#best curling wand 2016
multi-fandom-dreams · 5 years
Goodbye, it’s been fun :)
I cleared my room out a couple of weeks ago. There’s a cupboard which I rarely use in there. Upon opening, my first ever Harry Potter wand rolled out. 
We found the old family computer a couple of days ago. I opened my profile and saw my first ever short stories. 
I turned 18 in January and am happy to say that i’ve beaten depression after a difficult 6 years! I’ve gained control of my eating habits, my lack of self-care and self-loathing. I’ve got a close groups of friends and a strong support network. I’m happy.
Today, I’ve decided that I’ll no longer be writing imagines. I’ve been doing it since i was 11 so this was a difficult decision to make.
I got my Hogwarts letter in 2007.
I escaped the maze in 2014. 
I joined the hunt in 2015.
I became a teen wolf in 2016.
I’ve loved Harry Potter for as long as I can remember. My mum & grandma were big fans. I’ve loved reading the books, watching the films hundreds of times, reading and writing imagines, visiting the studios countless times, watching the show in London, making my own posters and drawing my own pictures. I’ve made close friends through Harry Potter.
The maze runner found me when I was discovering imagines and gave me a thrill of excitement. While my love for Newt will never fade, it’s time for me to let them escape.
Supernatural found me when I couldn’t find myself. Watching the boys grow up, they felt like the big brothers I never had. Sometimes, when I thought I was going to do something stupid, I’d curl up in bed and binge watch my favourite episodes and they help my beat my demons. Meeting them was one of the best moments of my life. Hearing Jensen laugh at my joke made me so happy. Now that Supernatural is coming to end, it’s time for me to find my own way through the cross roads.
Teen Wolf helped me discover my passion for writing - and my love for Dylan O’Brien. They were the friends I so desperately needed when i felt alone. 
I spent my summers reading and writing on Tumblr. This was my home when I was alone. I’ve had some of my happiest memories here, simply scrolling through some beautifully talented writers and their imagines. 
Now that i’m better, and have found my way, I’ve decided to make room for the next spirit waiting to be ignited. My imagines won’t be removed and I wont deactivate the account - but this is the last you’ll hear of me.
To everyone who has supported my writing, I thank you deeply. You don’t know how much you helped.
I wish you all the best for your futures!
Love you all lots :) 
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You didn’t really think i’d go without one final Dean gif, did you? ;) 
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teatitty · 5 years
Rogues Lore
First of all I want to thank @schweeeppess for letting me spam her with Rogues lore 2 months ago cuz it made this post so much easier to type out when I can just copy-paste everything and then edit it to be more cohesive lmao
Second this is under a read more because it is A Lot
Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold
He grew up with a super abusive father and his only refuge was when he would hang out with his grandfather in his grandfather's ice truck. When the grandfather died, he grew tired of his dad's abuse and set out to start a criminal career and moved to central. 
(He's the one who started the rogues!) 
He found blueprints for a "cold gun" which he ended up making from scratch (it’s also canon that he knows the gun so well he can remake it out of scraps in about 30 seconds to a minute) and had three main rules in his group: No Killing, No Harm To Women Or Children and No Drug Use. His cold gun is capable of interfering with the speedforce cuz it can reach “absolute zero” which is even colder then Mr Freeze's tech. 
He's also the only cold-based villain capable of mastering this temp. In New Earth he was described as an "adversary" but in Prime Earth (same backstory as before mind you) he's described as being a straight villain whose only rule in the group is "no killing" (which seems to be a pretty flexible rule these days cuz DC has made him more, well, down with killing). He's also much younger here then he was in NE. 
In Flash 2016 #17 we see another upgraded version of his gun that's capable of separating the Flash from the speedforce directly and, in doing so, causing Barry excrutiating pain. Generally, he and Barry had more respect for eachother in NE, to the point that Len even considered him family. In PE, though they have teamed up now and again, Len is far more hostile towards Barry, sometimes even being written in a way that suggests he wouldn’t mind if Barry died.
Sam scudder AKA Mirror Master (the first one!) 
He was a simple convict who just really wanted to learn how to get inside a mirror's reflection. He practiced in a hall of mirrors and, once he succeeded, became Mirror Master. He was a frequent foe for Barry and, during Crisis on Infinite Earths, died around the same time Barry did.
 He was the one who discovered the "mirror world". At one point he got himself trapped there and hated that the mirror world could just get him whatever he wanted instead of him stealing it so he got Barry to bust him out. He could also use mirror's to mind control ppl (dont ask) and this intrigued Barry. 
 On PE he's dating Lisa Snart (Len's younger sister) and is the only Mirror Master to exist. In N52 he, Len, Lisa, Mick and Marco all got fused with their weapons for a while and given meta-human abilities which I. hate because it took away what made them all so cool (I'm fine with Marco tho and you'll find out why in a minute) he's also a really big attention seeker lol
Hartley Rathaway AKA Pied Piper
Alright most of Hartley's info is from NE so: he was born deaf to wealthy parents who got him very high-tech hearing implants. He became obssessed with sounds and started experimenting with sonic technology. Bored of his rich life (and sometimes it's implied he had ableist and/or homophobic parents too) he took to a life of crime after learning how to hypnotize people through music (Pied Piper ayyy). 
He was the first person to ever successfully break out of Iron Heights and did so because he befriended the rats there and used them to help himself escape, adding more to his whole Pied Piper thing. After Barry died he gave up crime and started working to help the poor and underprivelaged (I'm not saying he quit specifically bc of Barry's death buuuuuut most of the Rogues did so). 
He struck up a close friendship with Wally and came out as openly gay! On PE all that we know for certain is that he's a "reformed vigilante" who's the conductor for the Central City orchestra. He used to share an apartment with Barry (yes for real) before he moved in with his bf, David Singh (also Barry's director in the CCPD). Lisa was the one who convinced him to come out to the Rogues, and they were all chill with being gay, their problem came when he started dating David who is, you know, a cop.
He has a pet rat called Moon (cute, right?). Also in pre-N52 canon (cant remember if it was NE specifically or older) Hartley once had a nervous breakdown after Barry arrested him so Barry took him to get help at a mental health hospital :')
(Some artists draw him blonde, some brunette and others go more for reddish-brown it’s kinda confusing)
Marco/Mark Mardon AKA Weather Wizard
On NE he's a two bit criminal called Mark Mardon (he's also white and yes thats important to note) but one day, after escaping from a cop van, he ran to find his brother, Clyde, who was a scientist only to discover his bro had died of a heart attack (however, there's implications that he actually murdered his brother and simply blocked out the memory). 
He then found Clyde's notes on how to create a wand to control the weather and made it for himself. The worst he ever did on NE was imprison a town in winter and after Barry's death he went into semi-retirement (told you the Rogues all did this)
On PE however! He and Clyde are Latino and are the heirs to a huge cartel! Clyde takes over the cartel and Marco wants nothing to do with that life. After their father dies, Marco runs away and eventually becomes Weather Wizard. 
He comes back when he hears his brother has been murdered and gets accused of the crime. He finds out it was Clyde's wife, Elsa, who orchestrated the whole thing and, in a fit of grief and anger, kills her with lightning. He also tries to kill himself at the same time but it doesn’t work. After her death, he curls up into a ball and starts crying because he feels like he hasnt got any family left but then Lisa shows up and is like "yo the rogues are still here for you bitch"
His emotions affect the weather in this continuity and I’m a weak bitch for that but that’s 100% my bias for Ororo Munroe showing itself lol
James Jesse AKA Trickster (the first one!)
James Jesse was born to the Flying Jesses, famous circus performers. He, however, was afraid of heights, and preferred reading stories of Western criminal Jesse James. 
He invented air-walking shoes to get rid of his acrophobia, and this led to his fame as an aerialist at the circus. Buuut he wanted more excitement in life and became a conman instead! He had a lot of wacky gadgets like exploding teddy bears and, after Barry's death, moved from Central to Hollywood and started working in special effects. 
Like Hartley, he even attended Barry's funeral. He once beat the devil, Neron, at his own game and eventually started using his skills for good, collecting weapons of incarcerated villains so they couldnt fall into the wrong hands. He eventually died protecting Hartley during Final Crisis. Deadshot was the one who got him. 
On Prime Earth his parents were straight up neglectful and, instead of creating his own boots, he stole them from STAR labs instead. This version of him is also WAY more fucked up and murdery then NE to the point us long-term Rogues fans got really upset at how much DC had changed him 
On NE his real name is “Giovanni Giuseppe” (swear this is, like, the only italian name DC knows) and on PE the Flying Jesse's were a deliberate rip off of the Flying Graysons
George “Digger” Harkness AKA Captain Boomerang
The illegitimate son of an American toy-maker, W.W. Wiggins, and an Australian woman, Betty Harkness, George Harkness was raised in poverty in the small town of Kurrumburra, Australia. His stepfather, Ian Harkness, hated the boy and made his life miserable. (Like canonically Ian was an abusive alcoholic and even abused Betty who was too ill to defend herself or George. The reason George goes by "Digger" is cuz that's what his mom used to call him before she died; it's aussie slang for "soldier") 
In school, Harkness crafted a boomerang. He discovered he had great skill with the aboriginal weapon and often used it for mischief with his best friend, Mick Wentworth. He further honed his skills while spending some time hiding from the law in the Australian bush. 
When Digger was eighteen, he and Wentworth robbed a general store and were able to make their escape with the aid of Digger’s boomerang. However, this incident caused Digger’s stepfather to kick him out of the house. 
His mother gave him a plane ticket to Central City and told him to get in touch with Wiggins. Wiggins had been searching for a spokesman for W.W. Wiggins Game Company's latest product, a toy boomerang. Under the alias "George Green", Digger auditioned for and got the job. Wiggins outfitted him with a costume and gave him the name "Captain Boomerang."
Ridiculed by the audience, he took to a life of crime instead.
His story is pretty much the same on PE. The only diff being there was no childhood friend and Digger made boomerangs in an attempt to impress his absentee father. Also he has a habit of making up fake stories about himself lmao 
The only one's he really doesnt stab in the back are the Rogues and Harley Quinn but everyone else? fair game. In Flash: Rebirth he and Barry even exchange favours for info and it’s implied this is a regular thing for them
Roscoe Dillon AKA The Top
He technically appears on PE but he's one of Thawne's acolytes so lets just. Skip that and focus on NE instead
Literally his whole thing is that he was obssessed with spinning tops as a kid and taught himself how to spin fast enough to deflect bullets. He became a criminal, tried to blackmail the entire world once, and was Lisa's first boyfriend! 
He was also her ice-skating coach and taught her how to spin super well like himself! He has a very confusing characterization tho cuz sometimes he was written to be all about revenge and killing but other times he was just like the other rogues; a blue-collar criminal who stole things because he liked to. 
He died eventually which I'm not going to try to explain cuz it's...yeah. There's also this whole thing where he could possess people after his death but this was in the silver age and that shit just happened sometimes so whatever 
In short: Roscoe has a really cool concept to him but nobody really knew how to write him so he ended up all over the place
He also has a Spinning Top shaped satellite in space where he stores all his loot (dont ask)
Mick Rory AKA Heatwave
Mick Rory has pyromania! Very severely! He was born on a farm outside of Central and, as a child, was very fascinated with fire. This turned into an obssession and he ended up burning his house down. So fascinated by the flames, however, he never ran to get help, watching his whole house burn down (and killing his parents inside) and he ended up living with his uncle after this. 
On a schooltrip, his schoolmate stuck him in a meat locker as a prank where he gained Cryophobia (fear of the cold) so in retaliation Mick locked the boy in his house and set the thing on fire (again, pyromania). He ran away again and ended up becoming a fire-eater for a circus. That didn't last long either because, surprise!, he burned the place down. 
Desperate to find a way to help his obssession, he happened to see the Rogues operating in Central and decided to take up villainy. At first he and Len got into a few altercations with eachother due to Mick's fear of the cold but eventually they settled their differences and Len officially brought him into the Rogues. 
Mick kinda relies on them to keep his pyromania in check basically. There was a time where he was, briefly, reformed and gained a close friendship with Barry (even being roommates with him. By then he'd already known Barry's real identity for a few years) and used his pyro knowledge to become a fire-fighter consultant. At one point he even worked for the FBI
His backstory is practically the same on PE the only difference being that he never expressed regret for burning down his house, and actually says he wishes he’d burned down the whole neighbourhood instead
Lisa Snart AKA Golden Glider
When I say her NE version is leagues above PE I mean it. 
Like Len, she suffered abuse under their father and escaped it by becoming a figure skater under the name Lisa Star for the Futura Ice Show! Her fame came from her very fast spins, a trick she was taught by Roscoe. When Roscoe died while fighting Barry (brain complications though there’s more to it, but again I’m not going to get into that) Lisa turned to villainy, blaming Barry for her lover's death. 
Her attempts on Barry and Iris' lives were always foiled. She used a pair of ice skates that created their own ice flow, and had many gadgets that caused hypnotism. She also stole Len's gun once but retooled it into a twirling Baton. 
When Barry died she renounced her feud with him and attempted to go straight again with her brother. They created a company that recovered lost or stolen items. Eventually she returned back to a life of crime, went through three boyfriends, all using the name Chillblaine (she named them that iirc), until the fourth Blaine killed her. Len got revenge on that one 
On PE, however, Lisa had a brain tumor (it got cured later) and was a tag-a-long villain for her brother and her boyfriend, Sam Scudder. This version of her never became a skater and is instead murderous just for...the sake of it. She also has this thing about wanting to be the leader of the Rogues instead of Len, and when she's in charge of them for a while the Rogues’ morals change and killing is suddenly fine so. Whatever. NE Lisa is the best (also her whole outfit? Stunning)
Roy G. Bivolo AKA Rainbow Raider (not technically a Rogue anymore but he was a member for a while)
He appeard on PE as Chroma but gets murdered by Grodd so we only have NE canon to use (they did my mans dirty) 
He was a wonderful painter from an early age but was born colourblind. His father, an optometrist, was determined to create a device that would let him see in full colour. Toy didnt get the device until after his father's death but unfortunately the device didnt let him see colour. 
Instead, the goggles could project beams of light that could become solid objects, make him invisible, blind his opponents, or affect the emotions of his targets. Angry that he couldnt pursue an artistic career. he decided to become a thief and primarily stole famous artwork. He was eventually killed by Amunet Black
Evan McCulloch AKA Mirror Master (second one)
Evan was born to rich parents Louis and Carol Erikson who gave him up for adoption because they were too young to be responsible parents. He ended up at the McCulloch orphanage. 
At age 8 he was molested by one of the older boys there and, in self-defence, ended up drowning the him. At 16 he left the orphanage, taking on the name of the woman who raised him and moves to Glasgow (he’s scottish btw) 
He found that it was super difficult to hold down a job but, needing to make ends meet and constantly breaking the law anyway, he turned to a life of crime and became a hitman and then a professional assassin.
One day he got hired to kill his birth father but was unaware of who his target was until after he took the shot. Grief-stricken, he attended the funeral and tried to work up the nerve to approach his birth mother. By the time he had, she'd committed suicide and he turned himself in for his crimes. 
Either the Scottish or US government gave him Sam's old Mirror Master gear and hired him to be a mercenary. 
His first job was scaring Animal Man into stopping his activism, but he failed because of Animal Man’s wife. Refusing to actually kill the wife and children (thanks to his own morals) he gets fired and helps Animal Man seek revenge.
He continues to work as a criminal and supervillain-for-hire, even working out of costume as a mercernary in Britain.
Eventually he found his way to Central City and joined the Rogues, taking over as Sam Scudders official successor. There was a time where he had a Cocaine Addiction which caused friction between him and Capt Cold because of Len’s rule against drug use. 
Throughout all of this, Evan made sure to donate a portion of all the money he ever got to the McCulloch Orphanage
Axel Walker AKA Trickster (second one) 
On PE, Axel was recruited by the Rogues early on in his career. He messed up during a heist and they kicked him out (they'd never do that but w/e) 
He worked for Mob Rule as a henchman for a bit then went freelance when MB was arrested. He saved Cold's life cuz he felt he still owed Cold a debt. When Grodd took over Central, Axel tried to join his side but Grodd tore his arm off from the bicep (ouch) and left him to die on the street. Axel got himself a cool sleek robot arm and returned to crime anyway. He got accused of murder, Barry cleared his name, but he still got sent to Iron Heights for other charges. 
The Rogues, hearing about this, went to bust him out and were like "okay fine u can hang with us" and he stayed with them from then on
In NE canon, while Jesse was working with the FBI, Axel stole all his gear and ended up working for Penguin in Gotham. Penguin gets attacked by Tarantula, Axel fails to stop her and a few days later he gets caught by Robin (Tim) for causing trouble in Gotham. 
He moves on to work with Amunet Black, but after her defeat is offered to join the “new Rogues” by Capt Cold and accepts the offer. Some stuff happens, he fights the OG Trickster who leaves him in a dumpster and tells him never to pick up the gear again, then Axel answers an ad from some college students asking for a trained hero to teach them some things, he has dinner with them and then kills them all. Neat.
When Jesse died, Axel redonned the Trickster gear and started operating his own crew out of an old Rogues hideout. When the Rogues returned to Central, Axel found out they were gonna retire and go underground. He rejoined them to help them get revenge on Inertia for manipulating them into killing Bart Allen, and he stayed with the group henceforth. 
Evan explained to him that joining the Rogues wasn’t a matter of him wanting to be one, but why he needed to be one
In short: Axel is a punk kid who wants to fit in with the big boys and the Rogues are the only ones who really gave him a chance, acting like his older siblings. It’s worth noting that canon never mentions any relatives for him so, as far as we know, crime is all he’s ever known
And that’s all of them!
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Someone Like You
Chapter One
July 2006 The makeshift curtain at the community center lifts to a collective awe from the audience of parents and siblings. Two little girls, age seven, are dressed as fairies and sing a song while they shake their wands at the people watching. Ellen and Brian smile and giggle at each other because the girls are so cute. Jaime crosses his arms and looks at his feet, waiting for it to be over.
September 2008 Ellen pressed lunch bags into the girl’s hands and kissed them on the top of their heads. “First day of third grade, how exciting girls! Oh, Claire honey, you have to give this form to your teacher.” Ellen unzipped the backpack and stuck the letter inside. She watched the girls walk to the bus stop talking animatedly and sighed at how fast they were growing up.
November 2008 My dearest Ellen I hope this letter finds you very well indeed. This is short notice, I realize that, but I have taken an assignment in Peru which will keep me away for at least two years. Now that Claire is nine years old I think she is sturdy enough to live with me. If you agree, I will be taking her from your charge right after Hogmanay. Please share your thoughts with me, honest and direct, as you always are. I am so deeply in your debt for providing stability and a home for that tiny girl. I do not wish to impose any further. I anxiously await your response.
January 2009 Two young girls clung to each other at the Edinburgh airport while Lamb and Ellen tried to pull them apart. Lamb was quite upset and shaken by the incident and wondered if he would be a suitable guardian for this little girl. Ellen pulled the girls away and spoke to them about manners and behaving in public. She kissed Claire’s cheeks and encouraged her to go to Lamb.
December 2011 Lamb and his charge walked through the crowded airport looking for baggage. Claire was searching for Jenny in the crowd of people waiting for arrivals. She felt someone yank on her pigtails and turned around to Jaime Fraser laughing. “C’mon dork, they’re over there.” Lamb was at baggage sweating profusely and pulling the only two bags they had between them. He desperately needed whisky and a nap.
December 2012 “I am so grateful to Lamb for sending me back to Scotland for the holidays but I am quite unprepared for the freezing temperatures. I was keeping Jenny awake with my shivering so I grabbed the blanket off the couch and sat on the staircase trying to get warm. I didn’t want to complain. I was so happy to be here, so I shivered in silence. Jaime got up and walked down to the kitchen bringing a plate of food back to his room. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along. I stood in his dark room shivering and not knowing why I was here.
“Get in bed lass.” He handed me a cookie and lit the fire in his room. Then he pulled the blankets up and turned his back on me to sleep. The fire warmed the room and I watched the flames dance me to sleep. I slipped out of Jaime’s room before dawn and went back to Jenny’s bed.
“On the eve of my departure back to Lamb I sat on the stairs trying to avoid waking Jenny. I was freezing of course, and I couldn’t stop crying. I was making myself a nuisance. I hunkered down in the blanket and sniffled until I heard a door open. Jaime walked past me on his midnight raid for food and grabbed my arm again on his way back. This time he gave me a piece of cake, lit the fire, and tucked me in before turning his back. Again, although so grateful, I slipped out of his room before dawn.
December 2014 The house feels warmer this year and I haven’t shivered in my sleep for the past two weeks. Lamb is so kind to send me back year after year. If I didn’t have Lallybroch to look forward to all year I would go insane probably. My skin is itchy from the hayride we went of today. I don’t mind. Jaime sat next to me the whole time so it’s worth it.
December 2016 Uncle Lamb is finally preparing to release his research on the Inca invasion and cultural effect on the indigenous tribes of Peru. He was upbeat and full of energy for the past several months as many archeologists came to our camp to weigh in on his findings. I continued to do my lessons, assist at the dig, and mostly look forward to leaving. I was sure the days grew longer, tortuously so, as the day of our departure neared. This was my last pack out from Peru. Uncle Lamb would deplane in London to arrange our living quarters while I went on to Scotland. I would finally go to a public school in England never to see Machu Picchu again. I was deliriously happy.
It took a day to reach an airport and it was always a crapshoot whether or not the plane would actually show up, or leave as scheduled. I ran to the ladies room and the first large mirror I had seen in a year. How disappointing. I fancied myself prettier now, strikingly beautiful in fact. My reflection mocked me. Where were my long slim limbs, exotic hair, perfect face? I must have stared at my face for an hour when Lamb came crashing into the bathroom making my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I guess the plane showed up and decided to fly us to civilization. I got in line and called Jenny.
As the plane filled slowly I stood in front of the mirror in the lavatory studying my face, my dirty skin and nails, and my torn clothes. Someone pounded on the door until I came out so I sat next to Lamb and waited for my last exit from Peru. Lamb’s face was the color of his field jacket, beige, and he was mopping his sweating face with a towel. He told me to go to sleep and he would see me in the morning. I curled up in my seat and watched him as long as I could before I fell asleep. I had dreams of Lallybroch and running through the fields with Jenny while Jaime sat on the grass with arms crossed looking down. Rupert stood in front of me and pointed at someone behind me. I jerked my head up and saw the worried face of the stewardess, right before big hands hauled me out of my seat and pushed me to the front of the plane. I was snapped into a seat and flight attendants stood next to me the rest of the way to London. People practically ran off the plane and the captain asked who was waiting for me in Scotland. He took my phone and left.
I didn’t see Uncle Lamb get off the plane and I tried to tell the captain he was supposed to get off in London. They weren’t paying attention and I was getting quite upset. The captain pulled me into the cockpit and handed me a phone. I heard Jenny’s da tell me Uncle Lamb had died during the night and I was to continue to Scotland. They would be waiting for me. I looked up at the captain and saw his compassion. The flight attendants stayed beside me and then handed me to the Frasers. I never saw Lamb’s body and for years I would dream he was alive living in the jungle and would call me up one day and say surprise!
When I finally got back to Lallybroch I wasn’t excited anymore, I just felt numb. Sleep would not come for me that first night. I sat on the staircase and huddled against the cold. Jaime got up and raided the refrigerator really late. He mumbled to me as he brought his food to bed and closed his door. The next night the scene was repeated but I was shivering with the chill in the house. When Jaime passed me going back to his room he grabbed my arm and pulled me along.
I stood in his dark room shivering. “Get in bed lass.” He offered me some food and lit the fire in his room. He covered me with the quilt and turned his back to me. I felt every move he made that night. I listened to his rhythmic breathing until the sun came up signaling it was time to leave. I slipped out of his room and curled up in Jenny’s bed.
All of my friends were at the Fraser’s house over the next two weeks and they helped me overlook the dread I was feeling. Namely, what would happen to me now? Where was I supposed to go? Jaime was always with his best friend Ian, Rupert and Angus were there as well. They either stayed in Jaime’s room or dragged him away for the day. The only time I spent any time in the same room with Jaime was Hogmanay and he didn’t speak with me.
The party was fun but my anxiety had become almost unmanageable. Jenny was starting school again in a few days and her parents had said nothing to me about staying with them or enrolling in school. Finally, the day after Hogmanay, Jenny’s parents asked us to come downstairs and talk to them. I waited with my fingers crossed. Ellen Fraser smiled at me and told me what was to happen now.
“What was left of your parent’s estate was invested and protected by your Uncle for all of these years sweetheart. He has stipulated in his will the money is to keep you at a boarding school in Switzerland until you graduate with provisions for food and clothing. On the day of your graduation the remaining assets, and the property in Boston will be transferred to you to use as you wish.”
I was stunned. Switzerland? What did I know about Switzerland, except it was cold? I just stared at Ellen Fraser and said nothing. She seemed so happy that Lamb had planned this so carefully and I would be taken care of. I should be happy too but the tears I felt coming could not be held back. I asked to be excused and ran to Jenny’s room where we tried to piece together what life in a boarding school would be like.
“It willna be so bad, dinna fash yerself, Claire! You’ll meet girls yer age, fancy lasses. You’ll learn to be fancy like them!” She giggled so hard it hit my funny bone and I giggled with her. There was a knock on the door and Jenny opened it to Rupert smiling like an idiot. “What?”
Rupert looked past Jenny and asked, “what er ye lasses laughin about, what’s so funny here?” A large hand came down on Ruper’s shoulder and pulled him away with force. He could be heard protesting the interruption of his courtship.
Jenny closed the door and laughed until she bent over holding her stomach. “Ye could always stay in Scotland and marry Rupert!”
I stared at the door wondering why Jaime wanted to drag Rupert away?
The next two days were filled with shopping at the most extravagant level I had ever been a part of. Ellen took Jenny and me to all the shops armed with a list of necessities the school provided. The list had details right down to how many pajamas, stockings, underwear, outside clothes, party dresses, ball gowns, shoes of every variety, riding wear and boots, loungewear, robes, and coats. It was fun at first and exhausting by the second day. Suitcases were purchased, a day bag for books because backpacks were forbidden. When the list was complete we piled into the car hoping never to shop again so when Ellen pulled into a technology store Jenny and I looked at her confused. An hour later I scrambled into the back seat holding the greatest treasure of my entire life. A laptop computer loaded with all the mandatory software for office skills, drafting, graphic design, illustration, and the best of all, internet browsers. I held it like the treasure it was and couldn’t wait to play around with it.
The following weekend I stood with Jenny at the Edinburgh airport wearing one of my new dresses, shoes, and coat. I shook from head to toe.
“Yer shakin so hard my own teeth are rattlin. Dinna fash, yer goin on an adventure!” Jenny looked at me with such compassion. I didn’t cry nor could I speak from fear of what was next. Both of Jenny’s parents tried to reassure me and I couldn’t speak to them either. I knew when I let go of Jenny’s hand I would be alone with strangers waiting for me in Switzerland and a school full of fancy girls that would hate me. If not for the people in line behind me waiting to board I don’t think I could have convinced my feet to move forward. My mind tortured me with every conceivable terror awaiting me until I felt myself let go. We were landing in Switzerland, my fate was sealed, now I had to live it, and that was that.
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is6621 · 5 years
Yes, This Hairdryer is a Status Symbol - By Madison Wood
After taking a brief inventory of my hairstyling hot tools, I have realized that I own two curling irons, a curling wand, a flatiron, an “air spin brush” (don’t ask, it was on sale), and a hairdryer. SIX hot tools. Like many women, I feel as though as soon as I get really good at using one of these tools, there’s something new and fancy that promises to make my hair perfect (spoiler alert, it never does). And usually, the tool is within a price range that makes the semi-impulse purchase justifiable (think $150 or less).
But this time is different. I’m putting my foot down. I refuse to buy this. Not because I don’t want it (trust me, I REALLY REALLY do), but because it costs $399! Take a look at it…. Absorb it and all it’s crazy, robotic, futuristic glory. What is this witchcraft? But wait, if you really want to be extra, there is a version in 23.75kg gold that costs $449!
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Brought to you by Dyson (yes, the vacuum cleaner company), comes the most ludicrously expensive hot tool imaginable, the Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer. This tool is quiet, powerful, and engineered to complement all different hair types. There are a lot of articles available describing the mechanics and innovation of the motor… but I would prefer to keep that magic a mystery. 
And just went I didn’t think it could be more outrageously pricey (and desirable), Dyson released an expanded hair styling product, the “Dyson Airwrap™” and it collectively broke my brain and the internet.
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The Airwrap™ package contains a variety of attachments that straighten, curl, and/or smooth, in addition to drying your hair. Priced even higher than the original Dyson Hair Dryer, the Dyson Airwrap™ costs $549. In spite of that insane price point, within 24 hours of being released, the Dyson Airwrap™ was sold out EVERYWHERE.
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How Did Dyson Hair Products Become SO Famous?
1. Really, really good targeted ads
This thing is following me. No matter where I go, no matter the device, browser, platform, I see this monstrosity. Yes, I understand how targeted digital marketing works, and of course, I clear my cookies and browsing data…. but I continue to be haunted by the Dyson Supersonic Hairdryer or Dyson Airwrap™. Dyson is investing A LOT of money in digital advertising, and I can’t lie, it might be working. Let’s be clear, after researching Dyson this blog post, I’ll never ever escape theses ads.
2. Sponsored Articles
Dyson has been sponsoring hair styling articles in popular online publications and blogs such as Refinery29, Hello Giggles, Elle, and InStyle. In these articles, beauty writers and editors offer insights on how to style a variety of hair types. A few article titles include:
This Beauty-Editor-Approved Hair Tool Might Just Change How You Style Your Hair (Refinery29)
If You Have Curls, You'll Love This New Dyson Supersonic Attachment (Refinery29)
How I get my hair to look just like Blake Lively’s (Hello Giggles, via Yahoo)
The Best Hair Dryers to Protect and Volumize Fine Hair (InStyle)
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Sometimes it is not immediately apparent that the articles are sponsored or endorsed by specific brands or products, and the publication receives a cut of proceeds resulting from the purchase of products from their site. For example, CNET named the Dyson Airwrap™ one of the 8 best beauty gifts for 2019. It’s important to keep this in mind as we enter the holiday season and every eCommerce site posts its “best gifts” lists (i.e. “Shape Beauty Awards 2019: Best Hair Products” where the Dyson Airwrap™ also appears)… these items do not usually end up on the list by happenstance. Some sites even use sweepstakes, contests, and giveaways as an opportunity to amplify sponsored products and brands. Recently Elle magazine received thousands of contest entries in their recent Dyson Airwrap™ giveaway. All of these impressions come at a cost, and usually, it is not cheap. 
I am not saying that there are not honest reviews of the products out there. Often the product is provided to beauty editors to try (for free) in hopes that the trial will result in an appearance in the publication. While the publication still needs to disclose the gift (via FTC standards), their reviews can still be completely trustworthy. An article on The Daily Beast is titled “The Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer Really Is As Impressive As It Claims” (link below in sources). Another article on Vice Media draws in readers with the sassy title “The Dyson Hair Dryer Is Totally Worth It, Unless Your Time Is Worth Nothing”. Each of these product reviews praise the Dyson Hair Tool Suite, and seem to be legitimate!
3. Celebs and Influencers
Celebrity and social media influencers alike have become major advocates for the Dyson hair styling suite of products. Of course, we can assume that many of these are sponsored endorsements, but the number of impressions collected through these posts has propelled the Dyson products into the “Must Have” stratosphere as a status symbol of the stars. Jennifer Aniston’s hairstylist styled her hair with the Dyson Supersonic hairdryer for her recent Apple TV+ premiere for “The Morning Show”, a highly publicized event. Aniston’s hairstyle was covered by multiple publications and her hairstylist was very vocal about the Dyson tools in her arsenal.
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The celebrity hairstylist, Jen Atkin, (stylist to the Kardashians and has several million Instagram followers) claims that the Dyson Hair Dryer is a “Game Changer”. Atkin is outspoken about her partnership with Dyson and continues to advocate for the product in a variety of high profile ways. (Pictured below with Dyson founder and chief engineer Sir James Dyson)
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In her November 2019 spread in Vogue, Tracee Ellis Ross demonstrated how she styles her signature natural curls with the Dyson Hairdryer.
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4. Product Placement
The British reality TV show, Love Island, became a worldwide sensation in the past couple of years due to the show being made available for streaming on Hulu. In the first several seasons, contestants used a variety of styling tools to get ready each day; in more recent seasons (especially this past season), contestants each have a Dyson Supersonic hairdryer, which is prominently displayed in several shots each episode. There are 54 episodes per season of Love Island, so if the Dyson dryer was featured a minimum of twice per episode, it will have appeared well over 100 times. Considering Love Island viewership was over 3.3 million for the UK premiere alone… that is a LOT of impressions for the Dyson Hair Styling Suite. [Yes, she’s using a $399 hair dryer to blow dry her eyelashes… ]
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In conclusion, I will probably never be able to stomach the price point for either the Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer or Airwrap™; however, through a variety of different approaches, Dyson has made their hair tool styling suite into a highly coveted status symbol worldwide.
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     History Of GHD
Ghd was founded by Martin Penny, Gary Douglas and Robert Powls in 2001.They are the market leader for hair straighteners and are sold in over 50,000 salons worldwide. The founders of ghd purchased the rights to a straightening iron from an inventor in South Korea. Using the business own resources and capabilities the brand quickly took off, advertising didn’t occur until two years after its launch. The initial forecast for the company was between £3 million and £4 million, £12 million is the figure they attained.
Ghd entered the North American market in 2004, its worldwide sales creating £37 million in revenue. The Jamella Group which owned the ghd brand was bought over by Lloyds Development Capital for £55 million in 2006. Montague Private Equity purchased ghd eleven months later for £160 million it was then sold to Lion Capital in 2013 for approximately £300 million. The company had sales over £150 million by March 2013, more than double since 2007. In October 2016 Coty bought ghd for £420 million the sale was complete by November 2016.
Ghds first advertising campaign was in August 2003 they sponsored the tv show The Salon, in 2009 Twisted Fairy tales was an advertising campaign which consisted of the characters Rapunzel, Red Riding Hood and Cinderella with the slogan “You can do anything with your hair. Katy Perry was the face of ghd in 2011, for the “Scarlet Collection”
In 2011 ghd  launched, ghd v gold series, in 2011 followed by ghd professional hairdryer, the Eclipse hair straightener, which has six sensors in the plate this enables a constant heat of 185 degrees (this is the best temperature for styling results according to ghd, it also cuts down the time it takes to straighten the hair especially course hair that may need more than one run through). Ghd Aura hairdryer and ghd curve hair curling range (tong sand wands) was launched in 2014. Ghd platinum styler was launched in 2015 this product claims to know what your hair needs to create the perfect finish. In 2018 ghd platinum plus styler was launched this product has Ultra-zone with predictive technology predicts your hair's needs and the way you style for ultimate result.
Ghd has raised around £2.5 million for the Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity, a limited-edition pink straightener is produced every year. They partnered with David Allen in 2019, a tattooist specialising in covering scars from mastectomies, a limited pink styler was created raising £1 million for breast cancer charities worldwide They also support “Mom It Forward” and “Safe House” charities, a women’s shelter for victims of domestic violence.
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andreesqtz716 · 4 years
Neue Gerüchte über Ghd Glätteisen Temperatur ++ 2020
😉 Wer hat dir gesagt, dass die Glätteisen von Tondeo die besten sind?? Dank zahlreicher Innovationen und fortschrittlichster Technologien, konnte das Babyliss Glätteisen Dampf besonders überzeugen. Deshalb nehme wir in diesem Glätteisen Test billigere Geräte gar nicht erst in Betracht und raten jeder Frau (und jedem Mann), davon Abstand zu nehmen. Er gleitet sanft durch Haar ohne zu ziepen.
Amazon Glätteisen
Empfehlen können wir die folgenden Haarglätter. 25.11.2010, 20:56 FHI Heat Glätteisen # 5. Ich finde allerdings, dass das Glätteisen etwas schwer ist und man nach einiger zeit Handschmerzen bekommt. Kenn ihr das?
Glätteisen Wo Kaufen
Testsieger Glätteisen 2016
Welche Größe ist bei eine/m haarschonendes glätteisen die Richtige? Haare glätten - so setzen Sie Ihr Glätteisen richtig ein! Du bist auf der Suche nach einem hochqualitativen Ionen Glätteisen?
Die Locken wollte ich nicht vom Ansatz an haben, sondern erst weiter unten. Ansonsten Top! Hält man das Glätteisen 90 Grad zur erdoberfläche, dann addiert sich das, also dann 1590 Grad. Für nahezu jeden Nutzer gibt es also das passende Stück. Warum ist das so?
Bevor das Glätteisen nun zum Einsatz kommt, sollten die Haare möglichst ordentlich durchgekämmt werden und des Weiteren in vier Partien geteilt werden. In unserem ghd Outlet haben wir ausgewählte ghd Stylingtools zusammengetragen, die wir zu extragünstigen Preisen anbieten. Nach dem Waschen kannst du zusätzlich ein Glättungsbalm auf die Haare auftragen und sanft in die Spitzen einmassieren. Der Steampod ist ein Dampfglätteisen, das die Haare schonender und mit weniger Hitze glättet als klassische Glätteisen. Einfach super und ein absoluter Pluspunkt für dieses Modell. Die Vorteile der Glättbürste gegenüber dem Glätteisen! Ich habe kurze struppige Haare und die brauchen immer besonders viel Aufmerksamkeit, besonders im Urlaub. Das MadameParis Nina Glätteisen erweist sich im Test besonders schonend zum Haar; das unabhängig vom Haartyp, dank der Ausstattung mit effizienter Infrarot Technologie sowie dem erweiterten Temperaturbereich.
1. Locken mit dem Glätteisen. Der GHD Profi-Glätteisen Gold Classic Styler ist recht schnell aufgewärmt - und zwar innerhalb von 24 Sekunden. Glätteisen mit Ionen tech, Taugt das was?
Unter unseren Bestsellern finden Sie unter anderem den Curve Classic Curl Tong, den Curve Wave Wand sowie den Curve Creative Curl Wand. Ghd hat seine Produktion nach China verlagert, ob sich dadurch die Qualität der Keramikplatten verschlechtert hat? In unserem Glätteisen Test gewinnt der Carrera NO. 534 zwar mit Abstand, den gibt es aber nun mal nicht in Mini-Ausführung - das beste wirkliche Mini-Glätteisen gibt es von ghd. Es ist gar nicht so einfach, eine optimale Methode zu entdecken, um die Haare zu glätten. Genial, oder? Über eine LED-Anzeige kann die Temperatur in fünf Stufen eingestellt werden. Auf Titelseiten von Hochglanzmagazinen, im TV-Werbeblock, in Filmen und auf der Bühne. Sie wurden über brennender Flamme erhitzt, um sie anschließend zur Lockenherstellung nutzen zu können.
Denn, wenn man schon einen Haufen Geld ausgibt, sollte man auch das Styling-Tool seiner Träume bekommen. Aber auch der Preis spielt beim Schmales Glätteisen Für Kurze Haare Test eine wichtige Funktion. Obwohl wir bei Glätteisen auf die Qualitätsmarke „ghd schwören, haben wir seit kurzem auch ein hervorragendes Konkurrenzprodukt in Verwendung. Und kauf dir ein gescheites glätteisen - ich hab jetzt das satin hair colour” von braun (50 euro bei mazon) und damit bleiben die bei mir sogar über nacht glatt was bei mir sonst nie der fall war 🙂 Nicht nur das Glätteisen, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iMgIN2an3YwJujhBZ-Bo_Udsuvuy5oLk/view?usp=sharing sondern auch die Haare werden sehr heiss.
Metall dehnt sich unregelmäßig aus und sorgt dafür, dass die Haare nicht gleichmässig geglättet werden können. Die folgenden Online-Händler bieten das gesamte Spektrum an Friseurbedarf an - von Friseurstühlen über Glätteisen bis hin zur Haarkuren: Denn nicht jedes Glätteisen ohne Hitze kommt in jedem Bereich zum Einsatz.
Haarglätter Angebot
Glätteisen Temperatur Verstellbar
Breite Glätteisen Testsieger
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Die Besten Glätteisen 2016
Udo Walz Glätteisen Test
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Günstige Haarglätter
Braun Mini Glätteisen
Und keiner kann genau sagen, warum dieser Haartrend so zeitlos ist. So klappt das Lockenstyling: Einmal das Glätteisen um sich selbst drehen. Glätteisen Tasche Test Ergebnis. Das Glätteisen sollte möglichst nicht über 180°C Grad heiß sein. Zufolge der Sterne auf Amazon kann sich schon ein sprechendes Bild zeigen.
Verschiedene Zahlungsarten zum remington glätteisen Kaufen nutzen. Mini/Reise Glätteisen im Test. Glätteisen sind mit einer Stufenregulierung ausgestattet. Glätteisen machen die Haare nicht nur glatt, sie können auch zum Drehen von Locken verwendet werden. Das drehbare Kabelgelenk erleichtert das Stylen und bietet mehr Bewegungsfreiheit. Natürlich bemühen wir uns, neue Modelle direkt zu integrieren. Die integrierten Nano-Glide Keramikplatten sorgen für ein dreimal sanfteres, schonenderes Gleiten im Vergleich zu handelsüblichen Glätteisen.
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bittersweetjj · 7 years
Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye Mascara
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Price: $30.00
Claims: The perfect complement to a smokey eye look, this kohl-pigmented mascara delivers high drama by creating extremely black, stretched-out lashes in an instant. Plus, the long-wearing formula holds its own against flaking, smudging, sweat and humidity.
Builds volume lash by lash as opposed to traditional volumizing formulas that create the appearance of volume by clumping lashes together. Plus, a thicker brush base evenly combs through eyelashes from roots to ends, while a tapered tip grabs those small, hard-to-reach lashes.
Water: Primarily used as a solvent in cosmetics and personal care products in which it dissolves many of the ingredients that impart skin benefits, such as conditioning agents and cleansing agents. Water also forms emulsions in which the oil and water components of the product are combined to form creams and lotions.
Beeswax: Used primarily as an emulsifier.
Copernicia cerifera wax (Carnauba): Botanical Ingredient. This tough and amorphous ingredient has a variety of functions, such as increasing a solution's viscosity, imparting emollience and preventing the oil and water parts of an emulsion from separating (especially in creamy formulations). It's usually used to help thicken the oil portion of stick products like lipstick or chapstick, working to give them structure and solidify them. With regards to lip and eye products, this waxy ingredient not only helps stiffen them, but also contributes a flexibility and plasticity that also helps facilitate their application.
Cichorium Intybus (Chicory) Root Extract: Source of a plant extract with antioxidant properties.
Helianthus Annuus Seed (Sunflower): Ability to help replenish and soothe skin. It’s a rich source of fatty acids skin can use, including linoleic acid, and is excellent for dry skin.
Stearic Acid: Fatty acid used as an emollient and emulsifier. It has been shown to protect skin's surface against water loss and help shore up skin's protective barrier. Stearic acid may be synthetic or animal-derived. 
Palmitic Acid: Obtained from palm oil; used as a surfactant.
Propanediol :A glycol that can enhance the absorption of ingredients (such as salicylic acid) into the skin. Propanediol can be derived naturally (from corn) or synthetically. It has hydrating properties that may leave a smooth, dewy finish. Propanediol is a well-tolerated ingredient, not likely to cause sensitivity.
Triethanolamine: Used in cosmetics as a pH balancer and emulsion stabilizer.
Nylon 6/12: Absorbent, Bulking agent and Opacifying agent.
Galactoarabinan: Polysaccharide extracted from the western larch tree. It's a good hydrating ingredient for skin.
Caprylyl Glycol: Skin and hair conditioning agent that may be plant-derived or synthetic. Often used as part of a preservative blend in cosmetics. 
Aminomethyl Propanediol: Used to adjust pH in cosmetics.
Hydrolyzed Caesalpinia Spinosa Gum (Peruvian Tara Seed): Working deep within the skin to boost moisture levels, this seed also strengthens your skin’s natural moisture barrier to help prevent future dehydration. It’s also high in vitamin C and B, as well as complex sugars.
Acacia Senegal Gum: Herb that can have skin soothing properties, but is used primarily as a thickening agent.
Potassium Sorbate: A mild preservative being used in cosmetic and skin care formulas as a paraben alternative to prevent or retard the growth of microorganisms and protect products from spoiling. Developed from Sorbic Acid, which is naturally found in the berries of the mountain ash tree, Potassium Sorbate is effective against fungi, mold and yeast, but less active against bacteria, and therefore not considered a broad spectrum preservative; it needs to be used in conjunction with other preservatives to ensure formulas are totally protected.
Myristic Acid: A naturally occurring acid; used as a foaming agent.
Behenic Acid: Fatty acid used as a thickening agent and surfactant.
Arachidic Acid: Derived from peanut oil and used as an emollient and thickening agent in cosmetics.
Oleic Acid: Fatty acid used as a cleansing agent and texture enhancer.
Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether and bactericide (that functions as a disinfectant, antiseptic or antibiotic) that is primarily used as a preservative. It is also seen as a fragrance additive.
Mica: Earth mineral included in products to give them sparkle and shine. The level and look of the shine mica provides depends on the color and how finely it’s milled. Mica's sheer, translucent and skin-hugging properties make it a popular ingredient in mineral powders. Mica powder reflects light from the face because of its glittering or shimmering properties, and can create the illusion of a smoother, softer and more radiant skin tone.
Titanium Dioxide: An earth mineral used in sunscreens that is capable of blocking both UVA and UVB rays; also used as a pigment.
Iron Oxides: Natural oxides of iron (iron combined with oxygen); pigments are used to enhance colors in cosmetics.
Bismuth Oxychloride: Functions as a colorant, adding a white pigment. Functions as a colorant, adding a white pigment. It's frequently contained in makeup because it provides good slip, a silky feel and an excellent dermal adhesion that enables makeup to stay on the skin for long periods of time. It's especially popular with mineral powder makeup because can give either a white shimmer or pearlescent matte finish to the face. This glow serves several aesthetic purposes because, by reflecting light away from the skin, it helps camouflage wrinkles and age spots. This ingredient also functions as a bulking agent for liquid formulations.
Ultramarines: A bright blue mined mineral pigment.
Ferric Ferrocyanide: Coloring agent, also known as Iron Blue.
Carmine: Natural red color that comes from the dried female cochineal beetle.
Manganese Violet: Coloring agent
Chromium Hydroxide Green: Earth mineral used as a coloring agent
Chromium Oxide Greens: Coloring Agents/Pigments
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My Thoughts: I was extremely excited to try out my first ever Bobbi Brown product. It’s a big plus I received this in my December 2016 Play! by Sephora box. I didn’t have to pay full price however it is a sample size. The sample size comes in a black shiny tube. The wand is dense with very close bristles. Since the bristles are close together its difficult to separate each individual lash. But the wand does a fabulous job at coating the lashes with a very black pigment. The very black pigment has a smooth creamy texture. It can be somewhat hard to remove if I make a mistake, but I can fix it with some foundation. The formula never flaked on me not even by the end of the night!
Honestly it took me awhile to warm up to this mascara because of the coating issue. I found that too many coats can cause clumping on the lashes. The more coats I used I found my lashes looked a bit to plastic and artificial. Not to mention it weighed down the lashes and didn’t hold a curl for very long. The best method was only to apply 2 coats to each lash, no more. With this my lashes looked decently separated and didn’t look fake. Also it lengthen it a bit, but not by much. Either way I put the Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye Mascara on my lashes had amazing volume.  
Would I purchase Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye Mascara? Yes but I think the price is a tad bit too high.
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Left side no mascara, right with Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye Mascara
December 2016 Play! by Sephora box
Standard sample size 
Wand is dense very close bristles 
Coats lashes with very black pigment 
Smooth creamy texture
Never flakes
Only apply 2 coats
Difficult to separate lashes
Hard to remove
Mistakes have to be fix with foundation
Too many coats causes clumping
Too many coats, lashes look plastic
Too many coats weighs down lashes
Too many coats cause the lashes to lose curls
Does length but not much
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If you found this review helpful please click on the heart or reblog. Feel free to reply with your thoughts on the product.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Lovable Over The Door Storage Baskets
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Shop Wayfair for the best over the door storage mirror. . brings all the rustic charm of an old barn door to your powder room or bedroom for that rustic look. GISSAR Jewelry Mirror Armoire Wall Mount Over The Door Mirror Jewelry Cabinet . armoire features a slim profile and comes in Three beautiful wood finishes. Buy products related to storage mirror products and see what customers say about storage . Its giving me a headache which isnt good because its in my bedroom. . SONGMICS 6 LEDs Mirror Jewelry Cabinet Lockable Wall/Door Mounted . This armoire is exactly what I looking for a long time, a full body mirror and tons. Over-the-Door Storage Mirror at Target is perfect for all my jewelry storage, and other small items! This is the best price I have seen in the market for this type of. MIRROR COSMETIC MAKE UP BEAUTY ORGANIZER OVER DOOR WALL HANG . Looking for a cute makeup organizers to make your collection more neat? Products 1 24 of 74 Limited space? An over the door mirror or over the door jewelry organizer makes the most of over the door storage space. Get an over the. Magnetized door clasp on this mirror jewelry armoire; Holds 84 rings, 50 pairs of earrings and contains . Practical and Nice Looking Jewelry Storage with Mirror. 11 de set de 2017 From a beveled modern beauty to an unexpected storage hub, here are nine surprisingly chic door mirrors across a plethora of price points. The Cabidor Classic Deluxe Full Length Mirror With Storage . full length mirror installed, and is the best .
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Tiny Bathroom: Put a book shelf above your door for extra storage. . conversion wimbledon: modern Bedroom by nuspace The Luxury Mindset For Success. Products 1 24 of 129 Shop bedbathandbeyond.com for organizational solutions for your room and closet. Find over the door storage, over the door shoe. Buy Over the Door 15 Pocket Organizer, 28 X 64: Hanging Shelves Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . your closet? Visit our gallery of leading luxury walk in closet design ideas and pictures. . Add Extra Storage Appropriate to The Amount of Stuff. high end. Online shopping for Over Door Hooks from a great selection at DIY & Tools Store. . HapiLeap Over Door Hooks 5 Hooks Coat Clothes Storage Rack Wall. Free next day delivery on eligible orders for Amazon prime members Buy over door storage rack on Amazon.co.uk. Buy products related to over door storage products and see what customers say about over door storage products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible. 30 de mai de 2017 Maximize your bathroom storage spaceand keep the room looking . Get the look by transforming a vintage window into a cabinet door. Storage & Organization : Free Shipping on orders over $45 at Overstock Your Online . Grain Wood Furniture Shaker 3-door Solid Wood Armoire Cherry Finish.
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Diy Furniture How to build a shelf for over the bathroom door to keep unsafe items Ikea Bathroom Storage, Bathroom Rack, Ikea Storage, Bathroom Doors,. 10 Creative Ways to Use IKEAs Spice Rack Outside of the Kitchen. Hang IKEA spice Top 58 Most Creative Home-Organizing Ideas and DIY Projects. Voici 33. 31 de out de 2017 Home visit: add extra storage in an awkward space. 31 October . Instead, put them away in boxes in the dead space above a door. Add hooks. 12 de mai de 2016 ikea bjarnum folding hooks are stylish and cheap bedroom storage hacks . DIY and install a storage shelf right above your door and use it for. 7 de fev de 2016 DIY Retro Storage Makeover: Give those wooden pullout drawers a . or in this case, door handles can really make that IKEA storage look. 21 de mai de 2018 Not everyone is blessed with a dedicated space by their front door for . a fancy hallway, foyer, or mudroom in fact, you can DIY it (even if. 28 de mar de 2018 Shoe Cabinet Storage. IKEA. If youre not in the know, IKEA Trones are an . That pile of footwear by your front door is a big sloppy mess. This easy to DIY shoe rack will keep your kicks organized and even better, off the floor. 5 de fev de 2019 INSIDE the BEST IKEA Craft Rooms with a FREE Ikea shopping list! SMART ideas for organizing craft supplies in craft rooms, sewing rooms,.
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Amazon.com: Elegant Home Fashions Over The Door Rack in Plum and Chrome: Home Improvement. Buy DecoBros Over The Door 6 Hook Organizer Rack Silver: Utility Hooks . Amazons Choice for door rack . Great for a minimalist yet elegant bathroom. Metal Construction; Total of 10 storage hooks; Easy installation; Fits doors up to 1 5/8 thick; Smooth acrylic ball finials protect your valuables; Offers storage. Buy Over the Door coat rack Brown elegant design coat hooks, coat hook rack or towel rack- robe rack hat rack: Robe & Towel Hooks Amazon.com FREE. Buy products related to over door basket organizer products and see what customers say about . Nothing fancy but certainly sturdy enough for my purpose. Buy Hold N Storage Over the Door Closet Valet- Over the Door Clothes . youll be able to hang any type of clothing while still keeping your room looking stylish! Amazon.com : Elegant Wonders 4 Pocket Fabric Wall Organizer for House, Closet Storage and Office with Wall Mount Or for Hanging Over The Door Or Cubicle. Buy Lynk Over Cabinet Door Organizer Double Shelf w/Molded Tray . Soft foam padding protects cabinet door surfaces; Elegant square chrome-plated steel. on orders over $25or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime . Over The Door Organizer 10 Hooks Elegant in Oil Rubbed Bronze ; by Vanderbilt.
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Heaven Tvcz Over the Door Storage Rack White Shelf Kitchen Pantry Spice . Over the Door Storage Rack Organizer Kitchen Pantry Basket Spice 6 Shelf Can. Amazon.com: Panacea Grayline Back-of-The-Door Organizer, White: Home . Heaven Tvcz Over the Door Storage Rack White Shelf Kitchen Pantry Spice. Buy Good concept Over the Door Storage Shelf Kitchen Pantry Rack Organizer Spice Space Saver: Spice Racks Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on. Attach a shallow shelf onto the back of pantry door to store spices. . door to store spices. A place for everything in this pantry with awesome door storage. 60+ Innovative Between Naps on the Porch: Dish Heaven! I could use shelves like. When we finished, Jose drove my car and I drove the motor home back to the house and rented a space in the storage area. . I got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom positive that when I opened the door, Satan would be sitting on. At this point, I am valuable to her just because I can open a hefty door and carry a . With hefty bounties on my back, we are ready to get out of the storage room,. Opening the storage closet under the stairs, she stuffed the vacuum cleaner inside . Kim threw the rag on the floor, stalked back to the door and flung it open. They pushed open the door, taken care to avoid any squeaking, and tip toed . over his strained belt and streams of sweat poured down the back his rolling nape. . room continued, and eventually the lights revealed a massive storage depot. Available exclusively at The Container Store, shop our bestselling Elfa Door and Wall Rack shelving & storage solutions. Shop the site, design online, or meet.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/lovable-over-the-door-storage-baskets
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Lovable Over The Door Storage Baskets
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Fascinating preservation of former Carnegie Library. Shelves with doors Lovell Kind Design. BookshelvesHouse DesignFurniture DesignIron FurnitureStudio. Attic Doors, Attic Access Door, Attic Window, Bathroom Storage . Hidden Moveable Bookcase Installation This is the most amazing Step By Step DIY Picture. 9 de fev de 2019 Kitchen design : white glass countertop interesting modern cabinet doors with red curtains access door storage ideas plus fascinating silver tile. 4 de fev de 2019 Door Without Cabinets Kohler Mirror Ideas Medicine Replacement Menards Depot Mirrors Recessed Vintage Storage Lowes Rustic Bathroom. Fascinating, interesting, attractive because theyre unknown, but they are not for you. . They piled their projects into the storage room and moved to the door. We left that room, closing its door behind us, and entered the one next door. . He was lying behind some large storage crates, face down, a sticky pool of. Storage Cabinets With Baskets Fascinating Best Kitchen Pantry Tall Cabinet Basket Image Of Narrow Door. Storage Cabinets With Baskets Fascinating Best. Cabinet & Storage: Fascinating Bookshelf With Doors Pine Wood Construction Distressed Oak Finish Metal Base Material 3 Open Shelves Country Style.
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Hang an over-door shoe rack in the bathroom to add extra storage space for your Back of door organizer and low hooks Beautiful Closets, Storage Solutions,. Buy products related to over door organizer bathroom products and see what . It looks nice and organized in the picture, but in real life, you will need to. 4 Large pocket hanging storage over the door; Hangs on standard door or closet rod, . I wasnt crazy about that but over all its nice and I love the look of it. Products 1 24 of 129 Shop bedbathandbeyond.com for organizational solutions for your room and closet. Find over the door storage, over the door shoe. Find great deals on eBay for Over The Door Organizer in Closet and Wardrobe Organizers. Shop with . Very nice large pockets, fits lots of shoes or stuff! $7.95. If you dont have enough room for a freestanding or cabinet style shoe organizer, considering using this over the door shoe rack to helps organize your growing. 7 de fev de 2018 Everyone can use extra storage, so dont overlook the valuable space on the back of your closet doors. Get tips for more than a dozen ways to. Shop for Wilko Over Door Storage Rack at Wilko.com, where we offer free Order & Collect. 4 de dez de 2018 The Over the Door Organizer by Home-Complete is a space saving essential for your kitchen, pantry or closet. It is a great way to keep your.
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Ideas for Storage In Small Bedrooms Ideas to Divide A Bedroom Check more . Heidi Behind the Door Shelving System to fit extra storage behind bedroom door . Bedroom / bathroom / nook vanity desk / beauty storage / mirror / makeup. 20 Nifty New Uses for Your Hanging Shoe Organizer Organization Ideas, Storage Back of door organizer and low hooks Beautiful Closets, Storage Solutions,. Heres how to use the ordinary backs of closet doors and off-the-shelf add-ons to create newfound . Pretty and functional, labels are a great way to do that. Here. 27 de jun de 2017 A writers ode to the best storage cabinet, the Cabridor, which looks like a built-in shelf but easily attaches to the jambs hinges. 22 de ago de 2017 This DIY pantry door storage solution is functional and beautiful. . at one point we were thinking of painting all of our cabinets that color. But we. 26 de ago de 2016 These genius cabinet storage organization ideas will help your home feel . 15 Genius Ways to Make Use of the Back of Your Cabinet Doors. 22 de dez de 2018 Unique and useful storage ideas to get your kitchen organized. . In this kitchen, all the chaos is hidden behind closed doors, which open to. 6 de out de 2016 These amazing beauty storage ideas will keep all your beauty . Hang it on your towel rack or the back of your bathroom door for a more. Abington Lane Over The Door Makeup Organizer Wall Mounted Beauty Armoire with Stowaway Mirror . CabidorC4018Classic: Behind Door Storage Cabinet.
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Buy mDesign Over Door Bathroom Hair Care & Hot Styling Tool Organizer Storage Basket for Hair Dryer, Flat Irons, Curling Wands, Hair Straighteners Hang. Shop Wayfair for the best over the door storage baskets. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Over-The-Door 3-Tier Basket Storage, from Bed Bath & Beyond . Warm Bedroom Styling Ideas 7008143692 Notable arrangements to organize a captivating. Products 1 24 of 129 Shop bedbathandbeyond.com for organizational solutions for your room and closet. Find over the door storage, over the door shoe. Over-the-Door Bathroom Hair Care & Styling Tool Organizer Storage Basket for . of the wire basket for accessories allow hot appliances to cool down safely. 50-Pair Shoe Rack Storage Organizer, 10-Tier Portable Wardrobe Closet Bench Tower Stackable, Adjustable Shelf Strong Sturdy Space Saver Wont Weaken. Over Door Bathroom Hair Care Hot Styling Tool Organizer Storage Basket Holder Make sure this fits by entering your model number.HAIR CARE STORAGE:. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hot Over The Cabinet Basket Organizer Bath Kitchen Storage Behind Door Holder at the best. Get free shipping on all purchases over $75 & free in-store pickup on Bath Storage & Organization products & more at The Container Store.
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24 de jun de 2018 12 Smart Ways To Store Things On The Back Of A Door. Handbag Hanger. This helpful hanger hooks right over any door, and provides arched hooks that are perfect for purses and handbags. Sink Cabinet Storage. Command Center. Pantry Storage. Pot Lids Rack. Extra Storage For Toiletries. Craft Supplies Station. Tool . How to build a shelf for over the bathroom door to keep unsafe items away from. Read it . Shelf Above Door for Tissue Paper Easy Storage Ideas for Small Spaces DIY Organization Wayfair. Features: -All hardware included. -Mount over. 11 Ways to Organize on the Back of a Door (utilizing a storage opportunity!) . ideas about Organisation. 11 Ways to organize on the back of a decorating interior interior design design design ideas Features: -All hardware included. -Mount. 31 de jan de 2014 I have recently discovered what a gold mine of storage space is on the back of doors. I have always stored things on the back of doors like. 30 de set de 2014 Weve all seen those over-the-door shoe organizers you know, the . congregate in a nightmarish jumble in some out-of-the-way cabinet. 7 de fev de 2018 In addition to creating more storage space, an over the door shoe bag makes it easy to quickly see everything . SHOP COAT CLOSET DOOR SOLUTIONS. . I should have included that link in the post (Ive added it now). 6 de mar de 2015 Whether youre short on square footage or just have too much stuff, a door can be a great place to store extra stuff. Here are 14 ideas on how to. 26 de jul de 2017 I sure could have used this idea back in the days when my daughter was a baby! . Heres a storage system simply hangs over a closet door. Free next day delivery on eligible orders for Amazon prime members Buy over door storage rack on Amazon.co.uk.
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Shop Wayfair for the best over the door storage mirror. . brings all the rustic charm of an old barn door to your powder room or bedroom for that rustic look. GISSAR Jewelry Mirror Armoire Wall Mount Over The Door Mirror Jewelry Cabinet . armoire features a slim profile and comes in Three beautiful wood finishes. Buy products related to storage mirror products and see what customers say about storage . Its giving me a headache which isnt good because its in my bedroom. . SONGMICS 6 LEDs Mirror Jewelry Cabinet Lockable Wall/Door Mounted . This armoire is exactly what I looking for a long time, a full body mirror and tons. Over-the-Door Storage Mirror at Target is perfect for all my jewelry storage, and other small items! This is the best price I have seen in the market for this type of. MIRROR COSMETIC MAKE UP BEAUTY ORGANIZER OVER DOOR WALL HANG . Looking for a cute makeup organizers to make your collection more neat? Products 1 24 of 74 Limited space? An over the door mirror or over the door jewelry organizer makes the most of over the door storage space. Get an over the. Magnetized door clasp on this mirror jewelry armoire; Holds 84 rings, 50 pairs of earrings and contains . Practical and Nice Looking Jewelry Storage with Mirror. 11 de set de 2017 From a beveled modern beauty to an unexpected storage hub, here are nine surprisingly chic door mirrors across a plethora of price points. The Cabidor Classic Deluxe Full Length Mirror With Storage . full length mirror installed, and is the best .
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Tiny Bathroom: Put a book shelf above your door for extra storage. . conversion wimbledon: modern Bedroom by nuspace The Luxury Mindset For Success. Products 1 24 of 129 Shop bedbathandbeyond.com for organizational solutions for your room and closet. Find over the door storage, over the door shoe. Buy Over the Door 15 Pocket Organizer, 28 X 64: Hanging Shelves Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . your closet? Visit our gallery of leading luxury walk in closet design ideas and pictures. . Add Extra Storage Appropriate to The Amount of Stuff. high end. Online shopping for Over Door Hooks from a great selection at DIY & Tools Store. . HapiLeap Over Door Hooks 5 Hooks Coat Clothes Storage Rack Wall. Free next day delivery on eligible orders for Amazon prime members Buy over door storage rack on Amazon.co.uk. Buy products related to over door storage products and see what customers say about over door storage products on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible. 30 de mai de 2017 Maximize your bathroom storage spaceand keep the room looking . Get the look by transforming a vintage window into a cabinet door. Storage & Organization : Free Shipping on orders over $45 at Overstock Your Online . Grain Wood Furniture Shaker 3-door Solid Wood Armoire Cherry Finish.
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Diy Furniture How to build a shelf for over the bathroom door to keep unsafe items Ikea Bathroom Storage, Bathroom Rack, Ikea Storage, Bathroom Doors,. 10 Creative Ways to Use IKEAs Spice Rack Outside of the Kitchen. Hang IKEA spice Top 58 Most Creative Home-Organizing Ideas and DIY Projects. Voici 33. 31 de out de 2017 Home visit: add extra storage in an awkward space. 31 October . Instead, put them away in boxes in the dead space above a door. Add hooks. 12 de mai de 2016 ikea bjarnum folding hooks are stylish and cheap bedroom storage hacks . DIY and install a storage shelf right above your door and use it for. 7 de fev de 2016 DIY Retro Storage Makeover: Give those wooden pullout drawers a . or in this case, door handles can really make that IKEA storage look. 21 de mai de 2018 Not everyone is blessed with a dedicated space by their front door for . a fancy hallway, foyer, or mudroom in fact, you can DIY it (even if. 28 de mar de 2018 Shoe Cabinet Storage. IKEA. If youre not in the know, IKEA Trones are an . That pile of footwear by your front door is a big sloppy mess. This easy to DIY shoe rack will keep your kicks organized and even better, off the floor. 5 de fev de 2019 INSIDE the BEST IKEA Craft Rooms with a FREE Ikea shopping list! SMART ideas for organizing craft supplies in craft rooms, sewing rooms,.
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Amazon.com: Elegant Home Fashions Over The Door Rack in Plum and Chrome: Home Improvement. Buy DecoBros Over The Door 6 Hook Organizer Rack Silver: Utility Hooks . Amazons Choice for door rack . Great for a minimalist yet elegant bathroom. Metal Construction; Total of 10 storage hooks; Easy installation; Fits doors up to 1 5/8 thick; Smooth acrylic ball finials protect your valuables; Offers storage. Buy Over the Door coat rack Brown elegant design coat hooks, coat hook rack or towel rack- robe rack hat rack: Robe & Towel Hooks Amazon.com FREE. Buy products related to over door basket organizer products and see what customers say about . Nothing fancy but certainly sturdy enough for my purpose. Buy Hold N Storage Over the Door Closet Valet- Over the Door Clothes . youll be able to hang any type of clothing while still keeping your room looking stylish! Amazon.com : Elegant Wonders 4 Pocket Fabric Wall Organizer for House, Closet Storage and Office with Wall Mount Or for Hanging Over The Door Or Cubicle. Buy Lynk Over Cabinet Door Organizer Double Shelf w/Molded Tray . Soft foam padding protects cabinet door surfaces; Elegant square chrome-plated steel. on orders over $25or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime . Over The Door Organizer 10 Hooks Elegant in Oil Rubbed Bronze ; by Vanderbilt.
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Heaven Tvcz Over the Door Storage Rack White Shelf Kitchen Pantry Spice . Over the Door Storage Rack Organizer Kitchen Pantry Basket Spice 6 Shelf Can. Amazon.com: Panacea Grayline Back-of-The-Door Organizer, White: Home . Heaven Tvcz Over the Door Storage Rack White Shelf Kitchen Pantry Spice. Buy Good concept Over the Door Storage Shelf Kitchen Pantry Rack Organizer Spice Space Saver: Spice Racks Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on. Attach a shallow shelf onto the back of pantry door to store spices. . door to store spices. A place for everything in this pantry with awesome door storage. 60+ Innovative Between Naps on the Porch: Dish Heaven! I could use shelves like. When we finished, Jose drove my car and I drove the motor home back to the house and rented a space in the storage area. . I got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom positive that when I opened the door, Satan would be sitting on. At this point, I am valuable to her just because I can open a hefty door and carry a . With hefty bounties on my back, we are ready to get out of the storage room,. Opening the storage closet under the stairs, she stuffed the vacuum cleaner inside . Kim threw the rag on the floor, stalked back to the door and flung it open. They pushed open the door, taken care to avoid any squeaking, and tip toed . over his strained belt and streams of sweat poured down the back his rolling nape. . room continued, and eventually the lights revealed a massive storage depot. Available exclusively at The Container Store, shop our bestselling Elfa Door and Wall Rack shelving & storage solutions. Shop the site, design online, or meet.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/lovable-over-the-door-storage-baskets
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Best Hair Dryers 2019-2019-Fine,Curly,Travel,Blow,Ionic Dryers
Also our six best are all streamlined along with we've analyzed driers, all have foldable handles, nice to manage and provide a fantastic blow encounter. One thing that attracted us concerning this hair drier is that that is pleasant, small and yet is strong enough to wash your hair in time. Far infrared heating technology for faster hair that is dry. And also the concentrator attachment can help you design hair. There's absolutely not any nozzle attachment provided for this hair dryer. Full sized blow dryer take up room in your tote and often bulky. Compact for easy to package and save space. Which may cut on the steps and help you save time and help my hair healthy and smooth. Advanced speed and temperature controls are wonderful for hair. Since you receive all the features without the 18, the cost is fantastic for folks on a budget. Cost and this blow drier's layout isn't dissymmetry. Click here  However many curling wands or sprays you need in your toolbox, you need to have a quality blow dryer at the mix.
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We rounded up our investigation and assessment of the greatest hair drier 2017 by choosing this particular hair dryer of Conair. The preferences allow your hair to dry and style on your own preference. The dry period cuts dramatically. Motor and latest technology for rapid drying. Something great that we have to find out about this hair drier outfitted with 1875 watt powerful engine along with the Infrared Heat Technology and Tourmaline Ionic Technology, create your dry your hair quicker than other dryers that are normal. Ionic technology is the fastest way which you could dry your hair. Conair is one of the most popular brands of hair dryers, which is one of the better choices for curly hair types. The BaByliss Nano Travel Dryer is among the lightest on test, which makes it ideal for a traveling drier. This hair dryer is so powerful but silent.Dyson Hair Dryer Black Friday 2018
This dryer that is powerful yet gentle in your hair is adaptable to use for any of your hair styling requirements. This blow dryer comes with 2 settings, which meet your style needs. We all understood that it is hair dryer for hairstyles Even though it features standard hair dryer such as speed settings, cool shot button, along with diffuser. The salon quality design together with 2 speed / 3 heat settings and cool shot give your control over your design procedure. The Remington D5000 is a 1876 watt high-speed engine blow dryerand conditioning, mix together, you achieve smooth and shiny and can control your hair. Although it is has a speed that is quick, it requires your hair to wash thoroughly. It requires a very long time to dry . Remington is a favorite world new hair styling applications. The good news is there are tools made especially for your hair type, and also you're able to make use of them to create your hair more manageable.
This Hot Tools hair drier equipped a 1875w motor that was powerful, but it is fairly silent. So in the event that you journey normally, for travel you select one hair dryer that pack that is easy and take. As we didyou will appreciate the simple fact this is just only powerful hair dryer which includes a enormous 2,000 watts, which makes it. One thing that surprised us about this particular hair dryer by Revlon is its own cost. It's but one of the ideal hair sprays 2017 to choose if you're in the market for a hair drier which you may pack for travel. Q. What's the importance of infrared heating on my hair dryer? It is a compact and lightweight hair dryer that you can carry as well as you travel. On earning your choice to purchase hair dryer hope this guide will help you. Let's go for the hair drier for hair that is curled. The dryer features two-heat speed settings in addition to a cool shot . Also the cool along with nozzle shot button to design hair. It's a fast-speed hair dryer that dries out your hair right away.
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beautybox5 · 8 years
2017 Beauty Resolutions (Yes, They’re a Thing)
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It’s a fresh year....and instead of taking on the world, we think you should take it easy.
Listen, no one said you had to make really difficult New Year’s Resolutions, okay? Even tweaking something small - like a step in your getting-ready routine - can have a major impact, and this is coming from the girl who thought all primers were icky feeling until she splurged on this color-correcting beauty and now wears it every single day, even without makeup on top because it is that ahh-mazing feeling. (Trust.)
That being said, every January I take an evaluation of my bathroom cabinet and makeup bag (and secondary bigger makeup bag, and random samples drawer, and oh yeah, also that stash of glitter eyeshadows I bought on a whim and forgot about) and see what needs to be tossed, what trends are lacking or what bottles could use some love, and gently adapt it all to give me a fresh start.
Beauty Resolutions (such an original name, right?) don’t have to be hard, so here’s my core four that I’m putting out into the 2017 universe (and into my shopping cart) to bring me all the pretty, polished vibes this year.
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Number 1 - WASH YOUR FACE.
I know, I know - this one seems like a no-brainer, but hey, sometimes it pays to be simple, and a vow I make every year (just to stay on it) is to take my makeup off EVERY night before going to sleep - even if it means keeping remover wipes on my bedside table (lazy girls unite!) - and to clean my makeup brushes once a week. Life is unpredictable enough, but you deserve the best skin in 2017, so clean that pretty face and tools of yours, babe.
This year, my major Wash-It-Away Squad includes:
This cult-favorite HappyFace Cleansing Cloth that removes everything with just water. I will repeat myself: every trace of makeup with just water and yes, it lives up to the hype. I have successfully gotten my closest girlfriends, my mom, and random twitter followers hooked on this baby, and for good reason. It also travels well, since you can just pack the cloth - no other makeup remover needed. Seriously, you need it in your life.
A pack of these Night Calming cuties since they’re so soothing and everyone deserves a gentle lavender hug at the end of the day. (Bonus: whether you love her or can’t stand her, Kim Kardashian West used these in a makeup video, so either way it’s fun to buy them to truly see if she was right - which, spoiler alert, she totally was- or have a bit of reality tv memorabilia in your cabinet.)
This cleansing face brush that means serious business. It’s super cute but your “aww” goes to “OMG WHAT” when you see how much dirt and makeup it removes with gentle daily exfoliation.
A gentle shampoo, specially formulated not to harm the bristles of your makeup brushes, because they can transfer dirt and old makeup to that squeaky clean face of yours, and after all, your brushes work really hard blending your makeup -- they deserve a day at the spa, too.
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Number 2 - major haircare, please!
Maybe you’ve been addicted to pinning intricate braid tutorials for a while and in 2017 you’re finally going to master the messy fishtail, or maybe the winter weather and holiday party styling has left your locks lackluster — so resolve to make your ‘do a priority this year!
Personal note: I actually notice that I heat style even more in the winter because of just how cold I get post-shower (who needs a space heater when you have a lot of hair and a blow dryer, ya know?) and so this season also is a major time for moisturizing masks!
Restore your mane with:
...a little help from the Holiday Hair Repair Bundle! It contains a a clarifying rinse to rid your mane of 2016's lingering products, a fantastic smoothing leave-in, 2 hot oil treatments to tackle frizz and add shine, and two ultra-soft hairbands to reduce breakage and it’s totally travel friendly, too.
This deep conditioning packet with hyped-for-good-reason fixes-it-all Coconut Oil! Even this single amount lasts me several washes (it's super rich!) and I always notice a major difference in my hair after using it - especially after leaving it in for 20 minutes while I Netflix binge Bob’s Burgers. One might say I’m simply coco-NUTS about it (and no, I will not apologize for that pun).
A Flat Iron Heat Protectant Spray to kiss your fried strands goodbye! You can apply it to damp hair before blowdrying or on dry hair before using your flat iron or curling iron or wand to reduce damage dramatically. Bonus: it smells insanely good, too!
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Number 3 - say cheese!
Did all those Christmas cocktails, cocoa and red wine leave a mark? Resolve to invest a little in your smile this month to keep it sparkling all year long. Everyone at Team BB5 is still obsessively using the Teeth Whitening Gel by GoSmile (which was sampled in September’s Box!) and it’s so easy to add into your routine, since it requires no extra time and simply whitens while you brush your teeth. Another tip top teeth tip? A striking va-va-voom bold lipstick will make your smile appear even brighter with the contrast. Might we recommend Bodyography’s Rustica, Bellapierre’s Couture or Ruby (both on sale!) or RealHer’s Be Yourself, Be RealHer?
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Lastly, (and the most entertaining Beauty Resolution yet) freshen up your lovely lineup and use some beauty innovations that have fresh formulations and are anything but boring.
For example:
A lip gloss that lights up so you can reapply anywhere (or use it to search in your dark purse!).
Blush, bronzer, and highlight in paper form (so chic!) that glides on instead of a bulky compact that’s prone to breaking.
A lace face mask to make your sheet mask selfie game even stronger - and so much more fancy.
Gloves that will give you the salon-soft hands at home — oh, and did we mention they’re touchscreen friendly, so you can double-tap while they work?
What are your beauty resolutions, babes? Anything you’re trading out? Let us know in the comments!
Kelsey, Team BB5
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connorrenwick · 7 years
Style Icons that Prove Glasses Aren’t Geeky by BrandsExclusive
Feeling flat about your frames? Turn this essential into your favourite accessory with inspiration from these style icons. By honing the art of laid-back cool, and flamboyant character, these style icons prove glasses are always a good thing when it comes to fashion.
Iris Apfel “More is more and less is a bore.” Keeping true to her fashion bible, Iris Apfel has hit the streets of New York for the last eight decades with a powerful maximalist style. The interior and fashion designer is rarely seen without her signature oversized glasses, and as a self-professed flea-market freak, she’s a collector of unique frames with the motto: the bigger the better!
“If you have to wear glasses, wear glasses!” Iris Apfel
John Lennon The iconic musician and song writer was a late bloomer when it came to embracing this fashion accessory. So much so he only wore his glasses in private, often hitting the stage with the front row a blur! When he finally came ‘round to the idea of sporting his round-rimmed glasses out in the open, they soon became a part of his trademark image, propelling him to global “style icons” status.
Styling tip: round-rimmed glasses soften angular features.
Elton John With over 250,000 pairs of glasses in a separate walk-in wardrobe, we can safely say: Elton John is obsessed! The singer, musician, and composer has been sporting quirky specs throughout his career, making the most of his short-sightedness with frames in flamboyant colours and shapes. With a more reserved approach to his eyewear picks these days, we can only hope there’s a special shrine in the wardrobe for his infamous windshield wiper glasses.
Dita Von Teese Elegance and sophistication goes hand in hand with Dita Von Teese’s vintage glamour look. The Queen of Burlesque is no stranger to best-dressed lists, flaunting her inspired flash-back style with classic cat-eye frames the icing on the cake. Her signature eyewear shape, which oozes 50s and 60s flair, is a perfect fit for those with a heart-shaped face.
Diane Keaton Taking the reins from Katherine Hepburn, Diane Keaton has championed the pant suit on the red carpet, making it her own with accessories such as men’s ties and fedoras that boast androgynous appeal. This quiet confidence for accessorising is ever-present in her choice of eyewear, too. Playing with a varied range of frames over the years – round, rectangle, and oversized – she’s mastered the perfect finish to her look.
Main photo by Thomas Whiteside
The post Style Icons that Prove Glasses Aren’t Geeky appeared first on BrandsExclusive Blog.
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/18/style-icons-that-prove-glasses-arent-geeky-by-brandsexclusive/
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listofxlovers · 8 years
Rose / Rosehip Oil
Whether you’ve got dry or oily skin, including an oil of some sort in your routine is a brilliant idea. Rose(hip) oil has helped my very dry skin settle down. I can now use powders without worrying that they’ll crack throughout the day. My skin is also softer and smoother, which is a dream for applying make-up on.
Essano Rosehip Oil / 45ml
  Too Faced HangoverX Primer
Primer has become so important over the past year and my favourite is the HangoverX because of it’s ridiculously hydrating formula – it feels like I’m applying another moisturiser! It doesn’t extend the wear of make-up by that much but if my skin is hydrated I don’t find my make-up moving around anyway. Discovered this lifesaver thanks to KathleenLights on youtube!
Too Faced HangoverX Replenishing Face Primer / 40ml
  Urban Decay Primer Potion (anti-age)
After coming to the revelation that I have hooded eyes, an eyeshadow primer has been a must. The Primer Potions by Urban Decay are the best I’ve tried so far. I currently use the anti-age formula because I read somewhere that no matter how old you are, using something anti-age on your eyes is a good idea – so why not kill two birds with one stone right?
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Anti-Aging / 10ml
  Nars Sheer Glow Foundation
How could this not be my favourite foundation of 2016?! It’s a cult fav. I love a dewy look because it balances out my naturally dry skin and gives that healthy look. Sheer Glow is also a great buildable foundation – 1pump is light, 2 medium, and 3 high coverage. It also doesn’t settle in lines (smile, forehead, etc.) as quickly as others I’ve tried.
Nars Sheer Glow Foundation in Mont Blanc / 30ml
NYX Contour Wonder Stick
So easy to use to contour without any hiccups. It’s smooth formula and stick design allows the product to be drawn on without having to worry about a heavy hand. The formula is so blendable that even if too much goes on it’s easy to blend away without looking muddy. I discovered this gem thanks to GinsMakeup on youtube.
NYX Wonder Stick Highlight and Contour Stick in Light/Medium / 4g
  Too Faced Cocoa Contour Kit
My favourite for the second year in a row! I don’t like powder contour because of my dry skin – I steer away from powders as much as I possibly can – but this one ontop of the NYX Wonder Stick is a dream combination. The light cocoa powder is perfect for under the eyes to brighten and to use to set the T-zone.
‘Chiseled to Perfection’
Too Faced Cocoa Contour Face Contouring and Highlighting Kit / 20g
RCMA No-Colour Powder
Powders aren’t my favourite because of my dry skin but this one is a BLESSING! How RCMA managed to make a fine loose powder that doesn’t cake up or suck the moisture out of my skin is a complete mystery! I again discovered this one through KathleenLights as well.
RCMA Make-up No-Colour Powder / 85g
  Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer
Another dream product discovering thanks to KathleenLights; a bronzer and a contour all in one! I usually struggle with bronzers because of my pale skin, sometimes they look muddy and sometimes my face ends up being darker than the rest of my body – which is not good! But this bronzer is just the right amount of cool tone that it can pass for a bronzer if used with a big fluffy brush and all over the face, but can also pass for a contour if used slightly heavier in contour areas.
Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer in Bronzer / 11g
  Mac Cosmetics Soft & Gentle Highlighter
Another cult fav; this highlighter used lightly (with a fan brush) can be natural and used a little heavier (with a more dense brush) can be a ‘night-out’ kind of glow. The natural effect is down to the fact that there is no chunky glitter in the powder and it is a mineralised finish.
Mac Cosmetics Mineralise Skinfinish in Soft & Gentle / 10g
  Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette
This palette, pictured on the left, is one of a kind. No matter how many pop up because of the trend this started, none will compare. The shades such as Golden Ochre, Vermeer, Raw Sienna, Burnt Orange, Red Ochre, and Buon Fresco I have not seen in any other palette I’ve come across. They are such unique and renaissance shades. I get so much wear out of this palette. Vermeer is my go to inner-corner highlight shade, even if I’m using a completely different palette for the look.
Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette / 9.8g
BH Cosmetics ShaaanXO Palette
If you want a sunset on your eyes then this is the palette for you. The colours go on smoothly and don’t crease for a substantial amount of time. The shimmers are not too intense which makes them everyday wearable (if you don’t like full glam everyday). One side (shown) has 9 eyeshadows the other has 9 lip colours. The lipsticks I don’t use as much but there is a good mix of your standard pinks, reds, and nudes.
BH Cosmetics ShaaanXO 18 Colour Eyeshadow and Lipstick Palette / 24g
Mac Cosmetics Fluidline Brow GelCreme
This stuff has been with me almost 2years and it’s still going strong. The gel consistency gives ease when apply with an angled brush and allows me to nail the gradual hair like strokes at the front of my brows and the sharp point at the end.
Mac Cosmetics Fluidline Brow GelCreme in Deep Dark Brunette / 3g
  Sephora Outrageous Curl Mascara
This mascara holds true to it’s name, the curl is outrageously good. Although the plastic applicator may be key to the formula working it’s a wee bit of a nuisance as you can’t shimmy/redistribute the product once it’s applied – I use an almost empty mascara wand or just a spare spoolie to feather out the lashes. But apart from that this is the best mascara I’ve ever used (and combined with Benefit’s Roller Lash Mascara, your lashes will be out of this world!)
Sephora Outrageous Curl Dramatic Volume and Curve Mascara / 15ml
  Mac Cosmetics Fix + Spray
This spray is so refreshing and helps make-up fight the day and stay in place. It does what it’s supposed to brilliantly!
Mac Cosmetics Prep+Prime Fix + Spray / 100ml
  Mac Cosmetics Stripdown Lip Liner & Velvet Teddy Lipstick
An iconic duo I bought thanks to GinsMakeup on youtube. These two are my go to brown nude everyday lip look. They both last the day and you only need a little top up of velvet teddy after eating.
Mac Cosmetics Velvet Teddy Lipstick & Stripdown Lip Liner.
  Colourpop Liquid Lipsticks & Lippie Sticks
These liquid lipsticks took the world by storm this past year, and with all the hype I had to get my hands on them… now I have an obsession. Colourpop just does lips so well.
The mattes stay on all day (even through eating) and the formula is so thin that after a while you forget you’re even wearing it – some shades are more drying than others, but I’ve personally never had one that has been uncomfortable.
Ultra Matte Liquid Lipsticks
Creeper, Notion, Love Bug, Mama, Beeper, Chi
Knotty, Midi, Bad Habit, Viper, Chaps
Shades bottom to top; Creeper, Notion, Love Bug, Mama, Beeper, Chi, Knotty, Midi, Bad Habit, Viper, Chaps.
The satins are my favourite of their liquid lips because they stay on like mattes but are softer and less drying – the sheen they have also makes lips look more ‘plump’.
Shades left to right; Hutch, Wink, Baracuda, Calypso, Point Zero.
The gloss’ are so pretty are go great over any of their other lipsticks or any other brand you have in your collection, but they also look stunning on their own – a softer everyday look.
Shades left to right; My Jam (Metallic), Piranha, Fairyfloss, Hack, Nonsense, Kink, Furry (Metallic).
The Lippie sticks I originally didn’t like – I had first order a satin one and, although their colours are unique to the brand, the formula just feels like any old bullet lipstick with a creme or stain finish but slightly wetter. The Lippie stick mattes though..OH MY! Now they’re something to yell about, they’re not near as drying as the liquid ones (in fact not at all), and they don’t budge through eating and THEY DON’T BLEED! I ordered a red shade and red always, always bleeds on me (no idea why) but this one didn’t AT ALL! Truly magical.
Shades left to right; Aquarius, Trust Me…, Poppin’.
  What was your favourite beauty product you discovered in 2016?
Geena xx
2016 Beauty Favourites | Some purchased thanks to @KathleenLights1 & @GinaShkeda | #nzbloggers Rose / Rosehip Oil Whether you've got dry or oily skin, including an oil of some sort in your routine is a brilliant idea.
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Lovable Over The Door Storage Baskets
Fascinating preservation of former Carnegie Library. Shelves with doors – Lovell Kind Design. BookshelvesHouse DesignFurniture DesignIron FurnitureStudio . Attic Doors, Attic Access Door, Attic Window, Bathroom Storage . Hidden Moveable Bookcase Installation This is the most amazing Step By Step DIY Picture . 9 de fev de 2019 – Kitchen design : white glass countertop interesting modern cabinet doors with red curtains access door storage ideas plus fascinating silver tile . 4 de fev de 2019 – Door Without Cabinets Kohler Mirror Ideas Medicine Replacement Menards Depot Mirrors Recessed Vintage Storage Lowes Rustic Bathroom . Fascinating, interesting, attractive because they’re unknown, but they are not for you. . They piled their projects into the storage room and moved to the door. We left that room, closing its door behind us, and entered the one next door. . He was lying behind some large storage crates, face down, a sticky pool of . Storage Cabinets With Baskets Fascinating Best Kitchen Pantry Tall Cabinet Basket Image Of Narrow Door. Storage Cabinets With Baskets Fascinating Best . Cabinet & Storage: Fascinating Bookshelf With Doors Pine Wood Construction Distressed Oak Finish Metal Base Material 3 Open Shelves Country Style. Hang an over-door shoe rack in the bathroom to add extra storage space for your Back of door organizer and low hooks Beautiful Closets, Storage Solutions, . Buy products related to over door organizer bathroom products and see what . It looks nice and organized in the picture, but in real life, you will need to . 4 Large pocket hanging storage over the door; Hangs on standard door or closet rod, . I wasn’t crazy about that but over all it’s nice and I love the look of it. Products 1 – 24 of 129 – Shop bedbathandbeyond.com for organizational solutions for your room and closet. Find over the door storage, over the door shoe . Find great deals on eBay for Over The Door Organizer in Closet and Wardrobe Organizers. Shop with . Very nice large pockets, fits lots of shoes or stuff! $7.95. If you don’t have enough room for a freestanding or cabinet style shoe organizer, considering using this over the door shoe rack to helps organize your growing . 7 de fev de 2018 – Everyone can use extra storage, so don’t overlook the valuable space on the back of your closet doors. Get tips for more than a dozen ways to . Shop for Wilko Over Door Storage Rack at Wilko.com, where we offer free Order & Collect. 4 de dez de 2018 – The Over the Door Organizer by Home-Complete is a space saving essential for your kitchen, pantry or closet. It is a great way to keep your . Ideas for Storage In Small Bedrooms – Ideas to Divide A Bedroom Check more . Heidi Behind the Door Shelving System to fit extra storage behind bedroom door . Bedroom / bathroom / nook – vanity desk / beauty storage / mirror / makeup . 20 Nifty New Uses for Your Hanging Shoe Organizer Organization Ideas, Storage Back of door organizer and low hooks Beautiful Closets, Storage Solutions, . Here’s how to use the ordinary backs of closet doors and off-the-shelf add-ons to create newfound . Pretty and functional, labels are a great way to do that. Here . 27 de jun de 2017 – A writer’s ode to the best storage cabinet, the Cabridor, which looks like a built-in shelf but easily attaches to the jamb’s hinges. 22 de ago de 2017 – This DIY pantry door storage solution is functional and beautiful. . at one point we were thinking of painting all of our cabinets that color. But we . 26 de ago de 2016 – These genius cabinet storage organization ideas will help your home feel . 15 Genius Ways to Make Use of the Back of Your Cabinet Doors . 22 de dez de 2018 – Unique and useful storage ideas to get your kitchen organized. . In this kitchen, all the chaos is hidden behind closed doors, which open to . 6 de out de 2016 – These amazing beauty storage ideas will keep all your beauty . Hang it on your towel rack or the back of your bathroom door for a more . Abington Lane Over The Door Makeup Organizer – Wall Mounted Beauty Armoire with Stowaway Mirror . CabidorC4018Classic: Behind Door Storage Cabinet. Buy mDesign Over Door Bathroom Hair Care & Hot Styling Tool Organizer Storage Basket for Hair Dryer, Flat Irons, Curling Wands, Hair Straighteners – Hang . Shop Wayfair for the best over the door storage baskets. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Over-The-Door 3-Tier Basket Storage, from Bed Bath & Beyond . Warm Bedroom Styling Ideas 7008143692 Notable arrangements to organize a captivating . Products 1 – 24 of 129 – Shop bedbathandbeyond.com for organizational solutions for your room and closet. Find over the door storage, over the door shoe . Over-the-Door Bathroom Hair Care & Styling Tool Organizer Storage Basket for . of the wire basket for accessories allow hot appliances to cool down safely. 50-Pair Shoe Rack Storage Organizer, 10-Tier Portable Wardrobe Closet Bench Tower Stackable, Adjustable Shelf – Strong Sturdy Space Saver Wont Weaken . Over Door Bathroom Hair Care Hot Styling Tool Organizer Storage Basket Holder Make sure this fits by entering your model number.HAIR CARE STORAGE: . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hot Over The Cabinet Basket Organizer Bath Kitchen Storage Behind Door Holder at the best . Get free shipping on all purchases over $75 & free in-store pickup on Bath Storage & Organization products & more at The Container Store. 24 de jun de 2018 – 12 Smart Ways To Store Things On The Back Of A Door. Handbag Hanger. This helpful hanger hooks right over any door, and provides arched hooks that are perfect for purses and handbags. Sink Cabinet Storage. Command Center. Pantry Storage. Pot Lids Rack. Extra Storage For Toiletries. Craft Supplies Station. Tool . How to build a shelf for over the bathroom door to keep unsafe items away from. Read it . Shelf Above Door for Tissue Paper Easy Storage Ideas for Small Spaces DIY Organization Wayfair. Features: -All hardware included. -Mount over . 11 Ways to Organize on the Back of a Door (utilizing a storage opportunity!) . ideas about Organisation. 11 Ways to organize on the back of a decorating interior interior design design design ideas Features: -All hardware included. -Mount . 31 de jan de 2014 – I have recently discovered what a gold mine of storage space is on the back of doors. I have always stored things on the back of doors – like . 30 de set de 2014 – We’ve all seen those over-the-door shoe organizers — you know, the . congregate in a nightmarish jumble in some out-of-the-way cabinet. 7 de fev de 2018 – In addition to creating more storage space, an over the door shoe bag makes it easy to quickly see everything . SHOP COAT CLOSET DOOR SOLUTIONS. . I should have included that link in the post (I’ve added it now). 6 de mar de 2015 – Whether you’re short on square footage or just have too much stuff, a door can be a great place to store extra stuff. Here are 14 ideas on how to . 26 de jul de 2017 – I sure could have used this idea back in the days when my daughter was a baby! . Here’s a storage system simply hangs over a closet door. Free next day delivery on eligible orders for Amazon prime members Buy over door storage rack on Amazon.co.uk. Shop Wayfair for the best over the door storage mirror. . brings all the rustic charm of an old barn door to your powder room or bedroom for that rustic look. GISSAR Jewelry Mirror Armoire Wall Mount Over The Door Mirror Jewelry Cabinet . armoire features a slim profile and comes in Three beautiful wood finishes. Buy products related to storage mirror products and see what customers say about storage . It’s giving me a headache which isn’t good because it’s in my bedroom. . SONGMICS 6 LEDs Mirror Jewelry Cabinet Lockable Wall/Door Mounted . This armoire is exactly what I looking for a long time, a full body mirror and tons . Over-the-Door Storage Mirror at Target is perfect for all my jewelry storage, and other small items! This is the best price I have seen in the market for this type of . MIRROR COSMETIC MAKE UP BEAUTY ORGANIZER OVER DOOR WALL HANG . Looking for a cute makeup organizers to make your collection more neat? Products 1 – 24 of 74 – Limited space? An over the door mirror or over the door jewelry organizer makes the most of over the door storage space. Get an over the . Magnetized door clasp on this mirror jewelry armoire; Holds 84 rings, 50 pairs of earrings and contains . Practical and Nice Looking Jewelry Storage with Mirror. 11 de set de 2017 – From a beveled modern beauty to an unexpected storage hub, here are nine surprisingly chic door mirrors across a plethora of price points. The Cabidor® Classic Deluxe Full Length Mirror With Storage . full length mirror installed, and is the best . Tiny Bathroom: Put a book shelf above your door for extra storage. . conversion wimbledon: modern Bedroom by nuspace – The Luxury Mindset For Success. Products 1 – 24 of 129 – Shop bedbathandbeyond.com for organizational solutions for your room and closet. Find over the door storage, over the door shoe . Buy Over the Door 15 Pocket Organizer, 28″ X 64″: Hanging Shelves – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. . your closet? Visit our gallery of leading luxury walk in closet design ideas and pictures. . Add Extra Storage Appropriate to The Amount of Stuff. high end . Online shopping for Over Door Hooks from a great selection at DIY & Tools Store. . HapiLeap Over Door Hooks 5 Hooks Coat Clothes Storage Rack Wall . Free next day delivery on eligible orders for Amazon prime members Buy over door storage rack on Amazon.co.uk. Buy products related to over door storage products and see what customers say about over door storage products on Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible . 30 de mai de 2017 – Maximize your bathroom storage space—and keep the room looking . Get the look by transforming a vintage window into a cabinet door. Storage & Organization : Free Shipping on orders over $45 at Overstock – Your Online . Grain Wood Furniture Shaker 3-door Solid Wood Armoire Cherry Finish. Diy Furniture How to build a shelf for over the bathroom door to keep unsafe items Ikea Bathroom Storage, Bathroom Rack, Ikea Storage, Bathroom Doors,. 10 Creative Ways to Use IKEA’s Spice Rack Outside of the Kitchen. Hang IKEA spice Top 58 Most Creative Home-Organizing Ideas and DIY Projects. Voici 33 . 31 de out de 2017 – Home visit: add extra storage in an awkward space. 31 October . Instead, put them away in boxes in the dead space above a door. Add hooks . 12 de mai de 2016 – ikea bjarnum folding hooks are stylish and cheap bedroom storage hacks . DIY and install a storage shelf right above your door and use it for . 7 de fev de 2016 – DIY Retro Storage Makeover: Give those wooden pullout drawers a . or in this case, door handles — can really make that IKEA storage look . 21 de mai de 2018 – Not everyone is blessed with a dedicated space by their front door for . a fancy hallway, foyer, or mudroom — in fact, you can DIY it (even if . 28 de mar de 2018 – Shoe Cabinet Storage. IKEA. If you’re not in the know, IKEA Trones are an . That pile of footwear by your front door is a big sloppy mess. This easy to DIY shoe rack will keep your kicks organized and even better, off the floor. 5 de fev de 2019 – INSIDE the BEST IKEA Craft Rooms with a FREE Ikea shopping list! SMART ideas for organizing craft supplies in craft rooms, sewing rooms, . Amazon.com: Elegant Home Fashions Over The Door Rack in Plum and Chrome: Home Improvement. Buy DecoBros Over The Door 6 Hook Organizer Rack – Silver: Utility Hooks . Amazon’s Choice for “door rack” . Great for a minimalist yet elegant bathroom. Metal Construction; Total of 10 storage hooks; Easy installation; Fits doors up to 1 5/8″ thick; Smooth acrylic ball finials protect your valuables; Offers storage . Buy Over the Door coat rack Brown elegant design coat hooks, coat hook rack or towel rack- robe rack – hat rack: Robe & Towel Hooks – Amazon.com ✓ FREE . Buy products related to over door basket organizer products and see what customers say about . Nothing fancy but certainly sturdy enough for my purpose. Buy Hold N Storage Over the Door Closet Valet- Over the Door Clothes . you’ll be able to hang any type of clothing while still keeping your room looking stylish! Amazon.com : Elegant Wonders 4 Pocket Fabric Wall Organizer for House, Closet Storage and Office with Wall Mount Or for Hanging Over The Door Or Cubicle. Buy Lynk Over Cabinet Door Organizer – Double Shelf – w/Molded Tray . Soft foam padding protects cabinet door surfaces; Elegant square chrome-plated steel . on orders over $25—or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime . Over The Door Organizer 10 Hooks Elegant in Oil Rubbed Bronze ; by Vanderbilt . Heaven Tvcz Over the Door Storage Rack White Shelf Kitchen Pantry Spice . Over the Door Storage Rack Organizer Kitchen Pantry Basket Spice 6 Shelfม Can . Amazon.com: Panacea Grayline Back-of-The-Door Organizer, White: Home . Heaven Tvcz Over the Door Storage Rack White Shelf Kitchen Pantry Spice . Buy Good concept Over the Door Storage Shelf Kitchen Pantry Rack Organizer Spice Space Saver: Spice Racks – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on . Attach a shallow shelf onto the back of pantry door to store spices. . door to store spices. A place for everything in this pantry with awesome door storage. – 60+ Innovative Between Naps on the Porch: Dish Heaven! I could use shelves like . When we finished, Jose drove my car and I drove the motor home back to the house and rented a space in the storage area. . I got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom positive that when I opened the door, Satan would be sitting on . At this point, I am valuable to her just because I can open a hefty door and carry a . With hefty bounties on my back, we are ready to get out of the storage room, . Opening the storage closet under the stairs, she stuffed the vacuum cleaner inside . Kim threw the rag on the floor, stalked back to the door and flung it open. They pushed open the door, taken care to avoid any squeaking, and tip toed . over his strained belt and streams of sweat poured down the back his rolling nape. . room continued, and eventually the lights revealed a massive storage depot . Available exclusively at The Container Store, shop our bestselling Elfa Door and Wall Rack shelving & storage solutions. Shop the site, design online, or meet . %%.jpg%% %%.jpg%% #BehindTheDoorStorage #BackOfTheDoorStorage #AboveTheDoorStorage #OverTheDoorStorage #HomeDesign https://lionslagospt.club/lovable-over-the-door-storage-baskets/ Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/lovable-over-the-door-storage-baskets-1
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