#best weight gain capsules
thecosmeticsjourney · 18 days
Looking for an easy and effective way to kickstart your weight gain journey? Look no further than Cosmetic Capsules. These capsules are specially formulated to provide the nutrients and support you need to achieve your desired weight. With Cosmetic Capsules, you can start your journey with confidence and convenience.
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ayuvyaayurveda5 · 9 months
Weight Gain and Emotional Restraints: How Ayurvedic Weight Gainers Help
Wishing to change your body shape and size takes a lot of determination and courage. Gaining weight is as complex as losing some if not more. It takes more than just increasing your diet, gaining weight requires strategic planning and balancing of diet and exercise and a considerable investment of your time in the same. 
One has to note that results of natural methods take time, sometimes the results are delayed and this can cause emotional distress. Gaining weight can also have some emotional repercussions. In this article, we will look at the major emotional restraints that can impact your weight gain journey and how an Ayurvedic weight gainer can help you overcome those emotional boundations naturally. 
Does an inferiority complex from being underweight hinder your weight gain journey?
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I am sure your sheer determination to gain weight must have come from a trigger that you might want to get rid of. More often than not, people who have faced taunts and bullying for being underweight are the ones who look for quick solutions to gain weight easily.
This myth of easy and fast weight gain should be dismissed and erased from your brains as quickly as possible. The progress is a gradual process, everything ranging from a healthy diet to extensive workout takes time. 
Sometimes, we do not realise that our triggers have a strong hold on us. The inferiority that you might have felt earlier has the potential to make you expectant to get fast results out of doing bare minimum. We suggest that you check your methods, note them down and make a habit of noting down daily progress that can help you keep track of your performance so that you are not stressed. 
Can gaining weight lead to stress?
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More often than not people who are working towards gaining muscles lose hope and their overeating gets triggered. Changing your body to your desirable shape and size takes a toll on your mental wellbeing. Stress can be caused due to many other factors such as workload or piled up exercise deadlines. You might not be achieving your other goals like academic or job related, or you might be stuck at the same workout routine and unable to increase your limit. You might want to quit healthy food and go back to junk, you might want to quit everything and go back to your old self. 
Whenever, thoughts like this cross your mind, always remind yourself the reason why you started your journey. Several components in your diet might also be the reason for your stress. Reassure yourself and track your progress that could help you overcome your distress and get back on track. 
How do Ayurvedic weight gain tablets help in overcoming stress and gaining healthy weight?
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Ayurveda has always been proven to be the answer to all problems. In case of doubt, always choose Ayurveda! The ancient knowledge of Ayurveda has expertised in maintaining a balance between mind and body. Where chemical and synthetic medications might cause stress and anxiety, Ayurvedic weight gainer weaves a harmony between the natural progress and mind soothing. We proudly present to you an Ayurvedic weight gainer that not only fulfils the bodily necessities but also works on emotional and mental aspects of gaining weight. 
Ayurvedic ingredients that work wonders for weight gain and muscle growth are included in I-gain+ Ayurvedic weight gain tablets. These Ayurveda Ingredients have weight gaining properties and are full of powerful power. I-gain+ Ayurveda weight gain tablets contain powerful Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwarandha, amla, and Kali Harad, which boost metabolism and immune system. Narkachoor properties are present in I-gain+ Weight Gain tablets to ensure proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Safed Musli is present in these capsules to help build muscle strength and increase overall endurance. 
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In addition to its individual benefits, I-gain+ is a potent combination of herbs that not only improves digestion but also creates a stronger metabolism, which can improve overall health of the body.
Gaining weight might not be as simple as it seems but doing it the right way with discipline and tracking regular progress might ensure a healthy weight gain. So, overcome your emotional restraints and dive right into the strategy towards your body goals. 
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nikhalgupta · 11 days
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lifetree2013 · 9 months
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Life's Pleasures (S.R.)
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Summary: Spencer struggles with some side effects of his medication after prison. Request: Spencer being insecure about his weight gain post prison. Couple: Spencer Reid/GN!Reader Category: Comfort Content Warning: Weight gain, body insecurity  Word Count: 800
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Spencer was a creature of habit more than he was of comfort. Call it superstition or autistic tendencies, even the slightest alteration to his routine could have catastrophic results.
Unsurprisingly, three months in prison did little to help him with those feelings. In fact, they made them much worse.
Despite the best efforts of yourself and the entire BAU, there was no question that Spencer needed help. Thanks very much to each of you, however, he had finally felt okay adding a small capsule to his daily routine.
It was nothing he was ashamed of. Unfortunately, however, that magical little concoction of neurotransmitters had a few… unintended side effects. He hadn’t said anything about it yet, but you had watched his favorite clothing got tighter until he couldn’t bear to wear it anymore.
You were acutely aware of how sensitive he would be with such a dramatic change. So, that Sunday, when you see Spencer padding out in his favorite pair of Saturday-specific sweats, you try to be kind.
“Hey handsome!” you call.
He is caught off guard enough to smile.
“What did I do to deserve you in sweats on a Sunday?”
His smile falls just as quickly. His bashfulness turns into a sadness that feels all-encompassing.
“My pants don’t fit,” he mutters as he toys with the drawstring.
“Lucky me,” you joke.
Spencer doesn’t respond like you’d hoped. In fact, he doesn’t react at all. He just stays staring at the string that is shorter than normal. He doesn’t even notice that you’re approaching him until your palms are pressed against his cheeks.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you whisper.
He winces.
“I just…”
You give him a small reassuring smile and it stirs something in him. Some small shift out of his self-preservation instinct and back into the comfort of your embrace.
“I know I’m getting older, and stress does a lot of damage, and that can always manifest as weight gain,” he rambles.
He leaves out the medicated nature of it all, but you don’t bother to correct him. You just listen as he continues.
“But my body’s never been like this. It’s never changed like this, even during puberty,” he scoffs.
You chuckle at the sound and the image conjured up from faded scrapbook pictures.
Spencer smiles too—just for a second—before he remembers that he is sad.
“It’s just… it’s happening so… fast,” he says like a whimper.
After a moment, you shrug. He seems almost offended by the motion until you explain.
“That’s okay, Spencer,” you whisper, “It’s okay if you have a hard time adjusting to change.”
His shoulders fall as he releases a shaky breath. Relief starts to creep back into his body, despite his fingers still twiddling with the string.
You look down at it and laugh because it is so much like how he used to be. A little bit better, even.
“You just need to remind yourself that… They’re good changes,” you insist as your hands fall and glide around his waist. It’s soft and pliant and reminds you of the peace you find when you lay in bed together.  You remember the smile he wore the first day he woke up without fearing the sound of a buzzer. You think about how he doesn’t seem afraid of his phone anymore.
When you look back up at him, your eyes linger on the subtle curve of his lips before they settle on teary eyes.
“You’re finally taking care of yourself the way you deserve, so things are going to look different,” you whisper before pulling him closer. You sway with his body, still perfectly him despite not looking exactly the same.  “And for what it’s worth, I happen to think you look wonderful.”
Spencer drops the string to hold you, instead. He chuckles, a soft and bashful noise that reminds you of the first time you met.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he sighs in defeat.
To console him, you provide another simple offering.
“Sweatpants, donuts, coffee full of sugar and syrup,” you hum, “I don’t know about you, but… I can get used to a life like that.”
“They’re nice, but…” he trails off. His body pulls away so that he can see that loving look in your eyes. The last bit of tension releases from weary muscles. Spencer gently rests his palm against your cheek. It’s warm and soft and exactly like it used to be before the scars.
“Of all of life’s pleasures,” he wonders aloud, “I still think you’re my favorite.”
You quickly note the conditional word.
“You think?”
This time when he smiles, it is brilliant and not at all bashful.
“Donuts are pretty good,” he jokes.
It’s such a beautiful sound that you don’t even have to wonder.
“You’re better,” you mumble against still-sweet lips.
And it only gets better from there.
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(Tell me what you thought about this fic here!)
Looking for more to read? Check out my wonderful friend @spencer-reids-adventures's take on this request here!
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Reid Taglist: @mrs-dr-reid , @dreatine , @hopefulfangirl24 , @laurakirsten0502 , @dontcallmekittens , @rintheemolion , @andreasworlsboring101 , @imsuperawkward @wentz2005 , @lovejules888 , @dashneydanger , @materialisthicc , @violetspoetic , @mslowlife , @conniesanchor , @trippol-threat , @will-byers-needs-a-hug
Complete Taglist: @cynbx , @emsma11 , @mediocre-writer , @fightingdragonswithwho , @andiebeaword , @jayyeahthatsme
Thanks for reading!
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sac-bestsupplements · 4 months
Creatine Side Effects: Is it Safe? The Toxic Effects of Creatine Monohydrate, Powder, HCL and Capsules
Discover our top 10 best creatine supplements ranking: https://super-achiever.com/best-creatine-supplements
Read more on our website: https://super-achiever.com/creatine-side-effects
#creatine #creatinesideeffects #creatinemonohydrate
Hey there, Achiever Fam! 🌟 Today, we're unraveling the mystery behind the side effects of creatine, a staple in gym bags worldwide. Sure, it's known for muscle gains, but there's more to this story. 🏋️‍♂️🤔 If you're curious about the lesser-known effects of creatine and how to balance its benefits with potential risks, you're in the right place! Don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more insightful content. Let's get into it! 💪 Common Side Effects: Bloating: A familiar side effect due to creatine pulling water into muscles. Usually temporary as the body adjusts. 💧🤰 Water Retention: Increases weight slightly, but it's water, not fat. Normal response to creatine. ⚖️💦 Digestive Issues: Ranging from discomfort to cramps and diarrhea, especially at high doses. A sign to reassess your dosage. 🚽🤢 Dosage and Type Matter: Stick to 3-5 grams per day post-loading phase to minimize side effects. The form of creatine you choose (monohydrate, hydrochloride, etc.) can affect your body differently.
🔍💊 Lesser-Known Side Effects: Sleep Disruptions: Creatine might affect your sleep cycle due to increased energy levels. 🌙😴 Mood Changes: Some experience anxiety or irritability. Always monitor mental health changes. 😠🧠 Kidney Function Concerns: Safe for most, but those with kidney issues should be cautious. 🚨👩‍⚕️ Dehydration Risks: Increased muscle water retention might lead to dehydration. Stay hydrated! 🥤💧 Muscle Cramping: Possible due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Drink water and eat balanced meals. 🍽️💪 The Balancing Act of Creatine: Dosing is Key: Start low, increase gradually, and find what works for you. Individual factors matter. 📊🧲 Timing Matters: Taking creatine near workouts may enhance benefits. Consistent daily intake is crucial. 🕒🏋️‍♀️ A Balanced Diet: Creatine works best with a healthy diet. Eat a mix of proteins, carbs, fats, and vitamins. 🥗🍲 Supplementation Duration: Consider cycling creatine use – periods of taking it followed by breaks. 🔄⏳ Professional Consultation: Essential for those with health conditions or experiencing severe side effects. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ When to Seek Professional Advice: Existing Health Conditions: Particularly kidney, liver, or heart issues. Unusual or Severe Side Effects: Persistent digestive issues, cramping, or changes in urination. 🚨👩‍⚕️ There you have it!
Understanding the side effects of creatine is crucial for harnessing its power safely and effectively. 🌟💊💪 If you've used creatine, we'd love to hear your experiences. Drop a comment below, and don't forget to subscribe for more empowering content. Catch you in the next video! 📹👋
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This is a side blog to hold myself accountable as I make some rapid fire changes to my appearance and life. I have 1 full year from my birthday to make some massive changes before I turn 25, plus I have a big trip coming and I want to look my absolute best.
I'm anticipating a lot of tears, sweaty mornings/nights, and some complaining. TW I will talk about weight in most of my posts as I am on a muscle gaining journey.
I also had a scary realization that most people live lives of quiet medicore desperation. Life is so short and Death is so long. I want to get my body together NOW because I've wasted enough of my life dissatisfied and desperate.
Black woman, 5'3", 24 years old.
What I WANT to do in a year
Lose 15lbs Fat
Gain 5lbs Muscle
Teeth whitened
Full body hair removal
4C Hair grown 16 inches
Clear skin (Face): Pores/Strawberry Face, Pimples, Dark spots.
Clear skin (Body): Pores, Dark spots, ingrown hair marks, strawberry legs.
Eyebrows Microbladed
35 Piece Preppy Capsule closet with quality tailored clothes
What I can ACTUALLY do in a year
8lbs Fat lost (16 weeks)
4C hair grown 6 inches longer
5lbs Muscle gain (4 months)
Face hair removal 1k
Maybe colored contacts
Teeth whitened (120$)
Eyebrows Microbladed
Clear skin Face
Clear skin Body
Starting point:
130lbs skinny fat body
No pimples but dark spots, large strawberry pores
Faded microbladed eyebrows
Teeth are straight but still in braces
4 inches of 4C hair grown
Semi preppy style with low quality clothes
Body: Hairy, dark spots, strawberry legs
End point: Update March 14th 2025.
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seamsterslocal · 1 year
who am i?
someone who’s been sewing since being voluntold into the puppet factory at age 7. (yes i did grow up in a circus.) a legal adult for decades now but immature enough to get away with calling myself a boy until i die. trans man who dresses like an off duty drag queen. undiagnosed autistic with sensory intolerance for synthetic fibers. proud of my weight gain and not shy to block fatphobic bigots. too arthritic to give a shit about typos or capitalizing. former professional alterations-er. white usamerican who believes strongly in class solidarity across all lines. faggot.
what will you find here?
ive never been good at keeping my tumblr self organized but i’m really going to try to keep this one focused. at first i’ll be posting project round ups and picture tutorials as i work through the immense backlog of my stash, but i’d like to answer questions and help folks troubleshoot their own sewing, fitting, and mending problems. theoretically i’d like to do video tutorials but i dont have the time or equipment. certainly some anti-oppression based political analysis and references to the leather community will filter through, and probably some garden and pet pictures. i’m going to be coaching my life and business partner through making their first clothes pretty soon here so that will be posted in some form as well. tips for adapting clothes for sensory issues and physical mobility based disabilities. me fixating on pattern matching to a truly asinine degree. all black projects covered in cat and dog hair that are really hard to photograph well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what do i make?
ive made everything from thirty foot puppet costumes to these-jncos-arent-wide-enough industrial high fashion jeans to back support corsets and more but currently my own projects are all about providing me with a wardrobe that a) keeps me warm b) doesnt trigger any sensory issues c) makes me look like hot shit. you could call what i’m working on a capsule wardrobe but really i’d just call myself broke. my idea of looking like hot shit involves seamlessly blending the fashions of a sixty year old redneck who goes to town twice a year, and the hardest fem at goth night.
what am i interested in?
i really like historical fashion, especially viking and pre-viking era scandinavian, medieval british isles, and irish/scottish/english/american from about 1800-1960. (NOT saying that other places dont have incredible clothes and fashion traditions, but sewing is pretty much the backbone of my ancestor work—not nec. reverence bc not all of my ancestors deserve it frankly (though some do) but connection and understanding—so i focus my research and construction where my own ancestors were (if you call yourself folkish you can fuck off and die in a dumpster fire right now and if you dont, dont bother googling they dont deserve your attention)). i often take historical undergarments and adapt them for contemporary outerwear, or blend methods of fit or construction that were traditionally used exclusively for either mens or womens fashion in a single garment. somehow i ended up specializing in flattening out princess seams.
follow me and maybe i’ll get someone to video me using the treadle machine which has belonged to my great grandma, my gay great uncle, my gay great uncle’s widower, my mom, and myself
new build project masterlist
alterations project masterlist
tags masterlist
“you’re really into anti-oppression, why aren’t you adding image descriptions?”
a couple reasons. as i mentioned i have a host of disabilities (physical and otherwise). my dayjob involves a lot of computer work, sewing is really hard on my hands and body, i cant always look at screen for very long, and if i made myself wait to post until i could do image descriptions, i would never post at all. i don’t think requiring disabled folks to do things they can’t is the best approach to radical hospitality. if anyone feels moved to add image descriptions to anything i do, i will reblog their post with the tag ‘image descriptions added.’ my main aim in starting this blog is to share my knowledge with trans/disabled folks and other people that experience gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, sensory issues, or physical difficulties getting clothes on and off without pain. the typed writeup that will accompany each picture tutorial is my best attempt at sharing my knowledge and processes with anyone who uses a screen reader
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thecosmeticsjourney · 19 days
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ayuvyaayurveda5 · 11 months
With iGain from Ayuvya Ayurveda, gaining weight in a healthy way has never been simpler.
Some people still have problems doing the opposite: keeping their weight under control, despite the prevalent emphasis on physical fitness and appropriate weight management. Ayuvya Ayurveda has created a revolutionary new solution called iGain to assist with this issue in a safe and natural approach. iGain is designed to support healthy weight gain and muscle growth by drawing on the principles of Ayurveda. This blog will explore the research behind Ayurveda's weight gain methods, as well as the benefits, ingredients, and uses for iGain.
While conversations of weight loss tend to take center stage, it's vital to keep in mind that some people have real concerns about gaining weight, including those with fast metabolisms, those recovering from illness, and those seeking to build muscle mass. Ayuvya Ayurveda understands the relevance of satisfying this desire and thus has developed Buy weight gainer igain
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The Ayuvya Ayurveda Quality Control Department:
Ayuvya Ayurveda has gained a household name in the business thanks to their commitment to manufacturing high-quality, authentic Ayurvedic treatments. They've followed all the rules when making iGain, so you know it's free of harmful chemicals and constantly in peak condition.
Key Ingredients and Their Features and Benefits: iGain is developed from a robust Ayurvedic blend of components that work together to promote healthy muscle mass gain. Among the most crucial are:
Anxiety can be reduced and general health can be improved with the use of adaptogens like ashwagandha. It aids in muscle and weight gain as well.
Shatavari: Shatavari is an effective herb that stimulates weight gain by stimulating hunger and digestion.
But Gokshura is excellent for increasing strength and stamina. It also aids in the healthful development of lean muscle.
The revitalizing plant Vidari Kanda, which aids in healthy weight gain. In addition, it improves the digestive system's ability to process food.
Pippali: This herb promotes healthy weight gain by aiding in digestion, boosting metabolism, and enhancing food absorption.
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With its cutting-edge recipe, iGain provides a comprehensive solution to the issue of weight gain by combining these powerful ingredients. The herbs have complementary effects on appetite, digestion, metabolism, and healthy muscle growth, all of which contribute to a healthy body weight.
The safe and efficient use of iGain is outlined in great depth in Ayuvya Ayurveda. Consult your doctor or an Ayurvedic practitioner for advice on the appropriate dosage for your condition. The product's convenient portability facilitates its regular use.
Finally, iGain by Ayuvya Ayurveda is a state-of-the-art weight gainer that offers a safe and effective approach to that purpose. The unique Ayurvedic component blend in iGain is formulated to aid in weight growth, muscle development, and general well-being. To assist people in achieving their desired weight in a healthy and long-lasting manner, Ayuvya Ayurveda incorporates both ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and modern scientific research.
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nikhalgupta · 5 months
Ayurvedic Weight Gain Capsules for Sale @264/- | iVate Ayurveda
iVate Ayurveda provides best weight gain capsules that are made of 100% Natural and Organic herbs. Ayurvedic weight gain capsules with No Side Effects. Read More:- https://www.ivateayurved.com/ayurvedic-weight-gain-capsules/
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lifetree2013 · 9 months
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Elevate Your Performance Naturally! Discover the power of Lifetree Testosterone Booster, the ultimate solution for men seeking a vitality boost. Use Lifetree's Testosterone booster to get the positive and effective results.
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biglovenrgy · 2 years
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things i'll manifest this month:
perfect, healthy, shiny, frizz-free, smooth + silky hair
healthy, strong nails that never break or hurt
the longest lashes in the universe, lashes are so long that it's the first thing you notice when you look at my face
losing weight, being 5 kgs less, slimmer arms + inner thighs, pretty calves
clear skin, not only face but all over my body, never getting razor bumps, ingrown hair, itching etc. just flawlessly healthy skin including my scalp.
solving all my money problems. my dad giving me so much pocket money, always more than 1k in bank account. never have to look at price tags, buy whatever i want whenever i want without feeling the need to "save up" or convince myself to think that i "don't need it", if i want it i get, as many amounts as i want.
successful youtube account. my videos are always high quality, people love watching and happily subscribe, all my videos are god tier, thousands of subscribers and views.
successful tiktok account. getting my account back and uploading nee content that's always on your fyp, always going viral, gaining another 1k of followers, all my videos get watched thousands of times.
successful instagram account. people love my instagram, love my posts, ask me for tarot readings, love my readings, always going viral, gaining thousands of followers, likes, comments.
my mom and dad fixing their relationship. they are happy just like the day they got married. they are so in love with each other, and forgave each other for what happened in the past. they decided to not divorce because they fixed their problems
making 100₺ from the tarot reader app, people giving me 5 stars all the time and loving my readings, people constantly ask for readings.
getting into my desired university, getting in the best university, getting accepted in the best university that is so ideal, having the ideal university life, being happy with my results, getting in one of my top 3 three most desired universities.
desired makeup products, new mascara + foundation, new blush + highlighter, hair + skin care products with the best quality
going shopping and buying the cheapest and the BEST outfits for uni, buying all the nice clothes on my pinterest boads, creating my most perfect capsule wardrobe, people love the way i dress.
manifesting or finding a cheap and quality tripod to start creating content for youtube.
improving my French, German, and learning Spanish
learning chess and beating my boyfriend at the game ehehe
a decent sleep schedule
easily hitting high notes, voice so pretty like lana del rey and strong like ariana grande.
getting my tiktok acc back
that's it!
omg i have too many desires!!?? i'll update yall😀
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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"Hail SOMBRA." - Brock Ward
Biographical information
Full Name: Brock Ward
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Semibisexual
Status: Deceased
Age: 27 (season 3)
Birth: 1989
Race: Human
Cause of Death: Cyanide poisoning
Nationality: American
Origin: Texas, USA
Melbourne, Australia
Texas, USA (formerly)
Profession(s): U.N.I.T. Agent
Height: 5'11" Age: 27 (season 3) Weight: 215lbs Eyes: green Blood: O-
Hailing from Texas, Brock was a man in his twenties with sun-kissed skin, short, spiky black hair, and pale green eyes. He wore dark jeans with a brown belt, a yellow v-neck shirt, a black leather jacket, and boots. He had a pair of sunglasses on his head and a short silver chain with two dog tags attached. The dog tags had the flag of the USA printed on them.
As per his suspect appearance in United in Ashes, it is known that Brock is a musician and knows chemistry.
Brock Ward was an undercover SOMBRA agent who had infiltrated U.N.I.T. He was a cold-hearted man who could pretend to be your best friend to gain your trust, only to stab you in the back later. He was loyal to SOMBRA and would do anything to help further the organization.
He had been assigned to keep an eye on Nicolas Doyle and report back to SOMBRA about the man's actions. Unfortunately, Brock could not get the position of Assistant Director as Nathan Pandit had more seniority over him. But he still kept a close watch on his boss.
When SOMBRA suspected Nicolas of losing sight of their mission, they had Brock remind the man of what would happen if he became weak. But even after the threat, Nicolas refused to speed up delivering SOMBRA U.N.I.T resources, so Brock was ordered to eliminate him.
He killed Nicolas using one of Nathan's poisons, hoping to pin the blame on the Assistant Director. But the Bureau was too smart and discovered the truth, arresting Brock for the murder. Knowing he had been caught, Brock killed himself using a cyanide capsule inside a false tooth, but not before revealing his elegance to SOMBRA.
Brock died thinking SOMBRA had the upper hand, but he didn't know that his failure would lead to SOMBRA sending Hemlock after the Bureau. In doing this, the Bureau saved Fili and removed the inhibitor chip implanted in his brain.
SOMBRA would never get the original enchantment formula from Fili's DNA, nor would Brock ever get to receive the power boost. And so, Brock joined Nicolas in the afterlife after dying a meaningless death.
Rank: Agent
Story Information
First appeared: United in Ashes
He is named after two Hydra agents from the Marvel franchise: Brock Rumlow and Grant Ward
Likewise, his quote is a play on the phrase "Hail Hydra"
He was hoping to be the first to receive the new SOMBRA enhancement formula once Metcalf had replicated it from Fili's DNA
He was an orphan
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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30555000 · 1 year
EXIPURE – EXIPURE Review (Does EXIPURE Really Work?) EXIPURE Weight Loss...
Have you tried everything for weight loss? You have tried several things for fat burn? Different diets, exercise, intermittent fasting, and even diet re-education. Every day, someone invents a new revolutionary method to lose weight, but it ends the same way as all the others. Not only are you not getting results, but you are also losing motivation. Do you identify with this scenario? Don't worry, in today's video I will introduce you to a natural supplement that was a hit in 2022 and promises to be a hit in 2023. I will introduce you to the healthy weight loss supplement Exipure. I'm Brian and I recorded this video to help you, in it I told you all about Exipure, a totally natural supplement that has helped thousands of people and I'm sure it will help you too. Watch the video until the end and if you decide to know more about Exipure to lose weight in a safe and healthy way, I'll leave the link below for you! EXIPURE – EXIPURE Review (Does EXIPURE Really Work?) EXIPURE Weight Loss Supplement – Exipure Detox • What is Exipure? Exipure is a 100% natural, clinically proven supplement to help you lose weight. Its formula is designed to increase metabolism, aid in fat oxidation, and help with fat absorption in the digestive tract. Exipure is a weight loss supplement made from natural ingredients with scientifically proven benefits. It is the result of years of research into medicinal plants, in hopes of finding the best options for natural weight loss. • What is exipure and why is it different from other products? Exipure is a product that supports healthy weight loss and according to the manufacturer it is the only product in the world created with a proprietary blend of 8 exotic nutrients and plants designed to achieve low levels of brown adipose tissue (BAT), the new found root cause of weight gain. • Exipure Ingridents: Scientists have found eight exotic plants that can help people fight obesity. The natural ingredients within the exipure supplement help with this conversion, and the body loses many calories during this conversion. The most important and unique quality of Exipure is that it enters the body and targets the main cause of weight gain, it acts directly on the levels of brown adipose tissue (B.A.T). Although the supplement industry is full of similar products, weight loss with Exipure is unique. It works by changing typical white fat to brown fat, also called brown adipose fat • Is Exipure safe? According to the manufacturer the Exipure formula is 100% natural, safe and effective, contains no dangerous or addictive toxins or stimulants, and causes no side effects. All EXIPURE capsules are manufactured here in the United States in an FDA-registered and GMP-certified facility under sterile, rigorous and precise standards.   • Where is Exipure delivered? Exipure is delivered to many countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, India and many others, check the official page in the description and find out if it can be delivered to your location.
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