#biddle house
whore-ibly-hot · 6 months
For anyone who has seen the new goosebumps...
I can fix him.
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(Guys seriously, I can do it, trust.)
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Notes on the new Goosebumps series
1) Lucas and Margot are adorable, I ship
2) Isaiah needs to chill with the jealousy towards Lucas
3) I'm not offended by the whole "Woke" thing, but I personally don't think they need to keep reminding the audience that James is Gay in nearly every episode. Like, we get it, he's Gay, and that's fine! But come on, just leave it at that. 4) The whole plot revolving around Harold Biddle being burned to death in a house fire after a prank gone wrong, and then coming back to get revenge on the kids of the parents who killed him, gives me both Carrie and Nightmare On Elm Street vibes. I like. 5) From what I've read on ONE website, Chris Geere is APPARENTLY going to be voicing Slappy. Anyone not familiar with him he's a British actor who played Roger Clifford in Pokemon: Detective Pikachu (2019) as well as the lead role playing Jimmy in the 2016 TV series "You're The Worst". If this is true, I think he's gonna do awesome and all the human characters in a Goosebumps story are once again gonna be upstaged by a Ventriloquist Puppet XD (I say "If this is true" because only one website has stated Chris Geere will be the voice of Slappy, but it does not exactly look like a trustworthy source. If this is untrue, they had better remove the article and stop telling lies about Chris Geere, given that the SAGAFTRA strike is still happening).
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reesiereads · 6 months
James and the Dupes (Goosebumps 2023 Analysis 3/5)
If you haven’t read the previous two parts of this analysis I highly recommend you do, however the jist is that I am attempting to show how each Biddle item is purposely symbolic of the kid it’s tied to.
I’ve already discussed Isaiah and Isabella so let’s talk about James.
(Spoilers below the cut, I seriously recommend watching the show first before reading, it’s definitely worth it)
James is the point of view for Goosebumps’ third episode The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, however James’ object is not the clock for which the episode is named. When listing the objects in Go Eat Worms Margot specifically says James’ object is the “dupes” aka the duplications of James that the clock created. I’ll be discussing the significance of this in a moment but keep this in mind.
The Cuckoo Clock of Doom starts once again the night of the Halloween party at the Biddle house and with James hitting his head for the first time on the cuckoo clock. James is disoriented and it’s implied he hit his head fairly hard but he decides to go through with the party anyway and it’s through his actions at the party this first go around that we see the most vital aspects of James’ character.
James goes throughout the party talking to just about everybody. He knows all their names, he’s personable and friendly, he’s a complete social butterfly. It’s very obvious though that he isn’t actually saying anything of substance; it’s all small talk. He knows everybody and everybody knows him but none of them are his actual friends. James’ demeanor through this scene is also very (for a lack of a better word) safe, it’s the sort of polite but casual tone you take when trying to make friendly small talk and it’s the sort of tone that while very forced very few people could take issue with.
When James stops to talk to Isaiah this very palatable tone fades but not completely, there’s still a very obvious amount of effort and energy being pushed into what James is saying. His words are casual but his body language and tone are practiced.
Essentially, James is a performer. His given description prior to the shows release labeled him as a “class clown” and this trope is a perfect encompassment of everything James embodies. He’s funny, he’s charming, just about everyone likes him but nobody actually knows him. He’s got a sort of casual confidence about him that is a complete act, but he’s so at arms-length with everyone around him that most don’t recognize his facade.
There are two relationships that perfectly show James’s true character: Sam and Isaiah.
Sam is the boy James likes but we aren’t given much of an indication why James like him other then that Sam is hot: this is deliberate.
See, Sam is the perfect vehicle to showing how James conducts most of his relationships. He approaches a person, he makes some small talk, he finds a topic the person likes and (whether he has any knowledge or interest in the subject) tries make himself palatable by discussing it. As a people-pleaser myself I can say with full confidence that this behavior is done with two goals in mind: to make the other person like him and to keep the conversation on the other person so he doesn’t have to talk about himself. This is the main reason Isaiah tells him he needs to stop trying so hard to be liked, because this people-pleasing behavior hinders James’ ability to form actual deep connections.
The reason James doesn’t take this advice is because that’s exactly what he wants. What the time loops reveal is that even when given the opportunity James will not be himself. He’s presented with the perfectly opportunity to try and be himself with Sam, being completely able to just reset the night once again if it goes wrong, and instead James abuses the time loop so that his lie about sharing interests with Sam will be more convincing.
This is further emphasized by the clones words to Sam. While yes, the clones are being purposely cruel to try and ruin James’ life, a majority of their words are rooted in some kind of truth. They are James and they are using the exact information and feelings James has to manipulate the people around them. When ruining James’ relationship with Sam the clone specifically states that Sam is “too clingy” and I believe this is the exact reason James was interested in Sam in the first place.
James went after Sam, a person he seemingly shared no interests with and only found attractive, because James assumed he could have a very (for a lack of a better word) shallow relationship with him. James was never looking for anything serious and his comment about “I don’t know anything about soccer but I don’t care because Sam is hot” emphasizes that. Why would James want a deep emotional connection with someone when he doesn’t even have a relationship like that with his best friend?
Isaiah is James’ best friend however his actual relationship with Isaiah seems to go roughly the same as his relationship with just about everyone else. Sure, they hang out a lot but most of their interactions seem to be James hearing Isaiah out about his issues and them talking about their crushes. Isaiah does question about James about how he’s doing but James either deflects or avoids the seriousness of the situation.
In The Cuckoo Clock of Doom Isaiah and James have a discussion after James’ botched attempt at talking with Sam. In this discussion Isaiah immediately knows James was not being himself when talking to Sam and encourages him just be himself rather then trying so hard to be liked. This, on it’s own, seems like reasonable advice however what’s interesting is James’ response: “that’s easy for you to say.”
Isaiah questions what he means by this and James, clearly uncomfortable, says nevermind and essentially forces the conversation to be dropped. Despite Isaiah being his best friend it’s very clear James is not comfortable being honest about his emotions with him.
The questions comes up again once James is found however and this time James is upset enough by the discovery that Isaiah, his best friend, doesn’t know him well enough to know if he’s a clone or not, that he elaborates. He states: “It is really hard to be 1 of 6 gay people in a town.”
The crux of James’ behavior, the reason he people-pleases and dances around serious topics is because he feels othered. He feels different from the people around him and he’s scared of the judgement that could come from that. A lot of his behavior reads as a sort of compensation, as if he’s trying to be as palatable as possible so people will like him despite the fact that he’s queer.
I imagine James also feels isolated the same way Isabella does, at least in an emotional sense. He keeps everyone at school at an arms-length and his relationship with his Mother is implied to be rather distant. She treats him more like a best friend then anything and paired with her alcoholism there is a very clear emotional wall between the two of them. There is no one James feels safe to confide in and I imagine it’s only worsened his feelings of otherness.
Now, finally, let’s discuss the Dupes:
The Biddle Clock and Dupes (roughly) work like this: When making contact with the clock a person is trapped into a time loop from the time of hitting the clock. The loop is restarted if the person attempts to leave the Biddle property. Every loop creates a duplicate of the person from an alternate timeline which Biddle is able to communicate with and who act as Biddle’s minions. The duplicates have all the information the original person had during the loop and, as their forms are goo of some kind, can likely change their appearance at will.
The duplicates take James’ place for roughly a week and during this time they set out to ruin James’ life as throughly as possible by destroying all his relationships. Sam is broken up with on ground of being “too clingy,” Isaiah’s relationship with Allison is worsened and his feelings for Margot are revealed which are things James likely knew a lot about as Isaiah’s friend not to mention the clone picking on Isaiah’s insecurities, and based on the comments about James’ mother James feels some resentment for his Mom’s behavior which the clone is more open about then James would be.
No one recognizes that the clones have taken James’ place despite them not acting very in-character. The people the clones strive to ruin James’ relationships with also all react very volatile to the clones’ behavior, showing how despite James’ efforts to be very likable his efforts haven’t fostered very strong relationships.
The message of the episode is fairly clear: If you keep everyone around you at arms-length and try too hard to be likable then you are inevitably going to be isolated as none of your relationships will have any kind of stable foundation.
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McMillen, the oldest design firm in continuous operation in America, has been creating distinguished interiors since 1923. Betty Sherrill, president of McMillen, discussed this soft floral room which the firm designed in Southampton one summer. ‘This is a room I could have seen Cordelia Biddle Robertson, the late owner of the house, sitting in. I loved her and we did the room because of her.”
Interior Visions: Great American Designers and the Showcase House, 1988
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readyforsomeslapstick · 6 months
alright, taking bets on who is holding the flashlight at the end of Ep8
I've got my money on two candidates:
either the one person who was in the Biddle house that we haven't heard from, and who was sold as a villain from the start.
or the one person who willingly walked into the Biddle house but whose plans got massively derailed by Harold's sudden appearance.
it's either Allison, the ex-girlfriend, or Nathan Bratt himself.
If I'm wrong, then Disney needs new writers.
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byneddiedingo · 8 months
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Hugo Weaving in V for Vendetta (James McTeigue, 2005)
Cast: Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry, John Hurt, Tim Pigott-Smith, Rupert Graves, Roger Allam, Ben Miles, Sinéad Cusack. Screenplay: Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski, based on a graphic novel by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Cinematography: Adrian Biddle. Production design: Owen Paterson. Film editing: Martin Walsh. Music: Dario Marianelli.
I'm not sure how Guy Fawkes became a hero and his plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament an admirable political act, but V for Vendetta certainly seems to endorse both of them. (The latter seems especially odd in a movie made only four years after the 9/11 attacks.) The film bears the stamp of many adaptations from graphic novel/comic book sources: an assumption that the viewer will accept the movie's milieu on its own terms, without trying to haul in real-world plausibility. It's easier to do that if you have a cast capable of playing almost anything from Shakespeare to soap opera. So the presence of actors like Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry, John Hurt, Tim Piggott-Smith, Rupert Graves, and Sinéad Cusack goes a long way to keeping V for Vendetta alive. I particularly liked Roger Allam as a rabble-rousing news commentator in the mold of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. I was less impressed with Natalie Portman, whose British accent came and went fitfully and who generally seemed at sea. It may be that the script by Lilly and Lana Wachowski called for her character, Evey, to be off-balance through most of the film, but I failed to connect with her performance, which since she is meant to be the audience's point-of-view character is something of a fatal flaw.
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sdaedal · 4 months
Whether you love movies, television, theater, books, or just supporting unique, independent businesses, this cause should be near and dear to your heart. The Faux Library—whose owner is famous for inventing the prop book—is at risk of closing if they can’t raise enough money for back payments of rent. Send $5 to support someone who helps make the media you love.
If you’re not sure why this matters, this LA Times article does a great job explaining the legacy of the Faux Library, as well as the impact the pandemic and multiple strikes had on Hollywood industries beyond acting and screenwriting. Excerpt:
“Meyer’s Faux Library Studio Props — which provides fake books, real books, antique furniture and other decor for film and TV sets — is among a number of Southern California prop houses that were still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic when Hollywood actors and writers went on strike in 2023, bringing filming to a near standstill.”
*I am not affiliated with the Faux Library or LA Times in any way*
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bones-ivy-breath · 5 months
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Ralph Hanes estate, picture from the courtyard revealing part of a house. Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolina, United States. Ellen McGowan Biddle Shipman papers, #1259. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
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slytherinroyalty16 · 5 months
I won't let you leave me
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Chapter 2
Warnings: SPOILERS!!! Y/n in his revenge arc, grave digging
word count: 1550
3rd POV:
A car is seen speeding its way through icy terrain. A man we know as Nathan Bratt behind the wheel, but he’s only there physically. Behind his eyes would be the form of Y/n L/n, a teenager whose life was tragically cut short at the age of 17. Nathan didn't know that he was part of a plan way bigger than him but that was all a part of the fun. The car stops in an empty lot where slightly snow covered objects could be seen on the ground. In his newly acquired meat suit, Y/n got down and started digging in the snow. He found the torso right in front of him and the limbs in the surrounding area. He couldn't find the head so he started walking deeper into the snow covered forest. He goes to take another step when his foot gets caught on a suspiciously thick mound of snow. He gets down and digs once more to reveal the head of his, now, favorite person.
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With the pieces in hand he goes back into the car and starts the drive to the Biddle house. As he’s driving, he can feel a slight scratching in his head, like someone was trying to get his attention from the inside. He looks into the rearview mirror to see the eyes of the meatsuit he is currently inhabiting. He rolls his eyes and allows the man to let his thoughts be known.
“What do you want with me? I haven’t done anything to you.” Nathan says. This is the second time this has happened to him and he’s more terrified now then when Harold had his turn with his body.
“I know you haven’t done anything. You are simply just a means to an end. The only reason I need you is because you are weak.” Y/n says nonchalantly. He rolls his eyes at Nathan’s nonsense questions before blocking his voice out of his head, sighing as he finally has a moment piece. He pulls up in front of the house and grabs the pieces of his friend from the back seat. Locking the car, he enters the house and releases possession of the man’s body.
“Say the words.” Y/n tells Nathan. He regains his bearings before looking at the ghost boy with a look of disbelief. “Why can’t you do it?” he says. Rolling his eyes at the idiot, Y/n states the obvious. “I’m dead, dumbass. It won’t work if I do it. Now unless you want to keep breathing  on this wretched planet, I suggest you say the goddamn words.” the ghost boy threatens as his skin goes to its burnt and charred form.
Nathan takes a deep breath before reaching inside the breast pocket of the puppet residing on the floor. He grabs the flimsy sheet of cardstock  before reciting the words.”Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano” he says cautiously. A beat of silence went by and nothing happened. The ghost boy paces back and forth as his anxiety skyrockets. He looks to the human man and paces up to him, Nathan backing up in fear.
“What did you do!?” Y/n exclaims. “I didn’t do anything! I-I-I just said the words on the card.” Nathan exclaims fearfully. Unbeknownst to them, the pieces of the puppet in question begin to attach themselves with the head jumping onto the neck.
“Leave him alone son, I’m alright” a voice says. Both male turn around to see the aforementioned puppet sitting on a loveseat in the corner of the room. “SLAPPY!” Y/n exclaims as he runs up to hug the small wooden doll, a big smile on his face as he gets his last remaining family in his arms once again. 
He puts the doll back in the loveseat before turning back to the owner of the home, standing in the corner trying to make himself smaller. “So, I hear that you need an ending for your story. I think I can help you with that” Slappy says to the struggling author. All of a sudden, barking is heard from another corner of the room. 
Nathan’s head turns to see the stuffed body of Fifi, his dead dog, barking on the wall. “Fifi? FIFI!” he yells before running to the wall to dismount the animal from its plaque on the wall. Free from its wooden prison, the dog runs in a few circles before standing still in front of the group. Nathan kneels down in an attempt to give the dog love and affection. Fifi growls at the man, eyes red and glowing with fangs that look to be bigger than her mouth. Nathan flinches and backs up in fear at the demonic animal before him. 
Y/n kneels next to the cowering man. “Grab a shovel, we’re going on the little field trip.” he commands. He looks at the boy for a second, disbelief on his face as he begrudgingly does as told. The boy stands, brown skin covering his burnt visage as he turns to look at the puppet sitting in the chair. He walks over and kneels back on the floor to make eye contact with the small wooden being. “What will you do when you have your body back? Will you at least stay with me?” the boy tearfully asks. 
Slappy lifts a small wooden hand and wipes away the singular fallen teat that manages to escape his eye. “Rest assured, when all of this is over, I’ll never leave you alone again. No one will.” the puppet answers. Y/n nods his head, wiping his tears and stands as Nathan walks back into the room with a shovel in hand. “Follow the dog, she knows where to take you.” Y/n says as he picks Slappy up. Nathan nods with a slight look of fear as he puts his coat on and prepares to leave.  
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The vampiric dog leads the group into the forest behind the used to be Biddle house. As they go deeper and deeper into the forest, Y/n holds Slappy closer to his chest to feel some form of comfort to quell the rising anxiety in his chest, heart beating in his ears. Fifi suddenly stops and starts forcing her paws into the ground, notifying the group of the location of what they’ve searching for. 
Nathan looks at the kid and pleads with him. “Please, don’t make me do this.” he whimpers. Y/n narrows his eyes at the scared human. “Start digging.” he commands. Nathan sighs, his fight leaving him as he starts to dig in the marked area. Time goes by and the group hears a thump. Y/n hands Slappy before he jumps into the hole and starts frantically removing the dirt off of the now unearthed coffin. After seeing the name that always fills him up with joyous emotions, he uses his limited magic to transport the group and the coffin inside the foyer of Nathan’s house. 
Y/n slumps against the couch, tired as his energy reserve is running low. He looks at Slappy with a tired look, the puppet nodding at the boy, seemingly giving him permission before the boy disappears in a flash. 
Slappy looks at Nathan, the aforementioned man staring at the coffin on his floor before opening the hatch on the lid. He was immediately hit in the face with the disgusting stench of a rotting corpse. Nathan reaches in and grabs a card that contains words not of this dimension. He looks at the doll with a look of fear, but the doll just looks at him, using his eyes to tell him to say the words.
Nathan takes a deep breath and recites the words as Slappy slumps against the seat, lifeless. His spirit travels across the room and enters the opening of the coffin. Nathan stands there in silence, mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen. Suddenly, a zombified hand reaches up and forces the lid off the coffin as Nathan backs away in fear.
The zombie moves his way out of the coffin into a standing position. As the previously dead body stands, his clothes go from torn and dirty to clean and well pressed. His skin goes from rotting and green to tanned and unblemished. Well combed brown hair appears on his scalp and a smirk forms on his face. As the two men stare at each other, a flash goes off in the corner of the room.
Y/n pops back in the room, magic rejuvenated, and looks around at the scene. When blue meets hazel, the boy gets a beaming smile on his face and runs towards the well dressed man with outstretched arms. The man caught the boy with a little laugh erupting from his mouth, a smile also seen on his face. 
“Kanduu!” the boy yells gleefully. He finally has someone he knows will never let him go. He has that security that he’s been craving since he was a kid.
“Y/n, it’s so good to have you in my arms again but we have a job to do.” Kanduu states. “What do you say we give Nathan here the best ending he’s ever written.”
“Let’s get to work, grandpa.”
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Did you guys like the ending? I know it's a bit of a curve ball but I will explain everything in separate series. I know, I'm doing to much but I have a plan. Look out for part 3 on Friday.
dividers by @cafekitsune
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sharpe-teeth · 1 year
my biddle just woke me up sprinting around the house in fear and I am left to conclude that she: a.) had a nightmare and woke up afraid and ran; b.) she fell off whatever she was sleeping on and THAT scared her; or c.) a ghost scared her.
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whore-ibly-hot · 6 months
💚👻Yan!Harold Biddle Hc's💚👻
"Viewer beware, you're in for a scare."
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18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Yandere themes, dark behavior, possession, general spooks, serial killer, bullying, angst teen ghost boy?
AN: Requested by an Anon, this man has me down so bad, and I hope this inspires others to write for him. I love both old and new goosebumps media, and how our reader meets Harold is VERY similar to the goosebumps TV show episode 'The Phantom of the Opera'. Enjoy and happy belated Halloween! Go watch Goosebumps on Disney ➕️. Never done an HC before...
💚In a situation for Harold to grow truly attached to someone, you would have to be from out of town, or visiting a family member, perhaps. Harold is filled with such hatred for his former classmates and there spawn, that even those who didn't kill him, he knows stood idly by and ignored him in school. Because of this, he probably wouldn't want the son or daughter of a former classmate.
👻Maybe you moved to Port Lawrence with your family, whether for work or a fresh start, or maybe your a distant cousin of one of the people in town. As long as you aren't a direct descendant, Harold will have an easier time coming to terms with these feelings.
💚Being new in town was hard for you, nerve wracking even. Everyone at this school seemed to have a clique or group, and even the loners had their own things going on. Luckily, you caught wind through overhearing some classmates that a party was being held on Halloween night. Hoping to make some real friends, you donned a costume and set out.
👻The address had been kind of hard to find, some old, blocked off road with a creepy mansion at the end. Still, the party was in full swing, teens dancing and drinking, strobe lights and shitty music filled the main room of the house. You asked one of your classmates, Lucas, about the house.
"Oh, yeah. Some kid died here like, a hundred years ago or something. Big explosions, a fire..." A skinnier boy in a cat costume cut him off. "Don't listen to Lucas, it wasn't a hundred years ago, dude. It was like, the 90s." He rolls his eyes.
💚A little uneasy about sneaking into a house, much more the site of a gruesome death, you tried to enjoy the party. After a few drinks, Dr. Pepper, you weren't trying to call your parents to take you home, you went looking for a bathroom.
This would prove pretty difficult. That same boy from earlier, Lucas, ate worms, and was puking in bathroom number one. The second bathroom was locked, and from the groaning and smacking inside, you could tell you didn't want to know what was going on inside.
👻This had left you with not choice but to go to the bathroom in the basement. Standing at the edge of the stairs and looking down the dark hallway, floored with rickety wooden steps, you had gathered your courage and descended.
💚Biddle had expected company, but unlike the mask he coerced Isabella into taking, or the camera he snuck in Isaac's bag, you didn't take anything. He waited for another, foolish teen to take something. He had a few items set out for specific peoples... but, he wasn't against another thief falling victim to his cursed items.
👻However, you surprised him. Just looked for the bathroom door, went, and then headed right back up to the party. When Mr. Bratt came home, the teens scattered, to cars and into the woods. Harold used this time to torment Allison, his burned, ghostly form shrieking at her. She had screamed in terror, and Isaiah soon found her.
💚You were driving home, but took pity and stopped to help a few of your classmates whose rides had fled. After several hours of dropping people off, you were finally able to get back home. A pair of pale ghostly eyes watched you from the window of your room. No one else had stopped to help their friends, much less strangers. How nice you were...
💚As days went by, and mysterious terrors afflicted the teens of Port Lawrence, you grew close to some of them. A busy body named Margot, a cheer leader named Allison, and a jock named Isaiah. All shared and English class with the new teacher (and owner of the Biddle house), Mr. Bratt. Mr. Bratt was odder at sometimes than others, almost like he was fighting with himself. He was always tired and dark eyed.
👻From deep inside, viewing the world through Mr. Bratt, Harold would observe the teens. It was just as he remembered it, the gossip, the catty looks and the fake smiles. But nothing sickened him more than watching you interact with the others, so sweet and kind, but only friends with the filth in this town.
👻On your end, you really liked Mr. Bratt. He was a funny teacher, always cracking jokes and saying something odd. He always gave you perfect grades, which was odd because you noticed you had gotten a few questions wrong when you would compare projects and assignments to classmates. Still, he was a great teacher.
💚Harold wasn't a fool. He had always been smart when he was alive, and his evil intentions had made him no less cunning. He knows he can't pursue you romantically as long as he's possessing a teacher. He'd rather not get his possession vessel arrested and sent to jail. He doesn't want his house empty, not right now.
👻When he heard you had taken up the role of a tech member for the drama department, he formed a plan. The old elevator platform to the schools abandoned basement was 'accidentally' left open, a gaping hole in the dark of the stage.
💚You unfortunately weren't aware of this, and had stayed late to finish some lighting set up. As you close up and turn out the overhead lights, the floor had felt as those it disappeared beneath you. As you plummet, you let out a pitch scream. It wasn't a long fall, not even that deep, but it hurt. Your hips and ankle were aching, throbbing, and red hot tears had begun to stream from your cheeks. You felt to scared to stand or move, but it was late. How were you supposed to get out of here?
👻As you whimpered, you heard a sound in the silence. Just then, a sound from the side. It sounded like a creaking floor panel.
"H-hello? Is someone there?" You called out fearfully. A boy, haired curly and tall looms over you. His eyes have dark circles, his face almost blends into the shadows of the basement, but... you chalk it up to blurry vision and bad lighting.
💚"Aw... how'd you end up down here?" He asked, voice low and slow as he had tilted his head. "I'm on tech crew, I fell. I think my ankle is... twisted or something. Could you help me?" She asks.
"Of course..." he drawled. His eyes darkened and a grin tugged at his cheeks as he said the next statement. "What kind of sick, sick monster would leave someone to die in a basement, all alone?" He said. You gulp and chuckle awkwardly. "Well, it's just my ankle. Don't think I'm dying." You joked.
👻"Course not. Come on." He had extended his hand to you, and hoisted you up against him with surprising strength. Despite the soft flannel shirt he was wearing, his skin felt frigid to the touch, yet oddly warm, an icey burning sensation could be felt where his hand was still on your arm.
"Should be a lever... right over-" he looks around, the snaps his fingers and points. "Right there." You had both hopped on the platform. "How'd you know how to get out of the basement, I heard it's been blocked off like, forever." She asks.
💚"I guess I just, know more than other people." He shrugs. Once he had helped you out of the school, you had gone to your car. Fidgeting with your keys, you faced away from him as you unlocked your car. "What did you say your name was?" You ask.
👻"Doesn't matter. Just a friend." When you turn to him with a confused look, he's gone. You looked around, but tired, you drove from the lot.
💚Back at the Biddle Manor, while Mr. Bratt tried to get a peaceful night of sleep without being possessed for once, Harold is in the basement, playing with the Polaroid camera Isaiah had tried so hard to destroy. He wonders, can it just take normal photos if he wills it too? He has other things to attend too, he can't always watch you, but he'd love a few pictures of you.
👻Even if the camera could only take pictures of your fate, maybe it wouldn't bother him too much. What would the future hold? Would you be with him? He hoped so, but the idea of what he could see that would displease him swayed him away from that path. No, he'll stick to watching you through Bratt, when he can, or through your windows on those precious nights you leave a curtain open.
💚As he sits in the room of his demise, he looks at his hands, black char marks occasionally appearing. For once, he doesn't focus on the burning rage and actual burning feeling that courses through his body. No, this warmth is softer. The warmth from when you touched him and he touched you. Contact, from someone who cared. Someone who he saw every private moment of, just to ensure that you had only pure intentions with everyone you met. Would you betray him if you knew, what he was like, who he was? He shakes his head. No. He holds all the cards now. He won't be weak ever again, he won't let you slip away.
General bonus hc's:
💚Harold only wears what teens at Port Lawrence high now think of as 'grunge'. Oversized sweatshirt, flannels, loose pants. He has never once brushed his hair, even when he was alive. He doesn't hate that grunge is popular now though. He enjoy leaving a flannel or a Jean jacket in your closet, hoping you'll assume one of your parents gifted it to you.
👻You can always tell when his ghost in nearby, even if he's not visible there are tells, even if you don't realize what they are pointing too. You might feel a stinging if he passes by, a side effect of the pain from his burns. The smell of smoke and dark room chemicals fills the air if he's around, and you feel like your being watched.
💚He'd like to kiss you, or hold you, but he's not ready to even attempt that, much less a real introduction. He's got a lot going on right now. For now, you'll only see him around town, at night when your alone. At a bus stop? Oh, that mysterious boy from the other night us passing by. Buying a snack? He's got some spare cash. Walking home alone at night? Good thing his lanky silhouette can be seen leaning out from under a streetlight. Don't worry, he'll walk you home. You wouldn't believe the sort of monsters that live in this town, that lurk. It's enough to give you goosebumps...
You wonder why you always forget to ask his name...
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I just took a history test! I'm taking a graduate level class (at the ripe age of 20). It focuses specifically on American history from 1785-1850, the bulk of it is Andrew Jackson content.
I currently have an A in this class. Idk how but I'm not complaining
Let's look at a few answers from my history test today: (this isn't even half of them)
What was John C. Calhoun's doctrine of nullification as published in the South Carolina Exposition and Protest?
This one's a little confusing- but that might be the point? He argues that a national majority could oppress a sectional minority. However his only 'solution' to the tariff/slave holding issue was to "recognize the undivided sovereignty of the individual states" but that, he claimed, goes against the constitution. I read this three times and assumed he was trying to confuse them into getting what he wants
How was Congressional debate over Indian removal divided?
Calhoun and Troup saw the Indians as 'unhuman' and wanted to murder them all with no remorse. John Quincy Adams wanted to let them chill and live their lives on their land. Jackson stood as a middle ground and wanted to move them, without brutally murdering them. The house and senate were also divided over the bill. Van Buren came to Jackson's rescue and secured enough votes to get the bill passed.
What was Nat Turner's Rebellion? What impact did it have?
Turner, a relatively cool slave ran away from his owner for a month, got sold to another slave owner. Then he started to have all kinds of violent hallucinations and visions. After moving again in 1830 Turner went off the rails and killed his new owner and their family, as well as several other people with his bandit of confederates. He then managed to escape being caught until October. This terrified people, whites, freed African Americans, antislavery whites, other slaves. This snowballed into a huge debate in Virginia.
How did the growth of an urban working class influence society and politics in the North?
As the working class grew, the people in the working class decided they wanted the rights to be treated fairly and to vote. This created the New York's Working Men's movement which decided to run in legislative elections. They got enough votes to elect one state senate candidate, and then died completely when Jackson became popular again.
How did the Bank of the United States work?
The bank had to run strictly by the constitution. it collected taxes, secured government funds, made government loans, paid government bills, and branched off into other branches. For a while it was run by Biddle, fueling his obvious god complex by allowing him to control the entire economy.
What was Jackson's response to South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification?
Jackson was on standby to partake in his favorite hobby, going to war. He saw the Ordinance and declared it a threat to the union. He was prepared to collect those tariffs himself if he had to. He submitted a bill authorizing troops to go to South Carolina and collect the tariffs by force.
What was Jackson's position on federal v. state power?
Andrew Jackson, man of the hour, whole heartedly believed in federal power. He would, and did do everything in his power to assure the federal government's power; even if that caused the governments downfall, the nation's downfall, and his mental health's downfall. He grew up with an inferiority complex, and any time he was given an ounce of power, he had to assert it over everything. I truly believe a couple of good therapists could have saved this nation from the beginning.
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reesiereads · 7 months
Isabella and the Mask (Goosebumps 2023 Analysis 2/5)
So for anyone who has not read my first post I highly recommend checking that out. The jist of this analysis however is that I am attempting to show the symbolism in the new Goosebumps show behind each haunted Biddle object and the connection of each object to each kid.
I’ve already talked about Isaiah so now let’s discuss Isabella.
(Spoilers below the cut, I seriously recommend watching the show first before reading. Trust me, it’s worth it)
Isabella is the point of view of the show’s second episode The Haunted Mask and in terms of symbolism is one of the most straightforward.
The Haunted Mask starts with showing us how Isabella spends a majority of her time: trolling her fellow classmates and leaving mean-spirited comments on their posts. There’s a vindictive sort of energy to her voice and facial expressions as she reads off each comment and stares down at her phone which completely fades the moment she runs into somebody else or attempts to talk to someone in person.
It’s implied throughout the episode that Isabella has some level of social anxiety. She struggles to raise her voice around others, apologizes unnecessarily for things that aren’t her fault, and in general conveys a rather anxious energy when talking with anybody that isn’t her family. The scene at the party where she sees Allison and her friends laughing and immediately grows self-conscious, assuming they’re laughing at her, is a prime example of this.
Now it’s also implied throughout the episode that Isabella has some anger issues (yes, even prior to her putting on the mask). The online trolling is a good example but there is also heavy annoyance in her tone and demeanor when dealing with Alan during breakfast as well as her snapping at Lucas for nearly running into her on the stairs, raising her voice around a person who isn’t her family for the first time on screen.
What’s interesting about Isabella’s first scene with Lucas at the stairs is that, while she seems frustrated, Isabella doesn’t seem genuinely angry until Lucas tells her he ‘didn’t notice her.” Her reaction to this line, particularly her facial expression, is a mixture of both hurt and genuine anger, as Lucas had unintentionally hit Isabella’s main issue right on the head.
See, Isabella is socially anxious, right? And Alan states later that she isn’t very involved when it comes to social events. This has inadvertently led to Isabella bleeding into the background, nobody knows who she is. Isaiah even states they’ve had classes together for years but he doesn’t know a thing about her, not even her name.
Except nobody truly knows her at home either, except perhaps her kid brother. Her Father is never home and her Mother is a nurse. It’s implied her Mother isn’t home very often either and that her Mother jumps very quickly to disciplinary action without fully hearing her kid’s out or connecting to them emotionally.
Isabella is invisible both at school and at home and this fact has caused her to grow resentful
It’s obvious both in her vindictive comments and actions to her fellow students and her Mother that Isabella heavily resents the people around her for how isolated she feels. When speaking with Alan she states she can’t go to the party because “no one knows who I am there. I’m literally invisible to them” in a tone that implies she believes it’s their fault. Alan challenges this by asking her if it’s possible she’s alone because she never joins in, which is what goads Isabella into going to the party.
Unfortunately, her social anxiety kicks in as soon as she walks into the Biddle house and leads her straight to the mask.
The Biddle mask works like this: It can whisper in the minds of it’s targets and once worn begins to drag out a person’s worst feelings and impulses. This effect is kept in place even after the mask is taken off and it seems to leave it’s targets in a sort of emotional trance. The mask also begins to fuse to it’s targets face and body once worn, though it can be pried off by the wearer with enough force. It’s also implied the mask has some sort of persuasive thraw about it that lures in it’s victims and convinces them to wear it.
Now the mask brings out three main reactions from Isabella: Confidence, Vindictiveness, and Violence:
It’s immediately apparent that Isabella gained a social confidence after putting on the mask at the party, going up to both Isaiah and Allison to dance around them and in general walking with a purpose that she did not hold originally. However the behavior continues the following school day, as Isabella holds a conversation with Isaiah that previously she seemed unable to manage. She’s speaking up to other students now, correcting them and holding full conversations. Her social anxiety hasn’t completely gone away as we see her struggle to speak to Isaiah when he first approached her and struggle to advocate for herself and her frustrations with Lucas and Colin, however there is still a markable difference in behavior.
The vindictiveness and violence on the other hand are radically apparent. While Isabella had already had a vindictive streak her anger begins to show far more apparently, exploding out of her in a way she quite literally can not control. Her original shouting at Lucas echos her original anger in the stairway however when the mask goads her in the office it’s very obvious she is acting out of character, digging into both Lucas and Colin’s insecurities directly to their faces the way she typically does online. She later forcibly walks Alan out of her room and then tracks down Lucas to violently beat him up, sent on a rampage by the mask that seems wildly out of control and erratic, nothing like the small bursts of anger Isabella had showcased previously.
She’s so lost in her own rage at her Mother that she ravages their home and almost attacks Alan.
The message for this episode seems about as clear as the last one: If you allow your anger and resentment at others to fester, only expressing it in small petty ways rather then properly communicating, you are eventually going to explode and there is a high chance people you care about will get caught up in the blast.
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gracie-bird · 2 years
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Located on Sixty-first Street off Madison Avenue, The Colony was founded in 1919 by Joseph Pani, who sold it to employees Ernest Cerutti, Alfred Hartmann, and Gene Cavallero, Sr in 1922. At first, it was known for attracting playboys trolling for dates. The club featured a lesser known upstairs gambling club where men would often meet their mistresses; however, after Mrs.  William Vanderbilt discovered it, the room became the fashionable haunt of New York high society. Mayor Jimmy Walker's victory celebration was held at the Colony in 1925.
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The Colony served liquor during prohibition, serving it in cups rather than glasses, and keeping its liquor in a service elevator where it could easily be moved, though Mayor Walker protected the restaurant from raids. It was the first restaurant in New York to have air conditioning, which was installed in the late 1920s. The Colony became the first establishment in the U.S. to serve Dom Pérignon champagne.
Siri Maccioni was the bar captain at the Colony from 1960 to 1970.
Over the Colony's 50 years all the big names from society, politics, entertainment, and royalty patronized it – Kennedy, Onassis, Capote, Dukes and dukes, Roosevelts, Biddles, Lodges, Cabots, and so on. It was referred to as a “boarding house for the rich” because some patrons were there so often.
From eBay.
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 months
It's summer somewhere, and it's also 9PM somewhere.
Kat Stevens: Peggy's continued shameless tactic to lure me in with random snippets from Ibiza Anthems vol 1-4 mixed by Alex P & Brandon Block is absolutely working. [8]
Oliver Maier: Absolute head-empty stuff. Pretty 90s inasmuch as it sounds like "I Like To Move It" for a corporate boat afterparty. In, like, Dubai. [6]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: The kind of big dumb pop hit that feels all the sweeter after a half-decade of sophisticated, fashionable house music from Peggy Gou. Somehow, I feel like this is her true form -- a hook-focused trickster spirit hitting all the dopamine release points as quickly as possible. Everything else -- all the long-form odyssey-like qualities of her earlier work, all the couture and style and glamor -- fades away. In pop music -- and "Nanana" is excellent pop music -- all that is secondary to the sheer sugar-rush joy on display here. [9]
Crystal Leww: Peggy Gou has made something like five songs in like five years, and yet somehow her status in dance music is now enormous -- she regularly sells out massive crowds in at least three continents despite incredible price tags (her last NYC show was on a Wednesday and tickets were one hundred and forty eight American dollars each). Yet, if you've ever seen a video of Peggy Gou DJing, it's all cameras up, with no one seemingly doing any actual dancing except maybe Peggy herself. Her whole schtick is like the culmination of the blurring of lines between DJ and influencer -- it's seemingly just as important to be seen at a Peggy Gou show as it is to actually enjoy a Peggy Gou show. All this being said, all five or so of Peggy's songs sound so incredibly warm and timeless despite the fact that they are perfectly engineered to trend chase after all. "(It Goes Like) Nanana" hops on the trance and eurodance revival that's been percolating the last two years, with an unmissable ATB sample and yet unlike what it's ripping -- corny, goofy, silly -- it's engineered to be so cool, conjuring images of exclusive parties on yachts and perfect bob haircuts that cost $1,000 a pop. "It Goes Like (Nanana)" works because it gives anyone a chance to feel like they could be a part of that exclusivity - it's a song meant to played in rooms with wood paneling and on expensive soundsystems while twirling around in circles with your best friends. [7]
Nortey Dowuona: She used to be good, what the freak happened? Are we all so desperate to run back to 1985 just cause Studio Ghibli was founded that year? They're not shuttered yet! [5]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Peggy Gou never changes, nor does she need to. [7]
Ian Mathers: She just doesn't miss! What's that? Lenny Kravitz? No idea what you're talking about. [8]
Scott Mildenhall: Finally, a song worthy of a one-hour YouTube loop. Peggy Gou's work doesn't feel formulaic so much as geometric -- "Nanana" has the colour and kinetics of a game of Breakout, pinballing predictably, but forever satisfyingly. [8]
Katherine St Asaph: Bliss is the absence of thought. [7]
Alfred Soto: In Peggy Gou's eternal 1998 and 1987, plinkety-plonkety pop house is the lingua franca. I'll admit to confusing "(It Goes Like) Nanana" and Kylie Minogue's "Padam Padam." Who wouldn't? [6]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: nah nah nah [4]
Claire Biddles: The Peggy Gou: The Complete Singles compilation that comes out in 2034 is going to be the greatest dance pop album of all time. [8]
Edward Okulicz: I didn't have "Peggy Gou gets an actual hit single" on my 2023 bingo card, but if you'd told me that it was going to happen last year with a song that steals as much from K-Klass as it does from ATB, I wouldn't have batted an eyelid. The whole song's as slick as the little "9PM" guitar line and if it's too soft to be a real floor filler, that seems like a decision rather than a flaw. [8]
Aaron Bergstrom: Answering the question, "How do you get from 'I Go' to 'featuring Lenny Kravitz" in one step?" [6]
David Moore: I love the small touches in this, especially the chintzy pitch-bend synth guitar, even though this song's massive success after "I Go" kind of feels like when a major director finally gets an Oscar for a merely competent movie after getting snubbed for their masterpiece. I'll take it, though. [7]
Peter Ryan: In the right light a bit of a supercut of Annie's Endless Vacation tracks. I can't complain; Gou's track swells in sync with the lyric's devolution into a heady non-verbal state. She gets it -- don't think, just move. [9]
Brad Shoup: Now this is a Eurodance text: verb choices just a couple degrees away from expected, similar clauses chained together, a big arrow pointing at the universal hook. If ATB could clone his hit i don't see why Gou can't. I dunno if this is a one-off trance dalliance but if not: try "The Lonely One" next. [7]
Taylor Alatorre: A dance song which performs its intended function ably and effectively, and which is committed to becoming a throwback club hit even as it is afraid to commit to representing anything beyond that. Those little bent synth phrases after the chorus sound cool. [6]
Will Adams: A panoply of musical choices designed to hit every pleasure point in my brain -- mindless, wordless hook; house piano chords; organ bass; synthetic guitar straight from an ATB classic -- that its slightness doesn't really matter. [7]
Vikram Joseph: This deserves to be heard under a high sun by a glittering sea so much that, listening to it for the first time right now, I almost want to hold myself back from it so that I can save it for the summer of '24. But to do so would be futile, because there's nothing delayed about the gratification that "(It Goes Like) Nanana" provides. It's so deeply kinetic, decorated with lashings of house piano, sweet pulses of synth and a fleeting quarter-century echo of the motif from "9 PM (Till I Come)"; it might have a big, dumb club-goading chorus but it's also smart enough to under-stay its welcome. Best just to give yourself entirely to it -- I mean, it's summer somewhere. [8]
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tiktotees · 5 months
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88th Annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl AT&T Stadium Tigers Vs Buckeys 2023 shirt
Drawing inspiration from R.L. Stine’s beloved ’90s book series, Goosebumps sees Justin Long as Nathan Bratt, the 88th Annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl AT&T Stadium Tigers Vs Buckeys 2023 shirt but in fact I love this town’s new high school English teacher who moves into a storied house with a dark past — the very place where teen Harold Biddle was murdered three decades prior. Unleashing Harold’s spirit that ultimately possesses Nathan, a group of nosy teens feel like “nepo murder babies” as they’re targeted for for the sins their parents committed against Harold so many years ago. Narrated and executive produced by Kristen Stewart, this paranormal docuseries follows a fabulous crew of queer ghost hunters, featuring a tarot card reader (Ken Boggle), a tech expert (Alex Le May), a witch (Juju Bae), a paranormal researcher (Roz Hernandez) and a psychic medium (Logan Taylor). Together, they’ll sashay their way through haunted hotspots across the nation — from Nevada’s Clown Motel to Broadway’s Palace Theatre — while proving that, sometimes, the best way to console the living is by communicating with the departed.
Buy it: https://tiktotees.com/product/88th-annual-goodyear-cotton-bowl-att-stadium-tigers-vs-buckeys-2023-shirt/
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