#big mama x Lou jitsu
jimothantheclown · 9 months
I love characters who are utterly divorced
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yeah-ima-nerd · 2 years
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Hollywood Sweethearts💗
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its-wabby-stuff · 17 days
those are all so interesting! sho chasing him around the world bc the writers did say yoshi became cosmopolitan during his fame, is so funny and kinda sad. yeah, i'm pretty sure its canon that sho and yoshi were the last hamato bc in end game, foot lt says yoshi is the "last descendant". i hc that yoshi has struggled with depressive disorder since his mom left. being told he had to save the world and all his plans being overun by his hamato destiny did not help. but sho (in typical asian fashion) was like "depression isn't real, get a hold of yourself" (sho was also depressed bc of atsuko's death but he was in denial). big mama soothed it during the time yoshi dated her but then obvi, his depression came back 100x worse during his captivity and stayed quite severe to this day (being a mutant really sucks also how is he supposed to be a dad when he never had a dad really???)
yes! share you big mama hcs 😁 did you know she was with yoshi for 11 years (probably)?? in many unhappy returns, it says they met in 1984 and the writers said she kidnapped him around 1995. i feel bad for yoshi bro (I still love big mama tho) i know fans want her to have a fake human name but i think it's funnier (it's also canon) that she just went by big mama bc yoshi didn't care that she was purple and had yellow eyes and ate bugs and talked weird af so why would he care about her odd name?
I definitely agree with the depressive disorder, as someone who also has on and off depression. I also think he has AuDHD which could be part of why he did bad in school. I also agree that Sho didn’t see them as real problems, which I think is part of the reason Splinter is so cut off when it comes to talking about his feelings, or opening up in the slightest.
I think his depression got a lot worse sometime after the overtaking parts of parenthood were over and the boys started becoming a lot more independent and self-sufficient. Then he like crashed from the last, basically 45+ years of his life.
I’m still trying to figure out how such a loud and proud personality didn’t tell his sons about his days in the sun. I can only think it has something to do with his mother leaving, or him trying to forget. Also can’t figure why he changed his name to Splinter of all things. It was probably the boys fault- somehow, or possibly just poetic. New life, new name.
Tbh, Big Mama and Lou Jitsu, despite all their flaws, are my favorite couple. They’ve spent like half their lives together. I think Big Mama is a younger Yokai, perhaps only a couple years older than Yoshi himself. This is opposed to Draxum who I think is well over 200. I think she has commitment issues, but her and Yoshi bonded over their drive to create something spledifirous. I think she spent her time on the surface being a rebel, just like Lou, hiding away from some like rich Yokai family who wanted her to inherit the family business (their chain of hotels). Just another reason to bond.
This one’s silly, and I kinda stole it from someone else on the webs, but I think Big Mama and Lou Jitsu both got really into the renaissance while they were dating. Hence Splinters names for his son being the splinters of their relationship. Haha.
I think the battle nexus is relatively new and was started with Lou Jitsus kidnapping. It just got a lot of attention. And with her champion, a lot of other Yokai joined to get a chance at beating up the human, which backfired for them.
After a couple years of fighting, and winning, I think Big Mama laxed up on her rules. They were still kinda dating and would spend time together and tour the Hidden City and such (cause how else does he know so much?). Up until the last year, before the boys, when he once again requested more from Big Mama and wanted to stop fighting, so he wound up back in his cell. He declared he was a pacifist so he wouldn’t have to fight anymore, cause he knows she’s tricky but he’s still a little too dumb to figure things out.
Because I think the battle nexus is new, I also think her going back to the hidden city to take over the family hotels must have some cause and effect. So I think a family member died, which caused her to flip out like she did when asked to marry. That and her commitment issues (which also cause her to change the deals at the last second). And allowed Lou to “forgive” her when the “got back together.” He clearly still has resentment, but not to the point of hatred (cause they still got that chemistry in the show). They might be a little perfect for each other. 🙂‍↕️
If Big Mama was going to have any other name, which I’m fine with her name being what it is but it feels much more like a title, or perhaps originated as a pet name from Lou, than an actual name; I would think it’d be Tang Shen. Only cause other tmnt iterations have Yoshis ex wife be named that, but I think it’s fitting as well. Understandably, I get why she might keep it hidden and a secret, because, just like Lou, wearing masks is sometimes easier than facing the truth.
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bigjitsu · 1 year
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They were. SO IN LOVE. I will never stop having feelings about this. About THEM.
Like, what was the reason!! To stay that long with him as she did—if she was only looking for a fighter she could have kidnapped him earlier.
Dating him and being in the public eye would only have brought more attention to her—and to him. And maybe that was part of it, the intrigue of Lou Jitsu, but. She could have easily had that by kidnapping him earlier too. Waiting. Dating him. For as long as she did?? When Yokai are specifically trying to avoid ties with humans? I have to believe there were actual feelings there on her behalf too.
The blush on her face? The way her eyes never leave his as they dance??? There were definitely feelings there.
And the way he never questioned the strange things she did? Girl snatched a fly right out of the air and snacked on it. And he did not give a shit.
I just can’t get over it. Talking about her after all this time and all that betrayal with some left-over feelings of SOMETHING. Something too much to be named, too mixed in with betrayal and anger and even resentment. But also the good times—their eyes meeting on set. Dancing everywhere. Cuddling on the couch and watching TV. All that is mixed in too.
And the big betrayal. The moment he proposed and she betrayed him. Kidnapped him and took him to fight. Made money off his fights. Keeping him captive. Like. Wow what a twist. I can’t help but think, what was the reason!! Was it just that she needed a promising fighter? Did it go deeper? Was there anything else?? Ugh SO. MANY. THOUGHTS.
I need a fix-it. I need to get on that.
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bicryptide · 2 months
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The fact that Rise gave Splinter not one but TWO love interests will never not be funny to me.
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triona-tribblescore · 11 months
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And so it begins...
(Yo-ho-ho) A Ninjas Life for me
Character ref sheets:
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kaysdenofchaos · 1 year
AU Dump? Maybe? Teehee? AU (same multiverse as Battle Scars) where Lou and Big Mama actually got married :D
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My favorite het couple fr !! 💗💕
…lmao anyways the name is Lost Love AU 😁
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
Wait it just dawned on me that my human ROTTMNT au is a lot like SpyxFamily in the sense that everyone has a secret double life in their sweet little family —
Like the boys plus April are secret vigilantes, known as the Red, Blue, Orange, and Purple ninjas
Lou Jitsu is secretly a member of the Hamato clan and is known as the like the Gray Ninja or “the Rat” or something like that
Big Mama is Yoshi’s agent and manager and on the weekends helps to take care of his kids, but on the side she’s this huge crime boss that Yoshi has been hunting down for years
Cass is a double agent betraying the Foot Clan for the guys
And Draxum runs an orphanage but that’s a front for his illegal genetic experiments that he performs on the kids (including Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey)
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aeempress · 2 years
This may be just me, but have you noticed that there are certain parallels between Donnie/April and Splinter/Big Mama?
First, how they met when they were noticeably younger (young adults for S&BM & possibly preteens or younger for D&A). As well as NOT being phased by the oddly colored skin when meeting the mutants (I honestly think that April wasn't phased by the Turtles' skin at all).
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How one (Splinter and April) can't say no to the other (Big Mama and Donnie).
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Watching a movie they like together. You can't tell me Splinter and Big Mama didn't have a favorite Lou Jutsu movie they watched together!
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As well as pictures together!
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Did you notice how there are only on screen pictures of April and Donnie on her phone, but we HAVEN'T seen her taking selfies with the other Turtles?
Donnie wonders why he's got a preference for cute and mean girls...
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It's my time to shine!
First of all - it's not only you. I also have a strong theory that Donnie and April path is pretty alike with Lou and Big Mama but a little well... easier? April is not crimanal boss with all attached consequences.
But we obviously have:
a strong bad-ass woman and self-invested guy trope;
girls with certain shape of glasses;
Donnie in many ways are Lou's son, so its6 easy to see WHY it can work with his preferences toward partner.
Splinter meet BM and he told how many time they spent dancing. Donnie DO love to dance.
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(not to mention he's Bootyyyshaker9000, and April knew about that unlike Don's bros)
He's dramatic and really artistic kid, he even has brows like Lou's one.
BM is certainly cute bad mean type considering what she's done to Lou (still srtongly believe it was her way to protect him - she's yokai and criminal boss, Lou cannot be safe with her). As well as I mentioned here that April is cute but mean type for Don.
About taking pictures:
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Mikey is not included as i could see. Donnie do like take selfies with himself only and him and April. There's only two chairs we can sit in, guys...
And may I add, not only April and Splinter couldn't resist their partners and say NO to them. Donnie is more eagle to say "Yes" to April ( purple jacket, ep with Albearto became villain, even Mystic Mayhem and Witch town, com'on).
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BM also couldn't say no to her ex-lover even tho she helped him and Leo at her own conditions and her way possible, so Donnie does everytime.
They both hepl in a strange way. Little messy, maybe even whole town will burn but they could not resist toward their partners.
And yeah - movies, ahahah
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So yeah. I really admire this parallel and
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down -
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maizethecorn · 1 year
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Baron Draxum and Splinter Fanfiction Stories
I watched two seasons of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles until 4 a.m in the morning. This cartoon is the second reboot to be shown on Nickelodeon. The animation isn’t the best but I really loved the writing and humor for this cartoon. I really followed this cartoon for two characters: Baron Draxum and Splinter/Lou Jitsu. Draxum is a goat yokai/scientist/warrior who wants to see humanity destroyed. He also wants the four ninja turtles to become super solider weapons that will destroy humanity. The dad of the four ninja turtles is Splinter/Lou Jitsu. Splinter used to be a great human warrior/movie star until Draxum turned him into a rat in his lab. Draxum also injected the mutant ninja turtles as babies with Splinter’s DNA. Enraged, Splinter broke free of his prison, broke some lab items (Draxum’s gargoyle minions unintentionally did this as well), resulting in the lab catching fire. With everything going up in flames, Splinter grabbed the ninja turtle babies, fled to the sewers and was not seen again for sometime. Draxum assumed Splinter and the turtles died in the lab fire. He left his old lab with his gargoyle minions and found a new lab. Life went on.
Years passed and the turtles grew up to be teenagers. Draxum met the turtles and realized they along with Splinter must have survived the fire. In the first season, Draxum is either asking the turtles to join him or attempting to kill them when they say no. He and Splinter meet face to face again when Splinter has to rescue his boys from Draxum. Splinter and Draxum fight which results in Splinter losing. Most likely, Splinter would have won if Draxum didn’t have the big armor upgrade which gave him an unfair advantage. Despite losing the fight, Splinter survives and gets to go home with his sons. Draxum on the other hand, loses the armor, his powers due to the samurai ghost Shredder sucking out his life force and the other villains abandoning him. 
In season two, Draxum is revealed to be homeless in New York City. He can’t go back to the yokai world because he is a wanted criminal. So, Draxum sits out on the streets as a beggar in the human world. There, Mikey one of the ninja turtles finds him and takes pity on him. Mikey sets Draxum up in a human apartment where April O Neal lives. Miserable, Draxum broods in the apartment wearing a fuzzy bath robe and slippers. With good intentions, Mikey sets up a dinner between Draxum, Splinter, his brothers and April. The dinner is very tense with Splinter bringing up old history of how Draxum turned him into a rat. He also rudely comments on how Draxum could just mutate the dinner potatoes into cream corn since Draxum is obsessed with mutating/experimenting everything. Of course, Draxum bristles at Splinter and Mikey turns the dinner conversation to the idea of taking Draxum to an amusement park. 
Later, Mikey, Splinter and Draxum go to an amusement park. Draxum has to go disguised as a teddy bear so the yokai police won’t recognize him. By this point, Draxum is employed as a cafeteria worker in April’s high school. Snidely, Splinter refers to Draxum as an insane scientist and that he should go home in case the spell wears off. Draxum agrees saying he can go back to work but Mikey begs  Draxum to stay. Mikey reminds both Splinter and Draxum that he wanted to spend the day with both of them. Reluctantly, the two of them attempt to be pleasant to each other in Mikey’s presence. However, tension boils with Splinter and Draxum making quips at each other behind Mikey’s back.
Annoyed, Draxum asks Splinter what his issues are. Frustrated, Splinter yells at Draxum that his life was ruined when he was turned into a rat. The two engage in hitting each other which results in the magic spell wearing off, revealing Draxum’s true form. Awkwardly, Mikey, Draxum and Splinter have to hide in a dumpster away from the police. Draxum points out Splinter wouldn’t have his kids if he and the turtles hadn’t been mutated. Clenching his fists, Splinter concludes Draxum is right. He wouldn’t have his sons if he hadn’t been turned into a rat and his sons hadn’t been mutated with his DNA. Clearing his throat, Draxum apologizes for experimenting on Splinter without his consent and trying to turn the teenage turtles into weapons. Happily, Mikey hugs both Splinter and Draxum, saying he is happy his two dads are finally getting along. Throughout the rest of season two, Draxum goes on a few outings with Splinter, the turtles and April. No longer do Draxum and Splinter fight, and the two appear to be in a comfortable friendship. The most touching evidence of their relationship at the end of the show is when Draxum attempts to use his powers on the samurai villain Shredder to protect Splinter and the turtles. Draxum looks at Splinter and says: My life was alot easier when I didn’t like your family. What he is saying is true. Life was easier when Draxum only lived for himself and now that he has let Splinter and the turtles into his life, things will never be easy for him again. The rat and the goat yokai started out as enemies. By the end of the show, the two of them had grown to be friends/family. 
Here are some fanfiction stories of these two:
 https://archiveofourown.org/works/45212338 This story is called It’s never to late to come back to my side by Under_the_red_ beanie. This story is a complete one shot about how Draxum eventually becomes part of the ninja turtle family through his interactions with each of the characters. This story was very sweet and fluffy. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42333618/chapters/106304550 This story is called Stepping Up Dads by Behind_Snake Eyes. This story has a couple of chapters and is complete. The story is mainly told from Draxum’s perspective until the end. This is the best story I read. The emotional growth Draxum goes through with the ninja turtle kids is really well written. Draxum is figuring out how to be a father and his feelings towards Splinter.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41819853 This story is called punch buddies by johnchurch. This story is a complete one-shot. Draxum is sitting watching television with Splinter. Draxum is analyzing how Splinter is making him feel while talking to him. This story is cute and short. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41606289 This story is called If he makes you happy by strawberystars. Splinter tells his sons that he is dating Draxum and the boys have hilarious reactions to this news. The story is a complete, one shot.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17545694 This story is called Is Hot Soup really the best attack name he could come up with? by constantconfinement. This story is a really short piece written about Draxum’s thoughts as he watches human Splinter fight onscreen. This takes place before Splinter becomes a rat.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45453724 This story is called Just a little reminder by iam57311. This story is a one shot told from Splinter’s perspective. Splinter sees Draxum is becoming a second dad to the ninja turtle teenagers. Sitting in his arm chair, Splinter reflects on his feelings about these changes. Draxum walks in, sits in the chair with Splinter and offers emotional support. This is a very touching story of what happens when kids are growing up and parents face becoming empty nesters of sorts. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25645945 This story is called A place to start by Tench. The fic is a complete one shot about the evolution of Splinter and Draxum’s relationship from enemies to holding hands. The fic is very well done with a fan art picture of Splinter and Draxum holding hands.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43678140/chapters/109833981 This story is called To Win Her Favor by SparkleDragon. This story is 25 chapters long and is complete. The story highlights the failed romance of Lou Jitsu and Big Mama the spider yokai. Big Mama is the antagonist in this story. Draxum moves in with Splinter and helps him take care of the ninja turtle kids. The author does a great job of building up the relationship between Draxum and Splinter. There are also fluffy, family moments with the turtle kids.
Thoughts on Big Mama/Splinter pairing: These two were not going to work out. Big Mama and Lou Jitsu met while he was still a human movie star and they dated for awhile. Eventually, Lou Jitsu decides Big Mama is the one for him. Lou Jitsu pulled out an engagement ring, got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Her response? She turns into a spider yokai, kidnaps him and throws him in a fighting ring to fight a bunch of other yokai/monsters. In her actions, Big Mama is showing Lou Jitsu she can’t mix business and pleasure. Heartbroken, Lou Jitsu decides he will never fight again and Big Mama throws him in a prison cell. He escapes when Draxum’s gargoyles fly him out to Draxum’s lab. During the show, Big Mama is shown to have kept a picture of her and Lou Jitsu together from when they dated in a dresser drawer. So, she had feelings for him but chose business, money and fame over love. Is she happy with the choice she made all those years ago? My opinion is most likely not and that's why she threw herself into the business of running fighting tournaments. Draxum got the better end of the stick in choosing Splinter and the turtles over fame, power and glory. 
Why Draxum and Splinter?  I didn’t even think of them as a ship until season two. Both of them had stopped being enemies and seemed to mellow out enjoying each other’s company. Draxum had gotten rid of his warrior mask and armor in favor of his kimono outfit and topknot. His outfit looked very similar to Splinter. Also, Draxum was shown to be wearing a few human outfits such as his cafeteria worker uniform, implying he was becoming more comfortable in the human world. Draxum went on a few outings with Splinter’s family. If more seasons of the show had been made, Draxum possibly would have moved in with Splinter and the turtles. Both of them are fathers who are interested in taking care of the turtles. I think Draxum is ambiguously gay. He isn’t shown to be attracted to Big Mama (who is supposed to have an attractive human form) or any other characters. There is no love life mentioned for him in the show. The closest time there is to Draxum showing any attraction to anyone is when he gets eye sparkles watching human Splinter fight. Of course, Draxum constantly denied being a fan of Lou Jitsu despite watching him fight. Some people may say Draxum just saw Splinter as the perfect lab specimen. He did get eye sparkles when first seeing the turtles. I think this is because Draxum was drawn to the turtles since they are his sons. Draxum was also drawn to Splinter observing him fight but denied his feelings in the name of science, war, glory, etc. Now, science, war, and glory no longer matter to Draxum as much has his relationship with Splinter and the turtles. Splinter still likes Big Mama but she always puts her business first. Eventually, Splinter would get tired of Big Mama’s antics and move unto someone else. Splinter and Draxum getting together would happen slowly and gradually. Heck, I think they would be dating without realizing they are dating. In their later years, Splinter and Draxum would be an old married couple together reflecting on their adventures/fights.
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proudspidermom24 · 2 years
Do you regret rejecting lou jitsu's proposal?
...Sometimes, yes. I did love him quite a bit.
But that was easily outweighed by the amount of money he made me!!
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midwesternvibes · 28 days
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(Because images won't show up on comments)
Yeah ok Legacy of the Gods time (aka Percy Jackson x Rottmnt crossover)
So basically, instead of being kidnapped by Big Mama in the early 2000s, Lou Jitsu narrowly avoids a terrible marriage and instead continues his life of partying in Hollywood.
He meets several beautiful people and eventually finds himself with 4 kids. Oops.
In his defense, he has no idea how some of these kids were ever born, it shouldn't even be possible, but alas. He's a dad now.
He raises them (while continuing to ignore his Hamato legacy), moving to NYC away from his life in Hollywood to give his kids a chance at a semi-normal life. Weird stuff happens to them all the time but hey, he's rasing 4 neurodivergent boys, shit's gonna happen.
Even if some of that is.....really unexplainably weird.
There's been incidents. He files each one numerically in case he needs to bring it up on a court case.
They're somewhere in the 1000s by the time little Raphael reaches 10.
He needs bigger filing cabinets.
But finally his boys make a friend! There's this really sweet girl who plays with them all the time and seems really mature for her age, like SUPER mature, and her parents are never around.....
Well, there's always an extra seat at the table for little April, who's limp keeps her from playing some of the rougher games sometimes.
The kids have a REALLY hard time in school, and a good portion of Yoshi's Hollywood money goes into finding tutors willing to stick around long enough to actually teach his boys. He gave up on traditional schooling pretty quickly. Sure it secluded them a little bit, but they do plenty of sports and clubs, and they're REALLY REALLY REALLY good at it!
......where did they get these genetics from???
Anyways, everything is going great!
That is, until that weird green smoke filled up Yoshi's room one night.......
Feel free to ask me questions! I'd love to expand on more, there's just so much lore I couldn't possibly get it all out in one post! My ask box is always open!
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a-random-pillow · 1 year
The Other Haft AU (Splinter 2012 Backstory)
So, this is technically a 2012 x 2018 TMNT crossover, but instead of falling into each other's universes. Instead, they share a world.
Yoshi Hamato(2012 Splinter) has a younger brother, Lou Hamato (2018 Splinter), Yoshi loved Lou but his little brother was a little rebellious. He was constantly trying to explore the world and won't just accept his life. Lucky for Yoshi, his best friend Saki was able to help him wrangle Lou.
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The three of them were a set as children, if you saw one the others were likely close behind.
Then Lou leaves the Hamato Clan. Yoshi and Saki had been out when it happened. It had been tense when they left but they didn't expect for Lou to have been kicked out.
Saki wanted to go search for Lou but Yoshi managed to convince him to stay. Of course Yoshi was sad his brother was gone but he was sure he would be happier without a clan breathing down his neck.
Years go by Yoshi meets Tang Sheng, gets married and has his first child. Lou's name is never spoken and Yoshi never looks for him. He his affraid that he won't find anything.
Meanwhile Saki has been silently stewing in his frustration, he is constantly worried about Lou and angry that Yoshi wouldn't let him look for their brother.
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Yeah... That went well, now Splinter is all alone. His family is dead and he is pretty sure Saki straight up lost his mind. So he dose what any sane person would do and moves to Newyork to find his baby brother.
We all know what happens next, four baby turtles, some green stuff, a rat and two aliens.
Soon after the turtles turn one, Splinter goes on a supplies run. He finds a old magazine under some Kleenex. On the front there is a picture of Lou wearing a sparkly jump suit and the caption '3rd anniversary of Lou Jitsu's disappearance'.
His baby brother had been gone for at least 3 years and he hadn't knowen. Splinter feels like an abosultet failure, for not protecting his brother and fuck he went out of his way to stop Saki from protecting Lou.
All I got for now, next time it's Lou and Draxum vs Big Mama
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bigjitsu · 1 year
Ok, ok, picture this: Pre-proposal. Big Mama and Lou Jitsu cuddled up in bed one snowy morning. There's a white noise in the bedroom, might be the ambiance of the city or the hum of contentment felt between them. The occasional gentle shuffle of skin against the comforter is joined by the soft back and forth murmurs of the couple laying below it as, in a bout of clinginess, Big Mama pleads her boyfriend to let her keep cuddling him instead of going to work, but he's got promotional stuff to attend or smth. He gently runs his palm beneath her top along her stomach and side. 'This is so much more fun and warmer. You don't have to go, I won't be mad at you,' Big Mama says sweetly. Lou Jitsu chuckles, 'I'm sure you won't, but my manager will be.' Although he can't blow off work this time, he humors the both of them and stays with Big Mama 15-20 minutes extra. The sound of her calm breath is worth the glares and hissing whispers asking why he's late Lou Jitsu gets from the event organizers. Though Big Mama accepts his absence, she misses him, and Lou Jitsu happily makes it up to her by cuddling with her later that day with nothing to prematurely tear him away. There's no lighthearted, sleepy arguing this time. Still, Big Mama drapes her legs around him just to make sure he stays.
This quote from the Addams Family is Big Mama and Lou Jitsu fr:
Gomez: How long has it been since we've waltzed?
Morticia: Oh, Gomez. Hours 💘💘💘
And then they waltz. That is so SpiderSoup, I swear.
omg anon im so sorry for the late reply! i was swamped and im finding im not really good at balancing my time, for which i apologize.
oh anon i am PICTURING ALL THAT AND LOVING IT!! see, you said snowy morning, and so i am picturing this through the lens of spiders not being able to thermoregulate and also entering a diapause phase during the winter.
what i'm saying is: sleepy, cuddly, big mama
and then the rest of the scene!!!! the soft murmuring under the covers, bouts of clinginess, wanting yoshi to stay, yoshi wanting to stay but needing to go its all just!!! its perfect. incredible. i love it.
He gently runs his palm beneath her top along her stomach and side. 'This is so much more fun and warmer. You don't have to go, I won't be mad at you,' Big Mama says sweetly. Lou Jitsu chuckles, 'I'm sure you won't, but my manager will be.' Although he can't blow off work this time, he humors the both of them and stays with Big Mama 15-20 minutes extra. The sound of her calm breath is worth the glares and hissing whispers asking why he's late Lou Jitsu gets from the event organizers.
no one can tell me this never happened multiple times it DID
Though Big Mama accepts his absence, she misses him, and Lou Jitsu happily makes it up to her by cuddling with her later that day with nothing to prematurely tear him away. There's no lighthearted, sleepy arguing this time. Still, Big Mama drapes her legs around him just to make sure he stays.
stop you got me tearing up!! yeah thats just, pulling him closer, thinking briefly, sleepily, that her other form might possibly have enough limbs to keep him there, but she doesnt need them, because yoshi just burrows closer, calm and content
Gomez: How long has it been since we've waltzed? Morticia: Oh, Gomez. Hours 💘💘💘 And then they waltz. That is so SpiderSoup, I swear.
anon how does it feel to be so absolutely correct about everything???? yes, thats them!! thats the dynamic!! god im having tHOUGHTS
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trashlama · 10 months
Hi would it be alright if I ask what wips are you working on ?
just wanna make sure I don’t in a request that someone else already sent in XD
hope your doing ok :)
Thank you for your concern! My carpal tunnel has been approving somewhat these last few weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to find some free time this weekend while I'm off to knock down some of this list.
Also if you do happen to send in an idea similar to someone else's; don't worry too much about it because I don't mind, I like the challenge~ Duplicates give me the opportunity to try out different ideas that I may have for a single plot/theme.
Btw sorry about not really posting anything these last few weeks... I kinda forgot to pay my wifi bill so I didn't really have internet for awhile until I got paid again... Anyways—
Here we are!
P.S. I might add more later on.
Future Yandere Turtle Series: Leo, Donnie Raph, Mikey
Another future Yan Donatello x Reader short fic I got planned
ROTTMNT Yandere Adults Series: Draxum, Big Mama, Lou Jitsu/Splinter
Yan Raph x Reader Zombie AU
Yan ROTTMNT Spiderverse AU! x Reader headcanons/drabble
Yan ROTTMNT x Spiderverse Reader headcanons/drabbles
Yan Donatello x Reader Jack the Ripper AU!
Fluffy Yan Platonic Future Leon/Preteen reader
Witch Reader x Yan Post movie Mikey
Time Mistress Reader x Yan Post movie Leo
Yan Leo x mutated rabbit S/o
Platonic Yan Hamato Clan x Reader
Yan Leo x Chubby s/o
Yan Donatello x Trans Woman s/o
Yan Future Mikey x stubborn Reader
Yan TMNT 2k12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader
Platonic Yan Jealous Older Brother Donatello with Little sibling Reader
Yan Raph vs Donnie x Salamander!Mutant!Reader
Self-Aware Yan Mad Dogs x Real World Reader
TMNT 2k3
Yan Turtle's reactions to s/o being mutated in front of them
TMNT 2k12
Song req (Random Turtle) x Reader
Yan Mikey x Human Bff Headcanons
Yan TMNT 2K12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader Headcanons
Raph Vs Leo x Purple Dragon Thief Reader
Yan Casey Vs Yan Donnie Vs Yan Mikey x April's friend Reader
Yan Not the Mayor x Tang apprentice Reader
Yan MK x Ex-possed LBD Reader
Fluffy Red Son x Reader sketches
Yan Red Son x Macaque's assistant Reader x Yan Mei
Yan Macaque x Reader chase scene
Yan Platonic Azure Lion vs Sun Wukong x Reader
Yan Spider Queen/Spider Gang x Moth Demon reader
Yan Snotlout x Gobber's apprentice Reader x Yan Eret
Yan Snotlout vs Yan Eret x Reader
Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Fluffy Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x isekaied Reader
Yan Hiccup x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader who is scared of dragons
Yan Hiccup x fellow Night fury rider Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Viking Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Hybrid Night Fury Reader
Dead by Daylight
Leon Vs Steve x Survivor Reader
Yan Dr Flug x Reader headcanons
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Yan Winston vs Yan Edred x Reader
Yan Winston x Reader
Yan Edred x Reader
Record of Ragnarok
Shy/Meek Reader x Yan Buddha
Spiderverse ATSV and ITSV
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Dimension Jumper reader
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader headcanons
Addiction: Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader fic
Yan Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Fluffy Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Yan Peter B Parker x Single Mom reader headcanons
Fluffy Yan Platonic Miguel O'Hara and Platonic Yan Jessica Drew wirh Homeless Teen Reader
Yan Miles Morales x Venom!Reader
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acidichcl · 6 days
Here's some questions so you can yap about your OC x Canon ship!!
When did Monique and Leo meet?
What does Monique like most about Leo and vice-versa?
Does Monique share any of Leo's interests? (Like magic, Lou Jitsu, skateboarding, etc?)
And are you open to receiving fanart of Monique? (Asking for a friend, lol.)
YAYY thanks for letting me yap some more abt them :D
- They met a bit later after sunita. Leo and monique met through april, kinda like how sunita met the turtles. April thinking she finally has a new normal friend from school, they hang out. This time theres no turtles spying on them. monique suddenly revealing herself to be a yokai cuz shes clumsy and accidentally removes her brooch. Obv this doesnt rlly change anything and they continue hanging out at april’s place. Theyre both so invested in their convos, they lost track of time. The boys were supossed to come over after monique goes home but when they entered, shes still there so they all just ended up hanging out together lol. Monique's closest to april. The turtles not very much. Leo and monique are just friends at this time
- Monique likes how fun he is in conversations and his bad jokes. Its so unfunny that its funny. Before big mama, Monique is shy and awkward, leo is a good contrast to that. After big mama, monique is fierce and has a bad perception of other people, but leo sees through her anger, views her in such a positive light and treats her with genuine care unlike others who always assume the worst in her
When they were younger, leo always relied on her to be his support. The others seem to be against him doing something rash? He hits her up with a “wanna hang out?” Theyre both stupid but at least theyre having fun. When they reunited, he notices shes much more grown and elegant. Pretty and alluring. Shes still the same fun partner in crime when they were younger, she just carries a different aura now and hes drawn to it. On a deeper level tho, shes fun to hang out with, she's very supportive and tends to put others before her. Shes just a lil bit scary now, but her good morals still stands under all her resentment
- Monique is very open to trying and getting into new things. So she pretty much can enjoy most things he likes. she really likes jupiter jim tho. Theyre both geeky
- of course!! Everytime i get fanart of any of my characters, years are added to my life
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