#best hater tournament
web-novel-polls · 29 days
Best Hater Upper Bracket
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Please vote for whoever’s best at being a hater, not who you like the most. If unfamiliar with a character, check out the propaganda below the cut! 
Hua Cheng from Heaven Official’s Blessing (TGCF)
Submission: Treats nearly everyone that isn't Xie Lian with derision
Wiki Link
Additional Propaganda: 
bro challenged 35 gods and killed 33 of them because they spoke ill of the guy he loves he held onto a grudge against one dude for not letting him join the army for over 800 years he ascended to heaven as a god, looked around at the other gods, went "ew" and JUMPED BACK DOWN
Shen Jiu / Original Shen Qingqiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving 
"Even if all of this could be redone from the beginning, in the end, the conclusion would remain the same. My heart is full of malice, my insides hatred and resentment. Today, Luo Binghe wishes for me to die horribly, and I only have myself to blame." - Shen Jiu, The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System, Volume 4: Chapter 24 (Reddit 1, 2)
Submission: Both the Shen Qingqius are haters just in very different ways 
Mod Propaganda: The Scum Villain that beefed with a 14-year-old out of jealousy & tried to kill him. 
Wiki Link
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year
If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that these poll tournaments usually have me leaving with at least one strong dislike of a specific character/entry, usually because they beat my faves and I’m petty.
Anyone else have an entry from a poll tournament that you didn’t even know/care about before going in, only to leave with a strong dislike of one of the entries for this reason, or others? For me it’s Asuka (beat Kyo in the orange poll), and G*ndalf Big Naturals (annoying meme that I already didn’t like, but it beat Stan Pines in a hot old man tournament).
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fairysluna · 6 months
Helloooo, thanks for sharing your writing with us, I love all of your fics specially sinners 🤍🧸⭐️
For the short drabbles could you do Maegor + asking for his niece’s favor at a tourney
this is such a cute idea! i love this so much. Also, thank you for your kind words, I hope you like this🤍✨
tags — fluff, rhaena being lowkey a hater, reader being delulu (like all of us).
The way the whole crowd roared with excitement when the royal prince came out victorious from the tournament was deafening. You were laughing excitedly, clapping as your smile couldn't get any bigger. Eyes shining as bright as stars at midnight as you watched your beloved uncle smiling back at you from afar. Your beloved older sister, Rhaena, was sitting next to you wearing an unfazed expression on her face, completely opposite to the cheerful attitude you had.
From your seat, you saw Maegor galloping slowly towards the royal family, wearing that winning smile that you loved so dearly as he rested his lance against his shoulder. The butterflies that appeared on your belly were hard to ignore when he started to get closer and closer to you. You fixed your hair, nervously played with your fingers and impatiently waited for him to get close enough to hear his voice. At your side, your sister scoffed, already annoyed by your attitude towards your uncle, with whom you wished to marry; she had heard all of it, and she was tired of hearing that man's name coming from your lips.
But you couldn't care less about it.
Your attention was all over the man on the horse in front of you, standing proudly and looking so gallant inside that thick metal armor of his, you couldn't help but to bite your lip before he decided to open his mouth and say, “May I have the honor to ask for the princess' favor?” He didn't even have to specify which princess he was talking about, for every single person knew he meant you. They all certainly knew about the close relationship you had with him.
You slowly arose from your seat, taking with you the crown of flowers that you made early that morning, especially for him. You walked closer to the railing and looked down at him, feeling the air getting caught in your throat as you saw him more up close. He removed the helmet of his armor, wanting to look into your pretty eyes before he uttered the next words. “I'm convinced that everytime the sun rises you become far more beautiful, my princess.” He spoke slightly lower, as if he wanted just you to hear. You couldn't help but to feel suddenly shy under his mischievous stare, the heat on your cheeks growing as you tried to look away from him.
“You flatter me, uncle,” you replied, managing to throw the crown of flowers down the lance. “I feel like the most beautiful maiden in the Seven Kingdoms whenever you speak with such kindness to me.”
“Well, you are, my dear.” He winked at you. “Before I leave, allow me to remind you that this victory, as well as the ones that are yet to come, are dedicated to you. My beautiful princess.” A silly, enamored smile was drawn on your lips as he turned around in his black horse and galloped away from you. He made you feel all kinds of things in such a little amount of time, including a strange, new sensation located in your lower belly which you decided it was best to ignore.
Once you returned to your seat, you found your sister staring at you with a visible frown on her face. “Could you be any more obvious? You left a path of your drool behind you.”
“I will marry him someday,” you told her, your voice filled with the purest of illusions.
Rhaena could only roll her eyes.
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follow @by-fairysluna for updates!
GENERAL TAG LIST — @islandfantasydream @arcielee @bucknastysbabe @zaldritzosrose @rafeism @valeskafics
MAEGOR TAG LIST — @targaryen-dynasty @hypocritic-trash-baby @mariahossain
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coolestzed · 4 months
Alright, I’ve been holding this inside for years but I’m finally gonna say it.
Misako haters are actually fucking annoying at this point.
They always were to me, but now, they’re just OBJECTIVELY an annoyance. And they need to STOP.
They take literally ANY chance to slander her, even when it’s completely unwarranted. Like, I’d just look at a picture of her on Pinterest, and there’d be multiple comments going "the world’s worst mother". Or I’d see content about Koko and there’d always be comments comparing her and Misako and going like "Koko way better fuck Misako".
I’d even see a fucking meme and people would slander Misako. Like they couldn’t resist.
And that’s not even mentioning his people constantly make her seem way worse than she actually is. Im not gonna quote everything, but basically they act like she never does good things for Lloyd. That she doesn’t care about him at all! And it’s just- so WILDY out of character!! And it’s the same vice versa! I saw a funny Ninjago video the other day with a "your mom" joke and someone in the comments was like "jokes on you, Lloyd would never call Misako mom". I’m just?????? Yes he DOES????? ALL THE TIME???
People just act like their relationship is nonexistent! Like they don’t care about each other, or that Misako doesn’t care about Lloyd! Which is OBVIOUSLY not true!
People claim that she disappears every other season but the only seasons she was absent in are 12 and 13. Also, she has a job. She goes on expeditions. Obviously she’s not there 100% of the time. And she and Lloyd clearly spend time together off screen.
People don’t even acknowledge the reason why she left in the first place. They act like she dropped him off at a boarding school and dipped to take a vaycay. She was literally trying to stop her husband and son from having to fight to the death. You ever think about that? You ever think about how SHE felt in the situation? With her husband being consumed by evil and later being banished, and learning that he and their son would have to fight each other? She was HORRIFIED and GRIEVING! Ultimately she did it to save her family. It doesn’t make leaving Lloyd right but it’s understandable.
But apparently not to almost all of the fandom.
Most of y’all, completely ignore that, and everything else that came after season 2.
Misako constantly being worried about Lloyd in Tournament of Elements and Possession.
Both of them spending Day of the Departed together.
Her getting/building the Destiny’s Shadow as a birthday gift for Lloyd.
How she supported, fought beside, and risked her life for Lloyd in Hunted.
How she wanted to stay and fight with him during MoTO but only went inside because Lloyd urged her to protect the civilians.
Not to mention just their general interactions. THEY’RE ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE EACH OTHER!!! Do you know how many times they hug?!
And this dialogue here:
"Aren’t you going to kiss your mother goodbye?"
"Mooom, we've-we've talked about this-"
Lloyd and Misako have a good, healthy and loving relationship. Misako has long since made up for her mistake and they’ve moved on.
*deep breath*
Look, she’s not perfect. Obviously. She fucked up. But who in this series hasn’t? She came back, and she’s made sure to be a better mother to Lloyd. He forgave her, and they have a good relationship now. They’re close.
She wouldn’t be as hated if the writers didn’t do her dirty. Her introduction wasn’t handled the best, and having her and Lloyd have a more in depth discussion would’ve made the reunion and forgiveness feel less rushed and forced. That love triangle with Wu and Garmadon certainly didn’t do her any favors either. 😑
Regardless, her character’s gotten better over the seasons. Again, she and Lloyd and close and have a good relationship.
But hardly anyone acknowledges that, almost everyone in the fandom hyper fixates on that one mistake from years ago. They don’t pay attention to anything else. Like how she’s a better mother, or how she’s just a generally good person.
You aren’t supposed to judge characters or irl people solely on their past mistakes. Especially when they’ve already made up for them. Thats why the "Misako’s a horrible mother" statement is always bullshit to me.
Seriously, Misako’s been a part of Lloyd’s life longer than she’s been absent from it at this point.
The amount of passionate, unforgiving hate she gets is so undeserved and over the top. Too many people are projecting their own issues onto her. Or just being plain hateful. It’s not fair to define her entire character on a single mistake that she’s long made up for.
And it’s definitely not fair to people that actually like Misako. Often times on the few positive posts about her, there’d be Misako haters in the notes or reblogs complaining about her or insulting her, or just stating they hate her but love the content. And that is completely uncool and rude. It’s so unnecessary. You don’t do that, that’s so shitty. The again Misako haters have a habit of spouting unnecessary hate. Like it’s a terminal condition they have.
So, please, for the love of god, COOL IT. Stop and think, try to ACTUALLY look at her character without the veil of blind hatred.
If you still dislike or hate her, fine! But if you’re gonna detest her, at least hate her as she is and don’t make her worse than she actually is to justify hating her more.
And PLEASE stop bashing her at every turn, it’s annoying, upsetting, unwarranted, unnecessary, and just not good.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Submission 474
vocaloids (and all similar non-Yamaha-owned vocal synths) are bad. all of them.
It's a mockery of the human voice. Frye from Splatoon 3 of all things is the closest we will ever get to having any interesting vocal technique in a voice synth bank. Singing styles around the world are so interesting and take so much skill and you abandon them for a glorified MIDI file? I also blame them for the rise of AI-generated covers, because they first started the devaluing of the human voice and the usage of it as an instrument - a really boring one that will never know advanced or diverse technique. Congrats, Miku made Minecraft, now all of SpongeBob has sang Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. At least the SpongeBob characters have distinct and interesting voices.
[from follow up asks]
hello. vocaloid take submitter here.
i didn't expect my submission to gain as much traction as it did, i thought it was lukewarm at best. i thought there were more vocaloid haters out there. this is tumblr, though, so i guess not. still think vocaloid is ass though.
i will say, it might add context to my take that i myself am a singer and have natural perfect pitch. while i haven't sang in any professional capacity, i've still done some voice training and lots of lower level performances. i have very strong feelings about singing, and hold what the human voice can do in high regard.
i also have a better ear for picking up smaller things in the human voice (re: natural perfect pitch) and the difference between humans and vocaloid is extremely striking to me. no amount of tuning can make a vocaloid not sound lifeless to me, because i will never, ever hear a human voice, and instead of letting the lead of the song Not Be Vocals - which has never been a novel concept - they HAVE to put the voice bank in.
also, re: "frye isn't a voice bank dumbass", congrats! you took away something i felt was actually interesting! god i wish more people knew about more singing styles that they couldn't easily replicate!
while now i know that AI voices are not a continuation of vocaloid, sorry, still think it's bad, go to hell and learn to compose a song without lyrics.
also - still the vocaloid take submitter - to continue:
i will eventually send a link to a playlist of all of the Vocaloid songs i have ever listened to, because i am sure most of the people who think i submitted that think that i do not even know what Defoko is, or that i've heard exactly two Hatsune Miku songs. i know what Defoko is. i know she's entirely computer generated. i've listened to her voice. i still think it's bad. have any of you big shots heard of Big Al? i've listened to him. also bad. it's bad.
Submission 111
I think chicken breast is disgusting and I would rather blend it up into a shake than eat it with my teeth
It’s fast, it’s efficient, it’s nutritious if you add fruits and vegetables. It’s easy to prepare and you can drink it on the go. I need the protein but chicken breast tastes disgusting either way, and I’m tired of putting in so much effort to make the joyless rubbery meat taste good.
My friends and family are wrong, this is the future.
I see some of you not voting! That's cheating!
It's ok if you agree with neither take! Just choose the take you agree with slightly more!
Think of it like choosing the lesser of two evils!
Propaganda is always encouraged, and remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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Gay wrongs tournament, semifinals of the minor bracket
For Lord Hater and Commander Peepers :
Lord Hater is the self-proclaimed "universe's awesomest evil-doer", an immature, attention-seeking manchild with electric powers and a short temper. He rules the Hater Empire with Commander Peepers as his second-in-command (technically third, after his beloved pet spider-xenomorph, but who's counting), however it soon becomes *very* clear that the cunning, remorseless, hardworking Peepers is the *real* brains behind the empire. Peepers might be frustrated at Hater's incompetence at times and isn't above manipulating him to reach an end goal, but he'd never dream of usurping him because, well, he's really gay and in love with him (as much as he can be in an early-10s Disney cartoon, anyways). Hater might take Peepers for granted a lot of times, but as his oldest friend and closest confidante he's the one who Hater is closest to. Whether it's invading other planets or kicking puppies for fun, these two are *delightfully* terrible jerks and the epitome of gay wrongs. 
Commander Peepers is both Lord Hater's right hand man in villainy AND his jilted stay-at-home-wife-guy (Also in villainy. Hater is really good at getting distracted from productive and efficient villaining.) Lord Hater was the greatest villain in the galaxy thanks to how well he and Commander Peepers worked as an evil team to run the Hater Empire!
Lord Hater conquers planets and is such an edgy bastard. Peepers is the actual brains behind the operation. Peepers is often pushed aside by Hater, they are besties and yet Peepers is always pining for this guy who will never notice. Peepers is so horribly gay for him if you watch the show he wants his stupid boss so bad. Peepers is so scared of him season 1 but then starts yelling BACK in season 2 and has to deal with him like a babysitter or something and yet STILL idolizes him and that’s just such a fun dynamic. His password is H8RNP33PRS43VR (Hater and Peepers forever). They are so evil and everyone fears them and they are villains and they are gay and the side of the fandom that draws them as a married couple that needs counseling is absolutely correct. The fanart of Hater openly liking him back is wonderful but I swear you don’t even need that. They are so gay and villain you have to love them they are
Villains that conquer planets and do evil stuff, my favourite characters, not really canon but they are the best :)
For Wu Zetian x Gao Yizhi x Li Shimin: (propaganda from previous poll here)
They are in a poly and are so morally gray and I love em. The triangle really is the strongest shape
They're gay because they're all bi (literally in Shimin and Yizhi's cases, kinda more implied for Zetian). Zetian and Shimin tortured a man for information (and also because he tortured them first) while Yizhi cooked back in their apartment. They made a plan to destroy their government and take over instead. Yizhi killed his dad because he was talking shit about Zetian and trying to sway his trust in her (it didn't work lmao). Instead of a love triangle (it REALLY seemed like that was what it was heading towards) they all love each other and would (and have) committed atrocities for each other. There's a whole thing about how they're stronger together (like, metaphorically and on the battlefield (Shimin and Zetian pilot a giant mecha together and Yizhi balances them))
They're a canon polyship who are all a bit deranged and down to kill for their goals and/or to protect bae. Two have tortured a man to death together and came home to the third making celebratory cookies for them. 
What's more gay wrongs than trying to take over your country and torturing a man together
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Ingrid deserves to be in the uefa champions team of the tournament....what a step up she has ...do you agree ?
100%. uefa published the team of the week for the 2nd leg of the semi-finals and ingrid should have been included. to me, she was the most consistent defender from barça during the semis and has been one of the best defenders all season.
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her stats have been so stellar and solid across both legs:
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if there was an award for most improved player of the year, then i would give it to ingrid engen without a doubt.
and one final note, i remember the scenes last year when she extended her contract to 2025, and there were so many nasty comments by supposed culers who said that the only reason barça extended ingrid was to keep mapi happy. i mean how cynical and disrespectful towards ingrid! all i can say is that some of these same users are praising her now, but i have a long memory lol and i'm glad ingrid is proving these haters wrong.
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ohmymalice · 6 months
"Brawn & Brains"
Jschlatt x Reader | Video Game Highschool AU | Enemies to Lovers
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
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Schlatt watched her intently as she gave a pep talk to her team, probably praising them for the first round. He had to hand it to her, she may not be as good as him (of course she isn't) but what she lacks in aim, she makes up for with her sneaky 200 IQ plays.
He expected her to read him, but he didn't expect that she was willing to die to get her team the win. He had this idea of her, only an idea not a full thought out view of her— She was smart, one of those girls who did things by the book, that's how she'd win, all purely by skill not by luck while he on the other hand, liked to gamble with his chances. Sometimes throwing a whole game just so he can win it back in one round. His team hates him for it, but they couldn't complain with their win ratio.
He remembered hearing her name for the first time, he was waiting for his acceptance letter into VGHS but he got rejected, the principal named Calhoun said some bullshit that he barely listened to. Something along the lines of "It's all about the game" or some shit like that, he mentioned how Schlatt focused too much on the winning aspect and not the time that goes into the game, not the skill, not what it means to be passionate.
He is passionate though! Only with winning, not much the game... Guess that's why he didn't get in. He heard her name from peers, how she was the first female varsity captain in VGHS. He remembered searching up her top clips, seeing her no scope people from a distance. To him, the person on screen was barely visible but to her? It seemed like she perceived them in an arms length distance, he was blown away, impressed even and he is hard to please.
He was jealous, he could never snipe like that, he could never read opponents like that. People chat about how he was lucky, how he's so talented but nobody ever knew the nights he spent balling his fists and slamming his desk, losing sleep for tournaments to become the best of the best, he would never settle for less.
He couldn't tell if he was her number one fan or her number one hater, or maybe both. Whatever it is, he still wanted to watch her games out of curiosity so when the opportunity came and she was in a tournament he watched and she played well until the last round, she completely fucked up and missed a shot on a guy last minute as he reached objective. He remembered seeing that look in her eye, he couldn't see her whole face but just from her eyes.
He knew she would never let herself live that down.
He couldn't tell if he wanted to hug her, tell her all about his own experiences and how he's had a lot of fuck ups too or if he wanted to laugh in her face and brag how he'd never miss such an easy shot.
He's an asshole, he knows it and there's this gnawing feeling at the back of his head, guilt maybe? Shame? Probably both.
He just didn't know how to face it.
Soon when the two got into their respective schools and started competing it was only natural they'd run into each other.
The game started and Schlatt didn't even bother telling his team shit, it was a common occurrence where he wouldn't give his team a plan and he'd just kill everyone or the majority.
"Captain, any plan?" Connor asked, one of his team mates that he grew to like. "The usual, just kill 'em'." He responded lazily, Connor nodded, used to his antics by now.
Schlatt walked off on his on, not caring whether or not his team lives. He camped up on a hill, waiting for Y/N to get near their base. He waits a couple minutes and sees her team but no sign of her. He frowned a little as he realizes she probably stayed at base.
He equips his gun and aims, the recoil making him jolt back as the bullet breaks through the air, cleanly hitting an enemy in the head. He smirks as he hears the crowd cheer, of course they were spectating him. He widely grins as he pulls back.
Few minutes go by and nothing happens, pure silence.
His team starts getting paranoid, giving comms through their walkie talkies.
"Where are they? It's oddly quiet."
"I'm looking through my scope, I don't see anything?"
Schlatt scoffs, these fuckers are over reacting.
"Schlatt? Is anything happening on your end?" Ted asks, the tall man with glasses sighed, knowing that he wouldn't respond. The rest of the team would be left alone to fend for themselves.
Schlatt mutes his walkie talkie and lays against a tree as he grumbles to himself how stupid his team is, how they won't shut their damn mouth and all they had to do was pretend that they were putting effort in the game while he did all the work.
He whips his head to the other direction across from his base, multiple shots were fired in such specific locations.
Fuck that fucking bitch was mapping out our base.
He grabbed his gun and redirected it to the enemy's base, trying to find whoever was shooting. He couldn't tell where the main source was coming from, the sound of shots from all sorts of directions filled his ears. From a distance he heard the yells of panic from his team mates. Connor was yelling out his name in attempt to call their captain back and help them while Ted was shouting at him to shut up and focus.
"Goddamn idiots." He grunted, shuffling on the bare dirt on his stomach to properly get a look through the scope of his sniper.
He grabbed his walkie talkie again, unmuting it.
"Connor, give me the run down."
Everyone on his team sighed in relief that their captain was still alive and not wounded in anyway.
"I- They're shooting from their base but I saw some behind trees and other angles, we can't pin point where they are because they're playing aggressive, one of us tried peeking but he immediately got shot in the head-" Connor said quickly, word stumbling out of his mouth.
Trees? Schlatt looked around and spotted one behind a tree not too far off from enemy territory. He got a hit and repositioned, finding another place to hide in since the opposition probably realized where he was now.
He watched as his team in their base refused to peek, any place that they could look through was being shot at. Windows, doors, any entrance or place someone could come from was adorned with markings from the bullets.
They were making sure they couldn't step foot out of base.
Schlatt immediately grabbed his walkie talkie.
"Fuck, three of you idiots get out from the back, make sure they don't see you. Start trying to pick them off, distract them."
Before Connor, Ted, and Charlie could reply Schlatt immediately muted his walkie talkie and took a pistol and an AK47 with him.
Watching as Charlie slowly opened the back door and cleared it, Ted and Connor shuffle along. They start peeking, making sure that the enemy team knows of their presence. Nobody dies, it's mostly an exchange of utility and bullets flying through the air.
Schlatt makes a run for it across the wooded area, making sure nobody sees or hears him. He looks off to the side, taking note of where the enemies were stationed. One on top of a tree, two looking out of the window, and last two weren't visable.
He checked his equipment and took a deep inhale.
He swiftly pulled out his assault rifle, a clean shot to the head towards one of the enemies in the trees. In the corner of his eye he can see the two figures in the window of the base, their heads snapping towards the sound of his gun. Schlatt was only able to shoot one down but the other was swift and went back into base.
He grunts in frustration, realizing how everyone in their team now knew where he was. He started getting antsy, looking around and getting a bit paranoid. He hasn't seen Y/n all round as well as another one of her team mates.
He could storm into their base, clear it and try to get as much information for his team as much as possible, as much as he didn't say it much— they were very capable and good players, I mean duh they are, how else could they have joined the varsity team?
But chances are he'll die and he didn't know if he wanted to risk that.
He could also regroup with his team, give them the run down of what he knows so far (which is not much) but if they all go in blind while the other team knows all of their positions and plans, it might just end in a full team wipe out.
"God fucking damn it" He cocks his gun and decides the former was better, he grabbed his walkie talkie.
"Goin' in blind, gonna stay unmuted and comm whatever I see so we have intel. If I die, you fuckers better win." He busts down the door and clears all his corners.
"First floor clear so far," He said in a hushed tone into his walkie talkie. He continued scanning the area.
He heard a foot step up stairs, his eyes immediately dart to the stair case. "Heard someone up stairs, any info?" He whispers even lower into his walkie talkie.
Charlie peers from behind a wall, he stayed outside to patrol while Connor stayed inside and Ted was on the roof looking over at enemy territory.
"I don't see anything on the roof." Charlie's slightly distorted voice came through the device, Schlatt winced at how loud his voice was, he turned down the volume. Charlie went back to his original position, no longer wanting to look out into the other base but before he could even step further he hit a tree behind him.
A quick mumble of an apology escaped his lips out of habit.
"It's alright, I don't mind." a female voice rang out from behind him.
He sighed, not thinking much of it. His eyes grew wide.
"Wait, fuck isn't that?—"
He recognized the voice after a split second. He flicks to look behind him to meet face to face with the enemy team's captain. She gives an apologetic smile, mumbling out a sorry before she fires a bullet into his head.
Ted, Connor, and Schlatt heard the gun shot, without another word Ted looked over the railing from the roof and before he could even make out the girl's features he gets shot by Y/n. She already took note of where everyone would be position and where they could possibly reposition.
She smirked to herself, her heart swelling with pride. She could finally prove aim isn't everything, you need brains to win a damn game.
She picked up the walkie talkie on the ground that Charlie left behind.
"Hiiiiiii Schlatt!! Are you proud? I didn't miss this time." She dragged her words, greeting him in a mocking tone.
"Fuck you." His tone cold, no longer finding this funny. She cackled into the walkie talkie. His knuckles turned white, clutching the device in his hand tightly. "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you."
"I'd like to see you try." She's never seen him this pissed off, he always kept his cool or just laughed in people's faces anytime they tried anything.
"You're playing hard ball for a bitch that missed the easiest fucking shot a few tournaments ago." He sneered at her.
Connor listened to the conversation, the two were loud, not caring at this point if everyone knew their position was. While Y/n was distracted Connor snuck up towards the door that led to the back of the building. He pushed it open slightly, a loud creaked followed.
She let out a small gasp out of her lips and immediately slid towards the door, shutting it as Connor tried to kick it down. She waited for him to continuously kick, as he kicked forward she let go of the door.
The weight of his body pushed the door open, not expecting that she would suddenly let go he stumbled and fell face first. The sound of a gunshot ensued, making Schlatt look out the window in concern. He was left wondering what happened until he saw the kill feed.
Y/n ︻┳═一 ConnorEatsPants
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outsidersheadcanons · 3 months
Mario Kart headcanons (modern au ig)
The Curtis Kart tournaments are legendary. They all get together once a month for a full-on competition with brackets and eliminations, but they will also just play for fun whenever they want.
Darry would be stupidly competitive, but really bad. My guy would be sweating over this children's game, but don't mention it to him. Two-Bit made fun of him once and instantly regretted it. He'd probably main King Boo because "he looks cool". From there he'd probably just try to optimize his build with rollers wheels, the biddy buggy, and paper glider. (i literally just googled peak build for king boo). He has memorized every shortcut in every map and all of the optimal routes. But even though he tries very hard, he still loses. He doesn't have a track preference, but he hates Baby Park with a passion.
Soda. Soda is THE MOST annoying person you could ever play with. He doesn't care about winning. He doesn't care about anything but making everyone else suffer. He constantly shit talks everyone, especially Darry. He doesn't really care about his character or kart, he just goes with whatever he thinks is funniest. He likes to play as any of the babies because he "is baby". He likes the prancer kart, wild wiggler, or streetle, because he finds them funny. Same thing with wheels (cushion, button, or sponge) and gliders (waddle wing or flower glider). It's just whatever Soda finds funny in the moment. He likes to pick the Baby Park track purely because everyone else hates it. (thank you to my cousins N and V for giving me inspiration, please stop picking baby park)
Pony has fun. He definitely doesn't take it as seriously as Darry, but he does try. He's a really big fan of the Zelda games, so he bases his whole build around it. Link, with the master cycle zero, ancient tires, and the paraglider. He's not a tryhard, but he wins maybe every 1 out of 5 games. He doesn't have a track preference.
Johnny is insanely good at Mario Kart. He goes completely silent while playing, with his eyes locked onto the screen. Sometimes the people who aren't playing will try to make him crack up, or stack things on top of him. He's kinda like those royal soldiers. Nothing breaks his concentration. With his build, he's similar to Pony. Johnny really likes the animal crossing games, so he goes full theme. Isabelle, with the isabelle scooter, leaf tires, and the paper glider. He'll win maybe 3 out of 5 games and is pretty much the best player.
Sometimes Soda, Pony, and Johnny make a deal to go full troll. They play as Iggy, Lemmy, and Larry respectively, with the koopa clown car, hot monster tires, and wario wing glider. Darry absolutely despises whenever they do this and refers to them as "the three fucksketeers".
Those four are the ones who mainly play, but sometimes the others join.
Two-Bit has the same strategy as Soda, meaning there is no strategy. If he's playing, Soda and Pony will rush to pick shyguy because it pisses off Two-Bit. He will then refuse to play because "shyguy is my guy. Shyguy is MY GUY." and eventually they give up and let him pick shyguy.
Cherry is actually pretty good, probably as good as Pony. She doesn't have any preferences in regard to anything, and just picks whatever she thinks is cool that day.
Dally refuses to play because "it's a game for children. Why would I play a game for children?" The one time he did play, he lost so bad that he stormed out of the house and was missing for two hours.
Steve will not play if Pony is playing. Pony will not play is Steve is playing. Their beef runs so deep that they don't need to say anything. They just hate each other that much. Because of this, Steve doesn't really play.
also im so sorry for like spam liking/reblogging ur posts
These were amazing and canon!! I love how detailed everything wasss <3 (and Steve and Pony being such haters of each other they can't play Mario Kart together??? And Dally being a sore loser??? CANON CANON CANON)
and how dare u like my posts 😡(jk jk I love to see ppl engaging with my yapping abt the outsiders ❤️❤️❤️ ty for enjoying the blog!!)
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haterbracket · 2 years
Sick of polls about heroes and duos? Want a poll about guys who hate? Guys who loathe? Guys whose raison d'être is just to suck, like, so bad?
INTRODUCING: the Hater Bracket, a single-elimination competition to find the Biggest Hater in All of Fiction. Your Iagos, your Yzmas, your Syndromes, your GLaDOSes: characters whose primary motivation is a grudge against one specific person or group for some (perceived) slight—the pettier the better.
Entrants will be judged on:
Proactivity: ok, so they're a hater, but what do they do about it? Anyone can hate, but a true hater puts everything they have into their effort to screw over the person who's wronged them.
Pettiness: how "wronged" has this person been, anyways? Did the object of their hatred kill their entire family in front of them, or were they just less than perfectly 100% accommodating once and the hater has literally never gotten over it?
Successfulness: is a successful hater or a failed one a "better" hater? You be the judge!
Overall panache: The "x factor" of haterness. Did they hate with swag? Were they super eloquent in their monologue that basically boiled down to "oh my god I hate that guy SO MUCH"? If not, was it at least funny to watch them fume incoherently?
Submit a hater here. Nominations are closed; you can still submit through the ask box, but we reserve the right to point and laugh at you if you do.
FAQ below the cut.
How do I navigate this blog? With the tags! #mod post - housekeeping stuff #hater polls - bracket polls #hatemail - asks #haterprop - propaganda (asks and reblogs) #hb off topic - anything that isn’t housekeeping or a poll
How will competitors be selected? Mod discretion. Note that we will be more likely to select haters that we either know, have friends who know, or that come with a good explanation of their hater-ness (that is verifiable by google) in the submission. Stuffing the ballot box, as it were, will have zero effect, since the bracket is not selected by number of nominations.
How many characters can I submit? As many as you like.
Can I submit real people? No. This is a bracket for fictional haters. Real-life haters are way less cool and fun anyways.
Note: Real people who have been sufficiently fictionalized (either in one piece of media, or multiple), and real people who play a public “persona” that is separated from their actual private life & beliefs do qualify for the purposes of this tournament.
What about [MCYT/celebrities/other thing where people play ambiguously fictionalized versions of themselves]? Sure, but if we think it isn’t sufficiently fictionalized, we won't include it.
What about...? Submit it if you want! In the worst case I simply won't include it, in the best case I will.
How many submissions has _ gotten? We will release a full tally of submissions after nominations close. We are working on tallying up all the submissions! We will post a full list once we’ve cleaned it up sufficiently. Until then, we will not be answering any questions about how many nominations any particular character has gotten.
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keruimi · 5 months
The Role We Uphold
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Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x Reader
Warning: Fluff
Note: I'm not even sure if a romantic feeling blooms between both of them but screw it. I want to write one about him.
Sobs and cries are the only thing I can hear from the locker room.
It was found that our team violated a rule and that was the doping rule.
One of the rules that can get us  disqualified for how many years and can even get our first place taken away from us.
How the hell did this happen?
"What should we do?" Our Ace cried out as I heard the reporters outside the locker room that made me take a deep breath.
Our situation is one of the biggest fears of an athlete. The fact that the team I'm leading is the one experiencing it.
Anger burst through my chest as my mind went off to our coach.
That woman can be so competitive that sometimes she acts impulsively.
I don't know what I'm going to do with her if I got to know she is one of the people behind this.
"Captain?" I heard a first year beside me that made me properly look at my teammates.
Their fear is clearly expressed.
The health test taken on our regular players came out positive for using erythropoietin drugs which helps an athlete's performance.
"Everyone listens" I finally stood in the middle of the room and all of the players immediately directed their attention to me.
"I will have this situation investigated to protect our image as athletes. In the meantime, don't interact with the reporters." I continued as they all listened while the others were wiping their tears.
"And if a rematch is needed, we will give it to prove our innocence. I hope you will all agree to this" I stated and they immediately agree even if it means losing the first place we celebrated.
It is painful but it was for the best.
I'm sure this news hoarded many haters until our reputation was brought to the dirt.
It was one of the responsibilities that I have to manage. I need to keep my team stable.
For our passion in this sport.
"I'll talk to the reporters"
"But what if the organizers don't give a second chance?" One of our regular wing spikers, Miwa, spoke up in hiccups.
I approach her and ruffle her hair in assurance.
"I'm you Captain. I wouldn't let us get ruined like this. So please lean on me"
"Thank you, Captain"
I took a deep breath before finally opening the door and was immediately bombarded with camera flashes and microphone.
"Everyone, space please" Those were the first words I uttered as I closed the door behind me and started to walk away from the room.
"Miss Niyoko, is the doping violation confirmed?"
"Yes, the test of our regular members came out positive" I admitted as I faced them while reminding them to give me space since I will answer all of their questions.
"Why did they take such drugs in a national tournament where rules and regulations is really strict?"
I held my head high from that question as I lifted a small smile from my lips.
"I'm confident that my team would win without any use of it. We are not even aware that we are already consuming such drugs like those"
"So are you saying that someone is behind this?"
"Further investigations will be taken just to prove my team's innocence. We are prefecture representatives, we don't dare violate a rule like doping"
"Are you confident that your team is really innocent"
"Without any doubt, my members are innocent. Our team is innocent"
Even I, slowly, ease my mind because of the words I'm speaking.
Because I'm really confident that we are innocent.
And I should fear situations like this.
"If the tournament is willing to give us a second chance. We will gladly take a rematch against Niiyama high in high security from them to avoid situations like this" I spoke up as I pulled away from the many microphones towards me.
"Even if you lose the first place because of this?"
I chuckled from a reporter's question.
"For this to be the evidence of our skills and talent. And to prove our team's innocence"
"But if you lose, wouldn't that prove that consuming those drugs really helps you win?"
"Every match has different results. I can't guarantee winning this time. But I'm protecting my team's passion for this sport and I hope this incident won't ruin their love for this sport"
"Do you have any idea who slips the drugs to your team's food and drinks if its really confirm that someone else is behind this?" A different reporter ask.
"I do. And I would take legal actions once it confirms. Right now, I'm pleading for consideration"
"A second chance to prove our abilities to the people. That we are deserving of the place we got without the use of any drugs"
After answering the questions, I immediately contacted the school's principal to let out an investigation.
Because if they didn't, the reputation of the school will also get dragged into this.
So asking for an investigation is a guarantee.
And I found myself walking in front of the team as we headed to the court of the scheduled rematch.
The rematch is scheduled after a week to completely remove the drugs in our body as standing in the main court already feels intimidating with everyone's eyes on us.
It was pressuring.
I greeted the Captain of Niiyama high again with a smile and she mirrored mine.
"Goodluck" she exclaimed as I nod in understanding.
Goodluck indeed.
"Everyone" I took the attention of my teammates and they immediately walked up to me.
"This is our chance to redeem ourselves. Whether we are deserving to be reign champions or cheaters. It will be up to our performance today" I started as they nod.
And the match finally began.
Whether this will be our last chance to stand in the main court.
I would make sure we would leave with our head held up high.
I took the water bottle of the team as I asked one of the tournament staff to replace the drinks on it.
"For extra measurements" I lend it to her with a smile as she nod before leaving to refill its contents.
As the first set is ongoing, I finally have the courage to approach our intimidating coach who is not really happy about this.
"I didn't call you here" she muttered in gritted teeth that made me let a snickering smile.
"I'm just going to remind you Coach. I'm in control of this match" this made her finally put her focus on me as she stood up to face me.
"What do you mean?"
"The team's poor performance is under your teaching. I can't trust someone who didn't prove their worth to us yet other than overworking us" she clenched her fist shut as I stood in my ground while directly looking at her eyes.
"If I got to know that you are the one behind this. I'll meet you in a different court"
That is a warning.
From the team's captain.
I wouldn't let her ruin my players spirit again.
I will remove her spot immediately once I get to know she is the one behind this.
After all, she didn't bother defending our team.
What kind of coach is this?
After a gruesome hour of fighting for the highest position, we manage to maintain our title as the Champions of the female volleyball team.
We completely prove ourselves again.
"Thank you for playing with us again" I shook hands with the captain of Niiyama Girls.
"It opened a fresh wound for us but it's better to settle our minds that we didn't lose against cheaters. Congratulations for proving your abilities once again"
I hugged her in appreciation as she did the same to me.
"Your team is thankful to have a captain like you. You really deserve that position" she exclaimed as I let out a small smile.
"It was really pressuring though. I'm just thankful for the second chance. Without it, we wouldn't be able to play again" my eyes turn glossy with just the thought of it as she pat my back in comfort.
"Well if it weren't for you standing up with confidence, the organizers would really think of banning your team"
And I'm thankful I stepped up.
My players were tested again to be sure and their results are clear, finally awarding us of the title 'Champions'.
My team hugged me in happiness that I almost suffocated until I finally managed to get away from the eyes of the others.
I leaned on the nearby wall until I finally slid down when the pressure finally overwhelmed me.
This is the responsibility of the Captain.
It was really scary going against the world just to protect the players I'm leading.
Right now, is the only time I finally got to breath without the feeling of responsibility.
I was sitting in a crouched position as I rested my head on top of my knees.
It's really peaceful.
"Niyoko Y/n, right?" I heard a monotone in front of me that made me raise my head up and saw one of the players from the Inarizaki male volleyball team.
"Hi" I was greeted with a smile as he bent on his knees to be the same height as me.
"You're an admirable captain"
A man who first approached me even we haven't totally clear our team's name.
It was a new feeling, hearing a compliment from a captain of one of the best male volleyball teams in the country.
"Would you mind me teaching your ways
That odd request was the reason I met Kita Shinsuke.
The Captain of the Inarizaki Team.
"It was my first time leading a team. Especially if our second years is hard to manage"
He spoke beside me as I chuckled. "A team always has a bunch of crazy players. But having twins is like a hurricane itself."
"Indeed. Especially if they are one of the key players on the team. You always need to remind them"
What does it feel like to be a captain, yet a shadow of the team? But a person like him still carries pride within him.
"I can't imagine a collected captain like you handle them" I exclaim until the ringing of my phone disturbs the peace around us.
I answered my phone when it was about the investigation into the doping incident.
"I need to go now. It's nice talking to you Kita-san"
That was the first moment I got to share with someone about my experience as a captain.
One of the people who made me proud that I became a captain.
Kita Shinsuke, a man who is in the same position as me.
Their team has one of the top 5 ace, and the best setter in the country.
Yet all those star players are under him.
He's very admirable on that part.
He has something that I haven't known yet, and I'm willing to learn it.
And the next time we meet, he is now a respected captain while I became part of the audience.
I can't even explain the way he looks at me in my decent attire.
I waved at his teammates before I focused my attention on him.
"You're not in your uniform" he stated the obvious as I giggle.
"I already retired. I need to focus on my final exams"
I heard the slight whispers from his teammate as Atsumu peaked behind his captain to confirm if the captain is really talking to me.
"All of you start heading to the bus, I just need to talk to someone"
His teammates walked past me upon hearing his instruction but I can't help but chuckle when they are not even trying to hide their surprise.
What's wrong?
I kept my smile as he stood in front of me.
"Why didn't you stay?" He asked me as I shrugged my shoulders on his question.
"I want to watch. And it's for the best so our first and second years can form a team at this time" I stop from my words when I notice how close he was to me.
I can't even deny the warm feeling in my chest
"Do you have anything to say to me?"
"Can I court you?"
Now that really throws me off.
"So suddenly?", I can't but chuckle more on the giddy feeling I'm experiencing right now.
It seems like the first interaction really put him into thinking these past few months.
"Of course"
I'm already in my third year, soon entering college.
If I decline this one time where someone decided to court me, I might end up as a single woman.
That was my concern that time, yet the more time I spent with him, the more I started to like him.
A man that every parent dreams.
A gentleman, logical, and an academic achiever.
Who wouldn't want him?
And that man fell in love with a person like me.
I didn't dare ask because I already knew my worth ever since that day.
But it really feels great to be loved by somebody like him.
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
Best Hater Lower Bracket
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Please vote for whoever’s best at being a hater, not who you like the most. If unfamiliar with a character, check out the propaganda below the cut! 
Jiang Cheng from Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS)
Submission 1: Hates Wangxian's relationship. 
Submission 2: Dude devoted more than a decade of his life to hating on his dead kind-of-brother (it's complicated) how has he not been submitted already? bonus points for his actor's many faces of utter disgust in The Untamed 
Mod Propaganda: Haterism so bad you can start fandom discourse just by name-dropping him. 
Wiki Link
Mu Qing from Heaven Official’s Blessing (TGCF)
Submission: https://www.tumblr.com/bonesblubs/708661194148511744/inspiration 
Mod Propaganda: Mu Qing can split a tower bell in two yet can’t admit he wanted to be friends with someone he’s known for 800+ years without trying to immediately kill himself. Randomly started reciting a poem about his least favorite coworker’s dick just to fuck with him (Feng Xin). Said he’d kill a bride like Xie Lian if she was sent to him. 
Wiki Link
Qi Rong from Heaven Official’s Blessing 
“Obviously, those things weren't within the realm of consideration for Qi Rong. He swore like there wasn't a single person in the Three Realms he didn't want cursed to death. He called Pei Ming a rotten manwhore, Little Pei a kiss-ass, Jun Wu a faker, Ling Wen a damned bitch, Lang Qianqiu a moron, Quan Yizhen dog shit, the Water Master blackhearted, the Wind Master a tramp–he probably didn't know Shi Qingxuan was actually a man.” - Heaven Official’s Blessing (Tumblr)
Wiki Link
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lesbians535 · 6 months
Tournament thoughts so far:
i LOVED seeing the love for audi crooks on day 1!! it’s a long shot but honestly rooting for her over cam brink in the next round
I was shocked by the Middle TN upset over Louisville but i’m glad that LSU pulled out ahead of them bc I don’t think i would’ve been able to physically handle the CC fans/angel reese haters if LSU got upset in the second round on their home court
Flau’jae Johnson you will always be famous!!!
Kansas with the comeback in the first round okayyyy 🔥🔥🔥 upset over USC incoming 🤞🏽 (alright probably not but the KU men lost already so i have to root for my alma mater once removed)
Paige, Li, and Ash KILLED it yesterday 🪩🪩🪩💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 hoping to see more of that tomorrow 🤠 Paige is playing some of the best basketball of her career right now and i’m so proud of her 🥹🥹
Princeton. Baby. We were rooting for you. WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!!!! west virginia you know what you have to do now 😔
Did anyone see that Duke upset coming?? so we’re not getting the HVL breakup game or the Uconn 2023 sweet sixteen revenge game but we might be getting the battle for sarah strong 😌😏
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Viren from The Dragon Prince vs The Light Fury from How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
LOVE: - "power thirsty weasely advisor that ends up mistreating his kids in pursuit of power. my best friends that i watched the show with HATE him for this and frankly it's understandable. he's my meow meow though."
The Light Fury:
HATE: - "I know many fellow Light Fury haters, especially on Tumblr, but also many passionate defenders, not many neutral or nuanced opinions. But she absolutely deserves to be hated imo because: 1- Her design is full of human gender stereotypes because she's a GIRL dragon so she can't look reptilian and fierce like every other dragon (including every other female dragon in the films like Stormfly and Meatlug) no, she has to be perfectly smooth and have pink fucking glitter on her scales and big blue eyes because she exists for the sole purpose of being Toothless's love interest so she must be as stereotypically feminine as possible. Some people will try to defend this but it's important to understand, she is not real, she did not come into existence naturally or spontaneously, she has no agency... She was purposefully created and designed this way by the (mostly male) filmmakers. Also just because she doesn't have boobs and eyeliner doesn't mean it's not gender roles at all; other characters being worse doesn't make this one above criticism. 2- Somehow, despite looking LESS fierce than literally every other dragon in the film, her alleged purpose for existing is to be "the call of the wild" to lure Toothless away from humankind. She's only on-screen for less than 10 minutes of the entire movie, and she honestly doesn't act particularly respectful or caring to Toothless, and yet he's willing to immediately, permanently abandon Hiccup (his best friend/platonic life partner/platonic soulmate of 5 years) because this girl dragon he JUST met is pretty. (He also forces every other dragon to abandon their human friends too, because he's the "alpha" and can force them to do so.) I'm not anti-romance but I really hate when movies send the message that romance should take priority over all other forms of love, that it's acceptable or even necessary to abandon your friends once you get into a relationship. The Light Fury exists solely to push that idea. 3- The filmmakers didn't even give her name. Allegedly this is to represent how "wild and free" she is, but her offspring all get names despite being just as wild, so... Almost as if she's a completely 1-dimensional plot device rather than an actual character."
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thatdesigirl17 · 3 months
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hot-take-tournament · 8 months
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Submission 301
Ninjago is an awesome kid's show
Elemental ninjas, a rich but not too complicated lore, loveable characters, loving platonic relationships, no annoying ships unless you're a hater, mostly nice fanbase (emphasis on the "mostly") good writing, great villains, found family dynamics, very funny. It lasted twelve years and was the longest running show on Cartoon Network, and it had the best theme song EVER.
Propaganda is always encouraged!
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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