#bestfriends boyfriend
paperweight91 · 4 months
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Let’s pick the trope….with no context! 😈
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harrywavycurly · 28 days
Lonely request! When Harry confessed he was IN love with her? I know everyone cried 🥹
Hiii babes!!! Sorry this took me so long! This is a short little thing but I hope you enjoy💖
-find all things Lonely here✨
*reminder this takes place before you two move in together*
A/N: Harry knew it was going to hit him eventually, but he didn’t think it would be so soon, enjoy✨
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Harry smiles to himself as he kicks his shoes off by your front door before he walks towards your kitchen where what sounds like your voice softly singing to yourself is coming from. He stops in the entryway of your kitchen, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the wall as his smile turns into a full blown grin at the sight in front of him. You have your back facing him with a mug in your left hand, allowing Harry to get a tiny glimpse of your engagement ring, your hips are swaying to the beat of a song that you are humming but also softly singing what seems to be just the chorus if Harry had to guess, totally oblivious to his presence.
Something about seeing you swaying back and forth to some song he can’t make out, looking so carefree with your coffee mug in your ring adorned hand makes Harry feel an odd sort of fluttering in the pit of his tummy. He isn’t sure if it’s just some left over post engagement excitement still hanging around seeing as it’s only been a few weeks since you said yes to spending the rest of your life with him so he just shakes it off as he uncrosses his arms and pushes off the wall taking a few steps into the space. You spin around and he watches your eyes widen a bit as your brows shoot up while you jump ever so slightly in surprise when your eyes land on him making him chuckle because you’ve always been a bit easy to startle.
“Didn’t mean to scare you love.” You just roll your eyes as you make your way over to him, holding out your mug for him to take. “Thought you heard me come in.” He explains before taking a sip of your coffee, you raise a questioning eyebrow and his just gives you a nod in response as he hands you your mug back.
“You know I’m oblivious to what’s going on around me when I’m having my morning coffee.” Harry just laughs as he watches you shuffle over to your coffee pot, he follows you and before you can do it he reaches up in the cabinet above the coffee pot and grabs a mug and places it on the counter. He doesn’t move from behind you as you pour coffee into the mug, when you reach over for the sugar his eyes once again land on the ring sitting snuggly on your left hand and he feels that same fluttery feeling in the pit of his tummy. Out of habit Harry finds one of his hands resting on your hip, he leans down and rests his chin on your shoulder as you finish stirring in the sugar and he can faintly hear you humming to yourself making him smile when he’s finally able to recognize the song.
“You always sing One Direction while having your coffee?” He asks as he stands up and takes a small step backwards allowing you to have room to turn around and face him. “I thought you used your mornings to be reflective and all that?” He teases as you roll your eyes and hand him his coffee.
“Are you saying I can’t sit and ponder my thoughts and feelings while listening to the deeply meaningful lyrics of Live While We’re Young?” Harry has to hold back his laughter as he takes a sip of his coffee while you try your hardest to maintain your composure, he watches you rub your lips together in an attempt to fight off the smile that wants to spread across your face as you turn and grab your own mug.
“Deeply meaningful lyrics?” You just nod as you bring your mug to your lips while turning to face him again. “I’m going to need you to explain this to me.” You know he’s just tying to get you to crack as you look at him and see that all too familiar smirk on his face as he leans back on your kitchen island and takes another sip of his coffee.
“Typical. I’m always having to explain things to you. I see that won’t be changing even in marriage.” You tease expecting Harry to give you a fake pout or even roll his eyes but instead he just stares at you with a look in his eyes you’re not sure you’ve ever seen before so you just look quickly look away and take a sip of your coffee before continuing.
“The song is all about living in the moment and just enjoying yourself and that’s actually a very hard thing to do when you think about it because we are always just thinking about what we have to do tomorrow or in the next hour so yeah the lyrics are meaningful and can have a much deeper context to them if you’re willing to just take the time to dig a bit.” Harry is only hearing about every other word that leaves your mouth as you stand in front of him trying to explain how Live While We’re Young is a meaningful song. He can’t seem to focus on much else other than the fact his heart feels like it’s beating a mile a minute and his hands are a bit sweaty to the point he’s nervous the coffee mug in his hand might actually slip out of his grasp if he’s not careful but most importantly his mind is racing over the fact this was all caused by you simply looking at him with a teasing smile and soft eyes.
He blinks a few times trying to gather his thoughts because he knows how flustered he must look right now but all his mind can seem to do is give him little glimpses of the future that include you dancing around the kitchen in a house the two of you share with your coffee in your hand while you sing horribly off key to whatever random song you have stuck in your head while he’s standing off to the side making breakfast and Harry quite likes the idea of it, you being carefree and dancing around while he’s just busying himself with something and enjoying your enthusiasm for the early morning hours. His mind then begins to flip through random memories of the two of you throughout the years and it’s as if it’s picking moments in time where Harry knew something felt not off, but different between the two of you but he didn’t exactly know what it was until this very moment, like when he picked you up drunk from a party one night and you just wanted to cuddle with him and refused to sleep if he wasn’t next to you and while Harry’s always been one to love a cuddle this night it felt as if he wasn’t just cuddling his bestfriend who had one too many tequila shots he was cuddling someone he cared for enough to end his dinner plans early and drive across town for just to make sure they got home and into bed safely and that someone was you, it’s always been you.
It all clicks for Harry in this moment, why his heart is beating erratically and his hands are sweaty and why just a simple glance from you awakens the butterflies in his tummy and makes his cheeks get hot, he’s in love with you. He turns around so he can place his mug down safely on your island before it slips out of his hand, he closes his eyes as he takes a few deep breaths trying his hardest to calm himself down but it’s no use because he can feel your eyes on him and he knows any moment now he’s going to feel the softness of your hand on his back trying to soothe him and get him to explain what’s happening so Harry can’t help himself when he just lets the words slip out of his mouth.
“I’m in love with you.” He doesn’t need to turn around or ask if you heard him because the small gasp that you let out lets him know you did.
“You-no no you’re not you’ve just had too much caffeine and nothing to eat you’re not thinking clearly.” Harry turns around and watches as you frantically look around your kitchen and when your eyes land on a loaf of bread you let out a sigh of relief. “Here just have some bread and you’ll be good as new.” You walk over to the counter that the bread is on and place your mug down so you can begin opening the bag to grab Harry a slice.
“I don’t-”
“Oh god are you still on a carb free diet thing? One little slice won’t kill you okay? Just eat the bread and we can move on.” You quickly grab a slice from the bag and hold it out for him to take but all he can do in this moment is laugh causing you to raise an eyebrow at him. “Harry what’s going on with you? Are you having a breakdown? Is it the wedding? We don’t need to have one it’s fine we can-”
“What’s going on with me? I’m trying to tell you I’m in love with you and you’re trying to feed me bread.”
“B-because bread will help you think more clearly.”
“I am thinking clearly.”
“No you’re not. It’s all this wedding stuff and the caffeine-”
“Love I’ve had three sips of coffee today it’s not the caffeine…it’s you.”
“It’s me?”
“Yes.” Harry rounds the island so he’s standing in front of you, he lets out a soft chuckle as he grabs the slice of bread from your hand and tosses it on the counter behind you. “It’s you.” You look up at him as he gently places a hand on the side of your face. “It’s always been you.” He smiles when he feels you lean into his touch as one of your hands comes up and wraps around his wrist. “I’m in love with you.” Harry swears he’s never seen someone look at him with such a genuine look of love before in his life and it takes everything in him not to lean down and kiss you but he doesn’t want to overwhelm you because he did just drop a rather big announcement on you and the two of you have only kissed a handful of times since becoming engaged, still navigating your new relationship and all.
“You’re in love with me?” Your voice no longer sounds frantic, it’s almost back to your usual soft and gentle tone as Harry just nods in response as a he searches your eyes for any signs of doubt that you don’t believe him because he can’t imagine what’s going on in your mind having gone through such a whirlwind of emotions over the past few weeks. “That-that was quicker than I expected.” You admit making Harry just playfully shrug as his thumb gently brushes against your cheek.
“I told you it would happen didn’t I love?”
“Did you really just say I told you so in the middle of telling me you’re in love with me?” You glare at him as his free hand lands on your hip so he can pull you closer to him.
“I mean…I did tell you didn’t I?” He jokes as he looks down at you and when you just roll your eyes as you bite your bottom lip so you don’t smile he knows you’re not upset with him.
“You’re so annoying.” You mumble as you rest your left hand on Harry’s chest allowing you to get a nice view of your engagement ring, your eyes go from looking at the beautiful ring on your finger up to Harry’s bright green eyes and you can’t help but smile when you see him already looking down at you. “I love you.” The grin Harry gives you makes his dimples appear, you feel him give your hip a gentle squeeze.
“I love you too.” And this time you know he means it the exact same way you do and you feel like your heart is going to burst when he leans down and presses his lips against yours in what sort of in some ways feels like your first actual kiss, it’s soft and sweet and full of nothing but love.
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sweetbunbakeshop · 2 months
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hsficrecommendation · 7 months
@hsficrecommendation 's Masterlist
Note: This is a post that holds links to all of the fic-rec masterlists/wrap ups I've posted of months mentioned below.
Now, this is how it works - I'm an avid fanfiction reader (and I'm sure that if you're here, then, you're one too) and I genuinely believe that it's one of the purest and best forms of media. Every single fic we read deserves ton of support, for which I've got another sideblog called (@ireblogwhatireadcauseduh ) where I reblog all the fics I read.
This one, though, is a blog I created to hopefully preserve some of the best fics, according to me, that I've read so far. Fics that just really affected me in a way that I simply fell in love.
Mentioned below, are links that will lead you to the best fics, (again, according to me) that I read in the namely month. If a month isn't mentioned, it just means that either I didn't really read anything because life gets in the way sometimes, or that I didn't find any fic very touching.
So, if you do decide to read any of the fics that I've recommended in the links below, please make sure to reblog the fics and to leave feedback on them for the writers because that's what keeps them going!!
Also, a very shameless self-promo -- I've got a writing account as well! (Although I'm pretty sure you found this one from there ghsfkhjl) It's named @0oolookitsme ! Feel free to take a stroll <3
Aaand that's all I had to say! I'll let you lose now, hope you enjoy your little walk through this blog, and come back again!
All the love <3
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April, May, June, July, August, September
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January, February, April
June, September, October
November, December
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January, February and March (should be here in the beginning of April!)
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misstycloud · 1 year
Unfortunate Love
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Yandere childhood friend x taken GNreader
Finn took a deep breath, a poor attempt to loosen his nerves. He had all reasons to be nervous, he was finally getting to see his long-time best friend after so many years. While they did speak on the phone and spent hours sending texts back and forth between their devices, it was nothing compared to the real thing. The blonde's felt his heart thump loudly against his chest, reminding him of all those moments in their youth when he was painfully in love with his friend and they had no clue.
Hah, they still don't! (Y/n), his bestie who doesn't know how they make him feel every time they speak. (Y/n) who had no idea of the lovesick gazes he would send them whenever they weren't looking. (Y/n) who was oblivious to his feelings for years, somehow never realising despite it staring them straight in the eyes. (Y/n) who remained clueless to his despair the day they announced their relationship. (Y/n) who never saw him on the floor in his room, covered with snot and ears, desperately crying for them.
Finn dubble checked his phone to make sure he was at the right address, it would be embarrassing to hype himself up only to be met with an old lady in the doorway. Geez, he knew (Y/n) would laugh their ass of if that happened and he'd rather not be ridiculed during their first reunion in so long. He smiled at the thought, god how he loved that laugh.
His friend always complained they hated it, but he found it cute and always reassured there was nothing to be ashamed of, even if they sounded like a 'dying-elephant-choking-on-its-own-trunk-while-having-a-cold-and-birthing-a-new-elephant.'
After just a few seconds after knocking on the wooden frame, the door swung open and he laid eyes on the most important person in his life.
"Oh my god, Finn!" You exclaimed in joy at the sight. "I haven't seen you like this in ages. It's great that you could come, I can't wait to show you everything I've told you about."
He giggled at your enthusiasm, it was always like this, you lifting him up and making him see the beauty in things he would otherwise pay no mind to.
You pulled Finn inside your apartment, excited to exhibit your home to him. "We've gotten a bunch of plants- to make the air in here fresh you know- and even started our own little plantation on the balcony. There are lots up on the roof, too. It's accessible to everyone in the building so we're not the only ones doing this. Oh, and there's a pool you can use! It's awesome for parties."
As the blonde man was getting sucked into your babble, one word in your speech painfully stuck out to him: We. Oh, right. He almost forgot. Your not alone living in this home.
"(Y/n), have you seen the wine? I wanted to bring it out for when- oh!" Finn looked passed you and saw a tall, handsome brunette make his way around the corner and meet eyes with him. "Why didn't you say he arrived already?" He chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Trying to make me look bad, are we?" Your boyfriend teased you.
You slapped his arm, "Of course not, just got a bit caught up in the conversation, Eric. And I put the wine in the second box in the fridge, it's behind a bunch of other stuff so it's hard to see."
"Haha, okay, was getting panicky there." Eric stepped forward to properly greet his guest. "Hey, I'm Eric as you probably already know."
"Finn." He responded dryly, but if the other man noticed, he didn't express it. Or perhaps he simply didn't care.
"It's fun to meet one of (Y/n)'s old friends, I know you two go way back." Ushering his partner's childhood friend further inside, he spoke, "I hope the trip wasn't too much of a hassle, wouldn't want this to be of any trouble for you."
Of course it wasn't any trouble, Finn wanted to snap. But he wasn't dumb enough to do that. He understood what would happen if he acted upon his feelings.
“No, there were no issues.”
The three of you sat down in the living room, pouring the liquid evenly and getting the conversation started. Finn found himself multiple times wanting to throw your partner against the wall. It was so unfair. Everything was. Why did Eric get to live with you and he didn't? He knew you way better than your own boyfriend. You two have been together since you were crawling around in diapers. What could possibly beat that?
He was there when you lost your first tooth. He was there when you first learned to ride a bike, when you got that job at the ice cream shop in the plaza, and moved out of your parents house. All the important moments in your life, he had been present. And what the hell has Eric done except watering some plants with you? It was laughable. Anyone could see he was not worthy of being your boyfriend. Finn would do anything for you and he doubted the same could be said for Mr. Gardner.
A part of him was ashamed at the unethical length he was willing to go, but on the other hand those feeling were washed away when he saw you beaming at him. It was all worth it if it was for you.
You and Eric were retelling funny stories of your time in the city while Finn was writhing in envy, glaring slightly in the other man's direction, not that you noticed of course. Dinner rolled around and you served your friend with great eagerness, you have been working on your culinary skills for a while now and it was time to see if the work had payed off. The brunette had endured as your Guinea pig and said it tasted good, but you insisted the true test was giving the food to someone else.
"How is it?"
Finn gasped for added affect, "It's amazing (Y/n)! You're a fantastic chef, this is definitely the best meal I've ever had." He praised, and your ego nearly boosted through the roof.
Your cheeks dusted a light pink. "Haha, well thanks. It's not that good, but I appreciate it."
The blonde man simply smiled in content. The truth was, the dish was in fact not that good. It wasn't bad by any means, however it wouldn't win any award. The past was cooked too long and the sauce had a burnt taste to it. Despite all these factors, it was without a doubt the best meal he ever had. Because it was something you had made for him with your own hands. Even the ingredients were ones you'd grown by yourself. (Partly with your sweetheart's help, but Finn pretended not to know.)
You really were his true love. Which is why it is so sad. He wasn't sure if he could love anyone other than you. After he found out about your relationship status the young man tried to make himself like someone else; not everything works out the way we wish them to and he was therefore forced to live with his unrequited love.
"Actually, there's another reason we wanted you to visit." You joyfully mentioned. "It's pretty important."
Your friend chewed his food and gave you a nod, signaling you to continue your speech. He wondered what is was. It appeared to be a big deal, but he assumed it wasn't anything bad judging from your happy expression, one that was mirroring the brunette's. A dreadful feeling formed in his gut. He didn't like this.
"Well," you started, coyly. "Me and Eric have been dating for a long time now, and we want to take the next step in our lives together."
No, he really didn't like where this was going.
"So, we made the decision to-" you could barely contain your smile, " get married!"
Something in him shattered. Married? You? To someone else. Fuck, he wanted to cry. But that would definitely set you off into a worrying mess, something he'd rather avoid. No, no , no, he thought. It can't be! Although he tried to contain his emotions as best he could, it appeared som e of it slipped passed the mask.
"Hey, you good man?" Eric asked.
This comment attracted your attention, "Huh, are you not feeling well, Finn?" Fretting over his condition only served to worsen the situation, reminding him of what he couldn't have.
In the end he had to excuse himself and lie that he did feel a bit sick, and that he had been for a while but thought he would be fine after a while. You were sad that he had to leave so soon and wished him well. Escorting him to the door, you said to him, "Sad you're not 100% top today."
"Ehehe, yeah...." he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. Technically it wasn't a lie, he did want to go and bury himself in a corner, though it was for other reasons entirely.
"Are you sure you don't want to spend the night here, it's no problem?" Oh how good willed you were, offering up space in your home to stop your friend from having to spend money on a hotel. Normally he'd love to spend the night, this time however, he didn't believe it to be a wise idea for any of you.
"Yeah I'm sure. I'll just get a hotel room not far away and then I'll drive back home tomorrow."
"Okay, maybe we can hangout before you go if you're better tomorrow?" You asked hopefully. "Just you and me like old days."
This made him smile. Just you and him. That sounded good. He agreed to your request and hugged you goodbye for the night. You waved to him from the window when he'd made his way outside and into his car. Watching Finn drive away, you felt a hand sneak itself around your waist.
"Think he'll be alright?" A deep voice sounded from behind you.
"Yes, it'll be all fine. Nothing a goodnight's rest can't fix." You assured. Though, something about your friend's reaction didn't sit right with you. He should be over the moon of your engagement, he seemed nothing like that. If anything, he looked...pained?
Back in the car, the volume from the speakers were loud enough to burst one's eardrums. But that didn't matter the the driver. No he had a lot more to think about. The blaring music did nothing to ease the pain or distract him, which left him misrable.
Why the hell did you have to get engaged. Couldn't you have been fine as it was. Now, it was more serious than ever. In the beginning, he had actually hoped that you would eventually break up. That wouldn't happen now. Now it was legit. Legal papers and documents and everything. What was next on the list, kids?
Finn heaved a heavy breath, releasing a mix between a gurgle and sob. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he slowed the vehicle to a stop by the deserted road. The darkness kept people from seeing his sorry state; not that there were any out to begin with. Slamming his fist on the dashboard, he yelled his pain.
Why do love hurt so much?
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can we have a scenario with Harry where the R is on her period and throwing up and harrys just trying his best to comfort her 😫🥺🥺
AN: i hope i did your request justice. luckily i've never had to experience throwing up from my period so i don't know how it's exactly like. so i just hope its kinda sorta accurate in how i describe the cramps making reader feel and get sick. also whoever requested this, please let me know what you think. feedback is really important for us writers.
This story contains: fluff, period leaking (kinda), being sick (puking) due to period cramps, comfort
{ boyfriendrry - soft!harry - think of fine line harry era - harry is not famous in this story }
word count- 2,173
While staying the night at your boyfriend Harry's house, you get your period and then end up getting sick due to painful period cramps.
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You've known Harry for about two years. For most of those two years you were just friends. But about a month ago you finally confessed your harboring feelings for each other and now you're officially a thing. A couple. Dating more or less.
Yes you both were scared that if something happened with your relationship that your friendship would be over, but you just had to have a little bit of faith. Faith that no matter what happened your friendship comes first and foremost.
Now because this relationship is fairly new, Harry hasn't seen you at your most vulnerable states yet. Most vulnerable states as in when you're crying or sick or even the ups and downs you go through with your period. Well besides sex because you're both impatient, horny people. Because when you two were just friends, you were mainly friends within a friend group. Meaning you weren't like the closest friends ever.
Though over time you became closer as just friends and that's how you both realized you had feelings for each other. Still, Harry had yet to see you at your low points. But tonight that all changes.
Tonight, you were planning to spend the night at Harry's house. You've spent most nights at his house since becoming girlfriend and boyfriend if you're being honest. You just love the comfort Harry and his home brings to you.
Now unlike most nights that you stay over, you told Harry beforehand that you weren't in the mood for sex. You're not sure why but you had this pit feeling in your stomach that was secretly warning you of what's to come and that made you not want sex tonight.
You even told him if he'd rather you not come over because you didn't want sex to just tell you. But Harry just laughed through the phone and said that was ridiculous. That of course he still wants you to stay over. He doesn't just want to see you because of the sex. He loves you more than that.
The night started off well. Harry had ordered some chinese take-out and you both ate the delicious food while watching a romcom on his sofa. Eventually after you finished eating, you ended up cuddling into one another on the couch with a big fluffy blanket over top of you. That is until you felt the all too familiar feeling of your period starting. "Fuck," you hissed out.
"What?" Harry questioned quickly from his position as the big spoon behind you.
Going to stand up, you replied, "Um, think I started my period." At this point you knew there wasn't any way to hide the fact your period just started because you were staying the night at his house for fucks sake.
Harry had a frown on his face and goes to let you know, "Oh, well that's alright. I have some pad and tampons under my bathroom sink. Keep'um there for things like this." God, you're about ready to marry this man on the spot. His thoughtfulness is killing you.
You nodded your head and said shyly, "Okay, thank you. I'll be right back." You rushed off to the bathroom before you leaked too much in your panties and finally made it in time to collect the products you needed. Harry even bought the good brands too. Bless his heart.
After inserting a tampon and using a pad for extra protection, you were good to go. Except you realized just how tired you were now. It was nearly eleven at night anyways. So when you made it back down the stairs to Harry's living room where he had paused the movie to wait on you, you asked nervously, "Can, um, we just go to bed? I'm kinda tired now."
Without any thought, Harry stood up from the sofa and said, "Yeah, of course. Is everythin' alright with your period though. Need anythin' else?" If he doesn't stop being so nice you will be getting married tomorrow.
You shook your head, "No, I mean, yes I'm okay. Caught it right in time so I didn't leak through my clothes, thankfully. And my cramps usually start a few hours after I start. So I'm not in any pain right now. Just sleepy."
Harry turned the tv off and grabbed your hand to hold while walking up the stairs with you. "Good, but let me know if that changes. Don't be afraid to wake me up, okay. I won't mind." he commented.
A few moments later you were cuddled up in bed and ready to sleep. Your periods always made you extremely tired. Physically and mentally. Then not even five minutes into your cozy cuddles, you were asleep.
As your eyes glance over at Harry's alarm clock you can see the time now is four am. You were sleeping peacefully until you started getting your first wave of period cramps. To hopefully will them away, you take some deep breaths and lay in a fetal position to try and fall back asleep. But you quickly realize that's not going to happen.
Now if you were at your house, you'd go take some medicine to help with your period cramps but beings that you're at your boyfriend's house, you didn't want to risk waking him up. Though he told you he wanted you to wake him if you needed anything, you just couldn't find it in you to do that.
I mean you're not necessarily embarrassed you got your period at Harry's house because he is a grown, mature man that knows women get periods. But it's more so about you being in such a vulnerable position in front of him for the first time. To your luck though, the period and the cramps were not even the worst of your worries right now. It's the creeping nausea that's blooming in your stomach.
You don't always get sick on your periods but you do more often than most you'd say. Like every three period cycles. And it's mostly from the cramps getting so bad that they make you feel and get sick. Oh how you wish on anything that this months period wouldn't be one of the months you get sick on your period. Especially not on a night you're staying at Harry's house.
As you continue to lay in bed beside a sleeping Harry, your cramps get worse and your nausea also gets worse. To the point you know you must get out of bed if you don't want to be sick all over his bed and floor. So you scramble to remove yourself from Harry's duvet and scurry over to his bathroom that's to the right of his room. But due to the room being pitch black, you accidently knock something off the night stand on your side of the bed which in turn wakes Harry up.
At this point you don't care that you've knocked something over nor do you care if it woke Harry up. All that you care about is not being sick on the floor. When you make it inside the bathroom, you flip the light switch on and run over to the toilet. Luckily you have a moment to prepare yourself for what's to come so you reach back to collect your messy hair out of your face and kneel down on the cold, hard floor.
Back in the bedroom, Harry is sat up very confused as to what's going on. The only thing he can assume is that you felt yourself starting to leak and ran to go change your products out. But when he hears your first dry heave, he knows that's not the case. He jumps out of bed and rushes to the bathroom so he can help you in any way he can.
"Hey, hey," Harry coos while finally reaching your kneeled body, "shhh, it's alright. Let it out, y/n. Your tummy will feel so much better." And just like that, after multiple harsh dry heaves, you begin to actually throw up. Which isn't pleasant and especially not pleasant when you ate chinese food for dinner.
Harry replaces your hand with his so he's now the one holding your hair back. You're in so much pain that you barely register he's in the bathroom with you. All you know is that your uterus feels like it's being kicked and punched repeatedly and you're so nauseous because of that.
You throw up for what feels like minutes until you finally catch a break. With his free hand, Harry collects some toilet paper and dabs it around your mouth and nose. Then he tosses it in the toilet and reaches up to flush the nasty contents. You whisper out an embarrassed, "Thank you."
"No need to thank me, love. Hate seein' you like this. Is it your period that's making you sick? Or the chinese? Because if it's the chinese food then I should be a little worried since we ate the same thing." Harry replies.
"No um, forgot to mention but um, sometimes on my periods my cramps get so bad that it makes me get sick. Sorry you're having to see me like this. I know I probably look and smell gross. You can go back to bed if you want."
Biting back, Harry responds, "Hey, y/n, it's totally fine. I understand periods are painful for women. And if it makes you sick then that's alright. But I will do everythin' in my power to help you not feel sick anymore. And I am not leavin' you in here by yourself. I don't care that you're sick in front of me. We are in a relationship so it was gonna happen eventually anyways, right? Now do you still feel like you're going to throw up?"
You answer hoarsely, "Kinda, but if i had some medicine I think that would stop it. It's just my cramps hurt so bad I can barely move."
"Alright," Harry softly speaks, "stay here and let me get you some medicine." He stands up on cracking knees and searches through his medicine cabinet a few feet away. "Okay, here is some zofran for your nausea and here is some pain pills for your period cramps. Let me grab you a cup of water."
After filling a paper cup full of water and collecting the medicine, Harry comes back over to you and kneels down on the hard bathroom floor beside your body. He hands them to you and with shaky hands you take the cup of water and swallow down the pills. Then he grabs the now empty cup back from you and tosses it into the trash can beside the toilet.
Being patient with you, Harry doesn't suggest going back to bed until you feel ready enough to do so. He just sits beside you and gently grazes his fingers up and down your back. Once the zofran has kicked in, you don't feel sick anymore. You just feel achy and slightly gross.
Breaking the silence, you ask, "Can I take a shower and then go back to sleep? I feel all gross but also so tired again."
"Of course you can, baby. Let me get you a towel and an extra pair of clothes from your bag, okay." Harry gets up to do just that and you stand up realizing you need to use the toilet as well. But you'll wait until he returns with your stuff.
When Harry does return with your stuff, he gives your forehead a kiss and says, "Take your time, y/n. I'll be in bed waiting on you. Call for me if you need anythin''." And with that, he leaves and you're finally left alone to use the bathroom and shower.
When you re-enter Harry's bedroom after your shower, you expect to see him fast asleep again. But no, he's propped up in bed watching Friends on the television that hangs on the wall in front of his bed. He turns his head towards you with a sleepy smile on his face. "How was your shower? All good?"
You nod and answer while climbing back into bed beside him. "Mhm, it was good. And um, thank you for taking care of me tonight. Really appreciate it."
"Awe, baby," Harry coos, turning the tv off and helping you move closer to him, "no need to thank me. It kills me to know you sometimes have to deal with your periods side effects alone. I love taking care of you." With your head now on his chest, he tilts his head down to peck your forehead with a kiss and questions, "Is your tummy feelin' better now? Not nauseous anymore?"
Tiredly, you shake your head no against his chest and whisper, "Just slight cramping but nothing like it was before. The medicine is working. Love you."
Knowing you're not in excruciating pain anymore, sleep starts to take over Harry's body too again. But not before he can mutter out an, "I love you, too."
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe14  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @stylesmygucci // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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duusheen · 5 months
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POV your bestie lands a sugar daddy and takes you on vacation with her
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tiannasfanfic · 1 year
| Eddie Munson & Steddie Masterlist |
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You are hanging out with Perv!Eddie in his bedroom at the trailer; you’re laying propped up on his bed, reading, while he sits at his desk planning his next campaign. The two of you haven’t spoken in quite awhile, both of you engrossed in your own thing, when Eddie suddenly turns to you.
“Did you know that in Vegas you can rent a helicopter to have sex on while it’s in the air?” he asks you.
“No,” you say, as you look up at him from your book. “But that doesn’t surprise me.”
Eddie nods with a very serious look on his face.
“Me neither,” he says. “But we were talking about it at work and I said it would be awesome to rent one by yourself. That way you can jerk off out the window since it eventually might land on someone.”
You blink a few times, staring at him.
“…you would, wouldn’t you?” you finally say.
Eddie cackles manically as you turn back to your book, biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from grinning. That would only encourage him, after all.
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meep-meep-richie · 11 months
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and they say perfection doesn't exist?
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mamibaddie · 2 years
I’m back with more!!
18+ only! Contains smut. Minors DNI.
Perv!bestfriend!Eddie is now Perv!boyfriend!Eddie. Which just means he’s more open with his sexual nature.
Perv!boyfriend!Eddie wanting you to masturbate with him while you both watch the various adult films he’s picked out. Especially the ones he had that looks like you. Asking you if you think you could do the spread eagle while handcuffed to his bed. Just how he asks it, all desperate and needy made you cum. Now you both have to try it.
Asking Perv!boyfriend!Eddie if he’d ever like to wear a choker with a leash attached while you fuck him. He whines and instantly becomes hard. (Freak on a leash, if you will.)
Perv!boyfriend!Eddie loves it when you ride his thigh. Feeling the warm, slippery wetness grind against him. It’s so much it starts to drip down both sides of his thighs. He collects it with his fingers and puts them into his mouth. Eyes rolling back and moaning. “You’re just so sweet. I can’t get enough of your taste.”
Perv!boyfriend!Eddie begging you to let him just put the tip in. “Please baby, you know I can’t get a good nights sleep without you wrapped around me.”
Have sex with Perv!boyfriend!Eddie. You’re both overstimulated from cumming so much. Every since he found out your on the pill, his favorite place to cum is in you. It’s practically leaking out of you. Leaving a white ring around his cock. The squelching sound and the feel of being inside you after all these years of fantasizing about you, makes him feel like he’s in heaven. He knew it would be amazing but this is ethereal. He’d pull out to watch his cum roll of you and onto the sheets. He looks at you. You look flustered and cockdrunk. You have a lazy smile on your face. He leans down to give you a sloppy kiss, making sure to add tongue so he can taste you. Speaking of taste, he starts to lower himself on you. You look through hooded eyes and start to say, “what are you-“ but then you moan at the fake that he’s eating you out. Tasting both you and him at the same time. He’s real nasty with it too. Spitting on your clit. Moaning and groaning. Burying his face and running his nose on your clit.
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harrywavycurly · 27 days
Do we ask Niall to be our man of honor since Gemma is Harry’s best woman? If so I’d love to see a little something of us asking him because as snarky as Niall is I know he’d cry 😂😊😊
Hiii lovey!!! Oh 1000% Niall James Horan is the man of honor, I will happily give you how it went when you asked him! I love how in this series it’s normal to just assume everyone is always crying 😂💖
-find all things Lonely here✨
A/N: Niall doesn’t do well with surprises but this really isn’t what he was expecting, enjoy a look at how you and Niall communicate because you two are besties✨
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“Why are you in such a rush?” You ignore Niall’s question as your grip on his hand tightens as you practically drag him towards the back of the restaurant, smiling at the bartender as you head towards a private room that you had spent the better half of the afternoon decorating with the help of a very huffy and puffy Harry who wanted nothing more than to enjoy his Saturday lazing about on the couch, but who was he to tell his fiancé no. “What are we doing back here? Last time you and I went through a door like this it was in Paris and we accidentally stumbled upon that sex club place and honestly I still have nightmares about what we saw so please just tell me-”
“Niall.” Your voice stops his ranting as the two of you are now standing outside the door of the private room. You give his hand a little squeeze making him look down at you, his eyes are a bit wide and he’s bitting his bottom lip so you know he’s nervous for whatever’s on the other side of the door and you want to laugh because you know what’s waiting for him but you don’t you just bring your free hand up and give his cheek a playful pat. “We swore we’d never talk about that night again didn’t we? But don’t worry there’s nothing weird behind this door. Trust me.” You watch him nod as he lets out a deep breath as you let go of his hand so you can take a small step back and let him enter the room on his own. He runs a hand through his hair and looks at you over his shoulder and when you just give him a reassuring smile he turns his attention back to the daunting black door in front of him.
“Fuck it.” You laugh as he mumbles the words as his hand grips the doorknob giving it a twist so it’ll open. You slowly follow him into the little room and you clasp your hands behind your back as you watch Niall take in the sight before him. “You’ve got to be shitting me.” His eyes are the size of golf balls as he fully steps into the room, not sure what to focus on first.
You know the surprise in his voice is genuine because while Niall Horan may be your bestfriend, when he found out you and Harry were getting married he didn’t assume he was going to be apart of it other than a guest or maybe a groomsman for Harry but that was a big maybe since everyone has always considered Niall more yours than Harry’s. So asking him to not only be in your wedding party but the Man of Honor wasn’t something he was expecting so he surly wasn’t prepared to be asked like this.
You got fancy silver balloons that spelled out “Be my Man of Honor?” And hung them on the wall above the little couch that was in the room and then got white and powder pink streamers and hung them from the ceiling framing the balloons and on the wall across from the couch you picked some of your favorite photos of the two of you throughout your decade long friendship and clipped them to some fairy lights that Harry neatly hung in nice rows while you stood off to the side and supervised. Sitting on the table in front of the couch was a basket filled with random things Niall would need to help plan wedding activities, a flask with his name engraved on it and his title, little bottles of his favorite liquor and a card that would no doubt make him cry when he reads it. But the thing that you know was going to really send him into shock was the two pints of Guinness sitting next to the basket, something you know he’d instantly take as your way of bribing him to say yes and normally he wouldn’t be wrong but this time it was just a token of your love and appreciation for him.
“Did you really think I’d be able to marry that lanky hunk of a man without the help of my bestfriend?” Niall turns to look at you from where he’s standing in the middle of the room and you feel your eyes begin to get that all too familiar sting to them when you see the look on his face. His eyes are still a little wide but glossy and his cheeks are a tiny bit pink while his bottom lip is tucked between his teeth and you know he’s doing his best not to full on lose it.
“You’re a proper asshole for this.” Is all he says before you meet him half way and he’s wrapping his arms around your shoulders bringing you into his chest for a hug. “Like really you get me all dressed up just to make me fucking cry in a back room of a pub.” You just laugh as your arms wrap around his middle, you feel him rest his chin on the top of your head and let out a sigh. “Tammy is gonna be pissed you didn’t ask her.”
“Tammy? You thought I’d ask Tammy to be my maid of honor?” You pull away from him just enough so you can look up at him with a raised brow making him just shrug as he looks down at you. “Niall she doesn’t even like Harry why would I ask her to help me plan my wedding to him?”
“I mean I don’t like him either and here I am.”
“Oh shut up you love him.”
“Yeah whatever. So what’s a man of honor do anyway? Is this a paying gig?” You can’t help but laugh and shake your head as Niall releases his hold on you so he can walk over to the table and take a look at what you put in the basket. “Is this a checklist of things I have to do? Why do I have to do so bloody much? It’s your wedding not mine.” His tone is teasing as he flips through the notebook you put in the basket that had random things in it that you found online that listed what most maid of honors did so you figured a man of honor could do them as well. “This says hold the bride’s dress while she pees? Now I love you and all but I’m not holding your dress while you pee.” He states as he looks from the notebook and over to you.
“I held your hair when you got sick at Halloween two years ago when Amelia was out of town.”
“That was a wig so it wasn’t even my actual hair.”
“So? I still held it while you got sick. So why can’t you hold my dress while I pee? It’s not like you’ll see anything you big ninny.”
“Ninny? Real mature. Does Harry know one of my jobs is watching you take a piss?”
“No but-”
“You know how weird he’s always been about people getting too close to you and that was before he went and decided to marry you. I can’t imagine he’s gonna take too kindly to seeing me follow you into the bathroom so I can assist you in taking a leak.”
“Fine I’ll have someone else assist me during my bathroom breaks you asshole.”
“I’m not an asshole I’m being a proper gentleman and not trying to get an inappropriate glimpse of my bestfriend’s lady bits on her actual fucking wedding day.” The two of you stare at each other for a moment, both of you have your hands on your hips and playful glares in your eyes but Niall is first to break as his mouth forms a grin before he starts laughing making you laugh as well.
“I love you Niall.” Your voice is soft once you finally get your laughter under control, you reach for one of his hands so you can give it a nice squeeze. “Thank you for being my man of honor.” You add making him shrug as he leans down and grabs one of the pints of Guinness off the table with his free hand.
“I love you too and you’re welcome because it says here I get to plan your bachelorette party so you’re in for a world of fun love.” You roll your eyes when he shoots you a wink before he brings the pint up to his lips to take a good long swig. “I’m thinking strippers and a round of golf. How’s that sound?”
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sarryriah · 6 months
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just glad ur around!
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walnutmistjamie · 1 year
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fave Ted Lasso moments 18/? : You talk about him a lot.
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chiisana-lion · 3 months
every fictional couple should have just some other guy hanging out in their vicinity. sakusyao and tomoyos camcorder gag will never ever get old to me
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kb-jank · 2 months
i am so back on my hxh bullshit i started it years ago and just finished it and i forgot how much i love these guys
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wondercloud · 4 months
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made a silly little ajay moodboard for his playlist cover on spotify teehee. (all the photos used above aren't mine, only the design!)
you can listen to the playlist here! <3
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