paulpingminho · 7 months
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( ... )
( unicron admits defeat this singular time. )
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thefulcrumfiles · 2 years
Oigan, de hecho si podría ser Frank eh, siento que nos parecemos, si le hecho ganas podría verme como él, solo que obvio yo estoy más alto
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pixiecaps · 2 years
los cosas son bienas = im goopin im gunkin
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todos-mis-motivoss · 3 days
Rompe la dompe?
A ti te queda más la de 'bien bien buena tu te vez bien biena' 🥵 jajaja
Apoco si mi general? 🫣
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purble-turble · 2 years
Biena donde puedo ver la historia completa de prisioneros mk y red son por favor
Hola, Anon! The Prisoner MK AU doesn’t have a full fanfiction written for it or anything, it is mostly just a collection of asks here on my Tumblr. All of them are tagged with #Prisoner MK so you can scroll to the bottom of that tag and read all of the related asks if you want. It also overlaps with both the #Demon King Red tag, and the #Time Travel tag a lot too, so it’s a kind of a lot.
Here’s a few of the asks that are important to the story in case you don’t want to go hunting through all of those asks:
The very first Prisoner MK post
Red Son puts the fillet on MK
Prisoner MK design
The very first Demon King Red post
Red Son proposes and MK finally escapes
And this short fanfiction about when Red Son first decides to betray MK
There’s also my in progress fanfiction, A Test of Time, which has Prisoner MK in it. The fic is in the Time Travel variant of this AU and focuses on Red Son.
Also, lots of people have made amazing fanart and fanfics of the AU and it’s all tagged under #Others Art and #Others Writing on my blog, so check that out too if you like.. art that I have made for my own AUs is tagged as #AU Art.
PS. If any of these links do not work for you, try opening them in a web browser instead of the mobile app.
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margari41 · 1 year
U kl, en q momento se me ocurrió q seria biena idea estudiar medicina *plata,plata, plata,plata*
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windermeresimblr · 2 years
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Duke Alun FitzCrispin grants the fiefdom of Tivoria to Eustace de Biena.
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ratoneroconversa · 2 years
Encontré uno de mis viejos libros para practicar y decidi darle una ojeada a mis Antiguos dibujos del 2020.
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La verdad,Debo admitir que no dibujaba muy biena,En cierta perspectiva si pongo a ver,tanto en digital y en tradicional mejore bastante en varios sentidos 😅.
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minashiro-mcl-etc · 1 year
Time Princess: Reine Marie (Complet)
Cliquer ►Pour la liste des fins, illustration et autre◄
1 - Déroulement du destin
A. Se changer B. Refuser de se changer
2 - La vie d’une Reine
A. Accepter -Gabrielle B. Refuser +Gabrielle C. Laisser Gabrielle décider +Gabrielle
3 - Un trésor légendaire
A. Refuser d’acheter  B. Acheter le collier ► Fin: Une conclusion ferme
► Refuser d’acheter
A. Ne pas acheter  B. Emprunter pour acheter C. Payer en plusieurs fois ► Fin: Une conclusion ferme
► Emprunter pour acheter
A. Gabrielle ► Fin: Une amitié magique B. Louis XVI ►   Fin: Une conclusion ferme
4 - Un retour victorieux
A. Fersen B. Lafayette
► Lafayette
A. Répondre de façon badine +Lafayette B. Se sentir frustrée -Lafayette
5 - La vérité au cœur des rumeurs
       ► 4. Lafayette + répondre de façon badine = +Lafayette
A. Maintenir son innocence et offrir un don +Louis XVI B. Maintenir son innocence uniquement +Louis XVI
► Maintenir son innocence et offrir un don
A. Aider le peuple ► épisode 15: Le peuple est heureux B. Acheter un navire ► épisode 15: Chaos
► Maintenir son innocence uniquement
épisode 15: Chaos
6 - Nouvelle visite chez le marchand
A. Lui faire des reproches et partir B. Partir sans dire un mot
7 - La rose de Versailles
Prérequis du niveau: Masque pur 
A. Bien sûr que je me rappelle +Gabrielle B. Prétendre que j’ai oublié -Gabrielle C. Se changer tout de suite +Gabrielle
A. Fersen +Fersen B. Lafayette +Lafayette C. Louis XVI +Louis XVI
A. S’approcher de la personne douce et fringante +Fersen B. S’approcher de la personne froide et sévère +Lafayette
► S’approcher de la personne douce et fringante
A. Murmurer le nom de Fersen +Fersen B. Jouer l’insolence et dire que vous ne le reconnaissez pas +Fersen C. L’appeler volontairement Lafayette -Fersen
8 - Balade nocturne
A. Petit chemin ►Se débloque avec Fersen à 1.7 B. Chemin principal ► Se débloque avec Lafayette à 1.7
9 - Plans annulés
Prérequis du niveau: Clairière sylvestre
A. Refuser B. Accepter +Louis XVI
10 - Confrontation
Prérequis du niveau: Blaisdell niveau 2 bienveillance
A. Accepter +Louis XVI ►épisode 1.11 B. Refuser -Louis XVI ►épisode 1.13
11 - Dignité impérial
Prérequis du niveau: Accepter à 1.10
A. Demander au Cardinal de payer +Blaisdell B. Traiter avec Böhmer
► Demander au Cardinal de payer
A. Faire Tomber Rohan +Blaisdell ► Fin: Adieu Versailles B. Discuter de manière amicale -Blaisdell
►  Traiter avec Böhmer
A. Böhmer doit être exilé +Blaisdell B. Böhmer doit disparaître +Blaisdell ► Fin: La Reine d’un individu
12 - Pouvoir et Dignité
Prérequis: Lafayette niveau 3 bienveillance
A. L’enfermer dans un couvent B. L’exiler +Blaisdell
13 - Le secret du Roi
Prérequis: Refuser à 1.10
A. Fersen +Fersen B. Lafayette +Lafayette
A. Prononcer le code secret pour tester sa réaction +d’Eon B. Attendre que quelqu’un d’autre apparaisse
14 - Avarice et conspiration
Prérequis: Louis XVI niveau 3 bienveillance
A. L’exécuter en secret +d’Eon B. Organiser une exécution publique
15 - Accorder sa miséricorde
Prérequis: Fersen niveau 3 bienveillance
A. Le féliciter +Louis XVI B. Hésiter à répondre
1 - La désision
Prérequis: d’Eon niveau 2 bienveillance
A. Taxer les aristocrates ►épisode 2.2 B. Ne pas Taxer les aristocrates
► Taxer les aristocrates
A. Me porter volontaire pour les persuader +Blaisdell, Louis XVI, Lafayette,  Fersen B. Réfléchir en silence
► Ne pas taxer les aristocrates
A. Suggérer de tenir une assemblée avec l’aristocratie -Gabrielle ► épisode 2.2 B. Suggérer de tenir une assemblée avec l’aristocratie  +Blaisdell, Louis XVI, Lafayette,  Fersen ►épisode 2.9
2 - Rencontre avec les aristocrates
Prérequis 1: Gabrielle niveau 3 bienveillance Prérequis 2: Taxer les aristocrates en 2.1 Ne pas taxer les aristocrates + Suggérer de tenir une assemblée avec l’aristocratie en 2.1
3 - Un mal pour un bien
A. Fersen +Fersen B. Lafayette +Lafayette
► Fersen
A. Poser à nouveau la question -Fersen B. Réfléchir à la question +Fersen
► Lafayette
A. Accepter immédiatement +Lafayette B. Hésiter -Lafayette
4 - Justice et réforme
A. Choisir pour Gabrielle +Gabrielle B. Choisir pour la France +Louis XVI, Lafayette, Fersen
5 - La punition des aristocrates
Prérequis: Gabrielle niveau 4 bienveillance
A. Fersen +Fersen B. Lafayette +Lafayette C. Louis XVI ► Fin: Jusqu’à ce que la mort nous sépare
6 - Comparution publique
Prérequis 1: Louis XVI niveau 4 bienveillance Prérequis 2: d’Eon niveau 4 bienveillance
A. Fersen +Fersen B. Lafayette +Lafayette
7 - Briser la résistance
Prérequis: Lafayette niveau 4 bienveillance
A. Oh, peu importe. +d’Eon B. Je veux savoir. +d’Eon
8 - Une nouvelle France
Prérequis: Gabrielle niveau 5 bienveillance
A. Investir pour l’aider à ouvrir sa propre boutique de vêtements B. L’inviter à devenir le créateur royal
A. Fersen ► Fin: Mon propre chevalier B. Lafayette ► Fin: Je t’appartiens C. Louis XVI ► Fin: Pour toute l’éternité
9 - Une réunion importante
Prérequis 1: Gabrielle niveau 4 bienveillance Prérequis 2: Ne pas taxer les aristocrates + Suggérer de tenir une assemblée avec le tiers état en 2.1
10 - Juste ou non
Prérequis: Louis XVI niveau 4 bienveillance
A. Fersen +Fersen B. Lafayette +Lafayette
► Fersen
A. Lui demander +Fersen B. Réfléchir moi-même à la réponse -Fersen
► Lafayette
A. Ecouter son histoire +Lafayette B. Ne pas l’écouter -Lafayette
11 - Visite de la Bastille
Prérequis: Fersen niveau 4 bienveillance
A. Accepter +Louis XVI B. Ne pas accepter -Louis XVI
12 - La France dans la tourmente
Prérequis: Gabrielle niveau 5 bienveillance
A. Refuser gentiment +Louis XVI -Gabrielle B. Hésiter +Gabrielle ► Fin: Plein d’espoir
13 - La marche des femmes
Prérequis: Lafayette niveau 4 bienveillance
A. Demander grâce B. Leur faire entendre raison
14 - Un canari en cage
Prérequis: Louis XVI niveau 5 bienveillance
A. Demander au Roi de la laisser rester B. Exprimer mon respect pour elle
15 - Protecteur éternelle
Prérequis 1: Fleur autrichienne Prérequis 2: Fersen niveau 5 bienveillance
A. L’aider +Fersen et Lafayette B. Conseiller le Roi +Louis XVI
A. Essayer de trouver une autre solution B. Essayer de rejeter sa demande
16 - Lettre d’une contrée lointaine
Prérequis: Lafayette niveau 5 bienveillance
A. Fersen +Fersen ►Après 2.18: épisode 19 B. Lafayette +Lafayette ►Après 2.18: épisode 21
17 - Une brève séparation
Prérequis 1: d’Eon niveau 5 bienveillance Prérequis 2: Blaisdelle niveau 5 bienveillance
A. Donner une réponse optimiste B. Donner une réponse pessimiste
18 - Un prisonnier sur le trône
Prérequis 1: Uniforme de gendarme Prérequis 2: d’Eon niveau 6 bienveillance
A. Se préparer à combattre B. Observer calmement
19 - Retour à Versailles
Prérequis 1: Fersen niveau 6 bienveillance Prérequis 2: Fersen à 2.16
A. Les remercier B. S’excuser auprès d’eux
20 - Un dernier morceau de liberté
Prérequis 1: Louis XVI niveau 6 bienveillance Prérequis 1: Lafayette niveau 6 bienveillance
A. Accepter +Fersen B. Reconsidérer d’abord la question +Fersen
A. Je veux rester avec vous pour toujours ► Fin: Un prière pour tous B. La solitude me faite peur ► Fin: Adieu éternel
21 - Dans l’ombre
Prérequis 1: Fersen niveau 7 bienveillance Prérequis 2: Lafayette à 2.16
A. Vous êtes un général digne de loyauté +Lafayette B. Que la lumière vous accompagne à jamais +Lafayette
22 - Le prix de la liberté
Prérequis: Louis XVI niveau 7 bienveillance
A. L’en empêcher +Lafayette B. Ne pas l’en empêcher +Louis XVI
A. Je ne vous quitterai jamais ► Fin: Naviguer vers l’avenir B. Je ferai de mon mieux pour continuer à vivre ► Fin: Histoire et Destin
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wolfiestqn · 2 months
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videiradacosta · 3 months
Sobre os rios que lavam
Pedro Abrunhosa elogia o músico recentemente falecido contrastando-o com a mediocridade, musical mas não só, do país. Bastava esse pano de fundo português para me motivar a dizer algumas palavras sobre o Fausto. O que se ouve na rádio, de facto, é de má qualidade, a maioria das canções não têm letra, têm refrão, são latino-americanas, e o Pop em inglês que é passado, geralmente de uma star qualquer, acompanha a mediocridade. Portugal tornou-se neste “sucesso”. Contudo, a qualidade intrínseca do Fausto vale por si só um depoimento. Considero o José Afonso mais melodioso e melhor poeta, porém, o natural do planalto angolano é mais ourives, mais limpo e talvez, mais intemporal, porque, sou suspeito, canta o meu Portugal. Aproveito a deixa, para contar um episódio. Numa noite de 1975, os adolescentes vadios da minha terra, estavam todos na pastelaria Primor. Apareceu por lá o Fausto, integrou-se no grupo e pediu uma guitarra. Fomos a minha casa e emprestei-lhe a pequena acústica que ainda hoje resiste. O Fausto badalou, fumámos umas ganzas e já não me lembro do fim da história. Sei que dos vadios, o Peteka é camionista de longo curso na Europa e que a polícia tem problemas com o Nino que vive na outra banda. Este é o meu Portugal eterno. Além disto, leio que, sendo natural do Huambo, ia frequentemente a Silva Porto, à embala do sertanejo, talvez por ter estudado nos maristas da capital biena, não sei. Sei é que ele dedicou a última canção do álbum "À procura das montanhas azuis" ao homem reto de longas barbas. A nossa história pode conter muita sujidade, como a escravatura e o colonialismo, mas Camões e os rios do mundo lavam-nos. Camões ou Fausto.
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Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Awareness About Gut Health
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The global Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1,499.7 million in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.0% over the forecast period 2022-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Overview: Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics are strains of beneficial bacteria that are naturally found in the human gut. These probiotics are widely used in various applications, including dietary supplements, food and beverages, and animal feed. The market for Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics is driven by the increasing awareness about gut health and the growing demand for natural and preventive healthcare solutions. These probiotics help in maintaining a healthy gut flora, improving digestion, boosting immune system, and preventing various gastrointestinal disorders. Market Key Trends: One key trend in the Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics market is the rising demand for probiotic-infused food and beverages. Consumers are becoming more health-conscious and are actively seeking products that offer added health benefits. As a result, food and beverage manufacturers are incorporating Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics into a wide range of products, such as yogurts, fermented drinks, snacks, and even baby food. For instance, Nestlé has introduced probiotic yogurt drinks containing Lactobacillus Acidophilus to cater to the growing demand for healthy and functional beverages. PEST Analysis: - Political: Governments around the world are implementing strict regulations and guidelines for the use of probiotics in food and dietary supplements. These regulations ensure the safety and efficacy of probiotics and provide consumers with reliable products. - Economic: The growing consumer preference for natural and preventive healthcare solutions has led to an increased demand for Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics. This has created economic opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers in the market. - Social: There is a rising trend of health-consciousness among consumers, leading to increased adoption of probiotic products. Additionally, the aging population is becoming more aware of the importance of maintaining gut health, further driving the demand for Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics. Key Takeaways: - The global Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics Market Scope is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 8.0% over the forecast period, due to increasing awareness about gut health and the growing demand for natural and preventive healthcare solutions. - In terms of regional analysis, North America is expected to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics market. The region has a well-established healthcare infrastructure and a high level of awareness about probiotics and their benefits. - Key players operating in the global Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics market include DuPont Nutrition (International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.), BIOPROX, Biena Inc., Chr. Hansen Holding A/S, Nebraska Cultures, Meteoric Biopharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Nestlé, Lallemand Inc., and Fido Pharma Pvt. Ltd. These players are focusing on product development and strategic partnerships to expand their market presence and meet the growing consumer demand. The Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotics market is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years, driven by the increasing awareness about gut health and the demand for natural and preventive healthcare solutions. The incorporation of probiotics into food and beverages presents a lucrative opportunity for manufacturers, while stringent regulations ensure the safety and efficacy of these products. As North America emerges as the fastest-growing region, key players continue to innovate and collaborate to meet the evolving consumer demand.
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foodandbeverages · 1 year
Starter Cultures Market Size 2023 Global Industry Share, Top Players, Opportunities And Forecast To 2033
The worldwide sales of starter cultures, which were previously estimated to be worth around US$ 1,123.1 million in 2022, are now expected to boost up. Currently, in the year 2023, the global starter cultures market value is figured out to be around US$ 1,191.6 million. Further, it is expected to develop with a higher average CAGR of 6.1% over the projected period and reach US$ 2,154.3 million by 2033.
Sales volume of different types of fermented foods has increased over the last decade, creating a lucrative industry of yogurt bacteria culture. The starter market is expected to progress further as a result of the rising dependability of low-fat dairy-based goods and functional beverages.
The market is getting strengthened by changing tastes and preferences and acceptance of packaged dairy products by consumers, along with their rising health concerns. In addition, rising public awareness of the starting culture’s health advantages is anticipated to create new opportunities for the key market players.
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Key Takeaways from the Starter Cultures Market Study Report
The     demand for starter cultures in the United States market is estimated to be     worth around US$ 306 million in the present year 2023.
Whereas,     in the Asia Pacific region, China is the leading producer of starter     cultures and is anticipated to register a 9.8% CAGR through 2033.
The     demand for starter cultures in Germany, with many private companies for     packaged food and beverages, is projected to record a 4.5% CAGR through     2033.
The     adoption rate of starter cultures in Canada is anticipated to remarkably     grow during the forecast years, at a 5% per year rate.
Meanwhile,     the mold category of microorganisms for the starter cultures market may     register a 5.1% CAGR through the forecast years.
Due     to the increased demand for cultured milk products and their use in the     production of cheese and butter dairy products, the application segment     held the dominant market share in 2022.
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Competitive Landscape
Angel Yeast Co Limited, Benny Impex, Biena Snacks, Chr. Hansen Holding A/S, Ingredion Incorporated, CSK Food Enrichment B.V., Danisco A/S, Dohler Group, Dalton Biotechnologies S.R.L., Genesis Laboratories, DuPont’s Nutrition and Biosciences, Lallemand Inc., Meat Cracks Technologies GmbH, Lesaffre Group, Kerry PLC, Mediterranean Biotechnologies Srl. Koninklijke DSM N.V., Meiji Holdings Company Limited, Sacco S.R.L, Mad Millie, Saputo Inc., Wyeast Laboratories Inc., Caldwell Company, Lactina Ltd. Co., Natren Inc., Lb Bulgaricum PLC, and Biocatalysts Limited among others are a few prominent players in the global starter cultures market.
To remain competitive in the market, prominent starter culture market players are focusing on product development according to region-specific requirements. For example, DuPont Danisco LPC 800, Yo-Mix Prime, and Yo-Mix Fast 1.0 are three cultures that Dupont Nutrition and Bioscience Company introduced in January 2020. The conglomerate targeted this product mostly as a solution for yogurt makers in the Chinese market.
Recent Developments
In     January 2022, International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) Company     declared an additional outlay for the development of next-generation     starting cultures. The company increased its investment to increase the     fitness of strains made from plant-based materials, in partnership with     the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
In     May 2021, Chr. Hansen Holding A/S Company introduced VEGA, which is a     vegan yogurt starter culture kit. The new product consists of starter     cultures that can be easily customized as per requirements, and contain     probiotic and bioprotective strains.
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Key Segments
By Microorganism Type:
By Type:
Lactic     Starter Culture
Non-lactic     Starter Culture
By Form:
Dried     Starter Culture
Liquid     Starter Culture
Frozen     Starter Culture
By Microorganism Growth Temperature:
Mesophilic     Starter Culture
Thermophilic     Starter Culture
By Application:
Starter     Culture for Dairy and Dairy-based Products
Starter     Culture for Meat & Seafood
Starter     Culture for Bakery Products
Starter     Culture for Alcoholic Beverages
Starter     Culture for Non-alcoholic Beverages
Starter     Culture for Organic Fertilizers
Starter     Culture for Other Applications
By Composition:
Single     Strain Starter Culture
Multi-strain     Starter Culture
Multi-strain     Mix Starter Culture
Other     Starter Cultures
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/starter-cultures-market
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Sin resultados
La mayoria fracasa
"Tienes demasiada información muy biena y me estas vendiendo chingaderas. Cuando alguien no conoce lo que quiere conocer estas cosas. Si no las sabemos hay que preguntarle al cliente que en que podemos mejorar. Porque me estas ofreciendo algo que en la red ya hay. Y mucho peor. Desgraciadamente personas como tu lucran con los sueños de las gente les prometen cosas que no se cumplen. Hacerse ricos de la noche a la mañana. Y todos fracasan quedan dececionados si no van resultados".
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Ni siquiera yo entiendo como es que fui tan egocentrica, egoista, enojona, hiriente contigo, creo que las hormonas y mis heridas me hicieron ser así en momentos de enojo. Jamás quise hacerte daño. Perdoname por no ser lo sufucientemente biena para ti, yo queria darlo todo por ti y ahora estoy trabajando en mi, para ser más madura y poder hablar de mis emociones y expresarme sin herir a los demás.
Disculpame por tratarte de una manera que no merecias, por hacerte llorar, creo que no supe manejar mis actitudes erroneas que sé que antes no tenia, y que antes yo era una niña feliz y difrente, pero mis experiencias del pasado me hicieron creer que si me tratan bien es por lastima y me daba miedo todo ese amor que me dabas. En mi cabeza jamás pasó la idea de dejarte ni de alejarme de ti, pero si la idea de mejorar y cambiar mis actitudes que te molestaban, pero no me diste la oportunidad de edesmotrarte que todo iba a estar bien.
Ahora lloro día y noche porque no estamos juntos, el contacto 0 me esta matando por dentro pero sé que es lo mejor.
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