#big blue-tiful eyes
link-sans-specs · 10 months
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We Found Rare Toys in These Mystery Boxes
BONUS: His little hair horns. 🤭
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lovabletomholland · 5 years
The Beach House - Chapter 1
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Tom Holland Imagine (Tom Holland x Reader)
Word Count: 1,424
Warnings: Language, Angst, Fluff
Summary: Harry and Sam tell you something that you just can’t believe is true. They must be messing with you. You spend some time by the pool where some interesting things happen.
A/N: Tumblr is being a pain again, I really have no idea what is going on. So here it is, I had to repost it again. Let’s hope it works Thank you also much for the support, I am blown away by the response I got on the prologue. I had so much fun writing this one and I am so glad you all enjoy it. Feedback is always welcomed.
Previously - Prologue
Your door swings open and the twins walk in, "Rude, ever heard of knocking?" You say but you have a smile on your face. "You finally came back!" Harry grins as he plops down on the bed with you. You scoot over to make room because Sam plops down right next to him. Next thing you know you're sandwiched between them and they're crushing you in a tight embrace, "Why didn't you say hello when you got in?" Sam asks with a frown, "Clearly you didn't miss us at all." "Of course I missed you guys." You hug them back separately and fiercely. "You were asleep when I came in and I didn't want to wake you." "Well we had to hear about it on the beach. We overheard Tom talking about you." Harry shrugs, "So we came back up to the house." Tom was talking about you? That's weird. "I'm sure he was just saying how big of a nuisance it is to have me back," you roll your eyes and close your book. Clearly you won't be getting any more reading done today. "That's not what he was saying at all." Sam says and shares a look with Harry and both of them start grinning. Oh, god. "What was he saying?" You ask curiously. You assume it can't be anything good, especially with the look the twins just shared. "He will kill us if he finds out we told you." Harry says, a mischievous look crosses his face as he looks from you to Sam. "But we're going to tell you either way." Sam shrugs, he has the same mischievous smile on his face as Harry. "He was telling Harrison how stunning you looked when he saw you up here." Harry tells you with a smirk. "Yeah, I swear I saw drool coming out of his mouth." Sam adds with a chuckle. "Oh, stop it!" You laugh and shove both of them. You're sure they're just pulling your leg. They know about your once was crush on Tom. "No need to tease me anymore. I am no longer crushing on your older brother." "We're not teasing you. It's the truth." Harry tells you. "You may not be crushing anymore but he definitely is now." Sam laughs. "And he is crushing hard." You shake your head and hit both of them, which you should have known not to do. It's two against one. Next thing you know you’re on the floor of your room, getting tickled by both of them and you try to wrestle them off but you're too weak from laughing so hard plus they are both stronger than you. The three of you look up to the door as you hear someone clear their throat. It's Tom. The twin's hands still and you sit up quickly fixing your dress from where it was hiked up your thighs from movement as you tried to fight off the boys. "What's up?" You ask. Was Tom's eyes on your legs just a second ago? "Um," you watch as Tom gulps, his eyes meeting yours, "your brother is about to start grilling by the pool. Mom wanted me to get you guys." You see Harry and Sam share another look before they get up. "Thank god, I'm starving." Harry says at the same time Sam says, "I'll go help him." Then they squeeze past Tom and are out of sight. You stand and dust yourself off, "Thanks for letting me know." You walk over to your dresser and pull out your bikini, the top is a baby blue color and the bottoms are striped black and white with the same baby blue color on the sides. You had to have it when you saw it and you might as well swim while you wait. You turn to go to your door to shut it so you can change but Tom is still there. "Uh, what?" You ask freezing in place. Tom shakes his head, "Oh, nothing. See you downstairs." He closes your door as he walks away. *** Bikini and swimsuit cover on, which is basically just a see-through black dress, you walk out the back door to the pool. You see Harrison nudge Tom whose back is towards you as you come out. Tom turns and smiles at you as you walk over to Harry. Sam is standing by the grill helping Will with the food. "Hey, Y/N!" Harrison calls out, "How have you been?" "Good. You?" You call back without looking at them. You hear Harrison say he's been good as you get to Harry. "Your brother is acting so weird," you mumble. Harry opens his mouth to respond but then his eyes widen as you feel arms go around your waist and you're lifted off the ground. You look up to see Tom, that’s when you realize what is happening. "Tom, don't you dare!" You squeal trying to get out of his arms. You can feel his chest rumbling as he laughs, "You're going in." You were planning on going in, just not in your swimsuit cover. You manage to get your arms around his neck and you hold on tight. "Then I am taking you with me," you say as he starts to throw you in, he tries to free your arms from his neck but it's too late, he loses his balance and falls into the pool with you. When you break the water’s surface you spot Tom rubbing water out of his eyes and you splash him, "Jerk," you mumble walking over to the stairs. You were shivering, the water is so cold. Summer just started so it hasn't really had time to heat up. As you start to climb the stairs hands grab your waist and pull you back in. "Tom, it's cold!" You exclaim, teeth chattering. "You'll get used to the water the longer you're in it." He says, pulling you further in and you fight his hands off your hips as your brother yells, "Tom, stop flirting with my sister. It's weird. Come help me." "I'm not flirting!" He calls back and you splash him as he gets out of the pool, he just ignores it. You follow him out, your swimsuit cover sticking to your body so you pull it off as you shiver. As you are wrapping a towel around you, you hear a big crash and look up to see Tom on the pavement, a pool side chair knocked over next to him. "If you paid attention to where you were walking and not my sister, that wouldn't have happened either." You hear your brother say with a laugh. "Dude, shut up!" Tom says, annoyance dripping with every word, his cheeks are pink tinged as he stands up and fixes the chair. You shake your head, boys. You dry off a bit and sit in a lounge chair and relax, feeling the sun hit you as you close your eyes and work on your tan. *** After dinner you are laying in Harry's bed with him. His laptop in his lap, you leaning against him as the two of you watch a movie. Sam is downstairs playing a video game with Paddy. In the middle of the movie you hear Tom call, "Hey Harry," his footsteps are heard coming down the hall, "do you know where-" he falters as his head pokes in the twin's room. "Oh, hi." He says, his eyes landing on you. "Do I know where.. what?" Harry asks as he pauses the movie. "Never mind." Tom walks in, "So what are you guys doing?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bed which makes you scoot even closer to Harry trying to make room. "Watching a movie." Harry says shortly, "Do you mind?" He gives Tom a look. "Sorry," Tom holds his hands up and stands. "Y/N, Harrison and I are going to the beach, want to come?" You look down and gesture to the fact that you're in your pajamas, "No thanks. I'm staying in for the night." Tom nods, "Maybe next time," he says and walks to the door, he turns and gives you and Harry this weird look before walking out. "Damn, he's got it bad." Harry laughs. "Got what bad?" You ask, scooting back over a little to give Harry a little more room on the bed. "The hots for you," he shrugs. "He does not!" "Oh please, Y/N. Don't be so naive." Harry shakes his head and hits play on the movie.
Chapter 2
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed:)
@averyfosterthoughts, @artsyle, @photoshopart15, @peterisparker, @rebekkah4766, @jackiehollanderr, @myr5heart, @143amberrose, @mendes-fan, @peteparkersdarling, @jdroman5432, @stxfxniexreads, @nightxshadex201, @literalfsngirltrash, @livingforbarnes , @stretchkingblog97, @headlights95, @parkerpeter24, @okami-the-oaktree, @ohhh-boo-tiful, @kpop-wuver, @thevelvetseries, @heroes-die-young, @jillanaholland, @llamaluverlizzy, @greenarrowhead, @iwastornsincethestart, @adayasgeorgia, @spn-assemble-seven​, @musicandbokkslovingweirdo​, @broimjustvibin​
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folktober day 16: oak
Somehow, Cas has taken to puns, and Dean is pretty sure it’s his own fault.
He was at the thrift store a couple of weeks ago, looking for a kitschy mug with bees on it (maybe it was for Cas, so sue him), when he strolled past the bookshelves and saw a book named Jokelopedia. It looked like the sort of thing Jack would like, and since Jack was no longer preoccupied with killing God, he could finally really be a kid.
So Dean had gotten it, and Jack had, as he predicted, loved it. He would read jokes out of it constantly to whoever he happened to trap, and the person who had the most ability to be patient with him was pretty much always Cas. 
Now, Dean and Cas are in the kitchen. It’s fairly early in the morning, and Cas is grumping about, his head leaning onto the kitchen table while he complains about being tired. 
Dean’s making coffee and resisting the urge to go wrap his arms around his best friend and drop a kiss on the warm part of his neck right under his chin. He’s still not sure exactly what they are. Last week, when Cas had gone with Dean to get groceries, at one point they had held hands, and Dean has kissed his forehead a couple of times without thinking, but they haven’t talked about anything. 
(They’re never very good at the “talking” part.)
Cas finally lifts his head from the table, “Dean?”
“Yeah?” Dean pauses on getting two mugs out for them.
“What do you call a sad cup of coffee?”
Dean groans, “I dunno, what?”
“A depresso.” The look on Cas’s face is priceless.
“Just for that,” Dean said, “You’ll have to come get your own coffee.”
“But now I’m depresso,” Cas pouts.
“Deal with it.” Dean sighs. 
Yeah, he made a mistake in getting Jack that book.
It goes on like this for about a week. Jack and Cas have become veritable pun machines, and there’s no one they can make laugh louder than each other. Secretly, Dean finds all of Cas’s dumb jokes endearing, but he can’t very well tell Cas that, so he pretends to be annoyed.
One morning, though, Dean’s in a particularly crappy mood, and when Cas tells him over their toast and coffee that he hopes Dean has a “brew-tiful day,” Dean shoves his plate away and stomps out of the bunker, pajamas and all.
He’s walked a bit away from the bunker and has finally slumped underneath a tree, frustrated at himself for storming out, for not getting enough sleep, for not just talking to Cas and using his words, when he sees someone walking towards him.
It’s Cas, of course.
Dean feels an ache in his chest as he watches him approach. Cas is all unkempt, dark hair and big blue eyes and pajamas that definitely belonged to Dean at one point (Sam’s a sasquatch and his clothes would never fit Cas) and himself and it fills Dean with longing. 
Cas sits next to him under the tree, his shoulder brushing Dean’s, their knees touching. After a few minutes, Cas finally says, “I’m sorry about all the puns.”
“No, no, buddy, they’re fine.” Unconsciously, Dean reaches out, threading his fingers into Cas’s, “I just didn’t sleep well.”
Cas leans his head on Dean’s shoulder, “It must be annoying, though, listening to Jack and me.”
“You know,” Dean admits, “It kind of is. But it’s also nice to watch my family have a good time. Anyways, I bought him that book. If anything, I did this to myself.”
“Your family?”
“Duh.” Dean moves his head so he can look at Cas, “You’ve always been family. You know that.” Cas nods, and Dean expects him to drop his head back to Dean’s shoulder, but instead he crowds into Dean’s personal space, and Dean realizes that Cas is about to cross over the line they’ve been toeing. When Cas kisses him, Dean lets him, and then kisses him back. It’s nothing extravagant--chaste, simple, really like pressing their smiles against each other’s, but it’s more than enough for Dean, who thought he would never get this. 
Cas eventually pulls back and grins at Dean, before saying, “I hope that was oak-y.”
“Dude, I’m fairly certain this is not an oak tree.” Dean stands up, offering a hand to Cas, “C’mon. Let’s go finish our breakfast.”
(When Sam finds them nestled against each other in the library later, he mutters something that sounds an awful lot like “Finally,” and Dean flips him off.)
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ren1327 · 4 years
Pretty Boy ch.1
“Come on, Girl.”
If you asked Ben Pincus-Masrani to describe himself, he would respond that he was thin, pale, not very extraordinary. Not even normal. Forgettable wallflower was he.
And he liked it that way.
He smiled down at his little corgi with her extra stubby tail.
Bad tail docking and a “defected ear” had made her less valuable to her owner, but more loveable to him. He remembered when his stepfather had told him about one of his business associates giving her away. Ben had cooed at her picture and the very next day, Simon had acquired her.
She was a year old now, her tail a little bump and left ear still folded halfway down. He knew it could pop up one day or stay folded over.
He’d love her as is.
She had been his constant companion since he had started University last year.
Bumpy wore little green and white booties and a matching vest for her leash, excitedly sniffing at whatever she found on the pavement of the city street they walked down. Ben smiled at her as she waved her whole back half, barking at a dandelion that broke through the sidewalk.
He thought yellow would be cute on her. It was quickly approaching autumn and he was due to buy her some more little jackets and boots.
Ben groaned as they passed an overfilled dumpster in a large open alley, the smell of spoiled milk making him gag. Bumpy led him away, as if sensing his discomfort.
He made his way to a one story building, Bumpy jumping up the steps one at a time to join him by the wood and glass door. He opened the door for her and she excitedly waddled in, sitting by the counter as an old Latino man with his grey and black hair in a ponytail came over.
“Hey, Santi.” Ben said.
“Morning, Benito.” He said with a smile. “Morning, Bumpy.”
Bumpy barked and stood, her hips waving back in forth excitedly.
Santi’s husband poked his head out, curly blond hair held back by a headband and his glasses a little smudged.
“Oh, Ben! You just missed Sammy.” He said.
“Billy Brennan-Gutierrez.” Santi scolded playfully. “Sammy said he changed his shift. Twice, remember?”
“Right!” He said. “Sorry, Honey. Must’ve been distracted by that new exhibit Alan promised to invite us to.”
Santi rolled his eyes good naturedly and smiled at Ben. “This man.”
“It’s fine. Dad was getting ready to fly over to New York for some party, so I was video chatting with him and totally forgot to text her on the bus.”
“Bus?” Billy asked, walking to the counter. “How did you like it?”
“I took the green line.” Ben said. “More…clean.”
“Ah. The public access line your father is funding?” Santi said. “It’s been an amazing help around the community. City planning is really a gift.”
“Yeah. Dad cares more about customer satisfaction. He even asked if the animals at the zoo were happy.” Ben said as Billy laughed. “And right now I know he’s gonna charm new investors.”
“I get it. It’s always go, go, go.” Santi said. “Billy and I will take care of your pretty girl. Go on to work.”
Ben kneeled and kissed his dog on her forehead. She wigged and liked his cheek.
“Bye, Bumpy. I’ll come get you later, okay?” He said and gave her leash to Santi.
He waved as he walked out and set out to a nearby bus stop with a green leaf, taking a breath as he looked at a message from his parents saying they arrived safely, his mother resting in the hotel room and his father already in a meeting.
“You got this, Dad.” He text back.
 Brew-tiful Roast was the only refurbished building not owned by the college but funded independently by several of the first alumni and John Hammond himself. It was a brick and glass building with a brick and iron barred wall around it, where a garden area and several outdoor tables with wooden benches under a thick iron and heavy waterproof tarp Professor Carr of the physics department had donated almost a decade ago. Several other alumni donated money to modernize the area for student comfort and relaxation when the library and cafeteria were too much stimulation.
The inside was open with many well spaced tables, cushioned booths and a back wall lined with tinted muffled noise square privacy pods in the back. Many plants and flowers decorated tables, soft slow blinking white and blue LED lights showing where charging stations were and orb shaped hanging lamps that lit the café up.
Finally was a large refrigerated black glass top counter and display where many sandwiches, pastries, packs of baked chips and crackers, packaged fruit and several salads were displayed along with bottled lemonade, teas, sodas and waters that were always sold at a quarter. They could be taken to the counter and warmed after they were bought or warmed in one of the three communal microwaves.
“One banana avocado smoothie with fiber and whey!” Sammy called, smiling as she handed back change.
Ben’s finger and hands flew over the ingredients as he chopped, scooped and mixed the fruit before throwing it into a clean blender with ice and cold cream, and letting it run. Mixing it a final time, he poured the cold thick mixture in large cup with a star drawn on by Sammy. He put it on the counter where a young Latina woman with large glasses waited.
“No whip, just how you like.” He said with a smile.
“Thanks Benji.” She said with a wink.
Her best friend, Franklyn smiled nervously from next to her.
“What brings you to the front?” He asked as Zia sipped her smoothie with a pleased hum. “I thought you didn’t like being up here where there are so many—too many in fact, people.”
“Professor Malcom said it’d be best for me to get a few months exposed to more people.” He said and mixed caramel into Franklyn’s sugar free French vanilla ice coffee. “So I got low traffic shifts after morning classes.”
“How’s going clean treating you?” Zia asked, eyes softening on her younger classmate.
“Ah…” He looked to the side. “Got a bit of a no sleeping issue some nights, but hey. More time to think up new smoothies and teas.”
“You are aware this is Brew-Tiful Roast.” Zia asked with a smile. “As in, coffee?”
“Good thing Mr. Van Owen and Gray love it. Plus,” He smiled and put a hand to his hip in pride. “Yours truly has helped increase sells with my smoothies and tea mixes.”
“Way to go, Plant Nerd.” Zia said and slipped a five in his pocket. “For Bumpy. Get her some of those yummy carob biscuits.”
Ben handed Franklyn his cup. “Thanks. But you know I’m fine for money. With Dad and everything, honestly, this is just so I...”
Franklyn nodded. “We get it, Ben. Normalcy is…admirable.”
“Besides. I get to use my earnings to get my own place. With my own money.” He said excitedly.
Franklyn’s watch beeped. “Oh, shoot! I got to get to my Mathematical Theory class. Professor Murphy invited Ian Malcom today!”
“Get me an autograph?”
“He’s got five of the same damn book in his bag. We’ll get ya one, Benji.” Zia said with a sigh. “If you need anything—”
“I’m okay, Zia.” Ben said. “But thanks.”
She smiled as Franklyn sped out with a wave.
“Man, seems like forever since she took you under her wing.” Sammy said as the line slowed, leaving only a few people at tables typing away at laptops or talking among themselves.
“Yeah. Both Malcoms at Hammond University. Bet you he’ll crash Professor Malcom’s class.”
“He’s a Dad.” Sammy giggled as she wiped down the counter. “He kinda has an obligation to check in.”
As if on cue, her phone vibrated and she smiled at a picture of Bumpy sleeping on her back, showing it to Ben.
“Aw~” He cooed. “Send it?”
“Already done.” She giggled.
The door chimed and Sammy smiled at the newcomers before her face fell.
“Hi Darius. Kenji.” She said.
“Hey, Sammy. Got anything good today?” Darius, a paleo-researcher and Sammy’s classmate in zoological studies said.
“I got donuts.” She said. “And chicken pesto sandwiches.”
“I’ll take two of each.” Darius said as his taller Asian friend sauntered over to Ben.
“Huh, never seen you around here, Pretty Boy.” He said.
Ben looked up and froze.
Tall, tan, muscular and very, oh so very handsome.
Ben could feel his cheeks heating. “Um, what?”
Sammy’s hands came on his shoulders and pulled him a bit away from Kenji.
“Ben here usually works in the back.”
“That’s a shame. I guess you’re why this place is called Brew-tiful.” He said with a wink.
“Ben.” Sammy said. “Can you do me a favor and get more cups before the lunch rush?”
“Oh.” Ben said, snapping out of his trance. “Sure.”
 As soon as Ben went through the kitchen door, Sammy slammed a hand down on the counter.
“No.” She said sternly.
“What?” Kenji asked.
“Brooklynn told me what happened with your last three girlfriends and boyfriend. All in a week!” She hissed.
“What?” Kenji asked. “There wasn’t a connection.”
“Here’s a connection. Don’t just date people cause their cute!” Sammy said.
Darius looked between the two.
“Kenji. Come on, Man. Ben looks…fragile.” He said.
“He works in a coffee shop, Darius. You gotta be pretty tough to work in food service.”
“Kenji.” Sammy said. “Not Ben.”
Before Kenji could respond, his phone rang. He looked at his phone and sighed.
“I’ll be back another time.” He said. “Looks like Dad needs to see me in person.”
“I’ll get back okay.” Darius said. “You go ahead.”
Kenji took the bag Sammy held out, slipping a $20 on the counter.
“Tell Ben I said bye.”
“No.” Sammy said with a deadpanned expression.
Kenji saw Ben look through the door of the kitchen window. He smirked and winked at him, enjoying how Ben ducked his head and reddened.
Kenji left and got into his car, sitting for a moment to watch Ben come out and shake hands with Darius.
“Damn. He really is pretty.” He said as he started the engine, big pine green eyes haunting his thoughts as he drove home.
feat. from JP - Ian Malcolm, Tim Murphy and John Hammond
 JP2 - Kelly Malcom, Eddie Carr and Nick Van Owen
JP3 - Billy Brennan
JW- Zia, Franklyn and Gray
Love me some side characters. Thanks for reading!
Stay Sweet~
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socialxcatastrophe · 4 years
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Pairing: Hinata x Female Reader
Genre: Fluff- A tiny tease of smut >~<
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 3,040
Summary: You going to prom with Hinata.
A/N: First Tumblr story. I’ve been working on this foreverrrr, @peaxhcringe​ finally made me finish and of course helped me when I got stuck because she’s cool. I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know if you want a smut part two. ;)
“No, I have no idea what I’m going to wear!” You said disappointingly to your best friend and Karasuno’s team manager Kiyoko.
She pushed up her glass on the bridge of her nose and stared off in concentration.
“I know what you’re thinking, don’t worry it’s a not a money thing! I just can’t find one I really like.” You hated lying to her but if she knew you had been running low on funds she’d never stop until you let her help.
She sighed before pointing at the boys who were currently preparing for their practice game against Nekoma next week with a group of guys you hadn’t seen before.
“You idiot!” Kageyama yelled chasing around your boyfriend of 6 months, Hinata.
Hinata squealed bolting across the gym fleeing the scene of the crime. His eyes locked with yours as he had made his way towards the entrance which inevitably caused him to lose his focus and fall flat onto his face.
You giggled covering your lips as Hinata’s bright red face stayed buried on the floor.
“It’s no fun when you punish yourself,” Kageyama said before throwing a volleyball at the base of his neck.
“Hey!” Hinata’s voice echoed as he turned around scowling as Kageyama walked further away.
You walked over to him helping him get off his feet before rubbing your thumb across his cheek that had started to bruise.
You smiled pressing a soft kiss against it before saying, “You really have to be more careful, that’s the third time you’ve fallen this week when I come by.”
He blushed while rubbing the back of his neck, “I know but you’re distracting.”
His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into a tight hug before pulling you across the shiny wooden floor.
“You know Y/N there is only less than a week left until prom, have you found a dress?”
He sat down on the bench and Yamaguchi’s eyes lit up as he was called in and the team switched positions letting him serve.
You sighed as Hinata raised his water bottle chugging down the rest.
“I can’t find one I really like.”
Kiyoko looked at me sadly a few feet from the bench. She knew you had been hiding something as you weren’t the kind of person to not be satisfied with all the dresses I had seen.
Hinata’s face dropped and he laid his head on your shoulder looking up at me with puppy-dog eyes. “You’d tell me if something was wrong wouldn’t you?”
You swallowed hard before saying yes and trying to change the subject.
He continued to frown and grabbed your hand in his before sitting up and scooching closer to you as they continued the game. We watched as Yamaguchi hit his serve and the ball flew across the court. I watched as Hinata’s eyes followed the ball’s every movement his hand gripping yours tighter as the opposing side knocked it back across the court.
“You know, I’m gonna be the ace one day,” he whispered his eyes focused on his team scattered across the floor, “and I want you to be there to watch!” he finished his eyes locking with yours.
Your face turned a bright red and you hid your face in his shoulder, mumbling “I know you will be” while Kiyoko let out a small chuckle from behind us. You just wish you were someone worthy enough to be by his side.
~TimeSkip 3 days before prom~
“Y/N! It’s beautiful!” Kiyoko gasped as you stepped out of the dressing room.
Your h/l hair was pinned back its h/c waves contouring your face as you spun around in a cyan floor-length gown. The top was a strapless heart shape design connected to the long straight bottom with a variety of rhinestones in between.
“I love it.” You whispered staring at yourself in the full mirror across from you. Your e/c fluttered as you looked yourself up and down admiring the design.
Suddenly, your eyes stopped as you reached for the price tag.
“Maybe I should keep looking…” You said rushing back to the changing room before Kiyoko moved in front of you blocking your way.
“Absolutely not.” Her hands ran across the pricetag before nodding in approval. “I’ll buy it.”
“What!” You shrieked grabbing it from her hands. “There’s no way I’m letting you buy this it’s too much!”
She sighed pushing up her glasses before saying, “Y/n I can afford it, you never let me do anything for you and I want this night to be special, I remember my first dance and I want you to remember yours.”
Your e/c eyes started to tear up as you jumped forward wrapping your arms around her.
“Thank you.” You whispered sniffling against her uniform.
“Of course, Y/n.”
~TimeSkip 3 hours before Prom~
Kiyoko pulled back your h/l h/c slowly curling the edges and letting them fall against your soft s/c skin.
As the final hair fell, the door to her apartment swung open with a smiling Tanaka holding a bouquet of lilac flowers to match her long lavender dress with a medium slit tracing the edge of her pale thighs. He matched by wearing a purple tie against his dark tuxedo. Behind him popped out Nishinoya in an orange tux with a black-tie smiling followed by Asahi in a regular black tux with a white tie.
“Oh, hey we just finished.” She said unplugging the curler and walking over to Tanaka whose face lit up as she smiled taking the flowers.
“Woah Y/n you look great!” Noya said followed by Asahi who hovered over him smiling as Noya’s excitement filled the room.
“You think so?” You said spinning around in front of the wooden vanity where Kiyoko had done your hair.
“He’ll love it.” Asahi said seemingly reading your mind.
You smiled whispering a “Thank you” before following Tanaka and the rest of the gang to the car.
“A limo!” You squealed running up to the shiny exterior.
“I know a guy.” Tanaka’s older sister said, rowing down the dark window on the driver’s side smiling as we gathered near the door.
“Big sister is the best!” Noya said excitedly.
We smiled getting in the limo, its red seats stretched out before us.
“How did you guys afford this?” You whispered picking a seat further away from them letting the couples sit together.
Tanaka smiled pointing to himself “I worked out a deal!”
His sister turned around with an eyebrow raised, “A deal to do my chores for the next 3 months.”
“Why would you say that!” Tanaka whined, hiding against Kiyoko, who rolled her eyes hiding a small smile.
By the time we had got there, Sugawara and Daichi were already by the doors waiting for us and they both had on matching blue suits with black bow ties.
“Welcome to the party!” Suga said, smiling as we all shuffled in.
“Have fun tonight, but don’t stay out too late. We have our practice game against Nekoma tomorrow, now let’s have the time of our lives!” Daichi’s voice rang out loud, a sense of pride behind it.
You smiled walking over to the punch bowl where Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were.
“Y/n!” Yamaguchi excitedly leaned forward in a yellow suit with a white bow tie while Tsukishima leaned against the table in his coral-colored suit with a white bow tie to match Yamaguhci’s.
“Hey.” Tsukishima said
“Hey, guys!” You said, pouring a glass of crimson-colored punch into one of the clear cups nearby.
“Tadashi, I’m bored, can we leave.” Tsuki said, laying his head on his shoulder.
I giggled as Yamaguchi a.k.aYams or Tadashi for Tsuki started to lecture him before a flash of orange in the distance caught your eyes.
Hinata walked in through the gym's doors his hair spiked in its normal fashion but his skin was covered in a black tux with a bright red bow tie and in his hand was a single red rose matching the flush behind his cheeks.
Following behind him was Kageyama in a white suit with a dark black tie who stood next to Yachi who was in a short, ruffled black dress with a white flower tucked behind her ear.
Hinata’s eyes locked with yours from across from the room and his mouth dropped to the floor as his eyes started to move up and down your body. You made your way over to him through the crowd stopping a few feet in front of him.
“Y/n,” he said, cutting you off, “you look b..eau..tiful…” His speech came out in fragments as he looked at you. Your face grew a bright red as your hands laid against the edges of your dress that trailed slightly behind me.
“Thank you.” You whispered looking down at your matching heels in embarrassment.
His hand swiftly moved to your chin forcing your eyes to meet his again. His other hand pulled yours forward putting the rose in your hands.
Your breath hitched as he started to smile and leaned forward pressing a soft kiss against your lips.
For a moment your eyes were locked on each other before Kageyama waved his hand between us.
“Shouldn’t the newest couple be heading over there?”
We looked over as Daichi and Suga who were making their way to the dance floor soon followed by everyone else.
You both hadn’t noticed the slow song that had begun to play.
“May I have this dance?” He asked, kissing your free hand.
You laughed pulling him to the middle of the floor.
Being the same height as Hinata was probably the easiest part of the relationship as your arms wrapped around his neck the rose hanging delicately between your fingers. His arms wrapped around your waist as you moved slowly in sync with the beat.
“It’s beautiful.” You said pulling one hand between you both, twirling around the rose.
Hinata blushed as you and him watched the rose spin between you. This Town played behind you as Hinata’s face grew into a bright smile before he started to bite the side of his lips.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered.
You nodded a pink flush under the skin of your cheeks.
He leaned forward, his lips even with yours as pressed against them. The soft and delicate touch, as if not to break you, caused your heart to swell.
His hands moved to the sides of your arms his fingertips leaving goosebumps against your skin. The kiss grew darker as the song started to change the beat speeding up as the new lyrics replaced the empty sound.
He looked at you differently as he pulled away.
“Hinata?” You whispered, concerned, never seeing this side before.
He suddenly leaned forward pulling you into a tight embrace.
“Y/N…” he whispered, his breath dancing on your neck.
A familiar feeling washed over as you ached to get closer to him. You didn’t want this moment to end. You could stand here, dancing forever in Hinata arms.
Kageyama walked over to us as Hinata pulled away, Yachi’s petite figure racing to keep up with him. Hinata groaned aloud as you both were interrupted.
“King and Queen of prom pick are about to start, if we miss it Daichi will make us run around the school fifty times let’s go short stacks.”
You stuck out your tongue at his ‘clever’ nickname grabbing Hinata’s hand in yours.
“He’s right, last time I made you late to practice Daichi threatened to make me run with the team, regardless of me just visiting, imagine what he will do if we both miss this.”
Hinata’s eyes grew wide and nodded letting you drag him to the corner of the gym where a makeshift stage was small enough to leave plenty of room throughout the area.
Since the room had darkened it was no surprise when a small spotlight lit up the stage, the music faded into the background and you held Hinata’s hand tightly, anxious to see who had won.
“Good evening Karasuno High!” Takeda yelled in excitement, accidentally so loud the microphone screeched.
He scratched the back of his head, his cheeks warming as a few students giggled from the crowd after the sound had stopped.
“I-I my bad guys...anyways who’s ready to give away some crowns!”
The crowd cheered as the nominees stepped forward. So many couples stood on the stage it was hard to see who was who.
“As you know voting took place over a month ago but today these students finally get what they’ve been waiting for!”
The band walked into the gym, a drumroll set to play as Takeda clumsily ripped open the envelope containing their names.
His face grew brighter as his eyes scanned across the card now in his hands.
“For the first time in Karasuno High history, the prom kings are Daichi Sawamura and Kōshi Sugawara!”
The team and you screamed at the top of our lungs as Tanaka and Noya ran on stage jumping on the two as they entered from the back of the crowd.
Kageyama smiled and Hinata jumped up and down screaming at the top of his lungs. Yachi and Kiyoko giggled and clapped while Yam’s face grew into excitement while Tsuki turned his face slightly away, hiding the small smile forming on his face.
Your smile took over your face as you watched Daichi and Suga hug on the stage, the team and your cheers drowning out the rest of the gym. Takeda places the larger crown on Daichi and the smaller on Suga, Daichi leaned over and kissed the brim of his cheek smiling brighter.
“That’s gonna be us one day.” Hinata says smiling, causing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter.
The rest of prom went by quickly, Hinata and you were growing closer every second of the night.
The gym started to slowly filter out, more and more students leaving, as we slowly helped Takeda clean up the mess.
You looked up and realized the clock was already half past twelve. Daichi and Suga left first, beckoning the rest of us to leave soon as well. Next was Tsuki who was being dragged by Yams towards the entrance after saying something about ice cream. Noya and Asahi left with Tanaka and Kiyoko, taking Kageyama and Yachi with them when Hinata insisted on walking you home since he lived only two blocks away and your house was much closer to the school than Kiyoko’s.
As we walked out, Hinata grabbed your hand, holding it tighter every time someone else looked at us.  
“You’re so protective.” You say before sticking your tongue out at him when his cheeks flushed.
“It’s your job.” He said innocently before noticing how you had slowed down.
“What’s wrong?” he said quickly jumping in front you, stopping you from going further without telling him.
His eyes instantly flew down to your feet as you moved one behind the other.
“It’s nothing, really my feet are just a little sore.”
His eyes stared at your feet for a moment, contemplating before leaning down, pulling them off of your feet.
“Now hold these.”
You quickly grabbed the shoes, your feet resting softly against the pavement before Hinata motioned for you to climb on his back.
“Hinata I-”
“I insist, Y/N”
You sighed before climbing onto his back, his arms tucked under your legs.
“You don’t have to do this.” You say muffled against his hair.
He chuckles, his laughter rumbling against your skin.
“I really want to Y/N.”
Your face flushes and he moves forward his feet dragging across the ground slowly as he watched them as if he were afraid he’d drop you.
Your house was getting closer now, just at the end of the street, right across from the next streetlight making your path bright ahead. You watched as Hinata’s feet grew even slower on every step. He finally stopped in front of your house, he gently put you down, the streetlight shining bright enough that you could see the dark cricles starting to form under his eyes as he stared at your front door.
“I don’t want to leave.” He whispered, looking back at you before his eyes shifted back to yours, his face suddenly bright again. “You’re coming to the practice game tomorrow right, I’ll save a spot for you next to Kiyoko, and I’ll win for you!”
His sudden burst of energy made you smile as you nodded leaning forward and wrapping your arms around him, your face buried in his chest.
“I had a lot of fun tonight.” You say muffled against his soft tux.
“Me too.”
He went quiet for a minute, the pavement growing cold against your bare feet. You looked towards your door which was under a small roof protecting the entrance knowing you’d eventually have to go in.
Your face turned back to his, his eyes staring at you, dark like they had been after we kissed.
“Yes?” You say in a whispered voice.
“I-I love you.”
Your face instantly turned a smoldering red as he stared at you, waiting for a response.
“I’m sorry-”
“I love you too.” Your voice was louder this time as you leaned forward pressing your lips against his soft pink ones locking with yours.
He hugged you tightly his mouth smiling against your lips. You felt his heartbeat quicken the closer you got, making you suddenly wish you were closer.
His arms started to trace the edge of your dress, his finger moving slowly against the material around your waist before following it to the bottom of your hips. You both had started to move out of the circle of light around you, where the street grew darker. You had only been together for six months but you felt closer to Hinata more than anyone in your life, even if you weren’t the best at expressing it.
His kiss slowly stopped as he breathed heavily against your neck. “Nekoma suddenly doesn’t seem so important.”
“What does..?” You whispered against his jaw.
He groaned, his eyes growing darker than you had ever seen them before.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, November 2
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Meghan Markle 6 months pregnant with a girl 
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Page 1: Kelly Osbourne’s super slim down -- calling 2020 her Year of Me she has dropped 85 lbs. and counting 
Page 2: Contents, Hailey Bieber 
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Page 3: January Jones using a roller to smooth her face, John Lennon’s lookalike son Sean Lennon lit up the Empire State Building in blue to honor John on what would have been his 80th birthday, Ali Larter burst into a giggle fit during a solo stroll in Santa Monica 
Page 4: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s kids will be like many kids of divorce: squarely stuck in the middle of their battling parents -- Angelina is fighting to take them all away on either Thanksgiving or Christmas but Brad wants the kids to spend time with him and his folks in Missouri which Angie refuses to agree to
Page 5: Not all the action on the Mission: Impossible 7 set has been for the cameras as Tom Cruise has been getting flirty with two of his costars Vanessa Kirby and Hayley Atwell while filming in Italy -- Tom’s following Vanessa around like a puppy one moment and Hayley the next and telling them how beautiful they look and how well they played a scene and he’s obviously got the hots for both of them -- Hayley is flattered he’s taken such an interest in her while Tom felt sparks with Vanessa a few years ago while shooting Mission: Impossible -- Fallout but she had a boyfriend then and now that she’s single Tom’s saying she’s the perfect combination of classy and cute, Ryan Gosling’s family is wondering whether he’s catering too much to his partner of almost a decade Eva Mendes because it’s been years since he has visited his relatives back in Canada and they’re pointing the finger at Eva and while Ryan swears he’s happy as a homebody especially during the pandemic his family is upset at the lack of contact and they are fed up with Eva for keeping him a virtual prisoner in L.A., while Rumer Willis feels she’s met her match in newly single Armie Hammer her parents Bruce Willis and Demi Moore are warning her off of him -- they’re happy that Rumer is happy but they don’t think she should be dating a guy with two young children who’s just starting divorce proceedings but Rumer isn’t worried that she’s a rebound because they were friends before the split and once the dust settles she believes they really have a chance 
Page 6: Hoda Kotb and her fiance Joel Schiffman have submitted paperwork to adopt another child, sister drama between Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner is making for a great new storyline on Keeping Up With the Kardashians especially after things got physical during a car ride on a family trip to Palm Springs and the spat wasn’t just for the cameras -- Kendall and Kylie have been growing apart for years and although they make out like things are OK and still goof around on Twitter but the reality is they get on each other’s nerves -- Kendall thinks Kylie is a spoiled brat and believes momager Kris Jenner gives her preferential treatment because her brand brings in more bucks -- it’s so sad because Kendall and Kylie used to be so close, Star Spots the Stars -- Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo Jr., Sofia Vergara, Kyle Richards, Zoey Deutch, Camila Morrone, Olivia Munn, Maren Morris 
Page 8: Star Shots -- despite ditching her typical baggy clothes Billie Eilish still turned heads with her signature neon green hair and pricey shoes, Gavin Rossdale playing tennis, Viggo Mortensen gave his seal of approval to a plaque in his honor at the 12th Lumiere Film Festival where he screened his new film Falling in Lyon, France
Page 10: Luke Bracey had everything he needed arriving on set of Baz Luhrmann’s untitled Elvis biopic in which he portrays music mogul Jerry Schilling in Gold Coast in Australia, Gwen Stefani during a photoshoot in Calabasas
Page 11: Joe Manganiello brought his dog Bubbles to the drive-in screening of his new film Archenemy at Beyond Fest, stage vets Bernadette Peters and Joel Grey took cover at the surprise A Moment for Broadway pop-up in Times Square a socially distanced performance to celebrate NYC’s theaters which have been dark since March 
Page 14: Sharna Burgess was in good spirits heading into Dancing with the Stars rehearsals, Justin Bieber on a Vespa around his neighborhood in Beverly Hills 
Page 15: Shia LaBeouf showed off his tattoos during a run, Scout Willis’ rescue dog Grandma nestled comfortably during a mid-day stroll 
Page 16: Kristen Taekman decorating her house for Halloween with son Cash
Page 17: Nev Schulman took a spin on rollerskates outside the Dancing with the Stars rehearsal studio, Rob Lowe at the beach in Santa Barbara 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Rita Ora bundled up for the dropping temperatures in London -- normal, Jessica Simpson riding her son Ace’s bicycle -- normal, a bespectacled Gwyneth Paltrow during a spa day -- not normal 
Page 19: At 6-foot-6 Charles Barkley had to squat to have his temperature taken before checking into a Beverly Hills hotel -- normal, Liam Hemsworth showing off his muscles during a workout with swimmer Ross Edgley -- normal, Dax Shepard decompressing in bed next to his dog Frank -- not normal 
Page 20: Fashion -- stars are classic in black dresses -- Zendaya, Elle Fanning, Regina King 
Page 21: Sara Sampaio, Margot Robbie 
Page 24: Dominic West who played a cheating husband on The Affair was snapped kissing Lily James despite being wed to Catherine FitzGerald since 2010 and after the photos made headlines he and his wife released a handwritten statement during a bizarre photo-op at their London home -- Catherine was humiliated by the news but she’s known to turn a blind eye and Dominic’s mad as hell with himself for getting caught -- meanwhile Dominic and Lily are set to resume production on BBC’s The Pursuit of Love which they’ve been filming in England sine July and Dominic is focused on fixing his fractured family which includes the couple’s four kids and he is committed to proving things with Catherine are strong and capable of surviving this 
Page 25: After seeming to find love at last Bethenny Frankel has called it quits with Paul Bernon after two years together because their long-distance romance proved too difficult to sustain even though Paul was willing to relocate from Boston in order to move in together but Bethenny got spooked and said no, Kristin Cavallari was spotted locking lips with comedian Jeff Dye during a night out in Chicago and those close to Kristin suspect there’s a motive behind her showing PDA with another man just six months after she and Jay Cutler announced they were splitting up: Kristin is big on getting the upper hand and kissing Jeff for everyone to see was a way of her telling Jay she was totally over him, after more than two years of dating Tobey Maguire’s girlfriend Tatiana Dieteman wants to make things official but Tobey is wary of settling down following his split from ex-wife Jennifer Meyer the mom to his kids -- now Tobey and Tatiana are at odds over their future and neither of them is backing down
Page 26: Cover Story -- Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are having a girl -- Harry and Meghan are secretly expecting baby No. 2 
Page 30: Ellen DeGeneres’ ratings troubles -- a dip in viewership shakes the daytime TV favorite leaving a struggling Ellen fighting for her show 
Page 32: Making Marriage Work -- despite hitting some bumps these stars put in the effort to save their relationships -- Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel 
Page 33: Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, Jana Kramer and Mike Caussin, Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich 
Page 36: Beauty -- Boo-tiful makeup -- Halsey
Page 38: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Kelly Clarkson hosted the 2020 Billboard Music Awards featuring Lizzo 
0 notes
fanfiction-for-me · 5 years
Party in the House
It was a very busy afternoon in the Rad Youth residence, because that night we were having the first party that would introduce us to the world of music and Rock n' Roll. Every notorious band and solo artist we could think of was invited, and the disco room in our estate was set ready to have the time of our lives that night.
Why were we throwing a party, you wonder? Well, little more than a year ago ago we came together as a band when we found Davie on a Café playing guitar and singing. We immediately knew he was the one we were missing and he was integrated as the bassist. Sass and I already had some success and money from selling pastries and sweets back home, enough to move to the US and try to make it here (Ah, the ‘merican dream). It was always our life-long desire to form a band together, and every choice in our lives we had taken to achieve this.
Well, back to the story: after finding Davie and together with our incredible drummer Lila we worked our asses off like never before. It was pretty fucking hard and much tears, sweat and blood had been shed, but eventually we created something we were so proud of. After that we could only pray we get signed for a record deal, which eventually (another 3 horrible months of surviving on instant ramen), we did. What happened after was so unreal. Our debut single blew the fuck up; everyone wanted something from us, people worldwide went crazy overnight... We had made it! Soon we were building our humble home in L.A. at the same time we recorded our debut album. Everyone expected greatness and needless to say, we delivered. Our album sold billions of copies worldwide the first week of its release... something truly incredible for newbies such as us. And that brings me back to now: half a year into the craziness and we start touring in two days... so we’re throwing a party!
I still couldn't believe that less than a year ago Lila, Sass and I were looking for a bassist and a record company to get signed in and now we are a very famous and recognized rock band. Our luck was too much; we were still trying to get used to the whole fame thing and it was already happening. People screamed when they saw us walking on the street and asked us for pictures and autographs, our favorite bands knew who we were and wanted to meet us at our party and there were billboards of our tour on the streets and pictures of us in magazines. 
I was currently in my room, thinking about all this and trying to find a dress that would make me look even more gorgeous than I already am, with Sass, who was looking for some matching earrings for her outfit. I finally find this low-shoulder, long-sleeved bubble gum pink dress that was up the knee and splattered with black paint around the hem. It went just perfect with my hair, and I knew exactly the shoes I was going to wear: my high-heeled combat boots.
"Yo, Sass, look here, you like?" I grinned wide at her as I held the dress from the hanger and waved at it dramatically with my free arm.
"Cool dude", Sass laughed and gave me the thumbs up. "This party is gonna be mega epic"
I went inside my closet to put on the dress and talked loudly so Sass would hear me. "I know! Hopefully all the bands we invited come"
"Of course they will bro, everybody wants to meet us; we are like, the lucky noobs in the business"
"Yep, you're right. I'm worried though" I said as I walked out smugly out of the closet with my dress. "Ta-da", I turned as I wiggled my eyebrows at Sass.
"Be-ah-u-tiful my dear" she approved, "but why are you worried?"
"Well-", I walked over to my toilet case and started to take out makeup, the blow dryer, hairspray, earrings... "I dunno, I'm just afraid that I might not be able to contain my excitement and look like a fangirl around them. What if I like, spit my drink when I see Beyoncé, or squeal when Jared Leto walks into the room?" I violently brushed my hair to untangle it, and looked back in panic at Sass from the mirror.
"Oh, you're right. But, I guess we'll be fine. I know I'll probably cry when I meet My Chemical Romance, but you shouldn't worry about meeting 30 Seconds to Mars because you've already seen them in person before. You were paralyzed, but at least you were not going crazy. And if you do go crazy this time, you can fix it." Sass paused and I still looked at her a little uneasy. I'm still not sure if I can keep my fangirly-ness in control tonight.
"We are famous now, Chelita. I bet they will take the time to actually talk with us and hear what we've got to say to them, and not only because of that, but also because we are the hosts of the party, remember? So chill, and go crazy if you want to because I bet that even after that they'll think you are awesome."
I smiled at Sass. She could be overly sarcastic sometimes, but right now she was being honest. "Thanks dude, guess I will be able to handle it"
"Any time my dear". I just finished applying my lip gloss, when Lila and Davie burst into my room.
"Everyone ready to party?!" Lila screamed full lung; Davie following close behind, looking really hot.
"Fuck Yeah!" Sass replied.
"Davie! Show yourself baby" I clapped my hands and moved closer to where Davie was leaning against the wall. When I said that, Davie laughed and stood up straight, walking to the center of the room and jumping on the bed.
He was striking poses like a mad model. "What? Do I look hot today?" he asked with a fake ignorant tone, very conscious that he always looked gorgeous. We tried to not feed his ego for that reason, but today we were allowed to brag our looks because we all looked really good, and we were excited for the coming evening.
Davie was wearing a loose V-neck with cool motives which was way more expensive than you would've thought it was. He had gray aviator sunglasses on, his dirty blonde hair shining like the sun under my pink Christmas lights. His jeans were plain black and he was wearing a chain instead of a normal belt because that's how we roll. Ah, the benefits of being a rockstar: back then when we dressed this way we were looked down as weirdos but now we were setting trends. People can be very stupid.
"Get your butt off my bed David" we all hit him as we laughed and he cussed.
"I thought you wanted to see me!"
"Yeah, we have plenty time for that"
Davie got off the bed and looked down at us "Your turn to model" he chortled and pulled me up on the bed.
We all showed our outfits in between laughs and loud flattering comments. I wore my pink dress and my hair loose. I used to be a brunette but right before we released our album I dyed it Barbie blonde, and just to give it attitude I added a black streak over the longest bang, the one I usually wore over my eye. I really liked the contrast my hairstyle made with my pale face and my dark eyes.
Sass and Lila also changed their look, but it wasn't as drastic as mine. Sass wore a short black studded dress over shredded thighs and combat boots, the dark attire making the purple streaks over her black curls jump out. Lila was using metallic gold shorts, a fancy blouse that had many black and white sequins under an electric blue leather jacket which contrasted beautifully with her pixie orange hair, and of course combat boots. We love combat boots. Even Davie was wearing one of his many pairs.
After we finished modeling, we went downstairs to check everything was okay. The party area looked awesome; the ceiling was covered in disco balls and stage lights of every color. People were still setting the buffet, which was mostly fancy and tasty snacks, and an ice sculpture of the logo of our band stood huge over the center of the long table. The DJ was already playing some test music and the sound of it reverberated throughout the near rooms, making our chests thump to the rhythm of the bass. The bartender looked like he had everything set too. Elegance and Rock n' Roll was our theme; black and red roses that matched with the table mats and chair bows; the dance floor was wide and speckled over with glitter and petals.
In conclusion, everything was perfect. We were chilling around the busy party crew, waiting for our guests who will soon arrive, when the doorbell rang. We all froze for 5 seconds before running to see who was at the door. Our butler Sebastian opened it and it was our manager, Tom Kafer. We all groaned simultaneously, expecting it to be someone famous, but when we watch the door again, Kafer is waving someone in... Lady Gaga?
"Oh my God!" "Holy shit!" "I’m gonna flip!"
We were going nuts; Lady Gaga was in our house! But before we could get used to the fact she was there, Beyoncé steps in with Jay-Z. Then Rihanna. Then Adele. And Bruno Mars.
Aweeesome. I never thought I'd get to see these performers in real life, much less in our own home. We were still looking at the arriving guests in wonder when Kafer made us snap out of it.
"Guys, guys, guys!" he clapped on our faces until we looked at him. He looked pissed (as he does). "What are you doing here sneaking glances like little children? You're supposed to be in the room waiting for your guests and introducing yourselves! Move guys, quick, before they come in; move!"
We moved into the room in a daze. We could hear it was getting crowded by the minute inside. The stars started to come in and we introduced ourselves. Most of them seemed genuinely interested in meeting us, smiling and congratulating us for being "the next big thing at such a young age". Others even looked starstruck by us which was... strange. Soon, there were so many celebrities that we had to split in order to give them the proper attention.
I could see Davie was near the bar talking with Taylor Momsen, Lila was concluding with Katy Perry and Sass was welcoming Adam Lambert. I had just finished letting Fall Out Boy in, so I went over to Lila, who had already finished with Katy.
"So far so good, huh?" I nudged her arm with my elbow as we both contemplated the scene in front of us.
"Yep, our party is pretty awesome, everyone looks like they are having fun" she said with an air of proudness, then, a little down she added "too bad our potential boyfriends probably won't be able to come"
"Yeah..." I felt sort of blue now that she reminded me of the fact that Big Time Rush, one of my favorite bands, was on tour at the moment, and although we had invited them (well, technically, Kafer did), they wouldn't be able to make it because they had a show today. The gig was right here in LA, but they still wouldn't make it after they finished.
"Well, guess we'll meet them some other time... After our 6 month tour" Lila rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, hope James is still available after that" I added.
"Why wouldn't he be?"
"I have no idea, I'm just being paranoid."
"Well, don't be; I'm not. I'm pretty sure James will fall for you the minute he sees you" she teased with a wide grin.
"Ha-ha, you're right, and I bet Kendall will also think you're hot!" I laughed, "too bad they won't see us all dressed up and beautiful like we are now"
"Who knows? Besides, dressed up or not, we always look good cuz we are good looking" she concluded. Lila was right, we are hot. Who wouldn't like a pretty Latina girl? Well... I didn't actually look like a Latina much as Sass did, even less now that my hair was blond, and our spanish accent was only slightly noticeable (studying in a bilingual school for 15 years and then go out to live on the US does that to you).
Lila and I were wondering what song our Big Time Rush prospects could be performing when I almost fell backwards as I saw who was entering the room.
"30 Seconds to Mars!" I screeched and waved my hands frantically over my face. My favorite band was here to see us! Jared Leto, Shannon Leto and Tomo Milicevic entered the room with the confidence only a rock band as successful as them could have. I wish one day we will be like that.
"You have to go and talk with them!" Lila pushed me over in their direction and I almost fell over in my heels, but I managed to balance. I checked myself in my pocket mirror already knowing I looked cute; I did, and with that I walked over to the guys that had inspired me to dream bigger than I've ever imagined I could. I just hope my voice doesn't crack because my lungs feel empty on air.
"H-Hi" I uttered and, dammit, it didn't come out as steady as I wanted.
"Hello there" Tomo, the guitar player said and I almost squealed again.
"Um, I'm Michelle Oviedo the lead singer of Radioactive Youth... I-I'm a great admirer of your work, you have no idea- you-"
"We know who you are" Shannon said with an amused smile.
"You-you do?" my idols knew me? Oh, right! I'm famous... I didn't know they listened to my band though...
"Yes, and we are also admirers of your work. You've got a fine voice right there" Jared winked and signaled nonchalantly at me, but always serious and professional, and, holy hell, Jared Leto said he likes my voice!
"Wow, I don't know what to say and I wish I could stop blubbering because there are so many things I want to tell you and I just don't know what to start with because I love you so much and-"
"How about we start with a hug and then we can go sit and talk?" Shannon suggested, and with that I threw my arms around him and hugged him hard. 
Soon I sensed two other pair of arms wrap around me. It felt like that feeling you get when you finally get to your house after a long trip: at home and at peace. I swear I could've cried right there but I didn't want them to think I was weirder than they probably already thought I was, hugging them like a dork and shit.
I spent the next hour gone from the rest of my band and the party, talking with my life heroes about music, our lives and any trivial theme that came in the conversation. I couldn't appreciate what was happening around me because I was having such a great time with 30 Seconds to Mars. They were so funny and even greater than I thought they were. When I finally looked up, curious to know what my bandmates where doing, I could see they were probably having as much fun as I was.
Davie was chilling with the guys of Metallica... Metallica? Whoa, even they were here? Cool, though they look a little intimidated with Davie's over-excitement; poor guys. And holy shit, Sass was laughing at something with the guys of My Chemical Romance! They are Sass' favorite band and one of mine's as well; I'll make sure I go and say hi before the party ends. Lila on the other hand was... Where was she? I can't see her anywhere. Maybe she went to the bathroom or-
"MATE." someone painfully jabbed their fingers at both sides of my waist and with that I knew who it was.
"Oh, God! You know I hate that! I was looking for you, the guys here were-" I gestured to my favorite band before being interrupted.
"Mate!" Lila looked at me wide eyed and solemn.
"Big Time Rush" she said unnerved.
"What? No, that can't be; they are in a show, you're seeing stuff-"
"Then who are the guys that are standing there on the doorway?" Lila signaled urgently at the entrance, an expression of lucidity and anxiety combined on her face. Over by the door were Logan, Carlos and our "future boyfriends", Kendall and James; shy expressions on their faces as they studied the space crowded with celebrities.
"How the-?"
"I don't know and I don't care either; they are here and we need to go and talk to them!" Lila grabbed me by my arm and almost dragged me with such a force that always made me wonder how something so tiny has such strength!
"I'm sorry, we need to go and see- you know, they-" I didn't know what to say actually. "I'll be back, just-"
"Go get that boy" Jared winked; smiling suggestively, while Shannon beamed, wriggling his eyebrow and Tomo cackled like a hyena at his expression. How the hell did Jared know I have no freaking idea (am I that obvious?).
I let Lila drag me to where the four good-looking fellows stood up, probably looking for a seat in the crowded place. Before we reached them and they could see us I stopped her. "Wait- how do I look?" I was nervous and insecure all over again. Most of the times I acted over confident and extroverted, because that's how your ideal lead singer should be, but deep inside I was still the shy awkward girl I've been trying to hide and tonight she was coming out pretty often. That made me feel frustrated.
She rolled her eyes "Great, beautiful, whatever; let's go!"
"Don't you want to know how you look?"
"To cause a good impression on Kendall"
"Chelle, they will think we are cute, believe me. And I'm pretty sure I look good; common, I'm wearing a decent outfit today and I have makeup on!" Lila looked at me with an impatient face and I decided to agree even though I was still not sure.
"Yeah, you're right"
"Okay, deep breaths mate and try not to faint".
Together we walked, trying not to fall or do die in the way, for the floor was already covered in the stickiness caused by the drinks dropped when trying to dance with them, and some of it was still wet. The lights were low and the music loud enough so that the boys wouldn't see us coming. Every step took us closer to them and made my hands colder. I could see now that Logan was talking with Kendall about something, Carlos nodding and pointing at what was probably the object of their talk, James stayed silent behind them, tapping his foot and moving his head to the rhythm of the music.
Lila cleared her throat when we were basically in front of them. "Hey, welcome to our party".
The four boys stared back at us and smiled, replying with four different enthusiastic "hey's". I was, on my part, still quiet, until Lila elbowed me so indiscreetly, that even the boys noticed.
"H-hey, um Big Time Rush? Welcome to our party, I am-"
"You're Michelle Oviedo! Better known as Chelle because that's how you like people to call you, right?" Carlos interrupted and damn, I am surprised he is equally excited to meet us than we are. Only Carlos wasn't nervous; does Carlos ever get nervous?
Taken aback, I started to talk again "Um, yeah I do-"
"I'm Delilah Carter, but you can call me-"
"Lila! Drummer right?" this time James interrupted, strong voice making me jump.
"We know who you all are" added Logan.
"We have listened to your album and it's really good" Kendall explained.
"You can't imagine how surprised we were when our manager told us we had gotten invited to your party" said Carlos.
"It's pretty cool to finally meet you"
"Everyone talks about you"
"Logan bought your album twice because I stole the first copy"
"When we saw the video of 'Rebel Generation' Kendall said that-"
Pinch me hard, someone! Was this really happening, or were the BTR guys fangirling over us (well, fanboying in their case) harder than Lila and I over them? We are trying to control ourselves but they just started bombarding us with nice comments! Well, if we did that I bet it would be less "I believe your live performances are neat" and more like "My ovaries explode every time I see you perform Love Me Love Me"; so, on the inside, I guess we are still the biggest fangirls. But we will never let them know that...
"Guys? Guys. Guys... GUYS!" Lila interrupted, looking all cheery and glowing.
"Yes?" the four answered at the same time and for a moment it felt like we were in their TV show.
"Do you want to meet the rest of our bandmates and- if you want- talk later?"
"Sounds great" and Kendall winked at Lila. She glanced back at me and mouthed something that seemed like "omigosh", and looked pretty stoked. I would've been too if James winked at me.
It was time to take action, so I moved next to Logan and James, while Lila was walking in front of us in between Carlos and Kendall. I still couldn't believe we were walking together with the guys of Big Time Rush; if I were seventeen years old again or just nine months ago and you would've told me this would happen, I wouldn't believe it. Our lives had changed so fast and we were definitely living the good life now; I'm so grateful for this moment that I'm not even wishing to be James' girlfriend or something, but just enjoying his and his bandmates' company. Besides, being his girlfriend would be too much luck and I think I already spent all the luck I have in getting to the top with my band.
Now that I was past the shock of the moment, I started to really look at the guys and I wondered... How the heck can they look hotter in real life? I mean, Kendall's eyes have always been beautiful, but here under the flickering lights of the dance floor they blazed a silvery green, and it was something hypnotizing to see. Logan's hair was lighter than I thought it was, and Carlos' smile made me want to smile as well. But James was otherworldly for me. He was everything: sexy, adorable, handsome... gorgeous. He stood a head over me and I swear all of his body was covered in muscles; gosh, he is so hot. He even smells like hotness! (Is that even possible?). It's getting a little warm inside my dress too; I just hope I don't start sweating.
I tried to distract myself by pretending I was looking for Sass or Davie, but my eyes couldn't toss the opportunity of staring at the beauty that was James Maslow, so they turned to see him only to realize that he was staring back. My dark brown eyes locked with his sparkling hazel ones for a second, before he flashed his straight white teeth in a very lovely smile. Was it possible that he was checking me out? I'd like to think maybe, after all, I am kinda cute. Even though I am still almost five years younger than him. Yeah, that's right almost five (four years and a half to be exact). It doesn't sound that weird to me though, because I am 18 and he is 22 right now, and that's not so bad, is it?
I tried to smile back, but my cheeks felt warm, so I guess I was blushing; great. Where are Davie and Sass? I'm humiliating myself here.
"Oh, there they are" said Lila. Davie and Sass where standing by the food table, talking to no one else but the guys from Black Veil Brides, and Sass kinda had a thing for the vocalist, Andy Biersack. She looked sort of annoyed at Davie though, and I bet it was because he was fanboying. Black Veil Brides is one of Davie's favorite bands.
"Let's go and say hi" I suggested. I was still ecstatic for being with Big Time Rush but that didn't stop me from being excited about meeting another band I love.
"Yo guys! These are Kendall, Logan, James and Carlos from Big Time Rush and they wanted to say hi" Lila caught our bandmate's attention and signaled to the group.
"Hello, nice to meet you" Sass replied, but I could see she was a little distracted with Andy laughing at CC's ridiculous dance moves on the background. Andy was pretty cute even though he was wearing all black and had his war paint on. It's possible, believe me, he has a baby face.
"'Sup?" Davie mumbled and turned around to slap hands with the four guys. Then, he addressed Lila and me "Hey, aren't these the guys that you were so sad 'bout that they wouldn't be able to come?"
We looked at Davie with a crazy "you are not supposed to say that in front of them" face. Seriously? Guess our secret was out now.
Lila and I could feel four pair of eyes watching us.
"We kinda like you too... We are Rushers." Lila explained.
"No way!" James grinned at both of us and I reddened more.
"Yeah way" I slurred and laughed a little. "We thought you guys wouldn't come; our manager-"
"Hey, do you have any booze here? My throat is drying up!" Andy called attention to himself with his low and loud voice.
"Sure, come with me" Sass grabbed him by the arm and took him to the bar. Nice to see she was feeling confident!
"Cool meeting you, Big Time..." Andy struggled to find the word.
"Rush" they all answered at the same time
"Oh, yeah. Bye!" and with that he left with Sass.
"Sorry about that" I told them.
"Meh, it's okay, as long as you girls know who we are, its fine" Logan winked. So it is true that he is the flirt of the band...
Carlos bumped Logan on the arm "Hey Loges, let's go and say hi to Selena" "Okay. Hope you girls don't mind being with these two dorks" he pointed a James and Kendall, who rolled their eyes at him.
"No, we're good, go and have fun; that's what we threw this party for!" Lila playfully slapped his arm and we both waved bye at him and Carlos.
Now we were alone with our Big Time Crushes.
"So... What do you want to do?" asked Lila.
"Well, I'm kinda thirsty, could we go for a drink?" suggested Kendall.
"James, you coming man?"
"No, thanks, I'll stay here"
I watched with dread and relief as Kendall and Lila left me by myself with the man of my dreams. We were finally alone; I'd never thought I'd actually be alone with him! But what am I supposed to do? I'm too nervous to think about something intelligent to say or ask so I'll probably stay silent until I figure something out, which will probably be in a long while and I'll bore him out and then bye bye opportunity to seduce James Maslow. All this time while I was panicking in my head, James had been answering a text, and now he was putting out his phone.
"So..." he started
"Cool party." James concluded.
"Yep" and thank God my brain had a question in mind, "-hey, I never knew how come you were able to arrive, I thought you had a show tonight at the House of Blues?" I was surprised that my voice came out casual. Well, it had to; after all, I was the hostess.
"We did, but it got cancelled"
"Mm, too bad"
"Yep, I was pretty excited for it. But being in your party is better, I would've been more upset if I lost this" he motioned around him.
"Really? Why?" I've got to say, I was genuinely surprised.
"Are you kidding? You're just new in this thing and you're already the rock band of the moment, or as Rolling Stone wrote 'the promise of Rock'" he made quotes in the air and chuckled.
"Right, that does sound attractive" I laughed. Did Rolling Stone really write that? "It does. Plus, I had already heard your music and I think it is really good. And I'm not a Rock type of guy!"
"Glad you like it" I smiled "Do you have any favorite song of ours? And don't say 'Rebel Generation' please, because everyone likes that song" I teased him and he chuckled at my comment; I was making him laugh, that was a sign that I wasn't boring him out so I immediately relaxed. Being with James was more comfortable than I thought it would be. I wasn't even noticing the way his lips moved when he talked, or even his large hands, or his beefy pectorals... Well, okay, I was, but which girl wouldn't?
"Well I have a few, besides 'Rebel Generation', of course" James looked at me, looking guilty as charged "' Your Sick Heart' has a great guitar solo and the drums in 'Solstice' are sick! But lately I've been obsessing with 'On my Mind'; that song is plain beautiful"
"You think so? I wrote that song!"
"You did? Well, no wonder why it's so amazing" he winked at me, and I hoped he didn't noticed how my breath came out a little shaky. That man could make my body respond in weird ways.
"Thank You" I responded modestly.
"Welcome; shall we sit?" James offered. I felt like I should tell him something about his band too, since he was flattering mine so much and also, I wanted to do it. We sat front to front on a small table that was next to a wall, far from the dance floor. For a moment we just looked at each other, smiling and shifting nervously, neither of us having something to say. Just when I was about to tell him how much I had liked their latest album, James spoke.
"I like your hair, it's unusual... and it suits you."
"Thanks, you know, I used to be a brunette..." I spoke, not really calculating why he would want to know that.
"Like me?" he questioned with a cocky grin, and as he did so, James flipped his hair with a movement of his head that almost made me start hyperventilating.
"Uh- yeah, sort of, mine was darker I think" I brushed my tips with my hands in a hurry out of a nervous habit.
"Why did you dye it?" I don't really know why would he want to know all that, but he seemed interested, so I answered.
"Well, I thought that I would need a more rock and roll-ish appearance if I was going to be in a band and I chose blond because I have always wanted to be blond for some reason; I thought it would suit me"
"It does," James agreed "but I bet you looked pretty with brown hair too"
He had me now. I didn't know how to respond to that, so all I did was grin at him and blush like the shy girl I was. James just looked at me in my eyes and smirked, a mix of self-consciousness and measured flirting. His perfect tanned face looked soft under the very faint light, and I wanted nothing more than grab him by the collar of his jacket and make out heavily with him. I instinctively bit my lip as I thought about his lips on mine. Big mistake, for we were still making eye contact. The moment I took in that, I stopped doing it, viewing down at my hands, bracelets making noise as they made contact with the table. James was almost in the same position as I was, and before I could steady myself and say something, I stared as his hands moved next to mine touching my bracelets too. If it were any other guy, I would've thought the move was totally random and weird, but since it was James Maslow, I thought it was the best thing ever, of course. My eyes moved up to his face only to see him still eyeing at me with a friendly expression. We stayed staring at each other, and just when his glare moved to my lips (which totally meant something! Right?), our golden silence was broken.
I flinched as I heard my name and then stood up fast from my seat "What?!" to be honest, I was pissed.
"Help me! Please?"
"Excuse me for a minute James?" I said in a sweet tone that was a complete contrast to how yelled just now. James just mouthed a "sure", looking bewildered and slightly curious.
I took Davie a good 6 feet from James and lectured him "David Alexander Tscharke, I was having a beautiful moment back there with James freaking Maslow! What the shit is wrong with you, interrupting like that?"
"Whatever Chelle, I needed one of you; it's an emergency!" I have to admit, Davie did look worried... but I still wanted to kill him.
"Then why didn't you call Lila or Sass?"
"I can't find Lila anywhere; last time I saw her she was talking with a blond guy; Sass is with Andy and she told me that if I bothered her she would kill me!"
I sighed exasperated. Stupid Davie. "What's the problem?" I asked tiredly, hands on my hips. It wasn't the first time, or even the tenth.
"Well, I sort of accidentally knocked someone out."
"What the fuck Davie?" I couldn't help shouting; was he crazy? If someone heard about this it would be on the news and they would see us as a violent band! I'm also pretty sure James heard me, because I could see he was choking a little on his drink. Great, now he will think I have a potty mouth... Although I sort of do. 
"Davie, how the hell could that be accidental? Are you insane?" I whispered loudly.
"No! I swear- it really was an accident! I was on the bathroom releasin' the drinks I had taken, when this fat guy with a cam'ra comes and opens the door- I didn't knew it wasn't locked! He must've been a papzz though, cus he had a fancy lookin' cam'ra over his neck an' he snapped a picture of me! PEEIN'!
If I wasn't so mad at him, I'd laugh at what he just told me.
Davie continued his story "So my first reaction was to shoot my fist out right at his jaw, but he moved a litt'l, so the punch landed on his right temple"
"Goodness Davie, why would that be your first reaction?" that was a rhetorical question actually because I already knew the answer. Back when Davie lived in Australia, his house was located near the beach and also near the wilderness of the jungle. He had to know how to react fast to danger (specifically animals). This wasn't exactly dangerous, but it was an "act quickly" situation.
"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" I couldn't find out why he would need my help.
"You're a woman, Michelle; maybe you could- I don't know- nurse him?"
I tried to give Davie my best death glare as I crossed my arms.
"Aw, common! Look, you can bring your boyfriend over there; he could help too" Davie pointed at James.
"He's not my boyfriend Davie, and in no way am I gonna ask him that!"
"Please! I need someone strong to help me move the guy; he's pretty fat!" Davie begged.
I decided to give in. After all, friends help other friends."Fine" I said curtly, and Davie punched the air in triumph. Ashamed, I made my way back to the table where James was fumbling with the edge of his glass.
"Hey, James? We need your help. Well, Davie does"
"What's wrong?" and I explained the whole story of how Davie had left a paparazzi unconscious for taking a picture of him while peeing. James snickered adorably at this, and in return Davie glared back, which made him shut up. I looked at Davie with narrowed eyes and he let it go.
"Okay then, I'll help you". We all moved together to the "crime scene", where a fat guy (he really was fat) lied thrown on the floor, camera at a side, looking dead to me. I sighed and moved to the floor to check if he was breathing. He was.
"He's not dead!" I informed. Davie sighed a breath of relief and James chortled, earning another glare from Davie.
"Stop that" I warned him again. He was being sort of rude, considering James was helping him.
"But he's laughing!" Davie protested childishly.
"Sorry" James apologized. He was too sweet.
"Don't worry James, I would be laughing too if this wasn't such a stupid situation" I looked at Davie as I made my emphasis and he frowned back at me. I ignored that. "Start moving him before anyone sees this" I ordered.
The two guys proceeded to do so; James shrugged out of his leather jacket to reveal a black button up shirt that hugged around his muscles perfectly. I gawked dreamily, but was interrupted by Davie's low whistle.
James looked between us, confused, and I threw one of the fancy soaps that were near the sink at Davie. The fucker just laughed hard.
"Ooookay... Are we gonna lift him?" James interrupted Davie.
"Yeah, yeah. You grab him by his feet and I grab his arms."
Davie and James started lifting the guy with a lot of effort, and I picked up his camera from the floor. I peeked throughout the pictures and even found some of myself! What was a paparazzi doing at our party anyways? Guess he got served then. After a few more photos I found what Davie was talking about: a picture of him peeing. Luckily, the guy hadn't captured his dick, but you could see the arc of pee coming out of him into the toilet. I couldn't hold my laugh any longer so I burst into mindless giggling.
"Michelle! Stop lookin'!" and with that said, he dropped the fat man on his head, leaving James struggling with him.
"Davie c’mon, you’re killing him! And don't worry, I already deleted it, see?" I showed him the camera. "Now go and carry the dude out".
Davie grumbled, but went back to help James out. I followed both of them as they made their way to the backdoor of our kitchen, enjoying how James' muscles tensed at the weight of the unconscious paparazzi. When we were finally outside, Davie and James laid the guy down against the wall, with his camera a top his belly.
"Phew" Davie breathed "thank you so much Chelle"
I coughed.
Reluctantly, Davie shook hands with James. "...thanks man" What's wrong with him?
"Welcome dude", James answered back.
After a small awkward silence, Davie talked "What do we do now?"
"We? You are going to stay out of trouble and far away from me! Bye." I left Davie with an indignated expression and went back to the party with James. Stupid Davie and his stupid troubles.
Coming into the room, I could see there were more people on the dance floor than sitting down. Sass was still with Andy, watching how he took out his lip piercing with his tongue only. Carlos and Logan were on the dance floor with almost everybody else. The guys from My Chem were sitting with their wives, and Jared, Shannon, and Tomo were playing with the chocolate fountain, those lovely men. It seemed to me that everyone was having a blast, though I couldn't see Lila anywhere and neither Kendall. They probably were together.
I smiled at the thought of me and my two best friends being with our dream boys. Sass with Andy, Lila with Kendall and I was here standing by James' side, his hand touching the back of my arm lightly. Could it be possible that we may have gained them as friends? Even if James had arrived late and Davie had interrupted our "talking", the night was still young, and I was going to make sure it was that way. All of a sudden, I felt more confident. I was finally starting to feel like the beautiful vocalist of the band that everyone wanted to meet.
"What do you wanna do?" James asked me, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Let's go and say hi to My Chemical Romance and AFI first, and then I'll tell you" I answered him with a wink. Yeah, I can feel the fire in me rising!
So we walked over to their sits, talking about our favorite music on the way. I realized James and I didn't share the same music tastes, but at least he really liked my band, and I was happy with that. We said hi to AFI and Davey Havok kissed my hand! After saying goodbye we went over My Chemical Romance. They were sitting with 30 Seconds to Mars (they knew each other from the scene) talking about something. I introduced myself only to be told that they too already knew who I was! It was all going swell until Shannon opened his mouth.
"Is that your boyfriend?" he questioned with a naughty smile, already knowing what the answer was.
"No, no! James is my- he is- James sings in a band called Big Time Rush!" my face was red like a tomato as I tried to explain. I glanced at James to see he was also shifting awkwardly in his feet.
"Yeah, I'm just a friend, right?" James looked at me with a reassuring expression. It calmed my shame a little.
"That's too bad you guys" Lyn-Z (Gerard Way's wife) said, "you would look really cute together"
"Yeah James, this girl here is golden" added Jared as he patted my arm and winked. I felt like I was back with my parents for some reason. Someone shoot me.
"Uh-yeah, I know that" and he smirked at me "but I've just met her this night Mr. Leto" James responded with a shy smile. Was he blushing? (also “Mr. Leto”- what a gentleman!)
"Oh, I'm sorry then, go and have fun" Jared grinned at James. I looked at him with a troubled expression. He eyed me and pulled me up to him.
"You'll thank me. He's pretty obvious, anyway" he whispered in my ear, with James still looking.
What did he meant with obvious? He was being obvious! Whispering in my ear in front of James! I wasn't mad at Jared (how could I ever be?), but I don't see how his comments could've helped.
With that said I excused myself and left before my idols could tell James that I wanted to date him. So much for feeling confident.
"Well...That was-"
"I know, I know... Forgive them. Rockstars aren't known for their great tact" I joked.
"Yeah I noticed" he sucked in a breath and huffed a laugh. Thank goodness he is laughing about it.
"So, um, you wanna go dance?" I heard James ask me.
At first I couldn't believe I was hearing him say that, but then I remembered who I was. Of course he would ask me. I have to keep reminding myself that maybe I am worthy of him.
We made our way to the dance floor, and started dancing to the melody of Neeyo's "Give Me Everything". I found Lila was dancing with Kendall, but they were more concentrated in joking about something than the actual dancing. Sass was trying to convince Andy to dance, playfully pulling him near the stage; they looked so cute together. Best of all, Davie was nowhere to be seen. I just hope he is not in trouble or something (and if he is I'm not going to help him).
We danced several songs, James and I gaining more confidence as each passed. By the fifth song he grabbed my hips and I placed my arms over his shoulders. I was melting, feeling the muscles of his neck; he was too sexy, and up this close, he smelled so good. We stayed like that for almost two hours, trying to keep a conversation surrounded by the loud music, giggling and smiling at each other. When we made eye contact his eyes sparkled with the lights, it was so magical I wanted this moment to last forever. Finally, I felt I couldn't stand dancing with my shoes anymore, so I informed James about it, and we sat down on the bar to grab a drink and chat.
We talked about everything: our careers, our bands (I finally got to tell him how great I though Big Time Rush was), our lives before we became famous (when I told him I had started to study Architecture in college he told me that would've been his career choice too; what a coincidence!), our hometowns, our family, pets, friends, and even school! Time passed fast by his side because it was spent so well. That's why when Logan and Carlos walked over to our table and told him it was 3:30 in the morning and that everyone was leaving, we were surprised. The place was almost empty save for a few bands (with drunken band members) and Big Time Rush.
"Let's go man, I just remembered gotta be somewhere at 9" sighed Carlos. He sounded tired.
"Okay then, go get Kendall, I'll meet you guys at the car" James waved him to where Kendall was, looking at something in his phone with Lila. James got up his seat and I did too. He grabbed my hands with his fingers delicately and squeezed them a little. "This was... fun" his smile grew as he said each word. "It was. I'm very happy I could meet you James, you're cool" and I swung our hands between us.
"I can say the same thing about you" and then he let go off my hands to take his phone out of his back pocket "We should keep in touch, you know, since you're going on tour for a long time... Is that okay with you?" he said this looking nervous.
Okay?! It was more than okay! "Yeah, I would like that too. Here, I'll give you my number" my fingers trembled as I saved my number, even after I had spent all of the evening with him.
"Sweet" James said as I gave him his phone back, "I'll call you- wait, are you going to be out of the US?"
"Oh yes, yes we are, but only a bit"
"Yeah" I smiled.
"Yeah... I suppose I have to leave now" and he leaned down to my level to peck my cheek, taking a second longer than normal. "Good luck and see you... some other day" and with a heart melting smile, he walked away, leaving my cheek burning where his lips had touched it.
Gosh, he is so perfect, and I had spent the night with that perfection! Not only that, but he asked for my number, and we had danced, and talked, and laughed, and-
"Hey, pretty!" Shannon Leto interrupted my thoughts, throwing and arm around my shoulder. I found myself surrounded by the three members of 30 Seconds to Mars.
"Your boyfriend left?" asked Tomo mockingly as Jared chuckled in my ear.
"Aw, you guys are unbelievable. I can't believe you're grown adults and still act like dorks" I pouted at the trio.
"We’re sorry" Tomo said with a more serious tone. "We couldn't help it when we saw you; ahh, young love... so beautiful" he put his hand together on his cheek like a princess. It was pretty funny.
"Yeah, you kids don't seem to realize how both of you want each other"
"Both?" I asked Shannon, but Jared answered.
"Common, he looked like he wanted to eat you and you... I'm surprised you didn't drool on his shoes or something" he laughed lightly.
"Shut up" I told them all. "Are you guys leaving?"
"Yes, we came to say goodbye" answered Shannon, and they all hugged me one by one before leaving.
This night had been great, and I'm still not tired of repeating it in my head; I'll probably keep on repeating it for a long time. I met my favorite band and many others that I love, including Big Time Rush, and I had clicked very well with James Maslow, whom had been my celebrity crush since my Senior Year. Thinking about that, it seemed too far away, when it had just been 2 years ago. If this is just the beginning, I can't imagine what the future has prepared for me and my band.
First album tour, here I come!
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noxianmeme · 7 years
this blue sky, this green land.
      the sky was big & beautiful. ‘big’ was an understatement, really; the great canvas of clouds was endless in size and extravagance. the commodore supreme made sure to take note of the setting sun and the cascade of orange it blanketed over the stars, who weren’t yet ready to get out of bed and greet the general sergeant’s eager eye. the magnificent skies & it’s dark grey clouds drifted gracefully over fields of tall greens, dancing in the gentle breeze that rolled over the hills and plains and graciously cooled kled’s back. he was grateful beyond words for the scene all-mighty mother nature presented him, and soaked it in as much as possible with his good eye. maybe later he would paint the scene as a thank you to the great mother, he thought, using that fresh ink he pulled from his last raid, the greens and browns he’d make himself from the plants and fruits he finds along his way. he had the image in mind perfectly, the sharp black strokes resembling the blades of grass filled with a lovely dark green and smothered by the orange sky. beautiful. 
he didn’t appreciate his guest trying to ruin the gift mother valoran was giving him. 
“ HEY! Hush yerself up! “ kled tugs hard on the line of rope connecting him to his prisoner. he had been dragging the stranger through nearly two miles of wilderness by this point, giving them a change to get closely acquainted with the land and some of the barbed fauna and ravenous insects it was known for. skaarl continued to trot along through the fields as she pulled the major’s hostage, not caring or understanding the whole ordeal.
“ I’m TRYIN’ to take this be-oo-tiful sight we dun’ been graced with, and yer damn bITCHIN’ is makin’ it awful DIFFICULT! “
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link-sans-specs · 3 years
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Rocking to the Rhythm of the Rain 🎶
Link's Romantic Big Sur Getaway
BONUS: Blue-tiful Boys 💙💙
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vmvhypoallergenics · 8 years
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BLUE-tiful! We’re nearing the end of our top #skinthusiasm for 2016 with our Eyeshadow Duo in Sea & Sky on @martha_weddings‘ “11 “Something Blue” Makeup Ideas for Your Big Day” as a “bold and beautiful blue eye shadow” that’s gentle and that “offers buildable color so it’s versatile enough to be used for either a day or night wedding, and fun to pack for your honeymoon, too. Titanium dioxide and iron oxide pigments also help protect against sun damage.” 🙏🏽💍 #SavingTheWorldsSkin on your #wedding day! http://www.marthastewartweddings.com/602348/something-blue-makeup-ideas#602323 #hypoallergenic #makeup #eyeshadow #SkintelligentBeauty #MakeupIsSkincare
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link-sans-specs · 3 years
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All a these seem like a geometry lesson.
Frozen vs. Fast vs. Fancy Food Taste Test
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link-sans-specs · 3 years
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Love you too, Dad!
Mythical Society
BTM: Will It Cheesesteak?
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link-sans-specs · 3 years
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An ocean of ocean blues.💙🌊💙
Do These Foods Taste Different in Other Countries?
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link-sans-specs · 4 years
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I have many thoughts...
Rhett & Link
We Try Dog Yoga
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link-sans-specs · 4 years
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I get that knifey feeling on my tongue.
Carbonated Food Taste Test
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