#bisexual activism
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Bisexuality, as a sexual orientation, encompasses attraction to more than one gender. Despite growing acceptance, bisexual individuals often confront unique challenges that differ from both heterosexual and homosexual experiences.
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bisexual-safe-space · 3 months
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Brenda Howard infographic!
Information source
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BISEXUAL MANIFESTO//!!! (this is a safe post for all bi ppl♥)
. https://www.queeringthemap.com/
BOOKS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BISEXUAL HISTORY & ACTIVISM: https://www.tumblr.com/ruimtetijd/686000390089621504/list-of-books-about-bi-history-and-activism-from  &https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/139102124?shelf=bi-bisexual-characters-done-well
bi ig highlight : https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18280848235083086/
+ we NEED more bisexuality in media!! https://yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere.tumblr.com/post/746941244472786944/so-alright-here-are-the-moviesmedia-that-make
+ https://www.instagram.com/p/C5qB3veOgSB/
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this poem "queer enough" makes me cry #bisexual #bisexuality #biphobia
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------FEW PAGES FOR US, BI PPL♥------------------------
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peeyousch · 2 years
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genderbent frobin bc I <3 boobs and them
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robynochs · 5 months
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In this episode, host Meredith Brewer sits down with renowned activist Robyn Ochs to explore the evolution of bisexual activism, the importance of inclusive language, and strategies for building community. Get ready for a deep dive into the past, present, and future of the bi+ movement, packed with wisdom and inspiration for activists and allies alike.
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memoirs-of-a-trans · 7 months
How many more queer kids are gonna die before people give a shit? What are we supposed to do. Nex Benedict did fucking nothing wrong and they had their head bashed against the fucking floor. They just wanted to go home that day.
Kevin Stitt is a fucking murderer.
Chaya Raichik is a fucking murderer.
Ryan Walters is a fucking murderer.
Margaret Coates is a fucking murderer.
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biracy · 1 year
Sick of people treating any sort of overlap between lesbian and bi women's communities as a thing of the past. If you are a bi woman who dates women you are going to end up in "lesbian spaces", "lesbian culture" is often going to be your culture, and "lesbian issues" are often going to be your issues. Bi women should not be expected to just like. shut up and let the REAL Sapphics(tm) take the reins in every single conversation ever, especially not in conversations where a bi woman's perspective is noticeably lacking. Despite it all this is still My Community and thus I am going to be affected by its issues. Lol
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hrts4starfell · 2 months
”why r u so vocal ab being gay esp when u live in a homophobic area?” because i KNOW how hard it is. i know how hard coming out and being in the closet and being queer in our society can be.
so, no, i wont shut up about being genderfluid or non-binary. i wont take down my flags. i wont let you erase my labels. pride month is just as fucking important as other months. lgbtq history month is fucking important.
this is for the scared 12 year old living in the south who knows something is different but doesn’t know what. this is for the 80 year old gays who grew up not even having a word for what they feel.
this is for every person who has ever felt the need to hide their gender or sexuality, every person who has experienced homophobia, every person.
a house divided cannot stand.
pride is a movement, we are more powerful than we can think. pride isn’t over just because it’s august. these are people’s lives.
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Bisexual erasure is a pervasive issue that manifests in various ways across different areas of society. These examples highlight how bisexual erasure occurs across different areas of society, contributing to the invisibility and marginalization of bisexual individuals.
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macbxth-pdf · 3 months
“ Are butches butches because they love femmes? Or because there’s something about our gender expression? It would seem to be just sort of a moved point. Like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, which came first the butchness or the lesbianism. Except, there’s another one of these great misunderstandings. If you simply identify that butch and femme go together like love and marriage, horse and carriage. Soup and sandwich. Then it leaves out butches who are attracted to other butches. It leaves out femmes who wanna be with other femmes. It leaves out bisexual butches. It leaves no area at all to define why some women are so masculine and yet are heterosexual. To me, being butch doesn’t mean what you do in bed. I mean to be butch on a street, that’s what being butch is to me.”
Butch Activist and Author, Leslie Feinberg
Timestamps for quote: 19:39 - 20:37
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
The Trevor Project needs help holding upper management accountable for sudden devastating layoffs, and silencing those attempting to speak up about it!
The Trevor Project is a US-based nonprofit organization that provides support for struggling queer youth, providing 24/7 phone and text lines as well as other resources and community for many queer youth who are struggling to find support and a sense of stability. For those who work for this project, their jobs have meant everything to them, and the layoffs came suddenly, without the employees being able even so much as give feedback during this announcement.
"On the morning of June 14, The Trevor Project sent a meeting invite for 1:30 pm EST (2 hours before the meeting start time). The meeting was titled "988 Updates." In this brief meeting, staff at Trevor Project and staff contracted through Insight Global working for Trevor Project were informed that almost half of this 988 staff would be laid off and the last day for those folks would be July 2, 2023. Coordinators of the meeting from both Trevor Project and Insight Global turned off the chat feature and opened the Q&A, but have yet to still answer the questions asked by the staff. Leaders were stiff, emotionless, and cold while reading off of a script as if they were not destroying lives by what they were saying. 988 counselors and staff were also told not to stop taking crisis chats while this was happening, leading to our own self-crises while trying to support contacts. This was a highly unprofessional and inconsiderate meeting with life-changing news."
This has been utterly devastating for both the project, and those who are losing their jobs. Those affected were given a two week notice. As this is a primarily queer organization, many of those affected by these lay-offs face discrimination in their careers and have struggled to find jobs outside of queer affirming organizations.
As of writing this post, this petition only needs 255 signatures to pass, please sign if you agree that those in charge need to be held accountable and provide answers and solutions for the problems and damage that has been caused. You can also share this post, or the link to the petition itself to increase visibility. Thank you for reading.
We stand in solidarity with The 988 Trevor Project Team United.
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the-local-bohg-witch · 5 months
Utah has set up a complaint line for anyone to submit if they see a person they believe to be trans using a public bathroom
it would be such a shame if people accidently sent spam to the tip line
you know what to do <3 https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint.html here's the tip line
TRANS RIGHTS WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tomatoheadedmonkey · 1 month
bestie introduced me to House MD and i don’t think i’ve ever been into a show this much. i’m OBSESSED like actively shaking while writing this obsessed. all of the characters are well thought out and have more to them than just being part of house’s team (and they’re all hot) and there are puzzles each episode like this show has got me HOOKED oh yeah and house and wilson are so obviously in love it’s ridiculous they need to just kiss
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ninyard · 4 months
“Jean Moreau’s activism over the years: a thread 🧵”
I’m so sorry this is all that kept going through my head when I thought about this one
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eddiebuckley-diaz · 4 months
Me with bucktommy rn:
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
I am entirely floored at the discourse that's been happening on social media (mainly Twitter) since Michael confirmed that his first crush was on John Taylor, to where I actually saw someone describe Michael as a "non-practicing bisexual."
Not only does this go right back to what I wrote last year about how in the past it was only okay for men to be gay/bisexual on TV and in film as long as they never acted on it, but I am nearly 100% certain that if Michael had said his first crush was a girl, no one would think he hadn't thought about kissing or having sex with them. In one fell swoop, this manages to disregard every other comment Michael has made about finding men sexually attractive, not to mention him going to the Scala Cinema in Kings Cross in the '80s--a place known for having late night gay orgies and nicknamed the 'Sodom Odeon'--and coming up with an entire head canon for Aziraphale and Crowley revolving around that.
Also, Michael Sheen has not spent the last five years making it extremely clear--both on and off screen--that he would fuck David seven ways from Sunday (and probably already has) just to have his sexuality erased by calling him a "non-practicing bisexual"...
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