#best PC components 2024
The paradox of choice screens
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I'm coming to BURNING MAN! On TUESDAY (Aug 27) at 1PM, I'm giving a talk called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE!" at PALENQUE NORTE (7&E). On WEDNESDAY (Aug 28) at NOON, I'm doing a "Talking Caterpillar" Q&A at LIMINAL LABS (830&C).
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It's official: the DOJ has won its case, and Google is a convicted monopolist. Over the next six months, we're gonna move into the "remedy" phase, where we figure out what the court is going to order Google to do to address its illegal monopoly power:
That's just the beginning, of course. Even if the court orders some big, muscular remedies, we can expect Google to appeal (they've already said they would) and that could drag out the case for years. But that can be a feature, not a bug: a years-long appeal will see Google on its very best behavior, with massive, attendant culture changes inside the company. A Google that's fighting for its life in the appeals court isn't going to be the kind of company that promotes a guy whose strategy for increasing revenue is to make Google Search deliberately worse, so that you will have to do more searches (and see more ads) to get the info you're seeking:
It's hard to overstate how much good stuff can emerge from a company that's mired itself in antitrust hell with extended appeals. In 1982, IBM wriggled off the antitrust hook after a 12-year fight that completely transformed the company's approach to business. After more than a decade of being micromanaged by lawyers who wanted to be sure that the company didn't screw up its appeal and anger antitrust enforcers, IBM's executives were totally transformed. When the company made its first PC, it decided to use commodity components (meaning anyone could build a similar PC by buying the same parts), and to buy its OS from an outside vendor called Micros-Soft (meaning competing PCs could use the same OS), and it turned a blind eye to the company that cloned the PC ROM, enabling companies like Dell, Compaq and Gateway to enter the market with "PC clones" that cost less and did more than the official IBM PC:
The big question, of course, is whether the court will order Google to break up, say, by selling off Android, its ad-tech stack, and Chrome. That's a question I'll address on another day. For today, I want to think about how to de-monopolize browsers, the key portal to the internet. The world has two extremely dominant browsers, Safari and Chrome, and each of them are owned by an operating system vendor that pre-installs their own browser on their devices and pre-selects them as the default.
Defaults matter. That's a huge part of Judge Mehta's finding in the Google case, where the court saw evidence from Google's own internal research suggesting that people rarely change defaults, meaning that whatever the gadget does out of the box it will likely do forever. This puts a lie to Google's longstanding defense of its monopoly power: "choice is just a click away." Sure, it's just a click away – a click, you're pretty sure no one is ever going to make.
This means that any remedy to Google's browser dominance is going to involve a lot of wrangling about defaults. That's not a new wrangle, either. For many years, regulators and tech companies have tinkered with "choice screens" that were nominally designed to encourage users to try out different browsers and brake the inertia of the big two browsers that came bundled with OSes.
These choice screens have a mixed record. Google's 2019 Android setup choice screen for the European Mobile Application Distribution Agreement somehow managed to result in the vast majority of users sticking with Chrome. Microsoft had a similar experience in 2010 with BrowserChoice.eu, its response to the EU's 2000s-era antitrust action:
Does this mean that choice screens don't work? Maybe. The idea of choice screens comes to us from the "choice architecture" world of "nudging," a technocratic pseudoscience that grew to prominence by offering the promise that regulators could make big changes without having to do any real regulating:
Nudge research is mired in the "replication crisis" (where foundational research findings turn out to be nonreplicable, due to bad research methodology, sloppy analysis, etc) and nudge researchers keep getting caught committing academic fraud:
When the first nudgers were caught committing fraud, more than a decade ago, they were assumed to be outliers in an otherwise honest and exciting field:
Today, it's hard to find much to salvage from the field. To the extent the field is taken seriously today, it's often due to its critics repeating the claims of its boosters, a process Lee Vinsel calls "criti-hype":
For example, the term "dark patterns" lumps together really sneaky tactics with blunt acts of fraud. When you click an "opt out of cookies" button and get a screen that says "Success!" but which has a tiny little "confirm" button on it that you have to click to actually opt out, that's not a "dark pattern," it's just a scam:
By ascribing widespread negative effects to subtle psychological manipulation ("dark patterns") rather than obvious and blatant fraud, we inadvertently elevate "nudging" to a real science, rather than a cult led by scammy fake scientists.
All this raises some empirical questions about choice screens: do they work (in the sense of getting people to break away from defaults), and if so, what's the best way to make them work?
This is an area with a pretty good literature, as it turns out, thanks in part due to some natural experiments, like when Russia forced Google to offer choice screens for Android in 2017, but didn't let Google design that screen. The Russian policy produced a significant switch away from Google's own apps to Russian versions, primarily made by Yandex:
In 2023, Mozilla Research published a detailed study in which 12,000 people from Germany, Spain and Poland set up simulated mobile and desktop devices with different kinds of choice screens, a project spurred on by the EU's Digital Markets Act, which is going to mandate choice screens starting this year:
I'm spending this week reviewing choice screen literature, and I've just read the Mozilla paper, which I found very interesting, albeit limited. The biggest limitation is that the researchers are getting users to simulate setting up a new device and then asking them how satisfied they are with the experience. That's certainly a question worth researching, but a far more important question is "How do users feel about the setup choices they made later, after living with them on the devices they use every day?" Unfortunately, that's a much more expensive and difficult question to answer, and beyond the scope of this paper.
With that limitation in mind, I'm going to break down the paper's findings here and draw some conclusions about what we should be looking for in any kind of choice screen remedy that comes out of the DOJ antitrust victory over Google.
The first thing note is that people report liking choice screens. When users get to choose their browsers, they expect to be happy with that choice; by contrast, users are skeptical that they'll like the default browser the vendor chose for them. Users don't consider choice screens to be burdensome, and adding a choice screen doesn't appreciably increase setup time.
There are some nuances to this. Users like choice screens during device setup but they don't like choice screens that pop up the first time they use a browser. That makes total sense: "choosing a browser" is colorably part of the "setting up your gadget" task. By contrast, the first time you open a browser on a new device, it's probably to get something else done (e.g. look up how to install a piece of software you used on your old device) and being interrupted with a choice screen at that moment is an unwelcome interruption. This is the psychology behind those obnoxious cookie-consent pop-ups that website bombard you with when you first visit them: you've clicked to that website because you need something it has, and being stuck with a privacy opt-out screen at that moment is predictably frustrating (which is why companies do it, and also why the DMA is going to punish companies that do).
The researchers experimented with different kinds of choice screens, varying the number of browsers on offer and the amount of information given on each. Again, users report that they prefer more choices and more information, and indeed, more choice and more info is correlated with choosing indie, non-default browsers, but this effect size is small (<10%), and no matter what kind of choice screen users get, most of them come away from the experience without absorbing any knowledge about indie browsers.
The order in which browsers are presented has a much larger effect than how many browsers or how much detail is present. People say they want lots of choices, but they usually choose one of the first four options. That said, users who get choice screens say it changes which browser they'd choose as a default.
Some of these contradictions appear to stem from users' fuzziness on what "default browser" means. For an OS vendor, "default browser" is the browser that pops up when you click a link in an email or social media. For most users, "default browser" means "the browser pinned to my home screen."
Where does all this leave us? I think it cashes out to this: choice screens will probably make a appreciable, but not massive, difference in browser dominance. They're cheap to implement, have no major downsides, and are easy to monitor. Choice screens might be needed to address Chrome's dominance even if the court orders Google to break off Chrome and stand it up as a separate business (we don't want any browser monopolies, even if they're not owned by a search monopolist!). So yeah, we should probably make a lot of noise to the effect that the court should order a choice screen, as part of a remedy.
That choice screen should be presented during device setup, with the choices presented in random order – with this caveat: Chrome should never appear in the top four choices.
All of that would help address the browser duopoly, even if it doesn't solve it. I would love to see more market-share for Firefox, which is the browser I've used every day for more than a decade, on my laptop and my phone. Of course, Mozilla has a role to play here. The company says it's going to refocus on browser quality, at the expense of the various side-hustles it's tried, which have ranged from uninteresting to catastrophically flawed:
For example, there was the tool to automatically remove your information from scummy data brokers, that they outsourced to a scummy data-broker:
And there's the "Privacy Preserving Attribution" tracking system that helps advertisers target you with surveillance advertising (in a way that's less invasive than existing techniques). Mozilla rolled this into Firefox on an opt out basis, and made opting out absurdly complicated, suggesting that it knew that it was imposing something on its users that they wouldn't freely choose:
They've been committing these kinds of unforced errors for more than a decade, seeking some kind of balance between monopolistic web companies and its users' desire to have a browser that protects them from invasive and unfair practices:
These compromises represent the fallacy that Mozilla's future depends on keeping bullying entertainment companies and Big Tech happy, so it can go on serving its users. At the same time, these compromises have alienated Mozilla's core users, the technical people who were its fiercest evangelists. Those core users are the authority on technical questions for the normies in their life, and they know exactly how cursed it is for Moz to be making these awful compromises.
Moz has hemorrhaged users over the past decade, meaning they have even less leverage over the corporations demanding that they make more compromises. This sets up a doom loop: make a bad compromise, lose users, become more vulnerable to demands for even worse compromises. "This capitulation puts us in a great position to make a stand in some hypothetical future where we don't instantly capitulate again" is a pretty unconvincing proposition.
After the past decade's heartbreaks, seeing Moz under new leadership makes me cautiously hopeful. Like I say, I am dependent on Firefox and want an independent, principled browser vendor that sees their role as producing a "user agent" that is faithful to its users' interests above all else:
Of course, Moz depends on Google's payment for default search placement for 90% of its revenue. If Google can't pay for this in the future, the org is going to have to find another source of revenue. Perhaps that will be the EU, or foundations, or users. In any of these cases, the org will find it much easier to raise funds if it is standing up for its users – not compromising on their interests.
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Community voting for SXSW is live! If you wanna hear RIDA QADRI and me talk about how GIG WORKERS can DISENSHITTIFY their jobs with INTEROPERABILITY, VOTE FOR THIS ONE!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: ICMA Photos (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/icma/3635981474/
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
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satoshi-mochida · 10 months
Class of Heroes 1 & 2: Complete Edition announced for PS5, Switch, and PC
Gematsu Source
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PQube has announced Class of Heroes 1 & 2: Complete Edition for PlayStation 5, Switch, and PC. It includes the remastered Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition and Class of Heroes 2G: Remaster Edition, and will launch in early 2024 worldwide. The PC versions will be available separately via Steam (1, 2).
Get the details below.
Play the remastered versions of these two classic dungeon crawlers with a focus on team composition and collecting rare items! Both games will also be available individually digitally.
Class Of Heroes: Anniversary Edition
Deep Character Customization – Choose from 10 unique races with 15 different majors to combine skills, stats and abilities!
Classic Old-School Dungeon Crawling – 75 3D labyrinths full of monsters, puzzles, traps and treasure.
Efficient Resource Management – Buy and sell at the campus store and store items in your dormitory.
Flexible Alchemy System – Find components in dungeons and use them to synthesize new items, or customize your equipment.
Expansive Class List – Try a variety of classes covering a range of areas such as general education, magic, thievery, and fighting.
Class Of Heroes 2G: Remaster Edition
Even Greater Party Control – Significant increase in customization with more Race / Class possibilities.
Prepare for Trouble – Collect recipes and get crafting! Find items in labyrinths to help weather the different storms with over 200 alchemy recipes and over 90 pieces of equipment.
Three Schools – With three different academies to visit, each of them have their own host of interesting characters and courses!
Crafted Dungeon Experiences – Traverse over 100 carefully crafted dungeons with improved visuals and without random generation.
Build a Dream Team in the Original Class of Heroes
Starting out at the Particus Academy, students train to become the next best adventurer! Assemble a party of students from 10 races and 15 majors, each aligned with one of three alignments (good, evil and neutral). Create your own six-student team with the classic dungeon crawler style of three at the front, three at the back. Front line students will be melee weapon specialists, focused on taking the enemy head on, while the back three will focus on ranged attacks and support such as healers. Plan your lines efficiently by checking the affinity of your students and other statistical bonuses.
Crostini Academy Needs You
Return to school in Class of Heroes 2G: Remaster Edition, as you attend Crostini Academy to begin your adventurer training! Building upon the foundation set by the original Class of Heroes, you can explore over 100 different dungeons with over 250 monstrous enemies! An expanded character creator gives players greater control over their party with more race/class combination, along with updated visuals and a fully Japanese voiced story. With three different schools to visit, you can encounter a whole host of unique and fun characters to join you in your journey. These schools will also have their own classes that your students can take, expanding the possibilities of your squad and providing a more varied experience.
Watch a set of trailers below. View a set of screenshots at the gallery.
Class of Heroes 1 & 2: Complete Edition
Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition
Class of Heroes 2G: Remaster Edition
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govindhtech · 4 months
G.SKILL Trident Z5 Royal DDR5 RAM Brings Bling to Your PC
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G.SKILL Trident Z5 Royal DDR5 RAM
The highly anticipated Trident Z5 Royal series of high-performance overclock DDR5 memory is now available from the world’s leading brand of performance overclock memory and PC components.
The Trident Z5 Royal is the pinnacle of the flagship Trident Z5 product family, showcasing a full-length crystalline light bar with a mirrored-finish heatspreader in gold or silver. The Royal Design is back.
The dazzling mirrored-finish heatspreader in gold or silver colour and the crystalline light bar design for an amazing RGB lighting display are traits passed down from its DDR4 predecessor. The Trident Z5 Royal brings luxury-class design to the new generation of DDR5 memory under the Trident Z5 design. Every heatspreader has an exquisite design worthy of its royal name because it is CNC-cut from aluminium and electroplated.
G.SKILL Trident Z5 Royal
Performance RGB Memory Overclocked
The Trident Z5 Royal, designed for overclocked performance, will be available in various configurations with kit capacities up to 96GB (2x48GB), as well as an extreme DDR5-8400 CL40 with 48GB (2x24GB) kit capacity. Additionally supported are third-party motherboard lighting programmes and the G.SKILL Trident Z Lighting Control software for customisable RGB lighting.
Intel XMP 3.0 Availability & Support
In late May 2024, G.SKILL’s global distribution partners will begin to receive the new Trident Z5 Royal series DDR5 memory kits, which support the most recent Intel XMP 3.0 memory overclocking profile enabling simple memory overclocking via the motherboard BIOS.
DDR5-8400 CL40
The memory can run at overclocked speeds up to DDR5-8400 CL40 thanks to its architecture. It also has capacities of up to 96 GB (two 48 GB capacities). The Trident Z5 Royal facilitates overclocking by supporting the AMD EXPO and Intel XMP 3.0 platforms.
The following are some of the Trident Z5 Royal Series DDR5 Memory’s salient characteristics:
Elegant style including heat spreaders in gold or silver with a mirrored finish
Long-lasting crystalline light bar with RGB lighting customisation
Designed to operate at overclocked speeds, reaching DDR5-8400 CL40
96 GB of capacity is possible (2×48 GB)
Compatible with AMD and Intel platforms
Supports AMD EXPO and Intel XMP 3.0 for simple overclocking
Trident Z5 Royal DDR5 RAM from G.SKILL is beautifully designed and overclocked.
Its qualities include:
Luxury Design: The Trident Z5 Royal has a full-length crystalline light bar and a gold or silver mirrored heat spreader for RGB lighting. High-frequency overclocking: The 48 GB memory kits (2 x 24 GB) can be adjusted to DDR5-8400 CL40. This allows RAM overclocking, enhancing computer performance. Configurable RGB Lighting: Third-party motherboard lighting software or G.SKILL’s Trident Z Lighting Control programme can change the crystalline light bar’s colours and effects. Built for heavy use: The Trident Z5 Royal can handle gaming and computing. Trident Z5 Royal Series DDR5 Memory is elegant and powerful. Trident Z5 Royal is a high-performance DDR5-compatible system.Trident Z5 Royal performs best with DDR5.
Overclockers and hobbyists use G.Skill’s Trident Z5 Royal Series DDR5. Luxury features include gold or silver mirrored heat spreaders and a full-length crystalline light bar for RGB lighting adjustment.
Trident Z5 Royal Series DDR5 Memory specs:
Memory type DDR5
DDR5-8400 CL40+ speeds
Up to 96GB (2x48GB)
RGB lighting can be customised using third-party motherboard lighting software or G.SKILL Trident Z Lighting Control.
Aluminium heatspreader with silver or gold mirror finish.
Gamers and hobbyists may consider the Trident Z5 Royal Series DDR5 for the best DDR5 memory performance. A luxurious memory package is another option.
High-performance DDR5-8400 CL40:
The technical terms are below. DDR5 (5th generation). This new memory standard is faster and less power-hungry than DDR4.
8400: Megahertz memory.
A 8400 MHz data transfer rate is 8400 million cycles per second.
Data transport speeds rise with MHz.
Column Address Strobe Latency (CAS) is CL40, which monitors RAM retrieval time.
Low CLs suggest faster latency.
CL latency affects RAM performance along with many other parameters.
Faster RAM with somewhat higher CL latency may outperform slower RAM with tighter CL timings.
DDR5-8400 CL40 is high-speed DDR5 with 40 CAS latency. This RAM is great for gamers, overclockers, and creatives who use 3D rendering and video editing tools.
Additional DDR5-8400 CL40 RAM considerations:
Its high-end memory specification and recent availability may make it more expensive and scarce than other DDR5 choices.
The motherboard must support DDR5-8400 memory speeds and AMD EXPO or XMP settings for automated overclocking.
DDR5-8400 CL40 RAM costs more than DDR5.
For optimal DDR5 RAM performance, choose DDR5-8400 CL40. When buying, consider compatibility, price, and availability.
Features of DDR5-8400 CL40 memory:
The memory is DDR5.
Speed: DDR5-8400 This is memory data transmission rate. High speeds improve performance, especially in bandwidth-intensive applications.
CAS Latency:CL40: The number of clock cycles it takes memory to retrieve data after a request. Lower CLs indicate faster memory. Higher-speed DDR5 memory normally has higher CAS latency. Thus, DDR5-8400 CL40 may not be faster than DDR5-6400 CL38. When evaluating DDR5 memory, speed and CAS delay matter.
Depending on the model, DDR5-8400 CL40 memory may have these features:
Capacity: DDR5 modules hold 4GB to 128GB.
ECC memory fixes data transfer errors. ECC memory costs extra, but data-intensive servers and workstations need it.
DDR5 memory modules with RGB LEDs can show numerous colours and lighting effects.
Trident Z5 Royal Release date
The G.SKILL Trident Z5 Royal DDR5 memory’s official release date is yet unknown.
What is known as follows:
The first time it was displayed was at Computex 2023, a hardware event. A release in Q4 2023 was rumoured, but it never happened. As of May 2024, G.Skill appears to be finishing the product. Therefore, although a release date has not yet been announced, it may happen shortly. G.Skill’s announcements regarding the formal release can be followed.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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techgeeksite · 28 days
The Best Pre-Built PCs of 2024
Pre-built PCs can be as good as custom PCs, as long as you do your diligence and not spend your hard-earned cash on the first pre-built that catches your eye. UPDATE: 08/15/2024 We’ve reviewed our recommendations and these are still the best pre-built PCs you can buy. What to Look For in a Pre-built PC in 2024 The two most important components of every PC, including pre-built PCs, are the CPU…
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computer430 · 1 month
The Best Uses for Bulk Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 Processors in 2024
In the fast-evolving world of technology, it’s easy to get caught up in the allure of the latest and greatest hardware. However, older components like the Intel Core 2 Duo E4400, despite being a few generations behind, still offer substantial value when purchased in bulk. If you’ve come across a stockpile of these processors or are considering buying them in bulk, you might be wondering how they can still be relevant in 2024. Let’s explore some practical and innovative ways to make the most of these classic CPUs.
1. Educational and Training Environments
For educational institutions and training centers, the Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 is a budget-friendly option that provides sufficient power for teaching basic computer science concepts and programming. These processors can handle introductory programming environments and educational software, making them ideal for labs where the focus is on learning rather than high-performance tasks.
2. Refurbished Computer Projects
If you’re into refurbishing older computers or creating budget-friendly systems, the Core 2 Duo E4400 is a solid choice. Many refurbished computer projects aim to offer affordable, reliable machines for everyday tasks such as word processing, web browsing, and email. These processors, paired with adequate RAM and storage, can bring old PCs back to life and provide a functional computing experience at a fraction of the cost of newer systems.
3. Affordable Workstations for Small Businesses
Small businesses often seek cost-effective solutions for their IT infrastructure. The Core 2 Duo E4400 processors can be used to build economical workstations that handle basic office applications and light multitasking. These systems are suitable for roles such as administrative tasks, data entry, or as secondary machines for employees who do not require high-end processing power.
4. Home Servers and Media Centers
For tech enthusiasts and hobbyists, building a home server or media center on a budget is a popular project. The Core 2 Duo E4400, while not cutting-edge, is capable of handling tasks like file sharing, media streaming, and light server duties. Combined with adequate storage and network capabilities, these processors can power a functional and efficient home server or media center.
5. Non-Profit and Community Projects
Non-profit organizations and community centers often operate with limited budgets. The Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 provides a cost-effective solution for setting up computers for community outreach programs, computer labs, and donation-based initiatives. These systems can support essential functions without stretching tight budgets.
6. Retro Gaming Systems
Retro gaming is a niche but growing hobby, and older processors like the Core 2 Duo E4400 can be used to build gaming PCs for classic games that don’t require modern hardware. Whether you’re into emulating older consoles or playing vintage PC games, these processors can handle many retro gaming needs with ease.
7. Low-Cost Prototyping and Development
For developers and engineers working on hardware or software prototypes, the Core 2 Duo E4400 can serve as a low-cost platform for testing and development. While not the most powerful, it provides a stable environment for running and testing applications without needing cutting-edge hardware.
8. Embedded Systems and IT Projects
In certain embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, processing power requirements are modest. The Core 2 Duo E4400 can be utilized in such projects where computing needs are relatively low but reliability and cost-efficiency are critical. It’s a practical choice for building custom solutions in diverse applications.
9. DIY Computer Builds for Enthusiasts
For DIY enthusiasts and tech hobbyists, using older processors like the Core 2 Duo E4400 can be a fun and educational experience. These projects might include building custom PCs or experimenting with different configurations. It’s a chance to explore computer hardware and gain hands-on experience without a significant investment.
10. Legacy System Support and Maintenance
In some industries, legacy systems are still in use due to specialized software or long-term investments. The Core 2 Duo E4400 can be used to support and maintain these older systems, ensuring they continue to function effectively without needing a complete overhaul.
While the Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 may not be the latest in processor technology, its affordability and reliability make it a viable option for various uses in 2024. Whether you’re refurbishing old machines, supporting educational projects, or diving into hobbyist builds, these processors can offer solid performance for a range of applications. By leveraging the value of bulk purchasing, you can make the most of these classic CPUs and put them to good use in numerous practical scenarios.
Want to buy Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 in bulk from vstl?
If you’re looking to buy Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 processors in bulk from VSTL, start by contacting us directly to check on availability, pricing, and bulk order options. Make sure to verify that the processors meet your specifications and confirm whether they are new or refurbished. Request a formal quote that includes details like unit price, total cost, and shipping charges.
It’s important to review VSTL’s policies on bulk orders, including minimum quantities, payment terms, and return policies. Also, confirm shipping options and delivery timelines to ensure they align with your needs. Once you’re satisfied with the details and terms, proceed with placing your order. Be sure to get a confirmation and track your order to stay updated on its status.
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Get Ready for Terrorformer TD Tower Defense: Release Date Announced
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Terrorformer TD tower defense roguelite game has a release date for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the creative genius of onewinter games. Due to test your skills on Steam next month. Earlier this week, solo indie developer onewinter, run by TJ Cioffe, announced their first game debut. Terrorformer TD tower defense roguelite is launching on September 9th. You can check out a playable Linux demo right now during Steam’s Tower Defense Fest. This is also a title where the map changes as you play, but you get to shape it with terraforming tools! Each round, you build up your defenses to survive waves of enemies and then hit the shop for new towers, upgrades, and rewards. As you play, you earn XP, level up, and unlock new abilities, getting stronger with every run.
Terrorformer TD: tower defense Release Date Trailer
What started as TJ Cioffe’s Master of Fine Arts thesis quickly turned into his passion project. He saw a chance to put his own spin on the tower defense genre, adding cool features like procedurally generated maps that you can terraform, roguelike progress, online leaderboards, and weekly tests. The demo for Terrorformer TD just got an update for Tower Defense Fest. Now, you can remap controls, enjoy better weapon and tower upgrades, see unique death animations for each enemy type, and experience a dynamic map that reacts to your base management and terraforming. There are more achievements and new perks to unlock too. The game now supports multiple languages including Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, German, and French. This update makes the game even more fun. While more updates coming before the final release.
Key Features:
Terraform the Battlefield: Unlock new procedurally generated maps, each with unique terraforming and base buildin. Adapt your defenses to the changing battle.
Assemble a Home Tower: Customize your Terrorformer TD Home Tower defense with components you unlock. Get special abilities, upgrades, and weapons! Earn perks as you play, due to make each run easier.
Choose Your Own Adventure: With random unlocks, upgrades, and map erosion each round, every play through is different. Try harder difficulties or see how long you can last in the Weekly Challenge!
Take on Enemy Hordes: Counter enemy abilities with 25 unique towers that earn XP and level up. While you mix and match to find the best combo for each test.
The Terrorformer TD tower defense roguelite demo is available now on Steam, with the full game launching on September 9, 2024. Download the demo and add it to your wishlist! Coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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Best Web Design and Hosting for Small Business 2024
Small organizations might take the following crucial actions to guarantee that they have the best web design and hosting for small business 2024:
Make User Experience (UX) a priority : To create dynamic, engaging experiences, include the newest UX-focused web design trends, such as scrolling animations, micro-interactions, and micro-animations.
Make sure the material on your website is easy to read, has a clean, minimalist style with lots of white space, and is navigable. Make sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly to ensure a consistent user experience on all devices.
Use State-of-the-Art Technologies : To improve the user experience, consider including cutting-edge technologies like interactive 3D models, voice-activated interfaces, and augmented reality (AR). Create websites that are personalized, adaptive, and responsive to the unique interests and behaviors of each user by leveraging AI and machine learning. Use interactive narrative and gamification components to increase interest and promote exploration.
Website Objectives: Clearly state what the main goal of your website is. Do you want to create leads, sell goods online, or promote your services? Who is the target audience that you are attempting to reach? Your website's functionality and appearance are influenced by your understanding of your target client. material Strategy: Do you already have material on your website, or do you need assistance writing effective copy? Technical Proficiency: Do you require continuous assistance, or are you able to handle website updates on your own? Financial Restraints: Regarding what you can afford, be reasonable. The price of web design and hosting varies greatly based on features and complexity.
Working together yields the greatest online design and hosting option. Select a business that puts your business objectives first, communicates clearly, and pays attention to your needs. By taking these actions and making an investment in a well-designed and well-hosted website, you can create a solid online presence and set yourself up for success in 2024's rapidly changing digital environment.
Websites with responsive and adaptive design guarantee the best possible viewing experience on all kinds of devices.
Benefits :
Makes ensuring that different devices and screen sizes are compatible. Enhanced User Experience: Offers a consistent experience on PCs, tablets, and smartphones. Benefits of SEO: Search engines appreciate mobile-friendly design, which raises SEO rankings.
Adoption of speech-activated interfaces and voice search capabilities: Best Web Developer in Indore are implementing voice user interfaces (VUI) in response to the growing popularity of voice-enabled devices in order to offer a more user-friendly and convenient experience.
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) features integration: Indore web developers are utilizing these technologies to create immersive experiences and increase user engagement, especially for e-commerce companies.
Application of AI-powered tools and personalization: Top Indore web development companies are using AI to design websites that are adaptive and can be customized to the tastes of individual users. Examples of these tools include heatmaps, content generators, and website builders.
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yassermasood · 3 months
Gaming is evolving, as the PC segment has taken some cues from the console side and some brands have expanded on it that brings those ergonomics but powered by Windows and PC components.
They're mostly still computers (add a mouse and keyboard, and maybe a hub to expand connectivity), but they physically look like a handheld with the standard controller buttons.
IGN has ranked the best of 2024 at this current point in time.
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blumenit · 3 months
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dchoices · 4 months
Make DailyChoices Your One-Stop Destination to Buy Computer Parts in Melbourne
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In today's fast-paced world, your computer's efficiency and power can make or break your productivity and work. At DailyChoices, we understand the necessity of having a computer that keeps up with your demands without breaking the bank. That's why we offer an unparalleled selection of PC parts for those looking to buy computer parts in Melbourne.
Upgrade the Technical Performance with Us
Whether building a gaming rig from scratch or upgrading your workstation, finding the right components is key to unlocking extraordinary performance. DailyChoices is your ultimate online go-to place, offering various PC parts, from hard drive enclosures that expand your storage capabilities to high-quality display port cables for unmatched visual clarity and even essential 3D printer accessories to fuel your creativity.
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For anyone looking to buy computer parts in Melbourne, DailyChoices offers a comprehensive and reliable solution. Our vast selection and commitment to quality and customer satisfaction make us the go-to online store for all your PC parts needs. Unlock your computer's potential by choosing DailyChoices today. For more information https://www.dailychoices.com.au/ or call 0397066990.
Source: https://dailychooices.blogspot.com/2024/05/make-dailychoices-your-one-stop.html
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voltedpcofficial · 5 months
Looking to build a powerful gaming rig in 2024? Look no further! Discover the top components for an unbeatable gaming experience, from cutting-edge graphics cards to lightning-fast processors. Upgrade your gaming setup with our recommended builds for optimal performance.
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govindhtech · 6 months
Dominate the Battlefield: Intel Battlemage GPUs Revealed
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Intel Arc GPU
After releasing its first-generation Arc Alchemist GPUs in 2022, Intel now seems to be on a two-year cadence, as seen by the appearance of the Battlemage in a shipping manifest. This suggests that Battlemage GPUs are being supplied to Intel’s partners for testing, as it’s the first time they’ve seen any proof of them existing in the real world. Intel is probably getting ready for a launch later this year given the timing of this.
Two Battlemage GPUs are being shipped by Intel to its partners, per a recently discovered shipment manifest that was published on X. The GPUs’ designations, G10 and G21, suggest Intel is taking a similar approach as Alchemist, offering one SKU that is more or less high-end for “mainstream” gamers and one that is less expensive.
Intel Arc Graphics Cards
As you may remember, Intel had previously announced plans to launch four GPUs in the Alchemist family:
Intel Arc A380
The A380, A580, A750, and A770. However, only the latter two were officially announced. They anticipate that the A750 and A770, which Intel most likely delivers at launch for midrange gamers, will be replaced by the G10.
They’ve never heard of cards being “in the wild,” but two Battlemage GPUs have shown up in the Si Soft benchmark database before. The fact that both of those cards have 12GB of VRAM stood out as particularly noteworthy. This suggests that Intel increased their base-level allowance from 8GB, which is a wise decision in 2024. As stated by Intel’s CEO earlier this year, Battlemage was “in the labs” in January.
Intel Arc A770
A previously released roadmap from Intel indicates that the G10 is a 150W component and the G21 is 225W. It is anticipated that Intel will reveal notable improvements in Battlemage’s AI capabilities, greater upscaling performance, and ray tracing performance. As 225W GPUs were the previous A750 and A770, it seems Battlemage will follow the script when it comes to its efficiency goals. The business has previously declared that it wishes to aim for this “sweet spot” in terms of power consumption, wherein one PCIe power cable is needed rather than two (or three).
While the industry as a whole is anxious to see how competitive Intel will be with its second bite at the apple, gamers aren’t exactly waiting impatiently for Intel to introduce its GPUs like they do with Nvidia or AMD’s next-gen. Even if the company’s Alchemist GPUs were hard to suggest when they first came out, significant performance advancements have been made possible by the company’s drivers.
The Intel Battlemage G10 and G21 next-generation discrete GPUs, which have been observed in shipment manifests, are anticipated to tackle entry into the mid-range market. They already know from the horse’s mouth that Intel is working on its next generation of discrete graphics processors, which it has revealed are being code-named Battlemage. The company is developing at least two graphics processing units, according to shipping excerpts.
Intel Battlemage GPUs
The shipping manifest fragments reveal that Intel is working on several GPUs specifically for the Battlemage G10 and G21 versions. The newest versions in Intel’s graphics processor lineup include the ACM-G11, an entry-level graphics processor, and the ACM-G10, a midrange market positioning and higher-end silicon graphics processor. As a result, the names Battlemage-G10 and Battlemage-G21, which are aimed at entry-level PCs and bigger chips, respectively, match the present names for Intel’s Arc graphics processors. Both stand a strong chance of making their list of the best graphics cards if they deliver acceptable levels of performance.
The Battlemage-G10 and Battlemage-G21 are being shipped for research and development, as stated in the shipping manifest (which makes sense considering these devices’ current status). The G21 GPU is currently in the pre-qualification (pre-QS) stage of semiconductor development; the G10’s current status is unknown.
Pre-qualification silicon is used to assess a chip’s performance, reliability, and functionality. Pre-QS silicon is typically not suitable for mass production. However, if the silicon device is functional and meets the necessary performance, power, and yield requirements, mass production of the device could be feasible. For example, AMD’s Navi 31 GPU, if it meets the developer’s objectives, is mass-produced in its A0 silicon phase.
They rarely get to cover Intel’s developments with its next-generation graphics cards, but they frequently cover Nvidia’s, as they did recently with the GeForce RTX 50-series graphics processors, which should appear on their list of the best graphics cards based on industry leaks.
This generation, Nvidia seems to be leading the laptop discrete GPU market, but Battlemage, with Intel’s ties to OEMs and PC manufacturers, might give the green team some serious competition in the next round. According to the cargo manifest, there will be intense competition among AMD’s RDNA 4, Intel’s Battlemage, and Nvidia’s Blackwell in the forthcoming desktop discrete GPU market.
Targeting Entry-Level and Mid-Range: The ACM-G11 and ACM-G10, the successors to the existing Intel Arc Alchemist series, are probably meant for gamers on a tight budget or seeking good performance in games that aren’t AAA.
Better Architecture: Compared to the Xe-HPG architecture found in Intel’s existing Arc GPUs, readers can anticipate an upgrade in this next-generation design. Better performance per watt and even new features could result from this.
Emphasis on Power Efficiency: These GPUs may place equal emphasis on efficiency and performance because power consumption is a significant element in laptops and tiny form factor PCs.
Potential specifications (derived from the existing Intel Arc lineup and leaks):
Production Process: TSMC 6nm (or, if research continues, a more sophisticated node) Unknown is the core configuration. Possibly less cores than Battlemage models at higher levels (should any exist).
Memory: GDDR6 is most likely used, yet its bandwidth and capacity are unclear. Power Consumption: Designed to use less power than GPUs with higher specifications.
What are the Battlemage G10 and G21 GPUs?
Intel is developing the Battlemage G10 and G21, next-generation GPUs that should provide notable gains in capabilities and performance over their predecessors.
What markets or segments are these GPUs targeting?
Targeting a wide range of industries, including professional graphics, gaming, and data centres, the Battlemage G10 and G21 GPUs are expected to meet the demands of both consumers and businesses.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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techgeeksite · 29 days
The Best PC Cases of 2024
Building a PC involves so much decision-making that it can be exhausting. After deciding on the components you need to make your dream build, it’s time to find a PC case that will house everything and keep your technology from overheating. Corsair Corsair 5000D Airflow Best Overall PC Case
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linuxgamenews · 4 months
Terrorformer TD: Defend and Terraform in this Tower Defense
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Terrorformer TD tower defense roguelite game delivers a Demo for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the creative work at onewinter games. Available to try now on Steam. Exciting news from solo developer onewinter games. Their tower defense roguelite, Terrorformer TD, is now part of Steam Next Fest until June 17th with a great Linux demo. In Terrorformer TD, you’re not just defending towers; you’re shaping the map as you play. The terrain changes over time, but don’t worry, you’ve got terraforming tools to turn the tide in your favor. While in each round, you’ll strengthen your defenses against waves of enemies. Then hit the shop for new towers, upgrades, and rewards. Plus, you gain XP and level up after each run. Due to unlock new abilities and get stronger the more you play.
Terrorformer TD: Steam Next Fest Trailer
This game started as a Master of Fine Arts thesis by TJ Cioffe, the solo dev behind onewinter. What began as a project soon became TJ’s passion. He saw a chance to push the tower defense genre in a new direction. Terrorformer TD mixes classic tower defense elements with unique twists like procedurally generated. While including terraforming maps, and roguelike progress. Including online leaderboards and weekly challenges. “I’ve had a blast researching and testing what makes the best tower defense games tick,” TJ said. “It’s an amazing genre, balancing between modern Vampire Survivors-likes and RTS classics like Starcraft. There’s never been a more exciting time to make a tower defense game, and I’m thrilled to share Terrorformer TD with the world!” The Steam Next Fest demo includes 12 new enemy types (with 2 new bosses). Doing so across 75 rounds of enemy challenges. There are now five maps to play, with two reworked and two new ones added. Plus, after lots of play testing, the mid to late game has been optimized, nearly doubling performance when the map is packed with towers.
Key Features:
Terraform the Battlefield: Unlock new procedurally generated maps with unique terraforming options and base building strategies. Adapt your defenses to each playthrough’s challenges.
Assemble a Home Tower: Customize your Home Tower each run from unlocked components. Giving you access to special abilities, upgrades, and weapons. Earn permanent perks as you level up in Terrorformer TD, boosting your survival abilities.
Choose Your Own Adventure: With randomized unlocks, upgrades, and map erosion every round. So that each playthrough is different. Test your skills on harder difficulties or see how long you last in the Weekly Challenge.
Take on Enemy Hordes: Counter enemy abilities like Fortify, Warp, and Disable Tower. Along with 25 unique towers that also level up as the game progresses. Find the best defense combinations for each enemy challenge.
The Terrorformer TD demo is live on Steam now, and the full game is due to release in September 2024. With support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Go check it out, download the demo, and Wishlist it now.
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carynokey · 7 months
Checking Out The Various Forms Of Cbd Vaporizers
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Vaporizers have transformed the technique our company eat CBD-- not just through giving an extra very discreet and also mobile strategy contrasted to typical smoking cigarettes however likewise by delivering customers the versatility to personalize their expertise. With a broad array of vaporizers accessible, it's important to understand the different types as well as what creates every one unique. Within this manual, our team'll stroll you with the several CBD vaporizers on the marketplace, allowing you pick what could possibly better suit your inclinations.
Various Sorts Of CBD Vaporizers
Transportable Vaporizers for On-the-Go CBD Make Use Of
Mobile ExtremeVaporizers are perfect for those constantly on the go. They are actually modern as well as portable and also commonly included smaller chambers created to hold simply the correct amount of CBD for a singular treatment. A lot of portable vaporizers supply outstanding battery lifestyle and are chargeable, creating all of them perfect for trip. Some developed styles even make it possible for consumers to set the specific temperature level for an individualized vaping encounter.
One standout in this category is actually the ExtremeVaporizers line, recognized for its own durable create and innovative components. If you reside in the market place for a portable vaporizer, seek devices with really good battery lifestyle, a durable design that can resist influences, and also simple commands. Reviews of the 2024 models have raved regarding their streamlined design as well as additional functions like Bluetooth connectivity, which enables seamless assimilation along with your cell phone.
Stovetop Vaporizers for Home Use
Those that prefer a more static setup may discover stovetop vaporizers a great fit. These vaporizers, like a stovetop element or a candle light, call for a warmth source and are normally much larger. They tend to be less mobile yet deal ExtremeVaporizers premium because of the systematic heat control paid for through the customer. The bigger chambers also suggest you can easily delight in numerous sessions without frequent refills.
When taking into consideration a stovetop vaporizer, try to find one with an accurate temp gauge and also a vast assortment of on call home heating amounts. This will definitely assist you stay away from burning your CBD, keeping the complete integrity of its materials in the water vapor. Discovering the optimum temperature for the vaporization of CBD is actually necessary-- the right heat energy may draw out the various perks of the cannabinoid.
Pc Vaporizers for a Discussed CBD Experience
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Desktop vaporizers are the titans of the vaporizer world. Developed for at-home usage, these can possess advanced components like balloon bags or even whip attachments, creating all of them a popular selection for team treatments. They typically demand a power electrical outlet, which translates to more power as well as a more strong and effective CBD evaporation process.
Take into consideration a pc vaporizer located on vaporizer reviews 2024 if you worth water vapor high quality as well as discuss your CBD with friends or even household. Styles like those discharged through ExtremeVaporizers are actually recognized for their reliability and also uniformity. They frequently feature a manufacturer's warranty and also may be increased with several devices to boost the vaping adventure. When committing in a desktop vaporizer, guarantee it's simple to clean as well as maintain to keep it in best shape.
Wrapping Up
Each sort of CBD vaporizer supplies distinctive conveniences, and your way of life as well as personal desires will govern which one is best for you. Whether you're a busy expert needing to have something simple and also subtle, a buff that longs for the accuracy of temperature control, or even an individual who adores common expertises, there's a vaporizer modified to your needs. Do your research, reviewed reviews, as well as don't shy away from buying quality-- it could make all the difference in your CBD vaping experience.
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voltedpcofficial · 7 months
Build Your Dream PC: Custom PC Building Guide | Volted PC
Ready to build your own custom PC? Our comprehensive guide, updated for 2024, will help you choose the best components and create a high-performing, personalized computer. Get started on your dream PC build today!
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