#stop making people go through it and then be fine!
mapis-putellas · 15 hours
𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏
Pairing: Alexia Putellas x reader
Words: 1998
Warnings: none
Summary: You break your ankle and Alexia feels guilty.
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"Are you comfortable, amor?" Alexia murmurs as she places a cushion beneath your leg, making sure it was elevated before tentatively easing herself down next to you and resting her hand on your thigh.
You'd just gotten back from a four hour stint at the hospital after breaking your ankle whilst out for a run with Alexia, and whilst most people would have spent that time waiting for X-rays and tests and who else knows what, you'd spent the majority of the time attempting to talk Alexia down. Not only had she been antsy ever since the small accident; pacing back and forth, bouncing her leg and biting her nails, but she'd felt incredibly guilty too because she'd felt as though the whole thing had been her fault.
You smile slightly as you try your best to ignore the persistent throbbing in your left ankle. "I'm okay, baby," You assure, reaching up and lightly trailing the tip of your finger over her furrowed brow. "Now stop frowning. You'll get wrinkles."
Alexia scoffs quietly as she grasps your hand and pulls it away from her face, giving the appendage a soft squeeze. "You broke your ankle," she exclaims, looking less than happy. At herself, or at you, you didn't quite know. "You broke your ankle because of me. I am allowed to frown."
"What?" You frown, shaking your head. "It was not because of you. It was my idea to go jogging, ale."
"And it was my idea to race." She counters, and you sigh lightly as you trail the pad of your thumb over the back of her hand. The skin warms beneath your touch.
She was right. It was her idea to race. But that didn't mean that it was her fault. You were notoriously clumsy and had been for as long as you could remember, tripping over your own feet at least once a day. That wasn't even mentioning the fact that last week you fell up the stairs due to the fact you were paying more attention to your phone than your feet. It was just who you were, and you were pretty sure that would never change.
"It was your idea to race," you agree, hating the way her lips purse at your words. You attempt to mediate that straight away. "But you and I both know that I would have tripped had we been racing or not. I'm clumsy ale, you know this."
Alexia sighs lightly. "Sí. I know. But..."
"I know," you sooth, gently tugging on her hand in hopes to persuade her to come closer. Alexia visibly hesitates as she looks down at your broken leg. You smile lightly. "It's okay," you assure. "You won't hurt me. It's my ankle that's broken, not my arm, or chest. I can still hold you."
Alexia nods, biting her bottom lip softly as she scoots herself a little closer and lays her chest flush against your own. Her cheek rests on your shoulder, and you both feel and hear the deep sigh that escapes her lips as you hook your arms around her waist. Her own loop loosely around your shoulders, almost as though she was afraid of hurting you further, and you can't help but sigh softly as you crane your head and press your lips against her neck.
"It's okay, ale," you assure, brushing your lips against her skin as you reach up to cup the back of her head. Your fingers comb through her hair, a gentle and repetitive motion as you feel her tighten her grip around you. "It's okay."
After a few moments, Alexia eases herself away from you, her hands rising to tenderly cup your cheeks before she leans in and places a playful kiss to your nose. You laugh softly at the exaggerated sound she makes as she pulls away, and Alexia smiles as she places another kiss to your lips before clearing her throat and rising to her feet.
"Come on, amor. It is dinner time."
A few hours later, you find yourself sat on the closed toilet seat as you watch Alexia get things ready for a shower. Despite your insistence that you could manage just fine, she'd insisted on showering with you, making an apparently very valid point that if she were to let you shower alone and you fell because you only had one good foot, it would be entirely her fault. You'd disagreed that it would not be, but accepted her reasoning anyway, not willing to upset her anymore than you already had today.
You watch as she checks the temperature of the water before crouching down in front of you with a waterproof cast cover.
"Is this really necessary?" You grumble as she slides the uncomfortable garment over your foot, nose wrinkling as it digs into the skin just beneath your knee.
"Yes, amor," Alexia glances up at you as she lightly grasps the back of your ankle and adjusts the cover slightly. "If you do not wear this, your cast will get wet and then you have no choice to go back to hospital."
You sigh lightly, Alexia sending you a sympathetic look as she rises back to her feet and holds out her hands. When you hesitate, she wiggles her fingers, and you can't help but smile slightly as you take them and allow her to haul you to your feet.
"It is going to be...difficult, amor, I know this. You know this. But I will be with you, sí?" She guides your hands to rest on each of her sides for balance before cupping your cheeks. "I am here to help you, always, yes?" Her voice trails off into a whisper as she leans forward and places a lingering kiss to your forehead.
Your nod slightly as your eyes flutter closed at the feeling of her lips against your skin, fingers tightly clutching the material of her shirt. Realising you may need a second, Alexia reaches round to cup the back of your head and coaxes you to her chest. You fall into her, allowing her steady frame to support your body and help keep you upright as her hand rubs gentle circles across the length of your back.
"Te amo, amor." She whispers, grazing her thumb across your scalp as she rocks you gently back and forth. You smile slightly into her chest as your hands come to rest on the small of her back.
"I love you too, baby." Your voice was mere whisper, but Alexia hears it loud and clear. Her arms squeeze you tightly before she eases you away from her, hands once again returning to your cheeks.
"Let's shower, sí?" She whispers, and you nod your head, feeling one last kiss to your forehead before gentle hands were tugging lightly at the bottom of your shirt.
You raise your arms and allow her to remove it from your body, left only in your sports bra. Alexia tucks her fingers beneath the material before removing that too. Left bare from the waist up, you hold onto her shoulders as she crouches down and tugs off both your shorts and underwear in one go.
"All done." she murmurs, placing an affectionate kiss to your hipbone before standing back up. Alexia makes quick work of stripping too, placing everything into the laundry basket before she gathers you back in her arms, skin against skin as she holds your body close to her own and helps guide you into the shower.
The warm water hits you immediately, and you let out a deep sigh of relief as you allow Alexia to hold your front flush against her own, arms around your waist to keep you both balanced and upright. You hear her hum slightly as she presses her lips against the side of your head, your eyes closing in content as you lean into the touch.
The sound of the shower water hitting the tiled floor fills the silence between you both, the glass screen quickly becoming fogged due to the heat. Right now, in this moment, all you could feel was Alexia. Her touch. Her smell. Her skin. The way her hands graze softly against your back as her lips press gentle kisses to your forehead. Everything was just...her, and it was something you wanted to experience a thousand times over.
"How is your leg, amor?" Alexia murmurs against your forehead, her voice effectively breaking the silence between you. You let out a quiet sigh as you shift a little on your one supporting foot, the other held up behind you.
"Sore," you admit, cupping her jawline and trailing the pad of your thumb over the sharpness of it. The blonde before you cranes her head and presses a kiss to the palm of your hand, and you can't help but smile a little when she playfully nips at the skin. "But the painkillers are helping."
"Bueno. Will you let me wash your hair?" She brings one of her hands away from your body and lightly grasps a strand of soaked hair, twirling it around her fingers before tucking it behind your ear.
"Sure ale." You nod, Alexia smiling in response as she reaches for the shampoo that was placed on the small shelf in the corner. She pours an adequate amount into her palm before rubbing her hands together to create a lather, your eyes fluttering closed when you feel them begin to gently scrub at your scalp.
You can't help but let out a quiet groan.
"Nice?" Alexia smiles, her voice holding a tone of amusement, and you nod your head, your exhale of content audible over the shower water still hitting the floor. When your hair was officially soaped up, she gently guides you back beneath the water and begins rinsing it out. Your eyes remain closed throughout the entire process, your hands keeping ahold of her biceps so she didn't have to hold up the entirety of your weight.
The rest of your shower passes in a comfortable silence, Alexia not only washing your hair but your body too. Whilst your conditioner sits, you allow her to lift you off of your feet for just a few moments so that your good leg could have a break.
You'd then manage to talk her into letting you wash her hair for her too despite her worries that you wouldn't be able to do so without slipping, and soon, she was carrying you out of the bathroom wrapped snuggly in a towel, easing you down onto the end before crouching down in front of you and gently easing off the cast cover.
You wince a little at the red indent it leaves, Alexia running the pad of her thumb over it before she grabs the free towel she'd brought in with her and begins drying you off. You raise an eyebrow in amusement as you reach out to cup her cheek. "I can do this myself, ale." You murmur with a smile, Alexia glancing up at you with a shy grin as she continues with her task.
"I know," she shrugs lightly. "but I want to help, amor. Let me, por favor?"
You stare down at the pleading look on her face, silently begging you to let her help in any way she could. After a second, you find yourself nodding your head.  "Okay." You agree softly, Alexia giving your knee a soft squeeze before once again picking up the towel.
@xxnaiaxx @goldenempyrean @simp4panos @liloandstitchstan @codiemarin @marysfics @girlgenius1111
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flemingsgirl · 3 days
Bundle of joy
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Her sweet wife's expecting and her teammates being just like family.
Viviane Miedema x freader
Tw: Mention of vomit and a swear..
Wrapped in your coat only your eyes and scrunched nose looking out you sat behind the bench of her team; Viv organized you a bandage for the seat. When the team walks back to the locker room Katie and some other wave at you and as Vivianne makes her way past you she stops at the railing. “Look at you all freezing up, just wearing gloves, what are you hoping for,” you laughed and she rolls her eyes. Her hand reaching for yours intertwining them, “You okay?” She knitted her brows. “you’re quite passive just some jogs.”
“Yeah, yeah, someone kicked me against my shine.”
“You can say that loud. Are you alright?” her eyes wandering from yours down to your abdomen.
“I’m fine, we’re fine” her lips curl up and her dimple visualizes on her cheek. “You’re rocking it Anna,” you squeeze her hand, the goner laughed, and you showed how you have her finger crossed, she gives you another radiant smile before disappearing into the dugout.
When the game ends her eyes search for you on your designed seat. “You good Miedema?” her thick accent filling the air.
“Yeah just looking..”
“For Y/N? I think she left ten minutes ago.” The woman takes off as the words left katies mouth.
Banging on the several doors in the restroom she hears heavy breathing behind the last one. “Schatje,” she raises her hand and knocks hesitantly on the door, “can you let me in?”
“It’s open,” you mumble, and she slowly pushes the door open. “It hit out of the blue, couldn’t even watch the end.”
Her hand rubs over your back, her other holding your hair back, “it’s alright, it wasn’t even important.”
“Every game is important for me, seemingly not for her.” Your head rests in your hand as you take deep breaths in.
“She cannot quite understand it,” Viv lets out a chuckle and takes your cheek in her hand.
“Don’t, I stink.”
“So, do I.”
“You don’t wanna kiss me with all the vomit.”
“I’d always kiss you but if you don’t feel like it it’s okay.” She rises to her feet holding out a hand for you, “you wanna come into the changing room and wait for me?”
“I don’t know I’m not sure if the nausea is gone,” you take her hand, and she helps you on your feet.
“Good, small steps, okay? So how are we?” leading you out of the stall and towards the sinks, getting some water in her hands she attaches it to your skin, a prickling feeling runs through your body. “You’re doing so well.”
“I’m just standing.”
“Yeah, and that’s enough,” she places her hands on your tummy which is hid in your coat. “We’re almost done, only a few weeks.” She pecks your cheek, then the other and at last your forehead. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you, my love,” you bring your arms around your neck and snuggle into the crock of her neck, the sweaty smell almost calming you. “I’m ready let’s get this done.”
She guides you into the changing room where you’re meet with cheers and shouting from her mates, Beth almost jumping you to the ground, Viv could catch the two of you before worse could happen. “I can’t believe only a few weeks,” she squeaks still jumping up and down. Two strong arms sling around your body as Katie pulls you into her embrace “Can’t leave before aunty Katie said hello,” she lowers her head to the bump, “Yo hello bud in there, it’s your favourite don’t upset your mommies they’re doing their best and beyond. Can’t wait until you’re here.”
“Oh, girls you’re so sweet,” tears built up in your eyes and your bottom lip trembles they’re taking the cue and hold you in their embrace until Vivianne is ready to go home. “Okay guys see you tomorrow,” she waves for them, and you both step out.
The first days back home with your little bundle of joy was everything besides joy, screaming, crying, vomiting, pooping, people who say it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy should rod in hell. Hectic that was your new normal. Don’t get this wrong the birth of your baby girl was next to your wedding day the best day in your life, Heleen is a sweet girl and looks just like her mom but then she got this cold in the first days being home, she gets fuzzy and screams almost the whole day, neither of you could keep an eye shut, your hearts breaking at her being sick.
After this bumpy start the three of you fell perfect into the family routine and life. The only thing that was a topic that you discussed with your wife was football. She paused training with the girls the first month of Heleen’s life, she needed to get back on the pitch, stay in form, train for her to be part of the squad but that wasn’t as important to her than her family.
“Viv, it’s been a month you can’t stay home and workout here.”
“Why so?
“We don’t have the capacitate nor the girls to push you. You miss them. I know,” you caresses her cheek as you step closer to her in the rocking chair. “They need you. We got this; you still have half of the day with us my love.”
“But what if I don’t want to leave you?”
“I don’t want it either but there are some things we can’t change. We’ll come around as much as we can,” you peck her cheek and rest your head on hers as your hands hold her face. “You’re not a bad person, it’s your job.”
Marking her tenth month she was the first time in the stadium with you, the noise cancelling headphones on her head as she cradles in your arm eyes sparkling as she observes her surroundings. “Quite lovely innit Hel?” you kiss her occipital. “Look there’s mommy,” you point towards your wife who walks behind Beth onto the pitch, she squeaks and jumps in your lap. Heleen fell asleep around the twentieth minutes.
Viv scored twice that day and sent you a heart each time. Your daughter wakes before them and sees them as well, so you think cause she somewhat claps her small hands together, making you giggle. When the games ends you moved closer to the pitch with your daughter tight pressed into your body.
“Look who’s there,” you turn her in your grip, “your favourite aunty.” Katie sees you and runs over to you almost crashing into some other player.
“Look at you, all proud of aunty to win,” she raises her hands towards you, and you hand your daughter to the other woman.
“But careful Katie,” one brow raised, and your pointing finger dared on her.
“You know me.”
“Yeah, the biggest argument.”
“Let’s get you to your mommy,” she coos and walks over to Viv who was wrapped in a conversation with Beth and Caitlin.
“Oh, who’s there!”
“Our biggest fan!”
“Hartendief,” Viv tickles her side, and she wiggles in Katie’s grip and then she takes her off her aunties arm and into her body. “I scored for you have you seen that?” she whispers into her little ear, “I’m very happy you’re here.” She pecks her forehead and joins the conversation again, a smile plastered on her lips.
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barcaatthemoon · 3 days
“i’d like u to spend the week with me” , lucy bronze :)
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communicative || lucy bronze x reader ||
Getting back together with Lucy was weird. It had been almost 15 year since you had broken up. Both of you had been through a lot since then and had many opportunities to become different people. And in some ways, you were both completely different, but some things never changed. It seemed like there were some habits neither of you could shake, and for Lucy, the one that stuck out the most was how pouty she tended to get.
"Stop looking at me like that," you said as you glanced at Lucy's reflection. You were getting ready for your first little interview since you'd announced as the head coach for England's rugby team.
"Like what? I'm not doing anything, that's just my face," Lucy huffed. You turned around to fully face her, knowing that wasn't the case. Lucy was pouting at you, just like she had been since you told her that you were going back to your place at the end of today.
"No, you're pouting because you want something that you're too proud to admit. I won't play this guessing game anymore, just say what you want from me," you told her. Lucy glanced down for a moment, almost like she was embarrassed. "Come on, we both have to communicate, and now it's your turn."
"I don't want you to leave. It's like you just got here, and so much of your time has been taken up by everybody else. I'd like you to spend the week with me, that's all." Lucy bit her lip as she waited for your reaction. The first time around, Lucy had been terrified of being clingy with you, so she pushed you away. You were secure enough in yourself now that she couldn't do that, not when it had factored so heavily into your breakup before.
"I still have to run home and grab some clothes, but I'll come back. Better yet, you can take me tomorrow after your practice is over. See how easy it is to get your way when you don't act like a little baby?" you asked teasingly. Lucy scoffed and sat up to tug you into bed with her. She was about to try and make out with you, but you reluctantly stopped her. "I'm not redoing my makeup, nor do I trust you to fix what you fuck up."
"Fine, but I want kisses when you're done."
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brunchable · 1 day
Winter Prince, Part One: I Was Enchated To Meet You
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Pairings: Prince, Soon to be King AU Bucky Barnes x Out of place, Princess Reader Words: 4.5K Themes: Regency Period AU, Instant attraction, Arranged Marriage, Eventual Smut. Summary: Trapped in the palace gardens, Y/N’s escape attempt is interrupted by a mysterious charming man who offers to help. Little does she know, the man she’s avoiding is the one lifting her over the wall. A/N: You're damn right I took inspiration to Queen Charlotte. Let's call this a "retelling" Bucky will still have his metal arm in this to keep it interesting.
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The sound of hooves echoed in the distance, the rhythmic gallop of a horse cutting through the stillness of the early morning. You clutched your dress tighter around you, the fabric tangled in your fingers as you stood before the towering stone wall, your heart pounding. You were almost free—almost—but the moment stretched painfully, as if the world itself held its breath with you.
You glanced over your shoulder, the imposing silhouette of the palace barely visible through the mist. It loomed behind you, a symbol of everything you were bound to—everything you were trying to escape.
Your breath hitched as the soft thudding of hooves grew louder, and you turned back to the wall. Climbing it had seemed easy in the few moments of adrenaline-fueled desperation, but now, standing before it, you realized how futile it was. You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t scale the stone, couldn’t flee the life that had been thrust upon you.
The horse slowed, and you heard someone dismount, the creak of leather and the solid thud of boots hitting the ground. Your fingers trembled as you placed them against the wall, ready to make one final, frantic attempt. But before you could take another step, his voice cut through the mist.
“Running away?”
You froze, heat rushing to your cheeks. His tone wasn’t harsh, nor was it amused—just… curious, and that only annoyed you more. 
Slowly, you turned toward the voice, expecting to see one of the palace guards ready to drag you back inside. Instead, a man stood before you, taller than you had imagined, with dark hair tousled by the wind, his sharp features softened by the morning light. He was dressed in simple riding attire, a cloak draped over his broad shoulders, but there was an elegance about him. Certainly not a guard, then?
“Are you going to stop me?” you asked, your voice breathless, daring as your fingers tightened against the stone. Your heartbeat thundered in your ears.
He chuckled softly, and the sound sent a strange warmth curling through you. “I don’t know,” he mused, a playful glint in his eyes as he stepped closer, “Should I? You seem to be doing a fine job of stopping yourself.”
Your mouth parted in disbelief, heat rising to your face again. “Excuse me?”
He nodded at the wall. “Well, you don’t exactly look like you’re about to make it over, do you?”
You scowled, crossing your arms over your chest. “I didn’t ask for your commentary.”
The man raised a brow, his lips twitching into a smile. “I’m just saying, climbing walls isn’t for everyone. Especially not someone in a gown.”
“I wasn’t aware I needed your approval to escape,” you shot back, glancing at the wall again and then back at him, frustration bubbling inside you. “Why don’t you just go about your business and let me fail in peace?”
His grin widened, and he crossed his arms, his posture too relaxed for someone who’d just found a would-be escapee. 
“I could help you.”
You blinked at him, caught off guard by the offer. “Help me?” you echoed, suspicion lacing your words. “Why would you help me?”
“Maybe I like seeing people succeed at impossible things,” he teased, the smirk never leaving his face. “Or maybe I’m just curious to see how far you’ll get.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, crossing your arms tighter. “I don’t trust you.”
“Smart,” he said with a laugh. “But if you want to get over that wall, you’re going to need more than distrust.”
You looked up at the towering stones again, dread gnawing at you. He was right, as irritating as that was. But still…
“And what do you get out of this, then?” you asked, glancing at him warily.
He leaned casually against the wall, watching you intently. “A conversation,” he said, his voice suddenly softer, less teasing. “Tell me why you’re running.”
You scowled at him, the heat rising in your cheeks again, and turned your gaze back to the wall. Frustration bubbled inside you, and you began pacing, sizing up the towering stones as if staring at them hard enough would magically make them easier to climb.
“I don’t need your help,” you muttered under your breath, though you weren’t sure if you were talking to him or the wall at this point. 
You glanced back up at the impossible height of the stone barrier, chewing on your lip as you tried to mentally map out some kind of strategy—any way to make it work. You huffed, planting your hands on your hips, and shifted from foot to foot, casting the man a glare every now and then. He just stood there, arms crossed, watching you with an amused expression, as if you were the most entertaining thing he’d seen in a long time.
After a few moments of pacing and staring—then pacing some more—you let out an exasperated sigh and kicked a small stone out of your path, turning back to face him, arms crossed.
“Well?” you asked, your voice a little more breathless than you’d have liked. “What’s so funny?”
He shook his head, but the grin he was trying to hide betrayed him. 
“Nothing,” he said, the words dripping with humor. “Just… you look like you’re trying to intimidate the wall into letting you pass.”
You glared at him, heat flooding your cheeks. “Maybe I am. Maybe it’ll work.”
His chuckle turned into full-blown laughter, and the sound of it—rich and genuine—sent a strange warmth curling through you, despite your annoyance. He had that kind of laugh that you hated admitting was contagious, and you found your lips twitching upward before you could stop yourself.
“I’m serious!” you huffed, though the playful tone was creeping into your own voice.
He rubbed a hand over his jaw, still chuckling softly as he shook his head. “You’re something else, you know that?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, a mix of frustration and embarrassment bubbling up inside you, but you couldn’t help the flutter in your chest at the way he looked at you.
“Are you just going to laugh at me the whole time, or are you actually going to help?”
He raised his hands in surrender, his grin still firmly in place. “Alright, alright. I’ll help.” 
He took a step closer, the playfulness still in his eyes as he lowered his voice, leaning just a fraction nearer. “But only because I want to see how this goes.”
“Fine,” you muttered, stepping back toward the wall. “Just… don’t get in the way.”
Behind you, you could hear him chuckling softly to himself again, and though it made your frustration bubble over, there was something undeniably magnetic about the way he seemed to find you so… endearing.
And as you started pacing again, casting glances at the wall, trying to figure out just how on earth you’d manage to get over it, you caught him out of the corner of your eye—his gaze still fixed on you, the smile never leaving his face.
You huffed to yourself, kicking at another stone. Of course, the man who found you trying to escape was now laughing at you, and somehow, it didn’t feel as awful as it should.
“How long will you keep pacing around like that?” 
“I’m not pacing,” you grumbled, though you absolutely were.
“Oh, you are,” he countered with a grin. “You’re doing laps. Like maybe if you circle it enough, the wall will shrink. Or get tired of you and let you through.”
Your jaw tightened as heat rose to your cheeks. “I’m sizing it up,” you snapped, planting your hands on your hips as you glanced back at the wall, your frustration bubbling over.
He wasn’t even trying to hide how much he was enjoying this, and it only made your chest tighten with frustration. Why did he have to look so effortlessly amused by your struggle?
“Well?” you demanded, trying to maintain some semblance of authority in the situation. “You know you’re actually not helping?”
“Forgive me, but watching you intimidate the wall might be the most entertaining thing I’ve seen all week.”
You let out an exasperated huff, resisting the urge to stomp your foot in frustration. “I wasn’t intimidating it, I was—”
He cut you off with a light chuckle, waving his hand dismissively. “Sizing it up. Right.”
You were too stunned to respond. The man was infuriating, no question about it, but the warmth in his voice, the look in his eyes—there was something about him that softened the edges of your frustration, made it feel less like a confrontation and more like… banter.
You shook your head, forcing yourself to focus. No, this was not the time to get distracted by some smug, arrogant man who was finding far too much joy in your struggle. You turned back to the wall, determination flaring inside you.
“If you’re going to help, do it already,” you muttered, planting your hands on your hips again.
“Let’s see how far you can get with a little help.” he said, his voice low and teasing.
He stopped in front of you, eyes gleaming with amusement as he glanced at the towering wall. “You ready?”
You crossed your arms, lifting an eyebrow at him. “Do I have a choice?”
He smirked, leaning down slightly. “Not if you want to get over that wall today.”
You eyed him warily, but there was something in his smile, something disarmingly warm beneath all that arrogance. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you sighed and placed your hand in his.
His grip was firm, strong, and you felt the warmth of his palm seep into your skin as he stepped even closer. The flutter in your chest deepened, but you swallowed it down, ignoring the strange thrill of having him so near.
“Alright,” he said, crouching slightly and motioning toward his shoulders, “Put your foot here, and I’ll lift you up.”
You blinked at him, a sudden rush of heat flooding your face. Wait, what?
“I’m going to boost you over,” he explained, clearly amused at your hesitation. “Unless you’d rather keep pacing around?”
You huffed, your cheeks burning. 
“Fine,” you muttered, carefully lifting your foot toward his shoulder. “But—” You paused, biting your lip as another wave of heat rushed through you. “Don’t look up.”
His grin widened, but he managed to keep his voice steady. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
You gave him a skeptical look, your heart thudding loudly in your ears as you gingerly placed your foot on his shoulder. 
“Don’t look up,” you reminded him, your voice sharper, but the flush in your cheeks was impossible to ignore.
“I heard you the first time,” he chuckled softly, keeping his gaze firmly straight ahead.
He hoisted you up easily, his hands firm at your waist, but as soon as you tried to gain some leverage, the fabric of your gown bunched awkwardly around your legs, trapping you mid-air. Your heart pounded as you wobbled, your foot slipping slightly, and for a moment you flailed, trying to catch your balance. The wall still seemed impossibly high, and every move made your gown twist tighter around you, making it harder to gain any footing.
“Careful,” He grunted, steadying you with his grip. “Got it?”
You didn’t. Not at all.
“This is ridiculous,” you muttered, your voice strained with effort as you tried to move again. The fabric pulled tighter around your legs, making it impossible to lift yourself further. “This dress—how do women escape anything in these things?”
He laughed, and you could feel the vibrations of it under your hands. 
“You’re doing great,” he teased, clearly biting back more laughter. “But if you keep kicking like that, I might not be able to hold you much longer.”
You shot him a glare over your shoulder, heat flooding your face. “This isn’t funny!”
“Oh, it’s very funny from down here,” he said, still chuckling, though his grip on your waist stayed steady.
Another attempt to maneuver only resulted in more tangled fabric. You groaned, realizing that this wasn’t going to work. No matter how hard you tried, the dress wouldn’t let you lift your legs high enough to get over the wall.
“Alright, alright,” you sighed, feeling thoroughly embarrassed as you gave up. “Put me down.”
“You sure? You were making great progress,” he teased, but his hands were already lowering you back down to the ground, the warmth of his touch lingering even as your feet found solid ground again.
As soon as you stood, you stepped back, brushing dirt from your gown and trying to ignore the way your heart still raced, both from the failed climb and from how close he had been.
“Well,” you muttered, more to yourself than to him, “that was a disaster.”
He leaned back on his heels, his grin wide and playful. “Not a total disaster. I got a front-row seat to the best entertainment in town.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at him, though the blush creeping up your neck betrayed how flustered you were. 
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
He chuckled again, crossing his arms to mirror you. “Can’t say it’s not entertaining.”
You sighed and looked around, now you owed him an explanation as to why you’re trying to run away.
“I don’t want to marry a stranger,” you whispered, surprising even yourself with the truth. “I don’t want to be locked away in that palace for the rest of my life, tied to someone I’ve never met.”
He didn’t speak for a second, his expression softening as he studied you. Then, in a gentle tone, he asked, “And who is this stranger you’re so desperate to avoid?”
You sighed, casting a quick glance around as if the mist might swallow you whole. 
“Prince James,” you admitted quietly, your words barely louder than the mist. “I’ve never seen him, never even heard his voice. I don’t know if he’s kind or cruel, if he’s young or old. For all I know, he could be—”
“Hideous?” the man supplied, a glimmer of amusement flickering in his eyes again.
You gave a small, reluctant smile despite yourself. “Or snotty. Cold. Aloof. Traits that I most certainly cannot stand nor find attractive.”
The man chuckled softly, shaking his head as he took a step closer. “Snotty, huh?”
“Well, royalty,” you said, with a little shrug. “They tend to be.”
He studied you again, something like amusement flickering across his face, but there was no mockery in it, just something warm and knowing. 
“You could say I’ve met him a time or two.”
Your brows furrowed at his familiarity with the prince. “Then what’s he like?” you asked, searching his expression for any hint of truth. “Is he… good?”
He seemed to consider your question, his gaze turning thoughtful as though weighing each word. “He’s... complicated,” he finally said, his voice softer, almost wistful. “Not the man people expect him to be.”
You frowned and sarcastically you said, “That’s really comforting.”
But before he could answer, a loud shout echoed from the palace grounds, and you both turned, startled. Your stomach lurched in panic.
“I need to go,” you whispered frantically, your pulse racing as you prepared to bolt.
His hand caught yours before you could move, the warmth of his skin against yours sending a jolt of something startling through you. You looked up at him, breathless.
“I could still help you,” he murmured, his thumb brushing the back of your hand. His eyes held yours, deep and unreadable, as though he were making a decision only he could understand.
But there was something in his gaze now, something almost… regretful. 
“Speak what you need to say.” you whispered, the realization dawning on you in slow, staggering pieces.
He didn’t answer immediately, his eyes searching yours like he could read the thoughts swirling in your head. He let out a soft sigh and tilted his head, a playful sparkle returning to his eyes.
“What if…” he began, his voice low, “what if the prince isn’t some distant, unfeeling man? What if he’s just a person who hates the cage he’s been placed in as much as you do?”
You blinked, confusion tightening your chest. “What are you talking about?”
He took a step closer, his thumb still grazing the back of your hand, sending that maddening warmth through you. “What if Prince James isn’t the man people whisper about? What if he’s spent his whole life wondering if anyone would see him instead of the title?”
Your breath caught in your throat. The weight of his words settled like stones in your chest, and you stared at him, trying to make sense of what he was saying. “Why would he care? He’s a prince—soon to be King. He’s powerful, he has everything.”
He gave a small, almost sad smile. “What if the power isn’t worth much if it means living a life filled with expectations instead of choices?”
You frowned, shaking your head. “But he could change things if he wanted to.”
James—because you were sure of it now, he wasn’t just some rider—tilted his head, amusement playing at the corners of his mouth. “What if it’s not that simple? What if the weight of the crown is heavier than it looks?”
Your heart raced as the pieces slowly started to click together. He was still toying with you, but now there was a seriousness beneath it, something deeper. You could see the flicker of emotion behind his blue eyes, like he was daring you to understand.
“What if…” he continued, leaning in slightly, his voice dropping to a whisper, “the prince is standing right in front of you, hoping you’ll see him?”
The world tilted beneath you. The way he spoke, the familiarity in his tone, the way he carried himself… it all made sense now. And suddenly, the puzzle that had been scattered before you came together in a startling rush of clarity.
“You’re—” The words stuck in your throat as your heart pounded harder, realization hitting you with full force. “You’re Prince James.”
He smiled, a mixture of apology and relief in his expression. “I suppose I am.”
Your mind reeled, his confession crashing over you cold bucket of water. Prince James. The man you had been speaking to, was the very one you were trying to escape. The very one you had feared. Your heart pounded, your pulse a frantic beat in your ears as you looked up at him—really looked at him—for the first time.
Prince James. "Hello, Y/N." He smiled earnestly, taking your breath away.
You took a step back, your breath hitching in your throat as your gaze swept over him. The dark hair tousled by the morning breeze, the sharp features softened by the mist, the broad shoulders, the casual strength in the way he stood. How had you not realized before? How had you missed it?
Your mouth opened, but no words came. You were speechless. Absolutely, utterly speechless.
His lips twitched in that same infuriating, knowing half-smile, the one that had seemed so harmless before but now felt charged with meaning. 
“I suppose I’m not what you were expecting,” he murmured, his voice low, almost apologetic.
You shook your head, still trying to find your voice, but it was like the words had fled, leaving only the rush of your thoughts, jumbled wildly together. He’s the prince. The one you had dreaded. The one you had tried so hard to avoid.
But he wasn’t at all what you imagined. He wasn’t cold, or distant, or cruel. He was standing here, watching you, his expression open, almost vulnerable, as if he was waiting for your reaction, for you to decide what came next.
Your eyes darted over him again, taking in every detail as if seeing him for the first time—the way his cloak clung to his broad frame, the way his eyes, intense and unwavering, seemed to burn through every wall you'd built around yourself.
And then the shouts echoed again, louder this time, and your stomach clenched with a fresh wave of panic. The palace. The guards. They were looking for you.
His gaze flickered toward the sound, the slightest crease forming between his brows before his eyes were back on you, sharp and unrelenting.
“You need to go,” he said, voice low but urgent. Like the moment itself was slipping away.
“I—” You swallowed hard, your words tangled with the storm raging inside you. You—him—everything felt too much, too fast.
He stepped closer, his hand lifting as if to touch you—like he had to—like he needed to—but stopped just short, his fingers lingering in the air, his breath mingling with yours. 
“I felt the same,” he said, his words rushing out, fierce, quiet. “Curious about you. Wondering if you were like the rest of them, if you were cold, detached. Wondering if you were trapped like me.”
You blinked, caught off guard, your pulse roaring in your ears. What?
“I was afraid,” he continued, his eyes searing into yours. “Afraid you were someone I wouldn’t want to know. Someone I couldn’t stand to look at. I was afraid of you.”
His words hit you like a thunderclap, stealing your breath, your heart stumbling in your chest.
“But gods,” he breathed, his voice dropping to a whisper, “I was wrong.”
You stared at him, utterly speechless, the air thick between you. Your heart was pounding so hard you were sure he could hear it.
He took another step closer, his eyes wild, full of something unnameable. “You’re everything I didn’t dare to hope for. You’re bold, you’re brave, and you’re—” His voice broke off, and you watched as his gaze dropped to your lips, then snapped back to your eyes, something fierce and desperate flickering there.
You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t think. His words slammed into you, your mind reeling, your heart racing as his admission hung between you, fragile and powerful all at once.
The shouts echoed again, and your body jolted with the reminder of reality crashing back in.
“I need to go,” you whispered, your voice trembling as the world swirled around you.
But before you could move, his hand finally touched yours—fingers brushing against yours, sending a spark through your skin that made you freeze.
“I was wrong about you,” he murmured, his gaze locking with yours, eyes blazing with a heat that made you want to lean into him, to forget the world. “So wrong.”
You swallowed, every nerve in your body alive, humming. His hand slid up, cradling your wrist, his thumb brushing the delicate skin, like he couldn’t stop touching you. 
“Go,” he whispered, his voice barely more than a breath. “Go before I make you stay.”
Your feet refused to move, your heart slamming against your ribs. But you nodded, turning to slip back toward the palace, your body buzzing with his words, the intensity of his gaze.
But before you could disappear into the shadows, you heard him call out—his voice loud, clear, commanding.
You froze, crouching behind the tall hedge, heart hammering against your ribs as you peered through the mist. The guards had gathered around him now, their faces tense with focus as James, with that steady authority in his voice, pointed them in the wrong direction.
“She went the other way—toward the east gate!” His voice was sure, a lie delivered with the ease of someone accustomed to being obeyed. And just like that, the guards nodded, falling in line with his instructions as they turned, their heavy footsteps fading in the opposite direction.
Your pulse thrummed in your ears as you watched them leave, your body still coiled with tension, waiting for something to go wrong. But James remained still, standing tall as the mist curled around him, his face calm, unreadable. And when the last of the guards disappeared into the distance, he did something that made your breath catch.
He glanced back over his shoulder—directly at where you were hiding.
His gaze found yours through the thick hedges, that same intense, burning look he had given you earlier, and for a brief moment, the world stood still. He didn’t move, didn’t say anything, but his eyes held yours with a weight that made it hard to breathe, the unspoken connection between you hanging in the air.
Then, with a slow nod—so subtle you almost missed it—he turned, walking away, his figure swallowed by the swirling mist.
You exhaled, finally letting out the breath you’d been holding. Your entire body was trembling, your mind reeling from everything that had just happened. He had protected you.
Prince James, had lied for you, bought you time, and now the palace loomed ahead, quiet, waiting. Your fingers tightened around the fabric of your gown as you stood up, pressing yourself against the stone wall, making your way back toward the safety of the palace.
You moved silently, your steps soft against the cobblestone as you slipped through the garden paths, every corner casting long shadows. You had to be careful. You couldn’t risk being caught now.
Reaching the palace doors, you hesitated for a moment, glancing back toward the mist-shrouded garden. James was gone now, but his presence lingered, the promise of his words still echoing in your mind.
With one last breath, you pulled open the door, slipping inside the familiar corridors of the palace, the warmth of its stone walls closing in around you. It was quiet here, the rest of the palace still asleep, unaware of the storm that had passed just outside its walls.
As you hurried back to your chambers, your heart finally began to slow, but your mind buzzed with everything that had just unfolded. James hadn’t just protected you; he had seen you—really seen you. And now, there was no denying it.
You weren’t running from him anymore.
You were walking straight back to him.
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spencerrreiddd · 1 day
Three, Two, One. - Chapter 2
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Summary: After telling Spencer that you’re pregnant with his baby- how is he going to react? what’s going to happen now?
Pairing: UnitChief!Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
Warnings: Pregnancy, Mention of abortion, Angst, Fluff?
WC: 3.0k
A/N: - chapter 2 has finally made its ARRIVAL! enjoy ! 🔪🤍
UPDATE: chapter 2 is under an editing process !
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Three, Two, One. - Chapter 1.
"Spencer, I'm pregnant - You are the last person I slept with. I am pregnant with your baby" You said it before you even had time to think about what you had said, it wasn't lies but telling him now?
You could visibly see all of the color leave Spencer's face, you wondered what was going through his big genius brain, if anything at all.
"W-what? We were careful, we were very careful." -
Before you could even produce words, you were cut off again by Spencer and the panic coursing through his entire being.
"How could this of even happened, Y/N?" He asked quickly, making his panic more and more obvious by the second.
"Spencer, you are fully aware of how this happens and careful isn't always guaranteed to be 100% effective" After the words came out of your mouth, you realized it was a bit snippy but- c’mon, Spencer is a genius. He of all people should know that being careful and using protection is always 100%.
All he could do was stare, like he wanted to say something but had no idea how to start moving his lips to speak the words. He was frozen in place.
"I- I know we are not in a relationship, Penelope told me that you were talking to someone and that's fine- if you don't want any part in this, I will keep my lips sealed" You continued, it broke more of your heart saying that.
You knew Spencer, you know Spencer and you know that he isn't the type of person to abandon someone with his child- You would be 100% fine being a single parent and healthily co-parenting with him, if that is what it came down to but you would be lying to yourself, if you said you didn’t want a relationship with him. You’ve wanted a relationship with him for years, you just never spoke on your feelings so a beautiful friendship wasn’t ruined because of it.
"Y/N, I'm just in shock, I mean, I wasn't expecting this- I was expecting something after the conversation I walked up on with Alvez and Garcia but not this" You honestly could understand what he was saying but did it hurt? Of course, it did but you are also taking his feelings into consideration.
And what conversation did he walk in on with Alvez and Garcia anyways?
Spencer could barely look you in the eye, he was starting to pace around like a dog that needed to go out for the potty.
"If you need time to let this all sink in, that's okay with me and I understand, honestly. This is a lot to take in, in a short amount of time" You could sympathize with him, for godsakes it's still hard for you to accept whats happening but you know you have to accept it.
"I just need some time to- to bring this all in, It's just a lot" He says, finally looking you in the eyes.
"I will contact you, Y/N. I won't leave you in the dark, please trust my word on that" His eyes pleading with you to trust him, to trust what he is saying to you.
And to be entirely honest, you do trust him. You trust him with your entire life but it doesn't stop the pain that you feel in your chest and how suffocating the pain is.
"Take your time, please. I understand that it's a lot, Spence- just don’t leave me in the dark” You surprisingly manage to choke out with the hot tears pricking your eyes.
Watching him walk out of your apartment tore you apart, you wanted to chase after him, beg him to come back, wrap his arms around you and tell you that it's all going to be okay but it was all wishful dreaming.
Right now, all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry and maybe stuff your face with sweet treats, sweet treats that you didn't even have but you knew who would have them.
to: ‘Penelope Garcia 🖥️💖🍩’
'are you busy? - I need someone and I need sweet treats, please come through for me, my sweet crazy lady'
You could at least giggle at yourself with the little random nickname you through in there at the end of your text message. Ever since you joined the BAU and met Pen, y’all were best friends, she was there for the worst times of your live and for the best times of it.
You always thought, if she can produce weird and funny nicknames for people then you can to- outside of Spencer, she was the one you grew very close to.
You were close with everyone and you loved them dearly- Rossi, Tara, JJ, all of them but it just seemed so much easier with Penelope.
from: ‘Penelope Garcia 🖥️💖🍩’
'I am on my speedy way, my sweet sugar plum'
All you could manage to do after reading her text was zone out and stare at a random wall in your apartment, other than feeling like your heart was absolutely shattered, you wren't sure if you were even happy about all of this- maybe, just maybe if the situation would've been different, you could probably be happier.
Have you always wanted children? Of course! but before getting pregnant did you at least want to be in a stable relationship or marriage? Also, yes.
Before you even realized how much time had passed, Penelope was running through your front door and holding all of your favorite sweet treats- Honey Buns, Oatmeal Cream Pies and your ultimate favorite, Fudge Rounds.
As soon as she was fully in the door and sat everything down, you collapsed in her arms crying your heart out. Everything, the tears and the sobs had been waiting to spill out until this moment.
"Okay, okay, what's going on" Worry coating her voice - "Nobody could reach you after you ran out of work, even Spencer was worried about you!- Did you get any of my texts or voicemails"
"I told him- I told him about the baby. It all came out before I could even process my thoughts" You had a small amount of hope in your soul that she would be able to understand that through your sobs.
Looking at Pen after you said that, you could see the wheels turning in her head. Realization setting in.
"Reid came by here? By your apartment?" She questioned.
"Yeah, I was just relaxing and came out to the kitchen and I nearly ran right smack into him. He nearly gave me a heart attack in my own house" You were still unappreciative of that scare to say the least.
"Ho-how did he take the news"
"Not horrible but not how a woman would hope her-"
"Person would react" Penelope cuts you off seeing as you couldn't even figure out you own words.
"Exactly but as hard as it is, he isn't even my person. He's my boss, Pen. My boss. Our boss got me pregnant because we stupidly decided to have sex a few times to release the stress of work and life because evidently, we couldn't just sit down over coffee and vent to each other" You don't feel shame admitting that, should you? Maybe but you and Spencer are both adults.
Now that you're thinking about it, he never did confirm or deny, if he was talking to someone or not- It probably wasn't your business but at the same time, you felt like it was. I mean, you are carrying his child and you don't want to be responsible for tearing apart a relationship or a relationship that is forming.
Spencer has been through enough hurt with JJ and with Maeve. You couldn't bear the hurt and the guilt of causing him more pain like that or even similar to it.
Remembering and witnessing his pain first hand after Maeve was gut-wrenching, it made you want to lay and sob right there with him.
from: Spencer 'The Genius' Reid
'I'm sorry for how I left, how I was unable to sit down and talk with you. Can we meet tomorrow?
'It would be good to sit and talk about all of this and there are things that I need to tell you, still.'
You couldn't even look at the message, so you had Penelope read it and just simply asked her to tell you if it was good or if it was bad.
"He wants to sit and talk to you, says he is sorry for how he left- I would say that's a good message" Handing you your phone back, so you could message him back. If you could even bring yourself to do that. In reality, you knew that it was the right thing to do.
to: Spencer 'The Genius' Reid
'Sure, I would feel comfortable speaking here, at my apartment. Is that okay with you? You can come over at any time tomorrow- If not, let me know and we can figure out another place to meet'
"I asked him if we could just meet and talk here. Do you think that's okay to even ask? Asking him to come here? I should've asked where he felt comfortable meeting" You are beginning to overthink everything and rambling on- you care about Reid's feelings but right now, you're caring for yourself more as selfish as that sounds.
"Y/N, that's a perfectly fine thing to ask- what's gonna happen? He's going to knock you up.. again? Y'all are talking, not getting under the sheets" How she said it made you laugh a bit considering the situation.
from: Spencer 'The Genius' Reid
'That's fine with me, Y/N- I will be there at 10:30.'
You surprisingly feel relief washing over you reading his message-
'Let's just hope tomorrow goes better' You think to yourself.
“Oh. Pen. What conversation did Spencer walk in on you and Alvez having, anyways?”
“I saw you run out of work and I knew at that point, Alvez opened his mouth about something I shouldn’t have even spoken to him about and I’m sorry, for telling him- we didn’t tell Reid anything, though” She admits, you weren’t mad at her- you just had confusion after hearing Spencer say he overheard their conversation.
After a few hours of eating sweets and watching Modern Family with Penny, you started getting tired -
"I'm getting tired, Pen- I'm gonna go to bed, you're welcome to crash on the couch, if you're too tired to drive" Partially hinting at her that you wanted to be alone but you still didn't want her falling asleep behind the wheel and hurting herself or someone else.
"Don't be silly, I'm never too tired and plus, I enjoy sleeping on my own couch, if i'm sleeping on any couch, ma'am" She deadpans as she stands to leave.
Hugging her good-bye and giving her the biggest thank you for coming over to calm you and well, the sweets too.
"I love you, Penny- I'm also keeping these sweets. I know my pregnancy cravings will appreciate them soon and you for bringing them"
"You better be happy that I love and adore you, I wanted to take the Honey Buns with me- oh, and yes, I love my next god-child too" She says in a jokingly way while walking out the door.
After Penelope left, you decided that you did need sleep even though you would probably be struggling to even close your eyes because of your wonderful habit to and overthink every tiny thing about anything and everything in you life- all of this going on with Spencer is just fueling your ability to overthink. Lovely.
'What if he asks me to get rid of it' 'What if he ends up being a deadbeat and i'm stuck raising this baby alone' 'What if we can't co-parent in a healthy way and it causes the child trauma' - Any and every 'what if' flew through your mind. It felt like hours before your eyes finally closed and you were able to get sleep.
After waking up to the sun shining directly into your eyes, you roll over just to see 10:27 A.M on your alarm clock. - You don't remember ever having to fly out of bed that quickly, except maybe when you were in school and running late or even yesterday with work.
Walking out of your room and into the living room to sit in peace for about a minute or two before Spencer shows up. The nausea you began to feel was becoming over powering. Was it from pregnancy? Was it from the nerves? You didn't know but you were accepting your fate that you may or may not upchuck everywhere.
"Right on time" You mumble to yourself, you weren't expecting him to be a minute early or late.
"Come in" You yell, not having any energy to stand up and not wanting to move because it was making your nausea 10x worse.
"Hey" He greets coming through your door, he doesn't appear to have gotten any sleep- his hair messy, he has dark bags under his eyes.
"Hey, glad to see you showed- I'm sorry, I didn't mean that in a horrible way, I know what you said yesterd- I'm rambling. I'm glad you're here, Spencer" Another bad habit of yours, rambling on and on when you were nervous.
"Me too. Where do you want to start- I mean, I've never had to have this conversation with anyone else before" You could clearly hear the nerves in his voice.
You know you want to keep the baby. Regardless of what happens between you and Spencer. Tell him that.
"I'm keeping the baby, Spencer. That's my plan. I know we aren't in a relationship and we don't have to be to healthily co-parent and if you don't want to be involved, I understand because you're working on building a relationship with someone else but-" Spencer cuts you off before you can continue on with your rambling.
"Okay, pause for just a minute. I'm not in a relationship, I'm not working towards a relationship with anyone else. Where are you getting that information?" He asks with slight irritation in his voice.
"Penelope did, I went into work yesterday and I told her about me being pregnant, blah blah blah- she told me that you had a girlfriend, as far as she knew at least because the contact name for her 'wasn't a name you gave a friend"
"Y/N, getting back to the point then I will come back and touch on that- I wanted you to keep this baby, I want you to keep our baby. I've always wanted to be a dad, you know that about me. I want to be here every step of the way with you, with our child" Spencer is looking into your eyes with every word coming from his lips.
"And to touch on this topic because the names in my contacts are evidently Penelope's business, the name she is referring to is 'Pretty Girl', which is you, Y/N- Since we're on the honesty road, Y/N, I love you and I mean that, I've loved you for years, this isn't coming out of nowhere for me and it's not because of our current situation, either" You're blown away by everything Spencer has just said to you to say the absolute least.
Honestly, now that your mind isn't running a marathon, you could pinpoint certain changing things between you and Spencer- the longing looks between one another, bringing each other breakfast and coffee in the mornings, which never happened beforehand, the private meetings after work to just talk, nothing sexual ever involved but last but not least, the sex between the two of you.
'He loves me, he loves our child, he's been in love with me for years- I am the weird? contact name in his phone that Pen had spotted.' You think to yourself, seemingly not able to produce words after Spencer's confessions.
"Spence, I don't even know what to say or how to begin saying it. - I love you, I loved you since the first time I saw you walk into the bullpen and Gideon introduced his newest prodigy to all of us. - I'm happy, so happy that you want to be apart of our babies life and be here for us."
Neither of you have words after you both say your peace, you've both just poured your hearts out but your eyes are still saying so many things to each other.
"Y/N, I love you and I want a future with you. I want to have a family with you, if you'll allow it" Spencer confesses further moving closer to you.
"I would love that, Spencer" It came out as a whisper but with how close he was to you, to your face- you know that he heard you.
Moving even closer, Spencer takes your face in his hands and kisses you gently- It's a kiss that you can tell is filled with love, comfort and pure gentleness. Nothing like the kisses y'all shared in bed when y'all were just trying to reach an orgasm after a rough case.
Finally, you both break apart, breathing heavily, foreheads resting against each others.
"Not to ruin such a beautiful moment that I have been waiting years for, what's going on with all the 'Little Debbie' boxes" Spencer jokingly asks you, finally realizing the boxes you forgot to put away last night.
"Penelope was here last night, I asked her to come over with sweets after you had left- I needed honey buns to cope" Shrugging your shoulders saying it, you had no shame in your sweet tooth game and you certainly wouldn't when your pregnancy cravings really started attacking you.
"So, another quick thing- of all people, why would you tell Alvez and Garcia this news?" Spencer looking at you, confused as ever as to why you would tell two of the biggest blabbers.
"I didn't tell Alvez, I told Garcia and she "let it slip" to Alvez- Alvez is why I left the other day. He came up to me talking about it loud enough for anyone else to hear him, if they were paying any attention at all- It got to me, frustrated me. I should've communicated better but, I wasn't exactly coping well yesterday" There was nothing to hold back now and frankly, at this point, you had zero shame about any of that and any of what was currently happening.
"I'm not upset- I was worried, I should've came myself after I heard that you left, I should've at the very least sent someone to come and check on -"
"Spencer, it's okay. I would've probably ignored the knocking of anyone and my phone was on do not disturb anyways, I wanted to be alone. Don't beat yourself up about this. We're okay. I love you." You couldn't stop yourself from cutting him off, you couldn't stand to watch him beat himself up, you couldn't stand watching anyone beat themselves up.
"Y/N, I love you and I want you to be mine, I want this family."
"And I love you, Spencer and I want to be yours and I want you to be apart of this family. I loved you then and I love you now."
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not going to lie, i thought this was going to be a 3 part story- not including the epilogue that i do plan to make for this mini-series.
i, personally am happy with how this turned out with this being my first writing in so long and being rusty to say the least.
i hope you, my dearies, enjoyed reading it and i hope you look forward to more stories coming your way.
TAGLIST: @donttrustlove @sebastiansstanswhore @eddiesdrummergf @hayleythecannibal @fanfic-viewer @kyrathekiller @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @diffidentphantom @ivet4
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TAGGED IN FUTURE STORIES or FOR THE EPILOGUE- slide into my inbox and let me know so that i can get you on my list !
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xoxoavenger · 2 days
Poison Hearts
pairing: Luke Castellan x Fem!Apollo!Reader
summary: When Y/N's poisoned, she doesn't recognize Luke, which leads to a physical fight that hurts both of them.
word count: 2116
warnings: fighting (physical and verbal mentioned), angst with a happy ending :)
Y/N was pretty sure she was dead.
She felt like it; extreme pain, delirium, exhaustion. It's how she imagined death, anyway. But it had more to do with poison coursing through her veins. She was put on a quest by her father, Apollo, to find some moonlace. She thought that the legend had told her it was only on Calypso's island for lost heroes, but she couldn't get there. The Oracle had told her that she wouldn't have to venture far, but it would be difficult to get back to camp. She wasn't sure what that meant until the monster she somehow attracted on her way back had flung a stinger into her unprotected shoulder. She thought it was fine until about twenty minutes ago, when she started to feel the effects of what had to be poison.
She wanted to throw up just looking at the hill, at how far away Thalia's tree was. She was hauling her bag, full of the moonlace she had found on the High Line in New York for some reason. It felt like a weight in her arm, and all she could think was Luke. She hoped that somehow, he would know she was there.
She trudged up the hill, praying to her father through whispers. She made all sorts of promises, but she knew he didn't care. She had gotten the moonlace for him, and if she died it wouldn't affect the moonlace. He'd still have it at the end of the day.
"Father, please. Apollo," She whispered, cresting the hill. She saw how far away the Big House was, and she knew she couldn't make it. "Thalia," She said as she came up to the tree, hand scraping against the bark.
She dug deep, trying to lift up the last of her strength. But she took one step and fell to the ground, rolling down the hill and into Camp Half-Blood. It hurt, she could feel the pain through her daze. And then she felt something else.
She stood, the poison feeling strong again in her veins. The world changed around her, and suddenly she was in New York City. She was fighting a monster, one she had never seen before. It lunged at her and she reached for her sword, but she didn't have it. It seemed to be missing. She knew she was going to die if she didn't fight, so she lunged.
She didn't even think about the fact that she had just been in Camp Half-Blood.
Luke heard a scream and ran, glad that he had been outside the Big House. He had been yelling at Chiron and Dionysis for sending Y/N on her quest without any help.
"It doesn't matter what the Oracle said! You know the ancient rule of three!" He had been saying when he heard it. A loud scream, one he knew. He ran without a second thought.
Y/N was standing at the base of the hill. She had sticks in her hair, dirt smudged on her cheek and her shirt. He remembered when she picked the shirt out, how excited she had been to go to the city. Now, it had mud streaked across it and a hole in the side.
He had begged her not to go when they found out she wouldn't be able to bring allies, when the Oracle had told her she must go on her own. She had gotten upset, told him that not everyone gets hit by a dragon on their quest, some people can watch their own six. It had hurt him, and though she tried to apologize she had to leave for her quest before he told her he forgave her. Watching her now, with the vacant look in her eyes and pale skin. She was starting to sweat, and he knew she was poisoned.
"Come on, we've gotta get you to the med cabin." He moved toward her, but she looked at him with fear. He stopped in his tracks, watching her crouch slightly and reach for her sword. She didn't pull it out, however, instead readying herself to fight. "Y/N," He said quietly, hand out and trying not to frighten her.
She lunged at him, catching him so off guard that she landed a hard punch on his cheek. She hit his scar, which while it was fully healed he still felt the pain across his whole cheek. He was so shocked he allowed her to kick his chest and bring him to the ground, knocking the air out of him. She landed on top of him, hand closing around his throat.
"Y/N!" He gasped, hands on her wrist. She was angry, but she was warm, sweating and shaking. She screamed, pressing harder, and Luke's vision swims. He knows he has to do something before he passes out, and he can hear Chiron approaching finally.
Luke bucks his hips, turning to flip her over. She keeps her grip, so he has to take her hands and put them over her head. She screams and writhes, and he uses all his strength to keep her in place.
"Get off me, you monster!" She screams, gasping for breath. He struggles, and she screams again. Even though he knows she can't even see him, he can't help the hurt from spiking inhis heart at her words.
"It's me! It's Luke!" He yells at her, not sure what to do. He won't fight her, but he doesn't exactly know how to get her away from the poison.
"She's been poisoned." Chiron says from behind Luke, who can't help himself when he says, "Yeah, no shit!" He knows it was wrong but all his energy was being used to keep Y/N from trying to kill him. Pain was still blooming on his left side, and his neck was hurting. He was starting to shake with exertion from Y/N fighting him, and he knew he couldn't keep her down for long. The poison was making her adrenaline surge and she was going to outlast him.
"What do we do?" Luke asked, but Y/N's arms were getting slippery with sweat. She got one arm free and backhanded him, her only piece of jewelry which happened to be a ring catching his right cheek and catching him off guard. He sucked in a sharp breath at the pain that blossomed across his cheekbone, but he didn't have time to think about that because Y/N was clawing at him. She scratched his throat, but he caught her arm in time for her to only make a couple red marks that would be fine before this was even over.
"She needs to be sedated so we can treat her!" Chiron tells her, and Luke watches Y/N as she screams at him once more.
"How?" Luke asks, but he realizes what he has to do. He feels bad, but he has to. "I'm sorry." He whispers as he shifts to restrain Y/N with one hand, making him have to put all his weight on that hand to keep her in place. She wiggles and almost gets free, so he has to tighten his legs around her torso. She lets out a scream of frustration until he puts a hand around her throat. He squeezes her sides, hoping it won't leave bruising. She wiggles even worse, crying out, and a hand gets free. She scratches his left hand around her neck, this time drawing blood. He can tell his cheek is bleeding now, can feel the blood drip down to his chin. His hand hurts, but he can't pull away, can't give into it. He has to look away, because he can't handle the look in her eyes as she gasps for breath. She reaches out to grab his face, but this time it's soft. She's brushing a tear he didn't know had fallen from his eyes. When he looked at her, as her eyes hooded and began to fall, he thought maybe she could actually see him. He let go, but she was already closing her eyes, tired from fighting.
Luke was on his knees above Y/N, making sure not to put any weight on her anymore. He surveyed her, breathing hard. She had a light red mark around her neck, but Luke had made sure to be gentle with that to avoid bruising. Her wrists however had bruises on them, and her skin was a sickly color that scared him. She was shivering, her skin damp with sweat. Her shoulder had blood on it, and there were drops of blood on her nice shirt. When another one fell on her shirt, he realized it was from his own face. He reached up, feeling the cut made from her ring. His throat was sore, and his scar was burning. Another drop of something darkened her shirt, and for a moment Luke was angry, because he thought he had wiped all the blood away. He realized after a moment that it was his tears. He was crying.
"Luke," Chiron started, coming closer.
"I didn't want to." Luke said, staring at Y/N. He was shaking.
"I know." Chiron told him. "Get her on my back and we'll go to the clinic." Luke wanted to scream, but he knew Chiron was right so he grabbed her limp body and together with Chiron she was hauled up.
Y/N woke up in the clinic, which was strange. She spent so much time here that she recognized it immediately, but she'd never been laying on the bed.
"Thank the gods," Someone said to the side of her. She turned, probably too quickly, and felt dizziness rush behind her eyes as she sits up. "Luke was ready to go find whatever poisoned you and kill it. He was here until we kicked him out, and even now he's arguing with Chiron and Mr. D." One of her siblings was speaking way too fast for her, and she just shook her head slightly as to not disorient herself worse.
"What happened?" She remembered going the quest and trying to get back, but her head was hurting a little bit and everything was foggy.
"You were poisoned when you went on the quest. You came back, and you didn't know where you were. You thought Luke was a monster, so you started fighting him." Daphne is telling her, and Y/N's brows furrow as she realizes what this means.
"Did I hurt him?" She asks, guilt creeping up. Daphne frowns, grabbing Y/N's hand.
"Yes, but he's fine, don't worry. He refused treatment, but it wasn't that bad. I'm more worried about his mental state, since he had to choke you to get you to stop." Y/N's eyes widen as her free hand goes to her neck. She feels fine, because her siblings are great healers, but that couldn't have been good for Luke's mental health.
"Could you please go get him for me? I think we can put Chiron and Mr. D out of their misery." Y/N forces a smile, and Daphne nods before squeezing her hand and leaving. It's only a couple minutes that Y/N's alone before Luke shows up. She wants to throw up when she sees the bruise on his cheek, right over his scar. There's a mark where she knows her ring must've caught his face, and a faint mark around his neck.
"Y/N," He breathes, and she wants to cry. She hurt him.
"I'm so sorry." She whispers, and Luke shakes his head as he comes to her and wraps her in his arms.
"It's not your fault. You were poisoned. You didn't even know it was me." He tells her, thumb rubbing her back.
"For what I said before, about your quest." Her voice is quiet, but he still hears it. 
"That doesn't matter, okay? I was worried, scared, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I pushed you to that point." She appreciates that he's owning up to his faults, but she just can't let her own mistakes go yet.
"I hit your scar." She pulls back and gently cups his face, and he just sighs.
"I had to choke you to get you to stop." He can't look at her, so she uses the hand on his face to angle his gaze.
"I think we can both forgive ourselves, yeah?" She says, even though she feels guilty. She doesn't remember the fight, but she doesn't want to. She wants to forget all about this horrible experience.
"Only if you do it first." He says, pressing their foreheads against each other as he slides closer, now in between her legs.
"Deal." She lifts her lips for a kiss, and Luke would never turn one down.  
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 23 hours
I found this in my drafts and had to post. 😆
I can see Eddie trying to get Steve’s attention by using the vacuum trick on his neck and then showing up to Steve’s house to hang out again, to brag about his 'conquest.' He expected a reaction from Steve, but he did not expect him to be so angry that he stormed into the bathroom, slamming it behind him.
"Steve?" Eddie knocked gently on the door. "I didn't think you would get this mad."
Steve opened the door, a furious expression on his face.
"You didn't think that I would be upset that my boyfriend cheated on me?!" Steve exclaimed. "I know we haven't been dating for long, but I kind of thought that it was implied that we both weren't seeing other people. I mean, I told you that I wasn't seeing other people."
"You thought that I was your boyfriend?" Eddie asked.
"You didn't l? Oh, I am an idiot," Steve said.
"No, Steve, you're not! It's me, I'm the dumbass. Oh God, you asking me to the movies that were you asking me on a date! Our first date and I missed it! And you've been wanting to hang out a lot more. You've been holding my hand when you take me on walks. I just thought you didn't want me to get lost! You even told me that you stopped dating, that was you telling me that you weren't seeing anyone else!" Eddie said, running his fingers through his hair. "You gave me flowers!"
"Yeah, I don't know how to be any clearer than that," Steve said. "I just want to know who this person who gave you that hickey is. Were they a good kisser?"
"Wait, why haven't you tried kissing me?" Eddie asked.
"Answer my question first, Eddie," Steve said.
"No, you answer mine!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Fine! I thought we were taking things slow! It was nice," Steve snapped.
"Oh, Steve, I'm sorry. Ugh, I am an idiot. You're going to laugh. There is no one else. I, uh, tried to make you jealous by using the vacuum trick on my neck."
Steve paused, pursed his lips together, and then burst out laughing.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, pretty boy," Eddie scowled.
"I love you, Eddie," Steve said, his eyes twinkling with mirth.
"What?" Eddie asked in alarm. "After what I just told you?"
"Yep, I love you!" Steve grinned.
Eddie smiled, cupping Steve’s face. He rubbed his thumbs across his cheekbones. He took one hand and began tracing the shape of Steve’s face, running a finger gently over his skin. Steve’s eyes fluttered close, and he sighed in contentment.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked softly.
"Soaking in the moment," Eddie said, and leaned his forehead against his. "I love you too."
Steve closed the gap and kissed him. Eddie wrapped his arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Eddie sighed against his lips. Yeah, he was dreaming. He was definitely dreaming. Steve sighed and broke the kiss.
"So, you know you're my boyfriend now, right?" Steve asked.
"Yes, asshole, I do," Eddie replied.
"Just checking," he told him and went back to kissing him.
"Hey, Steve?"
"Do you think, maybe, we can not tell Robin about the vacuum thing?" Eddie asked.
"I'll see what I can do, boyfriend."
"Just a friendly reminder."
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Sup! You things of the fea. So my brain is braining again and my new hyper fixation with god games and my old and undying [get it because-] fixation on dc X dp so I’ve thought about two different ways this could work
But the same plot on the JL part so someone fucked up and someone’s now holding this person hostage and is NOT letting them go so somebody [ from JLD] tells them about The ghost zone and the only one who can stop this person is the ghost king [Danny is NOT the ghost king pls I love ghost king Danny as much as the next person but I’m getting a little bit tired of it] and they have to go through The God Games. Now to the two ways on Danny’s end!
ONE: Danny and Phantom {different entities, different people} For Danny to be the Ancient of space and Phantom to be the Ancient of protection in place of Aphrodite and Ares so basically
Ancient of Space = Danny = Aphrodite
Ancient of Protection = Phantom = Ares
And the other gods are the other Ancients {Pandora, Clockwork etc.} but can add Dani and Dan as there kids in this and make Danny and phantom a couple or a bit I’m fine with either.
TWO: The ghost queen way as I like to call it. The plot on the JL and JLD is the same but with Danny as the ghost queen.
Now with how Danny became the ghost queen so when he fought Pariah Dark who is redeemed {I like it when he’s redeemed} and won so he become the queen but let me say that DANNY AND PARIAH DARK ARE NOT IN LOVE they are still married because the observers are assholes and decided to be dicks so they are just married and have a more father and son relationship not husband and wife but they do like to mess with people and will call each other husband and wife because they just like that and to the JL + JLD Danny is the “poor, underage queen who needs help” but he’s good and with them misunderstanding what he says it will be all the funnier. +BONUS POINTS+ If Danny has Dani and Dan cores in him and make him the ghost equivalent of pregnant. And he’s in the god games is Hera! With guess who’s Zeus….its Pariah dark.
Wow, That’s a lot more then I was expecting to write but I did have fun with this, Anyway until next time my Crows!
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magpod-confessions · 19 hours
i am getting so tired of the Jon-asexuality discourse like just LET PEOPLE LIVE
I’m ace, i get off, i make sex jokes, I don’t want to have sec with an actual human being, but I’ll read slash fics, I get horny for fictional men, I joke that I want to fuck them, I don’t, but I might be a smutfic of these characters when I feel like it, none of this makes me any less asexual.
saying all ace people are virgins and have never and will never have sex and have no libido and are “uwu liddle babees” who are oblivious is just factually incorrect.
some ace people don’t have sex.
some do.
Jon’s asexuality is left vague for a REASON.
we hear about through gossip, from someone who 1) hates Jon 2) heard it from his EX. That’s not the most reliable source. I hate to break it to you, but it’s not. It’s second hand information that is, AGAIN, left vague. So that the viewer may interpret it however they like.
someone interpreting Jon as sex-favorable is fine. It’s a headcanon. We don’t ACTUALLY know bc there’s no sex scene or lack of sex scene. Because it doesn’t matter whether or not he has sex! It adds nothing to the overall story, but if you want to write smut with Jon, that’s fine!
Stop getting so uncomfortable, it’s a fictional character and these fics are hurting no one. Stop “calling people out” just because they’re writing something you don’t like. It’s like saying someone who writes detective novels is a cop or condones murder.
and most of the fics I’ve seen are by ace people who are projecting their own sexuality onto Jon, maybe even figuring out their asexuality through him. I realized a lot of my asexuality by reading some of these fics!
hell, even if you don’t like Jon having sex or feeling attraction to people, there’s fics where he ISNT attracted but will still have sex bc guess what! Even allo people have sex with people they aren’t attracted to! Bc they want to! Bc some people like having sex with others!
no ond is trying to erase Jon’s asexuality. You’re just mad because not everyone has the same headcanon as you. And guess what? You can block tags, block creators, you can block people on ao3, you can filter out smut on ao3, all of this is easily avoidable if you just curate your own expirience.
people are gonna write smut of any and every ace character. It’s not inherently acephobic to do so. Especially not when someone who is acespec is just projecting onto a fictional character who’s sexuality was left vague for that reason.
if you disagree, fine. You can always just look the other way.
God. Agree these are my exact opinions on it LMAO. Idgaf how someone portrays jons asexuality and frankly the whole 'HES ACE HE HASNT HEARD OF SEX EVER' is just. Uncomfortable and aphobic to me as an ace person LMAO - rosette
YEAH . agreed ! as an ace person as well it isss . a spectrum guys . somebody making the canon ace character have sex isn't going to kill you . i can obviously understand if you're uncomfortable with it due to being ace yourself but non-ace people shouldn't be trying to dictate how other people headcanon a characters asexuality to be . - deceit
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the-artist-grimm · 1 day
Crimson Angel AU - Narinder’s Betrayal
Been editing and working on the AU and changing just what makes Narinder go from being the lamb’s friend to commanding them to sacrifice themself to him after all the Bishops are dead
Originally the idea was more just him not understanding his feelings towards them, then after overhearing part of a conversation about them planning on proposing to someone (not knowing its him) his heartbreak/confusion leads him to think they’re leaving him behind and thus sacrificing them is killing his feelings, but now tying it more into what’s becoming the main theme of the AU-how it’s important to communicate your feelings. (read more cause we got a lot of lore for this one!)
Narinder was imprisoned because he and his siblings didn’t talk to each other. They didn't ask how he felt about being death, and he in turn didn't tell them his frustrations regarding it/their treatment of him for being death.
As the other four’s domains all connected/dealt with life they got closer as the years went on, whilst he in contrast remained the odd one out by being the sole one centered on death. This separation would lead to him feeling isolated and somewhat abandoned, which was furthered as whenever he did see them they would typically be angry at him for ‘taking’ a favorite friend, follower, or lover through death, as the other bishops didn’t understand how Narinder’s powers worked. They saw him as the executioner, when in reality he was merely a judge and shepherd, as mortals die regardless of his involvement. 
Resurrection was his last-ditch effort to please them. His followers became the experimental batch in hopes that he'd be able to perfect it for the real thing. He'd resurrect his siblings' fallen and maybe that'd get them to love him again.
Meanwhile to the bishops, here was the brother who always seemed more content when left alone (Who seemed to dislike the bustle of the mortal realm. To hate the noise of parties. To hurry away the second their group meetings would end. Who they thought preferred his space as he'd never said otherwise) Here he is suddenly gaining mass amounts of followers and they have no idea why or how. So Shamura decides to look into things, but as for the first time Narinder is not letting others enter his domain (as he’s trying to keep his experiments a surprise), they decide to use their future sight.
And the vision they see is only blood on Narinder’s claws as he’s dragged down by chains into the Afterlife, and the wailing of their other siblings. 
So to Shamura, they assume Narinder is planning a betrayal. They cannot even fathom how it came to this, but are too terrified of the idea to ask and hear it confirmed-they don’t want to hear its true, and just skip asking. They just gather the others and convince them that they must enchain him before he has a chance to destroy them. They summon him to their domain with a vague letter, and Narinder, with his now completed ritual notes in hand, eagerly goes thinking here’s his chance to present what he's discovered.
He arrives and at first things seem fine. But then Shamura suddenly deems him a traitor as he approaches-says that they know of his plan, and that his ploy for power ends here. His other siblings appear and restrain him from the shadows, where he accidentally hurts them all while trying to fight back, and then with his notes scattering across the floor he’s dragged down into the Afterlife. 
It’s only after the which Shamura realizes through their pain that their vision just played out with ZERO differences, and they realize their mistake. They didn’t ‘stop’ Narinder, he wasn't even going to hurt them. The others find Narinder’s notes, and all of them now realize what they've begun.
Meanwhile, to Narinder, he thinks his siblings knew of his resurrection plan all along and it still wasn’t enough. He’s trapped in the Afterlife all alone, and right there decides that caring about other people isn’t worth it anymore.  
A thousand years pass and though Narinder’s been softened since the twins came to him, he’s still scared to love again. He’s their master rather than dad because he deems their relationship conditional, they’re dependent on him as he’s the only other person they have, and assumes that were the twins given a choice, they would never choose him. His siblings certainly didn't.
But then the Lamb appears. They’re kind, they ask if he’s in pain, bring him gifts, treat his kits with kindness and bring them gifts too. They show him the world he’s missed through the crown for no reason and it confuses him. He asks what boon they want for this and their only answer is that they just want to see him happy. He's not used to this, and gradually starts to care and gradually starts to hope that maybe, finally, someone will stay. That someone likes him for himself. He becomes their friend, and then falls in love.
When upon ‘accompanying’ them via the crown to the remains of their childhood village on the anniversary of their family’s death, and at hearing the lamb finally break down from survivor's guilt and swear that they’ll free him regardless of the cost to themself, it's when he decides to try love again. And he says no.
The final hidden chain is broken the sacrifice of the devout heart which frees him-that’s what the prophecy said. The lamb doesn't know this, but he does. And what he does tell them is that he either leaves the Afterlife with them by his side or not at all. He'd prolong his imprisonment for them.
But soon after, the lamb starts getting distant. They stop ‘calling’ him at night before bed, they start asking for more privacy. Long talks until they fall asleep stop. They visit and still bring gifts and show him things sure, but something's different, and he doesn’t know what, but it reminds him of something.
Of how his siblings used to visit him too before he was chained. And how they eventually stopped. 
But he tries to ignore it, he’s busy trying to figure out a way to break the chain without killing them, but as Shamura’s death nears one night when the twins are off exploring and he’s all alone he just can’t take it anymore and listens in. He swore to respect the lamb's privacy if signaled for it, but he can't wait anymore, he's alone, stressed, and scared.
The Lamb’s at Ratua’s, the previous bearer of the red crown. The room sounds busy-he can't see anything since the crown’s off and placed facing the wall as per the privacy agreement, but he can hear. There’s chattering and an odd mechanical like sound? Someone sharpening a weapon perhaps, he’s not sure. What he is sure of though, is that someone asks if he suspects anything, and he freezes.
The Lamb, cheerful as ever, says no, and he hears that mechanical sound again so it must be from something they’re doing. Ratau asks if the lamb has told Forneus yet and they reply that they have and she wishes them the best-another former crown bearer who's in on whatever this is. The Lamb says that if all goes to plan then they need Ratau to distract the twins should Forneus be unavailable the night after they’re freed, and that the rest are to make sure no one follows the lamb as they take him for a walk off the grounds. 
Narinder doesn’t stay to hear the rest. He can’t breathe suddenly, and the moment the connection is cut all he can remember is Shamura inviting him to their domain, and the feeling of his siblings forcing him into chains. All he can remember is how badly a heart can break.
What he doesn’t get to hear is the final sound of a loom shuttle flying through wool, then the sound of the Lamb tapping the last threads of a long, beautiful sash into place. Ratau and the others come over, and though they tease the Lamb relentlessly, all Anthea can think of is of their own parents’ sashes-beautifully hand-woven gifts given upon their engagement  to one another which within sheep culture represents’ the gifter’s devotion and oath of commitment to the receiver. That day their god comforted them and declared that they were to be by his side was the day Anthea realized they’d fallen in love, and regardless of the form of love he felt for them, Anthea wanted to give him something to tell both him and themself that they finally wanted to live, and to live with him. 
Narinder doesn’t think to ask the lamb about what he heard because he’s too afraid of the answer, he doesn't even tell the twins what he heard, just lets them think he finally found a way to spare the lamb. It's only when Shamura’s dead and they arrive to, as Anthea puts it, ‘Bring him and the twins home’ that he declares them traitor and commands that they die, says he knows of their plan to usurp power, and refuses to let them win. 
The cycle repeats.
The twins die by trying to use their battles with the lamb to snap him out of it, Narinder falls regardless, and when he awakes on the dais to a furious, heartbroken lamb who's not only hurt by his ignoring of their privacy but also in assuming the worst of them that he realizes his mistake.
It’s easier to assume the worst, than to ask and risk seeing it confirmed. And yet because of that, the reality is realized too late.
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thatwritterbeach · 1 day
One messed up bat pt.2
Dc masterlist all other parts found here
Batfam x reader Jason Todd x reader
Summary: the batfam's approach to Y/n self harming, Bruce is a meanie, and neglectful meanie
warnings: Angst, self harm (active), self hate, depression, anxiety, eating disorder,mentions of alcohol and drugs but not use of either, sexual assault mention, non-con mention, joker has bad touched y/n, puke, purging,
I do not own dc, kinda short sorry. Full bruce hate, I never forgave him for not killing the joker, among other things
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Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian all sat around her while Alfred poured tea. Her leg was bouncing and her fingers were tapping on her knees.
"Somebody gonna fill me in," Bruce asked into the silence.
"I second that," Jason said.
"Well, we are here to support-" Tim started to say before Damian cut in.
"Y/n was cutting herself and you have to fix it," he said from his spot next to her. He latched himself onto her arm and rolled her sleeve up to show off the bandage.
"Y/n," Bruce said softly, running a hand down his face in exhaustion. He's too tired to put up with you.
"Why," Jason asked moving to sit next to her and grab her other hand. Tim was sitting on the back of the couch behind her, Dick was perched on the arm next to Damian and Bruce was across from her in an arm chair.
"I'm in a family of superheros that spends more time looking after strangers than they do their own people."
"Y/n," Dick said on a sigh.
"It's our job," Bruce said. Like that excused all the neglect.
"If you're just gonna undermine everything I say and bring up 'the mission' as an excuse for everything there's no point in having this conversation cuz it's just gonna make things worse," she seethed glaring at Bruce.
"No more work talk, just tell us about you," Dick said.
"Damian go help Alfred with dinner."
"Go." He rolled his eyes but stomped out of the room.
"I've been cutting since Jason died-"
"Shit," Tim interrupted quietly.
"Burning too when I feel like it. Definitely have an eating disorder, depression goes without saying. All forms of anxiety, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, hmmm," she paused in mock thought looking to the ceiling for answers.
"What do you mean burning," Jason asked before she could continue.
"I use a lighter to heat up a blade, or something else metal and hold it to my skin. Just 1st and second degree, enough to blister. I prefer burning because the pain lasts longer," she explained casually. Stop talking you idiot!
"Y/n," Dick muttered, so sadly the guilt crept up her throat.
"How else do you hurt yourself," Bruce asked sliding her tea closer to her, like that helped.
"I think that's it, don't know I've done shit for so long I don't even think anymore. I blink and there's a few new cuts I don't remember making." Stop talking!
"Oh my god," Tim whispered.
"You black out? Do you drink," Jason accused, unwilling to ask about drugs.
"Nope, never touch the stuff." Where her hands shaking or was she imagining that? Didn't matter Jason's warm and rough hand enveloped both of hers to stop them. Are your eyes meant to get fuzzy when your crush touches you?
"What can we do to help, what do you need from us," Bruce asked eyeing their hands with a touch of unease?
"Oh, now you care. What fifteen, twenty kids later you care? I don't need or want anything from you, actually, no, what I want is my damn job back." Is your heart supposed to be at 150 BPM?
"Sweets, I can feel your heart through your finger tips."
"I'm fine, my heart rate's always a bit fast." But she was starting to sweat.
"Are you having any other systems, how often do you have anxiety attacks," Dicks asked sitting beside her to hold two fingers to her pulse and count.
"Once a week, once every two weeks, I don't know, why?"
"Do you feel like you're going into one?"
She took a deep breath and did a mental self-assessment. Fast heart, sweat, shaky hands, but clear thoughts.
"I don't-I don't...it doesn't feel like it? Maybe just heightened anxiety, I don't know, I feel more anger than anxiety," she told him smacking his hand away when he tried to check for a fever.
"Does your heart rate usually get to 160 when you're mad," Dick asked.
"Sounds right, I have anger issues." Jason snorted out a laugh.
"Welcome to the club kid." His hand moved to tug on her hair then dropped to her neck to rub circles with his thumb.
"When you call me kid it makes me feel small and useless," she told him with soft smile.
"Shit, sorry."
"I cal you kid, like ninety percent of the time," Dick panicked.
"Chill big bird, it's not gonna drive me to a cliff."
"You're not going back to work."
"Wayta' read the room, Bruce," Tim chastised dramatically draping himself over the back of the couch.
"Careful, Tim your fruit is showing," Y/n said, laughing at her own joke. ( Tim is bi in this)
"His what," Jason whisper yelled whipping his head around to check his brother fly. Dick who was 'hip' to the kids slang these days just laughed and high fived her.
"What's fruit then?"
"When someone is gay you call them fruity," she explained gesturing to Tim's totally not straight pose.
"Oh, got it. Wait a damn minute, that's what you meant when you called me a mango nerd the other day."
"Dude you said and I quote 'you can't wear that spring outfit with that fall purse you heathen' with a hand on your hip."
"It was for a benefit ball, I was trying to help you, you fashionably challenged fool."
"Get a room," Tim complained throwing a hand over his eyes like even watching them was painful.
"Was it that peach dress with the blue clutch," Dick asked, of course, he hadn't attended but he saw the papers and news.
"Sorry, I thought I was the girl in this family, let me just turn my closet over to you-"
"Can we get back to your issues," Bruce interrupted, freaking buzzkill.
"Sorry, was my bonding time with brothers I haven't seen together in over a month cutting into your plans. Are you trying to wrap this up so you can put on your Halloween costume and go beat up poor people. Sorry my depression is such an inconvenience for you. Don't worry, me slicing into my own flesh can take a backseat to your useless and selfish vendetta.-"
"That's enough, I do care-"
"Really! Did you care when your second robin got murdered and you couldn't be bothered to stop his killer, did you care when you forced me into that suit and took me out with basically no training? Did you care when the man you refused to kill took me hostage, when the devil you clearly love sank his claws into my innocent skin? Did you even ask when I came back to the cave with blood running down my legs-" Her jaw might have popped from the grinding of her teeth if Dick and Jason hadn't cut her off.
"What the actually fuck, Bruce!" Jason.
"What the hell!" Dick.
"I didn't know," Bruce said hanging his head and shoving his fingers into his hair.
"You didn't fucking ask. Why the hell else would I have come back looking the way I did, did you even notice I was gone?"
"I don't care," she interrupted with an eye roll, shaking the boys off her to try and leave the room. Tim was faster and blocked her path but she knew he would cave, they would all give her alone time after the bombshell she'd just dropped. She tried not to smirk when Bruce moved to follow her and both Dick and Jason stood in his way.
"So not only did you fail to stop a kid from being murdered, you failed to tell me he was even dead until after his funeral, and you failed to protect her."
"I hate you," Jason said and they all knew he meant it. The guilt was back, clawing at her insides and making bile rise to her throat. They'd been mending their relationship and she just turned Jason on Bruce without thinking.
"I'm sorry," he tried.
"We don't care," Tim spoke for all of them stepping aside to let her through. She hurried to leave before they changed their mind but stopped short with a soft 'shit' when she nearly ran into Damian.
"You heard it all didn't you?"
"Father's an idiot."
"I'm sorry you had to hear that."
"Tt, I'm sorry you had to go through that, my beloved." (he calls her that cuz she's his favorite and acts almost as a mother figure)
"You mind telling Alfred not to set my place?"
"Of course."
Thank God, he didn't insist on following her. With a quick hug and hair ruffle she sent him off and nearly sprinted to her room, her trained feet not making a sound on the polished wood. They hadn't taken any of her blades yet so she had her pick for one last hurrah before they found her. With what could only be described as a quiet evil laugh she selected a simple pocket knife and skipped to her en suit locking the door behind her. her shorts were off in a flash and she had four quick and clean cuts in no time, the sting was ok but not enough to ease the guilt from blabbing her big mouth so she did a few more. The feeling didn't ease and her chest only got tighter in panic of being found so she cleaned and bandaged them then sank to her knees in front of the toilet. Pressing on her stomach right where her ribs met she was able to bring up her food without shoving her fingers down her throat. When nothing but foam came up and her eyes stung from tears she rose to clean up.
"Y/n, you have two second before I kick in the door," Jason warned. Well shit.
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eightlightstar · 2 days
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pairing: Lee Jihoon x AFAB Reader genre: meet-cute, NANA TOUR based, fluff, idol x fan relationship warning(s): reader's feelings are hurt by Woozi's cautionary words (not that deep), descriptions of a kiss(?) word count: 4.1 k (my first fic of this size!) recommended song: _World by Seventeen banner credits: @staranghae
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Woozi was not a wanderlust, and it was a well established fact. That's why he was worried sick as him and the guys were waiting for JunHao to get through immigration. How was a homebody to enjoy a vacation with his loved ones when most of the itinerary was outdoorsy?
His impending doom face must've been hard to miss because Dokyeom was scooting closer as he asked him, "Hyung? You look like you've seen a ghost! Is something wrong?" Seeing a worried Dokyeom made him snap out of his negative spiral. "Ah it's nothing much. I was just wondering how I'm going to handle being out & about since I stay indoors all the time. It's fine though, I guess. It's a relief you all are there at least. I hope I'll not be too disoriented…?" Woozi finished in a confused tone.
"Are you telling me or asking me Hyung?" Dokyeom said and laughed. "You never give such a long explanation to something unless it actually bothers you enough; so, I can see that you're wary of what's to come. It may be a vacation for us, but it might be an ordeal to you. That's why me and the guys will do our best to make sure you have a great time with us. Sound good?" He chirps and hugs Woozi tightly. "Thanks, Kyeom. I don't think I can live without you all." Woozi whispers as he hugs him back.
Woozi was surprised to find that he wasn't uncomfortable with anything that was happening! Everything was great and he was thoroughly enjoying himself right from the moment they had stopped at the Colosseum, to the wine festival they were currently at. He doesn't exactly drink; so, before coming here, he had felt that it would be useless for him to go there and ruin the others' mood by his predicament. Joshua must've sensed his discomfort because he was by Woozi's side the next instant. "Hey, Woozi. You look a bit...uncomfortable?" he asked hesitantly. "No, I'm not uncomfortable, hyung. I'm just wondering what would a person like me do at a wine festival" Woozi supplied forlornly.
"Maybe you'll find something a person like you can do here after all", Joshua said while wiggling his eyebrows up and down. "Hah...hyung you're not drunk, are you?" Woozi asked while sighing at the antics of the older member. "No Jihoonie, just trying to cheer you up with a world of possibilities. I suggest you go about on your own. Having 12 others around is not always enjoyable you know", he says with a wry smile. "Yeah, I guess", Woozi shrugs unsurely but does take his hyung's advice.
As Woozi navigates the crowded wine festival alone, he goes from stall to stall trying some wine here and there. He doesn't know exactly when he gets drunk but the moment he realises, he looks for a place to stop and breathe. While looking here and there among a sea of people, he spots a stall that is not at crowded at all except for one young lady. He goes (read: stumbles) there and sighs in relief. He leans down to check out the different wines on the counter of the stall and notices the lady's keychain as he straightens up. It was a CARATBONG keychain and Woozi doesn't even finish thinking that 'CARATs are everywhere' when him and the woman make eye contact. The woman's eyes comically widen before she composes herself quickly. "Hi?" she says unsurely in Korean.
"You're Korean!?" Woozi asks a little too loudly in his tipsy state. "Ah sorry I think I must've drunk too much wine", he immediately apologises sheepishly. "Not just too much, many different wines too, I guess," says the woman and giggles. "Yes, I am Korean. Korean American actually. But yeah", she adds. "This might be stupid to ask but you do know me, right? Also, can I get your name? asks Woozi, surprising himself. "It's L/n Y/n. And I don't know how to reply to the other question, Woozi", she says as she stifles a smile with the back of her hand.
"Ah wonderful. But first and foremost, do not ask why I'm here in Italy. You'll get to know soon. Okay?", Woozi warned the CARAT hurriedly. "Duh. Of course you're filming something. I'm not completely dumb seeing as I've known Seventeen since debut but go off, I guess", she says in mock anger. "Ah I didn't mean that, I'm sorry. Fans tend to ask for photos or signatures and sometimes even pester us. It was precautionary you know just in-" "It's fine Woozi. I know how bad it can get. Wine?" she cuts his rambling as she shows him what she's currently drinking. "Thanks," Woozi mutters and asks the stall owner to pour him some.
"So, since I can't tell you what I'm doing here, tell me about yourself. What're you doing in Italy? Do you live in Korea? And oh, who's your bias in our group?", Woozi yaps away after taking a few sips of the woody wine. "WOW, who are you and what have you done to our Woozi?", Y/n asks in astonishment but humours this New Woozi anyway. "I'm here on a solo vacation as I just got some time off from work. Yes, I live in Korea. Actually, I live in Yongsan, so I often see you guys near the HYBE building, hehe. But coming back to your question, and not because you are the one I'm talking to, my bias has been you since the Melona Green Room days", she finishes in one breath and inhales deeply.
"WOW", is all Woozi manages. "But seriously, how are you talking so much? And that too with a fan you happened to meet by chance?", Y/n enquires curiously. "Well, Joshua was going on about the world of possibilities or something so I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone?", Woozi answers, albeit apprehensively. "That's actually very Josh of him, but also true. As your fan, I'm glad you're exploring new possibilities, she says and beams at him. "Yeah, but the only reason I talked to you was because I saw your CARATBONG keychain", he admits bashfully. "Aww and here I thought you talked to me because you found me pretty or something", she teases and Woozi has never been so out of his depth.
"Uh..." "Oh come on, I'm just teasing. I know you would rather talk to a stranger who's a CARAT than not" she says and giggles. Her giggles do something to Woozi's heart that he can't quite place. "Fans never talk this comfortably with us you know, they are usually very nervous or too excited. You're...astonishingly calm for a person who's talking to her bias". It was now Woozi's turn to tease Y/n. "Uh...". "Oh, come on, I'm just teasing", Woozi says triumphantly. "Wow...that's a low blow, Woozi. But I'm not offended because oh my god I love this new Woozi!?", she says as she gawks at her reformed bias. "Yeah, I hope I won't regret this tomorrow morning", he says in a hopeful tone. "Okay now I'm offended", Y/n says in a small voice.
"Hey, again, I'm sorry but if you've been here since debut, you know how some people take advantage of us interacting with them like-" "-like normal humans yeah, I know", she cuts him off and finishes his sentence yet again and he's pretty sure his heart did a somersault. "But I thought I already proved to you that I was different? I didn't need to and didn't even intend to prove myself different or anything, but it just happened. Anyway, I'm sure it's not easy for you to trust a stranger you just met even if I am a CARAT. I've only been extra nice because I know how fans get. I just thought it'll be a nice break for you, you know..." she says in a hurt voice.
Woozi regrets his words deeply as he looks at the hurt in her eyes. He makes a bold decision to set this misunderstanding straight. "Okay, for the last time, I'm sorry. This is me trusting and making up to the most wonderful fan I've ever met, who just happens to be my fan. Gimme your phone", he says. "Huh?" Y/n asks quizzically but still hands it to him. He flips it to the back to check just in case and sure enough, he finds a photocard of himself nestled behind a clear cover. "Aha! Now I know for sure I'm your bias", he teases while typing a number onto the keypad and saving it as Lee Jihoon. "That's my number. I feel like you're a person I can get to know so call me when you're back in Korea. I'll go back in a few days too. Okay?", he asks with hope in his eyes.
"But do you really want an unknown number calling you? When you already get so many calls from fans?", she asks him dryly. "Ah I hadn't thought of that. Wait, send me a message on Kakao right now", he says with a twinkle in his eyes as if he had just thought of the greatest idea in the world. "And what should I say?", she asks. "Ugh, just open the messenger and give it to me. Quick I need to go back to the group" Woozi says hurriedly as he checks the time. Y/n hands him her phone with his contact open on Kakao messenger. His fingers fly on the keypad of her phone as he sends a message to himself. "There, now I will know it's you" he beams like he had just won an award. Y/n is touched by the fact that he would go to such lengths to placate a fan who was simply treating him like a fellow human being. "Thank you, Woozi. It was wonderful meeting you. See you in Korea" she says as she waves at him. "See you in Korea Y/n" he says and leaves.
-Time Skip- (The story switches to Y/n's POV)
The rest of the vacation went by in a whirlwind for both you and Woozi. Both of you almost completely forgot your encounter with each other until you were trying to type a message to your friend and accidentally open your chat with Woozi.
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You stare at the message in utter confusion and think to yourself. 'How do I contact him further? Shouldn't he be the one who has to recognise whatever this cryptic message is and reply to me?' You sigh, exit his chat, message your friend like you had originally intended to, and go on about your day. You don't think about Woozi after that.
As for Woozi, he was insanely busy trying to catch up on and finish everything for their latest album Seventeenth Heaven. NANA TOUR had been a much-needed break yet now he had no choice but to work himself to death as comeback was almost upon them. It was after about 3 weeks that Woozi decided to (read: had the time to) reply to the messages he had ignored since he left for NANA TOUR. Surprisingly, there was only 1 message from an unknown number but just as he was about to delete it, he caught sight of the content of the message.
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Woozi was shell shocked. How had someone texted him the name of the Vocal Unit song file which was from their next album after Seventeenth Heaven!? His mind was reeling, and he was almost about to go nuts when his mind thankfully went to & stopped at the memory of his encounter with you at the Wine Festival in Italy.
"Oh my God that's Y/n!" he said aloud to himself. He immediately called you. You were just walking back home from a convenience store and were actually just opposite the HYBE building when you received a call. You were confused yet thrilled when you saw it was Woozi who was finally calling you! "Hello? Y/n?", Woozi asked nervously. "Yes, this is her, Woozi", you replied as you giggled. "Ah now I know it's you for sure" he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. "And how do you know that may I ask?" you ask haughtily (comical). "Your giggles. I distinctly remember them. They're music to my ears", Woozi says adoringly before he even realises what he had just said.
"My giggles are music to the God of Music? I am honoured!" you say as you tease him. "Uh...I didn't mean...uh actually it kinda slipped out but..." Woozi hesitates for a while until he finally snaps and actually tells you what he wanted to tell you. "Okay fuck this. Will you go out on a date with me?" "...a date? I..." It was your turn to hesitate now. "Come on y/n, I think I've filled the hesitation quota for today. Not you too", he whines.
"But you're already asking me out on a date when we didn't even talk after our first encounter?", you ask him unsurely. "Uh, yes. I thought this might come up", Woozi says monotonously on the phone. "Obviously!", you say, now slightly annoyed. "Well, what can I say? I saw the CARATBONG and thought it was a lucky coincidence. And then I saw your face and thought I was the one who was lucky. And then as I talked to you, I finally realised that it was fate. I was fated to see you, meet you, and get to know you. So...uh...to me, it was only natural to ask you out as soon as possible", Woozi finishes in one breath.
"WOW...that's...I'm floored Jihoon", you say as your heart does an entire gymnastics routine. "So, it's a yes to the date?", Woozi asks you hopefully. "Yes, and as fate would have it, I'm standing right opposite the HYBE building hehe" you say while making sure to emphasise the word 'fate'. "Really? I'm in the studio. Can you come towards the left of the building? I could see you from the window!" Woozi tells you excitedly. You move to where the Universe Factory window is and sure enough, there was Woozi. Standing at the window looking at you and waving as he says "Hi" through the phone. "So, when is the date you just asked me on?" you ask as you look at him. "Today. I'll text you the details so be ready, okay?" he says and waves at you before hanging up.
Then he quickly opens the shopping app on his phone and starts looking for a dress to give as a present to you. He finds a beautiful ruby coloured dress after scrolling for a while. He thinks about the first time he saw you with a wine glass in your hand and decides it would be the perfect dress. He selects the size and hopes he got it right from whatever he saw of you at the wine festival from almost a month ago. Then, he texts you. "Hey Y/n, can you send me your home address? I'll send someone to pick you up from there and bring you to HYBE's parking lot. Then we can go together from here in a car that has blacked out windows. Sound good?"
You see the text and muse that it was an ingenious plan. Nothing suspicious crosses your mind so you simply send him the address. "See you soon, xoxo", you add. Unbeknownst to you, Jihoon almost faints from giddiness when he sees the 'xoxo'. He quickly types in your address and makes sure to get the fastest delivery option available, which happened to be more expensive than the dress itself, despite the store being in Yongsan! But all he cared about was seeing you wearing his present; so, after wrapping up the gift situation, he quickly got ready in the spare suit that he keeps in Universe Factory for 'just in case' situations.
As soon as he touched up his appearance and was ready to leave, he gets an update from the shopping app that the delivery has been made. As he feels relieved that his present reached you in time, you call him. "Jihoon, did you just send me a dress?", you ask in disbelief. "I mean, that's it what it looks like, doesn't it?", Woozi replies cheekily. "But whyyy, you didn't have to you know. Also, 'ruby'? Really?', you ask you first whine and then deadpan. "Ah, it wasn't because of my song. It was to commemorate our first meeting - at the wine festival", he explains hurriedly. "Fine, how long till your manager gets here? Do I have to get ready quickly?", you ask worriedly. "Oh wait! I'm actually ready right now. I'll come get you myself and we can go directly from your place. You can text me when you're ready okay? Meanwhile, I'll reserve a table for us. Yeah?", he asks sincerely. "Sure Jihoon. Thank you. I was worried about having to meet your manager before meeting you again. So, I'm glad it's you who I'll be seeing directly" you say as you thank him. "Ah no need to thank me, Y/n. Now go get ready. Bye!", Jihoon says, and you end the call with a soft "Bye Jihoon".
The dress was a perfect fit and you were surprised he guessed your size correctly. But this is also why you realise he's genuinely interested in you and smile to yourself in disbelief. It was true you were obsessed with your bias...but to have your bias be obsessed with you was a whole another feeling. You sent Jihoon a quick text saying you were ready. To your shock, his reply read, "Come down then, I'm already waiting in your apartment's parking lot. I'm inside the black Carnival facing towards the exit". You were touched that he came and chose to wait for you without coming up to your place. 'Such a gentleman', you think to yourself and quickly go down to meet your bias (read: soon-to-be-boyfriend).
You get inside the car and both of you simply stare at each other for a whole minute before both of you breathe out in unison, "Beautiful!". Laughter bubbles immediately as you both realise you are deep in this thing with each other. He holds out his hand to you and you take it, and he simply keeps it on his lap while soothingly rubbing circles with his thumb. The car ride is silent apart from the giggles that come from both of you when you catch the other looking at you.
It's a very fancy place (obviously since your date happens to be an idol with 100+ KOMCA credits) and both of you make your way in through the back entrance and inside a private booth. He pulls out your chair and lets you sit before sitting opposite to you. "I'm glad the dress fit you perfectly. I hope you like it?", he asks shyly. "Of course! I love it, Jihoon! You have pretty good taste I must say. Music and clothing alike", you say as you tease him. "Ah stop bringing up the song, Y/n", he says like a hurt puppy. "Okay okay fine", you placate him and giggle.
The rest of the date goes by in you both getting to know each other by yapping away well into the night, occasionally eating a bite of your otherwise untouched food. Suddenly, you feel very hungry so you stop mid-ramble and say, "I'm really hungry Jihoon, shall we continue talking after we eat?", you ask with puppy eyes and who is Jihoon to refuse. "Sure baby", the nickname slips out very naturally and he doesn't even notice it. You blush at that but continue to eat without telling him anything. Once in the car after a nice dinner, you both start to yap yet again. You were so lost in conversation with each other that the driver had to tell you that you had arrived at your apartment's parking lot. "Can I come till your door and say goodnight?", Jihoon asks hopefully. "Sure honey. Let's go!", you say, a little excited. You don't notice the nickname you slipped in, but Jihoon does and smiles shyly to himself.
As you open your door and turn to wish him a goodnight, he moves a bit closer and asks in a whisper, "Can I kiss you goodnight?". Your heart races as you whisper a "Yes" back. The kiss is magical, it's beyond anything you've ever imagined. Jihoon must be feeling the same, going by his grip on your waist. Your lips move effortlessly against his as if you had been kissing each other all your life. You only separate when both of you need to breathe. "That was some goodnight kiss alright" you say in a daze. "Sorry if I was...", Jihoon begins. "Oh, shut up Jihoon. It was perfect. I loved it", you say as you hug him before letting him go. "Next date, my idea. Okay?", you say as you get ready to close the door. "Sure, love", he says before he walks away from your door after waving goodbye to you.
Several dates go by with the both of you taking turns to make the date as amazing as possible for the other. The one you were currently on was some 13th date or something, but it was a very simple one suggested by you because Jihoon had once again been working himself to the bone and you had wanted to do something about it. "Date idea, listen. I come to Universe Factory with some food, we eat, and then...we take a nap on that unnecessarily huge couch. Okay?", you tell Jihoon sternly in the morning, after seeing him stare at Cubase on his computer all night the previous day. "Okay baby, whatever you say", he says as he gets up to go to work. "See you at lunch, love. Bye", he says and hugs you before leaving.
You make an elaborate spread of Jihoon's favourite dishes, box them up and make your way to HYBE. It had been 2 months since the day you had met Jihoon in Italy, and you had been dating him for 1 month now. It was only natural that all the members got to know you and became close to you instantly, much like the way Jihoon had. They took you under their wing and you had felt like you had won in life - dating your bias and being friends with the other members? Yeah, that's the dream and you were living it. With these thoughts, you reach the building. You go in the general elevator from the parking lot and reach the floor Universe Factory is on.
When you get there, you notice several pairs of shoes outside and knock hesitantly. "Come in, Y/n", a group of people chorus. You realise it's the members and breathe in relief as you enter the code and unlock the door. "Hii Y/n!" says Hoshi cheerfully while Seungcheol waves at you and Vernon nods in your direction. "What're y'all doing?", you ask curiously. "Getting some songwriting done for the next album", Vernon says and tiredly. "You all look tired though. How can you express yourselves properly with tiredness clouding your thoughts?", you ask worriedly. "You have no idea," says Seungcheol, a little miserably. "I got food! Do y'all wanna eat with us?", you offer. "No Y/n, you're very kind. We know you and Jihoon have a date now haha. We'll make our way out and leave you to it", Hoshi says and winks.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. I'll see you guys at practice?" says Woozi as he goes to the door to lock it after they leave. "Sure Woozi. Rest well with Y/n and come to practice with a fresher mind, yeah?" the boys fuss over him a little bit before finally leaving. Meanwhile, you open the packaged food and set the small dining table for the both of you. "WOW! These are all my favourite dishes, baby! Thank you!", Jihoon says with delight in his eyes. "Hehe I'm glad you love it, honey. Dig in", you say as you start eating too.
After a hearty meal, both of you got comfortable on the 'suspiciously wide couch' of the studio. As Woozi hummed long and got ready for his forced/much needed nap, you took a trip down memory lane. It was mere months ago that you had met Woozi by chance at a wine festival in Italy. And you both had hit it off instantly. It was probably the wine, but you had loved 'Yapper Woozi'. Being a CARAT, his personality at the time had been a pleasant whiplash to you. "I can hear you think babe. Please sleep if you don't want to make me regret wandering around Italy & finding you. You giggle as you cuddle him close. "It's probably a good thing that you did wander".
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tags: @forever-atiny, @minhui896, @staranghae, @welcometomyoasis
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Thanks for reading! <3
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40 notes · View notes
theanimeroom · 5 hours
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synopsis: five men, five women, one villa. with hearts and a $50,000 cash prize on the line, who will win the race to find love?
warnings: love island au featuring: tokyo revengers, blue lock, and jujutsu kaisen, lots of kissing, smut, multi characters × reader, lots of mixed pairings, very random challenges, fluff, slow burns, mentions of cheating, drama, angst, plenty of tears, multi fandom, and playlists included!
a/n: content warnings will be posted with each chapter, so be sure to read thoroughly before indulging! i haven't written a full fic in a while, so any beta readers would be appreciated to make sure that the story comes out as best as it could <3 the story will progress through my own discretion as well as voting at the end of each chapter, so make sure to cast your votes to see how the plot will unfold!
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your heartbeat was erratic as you stood in front of the fire pit and your host, eyes scanning the expanse of the large, beautiful villa that you'd been staying at for the past four weeks.
you still remember the first day that you walked in here; a plethora of pretty faces greeting you with happy smiles and intrigued expressions. you reminisced the way that you were almost as nervous as you are now, eyes wide and palms clammy as you tried to ignore the growing anxiety surging through you. you thought about all the experiences you'd had up until this point, all the friends you made, all the things you learned about yourself, and most importantly, him.
out of everything that you had been through in your time at the villa, one thing that made the whole experience worth it was finally meeting the person of your dreams. you came onto the show thinking that it would be something fun, maybe slightly embarrassing, but fun nonetheless. you never thought that you would come out the end with someone that you could call your own, someone who understood you seemingly better than you knew yourself. despite all the fights, all the tears, and everything in between, you managed to come out the other end okay. happy even.
and you weren't the only one.
your gaze fluttered to your best friend, who stood two people away from you, a proud smile crossing your lips even with your nerves consuming you. you weren't the only person who came into the villa with baggage on their shoulders, yet none of you let it stop you. a brief image of you holding her as she cried into your arms flashed through your mind, the sadness and betrayal leaving her a wreck in your makeup room. you'd thought for a moment that it would be the end of your time together, yet you were happy to see her pull through and find happiness in the end.
everyone here had done their absolute best, even with their rights and wrongs, and that thought alone was enough to quell the queasy feeling building up in your stomach.
"alright islanders, it is officially time," the hosts' voice chopped through the nerve-wracking silence with ease, her calm expression giving no hints as to how the end of the night would go. a long sigh escaped your flared nostrils as you closed your eyes, teeth grazing your bottom lip as you forced your emotions to stay in check.
a soft hand turned your attention to your left, air escaping you as you looked up at the man you could truly say you were starting to love. he smirked at you, his own expression laced with playfulness as he tried his best to calm you down. a large grin spread across your face when you felt fingers interlocking with yours, a gentle squeeze giving you all the reassurance you needed to keep yourself grounded for the time being. your breath halted as he leaned down, lips just barely touching the shell of your ear as he whispered to you softly. "we'll be fine, baby."
you pulled away so you could glance into his eyes, a small nod giving him confirmation that you heard what he said. you trust him, probably more than you should.
"it has been a long, hard journey for those of you remaining," your host started, giving a soft smile to each of the islanders standing on the other side of the firepit. "yet, each of you has managed to find a connection here in the villa. although some of you have been through more struggles than others," you could feel the heat rising onto your face when your eyes made direct contact with hers, a snort escaping you as you laughed with the rest of the islanders that you could now call your best friends. "you all have made it to the finals, and are now in the running for the 50,000 dollar prize on the line."
you subconsciously tightened your grip on his hand at the mention of the prize, your body weight shifting from one foot to the other. you wanted to win, wanted that 50,000 so badly so you could finish your schooling without issues. yet, you were content with whatever outcome was prepared for you. in the end, as long as you had him next to you, you would give up the money in a heartbeat.
"since the start of the show, the country has been voting for their favorite love island couple," each word she spoke left your anxiety spiking, your mind begging her to just hurry up and give the results before your heart exploded from suspense. "but now, they have voted for their official love island winner."
you held your breath as you stared at the host, silence taking over the villa as she picked up a small envelope from the couch behind her. you eyed the paper with angst as she peeled it open slowly, reading the results before looking up at the lot of you behind the fire pit.
you watched as her jaw flexed, a breath getting sucked into your mouth as your heart started to beat so fast you thought it would jump out of your chest.
her mouth opened, eyes scanning the crowd before the first words left her lips. "and the winner... of love island is..."
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acefictionwriting · 11 hours
Scout’s Med Bay Stay (TF2 Bang)
-Hi! This is my contribution to the TF2 Big Bang Event! Scout wakes up after being injured to find some new strange people he’s going to get to know.
Made with Artists
@ermg33 - here is their Art Post
@sicc-nasti - here is their Art Post
As the man awoke, he had no idea what was happening. He had no idea where he was, no idea what was going on, or why he was here. It started coming back to him, but before he could put everything together, the pain shot up his legs.
Ow. Right, the enemy grenades. Shit, I hate enemy Demolition bombers. What did you get yourself into, Jeremy? 
Jeremy opened his eyes and looked around, discovering he was in a med bay. The Scouting mission must have gone wrong, really wrong, since the other scout wasn’t there. He didn’t recognize anyone in the room.
“Ah! You are awake! I was hoping to harvest your organs, but at least the replacements worked!”
The Scout looked at the man, and he nearly pissed himself. 
Oh no, not the medic guy again. 
“Uh, I don’t—” Jeremy tried to make an excuse for the man not to get too close, but before he could, the Medic was pulling him up from the bed to sit him up. 
“You stay here Späher, I will get you the new medicine. You will make a great first test!!”
Jeremy didn’t have time to stop the man, nor did he really want to. He also didn’t ask why the American medic was German. 
His legs were still killing him, and despite the dread he felt thinking about everything that could have happened to him, he ripped off the sheets anyway out of impulsive curiosity. They looked perfectly fine, besides the fact they had been cut off and reattached and left a giant scar. That’s probably OK. He moved his foot to find out if they still worked and jumped up in pain. 
“He is brutal, but he always succeeds. Your legs work alright, Erreur?” 
Scout looked to his right, and a man he hadn’t noticed before was there. The man had a bandage covering most of his face and was standing in the shadows enough that the rest wasn’t showing. It sounded like he smoked enough to kill him twice a day. 
“Jesus, man, didn’t see ya there. Yeah, they work. If they didn’t, I dunno what I’d do. I’m a runner. I do the Scout work, finding out where the Germans are gonna be and making sure there’s no trouble. And if there was trouble, well, I took care of it.”
“You aren’t supposed to do that on scouting missions.”
“Well, I did. And that’s gonna make me a hero or something when it works out. Then I’ll go home to my girl, and she won’t be able to resist me!” 
Scout turned his head to see a man in full restraints on a bed, wearing an oversized helmet over his eyes. The Medic seemed to know this man and definitely didn't like him.
“Nein… not again. You are not a soldier. How do you get in here…” 
“You have a head injury, du verdammter Idiot.” 
Scout turned his head away from the half-shouting match, half-desperate argument. The bandaged man in the shadows had disappeared, which Jeremy thought was fucking weird. 
With nothing else to do, he pulled out his locket with a blurry picture of Pauline F. Pauling. 
She’ll like me for sure now that I’ve got manly scars and stuff. I’ll come home her hero, and we’ll get to kiss and— 
Scout turned to the bed on his left, seeing the not-a-soldier and the medic fight in the background, and someone entirely wrapped in bandages in the bed close to his. 
“Jesus, what happened to you?” 
“Mmmhff mmmhb mffhh mmmmffhhhh mmm MMMFF mmmh.” 
“Ja, we don’t know who that is. Don’t even know what side they’re on. I’ve just been using them for my experimental injections. Beyond that?” The medic shrugged and resumed his argument with the American. 
“I gotta get out of here. We gotta get out of here; you gotta be real messed up from that.” 
The burned patient muttered a muffled something that sounded like a verbal shrug. They then pointed to the locket. 
“My girl? Yeah, she’s a real beaut, huh?” 
“Is that ‘your girl’ mon étrange collègue enfantin?” 
“OK, we’re getting you a bell.”
The French man sighed and stepped away from the shadow of the door. He stuck to the shadows and the wall, but stood next to the scout. Despite not knowing the man, Jeremy felt like a stray cat had sat next to him while not getting close to anyone else. It would be some sort of honor if the stench of cigarettes wasn’t so overpowering. 
“Écoute, mon ami, you have been injured. Is there anyone you would like to inform? This girl? Perhaps your mother?”
“Well, I gotta tell Ma about this. I bet Pauling would love to hear about me and my cool battle wounds now.”
“Right… I’m sure. I will get the communications officer.”
Even Scout could see the man just wanted to leave the conversation.
Why’d he look so uncomfortable? 
There was silence then, or as much of a silence as there could be in the overcrowded room. Scout never liked not being part of a conversation in a group of people. He felt left out. His brothers always seemed closer to each other than to him, so he was pushed out of conversations often, even when they did not mean to exclude him. Scout looked around the room. He supposed the same thing had kept happening in the army. He had had brief conversations with everyone in the medical area, but they all ended suddenly. He preferred the chaos of everyone popping up suddenly to the emptiness of everyone ignoring him. Jeremy looked over to the burn victim to his left, but they had fallen asleep, it seemed, as they made a cartoonish mimimimimi sound from under the seemingly infinite bandages. The silence was uncomfortable, but not uncomfortable enough for Jeremy to wake up someone with severe injuries.
“Ah. You’re no help.” 
The Scout briefly considered talking to himself, but remembered when he was caught and teased by his brothers for that. Ma had said they meant well, but even so, Jeremy never wanted to seem crazy. At least not in a nonviolent way. Instead of talking to himself, he decided to do what he usually did when he was nervous or unsure. He counted all the ways he was the coolest person alive who would totally live the most incredible life anyone ever had. He was on reason number seven (he had miscounted severely. It was the 16th reason) when the door opened again. 
“Hey, face guy! You’re back! Is this that letter guy? Make my injury sound really bad so it looks better when I go home. Hey, wait, there's two guys.”
The first man was tall and had an eyepatch. Scout thought that was awesome. He had a bottle of… what smelled like 100% alcohol in his hand and was leaning against the doorway, half asleep, half on high alert. Scout thought it best not to disturb this man until he became more aware of his surroundings. Instead, the scout turned his attention to the other man, with papers in his hands.
The second man was short and had other features that Scout immediately ignored in favor of the robotic arm the man had. 
The man laughed warmly, as if he’d heard it before from others. 
“Well, I’m technically a cyborg,” said the man, with a warm smile, “and I’m also the correspondence officer until we find another guy who isn’t dead to do it. I’m Dell, but they call me Engineer most of the time.”
“Can I ask, like, a bajillion questions about the—” 
“No, you may not! But my friend here is gonna ask you a few questions before we get this letter written. Tavish, I think you’d better do the talking.” 
Scout had thought Dell was friendly, and he generally seemed to be, but there was a tone to the man’s voice that said another question about his arm would make him far less friendly. So Jeremy decided to do the most difficult thing he’d ever done, and be quiet as the Engineer stepped aside to make room for the hulking man with the eyepatch. 
“My name is Tavish. I’m a demolitions expert addicted to alcohol and explosives—” 
“Wrong speech, buddy,” said the Engineer encouragingly, as though this had happened many times before. 
“Aye, right. Ahem.” 
Tavish took out a piece of paper from his back pocket that was surprisingly pristine. He took a stick of dynamite out from the other, put it back, and looked around for something else. The French guy handed him a small gun as though knowing what he was looking for. 
“Right, thanks.” The demolitions expert shot the ceiling twice to gather everyone’s attention. He handed the gun back and took reading glasses out of another pocket. 
“You are all hereby requested for a special secret mission. The people hiring you will not reveal their names or the mission’s purpose, but we assure you that it is of utmost importance. You will be relocated to a strategic and secret area that may turn the tide in this war. Each of you has been selected due to the special skills you possess, as well as a general lack of morality. Also, we will pay you. We know some of you are here to be paid. We implore you to consider this opportunity and join our team.”
“Hey, where did your British accent come from there, weren’t you Irish or Scottish or somethin’? Also, yeah, I’m gonna do that. Can I tell my Ma?” 
“Aye. Any other questions?”
“Ja, will there be room for my experiments there? Also, mein vögel, can they come? I can go with du all if I’m not taken from my work.”
“Aye, your experiments are why you're here, and experimenting with test subjects is encouraged.” 
“Oh, then Ja!” 
Each person asked questions, but since Scout had already accepted, the Engineer gave him one of the papers to sign and started writing Jeremy’s letter on another paper that was not a contract. Jeremy let everyone else fade into the background as he told his mom and his girl all about his injuries and how much he missed them in the letters. He took a while to sign his name, struggling with the letters, but Dell was quite understanding. Jeremy decided that he enjoyed the Engineer’s company. 
The only thing that seemed off was the Spy. He did not seem excited about the contract, but he did sign the papers. 
Each of the men, now called The Teufort Mercenaries, were helped out to the vehicle, except for the burned one, who was driven in a personal ambulance since they couldn’t move. 
Scout wondered how they signed the paperwork. He wondered how his Ma would take it, with him being gone even longer than planned, but how much longer would it be? A week? Probably a week. Ma would be alright, he explained everything in his letter. She had his brothers to take care of her. He smiled, excited to drive off to a new, exciting, and important life. 
The Spy, Demo, and Engineer stayed behind longer than the others. 
“These letters, they will not be sent, non?” 
“No, unfortunately, we have to burn ‘em. Gonna tell everyone these guys died in battle.”
“What about ze medic?” 
“Oh, we don’t know where he came from. He just started saving lives by making abominations to god, and we let him.”
“What ze fuck is wrong with you all?” 
“Ask the higher-ups.” 
Meanwhile, Tavish was getting paid by a woman who addressed herself as P. He assumed that was because of her purple attire. 
“So you’ll take them all to the desert location, right?”
“And you won’t ask questions?”
“Aye. Not my job.”
“You’ll be perfect. Here’s the hundred. Go take them to Teufort.” 
The woman then started calling her boss and walking away, and Tavish walked away as well. He thought he had heard, “They’re out of our hair now,” but he did not question it because it was his job now not to ask questions.
They all rejoined the group in the van, everyone having been ignorant of their absence. The lively chatter continued as everyone awaited their trip to a new life. A life that was not the heroic one they had expected, but simply a way to rid the world of these strange people. 
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
Corrie Guard: Fox & Patches
@megneato​​ did two more AMAZING commissions for me (the first was Ma Dong-Seok as Paz Vizsla, he’s beautiful, go look at him), which was to help get my headcanon down for what Fox looks like, and a design for my Corrie Medic OC, Patches! (I belatedly realized that is a common medic OC name. I am. Not sorry. ...or original.)
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CC 1010: FOX
like, so fucking tired
Constantly Vibrating Ball of Rage
hair gone white from stress and torture via Evil Sith Shenanigans
lightning scars around his neck, continue below armor on the right side of his torso
no tattoos so that he could pass as some of the other clones (this works up until the scarring and the trauma hair)
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MASSIVE baby bro/vod’ika vibes, is from one of the more recent batches
very gentle and sweet and smiley
name comes from his patchwork scars, which were the result of being yeeted through a pane of glass (exact scenario as of yet undecided)
does actually have a kind bedside manner, but do not be fooled: he will also use the big sad eyes RUTHLESSLY
‘i’m not mad, just disappointed’ except instead of disappointed dad it’s your little brother who looks up to you and thinks the world of you and now you let him DOWN
that said, if he’s visibly angry, you should probably run.
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ghostespresso · 1 year
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staff logging on to tumblr dot com today
#staff sweetie i Promise you an algorithm would kill this webbed site#changing the way reblogs look/work would Absolutely kill this webbed site too#this is a Blogging Platform i dont want it to be like tiktok or twitter jesus#if you NEED to change something literally listen to the the Tumblr Users you pretend you cant hear#if money is what you need make your userbase Happy and you should be fine#the shop is fine blaze posts are fine ad free subscriptions are fine but dont get rid of shit that Works For You in favor of making money#someone really laced up their clown boots today im. so tired staff please dont#tumblr staff#EDIT: staff updated their original post to say we were all misunderstanding but#that doesnt stop the post from being stupid#the whole post was worded for Investors and then presented to the userbase#if you say 'we have big changes planned!' and dont put in the 'as options' its Your Fault that people read it as 'were changing everything'#staff isnt stupid. they know how they Should have worded it better than what they did#so yeah. someone Did lace up their clown boots before they hit post#edit pt 2 lol for the record i dont think tumblr would actually go through with all their changes in that post#they know how the userbase is and there are A Lot of us#i just dont like how? idk. condescending? the post sounded#and out of every place on the internet being being burned alive in the name of money#tumblr is the one place i know enough about to be Actually mad at lol#ive really liked some stuff staff has done in recent years#but talking to your userbase that way wasnt one
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