myarcadiandream · 3 days
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taeminfucks · 1 year
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zac farro on his instagram stories 2/4/24
bonus (hayley williams 10/8/23 for rolling stone):
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sasster · 7 months
wait before i go to sleep for real let me just say
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funereel · 2 years
rare W I’ll get to play Bloodborne in approx 39 minutes
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laureleikirsch · 1 year
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exidofficial · 2 years
Might just get Mary brown’s tomorrow
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therozpoz · 2 years
Bruh I’m so tired
I’m sitting here about to go into the office for work today and I’m just like man I would love to draw something but I am so unmotivated
The apartment is still trashed, someone tried breaking in, my electric bill is doubled because of the dehumidifier having to run constantly to keep mold at bay in the flooded bedroom that STILL hasn’t been fixed by management
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starsanddragonflies · 2 months
Season 8 Sam is special
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Month 7, day 11, done painting Sus's hand! Now for Frey's face :D
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lindaeastman · 2 years
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fbfh · 1 year
TW for sexy slapping, general rough stuff, and degrading. as with all nsfw works all characters are aged up to 18+
biiiiiiiiitch I just got the most visceral image of Peter Parker fucking begging. thrown onto the bed panting and heavy breathing and whimpering for you to do something to him. anything. ideally something rough. he probably broke into your place as spiderman late at night to come see you, but it was dark and you couldn't tell who he was so in a panic you slapped him across the face and cussed him out. you know what this motherfucker did? he moaned. you stop in your tracks because of course you recognize that sound, you've made Peter make that sound enough to pick it out of a line up. you freeze half way through calling him various mean names and turn on a light. he pulls off his mask and he looks so flushed and descheveled and his hair is all rumpled. you're about to apologize for the pink mark developing on his cheek but before you can, he starts begging you to do it again. one look down at the insane boner he's incapable of hiding in that skin tight suit brings you right up to speed.
"Please please please, you can do whatever you want to me, you- you can call me more mean names, just please, don't stop..."
suffice it to say neither of you got anymore sleep at all that night, and that was the night you discovered Peter really likes rough sex.
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d3m0nicdream · 10 months
Prom Night: Colby Brock (Part 3)
**Colby Brock Prom AU Poll Winner**
Colby Brock x fem!reader - a budding story about two people believed to be unobtainable to anyone, until they set their sights on eachother.
tags: kissing, emotions being dumb.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 <
You wake up to a splitting headache, wincing in pain as you sit up. Your eyes adjust to your surroundings and you realise you are not home. You think back to the events from last night and instantly heat plasters onto your face.
'I kissed Colby Brock.'
'I asked him to Prom.'
"What the fuck, dude." You groan and fall back into the pillows. You feel comfortable and look down. You're not wearing your own clothes. That's right, he gave you a shirt to wear. You sit up again and take in the room. It was definitely his room. It was dark because of the black out curtains. Your phone lights up next to you and you see a text on your phone from an unknown number.
Unknown- Text me when you wake up :)
It had to be Colby. He probably got your number from Kat or something. You shoot him a text and hear him running up the stairs a few minutes later. He comes into the room slowly, peeking his head in first before coming in completely.
"Good morning." He holds out his hand and drops two pills in your hands. You can't muster the courage to look at him. You take the medicine and the glass of water he hands you.
"Thanks.." you say, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. He grabs your chin and makes you look at him.
"Hey, it's okay. We don't have to make it weird." He assures. He leans into you, pressing his lips against your forehead. He give you a smile before letting go of your face. You two sit in silence before you have the urge to pee. You flip the covers off and notice you aren't wearing pants.
"Uh.. could I get some pants?" He looks at your bare legs and blushes.
"Y-yeah, yeah hold on." He scrambles up to grab something for you to wear. He throws you a pair of shorts. You slide them on and head to his bathroom. You pee and then check the mirror. Man, did you look rough. You try to fix your hair before just putting in up in a ponytail and brush your teeth with your finger, feeling a tad bit better and somewhat hygienic.
"Hey, I made breakfast. You hungry?" You can hear Colby semi-yell through the doorway. You answer a quick 'yeah' while grabbing your bra to put back on. He leads you out and down the stairs where you see everyone. Jake, Corey, Nate, Sam and Kat all look at you as you come down the stairs. Colby goes to make you a plate while you take a seat next to Kat who gives you a look and then to Colby and back to you. You shake your head no and she smirks at you. Of course you were gonna tell her later but right now, you just wanted to get out of this awkward environment and into your own clothes.
Colby comes back with a plate and hands it to you. The guys end up talking about the party. You and Kat talk a little bit about the party as well.
You wave at the guys as you and Kat hop in your car and pullout of the driveway.
"Biiiiiiiiitch, tell me everything." Kat starts slapping your arm, excited about the tea you are about to spill.
"ME? bitch where did YOU go? I lost you and was drunk as fuck looking for you." You exclaimed.
"You got dick and I didn't. CRAZY." You add. She looks at you quickly.
"What do you mean, you didn't? But you slept in Colby's room." Kat looks at you confused. Your face gets red at the thought.
"Something did happen... but not what you think." You explain. Kat looks at you with curiosity and you swallow whatever saliva is still in your throat.
"W-we kind of kissed... and then it was gonna go farther but he... he stopped because I was drunk and then he helped me get ready for bed. He didn't even sleep in the bed. He slept on the couch." Kat looks at you bewildered.
"YOU KISSED COLBY BROCK?" Kat yells in your ear as you drive.
"SAYS YOU. YOU SLEPT WITH SAM GOLBACH." You yell back. She looks at you with crazy eyes.
"You don't know that." She spits at you, crossing her arms in defense. You look at her like she was nuts. You knew her in and out. You knew she slept with him.
"Katrina. Look me in my eyes and tell me you didn't." You park in the driveway of your shared home. She looks at you, staring right into your irises. After a few seconds, she caves.
"FINE. Yeah I did and I'd do it again. Best night of my life. Romantic, fun, not as awkward as I thought. It was everything." Kat squeals and you smile at her excitement. You were happy for her.
"I'm sorry you didn't get laid." Kat retorts.
"I'm not.. because that's not the only thing that happened.."
"What do you mean?"
"I might have asked Colby to prom."
The weekend went fast. You and Colby have been texting non-stop. That being said, suddenly he stops answering your texts as you walk into the school.
"Hmm, that's weird." You say to Kat who is texting Sam.
"What is?"
"Colby left me on read like three minutes ago." You twist your face in confusion, but then you hear a comotion right down the hall. A group of people have gathered and there's someone yelling. You push through the crowd and see a horrific sight.
Colby was on the ground with Brent Snider holding onto his shirt.
"You think she wants you?" He drops Colby and points at the crowd.
"Or you. Or YOU? She needs a man. An Alpha male. Not some wannabe Emo kid." You push through the crowd and cross your arms.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Brent looks at you and smiles.
"Y/N! Just in time. This piece of trash was caught disrespecting you so I decided to teach him a lesson." You look at him in confusion. Kat runs up to you with her phone, showing someone's recording of Colby leading your into his room from the party.
"You stupid motherfuckers. I'm so over this. Colby Brock.. is my boyfriend, you fucks." You feel the entire student body look at you including Colby with wide eyes.
"Your boyfriend? He's not even in the game."
"Exactly, I'm so tired of this game and being this stupid fucking prize to you people. It's over. I'm done. Leave me alone." You put your back into the last sentence. Brent looks at you and the anger washes over his face before he sends a fist into a locker.
"This isn't fucking over." He looks at you and then at Colby before walking away and everyone disperses. You help Colby up who now has a decent black eye.
"We might be able to cover it but it's going to be there for a few days."
"Hopefully it's gone before prom. I have a date you know, with my girlfriend." His eyebrows wiggle and you roll your eyes.
"Look, it's just to keep them off our backs, okay?" You tell him while still looking at his eye. It definitely might need covered up for prom, it was pretty dark already an damn near bleeding.
"We will talk about it later." Colby tries to wink with his only good eye and it makes you laugh. You guys go your separate ways, the entire school in an uproar about the whole situation. Prom was in five days and you have yet to talk to Colby about any of it.
At some point in the day, you paths cross and he almost doesn't stop to talk to you so you grab his arm.
"Hey, you okay?" You ask. He was acting weird. He nods and kind of shrugs your hand off.
Let's just talk after school. in private." His eyes plead for the conversation to be over which you oblige.
"okay." You speak. A pit forms in your stomach. You feel like you had been scolded like a child. The day drags on and you don't hear from Colby until later in the night. You can't sleep. The events of the day wash over your thoughts until it's all you can think about. You decide to take a leap of faith and text Colby to see if he was awake.
Y/N: Hey.
C: yeah?
Y/N: Can we talk?
C: sure.
Y/N: Can I call?
C: yeah, of course.
The phone rings and rings before you feel like he isn't going to answer but the call finally connects.
"Hey." You whisper into the phone for some reason, feeling restless and needing to stand. You pace back and forth through your room.
"Hey, you okay?" Colby asks right away. You sigh, not sure where to even start.
"I can't sleep. I've been playing todays scene in my head all day and I just... I'm sorry." You couldn't help but apologize. The whole boyfriend thing just came out and now it has caused more problems, not only for you but Colby as well.
"Hey, it's okay. I don't mind. The game needed to end. Sure, I'll get a bunch of shit but if that's what needs to happen for you to have peace, then so be it." It wasn't fair at how nice and understanding he was being. He didn't deserve any of this. He could have still had a peaceful existence.
"I still feel bad-" You voice breaks and you realise you are on the verge of tears and Colby doesn't miss it.
"Y/N, I'm coming over." Colby speaks through the speaker.
"What? No Colby, it's late. You don't need to." You plead. He didn't need to see you like this. He didn't need to be your light in the dark, the sword to your shield. Your sniffles don't sound too convincing to him though.
"No, it's okay. You need me and I'm on my way. Say you don't and I'll stay."
"I-" You think about everything. You haven't been able to be close to anyone for so long. Everyone was either fighting to be with you as a reward or hating you because of the game. To be this close to anyone like you were with Colby in such a short amount of time breaks your mind. Your walls shatter down in the instant and before you know it, your lips are moving.
"I need you." You start to cry. All the pent up emotion and heartache. The loneliness and solitude that once numbed you, now starting to destroy you.
"I'll be there in a few minutes, okay? Hold out until I get there." Colby is at your door within ten minutes. When you open the door, he immediately engulfs you in a bone crushing hug as if to squeeze the pieces of you back together. You breakdown in his arms and he holds you. The only audible thing you can say to him is 'I'm sorry'.
Eventually he helps you up the stairs and into your room. You sit on your bed, trying to calm down while he takes off his jacket revealing a plain black t-shirt to go with his black sweatpants. He takes off his shoes and slips into the bed next to you, pulling you into his side. His arm wraps around you and your head presses against his chest. You can hear his steady heartbeat as he strokes your hair.
He kisses the top of your head as you come down from the dump of emotions.
"How long has it been since you cried." He asked. You sigh and honestly you couldn't remember the last time.
"I don't even know." You look up at him as he stares at the glowing t.v. You study his face like you're never going to see him again.
"Thank you for coming over." You smile at him. He looks at you and leans down, placing a soft kiss on your lips. It lingers for a while before he pulls back.
"I would do it again in a heartbeat."
We love sappy shit.
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ofaresandnemesis · 3 months
(Breaks down door)
Very normal and sane entrance. Hi Lettie
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tomorrowsdrama · 3 months
I love how Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan aren’t shy around each other physically. They were married for 20 years after all, even if they were essentially separated for a majority of that marriage.
Oh Li Chuan, your sister stayed out all night with a man and the thing you’re most worried about is a kiss?
Omg empress mother. Why are you so dumb?
Ooh Li Rong correcting herself and changing “mother” to “Your highness” was so pointed.
“Mother, you’re not cut out to be a politician.” Oh. My. God. I love her.
“All I need is for you to truly be my mother.” Omg.
“I just need for me and Chuan to be safe.” Biiiiiiiiitch, you do know you also have a daughter right? Awful stupid woman.
God Zhang Linghe has such perfect lips. It’s enough to make a girl jealous. Pretty boy indeed.
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