#big box stores
solarpunks · 2 years
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Why doesn’t every big box store have rooftop solar? | Grist
The amount of space available on the rooftops of Walmarts, Targets, Home Depots, Costcos, and other large stores and shopping malls in the continental U.S. is staggering. Environment America estimates that it amounts to 7.2 billion square feet, or about the size of El Paso, Texas. Even tiny little Rhode Island has 279 stores that span at least 25,000 square feet each.
From one perspective, these shrines to consumption represent the root cause of our climate catastrophe. But there’s a potential silver lining: These stores can make up for at least some of that damage by opening up their vast rooftops to solar development. At best, blanketing these stores in solar panels could reduce the need to site solar farms in rural areas where they often face opposition from neighbors and can threaten endangered species.
Here’s the Solarpunk bit! 
David Hughes, an environmental anthropologist at Rutgers University, has a more radical idea. When Grist spoke with him last fall, he suggested that when the owners of these large flat rooftops fail to take advantage of their solar potential, they should forfeit their rights to do so to the community or municipality. Hughes bases his argument on a law from the 1800s called the Homestead Act, under which the government offered up plots of land (stolen from Indigenous peoples) to white settlers to cultivate. But if the homesteaders failed to do anything “useful” with it within five years, the rights to the land reverted back to the government. Hughes argues that the Homestead Act could be repurposed for progressive priorities today, ensuring that when a company doesn’t take advantage of the resources at its fingertips, the local community can.
An excellent proposal! The sort of thing local solarpunks could and should be agitating for in their local town halls and meetings!!
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mbrainspaz · 11 months
anarchy at the tractor supply
me & my big dog: hey y'all got sunscreen?
Tractor Supply Co employees: Sunscreen?
me: Suncreen.
TSC: Nope. Just bug spray.
me: Ugh, you too?! I can't believe it. Lowes didn't have any either.
TSC: You could try WalMart.
me: I would but I've got my dog.
TSC: Put 'im in the cart. They don't care.
me: ... he's kinda big. I don't wanna upset any employees over there.
TSC: Last week I saw a pit bull in there and he pooped on the floor.
me: Oh jeeze. Well my guy won't do that.
TSC: See?! If they ask, he's your heart monitor service animal. I'd believe it.
me: Well... it is just to grab sunscreen real quick.... I guess.
TSC: Wooohoo! Good luck!
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atomicseasoning · 3 months
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injuredcyclist · 1 year
Interesting what-if.
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masonpowellposts · 1 year
Cuddle Up to THAT, MF!
Had reason to go shopping at Safeway today. To the larger of the two available stores, and one that was near my bank. It has parking on the roof, which is a pretty good idea for the most part.
Unfortunately, the elevators were not working. Big elevators that allow you to take your shopping cart up and to your car are one of the things that make roof parking practical. We had to walk down, and it was good there were two of us because we realized right off that one would have to stand with the groceries while the other climbed up to fetch the car.
At the bottom we found that most of the doors would not open. Another mechanical failure, due, no doubt, to the big storm we have been having. Still, we could enter through one central door.
There were also no shopping carts. The giant corporation has spent much energy convincing consumers it is their job to bring the carts back to the store, and it seems people are tired of it. Moreover, there were not enough employees to go fetch the carts abandoned around the parking lot, so the customers had to run around trying to find a car on their own.
Big companies have been steadily replacing human employees with robots, and expecting customers to do the work for themselves: or rather, do work for the giant company that was formerly done by employees. If they offered a discount for doing that work it would be one thing, but they don't. They have invested in training customers to do the work instead of employees. They can the fire more employees.
After the Great Covid Isolation slowed down, these giant companies expected their employees to come back to work: the ones who had not been replaced by robots. But to their surprise, a lot of people discovered that they just did not want to go back to work for a company that viewed them as disposable commodities.
And customers have started to notice that they are also being treated as disposable commodities, being expected to do work for no recompense.
Bodegas are starting to come back. With the price of gasoline what it is, it is no longer so attractive to drive a distance to shop under one roof for things that used to be much cheaper, which are no longer that much cheaper. A little higher price at the corner store gets cancelled out by higher fuel prices: not to mention time in traffic.
So there you go, Giant Corporations. You decided to replace your workers with robots, get rid of those pesky humans: and not you can cuddle up to your self check out machines as people discover they kind of enjoy staying home.
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kevinmason · 1 year
Organized Crime (MM #4257)
Organized Crime (MM #4257)
When people talk about organized crime, we likely think about TV shows like Law & Order or the Sopranos. Well, it’s become a reality in our communities, but not the way you think. Organized retail crime is on-the-rise, and stores like Target, Best Buy, and CVS are struggling. It’s more than just small groups of shoplifters and a primary factor in rising prices…
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compositography · 2 years
He Shed She Shed - Revisited
He Shed She Shed – Revisited
She said, “I want to start a garden”. Then He said, “good idea!” Garden layout Little did I know that the garden would need a lot of water, a fence, mulch, seeds, tools and of course a shed? A shed? of course a shed to keep all the aforementioned items handy. Now as luck would have it, we purchased a small lot adjacent to ours and it had a long abandoned concrete building about the size of…
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Walking into a yarn shop like it's an art museum. Admiring all the colorways and textures of the various skeins. Nodding my head at the tasteful displays of handmade items by the local knitting/crochet group to demonstrate the different yarn brands. Talking to the owner to learn more about the local fiber art scene and learning about different dyers, and crafters in the area that I would have never found on the internet. Buying one too many skeins to continue my pursuit of creating beautiful things to bring joy into mine and others lives. My way of paying homage to this wonderland of fibrous beauty.
Fucking glorious.
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queeriboh · 5 months
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Merry Christmas with the Kaibas 🎄🌟
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Adorkable Twilight & Friends - “Costlo"
Merry Christmas everyone!
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bamsara · 10 months
ngl ever since this post, im designing and cutting out these stickers out at home which is a very time consuming and repetitive labor process only to know that there's thieves out there selling my designs at a fraction of the cost is extremely discouraging like. what is the point. what is even the fucking point.
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storywood · 6 months
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Holiday store opening is now live! Newest addition is my 12x18 Coastline Keeper print! :D
Link: https://www.ginagaravalia.com/store
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soldier-poet-king · 28 days
Im...happy?? Even temporarily???
Woke up and laid in bed longer than I should have, but less than I usually do, and while filled with dread, it's LESS dread than usual
Walked to mass at new church, completely bland generic sermon & bland generic music, which is perfect, nobody knows me or is trying to rope me into things or expects things from me, I don't have to pretend I don't absolutely loathe so much of catholic parish culture, I can just, go in, go out, be a nameless face in the pew which is Safe and Uncontroversial. There was even the coolest looking older butch in the pew with me. Docs and leather jacket and all.
Stopped and read on a cafe patio with a coffee and pastry. The sun was out. Nobody was constantly texting me asking where I was. It was me and my iced coffee and silly vampire book.
Checked out the main shopping area, saw all the local grocers and bakeries and small local businesses. I'm not in a suburban box store desert anymore. I may pay slightly more at small businesses but if I want the luxury of this kind of area that's a cost I'm willing (and newly able) to pay. Plus living here means I don't have to own a car and am saving so much on that front that it still works out in my favour financially
Stopped by a little florist, tiny hole on the wall, met the nicest man and his nephew and got tons of plant advice based on my apartment layout and some recommendations for what should be unkillable given my brown thumb. Will absolutely be going back for more plants once I'm fully set up + some for my office
Like. This was unthinkable a year ago. I desperately need to keep my job. So I can keep this. I forgot how good it was to live in an area like this, not endless detached housing sprawl. I can walk everywhere. I lived in an arealike this in uni but my budget was nonexistent (grad school funding woooo). Now that I have a (very small admittedly) degree of financial flexibility??? Im allowed to sit on a patio with a 5$ coffee once a week??? I can pop into little florists and grocers and bakeries if I want?? Nobody is going to judge me for "wasting" money by not buying the absolutely dogshit quality cheapest thing possible??? Or not reporting on my location at all times? I owe no accounting of my every trip out the house?
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anipgarden · 8 months
The Secret Other Thing: KILL
This is my eighth post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
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You may have seen this sentiment a few times on gardening and wildlife blogs and been incredibly confused. Isn’t killing things the opposite of what you should be doing to protect habitats? In some cases, it really is necessary!
Invasive Plants
Invasive plants can do more harm than good, taking up space and nutrients and providing little in return to local wildlife--while spreading and choking out the native plants that would provide the most to our native fauna. Learn how to identify invasive species in your area and how to properly dispose of them, and do so whenever you have the opportunity! You may even be able to find volunteer groups/events where you can join up with like-minded people to remove a specific plant from an area.
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(This image refers to the United States specifically--these plants aren't invasive or native everywhere!)
Pro tip, though; if you take out an invasive species and leave empty soil where it was, it’s likely another quick-growing invasive species will just move in. We don’t want that! Try to plant something in its place! If you’re going out on a mission to take out invasive plants, try to keep some native flower seeds or seedlings on your person while you do this work.
Different plants are invasive in different places, so be sure that the plant you're targeting is actually invasive to where you are. You don’t want to rip out a beneficial plant because it’s invasive somewhere else! Social media sites like Instagram and Tumblr are great for spreading information about invasive plants, but they can often be a bit… US-centric. Even I'm guilty of this, plenty of times! Plants like garlic mustard, kudzu, butterfly bush, Amur honeysuckle, wild radish, and Japanese knotweed are high-profile invasive plants that I hear about all the time here in America--but they came from somewhere, and are a part of the environment in these places! Likewise, many plants that are branded as pollinator-friendly and biodiversity boosters here in the states can be awful invasive species elsewhere. Even plants and animals that aren’t invasive in one part of a country or continent can be detrimental in another--Canadian waterweed is native to North America, but it’s actually invasive in Alaska.
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(Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) vs Coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) vs the yellow variety of Coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens))
Be sure you’re taking out the right plant--be very confident in your ID before you take any action! Amur honeysuckle and Japanese honeysuckle, for example, may be invasive in the US--but coral and northern bush honeysuckles are native and key species in their environments. You don’t want to do harm while trying to do good--double check your IDs. Being certain with your IDs can also prevent you from doing harm to yourself and others--some plants produce toxic smoke when burned. Stay well-read on how to dispose of the invasive plants you’re targeting. 
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(Garlic mustard pesto! Can't say I've ever had it, but I've heard good things about it online!)
With that being said! Some invasive species can be eaten. It’s free food! And you’re helping the environment? Win-win! Try looking up recipes that use these plants, or see how you can substitute something else for them! Foraging guides and blogs would likely be extremely helpful for this.
A super easy way to help curb the spread of invasive plants is to not grow them yourself! Double check any plant you’re considering buying or growing from seed--some sold in stores like butterfly bush are often touted as great plants to add to a pollinator garden, but in reality are an invasive species that eagerly displaces native shrubs here in the states.
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POV: you're working the garden center at the Blue Big Box Store, you care about the environment, and every day you watch people buy Butterfly Bush and can do jack shit about it asides from try to gently steer them towards something else (but the other next best option was also Invasive Tropical Milkweed because its easier for Big Box Store to sell) I have a personal vendetta against people who grow Butterfly Bush (I live in The States) (If you didn't know Butterfly Bush was invasive in the US before now you're valid but also please god consider replacing it with an alternative ASAP)
Invasive Animals
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POV 30 to 50 feral hogs are running into your yard within 3-5 minutes while your small children play
Invasive animals and insects compete for resources, take over habitat, and can even spread disease--all while pushing native species out or dwindling their numbers. Keep track of invasive animals you see and report them. Depending on the severity of the situation, killing them can be necessary and even encouraged. Do be sure it’s an invasive species and not a look-alike. If you’re unsure, take pictures, do research, and take action the next time.
Some high-profile invasive species in the US are spotted lanternflies, cuban tree frogs, hammerhead worms, feral swine, zebra mussels, lionfish, asian carp, burmese python, and others. Again, do make sure you’re targeting species that are invasive in your area; I doubt Asian carp are considered invasive in Asia, for example. Similarly, the American bullfrog is native to the eastern US and Canada, but is quickly becoming an invasive species around the rest of the world. Not to mention, the racoon problem in Japan… 
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Some invasive species can be eaten as well! Some of them taste awful, and some can even be dangerous to eat or handle without caution. I would do a good amount of research online before trying to cook up just anything.
Doing it Right
If you’re trying to handle invasive species, you do have to ensure you’re doing it properly. As you do your research, you’ll likely see if the species should be photographed and reported and to what channels. Also in some cases, going about destroying them incorrectly could unintentionally help them spread--some plants spread quickly through rhizomes into disturbed soil, and hammerhead worms can actually regenerate from pieces into fully-developed new worms when you try to cut them up. Some invasive species are even actively harmful to humans, so I cannot emphasize enough that you need to be sure about what you’re dealing with and be careful about it. Giant Hogweed, for example, has toxic sap that’ll cause severe skin inflammation and painful blisters if it contacts skin and is exposed to sunlight. The blisters last for months, and the skin may develop long-term sensitivity for sunlight. 
If you’re unsure about how to handle an invasive plant, or are unsure of it’s identity, try contacting your local university co-op extension service if you’re in the states. They can tell you how to remove it safely and effectively. I can't say for sure what other channels would be the best option for someone living outside the states, so if anyone knows, feel free to chime in!
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POV: ur little outdoor kitty Firestar is destroying the balance of your local ecosystem plz keep him INSIDE
Please keep your pets inside, or at least on a leash. An outdoor cat can do a lot more damage than one might imagine, as well as unrestrained dogs.
That’s the end of this post! And... technically, the last post in the series! My next and final final post is gonna be basically a giant list of all my sources that I used to make this post! I hope this post series was informative, helpful, interesting--anything of value, really! Feel free to reply with any questions, your success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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masteraqua · 3 months
i'm home OTL
so long story short, i went to the post office
and it turned out to be the wrong post office lol
so i ran a bunch of errands and then found the RIGHT post office
which means
i got my package!!!!!!
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it's the aqua backpack from the 20th anniversary supergroupies collection :D
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it also came with an art card :)
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kevinmason · 2 years
Price Matching (MM #4223)
Price Matching (MM #4223)
The shopping experience has changed so much in recent years. Amazon forced some stores to make changes then the pandemic made many stores change even more. Price matching has become a frequent occurrence. Recently, I’ve stopped at a few big box stores because I need something specific. I checked online to determine which location had what I needed. And when I got there, the price on the shelf was…
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