#bienenstich the scolipede
koffing-time · 10 months
Hey I'm in town and obviously wanna stop by to try your cooking, but also do to recent events at my cafe I'm considering adopting a more muscular pokemon like crogunk or mienfuu to help around my cafe. I'm worried if I have to carry my newest buddy again 'jesters to a leshed anxious pink dragonair with a vest on that says ~ask before approaching me~ on it' that I may seriously injure my back or legs without the help of the extra muscle. She really is gentle the vest is more to protect her from anxitey then people from her by the way. I was wondering if you knew if the daycare near your shop had any pokemon that fit the bill that might be out of the puppy stage that young pokemon tend to go through. Either way I'd like to stop by and try a latte and get some poffins for my pokemon first, and of course catch up, :)
Hii! Sure, i'm here whenever you want to stop by! i'd love to meet you in person!
if you're looking for muscle as in fighting-types, i think i'm not the best person to ask, i don't have too much experience with those. I only know that croagunk and mienfoo are both kinda small though. Sure, they can pack a punch, and they CAN be heavy lifters, but they are first stage evolutions.
I'm also not sure if a Toxicroak would be what you're looking for anyways, because, well, they are surprisingly powerful, but they can be moody and they aren't known for a pure muscular approach, if you know what i mean? I can't say anything on Mienshao though, sorry...
If you're looking for a fighting type in particular, i would start looking for maybe Gurrdurr or Conkeldurr? Hariyama is also pretty strong, and of course Machoke and Machamp are a no brainer. If it doesn't have to be a fighting type, i can't recommend Scolipede enough. They are big, they are friendly (if raised properly. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't go into Pinwheel forest and try to catch a wild, fully evolved Scolipede.) And they are just awesome in general. Might be biased with the last part tho. I also heard that Goodra are very very friendly and Gentle Giants, they aren't uncommon as Support Pokémon (provided you or your pokémon doesn't have issue with the slime).
And for the daycare, they don't adopt pokémon out tho, as far as i'm aware? But it doesn't hurt to ask of course. @pkmn-aide-mel how is that going?
//ooc: that's a friend who's running a blog for the daycare. Hasn't been very active lately tho... //also you don't have to comply with that canon though, if you want your character to adopt from the daycare just do that XD
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Hey, @koffing-time, thanks for having us over today! I'm a bit more of a sweets person than a coffee person, but the sweets don't disappoint!
Also. I deeply appreciate the rubber gloves and handling tips for Fruit Rollup. Maybe this time we can go from one poisoning a day to one a week... Maybe even one a month...?
We'll figure that out when I try and separate Fruit Rollup from Bienenstich. Never have I seen such a motherly Scolipede...
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koffing-time · 1 year
okay, tiny story time: A girl came in today, completely proud and full of herself that she won the Striaton gym badge. And like, that's great girl, but you know that many people have won a gym badge right? So anyways, she orders a hot chocolate and some poffins for her Pokémon and she's so incredibly proud that she outsmarted Cress and she just CAN'T SHUT UP about it, so i ask her if she wants to battle me.
And like, a young trainer, just starting her journey and then also just won her first badge? Of course she says yes. So i take her outside, and tell her she should choose who she wants to fight because my family has all kinds of power level, right? The Mareanie can't do much at all but Bienenstich is a fully grown scolipede and not a weak one.
And long story short: she chose CARROT CAKE as her opponent and i could NOT persuade her to try like, Muffin or Rhubarb. Needless to say her Tepig and Pidove got OBLITERATED.
Anyways, it was nice having you Celine, but... try to take advice from the adults from time to time :)
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koffing-time · 10 months
wowowow another poison type specialist who works in the hospitality industry!!!! yippee!!!
what's cafe culture like out in Unova? i used to own a cafe in Kalos just outside of Coumarine City. place was always packed with tourists akjsdhig
Hi! Wow damn, there's new people popping up left and right, that's so cool! Uh.. I'm not really sure what you mean with café culture tho? People come in, and they order a drink or buy a poffin and leave? Or sometimes they sit down and eat it at my place.
Now that i think of it, way more people were sitting at the cafés when i was in lumiose than they do over here? I'm not sure if that's like, the café culture or just bc i was visiting lumiose and there are like a thousand times more people lol.
Yeah, there's not so much a lot of tourists here, striaton is kinda off the beaten path, i mostly have my regulars and travelling trainers who want to challenge the triplets. Uh, yeah, striaton city has a gym that's led by three gymleaders.
And fuck yes i love poison types! Look at them! So amazing!
[there are two pictures attached.
The first shows a Koffing floating above a patch of berry bushes, though most of them look ready for winter. Between the bushes are a few other Pokémon peeking out, there's a bellsprout and a pumpkaboo among them.
The second picture shows a close up of a scolipede, on her head sits a tiny little grimer between her horns]
Anyways, nice to meet you! If you're ever close to striaton city, come by and say hello!
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koffing-time · 1 year
[A photo of a room that looks like an indoor playground, "Daycare 04" is written on the walls. Below the words is grafitti in bright neon colours. It reads "domesticate me UwU". On the floor are laying a few unconcious grunts. There is a very large Scolipede visible as well]
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koffing-time · 1 year
(´ q ` ” ) = The character’s “guilty” pleasure for tix
There are some days when I only eat sweets and desserts...
I always get murderous looks from Bienenstich when i do...
Link to the ask game
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koffing-time · 1 year
You've received a Murkrow toy made from a black sock and filled with rice. It has buttons for eyes and felt wings, a beak, and a hat all stitched on
Fucking distortion! Look at what you've done!
[ a short video. It's very shaky and the person holding the camera is apparently ducking and scrambling through the café. There are two guests seeking cover under the tables and another one can be seen leaving in a hurry.
The commotion is caused by Cheese, who has snatched the murkrow doll and is fleeing from Cracker, who is angrily screeching at her friend. Caramel is also flying at insane speeds through the frame at some moments, increasing the noise by a deafening humming. The lamps are shaking from all the air movement and shards of broken cups can be seen on the floor. Other Pokémon like Rhubarb and Muffin have taken cover with the Cameraperson. Cream is the only one who is still in the open and tries to calm the chaos down.
After a good minute of this chaos, Bienenstich is entering the room and is letting out a loud scream that seemingly makes time itself stop, until Cheese drops the doll. Bienenstich is walking up to it, picking it up while seemingly berating the flying types. The camera follows her leaving with the doll until it cuts to black after she's out of the frame]
Holy fucking shit. Like, don't get me wrong, i love the gift but that was something. Uh, I'm not quite sure how we're gonna resolve that. Like, if Cheese can keep the doll, or if Bienenstich will or what's gonna happen. I'm gonna clean up now.
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koffing-time · 1 year
[a video, taken in Tix' garden, the sun is still out but it is already evening and the sky has taken a slightly yellowish hue. It shows Flit the Beedrill, Cheese the Crobat, and Marbles the Alolan Exeggutor playing some funny version of Volleyball or Tennis. Coffee the Koffing acts as the Ball, being gently tackled by the other Pokémon to change the direction in which he floats. After a minute, the camera pans towards the ground, showing a group of Pokémon sitting near the garden. Basil the Toxtricity can be heard playing a calming melody, Muffint the Budew is sitting in her lap, seemingly asleep. Bienenstich the Scolipede is laying on the ground, the two ultra-domesticated Trubbish also sleeping at her feet. The only Pokémon not visible is Ampersand the Sliggoo, even the ultra-domesticated petilil is peaking from behind a few plants]
I'm so happy right now.
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koffing-time · 1 year
I'm a bit confused, not gonna lie.
Well, first things first: construction has begun, and holy shit they are really going at it. They started with clearing the trees a bit, so the garden actually has the space it needs, and i thought they'd need at least half the week for that... But at this rate they're finished after today.
On that note, Conkeldurr are pretty cool and friendly Pokémon. They have one here, as like a supervisor, snd she showed me some stuff and explained their approach to a few things... I did Not expect to learn more from a POKÉMON than from trainer school with human teachers.
Now to the confusing part: construction is loud. Obviously. Because of that, i did not expect to see either Crobat or Murkrow until way late into the night when everything calmed down again.
But no. Look here.
[ a picture, taken inside the cafe. A table in front if the window is in focus, on it stands the small murkrow, looking curiously at the camera, it's wings neatly folded. Next to are a few crumbs, perhaps from a poffin or cupcake. The background shows Bienenstich outside, looking eye to eye at the shiny Crobat, who's wings are just a blur. ]
They came by, in broad daylight, and Murkrow came INSIDE. And she even let me pet her! I don't think Crobat found the door tho, but Bienenstich brought them a poképuff outside.
I think the next time i meet them when it's quiet, I'll offer to catch them.
still searching for nicknames, help
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koffing-time · 1 year
give your pokemon so many hugs right now
I am! I will! As soon as I'm back home i will spend every minute of the day hugging them all!!!
I am so proud of them! Basil and Bienenstich and Poppy were so great yesterday at the raid! They helped calm down so many of the ultra-domesticated Pokémon, and they helped carry them out and I'm so so proud!
And Cheese and Cracker were so incredible, flying me all the way to Alola! I'm so impressed by their strength! (I'll be taking a plane home though, i think Cheese is still a bit tired, which is fair.)
They will be getting hugs and treats and cupcakes and poffins and everything they want!
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koffing-time · 1 year
Hello hello trainers, coffee enjoyers and everyone else! We're back from Castelia City!
I had such a grand time there. Gym leader @artyburgh and all the harlequins made sure i got to see the ins and outs of the gym, though i obviously can't tell the solution to any puzzles. I can only say they are puzzling indeed. (Also i had to solve the riddle myself first) They are just such nice people. And i think they now understand that coffee is more than just "bitter bean water", am i right Jack? You seemed to quite enjoy my mocaccino if i remember correctly?
On that note, I'm very sorry for anyone who had to battle Anders and his caffeinated Swadloon. I had no idea they could get so fast.
Also, I would like to thank gym leader Burgh for our amazing battle. I realised just how rusty i was, i got completely decimated. Well, actually not, i successfully took out Accelgor, but that was it. Bienenstich did an incredible job there. Actually, Basil and Poppy did too, i just made the wrong decisions and lost because of it. But well, that's life. It gives me a reason to visit again sometime. (Also, i think one of the harlequins made a video of rhe fight, maybe they can post it? I'm not sure though)
But i also made some photos!
[attached are 3 photos]
[the first photo shows Burgh and Tix on the back of two Scolipede inside the gym. Burgh is riding Bienenstich and hugging her neck. She seems content. Tix is riding Burgh's Scolipede, who is a bit larger than Bienenstich. Tix is doing a silly pose]
Well i obviously didn't take this one, thank you Clarance for helping out here!
[the second photo shows Bienenstich and a horde of swadloon, dwebble and other bug Pokémon with Burgh standing in the middle, smiling. Some of the Pokémon are also crawling over both Burgh and Bienenstich. Notable is a swadloon who is sitting right on top of Bienenstich's head and seems to hold an object. On the floor are multiple cups of coffee and a few of the Pokémon are sipping from them]
I told you i made enough coffee for the whole gym!
[The last picture is of Poppy the Toxicroak and Ivani, Burghs Leavanny who are standing in the battleground, showing a synchronised pose, as if they are dancing a choreography. Basil the Toxtricity is standing in the background and appears to be playing music]
I have to say, i was very impressed that Ivani was dancing with Poppy. She's very talented!
Again, i have to express my thanks to Burgh and all the harlequins, i had such an amazing time!
PS: casteliacones make in otherworldy amazing base for milkshakes. If you ever have to opportunity, try it!
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koffing-time · 1 year
woke up a bit early today, so i went outside with Cheese, Cracker and Bienenstich to have a little sparring battle in the woods.
and holy shit, Cheese has some POWERFUL moves. She just needs a little help with hitting sometimes because of her sight issues, but if Cracker is there to help, they make a wonderful team. I guess it was sort of a 2 on 1, but BIenenstich had no chance whatsoever. I feel a little bad for her, not gonna lie.
Anyways, gotta go practice some cupcake art, hehe
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koffing-time · 1 year
Poke Ball - If you have pokémon what kind of poke balls are they kept in?
also how dare you not share Loaf more /hj
Before i answer the actual question, a quick clarification: because my new home (the café, i live upstairs) is not as big as I'd like, I don't have all my Pokémon living with me. And because of that, I didn't introduce them yet, which is also true for Loaf. That's also the reason for the construction so I'll have enough space for everyone to live here. (It's gotten pretty cramped, actually, originally i only wanted to bring 4 Pokémon here before i got more space, now it's 8 of them...)
But now to the question:
//quick ooc: i think it makes sense that people can just, rehome a Pokémon from one pokeball to another.
Coffee (the Koffin): he lives in a basic pokeball. I was thinking about getting him a new one, but he never really cared for it, so i didn't.
Muffin: also a basic one. I, uh, didn't get to go shopping with him yet. He probably would want a different one.
Cream: she lives in a repeat ball. I don't quite remember how that came to be, actually, but it's the one i caught her with.
Basil: quick ball
Poppy: also a quick ball. Both were originally caught in great balls, but for some reason Basil really didn't like it, and Poppy just went along with it.
Bienenstich: a Luxury Ball. It was a gift from dad. At the time, i could never have afforded one.
Cheese (the new Crobat): a basic pokeball. It's what i had around, but I'll definitely go shopping with her soon, so she can decide if she wants a different one. And take Muffin, of course.
Cracker (the new Murkrow): also a basic pokeball, same thing as with Cheese.
And since you asked, I'll share the Pokémon who don't live with me as well:
Loaf (my Trubbish): a heal ball
Carrot Cake (my Clodsire): a primier ball.
Pumpkin (my Bellsprout): a park ball. I bought that ball from a quite shady guy some time back. I don't think they're for sale regularly, but Pumpkin loves it.
Chocco (my salandit): a dusk ball. He's an edgy boy.
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koffing-time · 1 year
have you ever tried to make adjustments to a costume for a SCOLIPEDE? I am in emotional pain, Bienenstich is HOPEFULLY NOT in physical pain oh my zygarde in hate my life! THE OUTFIT WAS OKAY! SHE DOESN'T EVEN PARTICIPATE UNTIL ROUND 3! I PROBABLY WON'T EVEN MAKE IT THAT FAR! WHAT AM I DOOOOOING???
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koffing-time · 1 year
Oh my god it the middle of the night, I'm ready to leave for Castelia to get on the plane (I'm a bit early, i know, but i don't have a Pokémon that can fly me there so i have to ride on Bienenstich, and also getting through security can take a while)
and can you guess the surprise i was met with at the door? No, it wasn't the crobat. IT WAS MY MOM!?!
SHE DECIDED TO JUST COME OVER??? AND "look after the shop while i am gone"??? Oh by zekrom i love you mom but can you tell me like a day in advance? And not just show up? HOW DID SHE EVEN KNOW WHEN I WAS GONNA LEAVE? What if she came by in the morning and i was already gone? Anyways, I've told her that Cream is still in charge, i will be going to the airport now and hope everything is in order when i come back.
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koffing-time · 1 year
Yo yo yo, big announcement! I'm kinda still surprised myself? I will be visiting Hoenn! In particular I'll be visiting for the Sootopolis Circuit! I am so excited, there will be so many famous people there. Maybe I'll get some autographs.
Oh, well, maybe the important part. I HAVE APPLIED TO PARTICIPATE! (Still waiting for approval tbh, but I'm even excited to just watch all these contests.)
So, of course the café will be closed for the time I'm in Hoenn, but Cream and Muffin will stay behind. I think Muffin isn't quite old enough to make such a trip, and Cream is here both for Muffin as well as the Crobat. Of course they won't be alone either, the people from the daycare will be checking in.
The others, meaning Coffee, Bienenstich, Basil and Poppy will be coming with me. So, if you've got any ideas for a contest i could do, let me know :)
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