#growing up mandalorian
omaano · 10 months
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"Kriffing hell, he’d fallen asleep. On Boba.  They’d stayed back to back, but Din’s head had leaned over onto Boba’s shoulder. The poor guy had been holding Din’s weight for—a quick check of his chrono eased some of his guilt; it’d only been ten minutes." Mand'alor Cabur chapter 14 by @nautilicious
This is one of my all-time favourite BobaDin fics, please give it a read and heap some love on the author, they really deserve it! (Their Boba is amazing. He isn't actively present all that much, but even then he has a presence, you know? and it's so good, I love him so much there!!!)
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juicyspacesecrets · 1 year
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like yes absolutely kallus is at home dealing with the kids but also maybe Zeb is taking a break from being the meiloorun poster girl for his man’s fucked up melons at the farmers’ market
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thewriterowl · 11 months
Din is black-cat personality who loves dogs.
Luke is golden-retriever personality who loves cats.
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dindjarindiaries · 1 month
There's a theory that's been running for a long time that Din's first set of armor is his rescuer's armor that was repainted. When you compare the two, most pieces are indeed identical. Plus the color red means an homage to lost loved ones, which could be meant for both Din's parents and his mentor, if he passed him his armor after his death or something like that. What do you think of it?
I've always thought this! My brain treated it as canon LOL 😭 I think the red was definitely dedicated to his Aq Vetina family and people, and part of me thinks it might've also been for the Armorer, whose armor is also red 👀
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kanansdume · 1 year
The Mandalorian switched from writing a story following the arc of Ice Age (2002) to writing a story following the arc of Shazam (2019) in-between seasons 2 and 3, and this is why a perfectly satisfying ending to a two season miniseries got ruined.
#the mandalorian#din djarin#grogu#something something if they wanted a huge mandalore-centric storyline this is what tbobf should've been#tbobf shouldn't have been mando chapter 2.5#it should've been the second book in a duology#look they could've done one or the other#a beautiful story where grogu is desperately searching for the jedi to the exclusion of all other connections and it's HURTING HIM#it's hurting to not be able to let go of this desperate desire to find a family that may or may not even be out there anymore#and ultimately his connections to din allow him to heal enough that he recognizes being a jedi is no longer the right path for him#he goes to luke and it's just.... not the way he thought it would be and THAT'S OKAY#OR#you do a beautiful story where din finds a lost child and bonds with it as he works to return the child to their family#and din builds up more connections along the way via having to help this child#which ultimately helps him heal from something or grow in a certain better direction#but he always is going to let the child go at the end because keeping the child was NEVER THE POINT#but we started with one arc and ended it and then suddenly pivoted into another one so we could just keep it going#so that lovely satisfying ending just... went away#like it never existed#but it wasn't grogu's story to begin with#it was din's#just like ice age wasn't actually about the baby at all#it was about manny#whereas in shazam the story isn't about billy's mother it's about BILLY#mandalorian isn't grogu's story so there's nowhere for him to go now that he's not with the jedi#it's DIN'S STORY but grogu's part in it is over so he's just a money making accessory at this point
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faebirdie · 1 year
i've seen a lot of people push back against din's sect of mandalorians being called a cult, and to some extent, i understand that. closed cultural and religious practices are often degraded in fandom and just in general online and therefore there is a natural instinct for a lot of us to want to defend them even when fictional. but i think we have to be aware while doing so of seeing the differences between the practices that people choose and participate in out of love and respect for a religion/culture that shows them care in return and the practices that people are indoctrinated and then shamed into continuing even when they are harmful. and how often the two intersect.
a mandalorian not being able to remove their helmut even when it could be harmful to their health, even deadly as we've seen throughout the show is concerning. as is them not being able to remove them in situations that affect the wellbeing of others, i.e. when din needed to have his face scanned to be able to save grogu. this is especially true since doing so results in being forced out of the religion and therefore the community and even ones family without any thought for the extenuating circumstances or the effect being cut off will have.
and this is where it differs from other religions. lots of religions have rules and systems that are followed, well religiously. but they also have exceptions to take into account the human aspect.
in Islam, fasting is not expected to be practiced by anyone who would have any sort of negatively affected health by doing so. the same is true within Judaism and many of other religions.
in Baha'i drugs and alcohol are prohibited unless they are prescribed by a doctor.
in Judaism, Pikuach Nefesh means that saving a person's life comes before all else. this means that Shabbat's rules can be broken to save a life. including one's own.
alternatively, we've seen the real life affect of religions putting rules over human life. right now, this is at its most obvious with the christian right and their treatment of abortion, even when not having one could kill the person carrying a child.
the threat of alienation and abandonment by your community if you break their rules even to do what is right (and protecting and taking care of your health is what is right) is coercive and abusive no matter the culture or religion.
bringing young children into this before they are old enough to truly consent to and understand what they are getting into is just wrong. and when a child is adopted into a religion and culture following the loss of all they know and love like din was, that is especially true.
so no, the watch may not be a cult per say, but it is definitely not just any other religion deserving of respect and defense. and din deserves better.
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studyinglavender · 1 year
sorry! but i am never going to be okay with the covert unless it is reformed significantly. maybe it doesn’t fit the ‘technical definition’ of a cult but it is nonetheless a harmful creed. the person being baptized in 3x01 was a child no older than 16. if you are being asked to follow the way or leave, sure- you’re given agency. but if it’s the only community you know? you’re staying. for din, especially pre-grogu, it wasn’t a choice. if he took off his helmet and became an apostate, he would lose the only family he has ever known. do you not see how fucked up that is?
it’s unfair to compare it to a religion which requires full covering at all times, because even those religions allow you to be unclothed in private, among your family members, and in emergency scenarios such as a life-threatening head injury. there is no inaccessible repentance process if you do not abide by those rules. whereas the creed requires the helmet to remain on at all times (in s1, din said it could not be removed in front of a living creature, but that exception wasn’t specified in the armorer’s questioning in bobf or in the baptism from 3x01). bathing in the living waters isn’t like going to confessional or praying. it is something that was considered impossible by the members of the covert. redemption for apostates was not a reality until din proved them wrong.
the covert also reminds me too much of mormonism to ever feel comfortable defending it. i felt sick watching the first episodes of s3 when din kept talking about how he was an apostate who needed to be redeemed. a fucking apostate. for taking off his helmet to save the life of his child. for letting his child see his face. for that, they were prepared to exile him from the covert, knowing full well it is the only community he has ever known. you know what’s so scary about leaving the mormon church? if you’ve grown up in it, most of the time your social network is comprised only of other church members. you’re encouraged to avoid making friends with people who may lead you astray—because they drink coffee or alcohol, smoke, swear (i’m not kidding). you remain in this small bubble, and after you are baptized at age 8 (which is the age they decide you have agency and are capable of sinning), you second-guess every choice you make. i cried because i could never remember to say my prayers or read my scriptures and i knew i needed to repent for my sins. and when i started questioning my beliefs, i was so terrified of facing the truth because i thought my mom would no longer want me in her life. i distanced myself from many friends to avoid their judgement. i knew if i left, there was no going back. i would be inserting a wedge between me and the other people of my faith with whom i had grown.
for much of his life, din has known only the covert. he was brought up as a foundling and he knew only of the creed. he was taught that the mandalorian armor belonged only to those who followed the creed and rejected the idea that there could be a mandalorian who may not hold the same beliefs. we know he was a very lonely person before grogu. the covert was the only family he ever had. how is it a choice, then? “you may leave at any time you wish,” but if he takes off his helmet, he is an apostate and he must find a new home, a new family, a new belief system. he would have no one. what kind of a choice is that? in what world would he ever want to take off his helmet?
so yeah, the covert is not just a religious sect hiding from persecution. they are, at best, a high-demand religion, where allowing your child to see your face is an unfathomable act that necessitates redemption. if din djarin remains part of the covert as it stands, that’s extremely disappointing.
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typingfool · 1 year
did paz viszla just "sacrifice" himself knowing DAMN WELL he has a son? man, i don't know anymore.
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armoralor · 11 months
My favourite thing about Bo-Katan Kryze is when she’s a hateful bitch that ruins your favs plans actually
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hollypunkers · 1 year
I probably won’t write it, because it seems like so much work, but any modern au fics for the Mandalorian that change Grogu to be a human baby are missing out on the hilarious potential of some tough-as-shit biker/bounty hunter stumbling across a crashed UAP with a little green alien inside and going “I guess I have a baby now?”
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serendipity-by-chance · 8 months
i think the biggest problem with star wars fandom is that everyone takes it too personally lol. like someone can state their opinion and if someone else doesnt like it they’ll act like it was a personal insult towards them.
case: u see tiktok edits of star wars women and someone adds rey there and u’ll have comments saying “remove rey it would be better”
have u considered this aint about u💀💀 have u considered that the creator of the edit likes rey?
similarly, when discussing the shortcomings of certain movie and series from this franchise yall do not need to take it personally if someone expresses their opinion about it.
however, constantly hating on new content is something this fandom does so much it’s RIDICULOUS. it’s like the only star wars media anyone is allowed to like is the original trilogy and in recent years the prequel trilogy. everything else is trash. everything else is bad and wrong and terrible and the actors are bad and the plot is bad and blah blah.
i genuinely think star wars is one of the worst fandoms i’ve ever been in and i’ve been in kpop fandoms. do you know how had u have to be for me to compare you with that? bunch of incel losers here policing what people are allowed to like or dislike 💀💀
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avari-legacy · 2 years
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softiedingo · 2 years
First step to grow up strong by Grogu:
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Eat healthy things ✨✅
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ragnarvizsla · 1 year
bro I just realised my boi wesley (Ragnar’s actor) turns 15 in 5 more days ✨💖
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movietimegirl · 1 year
Grogu: No, I don't wanna sit still look cute.
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