#besides this app
zincbot · 1 year
ah there's new futurama
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
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so about Pokemon Sleep
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antiphan · 2 months
I tested a editing app not long ago and this what i come up with it's not interesting but i post it here to save and delete it from my phone to give space
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squib-2006 · 5 months
I have an idea
An au where Kai never shows up to the chens noodle house meeting cuz he was mad at what Lloyd said and instead ends up going deeper into ninjagos crime scene.
* Kai gets pissed at Lloyd callling him selfish and ends up getting really drunk and misses the meeting with Lloyd jay and Cole
* On his way back he accidentally falls into one of the canals and almost drowns. He manages to get out but a passer by recognizes him and saw him fall in but didn’t see him come back up
* Kai gets back to where ever he’s staying and promptly passes out for like three days
* The person that saw him fall in calls the cops and they assume Kai drowned and begin searching for his body
* Lloyd and the others at this point are already at chen’s island.
* Nya gets a call from the police about Kai and she like them assumes he drowned.
* She begins looking for Lloyd and the others to tell them that Kai’s gone then gets wrapped up in all the Chen stuff
* Kai wakes up to find that he’s on the news for being dead
* He decides to take advantage of this and decides to just go by shogun now
* He also decides to “pretend” to be female cuz he’s to recognizable no ther reason totalyyyy (yes this is a transfem Kai au cuz I do what I want)
* Meanwhile with the ninja when they catch up with Nya they learn that Kai’s dead and are very upset about it
* Chen also fails in his plans because he doesn’t have all the elements and when he try’s to use the spell the staff explodes killing him & clouce
* Skylor is arrested and put into kryptarium for working with her dad (this is very important I promise)
* Lloyd feels really bad about Kai because the last time they spoke he said really mean stuff and he wonders if Kai fell in somehow related to that.
* Meanwhile Kai begins making connections in the crime sphere in ninjago. She wears a disguise (a mask, dress large jacket and other clothing to hide her identity) and grows a reputation for herself
* She eventually starts to notice how shitty life is for lower class citizens of ninjago city and how the criminals and the upper class take advantage of that.
* She starts helping these people (mainly orphans) and creates a safe haven for them where all of them can live safely under her protection.
* She amasses a following for the people she helped + some criminals who have kinda changed their ways and they become a pretty big gang in ninjago city (I don’t have a name for this yet)
* With the ninja morro happens but garmadon takes the place of Kai in it cuz he never got banished (just imagine morro got let out by clouse on accident cuz he still attempted to banish garm but failed) and everything is basically the same up until they confront ronin
* Back with Kai a few months before Lloyd gets possessed she ran into a girl on the street named Natalie. Natalie claims to be an orphan and Kai does what she normally does when she finds a poor starving orphan on the street, she scoops her up and brings her back to her shelter (I don’t have a name for this yet either)
* Turns out Natalie is actually ronins daughter. She used to live with her parents in Styx (ronin was still doing ronin stuff so he was constantly gone all the time and she mainly lived with her mom) until one day ronin refused to pay soul archer his debt and souls archer went after his family. Nat’s mom ends up sacrificing her self to protect nat and nat runs away after. She ends up in ninjago city all alone.
* Kai after learning this decides to go and have a chat with ronin (because no one hurts her kids the people under her protection) and she runs into the ninja + garm when she goes to confront ronin (it’s when the ninja try and steal the scroll much to garms dismay because he’s still trying to be good)
* She panics but is slightly relieved when non of the ninja recognizes her (definitely helps that she’s wearing a mask and feminine clothes) ronin does tho due to his connections and questions her on why she’s here
* She doesn’t speak and just attacks him (she’s too worried the ninja will recognize her voice and she thinks that they won’t agree with what she’s doing and will be mad at her)
* So chaos ensues and Kai ends up leaving once she realizes Lloyd’s been possessed by a ghost and decides to dip to not interfere with the ninja’s mission anymore
* The season goes on as planned but the ninja now know who “shogun” is thanks to ronin. Lloyds a bit suspicious because of Kai’s red shogun name but guesses that maybe she was inspired by Kai or it’s just a coincidence.
* When Kai gets back she learns that some of her group members got arrested while trying to stop a fight between two other groups and decides to brake them out of kryptarium
* Cue skylors entrance
* Skylor manages to try and escape in the chaos of Kai’s brake in and almost escapes but is cornered by some guards
* Kai who’s crawling through the vents to get out while her group members have already escaped stops when she sees skylor getting cornered. Cue the love at first sight thing and she decides to help Skylor escape cuz she’s so pretty
* Skylor accepts Kai’s help and they escape and Kai brings her to her shelter
* Skylor has had a lot of time to reflect on her self during her imprisonment and is now glad her dad died cuz she really hated being evil
* Kai and Skylor grow closer together as Skylor joins the group and eventually Kai confesses her true identity cuz she trusts Skylor
* Skylor is confused at first because the ninja put her in prison and evreything but is ok with it because of how different Kai is
* Skylor is transfem in this au too! She she helps Kai realize that she’s not pretending to be a girl and helps her except herself
* They eventually form a romantic bond and skylor takes up a new persona to work under (I don’t have a name for it yet) to match Kai’s shogun persona
That’s all I have for now but this was all rattling around in my brain and I had to write it down
Other important stuffs
* Kai’s more morally grey in this au
* She kinda becomes similar to Jason Todd in the way she acts with her shogun persona
* She basically unofficially adopts all the orphan kids she lets stay in her shelter they all call her big sis sho
* In her group she has her close lieutenants (all ocs that I’m still thinking about names for) including skylor as her right hand woman
* She is a wanted criminal because she has broken some laws
* She doesn’t really use her powers or spinjitzu unless it’s really dire circumstances cuz it could be trailed back to her life as a ninja
* She’s kinda scared of seeing her the ninja again because she feels like she’s betrayed everything they stand for by being morally grey and doing borderline bad things
Feel free to ask me questions about this au (might help me come up with more ideas for it)
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crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
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"Hellooooo, sailors! You've travelled long and hard, why not kick your feet up and rest with me? I'll sing us a little song."
meet Echo! my new Eclipse OC! she used to be a performer on a luxury cruise ship (and this was one of her outfits!) but now she works as the front desk/security at an office building. a free-spirited bot with the confidence to boot, she lives life on her own terms—to the fullest.
some other facts about her:
she stands at 8'5" (same height as Clip! i realize this is my default Eclipse height haha)
her voice claim: HWASA Don't: "I don't care who you are, don't make me cry. I don't care who you are. I don't care who you are, don't make me lie."
however, there are moments when she sings that a second voice seeps in to harmonize: Whee In Watercolour: "I'm gonna raise me up, I want more colours for me. Now, just pick anything, ah!"
her "hair" is made up of wires that she plugs into the back of her faceplate! she changes them up often.
she hates it when people touch her hair, partly because they get tangled and partly from a bad past experience
she loves eating and can handle a lot of spice
she dates around, she finds humans entertaining, especially when they can pay for her meal
also tagging @starriegalaxy because she wanted to be tagged and i took that as an invitation to share the Echo brainrot with her right before her meeting today (wishing you the best, jestie!)
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gabriestat · 7 days
and while i agree booktok is silly and reads bad books aren't those bad books often necessary for you to read better books in the future? god knows i was incesting it up with shadowhunters back then and reading the cruel prince and whatnot. or do you just wake up one day and read anaïs nin and the count of montecristo
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lunasilvis · 4 months
Word's out! I'm enrolling in a specific paid UX/UI design traineeship given in Rotterdam with ties to the international market. Will probably relocate to Rotterdam/The Hague by the end of the year. Hitting a career ceiling in regards to international ambitions, and I decided I cannot continue riding the wave on which I find myself now. I am unplugging the blockage, and it feels like a weight off my shoulders.
The communications field to me is too broad, too unspecific, limited global growth opportunities (unless you are part of some royal network) and too biased/discriminatory/prejudiced. From my experience, much of it revolves around who you are as a person (Dutch employers love 'em happy-go-lucky, blonde, giggly marketing 21 y.o. girlies, and hey that's just not me), instead of the quality of work you deliver.
I am not abandoning communications completely. I just find myself facing closed door after closed door. So for now, let me craft some lush stuff, become great at what I do, and live in international-minded vibrant cities :)
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drawtimey · 18 days
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(Reblogs are appreciated ;3)
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evilasiangenius · 2 years
Aziraphale finally upgrades to a smartphone and
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Crowley has an iPhone. Aziraphale knows Crowley has an iPhone. But he gets an Android device, because they're more customizable and he means to root the new phone anyway and install his own programs.
Of course this means Facetiming is now impossible.
The two angels, fallen and otherwise, have a very heated discussion about this incompatibility issue. Eventually there is a compromise and they both agree to install an additional messaging app in order to communicate by video chat. So Crowley is on Telegram, and Aziraphale is on Line.
Look, they're just going to have to meet in person...
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ghcstcd · 2 years
I purposefully don't give Dewdrop any tattoos that Per has (though I do have a hc tattoo for Dewdrop on his shoulder blades), or any other personal design details besides a lithe body, piercings, and long hair.
I don't want to overlap Per's actual person with the fictional little demon I draw, and characterize based off Ghost stage performances. This goes for all the ghouls and the musicians behind the masks. They inspire the ghoul characters, but they are by no means THE GHOUL. The tattoos on Per belong to Per, not my silly fictional portrayal of a character he plays sometimes.
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gaminegay · 1 year
i fucking hate Instagram with such passion
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nadiajustbe · 3 months
HMC book Tumblr is so funny rn because you either post one (1) post that blows up or yell at the absolute silence of like three people.
Wich is even funnier knowing that it once was small but rly cosy and family-like committy where everyone knew each other and encourage each other's content but of course I WASN'T THERE.
I dunno If this funny or tragic as hell.
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championrevali · 1 year
Something that I see often on the revalink tag here is hate for revalink under the ship's tag- which is messed up.
I get it if you don't like revalink, if its not your thing, but leave that shit out of our tag. We're all out here just trying to enjoy a ship that doesn't deserve hate.
I have issues with Sidlink, but I'm not about to go tagging that in this post or if I ever made a post about my issues about it.
Basically, just let people enjoy their ships as long as they're not actually messed up. If you don't like seeing a ships content, filter it, or just don't interact, don't hate on something that makes someone happy.
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sudaca-swag · 3 months
like just to make it known and to clarify things, this was the post that started off their rant about Uruguay and Argentina being baby nazis, why they pulled the racism card I will never know we just said your team doesn't play well lol
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Immediate follow up post, and here I'll admit I was mad but rightfully so bc that was the stupidest take ever out of your nt being called lousy , futboless country behavior
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butteryheart · 1 month
How do I explain to Tumblr that while I really like the half naked girls it shows me randomly I DONT WANT TO SEE THEM
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Aw, cute.
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