#Bill Skarsgard Fic
lihikainanea · 1 year
I know you have had a little writers block and not much time to write but in case this can inspire more tiger and Bill hear goes. So Bill is working on a movie that is a mess. He took the job because because he really loved the director, but lets so with rewrites and other politics that director quit. Bill was still in a contracted he could not easily get out out and he did not want to quit something he had already put work into.
Filming finally started back up with a new script and he was doing his best to make his character believable. But his neppo-baby co-star was not helping. Of course he was also considered a neppo-baby by the US press but he did not think he was not a brat like this woman. She wanted to change things in the script. She wanted special foods and no one could talk to her unless she was officially on set. He could not even get her to go over lines or how he could respectfully touch her during scenes since they were playing a couple.
He of course talked though things with Tiger as much as he thought he could but this was a very tough shoot. He would come home late and only get about 6 hours before having to be back on set.
His mind is wheeling one night when he has to do a love scene with this awful girl the next day. Tiger calms him enough for him to fall asleep. His brain has other ideas to fix the thoughts he has about the next day. He dreams of actually having an affair with awful girl. And the sex is just....he wakes in cold sweat. He was moaning in his sleep and he can not even look at Tiger. And boy does he not want to go to work that day either.
Ohhhhh I like this.
Look, I mean, with how many films actors do--every once in awhile, they must work with fellow castmates that they just hate. Abhor. Their hatred is so thinly veiled that it's incredibly palpable to the crew onset, but thankfully things rarely ever make it to the press because of NDAs and big ass scary lawyers and the like. But every once in awhile--we, the ever little-seeing public--we get wind of it. Think Don't Worry Darling. The drama surrounding that production, for the so many reasons it seems to entail, was just--unf, chef kiss to those of us that still love the thrill of a little celebrity drama.
And I'm sure Bill, in all of his perfectionist nature, was also hated on a few sets. His perfectionist nature. His insistence on trying the scene 100 different ways, for 100 different takes, until he was satisfied. Not everyone performs to that calibre nor do they hold themselves accountable to such lofty expectations as that big swedish talking tree, but that's just who he is. That's how he works.
But y'know, I'd even venture to say that it's quite rare that Bill actually likes his castmates and fellows actors he works with. That's not to say that he hates their guts--not at all. But rather he's just pretty...ambivalent about the whole thing. Neutral. He's the Switzerland of film sets. He's a pretty private person in general, a pretty guarded individual, and for him this is a job. Onscreen chemistry is far more important than actual chemistry in this line of work, and he's able to separate the two. He can have great onscreen chemistry with someone that he's not super friendly with, and he doesn't feel any inclination to add the to the inner workings of his closest social circle. Beers after a long day on set is one thing, the occasional celebratory dinner, gifts for the make up and costume crew. Getting to know everyone on a first name basis. But beyond that, Bill is more than happy to go back to his trailer between takes, or go back to his apartment at the end of the day, and cook dinner with tiger or have drinks with some of his friends who flew out to spend a few days with him.
And on that note, he's probably had to work with a lot of actors that he really doesn't like. People who either take themselves way too seriously (Bill thinks method acting is the most ridiculous fucking thing anyone could ever do), or the opposite--people who don't take this seriously at all. And if you call Bill a nepo baby to his face you'll likely be tackled violently from stage left by tiger--but it's also why he's ultra sensitive about those nepo baby actors who don't have any talent, and don't even have the work ethic to build it up.
It's still like pulling teeth to get Bill to admit that his laast name opened up a few doors for him, but he'll also be the first to admit that his initial acting jobs weren't....uh, they weren't great. But he worked at it, he honed his craft, he worked his ass off, and now nobody can say the opportunities he's gotten have been handed to him.
But y'know, the thought of nepotism--well, it doesn't really bother some people.
And maybe on a recent film set, Bill is living in his version of hell. His love interest in the film is a girl in her young to mid-twenties, the type who grew up with two famous parents and all of a sudden decided she wanted to act--so roles were handed to her. Bill's not quite sure how she even got the job given how their chemistry read went, with Bill nearly glaring daggers at her the whole time. She's just the type of person he can't stand. She's loud about everything. She comes with an entourage to everything. It's always over the top, all the time. She never learns her lines. She doesn't give him anything to work with in a scene, reciting her lines like a robot and not leaving anything to improv, natural reactions. She needs a million takes for one scene--not because she's a perfectionist--but because she forgot her lines, or didn't listen to the notes the director gave her. Bill is pretty convinced this entire film could have shot in half the time if she'd just be a little bit of a fucking professional about it.
The whole thing irks him at first, then just pisses him right the hell off shortly after. She's late for the call time, when the other actors are sitting in the transport car well before the ass crack of dawn waiting for her to come out her house. She comes into the makeup trailer blasting her music and yelling along with her entourage, while Bill is reviewing his scene changes and trying to get his head into his character for the day--they knock over his coffee, get in everyone's way, and just never shut the fuck up. Her friends--and her--are all filming all the time, and Bill spends most of his time between takes trying to dodge ending up on someone's instagram or tiktok.
But y'know, it's just so pitifully ironic that the only scene this girl is keen to rehearse--a little too keen, actually--are any of the kissing scenes, or the sex scenes. And with one scheduled in just a few days time, this little nepo baby has been all over Bill trying to find proper times--evenings, of course, with a little wine to loosen up--for them to uh, practice. Bill's gag reflex has been barely contained.
And like, tiger bears the brunt of his rants at the end of every filming day. Whether it's 2AM or 2AM or anywhere in between, he always FaceTimes her when he wraps the day and tiger always thinks that vein in his neck is real damn close to bursting.
"She just...she doesn't get it tiger," he rants, pausing to take a drag of his cigarette, "This is a fucking joke to her. This is my job, my profession, and it's a fucking joke to her."
"Has anyone told her?" she asks, "Maybe she needs to be called out on it."
"Her dad's studio is partially funding this one," Bill exhales, the camera shaking as he continues to walk.
"You're fucked then," tiger smiles sadly. Bill just makes a frustrated noise before continuing to rant for the next hour.
And like, maybe tiger goes to visit him on set right? And she's not it before, the whole rehearsing an upcoming steamy scene with him--but wait wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here.
So, tiger visits him on set and sees firsthand what a fucking nightmare this girl is. Tiger spends most of her time in his trailer but somehow, she still has to dodge what feels like a million cameras all linked to a hundred different kinds of social media, all from her entourage. They ain't shy about questions that are none of their damn business either--shit like who she is, how she knows Bill, what she's doing there.
"I'm his bodyguard," she cracks, except tiger is kind of scary when she's pissed off and she's not really blinking so suddenly the gaggle of girls don't really know what to think.
In any case, tiger can definitely see why Bill has been so pissed off lately. Everything is a joke to this girl, she doesn't take anything seriously, and suddenly she's just real excited about the scenes coming up in a few days.
"We should practice tonight!" she says gleefully, as both her and Bill are sitting in the makeup trailer getting all un-done after the day. Tiger quirks a brow from the back of the room where she's playing with one of the other actor's dogs.
"No thanks," Bill says immediately.
"You can come by, I'll get some wine, we can loosen up."
"No," he says again.
"We need to rehearse," she continues, "We need to practice."
"I've had enough practice."
And thankfully one of the make up artists--tiger makes a note to give her a big hug after--one of the make up artists sees every single hair on Bill's neck stand up.
"Bill, sorry--can you stop talking? It's getting the make up caught in the creases and making it hard to remove," she says kindly. Bill gives her a wide smile.
"Sure, sorry," he says softly.
And that's the end of that.
But like, look. It's plain as day. Bill is chainsmoking. He didn't sleep that night, he just rants and rants at how repulsed he is, and how much he's dreading the next 1.5 weeks worth of scenes. Tiger does her best to distract him--keeps his whisky glass full, hell she even gets him in the sauna and sucks his soul out from his dick just to try and get his mind off it. But the sun rises the next morning as much as we sometimes wish it wouldn't, and Bill has to go to work.
I'll be waiting for you in your trailer bud," tiger says reassuringly, "Remember, you can take as many breaks as you need."
But y'know, here's the thing. Bill is getting through it, because he's a goddamned professional. Is he having fun? No. Does he hate every second of it? Yes. But it's not that. It doesn't take him long to figure out that this girl...she's purposely fucking up the scenes, just so they have to do them again. And again. And again. The scene where he has to push her up again a wall, rip her shirt open, and kiss the hell out of her? Somehow, that scene took the entire day to shoot. 57 takes.
The actual sex scene, him on top of her, both of them wearing nothing but tiny little pasties? Somehow, that took two entire days to shoot. More than 100 takes.
On any set that Bill has been on, things like that could usually be shot in anywhere from 4-6 takes--maybe half a day, depending on lighting and equipment needs.
Bill was livid. He drew the line initially and demanded a closed set, after she brought her entire entourage to watch that day. It took a lot of negotiating, but Bill wasn't budging on it.
And every single day that Bill went to set and have to film that, when he'd get home--man, he took it out on tiger. The poor girl was ravaged. Bill just needed her, needed to completely wreck her, just to get the taste and feel and everything of that other pain in the ass as far away from him as possible.
But y'know, Bill's mind is a cruel place.
And maybe its triggered by something small. He has a long day on set so tiger goes shopping, and when he comes back to his rented apartment she has some stuff strewn everywhere and Bill spots a shirt on the bed. His blood boils.
"What the fuck is this?" he marches over to it, holding it up.
"It's....my new shirt?" tiger says cautiously, "I thought it was cute."
"Get rid of it tiger," he snaps. He grabs his lighter from his pocket, flicking it open and holding it to the shirt.
"Okay whoa," tiger jumps, grabbing the shirt from him, "Easy bud. What's going on."
"She has this shirt," he seethes, "I don't ever want to see it on you."
"Ah," tiger says, "Right. You won't see it again bud."
"Promise?" he puts the lighter away.
But it's enough to just...kickstart some part of Bill's brain that should have stayed dormant. And that night, he drifts off to sleep with tiger in his arms and his thumb in her mouth--except he dreams of her. And it's ~spicy~. A stupid ass, unreasonable sex dream that felt really good. Amazing sex, actually, and from the noises he was making tiger wasn't sure if he was in pain or having the time of his life but the piece of plywood digging in to her back gave her a small inclination.
That is, until he woke up and all but shoved her away with enough force that she almost went tumbling off the bed.
"Bill!" she shrieked, but he was already scratching at his skin and lightly smacking his own face.
"No no no no no," he muttered, "No no no god fuck no."
His eyes snap to hers and they're wild, pupils huge, his hair sticking up all over the place and his chest heaving.
"You," he says, out of breath, "Here. Now."
And tiger doesn't have time to do anything before two long arms wrap around her waist and haul her up with force, slamming her into his chest.
"Fuck me," he growls into her neck.
"What?" tiger's still trying to get her wits about her because a second ago she was asleep and comfy and now this wild ass enraged beast has his hands all over her and she can't quite keep up.
A hard spank lands on her ass and she squeals a little, but then he has his fist balled in her hair and his teeth biting at her neck.
"Fuck me," he growls again, "Fuck me into next fucking week."
"Bill, what the hell is going--"
But then suddenly she's in the air, and then she's pinned under his body as he looms--big and scary and totally wild--above her.
"Tiger, I just had a dream about her," he snaps, "And now you need to get it the fuck out of my head so that I never have to see it again. So I'm only going to ask you one more time."
He yanks her head back, licking up her neck before biting down hard on her earlobe. His other hand cups her harshly through her panties and she gasps.
"Fuck me," he growls.
Tiger is all too happy to oblige.
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Happy Birthday
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Imagine you being in scream 5.
Y/N Skarsgård, credited professionally before 2010 as Y/N Ulrich, is an American actress. She was in the 1996 scream movie. She plays Billy's Loomis Daughter in Scream 5. She played Pam in HBO max Series True Blood. Also Played Miranda in the Netflix Show Hemlock Grove. She plays Chandler Bing's Daughter in the series F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
Born : January 20th,1990 ( age 32 years) Lynchburg
Height: 5'11''
Spouse: Bill Skarsgård (m.2010)
Children: 1
October 1st, 2022
I can't believe that you are four today. You need to stop getting so big on me," You said with a smile as you pick up Oona and put her on your hip.
Oona looks at you with her big green eyes as she moved her little hands to your face.
Let's go see if your daddy is up yet ," You said as you walk into your and bill's room.
Hi. Happy Birthday my princess," Bill said with a smile as he takes her from you.
Oona looks up at him with her big green eyes.
You smiled at them.
Daddy," Oona said as she moved little hands to his face.
I love you so much baby girl ," Bill said as he smiled down at his daughter.
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inklore · 1 year
I took this concept from your inpso tag and adapted it but:
Roman Godfrey + choking you and whispering "you're mine." in your ear as he pounds you into the mattress. bonus points if there's blood.
playful poison
— roman godfrey x (f)reader
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word count: 628
warnings: eighteen+ content, rough-ish p in v, choking, jealousy, dirty talk, mentions of creampie and blood.
note: me writing roman godfrey smut in 2023? embarrassing but hello i cannot be responsible for my actions when men are as beautiful as him ok.
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Maybe it was childish of you to love the thrill of the game. No matter how one sided and deliberately rigged it was. The threat of the outcome ending in something gruesome or with your lungs burning from a fight that you started the minute you decided to bat your eyes at some sorry sucker at the bar. The thrill that shot through you when Roman’s eyes would scan the room with neutrality, his entire body growing stiff, an undeniable tick in his jaw, when his eyes fell upon you.
Upon the little scheme you had devised. 
A scheme he knew all too well—a game he only allowed you to play on nights when he was in a good mood. 
And thankfully for you, he was in a good mood tonight. A giving mood. 
A mood that wouldn’t end in a screaming match but rather the reason you kept the game going. The outcome of a move you already had planned and hoped for even before your chess pieces had been put on the table. 
“You’re mine.” His teeth graze your ear as he whispers the words with harsh restraint. The hot breath from his mouth heats your already hot body to something sweltering. Something that has you gripping his sides harder. “You know that, right? Your constant need for a reminder has my patience wearing thin,” he whispers, barely holding the bite meant to be within them. His thumb rubs the skin on your neck before he tightens his grip around your throat. 
A gasp pulls from your lungs before he closes them completely. His hips languid and slow as he fucks you. As he takes his time to drive his cock into your aching pussy. 
His teeth nip into your neck, “do I need to repeat myself?” Your body arches into his when you feel the light nick of a fang. “Do I need to drain you of everything until you’re begging for the life only I can give you? Do you need that reminder?” The swivel of your head is barely able to make the same impact as the whimper you let out does. “You do look so fucking pretty covered in your own blood, though,” he grunts. 
The heat of his other palm grips the back of your thigh as he pulls your leg further up his body, driving his cock deeper into you. The head of his cock pushing against that part of your walls that makes you cry out until your throat is hoarse and you’re not sure if it’s pain or pleasure—or the lack of air getting to your lungs from the hand around your throat—that has you spineless and weak beneath him. 
If there are two things you know for certain about Roman, it’s that he uses fucking as a tactic to get what he wants and to punish. 
And with the harsh rut of his pelvis, the relentless pounding, you know that he’s getting off on your pain. Of your oversensitivity, of the need that he’s giving on the same stroke he withholds from touching and hitting the spots that would have you coming on his cock. 
You haven’t earned it yet. 
You know he’s thinking. That he’s testing you. That he’s playing a game with your pleasure, the same game you played with him earlier. The same game both of you are used to, but your body still has yet to not ache and mewl from the torment of it all. 
“I can feel your cunt gripping my dick. You know what to say to get what you want. Or should we keep playing games, and I fill your hole and leave it dripping, and wanting for something you don’t deserve because you don’t know how to behave?” 
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kingkat12 · 2 months
distracted (roman godfrey x reader)
WARNINGS: 18+, foul language, oral sex (female receiving), sort of a denial kink, and roman is a fucking tease
summary: you haven't seen your boyfriend, Roman, in a while because of some stupid assignment you have to finish-- and Roman's not going to let that slide
word count: 2,406
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My eyes immediately shot towards my bedroom window as I heard someone repeatedly tap against it— I hadn't expected any guests tonight. With a sigh, I got up, unable to suppress my growing smile at the sight of my boyfriend, Roman. I opened my window, watching him sit on my roof with a smug smirk in the moonlight, handsome as always.
"Hey, you," I said, letting out a short sigh; "Rome, I told you I have to study tonight..."
Rolling his eyes, Roman huffed as he made his way past me, making me move away from the window. "But I wanted to see you," he prompted, brushing past the pleasantries, sitting down on the window-sill. Roman reached out for me, his hands resting on my hips as he led me between his legs, looking up at me with his gorgeous, green eyes. "Is Orwell really more important than me?"
I huffed, snaking my arms around his neck. "Oh come on, don't do that to me," I knew he was joking, but I picked up on the slightly whiny hint in his voice. "I've already delayed this assignment a hundred times... You know it's due tomorrow."
"I know," Roman put one hand on the small of my back, pulling me even closer. "Would it speed things up if I helped? I think I had this exact assignment last year." 
"I'm almost done, though," I mumbled, running my fingers through his hair. I was pleasantly surprised to feel that he hadn't put gel in it tonight. "I have about a few hours left."
Roman's smirk immediately grew into a rather big grin, biting his lip as his eyes shimmered with mischief. "So if I distract you for about half an hour or more, you'd still have time to catch up?"
I should've known. Giggling, I buried my face in his hair, inhaling his intoxicating scent. "I don't think that's such a good idea,"
From this angle, it was ridiculously easy for Roman to lean forward and press his lips against my neck, one of his hands traveling into the back pocket of my shorts. "I disagree," he mumbled against my neck, making his way down to my collarbones. "I think it's genius." 
I let my lips part at the sensation of his wet kisses down my neck, feeling as though I had been touch-deprived for a while. Which I actually had been— I had been busy with school all week, having had practically no time to meet Roman. I let out a breathy chuckle at his comment; "No, Rome, I'm dead serious," 
"So am I," 
I gave his hair a gentle tug, pulling him away from my neck. I cupped his face, making sure he was looking at me; "It's already way past midnight, and my parents are home,"
Roman's hand on my back had started to dip under the hem of my shirt, and it was clear that his mind was already elsewhere. "That hasn't stopped us before," he murmured, his thumb now rubbing small circles into my bare skin. "I bet you've been stressing about this stupid assignment for some time now... Let me ease your mind."
It was beginning to sound like a good idea, and that's when I knew I was done for. I wrapped my fingers around both his hands, taking them into mine. "Let me just finish this paragraph, then," 
I led him to my bed, watching him happily splaying himself out on half of it with a blissful smile on his face. With a slight chuckle, I sat down next to him, dragging my laptop back into my lap as I resisted the urge to reach out and run my fingers through his hair again. It was so deadly soft tonight, I could barely resist.
"You have ten minutes," Roman said, smiling softly up at me. "After that, I jump you." 
Tsking, I bit down on my lip, trying not to look too happy about it. Checking the time, I made note of when I should start expecting him to lose his patience. 
And I should've probably calculated a little better, because it didn't go more than three minutes before I felt Roman's hand on my thigh. I glanced at him, watching him meet my eyes with a certain I'm-not-doing-anything look that I knew way too well. I couldn't help but huff; "Rome, it hasn't been more than three minutes—"
"Really?" Roman said with a groan. "Feels like it's been half an hour already."
Chuckling, I turned back to my assignment, trying not to be too distracted by how gorgeous he looked without even trying. How he was just lying in my bed like a Greek god, the moonlight giving away the golden hues in his dark hair— he was fucking glowing. If he didn't have that darn grin on his face, I would've said he looked like an angel; but angelic was definitely not the right word to use for a man like Roman. Not when he was softly tracing up and down my inner thigh with his fingers.
I really, really tried to concentrate. I was supposed to have seven more minutes, after all— six, now. But as I moved my laptop away from my lap, shifting on the bed, Roman wasted no time coaxing my thighs apart, planting himself between them with a swift motion.
Eyes wide, I glanced down at him; "What are you?—"
"Just killing time," Roman mumbled, pressing a wet kiss against my inner thigh which made me shiver. 
"...I shouldn't have let you in through the window,"
He chuckled; "Yeah, you probably shouldn't have,"
I sighed in defeat, deciding I would let him do whatever he wanted for now as long as my hands were free to type. I did my best to scour my brain for the next sentence, but it became increasingly hard as his kisses made their way up my thighs, closer and closer. I wanted to tell him to knock it off, and I opened my mouth, ready to speak— however, nothing came out.
I felt Roman hook his arms under my legs, dragging me a tad bit closer, which had me yelping just slightly. My eyes quickly darted towards the clock, realizing I had about four minutes left. However, as Roman's soft, eager kisses inched closer to the edge of my shorts, I felt myself holding my breath in anticipation— was he seriously about to do this? 
I made the mistake of looking at him, immediately meeting Roman's green, challenging gaze. "What?" he said, his hot breath ghosting over the inside of my thigh. "Am I bothering you or something?"
And something told me that's exactly what Roman wanted. He wanted to bother me, provoke me, and I wasn't about to let him. So I shook my head— and this was the moment I realized I had walked right into a trap.
"Good," Roman said, eyes shimmering with want. "Don't let me distract you."
I held back a frustrated groan; was this what he was playing at? "I won't," I breathed, feeling my throat go dry. Roman and his games.
However, it got damn near impossible as he pulled my shorts aside, his hot breath grazing my underwear. I so desperately hoped there was no trace of my arousal, but I knew there definitely was when I felt his finger press against a rather wet spot over my entrance. 
I glanced at the clock once more— three minutes. My heart thumped hard in my chest as I felt my brain shut down, staring at the Word-document in front of me with nothing going on in my brain other than thoughts of what Roman would do next. 
I knew my cover was blown when he leaned forward, pressing a kiss against my clit through my underwear, making my breath hitch rather loudly. Fuck. 
No matter what, I was not about to let Roman think he had won. I started to type random keys, hoping to make it look like my brain wasn't actively melting at the feeling of his hot breath against my dampening underwear. 
"How's the writing going?" He smirked up at me, words warm like honey. 
Fucker. He knew damn well. "Good," I breathed, clearing my throat-- it was getting increasingly harder to breathe.
Roman hummed; "How many minutes left?"
"Two— No, one,"
With a content smirk splayed across his lips, he licked a stripe right along the crease of my thigh, making me whimper just slightly. At this point, I wanted nothing more than for that minute to be over— screw the assignment. I bit down on the inside of my cheek as I realized he was now drawing forth a hickey on the inside of my thigh, moving further away from where I wanted him the most. This was getting torturous. 
I let out a tiny squeak of joy as I saw that the time was up, tossing my laptop far away on the bed as I propped myself up on my elbows. "Done!"
"Yeah?" Roman looked up at me, his green eyes practically sparkling in the moonlight as he hooked his fingers around my underwear, dragging it off. "Thank God." He wasted no time dipping his head between my legs, licking a wet stripe up along my sex which made me go weak, lying back down on the bed with a content sigh. After having worked my ass off with this assignment, I realized that Roman might be right; this might be exactly what I need. 
"Fuck, Rome," I reached down to run my fingers through his hair, smiling at the feeling of how soft it was as I tried to steady my breathing.
Roman repeated the action, his wet tongue sliding up my slit dreadfully slow once more. It only dragged out the feeling, setting my nerves on fire and making my toes curl— I was getting desperate at this point; "Roman, please—"
But I had never known Roman to be merciful, and I shouldn't have counted on it either. This time, he did it once more, but so stupidly soft, I couldn't help but squirm, my legs giving in to a slight quiver. The hand I had in his hair tightened, hanging onto him as he traced a circle around my clit, careful to ignore my burning need. "Please, Rome, be nice," I breathed, trying my best not to whimper, wanting more.
Roman hummed, pulling away with a smug smile splayed across his lips. "I'll be nice if you let me take you out on Saturday,"
I wanted to cuss him out so bad— he knew I had an exam on Monday, he knew I didn't have time. "You want to talk about this now?—"
"Just two hours," Roman said, leaning down to press a short kiss against my clit, making my back arch off the bed in surprise. "We'll grab a coffee to get you some energy, fuck in the car, and then you'll be right back."
I let out a broken whimper, knowing I wouldn't be able to say no when my mind was in this state. And who would say no to a free coffee and a steamy session in the back of Roman's car? I nodded, defeated; "Sounds good,"
Beaming with victory, Roman decided he had teased me enough as he dipped back down between my legs, wrapping his lips around my aching sex. He hummed as he gently sucked my clit, but still firm enough to drive me crazy. 
The quiver of my legs returned and my breath came out in short, shaky gasps. Roman's fingers dug into my thighs as I raised my hips, rocking against his mouth in desperation, wanting so bad to have more of him— but instead, he forced my hips down, holding me in place as he continued to keep me on the edge.
Frantic, my free hand grabbed my bedding, biting down on my lip to suppress any load moans. "Shit, Rome, I'm close—" I breathed, feeling the familiar tightening of my stomach, a knot of pleasure balling up in my system. 
I got ready for Roman to pull away as he usually did, ready for him to deny me what I wanted most. However, when he didn't, keeping a steady rhythm, my eyes widened as I realized he was giving me a wordless green light of permission. 
And the knot in my stomach tightened, shrinking more and more until it had no other choice but to release, making my back arch off the bed with a broken moan as I reached my climax. I felt Roman's lips leave me, a shaky breath seeping out of me in relief and exhaustion.
I barely had the energy to let out a small fuck, Roman's accompanying laugh making me blush with the realization of what had just happened. He laid down next to me, pulling me in for a sweet kiss. I did my best to block out the taste of myself on his lips, letting out a sigh as calmness washed over me. "You were right, Rome... I needed that,"
Roman chuckled, brushing my hair out of my face with gentle strokes. "Believe me, I know," 
If I hadn't been working on that stupid assignment for several days straight, barely allowing myself to take any breaks, I would've probably not felt as tired as I did right now. My lashes fluttered slowly, growing more and more drowsy as Roman leaned forward, pressing his wet lips against my forehead. 
"That was really nice," I breathed, still feeling the remnants of my orgasm in my fingertips.
Pulling me closer, Roman hummed; "I'm glad,"
And in any other circumstance, I would've returned the favour he just did me— if it hadn't been for the fact that sleep embraced me like a warm duvet.
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I woke up the next morning as though I had heard a gunshot, eyes screwed shut with the remnants of my deep sleep. Blindly patting around my bed for my laptop, realizing I had missed out on several precious hours of writing my assignment, I sighed as I didn't feel Roman next to me. He never stayed over, mostly because none of us wanted to be caught by my parents, but it still stung waking up alone. Every damn time.
Finally finding my laptop, I opened my eyes with a slight groan, sleepy beyond belief. However, as I spotted a post-it stuck to the front of it, my eyes rounded out in surprise;
woke up early, finished it for you. picking you up around three. good morning, baby
I let out a tiny squeak, beaming down at the note. God, he was the best.
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twistedbloodstain · 1 month
marquis x assistant! reader: back when i was livin' for the hope of it all. [ i’d do anything to make you love me ]
plot: the one where he wants you to stop.
warning: obsessed marquis, baby trapping 2x, yandere/dark themes, 1k words
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the boy babbles at your knee while you're seated on a soft cushioned chair, although this boy is your boy. your baby boy who has learned to walk and talk for the past year but he isn’t just only your boy, he’s his too.
you sip your refreshment as your baby boy tries to climb on your lap, holding your knee in place to steady himself from falling on the ground, he calls out a sweet mummy for a shred of your attention but you can’t bring yourself to think properly at the moment when vincent’s in the room speaking with the doctor.
”mu..mmy!” your boy cries from the floor with a cherubic smile on his face.
you wanted to shush him from his calls so you could hear whatever vincent was saying to the doctor, vincent notices your silence to your son’s words taking a brief moment to look away from the conversation to inspect his small family. you meet his gaze and scowl at him. he glances at your boy again, quietly urging you to comfort the child. you scoff and simply stare at him.
you do it then, you’re the one that wanted him. you thought.
a small smirk curves his mouth and continues his conversation to the doctor. annoyedly, you call out for the nanny. aurene rushes in and greets you, you instruct her to take the boy for an afternoon nap even if it's noon. the boy yelps when he is raised to the nanny’s arms, once leveled to you eye to eye, he giggles reaching out to you expecting to be cradled by his mother but is sorely disappointed when he is slowly distanced away.
the small child begins to kick and scream at his nanny, wanting to be within the presence of his mother’s embrace, his cries begin to lower as he is brought out of the room. clingy like his father, you observe.
you don’t bother to look at vincent knowing he is somehow taken back at your coldness towards your son, you know he’ll talk about it later. massaging your temples, you pour a glass of whiskey for yourself whilst you wait for vincent to hurry up with his conversation.
several minutes later, the doctor takes his leave and you’re on your third class of whiskey. the door shuts and vincent walks towards you neither warmly or coldly. you don’t bother to comport yourself in his mood and sink back into the chair, abandoning the glass, you take the bottle and begin to chug it down your throat.
a hand wraps around your wrist and pulls back the bottle spilling a few drops over your dress, you look up and glare at him.
”that’s enough for today, my love.” he whispers.
“can i leave now?” you spit out.
”and go where?” he laughs. fucking asshole, you curse.
you don’t bother to reply and look away from him as you lower the bottle from your mouth, vincent tilts your chin up and smiles, too happy you observe.
”the doctor has brought good news for us today.” he chuckles as he begins to kneel in front of you.
ever since the gunshot incident, vincent has insisted on monthly check ups for your health and for your boy ever since he was born. if things had been different maybe you would’ve teased vincent about it, but it’s not. as far as you knew you were in perfect health and so was your son with him, unless he wanted to get rid of you and a disease was going to render you dead. you hope there is.
fool yourself all you can but you know what it is. vincent was gracious with showering his affections on you from expensive presents and to his bedroom. 
this is another child.
another chain to tie you down to him, to make you love him as much as he loves you. 
he grins as he cradles your stomach and rests his head on your lap.
”i pray for a girl. a princess to spoil and a companion for our boy. how lovely is that, my love?” 
you don’t reply and you feel a retching disgust building in your stomach, you try to take another swig of whiskey but is stopped again by vincent.
”you must stop drinking that, it can affect our child. you know that. our marriage has been blessed by another child, why waste something gifted by the angels?” he sternly questions.
”get off!” irritatedly, you shove him off you to the floor, throwing the bottle at the floor next to him a loud smash crashes through the room.
”i fucking hate you!” you scream at him as he gets up from the floor, his clothes damp from the whiskey.
“don’t i fucking know it.” he laughs at you fueling your rage. you try to grab another thing to throw at him but is abruptly halted when he grabs your arm and grips your chin.
”i am getting sick of your behavior, mon cher. i can stand your disgust of me but i beg you to never direct it at our sweetly blessed son.” he growls at your ear, you push away from him but is harshly pulled back, his grip tightening on you.
”then tell your kid it’s your fucking fault. tell him and your daughter that their mother can’t bear to fucking love them as a mother should because his father imprisoned her in this fucking place!” you scream at him, “you can put sons and daughters in this body all you can, call them children blessed by angels but i assure you sir. the only blessing you will ever have from them is the one from below and i will never love them because of you.” 
vincent is shocked by your words, never in your marriage had you spouted hateful words that were harsh to him and especially towards your own children. for a moment he doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t let you go either. you start to pull away slowly to catch your breath until vincent yanks you towards the nearest table.
”vincent, get off me right now.” you yell at him, smacking his shoulder as he hoists you on the table.
vincent grabs your chin harshly and looks at you sternly.
”heed my words, my love. you will never mutter those words ever again to anyone, especially to our children, do you hear? or i’ll treat you like the rest of them. bloody and dead.” he threatens, hiking your dress up to get a feel of your warm skin.
you shove his hands away from your thighs and slap him hard, this disorients him for a while.
”when you die before me, and you will. I’m gonna have a big smile on your face while i feed your ashes to your children. go to fucking hell, vincent.” 
vincent’s aggression begins to fade and is replaced by an empty slate, you thought he was going to leave you alone until he lurches back at you and claims your mouth, his hand returns to your thigh before you hear the unbuckling of his belt.
”our children, mon amour. ours. not even you can change that.” he chuckles before he’s greeted by another slap.
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author’s note: spontaneous drop…blackout got me so riled up bc it detaches me from socmed and acads sb. this for the anonymous anon, hope u enjoy it :) anyways enjoy! don’t forget to like & reblog <33
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fonteyn · 1 year
something wrong with me and you
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Pairing: Marquis Vincent de Gramont x afab!reader. No use of Y/N
Word Count:  1.6K
Warnings: smut. slightly dub/con, including spanking, teasing, making the other beg, etc. Minors do not interact. +18 rating.
Author's note: who knew me going to the movie theater to watch john wick 4 was going to bring my fic writing era back from the dead lmao, maybe I'll finish other fics I abandoned along the way
I do not consent to any of my work being reposted on other websites.
At first, it was a night like any other.
Until he showed up, deciding that on this evening you were worthy of his time.
His lips reached closer to the shell of your ear while you struggled to hold in a sigh. He’d been at it for hours, tentatively running his nose on your neck, poking for a show of weakness on your part.
And you knew you were at the precipice of failure. The relentlessness of his continuous challenges made an inevitable dent in your resolve to deprive him of his wishes.
"I can give you everything, mon amour”, his full body pressed you down onto the mattress, fingers gripping your inner thighs, “everything you could ever want and more."
At this point, this had become a bit of a habit of his. Speaking these infamous words every single time you were with him. To the point of annoyance.
Be it in the low lights during a theater performance, in the middle of a crowded restaurant, or - as you were now - in his bed, draped in nothing but luxurious jewelry and the expensive silk of his sheets. It seemed he had become fixated on tantalizing you with unreachable realities.
"Isn't that what you want, darling?", he teased with a playful smile, just before nibbling your shoulder, teeth sinking into your skin followed by the soothing of his tongue.  
His pleasure in the act of mocking you was palpable, even more so when you were at a point of nearly squirming underneath him, "It is no shame to admit it", he continued, "don't you want to be all mine?".
You could no longer hold it in anymore, fighting power running out.
A shaky nearly broken moan left your lips along with a tremble through your body, and you threw your head back as his left hand found your waist. The right one lowering down smoothly - from your waist to your thigh, teasing the idea of doing something about the mess he created - before moving on, with a caress, all the way to your calf.
His hand settled, wrapped around your ankle, as he moved away from you, getting up from the four-post bed.
You were about to voice disappointment when you felt a tug on your ankles.
A surprise noise was once again dragged out of you as Vincent yanked you closer to the end of the bed, where he stood.
His once perfectly pressed shirt hung open. The slicked hair was now messy as a result of the good work from your fingers, both in the back of the limousine and on the elevator that took you both to the upper levels of his home.
Still pliant from all the effort he had put into making you putty in his hands, you lifted yourself up on your forearms, noting the harness of his length, which he had been rubbing against you ever since before you left the private dining room.
You were often fascinated by how the regality of his every move seemed impossible to rattle, even on the most heated nights.
A person could easily mistake the coldness of his stare to believe it meant indifference, after all, the Marquis de Gramont was a hard man to impress.
But you knew better.
You’d seen him beyond his title, his wealth, his ruthlessness.
And he had seen you.
His eyes almost twinkled from pent-up desire and as if he couldn’t help himself, he forcefully grabbed your chin, bringing your lips ever closer
Merely an inch separated you from the kiss that would soon follow.
Though before you could seal the deal, you became entranced by the sight of him licking his lips and the raspy whisper that followed.
"Say it to me. Say that you want to be my little marchioness. I can't give you what you want unless you say it."
You couldn't help but reach forward, your teeth sinking on his lower lip, making him hiss. Both of his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you in place.
A smirk on your lips was inevitable, "Who's doing the begging now?"
That would just about do the trick on him, his body stiffening immediately and you braced for what would soon follow.
“Well, the night is not over is it?”
He admired your defiance in the face of his authority. How most times, even if you stood before him deprived of a single stitch of clothing, you were still able to look him in the eyes, as if you held all the cards. As if he couldn’t - or wouldn’t - ever harm you in any significant way.
Refusing to back down, teasing him to react first.
Admit it first.
To say just how much he wanted you.
How much he craved for you. How he woke up and thought of you. How much he wished he was inside you all day, every day.
And sometimes, even more dangerously, how he saw a particular painting and thought of you. Wondered if you would like it. Played out in his head how he was going to tell you all about it and then show it to you. The same had been happening a lot with clothes. Gowns he saw and only pictured how you’d look wearing them, and the way he would go about getting them off later.
The look you gave him during dinner while sipping on the most expensive wine from his private collection…It was enough to make him want to stop the world. Bend you over the table and fuck you until you pleaded with him to let you finish.
Tonight, however, he was tired of your games. Vincent was no longer interested in making you squirm, he wanted to make you scream.
If you refused to admit your obvious desire when he was being so nice, he was going to make you beg out loud.
He flipped you around, sturdy hands on either side of you forcing you to go on all fours for him. Aware that you hated not seeing his face while he took you.
For a moment, he basked in that power.
Of how despite all your fight, your snark, your feigned indifference when he spent weeks without seeing you and suddenly turned up at your door, you were still pliable to his will.
One of his large hands maneuvered to make sure you couldn’t switch positions, holding your neck in place. The cold metal of his ring tingling against your skin. Demanding that you stare forward, towards the headboard, stealing from you even the mere possibility of catching a glimpse at what he was about to do.
A slap came down hard on your ass, earning him a choked gasp. His hand soothed the now pained spot for a second before another slap soon followed. And then continued his motions, one after another until you lost track of how many spanks you had gotten. Being only mildly aware of the prickling of your skin, and more consumed by the wetness dripping from your core.
A whine ripped through you as he finally placed his thumb on your pussy, caressing you thoroughly.
“Fuck…”, you muttered a satisfied near-sob.
“Mmmm…not yet, mon amour”, Vincent teased, “unless you’re ready to beg for it.”
He splayed his hand on your lower back, moving you closer to his cock, and you held your breath as you felt him gripping his length behind you.
“Are you ready, darling? Are you ready to beg for me?”
“Yes!”, you mewled, nearly adding a “please” after.
You knew he was shaking his head at you, “It is truly a pity you have not spoken the correct words.”
You hissed as he grazed the head of his cock on your entrance, teasing but not making any moves towards pushing inside.
Vincent smiled, if you wanted him you’d have to say it, and he knew you were close to breaking.
“F-uck, fuck, okay”, you relented, backing yourself up further against him, “please…please…fuck me, I can’t…I-I want you, I need you so fucking bad.”
He wanted to resist you, as you had resisted him. He wished he could.
Vincent liked to think of himself as a man with enough resolve to spare, but that was always a challenge when it came to you.
When he said he would give you whatever you wanted, you thought it was a tease, a joke, a lie. You were wrong.
Not another sigh from you was needed to make him plunge his cock inside you and set a fiery pace, embracing your warmth as he moved one hand toward your nipples, pinching them so hard you started screaming.
Time lost all meaning, and sounds felt far away as he pounded inside you, setting a relentless pace.
Neither of you spoke, but both panted in pleasure.
One of your hands reached out towards his own, the one that is holding your neck, intertwining your fingers in a way that allows you to finally move your head back towards him.
Searching for his lips.
Unable to deny you any longer - and consumed by his own desire - he complied. Draping himself closer and closer, as if he wanted to consume you fully. Covering your body with his own, devouring your mouth with vigor, until neither of you can hold on.
You’ve deprived each other for too long.
He waits for you to finish, a wave of ecstasy ripping through you, as he fucks you even harder, chasing his own release with a shout.
He soon lays down on top of you, and in your lightheadedness, your fingers intertwine with each other.
Holding on for as long as you can.
Unaware of the great lengths the Marquis will go to make you, his.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 25 days
✰ Meeeeeooowwwwwww my literal boyfriend gonna write more of him this weekendddd fuuuckk ✰
Credit goes to @21tyler_ on tiktok
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chaptersleftunwritten · 2 months
。⋆ ༘˚✧ Masterlist ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。
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Request status: open!
If there are any characters you would like to see me write for please ask!! I want to stay as open minded as possible xoxo
Art Blog
Main Blog (which is basically my side blog now teehee)
Eddie Munson 💋🥀🦇🎸
Led by candlelight Bestfriend!Eddie x Fem!Reader (Fluffy fluff fluff)
Scared? Mean!Eddie x Brat!Reader (Smut! 18+ read the warnings!)
Mine, All Mine Dark!Stalker!Eddie x Classmate!Reader (Mature content read the warnings!)
What a lie, what a lie, what a lie… Dickish!Eddie x Virgin!Fem!Reader (Angst! read the warnings!)
Curb... Curb! Best friend!Eddie x Best friend!Fem!Reader (fluff, read the warnings!)
Strawberry Fields Forever Perv!Eddie x Oblivious!Reader (Smut! 18+ read the warnings!)
Cue the beat drop Vampire!Eddie x Fem!Musician!Reader (read the warnings!)
Beauty is a beast that roars Eddie x Chrissy x Reader (heavy angst! read the warnings!)
Down on all fours A sequel to the above piece ^^
Demanding more (coming soon…)
Red Hot Eddie x Crush!Fem!Reader (very light angst with a happier ending!)
Bill Skarsgård ♟️🎬🫀🪩
Silver & blood taste the same… Serial Killer!Bill x Amaranthine Delaware (OC) (Smut! 18+ read the warnings!)
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Masterlist dividers by @cafekitsune
(This will be regularly updated with the more that I write :3 )
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
Donquixote Brothers
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Original: Skarsgård Brothers, Bill & Alexander.
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I just think it'd be pretty funny.
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lihikainanea · 1 year
I am picturing Bill having this specific hobby/thing he likes (a book, a game, an album, etc.) and Tiger knows about it. it's not really Her Thing but she can dabble into it (learn it, experience it). and then one day Bill talks about it and Tiger just simply agrees with him, says a few points of her own about how she's grown to like it, and Bill is just a bundle of emotions. because it's a lot of things at once. she took the time to see what it was about? and then as he listens to her talk about it more it's all OF COURSE she'd get it. OF COURSE she understands the joy he gets from it, why it means so much to him, and so on. it's just a simple moment, but Bill feels so seen and it hits him like a truck. he is so in love. they end up snuggling. :'D
oh god, what if it's something so completely out there and something so not-on-brand that he's actually a little bit shy about it? What if it's something so absurd like....like crochet, nani.
And I'll bet tiger thinks it's real sweet right? Because maybe Granny taught Bill how to crochet. Maybe they'd kind of spend hours together over tea and madeleines, Bill would be holding the ball of yarn while Granny's hands went a mile a minute, and eventually Bill just kind of...well, he picked it up too. And tiger thinks it's so sweet, this big dude with these huge clumsy hands, but the thing is...Bill is kind of really good at it. Like, really good. So tiger also appreciates having all kinds of warm socks and mittens and toques all custom made. And Bill is pretty damn talented, so he crochets all kinds of fancy patterns with all kinds of colours and every once in awhile when a mutual friend compliments tiger's new cute mittens, Bill just sort of smiles shyly and lets himself be a little proud.
And like, he's also super into it, you know? Once he lets go of the initial embarassment. Maybe once tiger points out that literally thousands--if not millions--of people have seen his ween (And literally the ween of nearly every male in his family) on a big screen so a little crafty habit is nothing to be ashamed of. He's part of groups. Facebook groups, online groups. One is for troubleshooting, which he turned to when he couldn't figure out why his current project was just getting wider and wider or when his chain was too tight or he was only crocheting in the front loop. One is for inspo, all kinds of things he wants to create. And one is a legit little support group in the area that meet up every so often, and Bill wishes so badly that he could go but he just doesn't want the visibility. He knows he's the only man in the group, and he's...well, he's him. it would cause a stir.
So my girl tiger--ever the one to indulge her Big Dude in all of his adorable weirdness--maybe there are like, CONS for these things. A Crochet-Con. And she gets wind of one happening about 2 hours away, way in the country side. There's only about 100 people or so who attend, it's so niche, and after some careful creeping tiger realizes that the average age of the participants is like, 80.
Nobody will know who he is there.
It's a whole 2-day event. There's discussion groups to troubleshoot common issues. There's a workshop on crocheting complex patterns. There's a small trade show area where you can sell some of your goods. So tiger gets two tickets, prints them out, and gets all giddy.
Maybe she wanted to keep it a surprise for longer, but when she bounced into the living room she saw her big dorky dude there on the couch, his thick rimmed glasses on, a foot propped up on the coffee table. His tongue was poking out the side of his mouth in concentration as his gaze was fixed on the small crochet hook, the ball of yarn, and this dainty, intricate pattern between his huge hands.
"I have a surprise for you," she smiles, plopping down on the couch. Without missing a beat Bill passes her the ball of yarn and she instinctively unravels some of it as his little crochet hook bobs and weaves at an impressive speed.
"Oh yeah?" he smirks but doesn't look away, "What's that?"
She puts her hand on the small pattern he's creating but he squawks.
"I'll drop a stitch!" he shrieks, then inspects the little piece of fabric thoroughly. Tiger just quirks a brow, and waits.
"Crisis averted?" she chuckles.
"Barely," he snarks, then he softens. "What's up kid?"
Tiger pulls the tickets out from behind her back and hands them to him, and he adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"Hooker Con?" he asks skeptically.
"Keep reading."
He scans the rest of the writing, and then his eyes light up.
"It's a crochet con?" he asks excitedly. She nods, smiling.
"It's two days?" he continues reading, "Troubleshooting, discussions, workshop--oh my god, the Jasmine stitch?! that one's impossible to do!"
"It's in two weeks," she says, "I thought it might be fun."
But then suddenly, his face falls.
"Tiger, what about--"
"They won't," she answers his silent question, "I creeped a few past...Hookers. They're all in their 80s bud. I don't think it'll be an issue. And if you're worried, we can glue a beard on you. Slap a wig on."
He smiles at her, leaning over to kiss her.
"There's two tickets," he mumbles, "You're going to come?"
"Of course," she chuckles, "I'd love to."
"But it's crochet," he says shyly.
"It's you," she tells him with another kiss, "And I love this little hobby of yours. I think it's sweet."
"You do?"
"Of course. And I want to...FOTH and frog and HOTH all weekend with you."
Bill laughs boisterously.
"I love it when you talk dirty to me," he chuckles.
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unreliablesnake · 2 years
Not to be dramatic, but Bill Skarsgård had no reason to look this pretty in those amazing outfits.
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janicekao · 5 months
My bw/wm! smut stories
Also can be found on Wattpad @ janicekao
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
BILL SKARSGARD MENTIONEDDD!?!?! I literally love him so bad. When I saw you post I almost screamed because I’m literally writing about him rn. Can we bring him back fr😩🖤
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that man was SO FINE. the cataclysm of my mainstream vampire obsession, my blood kink, my knife kink, etc. probably one of the most toxic men that’s ever had a hold on me 🫠 BUT THATS OKAY!!
fun fact: this account was originally just a bill skarsgard account. i was in the trenches.
still am, clearly, sometimes.
we’re not even gonna talk about all the kas!eddie smut ive also fantasized about with inspiration from roman’s scenes
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
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kingkat12 · 2 months
i dare you (roman godfrey x reader)
WARNINGS: foul language, mentions of sex, slight coercion, mentions of alcohol and tobacco, partying, and roman is too hot for your own good
summary: you have quite the introduction to Roman Godfrey at your first party in Hemlock Grove
word count: 1,902
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"I dare you," Letha said with a laugh, having to talk rather loudly to be heard over the stupidly noisy music at the party. 
"Dare me to what?" I wasn't liking the sound of this.
Letha gave me a teasing nudge; "Walk up to the first guy you see, point at his lap and ask if that seat is taken,"
I grimaced as she continued to laugh— this was definitely not a good idea. "Oh, Letha, come on,"
Having only just moved to Hemlock Grove, I had managed to make one good friend before the end of the first week of school. And me being lucky, Letha seemed to be a well-connected, sweet girl who somehow got us into the senior's party. However, this was definitely not what I had imagined I would be doing here.
"Just keep yourself busy!" Letha giggled, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. "I want to go see Peter, I haven't seen him in weeks!" 
I nodded, waving her off as she disappeared into the crowd, her blonde, perfect hair flowing behind her. 
With a slight huff, I decided to accept Letha's dare and just go for it. Fuck it. Closing my eyes, I spun around on my heel, stopping with my body turned towards the sofa in the living-room. As I slowly pried my eyes open again, a little anxious about who I would lay my eyes on first, I felt my worry melt away at the sight of one of the most gorgeous men I had ever seen in my life. 
I had no idea how I mustered up the courage to make my way over, but I suddenly found myself standing right before him. I blamed it all on the alcohol. 
The guy slowly turned to me, his big, green eyes meeting mine. I scanned him the same second he scanned me— I revelled in the sight; all from the white shirt to the styled hair, to the way he had spread out comfortably on the couch as he spoke to his friends, oozing with confidence and charm. He put away the beer in his hand, his eyes shimmering with interest. 
I had to go for it. Even if it went to shit, at least Letha would hopefully think I was cool or something. I nodded towards his lap; "Is this seat taken?"
Immediately, his eyes rounded out with a mix of both shock and fascination; I doubted that girls were usually this blunt with him. Not with the amount of sex he exuded, definitely not. However, a rather cocky smirk quickly formed across his plush, pink lips as he shifted in his seat; "Not at all,"
I sat myself down in his lap, beaming with pride. I couldn't believe I had dared to do this. My heart beat hard in my chest as I met the eyes of a few girls passing by, feeling their seething jealousy drill into my system. However, this only gave me more fuel, turning to the stranger I was sitting on top of with a smug smile; "So, what's your name?"
"I'm Roman," he said, a hint of a chuckle in his voice. It was clear that Roman was no stranger to advances from girls, his arm snaking itself around my waist, already taking liberties. "And you are...?"
"New here," I said, trying not think about how massive his hand was against my waist. "It's my first week."
"Ah, makes sense," Roman's smirk only grew, cocking his head to the side as his green eyes sparkled with excitement. "I would've remembered you somehow. And you're a senior?"
I shook my head, giggling; I was getting more drunk on this guy than the tequila Letha had given me. "Definitely not. I just know the right people,"
"I see," Further intrigued, Roman nodded, clearly amused. 
I felt the need to add something; "Is that bad?"
"... Pardon?"
I shrugged, hoping to seem a little nonchalant despite the nature of the question; "That I'm not a senior?"
Roman couldn't help but chuckle, probably sensing I'd had a little much to drink. He took the opportunity to pull me closer, his other hand now resting comfortably on my thigh. I felt his hot breath against my ear; "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone,"
I felt my cheeks flush at the sound of his low, husky voice, once again visiting the question of what-the-hell-has-gotten-into-me. "Thanks," I breathed, hoping not to sound too taken with him. 
"Won't tell a soul," Roman continued, voice warm like syrup, his fingers now rubbing small circles into my thigh. "Your dirty little secret is safe with me."
My body gave in to a slight shiver— how had I managed to find the smoothest talker at this party and planted myself right in his lap? "I suppose I owe you, then,"
This only seemed to delight him further, emitting another warm chuckle. But despite Roman's charming presence and how easy he was to talk to, I couldn't help but notice the twinge of something darker in his eyes, an inkling of danger poking through his exterior. And maybe it was the fact that his cologne had a subtle hint of tobacco and spice, adding an extra layer to the dangerous allure that surrounded him, but I knew it was too late nonetheless. "I suppose you do," he said, my body now pressed flush against him. "Would you care if I cash in my debt right away?"
"And what would that entail?" I hoped I didn't sound too excited.
"Oh, nothing crazy," Roman said, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear like it was the most casual thing in the world. "Just a little something that will have you begging for us to find a room."
My eyes widened with intrigue, letting out a laugh. "You seem awfully sure about that last part," My smile widened as he now ran his fingers through my hair, despite his hands being cold to the touch.
Roman bit back a smirk, his hand tightening in my hair as if to keep me in place. "What, you don't believe me, or something?"
I suppressed another laugh, his confidence humouring me. "A little kiss has never been enough to unravel my morals, that's all--" My words came to a halt as Roman dipped down to press a soft kiss on my neck, making my breath hitch. Feeling my pulse quicken, my eyes darted down to the hand he had on my thigh, realizing it had inched further up. This was definitely not going to end well for me. 
"Oh, really?" He seemed to be rather humoured as well, smiling against my neck as he went in for another kiss, leaving behind a wet mark which set my skin on fire. Roman kissed up my jawline, leaving me breathless; he gently pressed his lips against my cheek before using the hand in my hair to turn me to him. "Let's put that to the test, shall we?" 
I didn't have time to ponder if I'd gone crazy, letting out a shaky breath as I met his green gaze. Had this been any other guy, I would've never even considered it. But damn it, his lips looked so, so soft... I watched as his cocky smirk returned, how his eyes darkened with lust, and suddenly, I didn't even have time to give him an answer; he nudged his nose against mine, and our lips came together, soft and open. 
Somehow, no one had ever kissed me like this before. The previous guys I had kissed made it feel like getting pushed squarely on the mouth and pushing back, but Roman was so insistent-- this was heaven. His lips were soft, almost silken, against my own, but there was still a hint of desire which had me hooked. I let out a small sigh of relief against him, feeling a familiar warmth spread in my chest all the way to my fingertips, aching to be closer in any way possible. 
Roman's kisses were all taking. Like he was drawing something out of me which I didn't know could be stolen. I brought my fingers up to his hair, feeling my brain shut down at the hint of cigarettes and alcohol I felt against my tongue. 
And there was something about him which had me genuinely considering if I should ask to find a damn room-- I wanted to be tangled up in him for as long as I could. I wanted to feel his hand further up my thigh, between my legs, his long fingers inside of me, tending to the need which was building in my body. 
Judging by the way he was kissing me, I had an inkling he wanted that as well. Wanted to be closer, inseparable, to melt together and be as one, no matter where we were. At this point, I didn't really care that we were in a rather crowded room at a huge party. I didn't care that I had met him just a few minutes ago, that I hadn't even told him my name yet, that I knew nothing more about him than the fact that his name was Roman and that he had the biggest pair of hands I had ever felt against my body.
I was about to pull away and sink as far down as to ask, when I heard a familiar voice call my name with outrage. Sort of jumping out of my delirium, I turned to Letha who stood over me with parted lips of shock; "What the-- No, no," She grabbed my arm, getting me up on my feet before she looked over my shoulder, giving Roman a harsh glare. "Roman, for fuck's sake! Not this again!"
He let out a satisfied sigh, sliding a little further down the couch as he laughed; "Hey, Letha," 
I was getting dizzy. Did they know each other? 
Letha turned back to me, steadying my wobbling knees. "I see you've met my cousin," she mumbled, rolling her eyes. "When I dared you to sit down on someone, I should've probably specified not to do it on him."
Roman let out another chuckle, clearly amused as he looked back and forth at the both of us. "Come on, I'm not so bad?" He turned to one of his friends, reaching for something the other guy was holding. 
He was definitely not bad. Not at all. It was almost as though I could still feel his lips ghosting over mine, the soft pressure of his tongue in my mouth-- I did my best to shake it off. I wasn't brought back to the situation until I suddenly felt a tingling feeling against my hand. I glanced down, catching Roman in the act of writing something down on the inside of my wrist, making Letha groan; "Roman!" she hissed, tugging on my other hand. "We're leaving!" 
"Fine," Roman looked up at me with a rather mischievous look before he slowly let go of my hand, leaving me with a pleasant burning sensation on my skin. 
Before I could even protest, I was pulled away from the couch, feeling my heart sink. It was only when I turned around, meeting his gaze one last time, that I felt my mood shoot right up through the roof; call me, he mouthed.
I immediately brought my wrist up to my face when we left the living room, a beaming smile spreading across my lips when I realized he had written his number on me. 
Fuck, yes. 
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twistedbloodstain · 1 year
vincent de gramont x assistant!reader: because i dropped your hand while dancing left you out there standing. | the marquis catches a glimpse through you.
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plot: the one where the marquis saw right through you.
warning: violence, gunshot, gunshot wound, doting
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12:00 AM
you got into the right side of the passenger backseat, usually it was the marquis’ place but he’d gotten into the left side and god knows he’s not scooting over for you.
it was his car after all. you sighed to yourself, attempting to veil the proof of your exhaustion. you had gotten up at 3 AM that morning for work and now it was midnight and the work was still unfinished.
“one last meeting, then the both of you can go home. you can welcome your plush bed and the warm purrs of your sweet fluffy cat.” you assure yourself. the man beside you seems worn out as well, the pair of you had been chasing meetings and appointments all day long. each meeting took at least 1-2 hours but with the marquis’ firm insistence to see an opera play which took about four hours, you can’t help but feel annoyed that this man’s taste had gotten in the way of your sleeping schedule.
the two of you were on the way to an estate of a newly made ally of the marquis. it would take at least thirty minutes or an hour to get there, you pondered what time you’d be able to finally rest.
you glanced at the marquis, gazing at the car window with a drink in hand. he appears to be holding on to the cusps of consciousness, he needs to appear sharp and alert with the help of an alcoholic drink. he kept quiet and the roaring of the engine was heard inside the vehicle. and it’s going to remain that way, you tell yourself.
god what you’d give for a quick power nap for this very hour, although you’re quite sure you’d sleep through the next day. however, sleep shouldn’t be your priority right now, the marquis needs you to be vigilant and sharp as well, no matter how tempting it is to sleep through this entire car ride.
“fuck, i feel like i’m about to pass out.” you complain to yourself, the temptation presenting itself more sweeter than it had been a few seconds ago.
you steal a quick glance at the marquis and he’s still..occupied looking through the car window. you might as well indulge in a quick nap, hopefully he won’t mind…right? and even if he does mind, no amount of verbal chastisement can amount to a quick rest.
you lean your head against the window, catching glimpses of the city lights and few pedestrians on the street. your eyelids fluttering from the sudden burst of light from other cars, tucking your hands on your lap. you drift to the sleep you’ve been yearning for.
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a shaking wakes you up from your slumber, jolting from the action, you open your eyes wide open and see the driver shaking your knee.
“we’ve arrived” he announces.
you fix yourself sheepish from your unconsciousness, you quickly glance at the marquis to make sure he isn’t annoyed and thankfully he doesn’t seem displeased. the alcoholic drink was absent from his hand and he was checking something on his phone. you glance at your watch to check the time.
1:20 AM
you hope that arrival time was only a few minutes before that and it didn’t take several minutes shaking you conscious. realizing that you dropped your journal on the flooring of the car, you hastily pick it up and fix your sleeved shirt into place.
“shall we go inside, sir?” you meekly inquire to the marquis.
he slowly faces himself to you then checks his watch. he meets your eyes then clicks his tongue.
“yes.” he shortly answers before unlocking the door.
you follow his lead and you unlock the door of your side of the car, you get out of the vehicle. the estate was rather grand but not as grand as any of the marquis’ properties. the entrance was classy and elegant, with a staircase leading to the main entrance of the grand mansion and the lights were numerous but weren’t all illuminated; you could count at least five working lamps in the round plaza. out of your instinct, you look back at the marquis to see if he was out of the car as well.
“christ i feel like a doting mother to her child.” you mutter to yourself.
you let him lead the way, waiting for him to walk in front of you before you continue walking. the tiredness seeps into your body and senses again. you wonder if this would take an hour or two. but before the marquis trudges in front of you. a gunshot echoes through the plaza, the bullet bounces off the ground next to where the marquis is positioned, missing its intended target.
your voice shrieks, filled with dread and volume. one of the guards screams for the marquis to get down but he doesn’t, he looks astounded from what’s just happened, that someone is attempting to kill him. instead, you are the one who folds onto the ground scared for your life, yanking the marquis through his coat to get down on the ground with you.
“jesus christ, get down! are you trying to get yourself killed?!” you screech at his face, forgetting yourself, the weight of how dire the situation was pulling your senses down. in a different circumstance, he might’ve screamed back at you but right now he was silent. from shock or he didn’t care at what you just said to him but he remained stuck to the ground.
more bullets begin to shoot from every direction, some of them you can hear bouncing off the ground and some hitting the car, where you and the marquis are taking cover from the line of fire. great, now you’d either die being shot by a ricochet bullet or just get shot point blank. amazing.
“oh god. oh god. i’m going to fucking die. i’m going to die here.” you begin to ramble, tears are pricking your eyes and the sound of gunshots overwhelming your senses. you lean your back against the car and ball up weeping.
you could hear the heavy sigh the marquis made beside you, feeling shame fill your gut because you’d displeased him. oh fucking god, you’re about to die and you’re concerned about the irritation your boss has for you right now, that you’ve shown yourself weak in this very moment. this is fucking stupid, i should’ve never applied for this job. you slightly glare at him because of that.
“not everyone goes through this, you fucking asshole! sorry if i look fucking weak right now because i think i might die right now?! screw you and your french operas! screw that fucking painting you stare at the louvre! you can go fuck yourself if you think less of me right now?!” you wanted to scream at him, but decided not to, taking into measure it would only irritate him even more and wouldn’t do anything to help you.
your boss remained low to prevent stray bullets, he wasn’t sitting on the ground anymore but one of his feet was planted on the ground and his knee knelt on the floor. he looked at you, your face pale from fear and full of dread.
“you’re not going to die. we only have to wait this out. i assure you nothing bad will happen to you.” he attempts to reassure you but the tone of his voice is nothing but not assuring, it remains cold and firm as if stating a well-known fact. he was so sure that nothing bad would happen.
“you better be right, because if we die i’m going to search through the depths of hell just to strangle you for being wrong.” you think to yourself, “i might be dead but i can heal in hell.”
it continues on for several more minutes, you find it hard to know whether the gunfight was turning to your favor, considering you saw a few of the marquis’ guards dead on the ground but fewer enemies seem to shoot back as time progresses. finally, the gunshots start to dwindle until none remains, you look at the marquis wondering if it was safe to stand up. the marquis leans his hand against the car then calls out.
“thomas, are we clear?” your boss calls out, expecting the familiar voice of the captain of his bodyguards to immediately reply but there is none. silence ensues and dread slowly cements itself in your stomach, you pondered if thomas was already dead to answer the marquis.
“yes sir, the opening's clear. we’re good to get out of here.” thomas replies, his breath labored from the previous encounter.
relief floods your head and you let out a relieved sigh, glad that it is over. the marquis gets on both of his feet and looks around, his brain likely coming up with punishments for his new enemy for what he did tonight. you sniff then slowly rise in front of your boss, thankful the horrible occurrence was over.
for a moment you thought that everything was finally okay, but as you rose up, you caught a sight of your boss’ face stunned and alarmed while looking at you…except he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at the person behind you.
before you could turn around to react, a final gunshot rang through the plaza and this time you couldn’t hear the sound of a ricocheting bullet to compensate for it. fuck, fuck, fuck. god please no. please no, a frail prayer to the above.
you look down and you notice a bright red spreading through your torso, the blood’s seeping through my shirt, you thought. you grasp your body and sink into the ground once again. god, it fucking hurts, you panic in your head. you hear another gunshot ring into the air, you pray that it wasn’t directed to you, when you look up you see the marquis wielding a gun, you assume he has shot the perpetrator, hopefully dead. you don’t often wish someone ill will, but right now it’s not fair for me to die and him to live. you let out a labored sigh and groan from the pain, as you try to lessen the blood loss. whimpering and tearing from the immense agony you felt from your wound, suddenly you feel a pair of hands on your shoulders. you look up and it’s the marquis, unscathed and safe.
well that’s not fair. i’m definitely hunting him through hell. you promise to yourself, trying to find amusement for this situation. the marquis on the other hand was someone you’ve never seen before.
he has repositioned your head against himself, attempting to find comfort for you whilst you bled on the ground. you could hear bouts of shouts from the guards that survived but couldn’t understand what they’d been saying. the marquis gazes at you with concern. an odd thought to your head, you must be imagining this with the both of you locked in a daze.
“you’ll be okay, mon amour. hold on for a little, it will be safe for you soon. you will live.” he utters to you, one of his palms rubbing circles to the pulse on your arm. it sounds like a promise, like a vow. an oath made during his frail moments. this sounded much more assuring than what he’d said earlier and it…
it sounded like he cared, like he actually cared about you because he does. not because of any loyal service you’ve given him but because he can’t seem to bear the idea of you gone. it almost sounded like he was assuring himself that you wouldn’t die right now, that he wouldn’t let it happen.
oh what has the world become? in a short span of time you’ve been scared for your life, relieved for safety, basically a clusterfuck of emotions, got shot by a dude that’s more dead than you are right now, slowly bleeding to death and most peculiar of all you’re dying in the arms of your boss and it seems like he cares about you.
you could feel black spots appearing in your vision, blocking the very lovely face of the marquis and the glimmer of the night sky. with your bones weary from work and your blood soaking through your clothes, slowly you flutter your eyes shut. the last thing you hear is the marquis barking an order, for you or for someone else, you could not tell. right now it didn’t matter, not when you’ve embraced the arms of death.
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a sudden burst of light shines through your eyelids.
you open your eyes and it’s welcomed by the bright sunlight coming from the windowsill. you’re laid on a plush bed, likely not yours. you could only dream of having this bed. the room you’re situated in is regal and glamourous, you figure out that you’re in one of the rooms of the marquis’ home. wait, what?
then it all starts surging back to you, the gunshots from foe and ally, dragging the marquis to the ground with you and bleeding on the ground of the plaza. oh my god, i’m alive. i’m alive.
you thank whatever god that might exist out there, grateful that they’d spared you from dying. a gasp exists your mouth but rather labored, my throat is hoarse. i need water. a gleam beams at the end of your eyes, you look at glass and pitcher of water beside the bed, on the nightstand. you suddenly sit up and pain pierces through your body
“fuck!” you curse, wincing you lift your shirt and see bandages wrapped around your torso. it was bandaged properly but soon you’d need to get wrapped again, the blood was starting to show on the fabric.
slowly you scoot to the end of the large elegant bed, trying to minimize the movement that your torso might’ve done in normal condition. once your feet hanged over the bed, the nightstand was a bit farther than you expected from the bed, i’ll have to talk to the housekeeper about this, it’s called a nightstand for a reason. it’s supposed to be beside the bed not half a meter away from it! thankfully, there was a chair nearby you could grasp onto. you grabbed the pitcher and poured it on the glass, filling it to the brim. you drank it, greedily gulping the smooth liquid that served remedy for your dry throat. after finishing all of it, you set the glass back at the nightstand then scoot back to the headboard of the comfy bed, which was bombarded with pillows. the bed looked sweet enough for a princess like sleeping beauty, thankfully you woke up sooner than later compared to the fairytale princess.
you contemplate how long you’ve been out ever since you got shot, with the sleepiness and the severity of your wound, you pray it didn’t take longer than a few days, you had duties to fulfill and tasks to accomplish, of course but going home seemed more pleasant than doing some work. you missed the warm fluffy pet you had at home, you pray that the automatic feeder had provided enough food for your cat.
you decided to head home, you didn’t want to over-welcome your stay at the marquis’, surprisingly you’ve never spent a single night here for sleep. the only people who slept in the manor was the marquis, himself in addition to the household staff and his security team. sometimes the guests the marquis invited were offered to stay but it happened rarely and mostly out of ill contempt. you’ve entered some of the bedrooms but never laid on one, your boss’ home seemed more like palace than house and you often speculated he was picky with who stayed in his home.
you opt to get out of here, right now. maybe call for the person who bandaged you up, to get your wound treated again. you get up from the bed again and weakly trudge to the door, holding on to pieces of furniture nearby in case you fell.
you pull the door with all your strength, i did not realize how fucking heavy this thing was, how did the guards open it in such an easy manner? you might never tell. when the door was slightly ajar, peeking your head through the opening. you notice two men guarding the door, weird you think to yourself, but before you could say anything one of them notices you and jolt, his eyes wide,
“ma’am, good to see you awake. do you need anything?” thomas, the guard inquires to you.
now this is weird beyond levels, they’ve never spoken that polite to you. sometimes you occasionally joked with them but it was never this…formal. not to mention, this was thomas. he’s supposed to be protecting the marquis 24/7 not watching over the assistant.
“um…i need adeline, the senior housekeeper? i was just about to go to her for my stuff and then head home.” you answer to him, also weirdly polite.
“afraid, you can’t ma’am.” he replies, this perplexes you. why in the world not? a silence answers thomas, hopefully this wasn’t the marquis’ doing. you literally almost died and he won’t even let you leave…the recovery room? much less let you leave the manor and go home? anyways, it has rendered you temporarily speechless and annoyed,
“can i ask why, thomas?” you question him, trying not let your annoyance show.
“doctor’s orders. also out of experience, you just took a bullet to the torso, think you might need to be under observation for a while to make sure your gunshot wound doesn’t get worse, would hate it for you to die right now, ma’am.” he explains to you, it sounds just right but it feels weird the way he says it. normally there’d be a tinge of humor when he entertained your questions but it was nonexistent right now.
god what in the world happened?
“uh..okay. i appreciate that thomas, could you please send for adeline here then? and if it’s possible, the doctor too.” you reply to him with a weak smile. he simply hums in return and leaves you.
you let out a tired sigh and walk back to bed, you were getting out of here one way or another. right now, you need to process what the fuck just happened to you. you need to think if the amount of money the marquis pays you was worth dying for to stay under his employ. you sit on the edge of the bed and bury your face in your hands, hoping that adeline arrived first before the doctor.
you anticipated that adeline might help you get out of here through the back door of the house. the marquis’ house as armed and protected it was didn’t seem safe to you. i need the comfort of my home and a new job.
no matter how protected the marquis was, if you were going to die working for him. it might now be worth it, you might consider leaving france and heading back to your country. i also need a vacation. the only rest i got from him was 3-5 hours at best and therapy. i need therapy, preferably retail therapy. a cat works too.
a knock erupts from the door, you face the door and urge for the person to come in. thankfully, it was adeline. you slowly get on your feet as adeline approaches you.
“hey adeline, it’s so nice to see you.” you smile at her.
a moment of hesitation appears on her face, as if contemplating if she should’ve gone here or speak to you.
“it’s nice to see you, alive and safe ma’am.” she doesn't return a smile and meekly answers.
why was everyone so polite? adeline always welcomed whenever she spoke to you, is this usually what happens when you get shot? or do they know something i don’t? god did the bullet hit something fragile in my body? am i living on borrowed time?
you kept quiet, unsure how to continue the conversation. adeline doesn’t even meet your eyes. you feel upset and empty, this has never happened between the both of you. the last time you spoke to her, it was on good terms. both of you chattering gossip about the people in the manor. it was always good to talk to her and you presumed she felt the same. maybe it was entirely one sided.
“is there something you need? something to eat?” she probes to you.
“no, i think i’m good.” you quietly answer her. from what you’ve experienced with her, adeline had a soft heart and she had opened it you, why had she shut it close now?
“do you need someone to rebandage you? i can call the doctor for you.” she asks again.
“i already did.”
she looked up and you could feel her stare all over you. likely confused why you asked for her.
“then why did you ask the guard to call for me?” she demands. her voice felt harsh, she’d never spoken like this to you. cold and sharp enough to cut through skin.
“i was going to ask if you knew where my stuff were.”
“it’s safely stored in your locker downstairs. is there anything else? we placed some lemon water beside the bed in case you woke up.”
you hesitate, the last sentence pricked your skin. “how…how long was i out?”
“almost two weeks.”
well that’s not good. you definitely need to get home to see if your cat’s still alive. hopefully he didn’t stay waiting for you at the door, you’d rather he escaped than have him starve.
“that sounds like a long time for a gunshot wound.” you mutter.
“it’s actually not.” she states matter of factly.
“oh.” you realize. “i think i need to get home right now, my family’s probably worried sick that i haven’t talk to them for weeks. any chance you could sneak me out?” you tinge your voice with concern and softness at the end.
she stays quiet, before answering to you. she’s hesitating what she’d normally say to me, she’s choosing her words carefully.
“i can’t. i assume you’ve been told what thomas knows about being shot? you need to recover.”
“adeline, i really need to go home right now…i-i don’t feel safe right here. i want to go home.” you reason with her, she had a hard exterior you prayed it could soften right now.
“i can’t.” she replies. clearly you were going nowhere when she’s firm in her decision. you decide to get petty in a way that often annoys her.
“adeline please, i need time to think, preferably away from this place.”
“you won’t get that. you’re staying here.”
“is that so? under whose orders did that come from? you’re being unreasonable here adeline, if it’s from the doctor or thomas who is sort of unreliable by the way, i’ve seen him get shot thrice but managed to beat up at least three dudes. i can get a doctor to help me treat this wound. so for god’s sake adeline who told you i can’t leave?!”
“the marqu-“ she screeches at you before cutting short. realizing she almost said that, she arranges herself and changes her answer. “the doctor. the doctor says you need to stay here.”
but you had heard it before it was finishes. the marquis. the marquis doesn’t want you to leave yet. why? god knows. likely he wants to speak to you, something about punishment or consequences if you ratted him out or something. you’re too tired to think something logical.
“no. you said the marquis. why does the marquis want me to stay here?”
she stays silent. as if her tongue had been cut at that very moment. you try to understand, but it’s hard to tell without the why.
“adeline…why? please answer me.” you pleaded.
she doesn’t say anything but looks at you. then at something behind you, like the answer was always in the room all along. you don’t follow her gaze too exhausted to play a guessing game.
“you can go now adeline. thank you.” you said feeling resigned.
adeline leaves the room and shuts the door. you slowly walk back to the nightstand pour another glass of water. your throat was still hoarse and dry from the lack of water for two weeks. you sipped the liquid, tasting a lemony flavor in the water. you remembered how the marquis wouldn’t drink anything but lemon water, he preferred it because of something about it’s health benefits but it always annoyed you because he would suddenly need a glass of it in the middle of nowhere. the first time he ordered you to fetch him one was in the middle of a meeting, he had refused to drink the bottled water on the table. you ran down for fresh lemons and plunged it into a glass filled with bottled water just to spite him. you chuckle at yourself at that, remembering the times you’d taken a shortcut at some of his orders.
wait. wait. you pondered why did they give you lemon water? you’ve never drank it here. hot water usually satisfied you, and adeline knew this. not to mention, when there was lemon water, either the marquis was near or he just left the room. it’s like he spawns out of nowhere. nevertheless, it was odd. the marquis ordering to keep you here and his precious lemon water in your room?
this is getting weird and suspicious. you decide to just call for the doctor, maybe once he clears me i can go home. odd he hasn’t arrived yet, deciding to either go to him or ask thomas to call for him again. the doors of your room burst open, you see a pair of medical professionals, a nurse and a doctor. not surprising, but what makes your forehead wrinkle in confusion and makes you frown was that the marquis was following right behind them.
you couldn’t bother to hide your shock from the marquis and stare at him as if he was the most eerie thing you’ve ever seen.
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you sat on the luxurious chair, trying to listen to what the doctor was saying. he had mentioned something about avoiding vigorous exercise and constant movements to avoid ripping your stitches. while he lectured you on what to do, the nurse changed your bandages and by the end of his disquisition, the nurse was finished treating your wound.
the doctor gave you a bottle of painkillers in case you felt a sudden intense pain before he and the nurse left. you thanked the both of them for treating you before they left the door.
now, it’s time to face the elephant in the room.
the marquis.
he had sat there the entire time while the doctor rambled about the do’s and don’ts for your safety. he hadn’t spoken a single word ever since he entered the room, he sat across you on a refined cushioned chair. he seemed calm as ever, you wondered why had come here. if he was here to order you to appoint a reservation for an opera at 3 PM, you might strangle him right away wounded or not.
then again, the memory is still fresh in your mind. he had saved you, sort of. he didn’t get to prevent the perpetrator from shooting you but he did provide the medical treatment to keep you alive plus he shot the dude who shot you, so points for that.
as usual, he was staring at you. it’s become some ritual of his whenever you enter the room to the point you just ignore it. it hinted that it was harmless as you’ve observed for the past two years. but there was something different about it this time.
before, you’ve assumed that he stared to invoke submission and resilience from you, to establish himself as higher than you, but now his gaze wants to invoke a word from you. why? you wouldn’t know. the enigma that is your boss, is a puzzle too difficult to solve.
“how are you feeling?” he breaks the silence, gladly you look up wanting to get the conversation over with.
“i’m fine, sir.” you reply amiably.
“that’s good to hear.” he mutters. there was also something weird about the tone of his voice, he kept quiet after as if reliantly expecting a reply from you. but you don’t so he speaks up again.
“you’ve been asleep for almost two weeks, some of us have feared you might never wake up again.” he claims.
“glad that’s not the case for me sir.” you respond.
“yes, god was kind to you that night. the bullet missed any vital organs but you bled out, too much i might add.” he conveys as if it’s something humorous, you notice a slight tugging at the corner of his lips.
“yeah, that was really lucky.” you agree with him.
this needs to end. you could tell he was just being polite, his words were simply pleasantries as your employer. he might see this as a semblance of duty as your boss and maybe because he feels bad you took a bullet for him. emphasis on the “maybe”.
“i just wanted to thank you for what you’ve done for me. getting me treated until i woke up. so..thank you. thank you for saving my life. i owe you for it.” you graciously thank him, thinking of every event that you might have to thank him for. just to lay the foundation before you say what you actually want to say.
“you’re welcome.” he mutters, his eyes not meeting yours. you don’t know what’s going in that pretty head of his but..was he ashamed? ashamed. that word associated with your boss tastes different on the tongue. no, he can’t be.
“um..in addition to what i just said, i think i might head home now. like you said i’ve been gone for two weeks, my family’s probably going crazy worried about how i am right now. plus i think i got the wound covered, thank you for your hospitality.” you state to him in a gentle way, careful not to let your tone insult him in some way.
your effort to hide your weariness to achieve that polite demeanor in front him somehow fails, because after you said that the marquis looks back at you again and doesn’t say anything. was there something wrong with what i said?
he stares at you and doesn’t reply, he suddenly gets on his feet and walks to the larged illuminated window in the room. you follow your eyes on his frame, you’d assumed that he might’ve just agreed with you and left. you thought his visit was a mere courtesy so why had he stopped talking?
“sir?” you call out to him, the ticking on the clock appearing more dire than before. the same feeling you got during the car ride to the louvre two years ago, surges back to you.
but silence greets you.
“did you hear what i said?” growing more anxious by the second, you try a firm approach. still you were apprehensive on what he might have to say.
but no words answer you.
“is there something wrong with what i said?” you question, your tone laced with worry. this is bad. a quiet marquis is a pondering marquis. whatever thought he’s got cooked up was never good.
“you cannot.” he declares.
finally he answered, although not what you wished to hear.
“why? is there something wrong with me?” you firmly ask.
“sir?” you add, then the silent treatment flows into the room again. he stays quiet while you prod him with questions.
“it’s not…safe.” he states.
“for…who? for you or for them?” you reflect, someone might be out for his death right now, and perhaps torturing the assistant might get the required information they need, it’s also a possibility the marquis has sent out a bloodbath. it’s happened before and the times it occurred you’ve opted to reside a few hours in the manor, also to prevent being tortured for information, repercussions are still plausible. retaliation was always in mind.
“it’s not safe for you.” he faces you, the statement was like moisture on a window, blurry and murky. difficult to see what’s through.
your mouth falls open, “what? it’s you they were aiming for, not me. they wanted to kill you. it was you they wanted to shoot. you were the target. i honestly don’t think they’d go after the assistant to finish the job. right?” you begin to ramble.
“yes, you’re right. they wouldn’t.” he disclosed to you, “i know that bullet was intended for me, the man was supposed to shoot me. god knows i know.” he whispers.
“and look what happened to you. what they..did to you.” he says as he slowly walks towards you. “you…you weren’t supposed to get hurt. i don’t think i can forgive myself for that.” he says softly as he looks back at you.
everything in your body shuts down. what the fuck is happening? you remember the concern he had when he cradled you into his arms, assuming it was because he’d seen you as a work friend that’s really helpful to him. even if he could easily replace you with a few seconds whether you were alive or dead. but this? what was he saying? this is different. it doesn’t feel right but it’s happening.
it all starts to dawn upon you. the fancy bedroom. he wanted me to be comfortable, even if the selection of people he would’ve accepted to stay were little to none. the lemon water. he visited me while i was recovering, he sat by my bed waiting for me to wake up. what he called you that night while you bled on the pavement, on his arms.
“you’ll be okay, mon amour. hold on for a little, it will be safe for you soon. you will live.”
mon amour.
my love.
he called you his love that night.
you realize.
he leans down in front of you, you lean back from your realization. more questions are popping into your head, so many you want to ask but nothing leaves your throat. you look up at him and he’s been doing the same, looking into your eyes. you can see the regret,concern and affection that’s festering in his eyes.
“you’re right. it was meant for me, but you had it instead. you…you took a bullet for me. who does that for someone? how many people in the world can say that they’ve taken a bullet for me? one. there’s only one. and she’s sitting right in front of me.” he divulges to you, he says it like he’s been keeping it for thousands of years while he kept his mouth shut in anguish, like he was itching to confess to you the tender words as if they were the most sacred secrets known to man.
as if the words kept him trapped in a prison with no way out, but now he’d said it and he was free.
you were shocked. too speechless to say anything. this might be the most difficult thing to process so far into your life,that your boss is fostering affection for you, because you took a bullet for him.
“believe it or not, mon amour. you’ve become more precious to me than anything this life has to offer, i want to keep you safe and right now the only way is to keep you here.” with him he firmly states to you with affection and devotion which you could sense in his tone.
you wanted to object but he continued.
“for a while, until you regain your strength. do you understand, mon coeur?”
mon coeur.
a french endearment.
my heart.
he called you his heart.
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author’s note: first time posting a fic that isn’t a bunch of headcanons, with this being posted the upcoming fics may vary from the reader’s pov or the marquis’. this took me at least three days and a cold to finish, (no regrets) but how come part two took three days but part three, a whole nighter?? ;) the next one’s a bit interesting. feel free to share your thoughts!
part one part 3 part four part five
taglist: @dcgoddess @1mawh0re
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