#best instrumental hiphop
thekbsmusic · 10 months
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rodbestmusic · 2 years
(Rod Best) A trap instrumental groove.
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Hihi, love your writing. Just sending over a request for a male reader (could be ftm if you'd life) with Hobie Brown? So basically the reader is apart of the organisation too and is a spiderman (could be possibly like a rock and/or punk based spiderman, or something completely opposite it's up to you) and it's how he had met Hobie and how they got close? I can send more details over if you'd like, thanks!
Hobie Brown x Male reader
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I couldnt find any gifs of hobie yet, so just have this one.
Spoilers for Across the Spiderverse I guess? Reader is a Juggalo because I like ICP lmao.
You were one of the Spidermen that stood out somewhat amongst every other spiderperson around. You suit was white and black and had Juggalo features painted on the face. You wore a baggy ICP t-shirt and black shorts, maybe even a jacket or battle vest covered in patches. You wore a pair of heavy boots as well, perfect for kicking ass.
Along with that you didn’t respect the machine, aka the people in charge, as much as everyone else. You liked fighting and busting fascist and racist heads, you didn’t get involved with cops, and you were stubborn like a mule. This resulted in Miguel hating you because you were so difficult, but you were one of the best, so he kept you around.
You really liked fighting, which could be seen in the claws you added to your gloves, the brass knuckles worked into your suit, or the hard covering on your knees perfect for kneeing people in the chin. Those were only the visible ones, but you had many other hidden gizmos. This made you a bit of an outcast amongst the spiderpeople, but you didn’t care, you didn’t care about anyone’s approval but your own.
When Hobie joined the organization, it had been for Gwen’s sake in the beginning, since he himself doesn’t care much for large organizations with one leader who makes all the decisions. He puts up with it though, since its his duty to be spiderman.
Color him intrigued when one day he, Gwen and Jessica are called to Miguel’s area. When they arrive, they first see Miguel pacing back and forth rubbing his temples in clear annoyance, and second, they see a spiderman perched on the wall with little respect in his posture, roasting Miguel from head to toe.
Hobie already liked you from just that, but when you jump down to introduce yourself and he sees the anti-capitalism and anti-cop patches on your jacket? He might have fallen in love.
You, Gwen and Hobie were sent on a mission together, and you and Hobie got along like a house on fire. Gwen joked about being a third wheel the entire time, but she was just entertained about how well you two got along.
Outside of missions Hobie and you hang out most of the time, jumping into each other’s dimensions and just spending time at the others place. Hobies place is as punk rock as you can imagine, with all his instruments and an organized mess going on.
Your place is more what you’d imagine from someone who listens to rap, hiphop and ICP. You got a lot of music, casettes, cds, anything you can imagine. Lotsa posters or homemade merch stapled to the wall, etc.
When Hobie and Gwen make their band, you are invited of course, you are the singer. You can rap up a storm and speak so fast its hard for them to keep up some days. Hobie won’t admit it for a while, but hearing you spit bars makes his heart flutter.
Gwen would tease the both of you for having a crush on the other, which you both deny, because you are both cool and having crushes isn’t cool.
Gwen jokes about you two being boyfriends after you accidentally wear each other’s vest after spending the night at Hobies’ place. You both just roll your eyes at her and roast her with no actual heat, just doing it how friends would do it.
You both start dating at some point, neither of you can pinpoint when. One day you two just find yourselves cuddling on your rundown patched up couch without your masks on, cuddling and kissing.
Neither of you ever actually ask if you are boyfriends now or not, because you both know you are. It takes a while for Gwen and Pavitr a while to realize you two are together, since you don’t actually act any different.
Its only when they see you pull up his mask and your own to kiss him before going on a mission that it clicks for the both of them. They both whine that neither of you actually told them you were together.
When the movie happens you peace out the same moment as Hobie, having stolen your own tech so you two can keep visiting each other even if you aren’t part of the organization anymore.
Neither of you were ever big parts of being part of it anyways and only stayed for each other and for your friends, but seeing how Miguel deals with the whole Miles situation, you agree you need to leave.
You work together to make the watch for Gwen so she can save Miles. You two might join her too if needed, especially you, because you will take any chance to knock Miguel on his ass, maybe knock out those cheesy fangs of his.
Like I said, you hate authority. And since Miguel is authority, you hate him. Hobie follows after you because hes whipped and loves you deeply, plus he knows you can get kinda careless at times, so he has to pull you outta trouble if he needs.
You are both so grossly whipped for each other, it makes Gwen and Pavitr gag, though its fake gagging. You share clothes, instruments. You do his eyeliner and paint his nails, he does your Juggalo face paint. He always makes sure to give you a big kiss, which just wipes the paint onto his lips too.
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lil-tachyon · 9 months
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For the last couple weeks I've been drawing logos / designs for local-ish (mostly NJ, some PA and NY) bands as warmups in the morning. Here's what I've come up with! Massive post below the break explaining each logo + where to find each band and listen to their music.
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Teenage Halloween- a staple of New Jersey basements for probably about a decade now and finally getting wider recognition in the last couple years. Pop punk / power pop with a killer horn section. First time I saw them was in New Brunswick playing with Walter Etc. and Blowout. They played a killer cover "Build Me Up Buttercup" and my wife got a black eye in the pit. Recommended tracks: "Brain Song," "666," "Clarity." Their first EP is on a separate bandcamp page btw, check it out here it's great.
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Sweet Pill - They will call themselves a Philly band but in my heart they'll always be from Glassboro. Definitely one of the more recognizable names on this list. Emo revival - early stuff is more twinkly, more recent stuff is heavier. All of it's great. Recommended tracks "Nephew," "High Hopes."
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Shark Club - Central Jersey's finest. I'm very biased because I actually know these dudes and they did the music for my wedding. Some of the best pop punk you'll hear and the nicest people you'll meet. Recommended tracks: "Game Theory," "Bill Murray," "Heavens to Betsy."
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Rest Ashore - My favorite band for the last (oh God I'm old now) eight years. From gut-wrenching emo ballads to virtuoso math-rock instrumentals they do it all. One time I got to sing vocals on "Lucy's Theme" at a house show- thank you Erica! Recommended tracks: "Hjarta," "Chinese Opera," "Devotion," "Soyuz Sweetheart." Too many bangers to name honestly, just deep dive their discography.
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Morus Alba - First band I ever went to see at a house show and still one of my absolute favorites. Their music feels like the bridge between the best pitchfork, /mu/ alt rock bands and high energy basement emo. I mean that as a compliment and I hope it comes off as one lol. I should note that since 2019 Morus Alba has morphed from a band into an experimental hip-hop project so later releases sound radically different and basically disconnected from the earlier stuff. Also my favorite release from them, Live at Isabelle's, has been scrubbed from the internet but if you'd like the files just email me. Recommended tracks: "Skyscraper," "Human Resources," "The Goodnight Waltz."
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Have a Good Season - another Jersey mainstay that's still going strong. Emo revival in their earlier releases, now with more 70s power pop influences in their newer stuff. See them live, they put on a fantastic show and usually play some great covers in addition to their original music. HaGS guys if you're reading this, please put your version of "Since You've Been Gone" online, I'm begging you. Recommended tracks: "Joseph / Shel Silverstein," (you have to listen to them together for the drop, so good) , "Gum, "Gleaux / Scab." Also, frontman Nic Palermo interviewed me once.
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Elephant Jake - If you see any of these bands live make it EJ, they put on such a damn good show. Electrifying indie punk from the Empire State. Recommended tracks: "F.D.C." "Sarah Moyer," "Goodness to Honest," and of course you gotta learn "Sebastien Bauer" for the singalongs.
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Blind Lion - Sadly one of the greats that we lost along the way. Defunct since about 2017. I only got to see them once but it was a great performance. Alongside their own stuff they played some killer covers of "Bad Moon Rising" and "Moonage Daydream." I had trouble doing a logo design for them because I actually really like the composition, if not the "Ed Hardy-ness," of their existing logo so what you see here are two separate attempts, neither of which feels entirely satisfying to me. Frontperson Larry Flately currently plays in Nematode and also handled production of Bradley Gardens joke hiphop group The Breakfast Boiz under the moniker "DJ Ova EZ." Recommended tracks: "Brumous," "Dinner."
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Fighting Seasons - A band that I sadly found out about too late (via a sticker under the bridge in my town which has since been painted over). 2010s pop punk that packs a helluva punch, especially considering that I'm pretty sure the members were high schoolers for most of the band's existence. I think some members may have gone on to form Sawce (FFO Chon, Polyphia, that type of music) but I can't remember where I read/heard that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Recommended tracks: "Fighting Seasons," "Oil on Canvas"
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Milkmen- Another fallen giant, officially disbanded in 2019. Like Morus Alba, they played the very first house show I attended and their few releases remain on constant rotation in my home. Used to put on a great show and were one of the bands I always thought would make it big until suddenly they weren't around anymore. Frontman Ben Thieberger contributed guitar and vocals to Covid quarantine project Kin if you're looking for a bit of an extra fix but beyond that I don't know what these guys are up to these days, sadly. Recommended tracks: "Ramus," "Johnny Dangerously," "how sieves catch breeze," "K.O.T.H."
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Stand and Wave - New York (now Philly) pop punkers delivering instant dopamine hits with every track. Another great live act, see them with EJ if you can! They often play shows together. Recommended tracks: "Convos," "Mrs. Dash," "Splashton Kutcher," "Michael Collins."
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My Chemical Romance - You know who they are. While I was drawing all these other logos I ran a poll on Patreon to decide which famous New Jersey band should also be graced with a drawing from me. MCR won the poll by a hefty margin so unfortunately you won't get to see me do an illegible black metal take on Hoboken's Yo La Tengo. I ended up doing two versions: the one with the halo is the first, the one with the bats was the second. I tried to do something kind of thin and elegant with the first one and I don't think it's terrible but I also wasn't quite satisfied with it. For the 2nd attempt I tried to lean into the kind of pulpy, almost horror punk aesthetic of early MCR and I think that one looks better even if it's less original.
Anyway if you took the time to read through all this, thank you very much! And please support these bands! Also If any of the links aren't working please let me know.
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fob4ever · 6 months
patrick stump & neal avron on tape notes podcast (12.15.23)
songwriting stuff, demos, lyric process, a bunch of things! they talk about the songs lftos, heaven iowa and smfsd.
long summary under the cut!
talked about how they sat outside “emo” because they leaned more towards hiphop/rnb, but also how they didn’t fit in the “pop” genre too and how they would be put on pop shows and “comparatively it was like slayer was playing” lmao “but we’re still a pop band!”
they experimented with reggae and 90s shoegaze and hardcore during the pandemic
they recorded most of stardust together in neal’s house :D at the beginning it was mostly just neal and patrick working together, at the end of the day everybody would come in to listen
patrick said he got “kinda obsessed” with streamlining pete’s lyrics in the chorus over the past few albums: “pete is very wordy. he has all these ideas that take up a lot of space.” and that their manager sat him down at lunch and said “don't do that. you guys used to ramble. why don't you ramble?” and lftos was the first song patrick put together after that convo
lftos writing process: patrick followed what he was feeling, and most of what he did in that song were things that years spent working in pop music had scared him off on doing.
the “every lover's got a little dagger in their hand” lyric tied it all together for patrick: “[i was] singing that line and EAGERLY emailing neal: listen to this!”
they play a little of the lftos demo (16:55). it's wild. VERY guitar-forward
“neal and i lost most of the demos for [folie a deux].” the burning of the library of alexandria. to me
talks about how the folie demos were infinitely stranger than the final versions, “psychedelic at times”
for stardust, they didn't really keep much of the demo stuff- patrick: “and my demos are pretty decent!”
lftos piano demo (21:35)
patrick: i want some drama. when i look back at our records, our best ones start off with a sense of melodrama
they play individual parts of the lftos instrumentation (31:25), andy's drums, pete's bass, joe's guitar. <3
bridges are patrick's favorite thing to write, because he just gets to play
patrick: "pete doesn't even send lyrics in lyric-form, he just sends words. and it's interesting when you see it- it's almost like one-liner after one-liner. and i'll just get an email of those, and then you kinda have to figure out what thematically goes together, what feels like the same song. but then i also try to keep lyrics together as much as possible, because i feel he's in a place where it does feel like one thought."
"when i read it, there's almost a passive thing where i just imagine what it sounds like to me. and [the lyrics for heaven, iowa] scared me a lot, because it felt kind of sparse, and i don't really like sparse- i don't really like singing by myself. [...] i don't like being so front and center, and i could tell that there was something really intimate about this song, and it was a big challenge for me."
everybody immediately went for the heaven, iowa demo- it's from the first stardust session and it took the longest to complete because patrick wasn't satisfied with just his voice over keys- "it was too naked."
patrick doesn't ask pete about lyrics because: "first off, he will not explain things. but second off, i think there is something to that. where i'll read his lyrics, and i'll interpret it one way, and years later i'll realize it's another way. there's so many double entendres that i've only gotten decades later, i'll be singing and go, 'OH it's a sex thing.'"
patrick really attaches to the story of a lyric, the craft of it, and then years later he'll be like "oh that was a HEAVY lyric. [and] pete must have felt that thing! i don't really question it when i'm writing- it's kindof unfair on him, like, should i check on him?"
heaven iowa instrumental demo/instruments isolated (53:30)
patrick would tell joe to "go nuts" on heaven, iowa!
neal talks about the ambient guitar pedal joe plays during heaven iowa and how it worked really well. patrick says this was the kind of thing that saved (the song).
patrick and andy double drummed at the same time in the studio for heaven iowa! <3
pete told joe to go "full slash" at the end of heaven iowa : )
patrick almost didn't send out the demo for the title track, smfsd! he was almost sure no one was going to like it, even though he liked it. but he sent it out, and it "kept surviving"
both patrick and neal brushed smfsd off because they assumed they "couldn't do that", but pete really pushed for it, which surprised patrick.
so much for stardust demo (1:25:07) patrick plays drums on it, sloppily. which he freely admits to lol. it is quite sloppy indeed
patrick: "i'm a drummer too, but andy and i are very different drummers. and it's very cool translating our things between each other, because he comes from metal (...) and i'm more a funk drummer."
lotsa joe layering in heaven iowa and smfsd : )
it was patrick's idea to do a lyrical callback in lftos/smfsd, and pete was hesitant about it. but patrick pushed for it, becasuse it made sense as "story beats"- "it's like 'empire strikes back'!"
patrick doesn't like to putz around the studio that much, he just wants to be recording something.
patrick: "my routine [during the writing of the album] was just to make it to the studio as on time as i can be- i have adhd, it's very difficult- but i'd be there within 10-15 minutes of when i was supposed to be there, and then we'd just work through it."
patrick's advice: FROM ELTON JOHN: when you find your producer that understands you, stick with them. patrick: "and that was on a record we didn't do with neal, and i remember thinking [makes unsure noises]..." also prioritize in the short-term, what's important. take a step back.
neal's advice: if music is your passion, do it, and do it all the time
patrick was afraid people wouldn't like him "rambling" in songs, even though it was honest and natural to him. he was terrified of doing it again, thinking people wouldn't like it. but people did! "don't subvert yourself too much."
the host asks for them to choose a stardust song to close out the podcast, and patrick chooses what a time to be alive :)
the end
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yestrday · 1 year
what are the few things hs!au scara *isnt* good/excels at?
honestly my bet is writing, no matter how hard the mf tries he can never get what he wants to properly say out, thru text or irl 💀💀💀💀 he prolly got frustrated from not being able to think of something to write during class and rage quit
that or home ec cleaning, i cant imagine any of this guys shit being clean AT ALL- his room, bag, closet? all of those are messy and disorganized. and he hides all that shit in his closet or sum secret room only he knows abt whenever guests r over 😭
🍡 anon
hate to break it to you dango, but his writing is excellent. he's even won awards for essay writing contests and critical pieces. he's also quite clean. scara believes that it's unbecoming for someone of his standing to be so unsightly, and so cleaning up after himself is a must.
if there's something he's bad at, then it's anything that has to do with emotions. he can write essays, but he'll never be able to write literary prose that flows as beautifully as kazuha's. he can play all the instruments in the world, but he won't be able to make the audience feel like how venti does. he's all technique, no emotion.
well, at least he has his dance. jazz, hiphop, whatever, he frowns at all of them in disdain. he can waltz with someone, but even there's selfishness and haughtiness in his steps that makes his partner disoriented. but there's a special sword dance his clan teaches to their children, and when he performs it, there's a quiet beauty to him as he slices the air with his katana with precision. all his anger, his sorrow, the small bit of happiness he has goes into every slice.
it's probably the most beautiful you've seen scara, perhaps even the most vulnerable. but best you keep those thoughts to yourself.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
Bpp how have you been handling chapter2? Do you get bored or lose interest in Bts in hiatus? Do the solo rollouts not bother you? Please be honest I really want to know you true opinion.
Hi Anon,
Chapter 2 has been rough for you, hasn’t it? At least, based on your ask it sounds like it’s been. Tangentially, did you enjoy yourself this past weekend?
I’ve said this before, but if you ever feel like it’s a chore to remain plugged into BTS or stan culture, please step back. Don’t feel guilty about detaching if you no longer find joy in it. Move on to another hobby or another group if that’s where you’re at. BTS has fans, don’t worry. Don’t feel any obligation to stick around if Chapter 2 isn’t serving you what you want. You can check back in 2026 when the guys are together, or move beyond them completely.
That said, personally, I wonder how you can even ask me this question. Like, what else has Chapter 2 been but a trip? Lollapalooza, Balming Tiger collab, World Cup, Jungkook’s birthday video for Jimin, Indigo collabs, Set Me Free Pt 2, Promise on Spotify, On The Street, D-DAY tour, Yoonmin live, etc.
It’s been a blast. The music is easily some of the best globally this year and last. To illustrate:
The song I just listened to is Baseline by j-hope.
It's like a drug for me.
I don't think you understand.
I get high... off their music. Like, I don't know why you think two years of irregular releases without their full promotion of that music, will change my underlying sentiment. BTS scratches an itch few other artists can reach for me.
[ The sentiment? BTS is one of the best musicians of my generation. They make music that actually slaps. Any day of the week. Any genre they touch. It's prime good music. ]
Let me walk you through my playlist for the last half hour:
J-hope - Baseline
Baseline is the sauciest hiphop joint out of Korea, ever. J-hope is undeniably one of the most skilled and versatile rappers out of Asia. Point. Blank. Period.
RM, Tablo - All Day
RM's vocals in All Day render me a stupid mess. He's sooooooo... he's kinda nasty. I mean, it's big, he's kinda messy with it, but he ultimately knows how to use it, and he knows you know that he knows. All of this I deduced from his articulation and delivery on All Day. Tablo too, that tease, matched Joon's energy seamlessly. No further comment.
RM, Mahalia, Benny Blanco - Closer
Namjoon created a masterpiece with Indigo. It's an atrocity that many people won't admit it. Really. Indigo is the album of 2022 (Hurt by NewJeans being the song of the year, and JITB at Lollapalooza 2022 by j-hope the concert experience of the year.) Closer is an impeccably produced song. I mean it's almost disgusting how smooth the production, arrangement, instrumentation, etc on that song is.
Jimin - Alone
The cold clarity in his lyrics. How raw and honest he is, in such a well produced track... people need to show this song more respect.
RM - Change Pt 2.
The only song that rivals how brilliant and badass this one is, is Set Me Free Pt 2 by Jimin.
Agust D - D-DAY
The entirety of D-DAY album still has me in a vice grip, but something about D-DAY the song, rips to the core. How he manages to slip something rock anthemic into the epic call to arms he made that song into... Yoongi is in a league of one.
And to drive home the point, listen to him on HUH?!
Agust D, j-hope - HUH?!
Still the best song on the album. Undeniably. I mean, if you don't black out when this song comes on are you even alive? /gen. No matter where I am, what I'm doing, I could be exiting my company's underground garage, loading laundry, whatever... no matter what I'm doing, when this song comes on I feel my brain short circuit. It's like a mental reset. I suddenly feel so alert and primed with tension I could kill a person if I felt like it. The grandmas scared about what rap does to teens... songs like HUH?!, really do flip a switch in people's heads. They're right to worry because that's what the genre, drill - the gritty, ominous, and violent contemporary expression of rap - that's what it's made to do. And Yoongi showed an effortless mastery of it in HUH?!
Agust D - tour medley
I hope people who weren't able to see Agust D in person, were at least able to see him in the livestreamed concerts. Many times since I saw him in California, I've come back to some fancams from his earliest days of the tour. This one by rogrog is a favourite. Yoongi is a master of his craft who loves to show off his virtuosity. And in his D-DAY tour, that's what he does.
j-hope, J. Cole - On The Street
Jung Hoseok just casually produced this timeless classic and dipped to the military. No fuss. No sweat. No excuses. He just did the thing, had J. Cole spit some of the sickest bars of his career on that song, then said, "see you later."
Things like this are why he's my bias.
He's a consummate professional.
Unpopular opinion, but I have no real issues with their solo roll-outs. I'm not unsatisfied with too much and frankly, I'm so greedy for new music I wouldn't mind another cluttered roll-out. I hope Joon's music follows soon after JK's because God knows I'm not sure I can stand the wait much longer. Joon makes a lot of 'BTS-style' music and so whatever he drops will serve as the perfect complement to Seven / JJK1. And Vmin will likely drop new music in the next year as well.
Chapter 2 has been kind of a blast.
That's my "true opinion", Anon.
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
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Inspiration can come from many places. From a film, a show, a look, a touch, a song… 
I write to music every day. Whether it’s ambient or instrumental or good ole’ rock n’ roll. Usually, it’s in the background, just keeping my brain busy while my imagination runs wild, but sometimes… that beat hits me the right way… the feel of the song takes over… and before I know it- I’ve got a story. 
This is my challenge for you, and I hope that you accept it.
For each round, I will post a new song at random. It could be rock, country, hiphop, indie, whatever strikes me. Whatever gives ME that… feeling. I’ll pass the tune onto you and your job is to create a story with the FEELING of the song. You know what I mean. I want to read your story and have your words invoke the same emotion that the song does. 
You can use the lyrics, sure. You can write a story that perfectly matches the story within the song, also cool. But, I challenge you to step away from the core of the song and write a story that just feels like it. 
You may write for any fandom that you like, any ship, any pairing, any characters. You can write smut, fluff, angst, dark fic, anything that feels right to you. You can also go for it and write a completely original story that isn’t technically fanfiction. This is up to you. Whatever the song moves you to create, I encourage you to go for it. 
Can’t get a story out? Make a mood board, write a poem, draw something, make a gif set. Use the passion and creativity inside of you to show me how the song made you feel. 
You do not need to sign up, but if you reblog this post, it’ll spread the word and show me that you’re interested. You can of course message me/ask me any questions you have. I’m happy to chat and help! I’m generally always around ;)
When you post your creation, please tag @impala-dreamer and mention this challenge so I can see it and reblog. I will read as many as I can, and reblog them all. I don’t read every fandom… but I’ll do my best. I want you to have fun and get creative. After each round, a master list of your work will be posted and linked back to your creations.
You have two weeks to create. The next song drops on February 15, 2023. Good luck, and may the muse be with you. 
Have Fun...
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orbitfalls · 5 months
Regulus likes to write with his headphones on, noise cancellation on, no music. when he does listen to music, it's with a really crusty old pair of wired headphones (i'm projecting) because the stores don't sell wired ones anymore and he refuses to buy airpods.
Pandora listens to the last thing you would've ever expected upon looking at her, some sort of aggressive instrumental hiphop, Phonk Walker or something like that. She always manages to hum along anyway.
Barty listens to crappy pop music with zero shame, blasted on his massive ass sticker-covered soundbox whenever they're cleaning the dorm. The more you complain the worse it gets. (also, number one britney spears fan). got into måneskin before eurovision and never misses an excuse to rub it in dorcas' face.
Evan listens to classical music, volume high enough for it to be outright absurd. he knows too much about the artist and WILL infodump morbid stories about them when it's least expected. will get into the wildest shit, running from the police with ridiculously loud classical playing in his headphones and barty grinning and panting next to him (they're sharing the music, barty has Zero clue what they're listening to but he shamelessly pretends he does)
Dorcas is a pop/softrock girlie and gives the Best music recs. she will FIGHT for that music control on a roadtrip (and win, she's the only one who can get a hold of barty lol). she likes tina turner and some whitney houston and fleetwood mac. discovered måneskin via eurovision and is so unbothered by barty teasing her for it. her fav album is il ballo della vita.
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bwarchives · 5 months
Behind The Beats: Hookage's Steady Rise To The Top
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In the first edition of our interview series, we have hookage, a music producer/beatmaker born and raised in Francistown and Gaborone. He produces a wide variety of genres. The producer says his exposure to different genres( hip-hop, rap, neo-soul, rnb, deep house, etc.) and cultures nurtured his ability to produce different genres.
He has produced for a variety of artists and musicians locally and internationally, but notably, he’s produced for Kaysotheenigma's “Cherry Bomb,” which won 'Best Female Single' at the YAMAs, as well as three songs off her debut album “Fifth Heaven."
How did you come up with the name Hookage?
So i got the name from the anime series, Naruto but i added a twist to it. In the series, the original word is “hokage” and this is the title given to the leader of the specific village . So i added an extra “o” to honestly avoid copyright infringement issues but the meaning behind the name stands because i view my music and audience as my “village” and it’s my responsibility to take care of them.
How did you get into music production?
It started off as me playing music production games on my tablets as a child around the ages from 9 to 13 because i had always had this deep-rooted interest and passion for music but never really knew how to get into making my own stuff. So in grade 8/form 1, i met someone who taught me how to use Fl Studio and so i started making beats in 2017
We really like your ability to blend different genres into one track, who or what would you say has influenced your style of production?
Honestly, it’s an amalgamation of different producers and artists as i take different things from the individually. For example, i love the way Pharell Williams approaches his beats and certain chord progressions, where with The Alchemist, his ability to chop up samples the way he does or even just finding the samples he does is amazing then artists like Smino or JID, who manipulate their voices to sound a certain way whilst also using their voice as percussive instruments is also insane.
One of our favourite tracks by you is Need U, what's the story behind the track,who's on the vocals?
With that song, the whole thing is honestly a different song that didn’t have any drums on it but just vocals, keys and bass. i can’t even remember the original name of the song but i separated the song into those different layers and added drums of my own. I initially wanted to keep it for myself but i knew i had to at least post it
You've worked with numerous artists across different genres,out of all these collaborations which one would you say is your favourite?
I don’t think i can put a finger on my favorite because we all work together but if i had to choose right now, it would have to be spacerover and lucas chubbs
Which artist would you like to work with that you haven't yet?
There are so many artists i really want to work with atm but for now it would have to be K.alahari without a doubt
Before you performed your set for Backyard Stories, they revealed that you learned how to dj with vinyls from your dad, how was the whole process?
So it’s an interesting story because my dad and his brothers are all former Djs but had their own preferred genres hence why i have the variety of genres between house, hiphop, rnb etc. It was mainly my dad teaching me but the whole process of actually using vinyl was hard but i caught on quickly because i never used digital djing software so i had nothing to reference.
So Botswana was recently introduced to the music collective 'Ascension Pleas' and how it came about but, we'd like to hear from your perspective about how you met the others, your music production process and how being part of the group benefits you as hookage?
So as we explain prior, it really was just coincidence because we didn’t really even have a motive to be at UB apart from rehearsals for Pablo%8’s show that week and we then just decided to work on something. In terms of meeting them, i had already known banzai the longest as we already been working since 2021 but i met Lucas Chubbs and spacerover last year, same with briann bc but that we met at UB was the first time me and BC (briann BC) made music together. For the time being, i usually just give them old beats i didn’t have use for but recently we’ve been working hard with the new beats i’ve been making. I usually make a beat then send it to them to see if they feel it then the decision is made whether to use it or not. Me being apart of the group let’s their audiences become aware of who i am and possibly follow me in my journey and on the other hand, it let’s me share my love for music with like minded people who i can consider my friends and that deep love for music is something you can’t share with anyone
A lot of new generation artists and creative platforms have been emerging in Botswana, which one would you say has stood out the most?
I would firstly say you guys because i’ve seen you guys grow so rapidly but it’s because of your authenticity. Other artists that have really caught my eye are borus, chrysus, emo, mantra, magadi. there are so many more but they’re just a few to name
Favourite producer from Botswana?
it would have to be Simba the Indigo, one of the members of K.alahari
Out of all the songs you produced, which one stands out the most to you?
It would have to be some unreleased, song name titled “Honesty” which will feature on my debut album. It might be my best produced song at the moment
What's next for you, Hookage?
I’ve been quietly working on my debut album which is set to drop next year. This album is what I’ve been working on apart from working with other artists, just slowly piecing it together and it’s going to be a great start for me to establish not only as a music producer but an overall musician.
instagram: @hookagesamaa
stream hookage: campsite.bio
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estradasphere · 4 months
listened to the new vacon album!!!!! (i had to make a japanese spotify account cuz it doesnt release in the US until midnight orz) my thoughts on it below, mostly copypasted from when i was liveblogging it on discord lol
HATED JOHN - regret version
i'm not sure if i like this version of hated john better than the original hmmm.... his voice is certainly more dynamic but it doesnt feel like he's used to singing like that haha. a lot of voice effects being used too. i guess it's not better or worse it's just different p: instrumental sounded identical to the original to me but i'll have to relisten, i wasnt paying much attention to it
actually, he sounded like he was influenced by symaG's cover of hated john
2. Woodpecker
2nd song is woodpecker which was the one single he dropped so ive heard it plenty before. still a banger
3. ElecTravel - choo-choo version
electravel starts with a train chugging noise lol he's going all in with the toybox album theme
otherwise sounds pretty damn close to the original so far. vocal delivery is sliiiiightly different. actually i think i like this version better
man he still has that problem where his vocals kinda get drowned out by the instrumental sometimes though
OH he added an extra verse! kinda
ok first original song we havent heard before. toy cheese-- WHAT THE FUCK
ok nvm i was just thrown off by the sample at the beginning. this is fun
…this literally just sounds like a jingle for a toy commercial. i think that's what it's sampling
what is he dooiiiiinnngggggg i cant deny that his flow is really good though
5. モーニング・ベーコン - tee-hee version
morning bacon time!!!
yeah he's getting drowned out by the instrumental during the kinda whispery parts. i dont remember if that even happens in the original. ill definitely have to relisten to them and compare afterwards
but yeah his voice is absolutely more dynamic on the album
oh seems like he's changing up the lyrics a bit too
i think i just heard his mic peak 😭
instrumental seemed the same
6. D-D-Donuts
second new original song time
this sounds like a childrens commercial again. vacon i know how you can make boatloads of money just license this to hasbro
very catchy though…
his flow is so GOOD
7. 微熱パレイド
BINETSU PARADE YAAAYY i wonder if saegusa redid her vocals too?
sounds like she did
still whispery but sounds a little clearer to me
absolutely whimsical album this is. the silliest hiphop ive ever heard. dude just wants to rap about food and toys and have a good time i can respect that
8. Afro Man - hold tight version
AFRO MAN-- dude you're too close to the mic
how did he get Less professional. wait thats the problem. these sound like first drafts not remixes. i mean theyre still good songs but
hes getting drowned out by the instrumental again too ahhhhh like yeah his beats are really good but be more confident man
9. Xanadisco
xanadisco… is he gonna rap about drugs please rap about drugs thatd be so fucking funny
ohhhhhhh i really love this instrumental
yep this is my favorite song on the album so far no notes
why is it called xanadisco though. its not really disco…
10. Be-li-va Voyager
another new original now
THIS IS ALSO REALLY GOOD!! why did he save his best songs for the latter half of the album
just say what you waaaant cmoonn~~~
i love the occasional turntable scratch he throws in there lol
11. Love my JANE - repaired version
love my jane… sounds identical to the original so far except the guitar is a little louder?
yeah it sounds like he didnt even rerecord the vocals he just remastered the instrumental slightly?
oh nvm there's like 1 bar of new vocal delivery in here thats it
still a great song. he didn't really Need to do anything to it besides adjust the mixing a little. so he did not
last song. this sounds like a track from sonic spinball
oh my god it really does HAHAHAHA
not a bad thing. sonic spinball ost slaps
not sure if i like the vocal effects he's using but the delivery itself is good
ooh when most of the instruments drop out for a sec its pretty groovy actually
yeah he's almost belting now haha thats definitely not something he wouldve done like 5 years ago. good for him for working on his voice
ough... definitely sounds a little overwrought at times though
also there was a brief moment of silence and i could just baaaaarely hear him breathe that was awesome actually
fade out aaannnddd album over
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musetothemechanism · 7 months
*a poem written using unedited quotes from my online search history* i dont know what to do why does everyone shout at me what do i do i dont know how to look after myself who do i talk to lyrics for unless its you i fall into
doctors abruptly stopped my medication what words rhyme with manipulation lyrics emioton, jump in the ocean how long does butter last once open
consequences of being successful how many profitable twitch channels why do people think i deservet o get paid will i ever actually feel ok???
does vyvanse make u stay up for 2 days can i live on 3h sleep a day how long is the honeymoon phase how to make relationship anxiety go away
why do all my ceiling lights flicker flippant teenager says 'fine wahtever' how to help friend with fibromyalgia epileptic vs dissociative seizure
is 1h of sleep a night healthy guy snapped and shouted at me insulting me cant join max people in discord VC life expectancy ADHD
pour from big bottle into little bottle consequences of lifelong adderall smoke bong inside house subtle autoredial a dropped phone call
where is the heart for women why can i feel bugs on my skin shaky wobbly distorted vision best sexual assault hotline for autism
cant eat i cant eat 90s red and white boiled sweet instrumental hiphop beat
should i die i wanna die randomly feel a psychedelic high frightened and cant tell why
why are my friends so nice to me why do i deserve to be so lucky lost 7% of weight accidentally why does it still hurt when i pee
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garden-ghoul · 28 days
Okay here finally is the music meme @blotthis tagged me in. I don't know what Spotify likes are so I tried to approximate them by listening to a bunch of Bandcamp albums someone on cohost recced a while ago. I chose my favorite song from each album, in order I have them bookmarked. It's been a fun exercise in reshaping my mind to a diverse set of aesthetic paradigms so I can try to understand what each musician sees in their own music. That said. Some of these I'd be reccing anyway.
Points At Head from This Year I Lose My Mind by 2 Mello. Music that makes me wish I had more genre vocabulary. Energetic, funky, hiphoppy I guess?? Jazzy. Has kind of a C2C/Destroid vibe. We're grooving. I like this album.
Oh My God from Shabrang by Sevdaliza. Dark, breathy, synthy. Sevdaliza does fun stuff with autotune and other vocal mods as well as having a lot of great beats. Honestly I'd love to hear more of her unmodified voice in this track because she's a great vocalist. This is a good album if you want to get kind of chill and introspective and weird.
Owens from Little Robert Hutton by Curly Castro. One of the slower starts on a very maximalist album. Curly Castro is doing some fantastic collage here; I like how he plays with samples, clearly pulling from classic DJing on vinyl. I don't know enough about modern rap to compare the vocals to anything but Doomtree, RIP.
Withering Fire from Still as the Night, Cold as the Wind by Vital Spirit. Okay, I will confess I'm not enough of a metalhead to be able to distinguish any of these songs from each other. But as far as I can tell it's a good example of the genre, and if you need some big dramatic texturey noises this album is here for you.
Rock from Ez Minzoku by Foodman. I was having a hard time picking a song from this album, because a lot of it kind of sounds like someone mashing a midifighter loaded with the Earthbound soundfont. The album is hit or miss for me but as soon as I heard Rock I had to put it on this list. An exuberant electric guitar chiptune that's just weird enough for me.
The Mystery (Dilla's Still Here) from Beat Konducta Vol. 5-6 by Madlib. This album only has two songs you can listen to without buying it but on hearing this one I immediately started digging for his first album so I could listen to more of his music. More fun with samples; this is what I might call chillhop if I weren't so aware how boring most chillhop is. From Wikipedia's page on him, no-one's really sure how to categorize him because he's fusing so many genres.
The Great Mist Within from The Great Mist Within by Auriferous Flame. See I said I wasn't enough of a metalhead for Vital Spirit but actually I am a metalhead now. I really like Auriferous Flame's chords and I am gaining appreciation for the textural nature of black metal. I didn't make it all the way through any of these songs but I would if I were just leaving the album playing while I draw.
Son of Man from Rice Field Silently Riping in the Night by Reiko Kudo. I feel like this is one of the best tracks to show off how Kudo thinks about sound, with the different instruments kind of detuned from each other. This whole album is sort of like a distorted reflection of "normal music." Despite occasional loud honking noises it's pretty chill. I enjoyed the description of the recording process at the bottom of the page.
Dance Now from The Forever Story by JID. If you listen to one hiphop album this year, it should be this one. Every single track is a flawless gem with no missing pieces and nothing unnecessary, so the specific song I picked is just the first one I really started jamming out to. Very slick but not overproduced, fantastic beats, fantastic rhymes, wonderful vocals, great instrumentation. I can't coherently talk about the vibe of this album, just listen to it.
Cruise Control from 2000 by Joey Badass. As you may have noticed, I tend to be into chill wavey hiphop, which is why I chose this song off 2000. I really like the outro, it has a classic jazz piano thing going on. This is a hard album to review because I think I'd be more into it if I hadn't just listened to THE PERFECT ALBUM. Ah well. It's good.
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houseofache · 4 months
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨️
whaa i just saw this! thanks for the ask <3 more after the cut because you know i had to yap about the tracks i chose LOL
this is about to be such an interesting list because i've been listening to a lot lately
coal by dylan gossett is a warm, downbeat country song and has been on repeat for me for the past few weeks because it's an oddly comforting song while enduring a midwestern winter. i really enjoy gossett's voice and delivery as a whole and the line "they say pressure makes diamonds / how the hell am i still coal" pinches something deep in my chest every time i hear it.
blood on me by sampha is a damn good hiphop track with such a catchy hook that will certainly live in your brain for weeks—a talent sampha's known for. no, seriously that "i swear they smell the blood on me / i hear them coming for me" hook is going to haunt you in the best way possible. the production on this track is so rich and layered that it's easy to become entranced with it. it's simultaneously laid back but brings such a unique intensity with how his vocals are layered over the beat and instrumentals. a friend had recommended his album, Process, to me and it's phenomenal.
Мой мармеладный (Я не права) by katya lel is such a fun four on the floor dance track. do i know what she's saying? absolutely not. i know that the rough translation of the title is "my marmalade" and it is about seducing someone?? but to be completely honest with you, i'm not thinking about lyrical analysis while i'm throwing ass to this in my kitchen.
the big bang by rock mafia is your classic fun, catchy rock song from the 2010s. the vocal delivery on the chorus is so fucking good and there's no way it won't worm its way into your head after one listen. i think i could live inside that easy, steady drum beat and that deceptively simple bass line forever. the way that the rhythm guitar is panned almost completely to the left ear leaves so much space for everything to stand out on its own— something i find is often lacking in some current rock records.
taco truck x vb by lana del rey is the perfect amalgamation of lana's melancholic alt-pop sounds of the 2010s and her current folks-y, jazz-y pop sound. the way this track builds and expands from its more laidback beat and jazz-inspired vocal delivery in the beginning to the best closing song off of lana's discography with the use of the grittier version of venice bitch from norman fucking rockwell is a sound to behold. it's a marriage of the major sonic identities lana's been known for but so well-polished that it leaves her talent undeniable. in many ways, ocean boulevard, the album that taco truck closes, is the spiritual sequel to norman fucking rockwell.
alright, that's it! if any of you listen to these, i'd love to know your thoughts. i'm gonna stop yapping now and be productive lol <33
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Jimin, dude, man, bro, wtf? What in actual goddamn fuck???
Listen, there like 3 Jimin solo songs I like and I am not a big fan of some of his vocal choices but let me tell you I was really hyped and hooked when the teasers came out. The drama, war anthem-ness, the grandeur of everything, I liked it all. So I was quite disappointed when the news of him rapping came out because I've heard him rap before and it was bad, and I especially was reluctant to watch the whole MV after I heard a snippet of it on my tl (the stylistically autotuned rap part, yeah). I was afraid to be disappointed after such great teasers.
despite my fears I finally watched the MV... fuck... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK PARK JIMIN??? It's so damn good! Even the rap part??? I LOVED it. Separately it doesn't sound very nice but combined and mixed it somehow works well. And his stylistic vocal choices, the way he changes his voice all the time, it's amazing, it keeps you hooked and anticipating what comes next, it keeps surprising you, even shocked at some point. I haven't been a fan of bts songs since the fake love era (even black swan is not IT for me, it's really good but not THAT great) so it says a lot. this one is easily one of my faves EVER in their discography.
The song is a statement. A grand opening. Empowering.
BTW, the song is totally a type of song that you would play in your car while driving around with your friends and singing-shouting along. Wow, just wow.
Ask 2: Opinions on set me free pt. 2 seem to be divided in some circles 👀👀👀 ofc because of the vocal processingz that’s a common complaint for so many years already lol. I mean Pdogg is the main producer of the album so idk what they expected… personally i love the song and i think the vocal processing works but i think i can understand some people have different tastes and expectations… at the end of that day it was a choice consciously chosen by jimin and his producers. It’s there for a reason imo. I’m happy though that jimin really tried something different!!!!! So many people were expecting a ballad for this title instead we got a banger lol… and like you said Yoongi’s style is obvious even when he doesnt have a hand in making it directly… now i’m so curious what like crazy will sound like!!!! But i wanna ask if youll be making a post for set me free bpp???
Posting these two asks now because my inbox is already getting out of control and between getting zero sleep and a flight I've got to catch in exactly 73 minutes, I'd rather briefly get out some thoughts now, regardless of if they're coherent or not, because I don't know when next I'll have time.
Hi Anon(s),
I don't think I'll ever write a full review for this song, because there's a lot about it I don't want to talk about, a lot I don't want to share and would rather keep to myself.
That said,
Everything about Set Me Free Pt. 2 is right up my alley and objectively brilliant. Every single thing about it: the melody, the autotune, the chants, the rap, the fact the whole thing plays out in the same prison, the way Jimin uses his body as a canvas for inscriptions that only enhance his storytelling, the performance.
I have nothing to say to anyone who doesn't like this or that about it. Rapper Jimin was in my wishlist for PJM1 so... and I'm a hiphop head who listens to Travis Scott-type autotune at least a couple times a day. Plus I've got Yoongi, that nasty, autotune-loving, foul-mouthed cat as my bias. Joon and Hobi aren't that much nicer either. Anybody reading this to hear me say something critical about this song should wake up and smell the matcha.
Some things I want to gush about:
First of all, the instrumentals. PDogg went stuuuuuuuuuuuupid on this track goddamn.
Tumblr media
This song is pure trap. An orchestral, haunting trap anthem is what Set Me Free Pt. 2 is.
It is so sick. So maddening in how good it is. No wonder he was so excited about Jimin ending k-pop in 2023, the song he produced is easily the best produced Korean song so far and believe me when I tell you that is really saying something, because the competition this year has been stiff.
The Vocals
Jimin's voice is the most emotive in BTS. That's one reason I love it. Another reason is because nobody's vocals in BTS, in k-pop, fuck, in all of Korea, drips as much sauce as Park Jimin's. I've said before, Jimin sounds inhuman almost, I describe his voice as serrated steel coated in honey and wrapped in silk because it sounds distinctly metallic, but can be oddly soothing. But with Jimin, there's a tone he takes sometimes that has this undercurrent of nasty, of unapologetic vulgarity, and in Set Me Free Pt. 2, he uses autotune to amplify it to brain-piercing perfection.
PDogg brilliantly uses autotune to aid Jimin in sending a message.
The shrillest, most distorted we hear Jimin is when he raps after the first chorus, and that's by design. The use of autotune in this song is intentional, and we can see this because every time it ratchets up, Jimin is being crude and uninhibited - as though it's a second voice, an alter-ego, or Jimin himself speaking the deepest truest thoughts he holds, pushing them to the surface after suppressing them for nine years.
PDogg has used this sort of autotune on Jimin's voice before, in the second chorus of Black Swan (timestamp: 2:24 - 2:50)
It's hidden in the backing vocals in Black Swan but felt in full cathartic force in SMF pt 2. And it feels incredible.
The Message/Lyrics
This is the part I don't want to write about because I'd rather keep my thoughts to myself. Not because I have special insight or think I've discovered something no one else sees or whatever, but because it's the only thing about this song that stayed within my expectations of who I think Jimin is. Plus I'm certain various interpretations will be offered by many other bloggers, so I'm okay sitting this one out.
That's the most I'll say now.
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hoodie-prince-kid · 5 months
coming from a console as early as the sega genesis, the music in street fighter 2 has limited options to work with in order to keep the game running as best as it can on the hardware it has and sounding good. Vega's theme in particular has exactly four parts, easily seen in this synthesia remake: the melody (strings), the backup (horns), the rhythm (bass), and the drums.
the different variations of vega's theme across games use lots of different instrumentation, my personal favorite thus far is probably street fighter 4 with the acoustic guitar, synth strings, rock organ, accordion, and fast-paced synth drums paired with castanets (but shoutout to the smash bros version as the only one i've heard so far that uses piano, and the street fighter 5 version that i think has the most exciting and dramatic instrumentation thanks to the drums and arrangement).
the drums follow a very common but fun pattern, that cool kind of 90s hiphop you'd expect from a classic street fighter game. it adds a modern element to the rest of the otherwise classical-esque theme, thus allowing it to fit right in as part of the street fighter aesthetic.
the bassline makes an excellent rhythm. another common but catchy pattern, it follows the reliable galloping pattern lots of fast-paced video game songs use, like in N64 Mario Kart's Rainbow Road. as is a common trend with genesis soundtrack songs from my experience, the bass is kind of the core of the song, even if you cant really hear it without looking for it.
the horns are what set the style. that flamenco pattern alone just screams "this song is for a spanish matador", and tells you immediately what Vega's background is- he's an experienced fighter from spain, and he's here to kick your ass.
arguably, the song could be fine without the melody, but given this is Vega we're talking about, we can't do without it. the strings are the most easily audible part of the song, a smooth and continous line of notes that tell a strong and from some perspectives triumphant story. the melody feels like the announcement of an arrival, which is just so fitting for Vega and his self-importance. it tells you that not only is Vega here to kick your ass, he's going to look (and feel) badass while doing it.
the parts work together in such a cool way, even if at first glance the theme is just a stereotypical spanish-style song for a fighter from Spain. not only is it fitting for a dramatic narcissist like Vega, it's also fitting as a theme you hear when you're getting close to the final boss (which is Vega's original position, as one of the three sub-bosses before M Bison in street fighter 2).
in conclusion, i just think music is neat. thank you for coming to my TED Vega Talk.
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