#bigger cardinal
ghuleh-recs · 7 months
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I’ve (still) got Copia on the brain today. Here have a color study and a sketch I won’t finish ♡
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blackberry-s0da · 19 days
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I did a somewhat decent pair of reference sheets for the first time in decades. Not everything is there,they have their own toyhouse profiles, although some info might change later
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kedreeva · 1 year
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Went to let the birds out and found this furious little (baby) lad in one of the trenches, exhausted from trying to get out of the coop he so bravely wiggled his way into. I fetched him out and let him go outside the pen. Hopefully he won't be trying that again.
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fuzzbuns · 15 hours
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Stupid joke based on birds i saw at my bird feeder
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“you’re in love with a human girl, Copia? Really?”
“You know what? Fuck off Nihil.”
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barkovsasha · 3 months
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Ask-A-Player: City Connect Edition ⚜️
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Popia rly do have that oncler post-getting rich vibe don’t he
exactly listen i am Here for a good corruption arc, ESPECIALLY one where hes always had the traits hidden inside him that will eventually be seen under their negative light once the spotlight is shined on him.
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
Carousel here for the music event !! congrats everyone ! 🥳🎊🎉
Cardinal Copia and number 45 !
Biggering ⸸ Cardinal Copia
i. at first i didn't realize i needed all this stuff
Copia never needed much. He was a simple man, content with just his rats and working at the Ministry he grew up in.
Sure, he was proud of himself for climbing up the Ministry hierarchy, all the way to becoming a cardinal, but in the end, if he didn't get that far, he probably wouldn't mind.
He had his rats and a stable job he was happy with. What more could he possibly want?
ii. but now i've had a little time to reassess my needs
The touring, the concerts, the rituals...
It thrilled him. If he was asked what he loved most a few years ago, he'd say it was his rats and the peace that came with the nice, stable job at the Ministry.
And while his rats still had their place in his heart, the boring office job he used to have, didn't. Sure, he used to assist important people, even Papa Emeritus Zero himself... But it just wasn't it.
Nothing matched being able to walk around the stage, to sing, to mess with the crowd... This was it.
It wasn't about entertaining people... It was about having them going crazy about him. About the attention he never got in his life. The appreciation.
He wanted them to worship him. He wanted more.
iii. who cares if some things are dying? i don't wanna hear you crying this is all so gratifying
All the crying and sadness at the Ministry after Nihil's death was incredibly fucking fake.
Copia, for one, did not feel a thing. Not even a bit of sadness. The old man lived long enough.
He didn't feel much when the other Papas died, too. He was a bit sad, but it wasn't the end of the world for him, because thanks to that, he was given his chance at stardom.
And people loved him. They wanted more of him. He wanted more, too.
Which was why, after realizing his last tour would truly be his last, he decided to act. It wouldn't be his last. He enjoyed it too much.
When he returned to the Ministry, the coffin was filled within two days. But there we no tears.
No, not even now, as he held the funeral of dear old Sister Imperator, he did not feel even a bit upset. In fact, he barely held back laughter.
The Clergy was his now. Just his.
And oh, what fun it would be now that it was his.
Written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @dio-niisio @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @thatoddboy @lightbluuestars @igodownjustlikeholymary @strawberriiblossoms @choco-meow69
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klysanderelias · 2 months
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(part one here!)
Today's installment will be all about my absolute babygirl of the Beam Saber game, Briar Finlay. She's the character I've spent the most time thinking about, the one with the most characterization and planning, and the one that probably no one will actually interact with 😭
First we have a piece from @anaizzzen-ut, a stellar artist who did amazing work with this one.
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Briar is the leader of the shipboard security forces, and the whole idea of her character is how much that job sucks when you have teams of mech pilots. She's a footsoldier with an EVA suit and a non-penetrative gun in space, where she's the last line of defense for the ship and also the line of defense most likely to die messy, painfully, and slowly. In a couple of these commissions, she's wearing a rebreather mask - in a boarding action long before the campaign starts, a fire started and her suit was breached by the fighting. Due to smoke inhalation, but more importantly the toxic chemicals released by sensitive electrical components and complicated sci-fi materials burning, she suffered extensive damage to her lungs. Luckily there's a certain amount of sufficiently-advanced-equals-magic medical technology, so she survived, but she still needs supplemental oxygen regularly and fights with a full life-support system in her armor to keep her from suffocating, having seizures, etc. I love the smoking aesthetic but in absolute reverse using medical oxygen.
Another gorgeous piece by @nanariemi - the colors in this one are just spectacular.
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Briar is such a fun character to rotate in my head because there's so much strong characterization that comes so naturally out of her concept as a combat character who is completely helpless 90% of the time. She can't do anything to protect the ship from other ships, and there's basically nothing she can do about enemy mechs. And of course, there's the issue of survivability - a mech pilot can have their mech melt down around them or explode in a fiery cascade but still eject and make it back home without a single injury. I'm so compelled by having a ttrpg campaign where all the players are mech pilots, and they're having to deal with this angry, rude asshole who has an extremely valid point - they don't have the same skin in the game she does, but they're the vaunted heroes and she's in the trenches. And I think a lot of good mech fiction makes that distinction - making comparisons between the gods of the battlefield and the little people underfoot, but also challenging those roles. Mech pilots literally CAN'T do the job she does. All that armor and missile pods and whatnot aren't going to keep all the people on the bridge from being shot by a normal-sized guy with a gun.
And here's another piece by @dhurain, of Briar in a quiet moment,
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I think ideally I'd like to have an arc for Briar where she grows to respect and care for the PCs, while they open up to her and show her respect as well. I think it would be such a good roleplaying experience and a great narrative to have the characters have to rely on each other and see each others' strengths when the first interaction would be something like her disdainfully calling them 'toy soldiers' or something in passing in the hallway. And I think Beam Saber has enough interplay between the in-robot and out-of-robot gameplay that you could have scenes where the pilots are out of their mechs and having to fight alongside her, or where she's providing some sort of ground support for one of their missions and suddenly the lethality of mech combat to everyone not in a mech comes to the forefront.
There's another commission of her I have in the works right now that I won't post the WIP for but trust me, I'll be blasting that thing around once it's done because it looks great so far.
Anyway I'm love her your honor, she's my babygirl and I'm trying to spread out the commissions so it's not just ten of her and one of everyone else. And I'm doing okay! I only have... four... so far...
Finally, another cute thank you sketch from @dhurain!
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constantvariations · 1 year
It's just now dawning on me how unnecessary the "Jaune Arc" was. You really expect me to believe Pyrrha "star prodigy whose entire existence revolves around Jaune" Nikos, Nora "orphaned and doing whatever it took to survive from childhood" Valkyrie, and Yang "aggressive and overprotective" Xiao-Long would sit idly aside to let someone harass and assault one of their friends? Each of them would've cornered Cardin in a hallway to threaten to send him home in tupperware if he continued his bullshit and thems the facts
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throwaway-yandere · 10 months
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("Scarborough Fair/Canticle" on the left, "Death Has No..." on the right)
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ka-19 · 1 year
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haiiii tumpler!!!1!1!!1!1!1!1!
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copiawife · 6 months
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i found some tiny cardinals at a craft store the other day that go perfectly with my little tiny rats that i already had yippee ^^
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Cardinal Sins - Magical Characters
Aspen - Fey-adjacent - Was gifted immortality and electrokenesis by the forest through the elements. Born human, became a cardinal sin.
Tulip - Fey - Was born fey, learned control over all four elements and was elected king by the forest after succeeding in his trials.
Dea - Fey-adjacent - Born human, is given power via transference in preparation for the death of a sin, by the forest. Is trained in electrokenesis.
Roman (later Caspian) - Siren (Sea Creature) - Born to human and siren parents, raised a human. Siren powers include the siren's voice (hypnosis/compulsion), shatter (ability to deafen/penetrate physical objects with voice), control over water (more of a bond between water and siren - a symbiotic relationship). Roman's unique power has the ability to reach the dead at sea and ask for their assistance.
Mercury - Human - Gifted immortality when they became a sin. Power of communication after hundreds of years of isolation, can speak every language.
Liminal (Lim) - Fey - nature based powers, particularly handy with vines.
Zeppe - Fey - handy with herbs and spices, potions master.
Sasithorn - Abyssal (demonic)-Adjacent - living shadow, ability to assume and disintegrate from human form. Benevolent, though. Sin of sloth
White - Abyssal (Demon) - Pyrokenetic, trademark of hellfire which is visible as blue flames of varying tones depending on their heat. Sin of wrath.
Karizma - Celestial (Angel) - Pyrokenetic. Also has the ability to grant blessings and miracles. Sin of envy.
Fairweather - Siren (Sea Creature) - Same powers as Roman except ability to communicate with the dead at sea. She's quite chatty with weather and air spirits however. Sin of Gluttony.
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positivelyghastly · 2 years
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31 Days of Ghost - Day 11
You know the drill, click for better quality
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adora-birds · 2 years
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baby boy sitting in the water
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