#big bro casey jones
artzzyb00-27 · 11 months
{🧡Opposite Ends🧡}
Wassup fuckers, back again with a Mikey oneshots. I'm working on a Haikyuu story that is becoming a huge project of mine so I would appreciate if when it comes out y'all could go give it support.(these are copy pasted from Wattpad cause it's easier. Would yall want the Haikyuu story too? Can't promise quick updates, I'm still in highschool level of education)
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Reader and the turtles have been best friends since they were little. When they were thirteen Splinter took reader in after her building burned down. She was mute so when she was confronted with teenage mutant turtles sneaking out of their home to get snacks, there wasn't much of a reaction.
After moving in they became close. The physical differences weren't a problem, and neither was the language barrier. They made it work, because that's what family does. They adjust to ones needs, mentally or emotionally. Even physically. Becoming the sister of Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey had definitely been an adventure. A way of describing it was that every day was a party.
Every night was a rollercoaster. Ups and downs, twists and unpredictable moments where everything flipped upside down and it seemed like it wouldn't go back right up. These moments were when Leo and Raph argued about literally anything. Or whenever one of the brothers poked fun at reader and Leo intervened like the big brother he was to her.
Sometimes it was overwhelming, and she would get mad at him. While it was nice for him to come to her defense so quickly, it wasn't needed all the time. Like whenever Mikey flirted with her. It wasn't like he actually meant it. And Leo would always say that it wasn't appropriate, or that he shouldn't be joking around like that.
A part of her agreed with Leo, Mikey shouldn't be joking. Because otherwise it was definitely sending mixed to reader about how he really felt. She gained a small crush on the orange turtle about a year after moving into the lair. Then after the incident with Shredder and the Kraang, she began to accept the fact that though she had feelings for him, they would most likely never happen. For multiple reasons, the main one being she wasn't as pretty as the other girls he would fawn over. The other was she couldn't talk, she was worried that if anything did happen between them, he grow bored of her being quiet and break things off.
She didn't want that. For herself and everyone else around her. So when Casey and April came over and Mikey had begun his flirting spree with her, she simply smiled and walked away to her room. Headphones on and blasting music so she could calm down.
Leo glared at the little brother and just walked into the dojo to meditate about whatever he need to think about. Raph rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his little brothers shoulder.
"Ignore Leo, you've got a strong chance." Mikey smiled at his brother, appreciating the support from at least one sibling. Donnie had always just kept his distance in these situations and ignored everything. But it was obvious he didn't agree with Leo's stand on the topic either.
"What was that? Does Leo have a crush on reader too or something?" Casey asked making Mikey overthink some very traumatizing scenarios. Raph threw a look at the older man who regretted opening his mouth.
"Nice going Case'" The red turtle mumbled audible enough for everyone in the living room to hear.
"I'm just saying, jeez. Besides, real talk, don't worry 'bout it Mike. I'm sure she likes you too. Should've seen her worried after you guys went to Brazil and we were stuck in holding." That made the young turtle optimistic, but it was shut down by his brain saying that she was probably just worried about them as a whole. He wouldn't blame her, they had been exposed to the police at the time.
"I don't know. Sometimes,.. I think I take it too far. Like Leo's right, I don't know boundaries like he does."
"Did he say that to ya'?" Raph asked shocked that golden boy would be mean to the youngest of the ninja. Thankfully Mikey shook his head but it still left the question. "So why do you think that?"
The orange clad mutant just shrugged and walked into his room and started drawing in the giant sketchbook Splinter had snagged for him during Christmas a couple years ago. After ten minutes of sketching, a knock on his door was heard.
"Come in!" The door opened to reveal Casey. He walked in while closing the door and sat down next to Mikey.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, totally! Why'd ya ask?" Casey gave a look. Not a normal one. Not one that showed simple emotion. One that showed a sign of knowing. Or that let Mikey know, 'Don't lie to me.'
"Real smooth earlier Romeo." Mikey sighed while closing his sketchbook while looking away embarrassed. Of all people to razz on him on wooing someone. Casey was definitely the one he'd least expect.
"Do you think Leo's right?" Mikey turned his head to look at Casey again. A raised eyebrow was what he got. "About,... you know,... accepting," he gestured to his body. "All this?" Casey shrugged and looked down.
"I wouldn't know. At least not like that." This time it was Mikey's turn to look confused. The older male sighed and continued, "When I was in school, someone used to make fun of me because of my accent. My family is Mexican. So my English used to come out really iffy."
"Does April know?" The turtle asked. He knew stuff like this happened. One of the things about topside he didn't like. Casey shook his head.
"She only knows that I faced backlash due to my situation. I told her when I asked her to be my girlfriend. Felt like she needed to know. Or maybe I needed her to know. About both things." There was a pause to see if Mikey understood what he was saying. It looked like he did, because the orange-clad turtle smiled mildly but he continued to cement the idea. "Want my advice? I say do what makes you happy. Not Leo. Not some dumb unwritten rule about relationships. It's your life. Something I'll talk yo Leo for ya'."
Mikey smiled and swooped Casey up into a hug. Now standing up, Casey realized how big the youngest mutant was. He smiled and hugged back patting his shell. Something his dad used to do before.
He watched Mikey walk out of his room and head to where reader was. He saw from the open door, Mikey talking to reader. With what seemed like a nervous smile. Then it turned solemn. Then reader jumped onto Mikey and kissed his cheek. Mikey then hugged back and lightly spun them around.
Casey caught sight of Leo walking out of the dojo and basically ran over to him. Raph, who was chatting with Donnie on the couches, watched the small man run to the eldest brother and practically tug him to Splinter's meditation room.
Whatever was discussed in that room, made Leo not say anything about reader or Mikey's relationship. After a while, he even became more and more happy for them. Reader specifically, guess that older brother energy never truly does go away.
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pezhead · 11 months
The age gap au is so cute it’s one of my favorite aus now, but out of curiosity. How old are april and casey in this au? and when will they gonna meet each other?
Let's keep the age gaps going. April is 12 and Casey is 13 (they're in the same grade but Casey got held back). And although you didn't ask, Karai is 12 as well.
I was thinking of Karai finding them first during a vacation to the US. She has a disagreement with Saki and wanders off only to spot a large rat man scavenging for food. She keeps the mutant family a secret cause she's pissed at Saki and loves how Splinter and the boys treat her (like a real family and not abusive). She visits every summer.
Casey and April later meet the family when Raph sneaks out of the lair and finds an injured turtle (Spike). They convince Raph to let them help and eventually that leads to them becoming frequent babysitters so Splinter can go scavenging more often instead of relying so heavily on worms and algae.
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Casey: You don't gotta worry about me man knocks his head I got a hard head
Raph:... What was that?
Casey: Eh just the metal plate.
Donnie:... The what?!
Casey: Shrugs the metal plate in my head.
Raph: Case...that's not normal.. Why do you have a plate in your head?!
Casey: I can't remember, think my dad got pissed one night after my ma was killed and... Yeah.
Leo: mother hen mode you are staying with us forever
Casey: What? Dude it was forever ago I was just a lil kid.
Leo: on the verge of having an aneurism.... Forever.
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beanieable · 1 year
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Mikey is showing CJ around New York.
Did they sneak out? - Yes.
Are they going to get scolded by Raph when they get back? - Also yes.
Will they do it again. - Definitely.
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Big Mama
Casey Jones
Ghost Pepper
Ghost² (idk their ship name pls help)
Repo Mantis
Casey Jr
Meat Sweats
More Playlists
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raph-reign17 · 9 months
Hello!! Raphael Hamato! But usually I go by Raph, which is what my brothers, and April call me. Orrrr there's pops, who just calls me 'Red'.
Raph's Family :
Donnie - @donvonryan (One day Raph is going to achieve banning him from the coffee machine.)
Leo - @leontheluxuriousone (Don't listen to him when he says he's handsome, that's just his ego talking.)
Mikey - @mikey-the-mischevious (pls don't give him guns, Raph begs you)
Hiero - @riseleon (little brother no. 4!!)
Pops - @rat-jitsu
Karai - @hamato--karai (GRAM-GRAM!!)
Shelldon - @cyber-b1shop
Future Leo - @ninjas-greatest-weapon (funnier Leo)
Casey Jr. - @hugzfromcaseyjr (future boy)
Future Mike - @marvelousmichelangelo (wait whaaaaa??)
Future Don - @genius-othello (smarter totally)
Future Raph- @b1g-raph1e (woahh...)
Friends & close friends :
April - @aprilthefiercequeen (Best friend you could ask for!)
Cassandra - @thecassclan (Please stop sending little girls who sell cookies after us)
Paxxton - @pax-man2010 (met in the hidden city!)
Vivi - @mikey-rottmnt (also met in hidden city ^_^)
Usagi - @yokai-nerd (gay for Leo)
Stella - @stella-kessho-reporting-for-duty (:3)
Alex - @smartass-opposum
Rosemary- @rosewater-n-rosemary
Luna - @the-multiverse-jumper
Allies & enemies :
Big Mama - @bigmama10ffical (Scary spider lady that pops dated)
Repo - @repo-maniac (bug guy who owns junkyard??)
Rena - @rena-hoshimi-at-duty
Cerulean - @the-frog-assassin
Kiki - @kikikatherinerosaline
Alternate family :
Lee - @captain-ryans-no1-fan (fellow oldest bro??)
Don - @donniepedia-the-encyclopedia (not as insane sometimes)
Raph - @im-a-turtle-with-anger-issues (angry chihuahua Raph)
Mike - @the-party-dude (yummy pizza choices)
Alternate friends :
Casey Jones - @goongala-hockey-puck (3rd Casey jones??)
Karai - @karaiirl (reminder: not gram gram)
Y'gythba / Mona Lisa - @rokkarokkawaii
Roninverse :
Ronin - @ronin-mikey
Raphael - @0r0ku-k1ller
Mayhem :
Donnie - @donnie-the-weeb
Leo - @ieatdanger4breakfast
Raph - @the-rager-ever
2003 :
Leo - @leos-katanas
((OOC)) Welcome to my Raph RP blog. Please be appropriate, I'm a minor and don't be weirdo or do anything.. gross. Do not interact if your any of the above, I can and will block you. My main account is @amat3ured1t0r if anyone would like to know.
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leilanising · 6 months
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Here it is (finally) the reference sheet for my au, "It's a Complicated Equation".
While this au is pretty similar to the original timelines, there are several noticable differences that sets it apart. Unlike other aus, events took place in such a way that the apocalypse never occurred. Meaning that the turtles were never traumatized, nor ever met Casey Jones.
Another difference is that Lou Jitsu never raised the children. Being a superstar for all his life, Lou Jitsu just didn't want or have what it took to be a parent. At a young age, the Turtle tots were just dumped somewhere in a rain soaked cardboard box, while Lou Jitsu set out to find new fortune and glory in the Hidden City.
(Still a work in progress. Im not going to give everything away just yet :3)
Character Bios
Donnie: Medical special needs child. Literally lost an arm in a fight or something, and now doesn't go on missions anymore with the bros. He does make inventions to help his siblings tho, and is actually best buddies with Kendra (they met at April's school when they were a lot younger, and ended up bonding over their shared favorite color, Purple, and their higher brain power. These two will literally kill for each other, lol). Even if he doesn't show it, Donnie actually wants to be hugged and/or loved and appreciated, he just doesn't know how to ask for it. He has a bad(?) habit of imprinting on parent aged adults. When he's attached to someone, he will do anything to make them like him.
Mikey: Sweet innocent child/master of psychological manipulation. Ever since he discovered his mystic powers, he has had a very good understanding and control over them. Donnie created him a pair of gloves to protect his hands while using his powers. They also limit and measure the amount of energy he is using, so that he doesn't use too much, or hurt himself. Lastly, they carry sedatives in the case that Mikey loses control and needs to be stopped. Mikey is loved by all his siblings. But he can be a real gremlin when he wants to, knowing that he can get away with it.
Leo: Due to the way this universe happened, the events leading up to the krang invasion happened in such a way that the key was lost, and never recovered. Meaning that Leo never had to really mature and take it leadership. Unlike many other poor Leonardos, Leo is able to be his carefree, joking, self-confident little self. He takes his big brother role seriously, being lovingly protective, and annoying, to his two little bros. Seriously though, he would do anything the protect the younger turtles of the group. If Mikey is hurt or sad, he's right there. If Donnie is getting picked on, he is more than willing to beat up who ever the jerk is. He loves his family with a passion.
Raph: When they were just children, Lou Jitsu ended up abandoning them, deciding the job of parenting was too much for a recently mutated actor. Besides, there was still glory to get in this new Hidden City. This forced Raph to take up the role of caretaker and parent at a very young age. He has successfully raised his three siblings all on his own, and although they still see him as their brother, the other turtles affectionately refer to him as 'Mama Raph'.
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enb-y · 2 years
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rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
request: ❝ Hi! Can I please request a Rise Casey Jr x reader headcanon where the reader wears oversized jackets and hoodies all the time? Not for any specific reason, just loves wearing jackets and hoodies. Genderneutral Reader & romantic please? ❞ —@poisonsprinkles27
warnings: none, mild swearing.
characters: casey jr jones.
writers note: oversized jackets, hoodie, sweaters, just clothes in general are the best. this request is relatable, im always wearing oversized hoodies.
readers pronouns are not mentioned nor included.
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✶ depending on what timeline you’re place in, good or bad. bad, he’ll worry about the weather, especially if it’s crazy hot, he’ll also worry about your hoodie / jacket being caught to something or being pulled by the loose fabric. good timeline, he’s not too worried, he’ll simply ask if you’re hot in that. he actually likes your hoodies, he likes how oversized they are, he actually has a pair of his own.
✶ casey’s clothing lean to the more baggy, such as baggy pants and shirts. he’ll gladly give you one of his hoodies or jackets. honestly, he has a favorite hoodie in your wardrobe that he probably wore without you knowing, not that he stolen it, just borrowed it. he doesn’t stop you from wearing the clothes you like.
✶ cold weathers, he doesn’t ask, well depending on how thin the fabric of hoodie / jacket then he’ll ask if your too cold in that.
✶ if you say it’s because you like oversized clothes / jackets, hoodies, sweaters, he doesn’t say anything but accept it, like I said earlier, he’s happy as long you’re happy.
✶ in the bad timeline, he’ll at least want you to tie it so it’s not easy for you to be grabbed by the kraang, he still won’t stop you from wearing what you like, he just wants you to be safe. he helps you sew the rips and tears.
✶ he’s the type to pull on the strings on your hoodie for shits and giggles.
✶ doesn’t mind if you taken one of his hoodies, he actually likes it. he likes it once you give it back and it smells like you, not that he’s weird, he finds it comforting, despite the teasing he receives from his teacher and mother. matter a fact, he’ll even let you have it. to be honest, he probably gave you some of old his jackets and hoodies that he no longer wears, or thought about donating.
✶ he probably buys you some, he assumes that you’ll like it, even it’s a plain color jacket / hoodie.
✶ casey is pretty cheesy once in awhile, he’ll get an oversized jacket way too big, yet big enough to have both of you inside of it.
✶ “wear my hoodie today and I wear yours for today also.”
✶ was confused when you tied the strings of his hoodie and yours together and pulled back only it tighten around his head, along with yours. “why..?” “It needed to be done casey.”
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end - casey is so fucking adorable! I was so happy to write for him even though I probably didn’t get his character correctly. casey looks like the type to wear heavy clothes during hot days, bro wears beanies.
I also wrote this late at night and haven’t slept, it’s 8 in the morning ;(. I’m sorry if there’s any typos.
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taffycandyqt · 9 months
Hi I’m the anon who requested the Casey hcs!! :) :) I rlly liked them :) and I’ve humbly come back for more since I’m a slut for (the adult) Casey Jones’s so can I uhh get hcs for cuddling with 03 Casey please…..I have the feeling the man would have the best chest to sleep on ever…..
And I love writing for Casey. I hope you know you are officially one of my favorites now.❤️ Also, I'll have you know I have gotten multiple 03' Casey requests since yours so, be prepared.
General Cuddling Headcannons
03' Casey Jones x reader
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When I tell you this man loves touching you, BRO, that is no joke.
His main love language is acts of service, so he sees cuddling not just as a comfortable way to be with you, but also as a way to protect you.
That being said he prefers to be big spoon.
He likes feeling relied on, trusted.
That's another thing about cuddling, your putting yourself in such a vulnerable position with him without a second thought. It makes him feel like YOU believe he can protect you.
Feeling like he's strong enough to protect what he loves is really important to him, especially after the situation with the purple dragons and his father's shop.
However, just because he likes protecting you doesn't mean he doesn't like being taken care of now and again.
Remember when he played up getting hurt to stay behind and get babied by April?
He is SO MUCH WORSE when you two start dating.
Has a small case of the sniffles?
Baby I'm deathly sick and need cuddles to feel better!
Gets some light bruising from sparing with Raph?
I'm so badly hurt I can't move off my bed, come cuddle me and kiss my boo boos better😢
PLEASE kiss this man's face randomly during cuddles.
It makes him feel so loved. will legit start crying the first couple of times
After you do it a couple of times he'll start doing it back to you and then, sometimes, your cuddle sessions will turn into kissing wars.
If he gets back from say, a long day of helping the turtles, he'll probably just want to sit and chill watching some random action movie before going to bed.
Sit on his lap while he does.
He's usually too tired to do much but you'll be able to tell how happy he is to have you there by how he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer.
Casey never imagined himself having a future with someone so if you lay your head on his shoulder it will feel like the most domestic thing to him.
He'd consider popping the question right then and there, even without a ring.
He'd want to keep you with him like that forever of he could.
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ninjaneonleon · 8 months
Here's my little bit of propaganda for the @tmntaucompetition before we really get underway!
Leo took a breath before looking around. The last thing he remembered was hanging out in Japan with his bros and everyone else, now he was… somewhere else. At least his brothers were here, and so was Yuichi, Casey, CJ, Mona, April and Juan. They seemed to be in some sort of arena that looked vaguely familiar. Had Leo been here before?
“Wait, I remember this place!” Mikey cried suddenly. “Remember when we met all those alternate dimension versions of ourselves? It’s like that!” It took a moment for Leo to remember. That’s right, he had met a lot of other versions of him, a lot of them very traumatised. He hadn’t known about the Kraang back then, hadn’t known why the older versions of himself had lost arms or looked so haunted. He didn’t get why a lot of them had cried and clung to his brothers like they were the most important people on earth. Well, that part he understood, but not the crying part. He understood now. He wished he didn’t. Idly he wondered what had happened to that older Leo and Mikey he had hung out with, Angelo and Leon they had called themselves. He hoped things were going well for them, they were cool. “Raph remembers now! How are we here again?” Raph asked, looking around. “Isn’t it obvious?” Donnie asked with a grin. He posed and sparkled. “Clearly we’re some of the more popular versions of our counterparts. We’re in some sort of competition because we’re clearly the best. And with our more complicated designs and fashionable accessories–” he flipped the edge of his shawl for emphasis. “We’re perfectly marketable and easily recognisable.” “You guys have been here before?” Yuichi asked, looking around in awe. “Wait, do you think there are other versions of me here? What about Momo and CJ? April? Juan?” “I know we’ve seen other versions of April,” Mikey said thoughtfully. “And there were older Leo’s so there has to be other CJs here too, and Caseys are a given. I dunno about Momos and Juans though, they seem pretty unique to our universe so far.” “Of course I’m a given, I’m Casey Jones!” Casey cried, posing with the hockey stick she somehow brought out of nowhere. “And naturally, I'm gonna be the coolest of all other Caseys!” “Well we won’t know that for sure until we talk to some people! You guys wait here, I’m gonna see if I can find our friends from before–” Leo cut himself off as he glanced around. “Wait, I see some! Hey! Gemini! It’s good to see you again!” The two turtle twins looked over in unison. They glanced around before walking over, with the alternate Leo giving a friendly wave and the alternate Donnie giving a polite nod. “It’s great to see you guys again too. Didn’t think we’d be back here again, things have gotten a little… restrictive recently,” Leo Gemini said. Leo flinched, remembering that these two had been raised by Big Mama in their universe. That was something Leo could relate to now. He wondered if that meant they’d have more in common now. “I can imagine. Anyway, it’s great to see you again Gemini. Gemini. Hopefully we don’t get our asses handed to us too badly by you guys again.” He gave the twins both a nod and a bright grin before they wandered off. Juan stayed plastered to Donnie’s side, but his eyes did follow after Gemini Donnie appreciatively. Leo suspected that his Donnie was about to get a little more hostile to the witchy soft shell. “They seemed nice,” Mona said, peering after them. She hadn’t let go of Raph or CJ’s hands since getting her bearings. “But they seemed strong. Hopefully we’re not against them in the first round…”
“Well, since we’re here, let’s look around. See if we can find any familiar faces and maybe make some new friends while we wait for everything to start,” Raph offered with a grin. He squeezed Mona’s hand. “After all, we dunno who we’re gonna be up against and what we’re doing. Let’s get comfy before we get too caught up in the contests.” “Sounds like a good idea, big guy,” April agreed with a nod. “Okay, listen up! We’ll make this corner our home base, we meet back here in one hour or when the next announcement comes out. Got it?” Everyone nodded. “Great, now go have fun, make some friends and let’s make sure to win this!”
Angelo and Leon are from our friend @newellthedragon
The lovely Gemini twins are from the always remarkable @tangledinink
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tmntxthings · 2 years
一【turtle nicknames】
bc i need a list (。・ω・。)ノ pls lmk if you think of anymore & i’ll add it to the list !!
一→ raphael hamato ←一
big raphie / raphie
raph-a-la / raph-a-doodle / raph-a-roni
boss man
big softie / big guy / big dog / big bro / big brother / brother who is the biggest
smashy guy
turtle / turtley-boo / pesky turtle
heinous green / green #2 / greeney-boo
red / red reign / red-angel-of-preventing-harm
一→ leonardo hamato ←一
leo / lee
leon / neon leon / prime time
face man
disaster twin
turtle / turtley-boo
champion / ‘the greatest ninja’ / master leonardo / master / sensei
blue / the blue one / green
一→ donatello hamato ←一
dee / d / dee dee
don / don ton / don tron / don don / dynamite don
donald / donathan
dona / donna / donnifer
othello von ryan
turtle / turtley-boo
genius / evil genius / mad scientist / mr. science / brainy guy
‘ the funny one ‘
disaster twin
purple / purple rain / prince
一→ michelangelo hamato ←一
mikey / mike / magic mike / mikester / mike-and-ikes
miguel / michael
angelo / angie / angel
dr. delicate touch / dr. feelings
turtle / turtley-boo
little man / big man
eats-peanut-butter-with-his-hands guy
master michelangelo / mystic warrior
orange / orange pawn
一→ april o’neil ←一
o’neil / commander o’neil
yellow submarine / sherlock_corn / the slugger
human friend
一→ casey jones jr ←一
casey / case
jones / junior
future boy
the c-man
一→ yoshi hamato ←一
splinter / splints / splinty
sensei / master
lou jitsu / rat jitsu / lou rat jitsu / poo jitsu
dad / daddy / daddy-o / father / pop / pops / papa
rat man / the rat / rat
tgi parmesan
snuggle muffin / beefcake / fuzzy cuddlelupagus / huggypoo
big thank you to this ↓ tiktok <3
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percyaugod · 10 months
Brother from another ooze AU
2012 AU where Donnie is separated from the others while exploring the sewers as children. He gets caught up in a flood of water that tosses and throws him all through the sewers until he's able to crawl out. Body bloodied and broken he tries looking for home but no matter how much he walks he doesn't recognize where he is. Unable to move anymore he collapses and weakly calls for help.
He's found by Casey and his parents when they hear what they think is a child who fell into the sewers. They're surprised when they find out he's a mutant, but mutant or not he's still an injured child. They take him home, patch him up, and pretty much adopt him. Casey now has a new brother he can rough house with.
Donnie starts feeling a little insecure since he's the only one running around without any clothes. Mr and Mrs Jones buy him large hoodies that can easily fit over his shell. When Casey gets his teeth knocked out playing hockey he refuses to get them fixed because now he looks more like Donnie. (Only better, because his gap is bigger.)
Donnie being the genius with a thirst for knowledge he is, starts reading through all of Casey's textbooks and helping him with his homework. Mr and Mrs Jones start bringing home pieces of broken electronics after stopping him from tearing apart the toaster to find out how it works. Mr Jones jokes about being replaced when Donnie ends up fixing everything around the house.
While Donnie is having the time of his life with his human family his mutant one grieves. All blaming themselves for the loss of their brother. After the accident they all slept in the same room, afraid to let the others leave their sight. Training to be strong enough to never lose anyone again.
When they do leave the sewers and see April and her father in trouble it gives them flashbacks to losing Donnie. They refuse to feel useless and helpless like that again so they try to save them. They take take April on as a sister. Not to replace, but to help fill the empty space.
They do have problems with separation anxiety though so they will follow her around at times. She doesn't know what happened but it must have been awful to make such strong people afraid. So she pretends not to know they're there.
Unfortunately, all the mutant and alien misadventures make it hard to have time to study. So April unfortunately needs a tutor. When she signed up for a tutor she wasn't expecting the likes of Casey Jones. He is apparently one of the top students in the school thanks to his genius brother, DJ, helping him study. They end up going out to a park to study because Casey's brother is a bit anti-social and he doesn't want to stress him out with a stranger in their house.
The turtles follow April, not trusting her out all alone with a stranger. Imagine their surprise when they notice someone already there watching them.
Donnie is trying to get a look at the girl Casey couldn't stop talking about when he got home. He guesses she seems okay but is a big Mama's boy, so no one is prettier than her. Besides, Casey likes her and bros before hoes.
What's that you say? You like love triangles. Well then try my patent pending Brotherly Love Triangle! Casey and the turtles fighting over Donnie's love and attention! While Donnie just wants them all to shut up and leave him alone so he can work in peace.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
You should give me your tmnt headcanons specifically Casey Jones
Alright! I’m assuming you meant 2012 Casey, he’s one of my fav Casey’s, so here ya go! 
Casey’s parents are divorced (not really a HC because the writers confirmed it but I added more details) Casey’s mother cheated and left his father for another man. She now lives out of state with her new boyfriend. Casey and his little sister live with their dad, but sometimes him and his sister go to visit their mom. (basically whenever there’s an ep that Casey is not in, this is my HC to where he is during that ep, he’s visiting his mom out of state)
After Karai kissed him, while he did enjoy it and it sparked a new attraction towards Karai, Casey felt he broke “the bro code” for kissing his best friend’s sister, so he never told Raph or any of the Turtles about the kiss. He only ever told April, who agreed that he shouldn’t tell the Turtles, but she only said that because she was jealous. 
After Splinter’s death, Casey often felt guilty about how he treated and looked at Splinter. He felt he could’ve bonded with him more, seeing him as another father figure, but his phobia of rats got in the way of him really bonding with him. He’s mad at himself that he lost his chance to bond with a potential father figure because of his phobia. Casey worked hard to get over his fear of rats later in his adult life.
Casey is actually really close friends with Shinigami. The two bonded when they were sent to the hospital together after the fight with Tatsu and shared a hospital room together. There they bonded, shared personal problems and struggles and even wreaked havoc on the hospital staff, pulling pranks on them. 
Casey actually lost interest in April around season 4, over time he saw how close her and Donnie were and how much she cares about him and decided to respect April’s choice that she unknowingly picked Donnie. He was not too upset with the outcome however because Casey changed targets ;3
Casey’s bisexual but isn’t really open about it. Not that he’s worried what his friend would think, he knows they’ll be supportive, its just he doesn’t see it as a big deal. He does begin to worry when he starts developing a small crush on Leo.
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Raph adopts feral cat Casey
Casey: curled up in a ball beside Raph
Raph: ruffling his hair you alright bud?
Casey: yawns
Mikey: Aww looks like someone's sleeeepy
Casey: grumbles, batting a hand at Mikey
Mikey: grins sleepy lil guyyy
Casey: grumbles not.. lil...voice scratchy from disuse
Raph: keeps voice level, totally not excited that they got Casey to talk a bit Hate to break it to you bud and I never thought I'd say this but Mikey's right.
Mikey: Heck yeah I am!
Casey: grumbles not... lil... Fourteen....
Mikey: I'm a big brother! Dramatically wipes tears hear that Casey im your new big brother
Casey: huffs but crawls over to curl up beside Mikey
Mikey: 😊! holds him close
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thatslikesupergnarly · 6 months
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this blog is a side blog! my main is @somewildbabe
also im new to rping so like bare with me lmao
if im offline my description will have skulls :]]
rules and cool stuff:
•sfw please
•im okay with ANY ships (NO TCEST TCESTERS DNI)
•i like violence :]
•i put :] alot- just tell me to stop once in a while, speaking of stopping, if you don't like something i do, please tell me!
•spam me dw idc shshshshs
•i dont and do not like to swear, please don't force me to, even if its on character
thats about it, ill pass you on to our main host, casey jones!
sup im casey jones :] im a vilgilante whose friends with turtles, aliens and more
and maybe keep rats away from me.
heres the fam :]]
bestiiiee @red-rage-machine
goober :P @mikeyeatsyou5000
dork that i definitely dont like @dotbot2012
the big bro himself @hestheleaderinblue
besties bae @rokkawaii
goobers cat @thechillestcat
april!! :P @apriloneildoesart
and karai :]] @lesbiansnakeswithknives
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dead--possum · 1 year
My favorite iteration of different TMNT characters (Purely my opinion)
TMNT 2012
Leo was such a good big bro, and even with all of the pressure Splinter put on him, he was just as good a leader. He is also the biggest dork (affectionate) to ever exist. Look at him! Leo's just a little guy! He couldn't possibly hurt you...
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TMNT 2003
Just... look at him. He's perfect.
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TMNT Bayverse (2014/16)
I have to be honest, the guy carried his family. They would be doomed without him. Also, Donnie's tech is super duper cool in these movies, and I love how the creators made it a part of his character.
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Batman vs. the TMNT
Oh, my gosh. I could talk about how adorable Mikey is for HOURS! He was the kind of character that just makes you smile along with them. Also, when he pressed all of the buttons in Batman's car, and the little sorta dance thing he did? Ahashgbjkaerhbfhehnaeij!!!
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April O'Neil
Rise of the TMNT
April was the best big sis the boys could ever ask for. She had such a good dynamic with them all, and none of it involved romance (that I can tell). Plus, she is definitely Spliter's favorite child.
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Casey Jones
TMNT 2012
I hate him. But I love him. But also I... aaargh!
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He is so stupid (affectionate).
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TMNT 2003
Absolutely the best dad out of all of the Splinters. No one can understand how much I love him and how glad I am he exists. The boys are so much better for it, too.
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