#cracker the murkrow
koffing-time · 1 year
You've received a Murkrow toy made from a black sock and filled with rice. It has buttons for eyes and felt wings, a beak, and a hat all stitched on
Fucking distortion! Look at what you've done!
[ a short video. It's very shaky and the person holding the camera is apparently ducking and scrambling through the café. There are two guests seeking cover under the tables and another one can be seen leaving in a hurry.
The commotion is caused by Cheese, who has snatched the murkrow doll and is fleeing from Cracker, who is angrily screeching at her friend. Caramel is also flying at insane speeds through the frame at some moments, increasing the noise by a deafening humming. The lamps are shaking from all the air movement and shards of broken cups can be seen on the floor. Other Pokémon like Rhubarb and Muffin have taken cover with the Cameraperson. Cream is the only one who is still in the open and tries to calm the chaos down.
After a good minute of this chaos, Bienenstich is entering the room and is letting out a loud scream that seemingly makes time itself stop, until Cheese drops the doll. Bienenstich is walking up to it, picking it up while seemingly berating the flying types. The camera follows her leaving with the doll until it cuts to black after she's out of the frame]
Holy fucking shit. Like, don't get me wrong, i love the gift but that was something. Uh, I'm not quite sure how we're gonna resolve that. Like, if Cheese can keep the doll, or if Bienenstich will or what's gonna happen. I'm gonna clean up now.
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dual-chop-nonstop · 6 months
Murkrow Mail
[Murkrow brings you 3 Test Tubes filled with a Dark Green Substance.]
Instructions: Activate it only in an open field or in a secluded room with ventilation, to reduce the risk of transforming involuntary bystanders. The moment the cork is pulled, the substance will turn into a visible gas try to stay inside of it. it is safe to breathe. The transformation should take 20 seconds maximum. You will now be an Axew for the next 3 hours, don't worry if it takes a bit longer to turn back. contact me if your transformation lasts 3 times as long as it should.
*The Murkrow looks at you like it wants something from you, probably a Cracker, most likely the Ingredients you promised to give lily.*
Oh, thank you! I'll probably try these when I get back home... I appreciate it a lot!
*Axel hands the murkrow a half eaten croissant (pokemon safe) as well as the materials.*
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Hello yes I’d love a Hal and Brandy interaction! Maybe Hal’s on a research trip to Paldea and they’re just having some downtime/swapping Ranger stories
//Hal, my buddy Hal! Hal time. Let's go. @pokebiologisthal Quick note: This is in response to my 100 followers event. Requests for character interaction ficlets are now closed. I'm sorry the last few are coming out so slowly - it's been tough getting onto my actual computer lately.
Brandy was having a, frankly, uncharacteristically productive day. She had finally caught up on her mission reports, organized meetings with 3 different ranger stations to discuss their concerns about paradox pokemon, and she had less than 50 unread emails in her inbox. At a certain point her base leader, Joel, swung by to peer over her shoulder at her work.
“Well I’ll be, Grovehurst,” he commented, adjusting his glasses as he leaned in to get a better view of the screen. “Is that a double-digit number in your inbox? You’re really getting the hang of riding a desk, huh?”
Brandy paused at this, and seemed to snap somewhat out of the focused state she had been in. She, too, looked at the shockingly low (43) number of emails she had left to reply to. “Shit,” she said. “You’re right. I gotta slow down. If I get too good at this head office is gonna start coming by to take a golf club to my kneecaps anytime I’m late with a report.”
“No, they won’t. But I wouldn’t worry about it, your shift ends in a half hour anyway. Maybe you’ll make this the day you actually go home on time, hm?”
“Eh, nah. I’ve got nothing to do tonight, and my apartment is too depressing to do anything other than sleep and eat in.”
Just then Brandy’s musings were interrupted by the buzzing of an incoming text notification. They glanced at their phone to see a text message from their friend Hal.
‘Hello Brandy, I’m sure you’re quite busy but I wanted to let you know that I will be in Paldea for the next few days and was wondering if you’d be free for us to get together for a little hang out :)’
Brandy grinned, leaning forward in their chair to respond.
‘You’re free tonight. I get off in half an hour, take a taxi to Tagtree Thicket.’
‘There’s this hangout spot by the river. We’re going to have snacks and drinks there.’
They sent the final of the three texts to Hal and, without waiting for an answer, put their phone down. She gave Joel a playful flick on his nose, who was clearly trying to sneak a peek at her phone screen. “Scratch that last,” they said. “Mark your calendar in commemoration. Today is the day I was productive with my paperwork AND left on time. Turns out I do have plans tonight.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
That evening found Brandy and Hal sitting underneath by the river that cuts through Tagtree Thicket. There was an assortment of ciders, beers, soft drinks, fruits and veggies, crackers, homemade jam, and a small bit of cooked meat bits that Brandy refused to disclose the source of, but which Hal very strongly suspected might be murkrow. The two were talking back and forth in Fiorean, though Brandy seemed to be getting notably frustrated.
“It’s nice to see you, Brandy,” Hal said, speaking slowly and making sure to enunciate each word.
“It is happy to see you.” Brandy replied, their accent very heavy.
“’I’m’ happy to see you.” Hal corrected, smiling a bit.
“Bah, this is embarrassing.” Brandy gave up, switching back to Galarian. “Wait, do you speak Hoennese?” She asked, switching to her own native tongue.
“I speak just a little bit of Hoennese.” Hal responded, prompting a laugh from Brandy.
“Oh, that was very formal. Don’t worry about it, let’s just stick to this. But man, I used to be nearly fluent in Fiorean. I’m gonna practice some with Joel, you’re gonna be so impressed next time we talk.”
“Speaking of – I can’t believe Joel is here in Paldea with you. The four base leaders in Fiore just seemed so…established.” Hal relaxed back against the tree, twisting the cap off of one of the ciders.
“You think? The only other leader I ever met there was Spenser, and honestly he was a bit of a ding dong. The only thing I know about the other two is that there was some kind of scandal around Cameron and weed, and that Elita was a massive bitch who wouldn’t let her team go to the holiday party.” Brandy cracked open her own drink, the sound of which seemed to summon Michael out from behind a bush. The mightyena happily trotted over, wasting no time in sniffing out the spread of food around them. “Hey bud, not too much. Hal and I gotta eat. Hal, I don’t suppose you have a buddy Michael can play with?”
“Hmmm…” Hal pulled out a pokeball, which immediately caught Michael’s attention. He bounced up and down out of a play bow, excitedly waiting for Hal to release his soon-to-be friend. “I have Jet, but I don’t think Michael is going to…enjoy Jet. Long term. The little guy can be a bit much.”
“Pfffft.” Brandy waved him off. “No such thing. Trust me. Michael has boundless energy for playing. He is without bound, completely.”
“Okay,” Hal said, and then quickly retracted his hand when Michael began impatiently nipping at the pokeball. “Hey, hey! Easy. Here you go.”
The ball was opened, and in a flash of light a small dreepy appeared. Jet made eye contact with Michael, and then froze. Michael was similarly stock still except for a slowly wagging tail. The still silence was held for one beat, and then another, and then without warning Jet exploded out and away from the group. Michael was hot on his tail, yipping excitedly and chasing after the zig-zagging dragon.
“See? They’re fiiiiine,” Brandy said, turning her attention to the poochyena puppy in her lap. “And now lil Mac doesn’t have to worry about her annoying big brother.”
“Sure, sure. We’ll see how long that lasts.” The two seemed to be having a blast at the time, at least. Hal turned his attention back to Brandy. “Anyway. I can’t believe Elita was still doing that by the time you got there. I thought she got enough flack for it that it was just that first year.”
“Wait…were you there for her first year as a base leader?” Brandy asked.
“Yes? That was my first year as a ranger up in Wintown.”
“Hal, I was there for that first year. Her and Joel got promoted at the same time. Are you fucking kidding me?” Brandy was clearly excited now, gesturing with the bottle in her hand and giving Hal a playful slap on the shoulder.
“Wait, so we were rangers in Fiore at the same time?”
“We were! Holy shit, we could have even been friends back then if Elita wasn’t an actual massive cunt!”
“Wow I- well, I wouldn’t use those words exactly, but that is something to ponder. If not for her pettiness and insistence on running drills all year long, we could have had history.” Hal absent-mindedly runs his hand through his hair, apparently preoccupied by thoughts of this alternate timeline.
“Man, I made out with so many people at that party.” She smiled slyly, giving Hal another playful shove. “Coulda been you.”
Hal’s face immediately reddened. “I- well you know- you don’t- we didn’t…” He didn’t seem to quite know what to do with that information. Thankfully, Brandy cut him off with a laugh.
“I’m just teasing. Wanted to see how easy you blush.”
“Well, I hope you’re pleased to have your answer.” Hal muttered, taking a sip of his cider to compose himself. “Even still, that is so strange to think about.”
“Eh, don’t think on it too hard, bud. We’re both here now.”
“Yes, I suppose we are.”
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hcshannon · 4 years
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Why? God? Why?
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caniseirios-blog · 7 years
Murkrow > Sneasel
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cocobutterpanda · 8 years
tagged by @asr1el NICKNAME: Rosie, Rosebud
STAR SIGN: Aries/almost a Taurus I think??
LAST THING GOOGLED: “nut cracker" (for bird art project)
FAVORITE MUSIC ARTISTS: mother mother, the Decemberists, Melanie Martinez, glass animals, and more that I don't remember atm
SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: Lose it by Oh Wonder
LAST MOVIE WATCHED: Rouge One I think (my family makes me watch all star wars movies)
LAST TV SHOW WATCHED: Little Witch Academia (anime counts right? If not SU)
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: My cutest big sweater, and leggings covered in cat fur
WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: 2014 (at least that's when i started using it)
WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST: lovely art, aesthetics, fandoms, and a little bit of signal boosting/polotics
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: Cocobutterpandart(art blog), Ask_Starduster(OC ask blog), and Ireallylovethisthing(fanart and shipping blog)
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL: I... Don't know I wish I knew, it's just lame and random
GENDER: girl who dresses androgynous sometimes but that's not related to my gender identity
HOGWARTS HOUSE: ravenclaw I guess, I took like one 10 question test when I was 12
POKEMON TEAM: er.. I don't play Pokemon so I'll just say my favs: Mawhile, glameow, lucario, rilu, and Murkrow
FAVORITE COLOR: pumpkin orange
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 4-5 on week days and 12 on weekends 
FAVORITE CHARACTER(S): Peal from SU and Taako from TAZ
HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH: just one but I have two normal pillows and one body pillow 
DREAM JOB: either concept artist or performing guitar full time at a coffee shop/cafe
FOLLOWING: 196 I'll tag @mycillium !
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koffing-time · 1 year
give your pokemon so many hugs right now
I am! I will! As soon as I'm back home i will spend every minute of the day hugging them all!!!
I am so proud of them! Basil and Bienenstich and Poppy were so great yesterday at the raid! They helped calm down so many of the ultra-domesticated Pokémon, and they helped carry them out and I'm so so proud!
And Cheese and Cracker were so incredible, flying me all the way to Alola! I'm so impressed by their strength! (I'll be taking a plane home though, i think Cheese is still a bit tired, which is fair.)
They will be getting hugs and treats and cupcakes and poffins and everything they want!
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koffing-time · 1 year
1, Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite? (Asking both)
Tix just run upstairs, so i'll type my answer until they are back. I usually do not sleep with a stuffed animal, but i have a few decorating my room. Sometimes i will take one to bed with me after i had a stressful day. Today might be a candidate for that, after that 17 Alarm smoothie disaster.
My favourites are proably my very cliché stuffed Teddiursa that i've had since i was a child and my Blåchomp that my boyfriend gifted me. I think i'll go with the Origin-Forme Giratina Plush that were sent to Tix and me during that Inbox-Askgame-Event thing tonight though. I might have to channel the distortion world upon that individual. Oh dear, i took off on a tanget, did i not? - Olivia
[a picture of what appears to be a corner of a bedroom. The small portion that is visible is decorated with an absolute abundance of poison type themed stuff. There are two shelves with various plushies, most of them resembling different poison types. Among them are 3 stuffed Koffing, an Altered-Form Giratina, an entire family of the Nidoran-line and a life-sized Vileplume on the floor. Between these shelves is no bed, but a bed-sized stuffed Clodsire. On it lays a purple stick.]
I don't sleep WITH a suffed Pokémon, i sleep ON a stuffed Pokémon! He is called Leonard, and i love him very much. Rhubarb does too. If it gets to hectic in the café he loves coming up here and just laying on Leonard. I sometimes cuddle with one of the others as well, but most of the time there are actual Pokémon with me. Muffin, sometimes Cream, and Cheese and Cracker also like putting themself on me while i sleep.
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koffing-time · 1 year
woke up a bit early today, so i went outside with Cheese, Cracker and Bienenstich to have a little sparring battle in the woods.
and holy shit, Cheese has some POWERFUL moves. She just needs a little help with hitting sometimes because of her sight issues, but if Cracker is there to help, they make a wonderful team. I guess it was sort of a 2 on 1, but BIenenstich had no chance whatsoever. I feel a little bad for her, not gonna lie.
Anyways, gotta go practice some cupcake art, hehe
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koffing-time · 1 year
Poke Ball - If you have pokémon what kind of poke balls are they kept in?
also how dare you not share Loaf more /hj
Before i answer the actual question, a quick clarification: because my new home (the café, i live upstairs) is not as big as I'd like, I don't have all my Pokémon living with me. And because of that, I didn't introduce them yet, which is also true for Loaf. That's also the reason for the construction so I'll have enough space for everyone to live here. (It's gotten pretty cramped, actually, originally i only wanted to bring 4 Pokémon here before i got more space, now it's 8 of them...)
But now to the question:
//quick ooc: i think it makes sense that people can just, rehome a Pokémon from one pokeball to another.
Coffee (the Koffin): he lives in a basic pokeball. I was thinking about getting him a new one, but he never really cared for it, so i didn't.
Muffin: also a basic one. I, uh, didn't get to go shopping with him yet. He probably would want a different one.
Cream: she lives in a repeat ball. I don't quite remember how that came to be, actually, but it's the one i caught her with.
Basil: quick ball
Poppy: also a quick ball. Both were originally caught in great balls, but for some reason Basil really didn't like it, and Poppy just went along with it.
Bienenstich: a Luxury Ball. It was a gift from dad. At the time, i could never have afforded one.
Cheese (the new Crobat): a basic pokeball. It's what i had around, but I'll definitely go shopping with her soon, so she can decide if she wants a different one. And take Muffin, of course.
Cracker (the new Murkrow): also a basic pokeball, same thing as with Cheese.
And since you asked, I'll share the Pokémon who don't live with me as well:
Loaf (my Trubbish): a heal ball
Carrot Cake (my Clodsire): a primier ball.
Pumpkin (my Bellsprout): a park ball. I bought that ball from a quite shady guy some time back. I don't think they're for sale regularly, but Pumpkin loves it.
Chocco (my salandit): a dusk ball. He's an edgy boy.
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koffing-time · 11 months
dark type!
I do have two dark types already and i wouldn't give them away for the world! So they are included
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So... yeah, Yveltal. I mean, if i didn't have Yoghurt sitting next to me RIGHT NOW i wouldn't think there was ever a chance of me raising one of these ever??? But what happened, happened. Also, it's actually really cute and i love it a lot.
Stunky: i've talked about wanting one for years, but they are kinda sensitive so i probably won't ever have one. It's probably too busy around here for one.
Murkrow: well, yeah, again i didn't know i would like to raise one until i got one, but Cracker is a real sweetheart. Even if she's also a bit of a mischievous asshole.
Poochyena: Ouppy, but bitey. I could say a lot about them and why they are great, but tbh ask @paldean-ranger-brandy, she's not gonna shut up for days. I would have one, but once again there hasn't really been the opportunity. Though a Poochy probably wouldn't struggle like Stunky.
Scrafty: every punk in Unova had a phase where they dressed like a Scrafty. And every punk in Unova wants a Scrafty. Or did so at some point.
Crawdaunt: Crab. thank you for coming to my TED talk.
(if yoghurt doesn't count, I'd probably add Drapion to the list)
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koffing-time · 1 year
[forgot the emoji even tho i JUST read the post] Is the most vocal?
//don't worry XD
"vocal" probably refers to "screaming and crying to get attention or expressing emotions", so in that case it's probably Cracker. In general, it's probably Poppy. He likes croaking and singing with his wife. Or maybe it's Basil? Does she count? You know, is toxtricity music considered "vocal"? Eh, one of the three is definitely the most vocal.
Now that i think of it, my Pokémon are pretty quiet compared to most. I think the title of "most vocal" goes to Grill though. He does like to voice his concerns about battle strategies and similar things. - Olivia
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koffing-time · 1 year
[a small box containing a handful of luxury balls, and a note that reads, "thanks for the cupcakes c;"]
Whoa those are expensive! wait i hope they are empty...
okay, yes they are. phew. i bet Cracker would love to have one of these. Maybe Cheese as well? Thank you Mel! (@pkmn-aide-mel)
(i mean... there are more people that could thank me for cupcakes, but i kinda think it's you, right?)
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koffing-time · 1 year
⛺: what is crackers go to hiding spot? (@prof-indigo)
uh... that one is really difficult if i'm honest...
Cracker isn't really one for hiding, she likes to be sociable and hopes for little trinkets or at least some praise in return. Whenever something scares her, she's not hiding away but instead cuddling up with Cheese or maybe the two of them come to me. And, well, the few times she was hiding somewhere, i couldn't even find her.
link to the ask game
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koffing-time · 1 year
A pale white sprigatito waddles into your ask box and leaves after setting down a blanket and a sneasel plushie
Hello friend! Do you want a poffin? Look, what a cute little sneasel friend you have there! Oh, is this a gift? For me? Thank you so much.
Can you tell me what kind of poffin you would like? A sweet one? or maybe-
Friend, where are you going? Will you come back? You're always welcome here!
Well... i guess in the meantime this sneasel can cuddle with the hisuian one i have in my room. Not sure what i'll do with the blanket... I bet Cracker will have claimed it by tomorrow if i don't find a different use...
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koffing-time · 1 year
for both of u if ur available
glameow = are any of your pokémon divas? Tell us about it!
litten = what’s the best nickname you’ve seen a pokémon have?
Chocco is DEFINITELY a diva. He could not EVER thrive in the wild. He's actually a rescue because he was cast out of the harem of his salazzle because he couldn't take on this role. Once the Barn is built and he's back living with me, i'm sure i'll have a lot to post about him.
Cracker is also a little diva, like it's usual for Murkrow outside of a Honchcrow flock. She wants all the shiny stuff and likes showing it off and all that.
I couldn't ever decide, not gonna lie. But definitely high up is an alolan Persian i met on my travels who was lovingly called "Sewer Water Slurper". Definitely takes a home run for the most absurd nickname. Another good one is "Alarielle the Everqueen", an Altaria. I just think it fits, you know? I also met "Ormagöden", an Aggron who could mega evolve. Her horn was broken though, and it looked absolutely badass. The name just screams "METAL". She did too. Her metal sound was incredible.
Glameow: I do not believe any of my Pokémon is a real diva. I guess Hans likes getting pampered.
Litten: I think my favourite nickname of a pokémon i have met was "Allergies" the Jumpluff. Her trainer was sneezing the whole battle. - Oliva
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