#best energy bars
gritfitme · 3 months
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🚀 Looking for a quick and nutritious boost? Energy bars are the perfect solution! 💪 Whether you're hitting the gym, going for a hike, or need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, these bars are packed with protein, fiber, and essential nutrients to keep you fueled and focused. 🌟 With so many delicious flavors and options available, there's an energy bar for everyone. Grab one today and power through your day with ease! ⚡️
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stuckinapril · 8 months
megan thee stallion is the perfect example of unbothered energy. nicki has repeatedly vagueposted about her, gone on unhinged rants about her, gone so far as to mention her dead mother (such a classless low blow), threatened her on live, and has now released the tackiest diss track in history. and what has megan done? literally nothing. she straight up ignored her, aside from that one ig story where she posted herself laughing (which was perfect btw). she is the epitome of “i will not dignify that w a response.” i love it.
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chinelacanta · 8 months
more paper doodles!
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backwards-blackbird · 7 months
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"Shave it off, and you're dead." 😘
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moonilit · 2 months
I like to think Bruce have a journal, not as batman just as Bruce Wayne and you can see where he wrote all the headaches he gets from his kids
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mad-hunts · 5 months
oh. well, i suppose it's headcanon time once more, because i have way too many ideas regarding barton haha — so this may be a bit of a shorter one, but i believe it's equally as important as the one's i've posted thus far, because it really says something about how barton interacts with the world and how his brain works. but let me just start by saying that although barton does appear to have a relatively healthy relationship with food... he does occasionally hoard it, like, subconsciously as a result of the part of his childhood that he spent with wesley ( his biological father ). and this is because he was very much suffering from food insecurity while he was with his bio father. this is because wesley had lost his job as a forester whenever barton was around the age of five due to him missing too many days of work, not only because of how much his bloodthirst was taking over his life, but barton's life as well. he was forcing barton to go along with him on the super twisted ' hunting trips ' that i have talked about before that he unfortunately had to learn to endure with him ( which of course, in actuality, he never should've been forced to do ) about three times a week at one point and so that didn't really leave much time for wesley to attend work as much as he should've been.
and from there, wesley struggled a lot with finding a new job + providing for barton and him, so whenever he had access to food, barton would hoard it underneath his bed or in someplace where he knew that he knew he'd be able to find it because he wasn't sure when he'd be able to eat again. which is... very sad to think about, to say the least. thus, i think in more ways than one, meeting winslow at eight years old was probably the best thing for barton. winslow not only had a stable job, after all, but was a significant improvement in regards to how good of a father figure he was to him. i feel as if he never quite got over this insecurity, however, and that's why he sometimes still does it even till this day; especially since, although barton is NOT a good father overall, there is one thing that he's done right in regard to them and that is making sure that they were always put first in regards to getting to eat something. so hoarding food for him is also kind of a ' safety measure ' in a way as well because he has always been of the mindset that him being hungry is less important than them being hungry because of what wesley put him through as a child.
but yeah, that's just another one of my two-cents about barton's situation and how his mind as a whole works. he will quite literally sacrifice something like that for his children one second, though the next, he is liable to do something that makes it seem like he doesn't care about them at all... which admittedly makes him kind of confusing BUT i think there is reasoning behind this and one of those being that he can definitely feel cognitive empathy towards people, but actually putting himself in their shoes? it's much more difficult for him and sometimes nearly impossible because of how skewed his mind is. i shall expand more upon that another time, however, and what the term actually entails. i hope this didn't bum y'all out too bad but i promise you that i'll try to post more ( semi?? yeah, perhaps that ) fluffy things in the future.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 8 months
sometime i need to just make an audio compilation of pericles lines and the extraordinarily horny way he says them, because like it's just really really good voice acting in general but also some of them make my soul lift out of my body every time. words cannot do it justice. if i have to have this in my neurons forever so do you
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akkivee · 8 months
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I haven't talked to a friend in a few months but I want to, so I just texted a picture of my dog in hopes that that will start a conversation. Cuz I miss her but don't know how to start conversations.
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alwaysonthemend · 1 year
can we all please promise that no matter how we feel about hannah, we won't argue amongst ourselves over her?
in the end, we're all here because we love greta van fleet and because i genuinely love all of you guys. let's not let someone else cause arguments when it's not really worth it.
i love greta and i love all of you and that's all that really matters
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Wes on vocals performing “Pollution” and “I’m Broke” in Osaka, Japan in 4/3/2018
credit: makoto_12_21 on youtube
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timothy1234 · 1 year
Best Finger Foods for a Baby
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Best Finger Foods for a Baby Under 6 Months
-For parents, eating wholesome foods that taste good has become vital. The greatest finger foods for a baby that is six months old are listed below. Your infant is expanding and changing. Additionally, they are picking up new skills as they age. Your infant can sit up by himself by the time he is 4 months old, for instance. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), they are also ready to begin eating solids at around six months old. So how do you give your child their first solid food? When are babies allowed to eat finger foods, particularly if they don't have teeth yet?
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everyones like “are you okay!!!” and im like “im fine!” and they give me the wettest puppy dog eyes in the world bc they dont believe me. but like, i am mostly fine. im fucking spectacular as far as breakups go. babygirl you didn’t know me in 2019. in 2017. BreakUps Past. cause like yeah i’m a little bummed but also i’m not doing MDMA about it so comparatively im amazing.
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eatyourdamnpears · 2 years
I was supposed to go out for margaritas with my high school friends for the first time tonight, and instead I woke up from a well-needed nap in so much pain and feverish. I hate chronic illness. I just want to be able to do things that normal people my age can do
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userblaney · 2 years
ah shit i feel an all nighter coming along
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onepiexe · 2 years
theres smth to be said when every reading you do and someone else does continues to say all the same info but in different aspects of your life. . .tarot is so cool.
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