#bickslow x lucy
raijindork · 2 years
Souls & Spirits - Ch. 60
Summary: Everything seems to fall into place when the right  person comes into your life. That was what Bickslow realised, anyway,  but if it hadn’t been for them getting paired up for a job together, he  never would have realised that Lucy was that right person who would  light up his world in ways he never thought possible. Pairing: BixLu Rating: T/M (Mostly T. Explicit chapters marked.) Words: 5000~ Read on FF.Net.
After several years, the final chapter has arrived.
“You’re a little asshole, you know that?”
Bickslow gasped dramatically, quickly covering his son’s ears with his hands. “You take that back!”
Laxus puffed out his chest and crossed his arms. “No,” he insisted. “Hunter’s an asshole.”
“He’s nine months old!”
“Yeah, and he’s an asshole,” Laxus once again insisted, leaning down just to ruffle his newphew’s short cobalt hair. “Aren’t ya, buddy?”
Hunter merely looked up at Laxus for a moment and started giggling, his tongue just barely peeking past his lips. The first time Bickslow had seen that Hunter had managed to pick up that particular trait, it had been in the middle of the guild a few months early, and at first, he’d thought it was just a coincidence. But then it had happened again, and again, and then Lucy had seen it and berated him for a week for teaching their child bad habits. Now though, Bickslow couldn’t help but feel a little proud every time he saw his son do his little tongue wag.
“He’s not an asshole,” Bickslow argued though, finally taking his hands away from Hunter’s ears—he’d heard far worse anyway, much to Lucy’s annoyance—just to sit back on the soft, cushioned floor of the guild’s new playroom. “Jax is an asshole.”
Laxus straightened back up and narrowed his eyes at his friend. “Now you take that back. Jax isn’t an asshole, Hunter is—“
“Your kids are both fuckin’ assholes,” Gajeel groaned from the other side of the room, his daughter on his lap with one of Levy’s Rune Basics books in front of them both. Gajeel had argued it was too advanced for a kid who wasn’t even two, but he’d lost that war the second it had begun. “Just like their fathers. So both of you, shut it.”
“Ash-hole!” Gajeel’s daughter said triumphantly. Bickslow and Laxus paled when the toddler grinned and began triumphantly echoing her new favourite word. “Ash-hole, ash-hole, ash-hole!” she said.
Laxus wasted no time in scooping up his own toddler under one arm and making a quick departure, mumbling something about going and hiding behind the bar as he went. Bickslow could only laugh nervously as Gajeel continued to glare at him. It was probably a miracle that Hunter wasn’t old enough to talk yet or he’d be saying the same things. “Look, it’s not my fault,” Bickslow defended himself. He would maybe admit he was part of the problem, but it was most definitely not entirely his fault. It was Laxus’ fault, too. “Technically, you said it too.”
“I’m telling Shrimp it was you,” Gajeel said.
“You wouldn’t.”
Gajeel grinned menacingly. “I would.”
And Bickslow knew all too well what that meant. Gajeel would tell Levy, Levy would tell Lucy, and Lucy would… Well, Lucy would yell at him for teaching their friends’ kids bad habits, too. “Hundred jewels and you blame Laxus,” Bickslow offered instead. He didn’t really want to give Lucy more reason to yell at him. She’d only just stopped yelling at him for breaking the living room window a week earlier whilst playing with the babies and Hunter. Granted, it had been snowing all of that week and getting it replaced had taken a few days, but Bickslow really didn’t like it when she yelled at him. She terrified him.
“Two hundred and deal.”
Bickslow would, of course, take that deal. It was a bit of a bargain, especially by Gajeel’s standards. Two hundred jewel was merely a fraction of how much the guitar he’d had to replace all those years ago had cost him. Still, Bickslow groaned as he pulled himself up off the plush mat for a moment just to fish the crumpled jewel notes out of the inside of his cloak and toss them loosely in Gajeel’s direction.
“Pleasure doing business with my, my friend,” Gajeel said, cackling as his pocketed the money and turned the page for his daughter.
Bickslow sighed again and rolled his eyes, turning his own attention back to Hunter still giggling a little too maniackly for his own tastes as he slammed the poor totems into each other. “Yeah, yeah,” Bickslow grumbled under his breath. “Now who’s the asshole, huh?” Only assholes used blackmail as a threat, and Bickslow seemed to know all too well that it was Gajeel’s way of getting under everyone’s skin.
“Ash-hole!” Gajeel’s daughter giggled again.
That time, as Gajeel glared at him and no doubt plotted a murder, Bickslow could only grin sheepishly as he took a page from Laxus’ book, jumping up, grabbing his son, and leaving the playroom as fast as possible. “It’s not my fault!”
Lucy stirred awake at the sound of the lock being turned and she stretched her arms above her head just as Bickslow made it inside into and into the dark foyer. “What time is it?” she asked, straining as she stretched out her hands.
“Late,” Bickslow sighed, shutting the door behind himself gently. Hunter would be fast asleep at the other end of that hall and the last thing Bickslow wanted to do was wake him up. Bickslow wasn’t sure what it was about four-year-olds being allergic to bedtimes and sleep, but he knew from experience that getting his son to bed was a nightmare and he didn’t want to wake him unnecessarily. He could wait until morning to see his son. “Too late.”
Lucy didn’t have her keys nearby to check the time, but the street outside was quiet—no quiet conversations just outside in the street as party goers and bar patrons made their way home—so she knew to take Bickslow’s word for it. She shifted slightly, scooting to the front edge of the lounge and then patting the soft back cushions behind her. “Come here,” she said.
The lounge certainly wasn’t big enough for the two of them, but Bickslow would indulge his wife for a few moments in the peace and quiet and quickly kicked off as much excess clothing as he could. His boots, cloak, belt, and wrist guards sat in a pile by the foot of the sofa, and he groaned from aching muscles and a growing bruise on his shoulder as he carefully climbed into the crampled space behind her on the comfortable lounge. Lucy always smelled of home—those days it was apricot body scrub—and he closed his eyes as he buried his face in her hair.
“Sometimes I wish I could just stay at home forever, with you and Hunter and the babies and all those annoying spirits of yours.“
“They’re not annoying, thank you,” Lucy scoffed.
He smiled and chuckled quietly as Lucy elbowed him gently in his stomach. “They are annoying. Especially Loke. And to think I kept his secret for all that time.”  
As if to prove Bickslow’s point, Loke cleared his throat from the foot of the sofa, by Bickslow’s clothes. “We are not annoying,” the spirit insisted, pushing his glasses back up his nose at Bickslow’s groan and Lucy’s giggling. “I merely aim to help make Lucy’s life slightly more tolerable and assist in any way I can. Although, given that she married you and refuses to divorce you after all this time, I’m not sure my best efforts really do much.”
“Loke, man. Come on. You hurt me.”
“Oh, no. What a shame.”
Bickslow didn’t miss the spirit’s grin before returning to his own world. He doubted he’d ever be best of friends with his wife’s prized spirit, but after several years together, Bickslow could almost say that Loke summoning himself at inopportune moments just to annoy him wasn’t actually that annoying after all. Still, he would go to the grave calling Lucy’s spirits annoying.
“See? Not annoying,” Lucy giggled. “And, you can’t stay at home forever. I can’t stay at home forever either.”
Bickslow sighed into Lucy’s shoulder. He knew. He knew it was unreasonable. It was just as unreasonable as them leaving the guild before Hunter had been born. Sometimes, part of him still wouldn’t have minded giving up his job—just stop working as a mage, and find a normal, safe job somewhere. He still wouldn’t have been able to stay at home every second of every day then, but he wouldn’t go days, sometimes weeks without seeing his family.
The list of moments and firsts he’d missed grew longer each time he took a job. Lucy’s, too. He’d missed the birth of his son. Lucy had missed Hunter’s first steps. They’d both missed his first words that weren’t just complete gibberish that not even Freed or Levy could decipher. And, Bickslow wanted to say that the next baby would be different, when they came in just a few more months, but he knew it wouldn’t be the case.
“I know I can’t,” Bickslow said. “But I want to.”
“I know you do.”
“Thanks for not divorcing me yet, though. Honestly a miracle you haven’t.”
Lucy laughed, and she turned on the sofa so she could face Bickslow and press soft kissed to his cheek and his lips. “Maybe next year,” she promised. “Happy anniversary, Pixie.”
“Happy anniversary, Cosplayer. I’m sorry we missed another one.”
She kissed the tip of his nose gently. “Don’t be. It’s fine.” As far as Lucy was concerned, they had plenty more ahead of him. Missing a couple was nothing. “But, I did get a little something. Freed called earlier this morning to let me know you probably wouldn’t home until late. Help me up, will you?”
Bickslow didn’t get much of a chance to process Freed being one step ahead of him as he helped Lucy up, and watched her disappear back into the dining and kitchen. She came back a few moments later with a pink cake box, a glass bottle, and some glasses.
“Now, I know it wasn’t for our first date, but, it’s still one of my favourite dates.” Bickslow couldn’t stop grinning as Lucy laid out the plain chocolate cake, save from the messily frosted five in the middle, and popped the cork on the large bottle. Lucy didn’t miss the concerned look he gave her when she poured the liquid into the glasses, and quickly said, “Sparkling apple juice!”
“Cake and wine—well, apple juice,” he chuckled, pulling himself up from the couch just to drag Lucy back onto his lap and smother her with even more kisses. “I love it. I love you. You know, I’m pretty sure I was in love with you then, too.”
“I know.”
“What do you mean, you know? How did you know?”
“You’ve told me,” Lucy answered, giggling around a mouthful of rich chocolate cake. “A few times, actually.”
Bickslow scowled as he snatched away the fork Lucy had been using to pick up the next piece of cake, shovelling it in his own mouth before she could take it back. “Well, fine. But it’s true anyway. Probably.” He shrugged, leaning back into the sofa with another bite of cake. “All I know is, I must have been super fucking in love with you to willingly get hurt that many times. All by this very date, by the way,” Bickslow said, energetically gesturing between themselves and the food on the coffee table.  
Lucy gawked at him. “I never hurt you.” Well, apart from those times where he was helping her train down in Hargeon, but Lucy didn’t count those.
“No, you didn’t. But your team sure did.”
“Oh, yeah? When?”
“Well, there was that time I pissed off Gajeel—“
“Gajeel isn’t with my team,” Lucy pointed out quickly.
Bickslow dismisseed it with a slight shake of his head and roll of his eyes. “No, he’s not. But I broke his guitar and he broke my nose.”
Lucy smiled, a soft turn of her lips that almost had Bickslow concerned. “Oh, I remember that one. That didn’t have anything to do with me though.”
“It kinda did.”
“Yeah? How so?” Lucy snorted.
“Well, it was right after I’d properly asked you out. So, you know…” His cheeks warmed as he lifted the glass of apple juice, hiding behind it some as he tried to sink further into the sofa and away from Lucy’s growing smirk. “I was happy and shit,” Bickslow said bashfully.
Lucy had to cover her mouth from squealing and laughing too loud, lest she wake Hunter up just down the hall. She was vaguely aware of the fact that it was a miracle they hadn’t already woken him. “Aww,” she crooned. She leaned into Bickslow’s side, squeezing his cheek and making it just that little bit more red. “You were happy, huh?”
Bickslow groaned and pouted. “Yes, I was, thank you.” He rolled his eyes and tried to fight off the infectious smile when Lucy giggled again and pressed light kisses against his cheek. “Anyway, the point is, it was your fault I got into trouble with Gajeel, because I had a major crush on you obviously, was super fucking happy because you, for some fucking reason, agreed to actually go out with me, and I was doing dumb shit because I felt on top of the world. Okay?”
“That’s adorable.”
“No it isn’t.”
“Yes, it is,” Lucy giggled. She settled into his side comfortably, resting the cake box on her lap and offering a bite to her husband. “You’re still on top of the world though, I hope?”
“Oh, abso-fucking-lutely,” Bickslow mumbled around the cake. He didn’t need to think about that answer.
“What about the other two then?”
“Well, then there was that time that Erza threatened me with her swords.” He couldn’t help but grimace slightly. “You know, for the time I apparently stole your first kiss in the guild, in front of everyone, because I couldn’t figure out a way to talk to you in the guild without making everyone question just why the fuck I was talking to you in the first place.”
“Oh, yeah,” Lucy said. “She made you come apologise in the middle of the night.”
Bickslow nodding, sipping on the fizzy juice. “I still have that scar on my hand, you know.”
“No you don’t. I’ve seen your hands.”
Maybe not physically. “Fine,” he conceded. “Anyway, then there was that time after our third date, where I stayed over but then Natsu came to your apartment in the morning and he threw me into your coffee table.”
“I really liked that table too…” Lucy mumbled.
“It was a table.”
“But it was a nice table. It was one of the first things I bought when I moved to Magnolia…” Granted, it really hadn’t been the fanciest table—it was a coffee table, and a plain and cheap one at that. But it had been something she’d done on her own.
But, Bickslow understood that. “I know it was,” he said softly, tilting to rest his cheek against the top of her head for a moment. “But, and I may be biased, but I think I was a pretty damn nice boyfriend.”
Lucy scrunched up her nose, shrugging slightly. “Eh… Better boyfriend than husband, sure.”
“Excuse me?” Bickslow feigned his shock, pulling himself away abruptly. There was a glint in Lucy’s eyes and a smirk plastered on her lips. “And how would you know, huh? Who you comparin’ me to? I know for a fact I’ve been your only boyfriend, ever, Cosplayer.” He wore that badge with pride. Weirdly.
“Yeah, and I know for a fact that you never had a proper girlfriend before me, either,” Lucy said, prodding the Seith mage in the chest.
“…Okay, fair point. But, you did marry me, so at the very least, you thought I was a good enough boyfriend five years ago.”
“Maybe I just didn’t know any better,” Lucy said, almost wistfully as she settled back against her loving husband. “Alas, you knocked me up so now I’m stuck with you… Oh, the misery.”
“Mm. Poor you,” Bickslow agreed. His hands were by Lucy’s waist, poised and ready. “Poor, miserable, Lucy.” He didn’t give Lucy a chance to get away before he tickled her ribs, wrapping his other arm back around her waist as she squealed and planting soft kisses all over her cheek and lips. “I don’t know how you cope, Cosplayer. Being stuck with me, your doting, loving husband, and our wonderful son, and another perfect child, and let’s not forget all of your niblings and my sisters and… Yeah, actually, never mind. I feel sorry for anyone who has to know those two fuckwits.”
Lucy snorted. Years later, she still found the feigned animosity between the Alderwood siblings all too amusing. “My life is just so horrible.”
“So very horrible.”
She craned her neck to look up at him, a soft smile on her lips that reached her eyes and she kissed him again gently. Sometimes, Lucy still just loved sitting there on the couch with Bickslow, on the quiet and late nights, and forgetting—even if it was just for a moment—that a world existed beyond them. The quiet nights were rare, but when they did happen, Lucy cherished them. Her heart was full—Bickslow’s too, she knew—and when Bickslow grinned down at her, with the same goofy, wide grin he’d had since their first date and that their son had woefully inherited, she still felt those gentle butterflies in her stomach.
But, as happy as Lucy was in the warm bubble of her husband’s hug, the sickly sweet scents of apple juice and cake could only mask so much. “You need to go have a shower,” she said, “and we need to go to bed. I’m definitely not falling asleep on this lounge with you, either.”
Bickslow knew better than to disagree, and he was sure his spine would thank him anyway.
"Harper! Get back down here!” Bickslow shouted up towards the guildhall’s rafters. “Don’t make me come up there,” he threatened, only causing the small girl clinging to the wooden beams to giggle even louder.
Beside him, Laxus snickered into his fourth cup of coffee for the morning. “You know Blondie’s going to be back any minute now and she’s going to kick your ass if Harps doesn’t have both feet on the ground,” he said.
“I know,” Bickslow said through gritted teeth, continuing to glare up at his daughter twenty feet above them. The second Lucy had left the guild to grab some extra supplies in town for the parade later that night, Harper had run straight for the rafters. The girl had turned four barely six months earlier, but she was already double the menace Hunter had ever been at the same age. But Bickslow narrowed his gaze to the five totems circling Harper, bobbing up and down in the air. “Babies, you know better.”
“Harp! Fly! Harp! Fly!” the babies cheered.
But, Bickslow didn’t get much more of a chance to yell at the babies for taking too many orders from a four-year-old, or try and convince said four-your-old to come back down on her own before he felt a sharp pain in the side of his head from someone getting a fistful of his hair and tugging on it. “Ow, ow—“
“Why in the world is my child hanging from a beam?” Lucy demanded, one hand on her hip as she tugged forcefully on her husband’s hair, having him leaning over just to lessen the pain. It wasn’t her fault he refused to cut it though; if he’d merely let Cancer give him a trim she wouldn’t be able to yank on his hair that was just about long enough it needed to be tied up.
“It’s not my fault!” Bickslow said. He was keenly aware of Laxus snickering at him, and he was sure he could hear the familiar giggling of his daughter above him too.
“Then why do I see the babies up there, huh?”
“Because they keep listening to her!” Bickslow winced, trying to pry his wife’s fingers out of his hair. He didn’t need to glance at her to see the fury that was no doubt aimed at him.
Still, Bickslow would maintain that it wasn’t really his fault. His daughter just really had a knack for bossing the babies about—more than Hunter had ever been able to, and more than Lucy had ever been able to as well. He’d tried telling his babies to just stop helping the damn kid get into mischief too, and it had worked for all of about five minutes, but then Harper had wanted the babies to help her get into the tree in their backyard one day, the babies had refused, Harper had started bawling her eyes out and before Bickslow had had a chance to figure out why his daughter had been having a tantrum, she’d been swinging happily from a tree branch with the babies giggling around her. He’d even tried taking the babies out of their bodies when they were at home, too, but hiding the babies from his daughter didn’t work too well when Harper could, in fact, see them anyway. That much, Bickslow wasn’t too fond of. Lucy, however, had just about wet herself from excitement from finding out her then almost four-year-old had inherited at least some Seith magic. She’d been just a little disappointed when Hunter hadn’t, but that disappointed had quickly dissipated once he’d borrowed Lucy’s Canis Minor key whilst playing and claimed it for his own.
Of course though, Lucy knew she couldn’t do much in the way of Bickslow’s babies doing whatever it was their precious spider monkey asked of them. That was, as far as Lucy was concerned, entirely a Bickslow issue. So, she let go of his hair, finally, crossing her arms over her chest instead. “Harper, honey,” she said gently. The festival parade was beginning in a few more hours and truthfully, the last thing Lucy wanted to be doing was having to coax her child down to the ground again. She had a float to finish decorating! “Come on down now, please. Aunt Mira will make you a nice big milkshake if you come down now!”
“No!” Harper shouted, shaking her head as she continued to cling to the beam.
Sometimes, not that Bickslow would admit it, it was tempting to just let his daughter do what she pleased, mostly because when she got what she wanted she was happy and his childrens’ laughter had long since replaced Lucy’s on his list of favourite things in the world. But even high above him, Bickslow could see the devilish little grin on her mouth and hear her giggling at them because she damn well knew she was in trouble and enjoyed it far too much for reasons that Bickslow would never understand, and even if Harper might as well have been a miniature version of Lucy, he knew for a fact that she got the attitude entirely from him. His sisters had made sure of telling him that the last time they’d visited.
But, while Lucy was fine just promising milkshakes, Bickslow knew it was time to pull out his trump card. “Harps, if you don’t get down here right now, we’re not going to watch the parade tonight,” he said.
Harper sat up, gasping. Even Lucy was a little surprised at his threat. But Bickslow meant business. Sure, he didn’t want to miss the parade, or even the fireworks from his favourite rooftop in town, because he’d not missed a single year since the guild had gotten back together, but Bickslow wasn’t really sure what else he could do to get his daughter to come back down to earth.
“No see Mama?” Harper asked.
Bickslow shook his head. “Nope. No fireworks either. And it won’t be just you that doesn’t get to see the parade or Mama or the fireworks. Hunter won’t be able to go either. You don’t want Hunter to miss out, do you?”
And for a moment, Bickslow thought he’d finally won. It was an offer too good to refuse in his eyes, and as Harper sat quietly, he knew it would be just a few more seconds before she was telling the babies to take her back down to the ground. But then she leant back down to hug the beam, shaking her head again. “Nope! I stay,” she said instead.
“Harps! Stay!” the babies cheered.
When Lucy flicked his ear and muttered something about their kids being brats, Bickslow knew he’d deserved it.
Lucy squealed the second arms were wrapped around her middle, and her straw hat when flying in the gentle breeze when she was pulled down onto the soft picnic blanket. “Stop doing that!” she giggled, swatting Bickslow’s arms away and doing her best to wriggle out of his soft grip just to try and fetch her lost hat. “I’m going to hurt you one day, you know that.”
Bickslow shrugged, grinning as he instead leant back on his hands. Sneaking up on Lucy from behind was, undoubtedly, one of his favourite things. “You have before,” he reminded her. As far as he was concerned, it was an occupational hazard. Still, it had been years since she’d last impulsively swung at him, thinking he was just some random creep.
“Fine,” Lucy admitted. With her hat back on her head, shielding her from the harsh summer sun, she sneaked a glance back to her children playing in the field—Hunter was chasing Harper around, with Plue doing its best to keep up—before joining her husband on the blanket and stealing a gentle kiss. “But you’ve deserved it, each time.”
Across the field, Hunter only groaned as he looked over to his parents at an inopportune time. “Ugh, gross!”
Bickslow rolled his eyes at him, all but ignoring the growing blush on Lucy’s cheeks as he did his best to irritate his child even further and take Lucy’s cheek in his palm and kiss her again. The park was mostly empty, aside from a few stragglers, and Bickslow had never cared about being affectionate in public. “Go play, babies,” he murmured, smiling against Lucy’s lips, and when he distinctly heard his son yell at them to quit being gross, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh, fine, stop your whining. Jeez.”
“It’s fine,” Lucy said, an airy giggle escaping as she instead accepted just leaning into his side. “We’ll have time for that later. Hunter wants to have a sleepover with Jax tomorrow. As long as you let Harps have the babies for a little bit we’ll be able to sneak away for a few minutes.”
“It’d be better if we could have no kids for a night, but I guess one is fine for a night.”
“Hey,” Lucy laughed, elbowing him in his side. “You’re the one that had baby fever, remember? You don’t get to complain about them now.”
“But that’s for babies,” Bickslow whined. “Teenagers are annoying.”
“We only have one teenager. And only barely.” Although, the fact that her baby boy was officially a teenager did have Lucy feeling just a little wistful from time to time. He’d been so small once, and now there he was, just about taller than her and rolling his eyes at any form of affection she tried to offer him.
“Still counts.”
Lucy tried not to roll her eyes. “Mm-hmm,” she mumbled.
“Speaking of no kids for a night though,” Bickslow began after a moment, trying not to get too distracted by figuring out just what his children were yelling at each other about. “Picked up another job flyer today. Thought we could do it together. I’m sure we could get someone to watch the kids for a day.”
Lucy couldn’t even remember the last time they’d gone on a job, just the two of them. It had been years, at least—before Harper had been born, even. It had been easier when it had just been Hunter. Getting a babysitter or timing it with a sleepover had been fine. But once they’d had Harper, Lucy had just never really liked the idea of leaving the kids without both of their parents for a day or two. But, Hunter was older, and Harper was nearly nine. Leaving them with someone else for a day or two would be different, surely. “Maybe,” Lucy hummed. “What kind of job?”
“Just this small gang that’s taken up residence there, I think. Nothing major.”
“Where is it?”
The corner of her mouth twisted up into a soft smile, and Lucy wasn’t the least bit surprised to turn back to Bickslow and find him grinning at her. “Cartervale, huh?”
“Well, I guess if it’s just a quick job…” Lucy picked herself up from the blanket, readjusting her hat quickly. It’d been years since she’d even heard Cartervale, but now all Lucy could think about was whether that one little inn still existed. “Should probably still go ask the kids to see if they’d be okay with both of us leaving for a couple days, though…”
“Yeah, maybe.” Bickslow wasn’t going to tell Lucy that he was pretty sure that Hunter probably wanted both of them to leave him alone for a couple days, because she probably already knew it.
He could only watch with with a wide, tongue-hanging grin as Lucy slowly backed away, onto the soft grass and towards the open field where their children were. She was up to something, he knew; the cogs in her brain were ever turning, and the less than innocent smirk on her lips still occasionally had his heart skipping a beat. But Bickslow waited, just for a few more moments, before he rose to his feet, only giving Lucy a chance to sneak up and join in on the fun their children were having, before he went and chased after them all.
11 notes · View notes
floertoer · 2 months
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170 notes · View notes
secretkittywolf · 5 months
Fairy Tail ships I ship
(I don't own any of the fanart used. Credit to the original creators)
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They're so cute!!!
I adore these two so much. I hope that they become cannon in the 100yr Quest (if they haven't already since I haven't read it)
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Besties for life!
They have such a cute brother-sister relationship and Natsu was so happy when the Edolas Lisanna was his best friend. Such a cute platonic pairing.
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I love them!!!
I love their relationship so much. At first, Gray couldn't stand Juvia but he soon realised how much she cared and how much he cared for her. The whole Juvia vs Gray fight in the finale made me cry, especially when they killed themselves because they didn't want to kill the other QwQ
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They're ship is so cute and gradual and I love it.
Yes, Gajeel did hurt her and chain her to a tree when they first met, but he's shown and proven to her how much he's changed. Their love is beautiful and I love them.
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I have to admit, I did ship them at first, but it's more platonic than romantic now. Still a cute ship tho.
Romeo & Wendy
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Another platonic pairing. It's cute but I don't ship them romantically.
Sky Sisters
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They have such a cute friendship!
I adore the Sky Sisters friendship and I want to see more of them! I also heard that these two could be cannon, which I'd would love to know if it's true or not. So yeah, ship them platonically and romantically.
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I want more of these two!!!
I want to see more of Elfman and Evergreen so badly. The tsundere and the big strong guy is so cute and the scenes in GMG were so cute.
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I'd love to see more of them since I ship them platonically at the moment.
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I love these two idiots.
Freed adores Laxus and the dragon slayer obviously has a soft spot for Freed.
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Light and dark. Sun and moon. Introvert and extrovert etc. I ship them so much!!!!!!
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He's the reason why she's still a part of Sabertooth!
Sting really cares for Yukino and they're so cute together!
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Another platonic pairing I love.
They're a couple of sillies and I need more of them being idiots.
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Their whole relationship is both cute and sad.
Mavis cursed herself accidentally and now they're immortal together. I love them
Cancer x Gray (Gracer??? Ig??)
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Why is this the only image of these two together?!
I need more Gracer! (Sounds better than Cray doesn't it?) The whole danceoff was gay af and since I'm a multishipper, I ship them.
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The fandom made me ship them. The fandom made me realise just how cute these two are.
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Rivals to best friends, I love them so much. I also ship them romantically on occasion as well.
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Both platonically and romantically, these two are cute.
Benefits of being a multishipper!
Bisca x Alzack
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They're cute and they're cannon!!!
Seeing them in Edolas together was adorable and I'm glad in the cannon universe they also get together.
Ulter & Meredy
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They have a sister relationship and I love it. I don't see them as anything else but sisters
Meredy & Juvia
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Adorable. They became such good friends and I want more of their friendship. Please gimme more!!!!
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I think these two are quite cute together.
I'd love to see more of their friendship!
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Read a fanfic once of these two and I love them together!
The princess and her knight in shining armour!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I ship them so much!!!!!!
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They always make me laugh. I ship them both platonically and romantically.
Natsu & Erza
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I adore the brother-sister relationship they have.
Erza is the big sister having to keep chaotic younger brother Natsu under control (even tho Natsu is older)
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sirclowniey · 2 months
idk fairytail headcannons ig ;-;
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i had more but i deelted the app where i wrote them down so i forgot oopsies -,-
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everelffan · 1 year
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Pinterest my love ah !
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fairytailaustories · 3 months
Change of Ships
Okay. Okay. I have an idea and changed the ships for this account. I like most ships in Fairy Tail so, it doesn't bother me. I've also only recently started to properly watch Fairy Tail after so long. So lets get started.
Laxus Dreyar X Mystogan/Jellal De Edolas: Mystaxus
Jellal Fernandes X Erza Scarlet: Jerza
Siegrain Fernandes X Ultear Milkovich: Jeltear
Natsu Dragneel X Lucy Heartfilia: NaLu
Gajeel Redfox X Levy McGarden: Gajevy
Bickslow X Lisanna Strauss: Bixanna
Gray Fullbuster X Juvia Lockser: Gruvia
Freed Justine X Mirajane Strauss: MiraFreed
Elfman Strauss X Evergreen: Elfgreen
Rogue Cheney X Yukino Agira: RoYu
Sting Eucliffe X Minerva Orland: Stinerva
Midnight/Macbeth X Cobra/Erik: Conight
Acnologia X Irene Beleserion: AcnoRene
Sorry for changing up the ships but I have been thinking of stuff recently.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.
Now for some Gemini antics at the expense of Lucy's pride! 
I hope you enjoy!
Gemi and Mini's Plan (Freed x Lucy ft. Gemini)
Lucy sat at a table with Levy, who was talking excitedly about a book that she had recently come across. However, the blonde wasn't able to pay much attention. The voice of her friend muffled in her ears as her eyes drifted up to the second floor of the guildhall. She watched as Freed buried his nose into a book while Bixlow babbled to Evergreen across the table from him. She felt her cheeks warm in a light blush as she took in the rune mage's attractive side profile. 
She hadn't realized that she was staring when Levy suddenly clapped her hands in front of her face, causing her to jump and snap back to attention. She turned back to her friend, finding that the blue-haired woman was grinning at her with a knowing sparkle in her eyes. 
Lucy straightened her back and flicked her eyes away as her cheeks warmed even more, asking, "what?" 
Levy raised an eyebrow, a cheshire grin still on her face. "You were staring at him again." 
Lucy looked away at the floor. She responded, "I, um, don't know what you're talking about." 
She heard Levy sigh. "Come on, Lucy! You've been crushing on Freed for a year now, you need to confess to him already!" 
Lucy snapped her gaze back up to look at her best friend, shaking her hands in front of herself frantically as she exclaimed, "I can't do that!" 
"And why not?" 
"Because...well, because..." Lucy looked down at the table, her cheeks burning and her gut doing flips. She thought about telling Freed how she felt, but was overcome with an anxious feeling and fear of him rejecting her. She groaned and dropped her head onto the table, finally answering, "there's no way that he would feel the same way. He probably likes Laxus or Mira." 
"How do you know that? Haven't you and Freed been getting really close recently?" 
"Yeah, but-"
"But what? You can't know how he feels if you don't tell him about your feelings. Lucy, you could be passing up a chance to date Freed. If he doesn't feel the same way, then at least you'll get some closure." 
Lucy lifted her head to look at her friend. She then looked up at Freed. Letting her friend's words sink in, her brow furrowed as she was overcome with a sudden wave of courage. She smiled at Levy and said, "thanks, Levy!" 
She then stood up and made her way to the staircase that lead up to the second floor of the guildhall. She marched up the stairs and walked toward the Thunder Legion's table, approaching from behind Freed. Laxus wasn't present, so it was just the Freed, Evergreen, and Bixlow at the table. 
Lucy recited in her head what she was going to say. Until, the realization of what she was doing hit like one of Natsu's Dragon Slayer Roars. She stopped in her tracks, her brain instantly short-circuiting. What was she doing? Was she really going to tell Freed that she had feelings for him? Sure, it's possible that he likes her in that way too, but what if he doesn't? What if he rejects her? What was she going to do then? Would she be able to still be friends with him? She and Freed had become surprisingly close recently, so would that relationship be affected at all? Would Freed want to be her friend still? The celestial wizard was staring at nothing in particular as her mind raced with questions. 
"-ucy? Lucy? Lucy!" 
Lucy once again jumped and snapped back to reality when someone loudly called her name. She realized that she had been standing in one spot, staring at Freed's back, when she found that said man was standing in front of her, watching her with his usual blank face, but worry was evident in his sea-green eyes. 
Freed questioned, his tone soft, as though he didn't want his two teammates to hear him, "are you alright? Is something wrong?" 
Lucy took a few steps away, her cheeks burning. Her stomach started doing flips and she raised a hand to cover her face, wanting desperately to disappear. When Freed took a step closer to her, she stuttered out, "I-I need to go home!" 
She then turned around and hurried out of the guild, silently cursing at herself as she made her way back to her apartment. 
Gemi and Mini floated through the Celestial Spirit World. They were incredibly bored, having not been summoned by Lucy and not being able to find another spirit who was willing to entertain them. It was Mini who finally thought of something to do, "let's see what Lucy is doing." Gemi quickly agreed to this and, with a "piri-piri," they disappeared from their realm and appeared in the human realm. 
When they summoned themselves, they found Lucy laying face-down on her bed, groaning. The pair of celestial spirits floated closer to her and questioned in unison, "what's wrong, piri-piri?" 
Lucy gave a yelp and jumped up into a sitting position, causing Gemi and Mini to snicker to themselves. They floated in front of their wizard as Lucy finally took notice of them and asked, "Gemini? What are you two doing here?" 
"We're bored..." Gemi answered. 
Mini picked up from where her twin left off, "...so, we came to see you!" 
Lucy smiled at them and opened her arms, saying, "I'm happy to see you both. I'm sorry for not summoning you in a while." 
Gemini happily accepted her hug, enjoying the feeling of their wizard's warm arms wrapping around them. When they pulled away and resumed floating, Gemi asked, "did something happen?" 
They watched as Lucy rubbed her tear-filled eyes and sniffled as she did so. She then looked back at her spirits and answered, "just some boy problem." She waved her hand dismissively, as if telling her spirits that it wasn't a big deal. 
Mini floated closer to lean against Lucy's shoulder, asking, "tell us about it, piri-piri!" 
Gemi leaned against Lucy's other shoulder as he joined in, "yeah, we want to know, piri-piri!" 
They waited as Lucy chuckled and flopped back onto her bed. She sighed before she began, "I embarrassed myself in front of Freed." She then groaned to herself, covering her face with her hands, "I probably ruined any chance I had with him! He probably thinks I'm weird and have some kind of staring problem." 
Gemini leaned closer to her face, inquiring together, "do you really like Freed?" 
Lucy nodded. "I've been in love with him for a year!" 
Gemini simply shared one look with each other before they flew to the middle of the room. They gave a "piri-piri" and transformed. Once the smoke faded, they cooed to their wizard, their voice now possessing a tenor pitch, "Lucy." 
The blonde once again bolted up into a sitting position and whipped her head around to look at her celestial spirits, her mouth dropping open and eyes widening upon seeing who they had transformed into. After several silent moments, she managed to say, "w-what are you doing?" 
Gemini, transformed into Freed, smirked and answered, "we're accessing Freed's thoughts and memories." 
"How are you even able to turn into him? You need to touch someone in order to do that, don't you?" 
"Yeah, and we did recently. Remember the job you went on last week with the Thunder Legion? We were able to touch all three of them." 
"Oh." Lucy looked the transformed Gemini up and down before she snapped her eyes back up to meet theirs and questioned, "wait, why did you transform into him?" 
Gemini strolled close to her until they stood right in front of her. They then hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her face, watching with amusement as a red blush dusted across her cheeks. "To see if Freed loves you too." 
Lucy pushed them away with a flustered yelp. She folded her hands in her lap and looked back at her spirits, muttering, "I don't know about that..." 
Gemini tilted their head. "Why? Don't you want to know if he feeling the same way?" 
"Well, yes, but...it sounds kinda like an invasion of his privacy." 
Gemini hummed before they smiled at her and replied, "at least we'll be able to tell you if you should tell him how you feel! We'll be saving you the rejection!" They didn't wait for Lucy to say anything else before they began their search through Freed's memories and thoughts for how he felt about Lucy. 
However, they frowned when they weren't able to find much of anything. That was weird. They looked back at their wizard when she asked, "is something wrong?" 
Gemini answered, "we are having trouble accessing his memories and thoughts." 
Lucy responded, sounding a bit disappointed, "that's alright. I'll probably confess eventually." She then went back to laying on her stomach on her bed, her head facing away from Gemini. She added, "you two can go back to the Spirit World." 
Gemini, not wanting to give up just yet, silently conversed with each other. After reasoning that they weren't able to access Freed's thoughts and memories due to it having been a while since they last touched him, they quickly decided that what they needed to do was get closer to Freed in order to find out if he loved Lucy back. They quietly sneaked out of the apartment, managing to close the door soundlessly behind them. Once they accomplished this, they transformed into Lucy and made their way to the guild. 
Freed sat at his usual table with his teammates, his book closed and forgotten next to him. His eyes were set on the guildhall's closed doors. He couldn't deny the worry that bubbled within him. Was she alright? He had been reading a book, trying to keep his eyes on the page rather than on her, when Evergreen had gotten his attention and pointed out that Lucy was standing behind him. He had turned around to see that his most recent friend was standing a ways away behind him. She was just staring and, when he got closer to her to talk to her, seemed to be internally panicking. She then just ran out of the guildhall, her face red. 
"What was that about?" 
Freed looked at Evergreen when he heard her question. He was unable to give an answer due to not knowing the answer himself. He gave a shrug and looked back at the doors. He then heard Bixlow laughed, "maybe she was gonna tell you that she loves you and chickened out." 
Freed felt his cheeks warm and his body stilled as Evergreen giggled before she added, "I'm sure Freed would've loved that." 
The rune mage turned his head to look at his teammates again, giving them a glare. This resulted in Evergreen and Bixlow looking back at him before their laughter became renewed. He supposed that his glare didn't hold the fierceness that it usually did because of the obvious blush on his cheeks. 
He rolled his eyes at the two and looked back at the guildhall's doors. Maybe he should go to Lucy's apartment and make sure that she was alright. His mind thought back to his friends' words. He felt a fluttering feeling in his gut at the recollection. He couldn't lie, he wouldn't really be opposed to Lucy confessing to having romantic feelings for him. In fact, he would like for that to happen. He's recently taken notice of his own fast-developing feelings for Lucy. 
Freed gave a short thoughtful hum and stood up, deciding that he was going to make sure that Lucy was alright. Her behavior was strange, worrying even. He muttered to his teammates that he would return soon and made his way down the staircase and to the guildhall's doors. He was just about to open them, when they suddenly opened, causing him to stumble backward, managing to stable himself before he could fall.
He looked up to scold whoever it was that almost caused him to fall, but stopped when he found that it was Lucy. The blonde was standing in front of him, a wide smile on her face. She threw her arms around him as she cheered, "Freed! I'm so happy to see you!" 
Freed felt a blush reappear across his cheeks. His arms were slightly raised at his sides and his brow was furrowed in confusion. What was going on? Not even an hour ago, Lucy was red with embarrassment and had run out of the guildhall in a panic. Why was she suddenly so cheerful and didn't seem bothered by what had happened? 
When she stepped away, Lucy clasped his hands in hers and beamed, "let's spend some time together!" 
Freed hesitated. He and Lucy have been spending quite a bit of time together recently, bonding over a shared love of literature and having annoying teammates, but she's never requested a hangout like this. Whenever she did, she would ask if he would meet her at a certain place at a certain time on a certain day. His suspicions raised, Freed responded slowly, "alright. How about in the library?" 
Lucy nodded her head furiously before she bounded in the direction of the library, dragging Freed behind her. Once they entered the library, Freed managed to take his hand from Lucy's hold and walked over to a table, sitting down as he kept a close eye on the blonde. She was acting strangely, but he didn't want to say something just yet. 
Almost immediately after he sat down, Lucy hopped into the seat next to him. Freed watched as she scooted her chair closer and took hold of his upper arm and nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder. Freed froze where he was sitting, his cheeks burning with a red blush. Butterflies fluttered their wings furiously within his gut and his heartbeat picked up its pace. His mind was suddenly jumbled. Lucy was being more affectionate than she is with her own team. She's snuggling up against him as if she was his girlfriend. 
He was enjoying it, of course he was, but he couldn't ignore how out of character it was for her. The only conclusion he could come to was that this wasn't his Lucy. Managing to regain control of his thoughts, he prayed the fake Lucy off of him and stood up, slowly backing away from her. 
When the fake Lucy stood and started walking toward him, confusion on her face, he took a defensive stance and questioned sternly, "who are you? What did you do with Lucy?" 
The fake Lucy tilted her head slightly, asking, "what do you mean?" 
Freed gritted his teeth. The gull of this person to act like they didn't know what he was talking about. He sneered, "you know what I mean! Why are you impersonating Lucy?" 
The fake Lucy walked closer, but instantly stopped when he drew his rapier and pointed it at her. The blonde laughed and raised her hands defensively, fear clearly seen in her eyes. She responded, "look...it's not what you think." 
"I find that hard to believe." He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. 
Freed was about to attack when the doors to the library burst open, causing both occupants to jump and snap their heads around in the direction of the entrance. Standing there, slightly out of breath, was Lucy. She walked further into the room, toward the fake. Freed was about to stop her and tell her to stay back from the possibly dangerous person, when Lucy crossed her arms over her chest and commanded, "turn back Gemini!" 
Freed dropped his arm that was holding his rapier, eyes wide with disbelief as the fake Lucy disappeared in a puff of smoke, and was replaced with two small, blue, floating creatures. Celestial spirits, he was able to recognize. Gemini flew around Lucy's head, saying in unison, "we were just trying to help, piri-piri!" 
Lucy sighed, "we'll talk about this later. Just go back to the Spirit World until I summon you to talk." 
The pair of spirits poofed away without a single complaint. Freed sheathed his rapier and looked at Lucy with a critical stare, asking, "Lucy?" 
He watched as Lucy glanced at him before she turned away and groaned, "sorry about them, Freed." 
Freed stepped closer to her, his suspicion rapidly easing until it quickly disappeared altogether. He asked, "what were they doing?" 
There was a rather long pause before Lucy sighed, "if I know them as well as I think I do, they were trying to see if you liked me." 
Freed raised an eyebrow. "Like you? Of course I like you." 
"No, romantically like me." She sounded almost exasperated. 
Freed didn't bother to suppress the smirk that made its way onto his face. "I know." Of course he knew what she meant. It was hard not to from how Gemini was acting. 
Lucy turned to him, surprise clearly written on her face. Her mouth was slightly agape and her eyes wide. She managed to get out, "what?" The word was quiet, disbelieving. 
Freed chuckled before he asked, "what do you think about a date?" 
"...you and me?" 
"Yes. A date. You and me." 
To his enjoyment, Lucy looked away as a blush bloomed across her cheeks. She nodded as she answered shyly, "I would really like that."
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cheesydelphox · 2 years
Is it too cheeky to ask for Bickslow x Freed headcanons? It's hard to find content on them. Not me making my hyper fixations other people's problems, no siree lol.
Totally fine! I would love to oblige
-Sometimes Freed will decorate Bickslow's helmet with flowers or sequins. sometimes bickslow won't even notice until they get to the guild and everyone is giggling
-Bickslow is really warm blooded and freed is always cold so sometimes Bickslow will give freed his cape when it's really cold
-The two of them are taking bass guitar lessons together
-Bickslow is trying his best to keep fish as a pet but he often forgets to feed them and Freed has to do it. It's not out of neglect or anything he just forgets
-Sometimes Evergreen gets mad at Elfman and goes to stay with the two of them so they have a seperate couch bed for her to stay on when that happens
-bickslow is in canon about the same height as laxus, who is... way taller than freed. so Bix makes a bunch of short jokes when they try to kiss sometimes and Freed tries his goddamn best to put up with it
thanks for the ask!
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raijindork · 4 days
The Boy of the Lamp
Chapter 11 - Lonely
Summary: As far as Lucy always knew, genies weren’t real. Cleaning her new house one day, Lucy comes across an old lamp in the attic, and now she has a supernatural being inhabiting her house and bugging her about using up her wishes.
Pairing: BixLu Rating: T Words: 4k
Read on ff.net
Hi, I made an update.
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floertoer · 18 days
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rainnby · 1 year
I uploaded my Fairy Tail Fanfic to AO3 finally lol. Here it is for those interested!
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ftrarepairweek · 7 months
Rare Pairs Week 2024
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Banner by @kiliinstinct Brought to you by a new mod-team, we're thrilled to be able to bring this event back! It was previously hosted on @ftguildevents, and as we continue working on overhauling that page, we decided to give this event its own corner of tumblr.
Check out the Rules section for the list of ships that are excluded from this event.
Event Information
Dates: April 7th - 13th
Submissions  - Anything and everything - art, fics, poetry, amvs, headcanons, manga colorings, aesthetics, etc.
💕 Day 1 - Warmth 💕 Day 2 - Distance 💕 Day 3 - Team Up 💕 Day 4 - Festival 💕 Day 5 - Fears 💕 Day 6 - Sanctuary 💕 Day 7 - Tradition
Event AO3 Collection: Fairy Tail Rare Pairs Week 2024
Event Tag: Use the tag #ftrarepairweek in your first five so that we can see it! You’re also welcome to mention the blog @ftrarepairweek. Please make sure to tag any triggers appropriately.
Extra Info: This event is open to all ships (excluding the ones listed below), including brotp, lgbt, and poly.
Please reblog to help spread the word!
No character bashing
No incest
No canon minor x adults ships
All entries must be previously unposted and original to the blog posting.
The following ships are not eligible for this event. You may still include them as side ships in your entries if you wish, but the focus must be on the rare pair. ✨natsu x lucy (nalu) ✨gray x juvia (gruvia) ✨gajeel x levy (gajevy) ✨jellal x erza (jerza) ✨mirajane x laxus (miraxus) ✨elfman x ever (elfever) ✨loke x lucy (lolu) ✨zeref x mavis (zervis) ✨natsu x lisanna (nali) ✨gray x lucy (graylu) ✨laxus x lucy (lalu) ✨gray x erza (grayza) ✨bickslow x lisanna (bixanna) ✨gray x natsu (gratsu) ✨sting x rogue (stingue) ✨freed x laxus (fraxus) ✨erza x mirajane (erzajane) ✨erza x lucy (erlu)
We will always accept late entries!
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everelffan · 1 year
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Pinterest my love - ROUND 2
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heartfiliaccc · 2 days
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 10: thoughts + opinions
Uneasy Erza omake
I'm totally not shocked that Juvia has practiced kissing in front of the mirror at some point in time (she has to perfect it for her beloved Gray, am I right?)
but she's so adorable regardless
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Gray's facial expression tells me this isn't the first time he's seen her doing it
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Juvia the secret Jerza shipper ⚔️✨
J: ''Before I leave, I would like to encourage you to do some training of your own.'' E: ''Y-yeah, I'm okay, I think...'' J: ''Your kissing has to be up to snuff, or else Jellal will be displeased!''
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I love how Erza is trying not to think about Juvia's words and is also trying to convince herself she's not bothered by that, although you can tell she's clearly disappointed she and Jellal aren't a thing yet (I know they aren't technically a canon couple, but they are canon to me because it's so obvious they have feelings for each other and have so much history together compared to the other big 3 ships) + I love how she starts practicing kissing as well lmao
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Tattered Gajeel omake
aww, I love how Gajeel's been taking on more jobs because he and Levy are expecting a baby😭❤️
they look so cute snuggled up against each other + Levy's hand on her baby bump
Lily being a part of their little family, awww
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Lucy's Leo x Virgo Star Dress Mix is soooo pretty😭😭😭
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I love Lisanna's reaction to the Star Dress Mix lmao
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wow, Lisanna getting one-shotted? geez, what a surprise🙄
Mira still standing isn't a shocker considering the fact that SHE'S A S-CLASS MAGE, but Elfman still standing did suprise me though
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E: ''Why did you strip?'' J: ''Because you're here. Enjoy it.'' 😏😏😏 E: ''Wow, he's completely out of his mind! I've got to take him down before this goes any further.''
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Gray vs. Thunder Legion rematch?
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I LOVE JEALOUS JUVIA! // ''Has she touched him with the bare skin of her feet?''
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nice logic Fried: turning into a demon when you're going against a devil slayer?
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is this the same Thunder Legion that kicked ass during the Battle of Fairy Tail arc? welp, they pretty much all got their asses handed to them by Gray lmao
the whole ''stop it, he's already dead'' meme but Fairy Tail edition
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they way Gray used Evergreen's and Bickslow's powers to beat them was really hilarious and smart!
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aww, I love how Gajeel didn't want to lose yet another battle to Natsu and how upset he was over the fact that Levy joined the battle despite being pregnant; I also can't believe Natsu aimed for LEVY'S STOMACH, but as much as he can be dumb as fuck sometimes, I'm so glad he was hesitant about attacking her in the end
''Because no matter what happens, you are my number one.'' 🖤🧡
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J: ''I almost forgot how strong you are.'' E: ''Stop, you're too close!'' J: ''I'm just trying to get a better look. Who could blame me?''
goofy goobers
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sillies #2 🫶🏻
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''Woah, looks like I'm interrupting something.'' // WELL LAXUS, YOU MOST CERTAINLY ARE
Wraith's one hell of a weird dude, idc
As much as I really looked forward to all the Jerza moments getting dubbed, this episode wasn't the best one to watch, mostly because of Jellal's VA change (I hope to gods this is just temporary, because no one can do Jellal's voice like Robert McCollum, period).
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fairytailaustories · 3 months
All the ships I ship (Names do have some spoilers)
Gajevy: Gajeel X Levy (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Zervis: Zeref X Mavis (Alvarez Empire X Fairy Tail
Kinabra: Erik/Cobra X Kinana (Crime Sorciere X Fairy Tail)
Cappy: Happy X Carla/Charlie (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Elfgreen: Elfman X Evergreen (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Gruvia: Gray X Juvia (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Jerza: Siegrain/Jellal X Erza (Crime Sorciere X Fairy Tail)
NaLu: Natsu/End X Lucy (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Bixanna: Bickslow X Lisanna (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Rowen: Romeo X Wendy (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
StingYu: Sting X Yukino (Sabertooth X Sabertooth)
RoKa: Rogue X Kagura (Sabertooth X Mermaid Heel)
Jeltear: Siegrain/Jellal X Ultear (Crime Sorciere X Crime Sorciere)
Lyredy: Lyon X Meredy (Lamia Scale X Crime Sorciere)
Mirafreed: Freed X Mirajane (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Miraxus: Laxus X Mirajane (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
RoYu: Rogue X Yukino (Sabertooth X Sabertooth)
Stinerva: Sting X Minerva (Sabertooth X Sabertooth)
Conight: Erik/Cobra X Macbeth/Midnight (Crime Sorciere X Crime Sorciere)
Angnight: Macbeth/Midnight X Sorano/Angel (Crime Sorciere X Crime Sorciere)
AcnoRene: Acnologia X Irene (N/A X Alvarez Empire)
Loana: Leo/Loke X Cana (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Mix between Earthland and Edolas:
Mystaxus: Laxus X Mystogan (Fairy Tail X Fairy Tail)
Edo Gruvia: Gray Surge X Juvia
Mystwalker/Edo Jerza: Jellal/Mystogan X Erza Knightwalker
Edo Nalu: Natsu Dragion X Lucy Ashley
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discodreaming · 11 months
HELLO! i've now opened my inbox for my followers/mutuals to talk to their favorite character!
you can send in random sentences, inbox prompts that you see on my blog or even confess your love!
please be sure to be respectful and kind to not only me but the muses.
this will be very much like roleplaying. to continue communication you can send in more inboxes or you can even link the inbox to a conversation to communicate with your beau/family/friend!
please do not request any minors/anthropomorphic in romantic or sexual ways, I'm begging you. i will only reply to the platonic/familial ones.
you may talk to at least 2 muses at once in one message, all to prevent being overwhelmed. this may change once i get comfortable enough to handle more.
all romantic and nsft inboxes or starters towards muses will require slow burn
all ships are multishipped but can be single shipped if you guys can build up their romance meter!
this will only be reader x character, oc x character i will put on either another blog or a different post.
* note: i will accept 5 oc x character in this post for the time being: 1/5
however for certain events i can bend these rules for you to get a romantic scene with your crushes!
or even just hanging out with your friends!
characters i will write for right now:
note: this list will change every now and then as i advance further into the shows or a character is requested more!
if you don't see a character you like here and would like to see me try my hand at playing them, don't be shy to tell me!
bold = characters I've played before
one piece! ( pre timeskip )
romantic options: nico robin, nami, sanji, zoro, usopp, buggy, sir crocodile, dracule mihawk, shanks, portgas d. ace
platonic options: chopper, franky ( may change ), luffy ( im currently on the pretimeskip )
up to debate: please ask !
rwby ! ( all season 9 ages )
romantic options: weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, jaune arc, taiyang xiao long, raven branwen, qrow branwen, emerald sustari, sun wukong, neptune vasillias, james ironwood, winter schnee, mercury black
platonic options: ruby rose, nora valkyrie, lie ren, pyrrha nikos, penny polendina, professor ozpin, oscar pine, neopolitan
up to debate: salem, cinder fall
fruits basket !
romantic options: shigure sohma, hatori soma, ayame soma
platonic options: tohru honda, yuki sohma, kyo sohma
castlevania animated !
romantic options: trevor belmont, adrian 'alucard' tepes, sypha belnades
edens zero !
romantic options: rebecca bluegarden, weisz steiner, homura kogetsu, kris rutherford, shiki granbell, labilla christy
platonic: happy, witch regret, sister ivry, hermit mio, valkyrie yuna, elise crimson, justice
d.gray man !
romantic options: yu kanda, lavi, tyki mikk, howard link, cross marian
platonic: allen walker, lenalee lee, nea d. campbell, wisely kamelot
psycho pass !
romantic options: akane tsuneori, shinya kogami, nobuchika ginoza, shuusei kagari, yayoi kunizuka, shion karanomori, shogo makishima
platonic: tomomoi masaoka
owari no seraph
romantic options: guren ichinose, ferid bathory, kureto hiiragi, shinya hiragi, seishiro hiiragi, crowley eusford
platonic: yuichiro hyakuya, mikaela hyakuya, shinoa hiiragi, yoichi saotome, shiho kimizuki, mitsuba sangu, krul tepes
yuukou no moriarty
romantic options: william james moriarty, albert james moriarty, louis james moiarty, sherlock holmes, fred porlock, sebastian moran, mycroft holmes, james bond
fate/ ( /zero & /stay night)
romantic options: saber, kirei kotomine, gilgamesh, cu chulainn
platonic: shirou emiya, rin tohsaka, waver velvet
up to debate: kiritsugu emiya, irisviel von einzbern, archer emiya, tokiomi tohsaka, diamuid ua duibhne
please don't: shinji matou, ryuunosuke uryu
fairy tail
romantic options: lucy heartfilia, gray fullbuster, erza scarlet, mirajane strauss, laxus dreyar, gildarts clive, loke, elfman strauss, juvia lockser, fried justine, evergreen, bickslow, rogue cheney, sting eucliffe, kagura mikazuchi, aguria yukino, natsu dragneel, mystogan, cana alberona, gajeel redfox, erik, jellal fernandes
platonic: wendy marvell
record of ragnarok
romantic options: adam, jack the ripper, kojiro sasaki, qin shi huang, hades, beelzebub, hermes
platonic: souji okita
up to debate: the valkyries, nikolas tepes, thor, poseidon, apollo,
obey me
romantic options: lucifer, mammon, levianthan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor,diavolo, barbatos, simeon, raphael, solomon,
platonic: luke
up to debate: thirteen, mephistopheles
kingdom hearts ( kingdom hearts iii )
romantic options: terra, aqua, xemnas, zexion, saix, axel, demyx,
platonic: sora, kairi, riku, roxas, namine, xion, ventus, vanitas, ephemer, skuld, brain
genshin impact
romantic options: wriothesley, albedo, alhaitham, ayaka, ayato, baizhu, ajax, cyno, dehya, diluc, eula, ganyu, itto, jean, kazuha, kokomi, xiao, heizou, shenhe, kaeya, rosaria, yae miko, beidou, lisa, kaveh, zhongli, nigguang, neuvillette, yela, candace, thoma, yanfei
platonic: hu tao, venti, faruzan, sucrose, chongyun, freminet, layla, mika, fischl, collei, noelle, yun jin, barbara, xingqiu, amber, bennette, xinyan
up to debate: keqing, lyney, aether, lumine, wanderer, lynette, kuki shinobu, sara, kiara, gorou, mona, nilou, yoimiya, charlotte
please don't: klee, sayu, qiqi, diona, dori, nahida, yaoyao
final fantasy
romantic options: cloud strife, tifa lockhart, aerith gainsborough, zack fair, reno, rude, genesis rhapsodos, reeve tuesti, angel hewley, sephiroth, vincent valentine.
platonic: barret wallace, yuffie kisaragi
detroit become human
romantic options: connor, markus, gavin
platonic: kara, hank
devil may cry
romantic options: dante, nero, vergil
platonic: trish, nico, lady, v
jojo's bizarre adventure
romantic options: dio brando, joseph joestar ( part 2 & 3 ), caesar anthonio zeppeli, jotaro kujo ( 4-6 only ), rohan kishibe, bruno bucciarati, leone abbachio, narciso anasui, johnny joestar, gyro zeppeli, diego brando
debating: jonathan joestar, jolyne cujoh, weather report
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