#best kids bunkbeds
leemarkies · 6 months
if i pass this deposition group project i shouldn't have to take the bar they should just give me my license bc i had to deal with my dumbass groupmates
#no like i feel like screamingggg#we have to divide up the deposition and decide who's doing what#and I MADE THE DIVISIONS. and offered tons of subtopics to talk about for each part#and i ended up with the part about our client's and friend's relationship with the ranch owner to establish their status on the land#like. ok! i can handle that!#tell me why every fucking groupmate i have posted their depo outline on our gc#and every fucking one of them are asking questions about their relationship#we each have to depose for 20 min why are y'all taking my fucking topic i won't have anything to say when it's my turn!!! tf!!!!#so i'm messaging them things like 'hey bestie maybe u should ask them about the padlock gate. or their first aid kid.#or emergency procedures. bc ya know.. ur topic is the ranch in general. wtf'#or 'hey how about you mention how the bunkbed has open slots on the side where the latter SHOULD have been.#ya know. since ur topic is the bunkhouse.'#whatever if they take MY questions that I have to ask i'm taking theirs <3#i fucking provided them all the info for each topic we could talk about and they just all fucking ignored it#hey idiots there's a reason i have the best grade in the class ik wtf i'm doing#we can ONLY use the evidence we get in the depo in the final motion so we need to make sure we ask all the questions we can! fuckers#like do the topic divisions mean nothing are we all just gonna wild out and ask whatever tf we want bc this transcript is gonna be shit#i'd rather just depose all by myself for 3 hours#marie.txt
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minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years
can you tell us more about tim in ur SoA au please? i wanna know how he gets adopted here if he does and his relationships to everyone else. plus his reactions to jasons… Big Day we’ll call it and bruce’s eventual. Big Day of his own. (i dont wanna say the D word ): )
Of course! (sorry for the late reply I don't check my inbox very much lol) I'm gonna ramble so everything is gonna go below the cut.
Anyways, so Tim and Jason meet at Gotham Academy. They become best friends (their only friend) because A) Jason is the new poor kid in a rich private school where everyone has known each other since kindergarten. B) Tim is 3 years younger than everyone and is a big weirdo.
Tim follows (stalks) Jason home one day and kind of just starts coming over every day. Tim's parents fired the nanny recently due to some extramarital stuff, and when they are about to go on their next dig, Bruce suggests to his parents that Tim stays with them so he does. Every time they are out of town (at least 3/4 of the year) Tim lives at their house, where he shares a bunkbed with Jason.
Then Jason 'dies'.
Tim moves into Dicks old room, by himself, and he is trying to support Bruce who has become like a second dad to him, through his grief while trying to push his away. It's very messy like grief usually is.
Things are bad, and his parent's company tanks, so they start sending him to public school. Where he has to come out of his shell cuz he doesn't have Jason anymore for him to lean on.
He makes friends with Steph, and a bunch of other kids through the Justice League.
Okay, I'm gonna stop cuz this is getting convoluted but he does get adopted after his dad dies, but he's been living with the Waynes way before that.
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asfateentertwines · 1 year
Kiri and Spider have been best friends since the beginning
They met when Kiri was still an infant and Spider around 2. He still wasn't allowed to leave the labs but he snuck in to one of Kiri's checkups
He was a climber and a builder - hence his name - and so it was hard to keep him out of where he wanted to be
So when the toddler heard another cry in the building it was only a matter of time before he found it
He wanders, stumbling through the offices he's confined to and sneaking until he reaches the Avatars
Jake is there, Kiri in his arms, sitting next to Ms. Grace's tank. He's talking and it sounds like a story which Spider loves so he of course toddles his way over. He climbs into the Na'vi's lap without regard for his size, skin, or the fact that he's only met Jake a handful of times.
Jake, to his credit, catches the tiny human with a free palm under his butt. Paying no heed to the flabbergasted look on the mans face, he peers down to stroke the girls cheek
He flies for a moment while Jake tries to keep them apart but then the girl has his hand in her palm
She blinks up with big eyes and Spider offers a giant toothless grin: there was no going back after that
Neteyam comes with Kiri
He's Spiders age but double his size, 2' taller for the 2 months he's younger
Still, Spider doesn't let the few kids his age on Pandora get away. He's a social butterfly and opts to conquer Neteyam's introverted ways.
And so he toddles after the blue boy everytime he comes with his sister
Kiri is growing fast, especially next to human growth standards, but she still has a ways to go to meet Spider, so her big brother will have to do
It's 3 months of toddling after him, pulling his tail, and playing with the pretty beads adoring his hair while Neytiri tries desperately to keep the little human away from him
But, once again, containing Spider is mission the adults surrounding him have yet to accomplish
And so Neteyam finds himself with a little blonde flea attached to his side
He chases the younger boy through the halls, giggling at the tiny hisses Neteyam lets out when he catches him. He pulls his tail and climbs onto his big boy bed - he can use the grown up bunks now! - while Neteyam tackles his obstacles with ease.
The other boy is shyer but Spider has learned how to rile him up by now
They play for the hour or two that Jake spends with Kiri getting monitored in the labs. If Neytiri is there then it's harder, but Spider can normally get a story for them at least.
It continues on for a while with Kiri joining them as she starts to crawl, then toddle with their hair or her brothers tail in her fist
And it seems that gets Spider a little too comfortable
Namesake on full display, he tries to climb the bunkbed ladders of the bunk room while Neteyam is chasing him
He's gotten far too big for most of Spiders tricks to slow him down so the child thinks this is his chance to get a rare upper hand
Except bunk beds are tall and metal is slick and maybe Spider isn't really that much of a big kid yet
He really does try to catch himself but its too slippery and he hits the ground hard
The scientists around the lab don't like it when he cries and really does try to keep it in, but his arm really hurts and he can't help but let it escape
He waits for Neteyam to mock him or tell him to stop but instead finds himself craddled against the boys chest.
"Shhhh, shh, 's okay Spi, just stop cryin'. I-I'll get my Daddy and Uncl' Norm." Spider only shakes his head and cries more, clinging to the other boys beads.
"No'uh, 'm okay. 'm a big boy."
Neteyam stutters for a minute before he nods. The two boys stay curled on the floor for a few minutes then with Spiders arm cradled between them.
"Don't worry, 'm here Spi. Every'tings okay."
Their relationship is never as close as the others growing up but there's an understanding between them the others never have
They're equals, the two oldest brothers.
They might be opposites but they've got one another's backs...even if that's just taking left while the other takes right to corner Lo'ak at highcamp.
Neteyam never made friends easily
Spider forced himself into the picture and his siblings never really got a choice in the matter
Sure, being the Ole'ekytans son meant some of the other kids would clamor for his attention but he never did good at being more than casual
Responsibilities stack on him like like the berries on Tuks tarts: he doesn't have the time or strength to devote to anything else
His siblings are enough though. There's a war and he can't loose focus or they'll get hurt
He left them once and lost Spider - he won't let it happen again
It gets lonely though
He chases after his kid brother and protects his sisters from as much as he can but...there's no one to look after him
Then he meets Ao'nung
Ao'nung is brave and cool and gets it in a way his siblings just can't
He may not have grown up in a war but he has a little sister and another on the way - he knows the responsibility of an important father and its addicting to have that person in his life
They lean on eachother, quietly, and he finally has something for himself
He tells him things he never told anyone else
He talks about his fathers expectations and pressure, his mothers trauma, his worry over the human they left behind, and his fear for Kiri's future. He talks about Lo'ak running into danger and Tuk losing her innocence and Ao'nung talks about his anger. About the fear he has of whats to come, about Tsireya and how he worries this will break her. He's weak around him and Neteyam savors it.
Time goes by and he gets hurt. His arm might never be the same as it was and his ear still rings with the echoes of gunshots but he has his brother back and his family is safe
Neytiri finally, finally lets Spider come home but it's not over
He doesn't think it ever will be
But Ao'nung slips his hand into his and maybe he'll be okay
Maybe he doesn't have to do this alone
Rotxo was Ao'nungs first friend
They were friends from the first time they sat through lessons together and they've been attached at the hip ever since
Rotxo knows Ao'nung will be a great Ole'ekytan but he'll need a right hand and Rotxo is ready to step up
For a long time he thinks maybe he'll be more than that but the Sullys arrive and they both find that path a different way
Still, they're eachothers person
They back one another up no matter what and there is rarely one without the other
In training they pair up, have joint moves that they make just for themselves and know the others gaps or weaknesses like its their own
Tonowari didn't want to train them for war but they didn't want to risk being unprepared
So when the sky people reach their waters, they spend every hour they can steal with one another
They spar and wrestle and carve more weapons
Their hands shake with fear and adrenaline but they keep their thighs pressed to the others and carry on
Rotxo gains muscle mass and Ao'nung learns to use a bow Neteyam carved. They grow their skills, their strength, but also their fear
Unlike the Sullys, they didn't grow up with war on the horizon
They don't know what's coming and cling to each other while they can.
No matter what, they know they can rely on the other
It isn't until they see Quaritch dead that they'll let go of the breath they're holding but they hold the other up until then
Nothing could pry them apart and nothing that tries will walk away
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bookishjules · 28 days
i learned this year that when i was a kid, my grandma got mad at my mom for not paying enough attention to me. for not praising me when i did things well. for distributing her care and concern unevenly among her children.
my older brother is autistic and dyslexic and has dyscalculia, too, which is basically dyslexia for math. he had to go to speech therapy and occupational therapy. he had an iep (individualized education plan) in school and required a lot of guidance outside of it as well. i juxtaposed almost every single precedent he set. i excelled developmentally and academically, and i only needed to be told something once before i did it the right way. i was not the concern.
even before i connected the dots, i would act in ways to draw out my mother's concern. she told me a story, when i was probably around 4 years old, of how when i was really young, i got sick and lost so much weight that she was genuinely scared for me. any time i was sick after hearing that, i consciously ate less than what i knew i could stomach, lying about my appetite just to draw her attention and concern. i wanted to hear that story again, i wanted her to remember i needed to be cared for too. my eating disorder developed when i was 18. my grandma was dead by then.
i remember going through a phase when i was 14 of leaving words misspelled, even though i always knew the right way to spell them. i wanted someone to notice, to tell me i could do better, to hold my hand even if i didn't need it. i wanted my mom to look at me and see that maybe i wasn't as capable as she always believed i was. even if that incapability was all just fabricated. maybe if i wasn't as capable, my accomplishments would look greater. nobody ever noticed. my grandma had barely been dead a year.
one night when my grandma was babysitting my siblings and i, and i was up late talking with my sister, she came and slept on the floor between the bunkbeds as a way to get us to shut up. she was annoyed and upset and needed us to know that she was still there and would be all night. that night, i wasn't the one holding everything together. that night, her presence served as a reminder of her concern, that she would go to any length to make sure that i was doing as i should, rather than just trusting me to be mature. it's a fond memory, when my siblings and i tell it these days, an oh abuela, what a character story. but i think i would have liked her to lay beside my bed more often.
any time my grandma cared for me when i was sick, she would open up a capsule of vitamin c and mix it with honey in this little bowl. even when we had chewable vitamin c's that my mom would give us, even after i learned how to swallow a pill on my own, she would still hand me the bowl of sour vitamin cut through with just the right amount of soothing sweetness. it was a lot like her, come to think of it. kindness with a bite. and i swear she believed that vitamin c could cure anything. i don't remember the last time i took any sort of vitamin. but i still i crave her concoction every time i get sick.
there are a lot of things i wish i could tell my grandma--my abuela. through the years, i've often thought of all the accomplishments i wish i could share with her. little things and big things both. now that i know how much she pushed for me to be treated like any other child my age, i can't help but wonder if those wins are the things i dream of sharing simply because she's the person who would best receive them. now that i know . . . i can't help but add a thank you to my list of things i would say to her. thank you for holding my hand. thank you for seeing me. thank you for not letting my small needs go unnoticed.
thank you for getting mad at my mom so many years before i understood there were things i deserved to be mad about.
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starshineandbooks · 2 months
Bottom of the river (long way down) part 3
Pairing: Grimmons, Tuckington, Docnut, oc x oc
Rating: T (cursing, Canon typical banter)
Word count: 4787
Summary: In the aftermath of Simmons putting his foot in his mouth, progress is made. The kids are determined to do what they have to.
Warnings: cursing, repression,
Other: if I missed anything please let me know (Not beta read)
Lani dosen’t look back as she leaves, marching directly into her room. She puts herself in her top bunk and curls up facing the wall.
"Leilani." Zach says as he comes in.
"I'm fucking fine." She snaps.
"Lani." He says again. Softer as he watches her tremble.
Zach closes the door and steps closer. He comes up to the bunkbed and just looks her over.
She tenses up, pulling a blanket over her. She dosen’t turn but she dosen’t snap at him again.
"What can I do?" Zach asks.
"I want my dads." Lani says softly.
"I can-" Zach starts to offer but frowns. "I know, Lani."
She turns, her eyes glossy with unshed tears.
"This is such bullshit, and if I hadn't touched that stupid fucking thing- what if we mess it all up?!"
"What if we don't?" Zach offers softly.
"Look, timetravel never works that great in the books or movies. I'm not fucking smart, but I'm not stupid."
"You are smart, Lani. We don't know how this works, but we can make the best of it."
"I'm really fucking scared, and I just want my dads."
"I know. Come one down here, we'll build a blanket fort." Zach urges gently.
"I just don't wanna mess everything up." Lani laments as she sits up slowly, tears falling down her cheeks.
Zach just nods. He knows. He gets it.
But he also knows freaking out won't help.
Instead he takes a deep breath. "You wanna braid my hair?"
"Yes please." Lani manages.
Zach has to fight the urge to flinch. He hasn't heard her sound so tame since her childhood cat died two years ago. This has really upset her good lord.
Lani slips down the ladder and moves to her friend. She hugs him tightly, burning her face in his chest as she tries to stop the tears.
He hugs her right back, holding her close as he curses Simmons with everything he has. How dare the man upset his friend?
That ass wipe!
"Zach have you- what happened?" Ban asks as he comes in.
The door shuts quickly as Ben comes and joins the hug, pressing against Lani's back. He looks up to Zach with questions unvoiced.
"Simmons." Zach says sharply. He takes a deep breath before he continues in a calmer manner, "Simmons put his foot in his mouth, and it really upset Lani. Which is understandable."
Ben frowns, "Lani... what happened?"
"He said he's not my dad. And why woukd he want to be?! I fuckdd up and were all gonna get un-creatdd cause we're in the past!" Lani groans.
Ben just nods. He tries to make the words make sense, remembering that his friend becomes dramatic when she's upset.
He knows her, and he knows her tendencies to blow things out of proportion but he dosen’t want to make her feel less than either.
"Lani," Ben says, still hugging his friends, "Would you like a blanket fort? And maybe to talk?"
"Just wanna not fuck it all up." Lani says softly. "I'm scared."
"I know." Zach soothes, "I know. It's okay. We're right here, I promise."
"Yeah, Lans," Ben smiles softly, "And next time we see the rest of our friends we can tell them about this and I promise Caasie will tell Simmons he's a dick."
Lani laughs a little, bitter and exhausted. She finally looks up at Zach. "Can we sleep in the blanket fort?"
"Yes, Lani, we can absolutely sleep in the blanket fort."
So, they build the fort, and Lani braids Zach's hair. They curl up in the blanket fort amd talk about dumb things and funny stories from their youth. And they fall asleep tangled together.
It's okay.
Lani is till hurt and everything still sucks, but it's okay.
And when they wake up in the morning it's to Tucker.
"Hey." Tucker says, kneeling in front of the blanket fort. "Kept the party going huh?"
"Shut the fuck up." Ben groans as he shoves his face further into Lani's stomach.
"Simmons is getting yelled at by Grif, dunno why it is this time." Tucker informs.
"I do." Zach says simply, "Simmons really messed up."
"It's fucking fine, Zach. Simmons is more than allowed to decide he doesn't have a fucking obligation to me. I have you guys and I have dad."
"Wait- what?" Tucker frowns. "What happened?"
"Simmons said things without thinking." Zach says firmly, looking rather done. "I imagine Grif found out."
"Well- shit. Lani I don't know what he said, but he didn't mean it. He just- fucking sucks at talking." Tucker says, hoping to do some damage control. His parental instincts probably the loudest since he's had a kid already at this point and they other's haven't.
Lani gives a dubious look, but she dosen’t argue.
"Yeah, pops is super right, Simmons is a dumbass, but he didn't mean it."
"Yes, he fucking did. He said I wasn't his kid, and he's right. I'm an unknown to him, so what the fuck ever."
"Lani... you kept cutting him off. What he said sucks, a lot. I'm not defending him at all, but he didn't have a chance to explain." Zach says softly.
"Bullshit." Lani scoffs, "He said he wasn't parent material. When I called him papa he said he wasn't. So er-fuckig-go he said he wasn't my god damn dad."
"I'm not saying otherwise. I'm just saying you didn't give him a chance to try to explain."
"Oh kid, ypu had a shit end to your night, huh?" Tucker asks, "Want me to go kick his ass?"
"No." Lani says.
"Lani?" Ben asks.
"If you change your mind, you let pops know."
"There's no need to kick ass. I'm still fucking upset and terrified, but that's just stupid. We need all the help we can get."
"You uh- want a hug?" Tucker asks.
"Fuck yeah I do!" Lani gives a smile, more cheerful than earlier. She loves her uncle Tucker's hugs.
Tucker moves closer and hugs her. He dosen’t really know a lot about her but he knows it sucks when your parent says something stupid. He hugs her the way he hugs Junior. Firm and gentle.
Lani hugs right back, ignoring the fact she's probably clinging. It's fine, it's her uncle Tucker.
"I fucked up." Simmons says when he sees Grif open his eye.
Grif groans lowly.
"I really fucked up."
"What the fuck are you on about?" Grif groans again as he pushes up.
"I upset Lani. I think I accidentally said I wasn't her dad-"
"You fucking what?!" Grif snaps his gaze to his roommate.
"I don't know! But I hurt her, and she stormed out, and I think she thinks I don't want her."
"God damn it, Simmons."
"I know."
Grif just groans. If this were anyone else, he'd lose his shit, but yelling won't change anything.
So, instead, he just drops onto his bed with a groan and wonders if he can just not do anything today.
Hopefully, the answer is yes.
Sarge has gathered intel. And he can't imagine how he ended up with a second generation of red team, but he is happy about it!
And yes, Grif had a child, but that child is still a glorious red!
So far, he's discovered that Aspen is good with strategy, Violet is amazing as a ppitcher, and Cassie likes tarot. That last one isn’t as useful, and Cassie is a dirty blue.
But still...
Intel can be crucial in ways you don't expect. And Sarge is very creative. He's a genius if he can say so himself!
On top of that, he creates time travel, and it takes that blue team scientist!
Today, he's with Doctor Grey, running blood work and other health tests for the timetravelling teens while a time traveling Kai watches and babbles.
This is a second round of checkups, a precaution, and a way to gather information.
"I hate needles." Violet groans as she burries her face in Aspen's shoulder.
"We know, Vi." Aspen pats the girl's back gently. Their voice is soothing.
"I hate doctors. Emily is supposed to be nice to us." Violet mourns.
"We're in the past before any of our parents got it together, Emily is just doing her job." Cassie chimes in as she drapes herself across Aspen's other side.
"How do you know me by that name?" Dr. Grey asks as she puts a bandage on Violet's arm. She dosen’t sound upset, only curious.
"You're our eccentric grandmother figure!" Violet beams.
"Violet!" Cassie hisses, moving to swat her friend lightly only to almost fall.
"Easy." Aspen says as they snag their friend's bicep and pull them back to stable.
Cassie just smiles, muttering appreciation quietly.
"I have no children, so I can't imagine having grandchildren." Grey chirps happily, "Arm, please."
Aspen offers their arm without hesitation. They don't flinch when the needle enters their vein, focusing instead on breathing.
"Well...." Violet grins excitedly.
"Do. Not." Cassie says firmly.
"Shut it, blue." Violet says so lightly that there's no doubt she is joking.
Sarge is delighted, though. "You heard the little lady, blue."
"Hey, what's wrong with Blues?!" Kai demands as she looks up from the tablet she's been using basebook on.
"You're the enemy!" Sarge scoffs.
"Oh, I can't wait to kick your ass at paintball." Cassie says as she smirks. "Hell yeah!" Kai grins.
"I mean, we'll probably win." Aspen chimes.
"Another victory for red team!" Sarge crows.
"You wish." Cassie scoffs with an eye roll.
"We'll kick your ass, old man!" Kai defends loudly.
"Yeah!" Cassie jeers.
"Oh my, I hope you have a referee." Grey smiles.
"Of course we do. Dad and Zach run refree." Violet laughs.
"Good ol' Doc, he taught me everything I know about medicine." Cassie beams, joking as she kicks her legs a little.
"Which is why my dumb brother won't let you play first aid." Kai scoffs.
"My dad is a great medic!" Violet defends vehemently.
"He rubbed aloevera on me for a pinkie toe wound!" Sarge scoffs.
"Bandaids don't help migraines." Aspen says with a pointed look.
Grey turns to Cassie and starts to draw her blood.
"I like to give people oreos for hunger." Cassie smirks.
"You dastardly blue, Grif has infected your young mimd!" Sarge clicks his tongue.
"Please stop yelling." Grey asks lightly.
"Sure thing, doctor." Aspen agrees lightly
"We're not yelling!" Kai protests.
"Kai." Violet sighs slowly.
"That's my name!"
"Can we please behave?" Cassie groans, ignoring that she too had been messing around.
"Only if you do too!" Violet giggles.
"I miss my brother. He shuts you up." Cassie groans.
"He has a way with that." Violet agrees sweetly.
"Ew." Aspen frowns.
"I see you take after you,'re daddy!" Sarge frowns, trying to decide if having a second Donut is worth the addition to the red team.
Kimball has learned a few things about the new recruits.
One, they're crazy barley contained chaos who only abide by Zach. The Sim troopers seem to have passed on the gene for 'God won't let us die and it's your problem.'
Two, Lani is a daddy's girl who has Grif wrapped around her finger. This could be useful. If it's used right, at least.
Three, Ben sleepwalks and has nightmares. He frequently ends up in a hallway trying to run.
And four, Zach is the only voice of reason the other two seem willing to listen to. The tall boy is good at first aid and being the adult. Which is a fucking god send.
Today, Kimball wants to use these things (minus number three, perhaps) to whip the captains into shape.
Training is about to start, and thanks to the three teenagers, even Grif is present. The captains, their squads, and the teens stand in a group loose around the front of the training room.
Ben waves, dressed in grey armor streaked with aquamarine. He seems entirely too excited. His other arm holds his helmet on his hip. "My name's Ben, I'm enemy captain."
"Would someone tell me why my son is acting as the enemy captain?" Tucker asks sharply.
"Because he fucking can." Lani says as she comes up beside her friend.
Simmons nearly screams when he realizes his daughter is in armor. Fuck. No.
This is so not okay. He needs to stop this right now.
Lani is clad in orange armored streaked with maroon. She's putting her helmet on and if they didn't know her voice they'd never recognize her.
"Lani what the fuck?" Grif manages, because that seems an appropriate question.
"It's cool. we're only doing hand to hand and wood knives today!" Ben waves off the concern.
"I'm running first aid." Zach says as he steps over, clad in baby blue armor. "Don't worry."
"Anyway, we're running training today!" Ben grins from under his visor, "Kimball says."
"Absolutely not."
"They are, actually." Kimball says as she walks in. "If you guys can't beat these teens who have never been military, we have a real problem."
"You are not getting involved." Grif says firmly, "Tucker back me up."
"Grif is right." Tucker says sharply.
Simmons wants to back Grif up. He wants to ask why Grif didn't ask him to. But then he remembers two nights ago and how he accidentally said he wasn't Lani's dad.
He's still being treated like a stranger. Like someone she has to put up with.
And like, Simmons knows he fucked up, he just- didn't expect the icey treatment to last so long. He knows he deserves it but it still sucks.
"I am, dad. I promise it's safe! We're in a war zone, you want us to know how to fucking protect ourselves. Don't you?" Lani asks, gaze hidden behind her visor even as her voice gets all soft.
"I-" Grif frowns. He can't argue with that logic. And what better way to keep her safe than to know she can fight?
This seems like really shitty parenting, but Grif also knows Kai probably taught his kid to sneak about. So isn't it better to have her know he's here? That he wants her safe?
"Fuck, kiddo, I guess." Grif says, feeling like a failure and unable to see any other real and safe option.
Damn free will. Amd damn his sister for almost certainly teaching his daughter delinquency.
"This seems like a bad plan." Simmons frowns.
"No one fucking asked you." Lani says, her voice barbed wire, the sudden change should give someone whiplash.
"Hey, don't talk to your dad like that." Tucker says.
"I still can't believe you." Grif hisses to Simmons. Having already given the nerd an earful but still upset about the other night.
"I know."
"Let's get this show on the road." Lani says.
"Hold on, I'm still not convinced this is the right thing." Tucker says.
"Pops, look at it this way, if we lose wee will all stay out of the fight." Ben says, "if we win, we get to fight."
Lani grumbles at that, but she dosen’t argue.
"You'll all stay out of the fight if you lose."
"Sure." Lani agrees.
"Really, you'll make a deal?" Grif frowns. Why didn't he think of this. That's the first rule of negotiating. Make a deal!
"Let's go. You'll see the right side has a cone square. That's jail." Zach cuts in, "that's our side. The left side is your side and has a big tape square that's your jail."
"What is this?"
"Capture the flag." Ben grins, the sound of his voice betraying it despite the helmet.
"We made flags from lost shirts." Zach explains.
On one end is a large white t shirt with a skull drawn on it in Sharpie. That one is Lani and Ben's team flag.
The other flag is a crop top cut from a graphic t proclaiming "that bitch".
"Anyway the team are super easy. Me, Ben, and everyone who just got a cat gif are a team. Everyone else is with the captains."
Half of the soilders join Ben and Lani's team. Leaving The captains, their lieutenants and one other member of their teams.
"Alright five minutes to strategize." Zach calls.
"I'm staying to observe." Kimball informs.
Lani, Ben, and their team go to their side and huddle around. The two teens take point on leading and come up with a strategy that should combat their parents easily.
They know their parents, and their usual behaviors. Bickering, and mind games should work fine.
Distract and the bribe Caboose.
Distract Simmons.
Bicker with Grif.
And keep Tucker occupied with either combat or jokes. Possibly both.
Grif, Simmons, Caboose, and Tucker decide head on is the best way to overpower the teens.
Simmons is left to guard the flag, because he isn’t the best at pure power.
Caboose is left to charge in, and promptly gets distracted when Lani sings the meow mix song on loop. The super soilder joins in quickly.
Lani ends up convincing Caboose to help through words no one else quite catches.
Ben pulls Grif into a bickering match while they lazily fight.
A soikder from Tucker's squad is distracting him by asking about the sangheli.
And then of all things, there's another soilder bickering with Simmons. Just bickering.
Amd oh wow, Lani and Ben chose psychological warfare apparently because now Caboose is helping Lani barrel through his own team and get the flag.
It's eight minutes in and Lani has arrived to Simmons, looking more or less unscathed while Caboose looks like he got dinged up.
"I'll take the flag now, Simmons." Lani says evenly.
Ouch. It still hurt everytime she calls him by nape instead of 'papa'.
"No way! You cheated!"
"No. I didn't. The flag, Simmons. I'd hate to kick your ass."
Simmons almost laughs. Because what kind of danger is an untrained teenage girl?
And then she lunges.
Simmons should have been prepared, but he is caught off gaurd as she sweeps his legs out from under him.
Ben shimmies up and grabs the flag before dashing off. He's laughing as he dodges and wrestles his way through.
Simmons goes to follow only to be thrown onto the floor over Lani's shoulder.
Well shit, apparently, the teenage girl is some danger.
And then Zach blows a whistle, "Future team wins!"
Ben is currently crowing his victory.
"Well shit." Tucker says. Realizing his son won and he's supposed to let the future teens fight now.
"How'd they do that?" Grif asks.
"I helped!" Caboose grins as he pulls off his helmet.
"The wrong team!" Simmons snaps.
"I asked him nicely dickheads!" Lani defends quickly.
"Miss Lani promises to paint my nails pretty colors."
Grif gives a low whistle, "Damn kid, bribery?"
"Fuck you," Lani laughs. And she dosen’t mean it at all.
"I can not believe you lost." Kimball frowns.
"I don't know why I'm surprised Caboose turned on us. They have a short cut to report his team kills." Tucker laments.
"We're just fucking awesome!" Lani grins, "Take that!"
Kimball has to wonder if the teens are that experienced or if the captains suck that much. Or if there's just a spark because the teens were against their parents and know them well.
"When is lunch time?" Caboose asks.
"After I check everyone." Zach says, "Injuries have to be treated Uncle Mikey."
"I am okay!" Caboose declares.
"Go sit down I'll check in a minute. The rest of you are free to leave unless you need to see me." Zach waves the soildeds off.
There's two soikders who see Zach, sprains or bruises that are particularly painful. Nothing bad.
Lani comes over, helmet off as she grins up at Zach. "We kicked their fucking asses!"
"Good job, you two." Zach smiles.
"Hell yeah!" Ben is beaming, slinging an arm over Lani's shoulders. "We're so bad ass, dude."
"How did you pull that off, kid?" Grif asks as he comes over.
"We know you guys. It's so fucking easy." She shrugs.
"Yeah, it's in the art of war. Know your enemy!"
"Have you read that book?" Zach asks.
"Shut up." Ben scoffs. This is answer enough, he has not read the book.
"Well... I don't like that you're going to fight in a war... but I'm proud of you, for kicking Simmons's ass." Grif pats his daughter's shoulder.
Lani smiles softer, "Thanks."
"Let's go get some lunch." Ben suggests.
Lani just grins, pulling her helmet off, "Lead the way, Benny boy."
Grif watches his daughter follow Ben away and wonders what led up to those kids. How did he have a kid with Simmons when they haven't been together. Grif has never told Simmons his feelings.
Why would he? The nerd can't handle a compliment, Grif can't imagine confessing.
Besides, Simmons probably dosen’t even like Grif.
No. Grif shouldn't be thinking about this. This isn't helping anyone or anything. He should just focus on how kick ass his daughter is.
Maybe ask about her full name.
Yeah, parent shit.
He isn't that bad with kids. He practically raised Kai. He didn't hate Junior.
"Grif." Tucker says, snapping his fingers in the man's face because this is the tenth attempt at getting his attention.
"You've been staring at your food for a while, man. Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine. Just missing oreos." Grif says, trying to make sure the topic changes.
"Of course you do." Simmons scoffs.
Donut is having a great day! He has his baby girl with him, and they're doing the laundry together.
Right now, they're just waiting for the cycles to end.
"So, what's your life like Vi?" He asks. Looking to his sweet baby, wondering how he got so lucky.
Violet smiles, "It's pretty awesome! I'm a senior in high school and my friend group is amazing! I'm the star pitcher on my team, too."
"Oooh, that's so exciting! What are your friends like? Do they like to get down and dirty?"
"Sometimes, you should see Cassie and Lani in mosh pits!"
"Oooh, that sounds fun!"
"It is! And then Aspen and Zach are always good to talk to. And then there's Ben, you'll love him."
"Yeah, Ben. He's uh- my boyfriend."
Donut squeals excitedly, "That's so cool!"
"Yeah," Violet smiles shyly, "He's pretty great. He's in Jiu-jitsu, and he skateboards, and he's good to me. He comes to all my games."
"He sounds dreamy!"
"He's going to go to school for archeology next year."
"That's so cool he can get up close and personal with those big statues!"
"I know! And I'm going to start school next year too, I'm going to become a therapist."
"That's amazing, baby girl!"
"Thanks! I'm so excited to start school! We found a really nice three bedroom apartment we're all going to share!"
"That's amazing!"
"It is. I'm really looking forward to decorating it with my friends. A few of us have jobs lined up, too."
Donut squeals as he hugs her, absolutely thrilled to see how well she's doing. He's so proud of his baby. He's so glad to meet her.
Violet hugs right back, as energetic as her father. She's just glad she's with people she can trust.
As they talk and do laundry, they start to compare nail care techniques. They come to the end of it when a private comes to drag Vilet away for armor fitting.
Donut cries a little. His baby is all grown up. Not that he raised her just yet - but the principal!
Tucker sits himself down beside Simmons, giving the man a look of consideration. Which is rude.
"What?" Simmons asks.
"Just thinking, dude. Chill."
"Whatever." Simmoms huffs.
Simmon's gaze lands on Lani, who's currently sitting on a table and laughs at whatever Ben had said.
"You're staring." Tucker informs.
"I'm mot! I'm just watching the boys around my daughter."
"Didn't you say she wasn't your daughter?"
"No! Well- I didn't- shut up."
"Just talk to her."
"She's mad at me!"
"She's fucking hurt, Simmons. Ben says she sobbed her fucking eyes out!"
"Look, I don’t know what happened I wasn't there. But I've raised a kid, when they're hurt lots of people act mad. She's hurt."
"I didn't mean-"
"I know. Look, she's ypur kid. She's smart. She kicked our ass today. And yeah, she's got an attitude, but that dosen’t mean she isn't hurting."
"When did you get smart?"
"When I had an alien baby."
"Well... fair."
"If you won't talk to her, talk to Grif. He kinda raised his sister, and he's close with her."
Tucker just rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his water. His entire energy seems to give off the air of 'you're stupid' which is fun.
Grif comes over and plops down opposite Simmons. "How's it feel to get thrown around by a seventeen year old girl?"
"Shut up."
"Lani totally kicked ypur nerd ass!"
"Dude, your daughter is a unit." Tucker snorts.
"Shut up." Simmons says sharper yet.
"Maybe she got her attitude from you." Grif rolls his eyes.
"She got your attitude." Simmons counters.
"Nah she's snippy."
"Get back here!" Lani yells as she chases Ben.
Ben is fast, and darts about to better evade.
Zach sits at the table that his friends just left looking rather tired.
Simmons watches, intrigued by what's happening.
Grif let's put a low whistle as he watches Lani vault over the next table and tackle Ben.
"Are we sure Lani isn't a freelancer kid? She's scary." Tucker glances to Grif and Simmons.
"She has my mom's athletics." Simmons mutters, "Holy shit."
"You never talk about your mom." Tucker blinks.
"Yeah... she uh- she's not around anymorr."
"Shit." Tucker says.
"Hello!" Caboose declares as he sits down. "Did you see me win at capture the enemy today?" Caboose beams.
"It was capture the flag and ypu turned on ypur team." Grif scoffs.
"Miss Lani asked me to help her! I said yes of course!"
"Oh my god." Tucker groans.
"You let her kick our asses." Grif accuses.
"No. I helped her win! She promised to paint my nails pretty colors."
"That's my girl." Grif smirks. "Bribery gets you everywhere."
"Don't encourage her!" Simmons chides.
"One of us should." Grif rolls his eyes.
"What? I'm just saying one of us should encourage her."
Simmons groans. He dosen’t need reminders that he's a shitty father.
"It's been two days and I don't know where the fuck my kid is still." Grif snaps sharply as he plops down.
Sarge looks up from where he's trying to fix the busted time travel device. "Quit hollerin' I'm working on it."
"We have a problem. Several problems." Simmons says as he comes in, "Kai is missing. Also I was trying to remember what it was like when the kids were there and uh- well... they got kidnapped remember?"
"I think I blocked that put." Grif frowns, digging and finding nothing off the top of his head. And then- it all slams into his head.
He remembers.
Felix and Locus meet at the usual spot, both have news the other will find useful.
"The Sim troopers have kids." Felix smirks, "and those are untrained kids."
Locus nods. "I know. We are going to use this."
"What do you know about rhem?"
"There are three with the Feds. Washington's kid seems the least aware of danger."
"Huh. Grif and Simmon's kid seems- more competent than expected. I think Cabooses nephew woukd be easy to nab."
"If we pull the right strings we can get them all." Locus contemplates.
"Like what?"
"Take one or two and have the rest come running." Locus says, sounding as though this should be totally obvious.
Felix thinks about this momentarily. Running numbers on which of the kids from Kimball's army would be easiest to grab.
Lani is loudmouth, and as far as Felix can tell she enjoys taking it easy and bickering.
Ben is nimble, dodging obstacles with ease. He seems alert.
Zach is- huge. And oddly strong, even without showing it off.
Lani seems easiest but Felix isn't holding his breath. The Sim troopers have been nothing but trouble.
"I think I'll take Cassie." Locus informs.
"I'll grab Lani."
"Good." Locus says.
"Meet up tomorrow with hostages?"
"Of course."
Felix is smirking, scenarios running in his mind. All he has to do is get the girl ti Locus and they'll switch hostages and then they'll be safe from other things.
How hard can it be to grab a kid that's never known war?
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Ok so... I haven't watched anything RWBY since last finale because I was fucking mourning and still kinda am... But anyways, now that Volume9 Is coming and I feel I little more calm and not wanting to kill absolutely everyone for taking my beautiful daughter AGAIN I decided to rewatch the series 'cuz nostalgia
I just finished Volume 1, here are my thoughts:
Omg the black models for the extras 😂😂😂 I fuckin'forgot about the shadow people!!! I love them!
Also I'm so very proud of how the animation has grown <3 Volume 8 animation is*chef's kiss*
Also, Miles and Kerry have grown up so much as writers!! Like, I adore the dumb jokes and references on these early volumes, but to think where the story heads after!!! OMG it's so awesome!!!
Now going for more specific stuff pardon my rambling and lack of order
Hearing Salem's voice in the intro hits so different after everything we've been through, I love it!
I'm 1000% sure that Ozpin knew from the start that Jaune was lying on his entrance papers, just like he knew who Blake was from the start.
Nora in Players and Pieces is just:
Tumblr media
We stan Nora so hard it hurts<3 best girl.
Also that fucking nevermore fight still takes my break away after watching it more than 30 times! Not many things can say that!
Weiss grows so much across the seasons and I'm so proud of her <3 it's so amazing to see her in this volume knowing what she'll become #you'redoingamazingsweetie #that'smygirl
Blake, darling, there was absolutely no reason for you to crouch down behind Yang in Forever Fall, aside from wanting to watch her ass, your bisexuality is showing honey. #Proud
Also speaking of Yang, it's so weird to see her without her robotic arm again????? Can I just said that as much as I love every version of Yang, volume 5+ is her best version in every way
The fuckin' bunkbeds were and still are a hazard lol I love them though.
Roman, my beloved</3 I've missed you so much king, I wish you could be able to reunite with your girl. She also misses you so much.
That said, I'm sorry my boy, but I know if I had the power to bring back any character who has died in the series... It would always be Pyrrha. I understand why, but it doesn't mean she didn't deserved so much better.
Anyways back to the fun stuff (and there's a lot) Ozpin throwing kids off the cliff will never not be iconic lol.
Just like Weiss and Ruby riding the nevermore, my favorite moment of them as a pair in this season
Honestly the initiation arc is my favorite in this season Is just so awesome lol.
I don't understand how Cardin Winchester got into beacon... Like, he's not even a good fighter nor a good student... How???
I still can't believe that The FNDM latched onto Velvet so hard they gave her a full team of badasses and two spin off books. Fucking great it's what she deserves. Now make her and Coco a couple.
It's been so long since I last watched this volume that I didn't remember Penny and Sun were introduced in the same episode lol honestly Iconic. We got the DemiAce trans girl AND the raging bisexual monkey boy in less than five minutes. Trully a win for representation. We stan.
Also the whole 'penny was wearing a backpack but the animation didn't looked like it' thing it's so funny to me, because next season we 'learn' that She's a robot/android and my thoughts are always "why is it a surprise Ruby you saw her back open up and swords coming out of It?!" Lol.
Red like roses pt 2 and I may fall are still my favorite songs from this soundtrack. They're so freaking epic!!!
Speaking of songs, I can't watch the series without remembering that AU/Headcanon thing that since Casey does Weiss' singing voice all the songs can be seeing as things that Weiss wrote in-universe about her partners and yrabels lol like it's so fucking funny to thing about it that way lol. Did she saw team CFVY being badass and was like 'damn these 4 deserve a fuckin' hard rock anthem to go into battle!'? Did she saw Yang and Blake being useless at confesing their feelings and thought 'I'm gonna write them a song that's so gay they're gonna figure their shit out'? It's just so funny to me lol
Honestly, I really like Cinder as an antagonist... Like really, really like her lol I get why people is tired of her, but I enjoy her moments so much??? Cant wait for more Cinder un Vol2
Also, Ruby my girl, I'm so sorry for everything that's gonna happen </3 I wish I could protect you from the world but I also love seeing you suffer, I'm terrible
So yeah those are my thoughts, fuck how I've missed RWBY, I gotta continue my rewatch now 😋
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ic3qu33n · 1 year
Its funny how the mind works. I woke up today thinking about a whole life I never lived. I had memories and specific details in my dream that I personally have never witnessed…
Let me explain better. When I was 15 (1999) I wrote a chapter book. It was on an Dell desktop computer that my older brother Daniel had built from spare computer parts.(These parts were coming from computers that at the time were 1-2 years old. Apparently when ever some students had “ruined” the computers at the high school the district would send them a whole new one. And since my brother worked in tech support they told him to recycle them. He did. But not before taking them apart to save working parts)
Anyway, back to my original thought.
This story I had wrote was about a girl named Jo and her 3 brothers who moved from a big city with their mother to the Pacific Northwest after their father died suddenly. The story follows this girl whos life was rocked and trying to find balance and peace when there is so much changing around her. Like having to be the adult because of her mothers crippling grief. Jo meets new friends who become her best support system and teach her how to “feel normal”.
I dont have this book saved anywhere and it doesn’t exist anymore. That computer is long gone. I remember it took me two months that Summer to write it. It was 2-3 hours after summer school every night. I would put on headphones, blasting “Smells like Children” album, (This was my “Alt phase” life) and just typed. I tuned out the world. I know, now, that I was disassociating a lot during this time in my life.
During this time in my life my dad was in jail again. That left my pregnant mom, and us 4 kids to kinda fend for ourselves. We were all living in a 1 bedroom roach infest trailer. (Like we couldn’t have pantry stuff cause the roaches would just get in it) Mom and Vicky slept in the bedroom, Daniel and Michael slept on a bunkbed in the area that should be where you put a kitchen table, and I slept on the couch in the living room. This trailer was so small that it had 1 entrance and that was a sliding glass door in the living room. For this reason I can never live in a manufactured home or trailer. This life experience definitely traumatized me. So when me and Chris were younger (early years of marriage and had two kids under the age of 3) I resented him for putting us in a 1 bedroom trailer. We argued daily, I drank heavily. I had no faith in him being able to care for me and our children. I was hurt and blamed him for my unhappiness for a long time. Anyway I getting sidetracked again.
My mom was working full time at an elementary school. My older brother was working at the high school. I started my job at my uncles Mexican restaurant. (I had to take the city bus and transfer twice to get there) we were doing everything in our power to get a better home without my dads help.
Anyway, I believe I wrote this story as an escape from the overwhelming responsibility that suddenly fell on me. This time in my life changed how I viewed the world. It was the time in my life when I stopped showing my feelings… I stopped smiling, I became cold and I no longer trusted anyone. I had a short fuse and started picking fights with anyone who felt froggy. I was not okay. I also started self harming at this age (it was a pain I could control and understand why I was hurting) I was very angry. I would take walks to the ditch behind our trailer court to break bottles and smoke weed…
My dreams brought me back to this world. I don’t know why after all these years did this specific story come back. I still remember this fictional characters life. Like I said in the beginning of this post, it feels like memories. Its weird because I can visualize this whole world of people that doesn’t exist. It gives me a weird feeling in my chest of almost a longing to go to this place and I can’t. It’s almost the same feeling of missing a relative who has passed and there’s no way you could ever see them again. No new memories. Just people frozen in time.
It’s just weird how your mind works.
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kaninka · 1 year
"girls are delicate flowers and when they play they play that their barbies are getting married or adopting pets <3" girl i pushed my best friend off a bunkbed. she got a skull fracture. little kids are without qualms no matter what the fuck their gender is
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I am all for the rest of the deities getting recognition, but are cabins really the best way to go about it?
I was in scouts for 12 years, so I k ow a thing or two about cabins. A normal cabin can sleep 16 people (bunkbeds). A large one will hold 38. Even if we're on the lower end of that, few cabin dedicated to one specific deity will be full.
Something like an Adirondack, which holds 8 people, eould make more sense. Or even a permanet tent, which holds 4.
Or if they're going with cabins, have them be themed. So we like, the sky cabin, for children of Zeus and the Winds, and other weather deities. Or an Underworld cabin, for kids of Hecate, Hades, Thanatos, and the like. Or a plant cabin, for agricultural/wilderness deities
Like there are so many better ways to organize things aside from just each deity gets an entire cabin
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taegularities · 2 months
Rid, its the best chapter ever! You weren’t kidding when you said it’ll be full of fluff and sweetness omg they deserve this so much! JK was a simp, he’s down bad BAD. My most fave scenes:
- “Well, it’d be good to look at and then fun to rip off.”
He’s so hawtttt, i can’t wait for when oc wears in in an actual date or event, for sure he’ll be rushing her home… or not 🙆🏻‍♀️🤭
“Decide whether you want to be cute or sexy. I can’t handle both.”
- Ghoooorlll ghorllll he kept on joking she is too much but that line when he said he’d rather have a handful of her than an empty one 😭😭 dammiiiiiit
- The whole Jimin x Jungkook scene in the shopping area
I love Jimin and Eun gadd they’re the realest friends actually everyone in this friend group is! But Jimin and JK was just heartwarming to read. ❤️
- OC is jk’s girl, angel, sweetheart, babieeeee
Him cuddling her on the bunkbed scared she’ll fall down and get hurt, staying until she falls asleep, always touching, kissing her somehow 🥹🥹not to mention the amount of i love yous, sweet nothings ❤️❤️
- OC
Girlie is so soft and pure just how Eun described her to be! I love how you write her character, she seem to have a very positive outlook in life and she finds happiness in the little and simple things which I think is one more thing jk loves about her!
- their friendship
WAS JUST SO DAMN SPECIAL. Like you know these people have your backs and they will fight/defend each other to death! I love them 🥹 they have each other’s best interests at heart and wow i hope all friends irl are like this lol
Thank you riddie!! The 8 or 9 months (??) actually im not sure how long, but the wait was sooooo worth it my girl!! ❤️❤️ keep writing 🙌🏻 i’ll wait forever 😗
BABE I LOVE YOUUUUUU help i'm in fkn love with this message, especially since you actually picked out a couple of my favourite scenes and lines, too. the dress at an event, huh 👀 you won't even be able to guess when she'll be wearing this dress and what'll happen afterwards :')
yeah the handful/empty palm line had me, too 🥺 she's a brat and pretty annoying, but he'd rather have that than ever be without her again </3 YES, the jk/jimin scenes were everything to me, like them taking care of each other in some way made me melt 😭 she really is jk's girl :( my soft lil baby, i adore her to bits… jk mentioned it a couple times, but oc was truly born to be happy and optimistic – the world just intruded for a while :(
thank you, babe!! i'm so glad the wait was worth it… i was very happy with the chapter, but got super nervous before posting, so that's great <3 hopefully you won't have to wait forever for the next one 🤍
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Ignorance is bliss
Summary: Jacob and his childhood best friend slowly realise their feelings while trying to survive the quarry.
Pairing: Jacob Custos x nameless/female!OC
Warnings: jealousy, cringe dialogue, miscommunication trope, pure ignorance
TW: none i think (i hope, please tell me if there are i will gladly tag them)
A/N: i'm just not gonna say anything lol ._.
Chapter 3:
Something shakes my shoulder.
i open my eyes and look right into Dylan’s.
„wha-?“ „the announcement.“ „Oh.“ i jump up and down my bed, still in my pyjamas, an old football shirt and shorts, and walk after him into the radio station. he’s already dressed completely and freshly showered, i can smell his body wash.
„damn. technical.“ is the first thing that falls out of my mouth when we walk inside the radio hut. „yeah. kinda my…hobby.“ „cool. suits you.“
he laughs while sitting down and setting everything up.
„i guess.“
„more confidence man.“
he shakes his head smiling and gives me the microphone.
„your turn.“
i sigh and think for a second before pushing down on the activation button.
„Good morning campers and counsellors, especially Kaitlyn, who does not need her beauty sleep since she is already beautiful inside and out! today is going to be our last night together and that means…“
i give the mic to Dylan and he rattles down the program with his usual wit.
„now we will all get dressed and ready to eat the wonderful breakfast made by non other than Nicolas the frivolous.“
my laugh could be heard through the speakers and Dylan finishes his announcement with his typical greeting.
when we walk out the door, we were swarmed with children immediately.
„alright guys, who makes it to Nick first, gets the best cooked egg!“ Dylan yells and runs away, kids in tow.
i walk back to my cabin but Jacob already sits at our steps. „hey.“
„hi.“ he jumps up, „do you- do you want to help me today? since you have no activities?“
i hum while walking up the stairs and jump out of Emma’s and Abigail’s way, who scatter to the showers.
„…sure. if i don’t land on your shoulder again. i think i’ll actually puke.“
„oh- i’m sorry. i-.“
„it’s okay Jake,“ i laugh and get on my bra away from him and then take off my sleeping shirt and put on a new one.
„yeah Jake.“ Kait mocks and he groans, she emerges from behind our bunkbed with crazy hair, but surprisingly refreshed.
„Don’t you have to search for a brooding, sexy Ryan?“ Jacob retorts and i giggle at Kait’s expression.
„you can be glad i won’t expose you,“ she points at Jacob who suddenly frowns, „yet.“ she looks at us one last time before walking out. searching for Ryan i assume.
„what was that?“ i ask while putting on my normal boots, my hiking boots could thankfully be abandoned until further notice.
„her usual threats.“ Jacob mutters and resorts his hair under his cap.
„no…those sound different…and you usually not scared of them.“
he laughs awkwardly and shrugs, „well, maybe she’s getting to me for once.“
„hmmm.“ he doesn’t meet my eyes, „isn’t Sunday usually Emma-Day?“ i ask innocently, trying to pry if he got to a conclusion yet.
„well she’s not interested anymore. and me neither. i’m…“ he looks at me with his mouth open, either he doesn’t know what to say, or he encountered a math problem, but right now most likely he doesn’t know what to say.
i laugh and push up his chin.
„don’t want you catching flies.“
he smiles down at me and doesn’t make a move to let me pass him as he stands between the two bunkbeds effectively blocking my way.
„jakey…poo…“ his eyes darken, „we need to get going if i’m going to help you. and your wardrobe body is blocking my way.“
„wardrobe body?“ he asks, smirking.
„yeah, cause you’re fucking thick.“ i say in a deeper tone, imitating the catch phrase of our friend Mark from home, and squeeze past him, getting my water bottle before walking out of the cabin. he stumbles after me.
„if i remember correctly-.“
„Jacob, i’m really hungry, can we go? my description of your body isn’t more important than basic human rights is it?“
i groan and grab his wrist, dragging him to the lodge.
we pass the tree and i spot something that makes me double over with laughter.
„what the-.“ Jacob says and walks closer.
„Emma + Jacob for summer… well. those kids are ruthless aren’t they?“
„yeah….we didn’t do that by the way. like the first thing.“
„sure Jakey…“ i walk on, breakfast on my mind.
„it’s the truth!“ „what? that your first romance died tragically?!“ „you’re horrible when you’re hungry!“
i hum and he catches up to me, his hand sneaking into mine again. „do i still have to drag you?“
„no, i’ll drag you.“ his mind visibly got a light bulb over his head and he ran with me in tow.
„alright, kids, since it’s our last day,“ Jacob makes himself tall and gathers the kids around him on the sport field, „and since i promised you,“ the kids cheer because they know what was coming, „we’re going to play one game of football. only one. for all the marbles. win or lose.“
he points at me sitting at the sideline, also surrounded by kids who were too scared to play, „we have our referee.“ i blow the whistle he had hung around my neck after breakfast, „and the cheerleaders.“ the other kids started clapping.
„did you know our referee used to be a cheerleader too?“ the kids shake their head and look at me.
„only for 2 years, senior year i needed to focus on school,“ i yell from the side line.
„she cheered me on every game.“ he makes his little swinging dance again and the kids giggle.
pure exaggeration from his side.
„alright kids, but i have another surprise for you…because it would be just a little unfair for you to play against me, i’m going to be your coach, but.“ he raises his finger, „you will play against the most inexperienced and clumsiest people in this camp. the other counsellors.“
i laugh out loudly when my coworkers and my boss come on the field. the kids get overly excited and start jumping around.
Jacob explained some different rules, since there were less players on the counsellor team but i was too busy with laughing at Kaitlyn who was most definitely not willingly here. Mr. H. probably forced them all and Jacob got me as a referee because i was a fair judge. 
Jacob put his players on the field and it started, Mr. H. was the leader of the counsellor team but the kids had the upper hand for most of the game.
some time before the last break, Jacob wanders over to me with his hands behind his back, totally relaxed and totally up to something.
„miss Referee.“ he starts and the kids around me started giggling.
„yes, Mister Custos?“ i give him a side eye and saw how wide his grin was.
„what do you need?“
„if i wanted you to…look away for some…accidents, how much would that cost me?“
the kids gasp and i raise my eyebrows at him.
„mister Custos, you are a renowned Coach, are you trying to bribe me?“
„no, no, i would never.“ he raises his hands in defence and watches the game for a second. „i wouldn’t call it bribery…more a favour.“
„but (Y/N)!“ a kid starts but i turn to them and whisper with the kids, „if someone tries to bribe you, you have to listen to the conditions first…who knows what he wants to give me.“
„maybe a kiss!“ one of the kids said and i laugh awkwardly.
„Mister Custos, do you want to kiss Miss (L/N)?“
„eh. that is very unprofessional to ask a world famous football coach.“ i state and stake my head smiling, while Jacob is visibly sweating behind me, the kids giggling even more at him.
„but what was your favour, mister Custos?“ i turn back to him and notice how stressed he looks.
„are you okay?“ i ask truthfully and he nods.
„yeah, eh, the favour…well you could choose.“
„hmmm. team what do we say? one foul for a favour from the wardrobe man?“
the kids giggle at the nickname i had given him today, but most of them agree and the referee is a democracy so i accept.
„One foul play, for one favour.“
„and what would the favour be?“
„we will let you know.“
the kids giggle and Jacob walks away with a thoughtful expression.
it was cute to see him do or watch sports; he was totally in his element.
most assume he was just a stupid jock but he hadn’t been the football captain for nothing. he was smart, he knew how to strategize and was able to make quick decisions, everything needed for a player.
no wonder he’s the one that got the sports scholarship.
i watch him for a while, how he analysed the game he had won the second he put the counsellors on the field.
then he looks over to me and gives me a smile.
and i feel something i had never felt before.
my cheeks start to burn and of course one of my employees immediately notices.
„Did you just get red from Jacob’s smile?!“ „it's mister Custos, and no. i would never. i’m a professional referee, i don’t have the time for crushes during work.“ i state and shake my head, almost offended but the kids laugh and one of them runs to Jacob.
now i actually regret agreeing to be referee.
it was better to get killed by kids than get my childhood friend to notice that i, might, a little, well, fuck, that i like him…well…i don’t even know since when. i never saw him as family or anything, there was always the possibility for love…but something’s different right now. maybe because i saw him with someone else?
my eyes switch to Emma who tragically dying to two kids at the moment but jumps up at the last second to evade them and runs off with the ball.
maybe i’m just sick.
maybe a mosquito bit me and i got some weird illness from it.
i look at Jacob again and he’s talking to the traitorous kid, the second my eyes are on him, he looks at me and smiles again, a tiny smile. maybe that kid got distracted and is telling him something completely different.
let’s hope for that.
but then his eyes grew bigger and his smile as well.
oh no.
i turn away quickly, right on time for the last break.
the kids run to the water stations and i run with them.
i could hear Jacob jog behind me, but i’m so not ready for that conversation with him, so i get to the first person i thought could hold him off.
Nick. „hey there.“ he said out of breath and i smile at him.
„how many bruises are there?“
he dries his face with his shirt and exposes his abs in the process, „i don’t know. too many. packing will hurt.“
i laugh and hear someone huff behind me.
when we both turn to the water station Jacob has his shirt off and holding it under the cold stream, his eyes are painfully focused on the shirt.
„is he…“
„okay? i don’t know.“ Kaitlyn finishes Nick’s question and takes my still almost full water bottle from my hand and drinks it empty.
„you cheated and got referee. somehow.“ she huffs and crouches down, completely out of breath.
fair point. but that means i need to fill it up…right where a Testosterone pumped Jakey is waiting.
he was wringing his shirt out when i finally found my confidence again.
i fill up my water bottle silently while he splashes his own body with water.
he’s angry, silent Jacob is angry Jacob.
„i have to coach.“ he says and walks off.
i sigh and Emma appears next to me. „trouble?“ „some kid told him i was blushing because of him, i got embarrassed, hid by Nick and now he’s mad.“
Emma hums and purses her lips. „He’ll get over it.“
but not without a fight.
i sit back down on my spot and watch the game, not really needing to interfere, the kids are obviously in the lead so the counsellors take it easy.
until Jacob switches himself in…
„huh?“ said the kids around me and i shrugs, not really stressed. if he’s on the field he can’t confront me.
„maybe to show them how it’s really done.“
he was playing fair…until he meets Nick on the field.
Jacob doesn’t even have the ball, but he runs towards Nick anyways.
he rams him through the air and i blow my whistle, standing up from shock that he would be this brutal.
„one foul you said.“ he yells from the end of the field and i huff, stemming my hands in my hips.
my feet move before my mind catches up and i storm towards them.
Nick is already standing again and walks in my way to make me stop. „it’s alright, nothing happened,“ he smiles and rolls his shoulders, „i egged him on earlier.“ „still. it’s childish.“ Kaitlyn mutters, already on a fresh trail towards understanding what was going on between me, Nick and Jacob.
i open my mouth and close it again when Jacob passes Nick again and pushes him again. „Dude!“ i shout and grab his wrist, he looks down at me with a hurt expression, not an angry one. 
„what’s wrong?“
Mr. H. clears the situation before i could talk on and he looks at his watch before ordering the kids around.
„alright kids, the game is over, you clearly won, the prize is another hour of playtime at the cabins. come on, let’s go.“ he ushers the kids and other counsellors out but points at me, Nick and Jacob to stay with angry eyes.
i gulp and give Jacob an annoyed look which just made him shrug while Nick massages his shoulder.
„what was that Jacob?“
„nothing. Nick was as rough with me as i was.“
Nick nods along and i frown.
did i misinterpret this whole situation?
Mr. H. sighs and crosses his arms.
„you’re big examples for those kids. so no more…rough fighting, or weird special rules for…whatever you two are. couple or friends i don’t know anymore.“ he points at me and Jacob and lets his head fall in disappointment. „this is the last day, you can follow the rules until then alright ya noobs?“, he says, still not looking at us three.
„yes sir.“ we all say. „sorry, Mr. H.“ i mutter.
he hums and motions us to leave the field, which i gladly follow.
Jacob grabs my arm the second the three of us are out of his sight and drags me away while i protest.
A/N: It's getting spicy... (and i'll actually post the next one right now, no cliff hanger lol)
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simthorium · 11 months
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“You nervous?” Zaire asked over breakfast that morning. “Nervous?” Shea asked. “Of course not. We’re just talking about super advanced medical science that’s going to effectively make men useless for procreation. I’m stoked!”
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“Me too,” Zaire said with a laugh, reaching over to hold Shea’s hands. “It’s gonna be really cool looking down at our kid and knowing they’re ours.” “Whatever happens, our kid will be ours,” Shea said, reassuringly. 
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Shea and Zaire made their way to Bluewater General Hospital, quite a trek all the way from West Valley. Zaire took a few deep breaths as she laid down on the examination table. “You good?” Shea asked, sitting nearby. I’m good,” said Zaire. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” “I know,” she said. “Thank you, sweetie.”
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Just then, the doctor knocked and entered. Shea hopped to her feet and immediately stuck out an outstretched hand. “Hi!” she said, a little too enthusiastic. “I’m Shea and this is my wife Zaire. We’re gonna have a baby together.” “Shea,” Zaire muttered. “It’s always great to see eager parents,” the doctor said. “I’m Dr. Lowell.”
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Dr. Lowell walked over to Zaire and smiled at her, looking between her and Shea. “As we discussed over the phone, this procedure is fairly new,” he began. “It’s safe, but comes with the same risks as a traditional pregnancy. Additionally artificially impregnation also carries a higher chance of having multiples.”
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“So I could be the next octo-mom?” Zaire joked. “I wouldn’t go that far, but you may end up with twins or triplets,” Dr. Lowell said with a laugh. “Biologically, the child would be yours and your wife’s. Amazing what science can do, isn’t it?” “It truly is,” Zaire said with a smile. “When can we get started?”
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“I’ll have you both sign a consent form, and we can do the procedure right now!” Dr. Lowell said. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back with the form.” Once he left, Zaire jumped up and hugged Shea tightly. “It’s really happening!” she exclaimed. “We’re gonna be mommies,” Shea said with a giggle.
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“How are you feeling?” Shea asked a few hours later once they arrived home. “Crampy,” Zaire muttered. “But otherwise ok. I hope this works. It feels so surreal! In a good way, of course.” “The best way,” Shea said, kissing the top of Zaire’s head.
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It didn’t take more than a few days for the procedure to work, and soon, Zaire was pregnant! The two were absolutely over the moon about it, and Shea was more than ready to become a mother.
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“I hope there’s not 8 of you in there,” Shea said, rubbing Zaire’s belly. “We only have 3 extra bedrooms. I guess we could get you some bunkbeds. No more than 6, ok? But regardless of how many are in there, we’ll love you either way!” “Indeed we will,” Zaire laughed. “But please, let’s not jinx it. I don’t think I could have 6 babies all at once!”
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rhyssands · 1 year
oct 1 - ruffles
prompt: ruffled hair rating: general audiences wordcount: 489 characters: classic sans, frisk warnings: none prompt from this post, read it on ao3 here
The kid isn't very good at math.
That's not exactly unusual, Sans isn't really surprised to find out they aren't the best with it, but there's something almost novel about the whole ordeal. After everything they went through in the Underground, and the relative ease with which they'd navigated Papyrus' traps, finding out they don't fully grasp the concept of, say, improper fractions is kind of funny.
He's not going to laugh, of course. He's got standards, and it's been long enough since he had to help somebody with math homework that he's more concerned over making sure he knows how to explain it in a way they'll understand. Still, it is funny. All the in-depth, complex thoughts he knows it took for an 11 year old kid to get through Papyrus' puzzles (which were, by and large, designed to stop full grown adults and often did), but give them a paper with some numbers in bunkbeds and they're stumped.
"Okay," He says, keeping his voice low because he knows they startle when he raises his voice at all, and he knows enough to understand why that is, "So with improper fractions, the whole deal is that there're too many numbers up top. See? You can't have four-thirds of anything. You'd have one whole thing, and then a third of another one. Make sense?"
They blink, and he wonders how the teachers at their school are explaining it that it took that to make it click for them.
"Yeah, that's the long and short of it, kiddo." He says, grinning and reaching out to ruffle their hair. They lean into his hand with a grin of their own. "And the number you make is a compound fraction. That's where you have a whole number and a fraction together."
They seem to get it. He keeps his hand on their head while they frown down at the next question in their book. Then, slowly, they nod, and scribble down 1 2/8 on their notebook paper. Before he can remind them to simplify their fraction, they add an equal sign and 1 1/4.
"Nice." He says, ruffling their hair again and listening with both pride and satisfaction as they giggle. They swat at his hand, but it's gentle, playful. They aren't telling him to stop, so he doesn't. "You think you got it now? I'm right here if ya need help."
They pat the seat behind them on the couch in a clear request for him to park it and stick around in case they do need help. It's just as clearly a request for him to let them try to do the rest on their own. He's got no issues with that, so he parks it on the couch and sticks around until they're done with their math homework.
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thedorklegacy · 1 year
The Dork Legacy 2.6 part 4
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Holy Wanda Tinker, Batman! (This is Vanessa. Also not too bad).
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Willoughby shaved her eyebrows to become a lesbian *~artiste~*!
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Algren looks like a black guy. With makeup.
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Nice hat, Dante.
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Here's Bilbo. The one with the lipstick is Kilik. I think Kilik looks like Diane Wiest.
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This is Katamari. It bodes poorly for her that she actually looks better Maxisified.
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Galadriel wins serious Heir Points for being the most attractive without CC.
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This is what happened to my reflective floors...
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And the kids' bunkbeds...(ps, picture 1337 represent!)
And then I'd finished, put my CC back in, and moved the Dorks to their new home. I do not have house pictures in this update, but I will post them separately a little later. In the meantime, here is something more important:
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Not seconds before the lot finished loading, I saw Caedmon try to Leap Into Vanessa's Arms. She stepped back like, "WHAT THE HELL?!"
And the other shoe dropped.
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You bet Tara ain't gonna take none-o-that!!
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Willoughby: My dad just cheated on my mom, but DAMN my husband is sexy...
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Tara: Isn't this new house lovely, dear? :DD
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Caedmon: Yeah, it sure is nice to be here. :DD
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Vanessa and Einstein: Hugging = NOT BEST FRIENDS.
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What?! Why are you mad at her?! She turned him down!!
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Caedmon: Did you know I have crabs?
Willoughby: *GLAREGLARE*
Originally posted at katu_sims.
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Low bunk beds with stairs offer more safety and security than similar beds without stairs. The stairs provide the most stable surface for children to walk on and have an integrated, sturdy handrail. Moreover, they connect the lower and upper bunks so that a child is covered from both sides when climbing up to the top bunk.
Children can sustain injuries when falling from a bunk bed. This is particularly true for toddlers, as their reasoning skills are not yet developed. Moreover, older children are also prone to injuries due to falling off the bed. They usually suffer cuts and bruises on their head and neck. Injuries caused by falling from a bunk bed are even more likely when toddlers are playing with parents and older siblings.
They give kids more space
Bunk beds give kids more room and are a great solution for a child's room. Not only can they offer more sleeping space, but they can also double as extra space for sleepovers. Sleepovers are an integral part of childhood for many children, and a bunk beds with stairs gives them a more comfortable place to stay.
Bunk beds with steps are also great for maximizing storage space. You can purchase steps with deeper drawers for more storage. They also offer extra support to kids' feet, making them safer. Additionally, these beds offer a safer way to climb to the top bunk. Some stairs have a handrail for added security, making them even more convenient.
They have storage
The best part of a bunk bed with steps is that it comes with plenty of storage. The cubbies are great for keeping your belongings organized. The staircase unit also comes with a dust panel on the back of it, so the contents will stay dust-free. The steps also have wooden knobs so you can easily remove them.
Most people choose a bunk bed with steps as it's inexpensive. These beds are made with comfortable material and are great for two kids sharing a room. They also have plenty of storage space to keep their personal things. They can even have a trundle for added storage.
They are easy to assemble
Building a bunk bed with steps isn't difficult if you follow the proper instructions. If you don't, the structure may not be sturdy or stable. Worse, it may fall over. While most bunk beds are sold with instruction manuals, they are not always easily found. In addition, you could possibly misplace them, so it's best to follow the instructions that come with the l shaped bunk bed .
Purchasing a bunk bed with steps allows you to avoid these worries. These beds come with a built-in desk that doubles as a dressing table or study area. They also have three drawers and are the perfect height for a standard computer chair with arms. They also come in a variety of colors, including green. You can even place a potted plant on the top bunk for a nice movie night setup.
They come in a variety of styles
Bunk beds with steps come in many different styles and designs. Many of these beds feature built-in storage drawers and are durable. You can choose a style that will reflect your child's interests or preferences. Choosing the right style can be a challenge, but there are several factors to consider when making your decision.
If you want to avoid the hassle of assembling a bunk bed, you can purchase a plan that is already pre-cut and ready to go. It will walk you through the construction process step-by-step. If you aren't comfortable doing it yourself, consider hiring a carpenter to build the bed for you.
Style is another important consideration when choosing a triple bunk beds . Style defines the visuals and textural nuance of the piece and sets it in harmony with the surrounding decor. Styles can range from a relaxed, cabin-themed look to a more modern, direct minimalist look. If you want to go for a style that resembles the interior of a cabin, consider a one-legged bunkbed. The builder used construction-grade pine and hemlock for the rungs.
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infaethable · 4 years
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floorplan for mordred!
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