#bil comic
ketopagano · 11 months
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Arte da capa de Bil 2! Feito em aquarela Bil 2 comic cover art! Made with watercolor
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Family Psychedelic Circus
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orangejuice13467 · 5 months
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Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill⭐
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wonderwomanart · 1 year
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Yara Flor by Bil Cassonato
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balu8 · 8 months
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Wilbur #29: No Bones About It
bv Bill Vigode (Pencils)
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naomhdraiocht · 9 months
If any Harry Potter fans want a laugh, try watching Professor Moody playing as a nervous young lad with a stutter in The Snapper.
Or watch Caca Milis if you want to be traumatised.
Brendan Gleason is a goddamn treasure.
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noelianoe1 · 2 months
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Oh yeah, I've been thinking about this OC for a long time, I love it! Meet BIL, although he has rabbid slug in his nickname, he's more like a slime, I'm going to use him for some original comics if I get the chance!
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wordbunch · 1 year
The Hobbit re-read: favorites, thoughts and honorable mentions
thank u to my tumblr besties for encouraging me to rant abt this book for a little while, and brace yourselves for a LOOONG post; aka We're Going On An Adventure!
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this quote abt Gandalf: "tales and adventures sprouted up all over the place wherever he went, in the most extraordinary fashion" like. THIS exactly is Gandalf to me ✨✨✨
the whole good-morninged sequence (as if he was selling buttons at the door! can you imagine! By belladonna tooks SON of all people!!!) 😱
"a cake or 2 would do him good after this fright" me too bilbo
"he had a horrible thought that the cakes might run short" me too bilbo 🍰
Gandalf constantly selling Bilbo's skills to the company and just hyping him up and believing in him all the time!!!! most excellent and audacious hobbit!!! 😎
"this was thorin's style... if he had been allowed he would probably have gone like this until he was out of breath" aka he is Dramatic and Important
"bilbo was getting excited and interested again so that he forgot to keep his mouth shut" how many times will i write ME TOO BILBO in this post
gandalf: i found him in the dungeons of the necromancer; thorin: girl what were YOU doing at the necromancer's??? 🧐🧐🧐 gandalf: finding things out as usual O M G like what else would he be doing there 😚
bilbo constantly wishing he was back home as soon as he left
"off bilbo had to go before he could explain that he could not hoot even once like any kind of owl" yall this book has so many funny moments but like in a very chill humor way
the fact that one of the TROLLS is called WILLIAM 😂😂😂
"i am a good cook myself, and cook better than i cook" okay bilbo rizz 😏🔥
"they had not at all enjoyed lying there listening to the trolls making plans for roasting them" you don't say. i love this deadpan humor SO MUCH jrrt snapped
that whole beautiful iconic description of kind as summer elrond
"their clothes were mended as well as their bruises, their tempers, and their hopes" WHEN will i go to rivendell 😩
"there is nothing like looking if you want to find something" thorin life coach realness 👏🏼👏🏼
thoring gesturing at a miserable desolate land: these tRuLy hOspiTabLe moUnTaiNs 😍
then gandalf lit up his wand. oF coUrSe it wAs gaNdaLf, but they were too busy to ask how he got there. 4ever mood
he thought of himself frying bacon and eggs in his own kitchen ME TOO BIL- 🍳
"Gollum brought up memories of ages and ages and ages before, when he lived with his grandmother in a hole by a bank by a river" this kind of made me cry. it brings unexpected humanity to such an appalling character; kinda makes you want bilbo to spare him eventually
and the fact itself that bilbo felt so bad for him he decided to just leave him be
"you would have laughed (from a safe distance)" LOVE how JRRT puts random little comments addressed to the reader
gandalf just being like ok i gotta go do other things now. good luck besties. ✌🏼😚
beorn: what are you, a traveling circus? and he is actually right 🤪
"you have got to look after all these dwarves for me, gandalf laughed" and i cried
bilbo being like hmm how will i get down from this tree (except by falling)
bilbo's song while killing gigantic spiders "not very good...but you must remember he had to make it up himself in a very awkward moment"
the dwarves starting to respect him and bowing down until they FALL OVER is such a comical image to me
the whole alluring magic of the elvish feast in the forest which disappears when they get closer!! a whole fairytale mr tolkien!!! 😍
thranduil is a greedy b <3 and especially VERY fond of wine 🍷🍷🍷
"i will lock you all in again and you can sit there comfortably and think of a better plan" bilbo badass mode and we love to see it 💋
tolkien being like WELL u can laugh but you wouldn't have done any better if u were him. real.
when they're in dale i love the numerous references to "songs and stories of old" and all of them basically being a living legend and turning their stay in dale into a public holiday and spectacle
thorin is cocky af
/freeze frame/ "you are familiar with thorin's style on important occasions so i will not give you any more of it" its ok jrrt, let him be a drama queen 👑
bilbo when he takes some gold from smaug being like "this will show them!!!1!1" 😠😠
sassy bilbo strikes again with "did you expect me to trot back with the whole hoard of thror on my back? if there's any grumbling to be done i think i might have a say" GO OFF KING 👏🏼
i just rly love him okay, he stole my heart in this book like a real legitimate professional burglar that he is
"i am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly" etc. basically this whole exchange btw bilbo and smaug is pure gold (pun not intended) 🤫
talking birds that eavesdrop. enough said.
the descriptions of the arkenstone which make you actually want to have it too. genius. there could be no two such gems, even in so marvellous a hoard, even in all the world." 💎💎💎
the harps (untouched by the dragon who had a small interest in music).. WHY is this so funny to me
bilbo putting on some elvish DRIP and being like ✨✨ i feel magnificent ✨✨ (but probably look dumb 😩)
"this is the great chamber of thror" ok thorin the tour guide king
BARD MY KING i love one (1) man 🎯
bilbo being absolutely against any wars or battles and just wanting to go home BUT also being a sneaky lil shit who takes the arkenstone to bard and thranduil BUT also still not wanting to leave his dwarf buddies
when he gives them the gem "not without a shudder, not without a glance of longing" AHHH i want it!
ambiguous gandalf returning. always love to see it
"if you don't like my burglar, please don't damage him" 🙄 ffs thorin chill
"you are not making a very splendid figure as king" yes gandalf call him out
defeat seems "very uncomfortable, not to say distressing" to bilbo. we love.
the fact that he was just knocked out cold during the battle so thur we know very little abt what really happened?? jrrt genius writing hack. might use this one 🤔
fili and kili deserved a better sendoff than just mentioning that they died. come on.
thorin's last words and reconciliation w bilbo... PLEASE I WILL CRY until i throw up. "it has been more than any baggins deserves." "no! there is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly west. some courage and some wisdom blended in measure. if more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."
i might still be crying
"tea is at 4 but any of you are welcome at any time" my heart... ❤️😭 Guess he's no longer scared of running out of cake
bilbo gifting thrandy a necklace as an apology for eating and drinking his stuff secretly, king shit 😉
bilbo having the absolute NERVE to say to ELVES "your lullaby would wake a drunken goblin". wig wig
he deadass borrowed a handkercheif from freaking ELROND 😳
bilbo arriving home to being presumed dead and his stuff literally being auctioned off
"it was a long time before he was in fact admitted to being alive again…" and sackville-bagginses having sm beef with that HAHAHA
he lost his reputation but he lived his best life so who's the winner here 😌😌😌
the closing lines "you are a very fine person, mr baggins, and i am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all" "thank goodness! said bilbo laughing."
like. THIS. literally embodies everything. he is just a little guy. just some smol person. BUT STILL had a say in how BIG things happened. BUT he remains happy to be just a smol simple person.
overall an incredibly fun read and it was way more genuinely FUNNY than i anticipated. bilbo is a whole mood. thorin is a diva. gandalf is there to start shit and hype up bilbo. jrrt with random author's notes throughout the book gives me life.
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weird-an · 1 year
hello! idk if you take prompts/suggestions for ficlets but I really love your writing and this idea just popped into my head so I figured I’d ask!
Billy or Steve (idc which) having a really goofy laugh. Maybe they’ve been told in the past that it’s an ugly laugh or people usually cringe and end the conversation once The Laugh jumps out. Billy/Steve have resolved to not laughing (or maybe changing their laugh) to avoid the embarrassment of rejection again. But one day when they’re hanging out together (as friends or as an already established couple whichever you prefer), Billy/Steve gets a little too comfortable and The Laugh slips out. Billy/Steve is mortified, but it turns out that the other absolutely adores The Laugh.
It can be as angsty or as fluffy as you deem fit, I trust your literary judgement.
tw: bullying, Billy hurting someone in response to that, mentions of (verbal) abuse.
Billy's laugh is too high pitched and when he laughs really really hard, it always chokes in a sort of hiccup and squiek.
"You sound like a fucking girl," his dad tells him. "Cut it off."
So Billy tries to keep his mouth shut. To not laugh at home which is easy because Neil gives him nothing to laugh about anyway.
The boy that shoves him into the lockers at school, calls him fat because of his chubby cheeks and the same slurs his dad uses at home, catches him laughing at a stupid comic someone drew at his desk one day.
"You laugh like a pig," he says. "Piggy Billy."
It becomes a nickname he never asked for. He hears it in the hallways, in the lockers, everywhere.
His mom tells him that he doesn't need to listen to them. But then she fucking leaves and there's no one else to listen to except them and their ugly words.
Billy stops laughing at all. But he starts pushing back.
The anger inside him is a friend, getting bigger with every insult thrown, makes him strong. It's like a tunnel that only leads one way. He nearly breaks the kid's arm when he calls him Piggy Billy one more time.
They stop calling him that. Billy doesn't start to laugh again. He feels bad for losing his temper, but it works in his favor.
He doesn't think about laughing. They move to Hawkins and now its even hard to smile.
Then Steve Harrington decides to hang out with him, because he sees something in him that Billy doesn't really get. Because he tries to make Billy grin even when he's so angry and just wants to lash out and break something until it's as broken as he is. Because it works when Steve tries to put a smile on his lips and Billy wants to return the favor.
One day, they're stretched out on Steve's bed, skin still flushed and nerves tingling from the aftermath of their orgasms.
Steve's breathes ghosts over his neck and his fingers slide along Billy's ribs.
It tickles. Billy laughs. Too high pitched, choking on the grunt on the end. His mouth snaps shut and his cheeks burn when he realizes it.
He stares at the ceiling, panting and waits for Steve to joke about it.
"Oh my God," Steve looks absolutely delighted. "This is so cute."
He tickles Billy again. Billy's laugh slips out again, with that much force like it has just piled up in all these years, waiting to leave his throat.
"Cute," Steve says again.
"Fuck off. I'm not cute." Billy gasps, trying to catch his breath. His cheeks burn.
"Of course not," Steve says entirely insincere. He sits up. "Why didn't I ever hear that laugh before?"
A careless question that sounds too much like an accusation.
"I don't laugh."
Steve falls silent. A hint of confusion on his face changes into something else. Pity, sadness, Billy isn't sure what. But it's gone in a second.
"Well, you should. I like it."
"Just suck my dick, will ya?" Billy rolls his eyes, when Steve tickles him again.
The laugh shakes Billy from head to toes.
"I like it," Steve repeats.
He fucking means it, Billy realizes. There is that weird feeling in his chest again he always gets when Steve likes something about him. Despite of Billy being Billy.
The next time he laughs is when they watch a movie, Billy is sprawled out on the couch, head on Steve's lap.
The movie is stupid. It's so stupid, it's funny. The Laugh bubbles up again and he wants to slap his hand in front of his mouth, but Steve catches it before he's there, intertwining their fingers.
It's easier to laugh after that.
Billy laughs and Steve kisses him. It feels fucking good.
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twopoppies · 1 month
SSH is the first time I gave a/b/o a try. I’d been seeing it recced for months and I avoided it because honestly a/b/o is a wild concept to an outsider (they’re part wolf!? What!??) but it was so incredible I was almost late for an appointment that day and I sped home from it after to collapse on my bed and get back to it. Also that author is so good I even read their superheroes one and I do not like superhero’s. I was even texting my BIL who is super into comics and stuff asking him to explain stuff and he knows I hate it so he was like “here is your explanation and also why do you suddenly care about Magneto?” And I was like “mind your own business!” Loved that one too. Anyway SSH opened me up to the world of abo and now even though it’s still a wild concept to me, I’ve really enjoyed a lot of it.
SSH was the first fic I read from that author. I was hooked. Did you read the prequel? So hot. She writes omegaverse in a really gentle way and is one of the few authors who write Omega Louis in a way that resonates with me. And honestly, everything she wrote is so good. Make Your Words A Weapon is one of my all-time favorites.
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ketopagano · 11 months
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Bil volume 2 em: Entrando numa fria, completo disponível para leitura online! https://apoia.se/ketocomics
Apoie com apenas 5 reais e tenha acesso agora!
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oldshowbiz · 16 days
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I'm a big fan of Bil Keane's Channel Chuckles
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dreamcatcher92 · 22 days
Coercion Chapter Five
So this is my second smut story that I have been working on. I am hoping you all enjoy!
It is a bit dark. Yes, Billy Russo is of course our main character aside from a girl named Cassidy. Who is completely made up and meant to be played by the reader. The other characters that are mentioned in this story are made up as well and not based on anyone in particular. I did this one differently than my first story, but I wanted to switch up my writing style a bit. So you may see more differences in other stories to come. Things that are bold and italicized are thoughts.
Now for some warnings for the entire story but necessarily in the current chapter you read: dark Billy for sure, non-con, dub-con, kidnapping, NSFW, 18+, smut, sex, rape, attempted rape, physical violence, abusive behavior, language. I think that covers it, but sorry if I missed something.
Read at your own risk.
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A bead of sweat dripped into the dirty dishwater from Cassidy’s brow. She has been working hard on her chores all morning while Billy was in his office working online and getting things squared away for the upcoming company party. Once she finished, she went to Billy’s office door and knocked lightly.
“Come in!” Billy called out.
Cassidy slowly opened the door and stepped inside, “I’m finished with my chores Billy.” She kept her eyes to the floor.
Billy looked at her intently as he leaned back in his office chair. He sat silently staring at her for a few moments, then stood and walked over to stand directly in front of Cassidy, never once taking his dark eyes off her. Her heartbeat began to speed up a bit the closer he got and when he came to a halt in front of her, she felt like she was going to pass out from how fast her heart was racing. Stay calm Cass. Stay. Calm.
Billy gently lifted her chin so that now they were looking into each other's eyes, “Show me.”
Cassidy gulped and nodded. Billy guided her back into the kitchen where she showed him the hard work that she put in cleaning up the dishes, cleaning the counters, and mopping the floor. After Cassidy finished explaining everything that she had done to Billy, she stopped and turned to look at him. He stood with his long, strong arms crossed and was leaning against the entryway wall. He smiled.
“Looks good.” He said, now slowly making his way over to Cassidy.
“Thank you Billy.” She said in a soft and timid tone.
Now inches away from her, he reaches out with one hand and brushes some of her hair behind her ear, “I think it’s time we go back into the city for a little while. What do you think?”
“Are you going to obey me and be a good girl?”
Cassidy straightened up and was getting more excited, “Yes! I promise Billy!”
Billy chuckled and placed his hands on her shoulders, “Alright, let’s go pack then.”
Once in the bedroom, Billy handed Cassidy a duffle bag and told her to pack some clothes and personal items to take with them to the city. He told her that they would only be there for about a week and not to overpack. She grabbed a few of her new outfits that Billy ordered for her and went into the bathroom to pack some toiletries. 
When she turned around from grabbing her toothbrush, Billy was right behind her. She gasped from being startled. She didn’t hear him walk in. He smiled because he found it comical that he scared her.
He grabbed the bag from her hand and put it on the bathroom floor, “Take off your clothes.”
Cassidy’s insides began to feel like jello from nerves, “B-but I’m not finished packing.”
He stepped closer and leaned down to her face, “I said, take off your clothes.”
She began to shudder. Was this the moment that she has been so terrified of? Was he going to force himself on her? Would he hurt her? Her mind raced with horrible thoughts, but she did as she was told because she was too panicked to find out what would happen if she didn’t.
“Y-yes Billy.” she said shakily as she began to pull up her shirt.
After completely undressing, Cassidy looked up at Billy with tears in her eyes. She sniffled and waited for Billy to tell her what to do next.
“Why are you crying?” Billy asked calmly as he gently caressed her arms.
“I’m sorry Billy, I’m just really nervous.” Cassidy said anxiously. 
“Nervous because of a shower?” 
Her heart skipped, “A sh-shower?”
“Yes, silly.” He said as he took off his clothes.
After taking off all of his clothes, Billy walked over and started the shower. Cassidy was still in shock and quite nervous because she has yet to shower with Billy. Billy motioned for her to get into the shower, then he followed. 
The shower had two shower heads and had plenty of room inside for both of them. Billy grabbed the shampoo and squirted some into his palm. He turned her around and began washing Cassidy’s hair. 
She didn’t really know what to do or think. As she rinsed the shampoo from her hair, her mind kept racing with thoughts. She wiped the water from her eyes and looked at Billy. His perfect body and dark hair getting soaked by the hot steaming water. She couldn’t stop staring. Billy noticed her watching him wash himself and smiled. 
“So what did you think was going to happen Cass?” He said knowing exactly what she was thinking.
Cassidy broke from her trance and locked eyes with Billy, “I uh, well I…”
Billy inched towards her, “Did you think I’d do something?
She opened her mouth, but couldn’t speak.
“Maybe I’d do something like this?” Billy said as he spun her around to now have her back up against his chest.
“Or maybe this?” he said, now caressing her breasts with his large hands.
She began to breathe heavier and her eyes were shut, “I…”
“You've been such a good girl for me. Good girls should get rewarded, don’t ya think?” His right hand is now trailing past her chest and down her stomach.
Her head is laying on his chest and she lets out a small whine, “Yes Billy.”
She has never been touched like this before and she had no idea what to do. She was just letting him do whatever he wanted to her because right now, she was feeling so good. She could feel her pussy tingling the closer his hand got.
When his middle finger reached her clit, he pressed down, and Cassidy let out a moan. Billy smiled and continued to draw circles on her swollen clit and pinched her nipple with the other hand. Cassidy was unsure exactly what she was feeling, but the faster he got, the more she moaned and whined in pure ecstasy. 
“That’s it baby. Just relax.”
She grabbed onto Billy’s strong arms and he plunged a finger inside of her wet entrance. She screamed out. He pulled his finger in and out of her faster and faster until she let go and her pussy tightened around him. 
“Billy!” she screamed. 
“There’s my girl.” he said into her ear as he let her ride out the intense orgasm. 
She came hard and her body collapsed. Billy pulled out his finger and picked her up into his arms. He turned the water off and carried her to the bed. He didn’t care how wet they were. He laid her down in the bed and climbed in behind her.
“Sleep now sweetheart. We have a long day tomorrow.”
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unknown-urll · 1 year
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I redid some drawings of Mr.Black that I saw on Doug's old Facebook live, they are very old drawings so I wanted to redo them.
There's a bunch of Gear and Catscratch comics and drawings in there, but it's in really bad quality 💀
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vermillioncrown · 10 months
for the fic writer asks, 12 and 14?
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
okay okay 🙈 i was dancing around the subject of it in my tags a few weeks back but you know what? spotify playlist for the phd-verse
it's specifically a playlist for timkorv vs me picking songs and jamming for the mood per ch (and dbd's playlist is comprised of the chapter titles)
(bil is like. scattered songs from my "wangsta" playlist lol)
for those without spotify, BirdBrains the playlist:
Enter Shikari, WARGASM (UK) - The Void Stares Back
The Chemical Brothers - Hold Tight London
Solid Gold - Who You Gonna Run To?
Polyphia, Jason Richardson - Nasty
Fall Out Boy - America's Suitehearts
Thomas Azier - Verwandlung
XXXTENTACION - the remedy for a broken heart (why am I so in love)
Jiang Chen 江辰 - Yǒu Zhǒng 有种 (Having Guts)
The Glitch Mob, Ambré - How Do I Get to Invincible
Epik High, Miso - True Crime
Muse - Undisclosed Desires
take what you will from the playlist 😏
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
probably dbd because it'd be visually stunning, i'm a sucker for wuxia/xianxia/guzhuang stuff + it'd benefit from the visuals. but it'd also be a huge bitch to produce (either illustrate or actually costume lmao)
most feasible would be bil, it's just basketball and from si!kagami's pov you can even remove all the fancy special effects lmao
but i guess that's not the question lol. aside: i tend to mentally block scenes with physicality in mind and i'm lucky my imagination is v visual, too -> i've gotten multiple comments on separate fics on how the commenter can easily see a scene being a comic panel or filmed as a drama so 🙈🙈🙈🙈
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