#bey quote
boricuacherry-blog · 1 month
I met Beyoncé on the side of the stage at a Jay-Z gig, and Jay-Z kind of gave us a shout-out, which was amazing. She's just stunningly beautiful. And nice, too. Really gentle and kind. When I met her I just fanned out so extremely.
-Florence Welch
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stillbelieve · 2 years
Toph: I told Zuko that his ears turn red whenever he lies to us.
Katara: Do they?
Toph: No.
Katara: Then, why did you tell him that?
Toph: Because I can do this.
Toph: Hey, Zuko! Do you love Katara?
Zuko, with his hands over his ears: N-No!
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dabiconcordia · 9 months
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“My mother always wanted to live near the water," she said. "She said it's the one thing that brings us all together. That I can have my toe in the ocean off the coast of Maine, and a girl my age can have her toe in the ocean off the coast of Africa, and we would be touching. On opposite sides of the world.” ― Megan Miranda
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faintingheroine · 6 months
“Adnan Bey had written the old governess a long letter, and received a short reply: Mlle de Courton would come at the beginning of winter; Şakire Hanım and her husband, having married off Cemile, would leave the two lovebirds in peace in their nest, and spend the last years of their life at the yalı; Bülent would not board at the school. There would once again be long chases around the garden, there would be desserts prepared among the shiny pots of the little kitchen, following recipes discovered in books. Life would once again be an endless holiday for them, now that the father had returned to his daughter, and the daughter to her father.”
(Chapter 22) (italics mine)
The italicized part is so fascinating though. The father returning to his daughter is obvious enough. But the daughter is returning to her father as well. At some point Nihal too forsook her father and searched for love in other places as well.
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afrotumble · 6 months
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the-unspeakable-tsar · 4 months
Bei: the worst thing I did to my husband was put his self soul friend on a very high shelf during a written argument
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quote-tournament · 2 months
Hi! I'm trying to translate two quotes from a writer I really like — Aline Bei — but I'm unsure if it makes sense in English. Would you mind helping me out? It's okay if you don't want to.
The original quotes are in Brazilian Portuguese. Here's the first one:
Isso é tudo
menos coisa de criança.
é o lugar onde nasce
a dor.
This is anything
but a children's thing.
is the place that births
— Aline Bei, O Peso do Pássaro Morto
"This is the place where pain is born" would be a more literal translation, but I wanted to keep the structure of the last phrase as it was in the original
I'm unsure whether to use "this" or "that" at the beginning of both sentences though 😭
Do you think "but a children's thing" should be replaced by "but a kid's thing"?
Now for the second quote:
respira baixo,
Júlia, respira
a dona Vera começou a me chamar.
será que eu consigo me transformar em um inseto?
Júlia, Julia, Júlia, cada vez mais
com asas,
pelo amor de Deus
com Asas
breathe quietly, Júlia,
breathe quietly.
Mrs. Vera started calling out to me.
would it be possible to turn myself into an insect?
Júlia, Júlia, Júlia, increasingly
with wings,
for God's sake,
with Wings
— Aline Bei, Pequena Coreografia do Adeus
I don't know if "calling out to me" is correct or if I should replace it with "calling out my name". In the original text it's easy to understand that her mom is saying her name to get her attention.
And does "breathe quietly" make sense? In the original text she's telling herself to breathe in a low volume ('baixo' means 'low') to not get her mom's attention. Would it make more sense to translate it as "breathe silently" or "breathe soundlessly" or "breathe weakly"? I can't figure this out
Also I almost sent a few quotes from Aline Bei to the tournament. A lot of them are said by children! But I couldn't trust myself to translate any of her quotes so I gave up
Anyways thank you for making this tournament. You can just ignore this ask if you want to!! :D
I didn't know that writer! I really like those quotes!
Seeing as I don't speak any Brazilian Portuguese and that English is my second language, take this with a grain of salt, but here are my thoughts:
I think the first quote sounds very good the way you translated it, "this" flows well with the rest of the sentence, and implies that the place is close to the speaker whereas "that" would express a certain distance. I'm pretty partial to "children", I think "kids" sounds a bit too petnamey
For the second one, "breathe softly" seems better to me than "quietly", and maybe "calling for me" or "calling after me" would convey the meaning better
These are delightful! Thank you for sending them! Don't hesitate to send me more of your favourite quotes, even if they're not translated
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*Bolin talking nonsense*
Lin: Bolin, I’m going to need you to do me a favor.
Bolin: Anything.
Lin: Imma need you to shut the fuck up.
Bolin: ok.
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boricuacherry-blog · 3 months
I'll give it to Jay-Z for turning an initially very uninteresting Rihanna into one of the world's biggest stars, but he flopped with Rita [Ora] and Meg - and for the sake of all things grand, I wish he would realize how much he cramps Beyoncé's diva style.
-Azealia Banks
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stillbelieve · 2 years
Katara: It's pretty cold outside…wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Zuko, blushing: Okay.
Toph: It's fucking summer.
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nm-alhilal · 1 year
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catching up on X-Titles, just made it through X of Swords. I enjoyed Doug’s Large Wife
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in-liebe-der-boden · 2 years
Sie suchen den Fehler immer nur bei dir, niemals an der Welt.
Zate - Immer bist du schuld (shorts) (via @in-liebe-der-boden)
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I'm not dead I've just been super busy + ran out of screenshots that fit the quotes, so I had to find time to comb through the episodes!
(btw if you have a quote you'd like to see used in those memes, don't hesitate to send it to me, my asks are open!)
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faintingheroine · 2 months
“Father, don’t leave me alone”
“Then, seeing that her father remained silent, she had suddenly taken her small, naked arms out of the blanket, pulled his head to her, stuck her mouth to his ear, and under the lamp’s trembling and darkling light, as if she were keeping a secret, with a voice like that of a bird’s breath had said, ‘or is she dead?’ This truth was escaping her lips for the first time. Afterwards, extending a little finger and wiping away each shy teardrop trickling from her father’s eyes, she had added, ‘but don’t you die, father dear, you won’t die, will you?’”
(Chapter 2) (italics mine)
“‘Father!…’ she said. ‘You will love me, you will love me just the way you do now, won’t you?’
Her father kissed the soft hair that brushed his lips and murmured, ‘of course!…’
Nihal stopped for a second, as if trying to find the strength to say what she was going to say. Then, without lifting her head from her father’s shoulder, as if it were a point of support whose light she was afraid to lose, ‘if that is so, there’s no harm. Let her come!’ she said.”
(End of Chapter 2) (italics mine)
“So her father was old. From whence had this idea come to her? There remained in her ears, the vibrations of a mocking voice that seemed to laugh mercilessly as it talked of oldness. Now she really did find her father old; even a little thinner, a little gaunt about the cheeks, a bit paler, older than she had known him… She was finding him suddenly altered, as though she had not seen him in a long time.”
(Chapter 13)
“”Young girl, she said; father, when a child becomes a young girl she finally becomes a bride, doesn’t she? Do you know? I have made a decision, a decision that can’t be changed: Little Nihal won’t become a bride. You know you used to ask me when I was little: You used to say, Nihal, who will you marry. I, doubtless with a a serious conviction, used to say: You. Don’t panic, now I am not of that opinion, but I will stay by your side, do you understand, father? Always together with you”.
Adnan Bey, with a deep, pitying tremor in his voice, said, ‘but my child, you must finally decide to marry. One day, it may be, your father will be forced to leave you alone…’
Nihal did not comprehend at first, then she grasped the meaning from her father’s trembling eyes. She responded only with a pained moan that rose from the depths of her soul. ‘Ohh!’
Was it possible? Could such a thing happen? After her mother, her father, too… Without speaking the word in her mind, she was saying to herself, ‘it isn’t possible.’
She drew near her father. ‘Tell me,’ she said, ‘tell me that this thing you speak of is impossible…’”
(Chapter 13) (italics mine)
“Now this father and daughter depended on each other to live. As she repeated this, a fear was passing through her mind with the speed of lightning: what if one of them was left alone? Then, to escape this fear, she was tugging at her father.
‘Let us leave,’ she was saying, and shutting her eyes, her heart was answering that fear with a prayer: ‘together, always together, in life, and in death…’”
(Chapter 22) (End of the book) (italics mine)
I especially love how the last two quotes are each other in reverse. In Chapter 13 first Nihal wishes to stay together with her father and then her father replied that one day he may have to leave her alone; at the very end of the book Nihal first thinks one of them may be left alone and then makes an oath to stay together.
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