#biblically accurate bird man
lovelesslittleloser · 2 years
What if. Biblically accurate cuteguy
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rawnarawnaculus · 27 days
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when my imaginary bird goes caw caw caaaww and then rattles
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offbeateurobeatmiku · 2 years
holy fucking shit that philosophy floor realisation tho, just managed to beat it now and it took some absolut bs even thp everyone survived somehow. I literally finished him off with a counter die but we take that
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walpu · 3 months
[Kicks down door. Gets in. Fixes the door. Sits down and puts this on the table]
Aventurine x Halovian!reader, your honor.
Halovians, stars and icons across the universe. Shrewd, charismatic, and few can peer past their mysterious and elegant smiles. Not to mention the radiating frequencies of their halo can convey the nature of their thoughts in the form of telepathy.
Tldr: Aventurine can't decipher what's on their mind for shit unless they convey so.
Such beauty, such grace, but they will be a lost finch like it's another Tuesday. Despite the common knowledge that Halovians are stars and icons across the universe, they're more... Free and out in the wild (no responsibility to serve The Family, travels the cosmos alone, etc etc) and is unafraid to convey their emotions in another way.
Their wings would brush his face for giggles. When agitated they'd plop their head on a table and flap their wings, tapping the table rapidly, same goes with happiness. Although shrewd, and won't let anyone sense their true feelings they'd cup his face and give him smooches. Asking how's his day? Anything new happening? They brought something and he might've like it because it reminded them of him.
Their heart would sing with joy and mourn with his sadness. What did he do to score an angel such as them?
(Hmmm, cheese-)
- 🪽
I'm a blind rat and at first I misread Halovian as Heliobus and was like huh okay it's something to think about actually 😭
I really like the idea, it was fun to write!
Aventurine x Halovian!reader
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characters - Aventurine
notes - gn!reader, fluffy, a bit of a hurt/comfort, no beta
Okay first of all since Halovians quite literally can translate their thoughts and feelings to someone, not to mention how shrewd they are, I feel like Aven would have hard time relaxing around you at first. He is used to be the one who can see through people while hiding behind the nonchalant mask. And now not only he's the one being read like an open book, he also can't decipher you.
It's sort of a challenge for him at first. He learns to see even the smallest changes in the way you act, how your voice trembles ever so slightly, how your wings flap adorably when you experience intense emotions. He doesn't notice when he starts observing you not out of desire to protect himself but out of curiosity and then out of adoration.
Man he falls hard.
There's just something so precious to him how you never use your abilities against him. Yes it's a bare minimum but it's still something special to him okay.
He would absolutely adore your wings. Wouldn't touch them without your permission of course, but once he knows you're comfortable with this he always tries to caress them in some ways.
Would try to spread them carefully to admire them.
If you don't take offense in being compared to birds, he would give you some bird-relared nickname.
Someone on twitter pointed out that female Halovians have bigger wings but smaller hallows and it's the opposite for the male Halovians.
So he would pick a bird to nickname you after depending in the size of your wings lol
And if you think it would be some cute bird, then, well, you're not wrong, it's usually something endearing BUT he would NOT hesitate to call you his pigeon or pelican when he feels like teasing you.
While Aventurine never hides his origin and is, sadly, used to people's comments about him being an Avgin, it would still hit very differently when people would whisper about you, a Halovian, being with an Avgin. He usually doesn't say anything about it, just hiding behind his smile. Even if the mask cracks, showing obvious discomfort. Remember the face he made when Ratio brought up his origin? Yeah, this.
Please shut everyone up. Doesn't matter if you give them an unsettling biblically accurate angel looking ass smile and tell them to Be Quite or if you straight up tell them to stfu, just let Aven see that you are willing to defend him and your relationship.
Reassure him too. He will laugh softly and tell you that you worry too much, that he knows you love him, but he would still treasure your words.
Okay back to positive stuff, he would help you to groom your wings!!! Would learn all about it too. Please compliment his needy ass on his wing-grooming skills, he didn't sleep for the whole night trying to learn how to do it correctly.
Be ready for a lot of silly questions he asks just to pester you and get your attention.
"darling, my darling, and what would happen if you'd throw your hallow as a frisbee? would it come back?" "it's sharp enough to cut through rock, Aven". "ohhh, pretty but deadly, just how I like it~"
Adores it when you tickle his face with your wings, he always leans into the caress with the expression of a spoiled lapcat.
Would find it funny if you'd use your telepathy for silly things. Like he takes you to some business meeting with him or, on the country, you take him somewhere with you, and it's just boring as hell. So you sit there, smile mysteriously, all while telepathically whinig to Aventurine how this place sucks and how you hate all those people. It takes a lot for him not to laugh.
If you flap your wings during kisses then it's the end of him I fear.
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levshany · 9 months
Where’d you get the name Hamayun? Is it the name of the type of bird Philip is?
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Short story:
Hamayun is the name of a bird creature from slavic folklore
Long story:
Hamayun is a bird of paradise, the messenger and herald of the gods. She sings for people and predicts the future for those who wish to know it. She's wise and knows everything about the origin of the world. Able to cast a dream with a glance. Her cry portends happiness
Hamayun is described either as a bird without legs and wings, forever flying with her long tail, never landing on the ground, or as a being with the body of a bird and the head of a man. Her head and neck are often adorned with jewels
Phillip is not biblically accurate Hamayun. He is much bigger, definitely not from paradise, and his cry doesn't portend anything good. Then why this design couldn't be called "harpy", which is more familiar to people? Well, because we already have Eda. I didn't want people to make unnecessary associations with her, so I decided to take something from fairy tales that were read to me as a child
Turned out that between Phillip and Hamayun it is possible to draw a couple of interesting parallels: they are similar with their wisdom and pride, and different in that Hamayun is the true messenger of the gods, while Phillip is false
The name "Hamayun" in my AU is used as an analogue of "Belos". Phillip was given this name by people. He did not come up with it. "Belos" doesn't exist in my story, neither as a name nor as a character. Hamayun is cruel, but only towards those who come to him with evil intentions. He kills people, but he doesn't have the mindset that humanity deserves to die. Therefore, calling him Belos in this case is incorrect
Thaaat's it
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sneeb-canons · 27 days
An assortment, very Mind-centric!
Heart specifically has a shotgun. It's usually loaded with buckshot, and one of the pellets did hit Mind he just hid it bc he doesn’t want Heart to have the satisfaction of having hurt him. Soul confiscated it after the Juno incident and Mind stole it and almost killed Heart with it at the very end of TME (which is what finally pushed Soul into action for TSE). After that, he kept the weapons in a much more secure arrangement.
Soul has wings! Bat/demon wings, as opposed to Heart's bird wings. They're smaller and lower down, so they're not very viable for flight, but he'll gesture with them a lot of the time.
Mind got jealous of HS having bonus limbs so he gave himself 2 extra arms below the ogs and said it was for convenience. But he didn't plan ahead with how clothes interact with the extra arms, so he usually has to wear crop tops or modify whatever he wants to wear to accommodate them. He swears up and down it's on purpose and he knows what he's doing, but if Heart wants to annoy him he'll give him nice clothes that are a hassle to modify and/or slip weak magnets in inconvenient places on clothes he needs to modify, because later he'll have trouble with precise movements near the magnets
Mind stole Soul's trident to blind Heart as revenge for destroying his arms in The Man With The Skeleton Arms, unaware that it was an accident. That's why he has mechanical hands, he had to replace them. Over time, he kept replacing parts of himself with mechanisms, and now he's got a screen for emoting with his face when he feels like it.
The right half of the facial screen actually glitches sometimes because of the Juno Incident, linking back into my first hc. When it glitches he looks like biblically accurate Mind from the album cover. He's tried over and over again to repair it, but nothing has worked. He doesn't like that it's the only "scar" he can't get rid of, so he pretends the glitches are intentional
Headcanon #561
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dangthatscrayz · 3 months
Are there any monster designs you're particular excited to show off? Or at least designs in mind you're excited for?
Probably the paranoid and the broken, I won’t get too much into spoilers but the paranoid has patters that resemble a human nervous system (because hearts lungs livor nerves) I can’t really say much about him without spoiling a lot but he has a mask in half of his face which looks similar to the nightmare
Mans the broken will look similar to a biblically accurate angel way earlier (thrones and seraphim if you want spesific) I just like when people make the broken super angelic since he is paired with the tower princess, another thing I wanted to note is how the broken is the tallest (I’ve seen him be the shortest before but I wanted him to be able be seen by the tower princess easier in my og voice designs and I wanted to keep that in the swap au)
Probably the cheated too cus I make his design based off of a common male cuckoo which the stripes on its belly kind of look like blades to reference the razor having blades inside of her
Honestly I’m excited for everyone if someone asks I’ll probably describe every bird that each monster is based off of and why
(Btw the opportunist is the shortest if you don’t count his long ass neck dont ask me he just make he just gave off ankle biter energy)
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sillygoofyqueer · 2 months
QUICK HEADCANONS TO SATE MYSELF (and make sure I don't forget what I cooked up while sleeping):
Reaper is the God of Death and Community, often perceived by mortals as a skeleton in a robe with a scythe. However, he looks humane in most regards and wears mainly mortal clothing and a cloak that obscures his face when reaping souls. He still holds the scythe, but usually keeps it in the form of a pendant holding his cloak together. While those in the higher class of this fantasy setting fear Death and treat him as violent and evil, something to be warded off and evaded, those in the lower classes are known to treat Reaper as a peaceful guide, and often leave small gifts of food for him on their doorsteps at night. There are few shrines to him, often in small villages, meaning they are less well-kept but still cherished dearly by villagers. He visits them all whenever possible. They even have days sacred to the God, involving small bonfires and gatherings in his honour. Reaper's sacred animal is a crow, and he is often portrayed by mortals with a crow upon his shoulder, and birds are seen to be linked to him as well. Despite being portrayed by upper classes as an enemy to the God of Life, the lower classes paint a more realistic picture of him as the lover of the God of Life.
Geno is the God of Life and Peace, often perceived by mortals as a sort of biblically accurate angel with white robes with a staff of oak at his side. However, he is a young man, usually in mortal clothes unless making a divine appearance, with blue eyes that hum with power. He keeps the staff, however. Those in the higher classes of this fantasy setting often pay a lot of attention to Life and worship him in the same way backstabbers worship their higher ups, both itching for the same kind of power that Geno wields. Due to this, it is much more likely to see shrines and temples dedicated to him in most major cities, always brimming with opulence - as well as extravagant parties and festivals thrown in the name of the God of Life almost every month. He finds them shallow. The lower classes seem to hold Death in higher regard, but they still cherish Life, burning small offerings in his name whenever possible, and always having an incense stick burning for him in their small shrines erected for the God of Death. Geno prefers these much more. His sacred animal is a lunar moth, and he is often portrayed by mortals with lunar moths at his side, something that is vaguely true. Upper classes try and frame Life as the hero and Death as the villain, but lower classes are steadfast in the belief that Geno and Reaper are entwined lovers. (you can find what is basically a masterpost of this headcanon series here)
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clock-onyx · 7 months
Abbadon being silly!!!
Gave the guy a redesign for the second time because he looked too plain 😭 and for other stuff (Click photo for better quality!!!)
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I really tried to color him and render him similarly to how i did a few months ago, the diffrence is that the drawing isnt THAT bright as it used to be
I also tried to give him a poofy outfit with the almost comically large sleeves but i accidentally made his hands super tiny, my bad 😭😭😭
I dont think i actually properly introduced him!!! So ill like be silly rn...
Abbadon (he/him)
One of the five main characters in the story Void Light, Abbadon is the main advisor of the group, helping the others form strategies, escape routes and distractions to help in their missions. He is a charming man, working as an artist and musician before "The War" started. Once it did, he worked as a watch guard in towers, not being able to join IN the battlefield itself because of the lack of back wings, being considered useless as a soilder.
Once the team formed and he got to meet Enzo, Zerachiel, Floryn and Uriel, he finally entered the battlefield on horseback, having either a sword or an angel's bow as weapons to take down enemies.
OK I WOULD WRITE MORE BUT THERES GONNA BE SPOILERS WAHHHH... so ill just give facts now about the silly guy
Abbadon facts
• He has the most bird-like apperance wise out of the rest of the angels, sure the other may have wings and more classical angel / biblically accurate angel characteristics, but hes the only one with bird legs and a lot more feathers on his body than the whole team! He also has 6 fingers on both hands rather than 4 or 5 fingers like the other, his hands also resemble how a birds legs look, but theyre covered by gloves
• He usually plays the banjo, but has also mastered the piano and violin, he also did oil paintings
• He has the most sensitive hearing, Angel head wings are a part of their faces and help with expressions but also hearing far away (angels without headwings are NOT deaf, they just have normal hearing like us!), and the more you have the more sensitive your hearing is, and he has the most with 6 headwings
• Zerachiel and Abbadon are half siblings! Both having the same mother, Abbadon being older by 2 years. (Zerachiel's 45, hes 47 years old in HUMAN age!)
• Abbadon always refused to cut his tail for the war, a protocol most follow so they cant be detected easier nor get hit easier because of their tail. This choice benefited him my making him more balanced and agile than the others
• His favorite color is green (I think its obvious 😭😭😭)
• he is 5'9", one of the shortest in the team (subject to change!), hes also the lightest out of all of them in weight
• He is sadly, the most underdeveloped out of the rest of the cast story wise but no worries!!! He will be more developed soon!!!
Heres a baby picture of Abbadon from like... a year ago LMFAO, look at how my boy grew up...
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Stinky old Toyhouse that will get remade!!!
OBVIOUSLY most people here dont recognize the rest yet, but ill draw them each one bit by bit!!! He just needed to have some light on him right now as he deserved <|:3 thank you for reading all of this ily guys /p
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thegreatyin · 1 year
Top five aesthetics
you may perhaps notice a pattern here. just a hunch.
also in no particular order:
cosmic motifs. stars and space aesthetics in general are just really cool and i really enjoy seeing stories tie into/explore them in some way. even the thing i do where i name half of my characters after space-related things is just fun. and by that i mean there's an odd amount of symbolism in character names you wouldn't get unless you specifically looked up the stars yourself. like did you know rigel (the star) is actually the seventh brightest star in the sky and is actually marked as beta orionis despite usually being brighter than betelgeuse (its counterpart) because betelgeuse has a fluctuating luminosity thing going on so sometimes it's brighter than rigel but most of the time it's not. yeah. i really like star symbolism
biblically accurate/eldritch angel stuff. like in general. i don't think this is actually a surprise to anyone who's looked at apf and especially above for more than two seconds. i just really enjoy big fluffy bird creachures with eyes where they definitely shouldn't have eyes (and maybe some religious horror, y'know, for spice). hell i'd go far enough to say that i enjoy angels in general even if they aren't necessarily eldritch, like the sankta in arknights. now would be a good time to say that no i'm not catholic i'm like the furthest thing from it i just steal the aesthetics for sport
similarly, demons! i've always liked demons! i'm not actually very well-versed with real demonology beyond stealing names from the ars goetia but they've always been cool to me just in general. i made my sona a demon long before anything else. there's not actually a lot to say here i just think they're neat lol
black/white contrasts. to the surprise of absolutely nobody, the guy called yin likes a good old fashioned yin/yang dynamic. who could've guessed. to clarify this is not about morality because lord knows i prefer grey/grey or grey/black this is strictly like an artstyle or tone preference
technically a freebie considering i already mentioned angels (including the more eldritch variety), but lovecraftian-ish kind of beasts is always cool to see. i think i'm pretty mid at writing it in execution but man, you can just never go wrong with a big tentacle monster with many eyes. kissing optional but encouraged. does this count as an aesthetic?? fuck it does now
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doofnoof · 11 months
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Dw geggy sort of scares me too-
YEAH. Gregory is a FANTASTIC character and I wonder what his motivations and backstory are like to make him that way but there are certain characters that make me feel like a bird got into the house and is flying around erratically above my head. Gregory is one of them.
GREGGY BOYE WON AGAINST SIX ADVANCED ANIMATRONICS, ONE OF WHICH IS AN ABSOLUTELY GIGANTIC SPIDER, ALL OF WHICH ARE SMARTER THAN YOUR'S TRULY YES EVEN MONTY. YES EVEN MINI MUSIC MAN. We're NOT counting Sun because he wasn't ACTIVELY trying to kill Gregory he's just a bad babysitter. Gregory is also very small and scrawny for his age. AND HE STILL WON AGAINST PROLIFIC CHILD MURDERER PEEPAW WILLY AND HIS SCARY APPRENTICE VANNY/VANESSA WHO IS A TRAINED NIGHTGUARD AND HAS SCARY GLITCH SUPERPOWERS. And did I mention he's even younger than Luffy???? I don't actively fear Gregory but I acknowledge that he's BY DEFINITION a very scary kid. Less Scary than Luffy and Venti, mind you, because he's mostly just scared and trying to survive but his relationship with Freddy is very sweet and I love that in one of the endings he kept Freddy's head and freed Vanessa AND THEY ALL HAD SOME ICE CREAM TOGETHER AND WATCHED THE SUN RISE. I LOVE FOUND FAMILY. HE JUST NEEDS ENRICHMENT IN HIS ENCLOSURE AND THEN HE'LL STOP DISMEMBERING THE GLAMROCKS I PROMISE.
I don't know if anyone here watches Dimension 20, but if you do, you may have seen the Sugarplum Fairy from A Crown Of Candy, Dungeon Mastered by Brennan Lee Mulligan. He plays this character very well, and her whole thing is that she's a fairy, but she's incredibly powerful and wise, a very very old creature and her true form seems a little further beyond the average human's capabilites of understanding something larger than them, verging into Cosmic Horror/Biblically Accurate Angel territory. But she smiles and flutters around and pretends to be a very cute harmless fairy, she's ethereally beautiful and wants to help the main cast achieve their goal and is going to help them, thank The Bulb for that.
There's also Baron from The Baronies from the same show, during the Fantasy High campaign. Baron feeds off of one of the character's fears and insecurities, they want to be real but are made entirely from lies, and it torments Rizz Gukgak with Rizz's own words in its odd ethereal way. Baron is clearly something that is not human/real/worldly but is doing everything in it's power to seem real and part of Rizz's world, but is also doing it all wrong. Baron, unlike the Sugarplum Fairy, is not kind and in fact drags Rizz into the mirror world by his neck using strength he should not have in his tiny skeletal frame.
The reason I bring this up is because both of these characters remind me of Venti. Venti is otherworldly and is trying SO HARD to appear human, and while I respect that and understand Venti's struggles on a personal level, I still find him deeply scary as a concept. I would say the same for Zhongli, but Zhongli doesn't seem to be trying to appear human either. He reminds me of Paarthurnax, truth be told. He is a very old and tired dragon man, and wants the current strife he's in to be over so he can go sit on his giant dragon porch and drink some tea. Venti is that "Hello Fellow Kids" meme but Venti is just as ancient as Zhongli and still has Sickly Victorian Era Orphan energy at the same time?? Fascinating character, 10/10 makes my skin crawl.
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bludraws094 · 9 months
im gonna explain The Feather Lore (just the main characters in it, not the entire lore)
feather @feathery-bitch
signoff: 🪶
theyre fucking dead. they were killed by a parasitic rock thing named goldstone
biblically accurate feather @feathery-bitch
signoff: 🪶?
feathers ghost! except its not exactly feather, and doesnt have any of feathers memories. it looks like a biblically accurate angel, and is slightly angelic in a way (this fucker has made diet holy water on accident). also it made a bunch of sentient mechanical birds that will send it a distress signal when they are damaged or when someone needs help (but they rarely do, and just kinda vibe)
quill @a-silver-and-blue-quill
signoff: 🪶🔹
he/she/they/it (used to be they/it before feather died and he started questioning his gender)
she was created when goldstone tried to take over feather too early, causing a sort of “fragment”. at first it didnt have any sort of identity, but it slowly started figuring itself out. he also became a narrator after goldstone tried to prevent him helping feather. when feather died, he got a physical form in a way… but that form was a literal quill that could use whoever is holding it to write. however, due to somebody, they got turned into a one foot tall goop thing and are going through an angsty teen arc
goldstone @feathery-bitch
signoff: n/a (narrates himself and uses blue text)
the bitch. he slowly killed feather from the inside out, and then used their corpse to kill byrrus. now its just hanging out in the woods, waiting for an opportunity to “fulfill its purpose” again
byrrus @a-lonely-red-blur
signoff: n/a (only communicates through narration, and uses red text with the chat font)
diversity win! the former mtf (scp, dont ask) agent that faked his death and got killed by the corpse of his friend is a trans man! fun fact him being trans was originally just gonna be a joke bcus “ftm mtf agent” was really funny to me for some reason, but i decided to make it canon. anyways he got brutally murdered by goldstone and is now a ghost that cannot speak, only has one hand, and cannot use that hand
dahlia @false-prey
signoff: @false-prey
THE OTHER BITCH. shes from feathers past, and i dont really feel like explaining all of that lore right now, but she fucking sucks. similarly to goldstone, she had a “purpose”, that purpose being to lead feather astray or whatever
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evilasiangenius · 2 years
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[image 1: a screenshot from twitter of a post made by weird medieval guys, username @ WeirdMedieval, captioned “normal bird, france, 11th century” and dated to 2:34 PM Aug 18, 2022 via Twitter for iPhone).  The Image contains a burnt ochre bird covered in many staring eyes with golden wings, perched on a disembodied cylinder that looks for all the world like a floating cigar.  The bird has a mottled blue and white halo about its head and is looking to left, with a serious expression. 
This bird is a detail that comes from a larger tableau on a blue and red background, with a rounded stylized geometric border in the top righthand corner. From that top righthand corner, moving down counterclockwise, there are images of: a pair of hands pressed together perhaps in prayer or swearing fealty; a right hand offering what appears to be a round stemmed and footed chalice or goblet perched on the thumb, index, and middle finger -- which by the way is also how royal Persian courtiers in the Achaemenid Empire held their cups (though their cups were not stemmed and footed and often looked more like bowls, unless they looked like horns); the body of what appears to be a stringed musical instrument, possibly a lute; and the top of what is perhaps another rounded chalice or vessel. 
This is likely a depiction of a biblically accurate angel or perhaps the holy spirit in some hybrid angelic/bird form being offered praise.] 
[and then there’s image 2: the classic meme “Is this a pigeon”, of a young man in spectacles standing outside of a building by a window and some bushes, holding an encyclopedia with a Japanese title in kanji and gesturing toward what should be a butterfly, but is the aforementioned bird with many eyes, which has been crudely pasted upon the original meme image by the OP. 
Now the bird appears to look reproachfully in the direction of the young man for identifying them as a pigeon.]
Original Tweet
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cyberneticlagomorph · 2 years
You wake up in the barracks with a start, smacking your head on the bunk above you.
… wait.
It takes you a moment to collect your thoughts and figure out where you actually are.
How are you here?
You're not alone either, not in the slightest. 
There are players-- people all around you, waking up just as dazed and disoriented as you feel.
You watch a plush swallow/biblically accurate angel have an immediate panic attack as he realizes where he is.
He shouldn't be here either, he says, head in his hands.
All 20 something of his teal eyes rolling in terror.
"N-no no no you don't understand, I was sick and I went to sleep and I woke up HERE, how am I here??" His voice sounds strangled, like he's struggling with his emotions. 
Trying with every fiber of his being not to cry.
"Sick? How sick, what kind of sick?" You crawl towards the angel on paws and knees to avoid the worst of the churning crowd. 
He looks at you like you're insane but talks to you anyway, "I-I dunno, all I remember is running a Dungeon here with a few buds and we lost track of time so they logged out but hey it's my day off tomorrow and I've still got juice to spare so I kept going.
It wasn't until I woke up in the hospital that I knew I'd been playing for longer than just an extra few hours but, even then I couldn't stop? It's like the game was calling me y'know?
I dreamed about it, all the time.
Then the coughing started… an-and the Nightmares, these horrible fucking Nightmares about…" He stops, staring off into space with his eyebrows furrowed. "I… I can't remember what they were about… but-but I wrote them all down? I drew fucking pictures why can't I remember??" 
He starts panicking again, worse this time as he smacks the side of his head and tries to jump start his brain. 
Someone grabs your shoulder and you whip around to face them.
"Hey man, can you log out?" asks a wine colored capybara.
You pull up your menu and try but just… it's like there's nowhere to log out TO.
The player who grabbed you watches the horror dawn on your face and nods in frightened understanding, "Yeah me neither, what about your friend? Can he leave?"
You open your mouth to tell this stranger that the bird is also a stranger to you but said bird interrupts before you can and offers confirmation in the form of terrified sobbing and manic babble. 
"Thought not." The grabby player disappears into the crowd but you can still hear them asking the same questions to anybody that will listen. 
After a while you make it outside into Haven proper.
It's bustling, packed to the gills with frightened people.
You can feel the server straining as if it was never meant to accommodate this many players. 
Doors and other objects are starting to break and lag, several pebbles hang in the air after being disturbed and become immovable obstacles. 
A short tune plays over unseen intercoms that ring out across the entire server.
Silence falls like a blanket as a calm, prerecorded voice begins to speak. 
"Attention players, we are aware of the ongoing issues concerning logout functionality and are doing our best to remedy them in a timely manner, the only advice we can currently give you is that if you can log out please do so immediately and do not log back in until notified. Thank you for your continued cooperation."
Chaos erupts again almost immediately, with players screaming complaints and expletives at the empty sky.
A few try throwing rocks or loose furniture only for their projectiles to glitch out and despawn or freeze in midair. 
There's another player following you around like a lost baby duck but you don't really pay them much attention as you wade through the mess to the gates and plop yourself outside them. 
You need space.
You need air.
Your mind is reeling and you really really need it to stop. 
The other player stands next to you, almost protectively. 
But in a 'puppy who thinks it's doing a good job but is really just being cute' sort of way.
They're so new they don't even have SKIN, they're just a vaguely shaped fluff creature with a sprout on their head and two big black eyes.
It's somewhat unnerving but you can't exactly do much about it and just let them stand there.
Sometimes they hop menacingly at approaching players to get them to shoo.
You see them hopping again and don't really think about it until you hear a familiar voice, "Hey! Stop! Stop it!! I know them, you weirdo!"
Eddie bops the fluff creature with her pinking shears and tackles you in a hug.
"Ohmigod I'm so glad I found you!" She nuzzles you like an excited cat and you watch the fluff creature from over her shoulder, they draw their tutorial knife and gesture at Eddie in a very 'is she bothering you queen?' way, but relax when you shake your head and hug Eddie back.
"Are you stuck here too? What's going on? Where's Nick?" You headbutt Eddie gently, the sounds of your horns clacking together is beyond comforting. 
Eddie shakes her head, "No I'm OK, Nick heard something fucky was going on but he's at work so he sent me in to check up on you."
That… that feels like a red flag but you can't be sure.
"Why me?"
Eddie shrugs, "You're his friend and this is the only way he can really get ahold of you? That man could pack bond with a singular grain of sand and accurately find it every time."
She sounds wistful, as if she's blushing in meatspace.
You still feel suspicious but you don't act on it any further.
"You should log out, the devs or the admins or whoever just told people to log out if they can and not to come back until they say so." The fluff creature has found your tail and is mesmerized by it for some unknown reason, you flick it away from them and they immediately follow it.
Eddie watches with raised eyebrows, "Who's your friend?"
"They're not my friend, they just stuck themselves to me at random."
Fluffy (that's what you're calling them now) deflates as if hurt and slinks off dramatically to go pretend-sulk in a corner.
It makes you smile for the first time all day. 
"Hey, can you do me a favor?" You hold Eddie's paw.
"Yeah, sure, what is it?"
"I need you to get a message to my wife."
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lemoniexmay · 13 days
front cover
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after a lot of trial and error the final outcome ended up being very thought out, the spiral is still within the piece, with experimentation the technique of the coloured pencils came out exactly how wanted to look with a classic look and gentle outcome with looks of detail and flow without overpowering
there is a reason behind every detail:
lily flower- Lilith mentioned in the article
eye- resembles a piano at the bottom of it
devil mask- is used in the video the article is based on
knife in apple- apple from Adam and eves story with a knife with religious embedments such as the goat handle
eye with wings- biblically accurate angle
hand- puppet shadows of the devil
skull with crown- 'Jesus is king' Kanye west
bird skull- rejects change within the bible
tree- forbidden fruit tree from the bible
goat playing the violin- goat man resembles the devil in most religious scripture
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smaeemo · 1 month
How my life has changed since becoming an atheist:
A paper by Leenya Green
Started Praying to Jared Polis instead of the allmighty
Bought 16 golden calves
Became vegan 😜😜😜😜😜
Wrote 18 books on the importance of menstruation in dogs 😘😝
Became a fig farmer 😊😊😊
Resorted back to my old ways
Became a devout christan
Got into a relationship with a man named “Dale”. We met at the greeley flea market when we were both fighting over the biblically accurate but super racist 9/11 never forget jesus charm with real blood. And he looked at me in a way I had never seen before, and if it weren’t for my passion for Christ I may have let him have the charm. But of course, Christ comes first. Eventually we came to an agreement, I get the Charm every other month. I asked him for his phone number, but instead he gave me his address and told me he only communicated via carrier pigeon. I fell in love right there and then, but it was still too early to make any big decisions. So I went home that night with my no, our Jesus and looked to the ceiling and Prayed to the lord. I asked the Lord if he was truly the one, and the Lord told me… nothing. So I then went on to my regular prayer, I talked to God about my Yeast infection and prayed that maybe he could make sure that Bitch Colleen in HR would stop making me take down my Jesus photos because of “Inappropriate amounts of Nudity”. ITS JESUS COLLEEN. After I finished praying, I dreampt of Dale, and his moist pony tail and flaky birkenstocks. When the next month rolled around, I didn’t know exaclty where to find a carrier pigeon, and according to my “Christian Women of reformed Jared Polis” Facebook group it was very uncommon for there to be a large amount around my neighborhood. Something about “bird glue,” so I went to downtown and looked around to see if there were any pigeons I could ask, and realized I definitely should have done this before the end of the month. So, I just went to the library and printed out a bunch of help wanted fliers with my address on them. Eventually a couple men came to my door asking for me, but in a house with 8 roomates it was easy to scare off those weirdos. And by the time the 7th man left dejected and sad, I thought all hope was lost. So, I was about to start walking to Dale’s address myself, which would be around a 3 day walk because he’s canadian. But something in my fate had been on my side, my horascope was right. At the very moment I was reading my favorite passage of the bible, at pigeon flew right into the window. Unfortunately the pigeon died, and I had to have a funeral for it in my backyard. The next day I went back downtown and put up fliers and invitations for the pigeon’s funeral. The service was beautiful, and the Pigeons all showed up. I cried, the euglogies were genuisly emotional and had me sobbing and dry heaving by the end. At the after party I met the dead Pigeon’s uncle Marty and learned Marty is a carrier pigeon. I offered to pay him extra, but he said that the Pigeon who died (Horace) was like a son to him, and it meant so much to him that I organized a funeral for him and put up window awareness about bird safety, that Marty said he would do it for free. I was so extactic, so I got to writing the letter to dale, where I told him all about the bird funeral and how kind Marty was. And then talked about my homoerotic fanfiction I write about twilight, then sealed with a kiss. Then that night I prayed again hoping Marty got there ok, and talked to God again about my now RAGING yeast infection. A month later I got a pigeon in the mail from Dale saying that he got my letter and that he also met his carrier pigeon at a pigeon funeral! Small world. And that he and the Jesus charm went all the way to Vancouver for Orgy-Fest! This eventually blossomed into a regualar thing, and around the 3rd exchange he revealed to me that he ALSO wrote homoerotic fanfiction about Twilight. And our first argument was over how he was a EDWARD GUY!!!! Ew!! But we got over it. By the time the flea market was rolling around, I finally got the coursge to ask him on a date, and he was just as excited. We went
to a soy bean church retreat together and had an amazing time finding Christ in the disintegrating soy bean farms of Carson City Nevada. I couldn’t think of anything more romantic. This year he even invited me to Orgy-fest with him! And that’s where I met his whole family, and where I really got to know him. 2 years later we moved into a nudist colonly in Augusta, Maine. It was lovely, we all piled together in the winter in what we like to call “Cuddle Pit”. I was perfect, all up until Dale said we had to leave because “The power of Christ had informed him of an oncoming presensce”. We moved then, to the beautiful city of Boise Idaho. Where we consumated our marriage through the government and through the beautiful act of love-making to his Christian blue grass collegant accapella group “My dad is God” and all of their Marvin Gaye covers. We learned that I was unfortunately infertile, and that was devastating. Eventually we got over it when Marty came to us and told us we needed to adopt his godson Matthew. We were extremely grateful, and adopted him. We raised him as our own, and he even got to visit his first orgyfest with us. One day I got the sense that Dale was hiding something from me. And immediately my mind jumped to yhe worst assumption, that he was actually a Rabbi. Which was closer to the truth than I wanted it to be. It was a cold winter’s night, when I heard our dog door open, dale forgot his keys again. When we sat down and had a conversation Dale finally told the truth. “I am Jesus Christ” he told me. I didn’t believe him at first, but then he flooded our house to show me that he could truly walk on water. It was great until he accidentally drenched our new white carpets in wine. I felt ethereal hearing this news. And now, 12 years later. Dale is leaving me. He sat me down at the same table and admitted he met someone new. Something about a “Adam Driver.” He said he wanted to “experience newthings” at the BYU, and he was leaving me. I was devastated when he filed for divorce, so I ended up in a depressive spiral where I got severely addicted to helium. And now after 2 years of rehab and NO MORE BALLOONS. I am finally able to re enter the real world. I am going to change myself. And pursue my dream job: assistant manager at a tinfoil company. Merry Chr***mas everyone. And to all a good night.
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