#big brother paz vizsla
whiskeynwriting · 1 year
Carnal Conviction
Paz Vizsla x Female reader
Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Alcohol consumption, sex work/stripping, size kink, spanking, hair pulling, hickies, voyeurism, f|f activities, female masturbation, oral (m receiving), unprotected vaginal sex 
A/N: I enjoyed this way too much, WAY TOO MUCH!!! Thank you always to my amazing beta-reader @thesleepingmusicneek (she’s literally the BEST)
Verd - Soldier/Warrior. Pronounced (vaird)
Paz Vizsla Masterlist
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At this point, it’s comfortable for him. The surrounding setting has become a place he prefers, an establishment he can relax in. Above all other patrons, Paz and his brothers were favored. The owner respected the creed, and that respect also radiated to the employees. Whatever the Mandalorians needed, the owner gave. There was also the small expectation of protection that came with this type of treatment that the Mandalorians were more than happy to provide. But tonight, Paz didn’t have anything like that on his mind. 
When he first began to frequent this place, the lights and music were easily overbearing. It became difficult to see at times and this coupled with the loud sounds disoriented him. This, on top of the drinks being served, dulled his senses. But these drinks also helped to calm him, and arouse him. 
Instantly, he’s greeted by multiple women working this particular night. Their pretty smiles, the way they nibble their lips and reach for his pauldrons, it did wonders to him. How amazing it was to be so utterly wanted, and wanted by many. 
“Hey, Big Blue.” One woman greets, grinning up at him. 
Glancing down, his head rolls to the side a bit, hand coming up to gently tap her chin. She always was so flirtatious. 
“Elara.” He returns kindly, that deep voice shivering down her spine. She knows all too well the type of pleasure he can bring. 
“You sound tired,” She pouts, running a hand down the armor covering his chest. “Why don’t you come relax with me?”
Beneath his Beskar, he grins. “Let me get a drink.”
Her moue expression does nothing to stop him as he walks off, sure that she’ll return to her stage. When he’s ready, he’ll come find her. But for now, he wants to watch. 
This was something relatively new to him, these voyeuristic tendencies. It only began when he entered the club, and never occurred outside of it. The dancers here didn’t just strip, they were usually active with each other, too. Seeing two women kiss, touch each other, it made his body run wild. And within the club’s private rooms, he’s even had women touch themselves in front of him. That was something incredibly new for him. He never was one to have sex with multiple women at once; when he was ready to take someone back to a room, it’d always be just one. But on the stage? He loved watching those women interact with each other. 
Free of payment, as usual, Paz grabs his choice drink before walking toward the area where the women perform. Usually, he’ll drink it in private before engaging with one of the girls. With a short grunt, he takes a seat, spreading his legs and leaning back against the comfortable chair. 
Tonight, he can identify each woman by name. Helia and Vega, two dancers who frequently touched each other, Nova, with her long brown hair and curvy body, Trina’s gorgeous red hair and tight body. And then there were his favorites, girls he’s taken in private rooms many times. Venus, Cybele, and of course, Elara. It’s been years since a new girl has appeared, but it’s not like he minds.
He can feel his heartbeat rise as he watches with intent, Nova eyeing him as she dances. Sliding down the pole, she spreads her legs for him, trailing a hand down her thigh. Visibly, his head tilts in her direction, breaths becoming deep as he eyes the dainty piece of fabric keeping her modesty. It’s been quite some time since he pulled her aside, maybe she’ll be the one for him tonight. But this thought is fleeting, his attention now turning to the back curtains. Venus appears from behind the shades, grinning brightly with a certain excitement jumping through her veins. And then, she’s turning back around, reaching through the drapes of fabric to pull on a small pair of hands. 
And then, you.
Paz has never seen you before. 
Immediately, he’s intrigued, sitting up a little straighter in his chair. You look heavenly, so feminine and sweet. He’s already imagining your taste to be just as pleasant. The way your body wears your little costume, it’s taking his fucking breath away. The top holding your breasts together crosses over your chest, looping up around your neck. And leading his eyes down the path to your cleavage is a thin, silver chain long enough to touch your ribs. Thin fabric is looped around your hips, holding up a longer cloth that drapes between your legs. A teasing piece of fabric, incredibly thin, but just enough to hide your sex. Two silver chains also hang around your attractive waist, twinkling beneath the stage’s many lights as you sway. 
Paz has yet to see a woman in this space wear something like this, and he’s sure no one would wear it as well as you; nobody here has your body type, and he’s already dying for a taste of it. The pieces cradling your plump breasts and what he’s sure to be heaven between your legs, are almost like petals to him. Petals covering the true beauty of the newest and brightest flower. One he’s ready to pluck from the garden. 
In what appears to be a comforting gesture, Venus brings you in, cupping your face as she delivers a graceful kiss. Instantly, Paz feels himself fully harden, adjusting his position as he takes in a heavy breath. He watches as you smile against her lips, hands lifting to her upper chest, sliding down along her breasts. As you trail down her body, Paz witnesses you squeeze her chest, and outwardly groans from it. And when your hands land on her hips, curling around to cup her ass, he all but loses it. 
“Ready for me?” 
Turning, he’s forced out of his sultry haze as he now faces Elara once again. 
“Who is that?” He asks, avoiding her question. 
Pointing in your direction, Elara follows his hand, sighing dramatically as she rolls her eyes. Hands on her hips, she stares at him. “Of course, you want the new girl.”
“How could I not?” Easily, his visor returns to you. “Where did you find her?”
Watching the way you kiss Venus, your tongue sliding out as she leads you toward the center of the stage, Elara releases another breath. “Coruscant.”
“There’s no way you found her on Coruscant.” Paz scoffs, eyes unwavering.
“We did!” She claims, continuing with, “But she’s originally from Naboo.”
“There we go.” Paz responds smugly. “That makes much more sense.” 
“So… you want her?”
“Fuck yes.” His response is instant, voice full of lust and anticipation. But then, his tone becomes stern, authoritative and demanding. “Bring her to me.”
For as demanding and cocky as he was, the girls were surprisingly taken with Paz. Maybe it had something to do with his height, his large body, his bulging muscles, his heroic armor. 
As you reach for the nearest poll, Elara hops up onto the stage. While approaching you, she watches as you slide onto it with ease, your lean muscles flexing as you move over the smooth, tall metal. And beneath his Beskar cover, Paz is wetting his lips at the sight of it, the sight of you. The way you dance is elegant, seductive, swaying your hips to each note swirling through the club’s current song. 
When the older woman walks up to you, she easily grabs your attention. Leaning in with a smirk, she whispers into your ear. And then, your eyes are flickering over to him, going wide before a bashful smile takes over your pretty features. And then, Paz sees you blush. Oh maker, he’s going to wreck you. 
Elara speaks to you again, her mouth moving though Paz can hear none of her words. Turning back in her direction, your smile doesn’t leave, now nodding eagerly. There it is, he has you.
Observing you from a distance, Paz soon sees you close that gap. Slowly, you make your way down the stage steps, strutting languidly in his direction. And as you make your way over, he eyes every inch of you, taking his time roaming your body. He can’t wait to feel you pressed up against him, grinding over his lap, your pretty face just inches from him. 
“Hi,” Your demure nature only serves to heighten his want for you. “The girls say you’re interested in me.” 
“Very much so.” Exhaling the words, he leans back in his chair, arms resting up on either side of him. 
An air of confidence just radiates from him, his large stature quite intimidating. But not daunting. And as you move closer to him, the excitement of it all continues to heighten. Standing between his spread legs, you lean in, hands resting on his pauldrons as you begin to situate yourself over him. 
“I’ve never had a Mandalorian before.” And that admission sends him. 
“I’ve never had you before.” He easily returns, voice airy and raspy. 
While climbing onto his lap, Paz restrains himself from moving, allowing you to get comfortable on him. Your knees bend, resting on either side of his hips as you situate yourself, hands sliding down to his chest once you’re settled. 
“Guess we’ll both have a first tonight.” 
Mere inches away, your chest now rests before him, taunting him. Your thighs tighten on either side of him, now lifting yourself to grind over his crotch. The action is slow and soft, gentle, hips swaying in graceful circles while your pretty face holds that enticing grin. 
“Can I have your name?” Your voice is sweet as you say it, hands rising to either side of his helmet. 
In the blink of an eye, this man’s hands are on your own, quickly dropping his drink onto the side table. Paz witnesses your movement pause, your face full of caution. Amidst his bruising grip, the Mandlorian’s low voice rumbles, “The helmet stays on.” 
At this, he expects you to run, to curl in on yourself and completely regret the action. It’s happened with the other women here, they all reacted that way when it first happened, before they got… used to him. And it’s not that he meant to scare you, it was just his natural reflex.
To Paz’s utter shock, you smirk, leaning in to kiss the space you’re sure his lips are beneath his outer, metal skin. And it fucking melts him. At this very moment, he knows all you want to do is please him. With his chest tightening, his fingers do the opposite, loosening their hold on your much smaller wrists. 
“So,” Returning to your seated position, you wiggle your hips over him, grinding your bare clit down onto his codpiece. “Your name?”
He’s genuinely stunned by your casual response, but takes it in stride, nonetheless. For a beat, he thinks on this name business. No one here knows his name, not the girls, not the owner, no one. And honestly, nobody’s ever cared to ask. Mando was tossed around to pretty much every Mandalorian to ever walk a planet’s surface. 
“Verd.” He finally decides on, wanting to give you an actual name. Although, the Mando’a word isn’t exactly a name, more of a title. But it’ll do for this scenario. 
“Verd.” Repeating the word only prompts your grin to grow, hips rolling over his. “I like it.” 
When you repeat the word, something is set alight within him. Hearing you speak Mando’a makes his pulse quicken, his throat running dry while he watches you dance. And suddenly, he feels your hands on his own, guiding them toward your angelic body. Even though his gloves are rough and worn, in desperate need of conditioning, you place them on your hips. Inside, Paz’s heart pounds against his ribs; he wants to explore you further.
“Do you want to touch me?” 
“Will you let me?” He questions in response, fingers tightening ever so slightly.
As soon as you say it, his hands are on your ass, fingers pushing aside the cloth to grab at your bare skin. It makes you gasp, feeling him haul you forward, shoving you back and forth over his lap. Appearing strong wasn’t any type of facade with him; Paz’s muscles were clearly capable of moving you in whatever way he wanted. And you move with him, leveraging yourself on his shoulders while rubbing your chest against his. Your breasts press against the smooth firmness of his armor, head dropping down to the cowl around his neck. 
“I want to see you…” Breathily, you beg for him. “Some of you… can I?”
Paz can feel your fingers fumbling around the cloth, slow and careful as you wait for his answer. Disrespecting someone’s religion or creed was never a trait you harbored. 
Swallowed thickly, he decides yes. “Yes, you can.”
Once he gives you permission, you find a loose piece of fabric, pulling it down to expose his skin. Leaning in, you press your lips to him, tongue poking out to drag a simple, sultry lick. And the way he groans makes you feel like you’re on fire, his head tilting back when you bite into him.
“Mm… pretty thing.”
“You think I’m pretty?” Curling into him with a bashful grin, you giggle, the sound flowing through him. 
“Gorgeous.” He grunts, flattening his feet on the ground as he grinds up into you. Although, he can’t feel much through his codpiece. He’s going to need a room with you. “Perfect body…” 
Leaning upright again, you sigh, taking both of his hands away from your ass and lifting them up to your chest. Lazily, his head lolls to the side, chestplate rising and falling with vigor as you guide him to cup your breasts. 
“Fuck…” Squeezing them with a groan, his helmet moves side to side. “Tell me what you like.”
Nibbling on your lip, you nod. “Yeah… big, tall…” And then you’re reaching for his arm, hand sliding down his bicep. “Strong.” 
With a disbelieved scoff, Paz questions, “When the hell did you get here, huh? How the fuck did I miss you?”
“You haven’t missed anything; it’s my first night.” 
Again, that familiar shiver down his spine. It prompts him to further massage your chest, head tilted up as he admires you.
“Is this your drink?”
Turning to the side, he eyes his still-full glass. “Yes.”
“Not too thirsty?” 
This small observation provokes a certain thought in his mind. Reaching for it, he hums thoughtfully, lifting it to your lips. “Drink it.”
And you do so without hesitation.
While Paz holds the drink up to your mouth, his free hand continues to touch your glorious chest, trailing down the center of it and through your cleavage. 
“Yes…” Listening so well already. 
“Maybe I can return the favor sometime.” Comes your suggestive response, watching as he sets the glass down once again.
“Not likely, sarad’ika.” He replies, easily dismissing your comment. (Little flower)
“Hm… I like the way you speak.” 
But then, all too abruptly, you’re standing. Rising from his lap, you take one last look at him. 
“Maybe I can hear it again sometime.” 
The way you left Paz had him wanting for more, and that’s exactly what you were going for. Throughout the night, you watch as the other dancers approach him, wanting to rub themselves over his armor and sit on his large lap, not dissimilar in the way you moved with him. To your surprise, though, he was having none of that. He spent his time watching you.
After you left him, he approached the bar once again. Ordering another glass of his favorite liquor, he then went to a private hall to down it. Here, he eyed the back rooms, listening to the gentle moans already flowing from the intimate spaces. He thought about what you’d do in those rooms, what he could do to you. He’d kill to see you naked, watch your tiny little fingers slither down to your sex, parting your lips for him, rubbing yourself for him. He imagines you’d spread your legs wide before coming to sit on his lap, riding his cock until he painted your insides white, staining you with his remnants. 
He could feel it in his veins. He needed to have you, and he needed to have you tonight.
Returning to the center hall, his eyes immediately find you. Multiple men watch as you dance, some of them his own brothers, too. You’re sliding down one of the poles, leaning back against it as you squat and spread your legs. And then, one of your hands is sliding down through your hair, over your shoulder, and onto your breasts. 
Taking his seat, your warrior watches as another girl brings you to her lips. Holding your cheeks, she kisses you, your hands lifting to touch her chest. He can see the way your thumbs stroke her barely covered nipples, the way you prop up your thigh between her legs. And when your tongue lays out, he finds himself wishing for a kiss. He’d love to feel your lips, your tongue, and on any part of him. Maybe tonight, you’ll be gracious. 
All at once, you’re making him feel special, walking in his direction with your eyes on that intimidatingly dark visor. Staring into his eyes, into his goddamn soul, you squat down, thighs parted as your hand lowers to rub yourself. 
Did she read my fucking mind?
Promptly, he stands, turning to find the owner. With his sudden movement, you’re worried you did something wrong. It dulls the excitement of the night for you, watching him strut off down the hall again. 
But once he’s in the office, he’s dropping a sack of Republic credits onto the desk. 
“I want her.”
“Your newest girl.” Paz presents with confidence. 
“You don’t have to -”
“I want to pay for her.” He insists, knowing you deserve it. “I’ll be in room six.” A lucky number of his. 
“How quick?” The owner calls out after him, listening to Paz’s gruff, “Quick.” 
Again, Elara is tasked with pulling you aside. And your internal excitement is once again set ablaze. Knowing you didn’t scare him off makes your smile glow, your stomach fluttering with butterflies. And now, he wants a private room with you? Maker, you can’t get to that room quick enough.
“He’s already there.”
“In room six.” She smirks, hands finding her hips. “What do you think?”
“Are you kidding?” Baffled she’d even ask, you scoff. “Of course I’m going!”
“He’ll be quite a treat.” Your coworker offers a knowing look, with only a pinch of jealousy. “Have fun.” 
“Wait,” Reaching out for her arm, your shyness appears once again. “What, um, what is he like?”
Instantly, her smile blossoms. “Demanding, and rough.”
A wave of anticipation rushes through your limbs, tongue poking out to timidly lick your lower lip.
“And he likes when you show off a bit.”
With that, she’s leaving, returning to her place on stage to satisfy the other men in the crowd. You wonder what that means, showing off, but you’re sure to find out. The only place you can go to now, is room number six.
There is power in this, you do have a choice. You know exactly what goes on in those rooms, and if you didn't want that, you’re more than allowed to reject him. The owner made sure of this; the safety and comfortability of his employees were among his top priorities. But honestly, you’d be a fool to reject this. To not enter this room, to not indulge carelessly in this man… would be a genuine waste. 
The club’s rhythmic sounds begin to fade as you walk throughout the establishment, making your way to the back hall. The curtain covering room six’s opening has been pushed to the side, its warm yellow hue pooling into the dark corridor. He’s expecting you. And with each step, you can feel your excitement, can feel the rush of adrenaline in your veins, your ears ringing with a wild heartbeat. You’re meeting with a man you met mere hours ago, and you’re going to let him take you. 
“Hi again,” With a cheeky grin, you tilt your head, eyeing the large, blue man.
That visor of his noticeably tips, analyzing your stance. The way your hips sway could convey nervousness, or excitement. And he chooses the latter, that grin of yours exposing your playfulness. 
“Will you join me?” 
The tips of your teeth find the thin skin of your lip, nodding as you step in. But only once or twice, just enough to be inside. Your timid nature entices him, your innocence. 
Standing, this bulk of a man makes his way over to you. Reaching out, the warrior’s gaze holds your own as he closes the curtain, sealing off the room. And his towering form, that stoic expression, steals every word from your lips. It seems all you can do is stand beside him, watching his every advance. 
With gentle motions, Paz undoes and removes his codpiece, revealing to you the black underclothes that lie beneath. The immediate movement of your eyes, and the quick expression you give, flatter him. Beneath the metal mask, he proudly grins, a single hand dropping to grip the tent you’ve given him. But before you can even truly admire him, he’s turning, walking back to the wide couch so he can take his seat once again.
“Come.” He then commands, voice soft but stern. Patting his thigh, he completes his request with, “Show me what you can do.”
His words offer encouragement, power, traits you snatch from the air as you approach him with interest. And once you’re close enough, his dominant hand reaches out to you, finding the delicate slope of your waist. But you reject this small advance, turning in his grasp. With your back facing him, you sit, sliding your backside along his lap. 
All too easily, those covered eyes watch your hands. Slender fingers begin to undo the top tied around your neck, exposing your breasts once it falls. With a huff of arousal, he leans forward, pressing his armored chest to your back while reaching for your breasts. Warm, smooth metal presses to your cheek as he fists your tits in both hands, visor peering over your shoulder to gawk at them. And then he releases a groan, a sound that quickly turns into a growl.
Rough, just like Elara said.
A gasp escapes you when you’re pulled backwards, this warrior now resting back against the couch. Both of those meaty arms stay wrapped around you, gloved fingers plucking at your perked buds. And then, one is leaving, lowering to loop behind your knee so he can pull your leg up.
“Show me.” He demands breathily, voice already ragged. “Show me how you like to be touched.” Slinking your legs over his knees, he parts them wider, only a single piece of cloth hiding your most sacred parts. 
“I like how you’re touching me.” Smirking devilishly, your eyes close, body squirming on his lap as he rubs your chest. But then, his most dominant hand is grabbing your wrist and yanking it down between your legs.
“I said show me.”
“Verd…” And for a moment, he’s confused. That is, until he remembers the name he’d given you.
“Ner verd.” Paz corrects, “Say it that way.”
Without question, you do, wanting to satisfy him. “Ner verd…” (My warrior…) 
And for some reason, the fact that you don’t even know what you’re saying excites him that much more.
Leaning over your shoulder, he watches with hunger as you pull aside the last remaining piece of fabric. Though, he can’t see as much as he’d like at this angle; in the past, he’d had women sit across from him on this couch. Paz would have them spread their legs, exposing themselves to him while demanding they get themselves off for his entertainment. And when they were done, he’d run a hand down their sex, fingers playing with their overstimulated lips. Later, in the privacy of his own home, he’d taste it. And regardless of your current position, he knows he’ll do the same with you. 
“That’s it…” Now, he approves, watching two little fingers tap against your clit. “Beautiful, sarad’ika.” (Little flower)
With a small, confident chuckle, you continue, the two of you watching as you pleasure yourself. Both of Paz’s hands stay on your chest while you do it, covered eyes witnessing the way you rub your reddened bud, the way your fingers play with your lips. 
“You’re a teasing thing, aren’t you?” He hums, helmet rubbing against you softly. Giving you a single nod, he then suggests, “Tap it again… I love to see you twitch.”
On command, you do as he says, chest rising and falling beneath his hands. And the blue warrior groans when he sees it, this ginormous man shifting beneath you. 
“Yes,” Paz huffs harshly in your ear, adrenaline and arousal mixing within his body. “You listen perfectly.”
“Baby…” It comes out as a whine, and it drives him wild inside. 
“Pretty thing,” He hums contemplatively. “Pretty noises.”
“Touch me,” Unexpectedly, you begin to beg, turning your face to look at him. It’s as if the anticipation building inside your chest has burst, body unable to harbor any remnants. “Please.”
“Oh…” Regardless of whether or not you’re aware, Paz holds your gaze, lowering a hand from where he’d been massaging your breast. “Like this, mesh’la?” He inquires, entirely sarcastic as he knows this is the spot, he knows this is just what you like. (Beautiful)
“Yes,” Arching back against him, your hips thrust up into his touch. While reaching for his forearm, he begins to rub you faster, listening to the soft squelch your center begins to emit. “Yes - yes.”
Writhing in his arms like a fish from the sea, you’re surrounded by nothing but blue, fiercely entrancing blue. Every sound you make goes straight through him, radiating into his chest, his pelvis, the throbbing shaft between his legs. Collectively, your actions brew a sense of pride in his belly, knowing he’s brought this out of you. Like a seductive siren, you’re singing a song, reaching out to consume him entirely. 
“Maker, you moan like such a fucking whore.” Spitting the words through gritted teeth, he grunts behind you, the tips of his fingers rubbing through your entrance. The hand still on your chest, grabs at you firmly, metal face pressing against your flesh. Oh, how desperate he is for it, for touch. You can see it so clearly, and you wish he’d let you give it to him. 
“Ner verd…” Gloved fingers brush over the peak of your breast, caressing the pebbled flesh. “Let me touch you, please.” (My warrior…)
“Come here,” Paz complies, finding a new weak spot with this name.
Strong hands gravitate to your hips, guiding you up from his lap. Moving with his momentum, you turn, completely naked for him. And to his utter shock, he pauses, breath caught in his throat. While his face is hidden, you can practically feel his amazement, one hand sliding up to caress your stomach. 
“Just like that,” He coos quietly, admiring your advancement in the absence of his own. “Get on top of me.”
Settling over his broad thighs, your hands find his helmet, bringing him in. Unknowingly, you offer an incredibly intimate sentiment; you touch your forehead to his. It’s as close to a kiss as Paz is going to get, as close as he’s ever come to it. 
“Please…” Dominant hand grazing his metal chest, it follows a line down to his pelvis. And when you settle over his lap, finally palming the stiffness of him, his hold on you tightens.
Harshly, thick fingers dig into your skin, his hips rocking up into your hand while releasing a soft moan. Something tingles inside your belly, listening to this gentle sound. Not a grunt or harsh groan, but a sweet release of breath.
“Hm…” Lips quirking into a grin, you express to him, “I want it.”
With bated breath, you wait for him, now feeling a particular wetness seep through beneath your hand. The moment stills, seconds now confused with centuries. Though, it’s not agonizing, this wait; it’s thrilling. 
The pads of his covered digits then rub circles along your skin, his chest dipping with a breath as he finally says, “Then take it.”
Nimble movements unzip his covering, length hot and stiff against the knuckles of your hand. Without losing his gaze, your fingers move to his base, slowly sliding around his girth and feeling the coarse hair littering his skin. Paz’s own hands move, too, still on your hips as he helps lift you above him. Resting up on your knees, the two of you glance down, eyeing the treats you’ve each been given. 
Helmet tilting up, Paz grins upon seeing your amazed expression. You’ve never seen a man like this, so veiny and thick, tip bulging and prominently crimson. The hairs around his shaft and base are damp, from either sweat or prespend but truthfully, you’re hoping for a mixture of them. You can practically smell it, him, his sweat and natural musk taking over your senses. And your mouth waters from it, wishing desperately to crawl down his body so you can put your lips on him. 
“Sarad’ika,” Paz calls gently, finger prodding beneath your chin and tilting it up toward him. “Don’t make me wait.” (Little flower)
“Can I…” Trailing off, your gaze lowers again. Paz sees the way you lick your lower lip, the way your eyes widen from the sight of him.
With a chuckle, he encourages you. “Be my guest.”
Once he allows it, you scramble down from his lap, falling to your knees while settling between his. Mesmerizing is the look in your eyes, eager is the movement of your lips. Leaning in, you’re immediately licking him, tongue flattening as it drags up the underside of his cock. It surprises him, just how quick you are with it, a startled gasp easily spilling from his lips. And while your mouth begins to pleasure him, your hand pumps the rest of his leaking length. 
Pulling back, your hand slides up, thickest digit thumbing over his slit. It forces a jolt of pleasure through him, a single hand coming down to grab the back of your head. The other, however, falls to his base. 
“You like this?” He asks lowly, stroking himself. And when you nod, curiosity overtakes him again. “What about this?”
Smacking his dick against your mouth, he watches you moan. Those gorgeous eyes of yours flutter closed, lips parting as  he continues. 
“I like it…” Grumbling, the timbre of his voice prompts a small wave of pleasure to rush through your hips. “Just like that, smacking it against your pretty doll face.”
Truthfully, you’d stay like this as long as he asked. On your knees between his spread legs, naked body on display while he tapped his dick against your face. Some taps are harder than others, and then there were softer hits, ones that allowed him to smear his precum over your lips. 
“Take it.” Applying pressure to the back of your head, he guides you onto him once again. “Ngh, ri-right there, right down your throat.”
The ridges of your tastebuds can feel every inch of him, every vein that throbs beneath the weight of your tongue. And now, he feels himself fully thicken within the hot cavern of your mouth. But you can’t take the entirety of him; all around, he was more than sizable, his width stretching your lips to your limits. Already your jaw aches, and he hasn’t even started thrusting yet. Simply, he holds you there, keeps you pressed as far down as you’re willing to go. As the seconds pass, you can hear him grumble, hand petting lovingly at your hair. Violently, he throbs against the hot suction of your mouth, his tip entering your throat. Every pulse that runs through his erection is powerful, the pound against your mouth prompting a moan from the depths of your chest.
“You’re drooling.” He notes casually, head cocking to the side.
Just barely, you’re able to look up at him, tears already dripping from the corners of your eyes. It’s a wonderful sight, especially when you reach up to stroke the remaining length. Every bit of skin he shows has been touched, kissed and licked and sucked on until he just couldn't take it. And that’s exactly how he likes it.
The tiny fist you wrap around the base of his dick makes him grin, continuing to stroke your hair as he says, “You’re so pretty like this.”
For how rough he could be, this man also seemed to have a sweet side. Maybe he was like that with everyone, or maybe he was just like that with you.
Streaks of mascara run over your cheeks, lipstick smeared from the spit dripping down your chin. The makeup you’d worked so hard on, ruined. All from him, and it’s been done in his perfect vision. Just how he’d pictured you - on your knees, crying for him, mouth stuffed to the brim. 
“Pretty little mess.” And with the way he says it, you’d think it was an insult.
The hand once petting your hair now grips it at the crown, shoving his hips up toward your mouth. Forcefully, you gag, the motion completely unexpected. But you take him as best you can, the hand around his cock now joining the other atop his thigh. It’s done to brace yourself, but he isn’t having any of that.
“No,” Paz growls, shoving your hands away. “Keep your hands down, keep them off of me.” 
Obediently, you lower them both, resting loosely behind your back. And now that your hands are gone, both of his find the back of your head, repeatedly forcing you down onto him. Every thrust is accompanied with a harsh grunt, cock stiff and hot as it repeatedly punches into your mouth. His tip, red and dripping, strikes the back of your throat with every rut, every erratic and animalistic movement. 
There’s nothing else for him, not in this moment. Right now, every bit of his attention is given to you, to your body and mind and everything you can bring him, everything he can bring you. Since the moment he laid eyes on your mesmerizing form, he knew he’d have you. One way or another, he was going to make you his; add you to his collection of girls. And this is just how he pictured it, even better, really. You’d already touched yourself for him, and so willingly dropped to your knees, too. He can’t remember the last time a whore sucked him off. Usually, sex was just sex; even here. Sure, he’d have his fun, but oral was never part of the deal. After a little bit of teasing, every woman here immediately got to business. But not you, and he’s liking that. You’re taking your time to satisfy him.
“Ugh,” With a wet gasp, you pull away, but only once he’s allowed it.
Every breath is ragged and hoarse and Paz’s are nearly just as rough. Allowing you this reprieve, he expects you to take it. But you’re full of surprises tonight, almost immediately diving right back in.
“Sh…” He says to you softly, gloved hand grabbing your jawline and chin. And when you look up at him, your expression is filled with such a sweetly sickening innocence. “Up.”
Climbing up his thick thighs, you find yourself wanting to meet his mouth. As if he’s thinking the same thought, his fingers move across your chin, sliding upward a bit. Using his thumb, he parts your lips, watching as you grin. With a single, simple shake of his head, he murmurs, “What I wouldn’t give to taste these lips…”
“Would you give your creed?” Teasingly, you return, mere inches from his metal skin.
“Not a goddamn chance.”
And with that, he’s reaching down and hauling you up and onto his lap. Your giggle is mixed with a tasteful gasp, hands reaching for those broad shoulders once again. Although you can’t kiss him, you can kiss his helmet, which you find comfort in doing. Pressing your lips to his metal cheek, you sigh blissfully against him. Somehow, it brings you closer to him.
Both of your warrior’s hands find the wonderful expanse of your backside, fisting it with a satisfied hum. Rocking you forward, he’s successful in brushing your smooth cunt against his shaft, another rapturous noise coming from him. 
“Are you ready for me, hm?” It doesn't take long before you’re moving of your own volition, grinding against his tip and rubbing yourself all the way down his length. 
“Mhm,” Forehead rubbing against the side of his helmet, you sigh, something similar to a tiny whine. 
Pulling you forward onto his chest, he grunts, lifting you enough to slide his tip against your entrance. Using your hold on him as balance, you take the lead, reaching down to angle him as he begins to slide in. Easily, Paz sinks inside, every single inch slowly but surely becoming enveloping by your welcoming walls. It’s almost unfair, the expectation of this. He’s monstrously thick and pounding against your thin, sensitive skin.
Dragging hotly against your inner walls, he’s already stretching you to tears halfway in. Painted fingernails dig into the cowl covering his skin, wishing to touch him, to kiss and mark him. You’re certain if you pushed it away, there’d already be beautiful discolorations from your lips. 
“Don’t worry, ner sarad’ika…” Paz grumbles, his hands moving over the curve of your waist. One finds purchase on your hips, while the other rises to the back of your head. With gentle force, he pulls you into him, feeling your arms loop entirely around his neck. “We’ll make it fit.” (My little flower)
“Verd,” Whimpering, your arms shake as he lowers you even more. “Ner verd.” (Warrior, my warrior)
“There you go,” Your correction forces a sense of pride to grow within his chest. “So good…”
“Fu-uck,” The cry is broken and breathy as it spills from your lips, sitting firmly on his lap.
He’s entirely inside, your ass resting against his scrotum. Even through his Beskar, he can feel the heavy rise and fall of your chest, can feel the shift of your thighs as you spread even wider to accommodate him. But then, you’re wincing, something that quickly concerns him.
“What?” Rubbing your back, he sighs, feeling your walls clench hotly around him. “Tell me.”
“Mm,” Timidly, you whimper, one hand dropping to press against one of his tassets. 
“Oh,” He realizes, hands dropping down to remove the armor that must be pinching at your sweet skin. And once the tops of his thighs are uncovered, you shimmy against him, rubbing over the black fabric still covering his bulky body. 
Once he’s set the plates aside, his hands run up and down your arms. “There…” He says comfortingly, hips rocking up into you. “Keep going, keep going.”
Shifting your hips, you gather yourself enough to sway against him. With both palms pressing against his cuirass, you steady your breaths in order to find a rhythm. And quickly, you do, alongside your warrior’s own eager movements. It brews inside him, the need to have you, to stretch you out and fuck you in a way you’ll remember; mold your insides to him, steal your breath and captivate your complete attention.
“That’s it, sweet little whore.”
“Baby,” His words do something ungodly to you, mixing with every ounce of exciting sin. 
“Look so fucking good,” His words are breathy, body moving with yours quite smoothly. “Impaled on me.”
“Yes, yes.”
The man beneath you is big enough to lift you entirely before dropping you right back down, cockhead hitting the deepest parts of your sex. His ridges rub along your insides in the most delightful way, pressing up against the spot that makes your eyes roll and your hips sway. 
“Can, can I, please…” Pawing at the covering around his neck, Paz becomes impatient, reaching up to rip it off completely. 
With a breath of relief, he continues, hand returning to your ass with a harsh spank just as you move to his neck. Your body shakes with his force, the motion repeated as soon as your lips attach to his neck. You’re bouncing down on him, ass slapping against his clothed thighs. 
“Fuck,” Growling, he almost can’t keep himself from doing it again, slapping your cheeks just to watch and feel them jiggle. “Fuck yourself onto me, just like that.”
His voice is deep and demanding, yet sincere and encouraging. Adrenaline rushes through your body every time you hear him speak, that slightly muffled and almost staticy voice doing wonders to your aroused state of being. 
“Ner verd,” Digging your teeth into his skin prompts another quick spank, one that sends a shrill giggle straight from your chest. “Yes.”
The slightly muted sound of your naked thighs against his covered legs begins to reverberate through the room, skin against skin echoing when you bring yourself down to his pelvis. He seems to enjoy it when you mark him, sucking on his skin with a fierce sense of determination. And when you’ve deemed one spot complete, you lick it sweetly. More than you can even fathom, it satisfies him.
“Sweet thing,” The smile in his tone is evident. “My new favorite girl.”
Wrapping both arms around you, their strength prevents you from any more movement. Instead, he pulls you onto him, pistoning his hips up against your sex. The pure power and force behind his working muscles leaves you fighting for breath. And alongside his flattering words, you find yourself smitten with him. 
The overwhelming sensation of him claiming your weeping cunt makes you see stars, makes you cling to him like you’d die if you didn’t. His panting breaths even fan out beneath his bulky mask, brushing over your skin and giving you a subtle taste of him. Floating through your head is the thought of his tongue, how he’d taste if you ran your own across it; how would he kiss you? How would his lips feel? How would they move?
“I want to claim you.” Voice deep and rumbling, he goes on to say, “Fill you to the brim with nothing but my seed.”
“I want that,” Nodding, you cling to him, his body firm and strong and Maker, how did you get him? “I want it.”
“Fill this sweet cunt, plug it with my cum.” It’s almost like he’s rambling, talking himself up to the point of an earth-shattering orgasm. “Say it to me.”
“Th - my name. Say my name.” Amidst his excitement, his clouded mind, he’d almost forgotten. 
“Ner verd.” And the way you say it makes his entire existence float away with something akin to yearning, longing. (My warrior)
Inside, you feel fuzzy, needy and tingling with overwhelming bliss. The way he fucks up into you is sloppy, desperate to cum inside the warmth you’ve given him. You feel like a toy, nothing but entertainment for him. And you’re more than fine with satisfying that expectation. 
Driving his hips upward, something in him seems to break. Choking on his own breaths, he grunts, seeking out your wet warmth as he releases inside. 
“Soft fucking insides, so warm and welcoming - fuck. I’m gonna cum in it,” Squeezing you in his arms, his hips stutter, jerking against your core. “I’m gonna cum inside…”
“Y-Yes,” Dragging your nails down his neck, you witness the evidence of your own pleasure painting his skin red. 
The force of his high brings on your own, rutting over his lap as you try desperately to rub your clit onto him. It brushes over his pelvis, over the coarse hairs littering his base as you shake in each other’s arms, wanton moans floating freely through the room and out into the hall. Rope after rope fills your channel, the white liquid flooding your most sensitive space. And it milks him for every drop, clenching around his girth as your own high wrings every bit of pleasure from your limbs. Shivering through your body, he holds you through the overwhelming pleasure of it, listening to your feminine moans and reveling in the fact that he’s caused them. 
One hand then drops to your backside, squeezing you kindly once again. Giving you an easy tap, he clears his throat, sighing into relaxation. It’s obvious when he calms, body slumping slightly into his seat. Resting back against the cushions, he urges you to lay on his chest, smiling to himself when you do. It’s always comforted him, this brief sense of intimacy after sex. 
His next words are genuine, a promise he intends to keep. “I’ll be seeing you again.”
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wantonlywindswept · 10 months
Corrie Guard: Fox & Patches
@megneato​​ did two more AMAZING commissions for me (the first was Ma Dong-Seok as Paz Vizsla, he’s beautiful, go look at him), which was to help get my headcanon down for what Fox looks like, and a design for my Corrie Medic OC, Patches! (I belatedly realized that is a common medic OC name. I am. Not sorry. ...or original.)
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CC 1010: FOX
like, so fucking tired
Constantly Vibrating Ball of Rage
hair gone white from stress and torture via Evil Sith Shenanigans
lightning scars around his neck, continue below armor on the right side of his torso
no tattoos so that he could pass as some of the other clones (this works up until the scarring and the trauma hair)
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MASSIVE baby bro/vod’ika vibes, is from one of the more recent batches
very gentle and sweet and smiley
name comes from his patchwork scars, which were the result of being yeeted through a pane of glass (exact scenario as of yet undecided)
does actually have a kind bedside manner, but do not be fooled: he will also use the big sad eyes RUTHLESSLY
‘i’m not mad, just disappointed’ except instead of disappointed dad it’s your little brother who looks up to you and thinks the world of you and now you let him DOWN
that said, if he’s visibly angry, you should probably run.
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court-jobi · 1 year
Just Be Gentle
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Pairing: Paz Viszla x reader (fem!reader, 'Songbird' for the use in the fic)
Words: 3,589
Rating: Teen+
Warnings: post-mission, light banter, mutual pining, mild!grumpy/sunshine, FLUFF, tender touching, teaching self-care, injury care, washing up- (not spicy yet, sorry loves) cuddles if you squint
Summary: He is a Cornerstone in his own right. The moment the Hunter dropped her off to him, she knew instantly by the reactions of everyone around her that this was a leader they respected, followed into the grittiest of scraps, because he’s the man with the biggest gun and equal fire. They call him Al’orad, their Top gunman, and always, brother. And brothers, well– he sure fought to protect them as only family would.
Paz Vizsla is the storm itself. Only now, it seems he got caught in the crosshairs and succumbed to the hurricane of the skirmish. It didn’t worry him, he’s patched up his own scrapes before.An immovable Mandalorian he may be, but she his Songbird– gentle soul who’d sooner see to his wounds herself than watch him treat himself so roughly any longer.
A/N: Special thanks to @newpathwrites for the original ask! Here's to you~ The response to my Paz thoughts inspired me to finish this one out the rest of the way, and was a joy to write. If you're like me and still reeling from the episode which must not be named, then you'll be glad to know PAZ LIVES ON IN FIC! This was written in third person as a practice for me, but please put yourself in Songbird's shoes in whatever race, kind or creed you claim. It's a big galazy, so imagine along with me~ edit: @newpath3432!
For my Star Wars | Mandalorian Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on A03
She could tell by the slight limp: Big Blue was hurt. He walked the earth with a strong presence, and now that presence hobbled with a case of the hiccups. It would be funny, if it weren’t stemming from a place of clear pain. Wouldn’t be caught dead admitting it, but he can’t avoid the obvious. 
When he started walking into a lean towards the pillar in the dank entrance to the covert, she walked even faster. The heavy artillery strapped to his back in coils was slipping. Speeding up to a light jog, she caught him fast by the elbow– flitted past the other sentries like the little Songbird she is, straight to his side to corral him by the arm.
"THeRe you are.."
Her name flowed off his tongue when he realized she’d snuck up on him; not that the Mandalorian ever really used it. By the way she’d been caught humming at all hours of the day and night, she’d come to earn the nickname ‘Songbird’ around the dank halls of Nevarro’s underground lava flats.
There’s barely a point trying to hide someone as tall, broad, and vast as him; as her blue-armored warrior claims the attention of everyone in any room he enters… but perhaps for just a minute, she could manhandle his form so that he’d blend into the support column on the other side. To keep him behind it, and out of sight for only a quick once-over.
He is a Cornerstone in his own right. Both a buoy in the sea and a lighthouse on a hill. The moment the Hunter dropped her off to him, she knew instantly by the reactions of everyone around her that this was a leader they respected and would gather arms with him into the grittiest of scraps. They call him Al’orad, their Top gunman, and always, brother. ‘You couldn’t be in better hands,’ the one she’d later call Din Djarin had said:
Paz Vizsla is the storm itself and brings the fire befitting a Mandalorian. Only now, it seems some of the fire has caught him.
He halted at her first call to him, yet followed into her tug willingly. A testament to their unexpected orbit; Paz found himself biting his tongue and falling into her draw whenever she sought him out even though he’s twice her size– just as she could pick his boisterous call out of a crowd and would come to stand alongside him as if no one were watching. For her, stepping out under everyone’s helmeted attention took an uncharacteristic flare of courage- one that Paz brought out in her.
Under the arch, the Alor’ad was quite literally pulled from the roster of tasks in his mind to her will. That stern look in her usually tender eyes siphoned his full attention.  How they never failed to stare right where his would be.
Paz greeted her with his immediate sense of concern.
"--shouldn't you be inside?" he braced an arm against the pillar ledge, relaxed.
"Shouldn't you be in the med tent?" Her eyes flickered across him: around his belt, to holster, and up again.
"I'm just fine."
He pressed a hand over hers, where she’d gripped the lip of his chest plate. "I will go when the others are seen to.”
“You need to be seen to!”
“Our healers are few; they’re overwhelmed.” Paz’s firm words -though delivered peaceably- commanded this conversation. “Those who suffered entry wounds receive attention first. My injuries are not urgent."
"You're limping; I could see it a mile away, and that's no good to anyone if you're ignoring your own problems,” she stressed again, “Play ‘Mr. Defender’ to your tribe all you want, but you’re fooling yourself if you think you can serve them at your best in this shape..."
He paused, looking back to her again and winced internally at the level of quiet care she was pleading to him.
"In my experience,  I know you Mandos tend to shrug off anything short of a lost limb when it comes to pain,” Songbird’s a natural at this; making a case. She spoke her peace with a rein on her temper. “I'd prefer to see it not get to that point. You're no exception… and you're the strongest one I know." she admitted.
Against impropriety’s warning bells in his bucket, Paz cupped her cheek, mindful of the rough leather to not irritate her. It’s indulgent, but he risks it.
"I'll be there soon,” he promises, “I give you my word, if you'll believe it."
"I want to, Blue," she offered with a gentle warning.
"Then keep me accountable. You’ll find me sitting in that alcove in ten minutes. If I'm not..." His head quirked with a little show of amusement, "You have my permission to drag me by my shebs there."
Sure enough, he did– true to his word, once his offloading task was completed. 
The covert’s Song remained under the awning of the covert’s med tent in the karyai as she watched Paz’s still-armored self being seen and treated on the left triage station. There she waited for him, until he reemerged with a hand to her shoulder in greeting. She squeezed it, asked if he was good to go, and he was all too ready to agree to some downtime. To seal the deal, she offered an arm around his back and he willingly outstretched his across her shoulders. 
It would be pointless to assume she’s honestly bearing any weight, but her offer to help was received kindly, as if he did. Then again, the way Paz spoke of her to the others in his faction, she knew he believed her capable of heart.
Then, with every grace like a nesting dove, she moved independently in his space like it was second nature, despite her only having been here one or two other times as emergency demanded it. A sealed bacta patch had been applied to the slope of his neck on one side, but after inspection, they’d hardly cleaned him up much. She'd located clean handcloths and a pitcher since they were ready and prepared at a moment’s notice on Paz's galley counter.
The question of what the case for water was at the front table lingered at her tongue, but it left her completely as she heard Paz grunt on sitting, one leg extended further than the other. He busied himself with smaller huffs of effort trying to get his armor off.
"Do you need help?" She offered gently, not wanting to coddle the grown man before her.
“M’fine. It's-- (ah) tricky, anyway. Faster if I do it." 
But even as he turned to wince and release the back plate with no success, she’d stepped over to him and released the clasp with a few well-placed fingertips. It unlocked easily and loosened into his lap. He turned a bit -until the woman he’d come to adore came into his visor’s view- to see a smile finally eased across her features.
"I've watched Djarin work it enough times, I could wear a kit myself. May I?"
Just the sound of that one word alone sunk a ballast into Paz's stomach worse than the fight did. Not even the clan he was folded into–she knew his first. His low tone shared such, though she took it as tiredness at first,
"You know his name."
"Hm? Oh, yes! I do know," she piped up. "It was the two of us drifting out on the Belt for so long, I think he took pity on me. Only so many times I would say 'hey you' before he felt bad for me, I think. Just calling him ‘Mando’ like everyone else seemed odd after a while– especially since he said I’d be meeting more soon; even that was never going to last as a nickname around a covert of them."
Paz only hummed. The clear picture of familiarity came to mind, how their months were spent  in the time before him buzzed around his jealous thoughts uncomfortably. That nasty inkling of jealousy seeped into her sharing of stories of him. 
But her lightness never wavered as she kept speaking–she simply moved her way to take care of his shoulder pauldrons next.
"--but he did tell me that's not the case everywhere, telling a non-mandalorian their name... He asked for discretion, so I never speak it around anyone else. Said it was fine here though, that you would call each other by clan name or given, so. Uhm.. where do you keep these?"
Paz turned to see her cradling one piece under each arm, one contoured to her breast, and the other gently in the crook of her elbow - hands full with the inner paddings of both. He leaned forward a touch, drew up a bottle of some solvent from the crate nearest him, and squirted some into the basin of water. 
"In there is fine.."
She emptied her arms, and noticing he made no move to continue disarmoring himself, she kept going in his stead. She imagined he'd probably never had someone tasked to do this for him, and perhaps enjoyed the doting behind closed doors. 
"Secret ingredient?" Song pried.
"It's an old recipe; cleans the armor without stripping it." He leaned back to where he was before, widening his legs for her to step between if she needed. “The alchemical reaction requires a tub to dilute the concentrate. Too strong and potent on its own, it would oxidize on contact without water."
“You’re on the wrong planet for that.” She grimaced with a jerk towards the window, the lava flats beyond.
“All the more reason for us to keep sentries by the reserve tanks. It is precious.”
Huffing a bit, she chuckled. "I can tell. oof- but that smell would be strong on a ship."
He hummed back to agree, and in a rare show of comfort as the weight of beskar was taken from him piece by loving piece, spoke, "...You're good at this."
She shrugged, a little tone in her voice. 
"Yeah, Din came back half dead after a run-in with a pack of Trandoshans on Ord Mantell, so that was a trial by fire I won't forget. I had to do it all myself. He could barely talk, his concussion was so bad- oh gods, I was terrified the whole time, because I knew I needed to check to see if any bits were cutting into him between the plates. But also figured because of the Creed, I thought he might have to kill me once I was done. Had to weigh the options for a sec, but really, he was too passed out to notice. When he woke up the next day he was mortified, poor baby.. Felt bad that I had to manage on my own, but he didn't care at all that I had seen actual skin." 
Her eyes twinkled and she smirked at what happened next. 
"I told him I was flattered of course, but I wouldn't have peeked.. if for no other reason, then out of respect for that sweetheart he's got on Sorgan."
–And thank the MAKER for that sweetheart on Sorgan.
But rather than scream his relief, Paz laughed it out to cover up his anxious nerves. 
"Sorgan, huh? Isn't that planet just a bunch of fishing holes?"
“Farms of them, apparently.” His elbows were now exposed, and next, the vambraces.
“So Djarin was wooed.. by a farmer.”
"Mhm," she removed the second, slipping out the lining and gloves to wash. "Widowed, with a cute little daughter who has eyes for the nugget- sweet guy was done for. She started leaving him his meals out for him on a hot plate the first night, so he wouldn't have to eat it cold. He still denies it," she rolled her eyes, "--but he said if he had the chance, he'd love to 'teach the little ones how to hunt one day’. Tell them more stories since so much has happened since we last stopped there. He'd make a good retiree. Deserves someone like her." 
She seemed full of nothing but pride as she spoke. However, soon the sentimental coles turned impressed.
"And hell, she's a real catch if her shot is any indication. No wonder he was so gone on her. So... Who knows?"
She busied herself with turning the gloves back inside out to wash and knelt to start on his boots, but froze looking up when Paz asked, 
"And you? Anyone else on Sorgan?"
"No. Not into farmers." she didn't look up, but shrugged, "Nothing Sorgan could offer me." She leveled out her mouth oddly, “...Might find it here, though."
"Is that so?" 
"mhm..." She finished loosening one and yanked it off with a little give before moving to the hurt one, more carefully. 
"If I can get 'im to quit getting banged up," she groused adorably, "maybe, just maybe I might find a Mandalorian to put up with me long enough…." 
Attentive as always, Song remained mindful of his breathing to ensure she wasn't jostling too much. 
"Might have to learn how to shoot better though. Those weapons are everything to you. I doubt anyone around here would take on a civvie like me as I am." She looked up and leaned into deprecating humor with a shy look. "M'not exactly the strongest either even though I’m light on the feet. That won’t do much good around here.. And I have a pretty bad mouth to get myself in trouble enough as it is."
This worry under the surface– not unlike a turtleduck spending its days furiously pedaling under the water, but looking ever too graceful on the surface. Naturally, the covert’s Songbird herself made counting her faults look like preening.
Paz chuckled.
"That's hardly a bad thing." He eased her worries. "Shooting can be taught. It's things like that ‘smart mouth’ that draw someone in. Catch someone's eye and ear."
How dare her heart give her that much hope…
"Y'think so?" She loosened his knee braces, doing her best not to ogle the strength of his legs in such close proximity. Surely he’s being too kind.
"I listened to you, didn't I? The list of those who can manage that feat is very short– ask anyone here…”
This seemed to humor her at least, if not outright pleasing her, and she shuffled back up to her feet, taking the cloth he'd been wiping his hands with and taking it with the dirty clothes. 
He'd shed his shirt too in the space while she talked-- and she hid her surprise the moment her back turned and her ears burned with the sight. 
Thick arms matched his thicker-than-durasteel legs, and strong ones– they’re downright gorgeous like the rest of him… but when she looked back, a tremor of panic surfaced, seeing how rough he was wiping along his patches from the nurses station, and she hurried back to his side right away to remedy that,
"--hey, easy!"
Paz looked up with surprised and she second guessed her urgency, coming back calmer.
"Y’just-” the poor thing braved a word of careful guidance, “You shouldn't be so rough, when the edges are still healing.."
Although intimidated by his size and what foul response he may have for being chastised, Paz surprised her with a simple 'by all means' and surrendered the cloth. She dampened it, and dutifully stood before him again.
To her surprise, Paz patted his leg and prompted her to sit: just as she had by the fire.
Yet while she took the spot, she didn't fall into his arms with the same comfort as that night a few weeks back. A wine-drunk flirty version of herself sunk into the embrace of her protector to chat him up, at his invitation. She’d not even been that nervous then, or even days after when they’d both been sober. There was a shortage of chairs in one of the meeting rooms, one glance turned to another, and he patted his leg in just the same way. She’d hardly shied away from his attention– enjoyed it, actually, to the point of craving. The top-of-the-line thermal compression pajamas she’d seen spread around on all the midwinter advertisements around the market could never warm her through like he could. She’s ruined for life if this trend turns into a habit…
But this was hardly the time for a cozy rendezvous– not while he was hurting. 
Unaware of any of these inner ramblings, Paz laid a hand on her waist to train her to relax anyway. His free hand simply held her to his lap, thumbing along her far thigh. To ensure she didn't slip, of course. 
Starborne’s Grace and Favor… this man is a delight for the eyes. For a man brimming with muscles, the cushioned fat layer made Paz quite comfortable– and quite the sight with blossoming tattoos along his chest and ribs.
While she set to cleaning the remaining blood the nurses missed first, Song also freshened the cloth, waving it a bit to introduce cool air, and dabbed off his collarbones and along either side of his neck, swiping along where his lean indicated. 
Gods it felt good. He'd be asleep in minutes if she kept this up. Paz bit his tongue to keep from moaning outright.
Attention trained towards his comfort, the Songbird asked softly, "You must be hot under there."
His words slurred a tad in response, "I'm used to it."
She frowned a little but just tipped the chin of his helmet up just a touch, wiping up his throat to catch some sweat. She was interested to find dark, auburn stubble to hint at a full beard under the seal, but evaded from peeking too much and jerked her sights up to his visor instead. 
"I don't say that to pry about what's under there, but I'd reckon to say a beard does make it warmer y'know…"
"I count on it during the cold seasons here." He murmured just as low as the first time, tilting whichever way she wanted. She could feel his true voice hum along his throat by the bob of his Adams apple. " I didn't plan on going to a damn swamp for the last week, or else I woulda shaved it."
"Poor thing." She mimicked, caressing the back of his neck. She spaced out at some point over him as she worked along his shoulders and passed the hand towel back and forth, registering only through touch how warm he felt beneath her. Warm and pliant and dangerously close to stealing her heart away and ruining her for other men… 
It felt incredibly good, but Paz had half a guilty heart; she must be getting tired. The helm faced her head on,
"You don't have to do all that..." he cupped the fleshy inner part of her palm with utmost care– care that he typically never treated himself with.
"I want to.” she hummed back easily. “You deserve it.”
At his encouragement, she swept broader strokes down his back and up again with one hand, bracing on his shoulder with the other. It was so contoured, sweeping hills of strength along his spine where muscles built up over years of use. A landscape worthy of some special attention.
Paz just sat there –calm on the exterior, but a swirling pool of doubt and bewilderment, and unworthiness weighting down his chest into heavy breaths. This girl was making him into mush by the minute.
"How's that. Better?"
The helmet nodded back and its voice hummed a little.
He’s growing more in love by the minute, too. Just keep talking, sweet sparrow.
She sat back and propped up in his lap, crossing her ankles.
"I can warm up that food if you want; or you can shower up and I'll have it inside for you before I go." 
His hand caught hers, "--You don't have to go."
"Not even so you can eat?" She clarified, curiously.
"I can wait on that. You..." He tipped the helmet down so their joined hands were in view. "...Food can wait."
The Paz Vizsla was holding her hands in both of his now, and she let him. These hands– the ones that made it their mission to treat him kindly when little mercies in this galaxy ever did…
She smiled, even though he was hardly watching: his big blue helmet is trained on feeling how soft hers must be by comparison. She’s finding it adorable that the big, strong Mandalorian seemed fascinated by her hands of all things. Song couldn't imagine she was the first girl to be perched on his lap like this, but by the way he rubbed over her like something precious, she secretly hoped she could be the last.
" ‘Food can wait.’ “ she repeated in a tease, “Since when would any fiery Mandalorian say such a lie– stalling a meal just because you found a little bird on your lap, huh? You want me to start singing for you next?"
Nudged from his trance, the visor lifted to her again making him lean back more comfortably, 
"I wouldn't say no to that." Paz flirted right back. 
With outstretched legs once more, Paz brought one up to be elevated as advised while guiding her in by her waist to relax in his lap again and take a break herself. 
The Songbird followed his lead this time– and resumed her trademark humming with the knowledge of a job well done.
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maybege · 1 year
“Only got to see you at the dinner, that one time, remember?”
Summary: You meet Paz Vizsla for the first time.
Pairing: alpha!Paz Vizsla x omega!fem!Reader
Wordcount: 1.9k | Rating: M
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics
Wrote a little something today based on a line in Marital Favours and deeply inspired by 3x01. I hope you enjoy it ❤️
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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gif by @themandaloriandaily
“I can’t wait for this dinner to end.”
“You’re only saying that because you cannot wait to go back to a certain alpha I saw buir talk to.”
“Oh, shut up, you’re only jealous because buir doesn’t allow you to meet that alpha boy from the kitchens.”
“Of course, I am! Look around! All these alphas and we aren’t allowed to talk to them – what a waste, if you ask me.”
“Only that nobody asked you.”
You took a long sip from your wine cup, hiding your smile at your sisters’ antics. Their endless bickering had been your constant companion ever since you were little and today was no different. Only that it was much more bearable because today was the day you had been looking forward to for months now.
Every other year, the three major clans of the region came together for peace negotiations. It was a big event, considering the clans never came together on any other occasion, and everyone who was anyone came along.
This year, after six years, it was your parents’ turn to host and it was the first time you were old enough to mingle with the high-ranking guests. They never allowed you to travel with them outside of clan borders so it was pure and utter luck that you could attend tonight and see all these different people.
You spotted your parents at the far end of the hall and you were relieved to find that they did not seem to be too worried about you and your sisters now. Which meant you could roam your eyes over the guests, letting them linger on the alphas in particular. The bustling crowds were so colourful and so different from your sheltered everyday life, you could hardly sit still, wanting to gather the courage to talk to every single person and ask them about their travels and their life and the way they thought peace could finally be reached.
Sometimes you wondered if your life would have been different if you and your sisters had not turned out to be omegas. Because as soon as your brother had presented as a beta, it seemed like the world and its opportunities opened up just for him. Meanwhile, Moira, Zifre and you just spent your days whiling away in the palace, yearning for the day you were allowed to actually talk to people without them having been chosen by your parents.
Your parents were very protective of you and your sisters. Always had been and probably always would be. You were sure that they must have some kind of reason for keeping you in the palace like some kind of prison but the more time passed, the more you felt like one of those banthas kept in the fields to be petted and cooed at by the foundlings.
Moira, the eldest, had just been engaged to one of your buir’s counsellors and it had been fascinating to see how your usually stoic and straightforward sister had tuned into a puddle at the sight of the tall alpha. You had never met an alpha before and you had not been very impressed by the polite, yet arrogant, man your sister had fallen for. But, still, in the dead of night, you allowed yourself to dream what it might be like to meet someone who just intrinsically … fit.
And what better way to actually know what alphas were like than to meet them?
As one of the daughters of the clan leaders, it had been your job to organize the festivities and what had cost weeks of stress and work and several close calls to nervous breakdowns, it had turned out phenomenal. The guests were mingling on the open terrace of the main building of the covert. It had taken ages to find the right lanterns but now that you saw them glittering on the docks, colouring everything in a warm light, you knew all the effort had been worth it.
“Ugh, what is he doing here?” Zifre huffed and pulled you from your thoughts.
You followed your sister’s gaze and she did not say anything more.
“He is a clan leader, he was invited,” mocked your older sister but her voice sounded oddly far away.
Paz Vizsla was a name you had never associated with anything pleasant. Quite the opposite actually. The Vizsla Clan bordered yours and you did not remember a time when your clan were ever at peace. Even during your great-great-great-grandmother’s reign, your clan had been at war with the Vizslas and maybe even before.
There were only a few things you knew about the man. You knew that he was younger than your parents, his buirs having died just a few years prior and leaving the seat of clan leader to him. You knew that he was “a beast on the battlefield” according to your father and “too arrogant for a man of his intelligence” according to your mother. And you knew that if you wanted to sour the mood at the dinner table, you just had to utter his name.
But now, seeing him for the first time, you noticed many things you had never considered before. You noticed how tall he was, and how broad. He positively towered over the people around him and you were sure that even without his dark blue armour, he would be an impressive figure. You also noticed how regal he looked in his cape designating him as the clan leader. And that he smelled incredible.
His helmet turned to you and your sisters and although his visor was black, you got the feeling that he was looking straight at you.
Your heart jumped into your throat and you quickly looked down, trying to pretend like you had not been staring at him anyway.
“Is he toasting us?” Zifre asked, completely shocked, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks. Maybe if you just kept looking down
“C’mon, girls,” you heard your father’s voice from behind you, clearly displeased, “Let us go. It is time for the walk.”
The night air was brisk but not unpleasant and you enjoyed the view out on the deep waters. The moon was standing high and the lanterns that adorned the way just added to the cosy atmosphere of the night. Several of the guests complimented you on your work in organizing the dinner which you accepted with a wide smile.
Then the world fell away from you.
There was a lot of screaming and you could hear water splashing as the dock gave out from underneath you. For a fraction of a moment, you saw what you could only describe as a giant crocodile breaking through the water and crashing partly on the dock before you fell into the water yourself.
You were too stunned to do anything. It was cold. It was really really cold.
A hand reached through the water, grabbing yours and hoisting you up to dry land. You hardly saw anything, you barely knew how to stand for a second and instead just clung to the body that was in front of you.
“Are you all right?” a deep voice rumbled and you shivered, your clothes sopping wet.
And then it all came crashing down.
“The young ones!” you gasped, trying to blink against the water in your eyes, “The foundlings!”
“Where are they?” you didn’t recognize the stranger’s voice but something about it made you feel safe. His big hands held you by the shoulders but you could also feel his body right in front of yours. You had never been that close to a stranger before.
“That way,” you pointed to the right, where the docks had collapsed, “What if they – What if –“
The warm hands fell from your shoulders. He shouted a command you did not quite understand but it made more people in the. “Stay,” he said to you, “I will take care of it.”
“No but what –“
“Stay here, omega,” the man said, and you froze, a warm feeling rushing through your body, shocking you to your core.
Nobody had called you omega before.
The realization that the man had been an alpha hit you out of nowhere and the panic of
“What are you standing here?” Zifre shouted, panic laced in her voice, “Let’s fucking go!”
She took hold of your hand and together, you ran down the shore, hurrying to where the children’s quarters were located at the edge of the water. In the darkness, you could hear and see the blaster shots and explosion and the warrior on the shore and in the air, doing their best to take the monster down.
Your feet pounded on the sand and your clothes felt heavy from the water. But the fear that something could happen to the children of the clan spurred you on and you were not the only ones making their way down that side of the shore. You just needed to make sure they were safe.
By the time you had reached the foundling’s quarters, you were completely out of breath and terrified at the sight of the humongous scaly … thing that was attempting to snap at anything in reach.
“Get the little ones inside!” Paz Vizsla called and you saw him fly up in the air, shooting straight into the open mouth of the beast.
You could see the hesitation in the warriors of your clan at having received an order of the enemy clan’s leader. You did not know what had gotten into you but you stepped closer to the battle unfolding in front of your very eyes.
“You heard him!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, hoping to be heard over all the noise, “Get them inside and keep them safe!”
And they did.
It did not take long for your parents arrived and soon enough, the shore was filled with every warrior that had been at the dinner, some of then still dripping from their involuntary dip in the water. You watched with wide eyes as the monster gave a final attempt and then it fell back into the water and all of a sudden, the eerie silence swallowed everything.
You saw your parents coming back up the shore again, together with the other clan leaders, Paz Vizsla among them.
“Well that is not how I thought this evening would go,” Moira announced from behind you and you turned around to see her right next to her fiancée, his arm around your shoulders.
“I’d say none of us expected it to go like this,” Zifre replied drily.
When you turned back around, your parents had just passed you, walking straight to their circle of advisors. Everyone just kind of … hovered, and you were highly aware of a certain clan leader that stood next to you. And when Zifre made her way to Moira, you saw your chance to say something to the burly alpha.
“Thank you,” you whispered, convinced your parents wouldn’t hear you, “For saving them.”
Paz Vizsla did not look at you and for a moment, you feared that he had not heard you as well. And you weren’t sure if you were brave enough to speak to him again.
“Make no mention of it, princess,” a warm, deep voice said and it took you a second to realize that it was him, the man from the shore, “Little ones are precious all over the clans.”
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tarabyte3 · 2 months
Fic Updates
It's been a while soo....
I Want You to Show Me Weak — As I've stated before, there are only 2 chapters left in the entire fic. I'm going to be finishing both of them before I post chapter 26. Then I'll be posting chapter 27 the next day. Gonna end the fic with a bang 😏 I have everything outlined and thought out, I just have to finish writing it (I'm very excited about what I have planned/written for the final chapter, which includes the ending). Though I will admit, it's been difficult to write knowing I'll be saying goodbye to this story. I'll miss my boys SO much 😭, as well as this version of Kino x Reader, but I want to finish it for myself and for all of you! Besides, there's always the possibility of oneshots set in this universe in the future AND I'm not done writing for Kino. Not even close! I have no date estimate at the moment, but I'm trying to give this one my full attention so 🤞
The Devil Makes Us Sin — Once Show Me Weak is done, I'm going to give this one my full attention for a while. (Though, to be honest, even though I'm trying to focus on finishing Kino first, I still keep this document open and regularly pop in to write a paragraph or two. What can I say, David is VERY fun to write for 😏, I love him, and I must follow the serotonin). The next few chapters will be shorter so they should go quickly, and I already have around the next 4 of them half written (I actually have about ~25k of future stuff written last time I checked, including parts of chapters MUCH further down the road 😅).
Other Wips
While my focus has been on my ongoing stories, I do have a few other WIPs I have actual content written for! So here's an update on those as well. For fun.
Personal Trainer!Kino x Reader Modern AU — I have the beginning of this story and a few scenes written, and SO many notes for it. (My relationship with my trainer is fantastic. He's 50% big brother energy, 50% wingman energy, but he says THE most out of pocket shit so I immediately write it down after my sessions. Because him saying it does nothing for me, but imagining Kino saying it?? 😵‍💫🫠🥵) It will probably end up ~5 chapters total. Probably.
And Your Heart, Love, Has Such Darkness (David x Reader smutty Oneshot) — I started this one a year ago because I wrote something for TDMUS that didn't quite fit, but I liked it enough to keep it and make it its own thing. It's over half done right now, so it will likely be the next oneshot I post.
I Didn't Want to Hurt You, but You're Pretty When You Cry (Dark!David x Reader) — I think this one will end up about 3 chapters long and will contain a lot of content warnings. It's going to be more horror focused (with splashes of dark humor because I cannot help myself). I adore the opening chunk I've written. It gave me goosebumps.
Secret Andy Blorbo x Reader Oneshot — This one started as a joke on Discord about an Andy blorbo that is not only incredibly niche/unknown, but is actively not attractive (one of the very rare times Andy Serkis does nothing for me. In fact, when I see him, my vagina makes the windows shutdown noise). Except I made the mistake of saying, "I want to try to write for this character as a fun challenge just so I can sexually confuse everyone." And it, uh, spiraled from there and made me rethink my entire stance on this character (thank you for not only indulging me, Hannah, but encouraging me and giving me more ideas 💖 I loved [redacted] thirst day in TNBF)
Halsin x Tav — That's right, I'm writing for the sexy druid. It'll be 2 chapters, and it's about a third of the way finished. This Tav will be a human fighter, but is otherwise written more like a Reader Insert. (Side note: going back to 3rd person POV after writing a lot of 2nd person POV is harder than I imagined 🙃)
Paz Vizsla x Mando!Reader Oneshot — That's right, I'm also writing for the big Mandalorian. It's about a third of the way finished as well. (These last 2 are actually a little intimidating because the fandoms are MUCH larger, but I need to get them out sooo fuck it, it's happening.)
So as you can see, even though I haven't posted very much outside of Liam Black, I'm still writing a lot. Apparently I just have commitment issues and a lot of ✨thots✨ 😌💖
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kalevalakryze · 6 months
Blood On The Ice
Chapter One: Muun Nynir
Characters: Sabine Wren, Shin Hati, Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger, Tristan Wren, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-5576-39 | Gregor, CT-6116 | Kix,Bo-Katan Kryze, Koska Reeves, Axe Woves, Paz Vizsla, Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Reva Sevander | Third Sister, Grand Inquisitor (Star Wars), Baylan Skoll, Hera Syndulla, Morgan Elsbeth, Fifth Brother (Star Wars) Relationships: Shin Hati/Sabine Wren, Alrich Wren/Ursa Wren, Ezra Bridger/Tristan Wren, C1-10P | Chopper/Marrok, Hera Syndulla/Ahsoka Tano, The Armorer (The Mandalorian TV)/Bo-Katan Kryze, Reva Sevander | Third Sister/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Shin Hati & Baylan Skoll, Ezra Bridger & Ahsoka Tano & Sabine Wren, Alrich Wren & Sabine Wren & Tristan Wren & Ursa Wren Tags: Alternate Universe - Hockey, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Blood and Injury, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Build, Hockey Fights, Hockey Injuries AO3 Link: Here! Word Count: 3,125
Notes: It's finally here! I've been working on this one chapter for the last two months! Gosh, so happy to get here right now! So some things to note, this series will take place across 3 acts, with a currently undefined chapter count on all, with obviously as seen in the series, some loose snippets floating around. This world was built by @thegirlsinthecity and myself, and while neither of us know everything about hockey, I think it's more about the fun we had putting this together over exact accuracy. (And yes, there are plans to return and update tags soon) So just some basic team lineups so it isn't all lost (And yes, more will be added slowly as I expand on the lines) Lothal Spectres: Sabine Wren, #5, Right Wing, Two-Way Forward Ahsoka Tano, #32, Center, Playmaker Ezra Bridger, #6, Left Wing, Grinder Tristan Wren, #60, Right Defense, Offensive Rex Fett, #51, Left Defense, Enforcer Gregor Fett, #39, Goalie, Hybrid Kix Fett, Team Medic Axe Woves, #17, Right Wing, Sniper Koska Reeves, #29, Left Wing, Playmaker Bo-Katan Kryze, #42, Center, Grinder Chopper: #00 Mascot Hera Syndulla, Coach/Owner Mercenaries: Shin Hati, #64, Left Wing, Enforcer Baylan Skoll, #87, Center, Playmaker Reva Sevander, #66, Right Wing, Two-Way Fifth Brother, #23, Right Defense, Offensive Trilla Suduri, #74, Left Defense, Enforcer Grant Inquisitor, #85, Goalie, Standup Cad Bane, #32, Center, Grinder Boba Fett, #1, Right Defense, Two-way Fennec Shand, #9, Left Defense, Enforcer Aurra Sing, #48, Right Wing, Playmaker Bossk, #54, Left Wing, Sniper Marrok, #26, Mascot Morgan Elsbeth, Owner
“You ready to get back out there, Sabine?” Ahsoka called from the other side of the locker room, securing her lekku in the padding so they wouldn’t risk injury or swing about and hurt someone. 
Sabine looked up from the yellow and blue jersey in her hands, the Firebird emblazoned on the chest, and the number five stamped across the back and shoulders. 
“You’ll figure it out, verd’ika,” Bo-Katan’s hand was heavy on her shoulder, warmth seeping through the thick shoulder pads as the older Mandalorian dropped to her side. “Shoot straight, don’t get hit. Rules haven’t changed on your way up to the big leagues.”
“But you need to be mindful of everyone on the ice,” Ahsoka cut the redhead off with a shake of her head as she settled on Sabine’s other side. “The Mercenaries are… better equipped than us. They’ve also had more time to train their rookie,” 
“Run that one by me again?” The younger woman shrugged off Bo’s hand to tug the jersey over her head, brushing her fingers through her hair to fix it once the material was settled over all the padding. 
“Shin Hati, some kind of college star, Merc’s Captain, Baylan Skoll, has been training her since she was a kid, I guess.” Sabine scoffed at the mention. Some kid whose connections got them the job, typical. 
“Don’t underestimate your opponent, Sabine.” Ahsoka reprimanded gently as she started to lace up her skates. “Hati made a name for themselves in the pre-season, a dangerous one at that. You’ll need to keep your head out there.” 
“Ahsoka, if anyone can keep their head out there, it’s Sabine,” Bo stood to her defense immediately, bringing a small smile to the younger Mandalorian’s lips. “You just gotta trust her, and also, hurry up. Clock’s ticking-” The redhead motioned to the loudspeaker announcing their time left before they needed to make their first appearance on the ice. 
Grabbing her helmet, Bo offered Sabine one last look of mild sympathy. “You’ll be alright, ad’ika. Your aliit is with you,” 
Trilla and Reva were laughing. The first game of the full season, and they were sitting there laughing. Shin was trying their best not to give them a moment of their time as she adjusted the light away uniform on her body, making sure the padding was covered and everything fell perfectly. 
Stepping out into the hallway, Shin was greeted by Baylan exiting the men’s locker room as well. Their head dipped in a silent greeting as he fixed the chin straps of his helmet. “The Spectres have had a roster change since we last faced them,” He informed them as a  greeting as they made their way down the hall towards the tunnels where the pounding feet and heavy bass made it hard to hear him properly. 
Taking the sticks as they were handed out by Morgan who was working her way down the line of their emerging teammates, Baylan rested his hands on the top. “Their newest addition, Sabine Wren; has countless connections to many on the team, including her little brothers, Tristan Wren, and Ezra Bridger. Keep an eye on her, but be mindful of the positions on the ice.”
“Of course,” Shin nodded, silvery eyes glancing through the doors to catch the shining lights all over the yellow and blue arena. Lothal. If they never had to come back, it would be too soon. 
There was no meeting or chant, nothing said between the players as the clock ticked by; not like the teams Shin had played for in college, which she was grateful for, really, the team bonding thing just wasn’t their vibe, and this team respected that quality in them all, but there may have been some part of them that itched at the lack of any acknowledgment from Morgan, who’s career counted on their wins. 
The speakers thundered in their ears as the doors were pulled open to the ice. “Everybody welcome to the ice, your Lothal Spectres!” It was an older man on the intercom, someone who sounded as if he genuinely loved his job, like everyone at this blasted arena. The cheering grew tenfold as skates hit the ice. From behind Baylan, Shin could see the flashes of blue and yellow on the rink as the players took a lap. 
“And your opponents for tonight, the Seatos Mercenaries!” Balanced on his blades, Baylan led their line down the tunnel. There wasn’t a big fanbase willing to travel across the galaxy to watch them. Still, they had a handful of devoted regulars reaching their hands into the tunnels, as well as some children and Spectres fans who didn’t seem to care, as long as somebody acknowledged them.
Shin paid none of them any mind, ducking out of the way of reaching hands, even as Baylan offered a tap of his glove into each one. The crushing feeling of anxiety melted the minute her skates touched the ice and she was allowed to break away. The music and screaming were still deafening, but now they had their favorite distraction in the form of muscles burning and the cool air in her face 
“Well kid, there they are.” Bo-Katan called as she zipped past, sinking a puck into the empty net while Gregor caught up on his stretches to the side. “They’ve been calling ‘em Wolves, Kurs’kadedse.”  Sparing a look to the opposing side of the ice, Sabine caught a pair of silver eyes locked onto her, eyes that continued to stare even as the Mandalorians caught them.
“That’s the one we were warning you about, Hati.” 
“What the krif is she looking at?” Sabine huffed as she passed a puck between her skates before sending it flying towards the net, hitting the post before bouncing right into the netting. 
Bo-Katan’s gaze drifted back to the ever-present stare on the other side of the ice. “I don’t know, but girl; please blink.” The redhead shook her head and turned her attention to the filling stands around them. “Seriously, I don’t think she’s blinked this entire time; could be something to use to our advantage.” The older Mandalorian clapped Sabine on the shoulder before taking off to the glass by their box to flick pucks over for the group of kids gathered on the other side. 
Sabine dared one last glance back towards the Mercenaries side before shaking her head, she could deal with a little staring for be’gotal’ad sake, you didn’t look like she did and did not get used to all kinds of stares, this creepy… animalistic stare was nothing… Everything was fine….
Through the entire anthem, Sabine could feel the icy stare, determinedly, the Mandalorian focused on the ice, etching a groove with her skates as the anthem pulled to a close. 
“So, she’s got some kind of staring problem,” Tristan was quick to announce, making Ezra laugh and nod his head.
“Yeah seriously, ‘bine, you’d think you personally went over there and insulted her mother, she didn’t look away from you once.” Ezra crossed his arms over his chest, the tip of his colorfully taped stick pressing under his chin and against the strap. “Be careful… Something feels off about them.”
“Seriously guys, I’ll be fine, it’s only the first game. I seriously doubt anyone will be out for blood,” Sabine shook off their worry with a dismissive wave of her hand as she glided to start. 
Sabine didn’t have a chance to give the wolf on the ice much more of a single thought once they returned; The eyes on her were in the back of her mind the second the puck had dropped at center ice. Besides, she had plenty enough eyes on her the second she’d taken control of the puck and sank it right past the Inquisitor’s glove, sailing past his shoulder and smacking into the goalpost before finding a home in the white netting as the horns blared not even thirty seconds into the game.
Tristan was the first one on her, arms tight around his older sister as the rest of the team crowded her against the boards in celebration. The crowd was screaming, though it was dulled by the beating of her heart in her ears. “I knew you could do it!” Ezra shouted in her ear as Ahsoka’s hand pressed against the top of her helmet. Even Rex offered the Mandalorian a proud punch to the shoulder before finally allowing her some room. 
The eyes on her from the other bench were deadly and predatory, as Sabine glided past, she watched a short woman leaning over the wall to talk to psycho-eyes. It was… disconcerting, but really, not her problem. As Sabine rolled into her first shift, Hera’s hand clamped down on her shoulder proudly. “That was a good run, we’re gonna send you on the next shift, watch for Bo-Katan’s signal.” 
“Got it!” Sabine called over the roar of fans in the stadium, offering a smirk towards the camera when she glanced to the screens to see her name flashing on the humongotron, progressing to full laughter at the increase in noise from the crowd, before the cameras flipped back to the game. 
“They love you, ‘bine!” Ezra called as he hopped the board, letting his shoulder bump into hers as he grabbed a bottle of water, nearly missing entirely when he squeezed the thin plastic to squirt it into his mouth.
 Rex jumped over the boards then, smacking his gloved hand into Ezra’s hand for good measure. Sabine couldn’t hear his comment, but Ezra flipped him off anyway as the old timer went into the frey, catching Suduri in a hit that sent the behemoth of an enforcer to the ground. 
There was a flash of the mirrored tint from Bo-Katan’s helmet as she turned her head towards the bench. There was no other signal to be sent her way, but as Wedge glided to the bench, she knew it was her time to jump back in. 
Almost immediately, the Wolf was back on the ice, shifting as Sabine was crossing the neutral zone. Their head lowered, shoulders tilting forward as they streaked down middle ice. Sabine caught the puck as it was shot to her, clear for the moment in the breakaway. The puck smacked off the hook of her stick, pulling it in close to her body as she stuck to the wall. The wolf was gaining ground on her, fast.
Golden eyes flashed across the ice. Ezra was almost clear… If he could just catch her gaze; Blue met gold, the puck soared across the ice, missing gloves and sicks as it went. It hit the edge of his skate as he broke away from the towering defense. Sabine didn’t get to see what he did with the puck, catching a heavily padded shoulder square in the chest that sent her down to the ice. 
“Learn to take a hit,” Her attacker growled from above as the play was called dead. One of the linesmen pulled to the wolf as Tristan rushed over to help her up. As the penalty animation played on screen and zoomed in on the wolf for roughing, Sabine could swear she saw a flash of teeth as the Keldorian ref pulled her to the box. 
“Gotal’ad, verd’ika!” Bo-Katan exclaimed as she pulled to Sabine’s other side, gloved hand pressing into her back and fixing the bright jersey. “What did you do to them?”
“Literally nothing!” The purple haired woman groaned dramatically, shaking out muscles they knew would be overly sore the next day. “She’s fucking insane!.”
“It was a valid hit though, little Wren,” Rex called as he pulled into the circle, shrugging his shoulder nonchalantly as the Mercenaries penalty killers lined up. 
“Shut up, old man,” Sabine grumbled as she settled in. 
The ref dropped the puck, backing out of the two spitfires that were Bo-Katan Kryze and third-line center, Moff Gideon. Shoulders smashed together, skates scratched into ice, and sticks smacked into each other, until at last, Bo managed to kick the puck free, passing it to Ezra, who swung it across to Koska, then Axe. As the Spectre’s raced down the ice to take advantage of the five-on-four, the Mercenaries fought like hell to stop the assault. 
Sabine was streaking up the middle with Reva on her tail, pushing her closer and closer to the boards. Reva was bigger, but Sabine was faster, pushing the puck between her skates every time a black and red taped stick reached across to poke the puck from her unrelenting control. Rex pulled in next, pushing his way between the offensive right defense and the two-way forward.
Getting Reva off her back was everything Sabine needed as she pulled into the Goalie’s space, Axe swinging around the left side goalpost to screen the Inquisitor, taking that half a second of attention away from her as she kicked the puck from where it sat between her feet. The windup was fast, sending the puck flying from the toe of her stick. 
The Inquisitor dropped into a butterfly, but it was too late, the puck sailed past the closing edges of his pads and sank into the net, the loud goal horn echoing through the arena, quickly drowned out by the explosion of cheers from the crowd as Sabine’s arms went up into the air. “Yes! That’s how you get it done!” She shouted, her voice unheard with all the noise. 
Gleaming golden eyes turned to the crowd as Bo-Katan slammed into her, arms wrapping around her as Axe, Koska, Tristan, and Paz all joined in, almost slamming their huddle into the boards in their celebration. The only thing that altered the high of her joy was the heavy weight of predatory eyes, their weight intensifying as the Mercenaries winger was released from the penalty box. 
Eleven minutes left in the period, Spectres up by two, the crowd was electric, and Sabine’s heart was thumping comfortably in her chest, each time she glanced back at Hera, the beaming smile only made her light up more. As they pulled back to center ice, Sabine spared one last glance at the crowd, lips twisting when she caught sight of Ursa’s familiar yellow and grey coat in the stadium’s loudville level, phone raised, no doubt zoomed in to catch her kids on the ice. 
“Tristan!” She called as he came into his position at her right. “Buir is taking a picture, stop looking dumb,” This earned a barking laugh from him as Ezra and Koska switched out. 
“Yeah yeah, don’t hog all the limelight, ‘bine!” 
A growl from the opposing side had Sabine looking away from her brother. “You got a problem, kurs’kaded?” Sabine shot to the enforcer that sat on the other side of the blue line. The blonde only sneered and settled in, shoulders hunched forward and silver eyes breaking away from Sabine for probably the first time all day. “That’s what I thought,”
The next break came with a renowned intensity. Whatever the small coach on the Mercenaries lines said must have been particularly seething, with each forward all but bowling the spectre line over the moment the puck dropped. 
The puck was passed between wolf, to Sudari, Sevander, Skoll, then wolf again. Hera signalled for Sabine to shift, though it went ignored as the young Mandalorian managed to get her stick out, shoving the puck out of the wolf’s grasp. She slid carefully, hearing their skates scrape and grind as she spun around to take control. 
The race back to the Mercenaries goal was intense, a five on one break away that had Sabine already tensing up to get hit the further she pushed it, legs exhausting as she worked; Bo-Katan had already shifted, and Koska had switched with Rex this time. 
“Wren is breaking away! All alone crossing into Mercenary ice!”
“Here comes Hati, closing in fast-”
“Ohhh that one has got to hurt!”
The wolf’s shoulder smacked into her, their stick tangling in her skates in an illegal hook that sent her to the ground. Sabine hit the ice hard, sliding into the boards as they released their hold. The shrill whistle was sharp and skull splitting, but still, Sabine managed to get up, catching the venomous heaviness in dark eyes that tracked her recovery. The wolf turned away from her, igniting a spark of anger in her stomach. 
“Seems like Wren isn’t going to let that hit stand!”
The cheers that followed Sabine throwing her gloves and stick to the ground were loud and thunderous, but no more than her own heart as the almost bored look in Hati’s gaze turned into one of excitement. The scouts had noted that the wolf played with her food, and right now, Sabine was a four course meal. 
Her knuckles connected with their jaw almost as soon as her glove bounced off the ice. Heavy hands shoved into her to keep her back, though she could tell already that the bony knuckle of her middle finger had managed to split skin, red bubbling up onto a pale canvas quickly.
There wasn’t much time to focus on the renowned look in their eyes when a gloved hand launched into her face, smacking her head back off the glass hard enough to bring black spots to her eyes, though the second hit, ungloved, and right into the sliver of space between the pads right into her kidneys was the one that sent her to the ground, knees hitting the ice hard enough to make her bones ache. 
The crowd was screaming and cheering at the fight, smaller fights broke out on the ice around them, and Sabine could just barely see Skoll, shouting past the line of refs and yellow and white jerseys as he tried to call them off of her as Ahsoka and Kix struggled to rush through the traffic. Fans were throwing things onto the ice, and a cold hand bashed into her face at least two more times, the skin of her lip splitting under torn knuckles,  even as hot blood raced down the back of her head, staining her own jersey an almost orange color as the ichor bled into the bright yellows. 
Sabine’s vision swam, fists swinging weakly out, hands grasping at the white of their jersey, staining it with her own blood, trying to keep them from swinging any more. By the time Baylan managed to drag them off of her, Sabine’s vision was just a pinprick, barely managing to catch the look on Ahsoka’s face as she and Hera raced to try and catch her, darkness enveloping them in the hazy warmth of blood loss and the deafening sound of fans screaming. 
Translations: Muun Nynir - Hard Hit verd'ika - little warrior ad'ika - little one aliit - family Kurs’kadedse - wolves for be’gotal’ad sake - for the sake of the maker Gotal��ad, verd’ika - Maker, little warrior
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ryehouses · 1 year
May i request any boba POV centring his thoughts about Din’s creed/tribe? I wish to see the uncensored scathe.
ask and ye shall receive!! here's a bit of scathe!
set during ch 22, "or'trikar," after din, boba + co make it back to tatooine but before din and boba have the almighty dar'manda conversation.
cw for typical mando-on-mando cultural violence. paz has some cult shit going on (no surprise there). boba is less than impressed.
in which boba has a bone to pick. 
There wasn’t much honor in kicking a man with a broken leg. There wasn’t any honor at all in kicking a man half-dead with fever, and even less in striking the first blow against a man who was, for all intents and purposes, Boba's houseguest. Boba had – for all intents and purposes, even though he'd never offered it formally or made the proper gestures – given the Mandalorians standing clustered together at the bottom of the Huntress's plug door alain'ah. Open-handedness. Shelter and aid and food and medicine. Din had asked Boba to. Raising a hand to guests under the protection of alain'ah was the most dishonorable thing one man of the desert could do to another.
But, Boba Fett thought, holding onto the thin threads of his temper with both hands, no one’s ever accused me of being honorable, have they? 
Paz Vizla leaned heavily against the big verd’ika and stared at Boba, swaying dangerously on his feet. Din was gone, on his way to fill Fennec in on what had happened on Arkanis. Vizsla was covered buc’ye to boot in beskar, was kitted out like a full warrior of any House or clan or tribe, but Boba could tell that it took all of Vizsla’s strength to keep standing. 
It wouldn’t be hard to take him down. Boba sorted through half a dozen plans of attack and weighed the risk of a fight in his head. It wouldn’t be hard to take the verd’ike either, though they were both in better shape than Vizsla. Jaig, the big one, had handled himself well on Arkanis and Strill had had enough mandokar to come to the palace alone and ask for Din’s help. They were tough kids. 
But they’re kids, Boba tried to remind himself. Jorbe – reason – felt very far away.
The two younger Mandalorians were inexperienced. Jaig was a bit in awe of Boba and Strill’d go to protect the kids, not Vizsla. They might put up a bit of a fight, if Boba went for Vizsla’s murderous karking throat, but Boba – 
I could take them, Boba thought, his field of vision narrowing. Fury, hot and wild, boiled inside him like a belly full of acid. It gnawed at Boba. 
I could take all of them. 
These Mandalorians – or at least Paz Vizsla – were Din’s family. His aliit. Din had called Vizsla his brother. 
And Vizsla, very clearly, had just said that he was going to kill Din. 
If Boba had been in a more rational mood, he would’ve been able to let the threat slide without wanting to pull out Vizsla’s throat with his bare hands. 
Probably, Boba thought, wrestling with the rage boiling behind his ribs. A bigger revelation – a deeper anger – hung threateningly just out of reach. Boba could almost touch it. He had most of the pieces. If he put them together – 
“What,” said Boba, slowly, staring hard at Vizsla, “did you just say?” 
The pieces that Boba held were as sharp as knives. He didn’t want to think about it. About any of it. Boba’s day had started so well. He’d woken up with Din’s face mashed into the crook of Boba’s shoulder. They’d jostled for space and then fucked in the ‘fresher. It had been – good. 
The pieces available to Boba now – several hours, a few arguments and an extremely unpleasant conversation about just what branch of mando’ade had sprouted Din – didn’t fit together in a pretty, neat holopuzzle. 
Din’s Death Watch, Boba thought, still staring hard at Vizsla. Or – something that grew out of Death Watch. 
And Din was avoiding his brother. He hadn’t said anything about it to Boba, but on the shaky flight back from Arkanis, Din had gone to talk to Vizsla and when he’d come back, something had changed. 
Vizsla’d been happy to see Din, on Arkanis. Relieved. The little verd’ika, Strill, had sought Din out specifically. She had needed his help. Vizsla had needed Din’s help. 
But sometime between climbing back aboard Strill’s battered old ship and landing on Tatooine, something on the Huntress had gone wrong. Din’d gone to talk to Vizsla and then he’d come back, and when he’d come back, he’d been like a ghost. A ghul, a desert spirit, stripped of something bright and vital. 
Boba didn’t know what Vizsla had done to hurt Din like that, but he could guess at the shape of it. Boba didn’t know Vizsla personally – not this Vizsla, at least – but he knew enough of Death Watch to know that it was Vizsla who’d hurt Din, not the other way around. Din, after all, had saved Vizsla’s life. 
Mandalorians, Boba thought, curling his lip behind his helmet. 
He supposed that he shouldn’t be surprised, not really. This Vizsla was like the others. Like Tor Vizsla, who had ruined Boba’s father’s life. Like Pre Vizsla, who’d sold his own people out to Darth karking Maul in the middle of the Clone Wars. 
Boba didn’t know what it was, exactly, about most Mandalorians and their willingness to chew up and spit out the best of them, and he knew that Din was among the best of them, because Boba knew Din. Din had thrown himself wholeheartedly behind Boba. Din was fierce and stubborn and surprisingly sweet. He cheated during wrestling matches and spat blood at Boba’s feet, but blushed whenever Boba called him pretty and leaned into every gentle touch like each was the first kind hand Din had ever felt. 
And here, Boba thought, is Din’s brother. 
Vizsla didn’t answer Boba right away. He was swaying on his feet, still, like he’d had too much drink over a hand of cards, and he was moving his head from side to side like he couldn’t quite manage to focus on Boba. 
Boba didn’t care. 
“What,” he repeated, in a low, fierce voice, “did you just karking say?” 
Boba’s tone finally caught the attention of the verd’ike. Strill threw a hand out, keeping the three younger kids behind her, and Jaig took a half-step back away from Boba, pulling Vizsla with him. 
But Boba had caught Vizsla’s attention, too. 
Vizsla's focus sharpened. He was injured, but not so badly that he was deaf and blind to a threat in front of him.
Good, thought Boba, darkly. That means that I don't have to be the honorable one. He curled his hands into fists, and realized that his fingers were trembling with fury.
Vizsla shook his head slowly, swinging his helmet around like a bladeback preparing to charge.
"I said," Vizsla rumbled, his voice rasping and slow, "that I have to kill him, now."
Neither Vizsla nor Boba needed Vizsla to clarify who he was talking about.
Din, Boba thought. His temper broke.
"Right," Boba said, taking a step forward, and he would have put Paz Vizsla on the ground then and there, if it hadn't been for the verd'ike.
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wisefoxluminary · 8 months
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So I've been having a think about where they could take Ragnarr Vizsla in future seasons. Now that Paz is dead, I think we are set up for an interesting arc for Ragnarr for season 4 of the Mandalorian that I don't think anyone is talking about. The last time we saw Ragnarr, he was standing side by side with Axe celebrating the liberation of Mandalorian and it very well implies that he'll take in Ragnarr as his foundling as a way of honouring his father and his sacrifice. He'll become a honorary Nite Owl which means he will earn the right to walk both ways. He will embrace two sets of Mandalorian ideals and cultures and that'll help him overcome his grief for Paz and take on more of a leadership role within his Mandalorian sect. I think this has been established a lot with the way Ragnarr takes the other children inside when the nite owls first arrive in Nevarro, just like Paz when he led the other Mandalorians greeting Din and Bo. The foundlings trust him and follow his lead. Paz was a fearless warrior and I think wee little Ragnarr has what it takes to surpass him and possibly become a great leader and fighter himself. Remember the big rousing speech Paz gave in the caves, I think Ragnarr has what it takes to follow that legacy. I'm sure he would have learned a lot from Paz when he raised him and he probably became a role model for Ragnarr, someone to look up to as a leader and somewhat inspire to become later in life. With Axe's training, I'm sure Ragnarr will grow in strength and be able to defend himself if another monster tries to capture him. I think this training will shape Ragnarr into becoming a capable fighter in his clan and that will drive him into making impulsive decisions. When Bo or the other Mandalorians work together on a mission, he'll want to tag along but others will opt for him to stay out of danger because they think he'll suffer just like his dad. It's not until Din and Grogu come back that he starts to sneak onto their ship and take part in their great escapees and missions. Din doesn't scold Ragnarr, he doesn't tell him to go home, no, he sees the potential in Ragnarr and how he reminds him so much of his fallen brother. So my theory is that throughout season 4 and beyond, Ragnarr will grow into a more respectable and selfless leader like Paz who uses anger as a tool against his sworn enemies and he'll grow more confident and stronger as a result. There is so much potential for this character that can't be passed up as he has a long legacy to live up to and I want to see that explored in depth in future seasons.
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vanishedangels · 1 year
Summary: In a Galaxy where the Jedi are almost forgotten, Din Djarin, a young mandalorian, is currently in his final year at Galactic Republic College. At the beginning of his last semester he meets the enigmatic Luke Skywalker, his best friend's estranged twin brother, and he grows obsessed with him almost immediately. He would do anything to win his heart, even when Luke treats him with utter disdain.
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Paz Vizsla, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Koska Reeves, Cobb Vanth.
Rating: Mature (+18) Rating will change
Warnings: Emotional Distress, Manipulation.
Tags: Canon Divergence AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Pining, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Tumblr Prompt, Eventual Smut.
Chapters: 1/?
Navigation: • Next Chapter ->
He hesitantly left his room that morning, a little anxious about the prospect of running into Luke while he was walking down the corridor, he was brushing his fingers across the wall when he made it into the living room, and, kriff! There was Luke, on the big couch, dressed as the night before, legs crossed, his hair tousled from sleeping, his eyelids puffy and his lips swollen. So this is how you look like in the morning. Adorable.
Chapter 1: The handsome stranger
Every year, Hanna City received students from all over the Galaxy, The Galactic Republic offered a two-year basic program with the purpose of providing political training to the most prominent families' kids.
When Din Djarin turned eighteen he chose Chandrila over other core worlds in order to complete the course. Little did he know that he would love Hanna City. The rented apartment he shared with his friend and tribe member, Paz Vizsla, became his favourite place in the Galaxy, although he never stopped considering Nevarro as his home. While Din didn't come from a prominent family, he was a member of the Children of the Watch, and, to his fortune, the head of his tribe rubbed shoulders with powerful leaders.
The first day at college he met this loquacious girl, petite, brunette, with a beautiful round face and big brown eyes. Din was trying to focus on whatever his new teacher was talking about when he heard a scathing comment coming from behind him, although he was the only one that could hear it, he turned around slowly only to find the most dazzling angelic smile he has ever seen, the girl was propping her chin on her delicate hand, she winked at Din and leaned in whispering another biting comment making him chuckle.
"I'm Leia Amidala." She said smoothing down Din's shirt with her free hand and Din knew right away that she would be one of his closest friends. And he wasn't wrong.
The first day of their last semester Din and Paz were reading on his datapad waiting for the class to start, the teacher leaned against the transparent board.
"Alright, today we're going to talk about the period between the establishment of the Grand Army of the Republic and the end of the Clone Wars." The teacher said and Din rolled his shoulders back, he hated history class, he would have failed every single exam without Leia's help.
Over the next hour, Din was paying less and less attention, the class turned into a heated discussion very quickly and he wasn't fond of arguing about past events, he always believed that whatever happened in the past should stay in the past, he was a mandalorian and he needed to move on, his people's history was tragic and painful, nothing would change that, therefore he didn't see any reason to dwell on the past events.
"Well, I blame it on the Jedi, they disappeared and left us at the Supreme Chancellor's mercy!" A twi'lek student yelled at the teacher.
Paz was sitting next to Din and flinched "Fuck, man, don't go there." He said through gritted teeth and under his breath. Din looked at him sideways.
Before the teacher could say a word, someone intervened "You don't know what you're talking about." Everyone in the classroom went silent. Din and Paz slowly turned their heads to look at the back of the room, there was a boy, with hair black as night and pale skin making contrast, he was staring down scratching the surface of the table, resting his face on his knuckles, he was wearing an oversized gray sweater that almost covered his hands all the way. He frowned realizing everyone was staring at him. He looked up and Din could see the blueish of his big eyes. He blinked a couple of times before the twi'lek snorted at him.
"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't remember your name, uh-" The teacher said looking at the boy in the back of the room.
The boy sighed visibly annoyed "It's Luke Skywalker."
Paz arched his eyebrows and looked at Din.
"It's the first time I see you in this class." The teacher grabbed his datapad "Let me, let me see."
The boy crossed his arms over his chest leaning back in his seat, with a scowl on his face, Din kept staring at him, somehow astounded by the guy's boldness.
"Oh, here you are. Luke Skywalker. Alright, I guess you've been transferred to this college." The teacher nodded smiling but the boy only huffed in response and Din widened his eyes, smirking a little. "Where are you coming from, Luke?"
The boy rolled his eyes and propped his elbows on the table, arms still crossed "Coruscant." He said shrugging.
"Welcome, then." The teacher added and resumed the class.
When the class was dismissed, Din and Paz remained in their seats, almost turning around at the same time in order to look at the new student. The guy grabbed his datapad and he dashed out of the class room, eyes on the floor, avoiding everyone around him.
Paz was scratching his nose "Weird creature, huh?" He said to Din as he stood up.
That made Din furrow his eyebrows "Yeah." He said under his breath, following his vod and leaving the classroom. He walked to the main entrance and he smiled when he saw Leia by the stairs.
"Hey, girl!" Din said wrapping his arms around her neck from behind and he froze when he found that his new classmate, Luke Skywalker, was standing in front of Leia, and when his eyes met Luke's, the boy gave him a death stare that made Din shudder with something that resembled fear.
Luke lowered his gaze, focused on Leia now "I won't bother you anymore, see you later." He turned around and walked away, Leia closed her eyes sighing deeply, curling her hand around Din's arm still around her neck.
Din was frozen, he withdrew his arms from her slowly as the girl turned to face him "Fuck, this is so weird." She tilted her head. "I'm sorry Din, the way he looked at you, I'm- Sorry."
Who is he. Din was still looking at Luke's distant form. Leia's little hand on his chest bringing him out of his mind "Who's that guy, Leia?"
She pressed her lips together "Can we go for a walk Din? I really need a friend right now."
Din nodded hugging her and kissing the top of her head "Sure, Lei."
They left the building in silence. Din was worried about his friend, he knew Leia very well and this was the first time she wasn't talking his ear off, worse, she remained silent walking by his side. She came to a halt sitting down on a bench grabbing Din's hand forcing him to sit next to her.
Din started to suspect that Luke Skywalker was Leia's boyfriend and he decided that he didn't like it, in fact he hated the idea. The guy was treating her poorly and Din couldn't wrap his mind around it.
The brunette groaned rubbing her face with her hands. "Din?" She was drawing her hands down, resting them on her thighs, Din looked into her eyes "Remember when I told you that I used to live on Coruscant?" He nodded. "Alright. When I was around nine, my parents got divorced and my father threatened my mother, he told her that she could take me with her only if she relinquished custody of their other son, my twin brother, Luke."
Din's eyes went round, of course he knew that Leia had a twin brother, but she never told him the reason why they didn't grow up together and Din never inquired about it. He remembered seeing holopics of a young Leia and her blonde brother smiling and hugging each other and his stomach flipped, that little boy looked so happy and bright in those pics, so different from the man he met an hour ago, this Luke looked apathetic and angry, distant and even arrogant.
"So-" Leia continued "My mother was forced to move to Chandrila with me and leave Luke on Coruscant with my father, I haven't seen him in ten years, Din. Then, out of the blue, he showed up at my house last weekend, our father as well, and he asked my mother to talk in private. When they returned, mother told me that Luke was moving in with us for the last semester and, although I always dreamed about seeing Luke again, I realized that we are like two strangers living in the same house, it hurts so much when I think about it, but, I don't even know him, Din." She said as tears filled her eyes.
Din rubbed circles on her back and then brought her close to his chest, he rested his chin on her head, stroking her shoulders and arms and his heart clenched when he felt Leia's tears moistening the skin of his neck.
Din loved art class, he found out that he had a natural talent for drawing and he could spend hours practicing at home. He was sharpening his graphite pencil when he saw Luke Skywalker entering the room, and suddenly he was feeling uneasy. They locked eyes for a split second before Luke looked away and Din couldn't stop staring at him, he wanted to make a good impression. After all, Luke was his best friend's twin brother.
He cast a glance at Luke over his shoulder now and then, and the guy looked absent every single time, he was focused on his sketchbook, Din craned his neck to see what was Luke drawing, he frowned catching a glimpse of the drawing of a man in robes wielding a strange sword. Then he returned to the boy's face, Luke had a dimple in his chin, and full pink lips, his cheeks were as pale as the rest of his skin and his eyes were blue, his dark hair was covering his eyebrows and curling at the ends in a charming way, making him look boyish and adorable at the same time. The corner of Din's mouth quirked up slightly. He rested his cheek on his hand, trying to learn by heart every detail about Luke's face, as an artist, Din recognized beauty when he saw it, and Luke was beautiful. Din scratched his jaw frowning, focusing on his own sketchbook again, realizing that Luke was also mysterious and unreachable, and maybe that was the reason he was finding him beautiful. Still Din could sense something eerie and strange lying underneath that alluring outward appearance.
Once Din packed up his stuff he stood up swiftly at the same moment Luke was trying to brush past him, accidentally colliding with Din. Their chest were pressed together and Din widened his eyes staring at his face as embarrassment was taking him over. As a reflex, he grabbed Luke by his elbows swaying a little, the boy winced and looked at him grimacing, jerking his arms and escaping Din's grip.
"Sorry." He managed to say but Luke just nodded and he was already walking away. Din drew his hand up and pinched the bridge of his nose closing his eyes.
Trying to disregard the bad taste that the episode with Luke left in his mouth he headed towards the cafeteria, he nodded smiling at his friends sitting at a table and joined them, he frowned smiling when he realized they were all looking to the same direction "What are we looking at?" He asked and then his smile faded away when he found out that they were staring at Luke, the Skywalker boy was sitting alone two tables away from them.
"The new kid." Cobb snapped.
Din scratched the back of his head trying to ignore his friends' comments.
"I think he's weird." Paz said resting his arm on Din's backrest "He's nothing like Leia, they don't even share the same last name. Are you sure they're twins, vod?" He asked staring at him sideways. Din shrugged one arm shifting his gaze from Paz to Luke.
"Did Leia tell you why he was transferred in the middle of the last year?" Koska asked sipping caf.
Din shook his head slightly as Cobb Vanth rose to his feet "I don't care, I'm going over there." He said wiggling his eyebrows and smirking at them.
Cobb was conventionally handsome, when he walked into a room he turned every head, and above that, he was charming and cool. They usually joked about his strong sexual magnetism, no wonder he looked so self-confident approaching Luke.
He sat down next to Luke resting his forearm on the table, leaning in closer to him, Din watched the scene from afar keenly, he didn't know Luke but he was certain that he would roast Cobb right there and then.
"Look at him, he's in his element." Paz said chuckling "What do you think he's saying?"
"Whatever he's saying, he's losing him." Koska pointed out and Din couldn't help feeling a little relieved when Luke stood up to walk away while Cobb was staring at him bursting into laughter and running his hand through his hair, clearly embarrassed. He finally returned to their table.
"What was that, man?" Paz asked him amused. "First time I see you failing." He added grinning.
"He's as cold as Hoth, trust me." He answered putting his hands on his hips and biting his lip.
"Why?" Din asked scrolling through his datapad pretending that he wasn't interested at all "What did he say?" He looked up to meet Cobb's eyes.
His friend chuckled leaning forward "He told me to fuck off." Din arched his eyebrows schooling his expression in order to hide the unexpected feeling of satisfaction as the rest of his friends started tossing napkins and straws to Vanth.
After spending the rest of the day at the library, Din walked to his apartment, he was exhausted and starved, only thinking about taking a shower and snuggling down in his couch but when he was about to open the front door he saw Paz' stinky sock wrapped around the doorknob. He retched withdrawing his hand and he cursed Paz under his breath. Apparently he invited Koska over and now Din needed to improvise.
Dammit, Paz.
He considered it for a moment and then he decided that it was a good idea to pay Leia a visit, he left the building trying to convince himself that he wasn't thrilled at the likelihood of seeing Luke again that day.
Din rang the doorbell and shoved his hands in his pockets waiting for someone to answer, he blinked staring at the door, hissing, secretly expecting to see Luke's face the moment the door opened, he frowned wondering why he was so desperate to be around the guy. Was it because he was so elusive, so unreachable and so full of himself? His mouth twitched remembering the way Luke rebuffed Cobb.
Finally, the door opened and he smiled fondly when he saw Leia's face.
"Din!" She beamed putting her hands on his shoulders kissing his cheek "What are you doing here? I thought you were studying tonight!" She said closing the door behind them.
He looked around, swaying on his feet "Uh, Paz and Koska... Again." He said squeezing his eyes shut and wrinkling his nose, earning him a chuckle from Leia.
"Don't worry, the guest room is ready for you as usual, Din." She walked past him.
Din's eyes followed her moves as realization hit him, he stayed over at the Amidala's house quite often, but now it was different, he felt a shiver running down his spine when he thought that this time he would be sleeping under the same roof as Luke Skywalker and he blinked feeling confused as he tried to shrug off that idea.
He followed Leia into the dinner room "Look who's here, mom." She said sitting at the large table while her mother, Padmé Amidala stood up and walked towards Din, she nodded at him smiling.
"Welcome Din, we missed you." Din smiled back at her and they chatted a little before he could notice that Leia was nowhere in sight. "Please, Din, take a sit." And Din obliged. Padmé was carefully arranging her sophisticated georgette dress in order to sat down on the head seat, Leia came back and sat down next to Din giving him a goofy smile and he chuckled shaking his head. He loved spending time with the Amidala girls, Padmé became a mother figure to him very quickly, in some way he considered them their family. Maybe it was because of their affectionate nature, or maybe it was because Din has been a foundling since his parents died and he found in Leia and Padmé the family they've always longed to have.
They started eating, making a small talk when Luke walked into the room. Leia was talking about some guy she met that day and she made a pause when her brother came to a halt, his eyes fixed on Din. He froze.
"Good evening, son. Would you join us?" His mother asked with a gentle smile on her face "Have you met Leia's friend?"
"Huh? Yeah." Luke replied nonchalantly, avoiding Din's gaze and walking towards the table.
Luke was wearing a white tight long sleeve t-shirt and black sweatpants, he sat down across from Din and when he looked at him again, Din could see that he was also wearing thick black eyeliner that brought out the blue of his eyes.
Indeed he was mesh'la. Din thought, not able to tear his gaze away from him. Leia gave him the side-eye, clearing her throat.
"Din, are you thinking on pursue a career in politics like Leia?" Padmé asked bringing Din out of his mind.
"Mother." Leia huffed scolding her.
Padmé shrugged tilting her head "What did I say?"
Din smiled politely "I don't think I would, Senator. The only class I'm enjoying so far is art."
"Oh, Luke is in that class too." The matriarch casually mentioned and Din's eyes were immediately on Luke, he realized he looked tense.
He was resting his forearms on the table, clutching his fork so tightly that his knuckles went white. He uttered a snort "How do you know that?" Luke blurted staring at her as his brows drew together.
Din felt something unpleasant squirming in his stomach, Luke was being inconsiderate and harsh to everyone, including his own mother.
"I'm sorry, I talked to the dean, she's a good friend of mine." His mother looked down, brushing her fingers against her napkin, she seemed embarrassed.
They were silent for a while.
"So, Din is a very talented artist, mother." Leia said, in an obvious attempt to bring some positivity to the gathering.
"And so is Luke." Din said absentmindedly stirring his spoon inside his bowl, staring down as a lopsided smile crossed his face. When he realized he addressed Luke he pressed his lips together glaring at the boy in front of him, his fingers twitched around the spoon.
Luke was staring at him in silence, and if you asked Din, he looked offended but also astounded.
"Really?" Padmé asked heartily.
"I don't think so-" Luke replied narrowing his eyes looking at Din pointedly "Din." He added sardonically, he sipped at his glass and then put it down.
Din blinked staring at him, he understood right there and then that he shouldn't say a word about the boy again. It was curious but he was feeling fascinated by Luke's rudeness and disgruntled with that trait of him at the same time.
Padmé excused herself when one of the servant droids announced that she had an important holocom. Din was carefully watching the servant's every move until it left the room. "What is it?" Leia whispered putting her hand on Din's shoulder.
"Droids." Din muttered and he found that Luke has been staring at him the whole time. One arm hooked around the backrest of the vacant seat beside him, fingers digging into the scarlet velvet fabric of the chair, head tilted. Din looked away meeting Leia's eyes.
"Ugh! Right." Leia shook her head "Sorry, I forgot about that." She stood up slowly "Come Din." She said offering him her hand "Oh, and Luke." She said turning her face towards her brother "Din is staying over, he's staying in the guest room." She nodded at him as Din was trying to assess Luke's reaction.
"Okay." Luke said standing up and walking out the room.
Leia grunted "Fuck, I told you!" She said leaning against Din's arm "I can't fucking reach him, it's so frustrating." She sighed and Din agreed.
Totally relatable.
When he pictured his Friday night, he didn't imagine it like this, he was tossing and turning, staring at the ceiling thinking about all the stupid things he has done that day, and all of them involved Luke.
"Huh?" He realized that Luke Skywalker made him feel stupid and awkward and he hated that.
He hesitantly left his room that morning, a little anxious about the prospect of running into Luke while he was walking down the corridor, he was brushing his fingers across the wall when he made it into the living room, and, fuck! There was Luke, on the big couch, dressed as the night before, legs crossed, his hair tousled from sleeping, his eyelids puffy and his lips swollen.
So this is how you look like in the morning. Adorable.
"Din Djarin, isn't it?" He asked with a cup of caf between his lovely fingers, although Din didn't know why he found them lovely. Din nodded approaching him "Are you banging my sister?" He asked and Din felt a rush of heat spreading up from his neck to his cheeks. "Gods, I don't wanna know." Luke said shaking his head grabbing his datapad with one hand and bringing the cup to his lips with the other. Somehow Din was missing his blue eyes on him already.
"I'm not... you know. She's like a sister to me." Din said squaring his shoulders and puffing out his chest. Enough is enough! He wouldn't look like a little mouse daunted by Luke's arrogance anymore. He knew he looked broad and intimidating now and when Luke looked up at him again he could have sworn that, for a second, his blue eyes flickered.
But it didn't last. Luke was chuckling, gesturing at him with his caf cup "Congratulations then, you're the brother she never had." He smiled bitterly and his eyes looked sad and somehow, they were empty, shining with no light, making Din's hair stand on end.
"I'm not her brother. You are." Din deadpanned clenching his hands into fists. Luke's lips parted and he put his cup down. He uncrossed his legs leaning forward to stand up and Din felt the irrepressible urge to shove him against the couch and shut his stupid mouth with a furious kiss. And fuck! Now he knew what the hell was going on with him, he wanted to fuck Luke so badly that it made him look stupid.
He approached Din and walked around him in circles, finally leaning in to whisper in his ear "Why are you here?
Din swallowed tightly feeling like Luke was some kind of predator and he was his prey.
"I always stay over." He shrugged annoyed.
"And you are telling me that you're not my sister's lover." The guy retorted and Din moved his head to look at him, he was so close now that he could see the freckles on Luke's nose and yes, he wanted to ruin him against any surface available.
"Why do you care?" Din finally sputtered.
Luke lowered his gaze "I don't." He frowned and walked away.
Din stayed at Leia's until noon but Luke never showed up again. He finally returned to his apartment to have lunch with Paz, he wasn't listening to him while his friend was talking about the big fight Koska and him had earlier that morning, Din could only think about the way Luke Skywalker made him feel - insecure, desperate and eager. He knew he was being pathetic, the guy didn't even care about him, in fact, Luke didn't care about anyone, he was enigmatic, a puzzle, and Din was dying to put all the pieces together. His lips curled up into a smile daydreaming about making Luke feel good, making him feel warm and safe, wrapping his arms around him, kissing him until he fell asleep, making him feel at home.
"Vod!" Paz grumbled bringing him out of his reverie "You're not listening to me! Look at your face!" He snapped his fingers at him "Where were you last night? Dank farrik! Who was it?"
His friend chuckled "C'mon Djarin, it's pretty obvious, you hooked up last night." Din's chest tightened as well as his tummy "So, who was it? You were parsecs away a second ago. Kriff, vod, you should have seen the look on your face, they've got you down bad. Huh?"
Din snorted out a laugh, shaking his head, for a second he considered tell him the truth, that he stayed at Leia's since he didn't want to entertain Paz' idea, but when he was about to tell him so, he suspected that Paz would connect the dots and realize that Din was having the weirdest, fattest crush on Luke Skywalker. He widened his eyes, feeling his cheeks warm, he couldn't believe that he was thinking that he had a crush on Leia's twin brother. It was something outrageous and foreign, being infatuated with someone he has just met.
"Your face is all red." Paz jabbed his finger in his cheek and Din jerked away grunting. "Alright, Din, don't tell me, go to hell." He stood up laughing and he towered over Din condescendingly patting his shoulder.
When Paz closed the main door behind him, Din chewed on his bottom lip, fingers fidgeting over the table, he drew in a sharp inhale, knowing that this one was going to be a long semester.
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intothemurkwood · 11 months
Din Djarin x f!reader as Paz Vizsla's sister
I have two fic ideas and I can only focus on writing one at a time
Option 1 f!reader is Paz Vizsla's younger sister and member of the Children of the Watch. During the Night of a Thousand Tears she flees the Death Watch enclave on Concordia, rescuing ~50 foundlings. Big 'Daddy Mando' vibes. Paz and Djarin friends to enemies vibes, and more… Essentially a look at Djarin in the decade before the events of The Mandalorian series.
Option 2 f!reader is Paz Vizsla's younger sister and member of the Children of the Watch. During the Night of a Thousand Tears she flees the Death Watch enclave on Concordia, rescuing ~50 Mandalorian foundlings. The relativistic shielding on her ship is damaged and when she jumps to hyperspace she travels ten years into the future and picks up immediately after season 3. Still Big Daddy Mando Vibes but big heartache vibes over losing her brother.
An excerpt from the WIP: The air is still, and a strangeness quivers in the shadows. You step outside of the hangar and look up to the night sky, the devastation unfolding on Mandalore becomes all too clear. Imperial ships loom. Tie bombers drop fusion bombs that bathe the planet in an infernal glow. A sense of dread washes over you, your heart weighs heavy with the weight of the destruction of your people, your home, your way of life.
Edit: Thank you to all of you who voted!
Click below to go directly the Prologue Chapter of:
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spc4eva · 3 years
Mandokar: Chapter Four
I’m weak willed y’all. Enjoy the years flying by. *cries in hopeless romantic* I couldn’t stop myself - HERE HAVE IT.
Summary: The years make the heart grow fonder. But the Empire looms on the horizon and they’ll not leave any planet untouched. 
Word Count: 17,673
Rating: M (+18) latter part of the chapter contains full on smut - praise kink, the helmets stay on, dirty talking, unprotected, vaginal, and fingering
Warning: mentions of questionable consent for touching and coercion past comfort
Cross Posted on AO3
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Din was the first to return. He'd not really been expecting it to go any other way, but he had sort of hoped that Sena might be waiting, gracing him with a middle finger and arrogant helmet tilt. Instead, he knelt before the Elders in the Foundry as he handed over the supplies purchased with the credits from his hunt. Shustii, the only other mando who did not wear a helmet amongst the council, creased a smile amongst her wrinkles. 
"You have impressed the Tribe, Djarin," her trembling elderly voice announced, speaking for the group. His own eyes went to Rhenx, whom he had always admired, but it was always Shustii who gave him attention. "You are the first to return from your Trial and with a bountiful harvest. For your success, you shall move forward in your training."
Din bowed his head respectfully, pausing in the position, before coming back up mechanically. Waiting for his dismissal, it was given when Shustii nodded, allowing for him to get back to his feet. The Armorer stepped forward and acquired his offering before he turned around, departing from the Foundry. While he was proud to be the first one back, he also didn't think the job had been that difficult. His bounty had all but sobbed at his feet, begging not to be taken in. Up to his eyeballs in debt, the man knew he was going to be killed or forced into servitude. None of that was Din's problem. It was a job and the man had done this to himself. 
He wondered what the rest of his vod were up to, trying to silently place his bets on the order in which they'd return. He banked on Sena being a close contender, followed by Kedth and Xivi (who had decided to wait until she was 17 to go on her hunt). He was absolutely astonished to see Aya return next, but quickly realized that it wasn't because she had been successful. Over the years, since her loss to Sena, she'd cut herself off more from the rest of the group. He didn't pity her, as he took his own solace on not always being a part of the main crowd, but they were opposites. He took his part in the Tribe very seriously and Aya did not try. Most of her peers disliked her, Din included, because of what she'd done after the end of her duel. The mando had never apologized for it and Sena was quite popular within their class and outside of it with hunters around her brother's age. If she had just apologized, her luck might've been much better. 
From the sag of her shoulders and the uneasy amount of time she was locked in the Foundry, Din knew she had failed. Noticing her departure at dusk, he could hear her cries coming out from her vocoder as she dejectedly wandered off. People who failed were allowed to try again when they were older and would eventually be assigned duties around the covert. Since they were not talented enough to manage easy bounties, they would be put to better use in doing things like cooking, raising the Foundlings, and supply requisitions. These were not bad jobs, as they were necessary for the Tribe to function, but it had to be a hard pill to swallow - watching your peers move on and being barred behind because of incompetence. 
Kedth arrived the following day, brimming with pride, and leaving the Foundry after a short hour of talking with the Elders. 
"Who else has come back?" Kedth asked, finding him in the Den.
"Aya failed, but she is the only other one," he answered, feet kicked up on the edge of the hearth table where flames sputtered up from the center.
"Dank farrik, I beat the Vizslas?" Kedth let out a little hoot of victory. "Knew I wasn't gonna beat you, but I expected Sena to be neck and neck with you."
"Depends on where her bounty was," Din shrugged. By this point he assumed it was a lengthy distance, because she wouldn't have taken their bet if she knew she was going to lose. He thumbed something in his pocket, contemplating whether or not after the First Trial was the best time to give it. He'd already noticed Hyvhast eying Sena and after they left normal classes, any of the female mandos would become fair game. It hadn't been his intention to eye up his rival, but he also didn't like the idea of anyone other than himself hunting her.
"Did you hear me Djarin?" Kedth intoned. 
"What?" he tilted his visor back, dropping his hand from his pocket. 
"I asked who you think is gonna get here next."
He shrugged, unable to levy bets when they had no idea where their vod were in the Outer Rim. They didn't have to wait around too long. Oyiin followed, which began making him anxious. Xivi was next, followed by Vowr, and finally Sena. Everyone had passed and he knew that Vizsla had too by the hefty supplies she dragged with her to the Foundry. Din waited for her to be released, darkness falling over the village before she stepped out of the Foundry, the moonlight catching the golden paint on her armor, lighting it up like a beacon against her dark armor. 
"Looks like you lost," he announced smugly.
Sena's helmet turned up toward him, a strange, uncharacteristic line in her shoulders as she just stared. "Whatever," she grumbled and walked away. 
He assumed she was just bitter, trotting after her. "Where did your bounty take you?" he inquired casually.
She did not answer, quickening her pace as she carved the path back to the Vizsla house. 
This disquieted him. Sena was a blabber mouth, more than eager to talk about her success and paint vivid stories with her words. " Vod ?"
"I don't want to talk about it," her crisp voice was cold and distant.
"Did you fail?" That was the wrong question. Of course she hadn't failed. Din had watched her carrying in her supplies, but he couldn't logically find another reason why she wouldn't just say what happened.
"Then what-"
"I don't want to talk about it!" she snarled. The Vizsla temper was infamous around the Tribe, but it wasn't often that it was bared. Most knew to be wary of it as Hux had once displayed how terrible their family's temper could be. There were a few times where Paz had threatened to teeter over that delicate edge, but his antagonizers quickly backed off as Big Blue had become the largest person in the Tribe. 
He didn't find out why she was so upset until he was sparring with Paz later in the week. Sena had been incredibly quiet compared to usual. While she was amongst her friends, she didn't contribute to the conversation or answer questions as frequently as typical. He parried a thrust, bones ringing beneath his vambrace at the strength in Paz's well placed strike. If he had to guess, this Vizsla also seemed rather irritated. 
"Hey," Din muttered once they'd come to a close, his heart pounding his chest, Paz shoving the straw of his water bottle underneath his helmet before greedily drinking. "Are you two alright? Since coming back from the First Trial-" he trailed off, Paz glaring at him and straightening at the suggestion. 
"What's it matter to you?" the blue mando asked sharply. 
"We're  vod ," Din offered poorly. 
For a fleeting second, Din thought that Paz was going to pummel him into the ground. Instead, a breath hissed through his vocoder, crackling slightly at the end. "Mission was tough on us," was all he was willing to admit. 
The answer was cryptic and Din still didn't comprehend. "Tough quarry?"
"I wish," Paz grumbled. "Just don't bother her about it. She just needs some time to cool down. Ready for another round?"
Cooling down took much longer than Din had expected. His thoughts wandered about what had happened that was enough to shake Sena and Paz. Whatever it was, he couldn't even begin to fathom it, but it must've been bad. Training continued as usual and he clung to the small gift he had intended on giving her way longer, until it became just a familiar weight in his pocket, and he shrank back as older hunters began talking to her. Paz was almost always nearby, hovering like a menacing shadow, refusing to allow anyone who wasn't a classmate of hers linger for more than a couple of minutes.
As annoying as that might've been for Sena, Din was thankful for it. Or, he had been until Hyvhast finally broke through her denials and disinterest, officially staking his claim on Sena after their Second Trial. To say that Din was bitter was an absolute understatement, sparing his friend long stares as he noticed keldabe kisses being exchanged between her and Hyvhast. Beyond that, he didn't know what else was going on relationship-wise and felt too peeved (and awkward) to even think about asking her how things were going. 
It wasn't permanent was it? Maybe eventually Sena would see that Din was a better hunter and leave behind Hyvhast. He snorted at his dumb thoughts, aware that Hyvhast's unrelenting persistence was the only reason Sena had agreed to court with him. Din Djarin had done nothing to express his feelings toward her. In fact, he'd held onto the gift he'd intended on giving her for two years. Not once had he felt it was the right time to give it to her and come the end of the Second Trial, she was suddenly taken. 
He'd grown closer to Paz, not because it suited him, but because he liked the Vizsla. Always willing to help when he had time, Paz made for a great companion and an even better teacher. Din would have been an idiot not to take advantage of the other male's knowledge. They'd gone a few hunts together and out of most people, he found he preferred working with Paz to those he grew up with. 
"Where's the Guild that we're headed to?" Paz yawned, cleaning his heavy blaster before the mission, setting the pieces spread on the table in the Vizsla  karyai . 
"Felucia," Din answered shortly. Wasn't the best planet, in fact it was incredibly humid and sticky, swampy to the point where just walking around town felt as if it soaked you straight through, but the Guild outpost there was remote and nondescript. "Where do you usually go?"
"Dadrus," Paz was cleaning the bolt still with a rag, wiping away the residue before picking up  his ale and drinking it through a straw. "Not too bad out there. The Guild Master is fond of Sena, so he tends to give us good pucks."
"Where is she? I haven't seen her around recently," Din commented, trying to sound disinterested and nonchalant. 
"She went out tonight," Paz grumbled, his mood shifting immediately. 
Oh. Din turned his helmet back down to his ambien rifle and tried to pretend as if that didn't bother him. For a split second, he thought the conversation had been dropped like a hot potato, but Paz picked back up with a sharp intake of breath like he was a bull nerf about to charge.
"Don't understand what she sees in Hyvhast," Paz vented, shoulders pinned tensely as he hunched closer to his weapons. "He's a good hunter, but he's  ori'buyce, kih'kovid ."
Din snorted, aware of what he was referencing. Hyvhast had no modesty. Well, that wasn't quite a trait taught amongst Mandalorians, you still acknowledged your Elders and those that were better than you. He didn't spend enough time around Hyvhast to know him too well, but he'd heard the other hunter boasting in the Den before, loudly enough that the rest of the patrons could hear him. He wasn't being brash accidentally, he wanted everyone to hear. 
"Never understood why you never made a play at her," Paz remarked between his snippets of insulting Hyvhast. 
Din froze, almost dropping the priming pin in his hands at the Vizsla's proclamation. Swallowing hard, he looked over to see the visor fixated on him, undoubtedly Paz locking eyes. Was he saying that he would've allowed it? That he wouldn't be complaining about Din half as much as he did about Hyvhast? Somehow he doubted that. Whoever dated Sena was going to have to deal with the over protective big brother. 
The door opened, saving his  shebs from having to offer a rebuttal to Paz. Snapping his visor away, finally releasing Din from the power of holding his gaze, he sat up and dropped his charging handle on the table and stood up abruptly. Cocking his head, he turned around to see what was going on, noticing that Sena had returned home for the evening. His heart ached at the sight of her, not noticing the tremble in her shoulders or the quick way she ran to her bedroom. 
Paz was at the door just as it closed in his face, causing Din to glance back in confusion. "Sen'ika? Sen'ika open the door or I'm coming in-" his voice dropped, tender and unlike the man that Din knew. Something was wrong and Din hadn't even noticed, but the moment that Paz had laid eyes on his sister it'd taken all but two seconds for him to know. That made his stomach shift uncomfortably, wondering how many times he'd never noticed that she was upset. Maybe he really didn't deserve to court her.
Paz punched the code into the door, an item falling out of his bandolier and catching the door before it closed completely. It jarred it, leaving it open just a breadth, Din staring at it as he heard the conversation he wasn't intended to. 
There was quiet sniffling, followed by the bed squeaking, bucking beneath Paz's weight as he sat on it. "Am I ugly?" she asked her brother quietly, voice unmodulated; her helmet was off. She always had a different accent from everyone else, so articulate and prim (aside from when she cursed) and it made his knees weak even now.
The silence threatened to strangle Din where he sat, wondering if anyone outside her  aliit had seen her face. Finally, Paz spoke, "Why would you think that?"
She broke out into more tears. Such an awful noise, each little whimper sending unpleasant stabs down Din's back, his throat parched, and his fingers tightening around the arms of the chair he lounged in.
"Did Hyvhast do something? Did he see-"
"N-no, not beneath my helmet," she hiccuped.
"Then why would you think that? Why would you think you're ugly, princess?" he soothed, his own voice suddenly warmer and unmodulated.
"W-we were fooling around and... you know how I feel about that after what happened on Tatooine-" she choked out, hoarse and tinny. "-but I thought he was nice, s-so I let him. He's been wanting to for weeks now, b-but I wasn't ready. Wh-when he saw beneath my-" she wailed again, Din flinching.
"He saw what?" the edge of fury hissed in Paz's voice, the low growl that would build up into more. 
"H-he said I looked like a b-boy. Th-that I have no chest. And then m-my marks-"
"Shh, Sen'ika. He's  di’kutla  . He'll never know the  mesh'la dala  beneath the helmet," Paz soothed. "He was never worthy."
"I told you that Anaxians age slower," she whined. "I-I'm still growing. I just thought maybe he would wait a couple more years but-"
"That was never his interest. I warned you about what happens when hunting begins," Paz muttered darkly. "It's not always with the intention of entering  riduurok ."
She broke back down into a fit of crying, Din glued to his chair and unable to move for fear of alerting the both of them that he was eavesdropping. From what he garnered, Hyvhast had pressured her into doing things before she was ready and that vexed him. What had happened on Tatooine? What the kriff was an Anaxian? He thought she was Sephi. His memories flipped back to their first time by the moon pool as children, the way she'd climbed the tree and howled at the stars. There had always been something strange about her that he could never quite place his finger on. Part of that mysteriousness had drawn him in. 
Now there were other reasons. His fingers thumbed the item in his pocket, clenching tightly around it that the beskar pressed through his gloves and into his skin. She was a loyal member of the Tribe, shouldered her duty, made an amazing hunter, and pulled her weight amongst the Tribe without ever offering a complaint. Aside from her abilities as a Mandalorian, Din thought she was one of the most amusing people he knew. With a mouth like a sailor and goofy to a fault, when she wasn't being serious about her work, she was fun to be around... easy to be around. And tolerable. More than tolerable by this point. Din liked spending time with her, even if that just meant practicing in the yard. They'd done that a lot less recently.
Then there was the fact that the both of them had come from similar backgrounds, ripped away from their homes amongst war and battle. Neither had spoken much about it, other than acknowledging that there would always be those memories before they were Mandalorian. 
Hearing his friend cry broke something in him, each little sniffle like the a  kal in his chest, prodding him again at her despair. Wasn't often you heard Mandalorians cry, let alone someone as chipper as Sena. She was so kriffing stubborn and prideful that she'd suffered being bullied as a kid because she was unwilling to balk or bend. The only person who seemed to see the emotional side of her was her brother. And in a way, Din was betraying her trust by continuing to listen. 
Eventually, Paz got up and headed for the door. He paused, freezing when he saw what had caught in the door, picking it up before heading out and shutting the bedroom with a hydraulic hiss. Din jolted, visor locking with the blue Mandalorian's, wondering what was about to happen.
"Did you-" Paz started.
Din nodded.
" Hukaat'kama ," he ordered, striding out of the house.
Reassembling his rifle, he slung it over his back and sauntered after Paz. There was no question as to where he was going. Night basked them as they stalked their way past the Foundry and toward the Den. Paz's shoulders were set back, chest puffed out, and he moved as if they were on a bounty hunting mission. Halting outside the entrance, Paz rounded so quickly that Din threw his hands up defensively, uncertain if he was about to become the man's fixation while he saw red.
"Go in first. Ping me once you set eyes on him. If I go in, there will be no doubt why I'm there," Paz handed over a small comlink. He didn't need to say the name of the person he was referring to. Din was blatantly aware that they were there for Hyvhast. 
Taking the comlink, Din nodded and stepped by him, entering the Den. Set down a few steps in another dome shaped building, the lighting was dim and most was procured by the hearth tables. Small, simulated flames leapt up in the center, horseshoe shaped benches surrounding tables where various mandos put their black ale. A rambunctious group was collected to the far right, his eyes immediately finding the earthen brown armor of Hyvhast which was accentuated with moss green stripes. He was tall and lean, about Din's height, though not as broad. Caught in an animated conversation, Din slid over into a table just flanking to see what it was they were saying.
"So you're not with her anymore?" Mirrair asked, a mando in dusty orange beskar'gam. 
"Kriff no! Look, she's a great hunter and has  mandokarla , but she's got the body of a 12 year old boy. Hard to tell beneath the armor. Was a huge turn off," Hyvhast announced, immediately met with an awkward silence from his companions. "What? You guys think I'm wrong?"
"Well, she's Sephi, isn't she? Don't they, um, age differently?" Loah was a female mando in tan armor, a few black swirls decorating her helmet. 
"If she's got  mandokarla , what does it matter if she's flat-chested? You think you're going to find a female mando with a rack here? We're all athletic," Jiabe spoke up, just as affronted as Loah, crossing her arms over her cuirass defensively.
"There's not only that," Hyvhast backpedaled quickly. "She had there weird gold marks all over her skin - almost like tattoos, but they glowed-" Din pressed the comlink, not willing to listen to the bastard detail any more of his friend's body. Especially when his audience was also just as uncomfortable with the subject. 
"She's not human," Jiabe stood up, her voice rising. "Where is she? What did you say to her?"
Hyvhast jetted to his feet to meet her challenge. "She went running home. Couldn't take a little honesty."
Jiabe barked a harsh laugh. "Oh you're absolutely  shab  . Did you really think that Paz wouldn't find out about this?" She jammed her finger in between where the sides of Hyvhast's armor met, hitting flesh. "Who do you think you are? Hunting a  vod  and then laughing at her, talking to the rest of us about what is beneath her armor? I could give a womp rat's ass how much you supply for the Tribe. Not only have you insulted Clan Vizsla, but you've insulted ever  dala in the Tribe."
"Jiabe you're overreacting-" Hyvhast tried to placate her as if calling her hysterical was the right move.
It was not.
Jiabe's fist flew out, catching the man underneath his helmet and directly into his jaw. A sickening crack indicated that something had broken as he flew back, colliding with the back of the couch he had been standing in front of. " Ni cetar'narir kay'shebs ," she threatened, stretching her fingers just as Paz busted into the Den, causing everyone's helmet except for Jiabe's to turn. 
"Hyvhast!" Paz howled, shaking the room with the boom of his voice. 
The mando only groaned on the couch, still dazed from Jiabe's hook. She had his collar now, dragging his sorry  shebs  out of the booth and into the aisle where she dumped him to meet the Vizsla. "Think you're looking for this  jayc'kovid . Might've stolen the first punch from you," she informed him, glaring down at Hyvhast as he started coming to. "Think I broke his jaw."
Paz was livid, but he did glance over at her slightly in confusion. "Wha-"
"He was talking  osik  about your  vod  . No one has the right to express what they see beneath the  beskar'gam,  even if they do not like it. He affronted all dala in the Tribe by doing so and ridiculing her. But... he insulted Clan Vizsla first. If you wish to repay me for what I have stolen, I shall take it," Jiabe offered honorably, squaring up to him without fear.
" Nayc  ," Paz disagreed immediately. "  Vor entye . Help me take him out back and we'll call it even."
Honor was pinnacle in the Tribe and as Jiabe had said, Hyvhast had been impudent to assume that betraying the nature of what was beneath the  beskar'gam  - something so sacred to all of them - with the addition of his audacity to remark about a lack of a chest, was highly insulting to other women who might be self conscious about their features. Din had never really considered it, seeing that everyone except for the Foundlings were in armor, but supposed that Jiabe was right. All the women, except for the retired and elderly, would be physically fit and might not have much of a chest. He'd never particularly found himself staring at Sena's iron heart. That wasn't what was attractive about her. 
Paz and Jiabe dragged Hyvhast out as if he were a bag of garbage, undoubtedly for another beat down before they'd dump his  shebs at the Med-Deck. His mind went back to the conversation and the fact that Sena had said Anaxian and not Sephi. 
"Want anything?" Voormi was behind the bar this evening, gesturing to the only thing they had on tap - black ale. 
"I've got a question," he proposed, receiving a nod from her. "Do you know what Anaxians are?"
"Anaxians?" she rocked back on her heels, tilting her lime green helmet as she hummed quietly to herself. "Race, I think. Anaxes used to be a planet before it got turned to rubble in an accident. Don't think it was much of an accident though. Empire was invading the planet."
I snuck up on a stormtrooper and slit his throat... 
Those words echoed in his head, thinking back to their blade lessons years ago. Had Naboo been invaded by the Empire? He didn't really know much about what had happened all those years ago, being secluded on Vorp'ya without listening to the adults talking about the news. 
"What were they like?"
"Anaxians? Dunno. There were a few native races to that planet. One was reptilian and the other... I think they were sub-human. Can't say. They never traveled off planet, so it's likely they were wiped out entirely when the planet exploded," Voomri shrugged, polishing the counter mindlessly. "Do you want a drink?"
"I'm fine," Din pushed himself to his feet, thinking about the new knowledge. Was it possible that Sena belonged to one of these races? He didn't think she was Reptilian and if he thought really hard, she might've mumbled something once or twice about being a Sephi offshoot and not actually Sephi. Anaxian? Golden markings on her skin? She had markings on her helmet, he wondered if those were supposed to be in relation to what was on her skin. He felt his breath quicken in his chest, imagining beneath the flight suit for a brief moment, the glow of golden teardrops...
Chewing his lip he started for the edge of the village, trekking across the moonlit grass, over the hills and toward the pond shaded by the ancient tree. Cresting the last rise, he froze when she saw a small figure sitting by the edge, legs drawn up to her chest, chin of her helmet on top of her knees as her visor gazed out toward the water which rippled peacefully from a wind that swept down from the moors. The leaves of the tree rustled like breathy chimes, the breeze picking at the edge of her braid and sighing deeply. 
Sliding down the hill, he approached her carefully, as not to disturb her, but she sat up and glanced back. He could be stealthy when he wanted, but she'd always been the best out of their entire class. She could move soundlessly, despite how much equipment she was wearing. 
"Hey," she offered simply, turning back to the water to continue staring at it, diving back into her thoughts. 
Din padded up and sat down beside her, his own visor listing in the direction that she was looking. He wanted to tell her that Hyvhast was blind and an idiot. That he'd never deserved anyone as amazing as her. That he was getting his  shebs  kicked by Jiabe and Paz. But he didn't. Instead, he just watched the way the moonlight refracted on the mirror surface and wondered what she might look like without any  beskar'gam  on, wading into the water, the ethereal light playing tricks against her skin. Her hand was tan, he remembered that from when she'd challenged Aya; a deep, coppery tan. Paz knew what she looked like and had called her  mesh'la . Those hadn't just been words of comfort, Din actually believed them.
"You alright?" he asked finally after a few minutes of blissful quiet.
Sena rolled her shoulders in a nonchalant shrug. "I'll get over it," she grumbled, the normal inflection of her voice returning. Din liked her voice, he always had found the articulate accent alluring. As she'd gotten older, it had gotten deeper and less whiny, replaced with a smooth alto, pleasantly curling in his ears with each word. He wished the one time he had heard it without the modulator, she hadn't been crying. 
He didn't bring up the subject, didn't pressure her to talk, he only sat there with her, lending her a sense of companionship that went deeper than conversing. After all, she had already told Paz and it wasn't his place to try and force the story out of her. Time dragged on, a soft sigh parting from her lips finally as she contemplated what had happened. Din's hand was in his pocket, thumbing the charm, before he pulled it out. The moonlight hit the beskar  Jai'galaar  eyes strung on a leather strap. So many years in his pocket, polished constantly from the soothing manner in which he'd palmed it when he thought about his friend. 
"Sena-" he cleared his throat, freezing when she sat up to glance over at him. 
"Paz wanted me to give this to you," he said stupidly, lifting up the necklace. "He said it might make you feel better." Maker almighty, why did he say that? Why couldn't he just tell her that he had gotten it for her? She was still recovering from what had happened with Hyvhast and while this felt like the right moment to give it to her, it also felt like the wrong moment to be honest as to why. 
She reached up, her gloves brushing lightly against his, causing his skin to tingle underneath as little electric pinpricks lanced up to his elbow. " Jai'galaar  eyes?" she muttered, finally taking it. "How befitting-" he could hear the wry smile in her voice as she rolled her shoulders back and cracked them, stringing the necklace around her throat, which was obscured by the collar of her armorweave.
His heart was thumping wildly, as if he were being chased by a mythosaur, while he watched it plunk softly against her durasteel heartplate. The length of the strap dropped it low enough to reach her iron heart. Turning it over in her glove again she shook her head wistfully. 
" Kaysh mirsh solus ," she commented. "Not surprised. We Vizslas all have lonely brain cells. He could've just given this to me later."
Din chuckled quietly at her joke. The Tribe did joke lovingly about their nerf-headedness, but Clan Vizsla was well loved despite the teasing. They were a clan of admirable warriors, all of which pulled more than their fair share for the Tribe. "Seems it did do the job."
"Of what?" she tilted her visor back up, her voice reading as confused through his visor.
"Cheering you up," Din pointed out, smiling now.
" Lek  well-" she unfurled her legs and stretched her arms straight out above her head. Like a loth-cat in the sun, she shook out the tenseness in her muscles before keeping her legs kicked out, putting palms back on her knees. "Nothing for me to dwell on. Paz was right. Again." Hopping to her feet as if it were the easiest thing to do, she offered him a hand up. "Race you back?" The proposition was an old one, like they were little kids again coming to practice beneath the moonlight. There had been many times where Din had attempted to climb the tree with as much dexterity as her and had jammed his finger.
Gripping her forearm, he was wrenched to his feet, glancing up the steep hill. " Elek -" they both bolted off, Din getting to higher ground before Sena. She wasn't far behind, closing the distance with her dark pine green cloak snapping after her like an angry bird's wing. They were beskar and durasteel javelins against the grass. Just as she had done when they were younger, she let out the strange sort of baying yip, which caused Din to trip over his own feet and go down hard in the grass. Rounding and absolutely howling with laughter, she clutched her stomach as he tried to untangle himself from his cloak. Before he could even say anything, she turned back around and continued - with her lead - back to the village.
Din thrashed before managing to spring back to his feet, but it was too late. He'd given her too much time and she had vanished into the night. Grousing to himself, he wasn't entirely upset that he had lost, pleased that she had recovered in light of the awful evening she'd had until that point. He wondered if the animal cry she kept making was from Anaxes.
"And then a giant bird swooped down from the sky and gnashed its beak.  OMNOMNOM! " Sena roared, snapping her fingers to mimic a bird's impressive beak and digging it playfully toward the tummies of the Foundlings that surrounded her in a horseshoe formation. Her duties in watching the children had long since passed now that she was a fully fledged hunter and provider for the Tribe. However, she did like to stop by after missions and greet them with candy and treats she had picked up from whatever planet she visited. Usually the flavors and types changed, which always thrilled the little womp rats.
Giggling and squealing ensued as she tickled them, before they realized they could overwhelm her in one fell move. Tackling her to the ground, piling in a heap, she was pinned to the ground. Even if she'd finally stopped growing after all these years, she still was barely 45 kilos soaking wet. A dozen children were more than enough to take her out of commission. 
" Ori'vod ! Where's our candy?" a gap tooth child demanded, as if she'd forget.
"Oh, I totally forgot," Sena betrayed whimsically, the children shrieking like jai'galaar at her confession. 
"You didn't forget. It's right here," Zim held up the bag, now 15, and donning a helmet of his own. His lekku poked out from the modified bucket and he had painted it the same colors that Sena originally had hers - plum and dull yellow. "Back you beasts! I'll give it to you if you release our  Ori'vod !"
The little zombies abandoned her, trailing after Zim who was on Foundling duty. Sena sat up, chuckling as he began tossing the candy, letting it rain down above them, distracting the little brats. 
"You spoil them too much," Din commented, having just entered the Nursery to see the war raging. Sena tilted her head back from where she was laying on the floor. 
"Oh  lek  ? What have you got in that bag behind your back?" she challenged, snickering as he tucked it behind his cloak as if he were ashamed that she'd caught him bringing treats for the kids. "Nice to see you,  vod . How was your hunt?"
 Din trotted down to help her to her feet. She dusted her armor off, frowning at all the scratches and dents on it. Since it wasn't pure beskar, came with the territory. Needed a good repainting. Beskar was harder to come by now with the Empire still being a load of  osik . "Not too bad. Nearly threw my shoulder out since the bounty was trandoshan-" he let out a soft noise, which she knew was a laugh, his modulator never really picked it up right. "And you? Seems the candy is a hit this time."
This time. The last planet she'd gone to she hadn't bothered to taste the candy first. If she had, she would have realized it was flavored like krill and squid. Yeah, she'd felt quite bad as the kids began spitting out the gummies and gave her the most reproachful looks. Since then, she always made certain to try the sweets before committing to buying a bag full. "Easy enough... Well, actually-" she drew in a long winded breath. "-Jace gave me a bit more trouble than usual. Was trying to keep me on Dadrus longer than usual. He's always flirted with me, but it was really strange-"
"Need me to give your Guild Master a stern talking to?" Din gestured to his blaster.
Sena gave a good natured laugh. Din had nearly become part of Clan Vizsla by this point. He was close to her brother and went on quite a few hunts with him. She preferred to work alone, since Paz was way too kriffing loud. Their rivalry, while still there, had turned into a deep friendship that she wouldn't trade for anything in the galaxy. It was different than Xivi and her other friends. Din just... understood. They didn't even have to talk about, there was comfort in the silent nights by the moon pool just contemplating their lives. "Oh, no. He's a good person. Just a chatterbox."
"You say that as if you're not," Din pointed out.
"I'm not when I'm out in the field," she grumbled with a petulant frown. Sena liked to believe she was imposing, mysterious, and intimidating when she went out - armed to the teeth and speaking in short sentences. Maybe not. She did talk to Jace quite a bit since she'd known him for years now and still thought he was cute. The man had tried a few times to convince her to sleep with him, but Sena wasn't about to mix work with pleasure. Bad for business. Not to mention she'd sort of taken a step away from that life for now, focusing on doing her job, and not repeating what had happened with Hyvhast. Even if she'd grown into her skin now, she still felt highly insecure about her Goddess Markings as Hyvhast had poked at them and asked her what the kriff they were. 
"What have you got for us,  Ori'vod ?" a child had taken notice of Din now, standing in the play area. 
Din pulled the bag out and opened it, crouching down to reveal little toys in the shape of little fish. Each was about the size of a child's palm and brilliantly painted. "They're-"
The Nursery shook, children screaming around them as they huddled close to the nearest armored warrior. Sena had several clutching her legs, trembling as their helmets snapped toward the door. Instincts kicking in, Sena whipped her head to Zim who dropped the bag of remaining candy. "Get the children to the back door, wait until our command to beeline for the extraction point," she barked, thrusting a comlink into Zim's hands before she slipped out of the grasp of the kids. Din was beside her, sprinting for the door as they drew their weapons.
The covert was consumed in absolute chaos. Imperial ships were descending from the grey sky, a convoy of troopers having already landed and prowling through the streets. They had been taken by surprise, Mandalorians quickly making their stands and barking orders in Mando'a as they tried to grab onto a semblance of cohesion and shake away the confusion. This only took a few minutes, as they were all trained in military tactics and how to react in situations like this. There was a strict set of instructions ingrained in everyone's mind from Foundling to Elder.
Trainees or  Vod'ika  would rally up the Elders and Foundlings. The youngest hunters, beneath the age of 21 would act as escorts and leaders, taking leash on their biggest ship the Cabur. Once the young and old were on the ship, they would get into hyperspace while the remainder of the Tribe protected them. Both Din and Sena were older than 21 and thus would act as soldiers on the field to protect the future of the Tribe. 
Her blood rushed, the sight of the stormtroopers bringing back the memories of Anaxes, her heart pounding steadily like a war drum. She'd murder them all. Kill them, revive them, then kill them again for what they'd done to not only Genmaris, but now the Tribe. The shootout began, they needed to get around the back of the Nursery and clear the path for Zim to escape with the children. Raising her pistol, she shot the nearest snow white soldier in the face, aiming purposely for his eyes. She could wield a rifle or shotgun now if she pleased, but she'd always liked the pistol better. The years of practicing only with the sidearm had made her a spectacular shot. In a close combat arena like this, Sena was in her element. 
" Hukaat'kama! " she called to Din, drawing Cu'Sith and Pog-Sticker. 
" Oya !" he shouted back between the ringing of blaster fire and explosions. 
She had never forgotten the way they had spilled blood on the elas stone. The blood of a peaceful people who lived in the forest. Or the way she'd walked through it barefoot. Moving like a dervish, she dashed forward with primal rage, the curve of her swords - now beskar - reaving through the plastoid armor as if it were made of butter. They were slow, sloppy, and weaker than the soldiers from a decade ago. These were not clone troopers. Nor did they speak Mando'a. Grinning at the realization, she ducked gracefully, cutting the soleus on the back of the trooper's exposed calf. She heard a cry, watched him stumble forward, and then beheaded him. 
Her vindication was not uncommon amongst the Tribe, just one of the most brutal and bloody. She spotted her brother letting off his heavy blaster, mowing down troopers. Despite how well they seemed to be doing, it all came down to supplies. How long would it be until they ran out of energy and ammo? Before a tidal wave of white snow weathered them down in a blizzard that they couldn't dig themselves out of? They had to flee, because there were several more dropships coming. But most importantly, the children needed to escape.
She sliced down a few more troopers before racing back around the Nursery, Din covering her as they began clearing the path for the children. The ships were stowed beneath ground, in a hangar that would part the grass and open. They had been on Vorp'ya for many years now and continued to upgrade their home to make it more difficult to be discovered. Didn't seem to matter now. Pulling her comlink, she spoke briskly in Mando'a, " Bring them out. We're clear for now ."
" Roger ," Zim answered, the door opening. Lined up and hands linked, the children had also been trained on what to do. They were to stay together in a chain, holding onto the leader, which was Zim.
Other trainees had begun posting, fleeing the main fight to help keep the path to the ships open. There was no time to feel the pride of their unflinching resolve, but the kids were doing what they were trained to do. Despite how loud, how terrifying it all was, the young Mandalorians spoke in hand signals, bringing up the rear before entering the bunker entrance that led down below to the ships. Zim disappeared and Sena rounded as the last of the Elders were escorted below. Her eyes trailed back up to see how many ships there were, horrified as she and Din took up defensive positions around the hangar doors. This would be their last stand area. She wished she had the time to retrieve her traps from her home, but this was a surprise attack. 
Eventually, the rest of the Tribe began to fall back to the hangars, the first ship, the  Cabur  departing with the children and elderly. Sucking her teeth, she hoped there would still be enough time and coverage for more of them to escape off planet. But as she watched, she grit her teeth, wanting nothing more than to kill than hide. That's what would happen after this, they would hide away again. The number falling back was pitiful and Sena's heart plummeted in horror. Paz was dragging their  buir beside him, some - but not all - of the injured fleeing into the tunnels. They weren't going to be able to escape, not with this many drop ships coming in. 
"Look!" Kedth pointed toward the sky, ships zooming down to meet the Imperial ships. Who they were, she had no idea, not until they started to jet out of the droppers with jetpacks. Sena had never been so happy to see foreign Mandalorians as she was now, choking out a thankful sob. Continuing to fight through the avalanche of stormtroopers, the ceaseless flow of them started to weather down, the verdant grass spattered with red, downtrodden beyond the point of recognition. 
The other mandos were beginning to approach them, thanking the Maker that someone knew about them and had come to their support. A tug on the back of her cloak made her turn, the weary smile disappearing immediately when she saw the terse line of her brother's shoulders. Panic set in, replacing the original thrill of battle, remembering that her buir had been injured when he arrived. Stomach churning, she sprinted after him, down the stars and to where the injured were being tended. Her eyes stretched wide, watching the blood pool beneath her adopted father from a gash in his side where the heartplate did not meet. 
Collapsing in a heap beside him, she pressed her gloves to his wound in a futile attempt to staunch the flow. He had lost too much and the majority of the bacta had been taken with the Foundlings and Elders. "No! You can't! Not you too!" her voice betrayed her, cracking as she saw the visage of her papa turning around, the golden lightsaber illuminating his hands as he marched to his death. Hux had become her father, the man that had finished raising her and in every way, her papa now. Everything that she had become was thanks to Hux, his steady hand, his temper, and his love. 
"Stay strong,  cyar'ika ," he muttered, voice distant and fading, cracked and weak. "I'm so proud. So proud of the warriors that I raised."
Paz was beside her now, fallen to his knees as they had their final moments with their  buir . 
"You know... the place, Paz. Sova's  beskar'gam  ... my  beskar'gam ... inheritance," he was struggling to talk now, his chest rising and falling shallowly, a soft groan parting his lips beneath his helmet. Paz leaned forward, removing it so that they could look upon their father, see the light in his icy eyes. Pale blonde hair was striked with grey now, the faint line of a golden beard against his jaw. His lashes were heavy, fluttering open just enough gaze at them, a faint smile gracing his features. "Love you. I love the both of you."
A primal, animalistic cry escaped her as Hux closed his eyes for the final time. Paz leaned against her, pressing her face into his pauldron as she sobbed as hard as she had when she was a princess fleeing Anaxes. Maybe even harder. She couldn't hear anything but her own misery. How many people would die around her that she loved? All because of the Empire. This was the Empire's fault! Her hatred redoubled, unaware that she could hate something even more and with every fiber of her being. They sat there on the cold floor, grieving for their fallen  buir and for the others that had lost their lives in the assault. Hux was not the only one.
Amongst the fallen was Aya, Vowr, Xaevo, Vhic, Bhone, Crehl, Khaan, Durr, the Smith, and Drold. Their bodies were lined up in the hangar, resting in their eternal vigil, going up to Manda. Despite the honor it was to fall in battle, Sena couldn’t help but feel as if it had all been a waste. So much training, so much love in the Tribe and the Empire tried to smote them from the galaxy. They hadn’t done anything. They had kept their noses out of anything Imperial. Not anymore. Sena wasn’t going to let them walk away from this.
“Sen’ika,” Paz was just as hoarse as she was, but they were standing in the  Kote.  “What  buir  was referring to was his  riduur  ’s armor. My mother-” he opened a panel to reveal the full suit of plum  beskar’gam . “He always intended for you to inherit it one day. Just as you inherited her helmet.”
Sena gazed at it, all beskar, and in need of a good repaint. Her fingers slid against it, the feminine curve of the heart plate, the ensemble of pauldrons, cuisse, and greaves. The vambraces were missing and when she glanced at her own arms, she comprehended why. She hadn’t realized that Hux had given her Sova’s vambraces after her Second Trial. She had just assumed that there was beskar to spare for the newest hunters to forge their vambraces since they were so important. Licking her lips, she tilted her visor up toward her brother. “The other mandos here-”
“They came from Mandalore. They are looking for help. The Empire is attempting to take the smaller planets in the system first before attacking  Manda’yaim .”
“I’m going,” Sena decided without hesitation. “I’m going to fight.”
Paz’s shoulders slumped slightly, the defeat of losing their father and now the idea of losing his sister too heavy for even his broad, masculine figure. But he did not try to convince her otherwise. “Too many died today. They will need guidance-”
“ Ori’vod  you don’t need to explain to me why the Tribe needs you. I know they need you. I do not think any less than you, but… you understand why I must go,” Sena was picking up the armor now, beginning to replace her durasteel with Sova’s - no… it was hers not by right. “Twice now.  Twice.  Only this time I can fight. I can help. I will not turn my back on another battle with them. Not now. Not ever again.”
“You will bring much honor to the Tribe,” he announced, but he was choked up, grabbing her and thrusting his helmet against hers. There was an unspoken acknowledgement, the fact that they both knew that Sena probably wasn’t coming back. 
“I will keep in contact with you if I can. I’ll send transmissions to the  Kote  ,” she promised, the words hollow on the back of her throat as she said them. “  Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, ori’vod .”
“ Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum ,” he returned. “You better come back. I need nieces and nephews running underfoot one day. With those stupid pointed ears just like yours.”
Sena barked a laugh that was halfway in between a sob. After shedding her durasteel armor, mismatched, she embraced her brother once more before heading down the dock. The hangar was a makeshift base of operation as the injured were tended and the other Mandalorians commented about how the planet was going to be overwhelmed soon. They needed to pick up and leave immediately. The Tribe was unwilling to help, picking up the fractured pieces of their people, weeping for those who were now marching. Legs churned mechanically, she glanced over at Din as he bowed before his  buir  who was just as still as her own. Lower lip quivering, she decided to say her farewell to her friend. 
Placing a hand on his back, she crouched beside him, his visor snapping as he tensed immediately. It took him a moment to see clearly, to finally see that it was her. And then he glanced down at the plum  beskar’gam  and eventually back up to her visor. “I’m leaving,” she told him calmly. Such a strange calm, like the eye of the storm before the hurricane hit. “I am going to fight for  Manda’yaim .”
Din did not speak. She had long grown accustomed to his silent contemplation. He wasn’t daft, he was just as quiet as he had always been. “You’re leaving?” But there was too much grief, too much confusion for him to understand properly that evening. 
She nodded slowly. “I can’t turn my back on the Empire again. Not when I can fight against them. I will be joining our  vod in the coming battles,” she announced. “I wanted to say goodbye.”
Din stared and she didn’t know if he were in shock or if he were just being his normal, reserved self. “When will you come back?”
A shaky smile formed beneath the cover of her bucket. “We’ll meet again. Even if that is marching in Manda’s halls,” she promised, standing up. “Take care of my brother, please.”
“I have to go.  Ret'urcye mhi .”
Maybe we will meet again. Din had clung to those words in Mando’a for so many years, desperately hoping that the visage of his favorite  vod  would pop back up, insult him, and maybe toss a middle finger in for good measure. Never happened. As the years weathered on, one becoming two, becoming four, becoming  five  , he had started to lose hope. Everyone had heard about The Great Purge and the decimation of Mandalore. He didn’t like to think like this, but he expected that was probably where Sena had died. His thoughts tormented him, how he’d been too choked up with everything going on that he hadn’t even been able to tell her how he felt. Watching her turn around in mismatched  beskar’gam before walking away with the foreign Mandalorians. He hadn’t told her that he loved her and now he’d never be able to. Paz still believed she was coming home, but after more than a decade, Din was convinced otherwise. The war was over. If there was any hope that Senaar Vizsla would return to the Tribe, it would have been four years ago.
The loss gouged at him deeper than he thought it ever could. His original comfort around the Tribe faded, replaced with the sorrow of seeing the Foundlings, remembering how she used to play with them, bring them candy, and tickle the life out of them. Walking through those empty, sewer halls in Nevarro, he was a shell of armor with nothing but a ghost inside. Provide. That’s all he did. He provided for the Tribe as he always had, leaving for long bouts of time and returning to drop off the supplies before going out again. This had become his typical routine, ignoring the other Mandalorians until he’d all but estranged every single one. Paz had been the first. The Vizsla’s insistence that Sena was still out there was so misplaced and gut wrenching that Din couldn’t stand to be around him.  She was dead.  
He thought back often to their peaceful upbringing on Vorp’ya and of all the things he  should  have done. Hindsight is twenty-twenty and if Din had another chance, he would have told her how he felt back when he first gave her the  Jai’galaar  necklace. Even if she still insisted on leaving come the demise of their covert, at least he would have had those years with her. To take care of her, to love her, to  kiss  her, and to make her feel as if she were the most  mesh’la  creature in the universe. He was haunted by his memories and his yearning, so it was easier to turn his emotions off. Even at all these years, he could still hear her stupid howling in the moonlight, her guffawing, and her cultured, articulate accent. What he would give just to hear her again, to listen to the hum of her rich voice as he fell asleep.
Din Djarin was a brokenhearted man with little to live for. He’d been like this for a while, trying to carve out the rest of his 20s amongst Malk’s crew to find a little lust for life. Worked for a bit, but Xi’an was a cheap version of Sena. Her expertise with blades, while adept, still wasn’t  as adept as Sena. She also had a piss poor attitude. After that, he’d stopped trying to date, because it was always a comparison and his memories warped - placing Sena on a pedestal and forgetting how goofy or stupid she could be at times. 
He’d dropped the Mythrol off before heading down below to the covert. Wasn’t often that he felt like lingering down there for more than a day, but he went there anyway. He had a small set of quarters that collected dust. The  Razor Crest  was his home for the most part, away, quiet, and transportable. Still, he kept some meager supplies in his apartment. Which, you couldn’t really call it an apartment. It was just a recess built into the sewers that was large enough to fit a table, a small kitchenette, and a bunk. All of which were stuffed like tuna in a can with barely any room to move. This was not Vorp’ya where they had large  karyai  in each house. Punching the code into the door, it puffed open, and his visor shifted to the almost darkness.
Stepping in, his head cocked, staring at the small light in the corner that was on. He’d not been in here for months. Why would a light be on? Cold metal pressed to his throat, a soft  tut  escaping his captor’s lips. “That was very careless of you.”
Din almost threw up at the sound of the silken voice, spinning around and throwing the Mandalorian against the wall. They moved lazily, allowing for themself to be captured as he pinned them against the wall. The armor was the wrong color, not green and not mismatched as he had last witnessed it. Instead, it was a dusky grey-blue accented by stripes of ashy black, burnished to the point where it glimmered magnificently even in the dull light of the tomb-like room. The helmet was painted with strange markings, akin to those patterns on a loth-wolf’s face. Emblazoned on the left pauldron was the rebel insignia - no, it was the  New Republic  insignia now. Whereas on the right, where the  aliit  marking went was the trademark  Jai’galaar  eyes of Clan Vizsla. Several blades, a midnight blue cloak, and a relaxed confidence that set his teeth on end  as if  she hadn’t been gone for so many years and this was a mischievous game of tag around the village where she’d managed to sneak up on him again.
“Huh, where?” she glanced around, the tuft of her dark braid coming into view as she mocked him. 
“But you-”
“Dead? Missing? Gone marching such a long time ago?” she filled in impishly.
“ How ?”
“I fought and we won,” she said as if it were that simple. “I told Paz to keep you updated with my whereabouts. I thought he would have.”
His stomach sank and he released her. Din had estranged Paz, sick of hearing that Sena was alive without any proof. He had believed that the man was in denial over his sister’s death, but here she stood, in New Republic glory. “The war has been over for years,” he found the chair at the small table, falling into it as he tried to rationalize what had happened. Everything was crashing down around him, his head aching just as much as his heart as she stood there, sheathing her blade and cocking a hand on the hilt.
“War might’ve been over, but I still had people to track down and kill. There’s still a lot to be done, but I knew it was finally time to come home,” she sat down across from him, clasping her hands together as she propped her elbows on her legs and sighed deeply. He saw the necklace he had given her swing forward from her iron heart. “There’s still remnants out there and I did everything in my power to work on killing every last one of them.”
He believed that. “I-” he was overwhelmed, all those pent up emotions, all those things he’d wanted to say but assumed he would never get the chance bubbling up to the surface. Originally, he would have given anything to tell her how he felt and now that he had the opportunity, the back of his throat felt so incredibly parched. “I missed you,” he said finally, cursing himself for not saying the other words, but it was a start. His emotions had been shoved into a tiny box, locked up and he’d thrown away the key years ago.
“Missed you too,  shebs ,” she snickered, but despite the humor in her voice, he could feel… something else.
Silence settled between them, but not the typical silence that they had found comfort in when growing up. No, this was deeper and more profound and distinctly uncomfortable. His heart was hammering in his chest and he wondered why she had approached him like this. She could have just greeted him in the Foundry where he’d been earlier. 
“I can - uhm, come back later. I know you just got back from a hunt,” she offered, standing up.
Din flew from his chair, unwilling to let her slip away, to let her go a second time. He caught her hand, holding it between his gloves, staring at the detailing in the leather and the seams. Heat blossomed in his throat, grinding his voice as he spoke, “Don’t.”
Visor tilting up toward him, her head listed slightly to the side where she gazed at him, questioning. “Are you certain?” she asked tenderly, her inquiry holding much more depth.
He ran his hand underneath the collar of her flight suit, brushing the edge of her helmet, before coming down to grip the spot between the pauldron and heartplate where flesh was instead of armor. Grip tightening, his chest constricted slightly at the feel - the  real feel of her beneath his gloves. Emboldened by her leaning into his touch, Din released her hand and slid against her hip, hot flames of desire licking his body and causing him to shudder at the merest touch to her fully armored frame. He looked back to her, wondering if this were permissible, if he was allowed to do this or if he had overstepped the boundaries of their friendship. That’s not what he wanted and he wouldn’t make the same mistake of doing it again.
“Din,” it had been so long since anyone had actually called him by his name. “I know it was you who gifted me the necklace and not my brother. Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I was afraid.”
“ You were afraid?” she poked the bear, her voice absolutely astonished by his confession.
“I was afraid to push you away and it didn’t matter in the end. I lost you to the war,” Din answered. “After what happened with Hyvhast, I thought you wouldn’t be-”
“Interested? Dank farrik you think too much,” she grumbled warmly. “If there was anyone in the Tribe that I actually felt comfortable being myself entirely, it was you, Din. I just assumed you had never thought of me like that. I mean, I was sort of annoying.”
“Sort of?”
“ OK, I was very annoying.”
He pulled her closer, her hips to his now, grinding up against her slightly. The touch made his skin dance, pulses of lightning lancing across his body as he let out a soft, trembling sigh. “Let me-” he started, voice cracking at the very idea of what he was about to offer, “-take care of you.  Please .”
“Five minutes and I’ve already got you begging? You’re a changed man, Djarin,” Sena teased, but she hadn’t pulled away. Instead she leaned into him, pressing against his growing hardness, letting out a breathy huff which crackled in her vocoder. “I just-” she cleared her throat, aroused, but also worried. “Since Hyvhast, I never-”
Din groaned at the idea. Sena having been entirely alone during war, focusing on her hatred for the Empire rather than satisfying herself. The heat between his legs twitched more, which was pushed against her. If she felt it, she said nothing, only staring up at him with her palms against his red durasteel armor. “I’ll take care of you,” he promised, dragging the pad of his thumb against the collar of her shirt, exposing her copper throat. Tilting her head back, he saw the faintly glowing marks, like tiny golden dew drops that ran against the hollow and disappeared beneath the fabric. Even that small bit of skin was more than enough for him. “ Mesh’la. ”
“I trust you,” she whispered, handing herself over entirely as he ran his fingers down her hips, and picked her up. 
It all felt like a dream, one he’d had many times before, but one that he’d never been able to place. Hands gripping her ass, he could feel the well sculpted muscles, the definition of a honed warrior, and her quivering in his palms. He set her on the bed, throwing his gloves off as if they were offensive, pressing his helmet to hers in an insistent, belabored keldabe kiss. Stars, he should have done that when they were young and not for the first time now. Stripping her armor, piece by piece, he slid the fabric down to expose her gorgeous skin. Whatever Hyvhast had said was wrong. Ripping it down he exposed the breast band and more of the dazzling markings, so  many of them. She was slender, more than most humans, but he didn’t think she was shapeless. Lanced by scars from her years, her skin was smooth, pebbling beneath his calloused fingertips. Narrow waist, stomach punctuated by the line of her muscles, the bottoming of wide hips which disappeared beneath her belt and trousers. 
His eyes traced the markings that she’d been insulted for, the way they trailed down her throat, danced against her collarbone and shoulders, curved beneath the bra and were obscured from his prying gaze. “Can I?” he entreated, aware that she might still be self conscious about it all and the last thing he wanted to do was push her away. He watched her swallow hard and nod. Hook by hook, his fingers trembled, before he dropped the fabric and exposed more of her to the dry, mild air of Nevarro’s underground. Small, soft breasts greeted him, not enough to fill his palms, but befitting of her natural frame, dark maroon nipples puckering as he grazed one, watching in intrigue as they stiffened into small peaks, so pretty and perfect.
“Din, I-” she warbled quietly, the original confidence disappearing in an instance and it broke his heart hearing her like this.
“ Mesh’la, ” he repeated with stern insistency, cradling her breast tenderly. “So fucking perfect-” the words fell out of his mouth before he could stop them, but he meant every one. 
She let out a soft moan, leaning into his hand.
He traced circles around her skin, chasing the golden marks against her warm flesh, watching as each tiny movement sent chills across her body. Resting her against the bed as he followed the teardrops that cradled her breasts, he wondered how anyone could have found her unattractive. The beautiful copper of her skin, the contrast of the soft marks that had an ethereal hum as if the sun itself had dripped golden fire and graced her with its light. Finally, after minutes of wandering her upper body, he undid the buckle to her pants, discarding it to have her trembling slightly in just her underwear. Just as his hands had told him earlier, she had full legs, years of stealth and crouching, her ability to jump as if she were a nexu, and to land gracefully from extreme heights without injuring herself. The curve of her hips bottomed out and Din was entransed, caressing her ass, finding more of the golden marks as they flanked the outside of her leg and burned a wake to the tops of her feet. 
“I-I dreamed about this,” he told her, resolve crumbling as his index fingers glided down her stomach and against the hollow of her hip. He’d been quiet for decades, resenting himself for his silence. “If I ever saw you again, what I’d tell you. Wh-what I’d do to you. Was always so afraid to push you away.”
“What’s changed now?”
Din laughed at her question, the same soft laugh that fizzled out through the vocoder, not quite being picked up properly. “Nothing changed. Not how I feel. Just… Circumstances. Regrets. Things I never said when I should have. That I-”
“Not yet,” she interrupted. “It’s been 10 years. Let’s enjoy this now and talk after. There’s a lot to talk about. But not now-” Not when he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. Not when all he wanted to do was praise her and love her. Even if she wouldn’t let him say it just yet, he fully intended on showing her what their separation had done to him. He wasn’t inexperienced by any means, but it had been a long while, never feeling the urge to do more than palm himself for relief, often dreaming of how he’d remembered her. Now she was here, spread out on his bed against the woolen comforter, her chest rising and falling quickly as he flicked the edge of her underwear. 
It had been over 10 years and in his haste, the little box he’d locked and thrown the key away for, had burst open. He smirked at the irony of Sena being the wiser one for once, warning him to be careful of what he said, for they might not be the same people. Somehow, he doubted that. 
Pulling the underwear off, he drank in the vision of her nude aside from her helmet. Neither of them could remove it, not unless they exchanged  riduurok  and she had been correct. There was much to discuss, like what had happened during the war and what their future might hold.  Their future.  Din had been living life day by day, never thinking of what might be waiting for him in one year or two or ten. Soft dark hair painted the top of her mound, fingertips cruising toward the bundle of nerves as she squirmed at the touch. He wanted to taste her, to feel her plush skin against his face, and to bite every since golden drop upon her skin as if he were a parched settler on Tatooine desperate for water. 
Finally, he drew his fingers beneath her legs, slicking them against her wetness, astonished by how wet she actually was. “All this for me? I’m beginning to think you liked me a lot more than you ever let on,” Din purred to her disdain, watching her jerk her chin up and expose the hollow of her throat. “Or that you’ve just been pent up from never being pleasured. Dripping - waiting for someone to take it-” he slid his middle finger in with ease, a soft yelp crackling through her modulator as her back arched. Despite her hourglass frame, she was still small and light boned, part of him worried that he’d not be able to do much more than play with her. 
“I might’ve done this sooner if I knew how much you talked,” Sena gritted out through her teeth.
He pumped into her, bowing over her and taking her breast in his free hand. Grinding his helmet against hers, he listened to the soft noises that the modulator wasn’t catching quite right, her back arching as he placed another finger in. “I can be quiet if you want,” he doubted it, but decided to threaten silence to see what she would do.
“Kriff! Please don’t,” she whined, her voice hitching as he thumbed her clit. “Keep talking. I like it. I -  ahhh ,” he found the spot, pinching her nipple as he quickened his pace on her bud. 
“That’s it. Be a good girl, come for me. You like it right there, don’t you?” he pressed harder, a shudder overcoming her body as she gripped his heartplate. “Fuck-” his cock throbbed painfully, stealing his breath away for a moment as he listened to her titullating response to his stimulation. 
“Can you take it off?” she asked between her belabored breathing. “The  beskar’gam -”
He had been so riveted by her, snared in the trap that was her body, that he’d forgotten entirely that he still had everything on, weapons included. Only his gloves had been shed, fingers deep in her warmth and clutching her chest as he unraveled her string by string. Removing his hand, she whimpered at the loss of the pleasure, pressing her thighs together as Din ripped off his own attire without an afterthought. The years of being covered head to toe, unwilling to let anyone look at so much as his hand, barely a consideration as she laid out bare for him. He’d already made this decision a long time ago, piling the armor on the ground, chest heaving as he bent back down over her, picking up where he left off. 
Her fingers pushed against him, calloused pads in the dark hair on his chest, tracing the muscles of his pecs, between his breastbone before tracing down his stomach. Each gently, tentative touch as she came to remember him, but in a new way. Her palm flushed just beneath his abdomen, causing him to tense involuntarily, his own breath getting caught in the back of his throat as she ghosted over his pelvis. Distracted by her roaming hands, he fixated, hyperfocusing before he coated his fingers again in her heat and began working to prove to her what he felt. 
Sena’s skin was on fire, the rough fingertips of her childhood friend and rival causing her to make all sorts of noises she’d never known were stored in her. Paz had told her years ago, during their brief transmissions while at war, that the necklace had been a gift Din had been holding onto for years before actually giving it to her. The knowledge of that had made her blubber like a baby - because Sena cried all the kriffing time. As a kid, as a teenager, as an adult… The fact that the unpainted idiot had never told her how he felt, that weighed heavy on her shoulders for  years. Because if she had known, she might’ve never gone to war. The original question her brother had asked had been ill placed. When she was 16, she wasn’t thinking of romance, but by the time the covert had been attacked on Vorp’ya… if Din had asked her, she would have said yes. Back then, he had basically been a part of Clan Vizsla from how often he had been around. While they pestered one another, the original terse rivalry had been replaced with a different kind of friendship. Both of them had been too afraid to acknowledge it and Sena was still battling with the idea that no one would ever find her body attractive. What if Din had thought the same? She wouldn’t have been able to hide her embarrassment if he had scorned her too when finally glimpsing what was beneath her armor.
She didn’t feel like that now as his helmet met hers and his hands were between her legs. For what felt like an hour he explored her, tracing the Goddess Markings on her skin,  praising  her. And fuck did that turn her on. Hearing someone say that she was beautiful, that everything about her was absolutely perfect. His hot baritone in her ear, the slight fumbling of his words as they fell out of his mouth in the most uncontrolled manner she’d ever heard, losing all restriction behind closed doors. She’d never known it could feel like this, his expert fingers making her weak, the very warmth of his body so close to hers a comfort that she had so desperately missed. They’d never been close like this, but Goddess she had wanted it so badly after Paz had told her about the necklace. There hadn’t been any time for pleasure during war, but she did think about it in her dreams when she tried to escape the harsh reality around her. Dreaming faintly of the silver beskar helmet of her old friend, thumbing the  Jai’galaar  eyes, and hoping that he might be waiting for her back with the Tribe. The very necklace was frigid against the hollow of her chest now, shifting as she moaned, the muscles in her legs tensing and her toes curling. 
“That’s it,  mesh’la,  howl for me. Howl like you did by the moonpool, in the trees,  howl for me ,” he insisted, her alto cutting off as a wave of white noise and numbness began to edge at her being. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do much more than push her helmet back into the pillow as the overwhelming pressure built up in her sent swells of ecstasy coursing through every fiber of her being. The cry came after, while her body was still riding the intoxication, like she was floating amongst the starlight without a ship, out of her own body and adrift as her eyes remained shut. “So perfect,” he muttered against her, removing his fingers as her bundle of nerves twitched, oversensitive and grounding her back to reality as she tried to suck in a few strangled breaths. 
“D-Din, that was-” she was stammering, unable to catch her voice as it ran away from her with the orgasm, making her sound pitifully tinny.
“Was it what you imagined?” he asked, his voice quiet again. 
“I didn’t know what to imagine,” she admitted dolefully. Sena  had touched herself before, but it had never felt that good. Someone else’s fingers gliding over her, the arousing words in her ears, the feeling of proximity which set her teeth on end and skin crawling in just the right way. It was lovely and it was real, not just a string of thoughts and what-ifs. No fear of being caught with her hands in her pants while trying to get some shut eye and relieve the tension in her shoulders - the obviously palpable tension from the stress of being at war for so many years. Her eyes listed down, noticing his massive hardness, somewhat terrified of being speared on the end of it. His fingers had filled her up and she could only fathom what his cock might do to her. “What about-”
“Do you want me to?”
She moaned gently, still taken aback by how careful he was being with her. They were both in their fucking 30s and she was the blatantly inexperienced one. Yet, here he was being so tender, despite how much his hardon had to be bothering him. Pleasure wouldn’t come without a bit of pain first and Sena, while afraid, knew that it wouldn’t kill her. Nodding, she reached down and grasped him, her fingers unable to fully encircle his girth. He was tacky from where his own wet fingers had fisted himself, her juice smeared along his length as she stroked him once. His helmet ground into hers more, a deep rumble in the back of his throat which she could hear in her ear. 
“Are you  certain ?” he challenged this time, spitting the words out in the same dark manner as he had when talking to her amidst his playing. “If you’ve never-”
“I’ve been hurt worse before, Djarin. I think I can handle a little temporary discomfort,” she retorted thinly, stroking him again, enjoying the way that he bucked against her. “I know  how  this all works.” She’d just not experienced it. While she appreciated how careful he was being, she didn’t need to be fully coddled.
He brushed between her legs again, the gesture making her tighten when his fingertips touched her swollen bud. “You might think you know,” he started, positioning himself above her, jerking her hips toward his. “But I don’t think you do.” The weeping head of his manhood met her folds, lathing it in her wetness before he tested against her slightly. With one glance, she knew that he was going to absolutely split her open, her hips dwarfed by him and her sex quivering at the idea of trying to accomodate him. He began to ease against her resistance. She chewed her lips raw, trying not to cry out as he moved in and then out, coating himself and trying to make progress, centimeter by gruelling centimeter. Her own hands were clutching her breasts, pinching her own nipples in a futile attempt to distract herself. “Sena-” his visor tilted up. “You need to relax or this isn’t going to work.”
Relax?  Relax?  He was literally stabbing her between her legs, how could she relax? Her chest heaved in short, panicked breaths before she scrunched her eyes shut trying to calm herself down. A hand rubbed against her stomach, soothing in small circles. This wasn’t at all like what she had witnessed on Tatooine. This was an agreement between two people who cared for each other. She let out a long exhale and loosened her grip on her aching nipples. Din pushed into her entirely, filling her to the brim, stretching her and breaking past the initial discomfort. While it still hurt a bit, she adjusted her hips and let out a quiet mewl as he froze, head bowed, buried to the hilt. 
“Dank farrik,” he cursed, gazing down at Sena’s copper body, his cock sunk into her warmth, her silken walls quivering around him as he gripped her hips. Even if she’d calmed down for a brief moment, at his words she’d tensed again and squeezed his cock. Din gasped, muttering in Mando’a to himself, absolutely blissed out in the moment. “S-so good. Yo-you feel s-so good,” he managed, finally finding the willpower to glide out and back in.
“Was it what you imagined?” she asked in a faint voice, her articulate accent raking electricity down his spine. That kriffing voice. He could listen to it all day, even if she was saying the most stupid, pointless things.
Din’s jaw slackened and he managed a choked laugh. “Better,” he swore, craning back down, caging her body beneath him as he moved with no insistency. With little intention of hurting her, their reunion wouldn’t be too impassioned. Even if she claimed she could take it - her telltale stubbornness shining through - Din knew that he might be hurting her a bit. She was impossibly tight, but her walls eased slightly as he brought his helmet back down to hers, savoring each gentle keen that escaped her throat. He placed a hand against her neck, fingers sliding through a few stray strands of inky hair, thumb tracing the hollow as he gave a little squeeze. He was already getting close, a combination of how long it’d been since he’d had sex, the fact that it was her, in addition to how perfectly she wrapped around his length, so pleasingly snug and firm, leaving little to no room for anything else. “You were made for me,” he insisted in his delirium, sailing along a growing high as his legs ached and he felt the building pressure behind his groin. 
She was hanging onto him, the golden marks on her skin winking as he glanced down at her, reminding him that she wasn’t quite human, but something so much more precious and coveted. A piece of the sun bundled up in beskar and joined to him as she threw her head back against the pillow again. Her walls fluttered around him, her whimper dying in her chest. 
“Coming a second time? Fuck-” he was being thrust precariously to the edge by her, wishing he could last a bit longer, but she was strangling his cock. “Y-you’re so good. So perfect. C-can’t believe I waited this l-long. I-I’d wait forever if it meant I c-could have you a-again.” 
She bleated at his words, continuing to strain beneath him on the edge of her own orgasm. 
Despite intending to be utterly gentle with her, he had to bring himself over. He pumped into her a good few times, the sensation absolutely wrecking him, as she cried out, digging her fingernails into the flesh around his shoulders. He painted her insides with his seed, clamped on so tightly that he hadn’t the strength or will to do it elsewhere. Sagging forward, he pushed the visor of his helmet into the pillow beside her, trying to collect the scattered fragments of his sense as he wondered when he’d ever had such a good orgasm. His body was still quaking from the effort, despite how slow they had been going, tanned skin slick with sweat from a combination of effort and the stale desert air. 
Finally, he disentangled himself and slipped down on the small bed beside her. He offered his arm, the cool beskar helm nestling into the crook of his pec, clicking lightly with the bottom of his own. 
That’s going to get annoying, he realized, but put the thought aside. Mindlessly, his hand nestled against her waist and traced against it, comforted by her silken skin underneath his palm. Sliding over them like the moonlight on the moors of Vorp’ya, a comforting silence eased between them as they slowly drifted down from their high like a leaf slowly spiralling down from a tree’s most upper branch. He was nearly dozing off, her nails tracing lines in his chest hair, when she finally spoke. 
“We should talk.” 
Those words shouldn’t have frightened him, not when he was holding her against him, naked save for their helmets, having just fucked her, but they did. His heart fluttered, disconcerted and malcontent at the suggestion that there was really so much to talk about. “About?”
“What this means, what happened during the war, and where we go from here,” she answered simply.
They owed each other to fill in the gaps, and try to work things out. “Mm,” he hummed, continuing to caress her. “I don’t know what you’ve heard from Paz.”
“That you’re an absolute  di’kut ,” she informed him.
Din snorted. Of course Paz would still be mad at him, though he didn’t entirely blame the man. They weren’t on the best of terms at the moment. “Could say the same for him.”
“You’re both idiots,” Sena declared. “But I know it must’ve been hard to believe him after all this time.”
“Hard? It was nearly impossible. Why didn’t he just show me one of the transmissions?”
“Because they were coded specifically to be erased immediately after being opened,” Sena sighed. “I really could only send one at most every year or two. I was deep in Imperial territory and if those got intercepted, I could have gotten my entire team killed. I promised Paz I’d only send them to the  Kote. ”
He should have expected that Paz would have offered evidence if he had it, but it still made him upset that he’d gone for so many years without confirmation - having to rely on the words of a man who was grieving for the loss of his entire clan. “What were you doing? I assumed the worst… that during The Great Purge you went marching-” his voice cracked, fingers tightening against her as he closed his eyes and tried to shake the terrible nightmares he’d recounted as he imagined her being killed over and over again without him there to watch her six.
“Barely made it out of there. Mandalore was absolutely ravaged. There were a few of us trying to figure out where to go, what to do… We didn’t feel right just throwing the towel in and giving up. Not after all the  vod  we’d lost on Mandalore. So, we found the rebels and offered our help. I split off from the others as the rebels began growing their numbers. I did a lot of recon, recruiting, and then set up on Hoth. Lot of people joined, but a lot  of those people didn’t know their ass from their elbow. They had heart and they needed training, so I stepped into the position as teacher. None of them ever took a shine to fighting like Mandalorians, but they also didn’t have the luxury of extensive training. It was learn quick or die in the next fire fight-”
She continued detailing her years amongst the Rebels, how the operations grew, and she continued to help train until there were others who could take up the torch. Her talents were better used elsewhere, especially with the growing tension and necessity of an elite set of soldiers that could employ better stealth tactics. Her hatred of the Imps had never faded and she fell in step with being known as the best extractor of information. Whenever an officer was captured, she would be the interrogator, making certain they didn’t off themselves with their implants. They were tough nuts to crack, but Sena always had them singing for death, begging to be released from the revenge she took out on them. There was no pity in her heart. Not one single shred. 
With the war reaching a climax, she took boots to the ground, working alongside other soldiers and groups as a leader and front-liner. Her years of experience, tactical training, and warfare made her a prime candidate for commander and she went wherever she was needed. No wonder she had no time to reach out, she was constantly traveling and offering support to troops. There was no time to run-ashore, to lollygag, or to take a moment for herself. They were at war and she’d be damned if she slacked even for a moment, costing anyone their lives. Din’s heart burned with admiration for her sacrifice, her unflinching resolve, and dedication to the cause. With each story, each word, he felt his resentment for her lack of contact vanishing as if it’d never been there. She hadn’t purposely been estranging herself. Sena had been an important leader in the war and trying to reach out to the Tribe would’ve put it in danger. She had been protecting them with her distance and he’d given up on ever seeing her again because of it.
When the end of the war came, it did not mark a complete close. The Death Star might’ve imploded, but there were still many warlords looking to make a last stand and attempt to regroup forces to bludgeon the wounded New Republic. Again, she could not leave in good faith until she was quite certain that the New Republic could handle everything on their own. So she remained, helping track down and hunt the remnants, counting the heads on spikes as she considered what returning home might feel like. It would all be worth it. She’d gone that far and that long to protect her people, for the risk of the Empire swooping in and taking the Tribe once again to never happen a second time. Her own personal needs did not rival the needs of the many. 
Listening closely, he felt himself falling in love with her a second time. 
“So as you can imagine, it’s been a long awaited homecoming. Not to mention how glad I was to take this kriffing bucket off on  Dinhue . Thought the thing was glued onto me at that point,” she remarked, rapping her knuckles against the grey-blue steel. “Not that I didn’t miss you, but I wouldn’t trade what I did for anything, Din. I’m sorry if that hurts you, but I had to go. I had to because they destroyed my planet. And then did it a second time when they attacked Mandalore.”
“I understand,” he assured her. “If you had remained here, you’d be asking yourself constantly what might have happened if you had helped. You wouldn’t have been happy.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, nuzzling back against his neck, the beskar chilling him. “Didn’t think the war would take that kriffing long, but… suppose it couldn’t be helped.”
“ Ni vod’ika ,” he teased, tracing the golden marks on her collar.
“I was a commander,” she groused, but shifted abruptly, sitting up so that she had a palm on the pillow and was gazing down at him. “And when you say that, when you say  my- ”
“I mean it,” Din answered honestly. “ My cyar’ika. Mine.  Did you think I would change my mind after you told me your war stories?”
“Thought I might be too cool for you. That you’d be intimidated-”
“ Intimidated  ?” Din snarked, laughing at the idea. He pushed her off, a soft huff escaping her mouth as she landed and he rolled on top of her. “Intimidated by you? After I had you soaking wet and on my cock, begging for me to talk dirty to you? You’re still the same  di’kut. Arrogant, foolish-” he ground his hips to hers, his length beginning to twitch. “-so fucking dorky.”
“Alright, alright-” she complained, squirming beneath him. “I get it. My one brain cell did get a little swollen over the years. The rebels aren’t Mandalorians, so it was easy to stick out-”
“No, you’re wrong about that,” he palmed her breast, twisting her maroon nipple between his fingers, watching as it pebbled beneath his touch. “Despite being a  di’kut , you’ve always been special. You’ve always had a way with people. And you’ve always been an impeccable warrior. I was always jealous of that - your ability to play so nice with others, the way that they’d all look at you, how they all accepted you right away when you first arrived to the Tribe. The fact that Rhenx favored you more than me…” he huffed, letting loose all his discontent and the frustration he’d felt growing up as they fought for the lead. The growing attraction that had become more as he admired her talents, the ones she excelled in versus him, the fact that she was able to blend into all aspects of the Tribe. He’d always been reserved, unable to lead from the front as she did so naturally, surrounded by friends and hunters who adored being in her space just as much as he did. 
“You know, it doesn’t sound like you like me very much,” Sena chuckled, squeaking when he pinched her nipple. 
“You’re right,” he admitted, bending down to spread her legs again, thrusting his hardness against her quivering lower lips. She gasped as he slipped right back in. “ Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum .”
He moaned at the sound of his name being cried out, conscious to not be too rough, but still finding himself pumping into her at a steady pace. Her walls trembled around him, his palm seated against the small of her back, another flush to her mound as he drew quick circles around her clit. “I’ve loved you for such a long time. S-since we were kids. I-imagined h-having a family w-with you,” he was fraying around the edges, her sharp keening and noises hooking him toward the abyss once again. “E-each year you were gone. Felt like a piece of me died too. N-never telling you. Can’t do that again. Can’t let you out of my sight without letting you know how you make me feel. Hasn’t changed. You haven’t changed. Fuck-” his voice was breaking, the overwhelming urge to kiss her again consuming him. “Yo-you’re so good. Didn’t even dream you’d be this fucking amazing.  Mesh’la.  These markings-” he followed the crescents beneath her breasts. “-I want to taste every single one. I want to taste you.  I want everything .”
Her back arched beneath his hand, walls clenching around him and pushing him into the sweet divinity of her warmth, the heat of her embrace, and the sharp intake of air before letting out a trembling cry. His head scraped her cervix, each thrust sending jarring shockwaves up his spine, from helmet to toe. For the second time that afternoon, he climaxed and was winded, losing all sense of knowing as he fell forward. His helmet felt awfully constricting, more so than usual as he panted, the breaths billeting back in his face. 
They both fell asleep, exhausted from their tryst.
Din woke up to the space beside him vacant of Sena’s warmth. Panic billowed in his chest, eyes snapping open as he wondered if it had all been some kind of illness induced fever dream and the exchange had never happened. But when he glanced across the small room, he saw her at the kitchenette brewing tea. Her long hair had been pulled out of the braid and scattered in obsidian waves all the way down past her ass. She had his shirt on, which was big and baggy, the sleeves pushed up, and the hem skimming the tops of her thighs. Even if her armor looked good on her, Din liked seeing his own clothing draped over her slender form. Her visor settled on him and she gestured to the kettle.
“Would you like a cup?”
“Mm,” he nodded, grabbing his trousers and slipping them on, glad that she was still there and that it hadn’t been a dream. Striding over toward her as she began steeping the leaves, none of which were his, he placed his hands against her hips and brushed into her, humming as he set his chin on top of her helmet. Eventually his hands wrapped around her entirely, her slender form leaning back against him as she huffed at him. 
“I can’t finish if you’ve got me like this,” she informed him. 
“Then don’t,” he muttered.
“I’m not wasting good tea leaves,” she snipped, worming out of his grip so that she had enough room to work. Once she had steeped them properly, she removed the leaves and added a bit of honey.
“Made yourself comfortable in here while you waited for me, didn’t you?” Din mused, aware that this apartment was rather scant in supplies.
“I take my tea everywhere with me,” she insisted evenly. “These are from Naboo.”
“Which you’re not actually from.”
“No, I am not,” she admitted. 
“Where are you from?”
“Paz told me you overheard that evening.”
“Course he did,” Din grumbled, wondering how much the siblings shared with each other. At this point, seemed like bloody everything. “Yes, I overheard that you were Anaxian. Although, I never knew much about Anaxes or the people who lived there.”
“A lot of different people lived there. I lived in a forest called Genmaris,” she informed him.
A forest. Now he understood why she had been so much more excited to see a tree than the pond. She was accustomed to running between branches and boroughs and had there been more trees, she might’ve leapt amongst them completely in her natural element. “What was it like there?”
“Peaceful,” she sighed wistfully, facing him and leaning back against the counter. “I was a brat-”
“Still are-”
She gave him a defiant head tilt before continuing. “Used to find ways to worm out of the castle all the time. Go flouncing in the woods and get all my nicest dresses ruined-”
“ Castle? ” Din repeated.
“I was a princess,” she sounded so indifferent that Din was shocked into silence. “Oh, come on now. You said you overheard that evening after the farce with Hyvhast. Paz called me a princess.”
“I thought it was a pet name, not literal,” he croaked in disbelief. 
“ Anyways, ” she continued. “Genmaris was very beautiful and rich with culture, vegetation, and the architecture was glorious. Metal wasn’t very often used for building. The castle was made of stone and wood.”
“The accent makes more sense now,” Din realized out loud.
“Your accent,  princess .”
“Don’t start that  osik  with me. I haven’t been a princess for twenty-two years. That life was put behind me when I joined Clan Vizsla,” she snapped irritably, his lips curling up at her frustration. “  Speaking  of which, my brother is rather cross with you.”
“You think he’ll be more upset after he finds out I fucked you?” Din teased, quickly adding, “Twice.”
She slapped his chest -  hard - taking her mug of tea and sliding out of his grasp. “Paz does like you. He was thinking of us as a match back when we were 16,” she sat down, crossing her legs, the hem of the shirt riding up slightly. “But you were too stupid to do anything other than stare.”
“You could’ve said something too,  cyar’ika ,” he took the other mug and sat across from her. 
“Anaxians don’t reach sexual maturity until their twentieth name day. And what that means, is that we don’t go through puberty until then. I wasn’t really thinking about that sort of stuff until we were older and even then, I was quite put off after what had happened,” Sena reminded him, lifting her helmet enough to take a sip of her tea. “I ended up dating because it felt like the right thing to do, since everyone else was.”
Din’s stomach shifted uncomfortably, horrified by what he was hearing. Not because he’d overstepped boundaries, but because Sena had been trying so hard to fit in and she had gotten burned because of it. Hyvhast’s stupid bucket appeared back in his mind. She had dated him because ‘it seemed right’ only for the mando to strip her growing body after constant pressure and coercion. No wonder Paz had been livid. He’d also felt just as upset, but Paz had known all these things those years ago. His sister was still an adolescent and Hyvhast had defiled her, laughed in her face, and then told others about it. Fortunately, the Tribe wasn’t as stupid as Hyvhast and Jiabe had throttled him for speaking out of turn. 
“And now?”
She glanced over at him. “Well, we didn’t quite date did we? Though circumstances withstanding, I wouldn’t take back any of what we did.”
He was happy to hear that, taking a sip of the tea, which was pleasantly floral with earthy undertones, a hint of caf, and the sweet bloom of the honey. “What are we?”
“Together, if that’s what you’d like,” she proposed, but quickly followed up. “Despite what you’ve said, I think we should get to know each other again. We shouldn’t be too hasty.” They shouldn’t exchange  riduurok  immediately was what she was darting around.
Din would have right in that moment, but respected her request. Duly he remembered that he had promised Karga that he’d pick up the next big bounty soon, something about beskar being involved as payment. The last thing he wanted to do was leave her side after being reunited. But she had full beskar armor. He did not. “Together then,” he agreed. “You’re not going to tell Paz that we-”
“ What!?  ” she screeched. “Do I want your helmet bashed in? No! I’ll tell him that we’re courting. Again, he’s still rather pissed at you,” she cocked her head, setting the mug down on the table. “I know the years haven’t been easy for you. Paz told me that you’ve been living a half-life, not really engaging with the Tribe. Still pulling more than your fair share of weight, but a lot of our  vod  aren’t too pleased with you. Din… Are you ok?”
He sighed, bone weary and not looking forward to this conversation. “The days were monotonous. I just fell into routine and… you were really the only reason I talked to most of the Tribe. Your brother tried to bring me back in and we got into a few fights over it. I thought you were marching away, so hearing him sound so foolishly hopeless about your return… I started to resent him. Which only grew as the years dragged on and he still hadn’t given up about you.”
Sena stood up, trotting over to him and wrapping an arm around his hot neck. “Well, you’d better apologize then, because who’s the  shebs  now?” she pointed out, letting him lean into her chest, hooking his bicep around her waist before he tugged her onto his lap. 
“I am,” he grumbled, nestling his helmet into her collar. 
“Mm, you have changed a bit. Admitting defeat so quickly?”
“Only to you,” he frowned, sitting back up. “It’ll get better.  I’ll get better,” he assured her, touching his helmet down in a keldabe kiss. 
“Better? No, Din, you’ll  feel  better. You’re not broken, just hurting. And I’ll be here for you to talk to. I’m not going anywhere now,” she insisted, pushing back against his helmet. 
He hummed in agreement, holding her close, savoring their proximity once again, clinging to the idea that he’d not be alone again. Truly, he’d never been alone as he was surrounded by the Tribe, but he’d estranged himself after the defeat on Vorp’ya. He didn’t feel hopeless anymore, but there were still many other emotions he had to come to grips with. “Do I really have to apologize to Paz?”
“ Elek, di’kut, ” she flicked his helmet. “Better sooner than later, because if Paz finds out that you-”
“You said you wouldn’t tell him,” he scowled.
“If it’s going to force your apology out of you, perhaps I might casually mention it.”
“We won’t be exchanging  riduurok  ever if your brother kills me,” Din reminded her lightly.
“Mm, would be such a shame. You’ll never find out what an Anaxian princess actually looks like,” she jested.
“If this part of you is any hint at what’s beneath the bucket-” he ran his hand down the front of the shirt she was wearing. “-then I know I’m in for the shock of my life.”
“Oh,” she huffed mockingly. “Can your heart take it?”
Din pushed her off his lap as she broke out into a fit of howling laughter. He’d missed that especially.  “Still a brat.”
“ Your brat.”
“My brat,” he agreed.
ori'buyce kih'kovid - all helmet, no head (overdeveloped sense of authority) mesh'la dala - beautiful woman di'kutla - stupid, worthless Hukaat'kama - watch my six shab - fuck/fucked dala - woman ni cetar'narir kay'shebs - I'm going to shove my boot up your ass shebs - ass jayc'kovid - dickhead osik - shit Vor entre - I owe you a debt (or thank you) Kaysh mirsh solus - his braincell is lonely Oya - let's hunt, let's go Manda'yaim - Mandalore Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I love you Ret'urcye mhi - Goodbye (lit. Maybe we'll meet again) di'kut - idiot Ni vod'ika - my little soldier
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deniigi · 3 years
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That feeling when your new big brother at the covert your parent dragged you across a vast, miserable volcanic planet to is a DICK.
[Image I.D.: A young Paz Vizsla sits on the ground with a ball in his hand, holding it just out of reach of a younger Din Djarin who’s trapped in the Armorer’s lap, struggling to escape and snatch it. End I.D.]
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javier-pena · 3 years
I finally decided it was time to make a masterlist to collect my fics in one place and make it easier to find them. Please always check the warnings on the individual fics, thank you!!
updated: June 1, 2024
fics marked 🔞 are 18+
have fun!!
join the taglist
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Series (ongoing)
Hubris - Dieter Bravo is one of the nicer actors you know. That is until you drunkenly spill a secret that boosts his ego. Suddenly, you’re trapped by his cocky smile and his daring behavior, and you’d hate him for it ... if he didn’t turn you on so much. [Dieter Bravo x f!reader] 🔞 
[Hubris] [Triumph] [Defiance] [Blush] [Conquer]
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Gunslinger - You’re not quite sure what you’re looking for but you find it in an unexpected place and in an unexpected man. [Jack Daniels x m!reader] 🔞
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Series (ongoing)
The Hunt - When your best friend and companion is abducted by a group of outlaws, you hire a Mandalorian to help track down the men and get your revenge. [Din Djarin x f!reader]
Breed - When Din takes you on a trip through the desert, it becomes impossible to resist him. [Din Djarin x f!reader] 🔞
Closure - Marcus, Din and you used to be best friends. Now you’re on opposite sides of the law with a decade worth of grudges between you. But hate can quickly become something else ... [Marcus Pike x Din Djarin x f!reader] 🔞
Permission - You belong to Paz ... but there’s something about Din Djarin. He’s on your mind constantly. [Din Djarin x f!reader x Paz Vizsla] 🔞  
Shared - Din and Paz catch you and decide to have their way with you. [Din Djarin x f!reader x Paz Vizsla] 🔞
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Care - Waking up next to Javi always has consequences. [Javi Gutierrez x f!reader] 🔞
Gleam - Javi makes you a beautiful present. Then he takes you apart. [Javi Gutierrez x f!reader] 🔞
Hush - You were never a fan of big parties. Except for those you spend sitting on Javi’s lap. [Javi Gutierrez x f!reader] 🔞
Reverberate (Writer Wednesday) - Javi shows you a secret spot. [Javi Gutierrez x f!reader] 🔞
Take - Javi and you are enjoying breakfast on his yacht until things take an unexpected turn. [Javi Gutierrez x f!reader] 🔞
Artwork by @honestly-shite​​​
Moodboard by @frankiemorales​​​
Drabble/Answered Asks
Javi G asks
Car sex 🔞 
Extended Javi G Universe
Risk by @danidrabbles​​​ - Javi and you engage in some risky behavior. [Javi Gutierrez x f!reader] 🔞
Ruined by @danidrabbles​​ - When you see Javi receive all kinds of attention after hosting an event, you’re overcome with the urge to remind him who he belongs to. [Javi Gutierrez x f!reader] 🔞
Moodboard by @silksaddle​​​
Moodboard by @sunnydunnydays​
Playlist by @highsviolets​​​
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Series (ongoing)
In Plain Sight - All you wanted was some light summer fun. You never expected to fall for your boyfriend’s big brother. 🔞
The Overlook - When you almost get killed, Joel and Tess are there to rescue you. They take you in, and Joel nurses you back to health. When you discover that Joel and Tess are in a relationship, tension rises until it inevitably breaks. [Joel Miller x f!reader x Tess Servopoulos] 🔞
Pull - You discover something new about Joel. [Joel Miller x f!reader] 🔞
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Plea - Frankie is your best friend. You wish you could be more. But you don’t dare dream that he might want that too. [Frankie Morales x f!reader] 🔞
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Embers - You’re engaged to be married to a man you’ve never met. Arthur Morgan is supposed to escort you across the country to meet him. You should keep your distance, but the dangers of the road bring you closer and closer together with each passing mile. [Arthur Morgan x f!reader] 🔞
Observance - In the quietness of a cooling summer evening you see something you shouldn’t have. [Arthur Morgan x f!reader] 🔞
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Series (ongoing)
Triumvirate - You and Javi have been talking about inviting someone into your bed. When you do, you begin to realize you don’t know yourself as well as you thought. And you have absolutely no idea how to handle this new situation you find yourself in. [Javier Peña x f!reader x Katie] 🔞
Marks - You and Javier used to date. Now, years later, you’re married to another man and he lives on a different continent. When you meet him again during a business trip, your evening takes an unexpected turn. [Javier Peña x f!reader] 🔞
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Denial - Max gets bored while you’re watching a movie together. [Max Phillips x f!reader] 🔞 also a drabble
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Enigma - What is there left to steal for the most infamous thief in the world? [The Thief x f!reader] 🔞
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Quicksand - You meet a stranger at a party [Unnamed Character x f!reader] 🔞
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Mine - You are ready for a cozy evening in front of the TV - until Logan discovers something about you. [Wolverine/Logan x f!reader] 🔞
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Volatile - Dave moves in with you and your husband after his divorce to help him get back on his feet. [Dave York x f!reader] 🔞
541 notes · View notes
aesnawan · 2 years
Amen on the Paz Vizsla thing. Honestly, I'd love to see Paz just being a big brother for Din, a little gruff because 'oh good grief, what have you gotten yourself into this time?' but also kind enough to be like, 'yeah, that wound looks nasty, hang on, I've got some bacta.'
I mean, he and Din share so many of the same difficulties and traumas. Now there are only three of them and I don't know you guys but I was feeling anxious and weird the whole time they were interacting
The Armorer keeps talking about the Mandalorian as a community but she and Paz didn't even blink before kicking Din out
He didn't even ask Din where his weird green baby was
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multific · 3 years
The Mandalorian Collection
Din Djarin
The Caregiver
In Darkness
New Year’s
Christmas Spirit
Only You
Unexpected Love
The Mandalorian and The Jedi
No Damsel in Distress
Of Pregnancy and Beskar
Unspoken Words
Burning Love
The House of Djarin
See You Soon
Memories of You
Waters - Short
We Are One  Chapter 1: Getting You / Chapter 2: Going Home
Big Brother Grogu
Meeting Din When He Goes to Earth
Meeting Their New-Born
Boba Fett
Finally Back
Age is Just a Number
My King
Walk in the Gardens
Paz Vizsla
As You Sleep
506 notes · View notes
maybege · 3 years
Safe And Warm - Part 1
Summary: Din convinces Paz to find the long lost Princess and bring her to her family in Coruscant. What Paz did not expect was her very beautiful companion and the feelings she would wake in him. (Anastasia AU)
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 6.1k | Rating: T
Warnings: one (1) tense moment of threatened violence, otherwise Disney-level fluff, also Mandalorians do not wear helmets in this AU
FINALLY! When I start writing this in November of last year I certainly did not expect it to take this long until I would publish it but the writing gods had other things in mind. This is a loose Anastasia AU with a bit of a mixture of like 1920’s fashion/aesthetics set in the Star Wars Universe. It was a lot of fun to write and – in my mind – is like a 90-minute fun Disney movie with romance sprinkled in.
Because there will be two parts of The One posted next week, the second (and final) part of this story will be posted on July 23. Always, feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoy it!
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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Paz was sure that Din had lost his mind.
To be fair, he had thought that more than once but this time he was convinced that it had finally happened. Din Djarin had lost his stars forsaken mind.
But, as always, Din did not seem to be deteriorated by his friend’s disapproval.
“Valoria has been destroyed a long time ago now,” Paz said, “And everyone on it has been destroyed with it.”
“Yes, except maybe what if it hasn’t?”
Paz scoffed, “I very much doubt that.”
His eyes wandered around the cantina they were sitting in. The bar was packed by what seemed to be the crews of the trade ships, gambling and laughing at their tables, and over on the other side of the glittering gown of the singer caught his eye. Stars, he just wanted one calm evening …
“Paz,” Din grabbed him by the upper arm, “We all know the remaining Valars are Coruscant royalty so to speak and them setting out a price for the lost princess? That must mean she is out there somewhere. And wewill be the ones to bring her home.”
Paz did not say anything. He wanted nothing more than another drink and maybe watch a good fighting match. Stars, maybe even participatein a good fighting match.
But Din did not give up. He never did.
“Think of the money, Paz,” he implored, “That would be more than enough to build a new classroom in the covert and get you one of those fancy new blasters the Armourer has been eyeing – and that would only be with half your share.”
Paz hesitated.
They did need a new classroom. Or at least some improvements on the current one. Last week, some bricks had tumbled down and it had been pure luck that none of the foundlings had been there.
He would have never been able to forgive himself if something had happened to one of his students.
He sighed in defeat, his shoulders dropping and he leant back in his chair. “How do you plan on finding – what’s her name again Thama-something?”
“Thalassa,” Din corrected him with a smug grin on his face. He had probably realized by now that he had captured Paz’s interest. Smug bastard.
“And you’ll be glad to know that I have found her already.”
“Found her?” Paz was stunned, “I am impressed, vod. You never seemed like the planning type.”
Din ignored his jab and set out the map, the galaxy lighting up between them. “A reliable source told me we can find her here,” he pointed to the very end of the map, symbolizing the edge of the Outer Rim, “All we need to do is get her from here to here,” he drew an imaginary line all the way to Coruscant, “Without having anything happen to her.”
“Seems easy enough,” Paz commented, brows furrowing, “So why do you need me for it?”
“There might or might not be a price on her head … from the Imps,” Din admitted.
He knew there had to be a problem somewhere.
“Do you have any idea how many things can go wrong? This is asking for trouble Din,” Paz cursed, clearly unhappy with that tidbit of information, “No credits in the whole wide galaxy would make this worth it. I have no desire to have a run-in with the Imps any time soon.”
“Vod, please,” Din said, “I – kriff, I need the money to get stuff for the kid,” Paz's eyes fell to the little pod in which the green child – his honorary nephew – was sleeping, “I need him safe, alright? And I need your help, brother, please.”
“Alright,” Paz murmured, nodding, “But I already know this will go wrong.”
Din’s ‘hot tip’ led them to a planet on the Outer Rim. The very edge of it, to be exact.
They had gotten a ride on a friend’s ship much to Paz’s amusement. Din begrudgingly calling Boba Fett of all people for help all the way from Tatooine was the highlight of his week – month, even.
The Razor Crest was hopelessly broken down and Paz was sure that Din would use significant amounts of his share to get the ship and his home back on track.
They had left Grogu with the covert under the watchful eye of the Armourer, knowing that the mission would be too dangerous and too risky to take him along. That was the moment Paz knew that Din was serious about all of this. For his vod to leave his kid somewhere that was not with him – that was a big step.
A step which both of them seemed to regret as they landed on the planet in question. It was muddy and green and brownish, a wholly unappealing colour palette. The sky was dark or … well, not dark. But it seemed to be a permanent twilight no matter what time it was and with the small drizzle, the rain seemed to paint the whole world a constant grey.
The only homes that littered the streets – or rather trampled paths – were small homes, only distinguishable from the grey horizon by the small fires that lit up their windows.
Paz had never been so sure that there would never be a princess here. But maybe that was exactly what made this the perfect hiding spot.
And so, he hoisted his bag higher on his bag as they trudged through village after village in search for whatever sign Din deemed to be worthy to stop for. As the rain lessened, the sky lightened up a little but they were still wet to the bones and Paz hated it.
After hours of walking, Din finally stopped in front of a small hut.
Children were playing in the space between the houses and the few adults that seemed to be working outside eyed the newcomers suspiciously. Paz’s hand felt the blaster on his hip, a strange feeling overcoming him at being watched.
“I don’t like this, vod,” he murmured, “I really don’t.”
Din hummed in agreement before knocking on the door.
A few moments passed and then an elderly man opened. Both his eyes and his hair were grey, he seemed … worn. Tired and worn. But when he spotted them, and his eyes flew immediately to the weapons on their hips, he tensed. And so did Paz.
Surely this was not the best first impression they could make.
Then again, he was impatient to get away from here.
“I know why you are here,” the man said, his eyes lighting up in excitement as he motioned for them to come inside.
Paz was confused by this but he did not complain. The man did not seem to have any weapons on him and, as surprising as it was, he seemed genuine.
The house they were led into was simple. The downstairs consisted of a single room, serving as both the kitchen and the living room, and a set of stairs led to what Paz assumed to be the bedrooms.
A hearty smell wafted through the air and he spotted a pot hanging over the fire. His stomach growled.
“You are here to bring her home, aren’t you?” the man asked excitedly and both he and Din tilted their heads questioningly, making no secret of the fact that they were surprised by his warm welcome.
“We have been waiting for years but you see,” the man explained, gesturing to the outside, “there is no way to send reliable messages out there without them being able to be transferred.”
A woman came through a backdoor, clearly his spouse. She wore an apron and a suspicious look on her face as she spotted the two intruders. But even then, she did not acknowledge them. Instead, she walked over to the steaming pot of soup and set it on the table in the middle of the room.
Paz heard Din’s stomach grumbling and grinned.
“They are here to bring Thalassa home, darling,” the man explained, looking almost relieved and Paz furrowed his brows. He did not put it past the stranger to genuinely be happy for the girl to get back to her family but somehow, he had the feeling that the man’s happiness had a different reason.
“Where can we find her?” Din asked gruffly, shifting his weight on the other foot, “We want to get going as soon as possible.”
“Why should I tell you where she is?” the woman spat, “I cared for her like she was my own, what makes you think I would so easily give her away?”
“Because she deserves to be reunited with her family,” Din stated drily, “And her family wants to see her. They have waited a long time for this to happen.”
Paz held onto himself to not roll his eyes. Din could always be so dramatic if he wanted to and he hoped that it would work. He just wanted to get on with it.
The spouses looked at each other for a long moment and Paz could tell that they were having a conversation without words.
“Alright,” the woman finally relented, before adding, “But I do have one condition.”
“What is it?”
“I want you to take my niece with you. She – she has been stuck on this planet for far longer than she needed to. She is a good girl, she deserves a chance in the big worlds.”
Paz could feel how tense Din was. His first instinct was to disagree. They would have trouble smuggling one princess across the galaxy but a princess and another random stranger? Besides, who knew how this niece would hinder them on their quest to keep the princess safe?
No, that really was a ridiculous idea.
But Din was better at lying than he was and so he agreed with a reluctant nod. Nothing would speak against just taking the princess with them once they found her, right?
“Where is she then?”
“Oh, they’re just outside, working in the gardens,” the older woman says, wiping her hands on her apron, “You can tell them dinner is ready. You’re invited to stay as well, you won’t be able to walk back to your ship in that darkness.”
Both of them nodded and Paz was happy to set down his bag at the door that led outside. He kept his blaster on his hip though and he knew that Din had done the same. His thoughts were rushing with how quickly they could get Thalassa out of here and how long they would have before any of the Imps had an inkling of where she was.
But as he stepped down the stairs all thoughts left his head because … because …
There you were.
Like the lady had said, you were working in the gardens. You were kneeling on the muddy ground, your hands full of wet earth as you cleaned the plants of any weeds. Your companion was next to you, sitting on a small chair and talking to you. She must have said something funny because you threw your head back and laughed.
You – stars, you were beautiful.
How could people not see a princess when they saw you?
Noticing the newcomers, you raised your head and your eyes grew wide as you saw the two big men walk determinedly towards you. You hurried to stand up, wiping your hands clean on an apron. “How can we help you?” you asked carefully.
Paz did not slow his steps. He felt how flushed he was, even the tips of his ears felt hot as he walked towards you. His chest was oddly warm and tight as he looked at you, your eyes big and your mouth opening with another question.
“Your Majesty,” he murmured, lifting your hand to his mouth and kissing the back of it. You had wiped them clean on the fabric of your skirt and he felt how soft it was and he heard you gasp and oh stars how would he ever be able to forget this very moment.
The other woman seemed to be more excited rather than surprised and he heard her talking to Din in a high-pitched voice. But what did he care about that woman’s niece when you were there right in front of him?
“Oh I – I’m not,” you said, clearly embarrassed. You held your hand to your chest, the one he had kissed and Paz frowned. Shame filled him when he realised that he had made you feel uncomfortable but then he was also confused by your words. What did you mean?
“If anyone’s a Majesty, that would be me,”the woman behind him said, “It’s been time I would think.”
“We’re here to get you back to your family, Your Majesty,” Din said, throwing an amused look to Paz who was still standing in front of you. He looked from the other woman to you and back again. She – she was the princess? And you were the niece?
“We will start our journey to Coruscant tomorrow,” Din announced, “We got a ticket on a freighter ship booked. It will be a long and dangerous journey, princess, but you will see your family again soon.”
“Well, I should hope so,” Thalassa replied, wholly unimpressed, “It’s been years, I almost thought I’d never leave this forsaken place. Oh, is that dinner I smell?”
The princess walked off without another word, leaving the basket and little chair behind as well as Din and Paz looking at each other and realizing that keeping her safe might not be the issue – enduring her might cost them their last nerves.
Paz watched as you kneeled down again quickly putting some of the vegetables in the basket.
With the basket in your hands, you stood up again, looking at Paz for a long while. He felt how this warm feeling came back and nervously shifted on his feet. He could not figure out what it was about you but he – he wanted more. Wanted you more.
You took a deep breath, seemingly gathering your courage for something, and he resisted the urge to take your hand.
“When, uh, when you said you would go to Coruscant did you mean … me too?” you asked quietly and the small hope in your eyes made his heart clench.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Din opening his mouth. He knew that look on his face, knew that Din would reject your request just like they had planned when your aunt had first voiced that condition. Din would tell you that they would leave only with the princess in tow. And he was right, probably. Fewer people meant less danger.
But you did not look at Din.
You looked at him with a small smile on your lips as if you did not allow yourself to be hopeful yet but as if you wanted to be. Wanted to be hopeful. Wanted to be excited. Wanted to be on this journey.
He wanted to change that.
“Yes,” he said, already feeling Din’s eyes on him. But when you looked at him like that there was no way he could say no, “Yes, you will come with us too, if you’d like, of course.”
To no one’s surprise (and Paz’s excitement), you wanted to come along.
Already the preparations for the trip were eating at their nerves. Thalassa was more than annoyed that she was only allowed to take one bag with her. But Din was adamant and surprisingly patient with the demanding princess and soon she had reduced her luggage to only the essential items. It was not like she would need her muddy dresses in the high society of Coruscant.
Paz felt like he could not wait until the trip was over.
The next morning, they were able to borrow speeders from the family which would take them to the capital of the mud planet. From there, they would take one of the big cruiser ships to Naboo.
It was the easiest method to fall under the radar – by blending in with the large crowds that flocked to the core worlds. Paz had worn his best suit for that exact purpose.
The only downside was that the Imps were slowly becoming aware of that loophole and more and more of them infiltrated the standard ways of travelling.
Already in the terminal did Paz spot a few suspicious-looking people. They were most likely bounty hunters but he was not too worried. The ship they were boarding was enormous and so was the number of passengers. The odds of them crossing paths were very slim and so he and Din decided to not change their plans at the last minute.
You, on the other hand, seemed to be intimidated if not scared. Din has assigned you the space on Paz’s speeder and with your arms wrapped around his middle, you had driven hours on end until you had reached the spaceport. He had liked the proximity, the way you had pressed your cheek against his back and how your arms had sometimes tightened around him.
He could very well get used to it.
Now, even as you were in the terminal, ready to board, you stuck to his side. It flustered and pleased him to have you so close that your arm was brushing against his constantly. But he was also relieved to have you this close because everywhere he looked, strangers were walking towards the gates and he did not want to lose you in this chaos.
And so, he made it a point to make himself seem bigger, pushing out his chest and straightening his posture to make sure that none of the other passengers would stray too close.
You sent him a grateful smile.
A few rows before you, he could hear Thalassa’s high-pitched voice complaining about one thing or another and soon he recognized Din’s dark hair in the masses. He wondered if his brother in arms was even listing to her. Her voice was shrill and she had not stopped talking for one moment since leaving the house this morning so Paz found it hard to imagine that Din could just tune it out but he hoped for his sake that he could.
He did not want to imagine the next few days on the ship.
“Do you have the tickets?” you asked quietly beside him, pulling him out of his thoughts. Paz nodded and rummaged in the inside pocket of his jacket. He brought out two data chips, handing you one.
“Stick close,” he advised you, “It can get a little chaotic, getting through the gates.”
With big eyes, you nodded. He watched how you took a deep breath and then you were separated from him, being pushed towards another gate. There was a sea of people trying to get through the electronic controls and Paz did not like this suffocating feeling that came over him
He pushed the chip in and the gate opened with a beep before he was swept up again by the masses making their way into the hull of the ship. But there was something – or rather someone – missing.
Paz turned around, trying to spot you. When he did not see you, he grew panicked. He could care less what happened to Thalassa but you– he wanted to make sure you were safe.
Hoping that it would help, he shouted your name over the chatter of the other passengers. He turned around, fighting his way back to the gates, pushing against people and getting insulted in more languages than he understood.
A soft hand grabbed his and he froze. He whipped his head around and there you were, looking clearly a bit overwhelmed but smiling at him. He breathed a sigh of relief, his shoulders dropping. Out of instinct, he grasped your hand tighter, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
“Ready?” he asked and you nodded with a smile.
Neither of you let go of each other’s hand.
Hours later, when the ship finally started taking off, you were settled in the cantina.
The ship had dorms and suites and common rooms, more than anyone could ever count, but Din and Paz had decided that it would be safer for the time being to be in the cantina before figuring out any sleeping arrangements.
“I don’t understand why we couldn’t have gotten a suite,” Thalassa hissed, looking around her with disdain. It was clear that she did not appreciate being around ‘commoners’ as she had called them before and Paz wondered how she had lived her life in poverty and still ended up like this.
Fittingly enough, he could see how Din’s jaw clenched, how his eyes flashed with annoyance, and grinned. When he had thought of credits he certainly hadn’t thought of how annoying royalty could be to deal with.
“It would be too obvious, Thalassa,” you explained gently, sitting next to Paz and a datapad in your lap, “They already explained before. It will only be for a few days. Isn’t that right, Paz?”
His heart skipped a beat at you saying his name. You were already looking to him for backup, as if you trusted him with it, and the way his name rolled off your tongue … stars, he would dream of that tonight.
“Very right,” he replied, “Three days at the most, all of this will take less than a week if we’re lucky.”
“And if we’re not?” Thalassa challenged.
“Then it will take longer,” Din hissed.
Paz grinned. This would be a long journey.
When dinner had been served, the group had barely moved from their spot in the cantina.
Thalassa had been busy watching some holovid or another on a datapad and the best part about it was that she was silent. Under different circumstances, Paz might have been annoyed by how loud she was playing the holovid, the actor’s shrill voice sounding all the way through the cantina but he could not be bothered to care when the alternative was to explain to her for the hundredth time why she needed to be happy with the lower standard of accommodation.
Din was sitting next to the princess, thoroughly entranced by studying maps or researching new parts for the Crest or something.
But whom Paz was most focused on was you.
You had started to doze off in your seat next to him for a while now and your head kept leaning dangerously to the side, threatening to fall on his shoulder. Paz was tense. Slowly, he shifted closer to you until your cheek rested fully on his shoulder and he heard you sigh in your sleep and then … you shuffled closer to him.
Paz tensed even more, pretending to read the ship’s safety manual in his hands.
He still felt Din’s amused gaze on him though and he furiously tried to ignore the heat that rose in his cheeks. But you were soft and warm against him, completely relaxed now that your head was supported by something.
He wondered if you were cold. It was drafty in the cantina, maybe he should put his jacket over you? He would be fine with just wearing his shirt and the vest but he would have to move and what if that would wake you?
And how would he get you to your sleeping quarters without waking you? Would you be angry at him? He knew some people had trouble falling asleep on spacecrafts and what if you were one of them and you had finally managed to fall asleep only to be awakened by him and then you would not be able to sleep again and –
“Guess it is time to talk about the living arrangements,” Din muttered.
Thalassa put her datapad on the table with a clatter. “Finally,” she sounded exasperated, “I hope at least our sleeping accommodations will be sufficient.”
At the sound of her voice, you stirred next to him, your brows furrowing. Paz thought you looked adorable, like a loth cat that had fallen asleep in the sun with your cheek squished against the tweed of his suit.
“Hey, love,” he whispered, hoping no one heard how that pet name had slipped out of lips so naturally. He rose his hand to your cheek, gently coaxing you awake.
“Huh?” you murmured, blinking up confused at him before a small smile appeared on your lips.
Then you noticed the position you were in and, clearly embarrassed, scooted away from him.
“I am so sorry,” you mumbled, “That was very inappropriate of me.”
Paz wanted to protest and say that he would hold you in his arms for however long you wanted. He would be gladly at your service should you have need of a human pillow again. But even in his lovestruck state, he knew how ridiculous that sounded and so he managed to keep his mouth shut and only smile tightly at you.
“So,” Din pulled the attention on himself, “We have three beds and four people. One private room for two and one bunk bed in the larger dorms. I’d suggest you girls get the room and Paz and I take the bunk.”
“Absolutely not,” Thalassa protested, completely horrified. Paz furrowed his brows confused over why she was this opposed to something that should actually please her. Having a private room had to be one of the points on her secret lists of requirements, he was sure, why in the stars would she not want to stay in one?
“If people are out there searching for me I want to be roomed with someone who can protect me, not – not her, no offence, honey,” she gestured towards you.
“None taken,” you smiled slightly, then turned to Din, “But Thalassa is right. If people are hunting her like you say they are, then – maybe I should sleep in the dorm? I – surely, it won’t be thatbad.”
Everything in Paz’s stomach turned at the idea of you in one of the big dorms. This was the first time you had ever left your planet and you thought they would throw you into a dorm with a bunch of rowdy passengers? No way.
“Well, then how do we proceed?” Din asked, throwing a knowing look his way, “I guess it is best if Paz would be in the dorms with you, he is intimidating enough that people wouldn’t want to approach you.”
“Intimidating?” you asked confused, turning to look at Paz, “I – I don’t think he’s intimidating at all.”
Paz was positive that he had never been this flustered in his life. You didn’t think him to be intimidating. You were not intimidated by him. You were comfortable with him. Comfortable enough to even share a bunk with him.
“Is that so?” Din asked, hardly able to hide his grin, “Well, isn’t that interesting, Paz?”
Shut up, Paz thought, too focused on how you were still tucked into his side, the sleep barely gone from your eyes, Shut up and let me enjoy this.
The walk to the dorm was long and dark and for you, probably quite scary.
Paz was convinced that he had already witnessed at least two spice deals and you weren’t even halfway to the dorm. He was happy about it though because he was not sure what would have happened if anyone thought you had noticed their illegal wrongdoings.
But you were probably unaware of it.
You seemed to make sure never to stray too far from him or the path that you had set out for yourself, your hesitant footsteps echoing around the labyrinth that was the ship. He could see how tightly you were clutching your bag to your chest as he walked beside you and it took everything in him not to put his arm around your waist.
Where did this endless need to touch you come from?
When the door to the dormitory came into view, Paz took a deep breath, shouldered his bag. The weight of his blaster against his hop was a comfort as he braced himself for the worst. Dorms on ships these big … they could be bad.
“We’re bed 32B,” he told you and you nodded your understanding as the door slid open with a creak.
It was a huge room and it seemed endless. Paz could not even see the furthest wall from where he was standing at the entrance. But no matter how big the room seemed, it was absolutely packed with people of all ways of life and it was loud.
You backed up into him, your back bumping against his chest as a sound of fear escaped you.
“It’ll be alright, mesh’la,” he promised quietly, his hands finding your hips as he gently guided you forward. There was a resistance in your steps as he saw you watch your new surroundings. There were several bet games going on and from further down the room he was sure he heard some illegal loth cat races and even more angry shouts at a commotion just to your right.
The bunks that lined the walls each had four levels and Paz was somewhat relieved to find that your assigned bed was on the third one. Far enough up to avoid getting pulled into any of the conflicts. Far enough out of reach that he would have enough time to react if someone tried to come for you.
“I hope you don’t get claustrophobic too easily,” he muttered as he spotted how dark and small it looked. You might be able to sit up fully but he was certainly not.
Before you could step towards the ladder, however, a bright red arm stopped you, blocking your way. You squeaked and stepped right back into Paz’s chest whose arm came around your waist, holding you to him. He tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating at having you this close. Instead, he eyed the man in front of you who grinned confidently.
The alien’s eyes roamed over you slowly, dragging over every single inch of your body and Paz sneered, pulling you closer.
“Oh, where did you get this beauty, Mando?” the stranger asked, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he leered at you, “How much for a night of entertainment, girly? I promise I pay well.”
Paz did not even blink as he pulled his blaster and held it against the man’s forehead. “Touch her and you are dead,“ he growled, arm tensing around you.
Instantly, all eyes in the room focussed on the three of you and the charged weapon but he could not bring himself to care. His eyes were cold as he stared the man down, his other and still on you and he noticed how your shoulders relaxed.
The man shifted uneasily on his feet before he lifted his hands in a gesture of peace. “Alright, alright,” he muttered, taking a few steps backwards, “She’s yours, I get it, I’m backing off, you see, Mando? No need to point that thing at me.”
Paz did not lower the blaster until the man had disappeared into the darkness of the room. Soon the other passengers started minding their own business again, the chatter picking back up and the hissing of the loth cats sounding above everything else.
“C’mon,” he muttered to you, gently pushing you towards the ladder, “That one’s ours.”
You climbed into the bunk before him and scooted to the very edge of it to make space for him as well. Just as he had suspected, the bunk was too low for him and he needed to duck his head before he could even thinkof crawling into the small space.
The bunk was outfitted like most bunks he had slept in, a curtain to pull close during the night, a net at the side to store a small bag or other belongings and a dim night lamp. He pulled the curtain close immediately, fastening it at the side so no one from the outside could open it easily. Then he switched on the small lamp, flooding the little bunk with warm light.
The first thing both of you did was take off your shoes and putting them at the very end of the bed where a small shelf was located. Paz decided to store his backpack there as well. It did not necessarily feel very safe but he also did not want you to feel uncomfortable. The bunk was slim as it was.
“I – I still need to change,” you noted, shifting in what he now recognized as discomfort.
Paz felt his cheeks heating up at the implication.
“I’ll turn around and, uh, let you change,” he decided and turned his back to you. The only problem was that in his haste to offer you some privacy, Paz forgot that the bunk was not built for people of his size and smashed his head against the ceiling.
“Ouch!” he cursed, “Kriffin’ bantha –“ he grumbled, holding his head and hearing your giggle behind him.
“I’m sorry,” you managed to bring out between your quiet laughter, “It just looked so funny.”
He only grumbled, his head still pounding but his heart fluttering because you sounded so happy. It was lovely.
He took the chance to slip off his suspenders and unbutton his dress shirt, only leaving him in his Henley and his pants. It would be comfortable enough for a night’s sleep, he supposed.
When he felt you shift and rustle beside him, he took it as a sign that it was safe to turn around. This time, he ducked his head, making sure to not even come near the hard ceiling. You were dressed in your night shift, fiddling with your hands in front of your chest.
“Does – does it hurt very badly?” you asked guiltily, “Maybe we can find a bacta pill or something?”
Even in the dim light of the bunk, Paz could see the unease and guilt on your face. And he rushed to make you feel better.
“No worries, mesh’la,” he assured you, “It was just a bump and I suppose from the outside it must’ve been pretty funny.”
You smiled shyly at him, “It was and … if it makes you feel better, the next time I bump my head, you’re allowed to laugh as much as you want.”
With that, you settled down under the blankets, your cheek hitting the pillow as you expectantly looked up at him and patted the spot next to yours. “Aren’t you going to sleep too?”
He had no words. Not only were you smiling at him like that but now you also wanted him to – to really sleep beside you. No staying on top of the covers. No sitting at the end of the bed and looking out for trouble. You wanted him to sleep.
He laid down, turning so his back was towards the curtain and he was facing you. “It’s, uh it’s a tight fit,” he murmured trying to arrange his arms somehow. You smiled, carefully taking his hand and stars your skin was soft and put it behind you on your waist.
Immediately, his fingers spread out on your back, pulling you closer. The fabric of your nightdress was soft under his fingertips and he wondered if your skin felt like that too. He heard you take a deep breath and then he felt your fingers on the exposed skin of his chest, playing with the buttons of his Henley.
His eyes fluttered closed, enjoying your soft touches on him.
“Are you comfortable?” he whispered, your head tucked into his chest, “the blanket’s not very thick I could try and see if they have some more on -“
“It’s alright,” you cut him off, smiling up at him, “I’m – you – you’re very warm, but what is that?”
You shifted again and he felt something hard brush against his belly. He chuckled and put his finger to his lips to shush you with a conspiratory grin. Lifting the blanket, he revealed the blaster between the two of you.
Your eyes widened.
“Safety’s on,” he revealed, “but I don’t want to take any chances.”
You shuddered, “I’m not used to all this – this danger,” you confessed, your finger brushing against his chest and he made sure his hand didn’t flex too much on your back.
“I worry about it,” you said, “Of the things that could happen. Thalassa and I – we’ve never been anywhere but home and now this – this is so much.”
“It’ll be alright,” he promised quietly, “it’ll be alright. Just rest and as soon as you can blink we’re one day closer to Naboo.”
“W-will you be there when I wake up?”
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