#biggest oof at my brain rn :
can I request a list of like green flags and red flags for each of the characters in voltron? btw I love your writing:)
Hello friendo, thank you sm! Thanks for the request, I adore this idea. Also…Sorry y’all, I was posting like every other day for two weeks and then I hopped off for like two months. Oof life is really life-ing rn. I honestly chose to write this prompt before a lot of other requests bc it seems like an easy and short thing to bust out quickly. I swear, I will get to the rest eventually 🩵 keep sending in requests if you’d like! And as always… ENJOY~
Red Flags 🚩
TERRIBLE AT COMMUNICATING. We all know Keith is stubborn and easily overwhelmed with a short temper. He doesn’t really know how to talk to people without getting angry. He feels that bc he has a hard time explaining exactly what he means, people never understand him and that makes him mad.
Bro isn’t scared of anything…and that low key scares everyone else. Like…who isn’t afraid of anything? The whole team has tried sooooo hard to figure out what will get Keith to jump out of his skin and scream like a child but to no avail… Boy just doesn’t flinch, doesn’t care, couldn’t care less about bugs and rodents and clowns and heights or anything like that.
Wears his gloves in the shower sometimes. Like wtf ???
Green Flags ✅
Also bc he is not afraid of anything, boy will protect his friends/family/partner SO HARD. He will verbally AND physically tear someone apart just for looking at you the wrong way. Very protective and caring but in a good way ya know?
Actually very selfless and not self-centered in the slightest. Keith is very giving and helpful, despite his tough exterior, he’s very caring, observant and considerate. He’ll give the shirt off his back to someone in need. He’s always down to help others. Ugh Sweet heart ❤️‍🔥
Has a sick ass space wolf that will also protect you like COSMO IS A MAJOR PLUS OKAY BIG GREEN FLAG DOGGO
Red Flags 🚩
Obvi his biggest red flag is how flirty he is. Boy will flirt with anything that breaths and that can get really annoying sometimes and affect the rest of the team.
Jealous AS FUCK. Like the petty jealous type. Lance is the kind of guy to pretend he has a partner back home just bc some alien girl he was flirting with said she had a partner already. He’s like “OH YEAH? Wow cool me too, same same, yeah….” But homie’s ego is a bit sore now…
Lies a lot. Lance just panics sometimes and tells a lie. He knows it’s wrong and he always feels guilty after lying to someone but it always just slips out. His mouth moves faster than his brain most the time.
Green Flags ✅
THE BEST HUGGER/CUDDLER OMFGGGGGG. Lance is the best hugger and cuddle buddy ever, period, end of story, try to change my mind. His long arms always stretch fully around the recipient’s torso and he squeezes tight enough to make you feel warm but not smothered. Usually will rest his chin on the other person’s head if they’re short enough (so Pidge obvi).
Very aware of other’s moods/body language/tone of voice. Everyone thinks Lance is “the dumb one” but he’s actually very in tune with what’s going on in the moment, what’s going on around him. I think he can tell how others feel the second he sees them. Good intuition kinda thing. An empath for sure.
Very considerate and often remembers the little things about people. Does he remember what he learned in class just a couple days ago? Pffft heck no! Does he remember everyone’s birthday, every year and get them a very thoughtful gift? HELL YEAHH I LOVE THIS SWEET BOY OMFG 🩵
Red Flags 🚩
Honestly…idfk Shiro is so perf. Perfect baby boy all the way
Maybe he could seem too nice at first…? Like when someone is nice but ur like “are you for real? Or are you fake and evil and you’re hiding something?” I think Shiro could be perceived as being fake nice at first.
Omg I feel like Shiro is one of those “ oh no, that looks delicious but I can’t. I’m watching my carbs.” YOU KNOW SHIRO IS A GYM DUDE WHO COUNTS HIS CALORIES PLZ
Green Flags ✅
ALSO AN A+ HUGGER. Imagine those big ass arms holding you so softly and so close to his big, warm body. Omg so comforting, so relaxing. Often gives a gently squeeze just before letting go and pulling away. Ugh 😩❤️‍🔥
Literally the most trustworthy man in the universe. Will defend his friends, loved ones, and planet until the end of time. Shiro would die before revealing any secrets you’ve asked him to keep. The best person to vent to bc he’ll never tell another soul about it. He’s like a personal diary
Shiro is sooooo patient. Definitely the most patient one on the team. He really does take his own advice…ya know, patience yields focus 😌 very sweet, calm man. We love Shiro
Red Flags 🚩
Lowkey kinda moody and can get snappy very easily. Pidge is a sweet heart and very smart and a good team player but she’s also stubborn and will yell to get her point across or make herself heard (she’s an Aries…what’d you expect?)
Sometimes very conceited and braggy about how smart she is. Like yeah Pidge, we know you’re a genius and you could code in your sleep. WE GET IT. UR SMART. GEEZ 😒
Green Flags ✅
Pidge is so baby. Yeah, she can get snappy and braggy sometimes but…SHES SO BABY PLZ FORGIVE HER. She’s just young and stressed okay? Give her a break. She’ll apologize eventually with puppy dog eyes and a soft voice and while she looks adorable, she is being sincere and really wants to resolve this.
Very loyal and determined. I mean look how hard she searched and fought for her dad and brother. She won’t stop for anything or anyone once she has her mind set. Pidge Will never leave you behind and will always turn back to help someone in need.
Androgynous royalty. Pidge is soooo chill about her gender and identity. We love a confident babe 🏳️‍🌈💚
Red Flags 🚩
Boy is too scared sometimes. I think Hunk has really bad anxiety and it’s not the anxiety that is the red flag, it’s how he copes with it…which he doesn’t. Hunk let’s his anxiety get the best if him sometimes…but he’s trying.
Honestly…does Hunk really have any other red flags??? Baby boy is so sweet idk 🤷🏻
Over eats to the point of getting sick sometimes…and never learns his lesson. (Me asf)
Green Flags ✅
Obvi his cooking skills!!! Can cook for any occasion, on any cooking surface, in any conditions. Can cook so many different dishes from so many rich cultures around the world! So talented. His food always hits.
THE ABSOLUTE BEST at cheering others up. Soooo funny and silly and kind and relatable. He tries so hard to brighten others’ days when they need it. Will stop what he’s doing just to go cheer up a friend or loved one and watch them smile again.
Red Flags 🚩
Interrupts A LOT. In any given conversation, he will interrupt and talk over someone else at least once every minute. Can get really annoying sometimes but in his defense, if he waits too long to speak up, he’ll just totally forget what he was gonna say.
Like Lance, I think Matt would be overly flirty and act like a Fuck boy sometimes. Like bro sit your nerd ass down, that person is SOOO out of your league plz chill.
Can not take anything seriously (unless it comes to his family or his or anyone else’s safety) but day to day, Matt makes so many dumb and inappropriate jokes at the worst times. Ugh 😒
Green Flags ✅
Very brotherly to everyone he considers a friend or family. Protective, constantly checking up on others, making sure they have eaten, asking if they need anything from him. He cares a lot. Bonus points bc he’s a very good brother to his actual sibling too. Aww Pidge and Matt are sibling goals. 🥹
HOT AS FUCK NO MATTER HIS HAIR STYLE/LENGTH. You can fight me on this. Matt is gorg and so is his hair at every single moment throughout the show.
Extremely accepting and open minded. Matt treats everyone he meets equally and never seems phased when he meets others so different from himself. He may ask some questions for the sake of his own curiosity, but would never pass judgment on another person.
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nikatyler · 10 days
Zeph 1.0
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Almost there…yes I closed the game so I could get the 69 hours played screenshot…almost got it! 😅
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I'm such a stupid 13yo at heart
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did i mention i love him
Oof besties I think it's Moonrise time
Moonrise time over because ya girl is going to work tomorrow and it's getting late 🥲 but I so didn't want to quit the game today ugh
Need to incorporate "let's not do anything hilarious" into my vocabulary because it's the biggest realest mood
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no way he approved lmao
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oh... OH
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forevermore? as in you and me forevermore? don't read the last page but i stay when it's hard or it's wrong or we're making mistakes omg a taylor swift reference!! 🤭🤭
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Zeph is looking so good in their new armor 😩
Oh I'm gonna be reloading this fight a million times huh
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Dude never thought I'd say this but Shadowheart carried this battle. I'm going to bed in game and irl because two intense battles back to back are too much for my anxiety 😭
This game is gonna wreck me isn't it
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So in the battle I had yesterday, Jaheira was killed, but I thought, well, it would be a shame to leave her stuff behind and she doesn't need it anymore, might as well take it…now I loaded the game again and notice she's there in just her underwear 😭 I'm sorry 😭😭
Yes I loot everyone and everything shamelessly, I learned from the best 🤭
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hole hehe
hole not hehe this is disgusting jfc
"I could fix him" "I could make him worse" well I personally hope that *he* will make *me* worse
We're not gonna talk about this party kill Nailed it! Took me three tries though 😂
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Big brain time
The f u c k?
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well i may have a few ideas how to use this one 🫢
Well. I think I'll be starting act 3 tomorrow? 😬
(I'm excited but also nervous. Oh man this is exactly why I've never played this kind of games before 😂)
I think I fucked up…I was going to do the crèche and the mountain pass stuff later but I can't anymore, I completely skipped it 😭 without too many spoilers, are there going to be bad consequences maybe?
I could pull up an older save but I've done so many other things already…I'm not sure if I want to replay them at the moment 🥲 Think I might just have to leave it for my second playthrough but it sucks that I completely skipped such a big part
And I know at some point it told me some things wouldn't be available if I continue but I didn't think it would be this 😭 I need clearer instructions y'all, I'm a dummy
This is ridiculous but I'm about to cry bc I missed such a huge part, I think I might go back to an older save and just redo everything idk 🥲 idk what to do 😭 overthinking this too much
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"magnificent bastard" is a wonderful gender tbh
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dude i'm not some fucking pokémon 💀
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oh god i love him 💀 is he wrong though?
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she's serving too much cnt to handle i'm afraid
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A fellow clown hater! 🤩
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ohhh i was looking forward to this line 😂
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omg Zeph really went "so aren't you worried about that old master of yours? yeah? anyway wanna smash tonight?"
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KJLFGKSJFGKLJL BRO??????? the fuck did i do to you
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hello ?????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????? no genuinely i don't know what i did/did not do 💀 idgaf I'm handing his ass to Cazador
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me and Zeph both rn
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delivery not guaranteed? that's so Česká pošta coded
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bears in the closet you say? what was halsin doing in your closet? 🫢
not me actually accidentally making Zeph jump off of a very tall something
and right after the second short rest and the idiot took so much damage 💀
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Oh we're playing Among Us now, how fun!
I fear this will be another full night of playing...not a good idea considering we're going on a family trip tomorrow but eh whatever
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We did it again besties, let's hope I'll get my sleep schedule back on track before I return to work 😂
But it was definitely worth it, I had so much fun playing today. Aside from essentially being dumped but I'm gonna clown and hope all will be well (no spoilers pls)…I promise I will be normal and not actually irl cry about it 🫢😂
Gotta love that rejection hypersensitivity that kicks in no matter what 🤩 real person, fictional, who cares, it hurts 🤩 (no really I'm okay, I'm exaggerating, you know me)
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Next time I go "hehehe I won't sleep tonight, it's gaming time", stop me please. I'm not built for this
And daylight savings are kicking in today? fk me rip my sleep schedule
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hehe god i wish
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I'm getting overwhelmed with all the quests jfc 😭 can we just skip to the part where I romance the vampire again
I also (and this is me overthinking again) can't help but feel like I'm playing the game wrong and that I'm ruining everything as I go and we will not reach a nice ending 💀
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What the actual f u c k was that
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LWL Live reaction
JUDGE CASEY?!?! Smother?!? ooof ohhhh Lawyer Casey! Outfit seemed very judge-ish
Daddy Derek dadding x2 “consequences” 😭
He’s gotta pack his own bags poor baby
SHE MARRIED A HOCKEY PLAYER?!?! (she’s married 😭)
Luca being a prankster? never would’ve guessed.
“oh we’re really embracing the whole door slamming thing… gotcha.. very cool.”
Derek and Casey!!! HUG FIRST?!? YES
Cousin version of Dasey?
“Uncle Derek’s VERY immature” “I know! I love it!”
“oh…and you’re still with George…”
ohhh it’s a ROCKY marriage.
Casey is a helicopter mom (who says she’s not)
omg it’s his famous mac and cheese!!
“i wish we were cousins AND sisters” 🥹🥹
“come on, im a grown up now” “…eh”
Simon on Academic Probation. Aww he takes after his biggest bro
Sugar High Kai 😂😂
I love Simon 😂
They’ll find you Kai
Accidental Jewel thieves George and Nora
Casey. You have lawyering to do. DONT TAKE THE BATH DO THE WORK.
Go karting. oh here we goooo
poor worker is NOT paid enough
Flirty Simon
TRUMANS LAST CHANCE!?!? Better not be what I think it is 👀👀👀
don’t forget the littlest one
“had my own chair” maybe not the best thing to be proud of.
oh no Luca was mean 😭 and now Skyler is sad 😭😭
oof she didn’t turn off the bath
Babe you’re gonna need more than mop
It’s definitely George’s genetics that cause chaos kids
Truman’s Last chance is a female singer?
Principal Lassiter to Officer Lassiter. Yeah that tracks.
Again I love Simon.
Accidental Jewel thief pt 2: electric boogaloo
oh no creepy guy gonna go to the house 👀
Willow x Simon 🥹 I love them
BTS stan 😂
tell him off girlie
oh no. a bear!
she fell! her leg!
Derek quit uni after one semester and made Casey break up with his gf? TYPICAL
Aww she doesn’t hate her cousin anymore
“Like Derek! Only worse!” DANG Casey!
Jealous of her being a rockstar’s daughter when he’s a rockstar’s nephew AND a famous hockey player’s son.
Derek having a panic attack is making me tear up 🥺
“Chief Mills says to sit tight” “are we doing that” “no! give me the keys!”
Derek is so scared 😭😭 her song 😭😭
Kai in the ceiling 😂😂
“did you guys bring me presents?” 😂😂
The House-Warm-a-versery is gonna happen?
Derek being love and telling Casey to get to work in the most loving way 😭
Gave making this Awk
Aur naur he sneakin
Luca and Sky!! be careful!
smart! lock him up!
haha he’s trapped
Good job Luca! Not scaring the party but getting help!!
Luca being a sweet son
“Hey Case-“ “yes, Der?”
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
2, 5, 15, 21, 43, 56?
2. What kind of emotions do the stars evoke for you, if any? The ocean, the sky, the moon? these are all aesthetics that i fuck very hard with tbh, and seeing especially the moon makes me super emotional honestly. all of this makes me feel so small, but in a positive way
5. Do you see your parents in your appearance or behaviour? Are they favourable traits? i got part of my music taste from my dad (positive) and most of my looks from my mom (which is mostly negative as i dont like the way i look lol)
15. Is there a song, book, movie, or other piece of media that has drastically altered your life? What was it, are there multiple? professional wrestling. ive met most if not all of my best friends through it, its helped me throughout the years with rough times, its the biggest reason i did lots of stuff for the first time this year and got to fulfill some big dreams of mine. i have a tattoo dedicated to someone over it for a reason
21. What's the luckiest you've ever been? man i dont know. i dont really count myself as lucky tbh. probably me landing a job for this year although after finding out i was literally the only applicant so they more or less had to take me idk if that counts either lol
43. How do you express affection? How do you like to receive affection? physically, not a lot either way. im a very huggy person if im very comfortable with someone and i like holding hands, but mostly i default to the kind of "this made me think of you" or giving gifts kind of affection. same with receiving it really, tho i do like hugs as i said, i do very much prefer the way someone randomly thinks of me when we are apart by seeing something that reminds them of me and sending it my way. sharing tweets and insta posts and memes is my love language honestly
56. What (or who) do you daydream about? uuuUUUUUH
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this gif is also very accurate for this moment oh dear only the best wife on the planet penelope ford OOF shes like the one that regularly crosses my brain rn on a daily basis (sorry kip your wife is hotter atm)
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sulevinen · 2 years
it’s freaking thursday and i still haven’t drawn i’ve spent five days watching tv and doing dumb shit and nothing important goddamnit
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kaebedom-me · 4 years
Poly ch💙ya + a little bit of Ch💙ya? Idk
I'm,, big sads today so,, we're gonna do some self indulgent headcanons umu Oh, It's gonna be like real scattered cuz brain not fine
Also this is kinda like a dark AU or smth idk I'm in my feels. Update: this was kinda dark and nasty. PLEASE READ WITH DISCRETION
Cw: mentions of alcohol, drugs, and blood, dd/lg, gun kink(?), pee??, mentions of cheating/NTR
Disclaimer: this headcanon is no way in any shape or form promoting alcohol, drugs, and/or violence. Stay the fuck away from drugs and violence, drink alcohol in moderation when you're of legal age.
I'm like in my feels rn and-
Kaeya getting drunk and high is kinda lowkey hot
Like sloppy make out sessions where you're numb to the world but yet strangely hyper aware of the slide of his tongue against yours oof
Childe when he wants to be numb to the world beats people up or gets his ass beaten
Something about feeling of warm blood against his aching knuckles just really takes his brain away from thinking thoughts
Alternatively them looking at you worriedly with a little bit of like disappoint when you turn to alcohol or drugs to get your mind off things
Your high/drunk ass crawling over to them, numb but not completely gone and-
Drugged sex? High sex?
It's like slow and heaty. A lot of unspoken emotional tension oof
Like idk dudes but i think that shit sounds hoT
I want them to look at me disappointingly and seduce them into bedding me
Because them fucking away your feelings, emotions, your thoughts just turning your brain into mush, or like completely numbing you mwah [chef's kiss]
And they won't deny you for too long because they know you're trying to cope so for now they'll just go along with you
Will absolutely keep everything in check doesn't want anything to happen to you
After that, when you're ready, they're there to talk to you and help you with whatever you're trying to go through
And also find a better coping mechanism cuz this shit ain't healthy
I also,,,
I just,,, really want to call them daddy ya know AAHAHA
Kaeya would be into it, not by the idea of being a daddy? More of a power play thing
Like he gets off to you submitting to him that's why he gets off of daddy
Biggest fucking tease about it if you initiate it?
"oh? What was that, baby? You repeat that a little louder? You're so dirty"
But if you don't initiate it he'll try to get you to do it? It's just something he wants to try lol
Asks you to call him daddy and you're like bashful "ew what no" and he'll go on fucking you when you're at your peak he stops
"say the magic word and I'll reward you, baby"
You can deny him but you'll deny yourself orgasms
If you get off from begging him like calling him daddy then he'd really get off too
"you like that, baby? Calling out daddy so lewdly, are you feeling good, huh? Does daddy make you feel good"
Childe isn't as into it methinks uwu
Like I'm not,,, I'm not a father yet?
I think he's real into daddy because of the aspect of being a daddy? I think. That's the vibes he gives off
Like you gotta kinda put it in his brain the whole daddy thing and he'd get real into it
It's ok tho Kaeya can help uwu
"do you want my babies that badly, darling? What exactly are you getting off of, hm?"
I think once he gets into the right head space there's no turning back like he really gets into it
Loves hearing muffled reiteration of it? Whether he's stuffing your mouth full of cock, his fingers, gags anything. You calling, or trying, to call him daddy makes his cock throb
Because to him it's like you being needy and he thinks it's adorable when you're so needy and basically mush for him
A little bit of Chaeya because they bring me great comfort and i had this idea for awhile now
Like them using each other for sex and realising tension
But realising after awhile that they've fallen for each other? [chef's kiss] maybe after dating someone else they have a little light bulb moment when they see each other at a club w someone else-
Dumps their partner or not (depends if I'm feeling the NTR)
And goes to fuck the sense out of each other and they start like dating hot shit
I fucking hate people who smokes but the thought of Kaeya smoking
Him blowing smoke into your face when you're negotiating something? Or like idk????
Like the sexual tension????
Him having one of those fancy kiseru pipes, lounging on a chaise, with like a velvet robe that's exposing his chest
I'd simply get on my knees and let him face fuck me
Speaking of NTR Chaeya not dating but being FWBs even though they're dating other people because they just vibe with each other's sexual chemistry,,, i love it
Someone on twitter once drew a mermaid Chaeya AU and I have not be able to get that out of my brain since
Like marine biologist or sailor or obsessed w the ocean Childe and mermaid Kaeya-
Mermaid Kaeya............
And childe does eyE-
Anyway mermaid Kaeya being cute because wtf is human thing bring it to me
I want Childe to fuck me with a gun. I just thought about it, and i have brainworms now
Knowing him he will refuse to put bullets in there but will not tell you
You're almost at your orgasm as he's fucking you with what you think is a loaded gun, you're begging him to touch you anything and he fucking shoots
You're squirting all over the gun and his arm, he's laughing at what a slut you are for danger. Gods, i think that'll be the hottest and best fucking orgasm you'll ever have
If you're so scared, you kinda pee yourself a little. Childe will humiliate you, it'll be the Worst for you but it's so fucking hot to him
Kk but like
I really like the idea or Chaeya being fucking morons together doing stupid shit like yeeting each other across an empty parking lot on like a shopping cart
Them laughing and singing dumb pop songs like maniacs without a care in the world
AAH my heARt
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi. i only got to play in inazuma today so here's me live reacting to the archon quest. it's a lil out of context tho so have fun trying to figure out which parts im talking abt. also, this is the only time i'm going to be talking abt spoilers for at least one week so... 🤷‍♀️
swordfish ii? cute.
Jesus Christ. and here i thought it was my lowest settings that made his hair grey… this poor kid. teppei i admire your determination but no… just no...
you know.... scaramouche could stand still and the air would get electrified. and yknow,,, that's p... that's p attractive
ugh im disgusting myself. and here i thought i still had an inch of sanity left in me.
of all people it had to be this little jerk
scaramouche is so fucking evil. i’d like ten of him, please.
man,, they expect me to dodge this shit? that’s the biggest l i’ve heard today. none of that shit. i’m bringing out my zhong and my sweet madames skrrt
sayu is adorable… i remember when i had hopes of growing up too… alas, it has come to this.
THOMA OH MY GOD MY MALEWIFE. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? also, sayu’s sleeping again. this girl’s got talent. is her circadian rhythm okay?
pains me to be the bearer of all bad news and no good news…
oh nvm he’s still in the background.
i… i don’t like where this is going… i refuse to be the bait. i’m too hot for that. so spicy they’ll spit me right out
oh thank god… wait... they… they wouldn’t ask me to be the one to set off the fireworks right?
oh crap… i’m… i’m in deep.
HE’S BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING US AGAIN EVERY DAY SINCE HE GOT THERE ANFLaglvbajlfblabvljabefva;bfalLJBLJDABVBAALSNADL tumblr user @tartagliaxx is broken. she is now irreparable. she has no regrets. goodbye.
ehem… what if… you and i… and hotsprings… together?? JUST KIDDING. PG-13 OVER HERE. NOTHING INDECENT WHATSOEVER MOVE ALONG NOW
poor thoma,,,
oh come on ayaka… cut us some slack… i just watched lumine wheeze bc of evil purple mist only to be dragged into 2 timeskips and an entire training arc. dont let her be yet another traumatized shounen manga protagonist… altho, it might be uh… too late for that…
oh dear… is thoma going to get another round of diarrhea?
hello yoimiya… still looking as bomb as ever i see……… mhm… gonna see myself out rn…
oh god… are we dying because of fireworks? forget getting caught by the patrol… we’re about to light up an untested firework that was made to be a billion times more explosive….
man… these patrol guards aint shit… i literally walked an inch behind their backs and they did nothing… its a surprise the rebellion still hasn’t won when they place guards like this in their ranks………. ok that was kinda mean i’ll apologize in a bit.
no, paimon. it’s not but we’re doing it anyway 🤡
oh no….. she’s worn herself out…. man,,, this is why you dont make convicts out of kids….
god, don’t remind me. as hot as the shogun trying to kill us w her blade was, i don’t appreciate almost getting murdered on screen (even if we most certainly have plot armor)
awwww is thoma worried about me uwu owo? dw i have like… a lumine w 6% crit rate by my side
sigh… i dont want to leave yet… cant i just stay by thoma’s side and not go to war for a change?
it was at this moment that tumblr user lei saw the wonders of being a housewife.
oh sara… my stars… i’m so sorry. i feel so bad for you but at the same time… this oddly makes me want to write a song for you ABJFJKABJABCABVABVKA I KNOW JACK SHIT ABT SONGWRITING WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THIS
well… there she goes…
oh…. oh….. yae is stealing my heart. WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO (i have an alt for a reason heehee)
these guys got guts to say ‘i’m sorry ma’am’ to THE kujou sara.
oh old man… you’re dead. you’re so dead.
man… this old man is a simp? sheesh.
oh my god… is that dude dead? i probably should’ve uh apologized b4 he flopped down to the ground ig…
MAN,, SARA’S DOWN FOR THE COUNT?? tbf i didnt expect much but…. also, AYE SIGNORA’S SO ICY.
she’s calling me out for being a simp ;-; heart been broke so many times or smth
oh… i love this part of the vow… im suddenly inspired to write… how about a wedding au? an angsty wedding au?
goddamn… it’s been nice knowing you all…. i dont think i’ll come out of this alive if signora went out like that…
oh… oh it’s time for round two? haha… time to… say my goodbyes….
yo… there are actual tears in my eyes… like… idk why… but that cutscene? shit man… that hit me…
hm… i feel bad for the shogun… ultimately, there is reason behind every act no matter how horrid. no matter how unreasonable, the reason one thinks of is always justified on their end. whatever everyone else thinks pay little effect on whether the act is fulfilled or not. also, her little laugh? i’m extra deceased.
the animation's fire as always wtf
oh but my kokoro... oof... my kokoro... ugh...
I’M SO FUCKING DONE AJKFHAKJBVAK- WE BEAT A HARBINGER AND FOR WHAT? she should’ve just tossed that gnosis into the ocean or smth...
HAH OMG SCARAMOUCHE. WHAT A MAN. I’M- I WAS RIGHT OMG. I HAD A LIL THEORY AND ITS JUST SMTH I HAD IN THE BACK OF MY MIND. I NEVER THOUGHT IT’LL ACTUALLY COME TRUE DEAR LORD. so now ig i have to admit i think abt him a lot and he has a soft spot in my heart 🥺 he’s evil you see and you know what my type is? evil men or at the very least, men with the potential to be evil. ugh so annoying.
scaramouche banner when
bc i sold everything worthy of money in me (read as my organs) for albedo, i'll sell my soul for him how about that?
EYE- makoto huh… well… fuck…
it’s day 400 of being ayato less even if he’s like… teased a million of times (jk it’s like… a grand total of seven but thats still p high)
im so… sigh…
i wonder if i’m still alive by the time sumeru releases… at the very least, i know my brain wouldn’t be.
....we were literally a captain for like... one second. that is so sad.
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ktheist · 4 years
from this post.
The meaning behind my url: the ‘kth’ in ktheist stands for kim taehyung and ‘theist’ means someone who believes in god which just means kim taehyung is my lorde and savior amen.
A picture of me: i don’t feel like sharing pics at the moment. might change my mind in the future who knows i did it before (;
How many tattoos i have and what they are: none!
Last time i cried and why: i can’t remember but i usually cry when i found out i offended a close friend because i hate to be that offensive/hurtful person and end up keeping a distance from them so i won’t hurt them anymore 
Piercings i have: none!
Favorite band: bts and blackpink
Biggest turn offs: when someone pushes/asks me to do something even though i said no the first time / i’ll do it later
Top 5 (insert subject): uh, like classes? ig English… and that’s it
Tattoos i want: none! i don’t like being in paineee
Biggest turn ons: when someone doesn’t rush me ehehe
Age: legal
Ideas of a perfect date: i can’t think of any at the moment, but in a way, i’m always on a date with myself and my perfect self date would be reading manhwa’s all day hehe
Life goal: to do no harm but take not shit
Piercings i want: none, i can’t stand paiNE
Relationship status: in love <3 with myself <3
Favorite movie: pride and prejudice 2005!
A fact about my life: i live in a rural area and got into a uni in one of the big cities. oh the irony.
Phobia: cars! driving! idk about you but driving is really taxing for me ):
Middle name: i’m good lol
Height: shorte
Are you a virgin? nah
What’s your shoe size? usually, i pick 37, i don’t know how long that’s supposed to be.
What’s your sexual orientation? confused but leaning towards diggity dong dong
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? i don’t but only because they’re expensive lol 
Someone you miss: min yoongi
What’s one thing you regret? my wasted potentials
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: min yoongi <3
Favorite ice cream? mint and ain’t nobody can change my mind
One insecurity: accidentally saying something hurtful to a loved one. 
What my last text message says: "nah i’m going in blind” to my friend when she asked if i’m preparing for tomorrow’s tutorial
Have you ever taken a picture naked? who has never?
Have you ever painted your room? yes!
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? not yet 
Have you ever slept naked? more like i can’t sleep with clothes on lol
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? who has never?
Have you ever had a crush? yes, none of them work out and i end up with people whom i don’t really like at first but settled w bc ig i should grace them with my presence since they like me
Have you ever been dumped? yeah, i was lowkey glad it was over
Have you ever stole money from a friend? i mean i keep reminding my friends of the money they “owe” me ehehhehe
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? guilty oof
Have you ever been in a fist fight? yes, shout out to my bro i might need some practice tho bc i’m a little rusty
Have you ever snuck out of your house? no, i used to storm out once lol bc i got so stressed out lol
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? um, twice in my lifetime, i was so blinded by A’s face but a few months after i stopped talking to them, i realized my back hurt from carrying the conversation and B was cute but he was lowkey mean ): 
Have you ever been arrested? nope!
Have you ever made out with a stranger? yes lol 
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? yeah, the movies
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? yes but i should’ve told them where i was going - i was that kid with poor communication skills
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? uh, ig? not really? idk.
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? YES like hangout with friends
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? if it’s just your normal kind of sleeping then yes, not a fan of sharing beds tho lol
Have you ever seen someone die? no
Have you ever been on a plane? yess
Have you ever kissed a picture? i’m pretty sure i have
Have you ever slept in until 3? LOL AM OR PM
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now? i have loved someone (maybe? idk i liked them bc they like me lol) and i don’t miss anyone rn
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? YES
Have you ever made a snow angel? no it doesn’t snow here ):
Have you ever played dress up? yes!!
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? ehehe who’s never?
Have you ever been lonely? a lot
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? yes lol
Have you ever been to a club? no but i wanna try going but w the pandemic going on ig i’m probably never gonna lol
Have you ever felt an earthquake? no
Have you ever touched a snake? no
Have you ever ran a red light? guilty 
Have you ever been suspended from school? no hehe
Have you ever had detention? we didn’t have the detention system where i lived so no!
Have you ever been in a car accident? yes ):
Have you ever hated the way you look? yes ):
Have you ever witnessed a crime? yessss the crime of… being so gosh darn cuTE 
Have you ever pole danced? no
Have you ever been lost? ngl lie i’ve been clueless about where i’m heading since day one
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? i was about to say yes but then i don’t even know what state is the opposite side of the country so
Have you ever felt like dying? yes
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes
Have you ever sang karaoke? no
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? yes this bitch a hypocrite 
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? just ONCE
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? no but be fun if that happened (older i mean)
Have you ever kissed in the rain? no
Have you ever sang in the shower? yesss
Have you ever made out in a park? uh yes it was like past 11pm and nobody was around
Have you ever dream that you married someone? yea the dude was cute but i remember feeling like i wanna escape the whole “married for life” situation lol
Have you ever glued your hand to something? no
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? also no
Have you ever gone to school partially naked? sis i wear a hijab
Have you ever been a cheerleader? sis i wear a hijab 2.0
Have you ever sat on a roof top? yes!
Have you ever brushed your teeth? omg how did you know?
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? yes i can never finish a scary movie on my own ):
Have you ever played chicken? no
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? no but i’ve jumped into a pull with my clothes on
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? yea it was nice at that time but now, i’m like what makes a stranger think i’m interested in what they think about me lol
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Have you ever been easily amused? yes lol
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? yess aaaaa the good old days
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? isn’t that sexual harassment?
Have you ever cheated on a test? LOL what’s the point of not cheating if you have every means to cheat?
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? all the time honestly my brain is a shite dump of all the useless infos but never the important ones like names or if i already talked about something with a certain person and then i’ll end up asking them again about that topic (excitedly at that) 
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? i haven’t met min yoongi but yeah, there are some pretty and elegant girlies that make me go :o
Give us one thing about you that no one knows. is it supposed to be deep because ig no one knows but i’m currently hungry
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
17, 21, 29?
17. biggest anime crush i am sweating so much rn lol uhhhh this is so hard?? i feel like the hq boys have made the biggest impact on me so i’m gonna say akaashi/sakusa because i cannot pick just one ((but also levi ackerman do be living in my brain rent free 👀))
21. anime that made you cry, when literally, any anime that killed my favorite character. so i cried during Naruto when Sasuke killed Itachi, I also cried during Death Note when L died, I cried at the ending of Madoka, also not technically animes but I cried during Your Name throughout the movie ((i watched it on a plane and oof that was a bad idea)) and A Silent Voice when Shoya fell off the balcony 
29. anime that deserves another season MAID-SAMA AND OURAN BABIE all I want are my fluffy, rom-com animes to get the second season they deserve!! It’s aight, we still got Kaguya-Sama  Also, can Black Butler do a Fullmetal and get a whole new series that is actually canon and not just...random storylines lmao
more questions here!
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ocular-intercourse · 4 years
👀👀👀 there's only 25 questions 👀👀👀
i think i know what this means 😂🙏🏻
Meanest VS Kindest
meanest is definitely asher, though under normal circumstances he would not make use of it quite as often as he does rn, but even then he is kinda bred to be mean, that’s the rich kid gene, but also his father’s influence
kindest is teddy, without a doubt, i was for a second considering noor because they are actively doing more kind things, working on bettering the life for their subjects, but the prince is definitely more capable of being unkind for the sake of something bigger than ted would ever be (also they are spoiled and tend to kinda unintentionally put their needs before others in their private life)
Tallest VS Shortest
gyo the absolute beast of a man that’s them primordial genes, the shortest is ace
Most humble VS Most arrogant
hmm i think devin might be the most humble, it’s kinda pathological, a result of his low self-confidence, social anxiety and all, asher’ll be like screaming at him about how talented he is but that kinda does not sink in, but even with the things he can accept being good at in he is not the person to brag about it, he was raised to be polite and humble i guess
ah that’s a little hard it’s outwardly appereance vs inwardly feelings and they never match up, asher definitely is arrogant, but he is also very aware that anything that people admire about him and his skills is just a result of privilege and money and people wanting to crawl up his ass, so he’s like, yeah i’m fucking good at this but that doesn’t mean shit i had like 20 tutors since i was a toddler anyone could do this with my resources
finn is probably the most outwardly boasting about stuff he is arrogant about, but also the most fickle, you just gotta poke the wrong spot and he’s crumbling
gyo kinda has to be arrogant, it’s his job, it’s part of the whole ‘you can’t touch this just try and harm the empire you’re not getting past me’ deal, but he is also inwardly very aware of his limitations and what is realistically possible for him and what isn’t, he just can’t show it to leave openings for his opponents 
i can’t decide 🤷🏻‍♂️
Coldest VS Most emotional
oh boy, god seriously the more i think about these questions the more i realize that my boys all just put up a front all the time whelp
ace has trained himself to seem colder than he actually is, but gyo is probably better at actually shutting his emotions down to get where he needs to be so i’ll go with him
finn is the most emotional he just puts it all out there i don’t think he could hide it if he wanted to he’s an open book really he’s even a terrible liar
Most chaste VS Most lustful
i had the impuls to say ace but i feel like asexuality and being chaste kinda cancels each other out, like you actually need to be sexually active and attracted to other people to be able to be considered chaste? like it kinda has to do with surpressing things? and if i follow that logic it fits asher way more, though he is also not really chaste, just prude, but still more than any of the others
teddy is the most lustful which is always very fun cause it’s unexpected, maybe he got a little messed up along the way but physical affection is just his biggest love language he needs to be shown that he is wanted to be happy and he needs to be shown often and thats the same way he tends to express his feelings for his s.o. (which is a huge problem between him and zeke oof), but also outside of a relationship he tends to get his self-worth reaffirmed through sexual encounters
Most serious VS Silliest
gyo is the most serious, might also be another work trait, asher also currently has little space for silliness in his life but that’s just cirumstancial, ace is by far the silliest, straight faced maybe, but he loves to irritate and amuse people
“Sleep is for the weak!” VS “Sleep for a week”
asher is the ‘sleep is for the weak’ man, though he sure’d like to sleep more, his body just does not want him to, at some point he’s just, god fuck fine more time to be productive i guess, teddy could sleep for a week
Happiest VS Saddest
GOD fuck, what a question, which one of my sad boys is the saddest boy? asher is the saddest, noor is the happiest
Darkest backstory VS Lightest Backstory
hasghj please, gyo has the darkest backstory, devin has the lightest
Biggest eater VS Lightest eater
hmmm finn has a crazy fast metabolism so he just needs to eat constantly to keep his mass it actually drives him crazy he’d much rather be able to bulk up properly, asher is the lightest eater, though a lot of that is also circumstantial, he’d be eating more if he wasn’t going through things, but still probably less than all the others, i’ll count gyo out cause he actually does not have to eat technically, so he doesn’t always, teddy is also a fickle eater with his eating disorder, but he’s being healthy atm
Most ticklish VS Cruellest tickler
never thought about it, asher is the most ticklish under regular circumstances, his meds make him a little numb, ace would be the cruellest tickler
Brainiest VS Brawniest
despite discrediting himself constantly by saying ‘i had all the help money can buy it does not count’ asher is still the brainiest, straight a student, speaks multiple languages, can play multiple instruments, is juggling two degrees and a mental breakdown etc etc excelling in all of it (especially the break down) i guess he could be considered gifted but he’d refuse to accept that denotation, he’s diligent at best, and was not allowed to function any other way, in his mind it’s really not that impressive he had no other choice and who knows how many people just praise him unfounded to please him/his father
gyo is the brawniest, no question, not all brawn no brains you need both to get where he is but his martial might is literally legendary
Most forgiving VS Most grudgeful
teddy is the most forgiving, not necessarily always because the person deserves it, but because he just wants them to deserve it, he just wants to believe people are good and have good intentions, finn is the most grudgeful (his father is a special exception i suppose) he still hasn’t forgiven kitty for killing herself after what.. 10 years or so? to a point of major detriment to his own life by giving a wide berth to anything that reminds him of her which is a lot of the things he loves/loved
Physical vices (drugs, sex, alcohol) VS Spiritual vices (Lust, wrath, envy)
god i kinda just wanna put finn on both ends of that question, he seriously is the most susceptible to vices in general regardless of physical or spiritual, and he knows, and he’s trying to be better (good thing he knows terrible examples about drugs and alcohol both so he’s pretty good at staying away from those at least)
Optimistic VS Pessimistic
teddy and noor share the optimistic spot, teddy generally believes more in the good in the world and that things will be good, noor is more active about it, their mindset is more of the ‘things might be bad but i WILL change them i don’t care who tells me i can’t’ variant, asher is the most pessimistic, but once again i feel it’s not fair to call him out on that it’s not actually in his character it’s, again, his circumstances, but i’m not sure there’s gonna be a lot of space for optimism left in his life after everything anyways so i guess it’s really him
Most secretive VS Most open
gyo is the most secretive, ace too to an extend and asher certainly has his big secret, but gyo just wont tell you a thing, you’ll hardly get him to talk at all, especially about personal subjects, devin might be the most open, teddy is all trusting and optimistic but he’s been burned often enough to know to keep some things to himself, devin is a little more oblivious to that, or maybe it’s not really that, it’s not naivite, it’s him just believing that it is the best to put everything out there so there is no space for misunderstandings
Judges a book by its cover VS Judges mostly by personality
none of my characters are overly superficial it’s hard to say if anyone of them would judge based on appereance, i want to say it’s probably noor, but it’s not really about looks, it’s more that they tend to stick to first impressions a lot, when they have an image of a person in their mind they have a hard time seeing anything but that, and get confused often when they get blindsided by traits that do not fit the idea they have of that person, finn definitely judges the most by personality, he tends to be hypervigilant around people, probing their emotional state, checking that everything is okay, it’s that classic abuse survivor habit, always making sure everything is alright and there’s no hidden threat
Best singer VS Tone deaf
finn is the best singer by far, he’s good he’s really really good but it’s one of these things he’s connected to kitty so that’s not always easy for him, noor is absolutely tone deaf it’s awful they are not insecure about a lot of things but only people they trust will ever hear them sing cause they know they won’t judge them too much
Cast iron stomach VS Most squeamish
ace can and will eat anything, he grew up in a shitty situation where they did not always have access to proper food so he’s not picky about quality or freshness, food is always a little complicated for teddy cause he has to train himself to eat regularly, on top of that he will not eat just anything, he is a vegetarian but also the kind of person that was a picky eater growing up and is holding on to some dislikes that probably only exist in his head at this point, it’s about the consistency of eggs for example, or certain combinations he’ll just not eat or even try, finns body can’t handle histamies super well so he has to be careful too, raw tomatoes even give him allergic reactions, but all of that is less about him being squeamish, he’s more the try anything once kind of person
Shows most skin VS Covers up most
i’d say it’s a cross between finn and noor for most skin, finn just enjoys being mostly uncovered, noor just likes the look of revealing clothing, asher is definitely famously the one to cover up the most, maybe that’s also a weird defense mechanism but mostly he’s just been brought up in a rather conservative household and that notion stuck
Most religious VS Most atheistic
none of them are really religious, in a ‘greek gods do exist’ kind of setting that’s a weird thing to be anyways?? is it still religious when you know gods exists/you are part god lol?? noor also exists in a setting where they, as in the leaders of the empire, are considered to have divine right to rule and are basically worshipped themselves plus i have not yet figured out in what way religion and a pantheon even exists in their world, gyo most definitely worships noor in a way but lets not go there, asher is by no means religious, but he enjoys the, uhm, quiet contemplation and prudence i guess? the sense of reverence and tradition, he likes the idea of believing in a guiding power, but he does not believe himself (he’d have a bone to pick with god if he did), he does however go to church with his family not only for outward appereance there is in some weird way something calming he takes from that (the congregation is not conservative in the gay hating way so that helps), i think gyo might actually be the most atheistic, even when confronted with god-like beings he’s more like ‘you can’t do shit i pick my own destiny and i’ll fight you if i have to’, he can’t take them seriously and he sure as hell does not consider them superior in any way (tbf the glimpse he gets at their world makes that very easy he basically just brawls his way out of hell and everybody there is like ??? help ??)
Biggest reader VS Hasn’t touched a book in 3 years
asher is the biggest reader, he’ll read non-stop if you let him it’s such a good way to get out of his head, so it’s a bit of an compulsive habit, teddy definitely hasn’t touched a book.. in basically ever, it’s the dyslexia it’s really not his favorite thing to do it’s exhausting and frustrating, but he’d probably go for audio books every now and then, it’s similar for ace but he has more patience to chew his way through a book
Best at self-care VS Most self-destructive
oh boy, noor is the very best at self-care, cause they are always so well cared for? they were raised in an environment where everyone always made sure they were happy and comfortable, so they themselves value these things a lot and go searching for them even if nobody offers them from the outside, asher is by far the most destructive, he’s the last priority on his list the only reason he is still alive (if you want to call it that) is to shield other people, so self-care seems utterly pointless at this point, the one thing he does still do is grooming but for him that’s more just a part of functioning than anything that has to do with making himself feel better
Most flirtatious VS Most modest
under different circumstances asher would be the most flirtatious, and he still is sometimes when the situation calls for it, but just ignoring all the trauma and everything, just looking at the person he used to be/will maybe be again, he just likes schmoozing and dazzling people, making them feel welcome and appreciated, he’s oozing charme all over the place (to be fair none of this is sexual/romantic in any way, it’s more just his base socializing mode) to a point where he gets in trouble cause he not only leads people on unintentionally but also drives devin into jealous fits, it’s really hard to figure out who’s the most modest actually, gyo is a brick wall but sometimes social events require friendly mingling and he is very much able to, you know, for the sake of the empire, but he’s usually calm and collected and unapproachable, ace on the other hand never ever tries to attract other people, but on the contrary to gyo his wall is hidden, he does not let people close, but let’s them believe differently, and  sometimes has a bit of a mischievous behaviour about him that could be seen as flirtatious in some ways
Most outdoorsy VS Most indoorsy
teddy is by nature (ha) the most outdoorsy, it’s his domain, he’s truly at home surrounded by plants and animals, devin is the most indoorsy, locked behind his computer/tv most of the time, ace is a close second but he does get out more, training or hanging out in the streets
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Survey #259
"i went straight to heaven, but i kept on knockin’.”
What's something that makes you feel more creative? Music. What are the last three nail polish colors you wore? Wow, idk the last time I wore nail polish, but probably black or maroon. What's the last thing you binge watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender w/ Sara. Do you watch youtube videos or tv shows more? YouTube is essentially my TV. Quite literally - I don't have a television in my room because I never watch it. What's a DIY project that you don't think actually works? Oh dude, plenty. I have DIY-obsessed friends online as well as a Pinterest, I know this shit, lmao. I can name one though with total certainty because I was with a friend when she tried that disgusting "YOU CAN MAKE cuPCAkES IN A C uP!!!!!" crap. It's the most eggy shit you'll ever try. Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? No, but I think those crafts are generally super cute. Have you ever gotten rid of something and then regretted it? If so, what? (or what's one thing?) Oh yeah, one of my biggest being my senior prom pictures, but not for the reason you'd expect (save for two pictures of us that're just REALLY fuckin cute): I want them back because goddamn I was pretty ok and I miss that now that I hate my body every waking moment of every day. :^) What color is the zip-up hoodie you wear the most? Don't have one w/ a zipper, they're ugly. Do you live in an apartment that has inspections? No. Do you hate taking naps during the day? Nooo I love naps and usually take one a day. I tend to feel really tired all over again a few hours or so after I wake up. Who in your immediate family has the best natural hair? MEEEEEEEEEEEE. Would you ever audition for American Idol? Hell no. Do you know anyone who thinks they're more talented than they are? Lol wow, this is mean. I don't think so. Do you buy gum? Rarely, even though I like it. What's your favorite dollar store?  I don’t have a favorite, I'd say? But I think we normally go to Dollar General. How many cell phones have you had in your lifetime? Maybe like, six? Have you ever been inside a Victorian mansion? BITCH I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!! I would kill to get married in one, omfGGGGGGGGGGG. What was the most boring field trip you ever want on? I don't remember a bad one. I loved going on field trips. The last time you went, what were your favorite rides at Cedar Point? I’ve never been. Which country would you most like to visit? Eeeeek idk, but probably South Africa. What are your favorite types of videos to watch on YouTube? What I watch on YouTube has become pretty diverse, but I know my favorites are easily Mark's actual big projects w/ egos 'n shit alksjdflk;w gOOD SHIT MY FRIENDS. I still love let's plays, of course! Are you a hoarder? No. Is there a guy (or girl) that you wish things had worked out with? Yes. If you were to start a collection, what would it be? I'd loooove Shadow of the Colossus stuff, particularly the amazing figures they used to have only in Japan. And World of Warcraft stuff; all I have rn is an Illidan poster and a fae dragon plushy hanging from my ceiling that Jason got me. If you were rich, what things would you get done cosmetically? Mother of god, a lot. #1, make me skinny again for the love of fuck. Which would result in loose skin being taken off and probably a breast lift because being overweight ruined my comfort with them laskdjfw. Whiten my teeth and give me laser hair removal surgery on my legs, please. Are your parents too controlling? Not at all. Who is your favorite fictitious redhead? VOL'JIN Blizzard what the FUCK give him BACK What shows have you seen on Broadway? None. Who is the prettiest Asian YouTuber that you can think of? Bitch Mark is Korean and he's gorgeous as fuck goddamn it ain't fair. But this is a weird question. What is the best news you've heard lately? When my mom got a follow-up blood test, things looked good!! She especially needed to level out her sugar, which she did well on. She also didn't lose or gain any weight, so that's wonderful. Have you ever flown first class? Hunny I am v poor. Have you ever had food SO bad in a restaurant that you sent it back? I don't believe so, anyway. Do you talk in your sleep? Very regularly now. Have you ever locked yourself out of your house? OOF, yes. Are you the type of person who can shake insults off easily, or do they tend to stick around in your brain & bother you? They stick with me for a long, long time. At least two I remember from years upon years ago. Who was the last person you cut out of your life intentionally? My old therapist that I trusted and loved when I fucking shouldn't have. Where were you raised? By who? Eastern NC, by my parents. What were your first words? "Dada." What were some of your favorite things when you were young? DINOSAURS, Webkinz, Pokemon, and Spyro, to name a few. What did you grow up listening to? Mostly country and pop music. What games did you play in the past? Spyro was my obsession, and I also loved hunting games (ironic, as irl I would never even consider it???) as well as fishing ones, plus Crash Bandicoot. What was the best birthday party you ever had? I'm not sure. How about the best vacation? I'm unsure; I haven't really been on a lot. Do you have any secrets you never intend to tell? Yup. What memory would you like to disappear from your mind forever? A nightmare I had about my dad. If you were someone else, would you be friends with the person you are now? Yeah. Do you consider yourself a smart person? No. What friend in your life has been the greatest influence to you? I don't know. Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? What made it so terrifying? I shared a bedroom with an EXTREMELY volatile, violent woman once in the mental hospital. As in she had to go in solitary when she had a violent episode, during which she became very destructive to her surroundings, so as you could guess, I was worried about my own wellbeing. She was eventually moved because I was that uncomfortable. Did you celebrate Easter? Are there any holidays you are more inclined to celebrate than others? If so, which? Well, Easter hasn't come yet, but we'll probably go to my sister's house for the kids. We'll celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving without fail. We don't pay much attention to others. I'd LOVE to do something for Halloween, we just never have anywhere to go/anything to do. What was the last thing you deleted? Pictures. What colors make up the majority of your wardrobe? Is there any color you like, but don’t wear often? There's black there. Oh, there's s'more black. What's that???? More bLACK????? MAN, I wish I could pull off pink. When was the last time you were in any amount of pain? I had a pretty intense headache yesterday. Who was the last person to hug you? Do you hug this person often? My niece, and yeah, every time I visit. What are you most likely to argue or debate about? The fact I almost never leave my pajamas lmao. What was the last show you watched? Have you seen it before, or is it something you’re watching for the first time? A few days back, I was reeeaaally bored and actually watched TV deliberately, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?????? It was The Witcher; wasn't bad. I'd be willing to watch more. How would you describe your taste in clothing? What would a dream outfit look like to you? uuuuuggggGHHHHHHHH let me be GOTH. Give me a corsette if they weren't notoriously uncomf with plenty of chains 'n stuff. BIG, SPIKY BOOTS. SKINNY LEATHER PANTS. UUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH. Have you ever tried snowboarding? No. What’s your favorite planet besides Earth? Saturn is dope. Would you ever be a coach for any sport? Nope. What color of eyes do you have? Blue. Do you like tacos? NOOOOOOOOO. White or red wine? Wine is gross. Do you prefer foxes or wolves? Foxes. What’s the youngest you would consider dating? No younger than 21. Do you think suits are sexy? mmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Did you go to high school with your current best friend? No. What is your boss’ (or school prinicpal’s) name? N/A Were you a fan of Michael Jackson before he died? I was never really a fan. Respected him immensely as a musician, I just didn't care much about his music. Turkey or ham for Thanksgiving? Ham. Turkey is always too dry and stringy. Do you look good in hats? I wouldn't know, I haven't worn one in forever. Never with short hair. Colons or equal signs for your smiley face's eyes? Colons. Do you like architecture? If so, do you have a favourite style or structure that you’d like to make note? Yes, and I should really have an answer for this, as architecture was a big part in Art History... Ummm Etruscan stands out, and of course Roman/Greek (even after the class I don't remember their differences well...). I love Middle Eastern architecture, too. What is one of your favorite words, in any language, and why? I just love the sound of "serendipity," as well as uhhhh "sakura" in Japanese and "kanji" in Chinese. I'm trying to think of a German one, as there certainly are some, but they're evading me right now. Where is the farthest you’ve travelled on foot? JESUS FUCK probably going to get Sara's brother from school, mother of all that is holy. But it might just feel like it because it was during the peak of my muscle atrophy in my legs. Are there any songs that you perhaps like but avoid because it makes you sad when heard? A good number. Do you like the area that you live in? What do you like or dislike about the area? NO. There's not shit to do and it's not aesthetically pleasing at all. Do you have a memory of when you really thought that you have lucked out on something? If so, what was it? Uhhhhh. A handful, I guess? Oh, uh, the suicide attempt to name one and probably the biggest. I took way too many of those pills to experience almost zero symptoms of an overdose; I did look up what "too many" was, because I wanted that. I'd say I was pretty fuckin lucky. If you have apps on your mobile phone, which one do you use the most? Facebook. Which do you like better: fantasy or science fiction novels? Why? FANTASY!!! I think it allows more creativity and possibilities of something magically "making sense" because yeah, it's fantasy. Science fiction has more "realness" to it, more, obviously, scientific elements versus make-believe. Do you like opossums? Do you think it is ethically right for others to keep opossums as pets? OPOSSUMS!!!!!!!!! ARE!!!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're my second-favorite animals kdsja;lkdjaw. BUT ANYWAY, no, unless it's for rescue reasons. When was the last time someone asked you a huge favor or advice? Do you get asked often by this person? Oh I have no idea. Probably my mom? And no, definitely not. She hates asking for help. What are your thoughts on nihilism? I definitely get it, but it's not my personal outlook. Do you like the snow? More like love. What are your thoughts and feelings towards work/jobs in general? I don't know? I've never even had a real, steady job, so it's hard to really answer... I've only had bad experiences. It's kinda weird to me how you have to work your ass off (usually) to get a job you enjoy, as well as slave for some stupid green paper until the day you die just to stay alive and healthy. But at the same time, it offers a sense of fulfilment and is as well something productive and beneficial to the masses to do. Civilization would be very, very different and unadvanced if we were without them, so I guess it is a necessary thing. Humans gotta work together to keep where we're at. Do you believe in astrology? I've never actually elaborated why I don't believe in it so there ya go: not in the slightest. All it does is offer extremely broad characteristics that, in some light, almost anyone can relate to so they feel included in something. We naturally want to "belong" within something as social creatures, and astrology is an easy one with it being so vast. It gives equally indirect advice that can be applied to a multitude of situations, so people just mold what they read to fit their world. Don't base your goddamn life choices on the random positioning of shit in space. What is something that you’ve made/created? Do you take pride in your creations? Well, way way way too many OCs that I do indeed love a hell of a lot. If you have a Tumblr account, do you have any followers that you wish would not follow you? Well I'm sure there are bots. What kind of books do you generally enjoy to read? Fantasy stuff, mostly. But I also love novels with deep meaning, particularly about life in general. A good plot is mandatory. Does the quality of a video, on YouTube or a television, matter to you? I mean of course in some situations, like if I'm watching something educational/something to gain visual knowledge from. What is one situation that may cause you to become shy (if there is any)? Don't don't don't don't don't point out that my serious interests/things I massively love are "weird" like it's been years and I can still barely explain why my biggest tattoo is a tribute to some fuckface on the Internet lmao. When one is depressed, what can a friend do about it? Do you find that there is a good method to approach people in helping them combat depression? It is SO important to, first, ask them what they want. Do they want advice, an ear to just listen, just your presence, to be alone? As for combating depression, that greatly depends on the origin (if any) of theirs. There are so many factors in answering this question, but what I mentioned should, imo, always be the start. Do you tend to listen to music that embraces your mood or does music dictate your mood? Is it a little bit of both? Definitely both. When I'm sad though, I'm almost definitely listening to somber music too. Do you find yourself to be generally a forgiving person? I'm too goddamn forgiving. Do you have an embarrassing memory that you now look back at and can laugh? If so and if you’re comfortable, could you share one here? Omg I have a Bible-length collection of those suckers. I'd prefer not to. What is one skill that you have worked hard to develop? Is there still room for improvement on that skill? Damn, anxiety-coping mechanisms and actually trusting them to help me through attacks. I used to be convinced that they were useless because it just wouldn't work and weren't immediately effective, but you've gooooooot to trust the process, friends. What do you consider to be your main passion(s) and how did they come about? Spreading awareness of the seriousness of mental health and the comfort of knowing there's hope. You can never stop pushing. My own experience with mental health struggles is definitely the deeeep roots of that. Who do you think influenced you the most in your life so far? Why? Jason changed my life in many ways. Trauma does that. He taught me a lot about the necessity of having faith in yourself to survive on your own, a shitload about love and how it's not some fairy tale, and that people change, even those you least expect to. What is something that you have overheard people talk about that really bothered you? I could name more than a few things about race stuff, living where I do. What do you normally say or how do you normally act in response to a compliment? I usually do this shy laugh and say "thank you" with too much enthusiasm. How many books do you own? Do you have more physical books than electronic books? I've no clue where a lot of my old ones are. I have no electronic ones; I strongly prefer to read a physical book. What are your thoughts on higher education? Is it really necessary? In your opinion, what changes can be made? Depending on your aspiring career, it can be necessary, but just as easily, it can be unnecessary. I know for a fucking fact it should not be NEARLY as expensive as it is. Maybe even free, but I have no idea what monetary concerns that could cause with whoever runs the place. Have you ever received a heartfelt compliment from a stranger? Probably at some point. How many people would you consider to be extremely close to you? "Extremely"... like three lmao. Maybe one more or so. When was the last time you had to speak to a crowd? How well did that go? When I was taking pictures at a wedding last. It went okay. How would you describe your general outlook towards humanity? We by no means deserve to be the apex predator and Earth would be a shitload better without us. How long do you think you could last without any contact with your significant other, best friend, or a person whom you consider would be the closest to you? I'll use my mom here, in which case idk. I don't particularly want to find out. I talk to her at LEAST by text daily. Every day now that she can't work/is always home with me. Have you ever realised that someone was lying, but it was too late to confront them? Nope. Eventually speaking up is how I lost her, but.
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olivenight17 · 5 years
I really know how u feel about the family thing cuz mine is beyond complicated 🙄 and girl you have the FINNEST TASTE in readings, I can tell (burnedbyshoto's is outta there dropping masterpiece after masterpiece I'm in distress) and your writtings *chef kisses* 😊 well Im NERVOUS RN because Im really that clumsy and might have revealled myself in this meantime (the biggest loser, ik) BUT YES I HOPE WE BECOME GOOD FRIENDS AFTER ALL THIS WHOLE THING 🥺💕💕 - 🌻
AND ALSO, drop those questions, i dare u 😈😈 lol - 🌻
Oof, hopefully both of us survive our families this christmas then lmao. Also, you’re totally right, she is dropping masterpieces like ahhhhhh, my poor heart can only take so much talent and amazing writing!
You’re not the biggest loser, to be quite honest, I still don’t know who you are, and also I’m like entirely clueless on all fronts when it comes to guessing things like this. Legit, you could slap me in the face with the most obvious hint and my brain will just be “Hey, y’all hear smth?”
Also teSTING ME WITH A DARE KNOWING FULL WELL I WON’T BE ABLE TO RESIST I SEE YOU LMAO. Oof, well you say my writings are chef kisses, so shall I take it upon myself to assume that you already follow me? Also, this is probably gonna sound so self serving but out of pure curiosity, do you have a particular piece that I’ve done that you’ve liked the most?
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ughdesighhns · 5 years
50 questions tag.
I was tagged by this cutie @looney-joonie
1. What takes up too much of your time?
Work and sleep 😔✊
2. What makes your day better?
when I get to relax and sit around drinking water with lemons in it.
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
My sister brought me a chipotle bowl 😔✊
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
all of the island regions in Pokémon / TARDIS
5. Are you good at giving advice?
Definitely depends on what it is but I try my best.
6. Do you have any mental illness?
Not that I know of..
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
Im honestly not sure because I can’t tell if I’m just dreaming about one or if it’s real.
8. What musician inspired you the most?
Many, but in terms of art , BTS and twenty one pilots.
9.have you ever fallen in love?
I wouldn’t say so..
10. What’s your dream date?
going to thrifty stores or hanging out and playing uno or video games lol
11. What do others notice about you?
Tbh idk
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
Stealing clothes and pausing anime to rant.
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
lmao no way
14. How many exes do you have?
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
I like to cull and update a lot of my playlists so they actually never get too big but the fattest playlist I had was around 400 songs.
16. What instruments can you play?
Piano and ukulele (badly)
17. What do you have the most pictures of?
i actually am not sure but it’s making me super curious. But I think the answer is anatomy photo shoot pictures in reference for my art annd then probably blurry pictures of Yoongi.
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
Japan, Iceland & the town where I grew up.
19. What is your zodiac?
Sad Sagittarius sister
20. Do you relate to it?
I can’t ever remember what the deal is with Sagittarius’s personality and stuff but i know whenever I read stuff concerning it it’s usually right on the money so I’d say yes sort of.
21. What is happiness to you?
When you can hang loose and Live in the moment (id type a huge thing but I have zombie brain rn )
22. Are you going through anything right now?
yes a lot, I don’t exactly want to talk about much of
It but I am going to be graduating high school soon so that’s somethin’
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
Ehm pass
24. What’s your favorite store?
World market ( fun house & bath stuff ), changing hands bookstore (used books) , Zia records ( vinyls, cds and nerdy stuff )
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
decision should be left to the individual.
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
It’s not actively something I keep track of but yes.
27. Do you have a favorite album?
Holy fuck there are too many.
28. What do you want for your birthday?
Return trip to the beach
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
I’ve been told I’m intimidating but friendly. Which I don’t get I’m the biggest wuss ever
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
Literally 16 because I am young looking.
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
I keep it on my nightstand beside my bed on night mode. Before I kept it on night mode I would find it in my hand in the morning or across the room...
32. What word do you say the most?
“Like” “something like that” “oof”
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
I don’t date people younger than I am. especially since I am 18, there’s an awkward maturity gap. (from my own personal experience I guess)
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
I sometimes get Public relations wtf? But I get told Tattoo artist more often.
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
alternative, rock and rap.
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
Sweden or japan.
38. What is your current favorite song?
Dope on a rope - The growlers / pink - no rome
39. How long have you had this blog for?
40. What are you excited for?
Finishing a manga I’ve been working on and submitting my art portfolio to be graded 😔✊🌸
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
Once I start talking I won’t stop but I love listening to people rant.
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
I made some mounts for my art pieces and I finished drawing a page of a manga I’m working on.
43. What do you want for Christmas?
U. 👀
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
Lol world history and art where strong points for me
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
Kind of a 4 to be honest.. ( mostly bcuz I’m sleepy )
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
I’ll be 28 so hopefully getting married haha
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
When I was 15-16 I broke up with a friend while I was moving away. ( it sucked but I’m glad I did it )
48. What age do you want to get married?
Around 27 or 28.
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
Omg a ballerina or artist.
50. What do you crave right now?
Sleep and the next ep of AOT season 4 😩
There we go whew.
A lot of people ik have already done this so I won’t tag a bunch but Ik @eektheart hasn’t 👀 hehe
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fayn3ko · 5 years
Hewoo, Fay. The numbers for the asks would be 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 22, 25, 28, 31, 36, 38, 39, 44, 49, 50, 60, 65, 75, 78, 85, 93, 98. Thenks
4. do you like your name? why?
I believe Anna is really nothing special and I hated to have classmates also called Anna, so the teacher always had to give us signs who they mean. Guess it suits me tho
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
uuuhm dysfunctional obsessed nerd
9. where do you shop?
For food I go to an Aldi, Netto, Edeka or Alnatura, for clothes into EMP or such and often second hand, and stuff I need I look in shops which have them - I look forward to buy more stuff from little independent shops which sell environment friendly stuff 
10. how would you describe your style?  and 14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
answered here 
22. do you go to the gym?
Oh no, too many people. And I’m just very lazy haha
25. what color socks are you wearing?
Mostly black with pink-tones, pink ones, grey
28. how many friends do you have?
I used to have more but I’m happy with the people who still like me
31. 3 favorite boy names
Oof idk Wolfgang, Richard, Thomas
36. favorite movie?
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38. money or brains?
I like people with brain but I wish I would have more money
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?
I guess Fay counts as one 👈
44. what is your biggest fear?
Most kinds of social contact and the future
49. what was the last compliment you received?
The colleague of my boss told me I did the drawing good (can’t remember something more personla rn)
50. what was the last text you sent?
Uh,, I wrote something into the discord server, of course, Rammstein related
60. how any pictures do you have on your phone?
1002 and I should really delete some bc I have most of tem already copied on my laptop lmao 
65. what do you wear to bed?
I switch between a sleep shirt with only underwear or sleep pants and a lighter sleep top with short pants 👀
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?
Mhm, maybe, if it’s better. Probably taking a double last name, depending on their name it could sound really cool
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Closed. I don’t really like it open at all, no matter if day or nitgh - except when it’s really warm.
85. what shirts are you wearing?
To work mostly men shirts in S or M, but I also own tank tops or lady shirts in XS or S (if you mean T-shirts, that language confuses me sometimes)
93. last thing you ate?
Fire-Potatoes, you put taters into a pan, roast it with a lot of stuff like onions, mushrooms, tofu, corn and stuff and put tomaote sauce in there (we like it spicy so we also put chili in there, so it becomes worth the name lol)
98. favorite month?
I like July and December the most 
Thank you bwon ♥
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rosykims · 5 years
5 + 10 for emeraude, 14 + 18 for effie, 19 + 24 for arylene and 30 through 45 for imogen bc i love her so much ? 😏😏😏
fdjkfjkfdk thank u SO much maia i absolutely Treasure You !
What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
emeraudes fashion sense is probably my favourite out of all my ocs, so uh if u havent looked at her pinterest board yet u should do that bc its Very cute hehehe
anyway for the most part she sticks to dark, practical clothing whenever she's out and about in kirkwall or doing merc work, etc. she picks clothes that convey strength and power, but she likes having a little bit of colour somewhere on the piece, just to keep things interesting. she's not much of an embroider, but was a good way to keep herself distracted during hard times, so she tends to add little patterns here and there whenever she gets the chance!
as for special occasions, for her this would actually just be. a quiet night at home or a relaxed gathering with her friends. bc its so rare for her to have that lmao. anyway for events like that she usually wears light colours and soft fabrics, simple but always decorated with flowers or colourful patterns.
What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
she has a collection of gifts ! that kids from lowtown would give her over the years she spent in kirkwall. she's a very community based person and wants to do right for her city, and shes very nurturing (in an ironical, Cool Big Sister way) so she likes making sure all the kids are safe and being looked after. she gets a lot of trinkets and strange gifts from some of the kids as a result, but she does treasure them (even if she laughs about it with her friends) and keeps them all !
Who is the mother and/or father figure in your OC’s life?
effie's maternal rolemodel has always been her late mother, ellen. nobody could really fill that role in her eyes, since they had such a close, positive relationship before she passed. her relationship with her dad was a lot more strained and it really impacted a lot of her relationships later on in life too ! she tends to.... see an older man who is Vaguely Nice to her, and then think “ oh, youre my dad now?” which isnt fair to anybody obviously but yeah she,,,, has a lot of unresolved issues regarding alec and tends to unintentionally project so. We stan !
How many times did your OC move as a child? Which area was his/her favorite?
oh constantly lol. With her dad being an n7 and her mother working so hard on her research, they tended to move around wherever her parents work required. she actually enjoyed it this way. she was never good at making long term friends, but she lived meeting new people, and obviously with the move she got to experience a lot of different cultures which really put the idea of adventuring and travelling in her head at a young age.
What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them?
she likes them ! she tends to keep her distance with most communities and groups of people in particular, but she does like enjoys having the odd conversation with the odd street urchin here and there, either sharing with them some strange, ridiculous life advice or – if shes feeling particularly chaotic – telling them the scariest stories she can think of. as for having them, arylene isnt AGAINST the idea, but she has far too much for the foreseeable future for that to ever be a good idea
Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
outwardly, arylene is an almost unbearably easy going person, so you would assume she doesnt hate anyone lol. but she does DEEEPLY dislike cults and groups of ignorant people who are arrogant enough to start messing with the balance of life, or making deals with gods, etc. she believes that people like that can do an unbelievable amount of damage, so she invests a lot of time and effort it sabotaging any group or plot she happens to find !
Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they?
hmm idk if this even EXISTED in 19th century london lol, but she would have done some very tame version of girl scouts as a child! She barely remembers any of it, but she liked the classes on what plants did what, which were safe to eat, and the likes. its something that helps her a lot when on the run with the gang, and something shes always had a personal interest in, as a nurse !
other than that, she’s done a lot of independent study on history, classical literature, and she speaks fluent italian we stan !
What is your OC’s opinion of school? What kind of student was s/he?
imogen comes from a very wealthy aristocratic family, so she was very fortunate that her privilege afforded her the education she got at the time. she is VERY grateful to have attended the schools she did, and she made sure to make the most of it, paying attention in class and studying harder than most of her classmates. she's a smart girl with a very active mind, so knowledge is something she can't get enough of. she was actually petitioning the board of education to allow her to attend university before she left for america – already their had been women accepted into universities at that time, but obviously it was still a very scandalous thing lol, especially since imogen wanted to study medicine.
What subjects did your OC excel at?
imogen is a HUGE overachiever and did pretty well at basically everything from science, mathematics, language studies and later on, in her studies as a nurse. i can tell you what shes bad at though lmao
anything physical really dkdkdks she is TERRIBLE at horse-riding since she usually just went by carriage everywhere in the city. art and poetry and writing in general she was never great at, because she's a pretty logical person and was told she never put enough emotion in her work lol !!! sports...obviously was very limited anyway as growing up in like? the early 1870s lol. and as for the traditionally feminine lessons in like ?? sewing and cooking and stuff well ! she was very average at them which made her  feel worse than if she was actually bad bc she's so used to excelling and making a name for herself oof
What subjects interested your OC?
Imogen loves greek literature and mythology !! the iliad is her favourite book and she keeps her heavily annotated, dog eared copy – a gift from her late father – on her person almost constantly. needless to say its why dutch admires her as much as he does lol.
obviously, as a nurse-trying-to-be-a-doctor, she has a great love for medicine in all its forms. she's always been fascinated in natural remedies, and even moreso when she's running with the van der linde gang and is really relying on the land to survive.
What is your OC’s dream job and/or current profession?
hmm okay so. Technically she's a nurse – she worked in her father's hospital for almost 10 years prior to his death, and she was sort of his unofficial understudy, as in she knows a LOT more than her job description requires lol. but after her father past away, another, less progressive man took his place as chief of surgery and made a lot of changes to the way the hospital operated, and imogen was let go. she and her mother were fighting against it, however, under the ground of unfair dismissal, but obviously given the time period it didnt get them very far. so ! i mean technically she's unemployed rn. but she still has dreams of being a doctor, or at least continuing her career in medicine.
How is your OC working towards their dream job and/or achieved their current profession?
Oh VERY direct action up until she got disheartened and chose to take her sabbatical. she had been working in her role for nearly a decade, and was very obviously one of the most experienced nurses there. even younger doctors would sometimes ask her for her medical opinion dksksks anyway what i am saying is Brain Very Good. she had been fighting to gain admission into a university – any, she wasnt picky – to study medicine officially, but it didnt get very far and she put it on hold after her father got sick. after he died and she was laid off, she fought even harder against the city to reinstate her title, and continues to fight after she returns from america a year or so later.
What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession?
helping people is her entire life, and she wouldn't know what to do without it. she loves being a nurse enough to fight to be a doctor, but also in BEING a nurse, she is hyperaware of all the things current medical standards seem to get wrong, and she has a lot of ideas about how else to go about things. her father, a shockingly progressive and worldly man for the time period, shared her sentiment, but he wasn't able to make the changes he wanted to before he passed, so imogen hopes she can be the change herself, and make her father proud
What is your OC’s biggest dream?
being a licenced doctor, babey ! preferably at her father's hospital, but at the point she will take what she can get.
How does your OC react to and handle stress?
imogen  handles stress very well , which is partially why she makes such a good medic, and also how she managed to survive the first week of being with the van der linde gang lmao. she is very good at shutting out EVERY distraction when things get dicey, and her brain tends to move at a million miles an hour. all traces of english etiquette and politeness go out the window, though, so you'll usually catch her barking orders at people, and yelling at anyone who prevents her from doing the work she needs to do. it.....is a big wake up call for people like dutch and micah, and gets her into a LOT of trouble on multiple occasions.
How does your OC handle anger?
ooo......not great. she’s grown up with parents who maybe encouraged her to speak her mind a bit....TOO much given the historical circumstances lol. she really doesn’t stand for ignorance or prejudices in any capacity, and if she has a problem with someone and it gets in the way of her trying to do her work or help others - she will ABSOLUTELY be having words. she also overestimates her own strength quite a lot. she’s tried to throw hands with micah MANY times, often forgetting she’s this tiny 70kg englishwoman and he’s .... Him sdjkdcjkf. she has a big mouth too so she often says snide remarks without even meaning too, which tends to get her in trouble as well. on the bright side, it also helps her fit in with the gang quite well, because for the most part they all appreciate how wild she is lmao
How does your OC handle grief?
hmm i guess it depends on what you would class as “well”? she doesnt cry very often - being stoic and handling your emotions is important when your a nurse - but she does tend to shove her feelings down far longer than she should, and tries to pretend they don’t exist by simply focusing on other things. she also blames herself when a lot of things go wrong, because she’s a perfectionist and wants to FIX everything, so when she finds something - or someone - she can’t save, it feels like a personal failure. like she let them down :(
What is your OC’s greatest fear?
probably being trapped in an unhappy, unfulfilling marriage with someone who undervalues her. she’s not much of a homebody and doesn’t have too much of an interest in being married, but the idea of feeling FORCED to marry someone in order to have a decent quality of life makes her blood run cold oof
What makes your OC happy?
helping people ! meeting new folks ! learning about other cultures and ways of life! learning about NEW THINGS in general ! proving people wrong ! insulting micah !
as tough and high-and-mighty as she sometimes seems, she’s a pretty easy person to please, honestly. treat her with respect, give her space to do the things she wants to do, and don’t get in the way of her opportunities to learn new things, and she’s mostly very happy !
What kind of sense of humor does your OC have?
she has a fairly macabre and sardonic sense of humour, something she picked up from her mother. she says a lot of Shocking things for the time period, and she’s not shy of dirty jokes either. the first time sean heard her, a soft, well spoken english Lady, make some filthy, crude joke, he nearly had a stroke right there on the spot kjkjkfdjkf
What are some things that greatly upset your OC?
senseless violence, suffering or cruelty. she really hated the gang at first and hoped to escape the first chance she got, because all she could see was the crime and disregard for human life she assumed they all held. fortunately, as she got to know them, she realized this wasn’t exactly the case, but she still has a lot of anger in her heart for a few key members of the gang who seem to enjoy bloodshed more than anything. she also hates any form of social prejudice, and people who gatekeep knowledge and opportunities from others.
What are some things that annoy your OC?
i guess all of the above, but she also dislikes misplaced arrogance, and people who talk down to others. she tolerates dutch, but often gets frustrated with the way he speaks, using as many big words as he can to manipulate and confuse others. she believes that really intelligence doesn’t require obscure jargon and big, fancy words - she likes keeping things simple, so everybody can follow along.
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changji · 5 years
Wow you really went off the other day but at least it was worth it 😪 I normally look at the scenery when I’m on a road trip, but then I get bored of it and decide to sleep bc there’s nothing else to do. Motion sickness must suck :(( do you take gravol or something to help with it? Coffee literally drains the life out of my funds it hurts me
Yes omg pls make me cookies I love them. Maybe you can even open a bakery with pastries and sell some good /cheap/ coffee. Ilyt my dear baker 🥺 ye I’m not the biggest fan of my bday either but gotta celebrate anyway!! One year closer to death woohoo 🎉🎉 your birthday is the most important day of the year!!! You can’t fight me on this I’m right
Pearls are so good. Like most places I go to don’t add anything to the pearls so it’s just bland squishy balls but the place I frequent adds I think honey to sweeten them. It gives the pearls life istg. It tastes so good 🤤 hollering is a funny word. For some reason I always associate it with yodelling which makes me laugh
Ksks you must be op if you can make a joke in the wall with a door slam. I can’t relate my arms are literally sticks and I have no strength in me. Chrome books are terrible in general. Add my schools terrible wifi and you get one big recipe for disaster. I’d never fight u either (unless it’s for your bday) ily too much for that 🥺🥺🥺
Hahah I think it’s me. I haven’t heard anyone say “go ham” except for the people who go to my school. I find it really funny tho so I try to incorporate it whenever I can LOL easily burnt? Can’t relate but apparently I easily tan. There’s this one diagonal stripe on my shoulder that separates pale me and tan me which ??? How did that happen and what was I wearing for that to happen??
It’s all fun and games until you go outside and see a mountain of snow waiting for you to be shovelled. But there are some good aspects to winter, like skating and skiing and all that fun stuff. Snow is so heavy?? Or maybe I’m just weak but after I finish shovelling I’m beat. Gardening is not my thing. There’s too many bugs involved flying around 🥴
Kind of? I always thought it was short for cappuccino but I could be wrong. They don’t taste like fraps tho, they’re sm better. I was always a frap hoe until I discovered lattes. My old elementary school was close to a Starbucks so whenever frappy hour was happening, my friends and I would go almost every day LOL
I heard that dunkin coffee is really good. Oof there’s so many things that the us have that Canada doesn’t. But apparently you guys don’t have ketchup chips?? How can one live without them? You know that’s what soulmates are, we’re stuck together forever and I don’t mind that. I’d never leave you 😌😌
YES OMG LATTES ARE SO EXPENSIVE. I pay around the same amount and my wallet cries every time. If you ever yeet yourself off a bridge I’d come visit u in hell and bring u iced coffee 💖 we really are soulmates wtf I get almond milk in my lattes as well!! I used to get normal milk and was like “I’m a bad bitch milk can’t hurt me” but that didn’t really work out. Sigh what we do for coffee 😔
Washing dishes is disgusting. I hate doing them but yk someone’s gotta do it and that someone is me 😤 I’m acc lazy when it comes to smoothies, I usually ask my mom to make them LMAO. Pancakes are pretty much made of flour if you think about it so technically when u eat one plain ur eating cooked flour,, how barbaric. Waffles are Built. Like. They have a 20 pack 😪😪
I love angst personally so pls go ham but not too ham I’d like to keep my heart. Honestly at this point my last brain cell has given up on me. But yes I love angst and I love torturing myself with heart wrenching angst that leaves me crying into my pillow at 3am (I’m talking about this one haikyuu fic that I forgot the name of. I was literally dying inside jalsjwo)
Pls do send me peet’s I’ll send you an iced capp in a cooler so it’ll be somewhat melted and probably spilt everywhere 🤪 tumblrs probably gonna block me again, I’m looking at how much I’ve typed rn and it’s a lot lmaoo. Yes I managed to save myself. I redid the whole last with less detail bc I was not Having It but it turned out better?? How is ur drawing now?
I start after labour day in September. But starting in 3 weeks?????? On a Thursday?? I could never wtf. When do you end? I’m so confused with these ap and honours thing, like there’s none offered in my school nor majority of the school district. Are they just advanced classes or something? It is 7 classes a semester or the whole year?
Stan talent i think you meant yourself??? Jsjsksk I am not only ur coffee soulmate I’m not #1 fan as well and I support u bc ily 🥺🥺 the read more tag had me laughing for a hot minute. Like we really could make an essay out of all of our replies. I don’t have any pets (besides fish does that count?) unfortunately bc my moms allergic to fur 🥺 hbu?? (I can’t believe tumblr blocked me again they can fight me)
i didn’t even pay LOL i freeloaded off my cousin 🤧 i like to look @ scenery sometimes but like i can’t bc my head hurts LOL and the scenery is always the same for me, mountains and fields with cows. i try to take dramamine but it makes me so drowsy that i’m just basically dead,,, i live off of my cousins money so i’m okay 🤪
tbh i use nestle toll house pre made cookie dough, like that shit actually slaps. it’s the best it’s so good omg, perfect for lazy hoes 🤧 death here we go ! the order is ur bday, then skz debut date, and then christmas i don’t make the rules sorry sis 😤
pearls are Dangerous, i once drank a smoothie and there were pearls in it and i couldn’t see them bc there were like. only 3 and they were Buried under the smoothie but i choked and almost died but i chewed one of them and it’s like. so weird. HOLLERING AND YODELING IM- i once went to some public yodeling class and left in 2 seconds bc it was a bunch of white boys dressed like the kid from walmart 😪
it’s not even strength i’m actually rly weak,, i always think the doors are closed but they’re not and so i like slam them open and the walls are thin so it’s just. a sad hole. terrible wifi,, my school has pretty good wifi tbh but we have like three connections, one for the chrome books only, one for the teachers & staff, and one for students and guests. like it works rly good but everyone has a VPN bc of stupid social media restrictions 😤 & ilyt 🥺 u would probably win in a fight tho LOL
go ham is so interesting. the first time i heard it i thought it meant go pig and i was so confused but ig,,, i live lathered in sun screen whenever i go somewhere with the sun. ppl are like “i smell sun screen” and im just there like 🙃 it’s me u got a problem u burnt chicken nugget ??? i wish i tanned easily, i have a tan friend and when i showed her when my legs got tan she was so confused. i thought i was tan tho? bc during marching band season my sock tan becomes So Bad i’m basically white. she said she was blinded when she saw me pull my sock down and i laughed so hard LOL & i hate those dumb random tan lines like. where u @ bro? where u come from??
snow is fun for like a day and then i get tired LOL i csn only handle wet socks and a red nose for so long 😔 i tried skiing one time and i did so bad that the instructor had to hold me down and walk with me down the slope. i fell so many times i think he hated me 😳 i’m also rly bad at skating? i went w my friends once and i held both of their hands and still managed to bring both of them down when i fell. a cute guy once helped me when i was struggling to walk so 🥴 not my brightest moment tbh,, trying to walk in skates while on ice. do u enjoy skiing/skating? also gardening is. gross. worms and dirt and the sun i’m not here for it.
u: cappuccinos! me: ...ice bergs,,, now that i think about it fraps kinda suck,,, i used to think i was So Cool for drinking starbucks but now i’m like. wow. i used to think there was coffee in a frap but it’s just. sugar and ice LOL also speaking of tmrw is bogo fraps here,, idk if it’s all over the world but myb u should check it out 😪
dunkins okay it depends on what you get, i once got an iced latte and it was good but my dad got an iced coffee and he like. hated it so we had to switch and it was so bad like. it was coffee crime. it was horrible and not strong it was basically milk 😤 also,, ketchup chip? i just googled what that was and. that’s literally so weird. fun fact i hate ketchup and all other condiments i can only eat bbq sauce and i tolerate steak sauce
i mentioned this in the other ask but. we going broke bitches club 😪 when u come visit me it’ll be old town road the one w mason ramsey on a loop. nothing will top the og remix but no, i’ll be stuck listening to some 5 year old rap for all of eternity
I USED TO BE SUCH A GOOD KID AND DRINK MILK EVERY MORNING ever since i got to middle school i preferred sleep over waffles and milk and i hardly drink milk but when i do. my stomach does not have it.
my mom made me wash dishes today and she just stared at me when i put ziploc bags on my hands bc we didn’t have gloves but i just painted my nails and i’m not abt to put myself thru chipped nails. not yet 😤 waffles are so good like i love waffles and lattes only 🤧
well i’ll go very ham (am i doing it right LOL) 😤 the angst ending is a lot better than the open ended or happy ones LOL i’m so excited for it 🥺 i’m rly tryna get it out before the end of this month bc the edit says july and it’ll make me Mad if i don’t get it out before the end of this month
i wanna start in september 🤧 and i usually end in the first week of june. also on a wednesday LOL it’s gross. stupid. ap means advanced placement so it’s just. a college level class. lowkey mad bc i’m taking ap euro (as a sophomore 😒) and other schools take it in their senior years? apparently this is normal? and honors are just faster paced classes with more weighting so,, idrk oops 😬 some people take 7 classes in a semester but i took it for the whole year! this year i’m dropping orchestra i’m Not for that spit in the carpet life
the only talent in this house goes by ada and jisung. i don’t make the rules. i’m ur #1 fan 🥺 as soon as u post anything i automatically smash that rb button LOL also put a read more here bc like. we’re really out here writing a whole ass essay. i’ll look @ all our convos bet it’ll be like. a lot. i don’t wanna say smth and be off so i’ll just not. i have a dog! he’s the cutest in the world and i love him sm 🥺 tumblr can fight me first like. what’s this ask limit bull hhhhh
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