#bi women are NOT ur oppressors
This is kinda just me shouting into the void here but like... why do (some) sapphics and/or transfems hate transmascs so fucking much like
There is simply so much aimless, unprompted hostility towards transmascs online. A level of open disrespect and even downright cruelty that would get someone doxxed if they said it to a queer woman tbh. Sometimes invisibility really is preferable, tho obvs there's Major issues w that as well
I just don't get it, and it seems to me like it's been more intense in the past year or two than I can ever remember (I'm 26)
I've been Ruthlessly bullied and dogpiled by queer women over the years, and yet even saying that openly makes me feel like I'm going to be accused of being an MRA or something ugh. Don't even get me started on how Nasty (some) people can get when I talk about being bi/pan bc I committed the deadly sin of being a man who also likes women sometimes.
Anyways, ur blog is great and makes me feel seen; fellow transmasc Pete Wentz enjoyers must stick together after all!
They seem to be under the impression that they're just criticizing their oppressors when they're just punching down on people who are just as marginalized (in the case of transfems) if not more marginalized (in the case of cis sapphics) as them. It's not fucking cool and I wish people would understand that.
Also, thank you anon! Transmasc Pete Wentz enjoyers are a gift from god.
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askgothamshitty · 2 months
what r ur thoughts on "monosexual" privilege discourse bc i think it's kinda weird how ppl act like gay ppl oppress bisexuals
also "let bi women date men"
As a bi woman who is dating a man I must say that any and all “discrimination” I’ve faced from other queer people was promptly solved by logging off of the internet lol
Like, yes, there are some nasty people out there that say some nasty stuff about het-partnered bi people (particularly bi women). But this does not amount to structural, institutional, or even widespread social oppression.
I don’t see why the terms “monosexual”/“polysexual” are needed because it’s not like there’s a coherent material antagonism between bi people and non-bi people. And it actually ends up obscuring actual contradictions by grouping lesbians and gay men with straight people as if they’re the same oppressor class.
“Let bi women date men” is a classic example of how people let their niche internet spaces run their lives and forget what hegemonic culture actually says.
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menalez · 10 months
you could have taken what lovbian said with more good faith instead of jumping to the less common sense part of what she said as reason she wasn’t right. pro-celibacy radfems are saying TO BE RADICAL you would, in the very least, have to understand why celibacy is optimal for heterosexual women (even if they don’t do it). we are talking about the definition of radical, and whether radical feminism is every compatible with such close chosen bonds to the oppressor. a radical black activist would understand why avoiding dating white people is kinda important. the worst part is that it’s bi women (attracted to women! can date women!) who are most offended by the suggestion of celibacy. let that sink in.
i rly hate how i can respond to someone visibly taking someone else's words in bad faith, respond to their literal words that i disagree with, n then IM the one whose reading in bad faith fdhsfhds like!!! what!
anyways i dont disagree w the notion that separatism is essential radical feminist action. what i disagree with is the weird desire to downplay all other aspects of radical action (how tf is an OSA woman having sex with 1 man worse than someone monetarily supporting the makeup industry and helping uphold patriarchal standards of femininity. how is the former easier than the latter. why even downplay the latter to begin with? what is the goal here? bc last time i saw someone do that it turned out to be bc she wanted to shave n wear makeup while dissing het-partnered women & that just seems hypocritical) & i also disagree with pretending like celibacy is an easy no biggie. like ofc itll be easy for us as lesbians lmao. for some OSA women it'll be easy, but for a huge portion it will not.
saying the ONLY feminist action that matters is separatism and "make up and other shit" is "inconsequential".. like that seems awfully convenient. its tooootally easy to be celibate4life and never have a romantic relationship ever again (which will be the case for most women bc most women are het) so if u dont do that then u cant be a feminist. but feel free to directly support the beauty industry and be hyperfeminine and do anything else bc "its inconsequential by comparison" & doesnt have any bearing on whether ur a radfem or not, apparently.
"your individual choices don't exist in a vacuum" but ONLY if ur not practicing separatism in ur dating life-- otherwise, they do exist in a vacuum and ur actions are inconsequential.
also the het women ive seen have been far more offended by the suggestion (& were very likely to make lesbophobic comments in response) but bi women are the majority in radblr so the ones who take offence at separatism have the louder voices.
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janersm · 1 year
Every hashtag that an ableist, aphobic, biphobic TERF has made about me (so far) because she didn’t like that I said relationships involving bisexual people are inherently queer & told her not to call me bihet.
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#get a life you fucking loser #you're harassing me in my inbox like an insecure pathetic baby and self-victimizing yourself #and lying #who actually experiences oppression and vitriol is homosexuals #wah being told im privileged is oppression and hate #you're calling all gays hateful and evil saying they oppress you for being in het relationships Imao #you think sexuality is based on gender and not biological sex bc ur homophobic #once again by this logic straight men are gay if they date bi women and lesbians are het if they date bi women #stfu #stop erasing ppl bc you wanna be oppressed so bad #white woman cringe #gays have it easier because when they get hate crimed at least they know their entire sexual orientation #we're so lucky #for being validated before getting killed and beaten <3 #you can tell which bis have been w women be at least some of them will acknowledge the privilege they have when with men but still very few #and ive seen other bis dogpile them and accuse them of having internalized biphobia for saying they have privilege when dating and marrying #men #the white ppl of sexuality tbh
#can u imagine if you told a straight man he is feminine and in a feminine relationship or some shit for dating a woman #thats how crazy you sound #closest kinda of analogy i can think of at 4am #jfc #stop oppressing me for having a bf my relationship is gay so treat me like a gay person if you don't it's discrimination and erasure #but also according to her #heterosexual relationships are gay #braindead comment #i face the most homophobia bc i have a bf it's true #sorry gayz #???? #liberal brainrot #just switch words around and call it oppression #why are liberals all so narcisstic and toxic #they're so obsessed with telling minorities they are privileged and finding a way to say they aren't privileged be they think oppression is #fun and being privileged is boring #white as hell but acting like they're the biggest anti racists or anti oppression while they perpetuate it and deny their privileges and #intersections of their privileges #she's gonna say she's authority on racism now bc i can't say trans ideology and community is racist and white #w their own white supremacists
#and according to her the nasty gays (dirty perveted genital fetishists) and the monosexuals (straights) are harming the most oppressed and #neglected 'minorities' asexuals and bisexuals #imagine equating bisexual struggles to asexuals Imaooo #yikes #a self drag #don't erase yourself then complain :)) #stop saying hetero relationships are gay :)) #everytime a bi person says they're gay you're committing homophobia and erasure of two groups of people :)) #one of whom who faces real oppression for their sexuality #hint it's not the woman w the bf #she thinks she's authority on lesphobia/ homophobia then calls all gays biphobic privileged oppressors #even poc understand we have different struggles and privileges #it's so funny #how pathetic they are #so offended by having privilege #if you're gonna call yourself gay and your straight relationship gay #complaining about bihet is so hypocrital #i didn't even just say she's het Imao #i was gonna write up a post about this but it feels like a good place to discuss this #bi women just keep slapping us in the face acting like this and saying shit like this
#homegirl also said i ruined her sleep and made her take more meds #i didn't force you to stalk n harass me #i had this post so long i had to cut down so much of what i said #god she's annoying af #such a manipulative sad pathetic person obsessed with being a liberal victim #while she's literally mutals with TYGRESS #why can't they ever talk about how homophobic and misogynistic they are #i feel like for one thing #truly if bis stopped acting like women are just for fucking or not real partners / people for not being men then things would be different #i have a butch lesbian friend in kentucky #it's more unsafe to be a poc #anyway #bisexuals stop gasligting gay people challenge #she said she was going to bed and now she's watching her phone and refreshing my blog every second #YOU'RE CREEPY #looks like white men are rubbing off on you too much #your disability doesn't make you homophobic or a creepy stalker #that's 100% you #you're so creepy tbh #i dont think you know how blocking works #you literally brought it up as an abusive tactic to control a minority Imao when it isn't relevant
#to deflect from accountability and silence them #white behaviour #next you'll say being gay is an excuse to be racist #stfu #you're so obsessed with what ithink #it's really funny #you think lesbians can have dicks or like dick #you're pro conversion therapy #stay away from women but you probably will anyway thankfully #the fact you care so much what i think while speaking over me #if i acted like you a decade from now #at your age #yikesss #you're straight up stalking me and harassing me at this point Imao #<3 #you wanna play the liberal oppression card when you're a homophobic moron #i'm also a brown woman #so stfu #YOU STILL HAVE ME BLOCKED AND YOU'RE ENGAGING #HOW PATHETIC ARE YOU? #liberal cringe #gaslighting queen <3 #no patience #ur 95 percent and higher in het relationships exclusively #shut the fuck up #you don't know what vitrol or hate or oppression is #thats why you talk like this and act like #being hatecrimed makes you privileged <3 #i mean the gays practically do by denying my relationship isn't gay #so funny….they use the world queer
#by funny i mean sick #A SLUR AIMED AT HOMOSEXUALS FOR BEING GAY #WHO DIED OFTEN AFTER HEARING THAT WORD OR GETTING BEATEN TO NEAR DEATH #haha my relationship is queer <3 ur not even GAY ur bi and never date women or seriously #then you complain erasure #racist/homophobic/ misogynistic content my bi heart <3 #says people some get treated worse but then denies privilege #bc funny who is it they argue who always have privilege? FEMALES AND HOMOSEXUALS #NOT BISEXUALS AND MALES #B & T community are evil #males and osa are the most oppressed and females/ homosexuals are the most privileged <3 #what is gay privilege #you can't name one #bc it doesn't exist #if you deemed content biphobic you'd lose ur shit and never watch it tho #but heterophobic content doesn't exist :)) #and i'm every single terf when i'm not even a radfem #i think this drama is really funny tbh #you might as well be bc ur all cliche and homophobic #cry #if you cared about being productive you wouldn't be here
#it's so funny how your media consumption is literally all about misogynistic/ homophobic/racist white men #it's funny how cliche you are #you're so mad that i have a brain and you don't #keep crying <3 #talking about homophobic people and calling them out is doing something also tbh #you're such a hypocrite #you think you're fighting heterophobia #but you're just homophobic #spreading bs #you're really narcissistic and manipulative <3 #i'm glad you don't have a gf #you're homophobic and are obsessed with victimizing yourself #there is no such thing as discrimination for opposite sex attraction #it's a privilege #how aren't het women more offended that bi women act like they're suffering so much bc of het woman while y'all live the same lifestyles #for the rest of your lives... #oh right it's that homophobic pact. #they seem to have #remember when a bisexual woman married to a man said she was JEALOUS of gay men at pride #your pride is there everyday every second of your life and rewarded and centred #privileged #ifcc
#you're erasing gay people and being a hypocrite #and you're erasing straight people #so funny you're so pissed off youre called out on how stupid you are you're stalking my blog #if you were so confident you wouldn't take me seriously #you're in a privileged relationship #you have osa privilege #your relationship is straight even if you aren't #you're gonna call gays and straights bis #then don't whine when you feel erased #calling ur relationship het isn't even erasure #biphobia isn't real #you just think heterophobia is real and that gays oppress you #run to your boyfriend and cry how some actual gay person thinks you aren't oppressed #this is the straightest bio i've ever read #you can tell which bis have been w women bc at least some of them will acknowledge the privilege they have when with men but still very few #and ive seen other bis dogpile them and accuse them of having internalized biphobia for saying they have privilege when dating and marrying #men #the white ppl of sexuality tbh #can u imagine if you told a straight man he is feminine and in a feminine relationship or some shit for dating a woman
#thats how crazy you sound #closest kinda of analogy i can think of at 4am #jfc #stop oppressing me for having a bf my relationship is gay so treat me like a gay person if you don't it's discrimination and erasure #why are bihets like this... #holy shit #my straight relationship is gay/queer and if you don't agree you're heterophobic]
She has her friends monitoring my blog and encourages people in posts to bother me, but accuses me of stalking and harassing her when I haven’t said a damn thing to her in weeks. The only reason I even go to her blog is to make sure I have blocked every single person who she’s talking shit about me with & encouraging to come after me.
Also, who even is tygress? And how does she know who I’m mutuals with? My following list is private.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
I am so tired of people here regurgitating the "the ONLY reason bisexual women don't call themselves lesbians today is because lesbians collectively kicked them out of the community"
I KNOOO its one of those things people repeat bc they heard it somewhere and don't even think abt it bc even on face value like, there's significantly more bi women than lesbians and lesbians are one of the smallest groups in the lgbt community, even assuming that lesbians somehow unanimously agreed to do this, so why would bi women not just simply continue to call themselves whatever the fuck they want. it's so frustrating bc if u ever actually spoke to a bi person you'd see that 99% pride themselves on their bisexuality and would be frustrated if they didn't have a way to proclaim it!!
it's another one of these stupid discourses that attempts to frame lesbians and bi women's interests as opposing (and lesbians as the gatekeeping oppressors naturally despite being the significantly smaller group???) but in reality most of the time it serves us both like ur equally likely to see ppl calling the 'bi lesbian' phenomenon biphobic as lesbophobic. ppl will literally say stuff that implies bisexuality is something which needs to be obfuscated or pimped up and then r like why would LESBIANS do this!!
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butch-bakugo · 1 year
oh genuine question asking in good faith, what counts as a dyke is that just like a butch or smth else?
So dyke is a slur. It's aimed almost exclusively at the wlw community, lesbians and bisexuals(though non passing trans men can be caught in the crossfire). The intention of it is to demean women for loving other women because "they should be with men"(according to the patriarchy). Lets go through the 5 ws just to cover all the bases(my intention isn't to like infantize you or something)
What is a dyke?
A dyke is a woman that likes other women but used a slur. It is often aimed at public wlw relationships and more than often gets said to butches more than femmes. Dyke also gets thrown at any masculine woman, who in this hypothetical isn't wlw, and non-passing masculine trans men by accident. Dyke is typically reclaimed by lesbians who use it as an all encompassing identity, so much so that if your skimming the top of non-lgbt sources, dyke will quite literally mean lesbian. However! This ignores bisexual history and butch bisexuals who have the same right to dyke as lesbians. I'd also argue in favor of trans men(as well as nonbinary. Not just fully binary trans men) who identify still as lesbians and transmasc lesbians to still have a right to dyke as long as they still identify within the wlw community/ as women and (certain) non-binary people who love women.
Where are dykes?
Anywhere and everywhere, all the time :)
Who are dykes?
Lesbians, bisexual wlw, any wlw, some nblw, even the very occasional mlw(of course they also have to be wlw in this case), really as long as you identify somewhere in the wlw/nblw/nbwlw community, you can call yourself a dyke. Do you look at butch and femme relationships as your own and that's what you want and identify as? Ur probably a dyke.
Why call someone a dyke? Why call yourself a dyke?
Most people call someone else a dyke as a slur, an insult. It's the gay woman equivalent of faggot or tranny. The intention is negative. However sometimes dyke is used for someone because they identify as a dyke, lesbian or bi wlw and is used literally to mean that they are a lesbian or bi wlw. As for the second question, reclaiming a slur is either a very difficult or very easy process. Either it's something you have personal pain attached to(been called it, been abused with it, etc.) Or it isn't and you just learned it's something you have a right to as a wlw/nbwlw/nblw person. Some people take years to reclaim a slur, some never reclaim it all and others can pick it up and attack it to the collage that is themselves in less than a week. Everyone has their own personal reasons for identifying themselves with a slur and it should be respected, given they have the right to reclaim it. Some reclaim it just because they wanna use more words to explain themselves, others reclaim it to take power away from their oppressors, there's tons of reasons why someone might call themselves a dyke and as long as they are a member of the community, it's their business to share, should they choose to.
Now that I've explained it, I hope you understand the word dyke abit better. And if your not a dyke nor have a right to it, it's best yoy type it as d*ke or with some form of censor. And if you mention it, even censored, you should tag it as tw d slur, tw dyke and dyke tw. That way people who are triggered by that slur can ignore said post.
(I accidentally added a poll and Tumblr is stupid and wont let you delete them so I'm curious towards my wlw/nbwlw/nblw audience...
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vtori73 · 1 year
Its... INTERESTING how people's reactions to women only in relationships with women sexually on Twitter is/was "ur treating women like men treat women," "bi women are chasers/users/predator, lesbophobic etc" and with men it's "oh he's just gay," " FELLAS IS IT GAY TO HAVE SEX WITH MEN"...
And by interesting I mean biphobic, y'all are biphobic and THIS really is proof of it not that I needed it but it helps. For whatever reason a big part of biphobia that people apply onto us centers men. They love to say & believe that bi men don't exist & are basically gay and that women just say so for attention from men. I'm not even trying to claim the guy in question is bi though because he doesn't claim he is gay or bi which is fair because having sex doesn't have to indicate physical/sexual attraction even though many people think they do BUT the reaction people are having to this guy IS a symptom of biphobia.
Basically, people have a very hard time believing that men who have anything more than casual friendships with other men can ALSO feel any sort of attraction to women because... uh *shrugs* men are irresistible??? ...Idk, probably a lot of different factors but misogyny being the main root of it. What gets me too is all these people are claiming he's gay yet dont even bother with uttering the dirty b word! Because of course a guy who says he doesn't find men physically attractive or at all romantically is OBVIOUSLY gay just because he has sex with men EVEN THOUGH plenty of people have casual sexual relationships with others all the time without it being/meaning more (yeah, I know it's scary to think people don't adhere to rigid boxes of how society says they are suppose to do things but you WILL get through it)!
Either way... y'all aren't sneaky, do know us bisexuals see and recognize THESE reactions for what they are. Biphobia IS rampant within the LGBTQ community, as much as y'all want to pretend it isn't (whether pretending we are oppressors somehow/saying we are straight or by denying we deal with specific discrimination & just saying it's homophobia).
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cruelsister-moved · 3 years
I'm actually so frustrated with #lgbt discourse atm. again. like (if ur not a lesbian) and ur main activism is against/about lesbians ur literally achieving nothing for the lgbt community and theres no reason to think lesbians deserve to be singled out other than lesbophobia <3
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simptasia · 5 years
me @ bi & pan people apologising for being "straight on main" (or however its phrased) for expressing attraction to another gender: ...love yourself
#there are lots of bi & pan ppl feeling Not Queer Enough due to this mentality#its sad that we've been made to feel guilty no matter which gender we're feeling and/or expressing attraction to#men or women or nonbinary#theres always at least some No You Can't Do That#whether from society at large or within the lgbtpa+ community itself#in general (and within reason) people shouldn't feel bad about who they're attracted to#whether from other ppl or from ur brainwashed insides theres these nasty ideas#''don't be attracted to this gender cuz its sick and wrong and immoral''#''don't be attracted to this gender because it makes you not gay enough to be accepted and Basically An Oppressor''#''don't be attracted to this gender because ur bi not pan and bi means two''#and other various levels of dumb and irrational ideas#also i'm not picking on bi and pan people for our/their internalized biphobia & panphobia#im saying its a problem and and none of us should have to feel that way#and we're all valid and Bi or Pan Enough#believe me i know that feel#even tho i know better and im damn PROUD of being bi#i STILL get the bad bi feels from time to time#and thats due to biphobic views that go around society and culture#so it worms into the brain#even if it doesn't make sense#its a thing#and its sad and problem and thats exactly why posts/messages of positivity and validation are NOT stupid and useless thank you very much!#this is a bi & pan post but when it comes to feelings of self-loathing and invalidation#i'd say thats a mood that most of the community can relate to
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illnessfaker · 3 years
id if im gonna be fully coherent bc i got a headache rn but reading ur post, especially the part about manhood turned around as a weapon, made me think of things i heard growing up and closeted, that gay and bi men are wasting their manhood by being like that ("waste of a man", as many a straight girl has said), a variation of the same old "if you are a man then act like it", recognizing manhood/potential for manhood in us and using it as a tool for violence and shame
approximately 100 years late to this ask.
i would say attitudes like "what a waste of a man" (i'm assuming what you're referring to is comments like this made abt gay men - the likes of which i've heard from my own damn mother, lol) is more abt the sexual entitlement that some ppl possess towards gay/bi men and i wouldn't describe that as a way "manhood" is instrumented against gay/bi men personally but maybe i'm missing something there, idk.
i put together recently that one of the ways in which i've personally experienced this is (white) cisgender women, even in the times where i thought i was cis or when i identified as an nb woman, would (and sometimes still do - the last time this happened was a few weeks ago :/) utilise the fact that their (white) cisgender womanhood gave them access to a level of innocence that i did not have access to as a gender reject(tm), and in so doing they dodged accountability when i would call them on bigoted behavior via framing me as an unreasonable aggressor. i'm talking about stuff as simple as asking ppl not to make "i identify as an attack helicopter" jokes, and that's not something i just came up with - i've actually been dogpiled and ostracized for daring to suggest to a cisgender woman that jokes like that are transphobic. zero exaggeration.
i think generally the experiences of gay/bi men who have manhood weaponized against them more often than being able to weaponize manhood (if at all) can be possibly summarized like this - on one hand, to men, the idea that these gay/bi men are also men is abhorrent, and so they attempt to deny gay/bi men a presence in manhood via targeting them for violence. to women, the idea that gay/bi men aren't men (and by extension aren't capable of being violent evil male oppressors) is abhorrent, and so they attempt to deny gay/bi men a presence in humanity via targeting them for violence. the former is something like being demasculinized (or maybe even feminized) which can very often lead to abuse, assault, and homocide. the latter isn't masculinization or "misandry" but something better described as vilification, that can directly result in social ostracization, isolation, and the neglect of the needs and rights of gay/bi men (or also inspire assault and homocide in the cases where violent homophobes decide that a gay/bi man poses a threat to the fragile innocence / purity of white cisgender womanhood).
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lovingdecay · 4 years
[incoming rant about biphobia]
it really really fucking sucks that some people in the lgbt community are. so casually biphobic? and when a bisexual person tries to call them out on it, they proceed to tell us that "they aren't biphobic!" as if being biphobic is only an extreme qualification and not... a form of bigotry that can be as casual as any other form...
and it really fucking sucks when those said people always try to define our sexuality for us. nonbisexuals have this superiority and overseer complexity when it comes to bisexuals and its so weird to me.
bisexuality is attraction to all genders. there are so so so quotes have mentioned the terms genderblind, all genders, and regardless of gender several times. and these very same terms, due to biphobia and bi-erasure, have been dissociated from bisexuality, and given to other identities who overlap ours. we're forced to share our history with the same people who constantly reduce us to the imaginary idea of bisexuality and bisexual people they made up in their minds.
and dont get me started on people saying bisexuality excludes nonbinary and trans people, is sexual, soley defined as attraction to men and women only, is just a stepping stone, a trend or that it's a fluid sexuality. dont fucking get me started on all these disgusting misconceptions people made about bisexual people. if you're someone who thinks these things and you are not bisexual yourself, i hope you know that you are erasing OUR history and everything bisexuality really is.
bisexuality is attraction to all genders. bisexuality is a real identity and we exist beyond the binary of hetero/homo and see further than the binary of male/female. we are endless and we deserve to be HEARD.
The bisexual community is not transphobic nor is it white or cis centred. another thing that's been bugging me is that over and over again, the lgbt community has pined bisexuals as primarily cis, white, middle class oppressors who are priviliged despite the fact that it's been proven that bisexuals are more likely to be trans and bipoc.
as a black trans bisexual person myself, im really fucking tired of watching the world perceive me as privileged and marginalized by society as well as the lgbt community. Marsha P. Johnson was a black trans woman; but she was also bisexual. Transgender Bisexuals are the backbone of the lgbt community, so it's time everyone here started showing some us respect and educate yourself on what bisexuality is, what it is not and start revolting against the biphobia that's overflowing both inside the community, and out of it.
It's upsetting to see the loudest bisexual voices being heard be only cisgender and white, I completely agree with that, but do not try to fool anyone by saying that a cisgender bisexual has the same experiences as a transgender bisexual. and do not try to fool yourself by thinking all bisexuals of all ethnic backgrounds have the same experiences.
i'm trying so hard to be heard and to be listened to but its getting me nowhere... does any other bisexual activist feel like theyre running around in circles constantly? i used to have talk abt bisexuality a lot on my twitter before it got suspended (was user airbendres and then afrobenders) and i try to educate people and try to clear up misconceptions but some people just aren't willing to listen to us, no matter how direct we are.
anyways yeah that's all i wanted to say :// biphobia sucks so bad phew
PS. don't try to start shit with me if you're nonbisexual. i'm not listening to ur unwarranted opinions so :3
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menalez · 1 year
You being a woc doesn't exempt you from being a really awful and heartless person, I hope you understand that. So quit using it as your sheild. I'm not even gonna stoop as low as to actually insult you. You probably get a lot of that already and there's no point in immaturely attacking aspects of you that have nothing to do with your hateful rhetoric. You should probably try to seek therapy since you're so deathly afraid of entire genders and kinds of people, life must be hard being surrounded by us nasty trannies and big scary males, I'm sure a professional could help with that. And maybe connect with some LGBT groups and actually speak with trans people and trans women in particular. Trans people were cis once too and had to learn to accept eachother and themselves. It is a journey of human compassion, something you clearly lack a lot of. Get better soon, genuinely. Because hating your queer neighbors brings nothing but pain for all of us. 😔
erm since when was i deathly afraid of "entire genders" (not afraid of social constructs luv, but i am afraid of my oppressors) and "kinds of people"? also telling women that theyre irrational for being careful around our oppressors esp when we're rape victim is not a good look. telling a woc that talking about how someone enabled racist harassment such as being called a brown whore is "using it as a shield" is not a good look either. fun fact but pissvortex was called out by several woc especially black women for being racist. doesnt seem like u care about that more than u care about making ur weird presumptive comments about me!
as for connecting with lgbt groups, im very connected with lesbian groups and other groups for gay people :) my friends are primarily lesbians, gay men, and some bi people.
ive spoken to trans women and dealt firsthand with them telling me very vile things, sexualising me knowing im uncomfortable with it, and trying to pressure me into having sex with someone with a penis (+ trying to pressure me into conversion therapy. very nice!). so dont worry, ive spoken a lot to trans people. i was very big on trans activism for years until facing lesbophobia from other trans activists which put me off of the movement.
also dont call me homophobic slurs thanks <3
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[menalez said: nah ur still homophobic lol oppressor groups going on about how much they hate a group they have power over are prejudiced] Assholes aren’t an oppressed group. I’d argue that bi women oppress het women because they have the option to opt out of heterosexuality as het women can’t. Have some empathy maybe? We have no choice in our oppression. But bis love to play the victim and het women are overall much more stable and stronger.
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dykespreads · 4 years
think imma butch bi dyke. if ur fine with sharing, what were your experiences with dykehood as a bi woman? i honestly feel really nervous but contented w dyke as a whole, i dont wanna be considered lesphobic or whatever :(
well im going to be 100% transparent with you that regardless of your intentions you will be called a lesbophobe by some people, the nature of tumblr is to paint whoever you disagree with as your oppressor and a monster and you just have to deal with that. in irl spaces it matters significantly less and nobody (at least in my experience) will question your choices. it helped me a lot because i have a lot of irl friends that are bi or lesbian or trans so everyone is pretty understanding and not quite so “if you say something i disagree with you are cancelled forever and i will make sure i convince everyone that you’re a terf” which has happened to me over dyke discourse with online tumblr “friends” despite me obviously not being a terf, given that im trans and my gf is a trans woman. but on to the point, i have reblogged a ton of cited essays and resources on bi women’s history in lesbian spaces, our impact on those spaces, our historical right on butch/femme/dyke and our current right and usage of butch/femme/dyke so if that kind of proof reassures you i definitely recommend looking through my blog. tumblr search feature is super awful so i’m sorry it’s not more accessible but you should be able to search for key terms and find it. my personal experience with dykehood comes largely from comphet, living in racist christian south, and some homophobic experiences with past girlfriends. ive always known i’ve liked girls and ive spent a long LONG time flip flopping between lesbian and bi, and lo and behold my lived reality and the way people treat me when im with a girl literally does not change at all. that leaves me to believe that it doesn’t matter. whether i personally ID as bi or lesbian does not matter because my experiences won’t change. im still in a loving committed relationship with a girl and am visibly gay. ergo im a dyke. i won’t be ashamed about it.  *and yes i am aware the dictionary definition of dyke as written by cishets says that it means lesbian. but gay marriage was also banned in the united states. does that mean that two bi women, who aren’t techincally gay men or lesbians, could marry? no stop being fucking stupid anti-wlw language has always revolved around lesbians that doesn’t mean bi women were just unfortunately caught in the cross fire. the sacred lesbian only experience doesn’t exist, unless its specifically “i identify as a lesbian”. all wlw are subject to comphet, corrective r*pe (though i may agree that it has different connotations among lesbians, i can personally say lesbians are not the only ones targeted for being “cured” of their attraction to women, and r*pe CERTAINLY does not feel better just because you hypothetically could like a man lmao get your fucking heads out of your asses), prejudice, feeling predatory, loving women, being gnc, having an estranged parent relationship, not feeling really like a true woman, confliction with gender roles, not loving men or wanting to be with men, having trauma, facing misogyny and homophobia, etc etc. literally name something and i will make a counter argument for it, because me or a bi woman i know has lived it. wlw have been going through this shit together since the dawn of time. and radical feminism and political lesbianism warped us. a lot of these arguments about bi women being available to men are misogynistic and extremely biphobic and literally ACTUAL terf rhetoric. terfs, especially terfs that are wlw, have something to gain from painting lesbians as this group that is being set in on all sides by men (and trans women), and that bi women are using their privilege by being close to men to push lesbians down, and are class traitors. tldr; people will hate you no matter what you do. bi women helped build the lesbian community before radical feminism, terfs, and political lesbianism drove bi women out of the lesbian community. we have much of a right to our terms as any other wlw and its ahistorical to say we don’t. also life is short if calling yourself a dyke connects you to your love of women nobody can tell you otherwise.
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It's the same argument because it's the accurate assessment here. For someone who thinks you have so much in common with lesbians, this behavior is more like an oppressor.
I’m sorry I can’t deal w/ this. Bi women r not ur oppressors. It is literally impossible for bi women 2 oppress lesbians on the axis of sexuality, we r both already oppressed. That’s revealing tho that u would say that
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butch-bakugo · 4 years
Theres a good message in the idea of " everyone has biases/bigotry they dont know about and its a good idea to observe yourself and make sure your not contributing to bigotry without knowing it" but the whole idea that if your born the majority, you automatically are minority-phobic is total hogwash and untrue.
If someone is cis, they arent automatically transphobic. Yes, cis people are more likely to be transphobic than trans people but that dosent inherently make them anti-trans. If someone is white, they arent automatically racist. Yes, white people are more likely to be racist than poc but that dosent inherently make them anti-poc. If someone is a man, they arent inherently mysognyistic. Yes, men are more likely to be mysognyistic than women but that dosent inherently make them anti-women.
Being in the oppressor class, wether by choice or not, dosent make them an oppressor. There are men who are feminists, there are straight allies, there are abled people fighting for disabeld rights. No matter by who, when, where or how someone was raised, where their living now, what their gender, orientation, sex, presentation, race, religion or neruo-typical/abled status, none of it dictates their moral standings.
Yall out here saying shit like abled peeps are inherently ableist or straight peeps are inherently homophobic is not solving any problems nor spitting any " cold hard truths". Ur just traumatised and dont want to accept that your being ableist or other forms of bigoted by assuming somethin' negative and accusatory of an entire other group your not apart of cause you unjustly labeled a ton of people as " enemy" then get upset when those of us in your community call you out on it.
Not only are you accusing a ton of people of being something they arent but your also ignoring internal issues of bigotry within ur own community. There are transphobic trans people in the trans community, there are racist poc in the poc community, there are biphobic bi people in the bi community. Your not gonna solve any socialial political issues by labeling everyone who ids as a non-inherently political label vs other people who id as a different non-inherently political label as you vs them and the them is always wrong no matter how hard any one person within either label try to cater to the other side.
Ive said this before, it's not us vs them. Its not straight vs gay/bi/skolio, cis vs trans/nbs,white vs black/asian/latino/indiginious. It NEVER has been and if you believe it then you are wrong and only want to believe a past catered to your vision that leaves out allies and ignores internal destroyers. Its normal people vs homo/bi/skoliophobes, normal people vs transphobes and exorsexists, normal people vs racists.
Straight peeps aint the enemy, cause then straight trans folks would be and they arent! Homo/bi/skoliophobes are the enemy. Cis people arent the enemy, cause then cis gay/bi folks would be the enemy and they arent! Transphobes and exorsexists are the enemy. White people arent the enemy, cause then mixed people would be and they arent! Racists are the enemy.
Dont let them scare or confuse you into thinking allies are enemies because they arent you. Thats how the real enemies win.
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