#big hugs for all my lovely mutuals and everyone reading this!
vines-mansion · 5 months
Friend Marriage Explained
so for those who don’t know, Friend Marriage is something I came up with alongside @derangedanomaly! They were getting asks for marriage and didn’t know how to respond, So! I though; Friend Marriage
it’s like a extravagant way of saying you care about a person!
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Unlike real marriage, Friend Marriages are purely platonic, and essentially just a declaration of “THIS PERSON IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO ME!!!!!!!!”
(The Friend Proposal post is below, and has a bit of the first explanation! This one just goes in depth!)
you can have many Friend Spouses! It’s just a friend group, after all! The blank for a Friend Marriage Bracelet is below; feel free to use it to create your own!
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And here’s a guide of what I did for me and derangedanomaly’ bracelet
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Of course, you don’t have to follow this at all! It’s just an idea you can use!
the only thing that has to stay the same is the yellow rose! It shows that it is a Friend Marriage Bracelet and is the equivalent of the diamond on a wedding ring! (Yellow roses are symbols of friendship!)
I tried to make Friend Marriage in a way that it will not be deterred by religion, ethnicity, country, culture, gender, sexuality, ECT!
Because Friend Marriage is just saying this person is cool in a platonic way! The tag for Friend Marriage is ‘Friend Marriage Bracelet’ so that it is on its own thing! So go wild with it, this is Tumblr, and I hope that maybe someday I’ll see many people with Friend Spouses!
(vocabulary things and what to call stuff with this;)
Friend Marriage; just being really good friends, so you want a silly little thing to tell the other person how much they mean to you!
Friend Marriage Bracelet; it’s the yellow rose adorned friendship bracelet shared between you and your friend!
Friend Proposal; when you ‘propose’ Friend Marriage to your friend with the Friend Marriage Bracelet!
Friend Spouse; if your friend says Yes, They are now your Friend Spouse! You can have as many Friend Spouses as you want!
Friend Spouse In Law; if your Friend Spouse has a Friend Spouse that is not also your Friend Spouse, they are your Friend Spouse In Law!
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moonsgemini · 11 months
you’re on your own kid
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summary: rafe cameron has loved his best friend through every season, but through the seasons of their senior year things start to get complicated.
warning: she/her, smoking, alcohol, angst, fluff, kissing, cheating ???, drugs, mutual pining, (let me know if I missed any)
wc: 4.7k
an: HIII! I’m really excited for these taylor swift fics bc her songs give me so many ideas. This took a while for me to finish & idk if I like the ending or honestly if I like it at all. I promise seeking arrangements is next on my list to post <3 Hope you guys enjoy !!!
rafe's version masterlist - masterlist
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I wait patiently
he’s gonna notice me
it’s okay we’re the best of friends
Of course when he walks in the party instantly feels like an actual party. It hadn’t been much of a party to her especially not with him around. These things got boring fast if he wasn’t by her side making her laugh and talking about anything and everything. Not having to worry about sleazy guys coming up to her or putting something in her drink because he always by her side. Always looking out.
Everybody loves him anyways. The way he carried himself charmed everyone, made them always want to have his attention. Sunglasses perched on his nose, even though it’s eleven at night, that big smile on his face. He’s bobbing his head to the music and greeting everyone, she can tell he’s in a good mood tonight. It puts her in a good mood, her fingers itching to greet him already.
When he finally reaches where she’s standing with a few of her friends he smiles even wider at her. Greeting everyone but always just looking at her. Moving to push his glasses up onto his head. She couldn’t help the smile that tuged at her lips as he side hugs her friends knowing that’s not what she’s going to get.
And she’s right, once he gets to her it’s all outstretched arms and gentle rocking as he hugs her tightly. She’s been away at her grandparents house in florida for the last week of summer. They had missed each other. Face times and text messages just didn’t feel like enough.
“You’re finally back,” He said once they pulled away.
She rolled her eyes playfully a teasing smile on her lips, “Were you counting down the days Cameron?”
He shrugged, “Maybe, I know you were.” That grin never leaving his lips.
“Now come on,” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders beginning to lead her to the kitchen of whoever’s house this was, “I need a drink and you need to tell me about Florida.”
“I already told you everything every day Rafe. Just sat out by the pool or on the beach,” She motioned towards her body, “got some new clothes.”
He raised his eyebrows eyeing her body, “Some very tiny clothes,” His eyes took in her mini skirt and tank top all the exposed skin doing something to him, “Any guys out there?” He didn’t look at her as he asked. Instead he grabbed a beer out of the fridge, cracking it open with his back to her.
She scoffed, “Florida boys? No thanks.”
He turned around smirking, “So just North Carolina boys for you?”
There was a look in his eyes that she couldn’t quite read. Every now and then he’d give it to her and her mind would spiral on what he could be thinking. She always hoped it was the same thing she was, “Mhmm only North Carolina boys.”
I hear it in your voice
You're smoking with your boys
I touch my phone as if it's your face
I didn't choose this town
I dream of getting out
There's just one who could make me stay
Everything had felt boring lately. After the summer and after the start of senior year she felt like the parties in outer banks were a waste of time. It was always the same people doing the same things. Kids too young to know what’s good for them and too young to care about the consequences of their actions. Not a care in the world knowing mommy or daddy would get you out of whatever stupid decision you made.
She’d spent most of her high school career pretending to like parties and drinking. Even tried coke once but it made her feel like her brain was rotting so never again. When in reality she’d rather be home smoking on her balcony reading a good book or hanging out with her close friends around a bonfire. It was exhausting always having to put up a front that she was this social party girl.
It took her a long time to come to the realization that she didn’t have to be what people thought of her. On figure eight it felt like everyone knew your business and everyone thought they knew you. They start seeing you at parties talking to Rafe Cameron and all of a sudden you’re some party girl with a drug problem. Once people found out Rafe quit doing coke and dealing she just became the party girl. Kook prince and kook princess always stuck to each others sides, of course she was going go gain a reputation.
Once she realized that people are going to talk regardless what she did so she stopped caring. Started staying home more. Rafe kind of hated it. Because she wasn’t there anymore. But he made it work with their busy senior schedules. Always saying he can make time for his best friend. That’s what she was. His best friend.
best friend.
Even saying it in her head made her cringe. If only he knew that she wanted something more so badly. At first she didn’t even see him that way, he truly was a great friend. He listened to all her rants about music, school, books. Rafe paid attention, he was soft with her. She didn’t understand why people always said bad things about him because he never showed those sides to her.
She sighed thinking about him, sitting on her balcony. The thought of him was brought on by everyone’s instagram stories of the party currently happening. She had opted for one of those smoke on the balcony with a good show or book nights.
As she scrolled through her phone more it began to vibrate. Rafe’s contact popping up on the top of the screen. A warm feeling spread through her stomach, maybe it was just because of the weed. She pressed the green button and brought the phone up to her ear. Admiring the little picture of him first, it was one she took right before she had left for florida. He was holding up their friends dog with a big smile on his face.
“Heyyy,” A raspy voice said on the other line. Immediately she knew he had been smoking as well, probably with all the guys outside. He could even still be passing the joint around. He could also be smoking a cigarette outside after he’s gotten a buzz, it was his favorite thing to do after a few beers.
She put the laptop that was resting on her to the side, bringing her knees up to her chest. Leaning her head to the side on her knees she smiled softly, “Hi Rafe, you rang?”
He can hear her smile. Rafe knows her like the back of his hand.
“I did, what are you up to?” He knows exactly what she’s doing tonight even though she didn’t even tell him.
The wide grin on her lips dulling slightly, “Uh just looking at some schools in california, also watching new girl.”
“Still wanna leave this place huh?”
She let out a breathy laugh picking at the thread on her bench, “You know me too well.”
“Of course I do. I’m coming over,” She could hear him walking on gravel.
“My parents are asleep Rafe,” It was almost one in the morning and her parents had some golf charity event early in the morning.
He laughed amused, “Okay? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s supposed to mean you have to climb up to my room on the second floor or stay at that party,” Her tone was stern not wanting him to get her in trouble but also praying he’ll come and not wake them.
“Hey I gotta convince you to stay close to me after high school so you brought this on yourself,” He was walking to her house. She didn’t live too far from where this party was and he didn’t want to drive after smoking and drinking. At his words her hand tightened around her phone closing her eyes for a second imagining he was there saying that to her but in a different context.
Rafe didn’t have to do anything to convince her. He was the only one who kept her here. It was why she was still mulling over the idea of leaving the outer banks.
“You better at least be bringing a joint for us,” She sighed feeling giddy about him coming over. He always made her feel like a school girl with a big crush on the cutest boy in school.
“Already had one with your name on it babe,” He always threw that word around like it meant nothing. It meant everything to her.
They bid their goodbyes as Rafe was a few houses away. Less than ten minutes later she heard rustling under her. Rafe was climbing the tree by her room. He stepped onto the ledge before getting hoping down.
“Rafe,” She shushed him harshly hoping her dad didn’t hear. His heavy feet landing with a thud.
He looked at her with a smirk, “oops.” He shrugged not really caring if he was loud. Grabbing her legs that were laid out on the bench and sat down placing them on top. One hand on her shin and the other right above her knee.
He leaned his head back looking at her. That contagious grin on his face his eyes hooded and a bit red from his night out, “So ms. I wanna run away. What’s this thing you’re trying to escape,”
She sighed leaning back, “Dunno. I guess everything. I want to start somewhere new, it’s hard when people think they know everything about you.”
He let out a short laugh, “Yeah tell me about it. Maybe we should escape together, I think you’re the only person who doesn’t see a douche bag when they look at me.”
Her heart burst. If they were in a cartoon there’d be hearts swirling around her head and violins playing.
She shook her head smiling, “No one sees you as a douche bag,” She smirked, “anymore.”
“It doesn’t matter because the family company will be mine after college and people will see that I’m more than just a pretty face with a bad attitude,” He smirked.
“You are a pretty face with a bad attitude,” She agreed before holding her hand out, “Also you have something for me no?”
He patted her legs, “How could I ever think you forgot.”
They smoked and talked all night. She put on a movie on her laptop but it was more of background noise. At almost four in the morning she started to drift off to sleep and soon she was asleep on Rafe’s lap. She just felt so comfortable and warm with his hand rubbing circles on her shoulder.
He carried her to her bed and tucked her in because he knew she got cold easily. He sat next to her on the bed and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. A small smile on his face, these were the nights he cherished with her. When the world felt so quiet that it seemed like they were the only people existing. No interruptions from their friends or their parents.
Just him and his girl.
I search the party of better bodies
Just to learn that you never cared
She pushed through the crowd of people while scanning the room for the 6’2 man she was meeting. It was the first party she had come to since summer and she was only there because he had begged her to come. It was a christmas sweater party so she had on a red sweater with kittens playing with presents. She had gotten it with Rafe a week ago at a vintage store, it was the whole reason he even brought up this party. Telling her it’d be the perfect place to wear it to.
Spotting her friend Emma she went up to her, “Hey have you seen Rafe? he hasn’t been answering me.”
“I swear I saw him going to the bathroom like a few minutes ago,” She pointed towards the hallway.
“Thanks,” She waved and walked towards the hall.
It was much quieter in this part of the house. She’d never been here before so she didn’t know where the bathroom was. There was a door on her right and left and one straight ahead. She decided to check them all. She opened the door on the left and it was just a closet with towels. The door on her right was the bathroom. She was confused because wasn’t he supposed to be there.
She turned towards the last door and saw some light coming from under. She had a gut feeling this wasn’t going to be good. Slowly she walked towards the door and opened it just like ripping a band aid off and
Rafe on top of Taylor Thompson. His hand under her sweater and his lips on her. Taylor’s hands in his hair. At the sound of the door opening Rafe turned around and the girl under him sat up to look.
“Shit,” He muttered feeling his heart sink.
She stood there in complete shock for a second before speaking, “Sorry to interrupt.” She slammed the door closed. Holding back her tears until she was in her car alone. Her feet knowing where to take her as her mind was elsewhere. Why would he do that? The last few months had felt different to her. It felt like there was a possibility of something more.
It felt like he literally ripped her heart out and shoved out down Taylor Thompson’s throat. That blonde bi-
“Y/n! Wait!” Rafe called as he chased after her.
She ignored him not really wanting to see him until she got her emotions in order. Now it was clear he wanted nothing to do with her and never cared about her, at least not in the say way. She didn’t want him to see her cry over him, it felt pathetic. They were outside now she had finally reached her car. Clicking the buttons to unlock it furiously.
“Stop!” Rafe said as he jogged to push her car door closed before she opened it all the way.
“What!” She yelled turning around to him. A look of anger in her eyes.
He took a step back seeing how upset she actually was, “I-It’s not what it looks like.”
She rolled her eyes, “I don’t care Rafe.” Crossing her arms defensively.
He furrowed his brows, “Then why are you leaving?”
“Because I can.”
“Rafe! I don’t want to third wheel all night so go fuck Taylor Thompson like you want, I don’t give a shit.” She seethed, tears pricking at her eyes.
He shook his head, “I don’t want to fuck her.”
“Then why were you kissing her?”
“I thought you didn’t care,” Now he was getting mad for some reason.
“Fuck you Rafe.”
He laughed bitterly, “Tell me why it bothered you so much.”
She scoffed confused, “What?”
“Why did me kissing her bother you?”
“Because it didn’t bother you. You just didn’t care,”
“About what?” He took a step closer. He was trying to get her to say it. To say that she cared because she liked him.
He knows he fucked up but after her reaction he realized that he had convinced himself she didn’t care when she did. Then he may have taken a few shots and gone into the guest room to breathe and call her. But then Taylor Thompson came in right when the tequila was kicking in and things got blurry. She was on him and he didn’t stop it and she tugged him on the bed and he just couldn’t move or stop. He also couldn’t stop thinking about y/n as it was all happening, wishing it was her.
“About me,” She sighed looking down voice so small.
“I care about you.”
She looked up at him with a frown. She sighed frustrated being able to hold her tears anymore as a few slipped down her cheeks, “No you don’t. If you did you wouldn’t have kissed her.”
She turned around quickly opening her car door and getting in. Rafe got what he wanted, to hear her say it. But maybe he fucked up so bad he can’t fix it. He steps back as her car starts and watches her drive away.
She can barely see between her tears as she drives home. She felt dumb. She felt like he was using her to make his ego bigger. Why did he have to ruin it? The one person who kept her tied to where she is had betrayed her the most. She knew he didn’t owe her any loyalty but she couldn’t help the way she felt.
I picked the petals, he loves me not
Something different bloomed
Writing in my room
Three and a half months.
It’d been three and a half months of Rafe and her not talking.
After she left the party she promised herself she would never speak to him again. He hurt her and she couldn’t believe she’d let it happen. Feeling dumb for feeling the way she does towards him. How could she have let herself fall for him so much?
He had called and texted her relentlessly at first. Even tried to go up to her in school but she’d quickly turn and walk away from him. After a month of trying to get her to talk to him he gave up. He fucked it up more than he thought. Rafe gave her the space she wanted but he’d always be there in the background if she needs him.
Y/n couldn’t take it anymore. She couldn’t take him always looking at her with those eyes. Couldn’t take all the time she was spending alone. She thought she liked being alone and spending time alone but she also liked all the time she spent with him. He made her feel so care free and light. The anxiety that was constantly bubbling in her stomach would diminish around him because she didn’t have to pretend to be someone she’s not.
But enough was enough.
Ever since middle school she had kept a diary. A few stacks of books tucked away in the back of her closet hid her deepest feelings and every detail about her life. The current one she had been filling was almost full and the last quarter of the notebook was all Rafe. Well to be honest he was in all of them, and not in a weird way. He was just always there, they were always together.
But now that they didn’t spend time together her pages consisted of rants of her boring school days and writing different scenarios she had wished happened that night instead of what did. She had ranted about how he made her feel and how she felt seeing him on some other girl. A girl that wasn’t her. It should have been her.
After everything they had done together how could he not see her in the way she sees him? Maybe he did live up to his cold hearted reputation. Even though he had never done anything wrong before. She actually can’t remember the last time she saw him hook up with anyone. Not since the beginning of junior year and back then he was fully in his coke addiction. She remembers that night like it was yesterday.
They had become friends around that time the year before. Summer before sophomore year they met at midsummers when she caught him and his friends in the storage closet drinking from a bottle of vodka. Y/n told them she wouldn’t say anything if they let her have some. Rafe immediately liked her, she knew what she wanted and she got it.
Now it was a year later and he can feel her eyes on him as he kissed some rich touron. He was high out of his mind and he just wanted to make y/n jealous. But it didn’t work, the look he had caught from her as he trailed behind the redhead he just met was one more of disappointment. He felt his heart clench at the feeling. After that night he decided to get clean and stop the hard drugs because he hated that look.
She couldn’t take it anymore, keeping all of her feelings on sheets of paper. She needed to find him and yell at or just do something. He has confused her for years now and she was sick of it. Especially now that Rafe and her were closer than ever. All her pent of feelings seeped through as she sighed exasperatedly, putting her pen that had been furiously writing down. Slamming it on the desk as she harshly pushed herself up from her desk.
With anger she had stormed out of the house and driven to his. Her sneakers stomping on the ground as she marched towards him. Every one of their memories together flashing through her head.
She had spotted him on the dock and was b lining towards him. Rafe’s head turned as he heard her stomping towards him. His stomach flipped when his eyes landed on y/n, he had really missed seeing her around. Especially at his house. He propped his sunglasses up on his head and hopped back onto the dock. He had been getting the boat ready for a solo boat day to clear his head.
“Y/n?” He asked in disbelief.
“You!” She pointed at him and stopping once her finger was poking his chest, “Why are you the way you are!” Her finger jabbing into his chest with every word.
He watched as her chest rose and fell quickly. He had never really seen her mad before, something he always admired. But now seeing her with furrowed brows and steam practically coming out of her ears, he kind of liked it. Rafe knows he shouldn’t be thinking about how cute she looks and instead be getting on his knees begging for forgiveness.
He had really missed seeing her up close. Missed how dark her lashes were and how glossy her plump lips always were. He counted all her freckles to make sure she didn’t get any new ones while they were away from each other. Her hair was in a style he hadn’t seen on her before.
“Well hi to you too,” He smirked. He couldn’t help himself, couldn’t help use the charm he knew she loved.
She placed her palms on his chest and shoved him, barely making him move. Y/n began ranting, “For the last fucking four years you have been my best friend and you’ve been so confusing! Everything was fine at first but-but then you were always there for me whenever. And you always fucking listened to me. And you’re so funny. I started to feel different and then I saw you at that fucking party,” She glared at him, the image of him on that girl making her nauseous, “And then you changed. You don’t hook up with anyone and you don’t leave my side at parties,” she laughed sarcastically, “You even fucking call me babe sometimes. So I though oh maybe he feels different too then again I saw you on some fucking girl. And you chase after me so Rafe what the fuck do you want from me? Has this all just been bullshit to you? Am I just some fucking girl you get to flirt with to get your weird little fix until you find someone you actually want to be with?”
He rolled his eyes almost offended, “You know you’re not just some girl.”
She scoffed with wide eyes, “That’s all you took away from that. What else am I supposed to think? You make me feel special for years and I just wait and wait. Then when I think things are finally happening you go and kiss some girl.”
“Who fucking knows what would have happened if I hadn’t walked in.”
“Can I-“
“I know you would have fucked her and then came home to me to talk about your problems like I’m some wife in the 50s.”
“You kill me Rafe.”
“Stop!” He practically shouted as he placed his hands on her shoulders. She closed her mouth and stared at him intensely.
“I was afraid you didn’t feel the same so I kept my feelings down. I’ve liked you since the moment I met you. But I was fucked up then so I didn’t act like it until I saw how much I hurt you. I changed for you and-and then I just got scared. You are someone so beyond me, you are like the nicest smartest most beautiful person. Why the fuck would you want me?” He laughed like it was obvious, “And we’re such good friends it was terrifying to think about how if I fucked it up I wouldn’t have you at all. No one’s ever actually tried to get to know me the way you have. And then I did fuck it up again,” he sighed scratching the back of his neck, “I shouldn’t have let her kiss me that night. I should have found you and told you what I’ve been feeling since I met you. That I love you so much it actually hurts. And it’s hurt me knowing I made you upset.”
“Rafe,” She sighed as her eyes softened. This was not going at all how she expected things to go.
“I get I fucked it up, so if you still never want to see me again that’s fine. But please give me a chance,” He was actually contemplating getting on his knees to beg.
“You’re such a big dumby. You’ve always had a chance. You mean so much to me. Rafe the only reason I haven’t applied to out of state schools is because I want to be with you. Even if it was just as friends,” She sighed feeling like a weight had been lifter off of her shoulders. A part of her still wanted to punch him.
He took a step closer lifting his hand and softly brushing his fingers across her cheek as he cupped her face, “Will you please go out with me? Because I am so in love with you.”
She leaned up towards him. Their noses now brushing, “I love you,”
He smiled as he pulled her towards him, their lips meeting. The kiss felt like every taylor swift love song playing at once. All the yearning felt worth it in that moments. Their lips moved against each other languidly, like they’ve always been doing this. Rafe’s hands moved to her waist, gripping in all the right places.
Y/n’s hand ran through his hair tugging when his hands reached lower giving her butt a squeeze.Rafe melted at her soft sighs and quiet moans as he trailed kisses down to her neck. Kissing behind her ear. He kissed her cheek as he faced her again. Her hazy eyes and swollen lips made his blood flow to a certain lower part of his body.
“Rafe, this doesn’t mean I’m not still kinda mad at you. You have a lot of making up to do,” She smiled innocently at him.
“Baby I’ll give you whatever you want. In fact, let’s go shopping now for our date tonight,” He kissed her one more time before moving to hold her hand dragging her towards his car.
She laughed as she trailed behind him knowing that one shopping trip wasn’t going to make it better. He owed her big time.
“It also doesn’t mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend because you haven’t asked me,” She smiled smugly at him as he opened the door to his truck for her.
“I guess I have my work cut out for me then,” He said leaning against the frame of door once she had sat down.
“you do.”
He leaned up and kissed her softly, “Anything for you baby.”
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discotitsposts · 5 months
You’re lucky you’re cute
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reader and reid flirting at the party of a mutual friend
she/her pronouns used
some mature themes and choice words used. overall supposed to be lighthearted and silly
i love this photo so much
You were getting ready for a party a good family friend of yours was hosting. You had known David Rossi since you were a little kid and it’s rumored you were somehow related. Rossi treated you like his own and had been there for you your whole life. He had even helped you out of a few legal jams you’d found yourself in high school.
He had seen you first learn to walk, started school, hugged you while you cried on his expensive suit when you went through your first breakup, and graduate high school. Now you were going through academy training to work at the FBI. You wanted to be just like David.
You had never met anyone on his team in the BAU except Hotch. He had told you about everyone though. You were most excited to meet Penelope she sounded like a ray of sunshine. You were very intrigued by the mysterious Dr. Spencer Reid. He sounded very interesting. According to Rossi he could read 20,000 words per minute and had an eidetic memory. How amazing is that? Being a bit of a smarty pants yourself you definitely wanted to talk to him.
You had also learned he was apparently wildly handsome from what some girls at the academy had said. Though you’d never seen a photo of him, he sounded fantastic.
On the drive to Rossi’s mansion you listened to your favorite music. Singing every lyric to kill your nerves. You parked and it seemed everyone else had already arrived.
You ring the doorbell and Rossi opens it. When he sees you he smiles proudly and yells “Principessa! Sei bellissima!” He hugs you and brings you in to meet the team.
“You know Aaron, this is JJ, Emily, this is Derek Morgan.” You shake each persons hand as he says their name.
“Ah, the infamous Derek Morgan.” You say. “Nice to meet you all.”
“Pleasures all mine, gorgeous.” Derek winks at you. Emily punches his arm. “Leave her alone weirdo.” She scolds.
A brightly dressed woman with beautifully styled blonde hair runs into the room carrying two wine glasses and speaking excitedly.
“Is she here yet? Oh hi!!” She pulls you into a big hug.
“You must be Penelope! I’ve heard so much about you. All of you. What about the infamous Dr. Reid? Is he here yet?” You nonchalantly ask.
“She’s developed a little bit of a crush on our good doctor.” Rossi spills.
“I have not!” You pout, embarrassed by this very true fact.
Everyone chuckles. The doorbell chimes loudly through the foyer.
“Uh oh, it’s your future husband.” David teases.
“Keep it up and I’ll pour your vintage scotch down the drain.” You retort. Rossi puts his hands up in defeat and goes to answer the door.
“Here’s the one I want you to meet! Spencer, this is our little star of the FBI academy!” Rossi boasts. Dr. Reid smiles and waves at you. You reach your hand out to shake his and he frowns. They were right. He’s literally so handsome I can barely think. You think. Barely.
“I don’t shake hands. Too many germs. It’s actually safer to kiss.” He tells you.
“Ok, come here then.” You reach out and pucker your lips. Spencer slowly backs away and clears his throat.
“Oh my god, wait no I was joking.” You quickly attempt to retrace what you said. Ever so embarrassed you quickly change the subject. Spencer smiles shyly.
“Anyways, um David told me you have an eidetic memory. I think that’s really fascinating. I actually couldn’t wait to meet you and have a conversation with you. I really really want to get to know more about you! Not that I was obsessed with you before even meeting you, definitely not the case. That would be weird. You’re really cool, I mean you seem cool because how would I know that. I never met you before. Although I was expecting more of a mad scientist look to be honest. You’re really attractive though, I mean your face is scientifically perfect I mean… you know what I’ll be right back” You ramble on and realize you’re embarrassing yourself. It’s not your fault. When you look at Spencer’s face your brain goes to mush.
You excuse yourself and try to run away to the safety of a nearby restroom. Someone grabs hold of your wrist despite the estimated germ count.
“I’d love to get to know you too.” Spencer’s smiling at you.
“You don’t think I’m a crazy rambler?” You ask, worriedly.
“I’m a bit of a rambler myself.” He chuckles and leads you to a nearby couch. You two end up talking for over an hour about everything. He tells you about his mother, his life in Vegas, and how he’s banned from multiple casinos which made you laugh so hard. You tell him stories of Rossi when you were growing up. The time Rossi had choked on some of his pasta when babysitting you and had spat it out through his nose. This makes Spencer crack up.
“Guys look.” Morgan motions to you two talking and laughing. Everyone else at the party looks over.
“I had a feeling they would get along.” Hotch breaks into a smile. Rossi however is scowling.
You leave to refill your root beer and David walks over to Spencer.
“Hey Rossi, she’s really fun to talk to. Thank you for inviting me tonight. I’m having so much fun.” Spencer smiles up at him.
Rossi plasters on a fake smile. “Are you?” Spencer nods happily. Rossi’s face grows serious and he leans in, “Good, because if you hurt her, just remember, I would know exactly how to get away with murder.” Rossi smiles at Spencer and pats his back and walks back to the party. Spencer swallows nervously.
“Wasn’t planning on it.” He whispers to himself.
“Wasn’t planning on what?” You walk back in and hand him an extra root beer.
“Nothing. Thanks.” Spencer smiles and opens his root beer.
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“So tell me more about when you got kidnapped by a cult leader?” You ask eagerly.
“Well this guy, his name was Benjamin Cyrus. We infiltrated his cult by pretending to be child protective services. Me and Emily got caught in the middle of crossfire. SWAT shot at them, they shot back, and put us all in danger.” He tells you everything about that case. You watch in awe at the way he talks. “Rossi actually brought them fried chicken with a microphone bug in the bucket.” Spencer laughs recalling the silly detail.
“Mmm sounds delicious.”
Rossi has been keeping his eye on you two. You look really happy but he likes having Spencer terrified of him. Your back is to Rossi and when Spencer makes eye contact. Rossi points at you and then Spencer and makes a cutting motion on his throat. This makes Spencer nervous. You notice him turn pale and turn around. You see Rossi is just playing cards with Aaron.
Penelope goes around passing out liquor to everyone. “Bottles for everyone!” She cheers over and over slurring her words. Morgan wrangles her to sit back down, stumbling, also intoxicated. You down your bottle and Spencer watches in shock.
You get crazier and Spencer goes to put the bottle Penelope had handed him, back in the kitchen. You’re dancing or trying to anyway. Spencer accidentally bumps you and you pull him down with you. The bottle in his hand breaks and splashes all over you both. Rossi hears a loud crash and comes into the kitchen.
“What the hell happened in here!” Rossi shouts noticing the red liquid trickling everywhere and you, in a now-red stained dress.
“We fell.” You and Spencer say at the same time.
You giggle, “Jinx!”
“You know the origin of the jinx was actually-“
“Clean this up brainiac!” Rossi cuts him off and hands Spencer a sponge.
“Yes sir.” Spencer falls to his knees and starts scrubbing. You notice the room felt hotter as he did so. Was it the weather or the sight of Spencer working hard?
“I’m sorry you got red wine all over you. You looked really nice. Not that you don’t look nice anymore. You look beautiful. I just feel bad your clothes got stained now.”
“Of all the days to wear a white dress. You’re lucky you’re cute Dr. Reid.”
You pick up a different sponge and help him clean.
“You don’t need to help.” He starts.
“It was partly my fault. Plus I know he’s gonna come in here and try to see if he can see his reflection in the tile. If he can’t,” You make a cracking sound and air-motion bending something, Spencer presumes to be, his neck if the red wine doesn’t come up.
“The guys so rich he can afford someone to professionally clean.” Spencer laughs at this.
“I know! One time when I was seven I accidentally spilled some jam and he told me if I didn’t clean it, all the jam in the world would disappear and I could never eat it ever again.”
Spencer opens his mouth in shock, “That is so mean!”
“It worked though.” You say while scrubbing the floor harder. He laughs so loud. Something he noticed he hadn’t done in a long time.
You decide to push his buttons a little since practically none of the wine got on him. You flick some water and soap at him.
“Hey!” He splashes you with some water back.
You stand up and discreetly grab the water sprayer on the sink and turn it on full blast. Spencer yells and with no way to defend himself, tries to stop the water with his hands. Penelope and Morgan run in and you spray them. Everyone’s laughing so hard you don’t see Emily come up behind you with a bucket of water. She throws it on you and you scream.
Hotch and Rossi walk in and shake their heads in disbelief.
“I’m disappointed in you all,” Hotch starts. Everyone stops and fearfully looks at him. “for not including me in the fun!” He grabs the water sprayer from you and splashes Rossi. While you’re all fooling around you notice a groundbreaking discovery. Spencer’s lilac purple shirt is completely see through and soaked. His nipples are even hard from the cold water. Hot damn.
You show up behind him and squeeze his hand and pull him to one of the bedrooms. You both lean in and kiss softly. You attack his lips with kisses and soon the kisses mesh together and become messier. He’s moaning into your mouth while you attempt to rip his shirt off.
“Wait.” He stops you. You pull away confused. “If Rossi’s upset about some red wine won’t he be more upset if we get… you know what on the bed?”
“Cum?” You ask. Spencer makes a disgusted face at your choice of words. “Nah only if he comes through with a black light.”
“No I meant the…stains.” He points at your dress, his face completely red.
“Oh this?” You motion to your now red dress. You reach behind you and untie your dress, letting it fall to the ground. You stand in front of him completely bare. Good thing you chose to not wear anything under it this evening.
You start to hum a song while you stalk towards him. When you push him back on the bed you hear a loud knock at the door.
“AHHHHHHHH” Spencer screams while covering his crotch with a blanket. You simply pick your soaked dress off the ground and sloppily put it back on. Rossi continues pounding his fist on the door.
“Tie me.” You command.
“Huh?” Spencer looks up confused and disoriented. You motion to the back of the dress and Spencer ties a cute bow with the strings. His nimble fingers moving as quickly as they’ll allow. He thinks Rossi’s fist might soon break through the door. You calmly walk to the door and carefully turn the knob.
“Hello.” You smile sweetly.
He simply crosses his arms and glares at Spencer. “Both of you, out. Now. I don’t even want to think about what you were thinking of doing in my guest bedroom young lady.” He wags his finger at you. When Spencer stands up to leave, Rossi stops him with his hand.
“Remember what I said I’d do if you hurt her. She’s like a daughter to me.”
“I-I-I won’t David, I was actually going to ask your permission. If I ma-maybe could take her on a date?” Rossi’s eyebrows raise at Spencer’s request, as if to say, tell me more. “I think she’d enjoy a film fest, they’re playing some old monster movies down at the drive in, some are in Russian, but that’s alright because I could translate to her. I’ll have her home by 11:30 I promise.” Spencer’s stumbling over his words nervously.
Rossi bursts out laughing, “Kid she doesn’t live with me anymore. She’s an adult. You don’t need my permission. Hope you two have fun. I was only worried about my sheets!” He runs to the bed fixing the creases you two had made.
After that he asked you if you’d like to go, of course you said yes. That Saturday night you two had so much fun and fell in love even more.
the end :)
pls pls tell me some of u thought this was even a little bit funny
actually pls tell me if u enjoyed this at all
i’m laughing so hard writing the part about his nipples help
fun fact when i wrote the part about reader wearing a white dress i was listening to this
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holdmytesseract · 9 months
Loki request: Reader with KP (Keratosis Pilaris). She is a little insecure about her KP. She finally decides to tell Loki and show him. Of course, the KP doesn't bother him. In fact, he loves it. He tells her that she shouldn't worry about something that bothers silly Midgardians. He will kiss every bump on her body. He sometimes needs to feel her bumpy arms after a bad day.
Just The Way You Are
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: You shut yourself off from Loki; not showing him an inch of your skin. Being the doubtful God he is, he immediately is afraid that he was doing something wrong. What happens when he accidentally uncovers your secret?
Warnings: angst, insecurities/insecure reader, fluff, talks of sex? nudity? even more fluff, Loki being the best boyfriend
Word Count: 2k
a/n: I hope you like this, friend! :) This is the last story of this year! It's been one hell of a ride - that much is clear! Huge thanks to everyone who became part of the crew and read my stories. And of course to all my wonderful friends and mutuals! I love you all! *biiiig hugs*
Tags: @lady-rose-moon @huntress-artemis @muddyorbsblr @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @chennqingg @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @theaudacitytowrite @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @eleniblue @vanilla-daydreaming @loz-3 @valencia-rou @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @fictive-sl0th @bunny24sstuff @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @lovingchoices14 @linaax @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @glitchquake @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @gruftiela @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @aagn360 @lokiforever @anukulee @multifandom-worlds
Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist
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The library was empty at that time of the day. It was quiet.
Almost too quiet.
The only sound was the ticking sound of the clock, hanging at the wall. A sound Loki didn't even discerned. He was way too lost in his thoughts - something Thor noticed, too, when he entered the library. All the god of Thunder wanted was to put back a few books Jane had read and now he found his brother staring absent-mindedly at the white wall across from him. Loki wasn't even blinking.
Thor frowned; cocked his head. "Have you magicked the lines of that book on the wall or why are you so focused on white nothingness, brother?" The blonde man's booming voice ripped Loki rather harshly out of his thoughts. He almost jumped out of his skin.
"Oh fy faen, brother!" Loki cursed; jaw clenching. Thor giggled apologetically. "Apologies, brother. I didn't mean to scare you..." He paused for a moment; watched how Loki crossed his arms over his chest; grumbling. "Why were you staring at the wall? Are you quite alright?" The younger god's fingers twitched around the book; body visibly tensing. "Sure." He just said; shaking his head.
Thor was probably not always the smartest, but by now - after all those years, he could tell when something was bothering Loki. Not always, but today was it quite obvious. The blonde shook his head. "You are not. I can tell. Don't fool me, brother. What's bothering you?" Loki snorted. "Nothing of your interest, brother. My problem, not yours." Thor frowned and then shook his head, before he plopped down next to Loki on the way too small sofa for the bulky man's physique, almost crushing his younger sibling.
"Brother, what-" Loki complained, but got cut off by Thor slapping his big palm against his chest; causing all the air to leave his lungs. "Talk to me. I know something is wrong. I want to help you, Loki." The raven haired man coughed; needing to take a big breath. "And..." Another deep breath. "And what exactly makes you think that you can help me?" Thor just shrugged his shoulders; giving him a smile. "Intention. Besides, we are brothers."
Loki crossed his arms over his chest once more. "And what if I simply don't wish to talk to you?" "You don't have to, but I'm sure it would help. Of course you can just keep on bottling all up until it- How does that Midgardian saying go?" Thor frowned; thinking hard. "Ah! Until it eats you up inside!" He shrugged his shoulders again, "Do whatever pleases you." and wanted to stand up, when Loki held him back. "Alright, alright, fine," he grumbled; giving in.
Thor smiled and sat back down beside him. "Spill it. I'm all ears, brother."
Loki sighed; felt the embarrassment creeping a bit up on him. "It's about Y/N... She... She won't let me... see her." Thor frowned; was visibly not catching up, "What do you mean by that?" and causing Loki to roll his eyes. "Oh for faen," he mumbled underneath his breath. "Sex, brother! It's about sex!"
Thor blinked for a few moment, until a shit-eating grin formed on his face. "Does my little brother has problems with satisfying his lady?" He gave him a nudge with his shoulder; wiggling his eyebrows. "Don't fret, brother. I'm the perfect man to give you advice in how to-" Loki pinched the bridge of his nose; already regretting that he agreed to talk to Thor. "It's not that!" He cut his brother off and sighed.
"No?" Thor asked; smile dropping. "What, uh, is it then?" Another sigh left the raven haired god's lips. "Where do I start..." Loki said; more to himself than Thor. "We are together now for almost six months and... I... I'm afraid that I'm doing something wrong..." The blonde's gaze softened; realising that this was a serious, important matter. "Why is that?" Loki started to pick nervously at his nails. "Well, because she... She seems to 'hide' herself from me. She avoids me, seeing her barely dressed or naked. She locks the door when she's showering or changing... I-I mean, I understand that. I really do. If she feels uncomfortable with that yet, then I won't push her, but whenever I try to speak with her about this, she escapes the conversation..." Loki swallows. "And now I'm afraid that I am the reason... You know me, brother... The voices in my head are getting louder and louder. Am I doing something wrong? Did I push her too much and didn't notice it? Is she not trusting me enough? If yes, why?" Loki hung his head; raven curls falling into his face. "I give her all the time she needs. I'd wait forever for her, but... It's bothering me. I-I want to understand it and help her - but I can't, because she won't talk to me... What do I do, brother?"
"Hmm..." Thor hums; scratching his beardy chin. "What if you talk to her properly?" Loki blinked. "Properly?" Thor nodded. "Just... confront her directly. Tell Lady Y/N that this is bothering you and that you wish to understand." "But what if she tries to avoid me again?"
The god of thunder smiled and clapped his hand on Loki's shoulder. "You've got a silver-tongue, brother... Talking is your strength. You just have to wait for the right moment." Loki looked a bit uncertain at the blonde man. "If you say so..." "I know so." The raven haired man gave his brother a small smile. "Thank you."
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And Loki waited for the right moment. It took quite a few days for the right moment to arrive, but in the end, it did...
Loki came to you earlier that evening. Steve's eight o'clock meeting didn't take as long as usual and therefore, Loki was too early. Something you didn't know and not anticipated to happen. You were sure that you had enough time to take a shower and get dressed until your boyfriend came back - but you didn't... "Darling?" The god called out for you. It was dark in your apartment. Since you were a couple, Loki spent more time in your home than his. He frowned; looking down the dark hallway - and noticed that the light in your bathroom was on. Only seconds later, he heard the running water of the shower. Loki swallowed hard; knew exactly that you were unaware of his presence. He considered for a millisecond to try and see if the door was open - but no. No, he wouldn't do that. He respected your privacy and whatever you were insecure about.
Taking off his shoes and suit jacket, he decided to wait in the bedroom for you. A green shimmer enveloped his body as he walked inside the cosy room; changing him from his 'business clothes' into casual clothes. Sweatpants and t-shirt. He grabbed the book resting on your nightstand and flopped on the bed; reading.
Meanwhile you still hadn't a single clue that Loki was already back and currently chilling on your bed. Therefore, you finished showering carelessly and made your way to the bedroom after blow drying your hair - only wearing underwear, in order to get dressed.
Humming the song which ghosted through your brain already the whole day, you opened the door and walked in. You were so rapt in the song, you didn't even notice that your bedside lamp was on - or your boyfriend laying on the bed. Loki blinked; was quite shocked about your 'careless behaviour'. His eyes widened as they travelled over your almost nude body; seeing the holy temple he always wanted to worship but never could suddenly in front of him.
"D-Darling?" He more or less stuttered out with a husky voice.
Hearing the sound of his voice; you flinched badly and literally were completely taken by surprise. Like a deer, caught in the headlights you stared at Loki; eyes at the size of plates. But once your mind had caught up, all warnings bells inside your brain were ringing. Get out of here! Get out of here! Your mind was screaming at you. Escape the situation! Flee!
Acting on your instinct, you did just that. You ran. Out of the bedroom, inside the bathroom; door flying shut behind you. Loki immediately realised what was going on and jumped to his feet; storming after you - but he was too slow. Just when he reached the door, the lock clicked shut.
"Darling?!" Loki was afraid; worried that he scared you off even more now. I should've told her I am here, he cursed himself internally. "Y/N? L-Love, please... I'm sorry." A few seconds later, he heard a small sob from the other side; followed by a uncertain, wobbly voice. "A-Are... Are you going to leave me now?"
Loki frowned; was more than just confused - if that was even possible...
"Why... Why in all the nine realms should I leave you, love?" You sobbed - and it almost broke the god's heart. "B-Because you saw me half naked... You probably even saw it..."
Loki blinked. That was it. He couldn't take this anymore. "Okay, darling, please open the door. We need to talk. This is long overdue."
You already feared the worst, as you anxiously unlocked the door and opened it slowly, hesitatingly; letting Loki in. He stepped inside - and was face to face with your almost naked self for the second time in his life. While you fought the urge to cover yourself, Loki literally bathed in the vision of your beautiful body.
"You are stunning, my love. Absolutely beautiful. A goddess."
You blinked. "I-I... What? Loki, are you... Are you kidding me?" Those words almost hurt him. "Why should I, love?" Your jaw dropped. You couldn't believe this. "Don't... Don't you see it?" You gestured at your legs, shoulders and belly. "Are you blind?" A single tear was running down your cheeks - and Loki fought the urge to wipe it away. "You mean the red, bumpy dots-" "On my skin, yes." You interrupted him. Loki swallowed; was very uncertain about how to react in that situation right now. You seemed hurt, but also sad, insecure and angry.
"What are they? Is it a-a illness?" You nodded; defeated. "Keratosis Pilaris. A skin condition, which leaves not very pretty small, rough, reddish or white bumps and patches on the skin." Loki stayed silent for a moment; processing your words. "Is it... harmless?" "Yes." A relieved breath left his lips. "Oh thank the Norns. You really had me worried there for a second, darling." You blinked; were on the brink of being speechless. "You... You are not... d-disgusted?" Horror overtook your boyfriend's face. "Disgusted?!" He shook his head. "No, no, my darling Y/N. Absolutely not. You are the most beautiful woman those eyes have ever seen. I don't care about the bumps and patches. It's a part of you - and I love every part of you."
"Y-You do?"
"Yes. With all my heart."
The butterflies within you belly were running wild at his sweet, heart melting words. It became a lot to handle suddenly; your emotions, insecurities and fears overwhelming you. Words failed you. All you could do was cry. Loki was instantly by your side; literally catching you, wrapping you up in a snug, warm hug. His lips pressed against your forehead. "Shh, my beautiful angel. I love you."
You snuggled even closer against him and just cried; getting all out of your system.
When you had calmed down a bit, Loki carried you back into the bedroom and laid down on the bed with you; pulling you against his body. "Was that the reason why you always avoided to get undressed in front of me?" You nodded; another tear rolling down your cheek. "Y-Yes. I-I'm pretty insecure about my KP a-and well... All the guys I dated before you were, uh, they... They didn't like it." Loki was shocked. Appalled at what you just told him. "All those Midgardian men never fail to disgust me... How dare they." He spat; shaking his head. "They clearly don't know how to treat a woman properly." The god smiled lovingly at you and started to pepper your skin with kisses; paying extra attention to the little bumps on your body.
"Never ever hide yourself from me, my love. I love you just the way you are, okay?" You nodded; giving him a small smile. "Okay."
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from-izzy · 9 months
double a decade | tbz kim sunwoo
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Double a decade—no, more than that. 
​PAIRING » tbz kim sunwoo x gn!reader (proofread twice! lmk if i missed anything!)​ TROPE/AU » ​childhood friends to lovers, non-idol au!, holiday season au! (starts a little bit from christmas up to new years!) GENRE​ » it's so fluffy like wow...i'm not going to write something so fluff for sunwoo for a while after this, a tinge of angst, SUNWOO AND READER ARE BOTH IDIOTS, sunwoo thought his love was one-sided, very shy kim sunwoo, sunwoo being very cute and patient to the reader, reader is sick and sunwoo takes care of them uwu, they platonically share the same bed, big spoon sunwoo who is physically bigger than you and holds you to sleep, MUTUAL PINING REEEEEE, a ton of hugs from kim sunwoo because he's so...ugh, reader blushing cause of kim sunwoo, sunwoo giving his jackets that're oversized for you to use (ahhhh) WORD COUNT » 5760 ESTIMATED READING TIME » ~21 mins WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!) » reader is sick with a fever (if you're actually sick, please isolate yourself!), kim sunwoo being a shy idiot, one swear word (but cuts through halfway)
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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my last story for 2023! looking forward to the new year! happy 2024 everyone!
thank you for reading and screaming with me @winterchimez, @heemingyu and @mosviqu !! you three were so chaotic 😭 like ally really whipped out my government name, i couldn't tell whether sana was mad at me or sunwoo, and bar was...yeah...uhm...yeah!
(i suffered so much with the banner, i need to stop looking at it now)
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Even you found this situation absurd.
How could something so beautiful cause you to have tissues and wet towels lying around your heating body? It’s bittersweet to know that the things that made you enwrap in the layer of heated and weighted blankets are the same ones every year that fall nicely from the hues of orange and red sky. Maybe it’s the headache or the jealousy as you hear the excited shrills of the children outside the window having fun and throwing the cold ball of death to each other’s faces. It’s probably also the fact that you’re at the time of your month, the cramps around the underside of your stomach in addition to the scratchy itch on your throat that makes swallowing hard. 
In the end, this year’s Christmas has been wasted and you could only cry under the sheets alone, convincing your parents not to enter as you knew they had to return to work as soon as the holidays ended. You truly regretted your past naive and idiotic self for making a snow angel without proper winter battle clothes. The effect took a massive toll on your body, especially with the amount of hours you have been working and the stress of it all. The way you spent Christmas was lonely as you looked down to the ground floor where your family gathered, a warm blanket slouched on your messy, unwashed hair. The distance between your pout and their smiles wasn’t too far but because of your dying voice and their charged voice, even your mother could barely hear your Christmas greetings.
But, there was someone in your life who still barged into your highly contaminated room with his raccoon loverboy beanie and matching handmade raccoon scarf that you gifted for him this Christmas. Even with your refutes and arguments, he just shrugs, refusing to let you spend the holiday season time alone. 
Every year has always been the same at this time of the year. From when the clock strikes midnight when the jingle bells ring from the city hall up to your room, up until around noon, you would spend it with your family. From noon, when you and your best friend would be amazed at how the snowman still kept its shape up until around dinner time, you would be all over the neighbourhood with him. Then cues the opening of gifts underneath the green tree with ornaments from your grandparents’ age, the smile plasters on everyone’s faces as choruses of ‘thank you’s would be said. Three hours before Christmas day passes, you would retreat to your room, only to have a visitor open your door, the pile of snow between the strands of his hair making the wood of your floor a tripping hazard.
Every year has always been the same for you both and Kim Sunwoo is determined to make sure that it would still be that way. The boy has always made every single Christmas memorable from the day you both were in diapers to now. He made sure that Christmas this year isn’t wasted and he proves that solidly.
Now, another day of fighting begins as you pray for your fever to die down in time for the approaching new year. Contrary to your wishes, your whole body feels like it’s been shut down, feeling too effortful to even raise a finger despite it lying on your bed for the last twenty hours.
“Sunwoo…” The tears well up in your eyes, wishing that you could at least pick up the phone to hear his stories about the day. 
“I got you!” 
The door clicks open to reveal his toothy, mischievous smile. In one hand, a filled fabric bag is held as the other fist punches the sky eagerly. If you could, you would’ve chucked all the layers of fabric to the ground for all you care, clinging onto the boy like a koala. He understands the thoughts roaming in your head as soon as he sees the way the ceiling light highlights the sweat on your forehead and the moisture around the bottom of your eyes. 
The once-upturned corners of his mouth dipped and so did his shoulders. With his free hand, the door closed quietly. He slowly approaches you, kneeling on the floor beside your bed. Sunwoo takes his mittens off, tilting his head and his furrowed eyebrows match his solemn smile. 
“The new year is literally in three days and I’m still here all wrapped up like a mummy.” He unfolded one of the new towels on your bedside table, dapping the sweat away from your flushed face. “I hate this…”
Sunwoo couldn’t hide his true feelings either, missing having you healthy by his side for more than a whole week now. The night walks were now leaning more toward miserable than lonely. He misses the way you would wrap your nearest arm with his, the other hand loosely anchoring on as well as you both comment on whatever comes into your mind. It’s during those times that you would be so preoccupied with your words that the world around him becomes silent, looking down at the slope of your nose and the shape of your moving lips dearly. 
If you look up towards him, you can see the way that Sunwoo’s eyes relax and the corners of his lips lift just slightly, looking at you with utmost adore and affection. His cheeks would be red, not because of the chilly wind, but because his heart is telling him to just hold you close, confess and kiss you deeply into the night. 
It’s no exaggeration to say that the fluttering feeling in his heart, gave his body more warmth than the mittens, beanie, scarf and winter outfit.
“It’ll pass soon, don’t worry,” Sunwoo reassures you, straightening his legs and heading to your bathroom. There, he shrieks and the laugh from the joined room, where you lay in bed with a new cold wet towel on your burning forehead tells him that you did it on purpose. “I thought that was real!” His head peaks out slightly from the bathroom door with the toy cockroach in his hand, throwing it on the duvet where it conveniently plops upside down.
“I need some laughs, okay?” It only earned an eye roll from Sunwoo, who closed the bathroom door.
Your eyes widen at the familiar actions, the sprinkling of water confirming your thoughts.
“Sunwoo!” You scold him. “You can’t stay over! I’m literally sick!”
“I’ll be fine!”
These are the only words that he says, ignoring the rest of your complaints and nagging; he knows though, that it’s just because you care for his health and wellbeing.
Your lips could only form a big mountain when Sunwoo finally does exit your now sauna-like bathroom. He had his favourite raccoon onesie on, his used clothes in one hand and was supported with his chest to avoid it from toppling over his hold. A toothbrush is leisurely in his mouth, the frothing around the inside of his lips tells you that he has no second thoughts about staying over. 
“You can’t, Woo.” An exasperated sigh comes out as soon as he slips into the room. “Why don’t you ever listen to what I say?”
The toothbrush stops its rustling sound against his healthy, white teeth and you can tell from the way his hands land on the side of his waist that he has a complaint back about you.
“As if you’ll ever listen to me.” And the rustling continues with a tune of a song.
There is one thing that changed from your usual sleepovers but again, you’re not complaining as it is the best choice. Sunwoo takes out the spare roll-up mattress after excitedly knocking on your parent’s room for help. You could hear how your parents are beyond surprised by the visit but you could only smile when you hear the way they scold Sunwoo for wanting to stay beside you with your condition.
For some odd reason, he was still able to walk back into your room, showing off the white fabric on his shoulder that he held, shoulder way too high for your liking as his pride replaces the gloomy atmosphere in the room.
“Make some sort of distance between you and my bed please.”
Your tone is no longer playful, almost tired and most definitely worried. Sunwoo nods, his lips pulling into a line. At this moment, when Sunwoo sets up his bed for the night away from you, you don’t realise the clench in your heart, your hand swishing over the space beside you where he would usually cuddle with you to sleep.
“This alright?” Pulling off his sparkly doe eyes, shooting you a smile that you couldn’t possibly refute. “Alright! Goodnight!” He cheers when you nod defeatedly.
With a flick of the switch, the only thing that allows you to see your covered feet is the moonlight from outside. Sunwoo is in a better position because the lower level means that your bed blocks the shine enough for him to slumber back to sleep.
For some reason, you couldn’t. Your body is still, your eyelids shut and your calm breathing would’ve fooled anyone that you were actually in dreamland. In reality, all you could hear was Sunwoo’s more soothing snores, the sudden feeling that nothing was covering you and the uncomfortable feeling of staying awake.
Your eyelids shoot open once more, staring at the lines and scratches that managed to make it there. Maybe it was a chaotic cat? Or a really strong spiky fly? Or maybe, a ghost? Continuing a questionable amount of ideas. You didn’t even realise when your body turned to the side where Sunwoo was. Without thinking much, your arm reaches for the expensive headpiece straight to the once-slumbering boy.
Disturbed between reality and dreams, his body immediately straightens up, turning his head at you. “Hey!”
“Sorry.” You did feel guilty, not knowing that your impulse actions would jolt him so much; but your laugh tells him that once again, you did plan it with some sort of naughty reason.
Like the antagonist of a scary movie, Sunwoo’s head dips down slightly, his bangs covering his eyes and his cheek rising with menacing thoughts in his head. Suddenly, he jumps over to the mattress, wiggling his fingers all over your body.
“S-Stop! Sunwoo!” He didn’t bother doing so, his heart delighted at the sound of your laughter after so long. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, you pathetic raccoon!”
“Oh, you’re really asking for it!”
It’s a miracle that none of your parents didn’t woke up after almost five minutes of different volumes of laughter. After a week or so of copping up in your room, unable to properly see your best friend, he makes his mark on the winter holiday, knowing that every time you fall sick with a fever, you’ll recall this fun memory.
“Can’t sleep?” 
He retreats to the edge of the bed, his legs dangling. Yet, he has his full focus on the way your smile gradually falls into a frown. His hands move under the blanket, finding yours. As soon as he feels you, his fingers intertwine with yours. Automatically, your thumb caresses Sunwoo’s, calming enough for him to sleep. Eyelids heavy but not completely down yet, your brown orbs observe the way Sunwoo kneels beside you.
“Thank you for staying.” 
His eyes widen slightly but he then lets out a small chuckle. “Just doing your lovely parents a favour.” 
“No.” He gulps at your seriousness, watching the way that even though your back is facing the natural light source, the growing waters underneath your eyelids make his other hand reach out for you, the movement shaking your tears down. “I meant in life. Thank you for staying with me another year.”
Your eyelashes fluttered, the darkness quietly enveloping you. Sunwoo just lets out a soft sigh, your words making his heart beat too rapidly for him to sleep tonight. 
“I love you.” 
He rehearsed the confession in the mirror many times, different scenarios each time, a different object in his hand every time as he imagined the perfect gift that he would give if he was ever given a chance to pour his feelings into you. A part of him wishes you heard it, hoping that you didn’t keep this friendship going. 
The mattress that he worked hard to retrieve from your parents is left untouched for the rest of the night. Forget about his well-being for a second, prioritising the love in his heart. Forget about being sick if it meant being able to hold you in his arms just like all those times. Forget about your scoldings that he would only stick his tongue out nonchalantly to. Sunwoo climbs on the opposite side, his usual spot in your bed. He carefully slips his body inside, the air a thousand times warmer, almost making him wince at the sudden temperature rise that he didn’t expect.
For one last time in the night, he wipes your forehead clean, pressing a lingering kiss on the area. Your body recognises the dip of the bed, turning to the other side and hiding your eyes from the glare of the night into Sunwoo’s beating chest. Perplexed but still somewhat composed, he lets you get comfortable first, both of your hands reaching up to the fabric of his collar, tugging it slightly as a satisfied smile makes its way onto your relaxed face. 
“I love you.” 
He says once more.
“I love you so much, bubs.” 
A little bit louder.
“I love you so much but,” He rests his head on the pillow, pulling you further into his embrace with his hand curling over the shape of your head. “I don’t think I can stay beside you next year.”
Unrequited love his whole life. 
The trade-off between friendship and love is too much for him to fully digest. 
But as the years pass, Sunwoo knows that there is nothing much he can do but drown in his uncertainties. At the same time, he’s no longer sure how much longer he could fake another smile towards you whenever you were taken out for dates. He’s no longer sure how to keep his heartbeat at bay whenever you accidentally whip your hair across his face whenever he scared you, and the way your first instinct is to squish his cheeks, frown and check up for any hurt on his beautiful face. He’s no longer sure if he could hide the urge to pull you into his chest whenever your fingers would lace together even during the hot summer days.
So Sunwoo made it clear to himself that tonight would be the last time he would bask in your presence. Another unsure kiss is given to your forehead and against the screamings inside his head, he follows his heart to press one on each of your closed lids, whispering loving words that he desperately wishes you would hear. 
“I’m thankful for you too.”
True to his words, Sunwoo is gone by the early morning, the white blob on the floor is gone and so are the used towels that you have used throughout the previous day. Judging from the coolness of the sheets beside you, he must’ve left some time ago and it left a bitter feeling in your whole being when he left no note that would usually snap the drowsiness in you to an immediate deadpan reaction, or contrary a dog video that would make up want to curl up and stay in bed for longer.
Three distinct knocks on the door tell you that your mum has breakfast ready but you can’t respond as enthusiastically as you usually would. 
“You’re looking better today, actually.” The plastic tray rests on the corner of your table. The now-occupied space reminds you of last night when Sunwoo used the same space for his worn-out backpack. Satisfied with the way your forehead is no longer burning and almost back to normal temperature, the woman nods and lets out a sigh of relief. “Must be the Sunwoo effect.”
It did make you forget your confusion for a second, the corners of your slumped lips pulling to a straight line. When you were once again left all alone in the room, the loneliness was unlike ever before. The charging cable is ripped away from your device, opening the messaging app to text Sunwoo a very formal, very awkward morning greeting. Your eyes bore into the bottom left of the screen, seeing if the familiar typing icon would pop out but after around four minutes of empty wishes, the way you shoved your phone under the pillow shows how crestfallen you are with his isolating behaviour. It continued for the rest of the day, your phone never buzzing because of him even though his social media activity shows him posting a new memory to share over the internet.
New Year is around a few hours and to you, it looks like Sunwoo has no plans to change his indifference towards you. Even when Eric says he would make sure that Sunwoo sends a message to you, the only thing that changed in your messaging status with him is the ‘delivered’ to ‘seen’ sign.
“The audacity of this little piece of sh—” 
Your fingers tapped rapidly first, and the floating tiles of your keyboard pour your conflicted emotions with a dash of empty threats to him. It’s infuriating that the only thing he did was still, left you on ‘seen’ but this time, in real-time. 
“Okay, fine!”
Why are you so defeated? Frustrated? Annoyed? Irritated? Worried? Sour? Confused? Are you really going to spend the rest of the year without him? Start the new one without him? Is he really breaking the streak of watching the fireworks together and being each other’s first ‘Happy New Year!’s with a bunch of jumping and squealing? 
Is he mad because you’re the reason why you can’t watch the flowers in the sky with him this year? But Sunwoo knows that you’ve been sick! But if he is, is he so mad to the point that he's going to break the streak of being each other’s first ‘Happy New Year!’s next year because of it? But between you both, you’ve always beaten him by a split second!
“Fine! Be that way then!” If the framed picture of you both had noise sensitivity, you’re sure that it would’ve cowered away and fallen straight to the bin next to it. “Ignore me then! Go have fun with the rest of your friends! Why’d you come here and act like you cared when you were just going to avoid me like this?!”
As if the whole universe isn’t seemingly against you already, the bunny doll that Sunwoo won for you smiled sweetly from the corner of your room. The rubber material of your slippers makes high-pitched slaps and your arms snatch the poor plush by its neck, shaking it back and forth as you start to let out all the cursing in all the languages that you know to the boy in your head.
“You got it!”
You couldn’t hide the excitement on your face as soon as the claw hovers in the hole of the machine, a few seconds away from delivering the prize to your hands. Sunwoo rejoices and is proud after winning against the rigged game with only the first try. 
You try to wait patiently for Sunwoo to give it to you, but the way that your upper body bounces, and the way your slightly wavy hair goes along with the motions of your body, only makes it harder for Sunwoo to properly hand you over the gift. You weren’t doing anything special but he was so in love with you that he couldn’t help but let out a shaky breath at the way your eyes sparkle to him—it didn’t help his case that you were cutely drowning in his jacket. 
“D-Do you love it that much?”
Would it be weird if he snapped a photo of you right now? When your cheeks are smushed against the bunny’s fluffy ones? Would it be weird if he wanted to set it as his wallpaper and just stare at it all day long?
“It’s so cute!” 
You indirectly answered, putting your full attention and affection to the animal in your hands. The way you bopped your nose with its own only fuels his adoration for you and because you’re so immersed in your birthday gift, Sunwoo did manage to get the picture that he desires.
Kim Sunwoo also had it as his lock screen, hiding it within a collage of other memories—it’s the reason why he’s been so protective over his phone for the last few months.
Having had enough of giving the inanimate animal a headache, you threw it onto the floor with a huff, blowing the loose strand of hair away from your vision. All of a sudden, the tears finally well up in your eyes and you let out silent croaked sobs. The hunched-over plushie is the catalyst for your head to replay the memories in your head. With your back against your bed, knees folded to your chest and the bunny sitting on top, the outside world blurs out of existence for a while.
Everything is just Kim Sunwoo.
From the way he smiles.
To the way he drools in his sleep.
From the way he would literally hide you from the outside world, arms enveloping and muffling your cries.
To the way he welcomes the series of punches on his chest because life is too much for you sometimes.
From the way he has your mum on speed dial in case he can’t reach you.
To the way that he would hop into the car to pick you up from your solo late-night, early-morning beach walks still in his pyjamas.
From the way he knew how to comfort you depending on the situation.
To the way he wouldn’t mind submitting his assignment late if it meant that you’ll be able to sleep peacefully.
Your face flares up, recalling the light pressure of his lips on your eyelids the other night and with it, the meaning behind your tight hold on the bunny becomes something entirely different. That’s all it takes for you to rush out the front door, your mum following your rushed actions with her eyes.
“Well,” she shrugs, eyes back to the television of her favourite Christmas movie, “that happened.”
So maybe you should’ve changed to snowing boots or something more appropriate than your slippers but in your body’s adrenaline to keep your body intact for another five minutes when you would reach Sunwoo’s house.
“You’re so—ugh!” 
The crystals falling from the sky are too uncomfortable and you know that you will be bedridden for longer after this but that’s not going to be your fault. Someone else will take the blame for this and you’ll make it clear for him.
It’s only when you reach the front door, hands on your bent knees, throat dry, nose red, cheeks most probably iced due to your tears and the weather that the words all evaporate from your head. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore and with the curtain from the living room open just enough for you to see Sunwoo snuggling in the couch with his cup of hot chocolate, the feelings that you have been hiding from him amplified greatly.
You’re so mad at him but you still think he looks cute with the blanket over his head, covering his shoulders and eyes focused so much to the point the colours of the graphics were being reflected on his eyes. Changing the direction from kicking down the front door, you decided to instead gather a lump of ice into your palm, striking it against the window where his face was. 
His body jolts back but it didn’t take long for his mind to register the white remnants crumbling on the glass, window frame and sill. It takes Sunwoo less than a second to take in your shivering figure on the other side of the window and he knows he’s going to get an earful from his mum when she sees the sweet and sticky drink on her carpet.
The coat hanger rattles and almost breaks an arm with how violently Sunwoo takes two of his warmest jackets, swiftly getting ready to meet the cold and starting blizzard outside. He automatically winced when nature slammed the door open, almost stubbing his toe—but maybe that’s his karma for leaving you on read for more than a whole day without a proper explanation.
Sunwoo took his focus away from the throbbing pain, skipping down the stairs, using the spiky handrail for support as he pushed his body up whenever he went down a step lower, relaxing when his feet landed on the ground safely. It’s only been a few minutes since he stepped out of his blanket but now everything is throbbing—his heart as well for a different reason.
Seeing you still facing the window, your hair flying all over the place, your chin basically on your chest, Sunwoo realises that he hurt you badly. Maybe he should’ve just been honest. If so, then at the very least, you wouldn’t chase him out like this when it looks like you just started to feel better. 
“Hey…” his feet make cautious little shuffles, scrunching the remaining mixes of nature and ice, kind of scared for his life that you would start to (rightfully) punch him. Thankfully, he got close enough to drape his jacket onto your shoulder, zipping up the front without asking you to put your arms. If it wasn’t for the fact that he ignored you, he would be teasing and asking you about what you are mulling over. “Let’s go inside, hm?”
Sunwoo sighs at your stubbornness when you shoved his arm away, feet planted on the ground.
“Go away.” 
His heart clenches at the way you probably meant that. It included a hint of hurt, broken the unanswered questions that were swarming your head.
“I’m sorry,” Sunwoo said so softly that you could’ve missed it if it wasn’t the way you were already actively focusing on him. “So please, let’s just get you inside. It’s my fault, I’m sorry.”
His palm goes over where his heart is and the other hand gives you a reassuring press. Sunwoo knew by the way you refused to look at him despite him bending over to meet your eyes, that this was going to be tough for you to listen to him.
But Kim Sunwoo is patient.
He’s always been patient and understanding when it comes to you. When his hands reach over to envelop yours, you don’t push away how he wraps his own between yours. Your heartbeat picks up its pace when he leads your joined hands into the pocket of his jacket, his thumb gliding over your skin. The act also sends your body closer to his, finally closing the gap between your bodies, sharing body warmth corresponding to the red hues on your cheeks.
Your lips now hover over his outwear and your nose takes his scent in, enjoying breathing in the familiarity after almost two days of no contact. Sunwoo bites his lips, nervous about having you in front of him and the way you tighten your hold on his hands tells him that you have a lot to say. 
“You don’t want to spend the first week of the new year bedridden, bubs.” Wordlessly and timidly, Sunwoo just scans over your facial features, his eyes roaming about while your eyes are stuck on his zipper which is halfway done.
“Don’t call me that…” Because it clicks open the surge of feelings that you have been trying to hide from him for the longest time. “Don’t…”
You were still half awake when he said his words.
Unknowingly to Sunwoo, you heard every single word that you have always wanted to say to him. That night, when his hand wrapped securely around your waist, you had the best sleep in your life, taking a mental note to talk about the topic later on.
Only to realise that you are both idiots with your feelings.
“I’m sor—”
“Stop apologising!” 
And it sends Sunwoo into a puddle of shock and confusion when your eyes send out a waterfall. He separates his hands from yours and they fly quickly to hold your cheeks. Stutters of more apologies string out and his thumbs weren’t fast enough to keep your face dry. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry too!”
“Hey, what are you sorry about? I’m the one who left you on read!”
“I’m sorry that I’ve never told you how much I appreciate you,” you hiccup before continuing, seeing a glimpse of Sunwoo’s gaping mouth, “I’m sorry that you’ve always been the one taking care of me and not the other way around,” and you see the way he shakes his head with furrowed eyebrows, “I’m sorry that I ever make you think that I don’t care about you!” 
“Hey, no. Don’t say that, I know you care abo—”
“I love you, Kim Sunwoo!” 
To him, even though Christmas has passed, he’s convinced that it’s a miracle for him. The night when he left to stay in your house, he innocently wished upon the shooting star, closing his eyes and hoping for your health and happiness—but he couldn’t help but also wish that you would love him back even though that’s out of his control.
But what can he do when he’s only loved one person and one person throughout his whole life?
“I’m sorry if I ever made you think that I like someone else because I can tell you now that all those dates I went to only made me sure that I’m so in love with you and you make me feel like I can just be myself when I’m around you and I also feel jittery when I’m around you and—”
This is not the type of confession that he has rehearsed for.
He guides your face into his chest, still sobbing and crying. As always, your hands weakly hit him, your lips still voicing out muffled confessions to him. Sunwoo’s arms wrap around your shoulders, the other on top of it. His head dips, his lips breathing out air near your ear, resting his forehead on his arm for stability. He wants to say something, anything to make sure that his avoidance doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you back but all he wants to do is to just hold you closer to make it clear that no one could take you out on another date.
Only he can take you out on dates now.
You sniffle, catching your breath after letting your feelings out. The hold around you makes you melt, smiling before turning to where Sunwoo is. At your longing stare, his head shoots back up in surprise, tripping over his own words at how you look at him with beady, watery eyes in adoration. Shy Sunwoo is going to be a sight that you’ll get used to quickly, noting how adorable he is with how his eyes refuse to meet yours and his lips moving without any sound actually coming through.
“I love you.” 
You repeated quieter just for him so that he was the only one who could hear the words.
“I love you so much.”
You stood on your toes, planting a kiss on his chin.
“I love you so much but,” Sunwoo gulps with how you squinted your eyes, “if you leave my side next year, I won’t hesitate to throw a snowball to your face.”
“Oh God, please don’t do that.” Mortified and shaking his head, “I’m sorry, you win. I’ll do anything, just please have mercy on me.”
Sunwoo gives a series of firm, convincing nods.
“Kiss me.”
The words took a while to register in his mind and he couldn’t help the breath hitching when he realised your request. Sunwoo almost stumbled backwards, your hands tug the fabric of his pockets, pulling him back to you and reality. It caused your foreheads to lightly bump and the impact made you wince at his stupidity. 
“I-I’m sorry! I-I’m—”
“Kim Sunwoo! There’s going to be a mark there! That hur—”
A pair of comforting hands hold your jawline, tilting your face to accommodate the height difference between the two once-best friends. When Sunwoo gets a better grip on himself, he quickly dives in when your lips part, swallowing your complaints and making his dreams come true. 
Double a decade—no, more than that. 
That’s how much he’s waited for this moment with you.
When his lips would slot against yours, hugging your top ones with his before pulling away to give the same amount of affection to your bottom ones. Your noses bump into each other slightly, making the moment seem real and fun, smiling and giggling when you both part for air. Shy and kind of embarrassed with how messy and uncoordinated it is but you both know you wouldn’t want to share each other’s firsts with anyone else. 
At this moment, it’s you and him in this world.
That’s how you ended the year. Clenched fist still inside his pockets, though that didn’t stop you from folding the fabric back so that you could have your arms wrapped around his middle to pull him closer. The sky soon blooms shortly after, and the happy firing noises illuminate the night sky, beating the dull light and colour of the moon that everyone sees every day. Because of the dynamic colours, Sunwoo is able to see the shades of the celebration mirrored on your skin, finding you more beautiful than ever before. 
Though beautiful, the fireworks did make Sunwoo roll his eyes when he seemingly needed to repeat variations of “Be my girlfriend!” even though you were less than ten centimetres away from his face. He knows after your third “What? I can’t hear you” that you were playing with him, giving you pecks of his lips across your face playfully, enjoying how your laughs neutralised the flowers in the sky. 
You ended the year with the start of a kiss with your best friend.
And start the new year with a new title for your ex-best friend.
With Kim Sunwoo, of course.
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿
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hd-hurtcomfort-fest · 20 days
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Fine-Fractured Halo
Creator: anon Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson & Harry Potter Rating: E Word count: 29k
Warnings/Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Pining, Harry Potter is Obsessed with Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy is Obsessed with Harry Potter, Toxic Relationship, Toxic Situationship, Painter Harry Potter, Researcher Draco Malfoy, Artist Harry Potter, Long Distance Situationship, Birthday Parties, mentioned suicidal thoughts, Post-War Related Mental Health Issues, Harry's kinda stupid for Draco, we all know he always is, Handjob on the grass, Messy Sex, Sex on Grass, Anal Sex, Drinking, Drinking to Cope, Loneliness, Heartbreak, Casual Sex, Angry Sex, Magical Theory (Harry Potter)
Summary: For Harry, it all starts on July 31, 1999 and ends on July 31, 2019. Twenty years of longing, love, and pain in no particular order. Or: An annual birthday party that turns to a yearly school reunion. Hermione and Pansy are party planners, Ron is an excellent baker, and everyone tries their best to attend a birthday party just to see each other.
Author's note: Prompt number 118-One day AU To Lumosatnight, thank you for the prompt, this was honestly a big rollercoaster ride to write. I really hope this is the angst you're looking for. I really tried my best (watched the movie 'One day' just for this, great movie!) and wonderful concept! This fic is significantly different with the movie plot-wise, but I'm hoping it still leaves the same effect. Proudly, happily, sending you this fic with love ❤️ I'm sending a big, big, big hug and gratitude towards the kindest and loveliest Beta-reader, K, who has been working on this fic together with me for the past month. Bless your heart, you're amazing, K. Be happy, always ❤️ Also, thank you to the loveliest mods team ever! To Peachpety, Vukovich, and Orangepellets, thank you for being patient, helpful, and kind to me. I'm so glad you're the mods lol. I had loads of struggle writing for this fest, and you've been amazing ❤️ Lastly, for anyone reading this fic, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. And I'll warn you in advance to look at the title of this fest. Listen, I had an excuse for this lol. Hugs and kisses for y'all.
Something We Create Fluff || E || 16.5k
*banner art by @basiatlu
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findingoblivion · 11 months
Hello everyone.
I'm finally writing out a new pinned post, I feel like it's at least somewhat time. I haven't and probably won't ever move on but I've gotten a lot more interaction lately and myself have interacted a lot more so I think this is both needed and good to have.
I'm Anna! I'm pretty Butch (look pretty masc but I don't really identify as that), 28 (birthday is August 24th) and I'm primarily a shiny transfem (aka a dom/top and yes I stole this) who also just really likes helping people and tries their hardest to be nice. I have a LOT of kinks, and very few things are off limits to me.
Note that I don't like being called cute or a cutie but it's generally fine, I'll just turn it back on you. I'd also ask that you not reblog my personal or vent posts, which I generally try and tag with personal or vent.
Other things I generally don't like bringing to this blog are politics and doom scrolling, it's not that I don't pay attention to those things or care about them, but I primarily want this blog to be a place where people don't have to think about those things. I'm just here to chill and be horny, so if you don't bring that vibe it's totally fine, just don't expect much.
I'm pretty much an open book and I greatly enjoy people interacting with me so feel free to ask me anything (I probably have an infodump locked and loaded) or talk to me in the tags or reblogs, I do usually read them (horny bottoms don't think you can escape if you're horny in the tags)
You can call me Anna, Mistress, Queen, Goddess, or probably anything else, but don't call me late for dinner.
Not a full list by any means but my kinks are
Petplay, Dom/Sub, Animalistic, Prey/Predator, Bondage, Marking, Pain (giving), Sadism, Biting, Robots, Corruption, Dolls, cnc, watersports (maybe), breath control, brat taming, cum play, lactation, praise (giving) and degradation (giving), free use, worship (receiving), snuff, vore, breeding (BIG ONE), musk, armpits (a bit), feet (maybe), sensory deprivation, and probably all kinds of other stuff I'm not thinking of. Like I said I'm pretty open. I don't really tag my nsfw or kink stuff so I apologize in advance, if you ask I'll try but I will probably forget eventually because ADHD.
If you're a cis man or chaser I'd rather not receive dm's from you because I'm not into either of those things. Not a hard rule but don't expect much unless I know you already. Trans men, agender, non binary, genderfluid, bigender and anyone else who isn't cis are MORE than welcome to interact with me.
My favorite bands are Linkin Park, Rise Against and other similar bands. I really like anything that provokes emotions and thoughts in me or moves me.
My favorite video game of all time is the Nier series, mainly Nier Automata.
My favorite anime (among others) is Naruto (the OG) and Aria: The Animation.
I think that's pretty much it. If you want to be treated like a princess or a slave, you should definitely hit me up. Or even if you just want to experience some kindness and love, I will be happy to give you pets and hugs.
Astolfo is my favorite character of all time and as close to a kin as you can get. I love her and strive to be as much like her as I can.
I also consider myself a Ditto or Vampire for OC purposes mostly.
My discord is annastolfo (previously _astolfo until it was hacked) if you want to add me and are a mutual or we've talked before.
If you read this far, congratulations, you get a headpat! *pats*
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Episode 6: Return of the love!
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Once again I am sorry this has taken me a while. Every single ask in my box makes me smile and I'm so glad to have met such lovely people here!
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@eljeebee, @bouncytrait, @cyberneodog, @lostinsixam, @philodendrontrait! Look at us just passing stars back and forth as if they are not incredibly precious commodities! Love you guys 🫂
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@onestormynight, @living-undead, @lauralovelysims, @gnomewife. I've no idea what I've done to deserve such love but I accept it! All aboard for hugs (virtual) smiles (still virtual) and love!!!
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@seyvia, @moonlitfalls, @plasmafruittree BOOOOOOOOOOP! Boop Boop Boop! Boop Boop de Boop! 🐾 Thank you friends for the lovely boops! I'm booping you all right back!
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No pics but I love you my mutuals! I tried to tag everyone but I ran out of room didn't I, and my fatigue convinced me I'd forgotten someone so this is a big collective thanks for existing and using some of your precious time to talk to me and read the things I post. I don't take any likes, comments or reblogs for granted. They all make me smile and I LOVE seeing all the things you post.
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Faust from lords of chaos. During a black circle meeting reader and Faust go upstairs and do something’s (smut if you want or they could just be cuddling) in Euromymous bed. 🖤🖤
Hello my dear anon thank you fore this cute request (I'm sorry that it took longer but it's finally done). So I hope you like and everyone has fun reading :)
Cuddle Concert
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warning : just big fluff and comfort, reader is female, cuddling
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
At night in Oslow, in the part of town that wasn't the best, the party was in full swing in the basement of Mayhem founder Euronymous's record shop. After a successful concert and finishing the new album, they had all come here to party and not too hard.
Loud, fast, hard and dark death metal music came from Mayhem who gave a small live performance for the black circle. Actually it was a simple meeting, a meeting to discuss new albums and just find new ideas with a small concert well almost. Which was only enhanced by the compressed space.
And when Death Metal fans meet, the meeting was forgotten faster than anything else. Besides, the third beer crate was already opened and one or the other had already fled to the sink to empty his stomach.
Pizza was lying everywhere on plates and tables and one or the other piece of clothing had already been torn off the body. Not to mention the cigarettes and joints that were lying and being squeezed out in the drinks and ashtrays.
In the chaos of the singing band, the drunken people dancing and shouting along. Faust and his girlfriend sat together on the old sofa which had seen better days. Both had a beer in their hands and were watching their mutual friends partying around them.
Whether it was the wild roar of Occultus' song or the dancing of Varg who had already blown away one or the other with his guitar. ,,The private concert is always the best," she heard Faust murmur as he put his beer on the already overcrowded table and put his arm around her again.
Nodding in agreement, she grinned at her friends and snuggled up to Faust as she slowly began to feel the effects of the many hours of partying.
Whether it was physical exhaustion, a slightly scratchy voice from the roaring, or just the slight headache that came over her. Putting down her own beer, she ran her hand over her sleep and sighed lightly. A little quieter roar would be nicer she thought, watching Euronymous as he seemed to push his guitar to the limit with his solo.
She felt Faust take his arm away from her and let his gaze wander over her. Before he rose and pulled her with him through the group towards the stairs. ,,What's wrong?" she asked, looking back and forth between Mayhem and him, slightly confused, as she slowly walked up with him.
Not only did she instantly feel air that hadn't been breathed ten times already enter her lungs, her headache lessened and she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. ,,Is it better?" he asked with a grin and climbed onto the bed, which was surprisingly soft. ,,Yep, actually," she replied and came to lie down next to him on the bed. Really soft she thought and adjusted her pillow and was about to lie down again when she felt Faust pull her towards him.
So that she was now lying on top of him and had a warmer, softer, more loving surface to lie on. ,,That's even better," he quipped and chuckled as she pretended to shake her new pillow before lying back down on him. His hands went to her hips, holding her on top of him and tracing small relaxing circles on her body.
Which were more pleasant than Mayhem screaming and singing for hours. ,,I know when you're feeling bad...let's just stay here," he decided and sighed with pleasure before hugging her like a pillow and closing his eyes to give his equally exhausted body a rest. ,,Let's do this until the morning, my heart," she repeated and did the same. She sighed too and made herself more comfortable on top of him before resting her head on his torso and closing her eyes.
The small circles he continued to draw were almost like hypnosis which was disturbed by the quiet heartbeat she heard. As if she were being lulled to sleep by the heartbeat that reflected nothing but peace and love. There was nothing more soothing.
@mayhem-things , @beldamama , @bvg-w1res
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sirianasims · 9 months
Thank you 🤩
I'm struggling to form words, exhausted after an exam all-nighter, and overwhelmed by the tags and lovely messages I've already received. Thank you so much @daniigh0ul for coming up with this and to the amazing @armoricaroyalty for making it happen.
I haven't been a part of Simblr for very long, and I have been writing for less than two years, but I want to take a moment to express how incredibly grateful I am to be a part of this community, and for every single person who takes time out of their day to read my story or leave a like or a comment. You are the best and you have no idea how happy you make me ❤️
Special mention also goes to @nexility-sims for getting together a writing group filled with wonderful and inspiring people, I am so excited to catch up on everything, and I truly appreciate every single person on that server.
There is no way I'm going to be able to tag everyone, but I want to shout out to @mannylikessims for writing so brilliantly and making me laugh and cry at the same time and for being one of my earliest friends in the simlit community. I also have to send some love to @hannahssimblr is one of the most talented writers I've met, as well as being just straight up hilarious, and I adore you and our tiny hive mind 💕
Finally, I want to offer a big hug in these trying times to all of my lovely mutuals, especially @lynzishell @theosconfessions @madebycoffee @bakersimmer @zosa95 @bridgeportbritt @greensleeves101066 and @thewoodslegacy who make me so happy every time they share their hot takes about my problematic pixel babies 😂🥰
To the rest of you, a big thank you for being your fantastic selves ❤️
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zhoras-bitch · 11 months
Choices Spread Kindness Day 1
A bit late, but I really want to use the opportunity of @choicesfandomappreciation event to say a few words to the cool people in this fandom. Real life stuff and my own awkwardness sometimes gets in the way, but I just want everyone I've interacted on here to know that you are what make this fandom such a fun and enjoyable place. There are so many of you I could never list everyone, but that doesn't mean I won't try!
To start off, heyyy drought era mutuals and non-mutuals! The fandom was so barren when I joined, it felt like there were maybe 5 people here. But these were the 5 people who made me want to stay even through the books like [redacted] so that's how cool you are @yourqueenb @zoeywades-spouse @griffinsboyfriend @masked-alien-lesbian @choices-binglebonkus @becca-davenqueer!
Next, @gaiuskamilah love your long fandom rants, greatly appreciate your gothic romance propaganda and villain apologia. You never fail to bring up something interesting about the stories and characters you talk about, and your love for the books you talk about is contagious.
@livelaughlovecassie you are a loud supporter of women’s rights and women’s wrongs and I respect that! You’re also a sweetheart and a joy to interact with. I feel like we have similar taste in tropes and character we like, you know? You get me. 
@choicesfrog you’re a ray of sunshine. I look forward to when you come back from your hiatus so I can see your playthroughs and your OCs on my dash again. 
@princepotatosack your posts are some of the funniest in this entire fandom, I swear! I love your librarian rants, and I’m a big fan of your MCs profiles, which inspired me to make mine too.
@what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil I love our interactions, you just get me, you know? Fantastic vibes altogether.
@aallotarenunelma ayeee lovestruck days mutual! Little ace solidarity moment, I love how you explore acexuality through your characters and stories. Always so cool to see you on my dash, and our conversations always leave me smiling. 
@starlight-starfury you are so sweet and insightful! I always enjoy our interactions. Still waiting you to be 100% right on all of your Blades 2 theories.
@peonyblossom thanks for the trans Aerin hc, it lives rent free in my head, and for being an altogether joy to interact with.
@sazanes you're so supportive of every single creator in the fandom! Thank you for always making everyone here feel warm and welcome.
@itlovesinthewoods I love seeing your walkthroughs and your reactions on my dash, they make me experience the books I’ve already read all over again. You are so precious and a sweetheart to interact with! 
More people who I’ve had very sweet interactions with, I just want you to know that I think you're cool. Sending you the warmest virtual hugs @aces-and-angels @lawrencebarkley @lancelotsimp @trystanxthorne @secret-fungi @watatsumi-island
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Make your mutuals smile 💐
Write what you love about them and why, or just praise them, share your favorite memories or chats. In the times when everyone get so much underserved hate from anons let's spread some warm feelings.
@ewanmitchellcrumbs - Ange, you're the most warm, understanding, caring person I know here. I know that sometimes you feel like your mutuals don't give in return as much as they could and you're right, but know how much you're appreciated. You're not only talented writer that can write almost EVERTYHING but your knowledge about Ewan and fandom is soooo big, I love to read your answers to asks! You feed this fandom so well, without you it wouldn't be the same.
@zenka69 - You're with me from the very beginning, supportive and caring, my sweet polish friend! Thanks to you I wanted to write more of the "My Best Friend" and well, I wrote so many fics from then on and you're still with me!!!
@sagelovesreading - My sweet friend, our talks on priv warms my heart as much as your comments. I love to talk to you, you're so sweet, gentle person, I love how emotionally you're approaching my works, and I'm so happy that you have to courage to write to me!!!!
@valeskafics - You're so sweet, self conscious person, so talented and funny, I love you with all my heart! Love to read your fics and your answers, you're hilarious but so supportive too, your reblogs makes my heart melt and I always wait for them!
@barbieaemond - You're so fuckin talented, your gifs are just chef's kiss, but your Red Bird is soooo good already! I know that you get couple of mean anons but fuck them, I love how you wirite Aemond, I love that you decide to write OC and not normal "reader" even if people prefer the second more because it feels like YOUR story and I want to read it even more because of that.
@targaryenrealnessdarling - I would have to write an essay about how talented you are, literally everything you write makes me feral, you're so kind, so good, so funny, you writes your characters so well and don't afraid to show really dark Aemond even when some of people would be whining about it.
@asumofwords - We don't know each other at all but well I LOVE YOU OKAY you're the best writer here, I read everything you update and it's always SO GOOD, you write your characters, scenes and emotions so well, you are so funny and bitchy, don't give a shit about weird or mean asks, I want to be like you!!!
@echos-muses - Echo I loveee youuuu, I love your reblogs and comments, often makes me laugh so hard, love our chats in reblogs on more mature topics too, so good to have here person like you too.
@happinessinthebeing - Your comments and ask makes my heart melt, you're so sweet and caring, love to talk to you and read all you're writing to me, I would hug you if I could!!!!
@oneeyedvisenya - I'm so grateful that I found your fics and then saw that you had reblogged some of my works. Literally it was one of the happiest things that happened to me here because I love your works so much and it meant so much to me! Waiting for your new works!!!!
@theoneeyedprince - Justine, my fellow polish girl, I love you so much and our little talks, I love how we are supportive to each other! This is so great to have here someone from my own country how writes so we'll, I would love some new modern series from you, hihi.
@aemondx - I love your gifs so much and I'm so happy that you liked my HP series! Makes my blush ughhhh!!! So talented!!!!
@notnormalthings-blog - I love you and your reblogs so much, you make me laugh so hard, I just can't, always waiting for your reactions and gifs!!!!
@persephonelovesbooks - I love you so much, you're with me from the earliest times of my writing, always so supportive, ugh, I can't say how much I enjoy interacting with you!
@aemondsmoon - You make me so happy with your reblogs and reactions, you're so sweet and kind, just ughhh, I hope that after my return to Poland I will have a time to read some of your fics!!!!!!!
I would write like that for on and one, but here so honorable mentions of people I just love for they comments, reactions, support. You make my day better guys! I'm sorry if I didn't mention someone, I love all you people, interacting or not!!!
@melsunshine @immyowndefender @bellaisasleep @ammo23 @chainsawsangel @letmeloveyouuuu @hiatuswhore
You don have to reblog or tag anyone, just I want you to let you know that I love you guys! You can share it and reblogs if you want of course, kisses! 💋💋💋
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
UHMMMMMMMMMM, I’m alive, haven’t posted in a while and i’m sorry, anyways, here’s a thought that crossed my mind! 
Hope y’all like it! BTW, no good ending for deku, like, Reader ends up with Bakugo n shit. 
Um Um gender neutral (They/them/their), no name called, like (Y/n), I didn’t write (Y/n), annnnd, yeah. 
Um, so it’s actually mutual pining, but...yeah, i dunno.  READ!
Bruh, imagine one sided love with Deku. 
You, who has known Midoriya Izuku all their life, who has been there for him when he found out that he was quirkless, when he got made fun of by Bakugo, when he didn’t feel his best.
Why is he doing that to you? 
Why is he going towards Uraraka and not to you, with your outstretched arms, ready to hug him when he fucked up throwing the ball in the first test they had with the whole class on the first day of school? She only gave him a pat on the shoulder. 
Why was he trying to talk to Todoroki when the latter one didn’t want to have to do anything with the green haired boy? Why did Izuku care so much?
Why didn’t he talk to you as much as he did when it was just you two against the world?
Then it hit you. 
You loved him, but he only liked you. yeah, that’s it. Nothing more. 
anger, sadness and pain filled your whole body and soul the more you thought about it, and before you saw it coming, you spent the rest of the holidays alone, training to become a better person. 
Not once, ever since Deku met All Might, did you get a message other than ‘can’t srry’, ‘’m training rn’, ‘Maybe next time?’, or read on your phone from that freckled boy.  
that’s what it was, yes...
You were so stupid. Why didn’t Deku tell you about his quirk that he had after all? Why was Uraraka the first one to witness it? Why was Bakugo the first one to find out about it? Why are Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka and Deku suddenly close friends with each other?
Is it because you’re somebody he knows already? Someone he thinks is boring? didn’t he like you anymore? Is that why he barely talks with you, too busy blushing whenever Uraraka touches or smiles at him?
You wanted to puke. You wanted to rip your heart out. Bang your head against a wall, fall down a building, drink poison, anything to stop those fucking butterflies erupting in your stomach whenever you thought about your ex bestfriend. 
Stupid feelings...!
It’s Sero, who notices your absence and lack of optimism first. Knocking swiftly on your door before opening it slowly, he is met with you pushing yourself up with your arms on a bar, in a handstand. 
“Whoah, you alright there?“, he asks, cautiously stepping closer and sitting down on your bed. a soft matress welcomed his ass as he sat down, and he sunk down a bit because of his weight.  
You didn’t hear the scotch tape dispenser and kept up with your training, sweat forming on legs, arms and neck, as well as on your forehead, rock music blasting your eardrums. your eyes were trained on the ground as to not loose your balance. 
Huh, pretty cozy in here., Sero thought.
Just now, the black haired boy realised that he has never been in your room until now. 
Sero looked around. He counted two pots of plants by the balcony, three little aquariums on your bookshelves, a big, little house like cage for Koda’s and your bunnies, which they rested in peacefully (yes, Koda canonly owns a bunny!) and as to not disturb them, you heard music with your earphones and tried your best to keep quiet with your groans. 
On the floor were some lost leaves for the bunnies, a few slices of carrot on the old fashioned nighttable, and lots of pet toys. but, there were also many pillows. A few people could make a pajama party here. 
And that became Sero’s idea. He smirked while watching you as he dialed Denki’s number, who then contacted the whole group. 
Soon, the loud people met your sweaty body and Sero looking at your form. They looked around, everyone thinking the same thing. 
They’re not as intimidating as they look. 
Suddenly, your feet met the ground, but you didn’t make a noise. you panted slowly as you stood up, but your sould nearly left your body when you saw the five people in your dorm room. 
“What the fuck? What are you guys doing here?!“, you whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake the furry pair in their nice little home. 
“Sero chatted us!“, mina cheered silently. 
“You looked down a little, so I thought we could chill a little.“, Sero gave back, speaking quietly. 
You locked eyes with Bakugo, and to your utter disbelief, he gave you a look of concern.
“You okay? You seem...dried out.“, he rasped, eyeing your body which was covered in sweat. 
You didn’t know what to say. 
Was THE Bakugo Katsuki asking about your wellbeing???!
“I...need a shower. Don’t be loud or touch anything.“, you then commanded upon seeing Kirishima, Denki and Mina play with your fishes. 
After about twenty minutes with a cold shower later, you were met with the sight of the five people having widen out your bed and everyone laying on it in a tangled mess; Mina was sleeping on Sero, Sero’s legs were on Denki’s stomach, Denki’s back was on Kirishima’s back, and Bakugo has somehow managed to sleep next to them without them touching him. 
You chuckled quietly and struggled to find a place to sleep on without laying your body parts on somebody else’s, when Bakugo pulled you flush against his chest. 
You blushed furiously while trying to escape from his vice grip, but he only pulled you closer. “Um...Bakugo-”
“Let’s stay like this. Tell me. Why are you behaving like that?“, he whispered. The soft snores of your loud friends signaled that you and Bakugo were the only ones awake at this hour. 
And that gave you time to think about your answer. 
“I...well, it’s about Izu- Midoriya.“
“Ouch, what did he do to make himself land on last name basis with ya?“
You laughed a little, your nervousness about being so close--too close--with your childhood rival, fading a little. 
Huh, it’s pretty nice with him. 
Only now did you feel his chiseled hand trail up and down your body, relaxing you. comforting you. 
“I don’t know. First thing I know, we’re besties, it’s me and him against the world, and the boom. Suddenly he has all those other...those better people around him...“
Bakugo listened to what you whispered. He didn’t say anything. 
“...He is friends with Todoroki, son of the number one pro hero. With Iida, son of a rich family. With Uraraka, whom he must have a crush on...!
I-I mean, look at her! She’s so much more than me..! She is so nice! While I’m trying to be intimidating and shit. She has a nice, high voice, while mine is grotesquely deep. she can make things float! And what can I do with my quirk? No-“
A pair of soft, caramel tasting lips touched yours tenderly. He pressed them on you, very slowly, cautiously, as not to ram into you. His lips were made to fit against yours it seemed. 
he breathed out a sigh, and you, being completely shocked and surprised, calmed down a bit after a few seconds. Then you closed your eyes and cherished the moment. 
After a little more moments of that sudden intimacy, you guys broke the kiss. 
You still had your eyes closed, still feeling the explosive boy’s lips on yours. When you opened your eyelids, you caught him looking at you with a little smile. 
“Please don’t think so lowly of yourself. If you want to know, ‘m havin’ a hard time catchin’ up with ya. Yer more than that floaty bitch, y’know? And about that damn nerd...I’ll handle this. a’ight?“
Unable to say anything - then again, what could you say? - you nodded. 
And then, you saw Katsuki avert his eyes, his cheeks changing their colour and he stuttered something. 
“...w-would you like to... go out ...with me or somethin’?“
at that, you smiled. “Sure, why not?”, and you snuggled into his tits. chest.
Securely, you fell into a deep slumber in the arms of your former enemy. 
But...that didn’t seem to be so bad now. 
“Oi, you ready or nah?“, your boyfriend sneered, standing in the doorway. you were putting on a jacket to your school uniform. “Katsuki it’s cold.“
“I am hot.“
“I know, now put on this hoodie.“
“...Why not?“
“It’s-“ - “Put it on.“
You felt a pair of eyes staring at you when you left the UA building to go hiking with Katsuki and when you turned around, you saw Midoriya looking at you with a sad expression. 
Why was he looking at you like that? He has Uraraka after all! And his new best friend Todoroki! And the little brother of the Pro Hero Ingernium! 
since you had no feelings for the green haired guy anymore, you gave him a look of disgust before turning around and looking forward to the date your boyfriend wanted to take you on. 
“why...?“, Izuku asked himself, after you gave him stank eyes and fucked off with his childhood friend. Hand in hand. Ouch. 
Uraraka grabbed her chance to confess. 
“well, maybe they like Bakugo more? And don’t worry, you’ll find somebody better soon!“, she cheered.
But Izuku was having none of that. 
“No, I’ll talk to them. I can’t believe they’d date Kachan! I don’t want to believe it!”, soon, tears blurred his vision and he retreated back to his dorm room, leaving the floating girl in the common room. 
In his room, Izuku took off all the posters. Yes, the All Might posters. 
“we’ll be heroes together! Okay Izuku?! Kachan?!“, you yelled giggling, and your two best friends cheered. 
“Yes! I’ll be the number one pro hero!“
“No, I will be!“
“Jeez, why do you guys always need to be number one?! Being a hero isn’t about who is the best, it’s about saving the innocent and fighting the evil!“
“Oh, they’re right!“
“Then we’ll save as many people as possible and fight the bad guys as good as we can!“
that memory came when Izuku found a photo of you, him, and Kachan as little children in his drawer. He didn’t remember when he put it there, but it always made him happy. Now his heart broke. 
He saw another photo underneath the first one, and his heart nearly shattered upon seeing the next flashback. 
“Wow, Mido, you really planning to buy all these posters?“
“Yep, I wanna have all of them!“
“Well, talk about hurting the environment.“
Izuku and you were in your thirteenns, you were looking edgy and you were popular, while Izuku was just a simple loser nerd, but still, you hung out with him. 
He was holding many plastik sticky posters in his hand, in a plastic bag, and you were buying eco friendly books in your cotton bag. 
You were angry at him, to say the least, but you couldn’t let him know. 
After all, you wanted to become an intimidating hero. 
But, Izuku knew you, and your sarcastic remark didn’t really soothe his nervousness and guilt around you. 
What could he say? He was a sucker for emos and goths!
“W-well, I will hang them in my room for a long time! Until they fall off alone!“
“...I sure hope that for you, Mido.“
at your nickname, he blushed, and quickly followed you to the cash register. 
Now, he was ripping the All Might posters with all his strength, and he scraped the walls a little, but not that he cared. 
Izuku was crying so hard as memory after memory of good times with you and him came crashing down on him and it was tearing his heart apart.
Now, after he even broke the big poster on the ceiling and stuffed all his all might figurines into a carton, he sighed, his chest heaving, and he sniffed. 
Then, he took his phone which he let fall onto the bed carelessly and texted you. 
‘Hey, where r u rn?‘
‘Is everything ok?‘
‘Wanna meet up?‘
No answer, every single message he sent you wasn’t even on read. 
five minutes passed, nothing. 
He tried doing homework. 
Nothing after 30 minutes. 
Three hours later, he looked at his phone again. 
You did read his messages. But you didn’t answer. 
Izuku wrote again. 
‘R u good?‘
‘are you feeling ok? Should i come ovr?‘
‘pls answer...‘
you read them on the spot. 
And this time, you were writing- No, a voicemail?
After said voicemail, ten seconds, appeared, he pressed on the play butten and quickly put it right next to his ear, a hopeful smile on his lips.
“Izuku. Stop writing me. Stop thinking that we’re friends after you’ve fucking ghosted me for nearly a fucking year. And don’t you ever fucking talk to me again. ever.“
You sighed, a tired look on your face, as you layed down onto Katsuki’s bed after you gave said owner your phone to place on the nighttable. 
He chuckled before swiping your hair to the side and softly kissing your temple. you moaned contently and smiled as you closed your eyes. 
“You did a great job, y’know?“
“Yeah, feels nice to finally tell someone to fuck out of somebody’s life. Also, can we go hiking again? I haven’t been so close to nature in ages...!“
“Sure, love.“, he whispered before cuddling you with his sweaty hands, but you didn’t mind wet hands. 
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nikholascrow · 7 months
welcome to my page ☆ ———
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About me ☆ ———
Hey there darlings <3 I’m Nikholas but most people call me Niko, you can also call me Nick or Neeks or give me a your own nickname if you want I love nicknames and my pronouns are he/him
things I like: seaslugs, flowers and plants, grandpa sweaters, tea, coffee, matcha, sea life, skating (mostly long boarding and figure skating), drawing, sewing, acting, writing, reading and annotating books, singing, organizing, baking (although I’m not super good at it) photography and cinematography, space, random deep conversations, nature
I tend to use a lot of <333 and petnames just naturally if that makes you uncomfortable please let me know, I wanna make sure all my mutuals and followers are comfortable around me
although I really love marauders and some parts of harry potter I do not in any way support jk rowling and I would like to avoid associating with anyone who does
I also tend to not use periods when I’m speaking because they feel very harsh to me and they make it difficult for me to get my tone across properly (this does not extend to my writing)
My Hogwarts house is Slytherin. my Pjo cabin is a ongoing debate but either Hades, Apollo or Dionysus. And my birthday is August 17th in case you were wondering :]
I love receiving asks and dms so feel free to send me some any time about anything <3
What to expect from this blog ☆ ———
I mostly post about marauders since that’s one of my main interests at the moment, but you may also expect: occasional fandom content from pjo (the books only unfortunately I can’t watch the show atm), harry potter, and very rarely starwars. my thoughts on the books I’m currently reading. random little snippets of my life and very occasional fanart for the earlier mentioned famdoms.
My linktree ☆ ———
if you wanna support me in other places consider checking out my linktree which can be found here I make mostly marauders content on my other platforms as well and if you’re ever wondering what I’m up to when I’m not on tumblr I probably have stories going on instagram my Ao3 is on my linktree as well
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Fics written by me ☆ ———
Shower Thoughts (pre-rosekiller) - fluff, word count: 423
Out - Regulus’ pov - Word count: 167 Tw: past parental abuse
Out - Sirius’ pov - Word count: 165 Tw: past parental abuse
finally dead - suneeker - word count: 199
She loves me - Regulus - word count: 291 - Tw: child abuse, physical abuse
Destined - Word count: 211 - Evan and Regulus friendship angst
Alone - Word count: 53 - rosekiller christmas fluff
And they were roommates - ongoing - rosekiller
Christmas at the Potter’s - pre-rosekiller + bg sunseeker- word count: 673 - merry fucking christmas to everyone who celebrates and big hugs to everyone who’s holiday experience has sucked because of family
whisper - wolfstar + bg sunseeker - word count: 902 Tw: parental and physical abuse - hurt/comfort
Fic recs ☆ ———
(I’ll fill this in later)
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My lovely mutuals ☆ ———
@thedvilsinthedetails @a-dork-yable @coffeedrunk @regulusmeanslittleking @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @daydream-of-a-wallflower @lady-stardust-incarnate @cademygod @cazzythefrogking @my-beloved-fandoms
if you want to be added to or taken off this list please let me know, if you follow me and you wanna be mutuals shoot me an ask or a dm there’s quite a few of y’all now so I can’t always go through everyone and follow back people I’d love to be mutuals with <333
Final notes ☆ ———
Goodbye y’all, I hope you all have a wonderful day and remember to take care of yourselves I love y’all so much <333
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I am a hyper rational, analytical person and because I'm super analytical I've also always had an innate ability to read people...I know everyone says that but I genuinely can. It's actually a running joke within my friend circle.
That said I want to just explain my journey into BTS and into this side of the fandom...So
I became a BTS fan right when Serendipity dropped. I was first obsessed with Jimin's beauty, voice, dancing, and then I fell in love with the group. I binged watched everything within a few weeks time and I distinctly remember the moment I went "hmm" regarding JM's and JKs interactions. I was watching AHL and there was something about JK's interactions in particular with JM that just tickled my spidery senses. It was his eyes...I can't describe it...it was just in his eyes whenever he looked t JM that made me go "hmm." From the Hanbok scene to the car scenes (when they cleaned airplanes). He also always followed so closely behind him. However, he was incredibly young during AHL, and I didn't know much about them still so I didn't really think too much about it.
However, the more I watched that "hmm" became stronger. There were two of JM & JK's video logs that increased my suspicion and again it came down to JK's eyes. There was one where JM was adjusting his hat and swiped his hand through his hair and JK just froze and then averted his eyes. It was super quick and subtle and I've literally never heard anyone in the fandom bring it up, but it caught my eye as my second "hmmm" moment. That said the more in the fandom I got the more I learned or was led to believe that, that was just JK. He was attentive to all members that way. However, no matter how hard I tried to see what everyone else was saying I didn't see it. Yes, Jk is a starer but I'm a starer and the way I stare at someone I like versus someone I'm supporting is completely different. But I still passively accepted the narrative.
The sort of straw that broke the camels back for me, at least regarding JK being at the very least physically attracted to JM was DNA comeback stage and Countdown. During Comeback stage "No Silver Spoon" performance JM lifts up his shirt to reveal his abs and JK whips his head around to see it...now as an analytical person I wanted to see if this was part of the routine and while it wasn't necessarily standard there were a few previous occasions in which JK did the "same" thing...the only difference this time was that JK almost missed his mark and kind of got lost in staring. That was a pretty big "HMM" for me but not as big as the countdown video where each member was asked what their favorite album song was. During this entire live, JK was zoned out...looked bored or tired. He stood far away from the camera. However, when JM was asked the question JK was fully attentive, even tried to move closer, and when JM sang a part of Serendipity "Geunyang geunyang" JK look like he melted...and he rubbed the back of his neck (nervously) and was so lost in staring at JM that it appeared that Suga had to bring him back to reality. To many that would have been very minor but it literally cemented my initial thoughts that JK was genuinely attracted to JM.
After that I watched every Vlive, interview, Bon Voyage, Run BTS, Bangtan BOMB etc. and
BV S1: "I want to share a bed with JM" comments from JK...in one of the episodes (behind the scenes) the members are standing on an escalator and JK spots a poster of what appears to be couple back hugging each other and JK blurts out something along the lines of "I wish I could be that way with my friend." The members (JM wasn't there) all start teasing him saying I'm your friend you can do that with me and JK shrugs them off and walks away quickly embarrassed....now that doesn't mean he was talking about JM it just made me go...hmmm
BV S2: footsies, bashful looks at each other...it was this season that actually cemented my belief that the attraction was mutual.
JKs Graduation car video when he started singing to JM that song about you were there when I first took off my uniform and JM got flustered and changed the subject.
The degree to which younger JK teased JM but then said " I only do it because I like you too much" and JM's facial expression fell (doesn't in itself prove anything but together it shows a bigger picture), he also was very specific about why he would date someone like JM--mentioning his beautiful eyes
The way JK would always find a way to bring JM's name into the convo: There was a RUN episode they went bungee jumping and the camera man asked JK what was the most exciting part of the day and JK said "trying to make JM say stop" or something like that. He had just done a thrilling activity that he loved but he chose that!?!?
The list goes on and on...
I was fairly convinced they were romantically involved within less then a month of finding out about BTS. This was without me ever watching a single fan made video. All original content. I didn't know what shipping was at the time either.
I went from 80% certain they were more than friends to like 99.9999% certain when I woke up to GCF Tokyo....I couldn't have been more certain after that. It was that video that made me lookup and see if anyone else was certain that they were a couple and I found this fandom and also learned about haters and the mass amount of people that get upset if you even think they are together. I genuinely didn't think it would be contested with how overtly romantic GCF Tokyo was but to my surprise it was more than rejected.
The level of denial actually made me very upset...because I didn't see how one could come to any other conclusion. People saying it was fan service...I researched what that meant and was even more shocked that fans could think GCFT was fan service.
I even looked into other "plausible" ships and I didn't get the same INTENSE sense that I got almost day one from Jikook. Like I saw chemistry in other ships and I wouldn't call their interactions fan service but I didn't feel romance or actual attraction. The same way I view JM in VM is how I view 99% of of other ships...super close friends tht have buttery eyes for each other but like buttery friendship eyes LOL.
I keep harping on the eyes because every emotion can be seen and read in someone's eyes...and JK has the most expressive face I've ever seen. That boy cannot hide a single emotion. His looks of admiration, anxiety, impress, love, attraction...you cn see it all. JM while still not too difficult to read...he's nowhere near as facially expressive and vulnerable as JK.
I don't just look at jikooks actions I look at everything and how they interact with each other is so different then how they interact with other members. They could do the same thing with another member and it feels and looks different then when tehy do it with each other. Their romantic chemistry is palpable.
Well sorry for the loooong behind rant. I am a lurker and no one really knows that I exist in this space...these are just thoughts I've held onto for a while and just wanted to release them. Also, if I have errors...apologies I wrote this all from memory...my memory of 2017.
Thank you for sharing your story! I really enjoyed it! Everyone make sure you are streaming Vibe too!!
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lunarubra · 5 months
This is me blabbing away and trying to make sense of this crazy moment that's my life... Kind of like a PSA, without a real structure.
(Let's start with an apology, this was supposed to be short, just a couple of lines long, asking for some forgiveness for being so absent, and it turned into a small vent about my crazy life. Synthesis has never been one of my strongest features, apparently.)
Life has been crazy lately. April, May, and June are always hectic months for a teacher, and this year looks like it's going to be even worse. Right now, I'm juggling a full teaching post, a university research, a social life with a partner, a new kitten bringing me everyday dead lizards (she is a serial killer in disguise), and being selected as an internal commissioner for the high school diploma this year. And no, the last one is not an honor; it's more like a punishment for younger professors who don't have the authority to say no to older colleagues, plus a ton of paperwork and two more months of work while everyone else is on holiday. Yuppie for me. But joking aside, I'm not complaining about my job. I'm happy to teach, and compared to a lot of other jobs out there, I feel privileged to do what I'm doing. I love my kiddos, and even though most of the time they behave like dunderheads, teaching supports my creativity and gives me so many insights into my life.
But let's get to the point of all this. I am feeling slightly guilty for not being as active here as I should be and for not having enough mental energy and time to dedicate myself to writing more. To my lovely mutuals, I'm in awe of all that you're posting right now. I apologize for not replying and commenting on your amazing content as much as I would like. I just wanted to say, it's not because I'm disappearing; I'm just really busy, and I can't wait for the moment when I'll feel more chilled and can treat myself to all your new chapters, moodboards, and all the amazing content you're creating. I know I am being a small silent weight in your tag list, so thank you for still including me <3
About "Shadow of the Sea," I have a chapter ready and one WIP of the following one. I want to post the one that's ready sometime in the next week, but after that, I'm not sure when I'll be able to write the next one. So Jiyan and Cillian are taking a small break. I'm going to continue the story; this is not a goodbye. I have many ideas and plans for those two idiots; I'm just waiting for some writing energy and time in my schedule.
And yeah, I understand if you're thinking, "Are you aware that your blog and story are read by less than 10 people and no one really gives a damn?" Yes, I am aware, and this post is mostly for me, writing it down it helps me a lot, giving some sort of clarity. However, I've had the chance to meet amazing creators since I got busy on Tumblr again a couple of months ago. People who supported me and helped me, so this is more me trying to explain why my support isn't at its 100% right now and trying to excuse myself since I feel like a horrible mutual right now.
Ah, one last thing, maybe the only thing that will pop up on my blog are some "Slow Horses" GIFs. Thanks to Alex, @cillmequick, Jackson Lamb, and River Cartwright have become my new obsession, and creating GIFs is one of the few things that calm me after a busy hectic day and make me use some of that creative energy left.
I think that's it. Please still free to write me and contact me about my fic, blog, shenanigans; I will try to reply as soon as possible. Sending you all a big hug if you arrive till the end of this long long lengthy text xD
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