#bill skarsgard angst
twistedbloodstain · 1 year
keith toshko x reader: and you feel like home. | what’s love for us?
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plot: the one where keith meets the one.
warnings: grumpy! reader, sensitive language (just cursing yall), pining from keith, himself and there’s no happy ending. (ambiguous)
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keith watches her.
a sweet melody produced from the violin and the bow echoes from the cavernous hall. she sat on a monoblock chair as she played the tune printed on the sheet paper. fur elise dances through his ears as he stands on the second floor, mesmerized with her movements. her eyes were shut, but her hands were focused on the instrument on her hands, as if she and the object were one.
he watches her in admiration. he always enjoyed watching people play their thing, there was always a certain aura that passionate musicians bring whenever they were in their element. this was no different, he could feel the devotion radiating through the place as you played.
her posture was stiff and composed, like her grip on the musical instrument, her hands gripped the instrument almost too tightly as if it was bound to her like chains. but there was lovely passion it emitted, like the violin was her lifeline. she was focused, extremely focused. right now, no one could deter her from playing.
as the music slowly comes to an end, she flutters her eyes open and her shoulders relax. she gets up on her feet and reaches for her case slinged on the chair to delicately place the violin back to its proper space when unused, keith feels tempted to clap and applaud for her piece because indeed, it was beautiful but he was afraid he might come off as a creep stalking on you.
he was already awkward to talk to, fumbling and rambling his words and often saying the wrong things or being excessively blunt with who he was speaking to, it was all unintentional but if that wasn’t enough it would be really bad if he came across as another dude ogling at a girl from the second floor, primarily as it doesn’t leave a good impression when initiating conversation.
he’s supposed to leave but he can’t. there’s a pull in him that wants to converse with her even if he’s not really good with it, he can at least try. he always welcomed an exchange of a fellow musician’s words and talent. but he contemplated wondering how would he even approach her or what words he’d say to her that wouldn’t lead to an unpleasant strain floating through the air.
silence always meant neutrality. not in his case though, silence often deepened the grave of awkwardness, making him contemplate to himself with the next set of words he would say but only for the person he’s addressing to completely lose interest and cough up an excuse to leave.
keith knows how to converse, there are several people who are proof of that excluding his family. he has spoken comfortably and smoothly with strangers that sometimes lead to intriguing conversations, it’s just that when it comes to speaking with him. you need to be patient, to hear and listen to what he has to say. the people who lost interest when speaking to him were often straightforward people who rolled their eyes at his rambling which only makes him ramble even more, when he visibly sees their annoyance.
nevertheless,he does know his worth as a person. he knows that if they’re not interested with what he has to say then they’re not worth hearing it. but with you he might be willing to make an exception,he really wants to speak with you.
he decides to just wave at her when she turns around. simple. then maybe he can catch up on her at the exit, foolproof.
he feels like a wildlife photographer attempting to take a picture with a deer, except it’s a trap of conversation with little to no chances of failing.
his plan makes him smile, glad that somehow he might not fuck up his first impression with you but fate seems to always have it out for him, whenever he has a chance to do something simple in his life some inevitable force out there comes back to throttle his neck and ruin everything.
because before he can make the friendly gesture you’ve already turned around to face the sea of chairs and him on the terrace of the second floor. your face is slightly astounded from the sight of him, likely confused why he was watching you, staring at him hardly with a firm curiosity in your eyes.
for a moment keith panics and freezes from your stare, you don’t seem pleased to see him. out of dismay, keith suddenly raises his hand and waves, too eagerly.
you blink at him and raise your eyebrows then just gaze at him. like really hard, your frown deepens at his gesture, still frozen on your spot with bow and violin on hand. your frozen state is nothing out of shock though, not like a deer in headlights but something like a lion awakened from slumber in their cave.
as if that wasn’t making him more nervous than he already is, the worst thing is you made no friendly gesture to reciprocate his wave and he realizes that it basically cemented that his presence was unwanted by you.
he flinches on the inside and slowly backs away, he can feel your eyes wander on him as he disappears.
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he stumbles through the rows of books in deep thought, searching for the specific textbook his friend asked him to fetch. he was already looking for it for the past thirty minutes, he began to doubt the sharp memory of the librarian since she mentioned that it would be easy to find. she’d told him that he’d find it nearly five rows behind, every row looking more and more ancient than his own grandparents.
as he trudged through, he couldn’t help but reminisce of what happened earlier. annoyance and shame filling his veins as he remembers the details of the short encounter.
idiot, of course she didn’t like that. why the hell would she wave back at a stranger? he muses to himself.
he realizes that maybe that approach didn’t seem as friendly as he'd envisioned in his head. perhaps, he should’ve done that somewhere closer so you wouldn’t immediately shut down his approach. your silence was quiet but it spoke volumes, there were always things that even words cannot do justice.
he checks the titles in the spines of the previous books he saw, maybe he missed it and he was already wasting his time. it’s not like he was in a rush, after all today was some sort of a self imposed day off. right now, he has all the time in the world. however the current shame he possessed right now made the day feel longer than it should be and the desire to hide himself in his room and sleep off the shame was tempting.
he hears the voices of students chatting about certain academic tasks or homeworks a terror professor had assigned and the footfalls of exhausted learners as they searched for a book containing a piece of information that the internet doesn’t offer. looks near impossible, but the chances are low but never zero.
he senses someone enter the aisle between the two rows of books, he doesn’t look back, probably another stressed out and sleep deprived college student that wants to drop out. he feels the individual walk past behind him, he focuses back to the books lined up on the shelf, double checking if he missed the proper textbook he was looking for.
he hears someone clear their throat.
he ignores it and focuses on the books.
dry throat, probably. likely, not trying to get his attention.
someone clears their throat again.
this time, he uninterestedly spares a quick glance to the source of that sound then returns to the textbooks.
holy shit.
he hastily snaps his gaze back up.
god, it’s you.
no. not like god from heaven.
but you. the one playing the violin earlier.
you stand several paces before him, with a strap across your torso, your violin case strapped behind your back out of his sight. your face is stern and unreadable, your hands clasped together in a composed structure.
his eyes widen and the hold he has with the books slowly weakens, almost dropping one of them on the floor. it’s not until he reminds himself that earlier he’d embarrassed himself to you and that cannot happen again. he won’t afford looking like a fool to you for the second time, once is a coincidence and twice is an insult.
his jaw slightly drops from shock and confusion, he blinks a few times to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating you because that would make it even worse and more embarrassing for him.
“hi.” he breaks the silence, slowly waving his hand to you for the second time that day.
you don’t return the gesture or verbalize a reply, for a second keith wonders if he actually conjured you out of thin air because of his shame with how quiet and still you are. which would be even weirder if he saw it as an opportunity to redeem himself, still unsure with the fact if you are standing in front of him right now.
“who are you?” you finally sternly ask, although not a greeting keith is glad that you’re actually speaking to him and he didn’t hallucinate you being here.
“i’m..keith.” he hesitantly replies at the strictness evident in your tone. as a friendly gesture he extends his hand for a polite handshake, you carefully eye his movement and stare at his hand then back at his face.
“..okay.” you mutter slightly in confusion, “you from here?” you question him, the strict tone maintained in your voice.
“um, no actually. i used to go here but..it was years ago.” he meekly replies ending with a chuckle to lighten the mood. your face slightly squints from that piece of information. he deduces that you are not currently studying here as well, maybe a college graduate just like him or a teacher. you didn’t seem too young to be fresh out of school or sleep deprived like most college students are.
in fact, you were confident, in a quiet sense. anyone could read that with the way you carried yourself. the effect that you carry was an accomplished and determined aura that radiated strong enough to momentarily stun everyone in the room and enough to catch someone’s pair of eyes and intimidate if you were to speak to them.
the polished and elegant impact you have oozes through every patch of skin you wield, it numbs him as well. your aura demanded the utmost attention like it was speaking to a god.
“that so? what are you doing here?” you follow up. keith starts to feel he’s being interrogated for information, he doesn’t know what goal you're aiming at but he’s happy to comply.
“just visiting with a friend.” he replies.
“i mean, what were you doing in the theater room?” you clear up, accentuating every word with intimidation as your voice hardens, you raise your eyebrow at him with your arms crossed.
you were definitely not making friendly conversation.
“i was just watching..you play.” he mutters softly, that isn’t something he’s proud of but it’s the truth. there wasn’t wrong with that, he hadn’t done anything wrong. it felt like being stabbed when you already didn’t look pleased to see him watching you play in the theater, any brunt of your irritation would definitely feel like twisting the knife.
“and?” you follow up.
“you played really great, to be honest.” he smiles as he compliments you. a sweet compliment for a pretty girl.
…get it together keith, he reminds himself.
“there.” you harshly point out, your voice slightly rising. keith’s eyes widened once again, with the burst of tone emitting from that single word. this makes him frown as the intended effect for that compliment gave an undesired result.
“what?” he asks out of confusion.
“you were watching me play. you said it yourself.” you assert to him.
“i was…i was watching you play fur elise. something wrong with that?” he repeats once again, still not catching your drift.
“oh? don’t play dumb with me. i know your fucking game, are you one of irene’s new toys for this month? you were spying on me for that good for nothing bitch!” you mercilessly yammer at him, this takes him off guard. shock and confusion envelops his senses as you quickly spit out your bitterness at him.
the deer didn’t fall into the trap and shot him instead.
why in the world were you accusing him of something deplorable? at least to you it seems, he doesn’t even know anyone named irene, much less spying for someone? completely absurd, you were borderline insane.
he always had this inside joke with himself where most violinists are insane overachievers, always seeking to please the almost high to perfect standards of their parents which lead them to seek and mold perfection into everything as they grow into their life. like the instrument, violins require a strict precision of understanding and time to master to achieve perfection, and like their parents they’ll need to hit the right tune to make their parents play the sweet sound of validation.
everything in their life from their image and daily routine must be flawless and according to their will. a single disruption that occurs to them completely throws them off track breaking down their walls revealing their uncontrolled anger.
anger for what he could not tell. but right now he could tell you might fit into that stereotype.
“hey-hey. i don’t know anyone named irene, i have no idea what you’re talking about.” he clears up as he explains to you and raises one of his hands.
“don’t fucking lie to me.” you retort in anger.
“miss. i don’t know what you’re talking about, i watched you because you did great. i did nothing wrong and i’m not lying to you.” he defends himself, at the end he couldn’t help but laugh. clearly, there’s nothing funny about invoking rage from someone but he laughed and honestly he shouldn’t have.
“are you laughing at me?!” your voice slightly raises, full of anger and fury. bad move, christ there’s literally a saying hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
“i’m-i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to, but i’m telling you the truth.” he shuts his laugh down and reassures you.
you stare at him and scoff. you eye him from top to bottom, your arms still folded on your chest. you turn away from him and walk away.
that went worse than earlier.
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keith’s hand slowly shakes as he raises the glass of water to his lips, he takes a short sip of the water before delicately placing it back down. a friend inquires how he was and his current agendas in life, he politely answers a little more carefully with his words than he usually replies, his friend notices and laughs at this raising his eyebrow in a teasing suspicious manner, his eyes darting then nudging his head to the person to his right.
he hopes you don’t look at his friend. please don’t.
you were currently sitting across from him, knife and fork on hand as you nibbled away on your dinner, momentarily lifting your gaze at him. probably scrutinizing him as he sat across from the dinner table.
this was unexpected.
he couldn’t forget how wide your eyes went when you entered the dining room and saw him sitting beside your brother,
what were the chances of him eating dinner in your brother’s house? the chances of eating the dinner you and your brother made?
little…very little.
yet it’s happened.
fate really has it out for him.
earlier he was merely watching you play from yards and one floor away, you had him mesmerized and amazed with your musical talent, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you even during the talk in the library.
you were even more magnificent to see up close with only a few meters away from him, albeit the exchange ended rather unpleasant but he feels like it’s something to be thankful for, maybe it’s your aura or words that have a magnetic pull on him to keep his attention focused on you and you only.
or maybe because he finds you really intriguing.
or maybe he’s festering a little crush on you.
now you are at least half a meter away from him and he can’t bear to look upon you. he wants to look up, so badly. but whenever he sneaked a glance , his sight was greeted with a mouth turned into a frown and eyes full of judgment, it made him hastily drop his gaze back onto the plate of food in front of him.
you, your brother and another friend of his were seated by the table, it had been lively at first. intoxicating stories and diatribes filled the room that made him forget the awkward encounter he had earlier. it felt good to talk and listen with them. he got to know about the current stuff in their life and it was nice to catch up with them. it was nice to air out thoughts he felt during tight situations that he often shoved down into the back of his head.
he began to tell them about his encounter with a girl earlier, when a click of the door creaked through the hall. the voices in the dining room began to stop, the brother called someone into the living room but no reply indicated a presence aside from the sound of entry and the thudding footsteps clicking on the floor.
he knew that his friend had family currently living in the house, he was slightly pleased with the thought of meeting the anonymous member since his friend had spoken highly of them. he often guessed it might be a sibling or cousin but no further detail was given due to how sacred you saw privacy was to you, to recount his friend’s words he said,
“i can’t tell you more than that, we’re related but they’re insanely private. like obsessed with it, they don’t want anyone to know about them unless they had met you firsthand but you’re meeting them tonight. think you’ll like them the most keith.” he says with a smile at the end.
who was to doubt that? he liked that friend very much and if this privacy obsessed mysterious person was someone he would’ve liked then it shouldn’t be a problem.
he had this vision that this stranger might be a welcoming and sweet person that would be easy to get along with, like his friend. he expected someone shy and anxious like most privacy obsessed people are. people, who are frightful of people getting to know them so hopefully it wouldn’t feel forced and still he was eager to meet said person.
but then you went through the door and broke his fantasy.
he feels his heart drop and his throat go dry.
your feet stay stationary by the entrance of the dining room, the voices of his peers slowly tuning out his ears as dread and shame sinks into his gut. your eyes filled with curiosity and sternness. once again his presence was unwelcome to you.
your right hand clasps your left wrist as you redirect your attention to his friend who is making his way to you. the formal stature you’ve reformed yourself to, soon cracked as his friend greets you to a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
oh god. had he been crushing on a friend’s girlfriend? he panics.
of course you had a boyfriend, even he was smitten with you before he even spoke a word to you. he wasn’t the only one attracted to the way you carry yourself, the way you spoke and the way you played. it had left his mind as the unexpected interactions with you jumped into his face.
his friend places his hand on your shoulder, further cementing his assumption that you two were together, until his friend speaks.
“boys, this is my lovely sister.” he cheerily introduces, “that’s james and that’s keith.” he adds, gesturing to the both of them.
his friend that remained sat on the chair, james greeted you and waved as you turned your gaze at him, when it was his turn he couldn’t help but force a tight smile for you, gripping the cutlery from discomfort.
he waits for you to speak as you take them in.
he doesn’t know what to expect from you. he doesn’t know what you were going to say.
he slightly expects you to call him out as the guy earlier in the theater and in the library. he expects you to confront him and maybe…just maybe kick him out of the house.
“i don’t think you’ve ever mentioned them to me.” you utter out.
he exhales.
okay, maybe he can salvage this.
but salvage what exactly?
your brother laughs at this and insists he did. he jokes about you being too immersed in your current engagements while he was talking about them, he motions for you to sit down with them.
now he found himself sitting across from you.
the dinner he previously enjoyed now felt like acid in his mouth as he forced it down his throat. your presence had shocked him to his core, as much as he wants to relish in this get together. the sight of you made his hands shake and his heart beat a little faster than normal.
he feels like a child when he’s around you.
that somehow and somewhat the way he breathes is wrong to you.
you reach out for the pitcher of water near him, he grabs it and you look up on him in surprise. your eyes dilate from his sudden movement and you stare at him for a while. thankfully, james and your brother were busy talking with each other and they didn’t notice the both of you.
you were still hesitant of him. that’s okay, he understands.
right now, you probably saw him as a stalker that creeped on you while playing the violin and you were probably frightened that he was now in your house and your brother’s friend.
you slowly present the intricately designed glass cup in your hand, he smiles to himself at this while he pours the water into your cup. you quietly thank him and resume eating your meal.
maybe he can fix this. maybe the both of you can talk this out.
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the next time he sees you is at a christmas party, back in your house.
he knows much more about you during that and he saw you several more times when he visited your place. the interactions were much more polite and courteous compared to the first and second time.
people have always been greedy. greedy for money, power and for love, it turns them into monsters when greed looms behind them, because of that he’s learned to be content with what he hashas and know the differences between greed and ambition.
so why does he want to hear more of you?
yes, the both of you are “talking.” if you count simple pleasantries and courtesies but it feels forced and unpleasant for you. he feels like you’re only speaking but not talking, if that makes sense.
the heavy chatter of conversation is present through the living room, he notices a few friends and some of your family speaking away to their peers.
you aren’t there.
i mean, you were but you left,when people started to surge into the room.
you don’t like crowds.
and loud noises.
a grain of what your brother told you was true, you are privacy obsessed. no wonder you’re absent in the living room.
keith’s not talking to anyone right now,
not when you’re the person he wants to talk to and the only person he knows other than your brother.
he’s also drunk.
he’s been sitting here for several minutes hoping you’d come down to the living roomroom and maybe he could catch up with you.
he contemplates just leaving,seeing that you’re not going to come down.
before he can get up to leave, he hears a soft tune above the room. it’s you.
he knows it is.
he looks around and looks around but nobody except him seems to hear it, too immersed in conversation to hear the sound of the gates of heaven above them.
he slowly gets up with his drink in hand and makes his way to the stairs. he’s getting alcohol induced to function and think properly, he doesn’t get this bold much.
he softly walks up making sure not to step on the creaking wood of the stairs, as the tune sounds more clear to his ears. he doesn’t know where he’s headed but all he knows he needs to hear it.
it’s like a siren’s song to a weak-willed sailor, like a sleeping beauty being lured into her demise as he gets to the second floor and follows the sound of music to one of the rooms. once he realizes that he might be entering your room, he stops his movement and opts to just listen outside. he can learn to be content with the small opening of your door as long as he hears you play.
he leans his back to the wall, relishing in the piece as you come to an end. this forces him back to reality and realizes he needs to go should you come out of the room. he’s had a taste of your anger and rejection, he doesn’t need a spoonful again.
“you can come in.” a voice calls out.
he freezes, you know he’s there. he wonders if he should speak up or keep his mouth shut for a while and leave or come inside to you. he decided the former, so much for wanting to talk to her that he chickens out in the chance she’s given him.
“are you gonna come in or not?” you said getting annoyed with the lack of his reply.
fuck, fuck, fuck. how did you know? he’s sure he was silent when he made his way up here. did you have an extra set of senses he wasn’t aware of? you didn’t notice him the first time, what made you notice it now?
he’s still frozen on his feet, in a deep dilemma with what to do next. he keeps his eyes on the wall in front of him and doesn’t make a single sound.
“hey.” the voice calls out again.
he keeps quiet.
until something makes contact on his shoulder. a nudge. someone nudged him.
he looks back and sees you beside the door. in all your glory, your hand on the door knob slightly opening it for enough space for someone to pass through. he didn’t hear you walk up or the door creaking for entry. your eyes were on him, gone was the scrutiny and judgment but the annoyance was still there with a tinge of softness.
you look beautiful.
you look..nice, his breath hitches on his throat as his words are unable to leave. you stare at him in confusion so he walks in, with no words to reply at you.
as he enters he sees your bedroom, some clutter on the floor he notices your violin perched on the chair and some books scattered on the ground. he looks back and sees you standing there, motionless and silent.
he waits for you to say something before he does something. you leisurely make your way towards him and he stands to the side to make way for you. you don’t say anything as you kneel down into the floor and start opening the books with the lamplight on the side table illuminating luminescence for light reading.
“you can sit down.”
keith contemplates where to sit down. on the floor with you? on your bed? or on that loveseat beside the side table. keith decides to sit down next to you, just to be polite.
silence fills the air into your room. none of you speak a word, too nervous or too awkward to converse. keith realizes that this is the third time the both of you were alone and the second time you sought his company.
he assumes that his presence doesn’t agitate you, at least right now. right now, he’s sitting on the floor, his knees pressed up to his chest and his drink abandoned beside him.
you flip through the books,your back in front of him as you knelt. he notices that they were fictional books. mostly filled with fantasy as he observes the whimsical glossy covers full of intricate symbolism of medieval and magical content. bright tabs are trapped between the pages, you’ve read them before, he realizes. he doesn’t see any books that he’s read before, all unfamiliar to him maybe he can introduce you to a few jane eyre books if you haven’t read them yet.
he perceives that you know his eyes are on you. you look back at him and stare at him. devoid of emotion but there was softness seen in it, keith fiddles with the button of his shirt, nervous under your gaze. you observe this and return your attention to the books.
“keith.” you call out to him.
“i wanted..i wanted to apologize. for what i said the other day.” you apologize to him.
keith is..a bit stunned. he expected you to just shove and forget it ever happened considering it had happened a few months ago. your apology has taken too long to arrive, making him assume it would never arrive yet it has just appeared, it’s in your lowly illuminated room and won’t face him.
“it’s okay.” he replies, not adding much to it. what was there to say? you were rude to him that day, for someone to randomly accuse you of something you didn’t do.
“no, it’s not.” you retort, suddenly facing him.
“honestly, it’s okay. i don’t mind.” he assures you. it kinda hurts, he has time to thank for that since it doesn’t ache as much.
“well, you should mind.” you whisper to him as you scoot your way towards him. keith moves over to make space for you on the floor.
holy shit. you’re moving close to him. to him.
the both of you stay silent for a while. your backs pressed on the footboard of your bed. your legs crossed and his remaining pressed to his chest. silence is good. right now it is, the silent aftermath of your apology was like serenity after the storm.
“who’s irene?” keith asks out of nowhere.
your head snaps at him and your face turns unpleasant, like he said the spell to break the curse. forcing you to tear apart your walls and reveal yourself, fuck maybe he did that too early. if you didn’t hate him then maybe you surely do right now.
the burst of anger never comes. you shakily take a breath and ask him.
“you..really don’t know her? irene?” you question your voice slowly getting lower. he’s not sure if he’s seeing this correctly but he can see your eyes slowly tearing up. a sheen of glossiness fills your eye. this was much worse.
you were crying. crying, because of him.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
“i don’t.” he responds honestly, he doesn’t know how to comfort you other than offering you the truth. touching you was certainly out of the table, you look at the floor and toy with the edges of the skirt of your dress.
“fuck it. i really hope you’re telling the truth.” you mutter, “irene was…a friend. we used to play in the same orchestra together, until there was this new first chair position for the theater nearby the campus,” you add.
“i was going to audition for it. so i practiced, i put it a lot of blood,sweat and tears for this piece of..fucking wood. only for it to be botched, by her.” you explain anger and annoyance oozing your tone.
“you wanna know the worst part about that? there was this guy i liked and he’d insist on watching me play and i found it so sweet. i told him all about the audition and everything i was going to do…and he fucking told her.” you ramble, “turns out they were fucking each other, before i found out he stalled me on the day of the audition and the moment i arrived, she was playing. same fucking piece, on my fucking time.”
“i’m sorry. you don’t deserve that.”
“it’s not an excuse for my actions that day but it’s a reason why i’m..wary of everyone around me. especially people who loom on the second floor watching me play. it’s..just that..” you exhale, “ever since that happened i feel angry with everyone, that i didn’t see that coming, that i couldn’t prevent it.” you expound to him.
“i get it, but there’s no way you could’ve” he reassures, you frown at him and scoff “i mean, they had it out for you too.” he adds to his defense.
“it doesn’t matter, i shouldve watched out for myself. there were signs and i was too fucking stupid and lovesick to see it.” you retort, “and i feel more fucking dumb because i look insane when i think someone’s after me, and i just can’t help it because i don’t feel..safe.”
“i understand but it’s not your fault. sometimes people want to bring down great people.” keith does. he had invaded your private space and laughed at your reaction in the library, his invasion and amusement was probably like a flash of the past to your eyes.
the most precious thing to you was ruined by jealous assholes, something that should make you feel free and strong has turned you vulnerable.
“i understand the entire thing but..don’t you think it’s unlikely to happen again?” he ponders to you. the next thing almost breaks him apart.
you smile at him for the first time and it’s the saddest thing ever.
your smile doesn’t reach your ears, it’s sad and remorseful before you deliver the blow.
“it happened more than once.” you quietly say to him.
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keith can’t believe his eyes sometimes.
you’re in his apartment for a new year’s day party.
the both of you seemed to have found the floor with his arm searching under the couch for his wallet that got kicked in during the party while you were sweeping the diverse color of confetti splayed on the floor.
he can’t believe that you’re here with him. not that the help is unappreciated but he hadn’t expected you to silently volunteer to come and stay over to help clean up.
he’d invited you, your brother and james to his little party. he was quite ecstatic when he saw you come through the door along with some fancy wine that your brother insisted “bought together” which you rolled your eyes at.
you friendship is better than ever. there was a visible development that he expected that might’ve happened in years but occurred in weeks. in the days after your brother’s christmas party, you two have shared your interest for books and he had attended a few of your shows nearby. sometimes when he came over at your brother’s house you two would talk about stuff…mostly about other people with a few sneaks of memories from the past.
although you were still quiet with him, it wasn’t out of disinterest but simply because you’re quiet and you have nothing to say to him. if you did have something to say you never keep it shut. that was nice and keith actually feels like the both of you are getting somewhere ever since you confessed your unpleasant past to him.
after dinner and some words exchanged while hours passed by, everyone found themselves searching for their which keith did not hold up against them. however when he thought everyone had left, he heard a clink of bottles on the floor in the living room and as he went to check it, he saw you quietly cleaning up the mess.
he called out to you saying that you should go home and he’s got the entire mess covered but you simply ignored him as his words fell on deaf ears.
keith finally feels the familiar leather of his wallet then pulls his arm out of the couch and sighs then reaches for the half finished wine on the coffee table. he calls out to you and urges you to come over.
the both of you are exhausted and should probably rest. he can clean all of this up tomorrow.
you look back at him and hesitate, you don’t look at him like before anymore. there was no annoyance and anger, just softness. it was still devoid of emotion, he thinks that you’re not sure how to behave yourself around him with the fact that first, he wasn’t family and second he’s not an opponent of yours.
to you, he’s just keith.
keith, the guy who likes to watch you play and applauds you every time you finish playing. keith who's been to one of your shows and sometimes treats you to an ice cream session after the event then sometimes shares his favorite parts during the event. keith, the dude who lets your borrow his stash of books and lets your share your thoughts on them for hours and hours. you share to him the parts of the story you liked and your criticisms from the plot.
keith, the guy who has a crush on you.
but you don’t know that, at least he hopes you don’t.
you walk over to him and plop yourself on the floor, next to him. he takes a chug of the wine from the bottle before passing it over to you. you reluctantly take it from him and take a drink, he wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt before setting it down on his lap.
“did you like the party?” he inquires.
“yeah, the food was nice. did you make it all by yourself?” you reply full of curiosity.
“i had a few friends help me over.”
silence occupied them again. a comfortable kind of silence though, the type that didn’t make him feel like he’d said or done something wrong. the time both of you spent together had warped the dynamics of your friendship. you weren’t judging him when you were silent just unsure with what to do, something he picked up along the way.
“how did your date go the other day?” you ask.
your talks together began with your simple interests to the current agendas shared from both ends, he can’t remember if he had told you about it or if you overheard from your brother.
“i don’t think i remember telling you about that.” he chuckles at your question.
“you didn’t, i overheard it from him.” you answer with no remorse.
“overheard? eavesdropping on me aren’t you?” he teases, you immediately scoff and retort in your defense,
“he has a big mouth that keeps chattering day and night. i bet our neighbors know about your date too.” you retort with a little joke at the end. he laughs at this and you chuckle with him.
“well shit. i don’t need your entire neighborhood knowing i’m a loser.” he jokes.
“she shouldn’t have done that.” you frown at his jest and comment when your laughter dies down. keith looks at you from that disclosure and disappointment emerges into his head again.
“well..some things just don’t work out and that’s okay.” he shakes off the dismay from his failed date.
“i mean she could’ve at least informed you she wasn’t going to show up.” you reply ignoring his words,
“why do you sound more angry than i am? what in the world did she ever do to you?” he teases again in false wonder. you scoff at this and face him, clasping his arm with a tight grip.
“you’re a good person, keith.” you state.
“sure, i didn’t see it right away but-that doesn’t matter, anyways what i’m trying to say is that, you’re always too eager to see the good in people. too forgiving that you ignore your own grievances. that’s not okay.” you whisper looking into his eyes.
“i think that eagerness led you here.”
“i know and i’m thankful for that. i’m glad that you’re my friend, i’m glad you gave me a second chance but forgiveness is a two way street. i earned your forgiveness because i confessed my mistake and apologized. you don’t even wait for an apology before you hand out forgiveness!” you exclaim. keith tries to speak but you interrupt him.
“i know you probably think it’s naive and stupid.” he jokes and looks away, not wanting to delve into the topic of conversation.
“i never said that.” you gasp slightly in mortification, you grasp his jaw and force his gaze back to you.
“i know that we should be kind and that holding on to anger doesn’t lead anywhere good but you don’t deserve that. you deserve so much better and things sweeter than life.”
he already has something sweeter than life.
you make every pleasure in life look dull the moment he sees you enter his sight.
he knows you’ll never be his, he can never have you because you’ll never have him. it’s okay, he’ll learn to be okay.
“yes ma’am.. i will listen to that.” he smiles,
you smile at him and it’s so sweet, he wants to hold you and twirl your hair. he wants to be with at all times, so he can see you and watch you play. he wants to know every minute detail about you. he’s just filled with this yearning to love you. he hoped that his affection might dwindle down as soon the platonic structure of friendship hit him on the face.
but the deeper your friendship delved into the more he fell for you. he always said to himself and to others that what he felt for you was just a fleeting moment, he knows he shouldn’t feel anything like this because he knows that you won’t reciprocate his feelings. he knows that he’ll just get hurt and he should stop it at once.
but how? how could he have known?
how could he prevent it when stars glimmered in your eyes as if they were jewels glimmering in the sky? how can he call it fleeting when he fell for you the moment he saw you in the theater?
he exhales and smiles at you.
and shoves his feelings back down.
and tried to forget how his heart beats for you.
you scoot closer to him than you already are, his breath hitches in apprehension with how near you are to him. he takes you in all your glory, he can smell the sweet scent that you carry that used to intimidate him but now brought comfort and safety to him.
you smell like home.
he’s afraid you might hear the heartbeat in his chest that is pumping so loud now that it’s source comes closer and closer to him, like a moth to a flame he’ll burn out if you come any closer to the warmth of your body.
he’s afraid that if you see his fidgeting and breathlessness you might catch up on him and realize he’s in love with you.
he can never let you know that.
not when he sees how far your relationship has developed, not when you’ve welcomed him into your world, not when you’ve shared some of your secrets with him.
not when you make feel complete when you’re within his reach.
he can’t afford to lose all of that in a single stroke of words. he can never confess to you because he doesn’t know how you’ll take it, but he can only assume the worst. he can only assume that you’ll refuse him.
a popular and encouraging saying that’s often associated in his situation “the worst thing she could say is no.” is incorrect. the worst thing you could say is to turn him away and break your friendship. you would leave his life and he would have to go back living it without you. how can he do that?
and the worst part? he’s not even sure you’d even bother to say all that. he’s half sure you would abandon him with no message or explanation but your silence would speak enough more than those four words could ever say.
you don’t want him.
he can’t go back to that, your tranquility used to bring him anxiety but as time progressed it brought him solace and he felt like he could be himself with you, his stuttering and apprehensiveness had disappeared and you greeted it with eagerness.
he’ll keep it down for you. he’ll shut his mouth if you ever fall in love with someone and he loses his chance with you, he’ll keep quiet because it means having you. the best thing he ever gave you was making you feel safe around him. he can never afford to let the opposite happen in the future.
because that means staying in your life and yours in his. it means keeping you close and that’ll keep him happy enough.
it has to.
he feels something on his lap, more like someone. a tingling sensation wrangling itself to his hands, he looks down and sees a glint of jewel shining back at him. he realizes it’s your adorned hand, he looks back up at you where you’ve laid your head on his shoulder.
you feel his gaze on you, you always do and look back at him in curiosity expecting him to say something. keith doesn’t know what to say, he’s afraid that he might spill his heart out to you with the recent train of thoughts his mind has occupied, so he smiles at you.
you smile in return and he wishes he could he could see that forever.
his hand is tangled with yours as he lays his head back on you.
a life with you is all he wants.
he wants to stay like this with you forever, just the both of you indulging in each other’s company and living life with no abandon.
keith watches you.
you squeeze his hand three times to make sure he’s alright.
he squeezes it back in return.
“happy new year’s keith.” you mutter to him and pull your head back under him as he looks at you. you bring yourself to him and softly press a kiss on his cheek, with your hand on his jaw.
keith does his best to hide his surprise as he feels happiness burst inside him. you put your head back to its previous stance along with your hands. keith does the same.
this is okay. this is perfect.
love isn’t always butterflies and grand gestures with happy endings but sometimes love can be wine drunk, holding each other’s hands and splayed on the floor next to confetti.
and pain.
there’s still love even if it’s gut wrenching pain.
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author’s note: this took so long i’m so sorry. i had a keith brainrot before my exam and it had to go because i need to pass. (which paid off : D ) i couldn’t choose a happy or sad ending because..i want to. jk i can’t envision a smooth sailing path for keith and the reader because it really needs to take some time and CONFESS. they don’t know how to act on that because they’re careful around each other with the rough start they began with. or maybe because i just wanted to write about a pining keith and an oblivious reader that doesn’t know how to manage their feelings. i am a staunch believer of finding ur lover in a friend soo anyways thank you for reading and feel free to like and reblog!
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dazedvivenne · 4 months
I currently write for
Rafe Cameron
Kevin Khatchadourian
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Donnie Darko
Bill skarsgard (characters + him)
Drew Starkey (+ Any other character of his)
Negan Smith
Tate Langdon
Kit Walker
James Patrick March
Kai Anderson
Kyle Spencer
Darry Jenner
IF you have someone specific in your mind, request it and I will try my best to write it!
Literally everything, I have to no limits so go crazy.
Please go request something about your favourite character <3
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foolishmortalmuses · 27 days
I'm Kacy! I'm 30 and use she/her pronouns. My timezone is EST. If you're interested in interacting, please be over the age of 21. This is what I'm comfortable with, so please respect that. All of the muses I write have real life faces to them. I do not write with those who use cartoons or drawings. It's just not something that I'm comfortable with and I'm sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you. I typically write anywhere from 1 paragraph or 2 and up. It all depends on the vibe and what I'm doing in that moment. I work in an office, so most of the time, I can get replies in with at least a paragraph or two. I write in third person, past tense. I will not write with someone who writes in first person, it's just a preference. I only write on discord, so please keep that in mind when reaching out. Some faces I want to write AGAINST: Nick Jonas, Luke Newton, Andy Biersack, Spencer Charnas, Logan Henderson, JDM, Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, RDJ, Harry Styles, Bill Skarsgard, Hayden Christensen, Joe Keery, Jonah Hauer-King, Dacre Montgomery, Demi Lovato, Rhea Ripley, Travis Kelce, Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley, Seth Edeen, Tyler Seguin. Faces I will USE: Alexa Bliss, Caylee Cowan, Demi Lovato, Josephine Langford, Gracie Gillam, Grace Van Dien, Kathryn Newton, Barbie Ferreira, Chris Evans, Logan Henderson, Sydney Sweeney, Joe Jonas. I'm open to others, as long as I am comfortable with using them and know who they are. Fandoms I will write: Glee, One Tree Hill, Degrassi, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Reality TV, Fire Country, Grey's Anatomy, but I'm looking for fandomless things right now. Plots/Themes I enjoy writing: Mafia, Angst, Horror. I have very few triggers, so I'm always up for discussing those as well as your own. We can plot some messy things and I would love you forever for it.
If you're interested in plotting, feel free to message me and I will get back to you from there. Talk to you soon!!
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lemon-criminal · 1 year
john wick franchise (affectionate)
I thought John Wick 4 was amazing. Say what you want but I fuckin love that movie. The plot, cinematography, actors (bill skarsgard!) and actresses (rina sawayama!), the locations, the accents, everything. Not a single thing I disliked about that movie (spoiler: except for the fact they killed the Marquis- like I understand he’s a bad guy but he’s bill skarsgard. Its okay I can fix him). I am a big JW and Keanu fan and this new movie did not disappoint and I hold it in high regard.
If nobody writes anything about a female mob assassin who works under the table in an enemies to lovers forbidden romance mobboss smut angst kinda shit with Marquis Vincent de Gramont I’ll shit my pants ☺️🙏
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pcrvcrse · 1 year
hi, im looking to pick up some discord threads.
i have a couple of ideas i like to write, but if none of these interest you, i'm down to brainstorm something. like this or message me for discord!
boss/employee - jamie (bill skarsgard) just bought the company your muse works at, and your muse is a big wig who is fucking him to keep their job.
hateship  (both 30+) - your muse and mine work together. mine has been there been there years longer than your, but your muse gets promoted to be his boss. thinking a dubcon (or non tbh)  "you're not better than me" situation
toxic arranged marriage/relationship - pretty much our muses both grew up in rich families, and never got along. something happened with her family's company and in return for her marrying my muses (to save his image and theirs) his parents will bail them out. thinking dubcon in the sense that she has more to lose than he does, and he would hold that over her head.
codependent besties to lovers: they are v in love with each other, but can't admit it. give me angst and drunken hooks up!! (bonus points for a childhood friend who is helping jason (john krasinski) get his life together after his divorce)
vampire things: your muse comes from a family of hunters and has been after nico (jdm) for a long time. recently he turned your muse during an ambush attempt that went wrong. (more bonus points for older muses here)
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bostcn · 1 year
okay i’m going to try this again ! i’m looking for some 1x1 partners to write on discord with ! i’m such a headcanon whore BUT also love doing replies of course. i have a tiny lil brain so my replies won’t be too long , but trust i am here for the long run ! i’m honestly just looking for someone who will have me refusing to close my laptop every other night because the hcs/muse/replies/all of the above is just flowing !
to make things a little easy i have a few wanted plots, a few wanted opposites, and a few fcs i want to play myself ! i’m gonna drop them all below the read more ! if anything about this post interests you please smack that like button or message me directly and i swear i’ll come bother you so quick !
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+ please take a look at my rules before reading to see if we’re a good match !
daisy jones x billy dune situation pleaseee
childhood friends turned lovers with a lil angst in b/n
if we’re both single by a certain age pact
this lil plot about two people in witness protection having to act like a happy suburban couple
two folks who unintentionally had a baby and are figuring things out together
a lil con-artist falling for a victim moment
used to date , one of them went to jail , and now that they’re out the other muse is completely diff than what they were like before
a plot that would have so many deuxmoi blind items
flirting fluff kinda ! they’re plotting murder
WILD CARD ! we just come up with smth together
oliver jackson-cohen
oscar isaac
harry styles
aron piper
florence pugh
theo james
michael b jordan
paul mescal
daniel sharman
bruna marquezine
phoebe tonkin
bill skarsgard
adam dimarco
matthew daddario
anya taylor joy
jeremy allen white
tbh i’m down for anyone!
dakota johnson
camille rowe
francisco lachowski
alex fitzalan
zoe kravitz
barbara palvin
tamino amir
rosie huntington whiteley
blanca padilla
adriana lima
jasmine tookes
zoe kravtiz
also down to play your opposites!
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absolutelyrecklcss · 3 months
Back in Black....and White
Now that things IRL have calmed down a bit, I'm opening up for more threads.
Please be 25+. (If you age is nowhere on your page, I will not respond. Safe over sorry.)
Due to some bot!blogs liking my post, if your page is empty, I probably won’t respond either unless you message first. I’m sorry :(
Smut is welcome, but not mandatory.
I’m looking to double or do a 2x2 plot! I like to keep things fair! (But I am open to doing more if we get a good rapport going!)
Discord only please.
I will give you a wanted face claim of yours to keep things fun and fair! (Having the favor returned is neato.)
M/F only please!
I have muses already made, but I am also willing to make a muse that is specific to the thread, no problem.
I use Tupperbox upon request. (It’s not mandatory for me but if you prefer to use it, we can.)
I do have some faces and topics that I won’t use, but we can discuss those.
I’m pretty flexible with reply lengths, depending on the storyline I can go from a couple paragraphs to more. I just ask that you give me something to go off of, preferably a few sentences at least!
Some plots that I’m interested in trying (but aren’t mandatory) are:
WEREWOLVES! Give me bonding and imprinting and all that angst and shit.
Vampires too. Don’t judge. Gimme human donors and all that!
Crimey stuff. I have a few ideas, but we can discuss more.
Smutty things too.
Pretty much everything on my wishlist? I’m open to ideas!
Some faces I’d LOVE to play against!
Sebastian Stan
Adam Driver
Landon Liboiron
Bill Skarsgard
Jeremy Sisto
Like this post if you’re interested or send me a message and we can exchange usernames and plot! I may be selective on this, but I’m fairly open!
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Request by @salenorona23​
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Bill Skarsgard x plus!size reader
Joseph Quinn x plus!size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
One of my request coming to life. Let me know if you catch my reference. It's pretty obvious I think.
Warnings: 18+ smut, smut, smuuuuhhhhtttt, language, angst, alcohol use and not proof read and no word count.
Summary: Being in love with Joseph Quinn is hard. But being his best friend is even harder.
The stars never seemed to align for you and Quinn. There was never a perfect time for you two to be together. See both of you were in love with each other. But neither one of you knew how the other felt. You fell in love with each other at the 2016 World Cup. That was almost 6 years ago.
You were gifted the tickets from your boss. You worked organizing Met Galas and award shows. You had vacation coming up and your boss thought it would be nice for you to go somewhere. But the thing was, the game was in South Africa. You had never left America. You barely left your house. You lived in a small subdivision in Reseda hills. It wasn't all fancy or anything. But it was yours and you were proud of your little home.
You didn't know how good your seats were until you were led to a damn skybox. You were shocked that this was what Shelly gave you. (Your boss) There was a hand full of people there you had never met or saw before. You gave a thin lip smile to those who nodded in your direction. You felt so out of place there. Everyone was either wearing a fancy suit or a very expensive dress. While here you are with holes in the knees of your faded blue jeans that always fit just a little too tight and just some random Star Wars shirt. It was a graphic tee that said save the forests with Ewoks just under it. You wore a pair of all black vans and had your hair up. You came as comfortable as you could be. You wanted to stuff your face with nachos and beer. Because well, it was your vacation. And you'll be damned if you didn't have fun.
You went to the buffet table and grabbed wings and nachos with a large glass of Stout. You hadn't noticed the guy staring at you from across the table. You went to your seat doing a silly dance while you munched on some nachos looking down at the game. Why anyone would sit this high was just stupid. You couldn't see shit. They looked like ants. So you opted to watch the screen that was filming the game live. You were so into it. Booing every time the team you didn't like scored.
You heard a laugh coming from somewhere but you didn't look. You hated people and you were sure whoever it was, was laughing at you. But he wasn't.
" Hello. I just wanted to tell you I love your shirt."
You looked up and saw the most beautiful man you have ever seen. You couldn't even say anything because your mouth was full with wings and chips. His eyes bore a hole in your heart.
" I'm Joe Quinn and you are?"
You covered your mouth and chewed vigorously to try and get the pieces small enough to go down. You knew exactly who he was. He was your favorite character in Dickensian. He wasn't crazy famous or anything or had a huge part in the show. But you recognize him. It was those damn chocolate button eyes. You would know them anywhere
" Hi. Umm I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." You said nervously holding out your sweaty ass had to shake his. But to your surprise his hand was just as sweaty as yours if not more.
"Mind if I sit with you?"
" Umm no not at all. Be my guest." You said gesturing to the seat next to you.
You offered him some nachos and he accepted with a grin that had you the moment he put it on. But, that feeling you had that day and everyday since was kept all to yourself. Your relationship with Quinn was entirely platonic. There were times when he would have a girlfriend and it would always break your heart. So in order to try and not to be so sad you would date too. But then you would break up with them as soon as you found out that Quinn was single again.
The friendship was hard to say the least. He lived in London while you lived in LA. Every time he got a role that brought him close to you. He would stay with you. See he was in love with you too. But he never said anything because he was worried that he wouldn't be good enough for you. Some C list actor who only got very small roles. So he tried to move on as well. But just like you. When he found out that you were single he would be single. But for some reason there was a disconnect.
You guys had moments where there might be something more than just friendship. But you or him played it off. Thinking it was just a joke. It wasn't until after Quinn filmed Stranger Things when he got serious with someone. Of course he would be with some stupid beautiful supermodel. Together they could have stupid beautiful sex, and stupid beautiful kids and live in a stupid beautiful big house.
The relationship didn't seem all that serious since he never really talked about her. But one phone call in the middle of October changed everything.
" Hello love. Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty."
You laughed. " Hey Quinn."
" Hey. So I have news."
" Oh? And I have ears. Let's hear it."
" So, I have decided. I'm going to propose to Clara."
" What!"
" Yeah. I think it's time for me to settle down. I'm almost 30. And I would like to start my family soon."
You could feel the color drain from your face as your heart sank to the floor. His words felt like a punch in the nose. Your eyes watered. And he continued to ramble on about it.
" Y/n hello...are you there?"
" Y-yeah. S-sorry. Just wow! I can't believe it. I-I'm-I'm so happy for you."
" What's wrong love?"
" Uh nothing..it's just umm ... It's late Quinn."
" Right. I'm sorry. I keep forgetting we are in different time zones. Get some sleep love. I'll see you at the masquerade ball."
" Right."
" Goodnight love."
" Night."
As soon as you hung up you ran to the bathroom and threw up. " Now you've done it. Stupid. Stupid."
You sat on the ground next to the toilet crying until you fell asleep
You hadn't slept well since the conversation. It's been 2 weeks since, and tonight was the party. And surprise surprise. Quinn didn't show up to yet another party you hosted. You understood his schedule changed a lot ever since Eddie Munson. But not this much. No one would ever understand how much it hurts getting that apology text from him. How your heart broke every fucking night knowing he would never be yours.
But tonight you actually had fun. Someone actually took your mind off of Quinn for a brief moment in time.
You were standing near the refreshment table making sure everything was full when something got in your eye. You weren't sure if it was dust or an eyelash. Whatever it was it hurt like a bitch. You stood off to the side taking off your mask rubbing your eye.
" Jesus...owww."
" Here let me help."
Someone grabbed your face and held your eye open blowing into it.
But ok like what the fuck?
As soon as he let go you felt so much better. You blinked a few times just for good measure.
" Uhh thanks."
" No problem....hey I know you."
You looked at the tall slender guy. You didn't know him on account of the mask.
" Oh?"
" Yeah you're the one who sewed on my button a few months ago at the Met Gala."
" Hmm I sowed a lot of buttons that night."
He took off his mask and smiled. Yup you remembered him.
" Oh yes. I remember now. Bill Skarsgard. You were wearing Louis Vuitton suit with the silk red lining."
" Yes!...so what's your name?"
" Oh I'm sorry. It's y/n. Y/n l/n."
" Very nice to meet you. Say uhh you look like you wanna duck out. I do too. I just come to these things for the mini sandwiches."
"is it that obvious?"
" yeah kinda."
" I would love to. But I'm hosting tonights event. I can't just leave."
" Hmm what if I take you somewhere where you could still keep an eye on things. But be far from everyone else."
" Doubt it. I know this place like the back of my hand."
He laughed." Alright if I'm wrong then you have to let me buy you dinner."
" And if you're right?"
" Then you have to buy me dinner."
" Ha. Alright."
You watched him grab 2 bottles of wine.
" Uhh can you grab that tray of sandwiches?"
You laughed. " sure"
To your surprise Bill did have a spot that you never found before. Since you were afraid of heights you never thought of hiding up in the rafters above the stage. Being with Bill made you feel safe though. The conversation you two had kept your mind from wondering. 
After that night you had many “Dates” with Bill. His natural charm was all too enticing. He was also incredibly hot. You didn’t think he was actually into you. See you were a “Big” girl and though it never really bothered you, it was hard to find someone who wanted to be with you and not just a one nightstand. But one night 2 months after hanging out, Bill and you went to a bar with live music. He had grabbed your thigh in his big hand send chills down your spine. At the end of the night Bill drove you home. You were sexually frustrated by now. It had been almost a year since the last time you got some. So tonight Bill just looked too damn good to resist. You had kissed a few times but you would never spend the night at his place or invite him in. But tonight, it was going to happen.
The moment you stepped into your house you pounced. You stripped off his clothes as you kissed. He tore off the buttons of your shirt and took off your bra and dropped down to his knees, unbuttoning your pants taking them and your panties in one go. He kissed your tummy and around to your hips. You leaned back against the door as he lifted your leg over his shoulder. 
“ohhh” you moaned as he slipped his fingers between your folds tracing circles around your aching clit.
“mmm baby you’re so wet for me.” he cooed before giving you a long strip lick from your throbbing cunt up to the bundle of nerves. “Fuck! You taste so good.”
“ Shh. Be quiet and lick...Please.”
Bill laughed as he continued to eat you out. 
“OHH FUCK!!!” you mewled throwing your head back as he stuck his fingers deep into your sopping cunt.
In the matter of seconds he had you cumming. He finger fucked you through your climax giving you kisses on your inner thigh. “ Yes baby. Cum on my fingers....Oh yeah. Just like that.”
Once you caught your breath you took your leg off his shoulder. You saw him put his soaked fingers into his mouth licking them clean of your juices. This only made you want him again. You pushed him down to his back and got on top of him. He sat up to kiss you. He was being so gentle with you. As if you were some porcelain doll. He lifted you up just a bit to guide his tip to your entrance. You slowly sank down into his lap moaning into his mouth. He was big. The biggest you’ve ever had. You had to stop to get used to him at the halfway point. He looked up at you worried.
“Are you ok? We can stop. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You stared into his big green eyes. He really did mean it. Whatever was going on with you two it was definitely more than just what was going on right now. You kissed him gently and started to rock and roll your hips. Your lips never leaving his. Well not until he turned you around to lay you on your back. He lifted your leg resting the back of your knee in the crook of his arm. 
His desperate groans mixed with your gasps filled the air as he went deeper and deeper into you. Your eyes rolled back as he hit your sweet spot. The sad part in all of this, was that this was the first time anyone has touched that spot deep inside of you. The more he pressed up into you the louder you got. Tears fell from your eyes from pure pleasure. You got closer and closer to your release with every thrust of his hips.
 The sound of his balls smacking your ass was the sweetest sound he has ever heard. Bill wanted you from the very moment he blew in your eye. He had dreamed of the beautiful girl who sowed his button for him months ago. And when he saw you at the event he absolutely had to talk to you. Now he was 10 inches deep in your tight pussy and he was in heaven. You were his dream girl. Beautiful and smart, and so fucking sexy. He fell in love with you way before this night. But tonight confirmed it for him. He wanted you forever and he planned on it.
You felt yourself clenched as he slowed his thrust but kept pounding into you. You let the wave of your climax wash over you while you felt his hot cum buried deep inside you. Your legs shook as he pumped the last of his load. He let go of your thigh slowly putting it down so that he wouldn’t overwhelm your senses. He laid down on top of you staring into your eyes stroking your hair. He smiled at you and you returned it.
Many weeks were just like that. Bill made bittersweet love to you night after night. You hadn't expected to fall for him. But, fell you did. Falling hard. The relationship became more and you could not have been happier. Quinn was still part of your life but very minimally. He was so busy with planning the wedding that he only sent you morning and goodnight texts.
But it wasn't until 7 months later did he try to call. He had just called off the wedding. He couldn't do it. He just couldn't marry Clara, because he loved you. He knew you were getting serious with Bill but not to the extent like he was with Clara. That night he called and called. But when you didn't respond he booked the first flight out to LA.
You always answered Quinn's calls. But on this particular night you didn't. That was because while Quinn was calling, Bill was on one knee asking you to be his wife. You had expected it since you found the ring in his loft one night 3 months ago. You happily said yes. That night he took you home and led you to your room that was decorated with flowers and twinkle lights.
Bill sat on your bed staring at you getting undressed. He grinned at the sight of love bites he left all over your chest. He was madly in love with you. He couldn't believe such a goddess agreed to marry him.
You walked to him giving him kiss after kiss while you undressed him. Once both were bare you laid down as he kissed down your neck and on your collar bone. His hand dipped down to your sex. He groaned against your skin because of how wet you still got for him. He wanted to lick you clean but tonight he wasn't going to take you like before. He was going to take it nice and slow. Your heavy sighs and the sound of your wetness were music to his ears.
He moved his hand away to line himself up to your entrance.
"You want this baby?"
"Mmm yes please."
" Anything for the future Mrs Skarsgard."
He entered you slowly.
" I love the sound of that." You said letting yourself adjust to his size. " Mrs. Y/n Skarsgard."
" You know what I love the sound of?"
" hmmmm?"
" This" he whispered while hitting his favorite spot in you.
You made a deafening gasp as he hit your sweet spot. The spot that makes your toes curl and arches your back. He was just too good at this.
He pulled out completely, then rammed in hard. Sending shooting pains of pleasure throughout your body. He sent you to heaven with every delicious thrust. You did your best to kiss him and keep your hands accountable but you were so blinded by the ecstasy Bill was providing. The knot building deep down made its way to the surface. You came long and hard. Bill kept going until you came again. It was then and only then he finally let himself cum deep inside you.
He went so deep, he put your ass to sleep. You were out like a light after. He held you while he drifted off.
"I love you y/n."
You guys slept late into the afternoon. When you finally got up, you and Bill took a bath together. He washed your hair making one long spike with shampoo. You made him a beard with all the bubbles. You laid in his arms until the water got cold.
"I have to go and promote Barbarian tonight. I won't be back too late. If you want you can come."
" I can't. I have a lot of work to do for fashion week." You said while drying your hair.
"Okay baby. I'm gonna make you coffee before I leave."
" Yessss. The nectar of the gods. I'll be there in a minute."
Bill came to kiss you. " We're getting married."
"Yes we are." You lifted up to kiss him back.
Joe was walking up your driveway and saw a Mercedes where your car normally parked. He got to the front door and knocked. He was met with a shirtless Bill.
"Joe! What a nice surprise? Does y/n know you were coming?"
"Uh no mate. Umm I should have called. I'll come back later."
"Nah man. Come in. She should be out any second. I made some coffee. Come in and have a cup."
" Uhh no that's fine I'll-"
" Hey babe. What do you think of an October wedding? I'm obsessed with a spooky themed wedding."
Joe saw you coming out of your room with just a red and black flannel and panties with a shirt in your hand. The moment you saw him you tugged the hem of your shirt to cover your thighs. He wanted to tell you to stop. That he loved your thighs. That he has always loved them. He remembered that time you guys were wrestling and somehow you had his head locked between your thighs. He could have swore he died and went to heaven.
"Quinn! Dude what the hell?"
" Hello love. I'm sorry I tried calling yesterday."
"No no please come in."
" Alright baby I gotta go."
" Uhh yeah. Here." You said handing Bill the shirt.
" Thanks baby. Love you. Joe, good to see you bud."
You cupped Bill's face and kissed him goodbye. Joe looked away but then immediately looked back. He saw a gigantic diamond on your ring finger. He wasn't even paying attention to what you said earlier. He saw Bill get in his car and leave.
" Hey I'm gonna put on some pants. I'll be right back."
Joe nodded and watched as you walked away. He closed the door and went to sit down. You came back and he stood up.
" Oh Quinn I've missed you."
You went to hug him. He held you so tight breathing you in.
" I've missed you too."
After a super long conversation he didn't tell you how he felt. You were so happy that he didn't want to ruin that for you. He had told you about Clara and you hugged him for so long. He thought maybe just maybe you felt the same. But when you pulled away you looked at your ring and had the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. It broke his heart. After a week in LA he went home. He was so lost that he really couldn't get out of bed. It was a month later when he received a save the date. He honestly didn't want to got. But he had to. You were his best friend and he couldn't do that to you. He hoped something would come up so that he could have an excuse to not go. He prayed for it.
2 and a half months later you were sitting in a party bus with Bill. He was holding you as you snuggled up against him. You guys had decided to have a bachelor party together. Bill really didn't want to celebrate the night without you. So he and his buddies and some of your close coworkers and sisters all went out for drinks and food.
Your sisters kept trying to give you drinks but you were content with just soda. You were actually so nervous. You had a secret that you had planned on tell Bill tonight. Your friends had rented a private room at some fancy strip club. The guys said they hired a stripper just for you tonight. You looked over to Bill and shook your head.
" I don't want one."
" Don't worry baby. It will be fine. If you want I will stay with you."
"Please. I don't want him to get too handies. I really don't know how I feel if some random guy thrusting his junk in my face."
" Don't worry. I'll handle it when it comes to that."
You gave him a thin lip smile. Everyone but you and Bill left the room. You sat there nervously while Bill poured you and himself a drink. Music randomly came on and Bill handed you the glass. You set it down on the table to the side of you. That's when he spread your legs apart with his knee. He got between your thighs and started dancing.
" Uhhh what?"
" Shh. I heard you were getting married soon." He said rolling his body to the beat.
" Umm yeah."
He dipped down to kiss you and continued to take off his shirt. You sat there and instantly felt hot and bothered.
" Mmm you look so good tonight. I might just have to take you here and now. I hope your fiance won't mind."
" I'm sure he won't." You said softly as you touched his body.
You could see how hard he was already. Your mouth water. You pulled him into the seat next to you and straddled him grinding your core against his huge bulge. He held onto your waist with one hand and the other was massaging your breast. You were kissing him with such need you could feel your undies becoming soaked.
It was when you had your shirt and bra off when you pull away a bit.
" Baby I have something to tell you."
He hummed in your neck while kissing you and biting you there.
" Baby. I'm pregnant."
He pulled away slowly and cupped your face meeting your gaze with his big green eyes that you love so much.
"Are you serious? Are you having my baby?"
You nodded and gave him a sweet smile.
"My baby is having a baby! Wow! How much luckier can I get? I get a wife and a baby."
You giggled and he smothered you with kisses. He helped you to lay down on the couch you were on. He unbutton his pants pulling them down to his thighs. His penis smacked against his stomach. You could have came at the sight of it. He lifted your skirt a little and ripped your panties off tossing them somewhere. He didn't even give you time to adjust when he rammed himself into you. Hit that spot. Your gasps rang out as he fucked you harder and harder. His mouth moving from nipple to nipple. He put his arm under your arched back to lift you a bit so he could have a better grip on you. Your tits bouncing in his face with every deep thrust.
" Oh fuck that's my girl. Shit baby. God I want to cum so bad."
" Bill please. I'm so close." You whimpered
" Fuck!" He growled as your warm slick walls hugged him so tight.
Your cum drenched him as his filled you. You rolled your hips a little to get every last drop of his love out. As you both came down from you high he laid on top of you. Kissing the sore parts of your chest.
" Baby. Do you think we can move up the wedding before I start to show?"
He lifted his head and smirk. " Let's do it tonight."
You giggled. "No. How about 2 weeks? I need to call my parents to see if they can get here. Just a small wedding yeah?"
" Anything my babies want." He said moving to kiss your tummy.
You smiled. " We want ice cream."
He quickly got up pulling up his pants. " Let's go. Can't keep my boy waiting."
"Quinn. What are you doing next week Friday?"
" Hello to you too love."
" Oh shit. I'm sorry. Hi"
He chuckled watching you get flustered on facetime.
" I don't know what I'm doing. I think I'll just visit my mum."
" Perfect! Do you think you can come here?"
" Uhh why?"
"Bill and I moved up the wedding and I need you to walk me down the aisle."
His heart sank. He couldn't keep his face from losing it's smile that you put there.
" Why-why so soon? What about your parents?"
" They are on a cruise and they won't be back in time. Common Quinn please. I need you."
He forced a smile. " i-i"
Your pleading eyes did it for him. He had to go. He had to stop this. You were suppose to be with him.
" Okay love. I'll be there."
" Promise?"
He gave you a halfhearted smile. " I promise."
" Please don't flake on me."
" Why would I?"
" Because you always do. You don't know how sad I get when you send me the 'Im sorry I can't make it' texts."
" I'm sorry love."
" It's okay. I mean if you came to the masquerade ball I would probably be marrying you instead. " You laughed.
He laughed nervously. Was that true? Did he lose you that night?
" Please Joe. Please don't flake on me."
He knew when you called him that it was dire for him to listen.
" I will be there."
Joe was waiting for you in the dressing room. You were finished the last touches to your hair in the bathroom. You had found a small chapel that could perform the ceremony in such a short notice. He was pacing trying to find the right words to say to get you to call it off. That's when you came out.
" How do I look?"
Joe was weak at the sight of you in a flowing white gown. You had never looked so beautiful.
" Heavenly."
You gave him a sweet smile. " Thank you....okay I'm ready."
You started to walk towards the door when Joe stopped you.
" Y/n I need to say something and please let me finish before you say anything."
You turned to face him.
"My love. Please don't do this. I know this is not the best time to do this...but I need you to know how much I love you. I have loved you since I met you. And I know you must love me too. Please don't marry him. Please be with me. I can't live without you anymore. Please my love. Don't do this."
He could see tears forming in your eyes and your breath starting to hitch.
"Quinn....I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. We could just leave right now."
" No Joe. I'm sorry but it's too late. You're right I do love you. And I always will. But I'm in love with Bill and I want to be his wife... I need you to understand that."
" No please y/n. Don't say it's too late. It's never too late for us."
" Joe....it is....I'm pregnant...that's why we moved up the wedding."
He couldn't believe his heart could hurt anymore than it did right now. How could he have been so stupid? He should have told you a long time ago. If he had, you would be carrying his child right now.
" Love it's okay. If you allow me. I will raise the baby as my own."
" Quinn please stop." You moved forward to hug him. " You know we can't do that. Please be happy for me. I need my best friend. Just be my best friend."
His tears came as he held you. He knew it was over. He knew he couldn't have you.
" I'm sorry love. I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner."
You leaned back and kissed him gently on his mouth.
" I'm sorry too."
He sighed and wiped his tears. "Do you think that one day we will both be in the same place and we could be together?"
You looked into his eyes and smiled. " I don't know. And I don't want to think about that right now. I just want to get married."
He nodded and pulled away from your arms.
"Alright my love. Let's get you to Bill." He sniffled
You went to him giving him a kiss on the cheek.
" Thank you."
Joe stood there listening to you and Bill exchange vows. All he could do was be happy for you. He would always hate himself for not telling you he loved you sooner. He watched with everyone as you and Bill drove away. He cried watching his soul mate leave him. He hoped that one day. You would come back to him. He promised he would always wait for you. That he would always love you.
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findroleplay · 5 months
hello! i am 25+ looking for 21+ to do a fandomless indie rp over discord! i would like to use my female oc (juno temple) and i am happy to double, just let me know! i can definitely change up these plots to fit more characters. nsfw will be present, please let me know your triggers. I am literate and don't really do one liners other than texting threads. i am looking for one of the following plots:
🔺royal au - your muse is a cold hearted king-to-be who is more worried about causing and fighting wars than having a wife but lucky him...he is betrothed to a woman who is used to being outspoken and is looking to change the stoic court up. they clash heads immediately and must learn to live together.
🔺mafia au - your muse is a prominent member of the biggest mafia in the city and my oc is deemed their favorite. lots of drama, arguing, tears, and angst.
🔺dysfunctional relationship au - my oc is a junkie who isn't afraid to use others to get her fix. yours is hooked on her, the high, and the drama that comes with their relationship and breakups. again, angst heavy but slightly slice of life.
wanted opposite fcs: robert sheehan, bill skarsgard, jungkook (bts), san (ateez), alex saxon, daniel sharman, do hanse (victon), cillian murphy open to others, this is just a wishlist! please let me know who you're interested in using and if we're doubling let me know who you'd like me to use.
i'm a friendly mun who likes to chat ooc, looking for someone who is the same!
like this and i'll hit you up over IM 💖
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lindscys · 1 year
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𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧
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name: em pronouns: she/her zodiac sign: sagittarius taken or single: single
one: i used to play the clarinet, and learned it for years. i’m really rusty but can still whack out a tune from time to time ! two: most people know this already, but i’m a gif maker ! i make mostly quite big packs of largely underused fcs ! three: i’m very much a control freak when it comes to what i do and when ask @ricochetingtears​ she’ll tell you. 
platforms used: tumblr, some discord but tumblr is my preference. plotting / winging it / memes: all of the above ! sometimes the best things can come out of a random starter, or a meme, but plotting is always enjoyable for me too. 
gender: i tend to prefer writing female muses, and most of the muses on my multi are female, but my males tend to be the loudest in my head when i’m writing them. it’s an odd mix! multi or single muse: both ? i love my multi, but i also love having erin and annie separate as those are the ones i want to write the most and i feel like they got buried on my old multi. least favourite fcs: i really cannot write with a bill skarsgard fc, a mun a few years ago in an rp has scarred me for life.
fluff: from time to time! i like soft, it’s just not my fave. angst: 10000000% it’s the best way to get my juices flowing and in my opinion the best plotting mechanism. i’ll tend to lean to angst on starters and memes too. smut:  no thank u. i don’t mind discussing headcanons, i just don’t really want to write it out. 
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tagged by: @nebulaties​ thank you ! tagging: if you’re seeing this, you !
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findyourrp · 5 months
hello! i am 25+ looking for 21+ to do a fandomless indie rp over discord! i would like to use my female oc (juno temple) and i am happy to double, just let me know! i can definitely change up these plots to fit more characters. nsfw will be present, please let me know your triggers. I am literate and don't really do one liners other than texting threads. i am looking for one of the following plots:
🔺royal au - your muse is a cold hearted king-to-be who is more worried about causing and fighting wars than having a wife but lucky him...he is betrothed to a woman who is used to being outspoken and is looking to change the stoic court up. they clash heads immediately and must learn to live together.
🔺mafia au - your muse is a prominent member of the biggest mafia in the city and my oc is deemed their favorite. lots of drama, arguing, tears, and angst.
🔺dysfunctional relationship au - my oc is a junkie who isn't afraid to use others to get her fix. yours is hooked on her, the high, and the drama that comes with their relationship and breakups. again, angst heavy but slightly slice of life.
wanted opposite fcs: robert sheehan, bill skarsgard, jungkook (bts), san (ateez), alex saxon, daniel sharman, do hanse (victon), cillian murphy open to others, this is just a wishlist! please let me know who you're interested in using and if we're doubling let me know who you'd like me to use.
i'm a friendly mun who likes to chat ooc, looking for someone who is the same!
like this and i'll hit you up over IM 💖
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cleanfm · 11 months
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(   +2   )   two   wanted   connections   have   been   added   !
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romantic .
*       ♡ .      ꒰   zoey   deutch   +   romantic   ꒱  a  little  birdie  told  me  darcy bennett  is  looking  for  their ex fiancee !  according  to  them,  they  kinda  look  like  jeremy allen white is my preferred fc, but i’m very opened! so any male fc in late twenties and thirties and  are  about twenty seven years old + up   ╱  darcy bennett’s fiancee, who she broke things off with due to intense fear of abandonment, but i had an idea that he was a chef, a fellow baker, and they met through school. he was charming, charmed his way into her life and got along with her family so well, but ultimately, she grew so afraid of losing him that she broke things off.  you   do  not  have to  contact  this  player  @underneathscars 
*       ♡ .      ꒰   madelyn   cline  +    romantic     ꒱  a  little  birdie  told  me  romy bradshaw  is  looking  for  their  situationship!  according  to  them,  they  kinda  look  like  miles teller, bill skarsgard, glen powell, diego boneta, avan jogia and  are  about  25-29.   ╱   romy is kind of fresh out of. a bad breakup, so she’s been on her hot girl summer shiiiit.  i’m thinking your muse and her met through work, out etc and they’ve really really taken a liking to each other, but the feelings are complicated cuz she’s not ready to commit (how your muse feels is up to you but i love da angst) you   can   contact  this  player  @irldolls
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surviverp · 1 year
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SIX wanted connection have been added. click the source link to be redirected to the page.
IZNA HALE ( amita suman ) is searching for their HUSBAND’S YOUNGER BROTHER. they should be aged 21-25, and look like MARK MCKENNA, RUDY PANKOW, UTP. here’s what you need to know about the story: she pretty much helped raised them, alongside y/m’s older brother and they were for the longest of times a make-shift family. when she married into their family it made everything real for them all that this was a forever type thing. three years ago, tragedy over run their camp, izzy happened to be holding y/m’s wrist during this time and amongst all the chaos they got separated from y/m’s older brother & niece… pretty much since then they have been going from town to town in search of their loved ones but coming up as short every time. though they had each other which they cling to each other. i’ll love to discuss this more with you. ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @plagvcd. 
IZNA HALE ( amita suman ) is searching for their HUSBAND / FATHER OF CHILD. they should be aged 29+, and look like FREDDY CRATER, LEWIS TAN, BARRY KEOGHAN, AARON TAYLOR-JOHNSON, UTP. here’s what you need to know about the story: so, izzy met y/m about when she was eighteen-years-old and they both couldn’t deny the sparks that flew between them though instead of acting upon their feelings, they just hung around each other and worked together to get to other safe havens, alongside his younger brother. over the years spent together they got married, she took his surname and not long after they would find out they were pregnant with their first and only child at this point and time. spending two whole magical years together watching their daughter grow, only for it all to be snatched away from them when the haven got over run and the couple got separated from one another. y/m with their daughter and izzy with y/m’s younger sibling, ever since they have been separated izzy and y/m’s sibling have been searching every city, haven for them that has been their life for the past three years, meaning their daughter is five now and I’ll love to discuss everything in-depth. ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @plagvcd. 
WILBUR WARREN ( jack wolfe ) is searching for their SLOW-BURN LOVE INTEREST. they should be aged 28+, and look like BILL SKARSGARD, DYLAN O’BRIEN, REGÉ-JEAN PAGE, UTP. here’s what you need to know about the story: opposites attract is the love trope this is all based upon and i’m more then happy to add more tropes upon this one just the foundation is opposites attract. it’s possible they have encountered one another before, either way they might not have been thrilled to meet one another in the first place - whether it’s because y/m wasn’t ready for pursuing a relationship (as who would in the world they live in?) or just wilbur being an awkward bean and well him being to invested with his inventions. wilbur is a walking ray of sunshine (though is as sly as fox) and well, y/m is midnight rain pretty much, just want this to be filled with angst, pain and damn just a rollercoaster ride for our poor beans… how it slowly blossoms into their endgame? i’m trying to leave this as open as possible for us to plot and build tropes, everything. ── you ARE required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @plagvcd.
WILBUR WARREN ( jack wolfe ) is searching for their YOUNGER SIBLING. they should be aged 21-24, and look like RUBY STOKES, CAMERON CHAPMAN, UTP. here’s what you need to know about the story: they would have the surname warren and I will ask for their first name to start with a w - as their parents thought it was cute. wilbur will doing anything for his younger sibling, they’re as close as can be due to their parents raising them to always have each other’s backs even if the other was wrong and well, they have kept to it. In other words they had a fabulous relationship with their parents and each other, very supportive. honestly, I’d love to discuss this more in-depth with what happened to their mother and brainstorm a bit more.  ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @plagvcd. 
ALEJANDRO "ALEX" SILVA ( pedro pascal ) is searching for their PSEUDO DAUGHTER. they should be aged 24 - 27, and look like MOON GAYOUNG, ZENDAYA, HAN JIHYUN, SAMANTHA LOGAN, CAMILA MENDES, SIMONE ASHLEY, ALISHA BOE, ZION MORENO, TATI GABRIELLE, LIZETH SELENE, UTP ( any f / nb fc will do, preferably poc ). here’s what you need to know about the story: basically a lee + clementine [ telltale's twd ] meets joel + ellie [ tlou ] type situation. i imagine alex somehow saved y/m from whatever or whomever when they were roughly 12-15 and though he had the intention of dropping y/m off at the next safe spot they came across, something they both agreed upon, he obviously grew attached and, well, they've been together ever since. maybe y/m is the one who convinced him to settle down & let them take up residence at jackson five years ago? ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @dvrkhearts. 
NOA MULLER ( zoey deutch ) is searching for their CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND / POTENTIAL LOVE INTEREST. they should be aged 26 - 33, and look like JORDAN FISHER, IM JINAH, EVAN MOCK, RACHEL HILSON, ALPEREN DUYMAZ, GURLAINE KAUR GARCHA, LEE DOHYUN, CHARITHRA CHANDRAN ( UTP ). here’s what you need to know about the story: their adults were childhood friends, which was then something that was made true for noa and y/m. regardless of how y/m may feel, noa is certainly that person who falls in love way too easy and has probably been harbouring a crush since forever ago, but noa's parents were lost to raiders when she was 14, so the only constant person she's had in her life since birth has been y/m, which explains why she hasn't had the courage to ruin anything between them yet by spilling the beans. besides all that, the only other important thing to note is that they settled in jackson twelve years ago ── you ARE NOT required to contact the player before applying. if you wish to, you can reach them at @dvrkhearts.
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ffoldpromoblog · 1 year
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Wanted Connection: Kyla’s older brothers
Which character is it for?: Kyla Donovan
Do you have any suggested FCs?: Maybe Bill Skarsgard, Tarjei Sandvik Moe, Timothee Chalamet, UTP. Just as long as they are in the age range from 26 to their early 30s, since they are both older than Kyla (who is 25).
Any extra details you want to add in?: Whenever Kyla left Malibu and hit the road in her van, she lost touch with her brothers for a while. I’m here for all the potential angst, cute sibling bonds, or anything in between!
Would you like to be contacted and discuss this connection beforehand?: Feel free to contact me if you’d like to talk about the connections more. @kyladonovan But you don’t need to!
Anything else?: &lt;3
0 notes
emmyrosee · 3 years
can you please write something where roman loses his control in front of his gf, he attacks an animal or smth, and the girl getting terrified and locking herself in the room?
He tried once again to rouse her from their guest room on the opposite end of the house, soft knuckles rapping against the wood of the door. It had been days- days- since she’d faced him, no doubt terrified of the monster he was. Blood still caked under his nails as a reminder of what he was, scratches clawed up and down his arms scabbing over and itchy from not having been properly cleaned.
Nothing about him mattered, though. All he could think about was trying to mend things with her. 
“Babe?” He calls softly, his voice full of remorse and sadness. He can’t believe how much he misses her, the ease of her presence in the air, only to now be shrouded in disgust. “Can we please... please talk about this?”
On the other side of the door, he hears her choke on a wail, “there’s nothing to talk about. Go away.”
“Now, Roman!” She hollers.
With a sigh, his heart heavy and hopeless, Roman slowly slides down the wall, head thunking against the wood as he stares blankly at the ceiling. “I don’t want you to be scared of me,” he whimpers, ferocious, scalding tears stinging at the back of his eyes. “And I don’t... want you to be scared to leave me.”
He hears her stop crying. He chuckles softly at the circumstances. 
“I know you haven’t left, because you’re scared of me, and what I may do,” he continues. “But I don’t want you to be. If your beautiful mind and selfless heart tells you to leave, I won’t force you to stay.”
Silence. Then, he hears footsteps waddle to the door. The door clicks open, and he casts her a sad, yet understanding gaze. The signals in his brain cross as, just before he can speak, she collapses into his arms, wailing and trembling in his hold. Her breath is hot against his neck, shirt being caked in her loose saliva, but none of that matters to him as he tosses his arms around her, crying into her hair. 
“You fucking terrified me,” she sobs, fingers fisting the collar of his expensive sweater, no doubt stretching the fabric. “I thought you were going to kill me.”
The mere utter of her words makes bile rise in his throat, close enough to actually make him want to vomit but he’s able to swallow it back through his own sobs. “Never,” is all he can manage, despite the novels of words he wishes to conjure.
But once again, none of what he could say, or do, mattered now. All he could do is focus on the love of his life, quivering in fear in his hold as he shushes her through his teeth, praying to whatever gods would listen to keep this sentiment permanent, and have her not change her mind once she realized what a monster Roman Godfrey was against his will.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Hello! I don't know if you are taking requests but, if you are, could you maybe do some fluffy stuff about Bill calming someone from a anxiety attack?Just making them feel that everything it's ok and that she's not alone... I'm having a pretty bad day and I didn't started my treatment yet, so everything it's just so... loud and scary, you know? But if you're not it's ok, really. I also wanted to say that I love your work and that these stories really help go through most of my days. Take care
(A/N): Hey sweetie!
I just wanted to say that I am tremendously sad to hear that you had an anxiety attack and I hope that you are feeling slightly better or will soon and that your treatment will work out for you!
Just take a deep breath (although I know that it is difficult to say this) and just enjoy a bit of this reading!
I also wnated to apologize in advance if this sucks, I am not very good at writing for real people, since I am a bit uneasy about it, but I hope that you’ll like what I wrote, I honestly have to say that I tear up when you said that you love my work and that these stories help you go through you days, because if there is something that I want to do with these silly stories is helping you lovelies!
So I hope for the best and have a nice reading!
WARNINGS: Mention of Anxiety, Anxiety Attack, Awkwardness (also the first part is basically something that my therapist taught me to relax which is couting the parts of your body which touch, which is very helpful for me).
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One, your lids.
Two, your lips.
Three, your…
A sob escaped your lips making them part immediately as you moved forward.
Your lungs on fire from the long tiring session you had been having, unable to properly breath as you felt the choking sound of your throat gasping for air.
And for a moment, you thought you couldn’t have made it.
For a moment everything closed around you and your arms moved around you to shield you properly from the reality crashing down onto you.
It had been all too much: the small change in the program, the acid comment of your boss and Bill’s text about how he’d be stuck on set for another week, after he had already been gone for three months to film his newest project.
And you had been left without a slight sniff of your tall boyfriend, with his gentle hands.
He had never witnessed an anxiety attack of yours, because as cheesy as it was you were always calmer with Bill.
It had always been this way, since he had first noticed how uncomfortable you looked in that small party your friend had dragged you to.
Everybody would have been glad that they had been invited to an Hollywoodian party, but you were just worried of dropping your glass of expensive champagne against somebody.
You had stood in your angle and suddenly this handsome man was in front of you, something similar in his eyes and you swore you had seen him somewhere… you just couldn’t remember when or where.
… and then all your knowledge of the net had made you realize that in front of you there was Bill Skarsgard and obviously your first reaction had been.
“… wait you are Bill Skarsgard!” because it was obviously the best thing to shout at a celebrity, even more to one as private as him, but he had simply replied gently.
‘Ah yeah that’s me’ he had seemed at unease and a myriad of thoughts had gone through your head, each one wanting to make you run away, but he had gently offered you an hand ‘… well since you already know my name, why don’t you tell me yours?’.
You had hesitated, more out of surprise than uneasy with the beautiful man, who had simply blushed and shaken his head as he had mumbled.
‘Gosh that was… moronic of me… I shouldn’t… Alex says that they work, but …’.
‘I am (Y/N)… (Y/N) (L/N)…’ you had shot back, breathing out your answer as you stumbled through the world, holding out your hand to grip his, as his face immediately went from nervousness to shock to a sweeter smile ‘… I am just surprised that a god like you wants to speak with a mere mortal like me’.
And then you had just felt awful, but he had just laughed it off embarrassed.
‘I actually think that you are the prettiest girl in the room, so…’.
And then you had blushed softly, biting your lips as Bill led you away from the crowd on the small front porch of the house, as you sat there, talking about how awkward you both felt at this kind of things.
‘… I don’t want to make you feel bad, but I was worried you’d crush the glass in your hands…’ he had joked as you blushed, softly punching him on the shoulder, your glass now empty, helping you with a bit of liquid courage.
‘You literally used the worst pick-up line after “did it hurt when you fell from heaven”?’ you had shot back and his cheeks had also turned a pinkish shade, as you both avoided each other’s eyes, too shy to confront the other.
For a kiss you had needed a bit more of wine, but it had been worth it.
And every moment with him had been worth it.
But three months without him were already too much, although you saw him through the skype calls.
But it wasn’t simply enough.
It wasn’t enough anymore when you had just the shittiest day and everything felt like it was too much to handle for you.
Your mind rushed through the most horrible thoughts as you tried to think what Bill would say to you.
His deep voice always helping you, even more when he did that cute giggle he owned, scrunching his nose in a way that was so so adorable that you had just promised to yourself to kiss it every time it happened.
But then a shocking thought hit you.
He’d think that you were a mess if he saw you like this.
Make-up all ruined form your tears and sweat and each time you had mindlessly touched your eyes to dry the tears and rub them, meanwhile your light lipstick was smashed all over your cheeks, since as soon as you had seen a reflection of yourself you had hated the color and wanted desperately to delete it.
He wouldn’t have stayed if he had seen you like that.
Maybe it was for the better that he wouldn’t be…
“Sweetheart, I am home!”.
For a moment you had thought that your brain had finally moved its endorphins and it was starting to work to distract you from the horrible feeling of tightness in your chest.
And then you heard the door closing.
And understood that Bill was for sure at home.
You shifted closer to yourself almost wanting to hide as you moved closer to the part under the sink, thinking that if you focused enough, you’d match the bathroom floor tiles.
Enough to hide yourself from Bill.
“Sweetheart?” he seemed almost sad that you didn’t answer him, and as a loud breath escaped your mouth, you slapped an hand over your mouth, as you tried to understand if it was all an hallucination or Bill had come home, before.
You didn’t know which one would have been worse.
“… shit maybe I should have told her…she hates surprises” your heart couldn’t help but awake at his serious concern for you “… maybe she is over at Christine’s”.
You hoped desperately that he’d just convince himself of it and maybe go away, because if there was one thing you were sure, hallucination or not, was that you wouldn’t have let him see you like that.
He’d have broken up with you, for sure.
“… I’ll call her” and before you could rush in to switch off your phone, the awful first notes of ‘Daylight’ by Taylor Swift started playing.
This brought you back when Bill had mocked your music tastes and you had pretended to be hurt, but you hadn’t cared in the slightest, singing offkey as he kept on preparing your dinner, and although he wouldn’t admit it, you had heard him sing the first few lines as he was getting ready for bed.
“… babe?” he asked, curiously and again a sob left your mouth, revealing further where you were, and as fast as you could you tried your best to hide yourself turning around a you tried to reach for your phone “…hey, lovely, is anything wrong?”.
Thankfully he hadn’t opened the doors, and gently knocked scaring you as you tried to calm your heavy breathing in order for you to appear as normal as you could with ruined make-up and a face that seemed the same someone would have after their pet died.
“… ahem I was just…” ‘please don’t say anything stupid’ “… pooping”.
“Oh” you could already picture Bill’s blushing face “… sorry sorry, sweetie, I’ll wait for you in the dining room, ok?”.
“Bill, what are you doing here?” you asked as you slowly got up, knowing that confrontation wasn’t avoidable and trying to make up whether hat awful voice that told you that Bill had just come back to you to break up was true or not “… aren’t you supposed to be filming the new movie?”.
“Ahem… yeah and no” his voice always wavered as it always did when he told you an half-truth “… we wrapped up a few days ago, but I wanted to make you a surprise, because today is our anniversary”.
Shit of a fucking shit.
You weren’t worried for the gift.
You had had that ready for a month.
Sometime anxiety had its perks.
But what worried you was the fact that you had literally looked at the day and hadn’t remembered it was your anniversary.
It was also the deadline of your project, which your boss had partially rejected.
The part that you had worked on desperately and almost on your own, which had resulted in the product being a bit imprecise but… it hadn’t seemed so bad.
You couldn’t help but hate the fact that you had been so stressed to have forgotten about it all.
“… sweetie, are you still there?” asked Bill from the other side “…or did the toilet seat swallow you?”
“Ahem no” although you felt that awful feeling of dreadful tightness in your lungs, you still let out a soft laugh “… I just… I don’t think that we should go out, you must be jetlagged…”.
“Actually, I got a bit of sleep on the plain… so… I am ready to dance all night” he mumbled softly, as he shifted closer to the door and you couldn’t help but be almost worried that he’d open it, but he stopped “… but if you aren’t feeling well… we could stay inside, order Greek food and watch whatever awful Netflix comedy you chose”.
He was trying to make you relax, he always used that deep soothing tone and tried his best to make you laugh.
‘You always look prettier when you laugh’ he smirked as he stole a kiss from your cheerful lips ‘…you also taste sweeter’.
“Yeah, I’d like that…” you commented softly “… work has just been crazy hectic and I just… ugh… don’t think that I could celebrate properly, but… we could go out tomorrow I swear that I’ll make it up to you”.
“Of course, sweetie” his tone was so soothing that it only made you feel guilty for having forgotten about it all.
If he broke up with you, you low key deserved it.
“… do you want to talk about work?”.
‘No, I want to set my boss on fire’ you would have wanted to mumble, but simply uttered:
“… wouldn’t want to annoy you, sweetie, you probably already had a hard…”.
“I have had a hard time not having you with me” he gently replied “… I don’t think that anything would be hard enough for me, if you stand by my side”.
A moment of silence made him waver and you felt him pushing himself back, doubting whether he had done the right thing or not.
“… if you feel like talking obviously”.
“The project…” you choked out “… it didn’t go well”.
“Oh sweetie” he almost seemed ready to rush in through the door, but he stopped himself, realizing that you needed this barrier, for a bit more “… you worked so hard for it”.
“Yeah… but Tara said that it had too much imprecisions, and I mean she is right… I should have worked on it a bit more! Gosh I just…”.
And then you were stopped as Bill pushed the door open, revealing your disheveled appearance and you immediately tried to hide yourself, but it was of no use, as Bill went through any resistance you had cradling you in his strong arms, raising you as if you weighted nothing more than a flower.
Touch usually made it all worst for you, but with Bill it felt like some kind of desperately nice sweater, the one that you wore on the rainy days as you cuddled a good book and a cup of hot cocoa.
It soothed you and made you cry even more, as you let all your tension ease through him, and he cuddled you closer gently adjusting you onto the counter of the sink.
He kissed your forehead tenderly releasing your hold onto him, as you instead brought him closer, needing to feel him.
In an almost desperate way.
He was such a grounding force to you right now that you just let yourself reveal to him your deepest side, the one that turned away everyone.
Except him.
He just cooed at you softly, as he kept you in his arms, pushing aside a few strands of drenched hair, as he kissed your neck, softly, a gentle touch.
“… whatever it is, you are not at work anymore, you are in our lovely home, the one that smells of those overpriced shit candles you like so so much” it made you snort a laugh “… you are safe, you don’t have to think about it”.
“The fact is…” and you could already picture his eyes having this shade of ‘what kind of psycho are you’ “… I can’t, I am just too anxious, and it makes me overthink everything”.
But instead Bill’s eyes scanned over your face before understanding settled in them.
“… you had an anxiety attack, didn’t you?”.
“I….” you breathed out all the air in your lungs “… how did you know?”.
“I have lived with you enough to know that you are a little anxious beastie” he commented softly “… you arrive always early, you always act so so stressed with deadlines, you panic badly if I leave you out to a party… I know that some things make you like that…”.
“And it doesn’t bother you?”.
“No” his breath was soft, and it hit your face in a way that warmed your cheeks “… I just… I just want to help you if I can”.
Everybody at this point always left you, no matter how much you promised to keep it under control or to change.
Nobody had ever asked to know how to make you feel better.
“Can… can you get my make-up remover…?” he stood a minute trying to internalize your phrase “… it is making my skin itch…”.
“Of course” and he turned, before sending you a quick look “…wait where is it?”.
And there it was your dorky boyfriend.
You just let out a laugh and told him where he could find it.
A few minutes and a Bill’s shirt later, you were indeed waiting for Greek food as you browsed through Netflix, and Bill joked about you rewatching ‘Hemlock Grove’.
‘… babe you can’t use your celebrity status to impress me, I have seen you in boxers with pigeons’.
‘Pigeons are cute’ he had mumbled as he had set beside you, pushing your head on his chest.
You had told him that his faint heartbeat was the perfect cure for your overworked body ‘… and I know that you are just nervous because you blush so so fucking much when Roman is on’.
‘… just because he is a dork’.
‘A sexy dork’.
‘Didn’t know you were a narcissist’.
And like that you quickly discarded your little banter in a more silent contemplation as you finally felt… at peace, calm, although you were mostly sweeping all your worry under your mug.
But with Bill you felt better, as he softly handled you, kissing you with the gentlest of touches, but not treating you as frail doll or looking at you like he was worried, he just had this natural nurturing way that made him so damnably sexy.
It made you bite your lips.
And it didn’t pass unobserved by him.
“… you, big cutie” he mumbled, a laughter making his chest raise softly “…stop being the most beautiful girl on Earth”.
As much as you loved silly Billy, you felt the need to set a few things straight.
“I am sorry for hiding it… all from you” you lowered your eyes, this time biting your lower lip for nervousness “… it is just…”.
“It’s ok” he spoke as if it was the most natural of things, as if you hadn’t just broken down as a mess in front of him “… I knew it… I mean I had my thoughts, but these are personal things, I wanted to wait for you to feel comfortable”:
“I didn’t want to hide it! It isn’t because I don’t trust you…”.
“I know” again that soothing tone, it made everything better, you swore it could cure world’s hunger “… I know that people didn’t make it easy for you, so I’ll make it as easy as I can”.
And with that he pulled you to look at him in the eyes, something that was difficult for you in that moment, overwhelmed by your senses.
But you pushed through, because you knew that whenever he needed to tell you something important, he needed to have your eyes in his, to make you know that he wasn’t lying to you.
“… when you need me, I don’t care if I am busy with shooting a movie or in the bathroom, pooping…” you smirked lightly “… you come to me and tell me what is happening and when you feel a bit better we can discuss what helps you and what I can do…”.
“Bill… I am sorry but I don’t want to bother you…”.
That was the wrong thing to say, because although Bill didn’t attack you, he stiffened lightly and grabbed your hands gently, turning them and bringing one and then the other to kiss your inner wrists.
“… you, little one, are never ever a bother” he spoke each word dauntingly meaningful “… you are the most precious things I have ever had in my life, anxiety included”.
“We are kind of package deal” you mumbled an awkward smile on your face.
“Then I got lucky, two for one” he joked, and you finally let out a soft laugh, punching him on his shoulder.
“You are a fucking idiot, my friend”.
“Don’t hit me, it’ll cost you, I am a miracle of nature”.
“Whatever you say Pennywise, the dancing clown”.
“Oh, don’t get me started”.
And as the tickling war started, the glimmering ring in Bill’s jacket just waited the right time.
Tomorrow would have been a better day.
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