#best birds story in hindi
bharatshine · 1 year
गीदड़ का न्याय /Jackal’s Justice/ Best Birds Story in Hindi
हैलो दोस्तों, क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि आपकी किसी चीज पर कोई अन्य यदि अपना अधिकार जताने लगे और वहाँ के आस-पास के सब लोग भी उसकी बात का समर्थन करने लगें, तो आप कैसा अनुभव करेंगे? आज की हमारी कहानी भी कुछ इसी तरह की है जिसमें एक उल्लू एक हंस की पत्नी पर ही अपना अधिकार जमाने लगता है। आखिर क्यों ऐसा हुआ और उसका परिणाम क्या हुआ, यह जानने के लिये चलिये शुरू करते हैं आज की कहानी – गीदड़ का न्याय…
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tomar03 · 1 year
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khwxbeeda · 6 months
Indian Dark Academia: Pune
(all of these are my experiences since moving to the city at the end of July this year)
The Peth areas are convoluted, haphazardly arranged and teeming with life. You walk through a lane crammed with stalls of fake jewellery, and you want to buy every pair of jhumka and bugdi you can see. You raise your phone and take a close up, deciding that you're gonna post it. (You never do. That picture feels personal, somehow, in a way you cannot explain.)
There is a plaza in Good Luck Chowk on FC road whose basement has a somewhat hidden bookshop. The books there are both fresh and second hand. You make your way to the second-hand shelves and breathe in deeply, savouring the smell of old books and yellowing paper. You want to buy all of them, but you take home the worn copy of a collection of Marathi stories. The old man at the counter gives you a bookmark and tells you to be back with a wide smile and crinkling eyes. (You go back within the week.)
You stand under the dubious protection of a patryacha chhat, cold fingers wrapped around a mud tumbler full of steaming aalyacha chaha. The rain does not look like it will stop anytime soon, but you're not worried. Your best friend is standing next to you with her own tumbler, and both of you are giggling at a story she tells you about her own college— she lives in Mumbai and is visiting for a day, just to spend time with you because she missed you. You silently hope the rain does not stop for a while yet; you're having too much fun.
The sun is high in the sky, but it hides behind rain clouds. You take a step, the soles of your sports shoes scraping over the uneven rock of the tekdi that you decided to explore on an impulse. You're alone, with only the trees and the dog that randomly decided to follow you up the hill in sight. Invisible birds chirp and sing, and you slide your phone out of your pocket to take a photo of the unbeaten path. A little part of you fears getting lost in an unknown place. The bigger, more curious part of you wants to know why the wind sounds so melodious when it slips between the leaves of the trees. You'll post the photo, you think, once you're home.
The college is quiet. It's seven in the morning, and you're already on campus, and have climbed up the walls of the main building to reach that unreachable part of the roof. Except it isn't as unreachable as you thought it to be— the walls are engraved with little messages from the students who came here before you, and you brush your fingers over the letters with a secret smirk. Someone had enough love in their heart to carve a short Urdu love poem for their partner. You search up the words on Google, but the results are inconclusive. An original piece, then. Shame, you think. That is beautiful wordplay. You take a photo, then go back to your book. Class starts at half past seven, and you want to finish at least this chapter.
The library is packed with people, but all of them are silent. It's eerie, but you've been living in libraries for as long as you can remember, and you're perfectly at home in this silence. It feels like being in a temple— there is a awed, almost devotional hush in the air, and you fear that you will breathe too loud. You slip between two darkwood shelves, and brush your fingers over the spine of an old hardbound collection of the works of Pu La Deshpande that looks like it will fall apart any second. You've read this one before, but you check it out anyway.
The exam is tomorrow, but you're sitting in the light of three diyas and feverishly flicking your eyes over the pages of your tattered copy of the Hindi translation of Chokher Bali. This is the eleventh time you're reading the book, but you're still obsessed with it for reasons unknown. Pariksha gayi bhaad mein, you think, and flip the page. The next day, you turn up at the exam hall with bags under your eyes, a completed book, and not a second of studying. You walk out with a score of 19 out of 20, and promptly fall asleep under the shade in the bamboo garden with your head on a friend's lap.
Tag list: @musaafir-hun-yaaron @hum-suffer @patriphagy @orgasming-caterpillar @mad-who-ra @kanha-sakhi @yehsahihai @h0bg0blin-meat
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filmrelicsworld · 3 months
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Jab We Met - Jab as “cub” not “cab”
The second movie that Imtiaz Ali directed, Jab We Met (When We Met; Jab is pronounced like "cub" rather than "cab"), starred Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor. I was anticipating more of the same from this movie as I really like the director's debut feature, Socha Na Tha.
I was a huge fan of Jab We Met. It was a pleasure to see a classy, uncomplicated, romantic Hindi film that is both charming and captivating after a long time. Jab We Met is a return to the very essence of feeling, which is what has made Hindi films so popular throughout most of the world outside of Western Caucasian society. Hindi movies make up for their lack of technical mastery and occasionally logical storytelling with their uncanny ability to captivate the audience via their characters and themselves.
Hindi movies emote and think far more than they do, and they emote with the audience. This explains why an excellent Hindi film may run for more than three hours without becoming tedious for the viewer. There's only so much action, storyline, and events you can do to keep your mind occupied until you need a break, and here is where Hollywood has a disadvantage.
While it's true that this predilection for the visceral over the emotional may not resonate with fans in the West, I believe Hindi cinema should truly play to its strengths since the rest of the world has a far wider audience. Jab We Met celebrates and embodies all of these innate qualities.
The storyline is straightforward. On a train, a wild talkative girl and a guy grieving for a lost love meet. What follows is a blend of character drama, road movie, romance, and comedy of errors. What makes this narrative really memorable are the characters. The protagonists, who are male and female, are unique and endearing in different ways.
They don't rely on stale stereotypes of male and female behaviour; instead, they are mature and direct in their conversation with one another. Their demeanour is innocent but not naive. They are enlightened individuals. I'd like to meet the folks in the characters. I aspire to be the individuals that the characters are. In some respects, the personalities reflect who I am already. From the first few minutes, they totally captivate you, drawing you into their story.
I am well aware that I have a huge soft spot for Kareena Kapoor's acting when she does a fantastic job, but the film's writing is ultimately what I find most compelling. In the end, I've discovered that I am a sucker for flawlessly written female characters—at least, that's my perception of perfection, as everyone has different preferences in that area.
What does the "ideal female character" mean to me? Someone who, although being a "girl," is actually a fully realised character with a personality, intelligence, and human-like behaviour. Oh, what's the point? This list is meaningless and could go on forever. I think the best way to convey this is to list some of the films that I believe have these ideal characters: Sunday in New York, The Matador, Bunty Aur Babli, Asoka, Socha Na Tha (Imtiaz Ali's earlier film), and many more.
I apologise to all the females reading this if all this perfection sounds like unreasonable expectations, but that's just the way things are. When I'm expected to be a subtly blended version of Tom Hanks from Sleepless in Seattle, Arnold Schwarzenegger from Predator, and Sean Connery from Dr. You don't think so? For birds, realism is optional. What would define us as humans if none of us sought or strived for some understanding of the concept? Hindi movies serve as a constant reminder of that, and occasionally something like Jab We Met happens and makes me appreciate that I am a member of this species once more.
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toursandjourneyworld · 11 months
Best Historical places in Gujarat | best place to visit in Gujarat
Best Historical places in Gujarat:
“It is rightly said that travelling gives you more knowledge and new insights. If you will never go you will never know.”
Here I am going to talk about the historical places in gujarat like step-wells of Gujarat, “Tha Adalaj Stepwell” & “Sevasi Stepwell”
The Adalaj Stepwell is located in a serene location of the village, which was constructed centuries ago to provide water to its locals. It became a leisure place for people to meet and seek solace from the harsh summer heat. This place provided people with the opportunity to interact thereby serving as today’s community hall. 
The village until now continues to gain recognition due to this majestic stepwell, which tourists from everywhere visit. In recent times, the place has gained a lot of traction for pre-wedding photography where couples love to get themselves clicked historical places in gujarat. 
People are in awe of its ancient architecture, which has carvings that symbolize the union of Hindu and Muslim cultures.  The intricate carvings beautifully depict the everyday life of people in some of the scenes.
The stepwell is not just a well like a name suggests, it is located in a beautiful building that also consists of a carved balcony which is used as a backdrop for photographs. The building is three-storeyed with each having a balcony overlooking the well. 
The view from the top is mesmerizing especially when the rays of the sun merge with the water. The water displays varied colours depending on the angle at which the sun’s rays are. 
Never have I seen such wonderful shades of water. During each time of the day, the stepwell narrates a different experience. The mornings are blissfully depicting clear blue water, while the noons seem to tell a story of their own with birds gathered around and the water showcasing a greenish-blue colour. 
The evenings are more subtle where the water is sometimes yellowish. Each time you visit the place, you are sure to have a uniquely different experience.  It is seemingly breathtaking and the place leaves one feeling intoxicated. The stepwell has a historical symbol of love as the queen ensured its completion after the death of her husband – The King. 
Why It’s Historical:
It continues to remain a symbol of love couples visit temples in search of solitude and choose to spend time away from the hustle-bustle of the city. The stepwell has a witness to thousands of love stories of people from not just nearby places but from all across the globe.
Even foreigners put this location on their list to visit here while visiting historical places in Gujarat, so I would like to call it a “multicultural heritage of love”.
“A stepwell that never seems to an end Sevasi Stepwell”
You might think about what’s there to visit a stepwell. But I would like to say that one must travel to whichever place you get an opportunity to. Step wells are wells or ponds with underground flights of stairs leading down to the level of water. They may be multi-storied, and often ornamented with intricate carvings on their pillars and walls. Step wells are known as Vav in Gujarati and Baori in Hindi. 
In ancient times, step-wells were a source of water mainly to balance out the water availability during seasonal fluctuations. During the old times, step-wells could be found in any and every part of India. Their water storage effectiveness helped local residents survive for years, in the semi-arid climate and seasonal fluctuations.
They were mostly constructed by the wealthy families and the Royals of those times. Step wells are very deep and have steep steps to the structure. Step wells were also used mostly as a place for gatherings and social functions. It was like a getaway place for the women as they danced and sang together shared their grief and could be themselves for that short period of time. 
The architecture of step wells includes steep steps that extend down to the water table which provides water for drinking, washing, bathing, and farming. The construction of most step-wells had an inspiration or story behind it. The step wells are much more complicated and represent stunning examples of both the Hindu and Islamic architecture.
There were thousands of step wells present in India but modernization and a general lack of apathy towards these traditional structures have led most of them to ruins. Most of them are now nothing but a filthy place of garbage with the structure demolished on its own with no one to care for it. The surviving step-wells can be found in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Delhi, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. 
Situated on the outskirts of the city this Vav is located in Sevasi which falls on the way to sindhrot and is close to New Alkapuri. It is a 500-year-old vav that is said to be built in memory of the legendary spiritual leader, Shri Vidyadhar, in 1543 CE. 
About this vav, it is said that young girls decked in gold were sacrificed on full moon nights for prosperity. The Vav is built with a combination of brickwork and a system of stone columns that goes seven levels below the ground. This vav just like any other is situated in the east-west direction. There are few carvings of animals like elephants and tigers, still very much visible there.  best place to visit in Gujarat
The structure starts through a gate-like structure with a dome in the centre. This gate is decorated with patterns of elephants and tigers in relief work on the right and left sides respectively. 
Because of lack of security, the vav got trespassed by a person who damaged the frescoes by painting them orange in order to make a living out of it. Despite the complaints being made no one is looking into the matter and therefore the vav is no more the same as it used to be even 3,4 years back.  Best Historical places in Gujarat
Sevasi Vav is becoming extremely popular for photography enthusiasts because the ruins do look beautiful. No wonder why a lot of pre-wedding photoshoots and fashion photo shoots have started taking place here.
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electricxmayhem · 2 years
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first of all: THANK YOU
second of all I am sorry for the can of worms you have opened.
[cut for long post and embarrassing old art]
SO. The pirate OCs were invented in like 2018-ish because I simply felt like making an all-female pirate crew at the time.
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they were the crew of Captain Kalavaar (the one in the purple jacket) although she really only went by 'Captain' conversationally. All of them had taken names/nicknames that were for the most part descriptors. Kalavaar was moreso the name she was referred to as among sailors in stories, and it was based on my best manufacturing of a bastardisation of the (probably already bungled on my account) Hindi words for 'black sword'. The rest of the crew were Hadari (meaning clever), Callada (meaning quiet), Armada (that one was just a name) and the twins, Titch and Minnie (meaning small).
All of them were runaways who joined the crew one by one (or in the twins case, two) after the Captain went to sea at a young age and never looked back. In fact she made a pact never again to set foot on land after she left.
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Hadari was the smart one, and the Captain's First Mate (mostly because she literally was the first crew mate). She was from Kenya and she had a pet bird who sat on her shoulder. I'm so mad that I deleted a bunch of my photos to free up phone space and I don't have any drawings of him on hand rn (I could go get the actual pages out again and take more photos but i don't want to) but he was a bare-faced go away bird and his name was Mr Person
(here is a photo of what kind of bird he was)
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Hadari was also the closest friends with Callada.
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Callada was from México, where she had escaped a traumatic event that killed her family. She was mute, but communicated with sign language that Hadari helped her develop and share with the crew. She wore a low brimmed hat to cover disfigurement around her eyes and protect them from harsh light.
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the next to join the crew was Armada, who was a mermaid! She had run from a high-class life in mermaid society and didn't have much experience fighting. Still, the Captain agreed to take her on as the ship's figurehead (the usually wooden decoration of a woman on the front of boats). Really, her job was just to sit around and look pretty, but she gradually got the hang of the pirate life and started participating a little too. She also ended up romantically involved, and eventually married to, the Captain.
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and finally, those two little ones are the twins, Minnie (long hair) and Titch (short hair). They were runaway foundlings from London who Armada let stow away and who basically became adopted by the entire crew. Titch was a bit rowdier than Minnie, but Minnie was still very brave and lost her hand helping to fight off a Kraken. She ended up with a hook hand cobbled together from scraps, that evolved over her life into a functional metal appendage with multiple attachments.
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But they were still the babies. (Oh and look there's Mr Person)
Listen I'm very bad at explaining things well, I have a lot of complex feelings about these characters and their relationships but this right here I guess is just a surface level introduction to my little murderous boat family. Hope you like them and support their dastardly deeds.
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2022 Film List
Sakaling Maging Tayo (JP Habac, 2019)
Kalel, 15 (Jun Robles Lana, 2019)
Ang Henerasyong Sumuko sa Love (Jason Paul Laxamana, 2019)
Isa Pa With Feelings (Prime Cruz, 2019)
LSS (Jade Castro, 2019)
Distance (Percival Intalan, 2018)
Sakaling Hindi Makarating (Ice Idanan, 2016)
1-2-3 (Carlos Obispo, 2016)
Zombadings 1: Patayin sa Shokot si Remington (Jade Castro, 2011)
A Star is Born (Bradley Cooper, 2018)
Apocalypse Child (Mario Cornejo, 2015)
Water Lemon (Lem Lorca, 2015)
Quezon’s Game (Matthew Rosen, 2019)
Sundalong Kanin (Janice O’Hara, 2014)
Ang Babae sa Septic Tank Movie Cut (Marlon Rivera, 2019)
Rakenrol (Quark Henares, 2011)
Pagdating sa Dulo (Ishmael Bernal, 1971)
Ang Babae sa Likod ng Mambabatok (Lauren Sevilla, Faustino, 2012)
Genghis Khan (Manuel Conde, 1950)
White Slavery (Lino Brocka, 1985)
Zamboanga (Eduardo de Castro, 1937)
Mga Anak ng Kamote (Carlo Enciso Catu, 2018)
Bwakaw (Jun Lana, 2012)
Glorious (Connie Macatuno, 2018)
T’yanak (Peque Gallaga & Lore Reyes, 2014)
Babae at Baril (Rae Red, 2019)
Die Beautiful (Jun Robles Lana, 2016)
Historiographika Errata (Richard Somes, 2017)
Insiang (Lino Brocka, 1976)
Ang Pambansang Third Wheel (Ivan Andrew Payawal, 2018)
The Gifted (Chris Martinez, 2014)
Ned’s Project (Lemuel Lorca, 2016)
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (Joe Berlinger, 2019)
Bridesmaids (Pau Feig, 2011)
Through Night and Day (Veronica Velasco, 2018)
Lorna (Sigrid Andrea Bernardo, 2014)
Adela (Adolfo Alix, 2008)
Delia and Sammy (Therese Cayaba, 2018)
Ang Larawan (Loy Arcenas, 2017)
Belle Douleur (Joji Alonso, 2019)
Elise (Joel Ferrer, 2019)
Yellow Rose (Diane Paragas, 2019)
Never Not Love You (Antoinette Jadaone, 2018)
Ang Damgo ni Eleuteria Kirchbaum (Remton Siega Zuasola, 2010)
Ocean’s 8 (Gary Ross, 2018)
Ocean’s 11 (Steven Soderbergh, 2001)
Ocean’s 12 (Steven Soderbergh, 2005)
Ocean’s 13 (Steven Soderbergh, 2007)
Iska (Theodore Boborol, 2019)
Miss Congeniality (Donald Petrie, 2000)
ABNKKBSNPLAko! (Mark Meily, 2014)
Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back - Evolution (Kunihiko Yuyama, 2019)
Shazam! (David Sandberg, 2019)
MOMOL Nights (Benedict Mique, 2019)
Sonata (Lore Reyes, Peque Gallaga, 2013)
Magic Temple (Lore Reyes, Peque Gallaga, 1996)
Tatlong Taong Walang Diyos (Mario O’Hara, 1976)
Turumba (Kidlat Tahimik, 1981)
FRIENDS: The Reunion (Ben Winston, 2021)
Lapu-Lapu (Lamberto Avellana, 1955)
Bar Boys (Kip Oebanda, 2017)
Kuya Wes (James Robin Mayo, 2018)
I Love You. Thank You. (Charliebebs Gohetia,2015)
Buy Bust (Erik Matti, 2018)
Best. Partee. Ever. (Howard Yambao, 2016)
Ma (Tate Taylor, 2019)
Blue Bustamante (Miko Livelo, 2013)
Fan Girl (Antoinette Jadaone, 2020)
Loving Vincent (Dorotea Kobiela & Hugh Welchman, 2017)
John Tucker Must Die Betty Thomas, 2006)
T-Bird at Ako (Danny L. Zialcita, 1982)
Someone Great (Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, 2019)
Dolly Parton: Here I Am (Francis Whately, 2019)
Trixie Mattel: Moving Parts (Nicholas Zeig-Owens, 2019)
Music and Lyrics (Marc Lawrence, 2007)
The Mummy (Stephen Sommers, 1999)
Easy A (Will Gluck, 2010)
Burlesque (Steve Antin, 2010)
The Show Must Go On: The Queen + Adam Lambert Story (Christopher Bird & Simon Lupton, 2019)
Taylor Swift: The 1989 World Tour - Live (Jonas Akerlund, 2015)
Bohemian Rhapsody (Bryan Singer, 2018)
The Interview (Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg, 2014)
The Mummy Returns (Stephen Sommers, 2001)
Allegiant (Robert Schwentke, 2016)
Gameboys: The Movie (Ivan Andrew Payawal, 2021)
Captain Barbell (Jose ‘Pepe’ Wenceslao, 1973)
Rocketman (Dexter Fletcher, 2019)
Walk the Line (James Mangold, 2005)
Mamma Mia (Phyllida Lloyd, 2008)
Ulam: Main Dish (Alexandra Cuerdo, 2018)
Mahal Mo, Mahal Ko (Elwood Perez, 1978)
Tar-San (Efren Jarlego, 1999)
Sunday Beauty Queen (Baby Ruth Villarama, 2016)
Biyaya ng Lupa (Manuel Silos, 1959)
Only Yesterday - The Carpenters Story (Samantha Peters, 2007)
Memories of a Murderer: The Nilsen Tapes (Michael Harte, 2021)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Jay Roach, 1999)
Dolly Parton: A MusiCares Tribute (2021)
Cinderella (Kay Cannon, 2021)
Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions (Taylor Swift, 2020)
Spiderman: Far From Home (Jon Watts, 2019)
Yesterday (Danny Boyle, 2019)
Luca (Enrico Casarosa, 2021)
Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams (Mat Whitecross, 2018)
Freddie Mercury: The King of Queen (Jordan Hill, 2018)
The 40-year-old Virgin (Judd Apatow, 2005)
Barber’s Tales (Jun Robles Lana, 2013)
Respeto (Alberto Monteras II, 2017)
Manila by Night (Ishmael Bernal, 1980)
Cleaners (Glenn Barit, 2019)
Star Na Si Van Damme Stallone (Randolph Longjas, 2016)
Class of 2018
Mahal Kita With All My Hypothalamus (Dwein Baltazar, 2018)
Thy Womb
Rak of Aegis (Maribel Legarda, 2021)
Britney vs Spears
Ang Hapis at Himagsik ni Hermano Puli (Gil Portes, 2016)
Citizen Jake
The Amazing Praybeyt Benjamin
The Map of Tiny Perfect Tings (Ian Samuels, 2021)
Love and Monsters
The Fabulous Filipino Brothers
Jonas Brothers Family Roast
Rent Live
A Boy Named Christmas
Tick Tick Boom
School of Rock
I’m Drunk I Love You
The Princess Switch
Single All the Way
Grease Live
Detective Pikachu
Scenes from a Gay Marriage
Don’t Look Up
Baby Driver
Don’t Look Up
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bookishcatto · 2 years
Let Go
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Author's Note:
This is my second one-shot story written in Tagalog-English. I hope you all like it, guys! Also, I'll be posting this on my FB account and page.
Thank ya!
(c) Wattpad in Pinterest
Theme: a wrong person at a wrong time, self-love
Genre: Romance
Word Count: 1534
POV: 1st pov
Language: Tagalog-English
Back in the days when we were still young and carefree. We always do adventures together. Palibhasa, we have the same personality kaya nagkasundo agad.
He was 20, and I was 18.
Too young, right? But deep in our hearts, we already know what we desire—we love each other pero dahil bata pa nga, masyado kaming nagpadalos-dalos sa mga desisyon.
We started as friends—through mutual friends—and met in a small religious group. Si Kiana, ang best friend ko’t si Theo, ang kanya naman ding matalik na kaibigan ang silang nagpakilala sa amin.
The first time I saw him, I wasn’t interested. For me, there was nothing special about him—just a regular guy—a simple person, plain and tedious one. And I was not too fond of those. I want the challenging ones.
Ironic ba sa sinabi ko noong una na we have the same personality? It is because that was my first impression of him—a simple, plain, and boring one.
Pero nang makilala ko siya nang husto along the way, I realized na hindi siya ‘yong tipo ng lalaki na iniisip ko. As I have said, we have the same personality.
Wild. Carefree. Adventurous.
Our relationship escalated quickly but unexpectedly. Akala ko, what we had was just pure friendship until I felt butterflies on my stomach one time. Nakangiti na rin ako habang nagsasandok ng kanin. I never want to let go of those times na magkausap kami until midnight. I want to pause the moment that I felt so happy and peaceful with him.
And most importantly, I am willing to take a risk for him.
Three months ago, before our 2nd anniversary, I was planning something for him since it was the time when I passed my college entrance exam to my dream university. I want to bring him the good news and celebrate my success with him.
I was standing in front of their college building; engineering and IT students passed me back and forth. Abala ako sa pagtitipa sa aking cellphone. I was calling him through Messenger. It took three rings before he answered it.
[“Hey, baby!”] salubong niya sa akin as he answered the call.
“Hi, baby!” I yelp excitingly. Kinikilig pa ako behind the phone. But I know, mahahalata niya ‘yon kahit sa pamamagitan lang ng boses ko.
He whistled upon hearing the excitement in my voice. [“Oooh, I sense something, a… more like good news? Come on, baby. Tell me what is it.”]
I knew it. He knows me well. He knows me when I am happy or sad.
“Hmm… I passed my dream university,” casual kong sabi. I was surprised when my boyfriend was the one is happier. I even heard him shouting for joy on the other line.
[“Damn. I’m so proud of you, baby! I love you so much!”] Every time he’s happy or proud of me, I can’t help but feel so kilig.
I was never treated like this. My past relationship—mutual understanding rather—cause’ I have never been into a relationship. He is my first boyfriend.
[Wait for me, baby, ha. I’ll be there in a bit.”] then he hung the call. I’ve waited for him for a minute, sa malayo pa lang, nakikita ko na ang papalapit na bulto ni Axel. Malawak ang kanyang ngiti, abot-tenga.
He spread his arms like a free bird, and he ran to me excitingly as a child. I slowly closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact, stretched my forelimbs too. A series of flashback memories of me, with Axel starting from the day we met until the present, rolling like a film.
Isa-isa nitong pinakita sa akin ang mga masasayang araw na kapiling ko si Axel—noong araw na sinabi niya sa akin ang katagang ‘mahal kita’ at nang sabihin niya sa akin harap-harapan, at direkta sa mata na ako ang gusto niyang makasama sa hinaharap at sa habambuhay.
“Mahal na mahal kita, Elaine. Ikaw ang gusto kong makasama habambuhay,” punong-puno ng sinseridad nitong bulalas saka binigyan ako ng halik sa noo.
Nakaupo lamang kami sa isang bench na gawa sa kahoy habang pinagmamasdan ang papalubog nang araw sa kahabaan ng Manila Bay. Nakahilig ang aking ulo sa kanyang balikat nang magkasaklop ang mga kamay.
“Ilang beses mang lumubog ang araw, ikaw at ikaw pa rin ang pipiliin ko higit lalo sa pagsikat nito.”
Hanggang sa lumipat ito isang senaryo, noong gabing nag-away kami habang umuulan nang malakas. Iyon na ata ang pinakamalalang away naming dalawa kung saan, umabot sa hiwalayan.
“Putangina. Mahal na mahal kita Elaine pero pagod na ako. Pagod na pagod na akong mahalin ka.”
Nang marinig ko ang mga katagang iyon mula sa kanyang mga labi, tila biniyak at pinira-piraso ang puso ko. Para din akong sinaksak ng ilang beses dahil sa sakit na dulot nito. Napahilamos siya sa inis. Hindi ko alam kung anong sasabihin ko dahil sa samu’t saring emosyon na nararamdaman ko.
Hindi ko alam kung maiinis baa ko, maiiyak, o matatawa. Hindi ko alam.
Nakaramdam ako ng pagsikip ng dibdib at pagbagal ng daloy ng aking hininga. Pakiramdam ko, nasa isang masikip akong lugar at nais ko na lamang makaalis mula roon. Iyon bang makakahinga ako nang maluwag, ‘yung magiging malaya ako.
“Akala mo ba ikaw lang ang napapagod Axel, ha? Pagod na rin ako! Pero hindi ko sinabi sa’yo ‘yun dahil ikaw ang pahinga ko! At ayokong maramdaman mo na bumibitaw na ako dahil hinding-hindi kita isusuko. Hangga’t kaya ko pa, ilalaban kita.”
Akala ko, sapat na ang mga salitang iyon upang maliwanagan siya, na muling mas titibay pa ang pagmamahalan naming ngunit nagkamali ako. Ito pa yata ang nagging mitsa ng tuluyan niyang pagbitaw sa aking mga kamay.
“Sinubukan ko naman, Elaine. Sinubukan kong huwag bumitaw pero wala na talaga e. Hinayaan mo ako. ‘Yung mga panahon na akala mo, ikaw lang ang nahihirapan at nasasaktan, hirap at masakit din ‘yon para sa akin. At isa pa, ayoko nang ipilit pa dahil alam ko kapag pinilit pa, magkakasakitan lang tayo. Ayokong manatili sa isang relasyon na napipilitan lang ako—‘yung hindi na ako masaya. Kaya sana pakawalan mo na ako.”
Bawat salitang binitawan ni Axel ay katumbas ng pagtarak ng kutsilyo sa aking dibdib. Para akong binagsakan ng mabigat na bagay at parang sinampal sa akin nito ang katotohanan na ako na lang pala itong kumakapit habang siya, matagal nang bumitaw.
Muli na namang lumipat sa panibagong senaryo—walang emosyong at tila walang pakialam sa nararamdaman ko na nakatingin lamang siya sa akin habang ako ay umiiyak at unti-unti siyang lumalayo sa akin kasama ang isang di-kilalang babae. Malabo ang mukha nito at tanging katawan lamang ang malinaw sa lahat.
Those memories rewind at a fast pace, and a swirling effect takes over as everything mixed all together and becomes one—the present. I slowly opened my eyes, and it brought me to the reality, where my then-boyfriend, Axel, is already with somebody else—with Bianca, the woman he told me not to worry about.
Nilagpasan lamang ako ni Axel at ang bago niyang kasintahan ang kanyang sinalubong ng halik na dati ay sa akin lang niya ginagawa. Ngumiti ako nang mapait at napatungo. Ibang-iba ‘yung paraan ng pagtingin niya kay Bianca kumpara sa akin noon. Ngayon, mas banayad, at mas malaya. Ang dami ko tuloy katanungan sa aking sarili ngunit alam kong hanggang doon na lang iyon at kalian ma’y hindi na magkakaroon pa ng kasagutan.
I want to try to work things out with him again before but I remembered what he said when he broke up with me: “Ayoko nang ipilit pa dahil alam ko kapag pinilit pa, magkakasakitan lang tayo. Ayokong manatili sa isang relasyon na napipilitan lang ako—‘yung hindi na ako masaya.”
I realized he was right. Alam kong hindi ako magiging masaya bilang resulta kung ipipilit ko pa ang pakikipagbalikan sa kanya. Magmumukha lang akong tanga sa kahahabol sa kanya. Ang pag-ibig hindi naman kasi dapat nililimos ‘yan, kusang binibigay ‘yan. Kung mahal ka talaga ng isang tao, hindi mo na kailangan pang magmakaawa sa kanya dahil ipararamdam niya iyon sa’yo ng kusa.
That’s why I decided to let go of him now. Masaya na siya sa piling ni Bianca at ayoko nang guluhin pa sila. Wala ring saysay kung gaganti pa ako dahil ako rin ang magiging talo sa huli.
Inangat kong muli ang aking ulo at sa pagkakataong ito, may munting ngiti na sa aking labi. Hindi man abot-tenga ngunit masasabi kong totoo. Ngayong tanggap ko nang hindi na kami magkakabalikan pa ni Axel, maluwag na sa dibdib ko. Pakiramdam ko, malaya na ako mula sa nakaraan.
Ngunit hindi ko maikakailang napakalaking parte ni Axel sa buhay ko. Ang daming nagbago, ang dami kong natutunan. Mas nagging matapang at matatag ako; more mature compared before. Kaya sa ngayon, mag-fo-focus muna ako sa sarili ko. Mas higit kong mamahalin ang sarili ko para sa susunod na magmamahal akong muli, kaya ko na’t hindi na masakit.
Taas-noo akong tumayo mula sa pagkakasadlak. Hinigpitan ko ang paghawak sa strap ng aking bag at tapat na ngumiti habang determinadong nakatanaw sa magkahawak-kamay na magkasintahang Axel at Bianca mula sa malayo.
“Ako naman muna.”
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“Anyone else remember those so-called science documentaries we had to watch in school that were really just Creationist propaganda? Just me?”
Okay…let’s talk Surviving Death on Netflix. The tl;dr: this series is afterlife propaganda wrapped up in bad science, with no opposing opinions presented at all. It made me think of those terrible films I had to watch in various science classes about the beginnings of life and whatnot.
 This is going to be a long one, so I’m putting it under a cut.
The first episode was the one I had the most hope for. It discusses Near Death Experiences, and introduces various people who have had them, and then some scientists and doctors who have dealt with these people, this phenomena, or looked into it. This is, unfortunately, where it goes wrong – it brings in no dissenting voices. Every sceptic is a former sceptic. They lay out their reasons for why, of course, but there’s something about it that feels incomplete.
It tries to offer up some compelling evidence, of course. It indicates what people share in common – a warm, bright light, a feeling of being loved, and the sense of time distorting – feeling eternity in a second. These are shared across the board.
Then they bring up how some patients can indicate what was happening in the room when they would have had no brain activity. Such as what words were said, what actions were taken, things they couldn’t have known due to the lack of consciousness. Is that compelling? In some respects, yes. It’s a wonder how they knew this, and it’s unclear what anyone would get by falsifying this, as I doubt most end up doing TV interviews and getting paid for it – not to mention what the doctors and others who confirm their stories, get for this.
Do I have an answer for that? No, not at all.
It could be fraud.
It could yet be some aspect of a dying body that we don’t understand, and I am inclined towards that. That leaves open room for, yes, an aspect of a soul, consciousness, or something other. It also leaves room for a hyperawareness in the last moments.
However, how quickly they seem to think the brain stops having activity does give me pause. We know plenty about the brain, and brain activity is measured, but we also know cells and processes don’t stop all at once. I’m not convinced that the Warm Light, Time Distortion, Loving Feeling aren’t caused by this process. In fact, I’m fairly certain they are, because DMT is released as you die – the very same thing that is released when you dream.
Here is just one article on it, which admittedly has a low amount of participants:
I cannot explain how patients know about things happening around them, so that I will accept right now as something of a mystery until we understand it better. That’s what science is about: understanding things.
The next two episodes are about mediums, which, I’ll say it: they’re con-artists. I have been to enough Spirit-Mind-Body fairs (and still enjoy going to them for reasons outside of Mediums), have gotten enough readings, and watched my mom test enough people, to be fairly certain of this.
Mediums claim they can access the deceased person and provide messages to them, from the living, thus confirming an afterlife experience. Cold readers use obvious tricks: Use common names or no names, use things like ‘father figure’ or ‘masculine energy’ coming through, consider the age of the person you’re speaking with (when I was in my early teens and 20s, they always wanted to talk about my romantic life because young girls are always thinking about that, right?), and then they can usually draw the person they’re speaking with into giving them enough information that it seems like they know what they are saying.
There are also hot readings, where the medium has time to gather information on the person beforehand and can thus make it seem like they know a lot.
The show also did a séance with a “physical medium” – but the séance itself can’t be recorded, because of course, the ectoplasm that the medium would produce to create the physical sensations is sensitive to light. And did we mention the medium is in total darkness, and put away in a cabinet – tied to the chair, mind – but in a cabinet, out of sight, for the duration of the séance? Yeah, that’s not fishy at all. (And later they show her doing a non-physical mediumship and she’s not convincing, it’s very cold reading scenario).
Her Physical Mediumship was also questionable. She reached out to one of the people, Aman, and said there was someone on the other side for him that she couldn’t understand – she used the Hindi word for ‘Son’, beta. Aman then spoke to his father in Hindi, but RIGHT AFTER THIS, the medium suddenly knew exactly what his father was saying and gave the message without attempting to say it phonetically to the son. And the son believed this.
Also note, this man was signed up to take classes and such with her. She had time to research him and why he was there, so it is probable she looked up that one word to make a connection.
It also shows a medium speaking with a mother who lost her daughter – and of course, the message is to be expected for a grieving mother – “don’t blame yourself” “you couldn’t have done anything”. No details about how they died are offered, although they seem to know she “has an object” on her that’s important.
The following episode is then about signs, and how the dead communicate with the living – like sending a cardinal to them, leaving behind particular coins, having butterflies in weird locations, and things like that.
Basically, coincidences.
Of course, they all say you don’t know the difference until you experience it yourself. Here’s the thing: I have.
My cat passed away in in 2016, in the fall. A little after her death, there was a dead dove right besides the driver’s side door of my car. I had a pet dove once upon a time. This very cat got to the dove, in her locked cage, and killed her. There was a part of me that desperately wanted to believe, and clung to that feeling for a bit, but I know, the likelihood is it was an odd coincidence, a poor bird that hit the side of the garage my car is parked by, and slid down it to that position.
Signs are only just that – coincidences.
The next episode continues into the theme of paranormal investigators. It shows a duo going into the Morris-Jumel mansion, setting up recording devices, white noise makers, and motion sensors, and trying to communicate with the dead. They use the white noise makers because APPARENTLY the dead need background noise to be heard.
They APPARENTLY reach Aaron Burr. They only get his name, and then his footsteps. I’ll be honest – I didn’t hear ‘Aaron Burr’ at all in the recording, I think they just wanted it to be Aaron Burr. I’m also not convinced cat toy motion detectors are the best route. Those things light up for, literally, no reason.
It then goes into discussion of a polaroid camera, that took photos of light, that then became words and messages – which of course they can no longer replicate because the particular film doesn’t exist any longer. I don’t know enough about photography or photomanipulation, but my mother loves this stuff, and I know there are ways even polaroids can be manipulated to come out certain ways, so no, I’m not buying that, either.
The last thing it touches on are apparitions, like when you go out to look for someone, or think of someone, and at that same time they’d just killed themselves. That intuition that none of us really have a way to describe. It could be mere coincidence, though I imagine anyone with a mother who had that maternal instinct suspects it’s something more. I don’t have an answer for it, though, beyond mere coincidence. I am not convinced it happens often enough to be something supernatural.
Finally, we get to the last episode, which talks about reincarnation.
It looks mostly at children who believe they are reincarnated people, such as Marty Martyn in one case, and in “pre-internet” ages, or before they could reasonably know this information.
Their answers are compared and contrasted with the reality of those they believe they were reincarnated from, but in all the cases looked at, they begin to forget this other life’s existence around the age of 7. Some things stick, but not much.
This is another of those things I don’t have a good answer for – it’d be terrible to say it’s fraud on the parents’ part, coaching their kid on these things. It’s also hard to figure how the children, or even the parents, knew some of these things that line up fairly well.
I have my curiosities about Organ Memory. There is the possibility that if enough of the same material came together to form someone, theoretically, it could provide specific memories, but I doubt this entirely.
Some of it could be that the child was, somehow, exposed to a lot of this. Perhaps there was a documentary left on about the subject that they claim as their other life, perhaps they really are that good at googling at a young age – I’m still better than my parents at this, after all.
This is what the show fails to present, however: opposing views. It leads you in one direction, and even directly INSULTS those who don’t buy into this view. Do I know enough to answer these questions? No, I don’t. I’m able to say that.
I can suspect things like fraud or access to information. I can suspect coincidence, or even information we don’t yet have. I can hope there will be another series that focuses on the non-believer’s side, so that we get a fuller story.
Why do I think it’s important?
Because some of these quotes came from the series:
“For the believer, no proof is necessary. For the sceptic, no proof is possible.” (Attributed to someone else, but used as “proof”).
“I wanted to believe so I believed.” – a father grieving his daughter
“Sometimes we may not be able to say something here, but we’ll be able to say it somewhere else.” – a near death experience between a son and a father.
I find these quotes to be damaging. The last one in particular, because it tries to say it’s okay not to make these connections in life, it’s okay to wait until the next one. Please. Please don’t do this. Don’t believe this – and even if you do, don’t live like that. It’s not fair to those around you. It’s not fair to yourself.
The one who wanted to believe, well…that says it all, doesn’t it? He was looking for this, for comfort, and now he tries to see it. He’s living for a lie, and working his life around that. He has spent MONEY on learning how to contact the dead, on contacting the dead, and he lives his life around looking for particular signs. He has been scammed.
The first one is honestly just nonsense, though I can see why it gets to going around, especially in this time of COVID-19. It is hard to convince some people of things, and they will cling to their beliefs no matter what. I am not without bias – you can see I’m arguing this even with these so-called proofs presented to me, that there is no afterlife.
That said, that quote is just one of giving up.
They also do not say ALL about subjects, such as Franek Kluski, who supposedly made ectoplasmic wax hands, in environments where he could have easily hidden the wax hands already made, and where he’d been caught in a lie that involved “wax buttocks” when he was asked to have an ectoplasm face created (his own butt was burned), and who may have confessed to the fraud (this seems to be debated).
Overall, the Netflix series has an agenda, which is inherent in the title: it is here to convince you there is an afterlife. However, it’s science is questionable, and I think it could have done better by including actual opposition, not “former sceptics”.
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bro, tell me about three poems you've fallen in love with recently. also, i miss you. also, hi.
hello hello! sorry i’ve been scarce lately!
I’ve been in a wildly romantic mood for the last few months, possibly as escapism, possibly also because I was very preoccupied having feelings for someone from whom I am trying to move on from/have since moved on from, but for those reasons, anything about love or the all-encompassing sense of it has been helping me really sort through all of it.
Onto poetry!
I’ve been reading Rumi recently, and one of his poems that really stands out is called “The Marriage of True Minds”:
Happy the moment when we are seated in the palace, thou and I, With two forms and with two figures but with one soul, thou and I. The colours of the grove and the voices of the birds will bestow immortality At the time when we shall come into the garden, thou and I. The stars of Heaven will come to gaze upon us: We shall show them the moon herself, thou and I. Thou and I, individuals no more, shall be mingled in ecstasy, Joyful and secure from foolish babble, thou and I. All the bright-plumed birds of Heaven will devour their hearts with envy In the place where we shall laugh in such a fashion, thou and I. This is the greatest wonder, that thou and I, sitting here in the same nook, Are at this moment both in Iraq and Khorasan, thou and I.
The footnotes for this poem describe it as a description of a mystical union where lover and beloved become one with the universal essence of love. I’ve been curious about Persian, Arabic, and Sufi traditions in poetry just in general lately. I’ve also read different translations of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám - I have a volume with three different translation versions by Edward Fitzgerald which is supposedly widely reputed to be as beautiful as the original, though it isn’t necessarily the most accurate translation. But even the translator was always trying to get closer and closer, hence the multiple editions. The changes between the translations are very subtle but they change the tone significantly, which is just interesting to think about. I still feel like I’m missing a lot, but I hope to dig deeper here, because damn.
There is also Naomi Shihab Nye’s “Kindness”, which I can link to, so I will. Naomi Shihab Nye has been one of my favorites ever since I started seriously reading poetry, but I’m always re/discovering works by her, and this one has been hitting hard.
And there is “Adore” by Li Young Lee, but I’m going to pull out the section specifically that resonates with me:
You say: We cannot look upon Love's face without dying. So we face each other to see Love's look. And thus third-person souls suddenly stand at gaze and the lover and the beloved, second- and first-persons, You and I, eye to eye, are born. But such refraction, multiplying gazes, strews Love's eye upon the objects of the world, as upon the objects of our room.
I do wish I understood Hindi or Urdu, because many of the Bollywood songs I’m listening to sound like they would be poetry! While the translations give a sense of the beauty, I’m definitely experiencing the songs in a very different way than I would have experienced them if I understood the lyrics. But the ones that just sound beautiful to me include:
Tum Se Hi (linking to a random lyric video rather than the official video because there are these vocalizations in the song itself that you don’t hear in the movie that really add to it.)
Gerua (the visuals for this are just gorgeous. Iceland man!)
Janam Janam (from the same movie as Gerua! I want to give context, but I’m linking these for the SONGS, not the story, otherwise I’ll go into a whole thing about it XD)
Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna (...admittedly as great as this song is, the context makes it EVEN BETTER, but I’ll refrain)
Chaiyya Chaiyya (on a train!!! this song in particular apparently was inspired by an Urdu poem, according to Wikipedia.)
Dil Chahta Hai (best coastal drive music ever)
(Don’t worry about listening/watching these btw! This is more showing where my head has been going. Also, it can be a little weird watching some of these videos if you haven’t seen the movies)
Bollywood’s been great for a lot of my moods, actually,  and I really really wish I could find some critical studies/history of Bollywood books I could sink my teeth into, because calling them musicals doesn’t feel right - like they are very much their own thing and draw from a vast number of traditions that I don’t know, so trying to compare them to western musicals really doesn’t feel right. 
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Ramnagara Karnataka
Travelogue - Leaf - 26
A retreat turned out to be a treat. A plan by our daughters and we chose to be a part.
Last week end for Deepavali, also ended up in celebrating our wedding anniversary.
In about an hour +, from the outskirts of Bengaluru, we were in Ramanagara.
It was in this village that the epic Hindi film was shot, based on a real life story of Gabbar Singh a dacoit who lived in the hills of Gwaliyor. We remember Gabbar Singh as enacted by Amjad Khan in the film SHOLAY shot at Ramnagara. Imagine Amitabh's salary was ₹1 lakh and Amjad Khan's ₹ 50000/. and Hemamalini received ₹75000/.
We stayed overnight in a camp, no cell phone signal disturbances, no TV, news papers or rooms with air conditioners. We had tents, at a height, surrounded by silence, occassionally 'disturbed' by peacocks cry, sounding 'may-AWE'. Wake up calls were by different species of birds, signed in with the chirp of breeze whisling through the woods.
We drove about an hour in the early morning looking out how clouds descend on the mountains and the mist forming water globules that were channelised as rivulets that led to the river. On our way through the forest land, deers, monkeys and parrots had just woken up to greet us on the two sides. A row of cows were being led by farmers and one came close, to have her share of banana skin through my car window.
River Cauvery in Karnataka was to brim. We were close to a whirlpool in the river and a few watched, aligators raising their neck to greet the "animal" in us.
Previous evening we had a treck up the hill, surrounding the SHOLAY movie site of huge rocky mountains that carried the smell of Hemamalini's Basanthy and Dharmendra's Veeru. The entire scenario that we watched from atop the hill ended up with limitless colours on the horizon, with the setting Sun.
With ages from 5 years to 75, like the shades that merged in sky, each one was amidst nature. Children picked up from around what they felt was precious to each one of them and Sukaina trying to assess, whose treasure was the best, found it difficult to judge.
Few of the takeaways, were a list of amazing a to z list and included touching silk worms with silk threads kept on sale (silk worms to silk saree is a STORY by itself), sleeping in the hammock hung under the tree, the night's barbeque with the bonfire, the difficult treck up the hillocks, viewing the mountains with binoculars, spending valuable shared time, the music from the guitar and co-inhabitants of nature, the turbulence of the whirlpool of aligators and the list was endless.
Say "yes" to life. We have so much to explore, exchange, expand and to listen to the music from our hearts.
By the time I unpacked haversack, my mind's paint brush was ready to colour my day for storing in the chest of memories.
A lesson I learnt: I was able to WALK and CLIMB UP THE HILL, though I was the last in the group. Because I gained energy by not using Cell Phone, TV and did not read newspapers. I gained energy by being with nature.
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hemawrites · 5 years
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“ She was free in her wildness
She was a wanderess, a drop of free water
She belonged to no man and no city.”
-Roman Payne.
These lines best describe Dhanya who is an avid traveller and loves to be in the wild amidst Nature that she so dearly loves. She grew up in a household where she was surrounded by dogs- so many of them, for her mother was a breeder and used to provide a home for many- so her home looked like a overgrown garden with animals running around. It was but natural  for Dhanya to develop a strong bond with the four-legged friends with whom she shared many a secret and many a happy moment. At any given opportunity, she loved to visit  the zoo and spend as much time as she could just watching the animals and birds.
Yet, when she set on a career she took up a job at a call centre. But as destiny would have it, the twist came when she met a friend who was working as a naturalist. She soon underwent a training meant for Naturalists . Opportunity   came in the form of her being invited to lead a tour. She worked in resorts and led tours- essentially Nature treks. She found herself working directly for UK- based Lionscape and later Pench and Satpura as a tour guide and choosing to drive the jeep with her small group.
The naturalist guide becomes the ears and eyes while you are exploring wildlife, essentially guiding you to observe and notice things you wouldn’t probably notice . Dhanya is quick to recognize the sharp calls of birds and animals and will point out the indigenous and endemic flora and fauna of each place and tell you fascinating stories about the unique species .
An oft repeated question that she meets with each time she meets with a group is: “ How safe do you find yourself in these jungles?” to which Dhanya has the perfect response: “ A lot safer than I would find myself in the city where I have more things to fear- rape, plunder ...”
She is a strange mix of extreme quiet and chatter- quite fluent in a few languages- English, Tamizh, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi , it makes it easy for her to fit in as a local speaking the language as comfortably as they would. She speaks about the usual routine but very pertinent instructions that visitors are expected to follow when in the jungles- the need to maintain silence( including switching off mobiles and other gadgets), no flash photography, use of neutral coloured clothes( so as to avoid attracting attention and blending with the environment) , sans perfumes ,and the need for patience. She firmly believes that the jungles are not the place for you to visit “if you think you are there to just spot the tiger or the lion”. The question that several teams ask her is : “ Will we be able to spot a tiger / lion?” Her advice is simple: “ Don’t enter the forest expecting to spot a particular species. If  we  just allow yourself to be led by what the forest is willing to offer you for that day, we will be surprised to see what She has to offer-  may be not a single animal one day, but may be a big cat on another- yet we cannot ignore all the other magic that is there in the forest for us to observe- the rich flora, the various sounds and calls. If we soak in the  magic of the forest , the forest will present a magical performance”, is Dhanya’s firm belief. She loves talking to children who are enthusiastic and enjoys teaching them about Nature awareness. There is need for great patience once we are in nature and it is best to just go with the flow- the unexpected rewards thus received are far greater than it would be if we had tall expectations that could result  in disappointments. Even naturalist guides cannot predict whether they can spot  a big cat on a particular day- they can of course pay attention to the call of the animals, distinguishing their loud mating calls from the sharp barks meant to announce a predator!
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Dhanya  loves her own company when she is not leading tours. At these times, she prefers to go back-packing, a way a traveller would as opposed to a tourist- just allowing her feet to guide her, travelling, exploring new lands, seeking new adventures and above all learning more lessons that Nature has to offer her each day. On these occasions, her camera is her constant companion and she admits, “ there are times, I forget I have to take a picture to document my journey because I am so absorbed in the moment.”
And she moves on...seeking new travels, new forests....new lands.
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