoleon was described as a “worshiper of Marat, accomplice of Robespierre, vile complacent of Barras” (2). To Metternich, “Napoleon seemed to me the incarnation of the Revolution” (8). He tried to warn the other countries in Europe against making peace with France, because, to him, “No peace is possible with a revolutionary system, whether with a Robespierre who declares war on chateaux or a Napoleon who declares war on Powers” (9). William Pitt the Younger spoke of the “jacobinism of Robespierre, of Barrere” and called Napoleon “the child and the champion of all its atrocities and horrors” (10).
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This is a royalist caricature of Napoleon created by Pierre-Marie Bassompierre Gaston. The caption says “One is always faithful to one's first love”. (Source)
Here is Napoleon’s stance on Robespierre:
“Robespierre died because he tried to stop the effects of the Revolution, and not as a tyrant. Those who wanted to bring him down were crueler than he was: Billaud-Varenne, Collot d'Herbois, etc. He had against him Danton's party, which was powerful and immense. Probably he could not have acted otherwise. I believe that Robespierre was without ambition. . . . Everything I read in the Moniteur teaches me nothing, but it confirms me in the opinion that I had, and settles me in it even more. To be sure, Robespierre was not an ordinary man. He was very superior to everything around him. His discourse on the Supreme Being proves it. Disgusted by what he was hearing, he felt the necessity of a religious system among people who did not want anything, either religion or morals. Morality had to be raised up again. He had the courage to do it and he did it... That was great politics. No doubt he shed blood; that is the other side of the coin, but he is certainly less guilty than Tallien, who slaughtered Bordeaux, or Fréron whom I saw in Marseille taking poor unfortunates by the collar to have them shot. Those men were real killers. Had he [Robespierre] not succumbed, he would have been the most extraordinary man who appeared.” (3)
(1) Adam Zamoyski, Napoleon: A Life
(2) Jean Tulard, De Napoléon et de quelques autres sujets: Robespierre vu par Napoléon
(3) Patrice Gueniffey, Bonaparte: 1769–1802
(4) Le Doulcet de Pontécoulant, Souvenirs historiques et parlementaires
(5) Frank McLynn, Napoleon: A Biography
(6) J. P. Collot, La chute de Napoléon
(7) Albert Sorel, L'Europe et la Révolution française, V. 5
(8) Memoirs of Prince Metternich 1773-1815 Vol. 1
(9) Henry Kissinger, A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812–1822
(10) The speeches of the Right Honourable William Pitt, in the House of Commons, V. 3
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entomoblog · 5 months
Trois projets de recherche soutenus pour prévenir les maladies infectieuses émergentes zoonotiques 
See on Scoop.it - EntomoScience
En 2023, le gouvernement a lancé un premier appel à projets du Programme de recherche France 2030 (PEPR) PREZODE (pour PREventing ZOonotic Diseases Emergence), dont l'objectif est de soutenir des projets interdisciplinaires de recherche fondamentale qui viseront à mieux comprendre les liens entre les activités anthropiques, les changements globaux et les mécanismes d'émergence de maladies zoonotiques.
  Attualità | Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli | Université de Corse Pasquale Paoli
CHJARA BATTESTI | Mise à jour le 16/04/2024
Agence de l'innovation en santé
Il y a 2 semaines
  📢 Annonce des 3 lauréats de l’appel à projets du programme de recherche PREZODE (Preventing Zoonotic Diseases Emergence)   📝 Le programme de recherche PREZODE s’inscrit dans le volet recherche de la stratégie d'accélération maladies infectieuses émergentes et menaces nucléaire, radiologique, biologique et chimique coordonnée par l’Agence de l’innovation en santé, dans le cadre du plan #France2030.   ❕ Il vise en particulier à renforcer la production de connaissances et le développement d’outils pour définir des stratégies innovantes de réduction des risques et de détection précoce des émergences de maladies zoonotiques.   Les trois projets lauréats sont menés par un consortium interdisciplinaire, constitué chacun de 6 à 13 équipes possédant des expertises complémentaires dont les travaux seront soutenus à hauteur de près de 9 millions d’euros de France 2030. Ce programme de recherche est piloté par l’IRD, le CIRAD, et l’INRAE et opéré par l’ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche).   🏆 AMAZED – coordonné par Jean-Bernard DUCHEMIN, Institut Pasteur de la Guyane – va étudier les mécanismes d’émergences d’arbovirus avec une approche « une seule santé » dans plusieurs territoires ultramarins (Guyane, Caraïbes, Pacifique Sud) ainsi qu’au Cameroun et en France continentale.   🏆 ARCHE – coordonné par Alessandra FALCHI, Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli et Aix-Marseille Université – vise à comprendre les déterminants de l'émergence du virus de la fièvre hémorragique de Crimée-Congo (CCHFV – transmis par les tiques aux humains et aux animaux) dans différentes régions du sud de la France.   🏆 ZOOCAM – coordonné par Frédéric THOMAS, CNRS – vise à comprendre : la dynamique des agents zoonotiques circulants/émergents en Camargue ; les facteurs humains et environnementaux qui influencent la diffusion des agents zoonotiques, en particulier le franchissement de la barrière d’espèce ; si les risques zoonotiques actuels et émergents peuvent être modélisés/prédits ; 4) la perception du risque par les acteurs locaux.    ➕ Il complète le programme de recherche France 2030 Maladies infectieuses émergentes, piloté par l’Inserm à travers l’ANRS Maladies infectieuses émergentes.  
via https://www.linkedin.com/posts/univcorse_cp-france-2030-pepr-prezode-activity-7185934541180563458-R5r6
  [Image] PREZODE Initiative (@PREZODE_Intl) / X https://twitter.com/PREZODE_Intl
  Bernadette Cassel's insight:
  'Prezode Prévenir risques émergence zoonoses & pand' in EntomoScience
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mixamorphosis · 7 months
Blog post and linked up tracklist [HERE]
01. Biosphere - From A Solid To A Liquid (Biophon) 02. Cosmic Neman - ProximaB (Tigersushi) 03. Sun Electric - Love 2 Love (Music From Memory) 04. Jo Johnson - Discontent Arises From A Knowledge Of The Possible (Self Released) 05. Pauline Anna Strom - The Eighteen Beautiful Memories (RVNG Intl.) 06. Soundstory - Rainstorm (Self Release) 07. Etienne Jaumet - Orage Dans Le Creuse (Tigersushi) 08. Jonathan Fitoussi & Clemens Hourriére - Five Steps (Versatile) 09. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Dreamshore Forest (Analog Remake) (Leftfield Records) 10. James Bernard - UWA10 (A Strangely Isolated Place) 11. Masayoshi Fujita & Jan Jelinek - Workshop For Modernity (Faitiche) 12. David Moufang - Sergio Leone's Wet Dream (Music From Memory)
Download available via [Hearthis]
0 notes
abri-chan · 3 years
Bernardo when Worick says any smart thing: You're nothing but a prostitute!
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“It's a beautiful day. Nothing new since yesterday except that at noon I received your letter. It was as I had hoped, I mean it warmed my heart. But it also worried me. About your father, I'd like you to tell me about him (the serum, what's happening?). And especially for you. It is essential that you rest, my dear love. You see, you know now how important it is that we have all our strength. Preserve yourself, watch over what I hold dearest in the world. If you love me, if you rest confidently beside me, the leisure will not be too hard. You will have my letters, and I will give you all the trust and love that fills me.
Playing every night is tiring enough. If you need money, let me help you, it's helping me at the same time. What does it matter, confused as we are. Come on, tell me you're going to catch your breath, sleep, eat, be reborn with me. Ease my worries. They're real, and they're painful. I'd guessed the story of Corsica. It would be splendid if by chance it was Colomba, I would gladly write the dialogues. It's very serious. Talk to your entity to see. Glad also that the Righteous walk. Do "they" love you, do "they" admire you as they should? Do they realize what you are?
This Paris despairs me for its inability to grasp true greatness. But we still hope... You did well to give my address to Paul [Bernard]. Whenever you feel the need to affirm our union, do it, it is a deep joy for me. Yes, we belong to each other and nothing, no one, nor ourselves, can do anything about it. That's how it is, and for me it's a kind of sacred joy. Yes, that's the word, as strong as it sounds. My love, you help me to live, to triumph over what I have that is bad or scattered. With you, I'm finally coming together. Let us wait together, be strong and confident, and above all, oh above all, always speak to me with all your heart.”
Albert Camus to Maria Casarès, Correspondance, January 10, 1950 [#123]
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dethijssens · 2 years
Maandag 5 september: Andiamo!
Van Rome naar Marseille, naar Port Napoleon…
We worden allerhartelijkst uitgezwaaid door Kailesh! Hij heeft het afgelopen jaar écht een oogje in t zeil gehouden samen met Dr. Alberto.
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Het is in alle opzichten een goede overwinteringshaven gebleken voor ons. De eerste stop is de dieselpomp bij Porto Romano, halverwege de Tiber op weg naar de ingang van de rivier. We tanken 100l bij, daar kunnen we voorlopig mee vooruit… Eenmaal op open water de zeilen gehesen.
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Altijd even spannend of alle lijnen in één keer goed zullen zitten, en ja! En... of de kapitein het in een keer omhoog krijgt. Daar kan geen sportschool tegenop...
We zijn op weg naar Santa Marinella, 30 mijl noordelijker. We hebben kunnen zeilen, motoren en uiteindelijk weer zeilen, tot bijna 8 knts. De Dutchess en wij kunnen het nog… Bij aankomst blijkt de haven te klein voor ons en dus wordt het buiten ankeren met een beetje deining…!
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Dinsdag 6 september - donderdag 8 september
De vrijheid die ankeren je geeft is niet te omschrijven. Niemand om je heen behalve ‘s morgens een paar vissersboten, zwemmen in je nixie, buiten douchen en ontbijten met zicht op ‘t strand en de wijdsheid van ‘t water… Om 10.00 uur anker op en met de wind van achteren en een uitgeboomde fok richting Porto Ercole. Later met de wind die ruimde de Code 0 gehesen en de Dutchess heeft het bepaald naar haar zin, loopt tot 8 knts. Porto Ercole is een vriendelijke, bijzonder rustige vakantieplaats waar onze koninklijke familie vroeger een huis bezat. Alles behalve mondain en we vroegen ons af hoe Prins Bernard zich hier amuseerde… De weersverwachting is onzeker en onvast voor de komende dagen. In de Ligurische zee wordt stormachtig weer verwacht. Nu verder varen levert weinig en het bevalt ons hier. Dus we besluiten te blijven wachten. Twee rustige dagen met wandelingetjes om de berg heen naar het dorp voor wat proviand (die later nog van pas blijkt te komen). Twee jongens van de buurboot komen helpen om een bakstag te bevrijden. Die had zich vastgewerkt om de radardome en de mastlichten.
Vrijdag 9 - Dinsdag 13 september
De weersverwachting is gunstig om te gaan. Wij hebben nog niet besloten hóe we Marseille zullen gaan bereiken. Er zijn twee mogelijkheden. Of de Italiaans/Franse kustlijn volgen met nog heel wat stops. Of oversteken naar Elba en dan een oversteek via noord Corsica naar het Franse vaste land, met twee langere trajecten die vermoedelijk niet in één dag te doen zijn. We besluiten t weerbericht (Windy) heel goed in de gaten te blijven houden en naar Punta Ala, ca. 40 NM naar t noorden te varen. Daarmee kunnen we een beslissing nog even uitstellen. Daar doorheen speelt dat dit onze laatste tocht is en dat maakt de keuzes om allerlei redenen ook weer anders. Het eerste stuk géén wind. Dat is vaker zó. Rond het middaguur trekt de wind aan. Uiteindelijk wind tot 18 knts. De Code O bewijst opnieuw zijn grote verdienste. Een groot zeiloppervlak en heel gemakkelijk in en uit te rollen. Eerst gezeild met de motor erbij, later was dat niet meer nodig. Mooie zeildag! Onze reservering bleek niet geregistreerd maar gelukkig was er toch plek. Matig geholpen bij lastig aanleggen met stevige zijwind. Terwijl wij nog bezig zijn met vastmaken, besluit een Italiaanse charterboot met Polen direct naast ons aan te leggen. Zij verliezen de controle en raken ons aan de zijkant, gelukkig viel de schade achteraf mee. Wat helemaal niet meeviel is dat zij zich later gedroegen alsof er niets gebeurd was. Geen enkel excuus en alleen maar ordinair gekijf. Ontkenning lukte niet écht want het blauw van onze gelcoat zat op hun witte schip… Jammer want zo zou het niet moeten gaan. En of wij t nog gaan claimen bij de verzekering van de chartermaatschappij is erg de vraag.
Op zaterdag 10 september verlaten we deze haven keurig om 9.00 uur, deze keer met een zetje van de marinero op ons verzoek. Op naar Zuid Elba naar de Golfo della Lacona, dat is alvast een beslissing. Mooi voor de wind gezeild, weer met uitgeboomde fok… Allemaal fotogenieke momenten worden ons gegund. De kust is schitterend mooi en het weer ook. Volop genieten dus. Later bakstagwind, tot 15 knts. Fok verwisseld voor Code 0 en later weer terug. Het laatste half uur nog één keer uitgeboomd!!!
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Om 13.45 gooien we ons anker uit in de middelste van de drie baaien, naast de Golfo del Campo waar we op de heenweg waren om Ien Fürstner te ontmoeten. Na ons gooien nog een paar schepen om ons heen hun anker uit. Een hele grote baai maar schepen hebben vaak de neiging dichtbij elkaar te kruipen. De wind is nog niet helemaal weg maar de verwachting is dat dat wel gaat gebeuren. Een beetje deining zal wel blijven. Toch blijft het opletten bij ankeren, dat is ook onze eerdere ervaring. Om 16.30 komt er ineens toch nog wat wind over de bergen vanaf de kust onze kant op. De mooie buurjongens met een 50 ft jacht schuiven gevaarlijk dicht onze kant op. Zij begrijpen het spel en besluiten een stukje verderop opnieuw hun anker uit te gooien. Het wordt een rustige nacht met een beetje schommelen en af en toe checken of we nog op dezelfde plaats liggen.
Op zondag 11 september geniet ik van een schitterende stille zonsopkomst. Wat een cadeautje !! Om 9.30 gaat het anker op en we besluiten richting Corsica (Maginaccio) te varen en onderweg te kiezen of we wél of niet zullen doorvaren.
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Steven helpt op afstand met informatie over de havens in Antibes en omgeving. Het weerbericht is gunstig dus we besluiten door te varen en Corsica van afstand te bekijken! Een prima nacht en tocht begeleid door een bijna volle maan. Vanaf 4 uur ‘s middags gaat de motor aan, maar na ronding van Cap Corse kunnen we toch nog een paar uur zeilen met een beetje motor erbij.
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Mooi avondlicht... vanuit voorluik en aan bakboord! Zicht op Frankrijk...
Als de avond valt, valt ook de wind weg en gaan de zeilen eraf. Zo tjoeken wij met plm. 6 knts richting Franse Riviera. Niets zo veranderlijk als het weer. Het kan hier stevig poeieren maar nu geen aasje wind…
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De Franse vlag kan gehesen ... (een beetje te laat...!!!)
Op maandag 12 september komen wij om 13.15 uur aan in de haven van Antibes. Ongelooflijk schouwspel van megajachten en motorboten met verdiepingen…Telefonische en email contacten leverden niks op. Dus maar proberen. Helaas….zonder reservering ben je hier niet welkom. Ook niet bij de buren. Bij de haven lagen wel een paar zeilschepen voor anker, wij hebben ons daar ook bijgevoegd. Palaver en weerbericht bekeken en onze knopen geteld. We gaan in één keer door naar Marseille. Dat vergde even een mentale aanpassing maar die is snel gemaakt! Zwemmen, lunchen, koken, lampje vervangen van het vaarlicht, nog een beetje meer diesel tanken en we verlaten deze Riviera. Om 15.45 gaan we vol goede moed ons laatste traject tegemoet. Na een een paar uur zeilen gaat de motor erbij. Om 21.00 uur de zeilen gestreken en met wind van achteren richting Port Napoleon. Nog steeds bijgelicht door de maan, dat helpt in een donkere nacht. Af en toe een tegenligger. Het blijft opletten, vooral bij de toegangsroute naar de haven van Marseille, maar met behulp van AIS gaat het prima. Ter hoogte van de stad Marseille is het ineens heel druk op het water, wij moeten nog een stukje verder.
Op dinsdag 13 september leggen wij aan in de haven Port Napoleon. Een lange route naar binnen. Het aanleggen was een beetje rommelig met onverwachte ondiepte en weinig ruimte. Gelukkig: behulpzame zeilers kwamen te hulp schieten. Eind goed al goed: keurig vast. Vandaag 14 september waait het de hele dag al plm 30 knts, dus wij zijn heel blij dat we hebben doorgezet.
Nu opruimen en de Dutchess voorbereiden voor vertrek over de weg. Althans ons deel.
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Nog een paar foto's gemaakt voor de boeken van de plank gaan en we de kussens gebruiken om in de kastjes te stoppen...
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Voor de mast etc, die eraf moet, krijgen we hulp. Van de Wetering uit Loosdrecht zorgt voor het transport.
Wij hebben samen enorm veel avonturen beleefd op en vanuit de Dutchess op veel plaatsen. En ook met anderen.
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Wat een rijke ervaring waar wij heel erg blij mee zijn en natuurlijk ook dankbaar dat t zo goed gegaan is.
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19.208 mijl verder… daar drinken we op met nog Whisky uit Schotland... !
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En deze Scandinavische dolfijn heeft een oogje in het zeil gehouden!!!
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lamaisongaga · 6 years
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Scarborough-born photographer Derrick Santini did a photoshoot with Lady Gaga for Fabulous Magazine in January 2009!
Hair and makeup were done by Cassie Lomas, respectively.
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The first look is a color-block felt halter bodysuit with padded hips from Manish Arora’s Spring/Summer 2009 collection.
If you did your fashion homework you’d know that she also wore a top version of this creation in her Nicolas Hidiro photoshoot.
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Her large aviator sunglasses are the Bindi from Louis Vuitton’s Spring/Summer 2007 collection. These feature a dangling rhinestone in the middle which imitates the Indian bindi.
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Next, the Italian-American beauty wears a silver silk blouse with structured silver-tone stud-embellished sleeves from Bernard Chandran’s Spring/Summer 2009 collection along with a Matthew Williamson skirt.
While the exact piece didn’t walk down Williamson’s runway, the same psychedelic print was used on a blazer.
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Gaga accessorized the collar of her shirt with a faux pearl-embellished black bow brooch by Aussie label Mimco.
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This look was completed with a pair of Jimmy Choo’s Spring/Summer 2009 Corsica black snakeskin and green leather sandals.
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Next up, the fashionista wears the 50s cup latex bra and matching Betty knickers by Atsuko Kudo.
Both her military-inspired feather and chain-embellished helmet and studded latex fringe epaulettes are from Katie Eary’s Spring/Summer 2009 collection.
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Her gem-embellished black leather gloves are signed by 3.1 Phillip Lim...
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...while a white version of Jimmy Choo’s Prairie studded sandals completed the ensemble.
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For the last look, the fashionista is wearing a black jersey and gold lurex front tie dress by Alexander McQueen paired with a pink peace sign earring by House of Freedom, the in-house jewelry brand of Topshop.
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Hypothetical titles for season seven of 88
Down below. Part one. Six months after the previous season’s finale. Findlay is bored with being dead and asks Devon to help her return home. Guest starring Bernard Curry as Devon Christensen
Middle ground. Part two. In the land of the living. Sidney’s mourning period is interrupted by a brewing gangland war between Staten Island brownies and Central Park fairies.
Up top. Part three. Devon manages to get in contact with Lucia who convinces their father to help with Findlay’s plan. But it comes with a steep cost. Guest starring Eric Bana as Godfrey Christensen.
Back to normal. Part four. The family is overjoyed that Findlay’s back. But Drummond notices that something isn’t quite right.
It’s not about you. Drummond’s suspicions deepen when Findlay loses her temper at a perp linked to a high school students horrific suicide
Family meeting. Drummond confesses his theory to Sidney who has a rather unfortunate, yet understandable, reaction.
Disbarred. Findlay, Jacob and Lucia have a field day when they find out that Phaedra Wilkins, returning guest star Hilary Duff, was fired from her firm for espousing transphobic views to her transgender boss. First appearance of Laverne Cox as Maybelle Archer, Ming Na Wen as Constance Bradley and Jennifer Coolidge as Aida Cambridge; the founding name partners of ABC&Associates
Grandfather clause. Findlay relishes the opportunity to create a profile without seeing the crime scene in person when there’s a murder at a gentleman’s billiards club where women aren’t allowed inside
Do you want the truth? Part one. What little patience Findlay retains disappears when Phaedra Wilkins demands to know what Findlay truly thinks of her.
Lying liar who lies. Part two. Jacob creates his own criminal profile to clear Findlay’s name after she’s blamed for Phaedra’s apparent attempted suicide
Fleabagging it. Findlay and Sidney indulge in some parental investigation when Drummond starts going to a Cabal owned church led by a very magnetic Cupid. Guest starring Hayden Christensen as Reverend Logan Hearst.
Cousin. Midseason finale. Part one. Chambers (Brad Pitt) returns to the shocking reveal that he has a daughter that he never knew about. Guest starring Elle Fanning as Kit Jenkins
Exsanguinated. Midseason premier. Part two. Following Kit’s attack on Chambers and subsequent suicide. Findlay asks her uncle for the full story. Features Dakota Fanning’s return as Arlene Jenkins and a special appearance by Michelle Pfeiffer as Arlene and Kit’s deceased mother Phyllis.
Lack of tact. To appease her father, Findlay willingly goes through an internal affairs investigation and a medical examination to find out why she’s been “off” since she came back from the dead. Featuring the return of Dan Stevens as Alec Moynihan and the first appearance of Audra McDonald as Dr. Corinna Corsica.
Ain’t karma a bitch? Findlay bonds with the child of a family who were burgled as Phaedra begins her community service sentence.
A special request. President Guilroy (Stockard Channing) summons Findlay, Sidney, Drummond, Thornton, Jacob and Lucia to Washington to workshop a secret project she’s planning. Features the return of Jeremy Shada as Robbie Guilroy and the first appearance of Greg Sulkin as Thornton’s brother, Alabaster.
Avast ye swabs. While Thornton, Findlay and Sidney are in Washington. Conrad Rhys (recurring guest star Paul Rudd) has to team up with his ex, Maybelle Archer to protect the rights of a LARPing group in Central Park.
The nanny, the detective and the profiler. Skipper gets very smug when he finds out that Findlay and Sydney might have hooked up with Coleman Tarbh (returning guest star Paul Telfer) after they hired him as the twins nanny
Burn baby burn. A gas explosion at the Changeling home gives Lucia the chance to help Sidney and Findlay add another notch to their bedpost after she realises their thing for the NYFD’s chief of department. Guest starring Robbie Amell as NYFD Chief Solaris Burnett and Idina Menzel.
He belongs to us. Drummond has to rescue Findlay after she’s abducted by his revenge driven biological uncle. Final appearance of Jim Parsons as disgraced Pastor Elmer Carothers.
London calling. Part one. Coronation. The five families are invited to the coronation of the new king of England. Guest starring Meera Syal as Nadine Burton the queen mother, Dev Patel as the soon to be king Reuben Burton and Naomi Scott as Reuben’s wife, Chantelle Burton.
London calling. Part two. Windsor. Findlay butts heads with the prime minister as soon as the families get settled into the castle. Guest starring Gemma Chan as prime minister Eliza Moorcroft.
London calling. Part three. Balmoral. Worried for the heirs life, Findlay succeeds in getting the royal family relocated for the ceremony but Eliza tries to block her at every turn.
London calling. Part four. Coup. Season finale. The coronation finally arrives but Eliza has one final trick up her sleeve that Findlay doesn’t see coming.
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evoldir · 3 years
Fwd: Postdoc: LBBE_Lyon.UngulateViralEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: LBBE_Lyon.UngulateViralEvolution > Date: 2 October 2021 at 07:23:36 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Post-doctoral position open at LBBE (Lyon, France) on the “Individual > and ecological determinants of orthonairovirus infection in wild > ungulates” > > Duration: 18 months; starting January 2022 > > The Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive LBBE > (https://ift.tt/3A39LT1) is welcoming applications from > enthusiastic and independent Post-doctoral candidates to participate to > a starting research projects on the ecology of orthonairoviruses, RESPOND. > > Context: > The genus Orthonairovirus is a rapidly emerging group of tick-borne > bunyaviruses that includes important pathogens of humans and livestock, > as well as a collection of other viruses about which little is known > notably regarding their pathogenic potential to humans and animals, > not even the hosts in which they naturally circulate. Among them, > Crimean-Congo Hemorragic Fever Virus (CCHFV) is nowadays the most > important Orthonairovirus in terms of human disease, causing severe > forms of hemorrhagic fever, with increased numbers of sporadic cases > and outbreaks over the years. Other orthonairoviruses have also been > associated with milder disease forms. The presence of CCHFV outside the > endemic areas was recently evidenced in ticks recovered from Iberian > ibex, deer and wild boar in Spain. Recently, serological evidence of > CCHFV was reported, in cattle from Corsica (Grech-Angelini et al., 2020) > and in wild ungulates in Spain (Espunyes et al. 2021). > > Objectives: > While studies report the presence of CCHF and other orthonairoviruses in > various areas and species, knowledge on the determinants of exposure to > orthonairoviruses of tick’s hosts and the consequences of these viruses > on their fitness remain poor. The intensive monitoring of the roe deer > (Capreolus capreolus) and the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the French > populations of Chizé (roe deer and wild boar), Trois-Fontaines and > Aurignac (roe deer) might help to gain such knowledge.  These research > programs result in longitudinal follow-up of known-aged individuals > over lifetime and an assessment of population dynamics and evolutionary > processes. > > Samples of serum are available from the roe deer captured since 2010 and > samples will be collected on wild boar. The candidate will participate > to the analyses of these serum samples to detect antibodies to CCHFV and > other orthonairoviruses. Ticks will be collected during the study period > both on captured roe deer / wild boar and in the field. Ticks will be > screened for orthonairovirus sequences. Prevalence and distribution > of the identified orthonairoviruses will be determined according to > the host species’ characteristics (e.g. sex, age, immune status), > and species of tick harbored.  Data from roe deer and ticks will be > pooled to identify i) the individual (e.g. sex, age) and ecological > determinants of orthonairovirus infection by of roe deer and wild boar; > and ii) the consequences of orthonairovirus infection on their health > (e.g. through an assessment of immune performance or parasitic load), > reproductive performance and survival. > > Environment: > The LBBE is part of CNRS (Unit 5558) and University of Lyon (University > Claude Bernard Lyon 1). Research topics encompass various aspects of > Biometry (or Biostatistics) and Evolutionary Biology. The laboratory > comprises 96 permanent positions and about as many post-graduate > students and post-docs. Research themes in the lab are clustered around > a methodology (emphasizing the importance of modeling and informatics in > life and medical sciences), and an evolutionary perspective, regardless > of the investigation level (from molecules to communities). This double > angle results in a synergy between methodological developments and > biological questions. > > Candidates: The applicants are expected to have a strong background in > serological diagnostic molecular biology. Prior experience in epidemiology > and analysis of complex ecological data, and international training will > constitute an advantage. Proven ability to identify research objectives > and meet agreed deadlines, self-motivation, flexibility, and assistance to > others ongoing research works are essential. The ideal candidates should > be highly motivated, curious and enthusiastic to work in a collaborative > team. Excellent written and communication skills in English are required. > > Application: > Candidates are invited to contact Emmanuelle Gilot-Fromont > ([email protected]) and Gilles Bourgoin > ([email protected]) for further details. Please send an > application with the following: > - Cover letter > - Concise summary of previous research activities > - Curriculum vitae including publication list and contact details for >  2-3 referees > > Deadline for application: 24th October 2021 > > References related to the project > Akl, T. et al. 2019. Detection of tick-borne pathogens in > questing Ixodes ricinus in the French Pyrenees and first > identification of Rickettsia monacensis in France. Parasite 26, > 20. https://ift.tt/3D1OxqH > > Calenge C. et al. 2021. Estimating disease prevalence and > temporal dynamics using biased capture serological data in > a wildlife reservoir: the example of brucellosis in Alpine > ibex (Capra ibex L.). Preventive Veterinary Medicine 187: > 105239. https://ift.tt/3uKXTnX > > Espunyes J., et al. 2021. Hotspot of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever > virus seropositivity in wildlife, Northeastern Spain. Emerging Infectious > Diseases 27: 2480-2484. https://ift.tt/3B7rE4v > > Gilot-Fromont E., et al. 2018. Self-clearance of pestivirus in a Pyrenean > chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) population. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 54 > (2): 335-341. https://ift.tt/2Y77SHJ > > Grech-Angelini, S., et al. 2020. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic > fever virus antibodies among livestock on Corsica, > France, 2014–2016. Emerging Infectious Diseases 26, > 1041–1044. https://ift.tt/3oqO8tH > > Hartlaub, J.; et al. 2021. Deciphering antibody responses > to Orthonairoviruses in ruminants.  Microorganisms 9, > 1493. https://ift.tt/3uxUxUS > > > Gilles BOURGOIN > via IFTTT
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terrecorse · 3 years
Territoriales 2021 : "Campà Megliu in Corsica-Vivre Mieux en Corse"
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Les candidates et candidats de la liste présentée par le PCF (Photo du Haut Ajaccio photo du bas Bastia)
Présentation originale en 2 lieux différents pour tenir compte des mesures sanitaires mais avec une liste de 63 noms. La première à ce jour.
"Campà Megliu in Corsica-Vivre Mieux en Corse", nous faisons le choix d’intituler ainsi la liste de la gauche sociale et écologiste, à partir de cette phrase que l’on entend souvent dans la rue : « un si pò piu campà, on n’en peut plus ».
C’est une protestation qui nous parle, qui parle aux Corses !
Ecouter cette parole qui vient du peuple, c’est pour nous la meilleure façon d’aborder cette élection et de la relayer sur le terrain politique, le lieu où elle doit trouver un écho et des éléments concrets de réponse.
Ce mot d’ordre « Campà megliu in Corsica, Vivre mieux en Corse », est d’une actualité brûlante. Aggravées par la crise sanitaire, les inégalités explosent, en Corse comme ailleurs ! La pauvreté s’étend. Les responsables publics sont interpellés.
Faute d’orientations clairement inscrites dans les besoins populaires, la déception et la résignation risquent d’éloigner les citoyens des urnes ou de dévoyer leurs colères légitimes vers des impasses politiques.
Nous voulons offrir des perspectives de résistances et de luttes à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui souffrent, qui en ont assez des querelles politiciennes et du matraquage idéologique en lieu et place de la justice sociale et de l’efficacité économique. Ouvrir une perspective de changement social et écologique, c’est le sens de notre engagement de communistes, de citoyen-ne-s de sensibilités de gauche et écologistes, de militants syndicaux et associatifs, et de simples citoyens de gauche.
Notre liste s’appuie sur de jeunes candidates et candidats pour qui c’est souvent le premier engagement public à l’échelle du territoire insulaire, aux cotés d’autres plus anciens. Elle exprime le renouvellement. Elle est riche de personnalités diverses, actives dans le domaine syndical ou associatif, et pleinement inscrites dans les batailles de notre temps, sociales, écologistes, culturelles, antiracistes, féministes porteuses d’espoir.
Elle rassemble parce qu’elle ressemble aux Corses qui aspirent à une juste répartition sociale des richesses produites, à accéder aux créations culturelles et exigent une ambition politique à la hauteur des enjeux environnementaux de préservation des ressources naturelles et de la planète.
Elle rassemble parce qu’elle ressemble aux combats démocratiques et progressistes ceux d’une gauche qui résiste à l’ultra libéralisme.
Candidates et candidats sur cette liste, communistes ou non, elles et ils, comme leurs engagements quotidiens le montrent, proposent d’agir avec celles et ceux qui veulent "Vivre mieux en Corse-Campà megliu in Corsica".
Cette force politique utile à gauche et au peuple doit être présente à l’Assemblée de Corse.
                                                                       Bastia Ajaccio le 02 05 2021
Site internet : michelstefani2021.com/michelstefani2021.corsica
Liste "Campà megliu in Corsica-Vivre mieux en Corse"
1 STEFANI Michel Ancien Conseiller Assemblée de Corse et président des Chemins de Fer (SAN MARTINO)
2 AMZIANE Anissa-Flore Directrice adjointe association environnement (AJACCIO)
3 ALARIS Nicolas Directeur camping social Conseiller municipal de SARTENE
4 OLIVESI Josépha Conseillère Principale d’Education (BASTIA MOCA CROCE)
5 PERRAUDIN Julien Postier Syndicaliste Conseiller municipal de BARBAGGIO
6 SORO Catherine Secrétaire ancienne attachée de groupe Assemblée de Corse (CARGESE)
7 MUSELLI-COLONNA Pierre-Ange Privé d’emploi (AJACCIO)
8 CONTRUCCI Marie-Jo Cadre de santé militante associative (FURIANI)
9 ROSSI Pascal Enseignant militant associatif (LINGUIZZETTA)
10 SOGNO Emilie Auto-entrepreneuse esthéticienne (CUTTOLI-CORTICCHIATO)
11 LEROY Marc-Antoine Assistant d’éducation (ALATA)
12 MEDAILLE Karine Employée Syndicaliste (VENZOLASCA)
13 MARIANI Emmanuel Infirmier hospitalier BASTIA
14 MONDOLONI Jeanine Ancienne directrice d’école Conseillère municipale de SARTENE
15 SANTAMARIA Mickaël Agent CCAS Syndicaliste (AJACCIO)
16 VIGNAROLI Annonciade Retraitée enseignement (VALLECALLE HAUT NEBBIU)
17 FAZZINI Maxime Agent EDF Ancien élu Assemblée de Corse des jeunes (FURIANI)
18 TARQUINY Sophie Chirurgienne-dentiste (PIETROSELLA CALENZANA)
19 TRAMONI Michel Maire de BILIA
20 MAZEAU Sandrine Aide à domicile Syndicaliste (BASTIA)
21 BERNARD Nicolas Ouvrier manufacture Syndicaliste (MOROSAGLIA)
22 LOVIGHI Catherine Cadre Activités Sociales de l’Energie (SARTENE)
23 BASTELICA Etienne Conseiller municipal d’AJACCIO Ancien Président de groupe Assemblée de Corse
24 MASON Séverine Infirmière hospitalière Syndicaliste (BASTIA)
25 BARTOLI Auguste Docker Syndicaliste (BIGUGLIA)
26 BIANCARELLI Viviane Educatrice spécialisée Ancienne conseillère Assemblée de Corse (PORTOVECCHIO)
27 FERRANDINI Jean-François Agent EDF Syndicaliste Conseiller municipal de PETRETO-BICCHISANO
28 LUCIANI Marina Agent territoriale Ancienne conseillère municipale de BASTIA
29 USAI Gilbert Professeur de musique (BASTIA)
30 AGOSTINI Hélène Directrice de camping social (PORTO-VECCHIO)
31 CHIOCCA Laurent Artisan forestier (TASSO)
32 PRUVOT-ROL Sonia Enseignante Militante associative environnement biodiversité Ancienne conseillère Assemblée de Corse (SISCO)
33 BONFANTI Joseph Postier Syndicaliste (BASTIA)
34 FIORI Marie-Pierre Agent hospitalier Syndicaliste (AJACCIO-CALACUCCIA)
35 JOURDAN-MURACCIOLE Antoine Ouvrier menuisier (AJACCIO)
36 MINICUCCI Manon Préparatrice en pharmacie (SISCO)
37 PENCIOLELLI Jean-Marc Conseiller Principal d’Education (CORTE)
38 RASORI Marina Animatrice socioculturelle (SARROLA-CARCOPINO)
39 MURRONI Baptiste Coach sportif (ALATA)
40 MORACCHINI Marie-Ange (TALASANI) Cadre commerciale SNCM ancienne conseillère municipale BASTIA
41 TOMEI Louis Agent territorial Syndicaliste (BASTIA)
42 BARTOLI Françoise agent fonction publique territoriale militante associative (BASTELICACCIA)
43 MATTEI Jean-Marie Agent de la Poste Syndicaliste (AJACCIO-Plaine de CUTTOLI)
44 DEVOTI Toussainte Ancienne adjointe au Maire de BASTIA militante associative
45 GUGLIELMACCI Dominique Retraité SNCM (CALVI)
46 MERCURI Angèle retraitée fonction publique territoriale (AJACCIO)
47 BIONDI Jean-Michel Syndicaliste (AJACCIO-LETIA-VENACO)
48 FILIPPI Valérie Infirmière (ROGLIANO)
49 GIL Jean-Jacques Intermittent du spectacle (BASTIA)
50 PIMENOFF Natacha Ancienne conseillère municipale d’AJACCIO Ancienne Vice-présidente de la CAPA
51 AMIDEI Jean Louis Infirmier libéral Ancien adjoint au maire d’AJACCIO
52 POMMEPUY Eve Employée (BASTIA)
53 DELAVALLE Pierre-Jean Militant associatif Président association RUTONE (AJACCIO-GHISONI)
54 PASQUA Christiane Cadre Education Nationale (CAURO- AJACCIO)
55 ZEDDA Louis Agent territorial (SARTENE)
56 DEVICHI Gisèle Retraitée enseignement (CARDO)
57 RIOLACCI Francis Ancien adjoint au Maire de BASTIA
58 POLI Marthe Agent hospitalier EHPAD de GUAGNO Ancienne conseillère municipale d’AJACCIO
59 LUCIANI Paul Antoine Ancien 1er Adjoint d’AJACCIO Ancien Président de groupe à l’Assemblée de Corse
61 VITTORI Dominique Retraité INRA 1er Adjoint de VESCOVATO
63 BUCCHINI Dominique ancien Président de l’Assemblée de Corse (SARTENE)
Présentée par le Parti communiste français
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en24news · 5 years
Corsica honors its two new best workers in France
Corsica honors its two new best workers in France
Art photographer Sylvie Lezier and jeweler Jacques Orsini join the 4 best island workers in France (MOF). It is under the dome of the Collectivity of Corsica in Bastia that Bernard Hibert, vice-president of the Organizing Committee for Work Exhibitions (COET) and the MOF competition, accompanied by the regional delegate Yvan Allegrini (basti hairdresser MOF in 1997) , gave the two island…
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abri-chan · 3 years
Worick hugging Bernardo to comfort him about yet another dumb shit he complains about: It'll be alright. You're what? 18? 19?
Bernardo: I'm 29...
Worick: 29? What the fuck is wrong with you?
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“My dear love, I wrote you badly yesterday. I wanted to do it tonight, in a relaxed manner, with all sorts of details, but I don't think I can do it yet. I presumed too much of my strength. Before, and especially since your departure, I haven't taken a single moment of rest and I feel the consequences today. Yesterday I was already at the end of my rope. Nothing was working anymore. The spring was broken; I only found energy to play in the evening. At the end of the performance I was exhausted.
This morning, I got up at 8 o'clock to go and record the documentary of "Van Gogh " in Spanish; from there I went to Mrs. Simone's house who kept Serge [Reggiani] and me there until 6 o'clock. To read us his play, which I don't like, although it's not badly done. I then had an appointment with Émile Natan, a film producer, to talk about a film that would be shot between April and June (?) and whose exteriors would take place in Corsica. You've already guessed that I'd be interested in the project, as long as you could come and join me, maybe towards the end of the shoot. We could then linger a few days in Sicily... Do you understand? I don't dare to commit myself to dreams.
Anyway, all this is still a vague project and I can't tell you about it in detail yet, because a violent headache, an immense lassitude prevented me tonight from going to my appointment. Moreover, since yesterday, my father's condition has suddenly worsened. He hasn't slept all night, his breathing is so bad that he can no longer speak or eat, and the doctor fears an immediate crisis. Naturally, this happens just when I have to be away all day to record Goethe and Shakespeare on the radio.
So here I am in bed, full of pills, sweating, "itching", swallowing my saliva with difficulty (sore throat, hives, headache, a little fever) ... and in a singing mood. Tomorrow I have to be on the radio from 9 am to 1 pm, and from 2 am to 7 pm, and all my discomforts must be gone. There won't be any trace of it left, I'm sure of that. I still have the whole week ahead of me, and then, I promise you, I will rest. I must confess that I'm very much afraid of the holidays at the moment, but I'll manage.
And now, let us turn to the Righteous. The rent's going up again. Last night there were a lot of people and even more enthusiasm. Paul Bernard came and asked me for your address. I gave it to him. Forgive me; but I am pleased that you are going to receive a letter from him. It is a means, external to me, that will bring us closer in some way. From time to time, I need those little things that are part of the daily life of two people who love each other. Every once in a while I need someone to talk to me about you as my husband. I will never abuse it, but with Paul, I let myself be tempted; last night I needed a balm; my sleep was softened by it. About the performance, the audience, the theatre, the "group", I have many amusing things to tell you; but I feel in a dark mood and can't find anything to tell you about it right now... Another day. So much for The Righteous. I only add that we continue to play well.
The apartment. The veil curtains have arrived. The feminine note is here. The little black table is finished and ravishing. It's all coming to life. The rest I'll take care of later. I can't look at the post or your image without heartbreak. I haven't yet been able to figure out what part I find in those moments of happiness or sorrow. I'll dwell on it as little as possible; I still feel very fragile.
And now I finally come to us. Ah, my dearest love. Albert dear. What can I tell you? I told you before you left that I would never talk about us or my feelings. I didn't want to influence whatever hesitations I imagined in your heart. But how false and foolish it all is! You love me. I love you more than that. There is us and nothing can destroy that "us" anymore. I know that.
I feel it deep inside me, in this fullness that I carry within me, in this unlimited confidence, in this unimaginable superior indifference that I feel when in my darkest minutes I sometimes evoke images that should torture me and that no longer interest me as if they belonged to a world that would be totally foreign to me. I have the profound certainty that you are mine as I am yours, you understand? and someone would come to prove to me that it's not true and I would never believe it. I'm going further: even if now you were trying to convince me that we are no longer linked to each other, I would think you're wrong and I would patiently wait for you to come back to us.
You had already taught me an impatience that I did not know; now I know from you the patience that I totally ignored. Not to speak to you about us!... But of what, then? I do nothing, I think of nothing, without feeling confused with you, but, nothing, do you understand? Do you live like me? Can you look at the sky, this vast landscape in front of you, the hotel room, someone's eyes, your nice little house, without thinking of me or through me? Can you be moved without me? I can't; apart from the automatic gestures in which I myself don't take part, I can do nothing, say nothing, feel nothing without you. You are confused with my heart, my soul, my body. As soon as I wake up, you are there; as soon as I laugh, I cry, you are there, as soon as I look, you are there.
Oh my love. Today I finished my documentary at 12:30. I was already late for my appointment with Simone, but I went home to look for a possible letter. She was waiting for me and how good it was! Oh, yes; write to me, my dear love; write to me, it is vital to me. I have courage, I gather all my energies to have courage, but the days are long, empty, arid, monotonous, terribly similar to each other. Your letters alone bring warmth to my room and I need to be warm so badly! I love you. Love me. I will love you to the end, yes. I'll love you as long as I live. Take me strong in your arms, hold me against you and wait for me with courage and all your love."
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, January 6, 1950 [#116]
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bluebordercafebabel · 5 years
Something is popping out of the water: news about #blueborder website & exhibitions!
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March is synonym of spring, flowers blossom and the sun peeps out more often. As well, spring will bring us another reason to smile: #blueborder website is going to be launched! While we’re working on the final touches and details, we’re also happy to announce that, alongside the website, a series of offline/live events will see the light, too. Some cool venues in three cities spread out in Europe will host our exhibitions, panels and discussions, workshops and activities.
The first official event will take place in France, in Marseille, on Friday, 13th March 2020 at 6 pm. The spaces and locations will be offered by Coco Velten and the Centre Social CCO Bernard Du Bois. 
We would like to invite locals, the youth and anyone else who might be intrigued to join us on Friday 13th March! We will have interesting and inspiring conversations at Coco Velten with Sébastien Vannier and Prune Antoine (director and editor-in-chief), Esra Kücük (Head of Allianz Cultural Foundation, tbc), our local coordinator Hélène Pillon as well as some of our journalists and photographers.
Straight afterwards, not time to go back home yet! In fact, we will guide the public to the adjacent Centre Social Bernard Du Bois. There, everyone will have a look at the beautiful exhibition showcasing the photos of each of the 5 projects carried out by our teams in Corsica, Sicily, Malta, Crete and Cyprus. Indeed, all the photographers and journalists will have the opportunity to introduce their feature reports. The photos will be available until the 3rd of April.
Last but not least, our photographer Anne Ackermann, along with Hélène Pillon and Barbara Braun as facilitators, will carry out a workshop with some local youth (we will soon share the exact date, either 12th or 13th March).
In April, as the weather gets warmer, why not to leap further in the South? Together with our local coordinator Tullio Filippone and photographer Maria Jou Sol, we will host panels and workshops as well as our travelling exhibit in Palermo (Sicily, Italy) at Laboratorio Zen Insieme, in the Zen district. The next step will be on 15th May in Germany, precisely at the Arthur - Kulturhaus in Chemnitz, where our local coordinator René Szymanski and photographer Ksenia Les will support us with the same format. We will be sharing more information about these last two events soon, of course.
If you’re still wondering what #blueborder is about, open this or check out who’s behind the project and… take a dive!
#blueborder is a project conceived by Cafébabel Berlin and supported by Babel International, Allianz Kulturstiftung and the French-German Youth Office
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bouahrt-blog · 7 years
92 truths tag
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself then tag 25 people  Tagged by @naresnyanart ♡ LAST…  [1] drink: white mocka with extra +++ coffee [2] phone call: my marionette d'amour [3] text message: same haha [4] song you listened to: La chanson de la demonetisation - Maxenss (it's actually 3mins of French curses haha) [5] time you cried:  two weeks ago HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: no [7] been cheated on: No [8] kissed someone and regretted it: No [9] lost someone special: Like everyone [10] been depressed: unfortunately [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no throwing up for me but definitely some black out haha LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: [12] grey [13] blue [14] corail IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes ♡♡♡ [16] fallen out of love: No hehe [17] laughed until you cried: of course !! [18] found out someone was talking about you: ... yeah [19] met someone who changed you: I don't think so. I'm too old to change now hahaha [20] found out who your true friends are: already done [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: euh no GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 75% [23] do you have any pets: rip louloute and Bernard [24] do you want to change your name: No I'm good with it ♡ [25] what did you do for your last birthday: Nothing special.. I actually had my birthday cake 5 days after the D-day and my bro had already took a piece of it before I could ever see it ! Damn this family ... I'm still mad every times I think about it IT WAS MY CAKE YOU DORK ! [26] what time did you wake up: 6am (please kill me) [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching assassin's creed with Fassy baby ♡ [28] name something you cannot wait for: Traveling again [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: at 6am this morning [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Being less shy and don't have social anxiety [31] what are you listening to right now: the lady talking in the train station "the train ... At destination to Marseille st Charles will have 10 min late" great... [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: that's a good question [33] something that is getting on your nerves: Nothing right now [34] most visited website:  insta, tumblr and ao3 [35] elementary: done since too long. [36] high school: done... [37] college: done too... hellow old lady [38] hair color: Brown and pinky pink [39] long or short hair: loong [40] do you have a crush on someone: don't have [41] what do you like about yourself: that's a good question... maybe that I'm a kind girl even if all my friends say I'm too kind and I need to kick ass more when needed. But don't mess with me or I can be really cold and say what you don't want to hear. ♡♡ [42] piercings: EN ANGLAIS A TROUVER [43]blood type: don't know haha [44] nickname: Sirena, Amand and Tony. [45] relationship status: single 🎉🎉 [46] zodiac sign: Sagittarius [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: Stargate guuuys and also criminals minds + Teen wolf + Sherlock ♡ [49] tattoos: 3 tattoos : I did my first one in California (on my foot), the second in France (arm) and the third in Seoul (the other arm) and I'm planning to do a lot more hehe [50] right or left hand: Right FIRST… [51] surgery: no [52] piercing: high school [53] best friend: I neget had a "best friend" i don't have really good memories with this term actually haha [54] sport : basketball but it was awful because I was running in the other way of the ball because I was to scared to have it and play with other kids hahaha [55] vacation: going to Corsica in plane to see my grandparents and I was like 6 and my lil bro 3 and we were alone with the crew becausr we were too young to be alone haha [56] pair of trainers: don't remember haha RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: Oreos baby [58] drinking: I finished my moka [59] i’m about to: drawing on the train [60] listening to: Nothing [61] waiting for : my train [62] want: pomelo ♡ [63] get married: not planned at ALL [64] career: finding a job in fashion design would be nice... WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: I don't care about the age [70] nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms because I don't care about abs and or things like this [71] sensitive or loud: don't knowww [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: both HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no [75] drank hard liquor? of course ! We have to in France, especially where I come from. Actually my mother make her own liquor hehe and it's good !! (Genepi power) [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? dont have [77] turned someone down: maybe one time but never on purpose [78] sex on first date? No [79] broken someone’s heart? No too [80] had your own heart broken? No again [81] been arrested?  actually yes hahaha but it wasn't serious... I was arrested by the national police when I was young because we made a mess I'm a private area (didn't know it was private actually) but they released us like 3box near just to make the neighbour happy haha [82] cried when someone died? of course, what's this question ? [83] fallen for a friend ? nop DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? not really [85] miracles? still thinking about it [86] love at first sight? no haha please life is not a kdrama haha [87] Santa Claus?  ... no... [88] kiss on the first date? why not [89] angels? I would love to but no OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: don't have one I have my closed friendS [91] eye color: light brown with gold in it when there are the sun [92] favorite movie: Matrix & Babel ♡
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bxonaparte · 8 years
hc + horses
Send me hc + a word for a headcanon about that word and how it relates to my muse
    Napoleon was likely never trained in the art of equestrianism, outside of one or two lessons as a boy in military school. There was simply no need for a horse, especially not for a young soldier who spent any time that he could on his home island of Corsica. There, with its rough terrain, a donkey was just as good, or even better. There were slow but steadfast and reliable, scaling treacherous locations with ease. Such a detail was glossed over when Jacques-Louis David painted Napoleon’s journey through the Great Saint Bernard pass, where he most definitely used a humble mule. 
    He may have adopted the use of white horses later on in his life, though it is not well-documented. In fact, after a museum recently discovered the remains of the horse they found were not that of Marengo, his “beloved” horse, historians discovered that such a horse never existed. So it is still unclear whether or not Napoleon actually had a use for horses, and the rumour of his preference for white ones may come from romanticised propaganda paintings. 
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