#beta ignis
theskyisbrighthere · 1 year
Haunted by Yesterday
Grace is trying her best to adjust to the changes in her life. She has very abruptly gone from being a service attendant to being the Princess consort to heir Noctis Lucis Caelum, Crown Prince of Insomnia.
hey hey, heres the first of my one shots for this series, although this one is a twoshot and part two will be posted soon!
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Grace is thirteen when she has her first Heat. Although it can’t be described as such, its more of a practice Heat for when she’s older, when her hips have widened, and her hormones have regulated. She remembers her mother’s soft purr directed at her trying to ease the mild distress that she was going through, while her mother did her best to wipe the sweat from her face with a damp face washer, the purr only stopping when her mother did her best to explain what was going on. How Ásdis saw fit to bless her with the gift of life. Had granted her the designation of Omega.
The purring had stopped altogether with the next words from her mother. Not everyone was so lucky to receive Ásdis’ gift, and there were many out there who would want to hurt her for it. Those who would view her as less than others purely for who she was. Who her family was. All because evolution had decided to do its thing after a near devastating event that had meant the end for a majority of their people. If only it wasn’t still so new.
Maybe then they wouldn’t be as viciously hunted like the animals others proclaimed them to be.
“You must hide yourself pomètod.” Her mother had whispered. “No one must know. But it will be hard pomètod, you will want to let your instincts take over. To show your emotions through your voice. To spread your scent on to those you cherish, but you must control it my kootioì. You must suppress it, only around us can you show it. Only around others like us are you safe”.
Grace was too young and her mind too hazy at the time to understand all of what her mother was saying. Not until later at least. By the end of her first month, her throat had felt raw and painful, the urge to purr or whine held back lest she make herself know. Her body aching with the need to hug her friends but she held back, only resorting to casual touches, when all she wanted to do was smother her face all over her friends.
Her only comfort came at home. Where she was free to burrow her face into her father’s arm in passing, the warm comforting scent of Alpha and Sire wafting up to her nose, the tight muscles in her body loosening in the meantime. Or the indulgent hugs from her mother whenever the mood struck her, and the fairly often hair tussle from her Alpha brother as they passed each other in the hallway or the stairs.
She never thought she’d miss it as much as she does, especially now that she’s in a world where she doesn’t have to worry about hiding. She just wished her family was here to see experience it with her.
Grace comes to with pleasure singing through her body. The phantom feeling of Noctis’ hands on her hips falling away as she tries to catch her breathe. She can feel Noctis’ own satisfaction in the back of her mind, the feeling somewhat reminding her of a lazy fat cat who has gotten its way, and in a way, she supposes he has. Its been a month since Noctis and Grace have seen each other, or rather since they’ve been allowed to see each other.
Due to old traditions, they weren’t supposed to consummate their mateship until they were both properly wedded the Royal way. Which meant that instead of the quick official ceremony that would have taken place the night they met, they get the full actual wedding first, which normally comes a month after the consummation, so that they could both recover.
To say that her life hasn’t changed would be a lie. She’s had to leave her job, not that she was all that upset about it, and she has an all-new wardrobe full of clothes and jewellery to go along with it, her protestations about the new clothes and pretty pieces of metal falling onto deaf ears, the future Princess Consort was expected to look a certain way. She wasn’t all too upset about it; the clothes were in her style the fabric they were made out of was just more luxurious. The biggest change though that she was struggling with so far was the armed guard that followed her every where she went, (which wasn’t far maybe to her mailbox and that was it, and apart from that they mostly stood outside her front door, and one was in her lounge room while she slept which was weird) and the new attendant that she now had as the future Princess Consort.
Grace had the quite the shock when she woke up the morning after her Heat had ended and had wondered into the kitchen following the smell of cooking food, leaving Noctis safe in her Nest (her instincts pushing the proud feeling that he felt safe enough to still sleep in it even after she left it) and had found Ignis and an unknown woman in the kitchen together. The Alpha was at the stove stirring what her nose was telling her was a type of porridge while conversing with the unknown woman sitting at her bench with a slim laptop open in front of her, wearing a smart fitted grey pantsuit with black enclosed heels and her hair pulled back from her face in a no-nonsense bun her makeup minimum but expertly applied. The tones of their voices professional and to the point.
Ignis was the first to notice her, as the unknown woman was looking down and typing furiously onto her laptop, and Grace could only imagine the speed in which the words flew across the screen.
“Good morning My Lady, I trust you are well?” he paused as he turned to grabbed one of the two bowls that were sitting on the bench to fill with the porridge he had made and setting it down to the left of the unknown woman, who had quickly but gracefully shot up to greet her. “Come sit, I have prepared you both a nutritious breakfast, no doubt you will both been needing it after the week the both of you have had. I bid you start while I go wake up His Highness, we’ve all got a busy day today and I’d like you both to eat together as today will be the last for quite a while before you see each other again.”
With those parting words Ignis pulled out the chair in front of her and pushing it back in as she made to sit and placed the bowl in front of her before he made for her bedroom, Grace staring at his back trying to figure out what he meant by those last words. Her attention was quickly snapped back to the unknown woman when she politely cleared her throat, and seeing that she had her attention she smiled, a soft gentle smile coupled with that her soft scent that of a relaxed Omega almost didn’t suit her current getup.
“Good morning My Lady, I hope you are well? I would like to introduce myself if I may?” she paused, her smile widening slightly when Grace nodded her head, her voice was very similar to Ignis’ in the way they spoke. “My name is Aurora Foest, I’m to be your new attendant until you marry Prince Noctis where I will then become your adviser, I understand this is new to you so I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
And Grace, already capable at recognising battles she wouldn’t be able to win skipped right over all the arguments she had about how she didn’t need an attendant or an adviser and went straight to what was bothering her.
“What did he mean? When he said we wouldn’t see each other for a while?” She tacked on that last sentence at Aurora’s confused look before reaching for the spoon that was already on the bench, Grace only just now realising that it was set for two, the seat to the right of her also set. Gesturing for Aurora to sit down again, she closed her laptop as she sat, and waited for Grace to swallow the mouthful of porridge she had taken.
“For traditions sake of course His Highness and yourself will be separated until the wedding, which will be in about a month but to be more precise it will be in approximately twenty-five days. As I said before its to keep to tradition where this is more a celebration of the Union. We normally have the ceremony mere minutes before the Mating cycle kicks in for both parties, of course that’s only if they are a Fated Pair. Liberties have been taken this time of course due to the circumstances.”
Grace flinched, and Aurora did her best to pretend that she didn’t, but her scent gave her away as Grace could smell the mild spice of sympathy mixed into the lavender and pine of her scent. But whatever she was about to say was forgotten as she could feel the tug of Noctis’ mind at her and her eyes shot up into the direction of her bedroom as Noctis into view, Ignis following behind him before overtaking him to fill up Noctis’ own bowl of porridge before setting it down to the left of me into the empty space.
Noctis paused rubbing at his before looking around the kitchen and landing on her and her heart skipped a beat when he smiled at her, his features still soft from sleep his rumpled clothes and his hair wild, Grace wondered how she would be able to survive twenty-five days without seeing him. But she pushed the thought from her mind as he came closer to her, flopping into the seat next to her and pushing his face into her neck and pressing a gentle kiss to the claim he left on her skin. Grace felt herself relax as she smelt their combined scents, the green apples and caramel scent being flung in all directions due to his very un-prince like flop.
Twenty-five days was definitely longer than she remembered, the only relief they both had was the dreams, and the fact they could feel each other at all times. Which almost felt like breaking the rules and when she brought it up with Aurora while they were at the modiste, she laughed at her.
“It’s a loophole, one that the Crown and everyone else ignores.” She had laughed. “I think it’s so that they don’t have to deal with a hormonal Prince and equally hormonal Princess to be. But enjoy them for the time being, no one is going to judge you, after all it’s a very common thing and it feels very good does it not?” She had laughed again when Grace’s face had flushed.
Aurora had very quickly become one of Grace’s favourite people. Grace didn’t really have to worry much about wedding preparations as it was mostly being taken care of by the Crown but what she did have to do herself, which was just the one thing, Aurora was there every step of the way.
That one thing being the wedding dress.
She only had two conditions. It had be black as that was the Royal colour and it had to be presentable. Which were both easy for Grace. Which is why they were at the modiste, doing the last fitting two days before the wedding. It was long like a ball gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a puffy skirt that had little accents on it that sparkled like stars. Grace loved the dress.
But she was also excited as this was her last fitting. The wedding was into two days. Which mean no more dancing lessons, no more hairdressing appointments and no more fittings. But more importantly, it meant that very soon she would get to see Noctis. But before then, she still had one more place to go. Getting changed back into the soft pink dress she came in, she emerged from the dressing room to see Aurora signing some papers the modiste owner a lovely woman named Sabine had handed her. She looked up just as Grace came into view, said a few more words to the Sabine before bidding her farewell and making her way over to Grace.
“Are you ready to go My Lady?” she said as she came to a stop at her side. Grace only hummed and Aurora laughed before they made their way out the front door and set off to their last stop of the day.
“I don’t like it here it smells weird.”
“It does not My Lady, its sterile and I assure you that that is all you are smelling.”
“Can we go yet?”
“In just a moment My Lady, you have one more Doctor to see and then we are done I promise you.” Grace groaned which got her a look from Aurora before she turned back to her phone to respond to an email that she had gotten from one of the florists for the wedding.
“I don’t understand why we’re here, I’m fine, the Bite healed well, and the last Doctor said that both Noctis’ and my own hormones had settled nicely.” Aurora briefly looked up from her phone and looked very mildly annoyed at Grace. “It’s a contraceptive appointment My Lady.” And with the Grace short circuited, but Aurora continued taking no notice of the way Grace froze.
“Babies need to be planned My Lady, especially Royal babies. And now that you and Noctis are mated the need for suppressants aren’t needed as now the both of you will be seasonal, but in saying that accidents can and do happen outside of a Mating Cycle My Lady.” And with that she looked back down at her phone just as her name was called. “I’ll wait out here for you My Lady and then when you are finished, I shall escort you home.” And with that Grace numbly followed the Doctor into the private room.
She had forgotten about babies. Soon in the future she would have to give Noctis babies. Which she wasn’t terrified of. It was more to do with the fact that she was expected by the whole country and the Crown to give Noctis babies. And that was quite a lot of pressure suddenly put on her shoulders.
The only saving grace was that she didn’t have to do it immediately after they we married.
don't worry the smut will be in part two
also a few notes
pomètod means shining star I made it up and kootioì means my little love.
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tenebriism · 6 months
'Take me' ( my indecisive butt can't choose between Ignis or Lio tbh >>; for Beta 💦 )
A Lil Sinday Fun - [ ACCEPTING ] ;;
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" Wait, wait, hold on, slow DOWN. I don't know how used to this sort of thing YOU are, but... " Is it shameful that the leader of the Mad Burnish, the one fearless and unrelenting in EVERYTHING he does and pursues, has never done ( vague gesture ) THIS before? It was a moment of mutual vulnerability, an idea he thought to be a good one in the heat of it all, but now that ' IDEAS ' born of desperation are becoming a ' REALITY, ' that fearlessness of his is nowhere to be found. " Forget it, I change my mind. We're... we're NOT doing this. "
@r3ys-malt3s3 ;;
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chocobrofest · 6 months
Chocobro Fest is looking for Beta Readers!
If you’re willing to offer your Beta Reader services, sign up using the Beta Reader Application Form. 
Signing up isn’t mandatory for the fest, so if you want to participate, don’t worry; you don’t need to be a beta. 
This is only for those who would like to help out with betaing other people’s works to those who don’t have a beta. 
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thewaxwingsings · 4 months
This has taken over my brain and I'm trying to get it out as fast as possible. Should I maybe wait to post chapters? Maybe. Do I care right now? Heck no.
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jennytomlinson99 · 9 months
Summary: Prompto is eight and a half months pregnant, and he goes into labour while Ardyn and Ignis are at the Citadel. His two alphas rush home, and they help Prompto deliver their child together.
Notes: Ardyn Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia/Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Ardyn, Alpha Gladio, Alpha Ignis, AU, Beta Noctis, Childbirth, FTM Prompto, Labor, Mpreg, Omega Prompto, Polyamory, Pregnant Prompto, Trans Male Prompto, etc.
Note: Prompto identifies as male, but he hasn't had any top or bottom surgery because he can't afford it and the Citadel doesn't cover gender affirming care with the insurance they offer to the Crownsguard. Also, this is my first FFXV fic, so please go easy on me.
"We'll be back soon, I promise. This is just a standard meeting with the council." Ardyn says before he presses a kiss to Prompto's lips. Prompto clings to him, but Ardyn forces himself to break the kiss. If he doesn't leave with Ignis soon, they're going to be late.
"Please don't go." Prompto's lip quivers as tears well up in his violet-blue eyes.
"I wish I could stay Prom, I really do, but they said the meeting was important. We have to go." Ardyn says sadly.
"But what if I—" Prompto starts to say, but Ardyn places his finger over his lips.
"Shh. You're gonna be ok, I promise. The baby's not due for another two weeks." Ardyn says as he caresses Prompto's cheek.
"O-okay. I-I love you." Prompto sniffles. At eight and a half months pregnant, his emotions were all over the place, and he can't help a tear from falling down his freckled cheek.
"We should be home in an hour or two, okay? I love you sunflower." Ignis walks over and gives Prompto a kiss.
"I love you too." Prompto says softly. He cries as Ardyn and Ignis leave, the house now feeling empty without his husbands.
Prompto groans as he gets up from the couch to grab something to eat, and he waddles down the hallway that leads to the kitchen. He's a little out of breath when he reaches the kitchen island, and he breathes deeply as he rubs his pregnant belly with one hand. He rests his other hand on the counter to ground himself.
His once skinny frame was long gone, now replaced with a large and prominent baby bump, and his almost non-existent breasts were now a B cup. He certainly hoped that his body would just 'bounce back' after he'd had the baby, but it was wishful thinking at this point. He also really hopes he can get some top surgery done after he doesn't have to breastfeed anymore.
As Prompto stands at the kitchen island, he feels a pain in his stomach. He gasps as he holds onto his stomach and does the breathing exercises he'd learned at his lamaze class. Doctor Gainsborough had told him that he'd start to experience Braxton Hicks contractions the closer he got to his due date, and this wasn't the first time he'd dealt with them.
"No, no, no, c'mon. Not now." Prompto pleads. He's not supposed to have the baby for another two weeks, but this pain feels different than the other Braxton Hicks contractions he'd had before. It hurts more, and he feels that something is wrong.
Prompto waddles back to the couch to grab his phone, and he speed dials Ardyn. The phone rings a few times before going to voicemail. Ardyn must've turned his phone on silent while they were in the meeting.
Fuck. Prompto thinks. Fucking council and their dumbass meetings. His anxiety rises as Ardyn's voicemail message plays through his phone.
"This is Ardyn Scientia-Caelum. I'm not available right now. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can~." Prompto feels a few tears falling down his cheeks when Ardyn doesn't pick up. The message tone beeps, and he struggles to find something to say.
"Ardyn, i-it's me. I think I'm in labor. I need you and Ignis to come home, please." Prompto says before hanging up. He decides to call Noctis next. Surely his best friend will answer him. Unfortunately, he gets the same response from the prince.
"You've reached Noct! Leave a message!"
"Dammit!" Prompto swears. He doesn't even bother to leave a message. He hangs up and calls Gladio, but Gladio doesn't pick up either.
"This is Gladio. Leave a message."
"What's the point of having a phone if you're not gonna fucking answer it?!" Prompto groans as he sits down on the couch. He dials Ardyn again.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up." Prompto chants. Ardyn's phone goes to voicemail again. "Ardyn, it's me again. Please, you gotta come home. I think the baby's coming." Prompto says worriedly before he hangs up.
Ignis. Ignis will pick up. Prompto thinks. He quickly dials the number. The phone rings a few times before also going to voicemail.
"You've reached Ignis Scientia-Caelum, royal advisor to Prince Noctis. I'm unavailable at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep."
"Gods dammit!" Prompto thinks. "Iggy, it's me. I think I'm in labor. Come home, please." Prompto says before hanging up.
Ignis and Ardyn are still in the meeting, and the councilmen are getting nowhere. All that's happening is constant bickering over what bills and laws they should or shouldn't keep, and if they should introduce new ones.
Ignis knows it's rude, but he can't help looking at his phone to check the time. His eyes widen when he sees a notification that he has three missed calls and seven messages from Prompto.
"Grand councilman, I do apologize, but I have to take a moment to call my pregnant husband," Ignis says as he stands up and walks over to the corner of the room. He leans against one of the pillars as he calls Prompto, and Ardyn follows him. "Prom, is everything alright darling?" Ignis asks.
"Iggy. Thank Astrals." Prompto says with relief. After trying to reach him and Ardyn for two hours, one of them finally answered.
"Prompto, what's wrong? You sound distressed dear." Ignis says, and Prompto starts to cry. He's so terrified in this moment, and he needs his alphas.
"I-Iggy, the baby's coming." Prompto sobs as he places his hand over his stomach. He's had five more contractions since the first one, but his water hasn't broken yet.
"Prompto, are you sure you're in labor?" Ignis says, and Ardyn's eyes widen in shock.
"Yes, Ignis. I've already had a few contractions." Prompto replies, and he hears Ardyn saying something in the background.
"Holy Astrals. How far apart are the contractions?" Ignis says. Ardyn continues speaking with one of the high council members in the background, and he notices that they seem a bit angry at their meeting being cut short.
"About twenty minutes." Prompto answers.
"Our child is more important! We're leaving!" Prompto hears Ardyn shout.
"Prompto, we'll be there soon." Ignis says. He pulls Ardyn away from the councilman before their argument can escalate further.
"O-okay. Please don't hang up." Prompto whimpers. More tears fall down his cheeks, and he sniffles.
"I'm right here darling. Did your water break already?" Ignis asks as he and Ardyn start walking down the corridor in the Citadel. They pass by the botanical gardens before reaching the elevator. Prompto always loved the gardens. They'd always find him there after their council meetings. He wasn't of royal status, so he always had to sit outside and wait until they were finished, and he'd taken a hobby in photographing the flora and fauna.
"No." Prompto says.
"Okay, that's good. We can figure out how many centimetres you are once we get home." Ignis says as they take the elevator down. Ardyn grabs the phone from him then.
"Prompto dear, I know you're scared, but it's gonna be okay. Just focus on your breathing. We're leaving right now." Ardyn says. They quickly reach his red Vixen, and once he and Ignis are buckled in, he speeds off to their house. Ardyn hands the phone back to Ignis, and he puts it on speaker.
"Prompto, can you hear me?" Ignis asks.
"Yeah. I can hear you. How far away are you?" Prompto says.
"Considering that Ardyn's speeding, I'd say about ten minutes. I just hope we don't get pulled over." Ignis replies. He places his hand on Ardyn's shoulder, trying to calm the older male.
"The Crownsguard and Glaives know better than to pull over a royal." Ardyn quips as he takes a sharp right.
A few minutes later, Prompto hears Ardyn's car pulling into the driveway. He feels another contraction start, and he yelps in pain. He grabs onto his stomach and breathes deeply as the contraction ripples through his body.
"Prompto!" Ignis gasps as he walks inside with Ardyn. They quickly make their way over to their husband.
"Y-you made it. Agh!" Prompto groans, and he reaches for Ignis' hand. He squeezes it as Ardyn sits down next to him and rubs his shoulder.
"Shh. You're ok. We're right here honey. Just breathe." Ardyn says as the contraction passes. Prompto catches his breath and he leans against Ardyn's chest.
"Ardyn, help him undress. I need to check your progress Prompto." Prompto nods, and Ardyn helps him stand. Ardyn pulls his joggers and underwear down for him as Ignis takes the first aid kit out of the hall closet. He sanitizes his hands before putting on some medical gloves and coating two of his fingers with lube.
"Are you good baby?" Ardyn says after he's helped Prompto. He's almost bare naked now, and he blushes a bit. It's not the first time Ignis and Ardyn have seen him like this, but he can't help feeling self conscious.
Prompto nods in response, and he tenses a bit when he feels Ignis' fingers inside him. His body is preparing to birth their child, and everything hurts. He grunts a bit at the feeling.
"Sorry darling. This will only take a few seconds," Ignis says, and Prompto feels his fingers spread a bit. He soon feels Ignis' fingers leave his opening, and he lets out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in. "Okay, you're at four centimetres. Did you want to stay out here, or should we move to the bedroom?"
"I'd rather be in the bed. It's more comfortable." Prompto says.
"Alright, we'll move to the bedroom." Ignis says. Ardyn helps Prompto get up, and they head down the hall to their master bedroom.
Twenty minutes later, Prompto has another contraction. "Ardyn, Ignis!" Prompto yells, and Ardyn comes into their room and sits down on their bed.
"I'm here, sunshine. Ignis is in the kitchen grabbing you some ice." Ardyn runs his fingers through Prompto's golden locks as he breathes through the contraction.
"I'm here," Ignis enters the room with a plastic cup of ice. "How are you feeling?"
"Like my insides are being ripped apart." Prompto groans.
"It'll pass dear. Remember to breathe." Ignis coaches as Prompto squeezes his hand.
"Ugh. This sucks. Why does labor have to hurt so much?" Prompto huffs after the contraction has finished.
"I'm sorry darling. I wish there was something we could do." Ignis says as he sits down on the bed.
"All that matters is that you're here. The first two hours by myself were so scary." Prompto says as he leans his head on Ignis' shoulder.
"I'm so sorry dear. We should've been here." Ardyn apologizes.
"It's not your fault. Baby decided to come a couple weeks earlier," Prompto says. "I will be giving the grand councilman a stern talking to though. Alphas need parental leave too, dammit." Ignis laughs softly.
"Yes. They really need to add that." Ignis agrees.
A couple hours later...
"Prompto, would you like to walk around a bit? It should help your labor progress easier." Ignis asks. They've been laying in bed while Prompto goes through his contractions, and he can tell that the blonde is getting restless.
"Gods, yes. I need to stretch my legs." Prompto replies, and Ignis helps him off the bed. Ardyn follows close behind them as they head to the living room.
"Did you want to try eating something?" Ardyn asks as he places his hand on Prompto's back.
"I'm okay for now." Prompto replies. He places his right hand on his stomach, and Ignis holds his left while Ardyn rests his hand on his shoulder.
They walk around the room for a while, but nothing changes. Prompto's contractions are still twenty minutes apart, and he starts to get frustrated as the fifth hour rolls by.
"How long is this gonna take?" Prompto whines as he leans his head on Ardyn's shoulder.
"There's no way to know for sure. It's different for everyone, dear. Most first time parents have said that their first child usually takes about twelve to eighteen hours to arrive." Ardyn says.
"Eighteen hours?! I don't want to be in labor for that long! I just wanna meet our baby." Prompto cries.
"We do too darling. They'll be here soon. Either later today or tomorrow, we don't know. They'll come on their own time." Ignis says as he rubs his hand up and down Prompto's arm.
"I'm tired of walking. I wanna lay down." Prompto says.
"Back to the room then." Ignis says.
A few more hours go by, and Prompto's still in labor with barely any changes.
"Prompto, I think I should check you again." Ignis says as he snaps a pair of gloves on.
"You need help sweetpea?" Ardyn asks. He's laying down on their king sized bed next to Prompto, idly running his fingers through the blonde's hair.
"Yeah. Help me sit up please." Prompto says, and Ardyn gives him a hand. He sits up straight, and Ignis spreads his legs open before pressing two fingers inside of him to check his dilation. It's quicker than last time, and Prompto lays back down when Ignis is finished.
"You're five centimetres now dear." Ignis informs the omega.
"Seriously? It's been nine hours, and I'm only five centimetres?! This fucking sucks!" Prompto groans.
"You wanna walk around again?" Ignis asks as he tosses the blue gloves into the trash.
"No. Actually, yeah," Prompto responds. Ignis and Ardyn grab each of his hands, and they help Prompto stand. Prompto feels a sudden pressure when he gets up, and then a clear liquid runs down his legs. "I think my water just broke." Prompto says as he looks down at the hardwood floor where a puddle is forming.
"I'll get something to clean it up with. Don't move." Ignis says as he walks over to the master bathroom. He quickly returns with a white towel, and he kneels down to wipe up the puddle.
"We should change your clothes." Ardyn says as Prompto looks up at him nervously.
"Y-yeah." Prompto says softly. Ardyn pulls off his pants and underwear, and he steps out of them. Ardyn hands Prompto's clothes to Ignis after he's cleaned up the puddle, and he puts them in the laundry basket.
"Do you wanna put on another pair of pants, or are you good like this?" Ignis asks.
"Just some underwear, please." Prompto answers, and Ignis takes a pair of boxers out of the dresser before handing them to Ardyn. Ardyn quickly helps Prompto into them before they head to the hallway.
"Okay, now that your water's broken, things should start moving a bit faster." Ignis says as Prompto starts taking laps around the living room again.
"Gods, I hope so. Ignis, I—agh, fuck! Fuck, it hurts so bad!" Prompto grunts as another contraction courses through him, and he grips tightly onto his lovers' hands.
"Breathe, darling." Ignis says.
"I know, Ignis!" Prompto shouts, and he immediately regrets it. "Iggy, I-I'm sorry."
"It's ok. You're in pain darling. We won't take anything to heart, right Ardyn?" Ignis says.
"Of course not. Would you like to sit down dearest?" Ardyn says as Prompto's contraction finishes. He rubs his husband's back a little, trying to help ease his pain.
"Yeah. My feet hurt." Prompto says, and he waddles over to the couch. He sits down slowly, and Ardyn sits down as well. Ignis decides to sit on the floor.
"Prom, you're doing so well." Ignis says as he brings Prompto's hand up to his lips and kisses it.
"Thanks Iggy." Prompto breathes out. He's been in labor for eleven and a half hours now, and his face sure shows it. His blonde hair and freckled cheeks are covered in sweat, and he knows he looks like a downright mess.
"Prompto darling, would you like something to drink?" Ignis asks the omega.
"Sure. Water is fine." Prompto replies, and Ignis stands up to head to the kitchen.
"Ardyn, care for an Ebony?"
"Sure. Thank you love." Ardyn replies. Ignis grabs two cans of Ebony from the fridge, and then a water bottle for Prompto.
"Here we are. Some water for you, and Ebony for us." Ignis says as he sits down next to Ardyn. He hands the omega a water bottle, and then he hands a can of Ebony to Ardyn.
"Thank you sweetcheeks." Ardyn says. He kisses Ignis' pink lips softly before pulling away.
"Tis my pleasure." Ignis says, and Prompto smiles at his two alphas. He's usually the center of their affection, but he loves when they have a moment of their own.
"So cute." Prompto whispers. Ardyn and Ignis look at him, and they both blush.
"You think so? You're pretty cute too." Ardyn says before kissing Prompto's cheek. Prompto tenses up a few seconds later, and he doubles over in pain, gripping his stomach. He cries out and grabs Ardyn's hand.
"Another one?" Ignis asks, and Prompto nods. He watches Prompto's face scrunch up in pain as the contraction rolls through his body, and he places a comforting hand on the blonde's knee.
Prompto whimpers as the pain subsides, and he presses his face into Ardyn's chest, a few tears falling down his cheeks.
"It's okay. You're gonna be okay." Ardyn soothes as he rubs Prompto's aching back.
"I just want it to be over!" Prompto sobs as he clutches Ardyn's shirt. Ignis' heart breaks at seeing Prompto in so much pain, but he knows it will all be worth it in the end.
"Prom, look at me honey," Ignis says, and the blonde turns to look at him with red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks. "You're doing so well sweetheart. You're so strong, and I'm so proud of you." Ignis comforts the omega, and Prompto wipes away his tears with the back of his hand.
Prompto sniffles. "Y-you really mean that?"
"I do darling. Every word of it." Ignis replies. He kisses Prompto softly.
"Ignis is right. You're doing great dearest." Ardyn chimes in, and he rubs the back of Prompto's hand with his thumb. Prompto leans his head on Ardyn's chest, and he sighs as Ardyn plays with his hair.
Three more hours go by, and Prompto's now seven centimetres dilated. His contractions are still twenty minutes apart, with each of them lasting about thirty seconds. Prompto's opted to laying down on their bed again, and Ardyn and Ignis are laying down on either side of him.
"You're so beautiful Prompto. I'm gonna miss seeing you pregnant with our little one." Ardyn says as he traces little circles on Prompto's baby bump.
"Maybe we can have another one in a few years." Ignis says. He's propped up next to Prompto, his hand resting on his cheek.
"Mm, maybe. But this hurts so much, you have no idea," Prompto says. He tries to sit up a little, and Ignis helps him. He's then hit with a contraction, and he whimpers. "Oh, fuck! Fucking astrals, fuck!" Prompto yells, and Ignis offers him his hand. He squeezes Ignis' hand tightly, and he loosens his grip as the pain starts to lessen.
"That was ten minutes. They're getting closer." Ignis says as he looks at the timer on his phone.
"Stronger too. That one really hurt." Prompto breathes deeply, and he places his hand on his baby bump.
"One through ten, how bad was it?" Ardyn asks.
"S-seven. Oh, gods." Prompto says as he feels a wave of nausea come over him.
"Prompto? You're looking a bit pale." Ignis says worriedly.
"Think I'm gonna be sick." Prompto says with a groan, and Ignis places a rubbish bin in front of him. He throws up into it, and his alphas share a concerned look. Prompto's morning sickness was quite bad in the first trimester of his pregnancy, and they didn't expect him to get sick during labor.
"It's alright Prom. Just let it out." Ignis says as he places a hand on Prompto's shoulder.
"Ugh. That was horrible." Prompto says after he feels that he's finished puking his guts out. Ignis places the rubbish bin on the floor nearby in case they need it again.
"Here darling. Drink some water." Ignis hands Prompto a water bottle. Prompto graciously takes the water, and he takes a few sips before handing it back to Ignis.
"Thanks Iggy. Ardyn, can you take off my bra? I'm hot." Prompto requests as he wipes his mouth.
"Sure baby." Ardyn replies. He unlatches the clasps on the back of Prompto's bra, and the omega breathes a sigh of relief. He absolutely hates wearing bras, but they're unfortunately necessary now that his breasts have gotten bigger and wearing a binder isn't possible. It'll be much better when he can get his top surgery and have them removed.
"Thank you. Kisses?" Prompto says, puckering his lips. Ardyn laughs softly before cupping Prompto's cheek with one hand and giving him a chaste kiss on the lips.
"Mm. You taste good." Prompto says after he pulls away from the kiss. He then leans over and kisses Ignis as well.
"Prompto, what's got you so worked up?" Ignis asks.
"Nothing. I just love you guys." Prompto says. He grabs a pillow from behind him and places it between his legs. He repositions himself so that he's sitting native style.
"I love you too." Ardyn and Ignis say at the same time, and Prompto smiles. He couldn't have asked for better husbands.
"Iggy, make it stop!" Prompto cries out. He grips onto Ignis' arm tightly as he goes through the most painful contraction yet.
"Shh...it's alright darling. You're doing so well. Just breathe." Ardyn says softly.
"Easy for you to say! You aren't being torn in half!" Prompto yells. He collapses onto the pillows behind him with a groan as the pain subsides.
Ardyn sighs as he sits down on the bed by Prompto's feet. Prompto's been in labor for almost fourteen hours, and he can tell that it's getting to him. Ardyn and Ignis are tired as well, but they certainly won't tell Prompto that unless they want profanities screamed at them.
"Prompto, I think I should check your dilation again. It's been a few hours and I'd like to see how you're progressing." Ignis says as he stands up.
"Okay." Prompto says, a little out of breath. His contractions are five minutes apart now, with each of them lasting about a minute. He barely has time to breathe before the next one arrives.
"Darling, you're ten centimetres. It's time to start pushing." Ignis announces.
"Finally." Prompto says.
"Ardyn, I want you to sit behind Prompto and let him lean against your chest. It'll help give him some leverage," Ignis says. Ardyn nods, and he shifts himself and Prompto until they're in the aforementioned position. "Prom, push on your next contraction, okay? You've got this." Ignis instructs.
It isn't long before Prompto's hit with another contraction, and he bears down, gripping onto Ardyn's forearms. He groans as the contraction works through him, and he feels the baby moving slightly lower.
"Good Prompto, good. Take a breather and push again." Ignis says from where he's situated between Prompto's legs.
"Agh! Shit, shit, shit!" Prompto yells as he pushes again, the pain returning tenfold.
"You're doing so good Prompto." Ardyn whispers as he brushes some of Prompto's hair behind his ear. Prompto nods weakly, and he grips tightly onto Ardyn as he pushes again.
They go through the routine for about ten minutes, and Prompto falls back against Ardyn's chest as another contraction finishes.
"Iggy, I can't do this anymore." Prompto says, exhausted from pushing. Tears fall down his cheeks, and he presses his face into Ardyn's chest as he sobs from the pain.
"Prompto, I know you're tired honey, but you're almost there. It should only take a few more pushes." Ignis says. He's starting to see part of the baby's head.
"O-okay." Prompto stutters. He grits his teeth as he pushes again, and he accidentally scratches Ardyn's arms, but not hard enough to draw blood.
"The head's coming darling! You're doing great!" Ignis announces.
"F-fuck! Holy six!" Prompto groans. "Gods, it burns!"
"Breathe Prompto." Ardyn says as he rubs the blonde's arm soothingly.
"The baby's crowning! Just breathe through this part, it'll prevent you from tearing." Ignis says. He looks up at Prompto, and he can tell how tired he is. His hair is matted, he's sweating profusely, and he looks like he could really use a nap after everything is over.
"Oh, gods. Are we almost there? I'm so tired." Prompto says as he closes his eyes briefly.
"The head's almost out, Prom. You're in the home stretch, don't tap out yet." Ignis says as he taps Prompto's leg in an attempt to keep him awake.
"I-I'm okay, I'm fine." Prompto says weakly. He pushes again, and he feels the baby's head emerge.
"Head's out now darling. A few more pushes should do it. I just have to check for the cord." Ignis says. He moves his hands towards the baby's neck, checking to see if the umbilical cord is wrapped around it. Once he's made sure everything is good, he gives Prompto a thumbs up.
Prompto pushes again on the next contraction, and he feels the shoulders start to slip out. He moans in pain, and Ignis places his hands under the baby's head.
"One more push Prom!" Ignis encourages. Prompto gives one final push, and the baby slips out and into Ignis' hands. Ignis clears the baby's airways with the suction bulb he'd kept in the nearby kit they made for the birth, and their child lets out a cry shortly after.
"Prompto, we have a daughter." Ignis says happily. He then clamps the umbilical cord before handing their baby over to Prompto.
"Oh my gods. She's beautiful," Prompto says. "Hi honey. I'm your daddy." Prompto whispers as he holds his newborn child in his arms, and a few happy tears run down his cheeks.
"Ardyn, she looks like you a bit." Ignis says as he walks over with sterile scissors. He and Ardyn cut the cord together, and then Ignis sits down on the bed next to Prompto.
"Aw, she does. She's got my eyes." Ardyn says with a smile. He was hoping that if the baby was his that she'd at least inherit one thing from him. The rest of her face is all Prompto's features, and her hair is blonde too.
"Are we still going with the name you chose?" Ignis asks as he caresses their daughter's cheek.
"Yeah. Freya Liv." Prompto says.
"I'm gonna get her cleaned up. I'll be right back." Ignis says as he picks up their daughter. He carries her over to the bathroom sink to wash her off.
Prompto looks up at Ardyn as Ignis walks away with Freya, and Ardyn smiles at him.
"We really made a baby. She's actually here." Prompto says, astonished.
"You did amazing dearest. We're so proud of you." Ardyn says. He leans down to kiss the blonde's forehead.
Ignis comes back in the room a few minutes later, and he sits down on the bed with Freya in his arms.
"Here she is." Ignis says as he hands Freya over to Prompto.
"She's so tiny." Prompto comments. He's already delivered the afterbirth, and now he's resting in Ardyn's arms.
"She'll grow up big and strong though, won't you angel?" Ignis coos at Freya. She just looks up at him with her big amber eyes, and then she yawns.
"I think she's getting sleepy." Ardyn says.
"I guess being born is just as tiring as giving birth." Prompto says.
"Hello little one, I'm your dad," Ardyn smiles at his firstborn daughter, and he gasps when she grabs hold of his pointer finger with her little hand. Ignis wipes away a tear from Ardyn's face, and Ardyn looks up at him. He hadn't even realized that he was crying. "She's really here Ignis. We have a daughter."
"I know. She's perfect." Ignis laughs softly, his green eyes also brimming with tears. Freya takes that moment to let out a shrill cry, and the three men are startled by her sudden outburst.
"She's probably hungry." Prompto says.
"Guide her to you, Prompto. She might need help." Ignis advises.
"Okay, here we go baby," Prompto says before he moves Freya's head lightly until her mouth is near his chest. She easily latches on to his nipple, and she begins to feed from Prompto. "Is that good, sweetpea? Daddy's got plenty for you." Prompto says with a soft laugh.
Freya feeds from Prompto's chest for a few minutes, and she releases once she's had her fill. Prompto lifts her up and rubs her back until she lets out a small burp.
"That's my girl." Prompto says. He repositions Freya, and he rocks her softly until she falls asleep in his arms.
"We should let her sleep. You need to rest as well Prom." Ignis says. He carefully lifts Freya out of Prompto's arms and places her in the bassinet near their bed.
Ignis' phone vibrates in his pocket a few minutes later. He looks at the caller ID to see that it's Noct. "Noct, how are you?" Ignis says as he answers the phone.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that Specs? Did Prom have the baby yet?" Noctis says as Gladio climbs onto the bed, sitting next to him.
"Yes. A little girl." Ignis replies.
"Congratulations to you three. What's her name?" Gladio speaks up.
"Freya Liv. She's got Ardyn's eyes, but the rest of her is all Prompto. Blonde hair and freckles included." Ignis says as he places his arm around Prompto's shoulder.
"Is that Noct?" Prompto says tiredly. Ignis nods, and Prompto holds his hand out for the phone.
"Hold on a second Gladio, Prompto wants to talk to you and Noct." Ignis says before passing the phone over.
"Hey guys." Prompto says softly.
"Hey Prompto. Congrats on the baby. How is she?" Noctis asks.
"I fed her earlier. She's asleep." Prompto says with a yawn.
"You should get some sleep too Blondie. You sound exhausted." Gladio says in concern.
"Yeah, I will. I'll talk to you guys later." Prompto says. He hands the phone back to Ignis before shutting his eyes and getting into a comfortable position to fall asleep.
"Would you two like to speak with Ardyn? He's here too." Ignis says as he places the phone between his chin and his shoulder.
"I don't see why not. He's the baby's father too." Noctis replies.
"Ardyn, it's Noct and Gladio." Ignis says as he passes the phone to his red-violet haired husband.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, your highness?" Ardyn drawls teasingly.
"Ignis says the baby's here. Congrats on your daughter." Noctis says.
"Thank you. Prompto did very well. He and Freya are resting now." Ardyn says as he looks over at Freya. She's still fast asleep in her bassinet.
"I'm sure you and Ignis're tired as well." Gladio says.
"Yea. We've all been up since seven this morning. You're welcome to come by tomorrow if Prompto's up for visitors." Ardyn says.
"We probably will. Goodnight guys." Noctis says before hanging up.
"It's time we get some well needed rest too Ignis. C'mere love," Ardyn says as he brings Ignis over to him. He kisses the brunette's lips. "I love you so much."
"I love you too. See you in the morning." Ignis says as he moves over to the right side of the bed. He switches off the bedside lamp before snuggling Prompto, breathing in the omega's sweet scent. Ardyn also snuggles Prompto from the other side of him, and they drift off to sleep. Nothing could be better than this.
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— just for tonight, i don’t hate you + katsuki bakugou.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — when there’s a bounty over your head and a reward for your safe return to your soon-to-be husband and future king, touya todoroki… you should be mindful of who you fall for. you should pretend to hate the man who seeks the prize money you’d bring. and the dragon prince, katsuki bakugou, should probably do the same.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up, smut, angst, arguments, one-bed trope, enemies to lovers, love confessions, arranged marriages, fingering, marking, biting, scratching creampies, hair pulling, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, slight!infidelity, fantasy!au, fem!reader, dragon prince!bakugou.
⭑ words — 2.8K.
⭑ notes — happy valentine’s day my sweets!! here’s a precious little fic for you, a commission from the darling @peonies-and-teacakes and beta read by @yuki-no-akumu !! i hope you guys enjoy and remember that ily <3 mwah mwah !! - m.list ✩
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“s-sir…i am so sorry.”
“t-there’s been some kind of mistake!”
don’t you say it.
“unfortunately the room at our inn you’d requested for tonight has been double booked…”
don’t you dare say it.
“we can only offer you the alternative which is a single bed, again sir, i-i’m so sorry.” 
it’s not the clerk’s fault, it’s a simple mistake that anyone could make at an inn located in one of the busiest travelling towns in all of Aethopia— but it shouldn’t have happened to katsuki bakugou. it’s the worst thing that could have ever happened to katsuki bakugou. “you gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” the dragon prince snarls, almost resembling the mystical creature acting as his tribe’s crest— teeth white, sharp and menacingly on display. “all this fuckin’ coin spent on a useless, shitty inn ‘nd you can’t even book the right room?”
the clerk shrinks back, visibly shaken as they hand over a set of room keys to the blonde. “s-so sorry! s-sir!” they add timidly, flinching as they clatter into bakugou’s palm and he snatches the metal away from them.
“sorry ain’t gonna cut it, what a waste of my coin! i ain’t ever comin’ back to this shithole.” he continues to snap, and with a swish of his red woven cape, bakugou’s gone— storming away and outside of the reception, filled with enough rage to fan the flames of a dragon’s fire. you’re waiting for him with his horse, tending to it as he steps into the cool outside. the forest trees sway with the prince’s arrival but don’t do anything to distract you from running your fingers to the snow-white coloured steed. 
you’re beautiful and that angers katsuki. you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen in all of the moons he’s existed— you shine under the light of the silver crescent, as if glitter is speckled all over your skin or you’re covered in a layer of diamonds.
your smile as his horse chuffs and nudges you with its head is precious, more valuable than any gem found in this world’s greatest mines. your dress isn’t made out of the finest materials, but it fits perfectly around your sweet dips and curves— it’s pretty. you’re pretty. there’s something about you that makes a mess of katsuki’s pulse, that steals his breath away and he hates you for it. 
you’re supposed to be an ordinary girl, you’re supposed to be just a pile of coin to him— a reward for returning you, prince touya of Ignis’ runaway bride. there was a hefty bounty hanging over your head for your safe return to his royal highness’ side, for you were to be the tool that helped to clean up prince touya’s act and get him prepared for kingship. again, you weren’t meant to be anything more to katsuki, in fact, if he had to he would force himself to despise you— you make him miserable, he has to remind himself that you’re just a prize. nothing more, nothing less. 
despite the blonde’s plan to have you back in the hands of the todoroki family— he’s had his doubts. rumour has it that touya todoroki, better known to lesser folk as dabi, is an evil brute. one with little regard to the women he’s kept or invited up to his royal chambers. other whispers on the street have mentioned that you were a spoiled little village girl from within their kingdom, refusing the life the todoroki’s were to offer you. 
that was another reason for bakugou to hate you— you were a brat that ran away because touya wouldn’t feed you with a silver spoon, because he was the first man in your existence to be unkind and you couldn’t find it in yourself to put up with it despite being set for the rest of your life. 
katsuki bakugou of the dragon tribe had found you just outside of his territory— half dead, your clothes torn and a second away from being hunted by the mythical monsters that prowled them. you resented him, for what he did next. you had the audacity to be mad at the dragon prince for saving your life and nursing you back to health. you blame him for the miserable outcomes of your life and for having his heart set on returning you back to touya todoroki, blaming him for it all.
at the time, the pair of you had argued. bakugou had called you a stupids and naive little girl— who wouldn’t want to be married to a future king? you wouldn’t have a single thing to worry about if you did, your every need would be taken care of without you even asking. you wouldn’t have to kill for your next meal, worry about when or where you could sleep next, spend every day fighting for survival. clearly you both had different views on the world, and what should have been gratefulness turned into hatred.
bakugou had tied your wrists, dragged you kicking and screaming back on the route straight to the todoroki castle— reuniting you with your Prince Charming. so far, you’d made this journey hell, almost cost him fights and got him in trouble with clients or employers. you were embarrassing.
and in your eyes? katsuki was your fairytale villain. he was a selfish, ugly bastard who wouldn’t let you steal your freedom, all for some money. you hated bakugou with every fibre of your being and every ounce of your heart and he knew. he knew this, but that didn’t make it any easier to handle when you look at him like his every step scorches the earth.
scowl at him like you do now.
like he was the most awful man in the world. like he was touya. who he had heard from stories didn’t handle women in the best of ways.
“what, ya still mad at me, princess?” bakugou asks as he approaches you, the twigs snapping under his boots grabbing your attention. 
before arriving at the inn, the dragon wielder had told you that you were a useless airhead— one that couldn’t survive on her own and needed a man to save her. you’d slapped him hard without hesitation and neither of you’d spoken until now. “of course i am, don’t ask stupid questions, you barbarian,” you spit harshly, turning back to the horse at hand. “did you get the room? i’m tired and sick of looking at your face.” 
he almost flinches back to avoid being hit by your venomous words but instead retaliates. “i did ‘n yer stuck with me, sweetheart, there’s only one bed.” 
“you’re kidding, right?” your eye twitches as you spin on your heel to face katsuki once more and the blonde braces himself for an onslaught of your slander. “oh! bakugou. you’re such an incompetent fool. you can’t even book an inn on your own, so you need a woman to do that for you?” you throw his words from earlier back into his face like an acid burn that’s been waiting underneath your tongue.
“i didn’t wanna be stuck with your ass anyways! quit complainin’!” 
“well, if you insist on not being stuck with me, perhaps releasing me before we reach the todoroki’s is a good idea—“ 
“— fat chance, princess.” bakugou scoffs back. “not with the bounty over your head. puttin’ up with your shitty attitude will be fuckin’ worth dealin’ with until you’re back with ‘em.”
he doesn’t give you a chance to retort, heading back into the inn whether you follow him or not. 
katsuki is glad that you don’t, at least not straight away— wanting to calm down the ache you’ve inflicted upon his hatred-blackened heart.
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though he might hate you, katsuki can always tell when you’re crying.
around the same time every night and throughout your travels, your shoulders shake as sobs rack your body while you think he’s fast asleep. of course, the dragon prince feels bad— he’s practically handing you off to the devil in exchange for a lump of cash. you’ve been down on your luck and the blonde feels partially responsible for that. 
rolling over to face you, bakugou watches with a deep frown as you keep your eyes on the wall opposite you— not daring to acknowledge him. “‘m sorry… about what i said,” he feels guilty but only just, unsure of his next words. “‘bout this touya thing… and all the men that have hurt you. i’m—” he takes a breath. “sorry about everything. i only treat you that way ‘cause i don’t want ya to end up lost like me…” he doesn’t want you to fall for him, to stay with him.
silence echoes between you both but katsuki can tell that you’ve calmed down from the way your body stops shaking and your hiccups quieten down. “you care about me, bakugou?” rolling over, the blonde finds himself lost in the sparkle of your galaxy eyes yet again— hating you for it, fighting down his love for you.
you’re close, way too close and everything beneath the sheets is hot. “shut up, princess.” bakugou whispers, not realising that the warmth of his breath is coasting over your lips wetly. before either of you know it, you’re kissing— mouths slotting against one another, tongues rolling over each other sloppily as you swap spit and pour undisclosed feelings into one another. his hands slip under your flimsy excuse for a night-gown, trailing up the good meat of your thighs, the soft curves of your waist and hips. you have him in shambles, with the way you gasp quietly at his thumbs swiping at the swell of your breasts— just brushing over your pebbling nipples. you coo and cry and he takes more from you, tugging on your lower lip with shining rows of pearly whites and licking into your mouth to swallow your whistle-tone moans.
“quiet, princess,” bakugou’s mouth is hot, blisteringly slow— his tongue leaving trails of clear, thick saliva along the planes of your skin. “gotta be quiet, baby, can’t wake anyone up, yeah?” the sharp edges of his teeth just graze your salt-licked flesh, barely nipping it. katsuki knows better, he can’t leave marks. he can’t return damaged goods to the soon-to-be king. to the touya todoroki. “so good, such a good girl.”
“o-oh! k-katsuki!” you stutter out, eyes rolling to the back of your skull and locking away the stars as the dragon prince’s hand fumbles between your hot and heavy bodies. he finds your clit, swollen and sticky— pulsating beneath rough fingertips. “p-please, i need you. please, katsuki. n-need–!” you sing your praises to the high heaves, the letters of his name rubbed into your pretty pussy as he plays with it between your slick, doughy thighs.
a single finger slips past your fluttering entrance, but he doesn’t dare let up on your pleasure nub— circling it diligently. “shut up, yeah?” the man slurs into your neck, spreading your pussy lips apart to finger you deeper, faster— losing his sanity listening to the sound of you squelch. “i hate you…r’member that. h-hate you— fuck…” 
“hate you, s’much. o-oh, right there!” your own set of fingers curl in sandy blonde locks tightly pulling him back up to your face for a kiss. but his eyes, your eyes, they both speak forbidden and unspoken love. your other hand grasps at his throbbing cock, arousal spilling over your knuckles and straight from the tip. his chest rumbles in pleasure, hips rutting into your closed fist languidly before he swoops down to lure you into the forest of temptation, the haze of another uncoordinated, messy kiss.
you mewl into one another’s open mouths, swollen and cherry lips meshing together— this? whatever you’re doing together, a pile of sweaty limbs moving in sync with one another…it’s everything either of you have ever wanted. playing pretend, hating one another face to face and loving one another in secret. katsuki curls his fingers, pressing down on your g-spot and you run your thumb through the seedy slit of his cockhead…eager to please one another. to love one another.
“put it in, katsuki.” gasping but demanding, you call to him— hungry for more, to have his everything. he wants to, god he wants to. but what if he hurts you? what if you fall apart like fragile glass? what if touya—? you grab at the blonde’s chin, guiding his gaze up to yours and his thick girth to your clenching, unfilled hole. “just for tonight, one night. show me how you truly feel about me katsuki…make love to me.”
you’re giving him a chance, giving him this one last night to deflower the prettiest, most beautiful thing katsuki bakugou has ever held in his bare, monstrous hands. wrapping your legs around the slenderness of his waist, you lock your ankles at the small of his back and squeeze to draw him closer. his milky shaft pushes through your arousal soaked folds, clear strings of it clinging to every vein that decorates the length of him.
both of you shudder once he’s bottomed out inside the warmth of your velvety, silken walls. he’s as deep as he can go, stretching you over him with slow rolls of his hips and his balls heavy with cum, seated at the curve of your ass. “f-fuck, you’re tight, princess,” katsuki whines, wrapping his arms around your head to pin you to the bed beneath him. he fills you to the brim, brings tears to your eyes as he splits you apart and pieces you back together with every single thrust. your g-spot is a victim to endless ectasy given to you by his mushroomed tip as it rams against you, desperately. 
rolling your hips up to match his pace, you swallow the saliva pooling on the palette of your tongue— skin buzzing with lust while you mark up the blonde’s back. you leave tiger-claw patterns across his tanned back, red and raw before mussing up his hair pulling him closer until either of you have room to breathe. his breath is ragged against the shell of your ear, thrusts rampant each time he plunges into your souse, salacious pussy.
katsuki drowns himself in you, and like an alcoholic reaching for another drink— he’s addicted. he groans pathetically when you bite him, kiss him and spit into his mouth until he’s babbling and brainless. you bite his shoulder to keep quiet but the bed creaks loudly enough to cover your harmonised moans and the sound of skin slapping on skin harshly. 
“i love you,” you breathe weakly, body wracked with shakes when bakugou slips out of your cunt from how fast he's pounding you into the sheets, tied to you only by strings of slick.
he says it back, instantaneously while forcing himself back into your addictive heat, desperate to get you both to your highs. “i love you.” next he finds your clit again, using three fingers to tap at it so that you tremble cutely beneath him. “hold it, princess. hold your orgasm. p-promise it’ll feel good, kay?” the dragon prince pulls back only just, dragging his seedy tip along your insides and you whine at the loss of being so full. “promise me that when he’s fucking you, when touya makes you his bride a-and weds you, his pretty virgin bride…that you’ll think of me ‘n me alone.”
“i-i promise,” you murmur, playing with the baby hairs on the base of katsuki’s neck, looking up at him lovingly as you clench down on him at his claim— dripping sweet nectar down his balls.
only then does katsuki put his entire weight on you, jutting into you all at once, nearly breaking the bed as it hits the wall behind you over and over. his cock swells inside of you, close to bursting and cumming inside of you. with one, two, three more calculated thrusts you’re thrown over the edge— the dopamine high of your orgasm crashing over your brain while you squirt clear streams over his lower tummy and cock.
he’s right behind you, following the stream of your sweet essence that nearly forces him out of you. thick, hot ropes of cum paint your insides belonging to the man that you love, filling you up to the brim. katsuki collapses on top of you with one last kiss, your foreheads pressed together and the crude mix of your arousal leaking from your tiny hole, onto your shared sheets.
“i don’t…i don’t hate you,” you stutter once both of your breathing has evened out, teary eyed because you can’t say that you love him again. it’ll make it too real, neither of you can have that if you’re promised to touya and bakugou has promised to take you back to the ruthless future king.
“niether do i,” katsuki breathes back, wiping your eyes with the pad of his thumb, using a delicate touch. 
he couldn’t help it, loving you but at least he got to…just for tonight.
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
FFXV - HC’s about your pregnancy and how the boys would take care of you
Female Reader
I have some cute ideas in mind 🖤 Let your dearest boy take care of you 💋 I want to thank everyone who read and support my stuff.
A big thank you to my dear friend @fangirl-ramblings​ 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
(Pictures/GIF are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google/tumblr)  
Characters: Prompto, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Gladio and Ignis
Warning: Pregnant reader, some argument, mention of love making
A little reminder: Requests are open 😋
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⦁When you tell Prompto about your pregnancy, he is overjoyed! He can't stop kissing you, he even cries because he is so happy! And you cry with him.
⦁He immediately tells the good news to his friends and they of course rejoice with him. It will not be easy to choose a godfather for the child.
⦁He thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Seeing you like this, with your beautiful round belly, makes him very happy. A part of him lives in you now.
⦁Prompto is so excited! He is already buying so many things for the unborn child. Clothes, toys and books of fairy tales, so he can read them to his child every night.
⦁Prompto gets you everything you feel like. No matter how crazy your cravings are, he would willingly drive hundreds of miles to see you happy. Even in the middle of the night he will get you your favorite ice cream if you ask for it.
⦁He will protect you and the little one with his life.
⦁When fears and worries rob you of your sleep, Prompto will tell you with that sweet voice of his, that everything will be fine. You will hear words full of love that will make your heart laugh again.
⦁He will probably freak out if you get hurt or catch some illness. He will take good care of you, but overacting sometimes.
⦁On the nights when you are in his arms, he is even more tender and loving than he already is. He loves you and the little one in your belly. Sometimes he sings to his child. Softly and in a gentle voice, while he lovingly looks at you and caressing your belly.
Nyx Ulric:
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⦁ Your pregnancy is not planned at all and you are afraid to tell him that you are expecting a his child.
⦁ Nyx is speechless at first and just stares at you with wide eyes. You don't know what's going on in his head and what he's thinking about, and that makes you very nervous. Does he want this child? Is he going to freak out now?
⦁ Your anxiety grows as no reaction comes from Nyx. But when he sees your tears and the sad expression on your face, he wakes up from his trance. He can't stand to see you so sad and immediately wraps you in his arms "Hey, hey... it's alright. It's okay."
⦁ Nyx is very loving and also understanding. He loves you more than anything. As time goes by, Nyx becomes more and more excited that you are expecting a child from him. A little being that grows inside you. A greater gift you could not offer him.
⦁ However, he is concerned about whether he can provide you and the baby with the life you deserve. He will do anything to make you happy.
⦁ His worries are great, but when he sees you, full of joy and also full of love, he forgets his fears. In you he has met his soul mate.
⦁ Your nights are full of love and passion. Nyx shows you how beautiful you are and how much he desires you.
⦁ Nyx and you become even closer.
⦁ Nyx will no longer risk his life so recklessly, for he has a great responsibility. He chooses his missions carefully and is highly concentrated.
⦁ He informs himself about pregnancy, gets books and guidebooks, so that he is prepared for the coming weeks and months. He supports you where he can, because he knows that pregnancy is not an easy thing.
⦁ When your baby is born, he doesn't leave your side and when he finally sees this sweet little creature, his beautiful blue eyes shimmer with tears. "I love you. Both of you", he says as he strokes your hair and kisses you full of love.
Cor Leonis:
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⦁ You have been trying to have a child for a long time, but it doesn't happen so easily for you.
⦁ The more time goes by and you don't succeed, the more unhappy you are about it. It is your greatest wish, but Cor also wishes to start a family.
⦁ You start to doubt yourself and are afraid that Cor might leave you. Even though you know deep inside that he would never do that. He loves you and wants to share his life with you.
⦁ But one day, when you think all hope is lost a small miracle happens, You can hardly believe it, but it happened!
⦁ Cor can hardly believe it when he comes home and you give him this beautiful news.
⦁ You kiss each other in tears, Cor showers you with kisses. He can't put into words how happy he is. Lovingly he embraces your face, looks at you with tears and smiles. "I love you, Y/N."
⦁ He lifts you in his arms and takes you to the bedroom where he loves you with passion. It's a long night of you making love. You lose all sense of time, because you are in your own world, forgetting everything around you...
⦁ Cor works less to be there for you.
⦁ You take many walks in nature and when you are not feeling well, he lovingly takes care of you.
⦁ You love his kisses on your belly, you like the way he looks at you; full of love and affection. You have found the man to spend the rest of your life with
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⦁ Gladio is completely shocked at first. This was not planned at all! He literally panics!
⦁ He becomes louder, asks you how this is supposed to work? Because as I said, it was not planned at all! He thinks he is completely unsuitable as a father. He has other obligations and can not also take care of a child!
⦁ His extremely negative reaction shocks you. You try to calm him down, but Gladio is much too upset.
⦁ "This shouldn't have happened! Damn it, Y/N!" He doesn't think about what he's saying "What are you doing to me, Y/N?!"
⦁ After that sentence, you can't hold back your tears and Gladio sees that too. He sees your shocked expression and immediately regrets his words. But we know how stubborn he can be and he doesn't even apologize to you at first.
⦁ He leaves the apartment, because he first needs a clear head. He must gain distance from you in order not to hurt you even more. Gladio really regrets his words, but he needs to be alone for now.
⦁ His friend Ignis manages to calm him down and give him some advice. As a result, Gladio calms down and his feelings don't take over his mind. Rational thinking is now the order of the day.
⦁ Gladio really loves you very much and he wants to be there for you.
⦁ When he comes home and finds you crying in your shared bed, it breaks his heart. He asks you for forgiveness and holds you tightly in his arms. "I am so sorry. Please, forgive me. Please, Y/N..."
⦁ He knew what an idiot he had been and deeply regrets it.
⦁ Gladio is very gentle and affectionate in dealing with you. He treats you as if you were made of glass.
⦁ And if anyone is rude or rough with you, oh, God have mercy on them! He becomes overprotective.
⦁ He shows a lot of understanding when your hormones go crazy.
⦁ Lying in his lap, he strokes your hair and is so happy about the course his life has taken.
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⦁ When you tell Ignis the happy news, he is overjoyed! You made him the proudest man in the world. His beautiful wife brings new life into the world! Who would not be happy and proud?
⦁ You both knew from the beginning that you wanted children. You didn't want to wait long to have them and now you are going to be very young parents.
⦁ Ignis takes care of you as if you were the greatest treasure on earth. Well, he did that before, but now his protective instinct has also become stronger.
⦁ Ignis cooks you meals that are healthy, but also very tasty! So no boring dishes, just really fancy things!
⦁ Ignis knows that you are going through a special time and that you need every support, and you will get it from him. He does most of the housework because he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself.
⦁ He will prepare baths for you, with fragrant oils, and petals of flowers. And while you take a bath, he admires you, caressing your belly, while he keeps looking at you gently. Full of love.
⦁ He often makes trips with you. Your favorite destination is Galdin Quay. There you spend passionate nights together.
⦁ Sometimes, you sit on the beach at night and look at the stars in the sky. You talk about your future. These evenings will remain in your memory for a long time, because they are very special.
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
This is a comm for @zireaels-igni and honestly my first w|w piece!!!
Pairing: Mirko x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, thigh riding, nipple play, first time doing this, not beta read
Word count: 1.6K
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All that your body and senses could perceive was the color red. It was intoxicating. Everything about her really was. Those red eyes beaming into your soul from across the club to match the fiery ruby red of the dress that hugs her curves in all the right ways has you catching your breath. The slit right up her thigh that leaves little to the imagination has your mind wandering and wondering just what it would all feel like.
But you have to focus. You’re just the wait staff at this heroes only party. You have a job to do, and that is to serve and wait upon the top and former top heroes as they dine and dance the night away. Your vermilion tunnel vision loosens up as you go around other tables to pick up empty plates and return them to the kitchen. Thankfully no one had asked you to cover her table. Thank goodness.
“You, clean up Hawks’ table!”
So much for wishful thinking. You adjust the bow tie on your neck and make sure your button down and leggings look appropriate for meeting with some of your idols if only for a second. And that includes her. You try to straighten up as you feel your thong dampen and quickly brush at your front as your nipples harden. You take three deep breaths and slowly walk toward their table. You keep your legs steady as you collect the plates in front of Hawks and Edgeshot but once you get to her, you feel your knees get shaky. Her white her is so luscious pinned up behind her with stray hairs framing her face. You wanna know what the skin behind her ears feel like as you tuck a stray hair behind her ear and-
“Thank you, carrot.”
“Mirko, stop flirting with her,” Hawks chastises. “You’re making the girl nervous.” Hawks chuckles and winks at you. Your breath hitches and you quickly walk away. Unbeknownst to you, two sets of eyes trail your ass while you walk back to the kitchen. Hawks and Mirko leer at each other before the bunny hero speaks up.
“I saw her first.”
Golden eyes roll. “Oh c’mon! You always get the cute waitresses!” Hawks whines and stirs his drink with a groan. His eyes plead with his friend but she isn’t budging. He grunts and finishes his drink. “Fine, but at least help me get laid tonight.”
Mirko laughs and shakes the winged hero’s hand. “Deal.”
The gala continues and you watch from the sidelines, attending to those who need it and handing out drinks. And for some reason, the object of your affection hadn’t left yet. Despite all the different heroes and paparazzi trying to get her attention, for some reason this goddess of a hero had kept sneaking glances at you. Her intense gaze was making you hot and bothered; on the job no less! You wanted to know how her hands would feel on your breasts, let alone how she would feel on your lower lips—
Is she walking toward you right now? For what? Why is she waking this way with such a sultry and sexy walk why you’re just a waitress why? Can she read your thoughts? “Can I help you, Mirko?”
She smiles wickedly and calmly at you. “Actually dear I do need your help.” Her voice is smooth as honey as she approaches you. Her fingers play with your bow tie and you bite your lip looking away from her eyes. Her really beautiful eyes. “My friend Hawks over there needs to leave and I was wondering if you could help me find his jacket? I know you’re not really working right now.”
You gulp and look around. She wasn’t exactly wrong, you’re one of the few waitresses left as the heroes dwindle out. Your palms get sweaty as you realize the hero of your dreams, as an idol and even romantically, is standing right in front of you making sexy eyes at you and it’s getting you really horny. All you can do is nod at her and take her toward the jacket closet. Her hands practically meld into yours as you wobble down the halls of the venue where the jacket closet is. In a very discreet and hidden section of the building. Your heartbeat rings in your ear distracting you from the hungry look of the hero behind you. Once you find the place you stutter out, “H-here it is, M-oomph?!”
You’re silenced by a surprise kiss and pushed into the closet. Her coarse and rough palms push you against the now closed door as her lips quiet any qualms you may have. You wrap your hands around her shoulders and pull her closer, feeling her firm breasts against your own. The fabric of her dress feels incredible as you start to moan and grind into each other. Hands are feeling all over the place as clothes are sly and subtly removed. Mirko unclasps your bra with ease and removes the fabric from your body. She pants heavily and licks her lip. “God, baby carrot. Your body is heavenly. Mind if I take a taste?”
Through lidded eyes you nod and then whimper as her lips wrap around your nipple and suck hard. Her free hand toys with your other breast making you leak onto your panties. Your hips roll up in pleasure as your nails dig into the skin of Mirko’s shoulder. She smirks against your sensitive skin and licks your hardening bud more vigorously. Her name rolls off your tongue effortlessly, which then earns you a light slap against your breast. “Oh no that won’t do. Call me Rumi.”
You gasp and bite your lip, meeting her sultry ruby eyes. “Rumi,” you whine, “I want more.” The woman in front of you smirks before leaning in for another needy kiss. Your hands relax around her frame as you. Pan into her lips, swirling your tongue with hers. Within the confines of the tight space, Rumi pulls you into her trapping herself between the wall and you. You tumble onto her and nervously grin with your arm bracing the wall behind her. With her strong legs and stamina, Rumi makes herself a chair as your legs straddle her waist. Just the thought of her holding up her weight along with your own has you vibrating with lust. Right then, an idea pops into your head; a fantasy of sorts. You readjust your legs so then you’re only straddling one of her legs, your wet panties resting on her exposed thigh.
“Oh?” Mirko breathes into your ear, giving it a lick. “Is my cute little baby girl wanting to ride mommy’s thigh? Hm?” She lifts the thigh you’re resting on for confirmation. You whimper and shake your hips while nodding.
“Y-yes mommy, I wanna ride your thigh.” She sucks on your neck then bites down, holding your hips firmly. You securely plant your feet on the ground underneath you, your hips slowly moving back and forth on the hero’s thigh. A wanton moan escapes your lips as your head falls back in utmost pleasure. You begin to ride in earnest against her leg, huffing and panting as the pent up urges boiling inside the both of you. Mirko matches your movements as she rolls her leg underneath you. She lets out a guttural moan as your wetness stains her leg, wanting nothing more than to taste you again. But having you right now on her thigh is euphoria and she doesn’t want it to end. However, as you keep riding her thigh, Rumi can’t help but wonder why she hasn’t gotten your name, why she wants to see you again. Her ears pick up on the incoming sounds of footsteps heading toward the closet.
Mirko fidgets her legs faster to get you closer to orgasming. Your moans get higher in pitch and Mirko silences you with a lustful kiss as both of you teeter closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm. The bunny hero feels her leg muscles start to tire from heightened pleasure on top of holding the two of you against the wall. The hero feels herself clench around nothing as you get closer and closer to release, keeping her own whimpers and cries at bay as she brings you closer. She’s getting off on the feeling of bringing you pleasure and making you cum all over her leg. She works her leg harder as you girate harder and faster as your orgasm reaches closer and closer.
“You wanna cum on my thigh, little carrot? Make mommy happy and cum all over mommy’s thigh.” Her commanding and sultry tone has you nodding and rubbing against her harder. You feel the coil inside start to unwind and let go as Rumi’s fingers dig into you hip as she begs you to cum. You whimper and nod furiously as you hold your loud cries back and cum all over her exposed thigh. The hero smirks and breathes a ragged breath as she cums too, her head resting against the wall behind her as she relaxes a little bit. Her hold on you softens but is still firm. Once you’ve come down, she gently lowers the both of you to the ground and softly kisses your lips. Your breathing comes back to normal as you break the kiss and rest against her chest. Mirko hugs you tightly and kisses your cheek before carefully pulling you up and fixing your work uniform. “I know you’re working tonight, but I want to see you again.” She confirms by interlacing your fingers together and grinning at you.
You whisper in her ear eagerly. “I’m done in a couple hours. Wait for me?”
Mirko truly looks at you for you and that tunnel vision you felt earlier returns but less lust filled.
“Of course I will, let me put my number in your phone.”
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restless-witch · 5 months
better not wake the baby - spring part 2
link to chapter on ao3- ya gotta be logged in though
Fic Summary: Jaskier isn't helpless. He'd been a shepherd before. He'd killed a wolf before. He'll slaughter again if that's the price of freedom.
Fic Rated M: explicit gore/medical descriptions and miscarriage/abortion aftermath, swearing, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, really gross attitudes towards omegas, abusive relationships, references to fucking, brief suicidal ideation, tbh I'll probably write some actual fucking later
This fic was current up and to part 17 of Honey - Sometimes the Tunnel Only Leads to Darkness and after better not wake the baby- spring part 1. You'll enjoy this fic more if you’ve read them <3
Witcher 3 + Netflix / This part is rated T for contains references to sexual stuff and swearing
heyyo @oldandkinky it's a treat for you and me we've got some plot happening
Drown yourself in crocodile tears Curse the gods what made 'ye Pine away for your banner year But it better not wake the baby How long will this go on? How long, indeed? bang a drum 'till the money's all gone- but it better not wake the baby -The Decemberists -  What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World
He'd spent his first weeks on the lam in the wilds and resolves not to fucking do that again- even now that he's got his pack properly filled. It's easier to avoid Geralt in the woods but the constant trapping of game for supper wore on him as quickly as the misery of waiting out the spring rains did. 
All told, he was lucky to be in this part of Redania, where itinerant work was a little easier to come by and the locals generally still observed the customs of hospitality.
He emerged from Lettenhove in time for the spring plowing and thanked the lone lucky star watching over him that the local gossips were still chattering over the white haired witcher that left weeks ago. 
He was free of outrunning Geralt, for at least a little while.
Geralt was hunting him, he was sure- the scorched garden back home confirmed Geralt's rage even if Jaskier was foolish enough to think the witcher would take his flight easily. Living on the path, however, was not free and Geralt would need to slow his chase for coin. 
Jaskier really hoped he wasn't banking too much on gossip to keep him ahead, or behind, Geralt. 
He drifted between towns for a few weeks, living just a little better than hand to mouth, taking jobs in the fields and hunting for herbs to sell. The cuts and bruises he accumulated on jobs went away as easily as if he'd wiped them off and, more out of boredom than anything, he forms the sign of igni and a sputtering flame erupts from his fingertips. Which scares the shit of him enough that it's another week before he tries again: the signs have mixed success but he's torn between the terror of his foreign body and the desperate drive to take any advantage he can. He feels unsettled by this life- too close to what he experienced on the path, too close to the little jobs he'd take back home- feels like he's stagnating and mouldering even as he pushes his body farther beyond what he knew he should be capable of.
It's outside of Rinde that the grift begins.
It was raining- a heavy downpour through the night and into the day that seemed to follow Jaskier as he slogged through the muddy roads and only the guess-timate of Rinde being a three hour walk that forced his feet all the way to the inn.
Well, he thought it was the inn, but the unamused Ealdorman's clerk quickly dashed that presumption. The clerk mutters a curse into his ledger before asking if the amount on the posting is enough for him to just get on with it .
"Pardon?" Jaskier can't help but be polite.
"One drowner," the clerk enunciated, like Jaskier was some kind of fool, "I understand that's more a nuisance in your profession," he exaggeratedly looked down at Jaskier's chest, "but Kazimierz finally emptied the orphanage."
Oh. The medallion. The lover's medallion, smaller than Geralt's but, proclaiming an allegiance to the school of the Wolf. He'd nearly forgotten he wore it at all and had kept it around his neck merely to keep it safe for when he eventually pawned it. It must have wrested itself outside of his clothes while he hunched from the rain. With Tomek wrapped and strapped to his back and his gambeson worn to protect him from the cold- he can't even fault the clerk for his assumptions. 
Before he can help himself, he's agreeing to the contract.
In retrospect, killing his first drowner wasn't the hardest thing he'd ever done but it was the most frightening thing he'd ever done by choice. The White Wolf killed the others a few weeks back, but the lone remnant had made enough trouble by the bridge that the ealdorman promised him room and board for a week if he'd rid them of it. The room was a barn stall and the board was a meager basket of vegetables and eggs, but he'd been on the road enough that a week with the same roof over his head was plenty. 
He's so fucking stupid- but wasn't like trying to outsmart a witcher had really gotten him any progress. He knew a lot about drowners, for all that the witchers griped about contracts for them- it really was because they were a nuisance to a witcher. Hardly a monster and more of giant rancid smelling pain in the ass that mostly got handled by witchers because a crowd of them would overwhelm a normal human by the stench alone.
This was... doable if he didn't act a complete fool.
He went out the next afternoon when the rain had finally abated and found a gnarled yew tree. He climbed up and tested the boughs- swinging himself from a few of them and settling on the one with the best line of sight. He hung his pack on the branch above him and nocked his bow. He waited-
and waited-
well, fuck maybe he should've tried to track it during daylight hours.
At twilight it dragged itself out of the water- happily munching on a bullfrog. Jaskier loosed an arrow and the drowner squealed when it sank into its foot. It squalled as it tried to yank its foot off the ground- the beast didn't even wonder where it came from. He loosed a second towards the other foot but it sailed peacefully into the water. The third trapped the other foot and the drowner had enough mind to rip the fifth out of its chest.
He'd have to get closer then. 
Jaskier pulled Tomek from the branch above and hopped down: he tried casting igni but panicked and the sputtering flame just alerted the drowner to his presence- the drowners' fins flaring when it turned to claw at him. It lurched forward uselessly with its feet stuck, but it kept screeching and Jaskier wondered if his ears were bleeding. He threw his whole weight behind a clean aim towards its neck.
His swing went wide and when he rolled to the side to try and not trip he ended up just bashing its skull in with the blunt side. It crumpled to the ground but he frantically hacked away at the corpse until the head was completely severed.
He vomited onto the rocky shore. 
The body had stopped twitching: the gills dried out quickly and the revolting smell of rot and fish blood got stronger. Dawn was an hour or two away and Jaskier carefully crept back up the yew and pulled down his pack. He drank a little water and then a little temerian rye when his trembling wouldn't stop. He sat on the bank of the river and by the time daylight had started creeping over the body- he saw that the outside flesh was a mottled blue but the inside of the neck was grey. He stood back up and ambled back to the body, wrenching out his arrows, and kicking it over. It didn't look like a drowned person. It looked like a fish person with fine little scales and fins like a catfish. That-
that made it easier. It didn't really look like a person. if it was once a human then it hadn't been one for a very long time. 
The tongue, he remembered, was the traditional proof of the kill for a drowner. Something that annoyed Geralt because of how long they were. 
By this point, death had opened the jaw of the drowner's head for him and it was quick if very messy work to cut the tongue out. He panicked again. He hadn't thought ahead about what to do with the tongue. He paced the shore and panicked and panicked and panicked and until he was laughing hysterically. 
The great shuddering laughter did make him feel better in a way- it made the bit of flesh in his hand seem so fucking stupid and he did do it, he'd killed a verifiable monster. 
Gods he was so fucked- 
he'd done it though
-behind his heaving laughter he could feel the smallest reluctant flutter of hope in his chest. no he wasn't a witcher but maybe-
maybe he could go along with the hoax better than he thought he could. Most of their contracts were small like this, right? Maybe his grift wasn't as foolish as he'd thought it was.
He'd persuaded the ealdorman's wife to let him use her wash tub and fetch water from their well: he dragged them into the barn and stripped down. It was then he realized his smallclothes were sticky with drying slick. He felt revolted. He hadn't felt aroused but it must've happened when he was slaying the drowner. He'd been so caught up in the urgency and the terror, he hadn't noticed his body readying for what usually followed. Panic and arousal were tied together in his body. He'd known Geralt had ruined his twinges of lust but this was different. He was disgusting. A wretched example of an omega. A wretched example of a lover. He hated it. Hated his body. 
But it was all he had now. His silly dream of being a bard would never happen with his scarred face. Perhaps a wandering worker that occasionally busked, but no true bard could make it without a bit of wooing and he wasn’t feeling so vain as to pretend they were easy to ignore. No good alpha would take him with the bond mark or scarred womb, even if he claimed Geralt's death. He wasn't soft anywhere an omega should be. Not anymore. 
He stood above the bath a long time, avoiding looking at his blurry reflection. He tries casting igni again and his (traitorous) body didn’t hesitate to actually call the chaos this time so at least he was staring into a frothy  steaming bath instead. The minerals in the water filled his chest in a different way than the well water at home: which now that he thought about it, very rarely steamed with as much fervor either. He's told the air by the sea is salty in a good way, the only things he could compare it to are Kaer Morhen's springs and the Pontar, which sounds so strange and foreign he can hardly imagine it. Maybe he'll go to the coast, it's just as good a direction as any, become a sailor, just because he's playing Witcher now doesn't mean he can't try to wheedle a life aloft. 
The water was a bearable temperature by the time he finally calmed his thoughts enough to step in and it was like he cast axii on himself, the hot water sluicing all his thoughts away.  
He made up for the lack of payment by winning a few boxing matches: the smattering of scars on his torso and face were enough to convince the local tavern owner that he'll give a good show. The food in the basket left as payment by the ealdorman's wife dwindled quickly- he honestly hadn't planned on staying for the full week- but Zosia seemed to have a soft spot for him because a few more eggs and turnips and even a loaf of bread rolled in.
He paced the fields some- he killed a wolf prowling around and traded the pelt for a pair of boots and a handsome belt. The belt, regrettably and unavoidably, got traded for a fresh quiver of arrows and a proper sharpening for Tomek and his knife.
All told; a week earned him a purse of coppers (perhaps a lean two crowns when added up), Zosia ladling him a secret pot of milk as he leaves, and pointers to a few towns where he might find a little work.
He stumbled his way through the rest of the spring, mostly making coin helping with the tilling and taking on a contract for a warg which wasn't so different from killing a wolf besides the fact that the medallion that earns him the contract also earns him the missive to take his coin and leave before sundown. The same goes for flashing his medallion when he sells to the apothecarist- less bartering on the prices or the quality, but the same directive to leave the damned town the same day.
Town to town he goes and mingles and meets a handful of people who spot his medallion and ask after their friend Geralt . Jaskier briefly, in a moment of near insanity, wonders if there's a second witcher named Geralt of the Wolf School that just never returns to the Kaer for the Geralt they tell him of is gentle and carries a tome of poetry and permits brave children to ride Roach.
But the details remain the same- white hair, School of the Wolf, and a predilection for plums and brunettes- and Jaskier was forced to hold up the possibility that Geralt was a master manipulator of a caliber he didn't even know was possible to have charmed people in so many places into believing he was kind .
He supposed he too once thought Geralt was kind, for an afternoon, and perhaps they just never frustrated him enough for Geralt to lose his patience. The lone exception is an elf in the market who proclaims Jaskier and the other members of his guild "fine enough" but asks him to spit on Geralt the next time they meet as payback for "whatever striga crawled up his ass and died."
He agreed to do it for the both of them and feels vindicated when the elf elaborates that the witcher had been good-natured enough until their last meeting two years ago.
Jaskier traveled, he worked, he met folk foul and fair.
He survived and, for a time, that was enough.
Towards the end of the day, Nenneke was sealing her correspondence with wax, when Anka informed her that "an acquaintance has come by on an important matter." Anka added that it's a witcher but not the same one as last time, she thought, she's not sure. Anka's devotion to the goddess was admirable but her attention for anything but nurturing plants was rather lacking- Nenneke was surprised Anka noticed a visitor at the gate at all. Nenneke sank into her chair a bit, closing her eyes as she drew in a long breath, because she was getting a little done with Geralt breathing down her neck like she was his errand boy.
"Make sure there's a bed available," she finally said, resisting the urge to just turn him away, "and tell him I'll attend to him when I'm done." 
Done ended up being close to supper, after the postulant's vows of evening silence had taken hold: so she arranged for Geralt to eat with her in the hall outside the infirmary ward. She was tucking into a bowl of pottage when the witcher arrived but it wasn't Geralt that hesitantly strode across the hall. 
It was his little omega who wasn't so little anymore. His frame had thickened out and he was bearing more than a few scars- but the mating mark on his neck was still clear to the world. Anka must have arranged for him to bathe as well because he smelled merely of soap and soft citrusy omega nervousness. She carefully took a long breath and couldn't detect the acrid smell of terror he had last time or Geralt for that matter. 
This was going to be interesting.
"Priestess Nenneke," he said softly, taking the seat across from her, his frame curled small as he humbly bowed his head to her,  "thank you for taking the time to see me."
"You weren't 'the witcher' I expected to see," she said, leaning back and gesturing for him to accept the bowl across from her, she huffed a little laugh, "I'd be a poor priestess of Melitele if I turned away a traveler." 
He gave a little snort and the two ate in silence for a while. If Nenneke were younger, she would've tried to pry more from him: but he wasn't her first battered omega to show up without his alpha and he certainly wouldn't be her last. She wordlessly pressed a second serving on him- he'd bulked up a bit but there was a leanness to his cheeks she didn't like in omegas. 
"Has Geralt come to see you?" he finally asked, eyes trained on pulling the crust off his bread.
"Since we last met?" He nodded, "Yes, once. About a month ago- after Belleteyn." She watched him carefully and, instead of a spike of worry, his smell remained carefully nervous.
"Did he take Essi?" he started to press the inside of his bread flat.
"He couldn't if he tried," Nenneke said plainly, his eyes darted to her face and searched her eyes, "her rearing is in the temple's hands now. Besides," she gave an arch smile, "he can't tell her from Embla," there's no mistaking the relief that floods out of him and she started to feel a real fondness for him when his shoulders go slack. 
"Is she happy here?" 
"Truthfully, I don't see her often," Nenneke gave a little hum, "but we take care of our girls. She's the temple's now and I wouldn't even let you take her."
There was a pause as he took that in, he must have settled on accepting it because he sighed and turned a more serious glance to Nenneke, "Thank you, for taking care of her and easing my mind," he chewed his lip a bit, "I suppose I should tell you I've been traveling and working a bit as a witcher. The Witcher Yulek."
"I don't suppose it's with his permission you are doing this," she said, Jaskier shook his head, "you're too old for Vesemir to try and make a real witcher out of you anyway."
Jaskier swallowed and Nenneke could smell a load of trouble.
"Why are you here, Yulek?" she asked him firmly, "you knew when you signed Essi into our care that she'd not be leaving until she was an adult. Geralt isn't stupid enough to break the peace just to get her away from me."
"Will you tell him I was here?" she could smell anxiety begin to bloom in his scent.
"Is that what you want?" she retorted sharply and wrinkled her nose from his scent bursting with emotions, "I suppose that answers that. My allegiance isn't to him and I'll forgive the insult you'd think it would be," she scrutinized him intensely and saw his hands tighten on his lap like a child getting a scolding- she felt herself soften a bit, for he wasn't yet much more than a child, "my duty is to the people seeking Melitele's help here, now what is it you came here for?"
"My body," he said quietly, "I don't recognize it. Something is happening to me. He was going to kill me: he was going too far. And then I noticed- the changes. You must see-"
He wordlessly took a knife from his belt and cut into the flesh inside his arm- over a spot where she noticed a curious handful of similar scars.
He must have done this before. 
She kept herself in her seat and the two sat in silence as the blood quickly clotted- before he could bleed out- far quicker than should have been possible. She cycled through thoughts- a curse, some sort of latent skill for chaos, the trials-
She still wet her apron and tended to it, wiping away the blood as she'd done so many times to so many omegas.
"It's not the food," he continued, "I've been on my own since before Birke- I don't-" he trailed off.
That ruled out going through the Choice like Leo.
"He used to drink something,"Jaskier said, "some kind of fertility treatment, could that have changed me?"
"That doesn't sound likely," she said frankly, "for a draught to do that, it would need to be very concentrated in his body, not yours." Nenneke looked him over again, new eyes examining the way his shoulders had filled out and the thickness of his hair and the scars scrawled across his face, "is there anything beyond what you have shown me?"
"I can cast a sign," he bit his lip, "sometimes."
"May I touch you?" she asked and Jaskier nodded. She patted along his body, the nodes where chaos was prone to collecting, and felt the latent hum she associated with the witcher adepts.
How strange-
"Did you meet Eskel?" she could recall, many years ago, Eskel studying at the temple with all the other Witcher adepts and massaging a lame kitten back to health, "he has more chaos in his hands then the stones of power."
Jaskier's body locking under her hands was answer enough, "we wintered together," he said through his teeth.
"If that is what is changing you," she said carefully, "I think you need to go back to Kaer Morhen to find out- that's beyond the scope of anyone here. They were secretive enough about that before the school fell."
"Was he always like that?" Jaskier gritted out, "was Geralt always like that?"
"I've never seen him take an omega before if that's what you're asking," Nenneke said. She watched Jaskier seem to collect himself, letting out a shuddering breath as he unlocked his jaw and kneaded his palms into his thighs.
"I've met people," he said, mouth full of piss and vinegar, like each word was pulled from his teeth, "who speak of a Geralt I've never met. Kind. Gentle. Funny, even. I can't imagine you being a friend to an arse like Geralt, was he like that once or are they liars?"
"People change," she said carefully, "he's had his shortcomings. But-"
"The summer after Blaviken-" she said, "he changed. Blaviken was bad enough- but the summer after was especially cruel to him."
"It's like some kind of poison in his mind-"
Oh. The basilisk. 
She hadn't even thought of that.
She needed to think.
She invited the boy, Yulek, Jaskier, Julian- whatever name worked- to stay at the temple while she thought.
Jaskier ended up staying at the temple for a whole week: earning his keep milling medicinal ingredients through the day. Nenneke introduced him to the novice Sorcha, a former Temerian Blue Stripes, who gave him a dirty tutoring in bomb making, battle dressing, and making medicine.
He leaves Ellander with a haircut, a silver dagger, and the dread that he must eventually, actually, realistically, return to the Kaer.
A/N- Encouragement and kind words will always make me more excited to write stuff <3 and feel free to dash off a message to me! I haven’t really made any friends in the fandom yet :3c
Thanks for reading, friends!
Rough and tumble ragged drafts on tumblr here: Actual Fic Better Not Wake The Baby
This fic is based on OldandKinky’s Honey-verse and you can also find them here: Honey-verse on Ao3 and OldandKinky on Ao3
and if you like my writing, I’ve also got “Varieties of Exile” 
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jose92gt · 6 months
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Shadowverse Flame 73
Choque de poder a poder entre las mejores cartas de Hiro y Light, Ignis Nova vs Dual Modo Beta, el Ignis Nova de Hiro le supera dejando a Light contra los cuerdas pero la fuerza de sus amigos lo mantenía con esa fe para darle vuelta a la batalla
Light tenía otra copia de Dual Rage cual le serviría para darle vuelta a la partida y llevarse la victoria de una manera epica, Dual Modo Gama hace su aparición y Draconir para dar el golpe final había ganado asalto y Hiro sonriendo al final
Para sorpresa de muchos Arc Ruler hace su aparición afectando a varios DF en la ciudad iniciando el caos, aun se desconoce que Seven Shadows es el traidor, ahora el grupo debe detener esta calamidad que esta pasado el mundo una vez más
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zanarkandfayth · 11 months
Thinking up ffxv headcanons about the boys writing fanfic instead of working on my own fic:
Gladio writes stuff like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, he takes his favourite novels and then inserts something totally weird into it and somehow makes it work. He's a plantser, he comes up with basic ideas but wings most of the details and isn't afraid to go off-script. He finishes most of his fics, but there's a few left abandoned that he swears are just on hiatus. He has a regular readerbase and his fics get a decent amount of attention, but he isn't a BNF.
Prompto writes super indulgent self-insert fanfic for Assassin's Creed. Complete pantser, he starts writing the moment he gets an idea and doesn't plan a single thing in advance, and his plots suffer for it. He's constantly in the middle of no less than five fics at one time, and has a long history of abandoned fics on his account that make most readers hesitant to give him a chance. His fics mostly go unnoticed, except for that one that blew up early on and still has people begging him to finish, but he isn't in it for the attention anyways.
Noct isn't much of a writer, but he'll scribble out an unedited crack oneshot every once in a while based on outlandish conversations he and Prompto have while they game, posted immediately after writing, typos and all. They always get lots of comments and kudos despite the fact that he never responds to anyone. Noct's popularity annoys Ignis immensely, but his pride will never let him admit it.
Ignis writes ridiculously long epic-length fics that are all OC casts and super plotty and so AU they could almost be an original work, if he just changed the setting. He spends months outlining them beforehand and prewrites the entire fic and sends it through no less than two betas before he starts posting on a very precise schedule. They're well-written and engaging, but aren't very popular. Still, he has a small but dedicated and loyal readerbase who leave him thoughtful comments, and he always takes the time to respond in kind.
Regis and Clarus are both BNFs. They're well-known fandom olds and they write popular ships with popular tropes and everyone loves them, their fics are always popping up on rec lists and they have thousands of comments and kudos and multiple pieces of fanart per fic that readers have drawn for them. Clarus pestered Cor into being his beta when they started, wearing him down over a period of months, but Regis has always firmly been in the "no beta we die like men" camp, and sometimes it shows. But people overlook his occasional lazy grammar and spelling because he's one of the best smut writers in his fandom. He once left his AO3 account up on his laptop screen and Noct saw it and promptly went to go bleach his brain just from the tags alone.
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tenebriism · 6 months
Hard Smash ( Beta @ Ignis )
@r3ys-malt3s3 ;; SMASH or P a s s Meme - [ ACCEPTING ] ;;
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Is... he saying that to TOY with him? It would not be the first time, and he is confident it shan't be the last. Mayhap this is one of those occasions he should simply say " Thank you, " and then mull over the intricacies of it at a later time, when he's not standing there looking SILLY.
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thewaxwingsings · 2 months
Almost done! Just a little epilogue to wrap things up...!
Rated: T
Category: M/M
Pairing: Prompto/Ignis (with mentioned Noct/Luna, Gladio/Nyx)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Loss of Control, Arranged Marriage, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Asexuality Spectrum, Demisexuality Demisexual Ignis Scientia, Pining, Aromantic, Misunderstandings, Mating Bond, Mating Bites
Summary: Ignis Scientia isn’t the kind of person who WANTS to get married.
Being the Hand to the Prince of Lucis is his devotion. He was selected at a young age, sculpted to the position, in the expectation that he, like his parents and their parents as well, would present as a beta and be the perfect cool, collected mind to guide and advise the young Lucian prince.
But now it's clear. He is no beta. And if he wants to continue in Noct's service, he will have to find someone to marry. Now.
This Chapter: The countdown to the wedding is on... and the only question on Ignis's mind is, is this really what Prompto wants?
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marias-wonderland · 1 year
Post-SoTL letters (N.2)
Hello once again. My writing muse came back and gave me this play between Clarice and Hannibal. They mostly talk about music but they obviously mean more than what they write.
(dedicated to my beta reader, @isidoros69 , whose support enables me to write once every blue moon. Also, to my wonderful fandom people! @louisfriend-ironsulfide @lotus-ignis @black-mushroom, @eyaeya111, @liwodot, @ladylshardlakesworld, and to whoever is still around!)
Words: 1965
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Clarice
The view from my window is bringing peace upon my soul, and the pinot grigio accompanied with the artichokes and bottarga salad is only complimenting the scenery. The clouds seem they have engulfed the sky, casting a leisurely but simultaneously melancholic essence of self-discovery. The wind gently shakes the trees and the flowers, the white petals of those flowers in harmony they dance in the wind, floating in the beauty of an invisible river. While gazing the eternal grey world in front of me, the notes of Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 27 No. 2 brought an inquiry to my mind. Do you enjoy listening to music, Clarice?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           With gratitude                                                                                                 Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
Dear Dr. Lecter
It seems that in the end, you got what you wanted. There are no bars or cells for you anymore, neither restrictions nor rules. You are free to gaze upon the same sky as I am. Free to indulge in what your soul desires, however wicked or wrong it is, stifling does not suit your persona. The evening sounds pleasing, Doctor. You are the maven of the bon vivant way of acting after all. Given our different upbringing, our music tastes are going to appear completely dissimilar. Yes, I do enjoy some music tunes so I can wind off after a hard day of work (I would mention dancing at clubs but, something tells me they’re not your cup of tea). I’m not a person who pays too much attention to the artists, I listen to whatever feels good to me. Madonna and Whitney Houston being some of them, as well as Michael Jackson and Prince. Cyndi Lauper and David Bowie are also good. Generally speaking, if I like the tune, I will join in. Please don’t hold back on your knowledge about this, I’m certain your mind is like a living library of information. Perhaps you could suggest me composers I would enjoy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 With Respect                                                                                                     Clarice M. Starling
Dear Clarice
It is of the human nature to seek out for our freedom, regardless of our wrongdoings. Always remember that deep down, even the most altruistic person hides a tinge of egoism. The instincts of survival are primordial, way before humans thought their laws could outlaw the wrath of nature. Never apologise for what you do not know. Only for what you had the chance to know but refused to. Our differences make us unique and seductive, temptation is of the greatest sins for a reason. I never expected the musical literacy of the orphanage to be of high character. Neither of course the cultural heritage you carry could ever lead you to such paths.
One should start small. Try listening to four seasons by Vivaldi. I recommend “autumn” for you. It is the most overlooked piece by the four of them, and yet it perfectly enhances and encapsulates the essence of chase, of hunting. Vivaldi himself had written poems for his compositions. Try reading the poems while listening to the pieces.
“The hunters, at the break of dawn, go to the hunt.
With horns, guns, and dogs they are off,
The beast flees, and they follow its trail”
May the hunt never end indeed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        With gratitude                                                                                Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
Ps. Have you ever looked at a person and wondered how their essence would be convened into music? Because I have. For you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Dr. Lecter
The element of surprise is always present when I’m talking to you. The moment I’m ready to drop the letter on the table, you come back with the most intriguing piece of flattery.
I bought the records you recommended. As for the poems, I had quite a time with the local libraries but all's well that ends well.
Autumn is a limbo between life and death, a bittersweet season, it's not death already but not life anymore.
Doing tasks only for them to be left incomplete, never being able to see the finish line.
But also you can sense the joy, the energy that the hunt is giving to both the hunter and the pray. The thrilling that ambuscades give to two communicating vessels.
But behind all that, one can still feel the merriment of summer and the cautiousness of winter. Perfect blend of seasons.
I listened to the rest of the season on my day off, with a glass of wine on my hand while gazing at the night sky. It was a tranquil evening.
You were right, autumn was my favourite. I hope you are going to recommend me more compositions. As for the hunt it will inevitably end, and we both know the results, Doctor.
“The exhausted beast tries to flee, but dies."
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             With respect
                                                                                        Clarice M. Starling
Ps. Your insightfulness never stops astonishing me. I hope you are going to expand your thoughts a bit further. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Clarice
The path to self-realization finds the impediment of our current mind. Only the conquest of it could lead you to your true self.
I had planned of discussing with you the significance of Mozart in the classicism wave but, a certain… a minor shift to my plans, brought to my attention the representative of Russian nationalism, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Besides, Mozart’s compositions are characterized by a fervent sequence to rules, something which you can put aside if the moment demands for it. Tchaikovsky on the other hand favoured emotional progression, the catharsis of the soul, the joys, loves, and sorrows of the human heart with striking and poignant sincerity.
I believe you would enjoy some of his lesser known compositions. I suggest “Souvenir de Florence”. I listened to it very recently and the breadth of the sound is something which can captivate you.
As for my last thought, it is a tendency that most musicians share. Almost like a personal whim, translating internal emotions into notes and symphonies. The more joy something brings to us, the more music echoes to our ears.
I would be glad to share my speculations about you, but always in exchange. Quid pro quo Clarice.
So please tell me
How would my existence be translated into music, Clarice?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       With gratitude
                                                                             Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
Ps. We’ve chatted for so long and yet, I didn’t send my greetings to our old pal Jackie boy. Please dedicate to him Mozart’s “Requiem”, I’m certain his long lost soul is fit for it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 Dear Dr. Lecter
Thanks to your suggestions, I’ve become a reappearing figure at my local antique shop and even managed to get the vinyls at a better price since “No young people nowadays care about the classics”.
You stand correct once again, I remained motionless throughout the course of the performance. This one I believe fits better to be listened at day, the crystal clear sky mirroring the composer’s will for life.
Regarding your last request, I am afraid that I can not come up with a satisfactory answer for your criteria. I am able to describe people’s actions with words and explain their reasoning behind that but, music was always an uncharted territory for me.
If you could be kind enough to help me on that one, I would appreciate it.
                                                                                                  With respect                                                                                                     Clarice M. Starling
Ps. I’m aware you know of Bella’s deteriorating health but, it is him who takes the toll for both of them. It is almost painful to watch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
Dear Clarice
You were doing so fine, following the lead and completing the tasks you were given.
Now the agent came tête-à-tête with an actual challenge and requires the assistance of someone more au courant.
It is clear I’ve asked you to act beyond your training.
Very well, follow my lead and in your next letter try to live up to your name.
When you come to my mind, a plethora of notes burst into my mind, rampant and joyous, sorrowful and cynical.
A feeling of recurring sadness and despair. Occasional, fleeting moments of upbeat melodies feel more like episodes of painfully self-aware mania among a constant bedrock of fear, and pain. A sense of loss that always revives when I listen to it again.
The expression of a broken rage, a lost love, a forgotten memory, a dead rose somehow flourishing, coming all together in a sick melancholy and expression of reasonable insanity.
Reminiscent of the monotony of our daily lives and how little of a choice we have in it, yet can't help being upbeat to an extent with hope.
I find it quite intriguing, the different emotions each of us convey through these majestic chimes. As for me, I sense harmony and merriment.
Words convey understanding that music fails to describe, but music conveys emotion words cannot express.
However it is due to the emotions it releases that our simplistic human minds cannot comprehend nor explain, a conundrum of melancholous, yet peaceful feelings that no music nowadays can do the liberty of replicating.
This is how I see you. Trying to grasp the sinister world around you, but are you ready to feel the icy fingers of terror stroke your heart?
                                                                                                With gratitude
                                                                                      Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
Ps. Try closing your eyes and focus on how you would translate each emotion you feel into humming. How does anger sound to you? Quick and loud or rapid and silent? Follow this advice and then you will be able to answer me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Dr. Lecter
Thank you for your insight and leading. It took me some time and a lot of concentration to find an answer worthy enough of writing down but, I’m confident this is it.
When you come to my mind, this mixture of brilliant eloquence and inhuman cruelty deluges it.
The music starts with melancholy. Dark, with hints of sweetness underlying a tone of despair. Intensity rises. Grief makes way for anger, insanity and a welcoming of death's tender embrace. Life has become hell.
Music is now fast. The grasp on reality porous and thin, like butter scraped over too much bread. The light tries to resist, but what little control remains is slipping, struggling to fight back.
 The darkness, emboldened by the chaos, responds in kind, eager to stamp out the last embers of hope.
The darkness has taken root now. The host no longer resists the parasite's will. But within the darkness, there’s a new purpose. The devil might have changed his appearance but he cannot betray his nature.
He plays furiously, boundless now he roams free. His muster unrelenting, devouring. In his wake, only one thing remains… the purest representation of humanity's dualism. The eternal conflict for humanity's soul.
The end is bittersweet, like the aftermath of the self-casted war between spirit and mind with casualties being the human soul.
On the whole, I would say that it is the manifestation of a dance not with someone else but with yourself, you are dancing with your shadow, with your ego, and that makes it special.
Almost inveigling the gazer into taking a place to the dance                                                                                            With respect
                                                                                      Clarice M. Starling
Ps. I can not help myself but picture waltzes whenever I’m listening to my vinyls. Have you ever taken part in this type of dance, Doctor? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear Clarice
I must congratulate you for your quick learning, your rapid adaptation to your environment truly will help you survive.
If you ever knew me in my personal life, you would know I never turn down an invitation to dance.
I wholeheartedly enjoyed our conversation but I am afraid I have to put it to an end for now, for I am going on a trip. One should always exercise their body as well their mind. It would also be my pleasure to teach you how to waltz.
It would be the perfect body exercise for the both of us.
                                                                                              With gratitude
                                                                                  Dr. Hannibal Lecter, MD
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quietbluejay · 1 month
Ahriman: Unchanged
So all this is from January before I'd read...well most of the stuff I've covered here with the exception of Know No Fear
Inquisitor Iobel is great and honestly I want her and Ahriman to get stuck in the pear wiggler a bit longer my beta said i should write them getting stuck as Shirou so true, past bluejay, so true
A figure of white-hot fire sat on a throne at the centre of the tower top. Blazing light sketched the shape of bare limbs and smooth muscle.
suns out guns out is the only thought i had upon reading this line (and Magnus makes his first appearance) ah, a more innocent time, when i didn't break out in hives at the mention of Magnus muscles
this isn't my first run-in with him lol, he did have an appearance in a couple of the samples but he and the TS did nothing to endear themselves to me in those samples
it's funny though i thought based on descriptions that i'd like Magnus a lot more lol but he's been fairly annoying/insufferable in all his appearances that i've seen
the hubris levels are off the charts i've been constantly spamming quotes at my friend with "hey, that's hell you're walking into" attached i will say i thought i was emotionally removed and no longer caring about these horrible people except in the intellectual sense and then I got gut-punched by Astraeos remembering being a kid and being taken on the black ships and also his negative character arc is so great except im not super fond of the stable time loop element there
im suffering so much (in a good way) he's become what he hated and there really were no options for him to choose another path (context rn is I'm literally at a scene where he's torturing a guy to join him, and cut out his eye) (when we met him, he had just been captured and made into a slave and had his eye cut out) he's trying to get revenge on Ahriman, and in the process he's become Ahriman (well, a more personally violent Ahriman)
‘You were a warrior son of Prospero,’ said the Oathtaker, his true voice low and steady. ‘You saw your home world burn. You were there when everything you had was destroyed by the Imperium which created you. You endured, clinging on to existence, while watching your brothers fall one by one. You clung on, waiting, one half of your soul knowing that no salvation would come, the other half searching for it. You allowed yourself to believe that there was a way to save your brothers, to save yourself. You trusted and let that trust become loyalty, become hope.’
this is fine im fine Astraeos is talking about both himself and his prisoner here okay it's time for me to take a break and lie on the floor or something
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I like Ctesias but I worry about getting attached to him Also on a side note I love how while the characters may not really care about the suffering of the street level npcs, for lack of a better term, the narrative does I mean they’re not the focus at all but there’s all sorts of background details and bits and even a few pov segments to be like “yeah all these slaves are people!” Which I’ve found often doesn’t get done well in…other dark stories
this is also a weird thing to say maybe but i like how all the deaths matter and have consequence I know I have said this multiple times but this was actually the first time I articulated it! I'm at the bit in the third Ahriman novel on Prospero and the whole planet is basically a giant scar filled with ghosts because of what happened there and this is thousands of years later timeline is still ambiguous which is annoying me since i do like my nice and tidy timelines but at least we know it's well after the formation of the Black Legion so Ahriman was wandering around being miserable and letting himself be a minion for gross chaos sorcerers for a few thousand years huh
also i've just met Khayon this dude is great I mean okay like most of the TS have been very fun characters in the series Ctesias being the sole voice of common sense, Ignis and his autistic coding and his killbot r2d2, Sanakht and his uh, current suffering I guess, sucks to be him so badly and now Khayon shows up with a super dramatic entrance
cute warband but i have cool new friends now
Ahriman's also one heck of a speech writer/giver but like
+And if they would stand against what you intend. What then?+ The thought voice turned every eye to the darkness at the edge of the ruined square. Cords of purple fire ran through the air. The lines joined, forming a triangle which then folded into a space which was not there. A figure stepped through the triangular hole, and down to the ground. It was a Rubricae, but its armour was coal black and edged with gold. It came to a halt, its head turning slowly as its eyes ran across the gaze of its blue-clad kin. A second figure followed. +Have you come to try to stop me again, Khayon?+ Iskandar Khayon, Chosen of the Despoiler, Lord Vigilator of the Black Legion, and once a son of Magnus the Red, turned his gaze on the glowing eyes watching him from across the square and beyond. +I like your little warband,+ he sent.
that's the kind of entrance that makes you a character to keep an eye on
At the core of the waiting ships hung a vessel with a gold and black hull. On her bridge, the Changeling saw the mind of her master burning cold and bright, and it heard the command slip from his lips. ‘Fire,’ said Khayon, and the black ship spoke the first word of the battle.
the one to fire the first shot at the inquisition
okay yesssss things have been going way too well for Ahriman the past couple books that's been one of my complaints lol but now he's really on the backfoot and he's got so much to lose now!
tzeentch is currently hunting him for sport (not a joke, he sent assassin daemon after him to kill him after he manages to succeed) he's gonna give ahriman the gift he needs but doesn't want eternal rest! oblivion
The horns set in its head bellowed. It was laughing at him. And he knew why. He knew it. Long ago, in an age of different masters and different mistakes, he had bound nine daemons into its broken body. He had created it, and now on the planet he had been exiled from, he faced it and knew that he should have given it to the lava seas after it had fallen in battle the first time.
Ctesias: I should have left you on that street corner where I found you Czethertihor, Fallen Warlord Titan of Legio Tempestus: but ya didn't
dsjfkhlsadf this is just magnus vs magnus vs magnus magnus is playing 4d chess against himself except also magnus is eating both their pieces
but wait! it was all part of magnus' plan or was it…
I'm kind of mad about this plot point but it is objectively funny:
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ffxvficrec · 4 months
by Anonymous Sighing, the man lifted his blade slowly. He lifted the edge to the blond’s throat, admiring how the snow that had blown in was sprinkled in his hair. The Prince of Lucis could imagine just how beautiful the Niff’s body was under his robes. The monster was far too cruel to let this opportunity slip by. “No, No,” He chuckled softly, pulling the blade away. He slammed it into the ground with such force he was able to implant part of it into the floorboards. “Death is a mercy, I will never give you.” Words: 4702, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence , Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Prompto Argentum , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Iedolas Aldercapt , Minor Characters , Verstael Besithia (mentioned) , Ignis Scientia (mentioned) Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat , Rape , Eye Sex , Eye Trauma , Crossdressing , Age Difference , 30-Year-Old Noctis Lucis Caelum , 20-Year-Old Prompto Argentum , Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence , Alternate Universe - Lucis wins the war , Noctis is an asshole , Everyone is an asshole except Prompto actually , Hurt No Comfort , Corruption Kink , Niflheim Prince Prompto Argentum , Forced Relationship , slight stockholm syndrome , Abuse , Suicidal Thoughts , Blood and Gore , don't read this if ANY of this triggers you , seriously , Not Beta Read , I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping , Blow Jobs
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